SDDP Petition NO to SB67 Signees.pages

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Chilee Nleya. Brookings. Pamela Weiland. Brookings. Erin Healy. Sioux Falls. Lynnea Bouhengeul Belle Fourche. Tara Grace. Sioux Falls. Amy reno.
We, the undersigned citizens of South Dakota, call on our state legislators to protect all South Dakotans against discrimination and to vote NO on Senate Bill 67.   Chilee Nleya Brookings Pamela Weiland Brookings Erin Healy Sioux Falls Lynnea Bouhengeul Belle Fourche Tara Grace Sioux Falls Amy reno Sioux Falls Barbara J Hegg Sioux Falls Lilias Jarding Rapid City Jean rosenkranz Rapid City Frederick Magnavito Rapid City Bryan Supik Tyndall Kama Konda-Varilek Sioux Falls Nanette Smith Sioux Falls Stephanie Wegner Brandon Jesse Dossett Sioux Falls Lori Burke Sioux Falls Heather T Sioux Falls Tara Siemonsma Sioux Falls Tiffany Draper Mankato Ashley Wilsey Rapid City Deborah Mitchell Rapid City Kelsey Dahl Sioux Falls Kendra Groeneweg Rapid City Jerry Bloomer Hot Springs Sid Wechsler Rapid City Jenny Pierre susan douthit Hot Springs Jared Wallace Sioux Falls Tobin Bakkedahl Sioux Falls shirley lautenschlager Rapid City Danielle Johnson Sioux Falls Jocelyn Baker Rapid City jim newton Nemo Jared Lower Sioux Falls Daniel J Shields Sioux Falls Samantha Dornbusch Pierre Katelyn Heisinger Sioux Falls brian prososki Sioux Falls Megan Maxon Sioux Falls Robert Hoines Brookings Hazel Bonner Rapid City Glenn Ward Sioux Falls Megan Mathison Sioux Falls

Tiffany Thoelke Sommer Thomas Steven Jennika Bastian Pam Nancy Hauck Caprice Carolyn Smith Allyson Wagner Barbara Haddad Trista Caron Bret Testerman Maura Magennis Amanda Wagemann Ashley Ridley Andrew Manley Leisha Job Shawn Fieseler Jennifer Macphee Hanna Larsen Heather Meartz Justin Gibson Robert Klinefelter Alesha Hackett Kathy Monson Lutes Stephanie Okief Brittani Sophie Chelgren Patricia Cannon Kaylie Turcotte Jerrald Zeigler Jr Billie Moe-Peskey Jordan Arndt Dawn Whipple Krystle Perkins Jake McInerney Genni Goschke Heather Smith Jean Rosenkranz Sandra Magnavito Tara Knowlton Nathan Downs Natasha Stoick

Canton Humboldt Sioux Falls Madison Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Campbell Rapid City Aberdeen Hill City Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Alexandria Tea Brookings Vermillion Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Piedmont Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls

Ryan Bartz Tim Burke Ryan Bartz Berry London-Bell Jescika Johannsen Jonathen Ostlund Trevor Crichton Jamie Blanchar Stephen calhoon Kelly Duncan Eric Birkeland Aaron morford Jim Simons Devin Basart Ann Crothers Gayle Simons Craig Powell Stephany draper Thomas Shannon Allison Weiland Darren Halstrad Robyn Swets Sylvia Lambert Samantha Spawn Sara Haugen Casey Hanson danielle carda kendra ott Roberta Sago Crystal Clardy Megan Wellner Samm Daugherty Katie Kribell Noelle Hanson Travis Campbell Josh Rentschler Christine Brandner Rebecca Bettmann Luanne Napton Glenn Lisa Schmeichel Larry Sandal Nicholas Hoyme Janell Jewett Karen Ketchum Cassandra Johnson Robert Christian Shayna Hartman Kirk Hauck Desiree Workman Chandra Neumann Jordan Jordan JLynn Miller Derrick Wesseling Tabitha Blair

Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Lennox Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Vermillion Vermillion Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Mitchell Rapid City Yankton Madison Lead Madison Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Interior Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls tea Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Brookings Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Watertown Sioux Falls Aberdeen Spearfish spearfish Aberdeen spearfish spearfish spearfish Sioux Falls Aberdeen

james stinson james stinson Jesse Miller James Sampson Rose Rohrbach Anya Hartpence Marcie Welsh Michaela Stroup Brandi Sisneros Jessica Ripple Lisa Steiner Holly Reeve Steven Kerr Adam McNamara Hannah Phillips Taylor Field Stevi Herrman Lacie Herman Megan Fischer Cassie Lanie allie Emily Schiltz Gemma Georgia Powell Shelly buseman Milton Klein luticia dawn falcon Anna Hakeman Joseph Baustian Dawn Iversen Katrina chad skiles Rose Evenson Lyndsey Essery Sawyer Braun Morgan Hanzlik Kimberlie Brown Jessica Lisa Molitor Lillie K. Kayla Elizabeth Carrell Ashlee Chapin Kristi Brugman Amy Rambow Jillian Olmsted megan whittington Michelle Morris Amanda Steever Lindsey Breen Ryan Hoffman Mason Calhoun Lisa Lutz Jamie Walker Michael Lee Michael Lee

spear Fish spear Fish Spear Fish Brookings Sioux Falls Brookings Brookings Spearfish Rapid City aberdeen Pierre Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Aberdeen Rapid City Pierre Pierre Aberdeen Ihlen Rapid City Sioux Falls Belfast Yankton Sioux Falls Mission Pierre Sioux Falls Brookings Pierre Rapid City canton Keystone Rapid City Houghton Spearfish Aberdeen Rapid City Clear Lake Lincoln Park Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown Castlewood Lead Rapid City Spearfish Sioux Falls Chancellor Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Black Earth Rapid City Aberdeen Aberdeen

Gabrielle Johnson Alyxa Hoefert Becky Omland Nicholas Krull Taylor porter Matt Camacho Sarah Jensen Wyatt Urlacher Jason Honerman Amanda Wells Michelle Morin Markie Ashes Matthew J Derosier Megan Reid Emily Bateman Lyndsey Stekl Emily Hodgson Jacob Laird kenzie pietz Olivia Albright Megan Hilsabeck Cara Koch Stephanie Nyla Griffith Alex Kuyper Jonette Mommaerts Chris Olsen Sandra Spencer Dale Casteel Tracey Kennedy Katie Stirling Martha Bareis Martha Bareis Jessica Feuerstein Jason Earl Kelly McKnight kyera nelson Mark Leonard Amanda Robey David Hannasch Kristen White Stephanie Bilbo Haley Brady McDonough Katherine Feller Holli Wilber Ashley mckeown Karoline Howe Lyndsey hatch Shelon Surat sean lefevre Andrew Rogers taylor f halbur Brandi Haraldson Brandi Haraldson Allison King

Sioux Falls Sioux Fall Aberdeen Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Platte Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Spearfish Lower Brule Woodbury Sioux Falls Huron Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Deadwood Sioux Falls Rapid City Boulder Rapid City Black Hawk Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Fort Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Harrisburg Harrisburg Vermillion

Sarah Miller krista oneill Jennifer Grosen Sarah Hanson Stephanie E. Pochop tiffany kelsey Ashley Carlson Ryan Cwach Wanda Taylor Keil Michael Buehler Mackenzie blow Kira Winkels Tom Burrish Samantha Gillen Ashley thurston Paul Hanson Samuel Parkinson Nicole Faas Kasie Hummel Ashton Pomerico Robert Miller Rebecca Cruse Emily Norton Teodora Todorovic Joshua Jankord Krissa Randall Natasha Gallegos Samantha Irvine Shanna Danyelle Smith Landon blow Jordan Peterson Alissa Thomsen Jillyssa Sorum Kristine Ina Winter Trudy Johnson Alex Messerole Chad Houtkooper Seth m grohs Justice Jung Valarey Baran Shannon Devine Amanda Kinniburgh Danielle Knutson Katie Bruns Shelbi Schroeder Samantha Neitzel Ryan Polreis Kenny Weiland Keith McKenna Ryan Bloch Bobbi Steuerwald Elizabeth Long Kelsey Huewe Megan O'Neill Cassandra Varilek

Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Sioux Falls Gregory Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Bridgewater Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Tea Aberdeen Pierre Elk Point Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Tea Blunt Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hot Springs Little Eagle Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Winner Sioux Falls Yankton Yankton Harrisburg Sioux Falls Vermillion Watertown

Camille Riner Melissa Brim Sarah Boese Sara Buehler Kaylyn Jones Craig Bixler jacob stingley Leticia Peterson Terri Van Erem Eowyn Corral :nita comeau Kent Narum John Jensen Daniel N Obaka Ruth Crawford Amanda Kille Abby Iverson Britania K. Taylor chris wittrock Holland Dougherty Darrell Raschke Melissa Jangula Tom Lehmkuhl Leah Mergen Adele p Katie Adkins Arrin Wirtjes Randi roerick Adrienne Evans Kristianna Siddens Maxx Hickey Karin Ehlers Thomas Dobbs Liz Holler Marvin Ehlers Ryan Anderson Vikki Fix Tracy Godbe Geoffrey Grant Nichole Harrison Tiffany Snyder Kristin Rau Gary L Pabst Joan Huber Jack H Walters Jerry Bloomer Cindy Kirkeby Paige Spilles Nathan Jennie Halverson Nicole walton Kristoffer Erickson Dylynn Makepeace Susan Skovran Zachary Lewis Rebecca Smith

Custer Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Aberdeen Sioux Falls Rapid City Brookings Brookings Rapid City Custer Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City Lead Sioux Falls Lennox aberdeen Davis Huron Aberdeen Ft. Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Willow lake Rapid City Sioux Falls Astoria Sioux Falls Yankton Brookings Whitewood Yankton Spearfish Vermillion Rapid City Brookings Aberdeen Hudson Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Madison Hot Springs Vermillion Arlington Brookings Sioux Falls Box elder Madison Watertown Rapid City Rapid City Union Center

Monica Huber April Peterson aaron culey Carroll A Peterson Luca Diana Allison Polski Sarah Henning Samson Smith Elliot Johnson Katelyn Troastle Lindsay Stephens Jory Kunzman Melissa Johnson Dan Brosz Frank Bettmann Addie Graves Dustin Kurtz Reed Ulvestad Victoria Shoun Jessy Harbach Kayla Koterwski Michele fritz Karen L Roth Sydney Mohr Misti Ward Brandon Varilek Londa Richter john stanley Casey Megan Hohn Richard Barrie Heather Kira Neville John Curry Anne Pfeifle Devin Sinner Heather Spaniol Rev. Jean Morrow Stacy Brownlee Bob Wenger MeganJung Janice Quenzer Marlene Borchardt Charles Woodard Rachel Ridinger Aaron Tschetter Colter Heirigs Teri Haagensen Kristie Illingworth Gordon Bell Anne Elisa Brown Jenny Hallan Alaina Henning Susan Harder Elysia Pederson Richard Seese

Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Jackson Rapid City Henry Brookings Brookings Rapid City Spearfish Aberdeen Aberdeen Pierre Rapid City Lead Custer Pierre Rapid City Brookings Tea Aberdeen Sioux Falls Custer Aberdeen Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Spearfish Turton Watertown Aberdeen Custer Rapid City Watertown Watertown Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Brookings Spearfish Freeman Aberdeen Florence Rapid City Sioux Falls Madison Brookings Aberdeen Hurley Spearfish Toronto

Erin Wilson Marion Mary Gengler Brookings charleen rowekamp Sioux Falls Craig Olawsky Pierre Zach Martinson Summerset Courtney Huse Wika Spearfish Valerie Willson Sioux Falls Keegan Phillip Natalie Thiex Brookings Meghan Archer Sioux Falls Jessica Rapid City Sandy Baumei ster Sturgis leandrea nelson springfield Chris Harding Brookings Emily Baertsch Rapid City Tim Schumacher Sioux Falls Marilyn Rohrer Beresford Lawrence Novotny Brookings Shena Martin wentworth morgan bryan rapid city Josh McGuire Black Hawk Brenda Andersen Brookings Mike Henriksen Dell Rapids Ladimir Geake McLaughlin Brittony Hubbard Sturgis Desiree Kranz Watertown Jeremy Arlington Melissa Barnett Spearfish Kathrine Black Aberdeen Lloyd Olson Sioux Falls Emily Gray Sioux Falls Kim Alarie Rapid City J.A. ("Jay") Murphy Sioux Falls Jessica Quinlivan Sioux Falls Rebecca Charles Sioux Falls Jamie Fryslie Sioux Falls Krystle Audiss Rapid City Andrea Murry Rapid City Carolyn Maxson Rapid City Laurel Pierson Watertown Casey Brandenburger Watertown Jess Fryslie Sioux Falls Barbara Gehrts Aberdeen Royce Rentz Rapid City Larissa Neugebauer Mitchell Amanda Finley Chelsea Sierra Rank Sioux Falls Jonathan Hoefs Yankton Kelly Moore Sioux Falls Pamela Gunner Sioux Falls Laura Mischell Brookings Aaron Dale Watertown Katie Jones Lane Calla Richards Spearfish Sam Nelson Canton Jason D Mentele Wessington Springs

Rochelle Carlson Tammie Foley russ brown Victoria Walker Maggie Aldrich Anita Silver Jenna Simons Tim Rozeboom Meghan Powell Tom Dooley Brandon Fahy Kris Hachmeister Rachel Margolies Amber N Lounsbery Sarah Lewis Melanie Oler Steven Nelson Trisha Callaghan Elizabeth Rahn Jennifer LaLonde Ellen Mayo Heather Lehl Sydney Brude Marilyn Opheim Lance LaLonde Brittany Van Iperen Laura Peck Ryan Schefers Ami Coffee Karly Henry Karen Hilliard Matthew Misar Ann Pederson Abbie Palmer Cora Riter Mary Main Camylea Cox Julie Forbes David Waters Taylor Liechti Vicki Hofer Jillian Jensen Holly Johnston Lia Karrels Amanda William Annie Nance David F Langerman Kirsten Gjeal michelle kinner Penny Larrett-Earl Erik Hanson Rob Sietsema Allyson Wingert Lesleigh Owen Melissa Schumacher Joe Weis

Salem Watertown Rapid City Vermillion Harrisburg Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Gayville Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Custer Aberdeen Centerville Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Vermillion Beresford Deadwood Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Flandreau Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Lennox Brookings Sturgis Arlington Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Rapid City Brandon Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Lennox Sturgis Sturgis Lead Sioux Falls Hermosa Brookings tea Hot Springs Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Tea

Jenny Cook Sioux Falls Brigitte Norby Sioux Falls Shelia White Box Elder Bri Matthies Sioux Falls Nancy Hilding Black Hawk James GrothOlson Minot Brittany Jansma Sioux Falls Kayla Ruch Dakota Dunes phyllis cole-dai Brookings Jenae K. Hansen Turton Kathy Knobloch Sioux Falls Makayla Dooley Sioux Falls Abby Munkvold Sioux Falls Shawn Andrews Sioux Falls Jennifer Mitchell Hannah Kuelbs Sioux Falls Michael Seeley Sioux Falls Rose Tollefson Rapid City Allison E Wagner Sioux Falls Jeanne Koster Watertown Breanna Hess Chamberlain Carley Taylor Rapid City Deb Cady Rapid City Matthew Adkins Rapid City Ceca cooper Sioux Falls Alicia Sutliff-Benusis Rapid City Earl Wheaton Belle Fourche Rozlyn Quilt Lower Brule Bryce Christopherson Brandon James Pearson Yankton Lisa Peterson Sioux Falls Emilia Van Ert Sioux Falls Molly Valentine Pierre Tyler Jacobsen Sioux Falls Norma Wilson Vermillion Melissa Sletto Aberdeen Meredith Pfister Black Hawk John Kannegieter Aberdeen Briana Troske Brookings sharlyse stanley Sioux Falls Patricia Graytzfeld Sioux Falls Lorna Tiall Spearfish Stephanie Brookings Marilyn Huntley Yankton Kathy L. Williams Parker Trista Polley Spearfish Tyler Lanam Aberdeen Joel Waters Sioux Falls Lucy-George Cooper Sioux Falls Tatjana Damjanovic Sioux Falls Libby Kloster Sioux Falls Amy Braley Aberdeen Marvin Salguero Sioux Falls Alexa Giebink Sioux Falls Roberta Nichols Aberdeen Susan Torres Sioux Falls

Michele Kohn Dana Sherman Marlo Kapsa Melissa Lawler Allison Carley Joanne. Hegg Gwen Skar Caitlin Hill Aaron Konop Carolyn Johnson Kimberly Borge Erin dyer Dennyce Korb chas jewett Mary Curtis Howard Bonnemann Charles S. Baldwin Alexis Krivoshik Sara Otteman Bray cody saathoff Susan Hegg Heidi Urlacher Tim Kelly Tammera Klutman Howard Coker Sam Haivala Tracy Kuipers Susan Randall Joan McMillin Breonn Peterson Kirby Greger Derek Converse marj mcelhose Mary Borgman Rev. David Johnson Cheryl Schonebaum Corrine Gillette Amy Schaller Bette Johnson Judy Hall Aaron Mary Jo Nesmith Annie Froseth Susan Tuve Carrie McNutt Jacob logue Larry Rogers Nicholas Pierce Glen Larson Samantha Moser James Schorzmanm James Seeber Roberta Anderson Linda L Kogel Kadyn Wittman Dustin Tulowetzke

Rapid City Rapid City Belle Fourche Rapid City Rapid City Mitchell Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Pierre Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Brookings Custer Spearfish Yankton Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Vermillion Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Spearfish Mobridge Madison Madison Toronto Brookings Burke Redfield Rapid City Brookings Sioux Falls Vermillion Vermillion Sioux Falls Vermillion Aberdeen Sioux Falls Brookings Spearfish columbia Winner Mitchell Aberdeen Marvin Vermillion Sioux Falls Watertown

Jenny Hallan Collin Utterback Amy Schumacher Brigette Nemec Abraham Blumenthal Sue Grant Bonnie Sorensen Landon Karr Beth Peterson nancy Anderson Rachel Eite Valorie West Cassidy Godfrey Carmen Allcock Katherine Patrick Mary Tyson Gary Christensen Kent Carl Bozentko Susan Thompson Paul Baggett drey samuelson Jenna Aderhold Arlene Elliott Ben Schmidt Lisa Wormstadt Carol Hemmingson Lucille Middleton Terry Lee Rydell David Salmen James Jacobson Anthony Heidzig Brittany Davis Tracie Veazey Erin Barton Julie Atwood John D. McDermott Jesse Haagensen Jacqui Kouf Mary Geraets Pam Mcgill Ginger Thomson Allastacia Gebauer Michael Jennings Peg Torness Joy Schuler Tasha Hull Scott Stampe Amber Misar Katrina McKinney Darlene Kutzler Gerald Kutzler Joan Giebink Stephanie Jarrett Rosann Huber Douglas Holden Gail Street

Brookings Sioux Falls Roscoe Brookings Rapid City Brookings Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Volga Rapid City Arlington Spearfish Britton Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Huron Colman Brookings Sioux Falls Castlewood Aberdeen Watertown spearfish Centerville Sioux Falls Watertown Wessington Springs Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Waubay Rapid City Spearfish Aberdeen Rapid City Florence Brookings Aberdeen Beresford Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sisseton Belle Fourche Redfield Spearfish Arlington Sioux Falls Huron Huron Sioux Falls Madison Bowdle Brookings Milbank

Julie Dill-Walton Jana Bartholomew Janelle Lenser Sheri Binkly Janelle Lenser Melissa Lehmann Danielle Lusk jessie nielsen Hallie Thomas Eileen Van Soest Marcus Smith Tracy Jensen Adam Lang Amity Harlan Josephine Whelan Derick Andera Karen Johnson Tyler Turbes Patty Willson William J Reynolds Rae Beusch Melissa Kruger Sandra Erickson Matthew Fridell Amber Gill Alexandria Kannas Jeff Payant David C. Gorman Diane VanDenOever David Melmer Megan Dahle Dustin Chacon Caroline Hieb Mary Kelley Alan Neville James Randle Kristin Dehler Barbara Goodman Megan Konz Ann Eichinger John Claussen Heather Smith Natalie Slack Craig Kingsbury Sheila Strobel Cara Pliska Brittany Loudner David Eisenbraun Tasha Lewis Toby Cummings Emily Kelley Sarenda McGuire Amanda Ethelyn Pravecek Chelsea Barkus J Weyh

Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City Brookings Brookings Watertown Sioux Falls Spearfish Redfield Mitchell Lead Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown DeSmet Sioux Falls Aberdeen DeSmet Custer CUSTER Custer Watertown Redfield Vermillion Sioux Falls Custer Sioux Falls Rapid City Watertown Rapid City Aberdeen Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Hurley Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hot Springs Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Vermillion Brookings Watertown

Courtney DeMers Sara Henry Amy Palmer Jennifer French crystal robison Karen Olson Whitney Petersen Kara White Monroe Stephanie Torres Courtney Beck Angela Alyssa Allen clay m gerry Rebecca Unsell Emily Tobin Tupa Hillary Moore Chris Seljeskog Lynn Griffin Christina N Robinson Shiloh Heesch Jason Reuter M. Doris Oberembt Peggy Vidal Melanie Erickson Ash Feldhaus Aleece Jacobsen Sandra Callies Crystal Wharton Adam Hengen Leah Murfield John Parsons Megan McLaughlin Hilary Satrang Sara Freng Michael Bigelow Staci Johnson Patricia Jenkins Jordan Callaghan Bobbi Jo Horsted Bobbi Jo Horsted Linda Cummings Katrina Wilke Vanessa Carlson Billie Mondloch Linda Hengeveld shayna dwyer Eleanore Fontenelle Jonathan Unsell Melanie Barclay Johnathan Pasiuk Ashley Dwyer Catherine Calhoon Len Mutzenberger Jason Gieger Tyler Spraw Julia DeCook

Brookings Sioux Falls Aberdeen Aberdeen Vermillion Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Rapid City Brookings Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls New Effington Rapid City Yankton Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hetland Sioux Falls Huron Rapid City Brookings Lead Sioux Falls Rapid City Spearfish McLaughlin Sioux Falls Spearfish Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hot Springs Rapid City Wakonda Sioux Falls Valley Springs wentworth ABERDEEN Brookings Rapid City Vermillion Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls summerset Sioux Falls Brookings

Nadine Nielsen Brandt Debanjana BhattacharyaSioux Falls JB Lawrence-King Summit chance glasford aberdeen Thomas Black Aberdeen Jessica Farley Brandon Erik Braley Aberdeen Susan Hey Rapid City Ann Jones Vermillion Heather Beusch Aberdeen Ashley Wright aberdeen Amber Dahl Watertown Scott Doering Aberdeen Karen Reber Rapid City Robert reber Rapid City Meredith Parker Rapid City JoAnn Reff Aberdeen Karen Reber Rapid City Rebecca Brunswick Sioux Falls Melvin L. Moody Jr Mission Hill Allyson Poston Vermillion Sarah Laundry Rapid City Brandon Waller Rapid City Mary Gunderson Piedmont Meghan Callaghan Somerset Michael Johnson Brookings Jacie Beagle Lead Ashley Gaspar Tea Holly E Johnston Sturgis Beau Devlin Sioux Falls Amanda Brist Spearfish Laura Chopin Sioux Falls Randy Jaragoske Aberdeen Kelsey Mundt Aberdeen Alexis Brewster Watertown Amy Wieczorek Sioux Falls emily randle Rapid City Alissa Blinder Aberdeen Anne Fisher Rapid City Taylor Ronke Watertown Maria Slone Sturgis Sam Williams Watertown Paul Pietz Rapid City K.Bailey Spearfish Erin Ryan-Mosley Watertown Shannon Ogren Watertown Darcie Pudwill Sioux Falls Brian Rhoades Sioux Falls Brian Rhoades Sioux Falls Tommy Nealon Watertown Emily Watertown Drew Wilfahrt Watertown Valerie Julius Sioux Falls Brittany Cox Rapid City Lucille Middleton Sioux Falls Andi Ribstein Sioux Falls

Amy Hook Amanda Johnson Elizabeth Zach Caid Herbert Maren Colon Marisa Sundermeyer Briana Weiss Stefani Jones Dotta-Jo A Walker Cindy Lamb Kalisha Wright KAREN M HORTON Holly Gates Shelly Alvine Kelsey Walter Sylvia Lambert Alyson Albasi Peter Frank Emliy McCallister Savannah Brecht Elisha Nelson Chris Mangan Ethan Edzards Marci LaMont Connie Sarahan Jesse Bauer Shawntae Teresa Riggio Benjamin Carstens Buddy Seiner Aisling Gould Gretchen Skellenger Ray Zakrzewski Ashley Beth Uthe Justin Swan carol dormann Donna Uthe chantel larson Chris Sejnoha Heidi Smart Kristy Nelson Elisabeth Cherland Sebastian Bergeron Suzanne Maxwell Becky Tesch Jessica Miller Emily Dix Celena Kirk Meaghan Lambertz Stacy Devlin Donald S. Radel Jean Katus Charlie Johnson Lynn Drangstveit Nick Beck

Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Pierre Sioux Falls Aberdeen Mitchell Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City VERMILLION Aberdeen Watertown Aberdeen Interior Rapid City Sioux Falls Aberdeen Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Spearfish Huron Rapid City Pierre Rapid City Rapid City Pierre Rapid City Waverly Aberdeen Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City Madison Rapid City Mitchell Rapid City Madison Custer Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Pierre Rochester Lennox Sioux Falls Mitchell Rapid City Madison Aberdeen Canton

Gina J. Rogers Redfield Grace Bodewitz Sioux Falls Lincoln Lane Aberdeen Emily DiMartino Buffalo Jennifer Richards Madison Jennifer Richards Madison Brandy Feaster Piedmont. Taryn Stickney Rapid City Laura Ford Lennox Alex Mathew Sioux Falls brandon getting Sioux Falls Jake Liudahl Yankton Sarah Johnson Sioux Falls Lauren Kulwicki Vermillion clint wood garretson Shar fowler Rapid City Aaron dang Sioux Falls Travis Gallipo Sioux Falls Kathy Haag Sioux Falls Brandon Meyer Sioux Falls Zack Avre Sioux Falls Alexa Dzintars Rapid City Curtis Loesch Huron Troy Lambert Brookings Caitlen Evans Yankton deb horan black hawk Brinley Olson Sturgis Angie Schneider Aberdeen Charles L. Morrison Brandon Jeana Wegner Sioux Falls Peter Krentz Sioux Falls Stephen Minister Sioux Falls Erin Jensen Canton Veronica Shriver White karen griffith Rapid City Rachel Froehlich Madison Sarah V Shortbull Yankton Angela Wigdahl Aberdeen Kristen price Rapid City Michael Chapman Sioux Falla Elizabeth Healy Yankton A Ford Box Elder Heather Lenning Flandreau Annette Clark Rapid City Rebecca mogen aberdeen Lana Briggs Belle Fourche Michael Myers Mellette Vorasine Phrommany Sioux Falls Brian Geary Yankton Kay Smorawske Sioux Falls Dorothy Delicate Custer Katie Steen Sioux Falls sarah Alexander Sioux Falls Carl Etheredge Rapid City Melissa Lacey flandreau Aimee Podhradsky Sioux Falls

Stacie Soderstrom Jill Tschetter Britni Summers Amy Terrall Madeleine Price Megan Meagher Michael Tousley Kristen Haggerty chad ratigan Becky Rider Sean DeHaven Shelyssa Theel Cameron Toben Laura Endres Sarah Hurd Elle Fettig Desiree Johnson Kathy Coughlin Briana DeBoer Alexandrea Bruna Chloe Kunkel Carter Taylor Eleysha Scheuring Jessica Gimbel Eric monroe Katie Layton Kathleen Shreeve Cachelle Cronin Rachel Headley Mary Ireland Maurice Parker Lincoln McIntyre Dayton Saugstad Amber Landry Pamela Engelland Cassandra E Tomac Molly Chambers Tamara J Urban Michael Houk Kaci Vaughan Niki Reiland Marit Hoyme Aubrey Humes Austin Ernesti samantha schmidt Elizabeth jones Sarah Klatt Taneil Schafnitz Gordon Leraas Abbie Peterson Jane Kirsch Christa Kassube Karlee Kinghorn Kymberly Shoun Rachel Caesar Heather Pike

Black Hawk Sioux Falls Colman Madison Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Vermillion Custer Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Sioux Falls Brookings Madison Soux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Box Elder Rapud City Rapid City Spearfish Hermosa Toronto Sioux Falls Beresford Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Brookings Colman Sioux Falls Colman Rapid City Spearfish Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls

Sarah Pike Watertown Yvette Holsing Sioux Falls Rev. Dustin Bartlett Estelline Joe Anderson Sioux Falls Mandi Jung Rapid City Kylie Hexum Sioux Falls Sara Duncan Sioux Falls Susan Becker Sioux Falls Heidi Beck Sioux Falls michele gluhosky Rapid City Sarah Hamner Brookings Jamie Plagman Arlington Lexi Brookings Lance Hepper Aberdeen Theresa McHenry Sioux Falls Chelsea Uchytil Rapid City Todd Gagne Rapid City Karen E. Hall Rapid City Chelsea Bailey Watertown Bethanie Iverson Sioux Falls Christopher Flockhart Rapid City Tara Herold-Eichhorn Brandon Amy Woods Aberdeen Sally Simon Sioux Falls melissa reinfeld Sioux Falls Dawn Galloway Rapid City Alexa Walker Vermillion Miranda Middleton Pierre Sandi Ahrlin Vermillion Alicia Kruger Sioux Falls Andrea Carlile Brookings Dennis Anderson Sioux Falls Jessica Schneider Rapid City Leah Swanson Aberdeen Cierra Schneider Sioux Falls Cassy Jerret Vermillion Ramie Gibson Spearfish Mike Hittle Rapid City Grant Swanson St Francis Lenette Haliburton Vermillion Ben Young Lennox Chris Sadler Sioux Falls Zoe Bentley Aurora Sarah Oetken Sioux Falls Tommy Fuchs Pierre Nicole Robideau Sioux Falls Janelle Olson Brandon Brian Walton Sioux Falls Chris Weiss Rapid City MacKenzie Halverson Watertown Angela Hauk Valley Springs Erin Ryan Pierre John Harbosky Brookings Mitch Hanes Aberdeen Catrina hieb Sioux Falls Juan Bonilla Sioux Falls

Kaitlin Schnepf Luke Nagel Terri Jenkins Cody Jacob Taylor Edward Kish Pam Adamson Drew Munsinger Jennifer Arens Logan Schrader Melissa Blackburn Amanda Bauhs Talya Burch carly zebell Kelcy Curtis Melissa Pickerign Faith Moate Eric Harter Amberle Feller Tianna Grambihler Gail Neill Austin Wiebe Beth Wojahn Veronica Fischer Sarah Nelson mike hodge Walter Huff Joshua Caitlin Palm Colby Keegan Anthony Gaglia Ian Bentzinger kristi mclaughlin Michaela Eide Skyler Tuttle Sara Lefebvre Paige Janis Karen Workman Kelli rehorst Samuel Pearman Genevieve Kennedy Jessica Matt Kerry Ruth Sherri Walton Amanda Salden Amanda Brown Bob Blechinger Meaghan Peterson Alissa Olson Patrick Nath Paula Dean Charlie Tirey Carol Christianson kelli wieck Ryan light bone Jason Koch

Sioux Falls Brookings Rapid City Yankton Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Claire City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City ioix falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Aberdeen Huron Rapid City Sioxu Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Garden City Rapid City Sioux Falls Dupree Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Alexandria Eagle Butte Rapid City Rapid City Deadwood Sioux Falls Rapid City Ramona Sioux Falls Spearfish Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Belle Fourche Rapid City Rapid City Mitchell

Tasia Kinzle Jacob Mader Audrey Berberich eric saathoff Emily M Preston T Pearson Tamara Rogers Alexandria Helmbolt cheryl kleppin Sonya Dick Ronnell Wegner Matt Heller Leslie Warnke amber schmidt Tasha Kay Valerie Jacobs Melissa K White Christian Seeley Dominic Ciofalo Mackenzie Fahy Clay Lundberg Ashly Dell Jordan Matula Tory Stolen Sydney Sullivant Rhonda Hilmoe Melinda Nelson alisha Nolan Goetzinger Jeanne Manzer michael edzards Tamara Hoefer Aleaha Ghere Mary Pistulka Karli Hintz Ryan Gage Nicole Randall Lauren Lynch Kevin Liberko Dan Skyberg Brittany Wiese ashley fargen Deborah Skyberg patrecia nicholas Mandi Plawman Anna Ball Jessica Bjork Rozalynn Jesse Schanzenbach Shane Haley Cassandra Schaffer Emily Steele Kirk Swenson Kathryn Van Balen Jeff Harding Evan Geiger

Vermillion Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City lead HERMOSA belle fourche wessington springs Piedmont Brandon Armour Mitchell Madison Watertown Rapid City Redlands Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Spearfish Clark BOX ELDER Rapid City Rapid City Brookings wessington springs Rapid City Rapid City Yankton Clear Lake Sioux Falls Rapid City mobridge Sioux Falls Sioux Falls ioux falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls brooking Rapid City Piedmont Moses Lake Rapid City Belle Fourche Aberdeen Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Custer Sioux Falls Rapid City

Mary Middlen Amy Robinson Richard Middlen Eric Hoffsten shannon utterback Tim Sime Hillary M Boost Connor Showalter Molly Buhler Tonya Fae Beynon Marlena Miotke Mikayla Graham Joseph Wiltse Rebecca Dolney Ashley Flynn Melanie Wynthein Jordan Naasz Katy Jones Tina prentice Tim Breitkreutz Dakota Klein Jaclyn Kennison Katie Murphy Christine Bossman Annamarie Trevvett kathleen kroeger Stephanie Nielsen Leah Drummond josh caffee Nolan Hollibaugh Ashley Feist kathy steiner Samantha Busche Laila Sabet Danielle Rosheim Kathy boadwine Linda L Krsnak erin krull Jameson Tebben dylan Reyno Lisa Hicks Jessica Janis Shane Whidby Jeri Light Rick Geyerman Leigh Eckrich Anne Tingley Laurie Hemmer James Studer Krista Olson Vanessa Short Bull Trenton Ellis Gabrielle Ashley Pemble Laura Lloyd Jess Miller

Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Rapid City Mission St Francis Watertown arlington Sioux Falls Piedmont Sioux Falls Watertown Belle Fourche Sioux Falls Rapid City Mitchell Lead Dell Rapids Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Brookings Spearfish Rapid City Black Hawk Rapid City Rapid City Brookings lake city Aberdeen Davis Madison Sioux Falls Chester Sioux Falls Whitewood Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Box Elder Watertown Brookings Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Estelline Sioux Falls

Tiffany Norma Patterson Joanna Porvasnik Lauren Farris Jamie Kaliszewski Mason Farber Ashley Ditlev Hannah Holen Kari Owens Sanrda Mollman Sadie Bossert Shane Deyo Kendra Raatz Ashley Walker Lindsey Thompson Zarah Crago Katie Baskerville Dylan West Jami Jones Petra Kurz Samantha Palluck Carrie Anderson Teresa Kruse Shayla Waggoner Ashley Carter Jessica Jencks Sophie Megan Chapman Melanie Anderson Robert Souhrada Nicole Brower Jessica Poncelet Abigail Vrondran Jeremiah chyba Cheryl Mayer Hannah Purtell Nicole Keisacker Rebecca Croushore Shawna Suing Linda Moon Aiyaz Hussain Josephine Stromseth Chris Thuringer Katie Jensen Mary Graper Rachelle Robinson Douglas Allbee Pamela Jackson Rachelle Robinson Jessica Erickson Jennifer Krein Monica Farruggia Emily Kinsella Chad Boelhow er Cara Allbee Jennifer Burnette

Sioux Falls Redfield Rapid City Mitchell Rapid City Britton Rapid City apid city Lead Vermillion Aberdeen Box Elder Brookings Rapid City Mitchell Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Rapid City Rapid City Watertown Huron Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Brookings Volga Sioux Falls Brookings Spearfish Custer Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown mitchell Volga Aurora Sioux Falls Watertown Lead Sioux Falls Elk Point Watertown Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown Mission

Benjamin Erickson Nikolas Aberle kami hayee Tharon Peterson Deirdre Whitman Sherri DeBaere Kaitlynn Loos Whitney Halverson Kylie Salmen Alan Eckert George P. Sullivan Kirsten Colt Amy Schmitz misty weaver Melany Pravecek April Mettler Amanda Jo Megan Schlosser Megan Boschee George Blankenbiller Megan Baldridge Ashley Hussein paula frick Jordan Likness J.A. Murphy Andrea Van Dyke Trent Edwards Kari Nolte Robert Garness Kate Likness Christine Solma Hannah Downs Jayne Babbe Stephanie Griffith Trevor Minton Allison Green Ellie Livingston Tanya Wetzel Patrick Fahey Saboin Vifquain nick anderson Michaela Mader Alecia Apa Terri Jacklin Samantha Slocum Brenda Little Paul Thronson Jared Carstens Jillian Lemons Scott Cooper Ilea Soler Susan Scheirbeck Brianna Allington Juliana Madsen Alma Garneaux Whitney Rossman

Elk Point Rapid City Yankton Sioux Falls Watertown Clear Lake Rapid City Armour Madison Sioux Falls Aberdeen Elk Point Aberdeen spearfish Sioux Falls Brookings Yankton Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brandt Vermillion Castlewood Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Madison Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City sioix falls Rapid City Rapid City Mitchell Rapid City Box Elder Sioux Falls Rapid City Baltic Sioux Falls Rapid City Hill City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls winner Watertown

Laurel Schmitz Taylor Schad Michelle Teets Ron Yahne Kasey Bickel Todd Kruse LEONIE MOON Jennifer Reed Meghan Thoreau Dustin Goehring Victoria Anna Urban jason myers Erin holtquist Brittany Neiles Bill Alsaker Taylor Nicolaisen Dawn Eckhoff Victoria Fleming Virginia Garrigan Betsy Farris Joe Anderson Andy Janes Mike Braley Jennifer Pfeifer Debra Workman Kristal Makey Paden Jill McManus Tara Gregory Jennifer Braig Tiffany kotilinek Jonathan Callies Kari Gibson Leslie Stusiak-Drew Meghan Buhler Trevor Risch Kerstin Tuttle Suzanna Hardin Kie-Lyn Haar Mary Jones Hannah Hayes Hannah Hayes Cassi Quale Joshua Osborn Nancy Varick Dylan Winthers Dylan Solberg Melissa Mccollar Tiffany Zobel Amber Winthers Carlie Drobny Christine Wakefield Darci Bultema Kelly Neuharth Jacob Skovo-Lane Karen Budde

Sioux Falls Rapid City Black Hawk Rapid City Timber Lake Sioux Falls SIOUX FALLS Madison Brookings Rapid City Rapid City spearfish Milbank Rapid City Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Rapid City Rapid City Harrisburg Humboldt Pierre Brandon Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Sioux Falls Pierre Spearfish Rapid City Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Vermillion Brookings Madison Sioux Falls Spearfish Spearfish Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City Madison Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Madison Yankton Sioux Falls Aberdeen Vermillion Rapid City Sioux Falls

Eric VanDerBoom Erin Nielsen Tamala J Graham Karsen Hauser Katherine Telkamp Robbie Murchison Sarah Johnson Jessica Hartwig Michelle Feiszli Holly Hoffmeister rebekah Nelson Sherry Oswald Becky Cornell Dylan Myers Carl Cliver Wes Eisenhauer Jennifer Harvey Laurie Brown Alexandra Johnson Ian Caselli Courtney Weber Joe Kaye Linda Hasselstrom Stacy Meendering trisha cuka Katrina Carroll Jacki Miskimins Melissa Davidson Kylie Koch Catherine Ratliff Amber Thompson kalie rabanales Zack Crouch Sara Doyle Holly Tilton Byrne Halee Wendell Daniel Miller Lisa Kortan Matthew Leddon Kristin Gribble J.Cannon Harlan Lisa Kortan Tara Jennifer Schofield Corey Johnston John Seward Kristen Schulte Susan winthers Jenifer Kelsey Kristi Jacobsma Paul Callender Susan Christensen Rachel Young Alexa Maclin Ashley Bietz Sarah Waters

Brookings Brandt Madison Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Madison Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Studio City Sioux Falls Mitchell Vermillion Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hermosa Sioux Falls sturgis Rapid City Mitchell Mitchell Colton Hot Springs Rapid City Sioux Falls Sturgis Canton Brookings Gregory Mitchell Scotland Huron Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Scotland Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Aurora Sioux Falls Madison Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Rapid City Brookings Sioux Falls

Gabrielle Pike LeAnn Minister Joan Williams Kathleen Gamet Kate Dossett Patrick Shea Jessica Magelky Marnie Colhoff Amy Johnson Bonnie Burkett Bill Erickson shawna callender Jennifer Lindberg Benjamin Kraft Julie Schoolmeester Andrew Vondra Dominic Heidt Janie Davis gina penisten Kevin Styles Darren Matthes Lindsay Lundeby Josh Gudmundson Tom Ritter Kelli Stee Mary Kirschenman Linda Boner Natalie Douvier Shauna Neiles Brittany Andersen Sydney Gooch Sheila Johnson Brianna Ishmael Tabitha Scibek Guy Darland Phil Clark Merina Engel Tori wilson Tamas Kovacs Breanne Holzer Nicole Westerman Julia Tibbetts Brandon Weyh Aaron Teerink Joshua Nilson Stephen Farruggia Abbie lowell hazelton Alison Jahr Jake Clark Kristina Young Michael Birkeland Nathan Peters S Evelyn Villalobos Megan Long-Surma RaeAnne Schad

Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Clear Lake Kadoka Piedmont Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Deadwood Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Gary Yankton Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Tea Box Elder Yankton Sioux Falls Rapid City Deadwood Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Aberdeen Yankton Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Rapid City aberdeen Sioux Falls Spearfish Lead Rapid City ioux Falls Hill City Black Hawk Rapid City

Dawn Soukup Laura M. LoCoco Erica Voss Jordon Barthel cody davis Brian Nelson Brianna Rommen Haley Friedt Sierra Taylor Ballert Asia Ballert michele haigh Allison Jarabek Riley Ackley Beth Pyper-Holz Hannah Serena Campbell Jayne Babbe shauna johnson Kathryn Price Brian Donahue Kelsey Sean Halladay Morgan Deis Patrick Binder Amanda Angele Dulany Mary Halladay Alex Caise Randolph A Pudwill tyler neigel Nicole Loe Heather Bostel Heather Bostel Kiersten Zimbeck Kiefer Goldberg Halee Petersen Garrett Chappell Chuck Burdsal Amanda Bom Scott Burcham Billy Mawhiney Erica OHNSTAD Chris Benson Julie Brink Deb McIntyre Brandy Ryan Jared Mogen Angela Meyer Steve M. Babbitt Rachel Evangelisto Ariel Haley dressler Nancy Babbitt Christopher Amon Karen Miller

Wagner Rapid City Mitchell Lead Rapid City Sioux Falls Spearfish Rapid City Yankton Lead Lead Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Hartford Sioux Falls Dell Rapids Rapid City aberdeen Rapid City Madison Rapid City Sioux Falls Fort Pierre Yankton Watertown Aberdeen Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls spearfish Baltic Custer Custer Sioux Falls Spearfish Rapid City Brookings Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Mitchell Harrisburg Yankton Rapid City Sioux Falls Piedmont Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid Ctiy Box Elder Watertown Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Rapid City

Lois Facer jennifer hengen Erik Brandenburger Katie Gillaspie Aaron Eller Lauren Leimer Michelle Buchanan Andrew Michele Deisch Debra Wallenberg Jeanne Chamness Brandi Christoffer Sarah Aldinger Lisa Beitzel Erin Rasmussen cathy crane Jolene West Sara Brockhoft Joy Anderson Mallory Kathryn Thompson Gail klein Jennifer Scott Chelsea kathol James Wrigg Amber J. Fountain Linda Hoffelt Micah Hansen Aaron Debi Simonson Angie Timms Naomi Nelson Katy Logan Frani Kieffer Colleen Ryan M. Ranae Aukerman Lindsay Dvorak Kate Hamilton Jennifer Fugman John Vollmer Gary R Delaney Kelley Wehrkamp Mary Gergen Jessica Barg Kevin Nakajima Catlyn Engel TJ Polzin ranieca snipes Lynette Sefrna Benjamin Villa Jacqueline Burcham Jason Elvecrog Jordan Nilson Jenna gitzke Maggie Fogle Timothy Donovan

Rapid City RAPID CITY Watertown Rapid City Lead Rapid City Lead Aberdeen Custer Sioux Falls Hartford Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Yankton Sioux Falls Dell Rapids Brookings Tea Rapid City sisseton Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City Watertown Stratford Brookings Brookings Tea Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Aberdeen Lead Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls

Jered Prostrollo Rapid City Jennifer Brosz Pierre Katherine Trumm Sioux Falls Whitney Bridgers Brookings Samantha Williamson Sioux Falls Marci Reuter Rapid City Elicia Kortus Sioux Falls Brianna Sejnoha Mitchell Janet Amundsen Vermillion candence alexander Rapid City michael weber spearfish Kathryn Vandel Pierre Tanya Olson Custer Jenn Potter Pukwana Sarah Christopherson Huron David F. Graper Aurora Timothy Schnider Rapid City leslie aldinger lead Mark Thalacker Rapid City Mike Knudson Sioux Falls Holly Spurlock lead Austin Vos Harrisburg cori meadows piedmont Wendy Dailey Brookings Cory Nels Jacobsen Sioux Falls katie paulson yankton David Christie Rapid City katie paulson yankton Richard Dower Sturgis Margo Julius Rapid City theresa switzenberg Sioux Falls Becky Plautz Yankton Jordan Summerset Nejla Smith Sioux Falls Lisa K Christensen Yankton Andy wooster Rapid City Elizabeth Henriksen Sturgis Jake walker Sturgis Debra Griffith Watertown Raven Briggs Rapid citty Cory Sioux Falls Marilyn Rohrer Beresford Angela Kelley Sioux Falls Brandi Longden Rapid City Rebecca Jones Hartford Christa Raszkowski Sioux Falls Kylie Knudson Sioux Falls Rob Doyen Harrisburg William Reynolds Sioux Falls Kathryn Birkeland Vermillion Michele Conway Yankton Mary Claus Sioux Falls Teresa Grace Sioux Falls Zoey Oien Piedmont Jay Weatherill Sioux Falls Kathleen Bergeson Yankton

Brandy Jensen Hanna Matson Lindsey Crooks Andrew Christianson Amanda Stanley Brittany Borg Cindy Mullen Angel Smits Riley Lori DeSalvo Crystal Foster Peg Christie Marcia F. Dunsmore Julie Eclov Kaitlin Dahlquist marley hammond Meghan Pedersen Matt Wildermuth Sara Reed Jennifer Hodges paul harens Aaron R. Zufall Jennifer Adler Devi Schroeder Steve Tebben Todd Jerentowski Craig Thorson Jackie Thoelke Jon Hovland Jacob Mestes Marie Asbury Ashley Mazur janet schmitz Cheyenne Pettit Renae Summers Twyla Kurzenberger katelyn haack Liberty Madison Timothy Handle Kathy Horsted Ann Flynn Crowe Corey Jean Snyders Margaret Bhatara Kristina Newling Joyce Moore melissa Eidson Zachary Walters Dennyce Korb lily briggs Kelsey Rodriguez Becky Kelley Leland Alexander Brooke Moeckly Tiffanie Taylor Paul Zimmer

Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Custer Summerset Rapid City Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Spearfish Sioux Falls Brookings Pierre yankton Rapid City Sioux Falls Piedmont Whitewood Sioux Falls Keystone Sioux Falls Spearfish Flandreau Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Belle Fourche Rapid City Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Harrisburg Sioux Falls Box Elder Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Mission Hill Rapid City Pierre Rapid City Sioux Falls pierre Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls

Michelle Hoyt Maggie Sabo Kimberly Sjurson Sydney Kayla Rae Teresa Luke Kamille Knudson Jamie Jensen Jenna Trefz Lorre Buhler Ashaley Altena GERALD Sanftner Kris Norlin Kaleena Damm Erin castle Emily Meyer Rick D. Johns Adrian Mendoza Judith Cronin Shari Kuehler Amy Johnson Alec Steiner blossom kyle Teresa Mead Jillian Cordova tTrudi Hartman alexi mckercher Shantel Hardesty Kayla Rippe Marc Summers Meghan Irwin Julie Backous Debra Teger Julie Backous Thomas Haugan Mandie Lane Scott Skar Jodie cowman Sara Cain Beth Langer Sam Monica Walters Alexander Norlin Christina Vasseur Chase Janet Babcock Trever Shelden Emily Crooks Kaylee Yager Anika Swensen Megan Dahlquist Kaylee Yager Paul Stevens Jennifer Hicks Dane Brost Leslie Pusey

Keystone Rapid City Vermillion Pierre Brookings Yankton Brandon Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls RAPID CITY Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls White Vermillion Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Yankton Pierre Vermillion Hermosa Sturgis Brookings Sioux Falls Sturgis Rapid City Rapid City Lennox Aberdeen Mitchell Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Beresford Box Elder Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Spearfish Sioux Falls Brookings Brookings Harrisburg Sioux Falls Rapid City Harrisburg Rapid City Spearfish Rapid City Vermillion

Lizzie Medema Bonny Fleming Chris Miller Mason Bradley Sara Nelson Roberta Steele Stephanie Hatley Nicholas Alexander Chris Shreves Sara Wildermuth Kayna Lee Kena M. Brown Ada Courtney Larry Morrisson Casey Clarke G. Tom Wilson Cassie Krebs Cayne McCaskell Kristyn Wittmeier Molly Engquist Kelsey Nicholson Kaelyn Nelson Ariel Roberts Charity Ayres Jacy Fry Debra Hamilton Alex P. Marker Amy Sudbeck Colleen Schweiger Angela Marcos Jason Emmick Beth Hammond Jennifer Paige Jon Larsen Allyson Nagel Nate Perkins amber lexa Kyla Kemp Rob Atkins Kevin Zieger Rachel Menning vance umphrey Jedidiah Nixon Stacie Wasem Amy Foster Amy Martinell Kerry Bowers Phil Schreck Lacie Yager Victoria Bliss Dillon DeBoer Charlotte Henley grae oliver Aaron Benson LaShawnda Power Bert Loehrer

Vermillion Rapid City Mitchell Sioux Falls Sturgis SIOUX FALLS Rapid City Spearfish Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Deadwood Rapid City Black Hawk Rapid City Custer Sturgis Pierre Summerset Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sturgis spearfish Aberdeen Madison Mitchell Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls South Spearfish Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City Brandon Sioux Falls Rapid City Fort pierre spearfish Pierre Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Aberdeen Billings Sioux Falls Huron Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls MIlbank

Jackie Beilke Colby chaloupka Sarah Cullison Julie Person Thomas Thorson Rebecca Munsch Adam Piehl Julie Madden Stephanie Brewer Cassy M. Sandra Enger Michelle Grosek Sarah winger Brian Daniel Burnison John Jones Travis Dillon Grotti Ouida johns Cecily Engelhart carin martin Marcella Remund Jen Erhart Shawn Turgeon Lindsey Dolge Heather Solberg John R. McIntyre Tracy Benson Pamela Semmler Heather Ellenbecker Elyse Taylor JoAnne Freitag Matt Jacobson Tyrell O'Donnell Josh Barsch Josie Brown Rachel Hemke Laurie Robinson shawn collins Cory Headley Dennae Russell April Al Salihi Deb Erickson Jordan Louks Kabe Termes Laura -Maloney Jenny Virgil Whetsel Shannon Nelson Kelli Snyders Sylvia Fedde Tracy Teerink Alec williamson Morgan Leloux Gretchen Brodkorb Jake Bernards

Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Custer Brandon Aberdeen Vermillion Spearfish Rapid City Rapid City Sturgis Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Aberdeen Rapid City Rapid City Wagner Rapid City Beresford Aberdeen Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Hill City Pierre Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Pine Ridge Rapid City Deadwood Aberdeen Rapid City belle fourche Rapid City Sturgis Winner Rapid City Spearfish Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Arlington Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Deadwood

Gretchen Brodkorb Pierre Keith P. Maloney Sioux Falls Barbara Stephenson Pierre Beth Langer Box Elder Dawn Rumpca Sioux Falls Morgan Leloux sioux falls Dawn Rumpca Sioux Falls Justine Meyers Sioux Falls Alex Visser Yankton Erin O'Neill Sioux Falls Cindy Minder Lennox Kirstin Kuchta Tea Amber Miller Rapid City Jill S. Rapid City Kiley Horst Rapid City Sarah Morrison Rapid City Taryn Fritz crooks Steven Fullerton Rapid City Kaitlin Schnepf Sioux Falls Lexi Annette Haan spearfish Skyler Drew Mitchell Aaron Sanders Rapid City Emma Nelsen Sioux Falls Dana Geuther Aberdeen Tabatha Cornwall Rapid City Kady Schmitz Rapid City Alyssa Day Sioux Falls Beth Nielson REDFIELD Jonathan Walser Yankton Kelly Tobin Pierre Erika Klinger Rapid City Linda Schwartz Pierre Sarah Reitzel Rapid City Austin Ladwig Sioux Falls Victoria OneStar Pierre Chris D. Rapid City Brittney Nelson Sioux Falls Sion Lidster Sioux Falls Melisa Marmo Pierre Teisha Moxley Spearfish Krystal Wiederrich Spearfish Nicole Allen Sioux Falls Alex VanSteenbergen Brookings Tarah parks Sioux Falls Caitlin Croom Rapid City Gillian Farrell Rapid City Linda Schwartz Pierrl Ryan DeWitt Yankton Kayla Lorge Black Hawk Kathryn Fuller Sioux Falls April Tipton Rapid City Mairin Rapid City Rebecca W. Piedmont Beth Hutto Rapid City Misti Hauser Sioux Falls Jordan Kjesbo Sioux Falls

Kerry Finn Falin R Barrett Rachel Williams Christy Tidwell Lorrie Pederson Lisa McCormick Bryce Edlund John Archambeau Carly christopher nace Corey Rush Nigel Jordan Michaelene Adams Tina Schomaker Tom Devine Lindsey-Star Duhe Morgan Raske Andi Waters Rebecca Andrea Summers Laura Schaller Benjamin Dickson Emily K Smith Todd Brink Amy eichfeld Michael C Gramlick Connie Fish Cheryl Ludens BayLee Dansby Korin Wahl Lisa Kistler Matthew M Bernau Tyler butler Holly Cleland Crystol Stucker Zachary Kerr Neil Robinson Arlette Schweitzer angelique ently Racheal Ned Horsted Martika Waterman Martika Waterman Zea Apa Jonathan Wallner Jamie Stephanie Moen Melissa Rezac Abbey Merchen Michael Wright Nick Sorensen Sarah Keppen Victoria Garland Lance De Roos Victoria Garland Julia Kittelson

Spearfish Spearfish Spearfish Rapid City Fort Pierre Rapid City Rapid City Wagner Volga Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Vermillion Harrisburg Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Aberdeen Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Sioux Falls Rapid City springfield Rapid City Columbia Dell Rapids Sioux Falls Rapid City Dell Rapids Box Elder Spearfish Rapid City Keystone Brookings Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Hermosa Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Pierre Watertown Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City

K. Bailey Kowalski Victoria Deon Borup Sam Tew Kate Buhler Anonymous Blair Aaron Erickson Eileen Mullican Emily Koo Loren Brooke Boe Jason Cornelison Samantha Westrom Melissa Gibson Christina Allen Heidi Enge Keegan McKye Dawn Kennedy Misty Nick Rokahr Josh Schoenfelder Amy Dravland Jason Nyhaug Sheri Henle Jamie Madsen Karen Braman Jamie Ryken richard getting Jenny Ness Paige Heim Justicen Katie christenson Luke Huber Cyndi Merrill Dylan Daniels Kjerstin Smith Jane Garness Danielle Larson Deana Hueners Brenna Bray Amanda Maher Chloe Olson Andrea Renville Lori Evenson Monica Henderson krista Anna Perry Jonathon Cain Emily Milek Dathan Rappana Stephen Babbitt Matthew Gustin Jill Garrigan Marne Lamb Dustin Hinson

Rapid City Rapid City Sturgis Box Elder Rapid City Pierre Rapid City Spearfish Yankton Sioux Falls Spearfish Pierre Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Box Elder Yankton Hot Springs Spearfish Spearfish Sioux Falls Iroquois Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton SIOUX FALLS Sioux Falls Brookings Rapid City Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Belle Fourche Rapid City Madison Vermillion Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Aberdeen Rapid City Sioux Falls Tea Rapid City Spearfish Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City EAGLE BUTTE Spearfish

Ashley Grable Kelsey Capotrio Jenna Jessy Gosmire Rae Komes Mariah Thomas Whillock Kah Schaeffer Vannessa Laird Kaitlyn Janak Natasha Shasta Weston Dan Workman Michael Vogel hope kramer stephen webb Danelle Johnson Christi Eleeson Naomi Nagler Sarah Bauer annie first Zac Sirignano Amanda Mitchell Elizabeth Van Beek Jarred Rusch Michael Kraklio Paula Haiwick Skylar Olsen Gina Emerson Kassidi Livingston Jeremiah Clark Tiffany A Hofer Josh Grode Wolters Daniel P Peterson Ande Dell Charity Lakeman Jacob Felix Kimberly Neyhart Maddy D. Kristin sanders Veronica Beshara Jennifer Larson Gina Cooper Laura Bauman Sherry brown miles Cody Butler Emily VanGerpen Linda Roesch Jacalyn Crawford Nick Weinandt Kelley Levis Julie Manders Rogene Brown Briana Johnston Jared Roehrich Melissa Elverud

Spearfish Sturgis Rapid City Dell Rapids Rapid City Sturgis Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion aberdeen Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Deadwood Rapid City Garretson Sioux Falls Rapid City Highmore Pierre Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Miller Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapids Rapid City Spearfish Mobridge Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Box Elder Yankton Roscoe Pierre Vermillion Sturgis Rapid City Sioux Faals Sioux Falls Rapid City Flandreau

Justin Dwelle Caitlin Heer Elizabeth Roeber Kelsey Kinney Shana Marcotte Andrew Beck Kimberly Greager Amanda Jensen Amy Gaikowski Kelsey Amy Howard Sheila Shaffer Sarah Dukes Shannon Bailey Elizabeth Dooley Alexander Litwiller Pamela Roes Jane Stewart Stevie Shea Jennifer Brenden Patrick Fink Nicholas Thompson Deryk Ulmer Brady J Douglas Molly Goin Russell Meyer Jesse Sorensen Jasmine Anderson Danielle Kathy Green David Yahne Ryan Brewer Jan Dibbern Stephanie Reed Chelsea Smith Randi Shampine Karen Bauer Annie S. Piekkola Ricardo Meins Ryan Hay Alicia Burchill Kim James Brittany Weidmann Katie Haverly Shelby Turner Joseph Matzke Cassie Garner Russell Neesham Adam Peterson Chloe Meier Jessica Sickler Peggy Jada Peterson Ian Umphrey Sharon Mack Travis Kielty

Sioux Falls Vermillion Redfield Sturgis Yankton RAPID CITY Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Miller Pierre Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Huron Rapid City Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Spearfish Rapid City Rapid City Watertown Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Spearfish Trent Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Gettysburg Belle Fourche Sioux Falls Soux Falls Vermillion Toronto Rapid City Sioux Falls New Underwood Dell Rapids Sioux Falls belle fourche Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Scotland Rapid City Spearfish Clark Brookings

Elizabeth Wilkinson Nicole big crow Trevor J Allen Jessie Tibbs Sam Hosman Cynthia johnson Brenda Christensen Aracelia Contreras Bill Nibbelink Steph Snow Mary Richey Sarah Miller Amanda Lee Stacy Langdeau Jeffrey Weaver Melissa Pearson Cody Deitschman Andrea walsh Donald Pryce Jory Andre Rachel Howard Amanda Larsen Jeremy Garrigan Joshua Dutt Meghan Conway Marcus Ault Kim Koblank Luke Smith Antoine Baggett Alex Bordewyk Mitchell Likness Stephanie Gleich Cory Chapman Courtney Pierce Josh Hawks Alissa Quam Ronald Hook Brandilyn Sour Nick Burke Martin Dill Luke Hunhoff Katy Milton Bryan Benson Kyle Reed Ross Dietrich Joette Lee Ryan Wallenstein Amanda Swenson Rian French Jamie Withorne Kyle Beauchamp Jenny Sampson Sarah Brown Clay Schweitzer Halona Gardiner Lindsay Kline

Sioux Falls Pine ridge Rapid City Rapid City Custer Lake Norden Sherman Rapid City Flandreau Aberdeen Spearfish Rapid City Black Hawk Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Yankton Vermillion Spearfish Rapid City Vermillion Rapid City Pierre Pierre Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Brookings Madison Brookings Yankton Elk Point Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Astoria Sioux Falls RAPID CITY Sioux Falls Eagle Butte Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Box Elder Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City summerset Belle Fourche

Kayla Nagle Wendy stubbs Kelsey Benson Andy Goetzinger Fahbia ahmed Mary Panerio Lois Zens Abby wheeler Jeannie larson Elizabeth Simmons Peter Klein Kimberlynn Floren Molly Scherff Caitlin Collier Toney LaPointe Tristan Snow Asia Andersen Amber Kirkpatrick Amber Pederson Sarah McSparran Matthew Stulken Dafina Selmani Kara Likness Matthew Melanson Tori Tippmann Jon Sommervold Jamie Rees-Tamkin AshaLeigh Falkena Nichole Green Brandyn Crawford Marina Gross Jake Martinez Megan weber Steven herr Page Dykstra Cassie Salerno Kelsey J Gronlund Nancy Sutterer Jennifer mara Deb ernst Donna McClure Camarae Brink Kaitlynn Gilland Jen Beckler Mirissa Swaney Megan Bordewyk stephanie fischer Molly Royals Eva Hecht Jordan Kolb Christian Albertson rebecca long Paul Batcheller Marilyn Jones Carrie Osvelia Luna

Pierre Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Spearfish Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Spearfish Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Trent Vermillion Vermillion Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Gregory Rapid City Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Spearfish belle fourche Sioux Falls Brighton Prescott Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Camp Crook Rapid City Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Spearfish Rapid City Rapid City Watertown Rapid City Spearfish Spearfish Spearfish Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Huron Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Bridgewater Huron

Tyler Becker Holly Jansma Adrian Ludens Caroline Peterson Jason Kallin Lisa Carlson Elizabeth Rahn katherine pudwill Christina Olinger Kelsey Pekas Stacey Johnson Shannon Ridgway Bethe MArtian jamie hoogendoorn Elesana Burczek Meghan Anderson Kristin Miller Roberta Forman Amanda Palluck Betsey Wick Eric Orion Tooley Debbie Bowman Sarah Issler Shelby Lindy Geraets Jessica Meyers Sean McCann denise kennison Amy Petrik Kimberly Sonnichsen Autumn Simunek Pearl S Gulbranson Allie Knofczynski Connor Burtis Amy L Gurney Adam Calkins Angela Saufley Jaime Anderson Cynthia Anderson Alex Flynn Kim Gallagher Andrew Travers Tessa Garreau Travis Brenner Robby Morgan Jonathan Miller Heather Reed Monica Miriam Pfahler April Geraets Zarah Crago Shaina Hughes Bryan Hentges Kandi Moulder Nicholas Kent Jessica Kerher

Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Beresford hartford Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Rapid City Aberdeen Sioux Falls Watertown Pierre Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls PIERRE Rapid City Pierre Pierre Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Springfield Sioux Falls Vermillion Spearfish Pierre Sioux Falls Spearfish Fort Pierre Custer Chamberlain Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Rapid City Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Rapid City Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls

jamie gereaux Jenn Dolan Sadie Haivala Brynne Looney Tiffany Eisenbraun Sarah Linneman Joshua Rundell Bethanie Neuberger Callan Shaw Brett Smith Kristina Sayler Andrea Iossi Jasmin Fosheim Roger Nehring Jaime Reis Anne Rathbun Katie lebeda Brenda Bjornsen Tyler Kurzenberger Amy Koller Tara mueller Logan Enze Robin Novotny Katherine Burdine Carly Knoll Emelie Haigh Chris Sandvig Steph Winter Jamie Sumners Mark Henriksen Patricia Kuglitsch Kelsey Papke Sara Reed Tony Do Lindsey Broome Brady Moe Mara Stillson Molly Erdmann Carolyn Prince Bethany Amundson Emily Falzerano Jason Sundberg Kelli Wittman Jean Slattery Tim Nelson Maura Silverberg Jennifer Jennifer Zerfas Alex Kunz Kelsie Thomas Kelly Gardner Meagan Hentges Bryan Shurigar Elizabeth Pope Joel Stars Kenzie Falk

yankton Sioux Falls Spearfish Belle Fourche Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City Watertown Rapid City yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Chamberlain Sioux Falls Fort Pierre Humboldt Keystone Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Keystone Vivian Sioux Falls Aberdeen Sioux Falls Spearfish Burke Spearfish Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Vermillion Spearfish Harrisburg Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Spearfish Sioux Falls Pierre Spearfish

Tim Stearns Serena Gutnik Rika Beck John albrecht Emily Hamm Steve Thorpe Isabel Clamons Dan Davis debbi jones Zach Weymouth Shelby Hills Destanie Wilt Maxwell Dohman Andrew Jansen Rob Whitebird racheal ries Taylor Funke Gwen Sanchez-Lipp Kirsten Schauer Sharea Holcomb Audrey m Skeen Audrey m Skeen Madeleine Drumm Laura Mikkelsen Paula Blake Laci Quinn Amanda Buhl Nicole Caton Becky Ridgway Delaine Nelson David Kenyon Katherine Buhler Heidi Galer Heidi Galer Katherine Buhler Evan Rotman Marcella Hutton Shilo Lamont Gail Larson Karri natasha sprigler Hope Weiss Sarah Wheaton Heidi Jenson Michael Haynes Patti Petersen Shelbie Kinsey Robert Green Richard Masterson Shirley Jane Hobbs Amelia Payne Caitlin Hills Heather Jones Joshua Vosberg Joshua Vosberg Sarah Permeh

Belle Fourche Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Rapid City Lead Mission Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Hot Springs Mobridge Spearfish Watertown Pierre Watertown Sioux Falls Hill City Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Spearfish Pierre Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Yankton Adrian Spearfish Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Brookings Spearfish Spearfish Vermillion Sioux Falls Spearfish Rapid City Belle Fourche Aberdeen Spesrfish Ft Pierre Sioux City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hermosa Vermillion Rapid City Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls

Mollie Holden Amanda Shafer Marli Masteller Ruth Raveling Desarae Biggins Andrea Feige Samantha Duncan Deb Hobert Megan Dix Jay Bain april johnson Karney Osier Jenny Whetzel Kylie Richardson Eric Raveling Kourtney Nystrom Ashley Hoffman Stacey Jordan Angie Cauwels Aletha Scott Steve Cain Claire Hassel Courtney Turnquist Jackie Meyer Nicholas Castro Connie Blair Frank James Cassi Pietz Frank James sara Schwarzrock Greg Mead Lindsey Nordsiden gerald hanna Molly Williams Melissa Hansen Taylor Wolf Bice Megan Hasche Calvin F Ceroll Tayler Monlux Kristi Carlson William Christensen Lydia Kanz Aubrey Graham Paavo Rasmussen Miriam Burden Dan C. Hattum Ericka Waterman Jennifer Kelly John Chelsea Brech Nicolas Nelson Renae Heinemann Jennifer Young Grant Merrill Connor McNamara Meaghan Crandall

Pierre Vermillion Fort Pierre Pierre Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Harrold Pierre Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Pierre Brookings Sioux Falls Madison Tea Pierre Beresford Sioux Falls Brookings Brookings Rapid City Pierre Toronto Yankton Toronto Spearfish Spearfish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Spearfish Watertown Aberdeen Sioux Falls Rosholt Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Pierre Madison Sioux Falls Custer Brookings Brookings Sioux Falls Canton Sioux Falls Brookings Dell Rapids Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Gayville

Karissa Brown Sioux Falls Alana Tabbert Brandon Stacy Niemann Castlewood Kimberly Barting Sioux Falls Hannah Patzer Sioux Falls Corynna Nelson Custer Andrew Heller Sioux Falls Stacy Edwards Spearfish Leonard Jacobs Spearfish John Holmquest Sioux Falls Tyler F Blue Bird Sioux Falls Jacqueline SchumacherRapid City Jessica Hennings Sioux Falls Tim Hausmann Yankton Bridget Rovnak Sioux Falls Taarna Murray Custer Jesse Gosselin Brookings Katie Balo Watertown Whitney Pavich Rapid City Autumn Neigel Spearfish Zach Drane Vermillion Beth O'Toole Sioux Falls Jonathan Shoffit Sioux Falls Jenny Denney Yankton Laura Reinfeld Baltic Megan Huber Rapid City Christina Thielke Brookings Amanda Boer Sioux Falls Amanda Boer Sioux Falls Cole Boeve Sioux Falls Joe Cudzilo Sioux Falls Teresa Wallin Sioux Falls Sara Brunner Spearfish Albert Vermillion Jeanne Kelley Pierre Jordan Keeler Pierre Michael Lindsay Madison John Babb Sioux Falls Tayler Monlux Rapid City Lindsey Holmquest Sioux Falls John Boe Sioux Falls Trevor Hickens Yankton Kelsie Reeves Pierre TERA SCHMIDT Yankton Ro Ann Redlin Vermillion Alex Heglin Yankton Matthew Walicke Sioux Falls Thomas Yung Belle Fourche Kari Anderson Fort Pierre Ashley Geringer Sioux Falls Laurel Meyer Dell Rapids Katharine Hults Sioux Falls Patrick Gilmore Newell keith thompson Sioux Falls Susan Yorke Sioux Falls Rachel Gerber Sioux Falls

Owen Reitzel Alexandria Amanda Rosse Brookings Nicolle Naumann Spearfish Larry Swanson Rapid City Ryan O'Donnell Rapid City Megan Bartels Yankton Andrew Johnson Ft. Pierre Kim Rebis Sioux Falls Sarah Schanzenbach Sioux Falls Nicole Harkema Sioux Falls Lisa Ficek Spearfish Sarah Simunek Sioux Falls Desiree Dammer Dell Rapids Terry D Johnson Mitchell Jodi Sellers Rapid City Katie Blaalid Yankton Owen Watters Sioux Falls Carolyn Smith Sioux Falls Brooke Darling Sioux Falls Kyle Krebs Rapid City Stephanie Kokesh Scotland Allison Boe Sioux Falls Nita Johnson Sioux Falls elizabeth pengitore Sioux Falls Shannah Schriever Sioux Falls Matt McDonald Rapid City Jennifer Falk Sioux Falls Lindsay Gilmour Watertown Linda Brandt Morandi Hurst Rapid City Ebony Shanklin Sioux Falls Bruce Bailey Yankton Phillip Gullikson Eagle Butte Tamara Patton Rapid City Elizabeth Laughlin Rapid City jeff voss Rapid City Maggie Chambers Dell Rapids Cedric J. Williams Rapid City sara odden Rapid City Lisa Weisbecker Sioux Falls nathan hults Sioux Falls Heather Olson Brookings Glynnis Kunkel Madison Danielle Doty Black Hawk Kaylee Gilbertson tea Lindsay Jimenez Spearfish Jamie Winklepleck Baltic Michael Hansen Hot Springs Barbara Lee New Hope PhilIp Schumacher Sioux Falls Jason Knox Rapid City Jennie Rosenkranz Rapid City Laura Yankton Melani McGillivray Williston melissa thomas Sioux Falls Macy Roberts Brookings

Jennifer Kruse Eric Benson Molly McCaskell Scott Wagner Darcie Strehlow Paige Severson Tim Kuehler Cori Haag Robert Stroman Mara Wilson Dennis Chandler Michael Luciano Alysia Juhl Raeann Schlenker Mary G Keller Salina Peterson Laura Severyn Meredith Reynolds Liz Schmautz Adam Qualls April Matson Brooke McLellan Emily Zarecky Brooke Anglin Abigail Johnson Dana Lien Joel A Johnson Steve Peters Heather Brewer Justin styles Jennifer Sundem Rose Ann Hofland Alexa Linton McKayla Marso Sara Damjanovic Meredith Peterson Jackie Welfl Brann Michael Lindbloom Patrick J Anderson Wes Haskell Kaylee Hall Alison morgan Ashley Jensen Thomas Hagena Maddy keeler Kay Wilds RAYMOND GENTRY Mariln Teske Jennie pernini Abraham Katz Taylor Smith Zach Serrano Sara Gentry Shannon Mathews Andrew Kightlinger Charlie Yates

Dell Rapids Sioux Falls Rapid City Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Fort Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Huron Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Harrold Big Stone City Rapid City Spearfish Pierre Fort Pierre Vermillion Presho Pierre Huron Spearfish Sioux Falls Harrisburg Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Pierre Watertown Dell Rapids Watertown Aberdeen Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Brookings Fort Pierre Mitchell Kyle Fort Pierre Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Pierre Rapid City

Nikki Rhode Jennifer Lena Carla Rozier Lisa Groon Alex Groeneweg Sue Zueger Jared Lindbloom Jamie Baldwin katie barnett Bob Wendland Lindsey Marsh katie barnett Jared Lindbloom Wade Gemar sean sutton Deanna Dumdei Deanna Dumdei Deanna Dumdei Taylor Swenson Patrick McCann Noelle Harris Ivy Oland Cheryl Koch jesse german Laura Jones Amanda Foht Amanda Foht Nancy Grassel Jennifer Nuncio DeeAndra Sandgren David Patton Michelle Bowman Shalista Anderson Martin Dennis Andrea Stalheim Mercedes Maltese Nichole Yost David A Broadwell Tove Hoff Bormes Angela Avila Dayna Dick Jill Lynn Swanson Nicholas Kisch Ben Devlin John Ullmann Hilary Fernholz Kathleen Murphy Jared wolf Jill Wurth Sharon Baum Victoria F. Koch Shannon Barnes Jacob Park Thea Miller Ryan Desiree Luedke Jason Yoshino

Canton Rapid City Sioux Falls Harrisburg Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls spearfish Dell Rapids Dell Rapids Dell Rapids Watertown Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Freeman Bruce Vermillion Marion Marion Spearfish Baltic Sioux Falls Rapid City Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Huron Alcester Sioux Falls Rapid City Piedmont Aberdeen Yankton Sioux Falls Pierre Sioux Falls Yankton Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Winner Sioux Falls

Emily Maurice Sioux Falls Terese Keenan Sioux Falls R Haukaas Mission Lacey Jackson Sioux Falls Amanda Dickdon Dell Rapids Lisa Keizer Watertown Andrea Van Oel Yankton Cable Hardin Brookings Nancy Kiesow Brandon Jennifer Pfeiffer Sioux Falls Amy Clouser Sioux Falls Annette Ross Rapid City Leah Branaugh huron Leah Branaugh huron Jessica Yoshino Sioux Falls Leah Branaugh huron patty storevik Sioux Falls Jane Brown Yankton Shannon McCarthy Sioux Falls Walter Portz Sioux Falls Amanda Dietz Harrisburg Deb Sheffield Pierre Randi Hamer Sioux Falls Jay Albertson Brookings Virginia Wick Dell Rapids Cynthia McChesney Sioux Falls Justin Emmons Zajic Mitchell Alicia Williams Watertown Kristi Reierson Watertown Kari Koistinen Watertown Christy pearson Brandon Austin Kaus Vermillion Lyle Ehers Sioux Falls Erica Kobza Mitchell Jacob Miller Sioux Falls Heather Allmendinger Sioux Falls Steve Evans Sioux Falls Angela Larson Sioux Falls Kathy Yates Sioux Falls Derrick T. West Aberdeen Cynthia Ehly Rapid City Lisa Berry Sioux Falls Ngoc H Thach Vermillion Peggy Mercado Brandon Megan Tiffany Sioux Falls Dane Balo Watertown Hannah Logue Brookings Edward Edmonds Sioux Falls Melissa Sievers Beresford Corey Gerlach Sioux Falls Rebecca hill Watertown Eliza Bonnemann Brookings Kelly Rezac Sioux Falls Amanda Novotny Brookings Stuart Hansen Sioux Falls Linda Fowler Sioux Falls

Lisa Arndt Sioux Falls Michelle White Winner June McKillip Sioux Falls Cait Quinlivan Sioux Falls Jacob S Tebben Harrisburg Danielle Harms Watertown Paul Christenson Huron mindy johnson Sioux Falls Nick Patterson Sioux Falls Jennifer petersen Sioux Falls Rebecca Brookings Sara Hughes Sioux Falls Sammi bohlen Sioux Falls Roger Delaney Vermillion Adam Juba Watertown Kyle Lagodinski Sioux Falls S. Ann Harjes Rapid City Sheryl Stinson Rapid City Cathy Yager Crooks Ashley Dumke Sioux Falls Mary Toso Canton Amy Douglas Sioux Falls Nickolas J. Pohlmann Harrisburg Christiana Hennings Brookings Brittney Nelson Tea Kelly Nelson Sioux Falls Kiese Hansen Brookings Christine Meyer Sioux Falls Sara Ensberg Sioux Falls Beth Bury Rapid City Dusty Reed Rapid City Stacy Burkhalter Brookings Riley Larson Brookings Maureen Slotto Britton Jolene Mittelstedt Watertown Carlee Brandon Amanda Legg Sioux Falls Carin Schleicher Sioux Falls Lisa Champion Sioux Falls terri brown Sioux Falls Marcia Hovdenes Sioux Falls Nancy Teall Sioux Falls Holly Leske Brooklyn Andrew MacLean Sioux Falls Catherine Miller Sioux Falls Cassandra Baar Sioux Falls Melissa Dreesman Valley Springs Jessica Oster Sioux Falls Elizabeth Moll Spearfish Mandy Suhr Sioux Falls Alicia Grothe Sioux Falls Danielle Disbrow Sioux Falls Julie Amsberry Yankton Ryan Fossum Sioux Falls Haley Jerman Brookings Ashley Walter Sioux Falls

Erick Taylor AnnRae Herr Julie Parker Lindsay Vik Jonna Grey Eagle Megan Christopher Katie Sangster Priscilla Engen Dana Lone Hill Connie Mullett Jamie Manning Stephanie Mathews Kali Gerlach Kali Gerlach roberta rotherham Wade Boyum Calli Johnson Mackenzie Collin Tiffany Vanhove Amanda Mensing Roberta Wensel kristin haakinson David Feller Kara Schweitzer Sonja Vermillion Katie DeWall Katie DeWall Brad Carnes Lynsey Christopher Rachel Radack Brianna Huss stacy west Nicholas McInerney Nora Flaherty Nicol Mooney Charlotte Petrick Kari Hultgren megan deneui roman craigle Melissa Mogen Heather Abbas Jill Michaelson Ann Burrish Patti wolter Maggie Engler Kyle Vanhove Lesley Ronning-Kunz Michaela E Stump Danielle Rezac Sonia Ohling Katy Kim Ellefson Christopher R Trefz Paige Pearson Steve Birgen

Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Custer Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brandon Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Emery Sioux Falls Watertown Watertown Sioux Falls Aberdeen Watertown hartford Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Brandon Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Hartford Sioux Falls Rapid City Beresford

Leah Swanson Sioux Falls Shelley Ringold Sioux Falls norma knigge Sioux Falls Dr Cheryl Bixby Hartford Geneva Costa Sioux Falls Larry Lucas Pickstown Daniel Wilcox Sioux Falls Donna Bastemeyer Sioux Falls Matthew Schmidt Sioux Falls Joshua Arens Yankton Melissa Andrisen Sioux Falls Francisco Evangelista Brookings Rayna Fritz Sioux Falls Kerry Roberts Sioux Falls Lucille Thaler Sioiux Falls October Greenfield Canton Jodi Oliver Sioux Falls Jonathan Barnes Brandon Jeff Nelson Sioux Falls Autumn Hausman Sioux Falls Patti Martinson Rapid City William Hagman Sioux City Cheryl Eddie Sioux Falls Gabrielle Horton Yankton Jacob Lyndell Sellers Watertown Nikki Lopez Sioux Falls Andy Cahalan Sioux Falls Kathy Chase Sioux Falls Hayley Townsend Sioux Falls Megan Pederson Sioux Falls Heather Peters Sioux Falls Reece La Valliere Sioux Falls Gary Coleman Dante Zach Peterson Chamberlain Emma Aadland Pierre Caroline Jorgensen Sioux Falls Rhonda Elsen Britton Katie Shea Rapid City Pat Baker Crooks Jody Hoiten Brookings Mitchell Witt Sioux Falls Bryan Huls Sioux Falls Alexis Guccione Sioux Falls Stacey Burnette Sioux Falls Amy Heisinger Sioux Falls Erin Kaufman Marion Gino Sioux Falls Kelsea Sutton Burke Jesse Wilkins Rapid City Jesse Wilkins Rapid City Lori Dykstra Sioux Falls Tiffany Thomas Sioux Falls Nichole Gerlach Sioux Falls Adam Jorgensen Sioux Falls Deb Sundby Sioux Falls Robert Hausvik Sioux Falls

Steven Thompson Stacey Meyer Dustin Rusche Chelsea decker LeAnn Richardson Lawrence Novotny Brenda Whiting Brienne Maner Wade McIntyre Amy Miner Shane Gerlach Michael A. Ramsey Erica Moe Lindsay Martin Leigha Veurink Nathan Hardison joellen marcotte Lisa Hardison Matt Culhane Karen Hattervig Jacob Kjenstad Becky Browne Paulette Callen Kayla Bones Claudia Randall Jennifer coleman Meg Bowers Meg Bowers Kelli Bultena Kymberlee Selzler Roy Holly Perli Jeff Patterson Trevor Clements Jenae Olson Linda Simmons Justin LeVake Norma Reiners Kathy Jacobsma Austin Risseeuw Heather Carr Shona Kelly McDonald Beth Reitzel Jimmy Crespin Dustin Boes Jessica Jorgensen Shane Hetland Jameson Goetz Nicholas French Rick Grosek Ryan Rolfs Mackenzie Huber Erica Houska Amber Rost Mayce Klein

SIOUX FALLS pierre Elk Point Rapid City Sioux Falls Brookings Baltic Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Yankton Vermillion Sioux Falls Watertown Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Watertown Humboldt Webster Watertown Rapid City Mobridge Brookings Brookings Lennox Sioux Falls Vermillion Rapid City Rapid City Brookings Sisseton Twin Brooks Sioux Falls Lennox Sioux Falls Watertown Mitchell Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Harrisburg Brookings Brookings Sturgis Sioux Falls Vermillion Brookings Madison Watertown

Robin A. Page Lara Jeanne Apelseth Robert DiMercurio Thomas Christiansen Rachel Weber Allison Risseeuw Jennifer Selzler Richel Henkel Jodi doering Miranda Boenisch Pamela Miller Mary Coleman Maddie Henseler Justin Fuhs Alix K Hentges GREGORY ROLING Matt Richards Kimberly Jacobson Gertha Bullock Danielle Beaner Mark Remily Joy Welsh Robbi Kannas Timothy Whelan Dan Ahlers Mark Church Deanna Dowlin Lorri May Dara O'Donnell Barbara Chapman Joan Frevik Carter Christensen Deb Klebanoff Katlyn Powers Patricia Norin Laura Tolle Maggie Elliot Nelda Holden Roberta Nesheim Deb Billion Robin Melstad Jarrett James Zeman Justin Johnson Laura McNaughton robert alan stenseth Kaman Dragoo Allyson Mohs Emily Weiss Tawney Svoboda Allyson Crespo Karlie Haug Jonni Kosmicki Shari Kosel Patrick C. Unruh Mary Laderer

Rapid City Deadwood Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mt Vernon Deadwood Sioux Falls Rapid City Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Groton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Mitchell Aberdeen Sioux Falls Clear Lake Spearfish Dell Rapids Sioux Falls Rapid City Madison Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Baltic Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Madison Deadwood Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Lead Brookings Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Miller Lead Marion Vermillion

Meghan Loof Bradley Waltman Judi Heiman Nita Johnson Kerry Von Holtum Cassie Moderegger Christena Georgas Amy Atkins Veronica Olson Dakota Weathers Angelica Gabriel Rebecca R. Leas Madeleine Howey Andrea Haugen Melissa Rieth Stephanie Haines Sarah Muirhead Jared Ribstein Lauren Harstad Justin Enger Mary E. Leary kelli aarstad Kate Kelley Roxanne M. Huber Ken Atwood Shelly Lewellen Jenny Van Kekerix Jack Hughes Lisa Jennings Teresa Whetsel Ericka Schapekahm Shanna Geist Holly Sortland sara mcmanus Bill Thompson Pam Oberembt Jen Tyler Brian Bieber Corbin Cleary Peggy Detmers David A. Shields Jarrod Anderson Berniece Mayer Susan Kroger Jamie Scarbrough Ted Gustafson Coral Peters Mary Perpich Mark Phillippi Kent Carl Bozentko Donna Bates Goede Tracy Hummel Jeff Hayward Dean A Johnson Amy Dunlavy Michelle Randall

Vermillion Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Rapid City Big Stone City Sioux Falls Rapid City Vermillion Rapid City Watertown Spearfish Brookings Sioux Falls Presho Vermillion Brookings Harrisburg Howard Brookings Spearfish Sioux Falls Artesian Aberdeen Vermillion Spearfish Aurora Arlington Vermillion Roscoe Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brandon Clark Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Yankton Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Lower Brule Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hurley Rapid City Arlington Aberdeen Sioux Falls

Chris Francis Kim Conlin Rev. John Burrows Teresa Hohn-Lyons Christina Caroline Hansen Kathryn Weller Lillian Quinn Jacalyn Crawford Teresa Bee Matt Herbert Susan Hines Ryan Casey Donna McLaird Kirsten Craft Jody Roose Carol Lynch Joe Kosel Sandy Dumke David Mark Miller Zach Crago Sharon Elsing Diane Feller Richard Schriever Tracey Kelly Margie Neugebauer James Wassom Anne Mettler Douglas E. Kludt Ryan Swanson Brenda Ludens Arlen Viste Sheila Martin Vincent Gormley Jerry Bloomer Shirley Moore Ann Horton Ashley Anderson Valerie Parsley Thomas Martin Connie Kieso Tyler Harms Edgar Harvey Joseph Holt Jenneil Watkins Derek Fernholz Gail Cain Harold Bielstein Nicole DeGroff Mary McGrane Marlene Schulz Deon Simon Cena Keller Pauline Poletes Karel Bielstein Sue Nipe

Madison Yankton Rapid City Sioux Falls Pierre Turton Rapid City Sisseton Pierre Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Mitchell Sioux Falls Yankton Deadwood Lead Crooks Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Lennox Yankton Chamberlain Sioux Falls Rapid City Huron Sioux Falls Chancellor Sioux Falls Custer Sioux Falls Hot Springs Madison Volin Sioux Falls Madison Custer Watertown Hartford Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Brookings Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls

Alex Sproul Charles Wirth Jackie schwartz Kory Rawstern Tiffany Campbell TED WEILAND Clara Jacob David L. Wegner Jerry Wilson Gloria Kribell Nicole Tupman Kathryn Parker Audrey E. Zimmerle Sonia Bury Karen Kraus Carmen Toft Scott Arens Kelly Wismer Pamela Dorale

Harrisburg Hurley Box Elder Madison Sioux Falls Madison Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Vermillion Alcester Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Watertown Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Yankton Britton Sioux Falls