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the ends of finite knot vectors. The content of this paper is as follows. Section 2 contains the mathematical results mentioned above, while theimproved Oslo ...
1986 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 012

SlAM J. NUMER. ANAL. 23, No. 3, June 1986





Abstract. The Oslo Algorithm is a general method for adding knots to a B-spline curve or tensor product B-spline surface. The method provides a framework in computer aided geometric design for both manipulating and rendering spine curves and surfaces, and is derived from properties of discrete B-splines. In this paper we prove that all discrete B-splines which are nonzero at a particular point can in general be considered as lower order discrete B-splines on a subset of the knots. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for a discrete B-spline to be a continuous function of its parameters. These results are used to improve on the original Oslo algorithms.

Key words, divided differences, B-splines, subdivision AMS(MOS) subject classifications. 41A15, 65D07

1. Introduction. The Oslo Algorithm is a general method for adding knots to a B-spline curve or tensor product surface. The method provides a framework in computer aided geometric design for both manipulating and rendering spline curves and surfaces. The Oslo Algorithm was derived in [3] using the theory of discrete B-splines. In general, discrete B-splines occur as coefficients when expressing a kth order divided difference at some points as a sum of divided differences over a refinement of the original points. More specifically, suppose (tj)_oo is a nondecreasing, bi-infinite sequence of real numbers and k a positive integer. Let be a subsequence of containing at least k + 1 elements. Then for any suitable integer and a sufficiently smooth function f we have


(%+k-- ’i)[%,



ai, k(j)(tj+k--




The existence of a formula like (1.1) with nonnegative weights Oti, k(j) Oli, k,z,t(j), goes back to [7, p. 7]. Equation (1.1) is a discrete analogue of the Peano integral representation for divided differences


(r+k-- %)[,,




Jk)(x)B"k(X) dx/(k- 1)[,


where Bi, k is a B-spline of order k with knots r,. Ti+ k. For this reason the name discrete B-spline was used for a.k in [1]. With an appropriate choice off in (1.1) we obtain for all possible values of i,


ni, k

EJ a,,k,.,,(j) N,k,

", tJ +k- In knot refinement applications t is a new knot sequence obtained by adding knots to "r. Equation (1.3) gives the transformation from the basis {Bi, k} for splines on x to the basis {N,k} for splines on t. The existence of a formula like (1.3) follows a priori from the fact that

where/V,k is also a B-spline of order k but with knots b,"

S, span {Bi, k} c_ Sk,, span Discrete B-splines on a uniform t-sequence were introduced in [9] and studied further in [6]. The generalization to an arbitrary t-sequence was given in [1, p. 15]. * Received by the editors November 12, 1984, and in revised form May 6, 1985. Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo 3, Norway.






The numerical value of Oli, k(j) can be computed by means of a recurrence relation similar to the recurrence relation for B-splines ([3, p. 97], see also [2] for the case of adding one knot to ,r). Several other properties of B-splines carry over to the discrete case. In particular, discrete B-splines are nonnegative and Yi ti,k(j) 1. Total positivity properties were given in [5], and in [10, p. 355] for the case of a uniform t-sequence. On the other hand, except for in the uniform case [6], [9], 10], the piecewise polynomial nature of ai.k(j) is not clear. In this paper we investigate more closely the dependence of aj, k(j) on ’j, "l’i+ k and b,’", tJ /k" We give necessary and sufficient conditions for ti,k(j) to depend continuously on these parameters, and show that for a given j the discrete B-spline ai, k(j) can in general be considered as a lower order discrete B-spline on a subset of the knots. This provides a basis for reducing the number of operations in the Oslo Algorithm. There are in fact two algorithms which qualify for the name the "Oslo Algorithm". These are called Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 in [3]. Since both algorithms are useful, we will refer to them as "Oslo Algorithm 1" and "Oslo Algorithm 2". We develop detailed improved versions of Oslo Algorithms 1 and 2. Algorithm 1 now uses only linear combinations of positive quantities with positive weights and is unconditionally stable. In the new Algorithm 2 only strict convex combinations of B-spline coefficients are used. We also remove some problems which can occur near the ends of finite knot vectors. The content of this paper is as follows. Section 2 contains the mathematical results mentioned above, while the improved Oslo Algorithms are given in 3. In 4 we collect some remarks.


2. Discrete B-splines. Let the positive integer k be given, and let t (b) be a nondecreasing bi-infinite sequence of real numbers with b < b/k for all j. Let be a subsequence of t containing at least k / 1 elements. Let

,k(Y) (y--tj/) 1 and let for any


(y--tj/k_) ifk>l; if k- 1;

b, b/k),




if y > a, otherwise.

Let B,k and N,k denote B-splines on ,r and t respectively, right continuous and normalized to sum to 1. If b < t/k for all j, then it was shown in [1] and [3] that (1.3) holds with

ai,.,t(j) (’ri+k "ri)[’ri,


For convenience we also define a..,.,(j) for z



, "t’i+k]a,k. z+ and tj t+,

r+k](y-- tj)k+-1 if t 0

if Z,

6+k and z < r,+k, ,+k.

A number x is a strict convex combination of two numbers a and b if x Aa + (1- A)b for some weight A with 0 < A < 1. It is known that negative weights can occur in Oslo algorithm 2. However, it can be shown that these negative weights do not contribute to the final result (see remark in [4]). Nevertheless, the possibility of negative weights is somewhat annoying.



Here ify> b, otherwise.

We call ai, k.,t the ith discrete B-spline of order k on with knots r. In the rest of this paper it is convenient to think of j as a fixed integer. Consider tj+l,"’, tj+k- on which gg, k in (2.1) depends. These knots can be divided into two groups, the "old" knots and the "new" knots. More precisely, suppose that times


t+,’’’, t+k-l= Zl,’’’, Z,



where z r" ti’’’t(J)= { lo ifr’-< z+l’otherwise.


Proof. We apply Leibniz’ rule for divided differences to the product dPj, k(y)= where ,k(Y) is obtained from ,k(Y) by removing the factor y-:.


Arguing as in [3, p. 97] we obtain (2.9) and (2.10). lq The assumption that sc is a new knot ensures that z will be a subsequence of LEMMA 2.5. Suppose t+,. tj+k- are all new knots. Then



r. < tj+


tj+k_ < T/z+

for some integer IX. Moreover Oti.k,..,(j) > 0 for


k + 1,"



and zero otherwise.



Proof. Clearly t+, # Zq for p 1, 2,..., k-1 and any integer q, for otherwise b+,’", t+k- could not all be new knots in the above sense. Since also ,r is a subsequence of t, the inequalities (2.11) follow. For the proof of the positivity we use (2.9) with t+k- and induction on k. If k= 1 and tj < tj+ then a,(j)= 1 >0 for i= denote the sequence obtained from t by reducing the number of occurrences of sr by


one. Since ’/’/
_-2. Consider first the case where x occurs at most k-2 times among r,. Zi+k. By the recurrence relation (2.8) we have




If X





P ,,k-,

(j) +

ZSk t]+k-,) flP+ ,,k-, (j).

< Ti+k_ and z+ < "/’i+k we obtain by induction lim ak(j)

t+k-1- Z,)fl,,k-l(j) + (r+k t+k-1)fl,+l,k-l(j) a,,k(j).


exactly k-1 times among z,.


Ti+ k

there are three possibilities.

P 0 and k-(j) remains r+k-2 < Zi+k-1 < r+k. In this case t+k-1 bounded since r < r+k-1, while /3P+l,k_l(j) fli+l,k-l(j) by induction. Hence (2.23)

(a) x


holds even in this case. (b) < x r+l Z+k 1 < Z+k. By (2.3) we have t,k,,,(j) therefore be enough to show that


Bi, k(X) 1. It will




poo q=

a,(j)=l for r=l,2,..., k.


Without loss of generality we may assume that "rPq, tsPE(’riP, 7"/P+k) for q= + 1, + k- 1 and s =j,- j + k. Then precisely one of a (j), a+_, (j)




is equal to 1. Thus (2.24) holds for r= 1. Suppose that r>_-2. By (2.8) we have i+k-r




[( t+,_, z)fl.,_,(j) + (’+ t+,_,)q+,,_,(j)]P i+k-r

P P + E fl,+k-,+,,r-l(J) (tJ?+r_l "t’f) pi,r_l(j) + (7"iP+k tj+r-) q=i+l

Therefore, since ty+r-1 ’rf- i+r-1


P --> ’l’i+k and r,P+ tj+r-1


aPq, r(j)=lim p


we find





a,-l(j) q

and (2.24) follows by induction.

(C) T < "/’i+1 < X--" ’/’i+2 "/’i+k" This case is similar to case (a). In order to complete the proof of the theorem, we give examples showing that ai.k(j) does not depend continuously on " and if condition (2.22) is violated, i.e., if

the number x =tj tj+k occurs k or k+ 1 times in the sequence -i,..., Z+k. Again there are three cases: (1) T, < r,+ Ti+ k X. We have a,.k(j) B,k(x) 0 since Bi, k is right continuous. Choose "rp "r and t p such that t < x and t+ x. Then by Theorem 2.2 a p,(j) 1 for all p. (2) r r+_l X < T+. This case is similar to case (i). (3) T r+k X. By definition ci,(j)=0 in this case. Choose zp and p such that 7"/p < ff’/P+k and r+q t+q for q 0,. k. Then OtPi, k(j)= 1 for all p. 1-1 The use of [10, Thm. 4.26] can be avoided if part (i) of the foregoing proof is based on (1.1) instead of (1.3). We note that Theorem 2.9 assures the continuity of a.k(j) in the cases z Zi+k-, Z+ Zi+k, and even z ’+k, as long as t < t+k.


3. Algorithms. In this section the knot vectors, and t will be finite sequences. i=m m and m2 be given integers with k positive and m < m2, and let t (6) m2+k be a nondecreasing sequence of real numbers with tj < t/ for j m, m + 1,. m2. < m2-m Let x (’) "2+k i=n be a subsequence of t so that n2-n Let j { ml, m + 1, m2} be a fixed integer. We first want to give an algorithm to compute

Let k,



a,k.n,(j) for i= il, il+l,-

., i2


n), i2 min (/x’, n2), and/x’ and u are given by (2.7) and (2.5) respectively. These are the discrete B-splines of order k which are nonzero for a given j.2 (3.1)


max (/z’- v,

In any of the four situations

(3.2) (3.3) (3.4) (3.5)

t < r.,, and r,(j) > r.(n), t


t+k > ’,2+k, t+k ,+k and l,(j + k) > l,( n2 + k),

In order to handle the complications near the beginning and end of the knot vectors, it is convenient to first extend "r and to bi-infinite sequences, apply the results in 3, and then restrict the range of the indices to the original, finite sequences.



the support of Ni, k is not properly contained in the support of Bi.k for any i n2}. Therefore ai, k,,t(j)= 0 for all in these cases. For other values of {nl, nl + 1,. j we use Theorem 2.2. For p- 0 for/=max (/z’-p+ 1, n),... ,min (/x’, n2+ v+ l-p),


and zero otherwise These positive c’s can be arranged in a polygonal shaped scheme. < n2 the scheme is triangular, If n + v 0 if and only if the support of N,k is properly contained in the support of Bi, k. Theorem 2.2 gives an alternative formulation and proof of this result. 5. Algorithms 1 and 2 reduce to standard B-spline algorithms in special eases. Suppose % -< x < ,+1. Algorithm 1 can be used to compute the values of all nonzero B-splines at x, of order