Regularity and the spectra of graphs - Semantic Scholar

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Spectral graph theory studies the relation between the structure of the graph and the .... König proved that a regular ..... one edge (by König's theorem). We saw ...
Regularity and the spectra of graphs Willem H. Haemers Abstract We present some recent results that involve regularity of graphs and its eigenvalues. The following questions are dealt with: when can one deduce from an appropriate spectrum of a graph G that (i) G is regular, (ii) G is distanceregular, (iii) G has a perfect matching?



Spectral graph theory studies the relation between the structure of the graph and the eigenvalues of associated matrices. Often one considers the standard (0, 1)adjacency matrix A, but the Laplacian matrix L (defined by L = D − A, where D is the diagonal matrix with the degrees) has also received much attention. Other matrices are the signless Laplacian |L| (defined by |L| = D + A), the normalized b (defined by L b = D− 21 LD− 12 , provided there are no isolated vertices), Laplacian L and the Seidel matrix S (defined by S = J − 2A − I, where J and I are the all-ones matrix and the identity matrix, respectively). A central question is: given the spectrum (of one of these matrices), what can be said about the structure? Sometimes the eigenvalues uniquely determine the graph. If that is the case we say that the graph is determined by the spectrum (with respect to the matrix under consideration). In recent years this problem has attracted much interest. For many graphs, and with respect to several types of matrices, it has been established whether they are determined by the spectrum or not. See [10] and [11] for a survey. u


u H

u  HH  H u  HH  H  u Hu

u u


Figure 1: The Saltire: two graphs with cospectral adjacency matrices Two graphs with the same spectrum for some type of matrix are called cospectral with respect to that matrix. A pair of cospectral graphs with respect to the adjacency matrix is given in Figure 1 (we like to call the pair the Saltire, because the superposition of the two gives the Scottish flag). Both graphs have spectrum { 2, 03 , −2 } (where multiplicities are written as exponents). The Saltire is the smallest example, that is, all graphs on fewer than five vertices are determined by the spectrum of the adjacency matrix. A smallest pair of cospectral graphs with respect to the Laplacian matrix is presented in Figure 2. If a graph is determined by its spectrum, then clearly all structural properties follow from the spectrum. However this is not the type of results we are interested in this article. Here we focus on general structural properties that can be identified from the spectrum. Some famous examples are (see [7]): 1

Regularity and spectra


u H 


u  u Ju H H u HH  H u

u HH 

 u u  uHH H

u HH J  H J u

Figure 2: Graphs with cospectral Laplacian matrices • A graph is bipartite if and only if its adjacency spectrum is symmetric around 0. • The number of components of a graph equals the multiplicity of the Laplacian eigenvalue 0. • The number of spanning trees of a connected graph on n vertices equals the product of the nonzero Laplacian eigenvalues divided by n. • The number of edges is half the sum of the Laplacian eigenvalues. • The number of edges is half the sum of the squares of the adjacency eigenvalues. • For a connected graph, the diameter is strictly less than the number of distinct eigenvalues. The last property holds for the adjacency as well as the Laplacian matrix. We also see that the number of edges follows from the adjacency as well as the Laplacian spectrum. However, there is no spectral characterization for connectivity in the case of the adjacency matrix, and no spectral characterization for bipartiteness in the case of the Laplacian matrix. This is illustrated by the examples in Figure 1 and 2. b it is known that the graph is connected if and For the normalized Laplacian L, b only if L has an eigenvalue 0 of multiplicity 1, and the graph is bipartite if and b is that the number of only if the spectrum is symmetric around 1. A weakness of L edges doesn’t follow from the spectrum. Indeed, all complete bipartite graphs with n vertices have the same spectrum for the normalized Laplacian. u




u @ @ u


u @

u @

@ @u


@ @u

Figure 3: Three graphs, equivalent under Seidel switching The Seidel matrix S = J − 2A − I has entries −1 (adjacency), 1 (nonadjacency), and 0 (diagonal). If, for a subset of vertices, all corresponding rows and columns are multiplied by −1, we obtain the Seidel matrix S 0 of another graph, but with the same spectrum (indeed, S and S 0 are similar by a diagonal matrix diag(±1, . . . , ±1)). The corresponding graphs are called switching equivalent and the operation is called Seidel switching. For example the three graphs of Figure 3 are switching equivalent; all three have Seidel spectrum {13 , −3}. This example shows that in general the Seidel spectrum gives no information on bipartiteness, regularity, the number of edges, or the number of components. Table 1 shows which of the basic graph properties of connectedness, bipartiteness and regularity can be identified from the spectra of

Regularity and spectra


connected bipartite regular

A no yes yes

L yes no yes

|L| no no yes

b L yes yes no

S no no no

Table 1: Properties that follow from the spectrum

the afore mentioned types of matrices (answers for regular graphs will be explained below). 1.1

Regular graphs

In this article we focus on the relation between eigenvalues and regularity. For a regular graph the spectrum of any type of matrix can be obtained from the spectrum of any other matrix. So for regular graphs it doesn’t matter what kind of matrix we take. However, it is not always the case that regularity follows from the spectrum. We note that it is false for the Seidel matrix and the normalized Laplacian. However it is true for the adjacency, the Laplacian, and the signless Laplacian matrix. In Section 2 we will give a precise answer to the question: ‘for which matrices in span{A, J, D, I} can regularity be deduced from the spectrum?’ It is well known that the property of being strongly regular can be seen from the spectrum (of any type of matrix for which regularity follows from the spectrum). For the more general concept of distance-regular graphs this is no longer true. For many distance-regular graphs there exist a cospectral graph which is not distanceregular. However, in some special cases it can be proved that a graph cospectral with a distance-regular graph is again distance-regular. In Section 3 we will present some of these results. Section 4 is of a different nature. Here we survey some rather recent results concerning perfect matchings and eigenvalues in regular graphs. K¨onig proved that a regular bipartite graph of positive valency has a perfect matching. In general, a connected k-regular graph with an even number of vertices does not need to have a perfect matching. However it is true if the second largest adjacency eigenvalue is at most k − 1 (the largest eigenvalue equals k). In fact, it still holds if the second largest eigenvalue is greater than k − 1, and the third largest eigenvalue is less than k − 1 + ε, where ε is a positive number depending on k and the number of vertices. We present an explicit formula for the best possible value of ε. 1.2


In this article we use several theorems and results from linear algebra and graph theory. Most of these are well known and can easily be found in the literature or on the internet. Some general references are [22] for graphs, [20] for linear algebra, and [7] and [16] for both. In this section we present some more specific results related to partitioned matrices. If the proof is not straightforward, it can be found in [16] or [17].

Regularity and spectra


Consider an n × n matrix 

N1,1 · · ·  .. N = . Nm,1 · · ·

 N1,m  ..  , . Nm,m

whose rows and columns are partitioned according to a partitioning X1 , . . . , Xm of {1, ..., n}. Such a matrix partition is equitable if each block Ni,j has constant row and column sum. The quotient matrix Q is the m × m matrix whose entries are the average row sums of the blocks Ni,j of N . Lemma 1.1 Suppose Q is the quotient matrix of an equitable partition of N . i. Every eigenvalue of Q is an eigenvalue of N . ii. If N is symmetric, then N has two kinds of eigenvectors: m independent eigenvectors that are constant over each partition class (in other words they are linear combinations of the characteristic vectors of X1 , . . . , Xm ), which correspond to eigenvalues of Q, and n − m independent eigenvectors orthogonal to the characteristic vectors of the partition classes. Note that eigenvectors of the second type, and the corresponding eigenvalues, do not change if some blocks Ni,j of N are replaced by Ni,j + cJ for some real number c. Next we mention two cases of eigenvalue interlacing. Consider two sequences of real numbers λ1 ≥ . . . ≥ λn and µ1 ≥ . . . ≥ µm with m ≤ n. The second sequence is said to interlace the first whenever λi ≥ µi ≥ λn−m+i (i = 1, . . . m). Lemma 1.2 i. If M is a principal submatrix of a symmetric matrix N , then the eigenvalues of M interlace those of N . ii. If Q is the m × m quotient matrix of a symmetric partitioned matrix N , then the eigenvalues of Q interlace those of N . Throughout this article the eigenvalues of a symmetric n × n matrix N will be denoted by λ1 (N ) ≥ . . . ≥ λn (N ).


Regularity from the spectrum

Suppose that G is a k-regular graph on n vertices. Then k is an eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix A with eigenvector 1, the all-ones vector. By the Perron-Frobenius theorem k = λ1 (A) and |λi (A)| ≤ k (i = 1, . . . , n). We have nk = trace(A2 ), hence 1X 2 λ1 (A) = λi (A) . n i

It is well known that the last equation is also sufficient for regularity. Similarly, it is known that a graph is regular if and only if the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix L satisfy X X n λi (L)(λi (L) − 1) = ( λi (L))2 . i


Thus regularity can be seen from the spectrum of the adjacency as well as the Laplacian matrix. The following common generalization appeared in [10].

Regularity and spectra


Proposition 2.1 Let α 6= 0. With respect to the matrix M = αA + βJ + γD + δI, a regular graph cannot be cospectral with a non-regular one, except possibly when γ = 0 and −1 < β/α < 0. Proof Without loss of generality we may assume that α = 1 and δ = 0. Let di , i = 1, . . . , n be a putative sequence of vertex degrees. P First suppose that γ 6= 0. Then it follows from trace(M ) that P i di is determined P 2 2 2 by the spectrum of M trace(M ) = β n + (1 + 2β + 2βγ) i di + γ 2 i d2i , P. Since 2 it also follows that in terms i di can be expressed P P 2of the the spectrum of M . 2 Now Cauchy’s inequality states that ( i di ) ≤ n i di with equality if and only if d1 = d2 = . . . = dn . This shows that regularity of the graph can be seen from the spectrum of M . Next we consider the case γ = 0, and β ≤P−1 or β ≥ 0. Since trace(M 2 ) = P 2 2 β n + (1 + 2β) i di , also here it follows that i di is determined by the spectrum P 2 of M (we use here only that β 6= −1/2), and so is s = βn + i di , which is the sum of the entries of M . We easily have s = 1> M 1, and Rayleigh’s inequalities give λ1 (M ) ≥

1> M 1 ≥ λn (M ). 1> 1

Equality on either side implies that 1 is an eigenvector of M , meaning that M has constant row sums (equal to s/n). Hence s/n = λ1 (M ) or s/n = λn (M ) (which can be deduced from the spectrum of M ) implies that the graph is regular. Conversely, if the graph is regular, 1 is an eigenvector of M with eigenvalue s/n. The above restrictions for β imply that M or −M is a nonnegative matrix, and the PerronFrobenius theorem gives that the eigenvector 1 corresponds to the spectral radius, which is λ1 (M ), or λ1 (−M ) = −λn (M ), respectively. Thus the graph is regular if and only if λ1 (M ) = s/n, or λn (M ) = s/n.  u u u \ \ \ \ u \u \u

u u \  \   u \u

u u

Figure 4: Cospectral graphs with respect to A − 13 J Figure 3 shows that the statement of Proposition 2.1 is false for the Seidel matrix, which corresponds to the case β = −1/2. In the above proof we saw that for β 6= −1/2 the number of edges is determined by the spectrum of M . Yet, even if β 6= −1/2 a regular graph can be cospectral with a nonregular one. Figure 4 gives an example for the case β = −1/3 (i.e. M = A − 31 J). The following result from [5] gives many more such examples. Theorem 2.2 For every rational value of β ∈ (−1, 0), there exist a pair of graphs, one regular and one not, that are cospectral with respect to A + βJ. Proof Write β = −p/q, where that p and q are positive integers and q is even. We will construct two cospectral matrices M and M of the form qA − pJ, and order

Regularity and spectra


4q + q 2 . Define  M=

K B B> C


 and M =

The matrices K, B, B and C are built with q × q column sums. The construction is as follows:  −pJ rJ rJ  rJ −pJ −pJ K=  rJ −pJ −pJ −pJ −pJ −pJ 

B1,1 B1,2  B2,1 B 2,2 B=  B 3,1 B3,2 B 4,1 B 4,2  B 4,1 B 4,2  B 3,1 B3,2 B=  B2,1 B 2,2 B1,1 B1,2

K B > B C

B1,3 B1,4 B2,3 B 2,4 B 3,3 B3,4 B 4,3 B 4,4

··· ··· ··· ···

B 4,3 B 4,4 B 3,3 B3,4 B2,3 B 2,4 B1,3 B1,4

··· ··· ··· ···

# .

blocks having constant row and  −pJ −pJ  , −pJ  −pJ  B1,q−1 B1,q B2,q−1 B 2,q  , B 3,q−1 B3,q  B 4,q−1 B 4,q  B 4,q−1 B 4,q B 3,q−1 B3,q  , B2,q−1 B 2,q  B1,q−1 B1,q

where Bi,j is any q × q matrix with p − 1 entries r and r + 1 entries −p in each row and column, and B i,j is any q × q matrix with p + 1 entries r and r − 1 entries −p in each row and column. So Bi,j has row sums −q and B i,j has row sums q. Notice that the first 4q rows of M all have row sum q(q − 4p), whilst the first 4q row sums of M take three different values: q(3q − 4p), q(q − 4p) and q(−q − 4p). Also observe that B can be obtained from B by reversing the order of the block rows. The matrix   C1,1 · · · C1,q  ..  C =  ... .  Cq,1 · · ·


should be chosen so that C is symmetric with diagonal entries −p, and all row and column sums equal to q(q − 4p) (which makes all row sums of M equal). All blocks Ci,j must have constant row and column sums. There are many ways to achieve this. For instance, take C1,1 = C1,2 = C1,q = −pJ, C1,q/2+1 = rJ and for the remaining values of i take for C1,i any q × q matrix with p times r and r times −p in each row and column. Then put C = circulant(C1,1 , . . . , C1,q ). It is clear that M represents a regular graph and M represents a nonregular graph. What remains to be proved is that M and M are cospectral. First observe that the given partition of M (and M ) into q + 4 blocks of size q × q is an equitable partition. The corresponding quotient matrices are cospectral, because one can be obtained from the the other by multiplying the first four rows and columns by −1. By Lemma 1.1, the eigenvalues of the quotient matrices are eigenvalues of M and of M with eigenvectors in the space V spanned by the characteristic vectors of the partition. The other eigenvalues have eigenvectors in V ⊥ . These eigenvalues are not

Regularity and spectra


changed if any block Mi,j of M is replaced by Mi,j + cJ for some real number c. Define " #   B O O B M0 = and M 0 = . > B> C B C Then for the eigenvectors in V, M 0 and M have the same eigenvalues, and so do M 0 and M . But since B can be obtained from B by a row permutation, M 0 and M 0 are cospectral. The conclusion is that M and M have the same eigenvalues for the eigenvectors in V and for the eigenvectors in V ⊥ . Therefore M and M have the same spectrum.  So only for irrational β between −1 and 0, have we not seen whether regularity can be deduced from the spectrum of M . Surprisingly, the answer is affirmative. This is a direct consequence of the following result. Theorem 2.3 Consider two graphs G and G0 , with adjacency matrices A and A0 , respectively. The following are equivalent: i. A + βJ and A0 + βJ are cospectral for all β ∈ R, ii. A + βJ and A0 + βJ are cospectral for two distinct values of β, iii. A + βJ and A0 + βJ are cospectral for an irrational value of β. Proof For a graph G with adjacency A we define the generalized characteristic polynomial: pG (x, y) = det(xI + yJ − A). Thus pG (x, y) can be interpreted as the characteristic polynomial of A − yJ, and pG (x, 0) is the characteristic polynomial of A. Moreover, pG (x, y) has integral coefficients. It follows that the degree in y of pG (x, y) is 1. Indeed, for an arbitrary square matrix M it is known that det(M + yJ) = det M + yΣ adj M , where Σ adj M denotes the sum of the entries of the adjugate (adjoint) of M . It is also easily derived from the fact that by Gaussian elimination in xI + A − yJ one can eliminate all y’s, except for those in the first row. So we may write n X pG (x, y) = (ai + bi y)xi . i=0

It is clear that pG (x, y) ≡ pG0 (x, y) if and only if A−yJ and A0 −yJ are cospectral for all y ∈ R. Suppose that A − yJ and A0 − yJ are cospectral for some y = yˆ, but not all, values of y. Then pG (x, yˆ) = pG0 (x, yˆ) for all x ∈ R, whilst pG (x, y) 6≡ pG0 (x, y). If this is the case, then ai + yˆbi = a0i + yˆb0i with bi 6= b0i for some i. This implies yˆ = −(ai − a0i )/(bi − b0i ). Thus we have proved that yˆ is rational, and that there is only one possible value of yˆ.  By this theorem cospectrality for an irrational β implies cospectrality for the adjacency matrix, and hence G is regular if and only if G0 is. Therefore: Corollary 2.4 There exist a pair of cospectral graphs with respect to the matrix M = αA + βJ + γD + δI, where one graph is regular and the other one is not, if and only if γ = 0 and β/α is a rational number strictly between −1 and 0. A more extended version of Theorem 2.3 appeared in [12]; the equivalence of i and ii is due to Johnson and Newman [21].

Regularity and spectra




Here we deal with the question: ‘when can we deduce from the spectrum of a graph that it is distance-regular?’. Since distance-regular graphs are regular (of degree k, say), it doesn’t really matter which type of matrix we take, as long as regularity can be deduced from the spectrum (see Corollary 2.4). We choose the adjacency matrix and write k = λ1 ≥ . . . ≥ λn for the spectrum. In terms of the adjacency matrix A, distance-regularity can be defined as follows. A graph is distance-regular whenever it is connected and for every vertex the distance partition of A is equitable with the same quotient matrix. (The distance partition of a connected graph with respect to a vertex x partitions the vertex set into X0 , . . . , Xd , where Xi is the set of vertices at distance i from x.) The quotient matrix Q of a distance partition is a tri-diagonal matrix, which can be written as:   a0 b0   c1 a1 b1     .. .. .. Q= . . . .    cd−1 ad−1 bd−1  cd ad In the case of a distance-regular graph the entries of Q are integers, and it follows easily that a0 = 0, b0 = k, c1 = 1 and ai + bi + ci = k for i = 0, . . . , d (take c0 = bd = 0). If ki is the number of vertices at distance i from any given vertex, then k0 = 1, k1 = k, and ki bi = ki+1 ci+1 for i = 0, . . . , d − 1. So the array (b0 , . . . , bd−1 ; c1 , . . . , cd ) determines all other parameters ai and ki . It is called the intersection array, and the parameters ai , bi , ci are usually called the intersection numbers. We will call Q the intersection matrix . Some trivial examples of distance-regular graphs are the complete graphs (case d = 1), and the polygons (case k = 2). In both of these cases the graphs are characterized by their spectra. A distance-regular graph with diameter 2 is the same as a connected strongly regular graph. The following result for strongly regular graphs is well known. Theorem 3.1 A connected graph is strongly regular if and only if it is regular with exactly three distinct adjacency eigenvalues. We will prove a more general result below. Theorem 3.1 implies that the property of being strongly regular can be seen from its spectrum. Many other distance-regular graphs are known to exist; see [2] for an extensive treatment. We mention two famous families. The Hamming graphs H(q, d) have vertex set {1, . . . , q}d (i.e. the words of length d over an alphabet with q symbols); two vertices are adjacent if the two words differ in exactly one place. A Hamming graph is distance-regular of diameter d with intersection numbers bj = (d − j)(q − 1), cj = j (0 ≤ j ≤ d).

Regularity and spectra


The Johnson graphs J(m, d) have as vertices the d-subsets (i.e. the subsets of size d) of an m-set (m ≥ 2d); two vertices are adjacent whenever the subsets intersect in d − 1 points. A Johnson graph is distance-regular with intersection numbers bj = (d − j)(m − d − j), cj = j 2 (0 ≤ j ≤ d). The (adjacency) eigenvalues of a distance-regular graph are precisely the eigenvalues of the intersection matrix Q. Also the multiplicities can be deduced from the intersection matrix Q. So, the intersection numbers determine the spectrum. Conversely, if we have the eigenvalues of a distance regular G we can compute the intersection numbers. This implies that cospectral distance-regular graphs must have the same intersection array. However, it is not necessarily the case that a graph G has to be distance-regular if it has the spectrum of a distance-regular graph. An important tool for the constructions of such cospectral graphs is the following result of Godsil and McKay [15]. Lemma 3.2 Let G be a graph and let {D, C1 , . . . , Ct } be a partition of the vertex set of G. Suppose that for each vertex x ∈ D and every i ∈ {1, . . . , t}, x has 0, 12 |Ci | or |Ci | neighbors in Ci . Moreover, suppose that {C1 , . . . , Ct } is an equitable partition of G \ D. Make a new graph G0 as follows. For each x ∈ D and i ∈ {1, . . . , t} such that x has 12 |Ci | neighbors in Ci , delete the corresponding 21 |Ci | edges and join x instead to the 21 |Ci | other vertices in Ci . Then G and G0 have the same adjacency spectrum. Theorem 3.3 For the Johnson graph J(m, d) there exists a graph cospectral with J(m, d), which is not distance-regular, if and only if d ≥ 3. Proof Johnson graphs with d = 2 (also known as triangular graphs) are strongly regular, a property which can be deduced from the spectrum. For d ≥ 3, let V be the vertex set of J(m, d), that is, V is the set of all d-subsets of the set X = {1, . . . , m}. Let C be the set of d-subsets of X with precisely  three elements in Y = {1, 2, 3, 4}, and define D = V \C. Partition C into t = m−4 d−3 subsets C1 , . . . , Ct , each consisting of the four d-subsets that have the same intersection with X \ Y = {5, . . . , m}. Now {C1 , . . . , Ct } is an equitable partition of C. Moreover, for each vertex w in D, and each Ci , we have that if w intersects Y in at most one element, then w has no neighbors in Ci ; if w intersects Y in two elements, then w has either two or zero neighbors in Ci and if w intersects Y in four elements, then w has either zero or four neighbors in Ci . We thus have a switching partition as required in Lemma 3.2, and by switching we obtain a graph that is cospectral with J(m, d). We now claim that this cospectral graph is not distance-regular. Indeed, take x = {2, . . . , d + 1} and y = {4, . . . , d + 3} (note that m ≥ 2d ≥ d + 3). Then, after switching, x and y are nonadjacent vertices with two common neighbors (namely {1, 4, . . . , d + 2} and {1, 4, . . . , d + 1, d + 3}). Since the Johnson graph has intersection number c2 = 4 (not 2), the cospectral graph is not distance-regular.  The above construction appeared in [13]. That paper contains many more examples of distance-regular graphs for which the switching method of Lemma 3.2 applies. For the Hamming graphs, the above method doesn’t seem to work. For these graphs another method for the construction of cospectral graphs can be used (see [19]).

Regularity and spectra


Theorem 3.4 For the Hamming graph H(d, q) with d = q ≥ 3 there exists a graph cospectral with H(d, q) which is not a distance-regular graph. Proof Consider the following incidence structure with points and lines. Points are the vertices of H(d, q), and a line is a set of vertices consisting of the words that are identical in all but one coordinate. So there are q d points and dq d−1 lines. The lines are cliques of size q in H(d, q). Let N be the incidence matrix of this structure (rows correspond to points and columns to lines). Then N N > = dI + A, where A is the adjacency matrix of H(d, q) and N >N = qI + B, where B is the adjacency matrix of a graph H 0 (d, q) defined on the lines, and two vertices are adjacent if the lines intersect. If d = q, N N > and N >N have the same spectrum, and so have A and B. Therefore H(d, d) and H 0 (d, d) are cospectral. We claim that if d ≥ 3, H 0 (d, d) is not distance-regular. Indeed, there are two types of pairs of lines at distance two (meaning that they don’t intersect, but there exist a line that intersects both). If they are parallel, there are q lines that intersect both, and otherwise there is just one line that intersects both. So in H 0 (d, d) two nonadjacent vertices can have 1 or q common neighbors, and therefore H 0 (d, d) is not distance-regular.  The above statement is also true if d > q ≥ 3 (by taking graph products with H 0 (q, q)). But it is false if d ≤ 2 (the strongly regular case), if d = 3, q = 2 (the cube), and if d = 3 and q ≥ 36 (see [1] for this and the latest developments on spectral characterizations of the Hamming graphs). An important tool in proving distance-regularity from the spectrum is the following theorem due to Fiol and Garriga [14]. Theorem 3.5 Let G be a graph whose spectrum is feasible for a distance-regular graph of diameter d (this means that the spectrum corresponds to an intersection matrix, hence kd can be computed from the spectrum). Suppose that for each vertex of G, the number of vertices at distance d equals kd (that is, the correct number in case of distance-regularity). Then G is distance-regular. The approach of Fiol and Garriga is more general, and the proof is rather involved. Recently, Van Dam [8] has given a more elementary proof, of a less general result, which still implies the above theorem. By use of Theorem 3.5 we can easily establish some spectral characterizations of distance-regularity. Theorem 3.6 If G is a graph whose spectrum is feasible for a distance-regular graph with diameter d and girth g ≥ 2d − 1, then G is distance-regular. Proof The girth of a regular Pngraphj can be deduced from the adjacency spectrum (Indeed, since trace(Aj ) = i=1 λi (A), the spectrum determines the number of closed walks of length j, and, since the graph is regular, also the number of closed walks of length j that contain a cycle.) Thus we know that G is regular of girth g. We consider the distance partition of G and define the numbers ai , bi , ci in the same way as we did for the distance-regular case. Similarly we define ki for i = 1, . . . , d. Since there are no cycles of length less than 2d − 1, it follows that c1 = . . . = cd−1 = 1 and a1 = . . . = ad−2P = 0. Hence bi = k − 1 and ki = k(k − 1)i , for i = 1, . . . , d − 1. Therefore kd = n − d−1 i=0 ki has the value it should have in the case of distance-regularity, and so by Theorem 3.5, G is distance-regular. 

Regularity and spectra


Because every graph has girth at least 3, the condition of Theorem 3.6 is fulfilled if d = 2, which proves Theorem 3.1. An example of a graph with larger diameter satisfying this condition is the Coxeter graph (with diameter 4 and girth 7). We refer to [3], [9], or [18] for direct proofs of Theorem 3.6. Theorem 3.7 If G is a graph whose spectrum is feasible for a bipartite distanceregular graph with diameter d and girth g ≥ 2d − 2, then G is distance-regular. Proof As in the above proof, we again consider the distance partition of G and define the numbers ai , bi , ci and ki (i = 0, . . . , d). (At this point the diameter d0 of G, may be smaller than d; then we take ki = ai = bi = 0 for d0 < i ≤ d.) We know G is regular and bipartite of girth g ≥ 2d − 2; therefore c1 = . . . = cd−2 = 1 and a1 = . . . = ad = 0. Hence bi = k − 1 and ki = k(k − 1)i , for i = 1, . . . , d − 2. Furthermore cd = Pcd−1 + bd−1 = k, bd−1 kd−1 = cd kd , bd−2 kd−2 = kd−1 cd−1 , and kd−1 + kd = n − d−2 i=0 ki . This system of five equations with five unknowns (bd−1 , cd−1 , cd , kd−1 and kd ) has a unique solution for kd . Now Theorem 3.5 completes the proof.  So in particular any graph cospectral with a bipartite distance-regular graph of diameter 3, is such a graph. This includes the cube H(3, 2) (see above). Many more such conditions exist, but the proofs become more technical (see [9] and [13]). Let us finish this section by stating (without proof) the characterization result (from [9]) for an important family of distance regular graphs: the collinearity graphs of finite generalized polygons (see [2]). Theorem 3.8 If G is a graph whose spectrum is feasible for the collinearity graph of a finite generalized polygon, then G is distance-regular. Moreover, if the diameter is at least 3, then G is the collinearity graph of a generalized polygon.


Perfect matchings

Throughout this section G is a k-regular graph on an even number n of vertices. We deal with the question: ‘When can we see from the spectrum that G has a perfect matching?’ It makes sense to assume regularity. It leads to rather strong results, which don’t seem to generalize to arbitrary graphs. Moreover, regular graphs have large matchings. There is always a matching of size at least nk/2(k + 1) (by Vizing’s theorem), and there is a perfect matching if the graph is bipartite with at least one edge (by K¨onig’s theorem). We saw that the latter condition can be rephrased in terms of the (adjacency) spectrum. In this section we present another sufficient condition in terms of the eigenvalues. As in the previous section, it makes essentially no difference which type of matrix we consider. We take the adjacency matrix and write k = λ1 ≥ . . . ≥ λn for the spectrum. We know of no example of two cospectral regular graphs, where one has a perfect matching and the other one has not. Nevertheless, we do not expect that there is a spectral characterization for the existence of a perfect matching in a regular graph, as we have for bipartiteness, connectivity, regularity, etc. But we will present a criterion that is satisfied for almost all regular graphs. We shall see that G has

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at least b(k −√ λ2 + 1)/2c edge disjoint perfect matchings. For almost all k-regular √ graphs λ2 ≈ 2 k. This shows that with high probability G has at least (k − 2 k)/2 edge-disjoint perfect matchings. To state the main result we introduce a class of graphs H(`), and a number ρ(`). The class H(`) consists of all connected irregular graphs of odd order v with maximum degree `, at least (`v − ` + 2)/2 edges, at least four vertices of degree ` if ` is odd, and at least three vertices of degree ` if ` is even. The number ρ(`) is the infimum (which is actually a minimum) of the largest adjacency eigenvalue taken over all graphs in H(`). Theorem 4.1 If G is a connected k-regular graph of even order, and λ3 < ρ(k), then G has a perfect matching. Proof Let V = V (G) be the vertex set of G, and suppose that G does not have a perfect matching. By Tutte’s perfect matching theorem (see for example [22]), there exists a set S ⊂ V of size s such that V \ S induces a subgraph which has at least q ≥ s + 2 components G1 , G2 , . . . , Gq (say), of odd order. P Let ti denote the number of edges in G between S and Gi . Then clearly qi=1 ti ≤ ks, s ≥ 1, and ti ≥ 1 (since G is connected). Hence ti < k and ni > 1 for at least three values of i, say i = 1, 2 and 3. Let ρi denote the largest adjacency eigenvalue of Gi , and assume ρ1 ≥ ρ2 ≥ ρ3 . Then eigenvalue interlacing (Lemma 1.2) applied to the subgraph induced by the union of G1 , G2 and G3 gives ρi ≤ λi for i = 1, 2, 3. Next we show that G3 ∈ H(k). This will prove the theorem, since then ρ(k) ≤ ρ3 ≤ λ3 . Suppose that G3 has e3 edges; then 2e3 = kn3 − t3 ≤ n3 (n3 − 1). We saw that t3 < k and n3 > 1, hence 2e3 > kn3 − k and k < n3 . More precisely: 2e3 ≥ kn3 − k + 2 (because n3 is odd), k ≤ n3 − 1 if k is even, and k ≤ n3 − 2 if k is odd. Note that t3 < n3 shows that G3 cannot be regular. So it only needs to be shown that G3 has the required number of vertices of degree k. For the average degree d of G3 we find 2e3 /n3 = k − t3 /n3 ≥ k − (k − 1)/n3 . Suppose that k is even. Then d ≥ k − (n3 − 2)/n3 = k − 1 + 2/n3 , which implies that at least two vertices have degree k. But if two have degree k, then n3 −2 have degree k −1, which is impossible since n3 is odd. Similarly if k is odd, then d ≥ k − 1 + 3/n3 and three vertices of degree k are not possible, so at least four vertices have degree k.  Corollary 4.2 If λ2 ≤ k − 1, then G has a perfect matching. Proof For any graph the largest adjacency eigenvalue is bounded from below by the average degree (it follows, for example, from Lemma 1.2(ii) with m = 1). Therefore ρ(`) ≥ (`v − ` + 2)/v > ` − 1. If λ2 ≤ k − 1, then G is connected and λ3 ≤ λ2 ≤ k − 1 < ρ(k), so G has a perfect matching by Theorem 4.1.  Corollary 4.3 G has at least b(k − λ2 + 1)/2c edge disjoint perfect matchings. Proof The adjacency matrix of the 1-regular graph (a perfect matching) has smallest eigenvalue −1. Therefore, deleting the edges of a perfect matching in G decreases k by 1, and increases every other adjacency eigenvalue by at most 1 (by Weyl’s eigenvalue inequalities). So k−λ2 is decreased by at most 2. Hence we can delete a perfect matching at least b(k − λ2 + 1)/2c times, and this proves Corollary 4.3. 

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A larger lower bound for ρ(`) gives a better sufficient condition for a perfect matching. In fact, it is not hard to improve a little the lower bound for the average degree of a graph in H(`) and obtain: ρ(`) ≥ ` − 1 +

3 4 if ` is even, and ρ(`) ≥ ` − 1 + if ` is odd. `+1 `+2

The following theorem gives the exact values for ρ(`). Theorem 4.4  if ` = 3,  θ √ 2 (` − 2 + p` + 12)/2 if ` ≥ 4 and even, ρ(`) =  (` − 3 + (` + 1)2 + 16)/2 if ` ≥ 5 and odd, where θ = 2.85577... is the largest root of x3 − x2 − 6x + 2. Proof We assume ` ≥ 4 and even. The other cases go in a similar (though slightly more complicated) way. Let H be the complete graph K`+1 from which a matching of size (` − 2)/2 has been deleted. It is easily checked that H ∈ H(`). Moreover, the adjacency matrix of H has an equitable partition with quotient matrix   2 `−2 . Q= 3 `−4 It follows in a straightforward way that the eigenvalue of H that corresponds to λ1 (Q) (see Lemma 1.1) has a positive eigenvector, and √ therefore must be the largest eigenvalue of H. Therefore ρ(`) ≤ λ1 (Q) = (` − 2 + `2 + 12)/2. Next we show that ρ(`) ≥ λ1 (Q). Consider an arbitrary graph H 0 in H(`) of order m and size e (say). As above we partition the adjacency matrix of H according to the three vertices of degree ` and the remaining m − 3 vertices. If a denotes the average degree of the subgraph induced by the three vertices of degree `, then H 0 has quotient matrix   a `−a 0 Q = . 3(` − a)/(m − 3) (2e − 6` + 3a)/(m − 3) By (Lemma 1.2(ii)), the largest eigenvalue λ1 (Q0 ) is a lower bound for the largest adjacency eigenvalue of H 0 . Therefore it suffices to show that λ1 (Q0 ) ≥ λ1 (Q). We easily have ` − m + 3 ≤ a ≤ 2 and 2e ≥ `m − ` + a (because e ≥ (`m − ` + 2)/2). If we decrease a diagonal element the largest eigenvalue does not increase; therefore we may without loss of generality take 2e = `m − ` + a and   a `−a Q0 = . 3(` − a)/(m − 3) ` − 4(` − a)/(m − 3) √ Now 2λ1 (Q0 − `I) = (` − a)(−4x − 1 + 16x2 + 4x + 1) with x = 1/(m − 3), 0 < x ≤ 1/(` − a). It is straightforward to show that λ1 (Q0 − `I) is decreasing in x, and therefore λ1 (Q0 − `I) is minimal if x = 1/(l − a) and a = 2. This implies that λ1 (Q0 − `I) ≥ λ1 (Q − `I), which proves our claim. 

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Finally we shall construct a k-regular graph G without a matching but with λ3 = ρ(k), showing that the defined value of ρ(`) is best possible. Again we restrict ourselves to the case of even k ≥ 4. As in the above proof, H is the complete graph Kk+1 from which a matching of size (k − 2)/2 has been deleted. To make G, we take k disjoint copies of H, and add a set S of k − 2 isolated vertices. Next we insert edges. For every copy of H we insert an edge between each vertex of degree k − 1 and each vertex in S. It is easily checked that H is k-regular, but has no perfect matching (indeed, deleting S gives k > |S| components of odd order). We only need to prove that λ3 = ρ(k). Again H admits an equitable partition having quotient matrix   2 k−2 QH = 3 k−4 √ with eigenvalues (k − 2 ± k 2 + 12)/2. This partition of H leads to an equitable partition of G with 2k + 1 parts, and quotient matrix:   2Ik (k − 2)Ik 0 QG =  3Ik (k − 4)Ik 1  . 0> 1> 0 Eigenvalue interlacing shows that each of the above eigenvalues of QH occurs k − 1 times as an eigenvalues of QG . In turn, QG admits an equitable partition with quotient matrix   2 k−2 0  3 k − 4 1 , 0 k 0 √ which gives the three remaining eigenvalues of QG : k and −1± 3. Hence λ2 (QG ) = . . . = λk−1 (QG ) = λ1 (QH ). The eigenvalues of QG are eigenvalues of G (Lemma 1.1), so what remains to be proved is that the other eigenvalues of G are at most λ1 (QH ). By Lemma 1.1(ii), the other eigenvalues do not change if an all-ones block of the partitioned matrix A is replaced by an all-zeros block. If we do so for every all-ones block in A we obtain a nonnegative matrix with maximum row sum k − 3. So the largest eigenvalue is at most k − 3, which is less than λ1 (QH ). For the case k odd, we refer to [6]. In that paper it is proved that the condition λ3 < ρ(k) is also sufficient for existence of matchings of size (n − 1)/2 in the case that n is odd. Corollaries 4.2 and 4.3 appeared in [4]. There, it is also proved that the condition λ1 (L) ≤ 2λn−1 (L) is sufficient for a perfect matching in an arbitrary graph with n even and Laplacian matrix L.

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Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands [email protected]