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SAVEN TECHNOLOGIES Rich Internet Application in Adobe Flex & Java, Stock Simulator, for eSignal, an Interactive Data Company

SAVEN TECHNOLOGIES Rich Internet Application in Adobe Flex & Java, Stock Simulator, for eSignal, an Interactive Data Company Stock Simulator is an online education tool that is presented as part of website by eSignal. It allows registered users to take part in contests that award cash prizes for top ranked traders in the simulated game. The application uses real-time stock market data and a simulated matching engine to execute various types of equity market orders placed by the users. Technology: Adobe Flex, J2EE, Active MQ, Quartz API, MySQL. The Application provides interactive gaming & educational experience to users with modules such as Dashboard, Quotes & Research, Profile, Community, Overview and Order Summary. The Dashboard shows portfolio distribution in a pie chart, cash balance in account summary, top 10 ranking traders and Raging Bull message board for the stocks held by the user. Each of these widgets can be expanded to show further details. The Make A Trade window allows user to enter order information like the ticker symbol, number of shares to trade, type of order – Market, Limit and Stop, price, GTC or GTD, etc. The wizard presents real-time information to the user to make real-time decisions about his trade. The Portfolio area shows the current open positions held by the user. It calculates the gains/losses in realtime and updates the view. The Quotes & Research area allows the user to query latest information about a stock – last sale price, net change for the day, 52 week Hi/Lo, current best bid/offers, P/E ratio and other fundamental data that is useful for making buy/sell decisions. Users can maintain watch list(s) of symbols in a data table to monitor their performance. A small chart and head line news can be pulled for the past 6 months. The chart is annotated with user’s own transactions on the symbol. Links to more advanced research on is made available here. The Community area contains several widgets that show Top 5 Performing Portfolios among the traders community, Top 5 stocks traded by the traders’ community, Most Active and Popular traders in the community, Top 5 Bull/Bear rated stocks in the community, etc. D I S C L A I M E R : D ATA P R O V I D E D I S F O R D E M O P U R P O S E S O NLY. I T I S N O T I N T E N D E D F O R T R A D I N G O R D E C I S I O N M A K I N G P U RP O S E S . A L L D ATA I S PAS T O R D U M M Y D ATA , A N D NOT R E A L T I M E . B Y A C K N O W L E D G I N G T H E S E T E R M S , T HE V I E W E R U N D E R S TA N DS A N D A G R E E S T H AT T H E I N F O R M AT I O N I N T H E W I D G E T, O R DE R I V E D F R O M I T I S N O T F O R U S E A S R E A L D ATA .

Contact: SRIDHAR CHELIKANI, SAVEN TECHNOLOGIES, WWW.SAVEN.IN EM AIL : SRIDHAR . CHELIKANI @ SAVEN . IN P HONE : 847-380-3069, FAX : 847-693-4123 MEDHA SERVICES, 771 WEST MERYLS COURT, PALATINE, IL 60074 PHONE 844-849-8995 FAX 847-693-4123 EMAIL: [email protected]