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BERLOCO Nicola, INTINI Paolo, Analysis and optimisation of cycleways design and ... CONTE Emilia, MONNO Valeria, Sustainability of the Built Environment: ... PETRUZZELLI Domenico, PETRELLA Andrea, A pilot scale investigation for the ... AYR Ubaldo, MARTELLOTTA Francesco, ROSPI Gianluca, On the use of FEM ...
Politecnico di Bari and Challenges of Research delle ricerche nel Politecnico di Bari

Politecnico di Bari



Basic and applied research of the faculty and technicians at Politecnico di Bari Ricerche applicate e di base dei docenti e dei tecnici nel Politecnico di Bari

1ST WORKSHOP ON THE STATE OF THE ART AND CHALLENGES OF RESEARCH EFFORTS AT POLITECNICO DI BARI 1° WORKSHOP SULLO STATO DELL’ARTE DELLE RICERCHE NEL POLITECNICO DI BARI PROCEEDINGS / ATTI Steering Committee Prof. Eugenio Di Sciascio, Rettore Prof. Loredana Ficarelli, Prorettore Vicario Prof. Vito Albino, Prorettore delegato per la ricerca e il trasferimento tecnologico Prof. Pietro Camarda, Direttore DEI Prof. Antonio Castorani, Direttore DICATECh Prof. Claudio D‘Amato Guerrieri, Direttore DICAR Prof. Giuseppe Monno, Direttore DMMM Prof. Salvatore Nuzzo, Direttore DIF Program Committee Prof. Eugenio Di Sciascio Prof. Loredana Ficarelli Prof. Vito Albino Prof. Pietro Camarda Prof. Antonio Castorani Prof. Claudio D‘Amato Guerrieri Prof. Giuseppe Monno Prof. Salvatore Nuzzo Prof. Vincenzo Berardi, DIF Prof. Giuseppe Carbone, DMMM Prof. Maria Pia Fanti, DEI Prof. Luigi Alfredo Grieco, DEI Prof. Michele Mossa, DICATECh Prof. Giuseppe Puglisi, DICAR Prof. Filippo Attivissimo, DEI Prof. Maria Dicorato, DEI Prof. Nicola Giglietto, DIF Dott.ssa Gabriella Pugliese Proceedings and Editing Chair Prof. Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri Publicity Chair Prof. Riccardo Amirante, DMMM 3rd-5th December 2014 3-5 Dicembre 2014 Politecnico di Bari 4 Via Orabona 70125, Bari

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© 2014 Politecnico di Bari 126 via Amendola - 70126 Bari 4 via Orabona - 70125 Bari SCORE@POLIBA 2014 Editing Redazione - Michela Tangorra - Rosanna Visaggi - Giovanni Carbonara, PhD 29° - Roberta Gadaleta, PhD 29° Typography Composizione tipografica in/in Adobe Garamond of/di Peter Slimbach Consulting and graphic design of the covers Consulenza grafica e progetto delle copertine - Nino Perrone 1a edizione, novembre 2014


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INDEX / INDICE DICATECh, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica BEN MEFTAH Mouldi, DE SERIO Francesca, MALCANGIO Daniela, Modeling of wastewater discharge into natural water bodies, 3 BERLOCO Nicola, INTINI Paolo, Analysis and optimisation of cycleways design and bike sharing, 11 BORRI Dino, CAMARDA Domenico, MELONE STUFANO M.Rosaria, Typological Axioms for Architecture, 17 BRUNO Maria Francesca, FRANCIOSO N., NITTI D.O., NOBILE B., Effective Coastal Areas Monitoring through COSMO- SkyMed high-resolution radar acquisitions, 25 BRUNO Maria Francesca, DE PADOVA Diana, SPH modelling of regular breaking wave and its validation using other numerical modelling and laboratory data, 31 CAFARO Francesco, PEDONE Giuseppe, TSIAMPOUSI Aikaterini, ZDRAVKOVIC Lidija, BOTTIGLIERI Osvaldo, Slope-Atmosphere Interaction Phenomena: a Case Study in the Southern Apennines, 37 CAFARO Francesco, BOTTIGLIERI Osvaldo, Influence of structure on the water retention behaviour of both consolidated and compacted soils, 43 CAPRIOLI Mauro, SCOGNAMIGLIO Alfredo, MAZZONE Francesco, Confronto tra tecniche tradizionali e uso di immagini satellitari VHR stereo per il Change-detection nel monitoraggio del territorio, 49 CAPRIOLI Mauro, SCARANO Mario, MAZZONE Francesco, Tecniche e metodologie di rilievo con GNSS, Total Station e LIDAR per una cava di pietra calcarea, 55 CELIBERTO Roberto, LAPORTA Vincenzo, Plasma Science for Areospace and Thermonuclear Fusion Applications, 61 COLONNA Pasquale, BERLOCO Nicola, INTINI Paolo, The role of route familiarity in driving behaviour, 67 COLONNA Pasquale, PERRUCCIO Antonio, RANIERI Vittorio, Influence of road vehicles characteristics on skidding risk, 73 CONTE Emilia, MONNO Valeria, Sustainability of the Built Environment: Opening New Frontiers for Evaluation, 79 COTECCHIA Federica, SANTALOIA Francesca, Diagnosis of slow landslides affecting tectonised clayey slopes, 85 COTECCHIA Federica, SANTALOIA Francesca, The multiscalar method for landslide hazard assessment, 91 D’AMATO Maurizio, Note a Margine dell’Attività di Ricerca nel Poliba Center for Real Estate del DICATECh, 97 DAMIANI Leonardo, SAPONIERI Alessandra, Experimental and numerical analysis of groundwater in a drained beach, 105 DAMIANI Leornado, VALENTINI Nico, Terrestrial Laser Scanner as a measurement instrument for laboratory water waves, 111 DAMIANI Leonardo, MOLFETTA Matteo, VALENTINI Nico, Coastal Video Monitoring system: results and perspectives, 117 DELL’ANNA Maria Michela, MALI Matilda, UNGARO Nicola, Distribution and contamination assessment of heavy metals in sediment of the Port of Bari - Italy, 123 DELL’ANNA Maria Michela, MALI Matilda, CAPODIFERRO Vito Filippo, A New Catalytic System for Pyrolysis Bio-Oils Upgrading, 131 DELL’OSSO Guido R., PIERUCCI Alessandra, Performance design of the building envelope in Life Cycle Assessment evaluations, 137 DE TOMMASI Giambattista, DE FINO Mariella, FATIGUSO Fabio, SCIOTI Albina, Methods and techniques for energy assessment and retrofitting of Mediterranean historical buildings, 143 DE TOMMASI Giambattista, DE FINO Mariella, FATIGUSO Fabio, SCIOTI Albina, Methodological guidelines, operation protocols and innovative techniques for assessment and control of the built heritage, 149 FEDERICO Antonio, PLOTZE Michael, PUZRIN Alexander, VITONE Claudia, On the geotechnical characterization of the polluted submarine sediments from Taranto, 155



FIDELIBUS Corrado, BERRONE Stefano, Nuovi Metodi di Analisi del Regime di Flusso in Reti a Fratture Discrete, 161 FIDELIBUS Maria Dolores, Chemical features of blue clay interstitial waters, 167 FRATINO Umberto, PAGANO Alessandro, Structures for regulation and energy dissipation in pressurized and gravity hydraulic systems, 173 FRATINO Umberto, PAGANO Alessandro, VURRO Michele, GIORDANO Raffaele, PORTOGHESE Ivan, Vulnerability assessment and emergency management if water supply systems during extreme events, 179 GALLO Vito, CAFAGNA Isabella, LATRONICO Mario, COLAPIETRA Mario, MOSCELLI Sabrina, Application of gibberellic acid and forchlorfenuron as plant growth regulators in cultivation of table grapes: a metabolomic study, 185 GIASI Concetta I., PASTORE Nicola, Study of Solute Transport in Fractured Network at Different Flow Regime, 191 GRECO Rita, Strength deterioration of reinforced concrete columns subject to pitting, 197 IACOBELLIS Vito, GIOIA Andrea, MONFREDA Salvatore, MARGIOTTA Maria Rosaria, Regional model for flood prediction in ungauged river basins, 203 LENTI Vincenzo, PAGLIARULO Rossella, The Subsidence at the Archaeological Site of Sybaris (Italy): Geotechnical Factors and Numerical Simulation, 209 MANCINI Francesco, FIGORITO Benedetto, NOVELLI Antonio, TARANTINO Eufemia, Monitoring land cover changes at watershed scale using LANDSAT imagery, 215 MASTRORILLI Piero, DASSISTI Michele, RIZZUTI Antonino, CALIANDRO Rocco, CIOFFI Nicola, Improving the Thermochemical Water Splitting for Hydrogen Production with Magnetic Core-Shell Nanoparticles, 221 MASTRORILLI Piero, CHIMIENTI Michela, COZZOLINO Gennaro, DASSISTI Michele, RIZZUTI Antonino, Investigation on a new mixed acid based support electrolyte for a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery, 227 MEZZINA Mauro, FIORE Andrea, RAFFAELE Domenico, PORCO Francesco, UVA Giuseppina, Assessment of the Reliability of Structural Concretes During Execution Phases, 233 MEZZINA Mauro, RAFFAELE Domenico, PORCO Francesco, TOSTO Antonio F., Bridge monitoring by optic fiber deformation sensors, 239 MOLFETTA M.G., MOREA A., PREZIOSA G., A new approach for measuring short water waves through stereo image sequences and artificial markers, 245 MOSCHINI Francesco, MAGGIORE Francesco, Territori del Cinema: Stanze, Luoghi, Paesaggi. Un Sistema per la Puglia. Letture e Interpretazioni, 251 MOSCHINI Francesco, PIETROPAOLO Lorenzo, Museo Progressivo: Arti e Architettura per Rigenerare la Città contemporanea, 257 MOSSA Michele, DE SERIO Francesca, PRATOLA Luigi, RINALDI Antonio, Analysis of coastal waves reproduced in laboratory facilities, 263 MOSSA Michele, DE PADOVA Diana, Satellite observations and modeling of oil spill trajectories in the Baltic Sea, 269 OTTOMANELLI Michele, CAMPOREALE Rosalia, CAGGIANI Leonardo, Transportation Network Design Problem: An Equity Based Fuzzy Optimization Model, 275 OTTOMANELLI Michele, CHIARAZZO Vincenza, COPPOLA Pierluigi, DELL’OLIO Luigi, IBEAS Angel, Modeling the Effect of Environmental Quality on Location Choice, 281 PALMISANO Fabrizio, ELIA Angelo, Assessment of masonry buildings subjected to landslide-induced settlements: from Load Path Metod to BESO Method, 287 PETRILLO Antonio Felice, AMORUSO Vitantonio, BEN MEFTAH Mouldi, CHIAIA Giancarlo, MALCANGIO Daniela, Modeling of buoyant jets in a cross flow, 293 PETRILLO Antonio Felice, SAPONIERI Alessandra, Assessment of wave energy potential around Apulia Region, 299 PETRUZZELLI Domenico, PETRELLA Andrea, A pilot scale investigation for the abatement of bio-persistent micropollutants, 305 PICCINNI Alberto Ferruccio, APOLLONIO Ciro, BALACCO Graziella, Bypass Valves to Control Water Hammer Overpressures in a Gravity Water System, 311 PIERUCCI Alessandra, Life Cycle Assessment of the production of lightweight concrete containing recycled EPS , 317 PRATOLA Luigi, DENTALE Fabio, PUGLIESE CARRATELLI, Experimental study on interaction between waves and a new concrete rubble mound breakwater armour unit, 323

RANIERI Ezio, GORGOGLIONE Angela, Toluene removal and clogging conditions in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands treatment, 329 RANIERI Gennaro, Il rischio di erosione costiera: una applicazione “fuzzy logic” confrontata con i risultati numerici, 335 RANIERI Vittorio, PERRUCCIO Antonio, Functional optimisation of porous pavements and porous fiction courses, 341 ROCCO Maria Grazia, VERDOSCIA Cesare, La nozione di tessuto territoriale nell’immagine del paesaggio pugliese, 347 ROCCO Maria Grazia, MAIORANO Anna Christiana, VERDOSCIA Cesare, Implicazioni percettive nella definizione dell’immagine e della rappresentazione urbana, 353 SCARANO Mario, CEPPI Claudia, Investigating, by means of the spatial analysis, the relationship between urban parameters and the LST derived by satellite imageries in a GIS environment: the case of Bari (Italy), 359 SPINELLI Domenico, MONGIELLO Giovanni, The Architecture of the defense system in the Aragonese age of the “Terra di Capitanata” History and surveys of the military architecture in Daunia, 365 SPINELLI Domenico, MONGIELLO Giovanni, L’architettura rurale a cono, tecniche costruttive e rappresentazione digitale, 371 TARANTINO Eufemia, CEPPI Claudia, GALEANDRO Angelo, MANCINI Francesco, Assessing ionospheric activity from GNSS measurements as a possible precursor of high magnitude earthquakes, 377 UVA Giuseppina, CASOLO Siro, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Masonry Towers: Advanced Non Linear Dynamic Modelling, 383 VITONE Claudia, VIGGIANI Gioacchino, HALL Stephen, On the mechanics of natural fissured clays, 389

DICAR, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ingegneria Civile e dell’Architettura ARDITO Vitangelo, La Baukunst e il progetto della forma della costruzione. Alcune note, 397 AYR Ubaldo, MARTELLOTTA Francesco, ROSPI Gianluca, On the use of FEM and FDTD numerical methods to predict acoustic behavior of small rooms, 403 BECCU Michele, ORSINI Marco Stefano, Integrazione di nuove forme dello spazio pubblico nell’edificio complesso, 409 BECCU Michele, DEFILIPPIS Francesco, MONTEMURRO Michele, L'"edificio- città". Un nuovo tipo per la riforma della città contemporanea, 415 BELLI Pasqua Roberta, CALIÒ Luigi Maria, LIVADIOTTI Monica, Nuovi dati per lo studio di Agrigento ellenisticoromana, 421 BELLI Pasqua Roberta, Nuove ricerche per lo studio e la valorizzazione di Byllis (Albania), 427 CALACE Francesca, CARIELLO Alessandro Francesco, Criteri e metodi per la qualità urbana nella pianificazione urbanistica attuativa: il caso della Puglia, 433 CALDERAZZI Antonella, FALBO Luigi, Recupero e valorizzazione del sotto suolo urbano ed extraurbano: gli ipogei in Puglia, 439 CALIO’ Luigi Maria, Urban development and social growth in the Classical and Hellenistic city, 445 CARABELLESE Ignazio, Sisma e Beni Monumentali. Rapporti tra Linguaggio Architettonico e Vulnerabilità, 451 CASTAGNOLO Valentina, Manierismo e Barocco nella chiesa dei Santi Medici a Conversano, 457 CASTAGNOLO Valentina, Il disegno di architettura tra emulazione, sperimentazione ed invenzione, 463 CHIARANTONI Carla Antonia, Social Housing. Research and Experimentation of Temporary Housing, 469 CHIARANTONI Carla Antonia, Technical Innovation in the Materials for Contemporary Housing, 475 CONSOLI Gian Paolo, Il Socrate dell’architettura. Cenni su pensiero, vita e opere di Carlo Lodoli, 481 CONSOLI Gian Paolo, LABALESTRA Antonio, Da cittadina del regno a Provincia: Architettura e città a Taranto (1920-1930), 487 COSTANTINO Domenica, ANGELINI Maria Giuseppe, Automatic extraction of features from LIDAR data and production of DTM, 493 COSTANTINO Domenica, ANGELINI Maria Giuseppe, Geodetic and topographic monitoring applied to environment and building, 499 D’AMATO GUERRIERI Claudio, MINENNA Vincenzo, Spazi voltati nell’architettura contemporanea, 505



de CADILHAC Rossella, Il borgo abbandonato di Craco (MT). Problemi di conservazione e prospettive di valorizzazione, 511 DEFILIPPIS Francesco, La costruzione del limite tra città e natura, 517 DE SIMONE Vincenzo Paolo, Corrispondenze Omografiche tra le Immagini di una Figura Piana Rappresentata nel Metodo di Monge, 523 DE SIMONE Vincenzo Paolo, Tre esempi di chiese a pianta ovale in Terra di Bari, 529 DE TOMMASI Domenico, MARANO Giuseppe Carlo, PUGLISI Giuseppe, TRENTADUE Francesco, Stability and Optimal Complexity of a Self-similar Tensegrity Column, 535 DE TOMMASI Domenico, FERRI Domenico, PUGLISI Giuseppe, A Multiscale Model for Damage and Hysteresis in Rubberlike Materials, 541 DI ROMA Annalisa, Artigianato e design digitale. Un contributo al rinnovo della tradizione manifatturiera, 547 DI ROMA Annalisa, Il mobile imbottito: best practice e aspetti di tutela del design, 553 DOGLIONI Angelo, Spatial generalization in modeling the dynamic response of groundwater resources, 559 DOGLIONI Angelo, Identification of landscape morphological patterns by 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform, 565 FALLACARA Giuseppe, Prototipi di architettura di pietra: innovazione. Progetto Aequilibrium, 571 FALLACARA Giuseppe, Prototipi di architettura di pietra: tradizione. Nuove costruzioni con “volte a stella”, 577 FICARELLI Loredana, TURCHIARULO Mariangela, Architetture topografiche. Principi di forma nella costruzione del territorio, 583 FOTI Dora, A New Base Isolator Device for Earthquake Effects Reduction, 589 GUZZARDO Giovanni, Better regulation, good regulatory governance e red tape in the supranational jurisdictions, 595 IEVA Matteo, L’Infuturarsi della città tra continuità e discontinuità. Identità e trasformazione degli organismi urbani e dei tessuti nei mutati orizzonti del XXI secolo, 601 LA RAGIONE Luigi, Quasi-static deformations on granular materials, 607 LIVADIOTTI Monica, Le Terme Centrali di Kos: nuovi dati per la ricostruzione, 613 MARTINES Giacomo, Il paesaggio archeologico della Apulia adriatica. Le origini del sistema insediativo su percorso nel caso del quartiere residenziale di Egnazia, 619 MENGHINI Anna Bruna, Architetture, città e paesaggi d’Albania. Un contributo per la conoscenza, valorizzazione e recupero del patrimonio culturale, 625 MINENNA Vincenzo, Processi progettuali morfologici-strutturali, 631 MOCCIA Carlo, Citynature, 637 MOCCIA Carlo, MENGHINI Anna Bruna, Forme della Terra come etimologia della forma urbana, 643 MONACO Pietro, FIORE Alessandra, MARANO Giuseppe Carlo, TRENTADUE Francesco, Reliability analysis of a historic swing bridge under traffic-induced vibrations, 649 MONACO Pietro, FIORE Alessandra, About the influence of a new macro-model for infill panels on the collapse mechanisms of RC buildings, 655 MONTALBANO Calogero, A Prototype Construction System on Housing in the Mediterranean Region, 661 MONTALBANO Calogero, NEGLIA Giulia Annalinda, Sviluppo sostenibile del paesaggio del Mediterraneo. Una ipotesi progettuale, 667 MONTEMURRO Michele, La costruzione della città-territorio. Unità insediative e forma della terra, 673 MORANO Pierluigi, CALACE Francesca, Modelli innovativi per l’attuazione degli interventi sul territorio: la compensazione urbanistica, 679 MORANO Pierluigi, TAJANI Francesco, TORRE Carmelo, An application of neural networks to the assessment of properties within a segment of residential market of Bari, 685 NEGLIA Giulia Annalinda, Delectabilia loca. Forme elementari del giardino sostenibile in ambito mediterraneo, 691 NETTI Lorenzo, Descrizioni urbane. Bari e il disegno-griglia degli isolati centrali della città, 697 NETTI Lorenzo, Nuovissimo Murattiano. Disegno e progetto per il III° secolo del quartiere centrale di Bari, 703 PARISI Nicola, Innovazione in piccoli pezzi per l’autocostruzione. Prototipi e sperimentazioni, 709 PERFIDO Paolo, Torre di Castiglione. Rilievo e interpretazione, 715 PERFIDO Paolo, Bisceglie. Un esempio di lettura delle trasformazioni urbane attraverso il rilievo, 721

PICCININNI Francesco, Full Solar Desalination Small Plant, 727 PICCININNI Francesco, Thermal and structural enhanced block, 733 RIONDINO Antonio, La ricerca di nuove forme urbis per la città contemporanea: fra auto-figuratività e dialettiche urbano/ territoriali, 739 ROCCO Giorgio, Il santuario di Zeus sul monte Atabyros a Rodi: note preliminari sull’architettura, 745 ROSSI Gabriele, Elementi della visualità urbana: le colonne angolari salentine, 751 RUGGIERO Francesco, DI TURI Silvia, An Innovative System of Retrofit for the Energy Refurbishment of Building Heritage, 757 RUGGIERO Francesco, PARISI Nicola, Ottimizzazione della forma architettonica e sostenibilità ambientale, 763 SELICATO Francesco, ROTONDO Francesco, Reti di centri storici minori per promuovere il patrimonio culturale, 769 SELICATO Francesco, CARIELLO Alessandro Francesco, La rigenerazione urbana attraverso la densità: scenari per la città pubblica periurbana nel territorio pugliese, 775 SIMEONE Vincenzo, GALEANDRO Annalisa, Morphological characters of the Apulian gorge called “Gravine” on the south east limits of Murge calcareous platform, 781 SIMEONE Vincenzo, GALEANDRO Annalisa, Pseudo-karst phenomena in clay and the hazard related to their presence, 787 STEFANIZZI Pietro, LIUZZI Alessandra, Research and development of sustainable clay-based building materials with natural additives and local agricultural waste, 793

Index of the Authors / Indice degli Autori,



DICATECh Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, del Territorio, Edile e di Chimica


Museum in Progress: Arts and Architecture regenerating the Contemporary City Francesco Moschini1, Lorenzo Pietropaolo1 1

DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, via Orabona, 4 - 70126 Bari, Italy [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. Conceived as a part of a wider project defining a critic perspective on the Arts of Exhibition in Europe and in Italy from the XV century to the contemporary time, this research investigates the possible interactions between contemporary arts, museum architectural design and urban phenomena, focusing on study cases where these interactions are strictly related to urban renewal dynamics. Suspended between the tradition of memory and the impulse for creation, between the struggle for new meanings and the ephemeral nature of the event, the Museum itself has deeply changed through the 20th century up to today, developing more plural and open forms. Alongside the central role of global and encyclopedic museums, site-specific museographical experiments emerge, where the spaces for the Arts coincide with the architecture of the City. The present research develops this experimental concept, electing the “landscape of abandon” in Apulia (disused buildings, rural and urban voids, suburbs) as the operational field for a Museum in progress of Arts and Architecture regenerating the contemporary City. Keywords: History of Museum . Arts of Exhibition . Architectural and Urban Renewal . Modern and Contemporary Arts and Architecture . Disused Heritage


An “Endless Project”: The Arts of Exhibition Encyclopedia

Since 2014, a long-term project has been undertaken in order to define a critic perspective on the arts of exhibition in Europe and in Italy: The Arts of Exhibition Encyclopedia. The project is a sort of livre à venir, a kind of endless project: it is a work in progress aiming to recompose, over the years, in an organic corpus the multiple threads running through the studies and experiments made by different authors at different moments in time and in different places. Conceived in the frame of the “Project T.E.S.I.” [1] and devoted to the Arts of ex-positioning, the research – aiming to be omnivorous rather than strictly encyclopedic, and surely not handbook oriented – retraces the multiple flows of History not as much to define a genealogy of the museum architectural type, but rather to investigate, in the light of the exhibition question, the multiple possible meanings and forms of interaction between arts and architectural and urban space. Starting from the historical spaces of the sixteenth-century collector (the studioli) and from the wunderkammern of the 16th and 17th century1, this research reconstructs the eighteenth1

Consider the Camerino d’alabastro in Ferrara, or the Casino of Pio IV by Pirro Ligorio in Rome.

and-nineteenth-century concept of the civic Temple of the Arts 2, then proceeds through the experiments of the Masters of the Modern Movement3, and finally explores the multiple evolutions of the spaces and expressions of the architecture and the art of exhibition that since Post-World War II to today – and especially between the 20th and the 21th centuries – have made them on the one side the object of the desire for iconicity of the globalized metropolis, and on the other side the elective field where to experiment innovative experiences of the urban space.


The Encyclopedia’s Contents and thematic Articulation Drawing a specific attention to the Italian case, the project is not just a mere retracing of five centuries of museum evolution. Developed along a triple axes investigating the “container” (either the museum building or the city space), the content (the collection, the exhibition, the exhibition design) and the protagonists (institutions, artists and architects), the project is articulated by the following diachronic thematic crossings: a) Collecting, cataloging, exposing: from collecting to the museum investigates the principles, events and projects that have channeled the collector’s anxiety about time passing towards the form of the Modern Museum; b) The museum allegory is dedicated to the semantic variations and permutations in exposing occurring when the “container” evokes the content4, as it happens also in the architectural museums5, a specific museographical case carefully studied by L. Pietropaolo [2]; c) City, museum and architecture is a critic look at the relationship between the form of the museum and the form of the city, both in the case when the city is the main subject of the museum6 and when the museum itself is spread out in the urban or territorial dimension7, or even when the design conception for the museum becomes a reflection on the architecture of the city8; d) The Arts of Exposing: Exhibitions and set-up design during the 1900s draws a short but truthful history of museographical showing, regarding particularly temporary or permanent set-ups in the Italian tradition9;


For example: the Museo Pio Clementino, the manifesto-project by Étienne-Louis Boullée, the Altes Museum by Karl Friedrich Schinkel. 3 In particular: Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, Louis I. Kahn. 4 Consider the Danteum by Giuseppe Terragni, or the Knut Hamsun Museum by Steven Holl. 5 Among them, is emblematic the Deutsches Architekturmuseum by Oswald M. Ungers in Frankfurt. 6 An archetype is the Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte by Fritz Schumacher in Hamburg. 7 It is the case of Vasari’s project for the Galleria degli Uffizi, or in another way, that of the World’s Fairs, or of the exhibitions of the Deutscher Werkbund and of the IBA – Internationale Bauaustellung. 8 Consider the works of Aldo Rossi and Carlo Aymonino on this issue. 9 It is an essential reference the season that had as most important figures among others Giulio Carlo Argan, Carlo Scarpa, Franco Albini and Franca Helg, Ernesto Nathan Rogers and BPR.


Arts Institutions is centered on the history of public and private institutions for the Arts, on their buildings, collections and productions, with a specific attention to the Italian scenario, from the birth of the oldest institutions10, to the actual framework of the players promoting contemporary arts11; f) Contemporary Icons is intended to shed light on the essence and the contradictions inside the redefinition process that made the museum become at first a mass machine à exposer12, and than an urban landmark in the global city13, a “museum of hyper-consuming”, according to the definition given by Franco Purini [3]; g) The other museum: arts and urban space is a raid in the expressive and lateral dimension of the city as an “obligatory museum”, where arts and architecture interact with the every-day public space and with the ungraceful city places, according to a dynamic which is for example proper of the performances promoted by F. Moschini since the Eighties with the “Laboratori di progettazione” [4] and with the “Progetti d’opera” [5]. The research – whose outcomes will be uploaded in an open multimedia web-archive – is conceived itself as a collection and as a museum in progress, that will grow by accumulating different contributions as essays, drawings, projects, photographies, artworks. This project about the Arts of exhibition – which is also based on the point of views elaborated by L. Pietropaolo during his research activities at the Politecnico in Milan and at the Institut Français d’Architecture in Paris14 – is conceived as a rhizome, that progresses by multiples and with no internal hierarchies, until it gets out of the theoretical dimension to expand extramoenia, where it may be verified in the operational task of the project, ready to be blended by external contributions (such as those from visual Arts).


Prefiguration: Museum in Progress. Arts and Architecture regenerating the Contemporary City

Parallel to the philological dimension that characterizes the present research in its longterm perspective, a complementary design research project has been conceived, aiming to envision a “Museum in progress of arts and architecture regenerating the contemporary city”. It consists in a multidirectional work in which the urban landscape of abandon is at the same time “container” and content. The final objective is to conceive and promote specific architectural and artistic actions in the common ground of that collective work of 10

Among them: Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Venice Biennale, Milan Triennale, Rome Quadriennale. Among them: MART in Rovereto; MAXXI and MACRO in Rome; Fondazione Hangar Bicocca in Milan; Fondazione Pinault in Venice; the private galleries, such as Lia Rumma in Naples, Bonomo in Bari, AAM Architettura Arte Moderna in Rome. 12 It is the case of the Centre National d’Art et de Culture George Pompidou by Renzo Piano in Paris. 13 Emblematic, also for the role played in the reconversion of an entire city, is the case of the Guggenheim Museum by Frank O. Gehry in Bilbao. 14 The research was carried out in the frame of the European project “Mobilità internazionale dei giovani che si avviano alla carriera scientifica” (2002), granted by the Milan Politecnico. 11

art par excellence that the city itself is. As highlighted, among others, by the studies of L. Pietropaolo [6], if at the beginning of the 20th century – according to the opposed reflections on the meaning of the museum by Marcel Proust and Paul Valéry, respectively– the nature of the places for the Arts seems to be marked by the original ambiguity of “containers” ex-posing what is taken away from the natural flow of time and life, in recent decades the museum has affirmed itself as a space for creation and also as a place where a form of consuming takes place. Suspended between the tradition of memory and the impulse for creation, between the struggle for new meanings and the ephemeral nature of the event, the Museum itself has deeply changed through the 20th century up to today, developing more plural and open forms. Alongside the central role of global and encyclopedic museums, site-specific museographical experiments emerge, originated by a deep territorial rooting and by widespread relations of descriptive accentuation and careful interpretation of the urban landscape, where the spaces for the Arts coincide with the architecture of the City15. Persuaded that arts and architecture may interact with the social, economical and physical body of the cities, we propose that it is possible to experiment new ways to promote urban renewal processes starting from the artistic and architectural action.


The Experimental Field: The Landscape of Abandon. In Europe – and especially in the mosaic of Italian territories – the landscape of abandon is the other side of the urban metabolism that during the last seven decades has made the city grow as never before: to its progressive expansion corresponds a progressive disuse of existing urban parts. The contemporary city grows and at the same time it consumes itself producing waste matter: when they loose their original functions and meanings – because of the end of their life-cycle or production-cycle, or due to interruption of the construction process – buildings and spaces become wastes whose repositioning in the living score of the city and of the territory seems to be possible starting also from a poetic listening, as demonstrated for example by the work of Beniamino Servino [7] or by the artists’ collective Alterazioni Video [8], as well as by Tarkovskij’s visual, imaginary output. Electing the landscape of abandon in Apulia (disused buildings, rural and urban voids, suburbs) as the operational field, our aim is to activate a process involving technical knowledge, cultural and artistic production and communication. Integrating the interpretative tools that pertain to the studies of architectural and urban phenomena with the languages of visual Arts and of new digital technologies, site-specific actions will be conceived so as to start a museum collection based on the re-writing of residual or waste spaces within the folds of the city. Far from hiding in the rhetoric of an aesthetics of abandon, the research intends to map an operational geography of contemporary urban spaces so as to select application cases in which it will be possible at the same time to start punctual urban regeneration processes and initiate a widespread museum collection, thus configuring over time a journey trough contemporary arts and architecture in Italy. 15

Consider the street art, the Stazioni dell’Arte in Naples, or the Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove in Rome.


A case study: Apulia. Meant to be extended at the entire Italian territory, the foreseen Museum in progress is based on a cognitive and interpretative framework at the regional scale: the survey of modern and contemporary disused heritage will be published on a web portal providing related historical, typological, urban and architectural data profiles, as well as the results of an artists’ campaign (photo, video) exploring the material and immaterial landscape of abandon. The choice of Apulia as a case study is due to the fact that its actual dynamics makes it suitable to verify the foreseen vision of the Museum in progress. In Apulia, the evaluation of soil swallowed up by the cities in 2012 puts this Region at the top of this specific national ranking [9], while the landscape of abandon continues to move forward and increase. The Apulia regional Authority has recently taken on a legislative action to support the reclamation of disused public heritage. It has done so notably by financing since 2008 a bottom-up widespread network of artistic Labs created as a result of dismissed buildings’ reclamation processes. The research has shed light on specific programs and organizations that have been promoted in last decades to develop local production chains in the field of music, audiovisual media and cinema, theater and dance. Besides the consolidated dimension of some arts galleries16 and remarkable events17, starting-up and qualified realities18 are taking place expressing the ferment that makes Apulia an interesting case nowadays. Once accomplished the ongoing survey of more than 150 relevant disused places, the research project will promote a workshop of artistic and architectural action to experiment for real the theoretical assumption of the foreseen Museum in progress.

References [1] Fondo Francesco Moschini Architettura Arte Moderna, [2] Pietropaolo, L.: Il caso limite del Museo di architettura. Esperienze a confronto. In: Pietropaolo, L., Monumento e contesto : permanenza dell’architettura e progetto del territorio nella prospettiva museale, pp. 55–66. Politecnico di Milano, Dottorato di ricerca, XVII ciclo, Milano (2005) [3] Purini, F., Il visitatore come artista. In: Suma, S., Musei II. Architetture 2000-2007, p. 7. Motta Architettura, Milano (2007) [4] Fondo Francesco Moschini Architettura Arte Moderna, [5] Fondo Francesco Moschini Architettura Arte Moderna, [6] Pietropaolo, L. (ed): Museo di architettura e forme dell’insediamento. Esperienze europee e proposte per la Capitanata. Clup, Milano (2005) [7] Servino, B.: Monumental Need. Necessità monumentale. LetteraVentidue, Siracusa (2012) [8] Alterazioni Video: Manifesto Incompiuto Siciliano. Abitare 486, 190-201 (2008) [9] Munafò, M., Tombolini, I. (eds.): Il consumo di suolo in Italia. Report 195, ISPRA (2014)


For example, the previously mentioned Bonomo art gallery. Among them: “Intramoenia extra art”, inside Apulian castles, edited by Achille Bonito Oliva. 18 Among them: the Museo Pino Pascali in Polignano a Mare, the Manifatture Knos in Lecce. 17