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AIMS & METHODS: The aim of the study was to determine whether the time of a test (morning or afternoon session) impact on the success rate of.
SCHEDULING OF COLONOSCOPIES IN THE AFTERNOON VERSUS MORNING IN ELDERLY PATIENTS: OUR EXPERIENCE topic A. Gatopoulou*1, E. Said1, A. Koulaouzidis1, A. Reddy1, J. Singh1, A. Saeed1 1 Gastroenterology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, United Kingdom INTRODUCTION: Colonoscopy in the elderly can be a technically challenging procedure and it may result, in case of incomplete tests, in inconvenience and extra healthcare costs. Time of colonoscopy is an easily modifiable factor if it proved to impact on the completion rate. AIMS & METHODS: The aim of the study was to determine whether the time of a test (morning or afternoon session) impact on the success rate of caecal intubation. We retrospectively reviewed all colonoscopies performed between March 2006 and 2007 in an endoscopy unit of a district General hospital in UK. Patients with age ≥ 75 years old were considered as elderly. Time of procedure was classified as morning (before 12:59 hr) and afternoon session (after 13:00 hr) and preparation as good or poor, according to report. RESULTS: A total of 1885 colonoscopies were performed; (morning 630, 347 females and 283 males, afternoon 1255, 698 females and 557 males). 483 were performed in elderly patients, (females 286, males 197) and 324 in afternoon sessions (females 196, males 128). In 284 (83 morning, 201 afternoon) patients examination failed cecal incubation (15%) and in 235 (12.4%) preparation was poor (78 in morning session) Higher incompletion rate was found in elderly 93/483 (19.25%) than in younger patients 191/1402 (13.6%), p