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Mining Engineering Department ( ... This 5-day course covers the fundamental of geostatistics from variogram modeling, kriging,.
SHORTCOURSE: APPLIED GEOSTATISTICS WITH SGeMS Instructor: Dr. Alexandre Boucher ( Date: December 05-09 2011 Host:

Mining Engineering Department ( Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Brasil

Contact :

Ricardo Rodrigues da Silva [email protected] Prof. João Felipe Costa [email protected] Dr. Alexandre Boucher [email protected]


3000 Real (approx 2000USD)

This 5-day course covers the fundamental of geostatistics from variogram modeling, kriging, cokriging as well as conditional simulations of continuous attribute and geology with variograms and training images. The focus is on an intuitive understanding of the underlying concepts with the help of computer-based and classroom exercises. The strengths and limitations of the techniques are highlighted to provide a critical perspective and insight on when a method is appropriate for a given study. The difference between estimation map (kriging) and simulated realizations will be given particular attention. The attendees will also get advanced training with the geostatistical software SGeMS. In addition of learning the standard geostatistical algorithms, the attendees will perform complex tasks using the embedded Python scripting language such as uncertainty characterization and data processing such as grade control. The participants will learn to write simple plugins to expand the existing capabilities and to automate their geostatistical modeling processes to increase their productivity. No programming experience is required.

About SGeMS The Stanford Geostatistical Modeling Software (SGeMS) is an open-source computer package for solving problems involving spatially related variables. It provides geostatistics practitioners with a user-friendly interface, an interactive 3-D visualization, and a wide selection of algorithms. SGeMS is the first software to provide algorithms for multiple-point statistics. Geostatistical topics covered: Probability Theory Random variable and Random function, joint and conditional probabiblity Spatial continuity : Covariance and Variogram Models of spatial continuity Kriging estimator: Development of the system of equations, Simple, Ordinary Universal, block, Indicator and dual kriging How to use a estimation map Conditional Simulation: Theory variogram-based algorihtms: sequential Gaussian simulation, sequential indicator simulation. direct sequential simulation Simulation of Geology Variogram-based : sequential indicator simulation Training image-based simulation: multiple-point simulation Uncertainty characterization Loss function (e.g. grade control) Estimation versus simulation

SGeMS topics covered: Algorithms and parameters Interface Visualization Scripting Customization Note: This course will be given in English. There is a limited number of place available, register now to secure your presence. Biography Dr. Alexandre Boucher received a PhD in geostatistics from Stanford University and a MPhil from the Univerisity of Queensland in mining geostatistics. He was acting assistant professor at Stanford University from 2007 to 2010 where he taught geostatistics. He is the founder of Advanced Resources & Risk Technology LLC, a consulting and software firm providing solutions for complex 3D modeling applications. He is a co-author of the book Applied geostatistics with SGeMS and a developer of the SGeMS open source geostatistical software. Dr. Boucher specializes in conditional simulation for complex deposits and the resulting risk assessment.