Safety of very-low-calorie ketogenic diet - Semantic Scholar

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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences

2017; 21: 2274-2289

Efficacy and safety of very-low-calorie ketogenic diet: a double blind randomized crossover study C. COLICA1, G. MERRA2, A. GASBARRINI3, A. DE LORENZO4, G. CIOCCOLONI5, P. GUALTIERI5, M.A. PERRONE6,7, S. BERNARDINI6, V. BERNARDO8, L. DI RENZO4, M. MARCHETTI9,10 CNR, IBFM UOS of Germaneto, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Campus “Salvatore Venuta”, Catanzaro, Italy 2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, “Polyclinic Gemelli Foundation, Rome, Italy 3 Division of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Polyclinic Gemelli Foundation, Rome, Italy 4 Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, Section of Clinical Nutrition and Nutrigenomic, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy 5 School of Medical-Surgical Applied Sciences, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy 6 Division of Clinical Biochemisty and Clinical Molecular Biology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy 7 Division of Cardiology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy 8 “San Camillo de Lellis” Hospital, Rieti, Italy 9 Department of Surgical Sciences, Policlinico “Umberto I”, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy 10 USL 1 Umbria, Castiglione del Lago, Perugia, Italy 1

C. Colica and G. Merra contributed equally

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: To verify safety re-

spect to weight loss, cardiometabolic diseases of short-term Very low-calorie ketogenic diets (VLCKDs,