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Simon Haines, Vocabulary for Advanced (CAE). Unit 5 Risking it – extreme sports , risk-taking. English definition example. German adolescence (n.) the period ...
Simon Haines, Vocabulary for Advanced (CAE) Unit 5 Risking it – extreme sports, risk-taking English


characteristic (n.; adj.)

the period during which a young person develops from a child into an adult in the process of developing from a child into an adult relating to teenagers; short form for 'teenager' the period between childhood and adult age; a young man a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound; to make that sound (of) a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing

(physical/mental) exertion (n.)

physical or mental effort

leisure (n.)

time when one is not working or occupied; free time

hazard (n.)

a danger or risk

adolescence (n.) adolescent (n.; adj.) teen (adj.) youth (n.) buzz (n.; v.)

outcome (n.)

extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality a plan or course of action taken to achieve a particular purpose beginning, especially something unpleasant the way a thing turns out; a consequence

participant (n.)

a person who takes part in something

representative (n.; adj.)

a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for others;  typical of a class, group, or body of opinion

response to sth (n.)

a reaction;  a verbal or written answer

hype (n.) level (n.) measure (n.) onset (n.)



She spent her adolescence in France.


Adolescents frequently wonder about the meaning of life.

adoleszent; Jugendlicher; Heranwachsender

Kurt Cobain is a typical teen idol.

Jugend-; Jugendlicher

He was attacked by a gang of youths.

Jugend; junger Mann (neg. Bedeutung!)

The room was filled with a buzz of conversation. Palm trees are (a) characteristic of the Mediterranean. After the exertion of a marathon, a runner needs rest. Everyone needs some leisure to be productive. Up until the 20th century the hazards of childbirth were considerable. His long-awaited album was released amid a storm of hype. Southern Europe currently registers a particularly high level of unemployment. The Senate passed the measure by a 4830 vote. The onset of Alzheimer’s disease is marked by a persons poor judgement. The outcome of the election was a great surprise to everyone. In our company staff are all active participants in the decision-making process. He is a representative to the UN. Her view is representative of a general mood in the country. An extended, jazzy piano solo drew the biggest response from the crowd.

Gebrumm; Stimmengewirr Eigenschaft; typisches Merkmal physische od. geistige Anstrengung; Strapaze Freizeit; Musse Gefahr; Risiko Rummel; Tamtam; Niveau; Höhe; Stand Massnahme Beginn; Ausbruch Ergebnis; Resultat; Auswirkung Teilnehmer/-in; Beteiligter/-e Vertreter/-in; Repräsentant/-in; stellvertretend; charakteristisch Reaktion; Antwort; Resonanz

a small quantity intended to show what the whole is like; to take a sample of sth for analysis a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure to examine sth methodically, typically in order to explain and interpret it to do sth before sb else; to think of sth that might happen in the future keep away from or stop oneself from doing to establish exactly by research or calculation; to firmly decide to put sth in a prominent place in order that it may readily be seen

The investigation involved analysing samples of handwriting. I got to sample some of the best wine.

(Kost-)Probe; (Waren-)Muster; kosten; probieren

A thrill of excitement ran through her.

Nervenkitzel; Kick; Erregung

to be aware of beforehand; to predict

We did not foresee any difficulties. The activists induced protesters to join in the march. She released his arm and pushed him aside.

potentially (adv.)

to succeed in persuading or leading sb to do sth; to  bring about or give rise to to allow or enable to escape from confinement; to set free to say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future to slide unintentionally for a short distance; to move quietly or quickly to trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall to catch one’s foot on something and stumble or fall having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future

associated with sth (adj.)

connected with sth

content (adj.)

in a state of peaceful happiness

He seemed more content, less bitter.

(in)competent (adj.)

(not) having the ability, knowledge, or skill to do sth successfully (trying to be) as good as or better than others of a comparable nature enlarged or altered beyond normal proportions

She is glad to be operated on by a highly competent surgeon. Our products are successful in a highly competitive market. Picasso’s faces are characterised by exaggerated features.

sample (n.; v.) thrill (n.) to analyse to anticipate to avoid (+ gerund) to determine sth to display sth to foresee sth to induce sth to release sth to predict sth to slip to stumble to trip

(non-)competitive (adj.) exaggerated (adj.)

He tried to analyse exactly what was going on. They failed to anticipate a full-scale invasion. At the beach avoid staying in the sun for more than an hour. First we have to determine what the best day will be for the experiment. Some of the artist’s best works are displayed in the exhibition.

analysieren vorwegnehmen; vorgreifen; vorhersehen vermeiden bestimmen; ermitteln; determinieren anzeigen; auslegen; zur Schau stellen vorhersehen dazu bringen; verleiten; herbeiführen befreien; lösen; freisetzen

It is too early to predict a result.

voraussagen; vorhersagen; prognostizieren

The front wheels began to slip.

rutschen; ausgleiten; schlüpfen;

Her foot caught in the rug and she stumbled.


In the dark he tripped over his cat.


This error could potentially have dire consequences. The risks associated with this development are considerable.

eventuell; unter Umständen; potentiell

verbunden; in Verbindung stehend zufrieden (in)kompetent; fachkundig (nicht) konkurrenzfähig; wetteifernd übertrieben

frustrated (adj.) harmful (adj.)

causing or likely to cause harm

The ozone layer blocks the harmful rays from the sun.

schädlich; nachteilig

hazardous (adj.)

risky; dangerous

Miners work in hazardous conditions.

gefährlich; riskant

recreational (adj.)

relating to activity done for enjoyment when one is not working

reasonable (adj.)

fair and sensible; based on good sense

Our recreational facilities include a pool, a sauna and a tennis court. This seems a reasonable enough request. I’m responsible for the Marketing Department. Junk food is partly responsible for heart disease.

responsible (adj.) risky (adj.) serious (adj.)

having an obligation to do sth; being in charge of sth; being the primary cause of sth full of the possibility of danger, failure, or loss demanding careful consideration or application; significant or worrying

satisfied (adj.)

contented; pleased

tentative (adj.)

not certain or fixed; provisional

control measure

a plan or course of action taken to achieve control over sth

dangerous driving marketing hype recreational activity safety expert

extravagant or intensive marketing and promotion an activity typically pursued during one’s free time an expert specialising in the protection against risk and accidents

tentative link


to do further research

to engage in a more (detailed) scientific investigation

to engage in sth

to participate in sth

to evaluate outcomes

to assess results

to live forever

Freizeit-; zumutbar; angemessen; vernünftig verantwortlich; verantwortungsbewusst

This strategy seems far to risky to us.


I was having serious doubts about the whole plan. Satisfied customers are the basis for commercial success. They took a few tentative steps towards finding a solution. Clear regulations act as control measures in the banking business. The new measures are designed to combat dangerous driving. News of a fabulous anti-ageing pill, accompanied by the usual marketing hype, created a spike in sales.

ernsthaft; schwerwiegend; gravierend zufrieden provisorisch; vorläufig; unverbindlich Kontroll-, Schutzmassnahme gefährliches Fahrverhalten „Vermarktungs-Strohfeuer“, Vermarktungsrummel; Marketinghype Freizeitbeschäftigung

Work at the reactor was carried out under the supervision of safety experts. The team has established a tentative link between lack of sleep and heart disease. But to substantiate their claims, the team has to do further research. As long as you don’t engage in criminal activity, you’ll be safe in this part of town. Whatever happens, we will carefully evaluate the outcomes. What’s the point of living forever if you are too old to do anything fun?

Sicherheitsbeauftragter eine mögliche Verknüpfung vertiefte Forschung betreiben teilnehmen an einer Tätigkeit Resultate bewerten; beurteilen; evaluieren ewig leben

to have a lucky escape

an act of avoiding sth dangerous or unpleasant by sheer luck

to make a choice

to choose

to make/take a decision

to decide

to make a difference

to have a significant effect (or no effect) on a person or situation

to make an effort

to try (hard) to do sth

to make (good) progress

to develop towards an improved or more advanced condition

to make sure (that.../to...)

to ensure

make use of sth

to use something well

to take action

to act; to do something; to begin legal activity against someone

The explosion happened just minutes after we left – so it was a really lucky escape! I was offered two interesting jobs at the same time, so I had to make a choice. Once you are 18, you are entitled to take your own decisions about your life. Thanks for being with us today – it really makes a difference! Make an effort to exercise every day – it’ll pay off! I started learning Arabic last year and I’m making good progress. Before leaving, make sure all the doors are properly locked. I am sure I can make good use of the gift you gave me. We shall take appropriate action as soon as we have more information.

to take advice

to accept/follow advice

You should take advice from your doctor.

to take care to do sth

to be careful

to take a chance

to risk

to take effect

to start having an effect; to start working

to take exercise

to do sport

to take (reasonable/extensive) precautions

to take a measure in advance to prevent sth dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening

to take responsibility for sth/sb

to be responsible for

to take risks

to risk sth

to take steps to do sth

to make an active effort to do sth

a defining feature of sth

a typical characteristic

alleged (adj.)

said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified  illegal or  

Take care not to overdo it when going to the gym. Why should I take a chance and meet him alone? The pills will take effect an hour after ingesting them. It is best to take exercise several times a week. It is foolish not to take reasonable precautions before entering a chemical plant. Oldest children often have to take responsibility for their younger siblings. If you are unwilling to take risks, don’t get married. We shall take steps to keep youngsters from taking dangerous drugs. One defining feature of the Swiss is their punctuality. The alleged spy was arrested and taken to a military court.

mit Glück davonkommen eine Wahl treffen eine Entscheidung fällen einen Unterschied ausmachen sich bemühen Fortschritte machen sicherstellen; dazu schauen, dass... (ausgiebigen) Gebrauch machen von handeln; tätig werden; (rechtliche) Massnahmen ergreifen Rat befolgen achten darauf, etw. zu tun ein Risiko eingehen; riskieren Wirkung erlangen; wirksam werden; wirken Sport treiben (angemessene/detaillierte) Vorsichtsmassnahmen anwenden Verantwortung übernehmen Risiken eingehen Schritte unternehmen; Massnahmen ergreifen ein bezeichnendes Merkmal von etwas angeblich; vermeintlich

undesirable quality

capacity (n.)

the maximum amount that sth can contain

The stadium’s seating capacity is much greater than before.

a recent study suggests (that)...


to assess a risk

to calculate or estimate a risk

to do an assessment

to carry out a calculation or estimate of sth

to (over)complicate sth

to make sth (over)complicated

to apply (safety) measures

to make use of (…) measures; to put… into practice

to harm (your back/eyes/...)

to do damage to sth

to avoid injury

to keep away from getting injured

to feel confident about sth

to feel sure about sth

an indication of sth

a sign of sth

Experts are assessing the risk of another nuclear disaster. A thorough assessment of the risks involved will have to be done. Women are sometimes said to overcomplicate matters while men are easier. Applying simple safety measures can go a long way towards saving lives. If you stare into a computer screen all day, you may harm your eyes. Wear some knee pads to avoid injury. We feel confident that the event will be a great success. Chest pain may be an indication of heart problems.

Leistungsvermögen; Fassungsvermögen; Rauminhalt eine kürzlich gemachte Studie legt nahe, dass.../deutet darauf hin, dass ein Risiko einschätzen/abwägen etwas einer Prüfung/Einschätzung unterziehen etwas (über-)komplizieren (Sicherheits-)Massnahmen anwenden (dem Rücken/den Augen/...) schaden Verletzungen vermeiden sich sicher/zuversichtlich fühlen ein Anzeichen von