Signature Verification Based on Fractal Coding Scheme -

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Key-Words: - Digital signature, Fractal image coding (FIC), Optical character recognition (OCR), Iterated ... demands for digital signature to ensure the integrity.
Recent Researches in Communications and Computers

Signature Verification Based on Fractal Coding Scheme Nadia M. G. Al-Saidi Applied Science Department- Applied Mathematics University of Technology Baghdad- Iraq [email protected] Abstract: - Many novel schemes are proposed and developed since the invention of digital signature algorithms. A new signature verification scheme is proposed in this paper. It is based on fractal image coding (FIC) scheme. In the proposed algorithm, the message is hashed and encrypted to construct a signature, which will be converted to image. Using the advantage of fractal image coding (FIC), the fractal codes of a digital signature are added to the original message to be transmitted. The verification process at the receiver end is performed by comparing the evaluated hash of the message with the constructed one from the fractal attractor image. This image is generated using fractal image decoding. The proposed scheme is analyzed and discussed from the attacker viewpoint to prove that the scheme provides essential security requirements. The properties and the software implementation for the proposed scheme are discussed in details. Key-Words: - Digital signature, Fractal image coding (FIC), Optical character recognition (OCR), Iterated function systems (IFS), Hash function, RSA system. Fractal image coding has been extensively used in image recognition, image compression, computer graphics, etc. Most fractal image techniques utilize the block based fractal code as a representation or mapping function. The fractal code of an image may be considered as a compressed representation of the self similarity of the image blocks [6]. Due to several advantages of using fractal function. There are many proposals for incorporating fractal and chaos functions into the design of cryptographic and steganographic techniques. This paper is organized as follows. The basic of fractal theory are briefly outlined in Section 2. In Section 3, an overview of materials and methods used are presented. In Section 4, the proposed algorithm with the software implementation is described. Section 5, outlined the security analysis, and followed by a brief conclusion in Section 6.

1 Introduction The World Wide Web is full of various information and knowledge. Many applications such as, electronic mail, electronic fund transfer, etc., are easily transmitted and suitable for communicating over the internet. However, there are increased demands for digital signature to ensure the integrity and authenticity of digital information’s and documents. Many digital signature algorithms (DSAs) has been developed since Diffie and Hellman [1] seminal paper on public key cryptosystems was presented in 1976 [2]. Most current digital signature schemes are based on mathematical algorithm that required very complex mathematical computations. The sender is digitally signing a document by using a computer, while the receiver verifies the validity of the signature also by using the computer. Building a digital signature scheme with high security and without complex mathematical computations is big challenge until now [3]. Given the complicated mathematical structure and deterministic nature, especially their recursive construction, fractal functions have many uses in applied sciences [4]. The latest application of certain elements of fractal geometry, namely the aforementioned fractal function, is in the cryptographic systems. It has the potential of creating new ways for securing important information to be transmitted or stored [5].

ISBN: 978-1-61804-109-8

2 The Fractal Theory The fractals theory is a new discipline that offers a new method to research the self-similarity objects and irregular phenomena. It is an active branch of nonlinear science starting from the 1970s. Fractal has proven to be suitable in many fields and particularly interesting in various applications of image processing. Some phenomena which cannot be explained with Euclidean geometry could be interpreted with fractal geometry. Fractal theory and its methodology provide people a new view and new


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whose attractor look likes M. This theorem allows also for the scaling factor in addition to rotations and reflections. The question now, is how do we map domains to ranges? To find the corresponding domain block for each range block, we have to test all the domain blocks. After we find the optimized domain that minimize the Dl distance, the coordinate of domain pixels will be recorded in the compressed file. Every pixel in the blocks is represented as a point P with the coordinates (X,Y,Z), where X and Y represent the standard geometric position of P. The gray level of P is represented by the Z-coordinate. To include the gray scale value 3-dimentional matrix is used. The transformations are specified by,

ideas to know the world, and it made our way of thinking enter into the nonlinear stage. First important advances are due to M. F. Barnsley [7], who introduced for the first time the term “Iterated Function Systems (IFS)” based on the self-similarity of fractal sets. Barnsley's work assumes that many objects can be closely approximated by selfsimilarity objects that might be generated by use of IFS simple transformations. From this assumption, the IFS can be seen as a relationship between the whole image and its parts, the main problem being how to find these transformations (the IFS) [8]. There is, in fact, a version of the IFS theory, the Local Iterated Function Systems theory that minimizes the problem by stating that the image parts do not need to resemble the whole image but it is sufficient for them to be similar to some other bigger parts in it. It was Arnaud E. Jacquin [9], who developed an algorithm to automate the way to find a set of transformations, providing good quality to the decoded images.

 x   ai wi  y  =  ci  z   0

0   x  ei  0   y  +  f i  si   z  oi 


Where a,b,c,d,e, and f represent the scaling, rotation, reflection, and translation parameters, and the gray scale is controlled by m(Z)=S.Z+O, where S is the contrast and O is the brightness. The distance that we need to minimize is the distance between the gray scale levels. S and O can be computed using the least squares regression

The main idea of fractal image coder is to determine a set of contractive IFS transformation to approximate each block of the image in order to generate the whole image. Some background for fractal theory to understand the IFS and FIC are given with more details in [10-12].

2-1 Fractal Image Coding


L = ∑ ( s ⋅ ai + o − bi ) 2

The goal of FIC is to be able to store an image as a set of IFS transformation instead of storing individual pixel data. The local iterated function systems are used because we work on a section of the image instead of the whole image. The process of encoding the image M requires us to find a collection of contractive maps w1, w2, …, wn with W= U wi and M as the fixed point (or attractor) of the map W. The fixed-point equation M = W ( M ) = w1 (M )U w2 ( M )U ...U wn suggests that we partition M into pieces to which we apply the transforms wi to get back the original image M [13].

i =1


Then the minimum of L occurs when the partial derivatives with respect to S and O are zero, which result in, n ∑n a b − ∑n a ∑n b   i =1 i i i =1 i i =1 i  S=  n 2  n 2  ni∑=1 a i −  i∑=1 a i    


The metric space of a digital image be (µ, Dl), where Dl is the root mean square metric instead of the Hausdorff metric to compress the image M∈µ. It is necessary to find W:µ→µ, such that Dl(M,W(M)≅0. This metric space is determined by partitioning the original image M into a set R of non-overlapping range blocks that cover M, and a set D of overlapping domain block that has twice the side of the range blocks and must intersect M. The aim of FIC is to enable the collage theorem find the set of IFS transformation W for the image M

ISBN: 978-1-61804-109-8

bi di 0

n 1n ∑ bi − s ∑ a i   i =1 n i =1



The Dl difference is calculated using  ∑n b 2 − s s ∑n a 2 − 2 ∑n a b + 2o ∑n a  +  i i i 1 i =1 i i =1 i =1  i =1 i   L=   n n o no − 2 b   (5) ∑ i  i =1    

Each range block is compared to all possible transformed domain blocks by calculating L to choose the one that minimizes L [12] .


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Digital signature is an electronic verification mechanism by which message is authenticated to prove that a message is coming from a given sender. The digital signature scheme is used to provide a guarantee that the original content of a message cannot be changed by unauthorized party. Typically, a signature algorithm is implemented by computing a message digest on the message and then encrypting the message digest with the private key [15].

The decoding process is much simpler and (starting with an initial image M0 usually a uniform grey or white image) can be achieved by iterating through the collection of maps. On the first iteration, M 1 = W ( M 0 ) , and on the second iteration,

M 2 = W (M 1 ) = W (W ( M 0 )) , etc. This process can be repeated until the attractor resembles the original image.

3 Material and Methods

The reason for applying a digital signature in cryptosystems is to satisfy the, (1) Authentication: Digital signatures can be used to authenticate the source of the messages. When the ownership of a digital signature secret key is bound to a specific user, a valid signature shows that the message was sent by that user. (2) Integrity: The sender and the receiver of a message must be confident that the message is not subject to alteration during transmission.

In this paper the signature is hashed and then encrypted using RSA algorithm. The encrypted hash is captured in a binary image. This image is transformed with the original messages as IFS codes after applying FIC scheme. The received code is used to generate fractal attractor image using fractal decoding process, where the information is read from the image using OCR program to be verified with the hashed message. Some backgrounds for the tools used in the proposed scheme are overviewed as follows.

3-3 Hash Function The algorithm that transforms a message of any length to a string of a fixed length is called the message digest. A message-digest algorithm is a cryptographic hash algorithm (also known as a oneway function, or a hash function). It is computationally not feasible to find two messages with the same signature or to find the signature of a given message without knowledge of the private key [16]. Hash function represented in many areas of the information systems (e.g. password identification, integrity control, database comparing, etc.). Its main purpose is to satisfied message integrity.

3-1 RSA Public Key System RSA system is a public key algorithm, named after its inventors Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. The security of the RSA system is based on the difficulty of factoring integer that is the product of two large prime numbers of approximately equal size. In a public-key encryption system each entity A has a public key e and a corresponding private key d. In secure systems, the task of computing d given e is computationally infeasible [14]. To describe the RSA digital signature scheme, note that the encryption function Ek = Y(e, n) and the decryption function Dk = Y(d, n) in the RSA system are commutative: that is,

3-4 Optical Character Recognition or OCR It is software designed to electronically identify and translate printed or handwritten characters by means of an optical scanner. OCR is composed of three elements: scanning, recognition, and reading text. The OCR software scans and determines whether it is identifying images or text. Then, the machine determines letters and words by recognizing their shape by repetitions or patterns of familiar forms as in the following example [17].

Dk(Ek(x)) = Ek(Dk(x)) ≡ xed ≡ x mod n, for all x∈Zn.

Suppose that a user has a public key (e, n) and a private key (d, n). Then the private key is used to encrypt a message (or a file) m∈Zn , where the signature is S = Dk(m) = md mod n. Anyone seeing the message m and the signature S can compute m1 = Ek(S) using the public key (e,n), and accept the signature if and only if m1 = m.

My invention relates to statistical machines of the type in which successive comparisons are made between a character and a charac-

3-2 Digital Signature Protocol

ISBN: 978-1-61804-109-8


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5- Security Analysis 4 The Proposed Scheme.

The reasons for applying a digital signature in cryptosystems are to satisfy the authentication and integrity. For image encryption, security depends on two aspects, cryptographic security and perceptual security [18]. The former one denotes the encryption algorithms security against cryptographic attacks such as brute-force attack, statistical attack, differential attack, etc. The latter one denotes the unintelligibility of the encrypted image content. The security level is high because the jointly coded images cannot be correctly reconstructed without all the required information. Algorithm complexity plays a pivotal role in the security of digital signature protocols. Due to their complicated mathematical structure, specifically their recursive construction, fractal functions has become a powerful and useful tool in the applied sciences. A part from their advantage in storing only few parameters, they provide better approximates than their classical non-recursive counterparts. Based on the fractal properties, which ensure a sufficient level of randomness, high compression capability, and reduce the computation cost through using fractal image coding scheme, this method is used to propose new signature verification scheme. The fractal image generating through the given parameters, needs a great amount of iterations to converge into an attractor, but at the same time, it provides non uniform randomness and it is independent of the image size. This system is robust to attacks for two reasons. Firstly, the attacker manages to obtain parts of the key (or almost the entire key) but a small digit is missing or the order of the affine mappings is changed, then the fractal image is changed dramatically. In this case the attacker has no way of extrapolation the rest of the key. Secondly, the brute force attack will not work since a fractal key is time consuming to generate especially due to their open key space and big key size.

4-1 Signature Verification Algorithm This algorithm is based on using fractal image coding scheme. The signature is digesting using the hash function SHA-1, and encrypted and verified using RSA digital signature. The algorithm consists of three parts. 1-Key generation a- Given two large prime p,q, where n=p*q, and φ(n)=(p-1)(q-1) b- Select e such that (e, φ(n))=1, find d=e-1mod φ(n) c- Private key (d,n), public key (e,n). 2-Signature a- Determine the message M to be signed. b- Calculate a one-way hash function HSs=SHA-1(M). c- Encrypt HSs using the private key (d,n) such as, Y=(HSs(M))d mod n. d- Generate image IM that capture Y using text to image converter. e- Apply fractal image coding scheme to find the set of the IFS coefficients, matrix T. f- The signature is S=T g- Send (S,M) to the receiver. 3-Verification a- After receiving (S,M), the receiver use SHA-1 to find HSv=SHA-1(M) b- Generate the attractor IM1 from T using fractal decoding process. c- Use OCR to read the encrypted hash Y in IM1. d- Decrypt Y using the public key (e,n) to calculate HSs, such as, HSs=Ye mod n e- The signature is verified if HSs=HSv,

4-2 Software Implementation The algorithm and its graphic user interface (Figure 1) are carried out using Java under Net-Beans IDE 7. All the results have been obtained using a computer with the specifications; 2.4 GHz Intel Cor i3 CPU and 4 GB RAM.

The security of our protocol depends not only on the security of the fractal attractor but also on the security of the hash function and the RSA system. The authenticated values (hash function values) are one-way values. The one-way property helps to ensure that the message cannot be recovered from the authenticated value easily, so it is considered as a factor to strengthen the security of the protocol. The choice of the key size becomes a crucial issue, and plays the main role in the security of digital signature protocol. To ensure the hardness of the problem and to prevent some known attacks the key size must be big. The key space depends on the size

4-3 Example This is an illustration example for the captured image IM Figure 2-A, and the approximate image IM1 using fractal image decoding Figure 2-B.

ISBN: 978-1-61804-109-8


Recent Researches in Communications and Computers

[5] N. Al-Saidi, Md. R. M.d Said, Improved Digital Signature Protocol Using Iterated Function Systems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol.88, No.17, 2011, pp. 36133625. [6] K. Huang, H. Yan, Signature Verification using Fractal Transformation. Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000. [7] M. F. Barnsley and S. Demko, Iterated function systems and the global construction of fractals. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A399, 1985, pp. 243-275. [8] M. F. Barnsley and L. P. Hud, Fractal Image Compression, AK Peters, Ltd., Wellesley, Massachusetts, 1993. [9] A. Jacquin. An introduction to fractals and their applications in electrical engineering. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.331, No.6, 1994, pp. 659-680. [10] M.F. Barnsley, Fractals everywhere. 2nd ed. Academic Press Professional, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA, 1993. [11] S. Nikiel, Iterated Function Systems for Real-Time Image Synthesis, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2007. [12] Y. Fisher, Fractal image compression: theory and application. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995. [13] W. Yung-Gi, H. Ming-Zhi, Yu-Ling Wen, Fractal Image Compression with Variance and Mean, ICME, 2003. [14] W. Stallings' Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall. 5th Edition, 2010. [15] A.J. Menezes, P.C.V. Oorschot, S.A Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 1997. [16] J. Katz and Y. Lindell, "Introduction to Modern Cryptography" ,Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2007 [17] S. Vicky, H. Heather, and S. Samantha, Optical Character Recognition and the Visually Impaired. American Foundation for the Blind, Vol. 59, 2006, pp. 1-10.

of the key. For any chosen number of bits (n), the fractal key space includes 2n possible key values, while the number of possible keys for RSA is limited to the number of primes in Zp where p is the largest n-bits prime. The known protocols such as DH and RSA have the advantage of using public– private key, but they are considered as secure systems due to the use of very big prime numbers. Therefore, the proposed system provides sufficient level of security. One of the weak points in the proposed system is the use of the OCR code that might give wrong information reading for the generated image, which is not an explicit but approximate image.

6 Conclusions This paper proposes a new signature verification scheme based on the advantage and compression capability of the fractal image coding scheme. The signature is generated using RSA digital signature algorithm which is considered to be secure due to the difficulty of the factorization problem for large prime numbers. The captured image for the hashed signature is sent as fractal codes after using fractal encoding scheme, which leads to a direct reduction in memory, storage, and faster data transmission. While at the receiver side the fractal attractor is generated using fractal decoding scheme. The verification is accomplished by successful matching of the decoding hashed signature with the evaluated one. The security strength of the scheme relies on the complexity of FIC scheme, and one the security of the hash function, in addition to the security of the RSA signature algorithm. The proposed scheme has sufficient security to withstand many known attacks applicable to digital signature algorithms. References: [1] W. Diffie and M. Hellman, New directions in cryptography, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 22, No.6, 1976, pp. 644–654. [2] P. Fei, Q. Shui-Sheng and L. Min. A Secure Digital Signature Algorithm Based on Elliptic Curve and Chaotic Mappings. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2005, pp. 585-597. [3] A.M. Jaafar, A. Samsudin, Visual Digital signature scheme: A New Approach. IAENG International Journal of computer sciences, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2010. [4] P. R. Massopust, "Fractal functions and their applications," Chaos, Solitons and Fractal Vol. 8, No.2, 1997, pp.171-190.

ISBN: 978-1-61804-109-8

[18] N. Al-Saidi, Md. R. M.d Said, and A. M. Ahmed, New Direction in Public Key Systems using Iterated Function System. Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 7, No.4, 2011, pp. 526-532.


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Figure 1. User Interface for Signature Verification using Fractal Image Coding software

(B) Image IM1 created using Fractal image decoding

(A) Image IM created from encrypted hash

Figure 2. The hashed signature

ISBN: 978-1-61804-109-8