secure distributed key management for wireless ...

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The first algorithm manages the digital certificates in the case all the ad hoc nodes are covered by other infrastructure-based wireless networks. This algorithm is ...
SECURE DISTRIBUTED KEY MANAGEMENT FOR WIRELESS MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS (WMANETS) Iman Almomani Software Technology Research Laboratory (STRL), De Montfort University Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK [email protected]

Hussein Zedan Software Technology Research Laboratory (STRL), De Montfort University Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK [email protected]

ABSTRACT This paper proposes a novel secure mechanism for managing the digital certificates in WMANETs. Based on our defined architecture for WMANETs, we will take the case where WMANET is operating in an area covered by other infrastructure-based wireless networks such as cellular systems or WLANs. We define two different algorithms for two different scenarios. The first algorithm manages the digital certificates in the case all the ad hoc nodes are covered by other infrastructure-based wireless networks. This algorithm is based on the hierarchal trust model used in PKI to provide high level of security, availability and well management certification service. The second algorithm will take the assumption that some of the ad hoc nodes are covered by other wireless networks. In this case, both the certification authority characteristics of PKI and web of trust are combined. The ongoing research attempted to adapt one of these two approaches to WMANETs. The proposed solution will solve the shortcomings of applying one of the two approaches separately to WMANETs and enhance the level of security by combining their features. The novel mechanism is still a fully distributed, provides a high level of security, availability, flexibility and efficiency key management services for WMANETs. Graph theory will be used to represent our security system, study its performance and demonstrate its effectiveness. KEYWORDS WMANET, security, digital certificates, key management, PKI, web of trust, graph theory, SCC.

1. INTRODUCTION In mobile ad hoc networks, due to unreliable wireless media, host mobility and lack of infrastructure, providing secure communications is a big challenge in this unique network environment. Usually cryptography techniques are used for secure communications in wired and wireless networks. Cryptography is an important and powerful tool for security services, namely authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation. It converts readable data (plaintext) into meaningless data (ciphertext). Cryptography has two dominant flavors, namely symmetric-key (secret-key) and asymmetric key (public-key) approach. There is a variety of symmetric or asymmetric algorithms available, such as DES, AES, IDEA, RSA, and EIGamal (Schneier 1996, Stallings 2003).Threshold cryptography (Shamir 1979) is a scheme quite different from the above two approaches. In Shamir’s (k, n) secret sharing scheme, a secret is split into n pieces according to a random polynomial. The secret can be recovered by combining k pieces based on Lagrange interpolation. In fact, any cryptographic means is ineffective if the key management is weak. Key management is a central aspect for security in WMANETs which requires an effective management of digital certificates. In cryptography, a digital key certificate is a certificate which uses a digital signature to bind together a public key with an identity — information such as the name of a person or an organization, their address, and

so forth. The certificate can be used to verify that a public key belongs to an individual. In a typical public key infrastructure (PKI) scheme, the signature will be of a certificate authority (CA). X.509 is a widely used standard for defining digital certificates following the above scheme. It is published as ITU recommendation ITU-T X.509 (ITU-T X.509 2005). In a web of trust scheme, the signature is of either the user (a self-signed certificate) or other users ("endorsements"). In either case, the signatures on a certificate are attestations by the certificate signer that the identity information and the public key belong together. Examples of implementations of this approach are GPG (The GNU Privacy Guard), and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) (Zimmermann1995, Garfinkel 1995). Current approaches for managing the digital certificates in ad hoc networks are utilizing one of the above two approaches, PKI or the web of trust. While both approaches have different advantages and limitations, neither approach is effective in all scenarios, as we are going to show in the next section. In this paper we propose a novel, efficient, secure mechanism for managing the digital certificates in WMANET. We will take the assumption that WMANET exists in heterogeneous wireless environment. We define two different algorithms for two different scenarios. The novel mechanism is still fully distributed, provides a high level of security, availability, flexibility and efficiency key management services for WMANETs.

2. RELATED WORK Solutions to the problem of pubic key management in WMANETs have already been proposed; they are utilizing one of the above two approaches, PKI or the web of trust. To adapt PKI to ad hoc networks, threshold cryptography is used to provide a virtual Certificate Authority (CA) comprised of multiple mobile nodes that collectively provide certification services.These solutions are briefly summarized in this section. (Zhou and Haas1999) propose a distributed public-key management service for ad hoc networks. The service, as a whole, has a public/private key pair K/k that is used to verify/sign public-key certificates of the network nodes. It is assumed that all nodes in the system know the public-key K and trust any certificates signed using the corresponding private key k. The private key k is divided into n shares using an (n, t+1) threshold cryptography scheme, and the shares are assigned to n arbitrarily chosen nodes, called servers. For the service to sign a certificate, each server generates a partial signature for the certificate using its private key share and submits the partial signature to a combiner that computes the signature from the partial signatures. The application of threshold cryptography ensures that the system can tolerate a certain number t < n of compromised servers in the sense that at least t+1 partial signatures are needed to compute a correct signature. This proposal, however, assumes that there is an authority that initially empowers the servers and that some of the nodes must behave as servers. It also doesn’t describe how a node can contact t servers securely and efficiently in case that the servers are scattered in the whole area. The distribution of refreshed secret shares in an efficient and secure way is not addressed too. In more recent proposal, that is first described by (Luo and Lu 2000) and later analyzed by (Kong and Zerfos 2001). It provides a more fair distribution of the burden by allowing any node to carry a share of the private key of the service. However, just like in Zhou and Haas proposal (Zhou and Haas 1999), the first t+1 nodes must be initialized by a trusted authority. In addition to this drawback, there are other two problems with this proposal. First, the number t must be a trade off between availability and robustness; but, it is not clear how the value of t can be changed when the overall number of nodes significantly increases (or decreases). Second, the system seems to be vulnerable to the Sybil attack (Douceur 2002): An attacker can take as many identities as necessary to collect enough shares and reconstruct the system’s private key. There are many other approaches also depend on building virtual certificate authority using threshold cryptography such as those presented in (Luo et al. 2002, Khalili et al. 2003, Narasimha et al. 2003, Yi and Kravets 2003, Xu and Liviu 2004). The web of trust model fits naturally with ad hoc networks with its decentralized distributed environment. There is no professional Certificate Authority (CA). The nodes themselves are responsible for issuing and managing the digital certificates for each other. The authors (Hubaux et al. 2001, Capkun et al. 2003, et al. Capkun 2003) involve this model in their research. They propose a fully self organized public key management system that allows users to generate their public-private key pairs, to issue certificates, and to perform authentication without any centralized services. However, this approach requires a warm up period

to populate the certificate graph, which completely depends on the behavior and mobility of the nodes. In addition to that, there is no guarantee that the resulting certification graph will dense enough to authenticate all the public keys in the network. Finally, the validity of a certificate chain depends only on the trustworthiness of the nodes in this chain, which may not suitable for applications where high degrees of accountability and security are required. If we compare our security mechanism for managing digital certificates in WMANETs with the solutions based on the distributed PKI. Our security solution will use real CA instead of virtual, with higher level of security and availability. There will be no higher maintenance overhead because of using the threshold cryptography. In addition to that all the nodes will be treated equally. There are no servers or combiner nodes. On the other side, if we compare our mechanism with the approaches that use the web of trust model, it is still fit with the distribution nature of WMANETs and allows the node participation in building the certification graph. Moreover, it will solve the security lack problem. The validity of certificate chain depends not only the trustworthiness of the ad hoc nodes, but also on the exiting trusted third parties (CAs). Finally, our solution can guarantee denser certification graph as we will explain later.

3. DISTRIBUTED KEY MANAGEMENT FOR WMANETS This section describes our digital certificate management system for WMANETs. We will define the network model of our proposal, illustrate how we use the graph theory for representing our system, describe two different algorithms (Algorithm 1, Algorithm2) to manage the digital certificates in WMANET for two different scenarios, show how our system will cope with misbehaving users in the two scenarios and explain the metrics of evolution we use to test the performance of our system and discuss the simulation results. Finally, draw our conclusions.

3.1 Network Model The network model of the proposed security system is based on our WMANET architecture (Almomani et al. 2005, Almomani et al. 2006). As shown in Figure 1, we will tackle the issue of managing the digital certificates in WMANETs when it is operating in an area covered by other infrastructure-based wireless networks such as cellular systems or WLANs.

Figure 1: Network Model

3.2 System Representation The public keys and the certificates of the system are represented as a directed graph G (V, E), where V and E stand for the set of vertices and the set of edges, respectively. We call this graph the Certification Graph (CG). The vertices of the certificate graph represent public keys of the ad hoc nodes and the edges represent the digital certificates. More precisely, there is a directed edge from vertex Pkx to vertex Pky if x, key holder of Pkx, believes that digital certificate binding Pky to y is correct.

3.3 Proposed Certificates Management Framework In this section we will propose two algorithms (Algorithm1, Algorithm2) for managing the digital certificates in WMANET for two different scenarios.

3.3.1 Algorithm 1: All nodes comprise the ad hoc network are covered by infrastructurebased wireless networks In this scenario all the nodes comprise the ad hoc networks are involved in other infrastructure based wireless networks such as WLAN, cellular systems. Therefore, each one of the ad hoc nodes will belong to some PKI. Suppose that WMANET consists of the following nodes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and it is covered by three different PKIs (PKI1, PKI2, and PKI3). The distribution of WMANET nodes to these PKIs is shown in Figure2. PKI1 A









Figure 2: Set of PKIs covered WMANET

The nodes belonging to the same PKI can verify the certificates of each other because all their certificates are signed by the CA of this PKI which is completely trusted by all of them. The certification graph in this case is shown in Figure 3. The total number of edges can be calculated using the following formula:

⎛ m i⎞ ∑ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ PKI i = 1 ⎝ 2 ⎠


i= n

(1) Where mi= the number of nodes belong to PKIi

Therefore, all the digital certificates of the WMANET nodes are issued by professional Certificated Authorities (CAs). Each CA first generates the public/private key pairs for nodes belonging to it. After that, the CA issues a digital certificate binding each public key with its owner and signs it by its private key. The CA provides each node with its digital certificate and CA public key. Each node in the WMANET has a Local DataBase (LDB). In the initial phase of the system, each node holds in its LDB the digital certificate issued by the CA belong to its PKI and the public key of this CA. pkH









Figure 3: Certification Graph of Algorithm1

The Certificate Exchange is a very important and low-cost mechanism that allows WMANET nodes to distribute the certificates they hold. Each node periodically sends its physical neighbor (in one hop) the digital certificates and the corresponding CA’s public key stored in its LDB. When the neighbors receive these certificates they compare it with their LDBs and add the new certificate they don’t hold in addition to the public keys of their issuers. The certificates exchange process is repeated periodically at a specified time interval called Exchange Time Interval (ETI). After some time, all nodes will almost have the whole certification graph shown in Figure 3. When node x want to communicate securely with node y. Node x searches for the y certificate in its LDB. When it is found, it then checks CA of y. If both of them have the same CA, then x used the public key of its CA to validate the digital certificate of y. After that, node x uses the public key provided in this certificate to

send data to y in a secure manner. But if they don’t have the same CA, x will do two things. First, x will validate the certificate of y using the public key of the CA provided with this certificate. Second, if the validation process is successful, x will do crosscheck on the public key of the CA. It will search in its LDB for other certificates signed by the same CA and compare the public key of this CA with public key of CA of y. If node x doesn’t find the digital certificate of y in its LDB, then x contacts y and requests its digital certificate. In addition to that, both nodes merge their LDBs as another way for exchanging the digital certificates. The certificate of y now is added to the LDB of x. Therefore, x can repeat the steps mentioned above in validating this digital certificate. Certificate Revocation is one of the basic services that should be provided by any digital certificate management system. In this scenario we have to two types of certificate revocation: ƒ Explicit revocation: when the CA belong to PKIi revoke a certificate that it issued for one of its nodes and send the corresponding revocation to the other nodes belonging to the same infrastructure. ƒ Implicit revocation: Each certificate is revoked after its expiration time. In general each certificate contains its issuing time and it validity time which is decided by the issuer. Therefore, the PKIi should update the certificates of their nodes before the expiration time. In both cases of revocation, any information provided by the CA to its nodes about any certificate should be distributed though the exchange process. In this way the nodes belong to other CA will be informed with any new information.

3.3.2 Algorithm 2: Some of the nodes comprise the ad hoc network are covered by infrastructure-based wireless networks In this scenario, some of the ad hoc nodes are belonging to other infrastructure based wireless networks such as WLAN and cellular systems. The proposed algorithm, Algorithm2, will manage the digital certificate in this case by combining the certification authority characteristics of both PKI and web of trust. This solution will solve the shortcomings of applying the two approaches separately to WMANETs and enhance the level of security by combining their features. Building the certification graph in Algorithm 2 is based in two sources of belief. The first source based on the infrastructure and the second one based on the personal knowledge of the ad hoc nodes themselves. Therefore, if there is directed edge from vertex Pkx to vertex Pky if x, key holder of Pkx, believes that digital certificate binding Pky to y is correct. This belief based on two reasons: 1. x and y belong the same PKI. Consequently, their digital certificates are issued from the same CA which is trusted by both of them. 2. x is the issuer of the digital certificate of y based on personal knowledge. For example, x and y may have exchanged their keys through a side channel (e.g. over an infrared channel at the time of a physical encounter). Suppose that WMANET is consisting of the following mobile node: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. The set of nodes belong to the PKI are shown before in Figure 3. The certification graph in Algorithm 2 is more connected graph as shown in Figure 4. The solid edges represent the digital certificates issued from the professional CA based on the hierarchal trust model provided by the PKIs. The dashed edges represent the digital certificates that are issued by the nodes themselves based on the web of trust model. In this scenario, the generation of public/private key pairs of the nodes belonging to some PKI will be the responsibility of their CA, while the nodes doesn’t belong to any other infrastructure-based wireless network will generate their public/private key pairs by themselves. In the certificates issuing process, for the nodes belong to a PKI the corresponding CA issues a digital certificate for them signed by its private key. The CA provides each node with two things: the node digital certificate and the CA public key. Each node will then store them in its LDB. On the other hand, any node w can issue a digital certificate for node z if w believes that public key of z (pkz) that z holds is correct. This digital certificate will be signed by the private key of w and will be stored in both LDBs of w and z. The Certificate Exchange process in this algorithm is similar to the one we explained in Algorithm 1; the only difference is related to the nodes holding a certificate issued by professional CA. In this algorithm they will exchange the digital certificates only without the pubic key of their CA. The key authentication process is different in this case. When node x wants to obtain the public key of node y, it checks its LDB. If the certificates found there, then it checks who the issuer of this certificate is.

pkL pkH






pkA pkJ pkK



Figure 4: Certification Graph of Algorithm 2

If it is the same as x then this certificate can be validated using the public key of the CA of x. If they don’t have the same CA, then x acquires a chain of public-key certificates such that: 1. The first certificate of the chain can be directly verified by u. 2. Each remaining certificate can be verified using the public key contained in the previous certificate of the chain. 3. The last certificate contains the public key of the y. If more than one valid certificate chain are available. Then we will choose the optimum one (secure+available). For example, we can choose the shortest chain, the longest chain, the shortest with more solid (certificates issued by CA) edges, the longest with more solid edges, the shortest with more dashed (certificates issued by nodes themselves) edges, the longest with more dashed edges, etc. or based on some compromised selection. If node x doesn’t find the digital certificate of y in its LDB. Then the Algorithm 2 will behave exactly as Algorithm 1 in such situation.

3.4 Coping with Misbehaving Users In Algorithm 1 it is more difficult task for a malicious node to make other nodes believe in a false certificate. This is because all the certificates in scenario 1 are issued by a professional CAs. The dishonest node can try to achieve the following: ƒ Issue a certificate for itself or for any other node. Then, signs this certificate with its private key. After that, it claims that this certificate singed by professional CA and uses its public key to act as the CA public key. Since it is recommended in algorithm 1, that each node must hold the digital certificate and the corresponding public key of the CA. ƒ Issue a certificate for itself or for any other node. Then, signs this certificate with its private key. After that, it claims that this certificate singed by professional CA and this time uses the real public key of the CA to be attached with the certificate. This node can get the real public key through other certificates signed truly by this CA. Both types of misbehavior can be detected and prevented by Algorithm 1. In the first case, when any node x attempts to validate this certificate. The validation process will end successfully. Because the certificate is signed by the private key which corresponds to the public key attached with the certificate. But still there is another condition. X will compare this attached public key with other public keys attached with certificates issued by the same CA. In this case there will be a mismatch. And it is clear who is the causing this mismatch and that will start giving this node a bad reputation. In the second case, the validation process will fail. This is because the certificate is signed by the private key of the node and attached with the public key that is not the corresponding public key of the node. It is the real public key of the CA. In Algorithm 2, it is easier for malicious node to make other nodes believe in a false certificate. This is because not all the certificates in scenario 2 are issued by a professional CAs. There will be other certificates signed by the nodes themselves. The dishonest node can try to achieve the following: 1. Issue a certificate that binds a public key PKx to a node y instead of x.

2. 3.

Issue a certificate that binds node x to a false public key PKf instead of PKx. Issue certificates for nodes that do NOT exist in the WMANETs, invent their identities and their public keys, and bind them in the certificates. All the above cases will produce an inconsistent certificate which can be detected by the WMANET nodes. Especially, when there is a conflict between the certificates issued by the professional CAs and by the nodes. If the conflict is occurred between two certificates issued by the nodes themselves, then this conflict should be resolved even by checking the validity of the conflict certificate with their issuer or by checking the certificate chains lead to these certificates. That will allow the WMANET to gather more information about its nodes and their reputation.

3.4 Simulation Results Our proposed system for managing digital certificates in WMANET is evaluated using graph theory. We used the connectivity of the certification graph as a performance metric. The more connected graph we have, the more successful key authentication we can achieve. In Graph theory, a directed graph is called strongly connected if for every pair of vertices u and v there is a path from u to v and a path from v to u. If we have a strongly connected certification graph, that mean any public key in WMANET can be authenticated, which is our aim. The main term related to graph connectivity we used in our experiments analysis is the Strongly Connected Components (SCC). The SCC of a directed graph is its maximal strongly connected subgraph. All simulations were performed with a simulator implemented in C/C++ with some graph theory libraries.

3.4.1 Algorithm 1 Performance In Algorithm 1 we studied the effect of the number of PKIs exist in the WMANET on the connectivity of the Certification Graph (CG). The simulation results shown in Figure 5 indicate that the less PKIs exist, the more connected CG we have, and vice versa. In the former case the key authentication is performed very securely because most (or all) of the nodes have certificates issued by the same trusted third party. The less connected CG does not imply that the key authentication process will fail but it will be less secured because it will have digital certificates from different professional issuers.

Figure 5: Certification Graph Connectivity of Algorithm1

3.4.2 Algorithm 2 Performance In Algorithm2, we compare our work with the approaches that are based only on the web of trust model. The simulation results show how the connectivity of the certification graph which is based just on the web of trust model (PGP) is increased when we combine it with PKI certification graph. The same PGP graph is used in the shown simulation results. This PGP graph is extracted from the PGP database 2001 available at Figure 6 shows the connectivity of the certification graphs when either web of trust model or PKI are used separately and the connectivity when both of them are combined. Figure 6 assumes one PKI with different percentage of WMANET nodes that belong to this PKI. In Figure 7 we also study the connectivity of the certification graphs but when there are two different PKIs. The SCC (PGP) is not affected by changing the percentage of nodes belongs to the PKI(s) and this explains the constant value of the SCC (PGP) in Figure 6 and Figure 7. If we compare the difference in connectivity between the case when only

PKI is used and the case when a combination of PKI and PGP is used, we can notice that the improvement due to the combination over the PKI case is more noticeable in Figure 7 than Figure 6 as the connectivity of PKI degraded with the use of two PKIs.

Figure 6. CG Connectivity of Algorithm 2 when we have one PKI

Figure 7: CG Connectivity of Algorithm 2 when we have two PKI

4. CONCLUSION A novel digital certificates management system for WMANET is proposed. This system takes the case when WMANET is operating in a heterogeneous wireless environment where more than one wireless network operates. Using small portion of information from the infrastructure of these wireless environments will provide a great improvement in managing the digital certificates in WMANET. We have presented two algorithms (Algorithm 1, Algorithm 2) for two different scenarios. In the first scenario, all the nodes of WMANETs are participating in other wireless networks and belong to the hierarchy of the PKI of the wireless network it is participating in. All the digital certificates for WMANET nodes are issued by professional CAs. In the second scenario, some of the WMANET nodes are subscribed with other wireless networks. These nodes have certificates issued from professional CAs while the rest of WMANET nodes could have certificates issued by other WMANET nodes based on the acquaintances between them. Therefore, the trust model used is this situation is combination between the hierarchy and the web of trust models. The improvements of the two algorithms achieved can be summarized as the following: ƒ Provide a full distributed, efficient, scalable, key management system for WMANETs. ƒ Improve the availability of the key management service for WMANETs comparing with previous work. ƒ The Certification graph is denser enough for a successful key authentication. ƒ Enhance the performance of the algorithms that based solely on the first approach (PKI) or the second approach (web of trust). ƒ Increase the level of security in the both algorithms in comparing with the existing key management systems of WMANETs. ƒ Encouraging the integration of heterogeneous wireless networks. ƒ Maintain for the subscribers of infrastructure-based wireless networks such as cellular systems more privacy protection, secure communication when they participate in ad hoc networks. ƒ Provide a robust key management system for WMANETs against malicious attacks. Our two algorithms are able detect and prevent different types of attack. Identify and resolve any conflict between the certificates. ƒ Algorithm 2 implements a security fault tolerance mechanism by providing different path for validating a key. Especially, if we have a certificate chain with expired or conflict certificates. It is necessary to have alternatives valid paths. ƒ In Algorithm 2 we can optimize the certificates chains according to the level of security requested in WMANETs.

Currently we are using NS2 simulator to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency (cost) of our key management system. We are studying the effect of the mobility on the performance of the two algorithms and testing the efficiency in terms of overhead and delay. In addition to that we are testing the scalability factor by measuring the performance of the algorithm with increasing the network size. The achieved results are promising. These results will be made available through a future work.

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