Robust Pole Placement in LMI Regions - Semantic Scholar

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pole placement where the poles are assigned to speci c locations in the complex plane. ..... is the existence, for each region Di, of a pair of matrices (Xi; Pi) such that Pi > 0, Xi > 0 and. MDi(A ..... AR + BuCK A + BuDKCy. AK. SA + BKCy i. ; B = h.
Robust Pole Placement in LMI Regions Mahmoud Chilali


Pascal Gahinet



Pierre Apkarian


 Synthesis of output-feedback controllers that robustly assign

the closed-loop poles in an arbitrary LMI region (assuming static and unstructured uncertainty on the plant matrices). With some conservatism, these problems are reduced to solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Since LMIs can be solved numerically using ecient optimization algorithms such as those described in [27, 28, 6, 32] or implemented in [12, 2], our approach yields practical analysis and synthesis tools for robust regional pole placement.

This paper discusses analysis and synthesis techniques for robust pole placement in LMI regions, a class of convex regions of the complex plane that embraces most practically useful stability regions. The focus is on linear systems with static uncertainty on the state matrix. For this class of uncertain systems, the notion of quadratic stability and the related robustness analysis tests are generalized to arbitrary LMI regions. The resulting tests for robust pole clustering are all numerically tractable since they involve solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), and cover both unstructured and parameter uncertainty. These analysis results are then applied to the synthesis of dynamic output-feedback controllers that robustly assign the closed-loop poles in a prescribed LMI region. With some conservatism, this problem is again tractable via LMI optimization. In addition, robust pole placement can be combined with other control objectives such as H2 or H1 performance to capture realistic sets of design speci cations. Physically-motivated examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches for robust analysis and synthesis.

2 Background

The Kronecker product is an important tool for the subsequent analysis. Recall that the Kronecker product of two matrices A and B is a block matrix C with generic block entry Cij = Aij B, that is, A B = [Aij B]ij : See [15] for details and properties.

2.1 LMI Regions

1 Introduction

An LMI region is any subset D of the complex plane that can be de ned as  D = z 2 C : L + zM + zM T < 0 (1)

Stability is a minimum requirement for control systems. However, in most practical situations, a good controller should also deliver suciently fast and well-damped time responses. A customary way to guarantee satisfactory transients is to place the closed-loop poles in a suitable region of the complex plane. We refer to this technique as regional pole placement, by contrast with pointwise pole placement where the poles are assigned to speci c locations in the complex plane. For example, fast decay, good damping, and reasonable controller dynamics can be imposed by con ning the poles in the intersection of a shifted half-plane, a sector, and a disk [16, 1, 4, 5]. Regional pole assignment has also been considered in conjunction with other design objectives such as H1 or H2 performance [18, 7, 26, 8, 30]. Because real systems always involve some amount of uncertainty, it is natural to worry about the robustness of pole clustering, i.e., whether the poles remain in the prescribed region when the nominal model is perturbed. Such robustness issues have been thoroughly studied in the context of pointwise pole placement [21, 20, 23]. In comparison, few results are available on robust regional pole clustering. These include a Lyapunov approach to compute explicit robustness bounds for pole clustering in a disk [9], and extensions of the notion of quadratic stability to robust pole placement in a disk or a sector [3, 14, 13]. The present paper extends these results to more general clustering regions and to structured uncertainty. The regions considered here are the LMI regions introduced in [8]. This class of regions covers a large variety of useful clustering regions including halfplanes, disks, sectors, vertical/horizontal strips, and any intersection thereof. The following analysis and synthesis problems are addressed:  Robustness of pole clustering in LMI regions in the face of unstructured or parameter uncertainty on the state matrix

where L and M are real matrices such that LT = L. The matrixvalued function fD (z) = L + zM + zM T is called the characteristic function of D. Below are a few examples of LMI regions:  half-plane Re(z) < ? : fD (z) = z + z + 2 < 0  disk centered at (?q; 0) with radius r: i h fD (z) = q?+rz q?+rz < 0

 conic sector with apex at the origin and inner angle 2: i h sin  (z + z) cos  (z ? z) < 0 : fD (z) = cos  (z ? z) sin  (z + z)

Key facts about LMI regions include [8]:  Intersections of LMI regions are LMI regions.  Any convex region that is symmetric with respect to the real axis can be approximated by an LMI region to any desired accuracy.  A real matrix A is D-stable, i.e., has all its eigenvalues in the LMI region D, if and only if there exists a symmetric matrix X such that MD (A;X ) := L X +M (XA)+M T (AT X ) < 0; X > 0 : (2) This result can be seen as a generalization of the Lyapunov theorem since for the usual stability region fD (z) = z + z < 0, (2) reduces to 1 (XA) + 1 (AT X ) = AT X + XA < 0 ; X > 0 :

y Formerly with INRIA Rocquencourt, Domaine de Voluceau, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France. x The MathWorks, Inc. 24 Prime Park Way, Natick, MA 01760. E-mail: [email protected] k Correspondingauthor, CERT-ONERA, 2 av. EdouardBe-

Pole clustering in LMI regions can be formulated as an LMI optimization problem and is therefore tractable. Moreover, it is possible to combine such pole clustering speci cations with other design objectives while preserving tractability [8, 30]

lin, 31055 Toulouse Cedex, France. Tel: +33 5 62 25 27 84. Fax: +33 5 62 25 25 64. E-mail: [email protected]


3 Robustness of Pole Clustering in 3.2 Main result Given an LMI region D with characteristic function LMI Regions T pp The notions of robust and quadratic stability are useful tools to study the stability of uncertain state-space models [22]. These notions are now generalized to pole clustering in arbitrary LMI regions, along with the Bounded Real Lemma condition for quadratic stability. While our analysis is restricted to static (real or complex) uncertainty, its implications for more general classes of uncertainty (dynamic or time-varying) are brie y discussed at the end of the section.

3.1 Robust and quadratic D-stability

Consider the uncertain linear system x_ = A()x; A() := A + B(I ? D)?1 C; A 2 Rnn (3) where the state matrix A() depends fractionally on the normbounded uncertainty matrix  2 Emm ; max ()  ?1 (4) with E = R; C. The value  = 0 corresponds to the nominal state matrix A and the parameter de nes the level of uncertainty. While the uncertain model (3) is physically meaningful only for real uncertainty , we also consider the complex case because of its connection with dynamic uncertainty (see Subsection 3.4 below). Let  D = z 2 C : fD (z) = L + zM + zM T < 0 (5) be any LMI region and suppose that the nominal state matrix A is D-stable, i.e., has all its eigenvalues in D?. 1The question of interest here is: given some uncertainty level , do the poles of A() remain in D for all  satisfying (4)? De nition 3.1 (Robust D-Stability) The uncertain system (3){(4) is robustly D-stable if the eigenvalues of A() lie in D for all admissible uncertainties . Similar de nitions can be found in [22] for the usual stability region and in [4] for uncertain polynomials. Non conservative assessment of robust D-stability is dicult except in very special cases, e.g., complex unstructured  for the open left-half plane. While conservative, the following notion of quadratic D-stability proves more practical for analysis and synthesis purposes. De nition 3.2 (Quadratic D-Stability) Given any LMI region D de ned by (5), the uncertain system (3){(4) is said to be quadratically D-stable if there exists a real symmetric matrix X > 0 such that MD (A(); X ) := ?   L X + Herm M X (A + B(I ? D)?1 C ) < 0 (6)

for all complex matrices  such that kk  ?1 . Recall from Subsection 2.1 that A is D-stable if and only if there exists X > 0 such that MD (A; X ) < 0. Hence quadratic Dstability implies robust D-stability, but the converse is generally false since quadratic D-stability requires that a single X satisfy MD (A(); X ) < 0 for all admissible 's. Note that the assumption \X real" incurs no loss of generality and is motivated by the tractability of the synthesis problem discussed in Section 5. When D is the open left half-plane, it is well known that robust stability for complex  is equivalent to quadratic stability for real or complex  [22], which in turn is completely characterized by the Bounded Real Lemma: The uncertain system (3){(4) is quadratically stable i . there exists X > 0 such that  AT X + XA XB C T  (7) BT X ? I DT < 0 :



? I

Using a bilinear shift [7], it can be shown that this remains true for vertical half-planes and disks centered on the real axis. Next we show that the Bounded Real Lemma characterization of quadratic stability can be generalized for arbitrary LMI regions.

fD (z) = L + zM + zM < 0 ; L;M 2 R ; (8) factorize the matrix M as M = M1T M2 (9) where M1 ;M2 have full column rank (such a factorization is easily obtained from the SVD of M ). If M has rank k, both M1 and M2 are k  p matrices.

We are now ready to state the main result, a sucient LMI-based condition for quadratic D-stability. Theorem 3.3 The system (3) with uncertainty  2 Cmm ; max ()  ?1 is quadratically D-stable if there exist matrices X 2 Rnn and P 2 Rkk such that BD (X; P ) :=  M (A; X ) M T (XB) (M T P ) C T  D 1 2 M1 (BT X ) ? P I P DT < 0 (10) (PM2 ) C P D ? P I P > 0; X > 0 (11) with the notation MD (A; X ) := L X + M (XA) + M T (AT X ) : Proof: Omitted due to lack of space. See paper full version. The inequalities (10){(11) are LMIs with unknown matrices X and P . Hence testing this sucient condition numerically can be tackled eciently with LMI solvers. The matrix X plays the role of Lyapunov matrix while P can be viewed as a scaling matrix that accounts for the block-diagonal structure of Ik  in the relation p = (Ik )q. The variable P also accounts for the non uniqueness of the factorization M = M1T M2 . Speci cally, replacing M1 ; M2 by Q?T M1 ; QM2 is equivalent to replacing P by Q?T PQ?1 . Note that the size of P is typically small since for most useful LMI regions, the matrix M in (8) has rank less than three. It is insightful to explicitate the LMI (10) for well-known regions such as the left half-plane and the disk:  The open left-half plane corresponds to L = 0 and M = 1 (i.e., z + z < 0). Taking M1 = M2 = 1, (10) reduces to  AT X + XA XB pC T  BT X ? p pDT < 0

pD ? p


which coincides with the Bounded Real Lemma inequality (7) up to dividing by the scalar p > 0 and rede ning X as X=p.  The disk D(q;r) with center (?q; 0) and radius r corresponds to i h i i h h L = ?qr ?qr ; M = 00 10 = 10 [|0{z1}] |{z} M 2 M1T

Since M has rank one, P is again scalar and we can take P = 1 without loss of generality. The LMI constraint (10) then reads 2 ?rXT qX + XA XB 0T 3 ?rX 0 C 4 qX + AT X BX 0 ? I DT 5 < 0 : 0 C D ? I By a Schur complement with respect to the block (1,1), this is equivalent to  A^T X A^ ? X A^T XB CT  BT X A^ ? I + BT XB DT < 0; A^ := A +r qI :



? I

which is simply the discrete-time version of the Bounded Real Lemma applied to A^.

3.3 Intersections of LMI regions

In practical applications, LMI regions are often speci ed as the intersection of elementary regions such as conic sectors, disks, or vertical half-planes. Given LMI regions D1 ; :: :; DN , the intersection D = D1 \ : :: \ DN has characteristic function N

fD (z) = diag fDi (z) : i=1

If quadratic D-stability is of interest, then Theorem 3.3 should be applied to the overall characteristic function fD (z). However, when robust D-stability is the primary concern, it is more ecient and less conservative to test quadratic stability for each elementary region Di independently. Indeed, this guarantees robust stability with respect to each region Di , which in turn establishes robust D-stability. More speci cally, if D is the intersection of N elementary LMI regions with characteristic functions fDi (z) = Li + zMi + zMiT ; Mi = M1Ti M2i ; a sucient condition for robust D-stability against norm-bounded uncertainty  2 Cmm ; max ()  ?1 is the existence, for each region Di , of a pair of matrices (Xi ;Pi ) such that Pi > 0, Xi > 0 and  M (A; X ) M T (X B) (M T P ) C T  Di i i 1i 2i i M1i (BT Xi ) ? Pi I Pi D T < 0 : (12) (Pi M2i ) C Pi D ? Pi I Note that the LMI feasibility problems (12) (i = 1;:: :; N ) should be solved independently for each region Di since there is no coupling between the constraints for each region. By contrast, applying Theorem 3.3 directly to fD (z) amounts to jointly solving all the LMIs (12) with X = X1 = : :: = XN and Pi ;i = 1;:: :; N as variables. This is clearly more costly, and also more conservative due to the requirement that a single X satisfy (12) for all regions


3.4 Comments on quadratic D-stability

Theorem 3.3 gives a sucient condition for quadratic D-stability in the face of complex and unstructured uncertainty. As mentioned earlier, the uncertainty  must be real for the uncertain model x_ = A()x; A() := A + B(I ? D)?1 C (13) to be physically meaningful. When D is the open left-half plane and robust stability is of interest, the quadratic stability test is known to be conservative for real uncertainty . It is therefore legitimate to question the value of Theorem 3.3 as a tool for assessing robust D-stability. While acknowledging conservatism for this particular uncertainty model, we now brie y review other bene ts of quadratic Dstability that strengthen its practical appeal. Rewrite (13) as x_ = Ax + Bw z = Cx + Dw (14) w = z and let G(s) := D + C (sI ? A)?1 B. Then A() is simply the closed-loop matrix for the feedback loop of Figure 1, and robust D-stability is therefore equivalent to requiring that the closed-loop poles remain in D for all  satisfying max ()  ?1 . 

G When [22]:

Figure 1: Uncertainty feedback loop

D is the open left-half plane, there is equivalence between

 quadratic stability  robust stability against complex  with max ()  ?1  kG(s)k1 < where kGk1 := sup! max (G(j!))  robust stability against stable dynamic uncertainty (s) satisfying k(s)k1 < ?1  feasibility of the Bounded Real Lemma LMI (7) Similar connections between quadratic D-stability, robust D-

stability against dynamic uncertainty, and Theorem 3.3 can be established for general LMI regions. Speci cally, for G(s) analytic in CnD (i.e., D-stable), de ne the H1 norm with respect to D as kGkD1 = sup max (G(s)) = sup max (G(s)) : s62D s2@D Straightforward adaptations of the small gain and generalized Nyquist theorems [23] lead to the following results.

Theorem 3.4 The following properties are equivalent:  A() is robustly D-stable?1for static complex uncertainty  satisfying max ()   kG(s)kD1 <  The closed-loop system G (s) = (I ? G(s))?1 G(s) is robustly D-stable against dynamic uncertainties (s) that are D-stable and satisfy k(s)kD1 < ?1  If (s) has no poles on the boundary of D and sups2@D max ((s))  ?1 , then the nominal poles of G(s) remain in D. More precisely, the number of poles of G(s) in D is always equal to the number of nominal poles (all in D) plus the number of poles of (s) in D. These results indicate that quadratic D-stability (and the related test in Theorem 3.3) also provides some robustness against dynamic uncertainty, which is desirable in practice.

3.5 Time-varying uncertainties

The proof of Theorem 3.3 remains valid when the uncertainty is time-varying, i.e., A(t) = A((t)) := A+B(I ?D(t))?1 (t)C; max ((t))  1 : While the notion of \pole" disappears for linear time-varying systems, the generalized Bounded Real Lemma of Theorem 3.3 still provides the following guarantees:  D-stability of the matrix A((t)) at all time t  Exponential decay of the transients whenever D is contained in some stable half-plane z + z < ?2 with > 0. The second property is a consequence of the following lemma.

Lemma 3.5 Consider an LMI region D with characteristic function fD (z) = L + zM + zM T and suppose the dynamical system x_ = A(t)x is quadratically D-stable, i.e., there exists X > 0 such that MD (A(t);X ) = L X + M XA(t) + M T A(t)T X < 0 (15) for all time t. Then the quadratic function V (x) = xT Xx satis es

1 V_ (x) 2 V (x)

2 D\R:

Proof: Omitted. This lemma shows that for quadratic D-stable time-varying systems, stability and decay rate are essentially determined by timeinvariant considerations, i.e., whether D  C? . However, it says little more about transient behaviors.

4 Parameter Uncertainty

and, for all vertices  of the uncertainty hypercube H,

This section discusses re nements of the previous robustness analysis results when the uncertainty is structured or parametric. The resulting tests are only sucient conditions for robust pole clustering in a given LMI region D. Our analysis technique relies on the use of a parameter-dependent matrix X () similar to the parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions used in [17, 11, 10] for regular robust stability analysis. Such approaches have proved to be signi cantly less conservative than quadratic stability for timeinvariant parameter uncertainty. The analysis below deals with the same basic uncertain model (3) but now assumes that  is real and structured, i.e., q

 = () := diag i Iri ; i 2 R; i=1

ji j  1


where the i 's denote the (normalized) uncertain parameters. To stress the dependence on the parameter vector  = (1 ; :: :; q ), the uncertain state matrix is written as A() = A + B(I ? ()D)?1 ()C : (17) We denote by H  Rq the hypercube in which  ranges (according to (16)) and by V the set of vertices of this hypercube, that is,

V = f(1 ;: :: ;q ) : i = 1g :

For such parameter uncertainty, robust pole clustering in the LMI region  D = z 2 C : L + zM + zM T < 0 (18) is equivalent to the existence of symmetric matrices X () > 0 parametrized by  such that

L X ()+M X ()A()+ M T A()T X () < 0; 8 2 H : (19)

To enforce tractability of (19), we restrict the search of functions

X () to matrices with ane dependence on : X () = X0 + where

J = [I;: : :; I ]T ;

q X i=1

^ i Xi = X0 + J T b ()XJ; q i=1

b () = diag i In ; 


X^ = diag Xi : i=1

Two robust D-stability tests are derived next using such ane X ()'s. The rst test applies to general linear-fractional dependence of A() on  whereas the second test is restricted to ane dependence (D = 0). While these results are stated for a single LMI region, they have immediate extensions to the intersection of LMI regions as in Subsection 3.3. The following results are also strongly related to the general Integral Quadratic Constraint framework developed by Megretski and Rantzer in [25] (see pp. 825{826).

4.1 General parameter dependence


[?]T QST Q R


i I  > 0 (21) b () diag I (); I  ^ > 0 : (22) b ()XJ X () = X0 + J T  ?

Proof: Omitted for brevity. See paper full version. This theorem provides a test for robust D-stability that involves

solving a nite set of LMIs and is therefore tractable. Applications to some aeronautics systems suggest that it can be quite sharp. See paper full version for some applications of these analysis techniques and additional results.

5 Output-Feedback Synthesis

This last section shows how to use our main analysis result (Theorem 3.3) for synthesis purposes. Speci cally, we consider the problem of computing an output-feedback controller that robustly assigns the closed-loop poles in a prescribed LMI region D. For tractability reasons, the discussion is restricted to unstructured uncertainty. The problem statement is as follows. Consider the uncertain statespace model 8 = Ax + B w + Bu u < x_ z = C x + D w + Du u (23) = Cy x + Dy w + Dyu u : y w =  z  where A 2 Rnn and the static uncertainty  satis es max ()  ?1 . Given the LMI region 

D = z 2 C : L + zM + zM T < 0

we are interested in designing a full-order dynamic controller n BK y K (s) x_uK == CAKK xxKK ++ D (24) Ky that robustly assigns the closed-loop poles in D. Without loss of generality, assume that Dyu = 0 since this amounts to a mere change of variable in the controller matrices and considerably simpli es the formulae. The closed-loop matrix is obtained as Ac` () = Ac` + Bc` (I ? Dc` )?1 Cc` : From Theorem 3.3 with P = I , a sucient condition for quadratic (hence robust) D-stability of Ac` () is the existence of X > 0 such that  M (A ;X ) M T (XB ) M T C T  D cl cl cl 1 2 (25) ? I I DclT < 0 M1 (BclT X )

M2 Ccl I Dcl ? I where M1T M2 = M is a full-rank factorization of M . This matrix inequality is not jointly convex in X and the controller matrices.

However, it can be reduced to a convex LMI problem by using the linearizing change of controller variables introduced in [24, 31, 8]. This leads to the following synthesis result.

Theorem 4.1 Given the parameter uncertainty  speci ed by (16), the LMI region D in (18), and a full-rank factorization Theorem 5.1 There exists a full-order output-feedback conM = M1T M2 , the matrix A() in (17) is robustly D-stable if troller K (s) and a matrix X > 0 such that (25) holds if and there exist only if there exist two n  n symmetric matrices R and S and q matrices AK , BK , CK and DK such that  symmetric matrices X0 and X^ = diag Xi , i=1 i h (26) (R;S ) := RI SI > 0  scaling matrices S = S T , R < 0, and Q such that   L (R; S ) + M  + M T T M T  A B M2T TC A 1  L X + M X A + M T AT X M T X B ?  T T M1  B ? I I D < 0 0 0 0 1 0 M2  C I D ? I + M1 B T X0 0 ? ^ + M XJA ^ ^ (27) L XJ M1T XJB 0 2 3 where M


D 0 2 i h 0 0 5 < 0 (20)  = h AR + Bu CK A + Bu DK Cy i ;  = h B + Bu DK Dy i 4 I J [?]T QST Q A B : AK SA + BK Cy SB + BK Dy R 0 I 0 C = [ C R + DuCK ; C + Du DK Cy ] ; D = D + Du DK Dy 0 0 I

If these LMIs are feasible, then a nth-order controller that robustly assigns the closed-loop poles in D is K (s) = DK + CK (sI ? AK )?1 BK where the matrices AK ; BK ; CK are derived as follows:  Compute any square matrices M^ and N^ such that M^ N^ T =

 Settling time of 0:2 second with minimal overshoot and zero

steady-state error for the vertical acceleration z in response to a step command  Adequate high-frequency roll-o for noise attenuation and to withstand neglected dynamics and exible modes  Maximum de ection of 2 (in normalized units) imposed on the control signal  n I ? RS  Time-domain speci cations must be met over the uncer Solve the following linear equations for BK , CK , and AK : tainty range j  j  1. 8 ^ To attack this problem, we use the feedback structure sketched in < BK = NBK T+ SBuDK CK = CK M^ + DK Cy R (28) Figure 2 below. Here c denotes the reference acceleration signal, ^ K M^ T + NB ^ K Cy R+ and e;u denote the weighted tracking error and control input, re: AK = NA SBu CK M^ T + S (A + Bu DK Cy )R spectively. An integrator is introduced in the acceleration channel to enforce zero steady-state error. The full compensator is thereProof: Omitted. See also [24, 31, 8] for more details. fore given by i h 1=s 0 : K ( s ) = K ( s ) 0 0 1 Inequalities (26){(27) are LMIs in the variables R, S , Ak , BK , CK , DK that can be solved numerically using LMI optimization soft- To incorporate bounds on the size of unmodeled dynamics and ware [12]. Theorem 5.1 therefore provides a tractable (but some- penalize tracking error, we use the weighting lters (see [29]): what conservative) approach to robust pole assignment in LMI 0:001s3 + 0:03s2 + 0:3s + 1 ; W = 0:8 : regions. Wu = 1e-5 e s3 + 3e-2s2 + 30s + 10000 Remark 5.2 When D is the intersection of several elementary First, we perform a standard H1 -optimal design where we miniLMI regions Di as discussed in Subsection 3.3, the synthesis LMIs mize the closed-loop L gain between the inputs (w ;c ) and the 2  (26){(27) must be written for each region using the same R; S outputs  ;e; u). This is meant to enforce high-frequency roll-o variables, and the resulting set of LMIs must be solved jointly. In- as well as(zstability and performance for all admissible uncertainties deed, the synthesis problem is no longer convex when a di erent . The step responses resulting (pure) H1 controller are Xi is used for each Di (this prevents using the linearizing change depicted in Figure 4 for of =the0 (nominal) and  = 1 (perturbed). of variable). Note that the extra conservatism introduced by this While this rst design could be deemed acceptable, it su ers from additional restriction is modest in most applications. up to 30% overshoot in the perturbed transient responses. To improve transient behavior, we add a robust pole clustering constraint to achieve better damping across the uncertainty range. we require robust pole clustering in the LMI region From a practical viewpoint, enforcing quadratic D-stability is Speci cally, represented in Figure 3. This region is de ned as the intersection rarely sucient since most design problems are essentially multi- of objective. For instance, realistic designs are likely to include H2  the disk with center 0 and radius 1500 (to prevent fast dyor H1 (loop shaping) objectives in addition to robust pole assignnamics) ment for transient tuning. Fortunately, LMI-based synthesis can accomodate a rich variety of closed-loop speci cations within a sin the shifted conic sector with apex at x = = 1 and angle gle LMI optimization problem as shown in [30]. This is achieved  = 30 degrees. Its characteristic function is with some conservatism but has proved e ective in a number of ?2 cos  + zei + ze?i < 0 applications. The basic requirement is that a single closed-loop T Lyapunov function V (x) = xcl Xxcl should account for all design and the corresponding L and M matrices are: speci cations. i i h h cos  sin  ?2 cos  0 As an immediate extension of the results in [24, 31, 30], it is easy ; M = L = ? sin  cos  0 ?2 cos  to mix quadratic D-stability with other objectives such as H1 or H2 performance, passivity constraints, bounds on the impulse response, etc. The reader is referred to the full version of the paper This particular region is chosen in order to achieve di erential for such extensions. See also the next section for an illustration. damping at low and high frequency (the damping constraint takes e ect for ! > 1:73). Because the H1 constraint already enforces closed-loop stability, it is inconsequential that this LMI region intersects the right half-plane. The resulting synthesis problem is multi-objective since it involves This section illustrates the bene ts of robust pole placement in minimizing the closed-loop H1 norm subject to robust pole clusLMI regions through a missile autopilot design example. See [29, tering in the selected region. In the LMI framework, this problem 19]. is attacked by minimizing the closed-loop gain subject to The linearized longitudinal dynamics of the missile are described  the LMI constraints of Theorem 5.1 for robust pole clustering by  the LMI constraint associated with the constraint \closedih i h i h i h h i ?0:89 1 + 0 w + ?0:119  _ loop gain < " =  n 142:6k1 q ?130:8 (see Section 5.1 for details). i :25 0 h ?178 h q_ i z = ? [ 0:203]  This LMI optimization problem was solved with [12] and produced n q q h i a compensator detailed in the paper full version. z = [ ?1 0 ] q The corresponding step responses are shown in Figure 5. As expected, these results are superior to those obtained with pure H1 w = z ; control for both nominal and perturbed plants. More importantly, where , q, z and  n denote the angle of attack, pitch rate, ver- thanks to the disk constraint, this is achieved with signi cantly tical accelerometer measurement, and n de ection, respectively. slower controller dynamics. Indeed, the fastest mode in the pure The variables w and z are auxiliary signals used to model vari- H1 controller is ?7  103 , whereas it is only ?1:3  103 in ations of the aerodynamic coecients for ranging between 0 to the multi-objective controller. Finally, these improvements are 20 degrees. The parameter uncertainty  has been normalized, secured without tangible degradation of the H1 performance. that is,  2 [?1; 1]. Indeed, both designs achieved the nearly optimal performance We need to design a dynamic compensator K (s) that meets the = 0:8. Finally, Figure 6 shows that the nal controller has following speci cations: adequate roll-o properties.

5.1 Mixed design speci cations

6 Design Example










z G missile q

Figure 2: Synthesis structure 


Figure 3: LMI region 1.4




1 1 fin deflection

0.8 0.6 0.4



0.2 −0.5 0 −1

−0.2 −0.4 0

0.2 0.4 time (sec.)

−1.5 0


0.2 0.4 time (sec.)


0.2 0.4 time (sec.)


Figure 4: Pure H1 design - Nominal and perturbed ( = 1) step responses 1.2


1 1.5 0.8

fin deflection

0.6 0.4 0.2



0 0 −0.2 −0.4 0

0.2 0.4 time (sec.)

−0.5 0


Figure 5: Final design - Nominal and perturbed ( = 1) step responses 100




0 pitch rate gain

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acceleration responses



acceleration responses

The e orts in this paper were directed at deriving tractable analysis and synthesis techniques for robust pole placement in LMI regions. For analysis with unstructured uncertainties, the Bounded Real Lemma characterization of quadratic stability has been generalized to pole clustering in arbitrary LMI regions. For parameter uncertainty, two robust D-stability tests have been derived that rely on scaling and multi-convexity techniques. While both provide only sucient conditions, they have proven quite sharp in a number of applications. Finally, we have proposed a tractable LMI-based approach to the synthesis of output-feedback controllers that robustly assign the closed-loop poles in a prescribed LMI region. Combination of robust pole assignment with other closed-loop design spec cations have also been discussed.

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acceleration gain

7 Conclusion





−50 −5 10


10 Frequency (rad/sec)



−40 −5 10


10 Frequency (rad/sec)



Figure 6: Roll-o in nal design