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Quasi 2-norm, (2,p)-norm, modulus of concavity, Cauchy sequence, convergent .... be equivalent quasi 2-norms on the real vector space L . The sequence. 1.
Математички Билтен Vol. 39(LXV) No. 1 2015 (61-66) Скопје, Македонија

ISSN 0351-336X


Abstract. In [7] C. Park has generalized the term quasi-normed space, i.e. has given the term quasi 2-normed space. Further, C. Park has proven few properties of quasi 2-norm, in [3] M. Kir and M. Acikgoz have given the procedure for completing the quasi 2normed space and in [1], [4] and [6] are proven few inequalities about quasi 2-normed spaces. In this paper are proven several properties of Cauchy and convergent sequences in a quasi 2-normed space. Some of them are analogy to the properties of such sequences in n-normed spaces ([5], [8]).



S. Gähler (1965) gave the terms of 2-normed spaces. Parallelepiped inequality, which is one of the basic in the theory of 2-normed spaces, is one of the axioms of 2norm. Precisely this inequality, analogously as in the normed spaces, C. Park has replaced by new condition. Thus, he actually derived the following definition for quasi 2-normed space. Definition 1 ([7]). Let L be a real vector space and dim L  2 . Quasi 2-norm is a real function || ,  ||: L  L  [0, ) such that: i)

|| x, y || 0 , for all x, y  L and || x, y || 0 if and only if the set {x, y} is linearly


dependent; || x, y |||| y, x ||, for all x, y  L ;


||  x, y |||  |  || x, y ||, for all x, y  L and for each  R, and


It exists a constant C  1 such that

|| x  y, z || C(|| x, z ||  || y, z ||) , for all

x, y, z  L . The ordered pair ( L,|| ,  ||) is quasi 2-normed space if || ,  || is quasi 2-norm. The smallest number K such that it satisfies d) is modulus of concavity of the quasi 2-norm || ,  || 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46B20 Key words and phrases. Quasi 2-norm, (2,p)-norm, modulus of concavity, Cauchy sequence, convergent sequence 61


R. Malčeski

Definition 2. Let L be a real vector space and dim L  2 . Quasi 2-norms || ,  ||1 and

|| ,  ||2 defined on L are equivalent if it exists m, M  0 such that m || x, y ||1 || x, y ||2  M || x, y ||1 , for all x, y  L . Further, in [3] M. Kir and M. Acikgoz gave few examples of trivial quasi 2-normed spaces and considered the question about completing the quasi 2-normed space. C. Park in [7] gave a characterization of quasi 2-normed space (Theorem 1), and [4] (Lemma 1) is proven an inequality which is characteristic for quasi 2-normed spaces. Theorem 1 ([7]). Let ( L,|| ,  ||) be a quasi 2-normed space. It exists p, 0  p  1 and an equivalent quasi 2-norm ||| ,  ||| on L such that

||| x  y, z ||| p ||| x, z ||| p  ||| y, z ||| p ,


for all x, y, z  L . ■ Lemma 1 ([4]). If L is a quasi 2-normed space with modulus of concavity C  1 , then for each n>1 and for all z, x1, x2 ,..., xn  L it holds true that n


i 1

i 1

||  xi , z || C1[log2 ( n 1)]  || xi , z || . ■ Definition 3 ([7]). Quasi 2-norm ||| ,  ||| given in Theorem 1 is called (2, p)  norm, and quasi 2-normed space L is called (2, p)  normed space.



In [7] C. Park has defined a convergent sequence in quasi 2-normed space, i.e. has given the following definition. Definition 4 ([7]). Let L be a quasi 2-normed space. The sequence {xn }n1 on L is called convergent sequence if it exists x  L so that

lim || xm  x, z || 0 , for each z  L .


The vector x  L is called bound for the sequence {xn }n1 . By the following statements will be proven several basic properties of convergent sequences in quasi 2-normed spaces.

Several properties of convergent and Cauchy ...


Lemma 2. Let || ,  ||1 and || ,  ||2 be equivalent quasi 2-norms on the real vector space L . The sequence {xn }n1 converges on the quasi 2-normed space ( L,|| ,  ||1 ) if and only if it converges on the quasi normed space ( L,|| ,  ||2 ) , Proof. The proof is directly implied by definitions 2 and 4. ■ Theorem 2. Let ( L,|| ,  ||) be a quasi 2-normed space with modulus of concavity C . a) If lim xn  x , lim yn  y , lim n   and lim n   , then n




lim (n xn  n yn )   x   y .



b) If dim L  2 , lim xn  x and lim xn  y , then x  y . n


Proof. а) Since Lemma 1, it implies that for each z  L || n xn  n yn  ( x   y ), z |||| n ( xn  x )  (n   ) x  n ( yn  y )  ( n   ) y, z ||

 C 2 (| n |  || xn  x, z ||  | n   |  || x, z ||  | n |  || yn  y, z ||  | n   |  || y, z ||). holds true. By applying that n   for the latter, and also using the fact that each convergent sequence of real numbers is bounded, we derive the equality (2). b) Since definition 1, it implies that for each z  L || x  y, z || C(|| x  xn , z ||  || xn  y, z ||) holds true. By applying that n   for the latter, we get that || x  y, z || 0 , for each z  L . So,

x  y and z are linearly dependent for each z  L and since dim L  2 we get that x y. ■ Theorem 3. Let L be a quasi 2-normed space with modulus of concavity C  1 ,

{xn }n1 be a sequence on L and y  L be so that

lim || xn  xm , y || 0 . Then, for


each x  L the real sequence {|| xn  x, y ||} n 1 include a convergent subsequence. Proof. According to theorem 1, there exist p, 0  p  1 and an equivalent quasi 2-norm

||| ,  ||| on L so that for any x, y, z  L the inequality (1) holds true. Thus, there exist m, M R such that m || x, y ||||| x, y ||| M || x, y ||


holds true for all x, y  L . Let {xn }n1 be a sequence on L and y  L be so that satisfied. The inequalities (3) imply that the inequality (1) we get that

lim || xn  xm , y || 0 is


lim ||| xn  xm , y ||| 0 . Further, by applying



R. Malčeski

||| xn  x, y ||| p ||| xn  xm  xm  x, y ||| p ||| xn  xm , y ||| p  ||| xm  x, y ||| p holds true, So,

||| xn  x, y ||| p  ||| xm  x, y ||| p ||| xn  xm , y ||| p . Analogously,

||| xm  x, y ||| p  ||| xn  x, y ||| p ||| xn  xm , y ||| p . The last two inequalities imply that

| ||| xm  x, y ||| p  ||| xn  x, y ||| p |||| xn  xm , y ||| p , and since

lim ||| xn  xm , y ||| 0 , we get that the real sequence {||| xn  x, y ||| p } n 1 is


Cauchy, that is convergent sequence. Thus, the sequence {||| xn  x, y |||}n1 is convergent, that is bounded sequence. Then, the inequalities (3) imply that the real sequence {|| xn  x, y ||} n 1 is bounded, therefore it consists a convergent subsequence

{|| xnk  x, y ||}k1 . ■ Theorem 4. . Let L be a quasi 2-normed space with modulus of concavity C  1 ,

{xn }n1 be a sequence on L and x, y  L be so that

lim || xn  x, y || 0 . Then, the


real sequence {|| xn , y ||} n 1 include a convergent subsequence. Proof. According to theorem 1, there exist p, 0  p  1 and an equivalent quasi 2-norm

||| ,  ||| on L so that for any x, y, z  L the inequality (1) holds true. Thus, there exist m, M R such that for all x, y  L the inequality (3) holds true.

Let {xn }n1 be a sequence on L and x, y  L be so that lim || xn  x, y || 0 . Now, the n

inequalities (3) imply that lim ||| xn  x, y ||| 0 . Analogously to the proof of theorem 3, n

we conclude that

| ||| xn , y ||| p  ||| x, y ||| p |||| xn  x, y ||| p ,


and since lim ||| xn  x, y ||| 0 , by the inequality (4) we get that the real sequence n

{||| xn , y |||} n 1 is convergent, that is the latter is bounded. Now, the inequality (3) implies that the real sequence

{|| xn , y ||} n 1 is bounded. Therefore, it includes a

convergent subsequence {|| xnk , y ||}k1 . ■

Several properties of convergent and Cauchy ...




Definition 3 ([7]). Let L be a quasi 2-normed space. The sequence {xn }n1 on L is called a Cauchy sequence if lim || xm  xn , z || 0 , for each z  L . n

The quasi 2-normed space L is called a complete if each Cauchy sequence converges on L . Theorem 5. Let ( L,|| ,  ||) be a quasi 2-normed space with modulus of concavity C  1 . If {xn }n1 is a Cauchy sequence on L , then for each

z  L the real sequence

{|| xn , z ||}n1 includes a convergent subsequence. Proof. According to the theorem 1, there exist p, 0  p  1 and an equivalent quasi 2norm ||| ,  ||| on L such that for all x, y, z  L the inequality (1) holds true. Thus, there exist m, M R such that for all x, y  L , the inequality (3) holds true. Let {xn }n1 be a Cauchy sequence on ( L,|| ,  ||) and z  L . Since the inequality (3) we get that the sequence {xn }n1 is Cauchy sequence on ( L,||| ,  |||) . Further, the inequality (1) implies that

||| xn , z ||| p ||| ( xn  xm )  xm , z ||| p ||| xn  xm , z ||| p  ||| xm , z ||| p , that is

||| xn , z ||| p  ||| xm , z ||| p ||| xn  xm , z ||| p . Analogously

||| xm , z ||| p  ||| xn , z ||| p ||| xn  xm , z ||| p . The last two inequalities imply

| ||| xm , z ||| p  ||| xn , z ||| p |||| xn  xm , z ||| p  0 for m, n   . Thus, the sequence {||| xn , z ||| p }n1 is Cauchy sequence. The latter means that also the sequence {||| xn , z |||} n 1 is Cauchy sequence. So, it is bounded sequence. Finally the inequalities (3) imply that the real sequence {|| xn , z ||}n1 is bounded, that is it consists a convergent subsequence. ■ Theorem 6. Let L be a quasi 2-normed space with modulus of concavity C  1 . If  {xn }n1 and { yn } n 1 are Cauchy sequences on L and {n }n 1 is a real Cauchy

sequence, then {xn  yn }n1 and { n xn }n1 are Cauchy sequences on X . Proof.


R. Malčeski

|| xn  yn  ( xm  ym ), z |||| ( xn  xm )  ( yn  ym ), z ||  C (|| xn  xm , z ||  || yn  ym , z ||) holds true. Thus, || xn  yn  ( xm  ym ), z || 0 for m, n   . So, {xn  yn }n1 is Cauchy sequence on L . The real sequence {n } n 1 is Cauchy, so it is bounded. Further, the proof of theorem 5 implies that the real sequence {|| xn , z ||}n1 is bounded. Since || n xn  m xm , z |||| (n xn  n xm )  (n xm  m xm ), z ||

 C (|| n xn  n xm , z ||  || n xm  m xm , z ||)  C (| n |  || xn  xm , z ||  | n  m |  || xm , z || it follows that || n xn  m xm , z || 0 for m, n   . Thus, the sequence { n xn }n1 in Cauchy sequence on L . ■

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Faculty of informatics, FON University, Skopje, Macedonia E-mail address: [email protected]