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Psikologi Kepribadian: Teori dan Penelitian, Edisi. Kesembilan (Bahasa Indonesia). Jakarta: Prenada Media Group., Download ...

Ayu Dwi Nindyati [email protected] Abstract Pro-environment behavior is not only the responsibility of environment field study itself, but also need involvement of other field study to keep the sustainability, especially if related to behavior so it will need psychology as behavior sciences. Pro-environment behavior usually known as green behavior could understand as three behavior such as reuse, reduce and recycling (3R). Sustainability of the 3R need support from surroundings include from home and workplace. The aim of this research is describing the 3R of employee behavior from some companies in Jakarta at home and work place. The home and the work place are places where respondents spent their time in their life. Research methods is using the quantitative-descriptive approach and also narrative-descriptive. Data was collected with open questionnaire and then analyze with statistic descriptive and narrative from 95 respondents. The research result showed that respondents said easier to conduct 3R behavior at home than at workplace. The reasons are first, the freedom and the simplicity to do it at home because they don’t have any rules like at the workplace. Second, when conduct 3R behavior at home, there were not conflict interest and many perceptions or views about the behavior itself and it was effect directly to family member. It’s easier to reduce than reuse and recycle; the most difficult is to recycle. The materials that easy to reduce at the office are paper and easy to reduce at home are plastic. The materials that easy to reuse at home were plastic and easy to reuse at the office are paper. Both at home and at the office, respondents said the materials that easy to recycle were textile. Keywords: Green Behavior, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Introduction Understanding human behavior can not be separated from the environment where he is, not only the existence of another human being as a social environment, but also the existence of nature, space and location as a particular physical environment. Psychology as a science which studies human behavior does not deny the existence of this condition. This is evident with the development of various approaches in psychology that addresses human behavior as a result of the presence of other people and the environment. Basically, we can use phenomenology view to understanding human behavior. The phenomenological view emphasizes the need for

sympathetic understanding based on a holistic explanation. It does not understand a phenomenon partially, with divide into the relationship between the complexity of the phenomenons simple but, several variables simultaneously and comprehensively ( (Klasen, 1980). The development of social psychology has influenced for other psychology fields such as environment psychology. It’s noted that many psychological experts took the role in environment psychology. Koffka in 1935 had studied environment and human behavior also Kurt Lewin (1936) had developed field theory. History noted even the environmental psychology did not popular approach in psychology; its existence filled the development of psychology, including in Indonesia. The development of Environment psychology in Indonesia was marked by the publication of the book called ‘psikologi lingkungan’ wrote by Prof. Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono in 1992. In the 1980’s, environment psychology was begin growth with sustainability psychology. The development of sustainability psychology was more oriented to human effort to keeps its natural resources that human and other living beings can continue enjoy the natural resources for long time or sustain. Generally, the solutions of environment problem were usually come up with technical approach. We must realized that the environment problem not always solved by technical approach both chemistry or physics. The more important is to understand the important role of the social sciences including psychology. Even American Psychology Association (APA) is entering the program going green as one of the topics in social psychology and became the spotlight in 2012 with the advent monitoring programs for the teaching of social psychology ( Oskamp (1995) was explained the reason of the necessity of social sciences in environmental problems. He said that environmental problems happened because of human behavior. Every year, the environmental damage increase, so the necessary sustainable human efforts to reverse environmental degradation phenomena. The human behavior can influence the environmental and vice versa. The environmental problems also happen in Jakarta. The real and clear environmental problem sources were garbage, over consumption of energy or fuel and electricity. Republika online (Feb, 2013) published the Jakarta data related to environmental, Jakarta produced garbage 6500 ton a

day. Kompasiana (Feb, 2013) also said that garbage’s in Jakarta were 4 time football field (around 2800m3). Research result from Lontar Indonesia University (July, 2013) explained that 75% air pollutant in Jakarta because of vehicles. Oskamp (2000) explained that overconsumptions were the third cause’s related environmental problem on the earth. In Jakarta also shows the phenomenon of overconsumption based on some information’s, include from website. Based on this website, Jakarta also has overconsumption on electricity uses. Electricity consumption in Indonesia focused in Java and Bali for 78% of total national electricity consumption, because 68% the electric costumers were in Java and Bali. In 2008 showed that 23% electricity consumption was in Jakarta and Tangerang. It’s about 29.605 GWH or 23% from national electricity consumption. The distribution of the electricity uses were 33% for household, 30% for businesses and offices, 30% for industrial sectors, government building about 3% and public facilities about 4 %. The total uses were 29.605 GWH its mean produce 26, 4 million tons CO2 (DJLPE research 2004-2006 about CO2 emition from electric uses were 0,891/MWh). Its shows that over consumption in electric also dangerous for environment, especially for air. There was one way out to minimize the overconsumption with asked the Jakarta citizen to participate in earth hour program in Jakarta. This program aim was saving the electric uses by turn off the unused electric equipment for one hour at 5 – 10PM. If 10% (700.000 people turn off 2 lamps every house) from Jakarta citizen had participated in this program, Jakarta saving the electric consumption about 300MWh, its equal to: 1. Turn off 1 power plant and turn on about 900 villages 2. Reduce 267,3 ton of CO2 3. 267 trees and more could absorbed CO2 (one tree could absorb 1 ton CO2 in 20 years of its life time) 4. O2 supplies for more than 580 people (one tree can give O2 for 2 persons in 20 years of it’s life time) 5. Save on the cot of electricity to Rp 216.000.000 (approximately to $18.000 US), if 300 MWh = 1.080.000MJ. One MJ = Rp. 200,-

The program from earth hour community was relevant to the solution by Gardner and Sampat (Oskamp, 2000), that there were three ways to solve the problem. The three ways are reducing consumption, reuse the second materials or products, and recycled the materials or products that we don’t use it. This three Rs program (reduce, reuse and recycle) had been used by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1992) to describe the three based ways to decrease natural resources uses. Three Rs (reducing, reuse and recycling) are manifestation of the green behavior which is a term to describe human behavior-oriented concern to save the environment. Polonsky (Samarsinghe, 2012) was explained the green behavior as a term which is use to understand pro environmental behavior. In this research will use the term of green behavior. The next information, will explain about the three Rs. U.S. Environtmental Protection Agency in 1992 explained about reducing as an effort to solve the problem by reducing the uses of natural resources as major priority in human life. Especially unrenewable natural resources including petroleum (Oskamp, 2000). In Indonesia, we can see reduce behavior in earth hour program held in Jakarta and others city. Beside, PT. PLN (persero), the national company electricity also campaigned about how to reduce electric uses with turn off two or more unuse lamps at houses and offices, and also reduce the use of air conditioning. The next aspect of green behavior is reuse. Reuse is another behavior that campaigned to develop by human so it will reduce the damage of environment. Reuse is described as activity reuse of materials that have been used as beverage bottles are washed and then do a refill for later reuse. Reuse not only reduces material usage for a particular item but also to reduce waste arising from the goods that have not used (Shireman dalam Oskamp, 2000). The last activity of green behavior is recicle. Recycling is green behavior that campagined to do so it could give good impact to solved the environment problem. The main activities of recycling is by reuse the unuse materials or tools after destroy it and then make it as based material to make the same material or tools or different so we can use it (Shireman, 1993). Shireman explained that if we were recycling something, its mean we did the reuse of natural resources and did not throw them as garbage that will destroy the environment.

The implementation of green behavior (3R) to decrease environmental damage not only could conduct in social environment (community) but we can also do at work setting or in the office. Work activities can not be separated from the use of energy that its also sourced from natural resources. Both work activities that require electrical energy and the need for materials other consumables such as paper, stationery, ink and other green-lain. Related to the green behavior (3R), its becomes an important thing to do studies that aim to find out what things are moving in the direction of human behavior are three ways to reduce damage to the environment, including in the work environment. Work environment becomes an important area to be used as the study site because it can not be denied of 24 hours for each individual at least 8 hours the individual will be in a work environment. This is equivalent to 33% of the time people live every day at work. Thus within 8 hours is necessary for an evaluation of whether the individual is able to demonstrate environmentally conscious behavior while in her home as easy or as easy actually doing the activity that is oriented to the environmental management at home and in the workplace. Based on these descriptions, this study intends to be able to explain how the behavior shown by the behavior of a green reduce, reuse and recycling are shown employees at home and in the workplace. Reasearch Question Based on the background of the problems presented in the introductory chapter, this study attempted to be appointed issues to be examined: 1. Describe of the difference green behavior of employees in the house and at work 2. What kind of green behavior taht easiest and hard to do at home and at work 3. Overview of the activities types that reflect green behavior at home and at work

Research Methods The study was conducted using quantitative research method approach that emphasizes the category of non-experimental and descriptive. This study will use the data in the form of numbers and processed with statistical techniques that help to explain certain phenomena captured in the study (Cresswell, 2005). With this quantitative descriptive techniques this research will provide an overview of information obtained with respect to frequency, average

and also the tendency of the green behavior exhibited by the employees both at home and at work. The data was collected using a questionnaire that is open to multiple answers and also there are some statements that have to be answered by the study respondents . This research plan will be conducted on employees of companies that are not specified company or type of his company . Given a certain amount of the population that is not so in this study using a convenience sampling technique of non-random sampling . This sampling technique is described as a way to get a sample of the research conducted on employees who expressed willingness to assist this research and therefore not all employees have the same opportunity to be a research sample . The number of survey respondents are not determined exactly, but to satisfy the principle of normality will be collected survey respondents over 30 people . This is consistent with that described by Kerlinger (1986 ) which states that the data can be assumed a group meets the principle of normality of the data when a minimum of 30 data.

This research has been conducted on the distribution of questionnaires to several types of companies that are not controlled company. The number of questionnaires distributed 200 copies but the number of questionnaires returned by 95 copies. Data analysis was then performed on these 95 respondents. Characteristics of the respondents are not specified in the beginning of the study, but limited to the provision that the respondents are employees of a particular company. Measuring instruments used are open questionnaire adapted from McDonald (in Bartlett, 2011) which has been used to measure green behavior in research in the UK. By adding a few questions that measure basic knowledge about trash and the environment, green behavior also performed during this. Data processing performed data analysis with descriptive statistical technique that analyzes the frequency. To facilitate the analysis process, the researchers used a statistical program SPSS 17 so as to achieve the purpose of the proposed research.

Result Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical methods using frequency analysis. From the frequency analysis of information obtained green behaviors are most often committed by the respondents of the study. Green behavior examined in this study is that the 3Rs of reduce, reuse and recycling. Of the three green behavior, this study shows the information as shown in Figure 1

Green Behavior Office


53 31


42 29





Figure 1. Describe of The Green Behavior (3Rs)

Figure 1 illustrates that of the respondents that is, both at home and at work, green behavior is most often done is reduce that green behaviors related to reducing the use of materials that do not harm the environment or friendly to the environment. The second is a lot of green behavior is responded reuse or reuse the materials that have been used into other functions that remain can sustain life. The third type of behavior that is done green is associated with a change of recycling materials that have not enabled the new items through certain methods. This study also explains the ease of doing green behavior at home and at work . From the data obtained that information from the respondents stated that there is 74 % easier to develop green behavior at home than at work that only about 26 % . Some respondents expressed more easily done at home with grounds in the benefits of doing green behavior can be directly felt by family members . In addition, because the home does not require clear rules and regulations to carry out this green behavior . According to respondents green behavior at home can be done because of the span of control is not too far away and tiered as well as in the company or in the workplace . While it is related to the ease in most states because of office policies that simultaneously followed by the perpetrators of the organization , so that the behavior of the green in the office can be cultivated through the company's system that could shape the organization culture of the workplace.

Further analysis is done with regard to materials related to the three R both at work and at home. For the first R is Reduce described as an activity that is carried out by reducing the use of materials that will provide benefits to the environment. Figure 2 describes the materials that do reduce the use both at home and at work.

Reduce Behavior Dirumah 71 37



64 38







35 16


16 Kayu


Sampah Makanan

37 15 Kain

Figure 2. The materials that do reduce the use both at home and at work

Figure 2 illustrates that of the seven materials commonly used in daily life at home and in the office look shows the difference in the amount of usage . In most office looks great material to be reduced (reduce ) its use is paper , plastic and food waste . As for at home , the material is likely to be reduced use of plastic , junk foods and products made of glass / glass . These findings provide a benefit to our researchers related to intervene against behavior that reduce green especially . Intervention can we do if we want to develop behaviors associated with materials reduce the most easy to do . If the intervention is done in the office , then you should make an intervention program to reduce the paper . Employees in companies or offices are provided with information relating to the ways in reducing the use of paper is efficient . Conversely, if an intervention program to be carried out with the target community or a housewife , then the shape of the material to be reduced its use is plastic . Society or housewives given information and taught in ways related to the activity of reducing the use of plastics in daily activities.

Other findings related to the second 3R reuse. To reuse activity is understood as the activity of reusing materials or equipment that have been used for other purposes. One of the reuse activity is the selling of goods, It has did not used. Figure 3 describes the many materials that do reuse both at work and at home.

Reuse Behavior Di Rumah 85 52


Di Kantor


55 29 Kaca/Glass





56 19


15 Kayu

27 15 Sampah Makanan

15 Kain

Figure 3. The many materials that do reuse both at work and at home

In this study respondents reuse activity showed differences often made of materials that can reuse at home and in the office . In the same office with the reduce, the material shows the most widely used or reused after is unused paper . Based on information from several respondents in offices most often done by using two sides of paper for documentation purposes and other activities in the office . The second rank the use of which can be reused in the office is plastic and the third is a glass / glass . While in the house visible from the plastic material occupies the first position to be used again after not being used , the second is the fabric and the third is a wood . Seen from this study for the reuse of materials in the home showed different variation than in the office . From these findings it is for all practical purposes associated with the reuse of behavioral interventions should be performed for training or dissemination of information to recover the materials most often used again paper , plastic and glass when in the office and the material of plastic , cloth and wood when intervention done in the community with the goal of family or household . Behavior that emerged is the third 3R recycling. On recycling behavior as the most green behavior is rarely done because it requires tools and methods as well as specific expertise also shows the variation of material to do recycling. Understanding of recycling in this study is related to the actions or activities that take material from the items that are not used and the conversion of certain techniques and methods to be made into new items. Some respondents indicated that information related to the material in the recycle both at work and at home. Figure 4 shows the variation of materials and information related to the material what most people do recycle.

Recycling Behavior Dirumah













24 11

7 Besi/metal





Sampah Makanan


Figure 4. The variation of materials recycle

Figure 4 illustrates that recycling behavior seen in respondents who did not recycling as much as the two other activities that reduce and reuse. From the answers given to the qualitative openended questions in this study, not a few of the respondents were indeed still need information about methods and techniques for doing recycling. Especially in ways that are simple and can be done to recycle waste generated every day both at work and at home. Related to recycle materials made, then to the activity in the office much material is paper recycling to take place. Unlike in the material recycling is most frequent fabric. Further analysis was done by descriptive data if the open questions related to the behaviors of green (green behavior) developed by survey respondents either at home or in the office. Based on the data obtained a description of the type and frequency of green behavior in doing so (figure 5). Green Behavior Home


90 74

90 68




63 49

47 21


81 57


40 43 31


62 6457

28 13

Figure 5. The description of the type and frequency of green behavior

Seen from Figure 5 , there were 12 types of green behavior by employees both at work and at home . The behavior of 12 green 4 green behaviors that most people do employees at home are turning off lights that are not in use, conserve water , use a plate or a place to eat that can be washed for reuse , and turn off the TV if not watched . 3 While most green behavior is rarely done at home is to separate garbage ( organic and inorganic ) , turn on the air conditioner is not less than 20 degrees Celsius and reduce the use of paper / tissue . While green behavior is often performed in an office dominated by three things: the use of waste paper , reducing the use of paper / tissue and turn off the room lights are not used . While it is rare for green behavior by employees in the office is to reduce the use of detergents , turning off the TV is not watched and separates organic and inorganic waste . From the results if the data explained that what was done by the employees at home and at work in line with movements in the community to save the environment. As an example of behavior to save water and conserve electricity. The results of the study are presented in the introduction explains, simply by turning off one or two lights for one hour will save as much electricity as 300MWh. Not only amplifies the energy reserves, but with the power saving substances also have an impact on CO2 in the air which means it also makes the degree of air cleanliness. The effort of saving electricity usage is also proved that the massive campaign related to saving electricity itself, has been pervasive in the knowledge society, including the study's respondents. Thus the growing knowledge of the benefits of a behavior that is owned by the individual will direct the motion of a person. Knowledge will affect a person's mindset or cognitive. Experts have agreed that cognitive psychology with the other two aspects, namely affective and psychomotor would form a person's attitude. The attitude is one of the predispositions of behavior, although not all attitudes turn into behavior, but the attitude is the main predictor of behavior (Myers, 2008). Based on rare green behaviors such as reducing the use of detergent, the use of plastics and separation of organic and inorganic waste, if the note we rarely get a real movement and simultaneously supported by the media. This resulted in knowledge relating to these activities are also not rich. The public does not know the benefits and dangers associated with the use of plastic and detergent and separates organic and inorganic waste. The lack of knowledge about ways to reduce the use of detergents and plastics as well as how to get used to separate the garbage, making people look rarely do.

Summary and recommendation Based on the results of data analysis performed in this study it can be concluded as follows: 1. Doing green behavior easier to do at home than in the office on the grounds at the impact can be felt immediately. While the reason for green behavior easier to do in the office because of the rules set by the management behaviors that form the basis for all parts of the company work / office. 2. Reduce is the most frequently performed behaviors compared reuse and recycling both at work and at home. 3. The material is most easily done at home is to reduce the use of plastic materials while easy to reduce paper in the office is. The material is most often done recycle fabric.

The results of the data analysis and discussion of the results of this study provide insights into the research for further development but it also found a few things that may be useful for the respondents (employees) as well as the perpetrators of the organization (managerial) in a particular company. Suggestions / recommendations can be given as follows:

For employees/individuals 1. Start doing green behavior of the most easily is reduce, according to the results of this study, most often committed by the respondent is reduce reuse and recycle than. 2. Start doing green behavior of most materials easily found around us. When at home by reducing the use of plastic and when in office reduce paper usage.

For the management of the company: 1. Creating a policy-minded green behavior, such as using a paper policy, energy and others. 2. Conducted socialization for the implementation of the recycle most of the materials are easily available in the office of the paper. One of the things that can be done is by recycling paper by presenting an expert who can do it. 3. Do scheduling when and where waste materials (paper, plastic, etc.) that are not used are collected in one section, so that employees also know where and when to conduct

the disposal of unused material. Should be differentiated schedules for material made of paper (organic) and plastic (inorganic).

For researchers and further research: 1. Results of this study were descriptive in nature which has not provided an explanation based on inferential principle is to look for a causal relationship between variables exists. So it is advisable to research and further research to conduct research with quantitative inferential approach with regard to proving a causal relationship. 2. In this study implied a few variables that support the model of pro-environmental behavior of Kollmus and Agyeman (2002). The model developed in countries with western culture which is identical with the individual culture, if the model tested in Indonesia will contribute to the development of a conceptual or theoretical psychology, especially related to cross-cultural environment in perspective by adding some unique and Indonesian culture.

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