SimReg - Journal of Statistical Software

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Jan 24, 2005 - It is clear that a linear regression model often does not hold for the whole range ..... In this case when the button “next” is pressed, then the “Pair ...

Journal of Statistical Software January 2005, Volume 12, Issue 2.

SimReg: A Software Includinge Some New Developments in Multiple Comparison and Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models Mortaza Jamshidian

Wei Liu

Ying Zhang

California State University

University of Southampton

University of Iowa

Farid Jamshidian University of California at Los Angeles

Abstract The problem of simultaneous inference and multiple comparison for comparing means of k(≥ 3) populations has been long studied in the statistics literature and is widely available in statistics literature. However to-date, the problem of multiple comparison of regression models has not found its way to the software. It is only recently that the computational aspects of this problem have been resolved in a general setting. SimReg employs this new methodology and provides users with software for multiple regression of several regression models. The comparisons can be among any set of pairs, and moreover any number of predictors can be included in the model. More importantly predictors can be constrained to their natural boundaries, if known. Computational methods for the problem of simultaneous confidence bands when predictors are constrained to intervals has also recently been addressed. SimReg utilizes this recent development to offer simultaneous confidence bands for regression models with any number of predictor variables. Again, the predictors can be constrained to their natural boundaries which results in narrower bands, as compared to the case where no restriction is imposed. A by-product of these confidence bands is a new method for comparing two regression surfaces, that is more informative than the usual partial F test.

Keywords: linear regression, multiple comparison, simultaneous confidence bands, partial F test, statistic software.


SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

1. Introduction The problem of simultaneous inference and multiple comparison for comparing means of k(≥ 3) populations has been long studied in the statistics literature. Miller (1981), Hochberg and Tamhane (1987), and Hsu (1996) have provided excellent summaries of the work in this area. Spurrier (1999) seems to be the pioneering work to extend this problem to simultaneous comparison of several regression lines. In his work, a set of simultaneous confidence bands for all the contrasts of several simple linear regression lines over the entire range of the single predictor (−∞, ∞) is constructed when the design matrices of the regression lines are the same. The recent work of Liu, Jamshidian, and Zhang (2004) [hereafter referred to as LJZ (2004)] extends Spurrier’s work in many directions. Specifically, their work allows multiple comparison of several regression models with (1) any number of predictor variables, (2) design matrices that are not necessarily equal, (3) predictors that can be restricted in a finite or infinite range, and (4) comparison of any desired set of pairs of groups. The software SimReg, presented in this paper, implements this new methodology and provides a user-friendly interface for data input and analysis. SimReg also provides simultaneous confidence bands for the linear regression model when predictors are constrained to intervals. This problems has a history going back to Working and Hotelling (1929). Scheff´e (1953) provides a simultaneous confidence band when predictors are not constrained, i.e. they range in the interval (−∞, ∞). Since then there is a fair amount of literature that provide exact simultaneous confidence bands for simple linear regression model with the single predictor constrained to intervals. There are also works that offer conservative simultaneous confidence bands for the cases where predictors are constrained in intervals or other types of regions. Liu, Jamshidian, and Zhang (2005a) [hereafter referred to as LJZ (2005)] seem to be the first paper to offer “exact” simultaneous confidence bands for multiple regression when predictors are constrained in finite intervals. As mentioned, SimReg provides these intervals. The remaining sections are organized as follows: Section 2 describes the mathematical model for the multiple comparison problem, and Section 3 does the same for the simultaneous confidence band problem. Section 4 gives a brief discussion of the algorithm and parameter settings. Section 5 describes how the software can be installed and used. Finally Section 5 gives a few items that are planned for future versions of the software.

2. The multiple comparison problem Suppose that data are observed for k groups of subjects and let the model Yi = Xi bi + ei ,

i = 1, · · · , k

be the linear regression model for the ith group. Here, for the ith group, YiT = (yi1 , · · · , yini ) denotes the vector of responses, Xi is an ni × (p + 1) full column rank design matrix with the first column given by (1, · · · , 1)T and the l(≥ 2)th column given by (xi1,l−1 , · · · , xini ,l−1 )T , bTi = (bi0 , · · · , bip ) is the vector of regression coefficients, and eTi = (ei1 , · · · , eini ) denotes the vector of regression errors with all the {eij , j = 1, · · · , ni , i = 1, · · · , k} being iid N (0, σ 2 ). Since XiT Xi ˆ i = (X T Xi )−1 X T Yi , i = 1, · · · , k. is non-singular, the least squares estimator of bi is given by b i Pi 2 Let σ ˆ denote the pooled error mean square with degrees of freedom ν = ki=1 (ni − p − 1); ˆ i. σ ˆ 2 is independent of the b

Journal of Statistical Software


LJZ(2004) proposed a method to construct a set of simultaneous confidence bands for xT bi − xT bj = (1, x1 , · · · , xp )bi − (1, x1 , · · · , xp )bj ,

(i, j) ∈ Λ

over a given range xl ∈ [al , bl ], l = 1, · · · , p, where Λ is an index set that determines the comparison of interest. For example, if the pairwise comparison is of interest then Λ = {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ k}; if the comparisons of the second to kth regression models with the first regression model are of interest then Λ = {(i, j) : 2 ≤ i ≤ k, j = 1}; if the successive comparison of the k regression models is of interest then Λ = {(i, i + 1) : 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1}. Specifically, they construct the following set of simultaneous confidence bands q

ˆ i − xT b ˆ j ± cˆ xT bi − xT bj ∈ xT b σ xT ∆ij x , ∀xl ∈ [al , bl ] for l = 1, · · · , p, and ∀(i, j) ∈ Λ (2.1) where ∆ij = (XiT Xi )−1 + (XjT Xj )−1 , and c is the critical constant required so that the confidence level of this set of simultaneous confidence bands is equal to 1 − α. The confidence level of the bands in (1.1) is given by P {T < c} where T = sup (i,j)∈Λ

ˆ i − bi ) − (b ˆ j − bj )]| |xT [(b

sup xl ∈[al ,bl ],l=1,···,p




σ ˆ xT ∆ij x

LJZ (2004) provide a simulation procedure to simulate T and obtain the critical constant. SimReg adopts this methodology to obtain c, however, as we will explain in Section 4, we adopt a different algorithm than that proposed by LJZ (2004).

3. Simultaneous confidence bands Consider the multiple linear regression model Y = Xb + e


where Yn×1 is the vector of observed responses, Xn×(p+1) is the design matrix with the first column given by (1, · · · , 1)T and the jth (2 ≤ j ≤ p+1) column given by (x1,j−1 , · · · , xn,j−1 )T , b(p+1)×1 = (b0 , · · · , bp )T is the vector of regression coefficients, and en×1 be the error vector with e ∼ N (0, σ 2 I) and σ 2 unknown. Assume X T X is non-singular, so the least squares ˆ = (X T X)−1 X T Y. Let σ estimator of b is given by b ˆ 2 denote the mean square error with 2 2 2 ˆ degrees of freedom ν = n − p − 1; σ ˆ ∼ σ χ /ν and is independent of the b. ν

It has been argued by several authors that a rectangular X is often one of the most useful shapes for practical purposes (see e.g., Casella and Strawderman (1980), and Naiman (1987)). In many applications of the linear regression model the experimenter can specify reasonable constraints on the predictor variables in terms of a lower and an upper bound for each of the predictor variables. LJZ (2005) construct a confidence band of the form q

ˆ ± cˆ xT b ∈ xT b σ xT (X T X)−1 x for all (x1 , · · · , xp )T ∈ X , where X is a rectangular region given by X = {(x1 , · · · , xp )T : ai ≤ xi ≤ bi , i = 1, · · · , p}.



SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Here −∞ ≤ ai < bi ≤ ∞, i = 1, · · · , p are given constants. The main task is to determine the critical constant c in (3.2) so that the confidence band has a confidence level equal to 1 − α. The confidence level of the band in (3.2) is given by P {T < c}, where T =

ˆ − b)| |xT (b

sup xi ∈[ai ,bi ],i=1,···,p




σ ˆ xT (X T X)−1 x

The distribution of T does not depend on b or σ, however, it does depend on the bounds (ai , bi ) and the design matrix X in a complicated manner. The latter makes it difficult to derive a formula for the distribution of T in this general setting. LJZ (2005) provide a method to determine c via simulating T . SimReg uses the active set method described by LJZ (2005) to compute T . A random pivot T can be simulated efficiently, and thus c can be determined as accurately as one wishes by simulating a sufficiently large number of T ’s. A simultaneous confidence band provides information on the whereabouts of the true regression model xT b. Any regression model that is contained in the simultaneous confidence band for all x ∈ X is deemed by the confidence band as a plausible candidate for the true model. Of course the true model xT b is included in the confidence band with 1 − α probability.

4. Algorithms The main computing task in the multiple comparison and the simultaneous confidence band problems described in Sections 2 and 3 is that of solving the optimization problems (2.2) and (2.3). In (2.2), the optimization over Λ will be performed by looking at the corresponding objective value for each pair in Λ and obviously choosing the one with the highest value. The sup of the quantity shown in (2.2) over xl ∈ [al , bl ] for l = 1, · · · , p is less trivial however. LJZ (2004) show that the T in (2.2) is equivalent to sup (i,j)∈Λ

|(Pij x)T Zij |

sup xl ∈[al ,bl ],l=1,···,p

where Qij =


(ˆ σ /σ)

(Pij x)T (Pij x)

= sup Qij (i,j)∈Λ

k Zij k , (ˆ σ /σ)


|(Pij x)T Zij | , xl ∈[al ,bl ],l=1,···,p k Pij x kk Zij k sup

Pij is the matrix square root of ∆ij , and Zij = Pij−1 (Zi − Zj ), 1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ k with Zi ∼ N (0, (XiT Xi )−1 ). Similarly, LJZ (2005) show that the problem (3.3) is equivalent to T =

|(P x)T Z|

sup xi ∈[ai ,bi ],i=1,···,p

where Q=



(ˆ σ /σ) (P x)T (P x)

kZk , (ˆ σ /σ)


|(P x)T Z| , xi ∈[ai ,bi ],i=1,···,p k P x kk Z k sup

P is the square root of (X 0 X)−1 , and Z ∼ N (0, Ip+1 ). Thus to simulate a realization of T for the multiple comparison problem a Zij is generated, Qij is computed, and then (4.1) is used to obtain T . This process is similar for the simultaneous confidence band problem where a Z

Journal of Statistical Software


is generated, Q is computed and then (4.2) is utilized. The overall process is then to generate a large number of copies of T and use the 100(1 − α)% quantile of the generated values to approximate c. The problem of obtaining Qij and Q in (4.1) and (4.2) is mathematically equivalent. So hereafter we will refer to both problems as that of obtaining Q. It turns out that the most time consuming and difficult part of the simulation process described above is that of computing Q. LJZ (2004) took a general approach of applying a smooth optimization technique to obtain Q. As they point out, a shortcoming of their method is that it can lead to local maxima that are not the global solution to the maximization problem. LJZ (2005) provide two other approaches, one which is a branching method, and another which is an active set method. The former is appropriate for cases where the number of predictors is small, say two or three, and the latter works best overall. It can be shown that Q can be obtained by solving a problem of the form |sT Z| Q = sup , (4.3) s∈Ω k s kk N k where Ω = {s : s = γv, v ∈ L, γ > 0} and L = {P x : Furthermore, it can be shown that if ˆs ∈ Ω is the solution to inf ks − N k2 ,


xi ∈ [ai , bi ], i = 1, · · · , p}. (4.4)

then ˆs is also the solution to (4.3). This is a quadratic programming problem for which LJZ (2005) suggest using an active set method. SimReg has adopted the algorithm described in LJZ (2005) for both the multiple comparison and the simultaneous confidence band problems.

5. The SimReg software SimReg was developed using MATLAB Version 7.0.1, Release 14 on Windows XP. It can, however, be easily adopted in other platforms. SimReg performs two main tasks of performing multiple comparison of several regression lines and obtaining simultaneous confidence bands for a multiple regression model. What sets SimReg apart from the currently existing software is that it performs these tasks with the option of allowing the user to set natural boundaries (constraints) for the predictors. It is clear that a linear regression model often does not hold for the whole range of (−∞, ∞) range of the predictors, and it is often the case that the predictors have reasonable finite range. Imposing the constraints will result in simultaneous confidence bands that are narrower (see, LJZ 2005), and results in more reliable multiple comparisons. Additionally, for the multiple comparison problem, it allows any type of pair comparison desired by the user. The software includes a user interface for importing data and setting the desired parameters. It produces output that can be used for inference, and includes graphs for for models with one or two predictors. Below we explain how SimReg can be used and what its capabilities are.

5.1. Getting started and data input SimReg is archived in the file “Simreg.rar” using WinRAR 3.40. Use the following three steps to get started with the SimReg program:


SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Figure 1: SimReg window to import data files

1. Unpack SimReg in any desired directory. To unpack, you can download WinRAR from As an example, suppose that you install the software in the directory “C:\Program Files\Simreg”. 2. Start MATLAB and add the path of the directory where you installed the software to your current MATLAB path. This can be done using the “addpath” command in MATLAB. For example, at the MATLAB command prompt you type “addpath ’C:\Program Files\Simreg’ ”. 3. At the MATLAB command prompt, type simreg. When the command simreg is issued at the MATLAB command prompt, a window (shown in Figure 1) pops up where the name of the data file to be analyzed should be entered. SimReg can import Excel files1 with the extension “xls”or data in ASCII format saved in files with the extension “txt”. In either case rows should represent cases and columns represent variables. The first row of the data file can include variable names, or it could be the first case observed. Note that in this version of SimReg no missing data handling capability is available, therefore the user should remove all cases with missing data before uploading the data file. To illustrate the ideas we use, and have included, a modified version of the data used in the Berkeley Guidance Study published by Tuddenham and Snyder (1954). The study was a longitudinal monitoring of 136 boys and girls born in Berkeley, California between January 1928 and June 1929, and followed for at least 18 years. Our modification to this data is addition of an artificial categorical variable “Race” with the aim of including a categorical variable which has more than two levels. One of the races “White”, “Black”, “Asian”, or “Other” was arbitrarily assigned to each case. The modified data set includes a total of 13 1 Excel files can be imported if version 7.x of Matlab is used. This option is not available if version 6.x of Matlab is used.

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Figure 2: Options for importing a txt file

variables. The file “bgs_art.txt” is the ASCII version of this data set, and “bgs_art.xls” is the Excel version, both included in the SimReg package.

5.2. Reading the data Reading a txt file If we select a “txt” file (e.g., “bgs_art.txt”) in the Importing Data Files menu and click on open, then a second menu titled “Importing a Text File” will pop up (see Figure 2). On this menu you must input information such as whether the first row of the data includes variable names, and the number of variables included in your data set (this must be equal to the number of columns in your data set). Additionally you have the option of selecting a subset of data for analysis. In particular, you can use all, a subset of first few cases, or a randomly selected subset of the data. If the first row of your data file does not include variable names, then the program assigns variables names “Var#” where “#” is the column number. Once “Next”is pressed we get a menu titled “Variable and method selection”, shown in Figure 3.

Reading an Excel file As noted earlier, Excel files can be read only in Version 7.x of Matlab and this option is not available in lower versions. To read an Excel file, in the Importing Data Files menu choose the option of ’*.xls” and select your input file and press open. This will lead directly to the menu titled ‘Variable and method selection”, shown in Figure 3. Note that when importing an Excel file, the first row of the data must contain variable names. Additionally, the menu “Importing a Text File” and the options in that menu for subseting the data are not available, and all the data in the file are used for analysis.


SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Figure 3: Menu to select regression variables and the method of analysis

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5.3. Analysis of the data The menu “Variable and method selection”, shown in Figure 3, is used to specify the model and select one of the options of “simultaneous confidence band” or “multiple comparison”. The first step, however, consists of specifying the categorical variables in the study, if any. Initially, the menus on the right hand side of the first and the second panels of the menu in Figure 3 consist of all the names of the variables read. On the top panel, the user selects the name of the categorical variables. If multiple comparison is to be performed, obviously, at least one categorical variable must exist. For our example, two categorical variables of ”Sex” and ”Race” were selected, as shown on Figure 4. Once the categorical variables are selected, then these variables are added to the fourth panel where the option “By category” appears and they are removed from the second panel titled “Numerical variables”. As shown on Figure 4, for our example the variables “Sex” and “Race” were removed from the middle panel, and added to the fourth panel. The next step is to specify the regression model. The response and the predictor variables for the model are selected in the second panel. In the example shown “HT18” is selected as response and “WT9” and “HT9” are selected as predictors. At this stage lower and upper bounds for the predictors can be set. The default is (−∞, ∞), which is written as “-inf” and “+inf”. For our example we have set the bound on WT9 to (10, 60) and that for Ht9 to (120, 160). On the third panel of the menu shown on the Figure 4, the user will choose the type of analysis to be performed. As mentioned earlier, SimReg provides two methods of simultaneous confidence bands and multiple comparison.

The confidence band option When the “Simultaneous confidence band” option in the third panel of the “Variable and method selection” menu is selected, then the critical value c for the simultaneous confidence band (3.2) is computed. The user has the option of performing this analysis for each level of a selected categorical variable, by choosing the “By category” option and selecting the desired categorical variable. If no category is selected, then the analysis will be performed for the whole data set, ignoring categories. If a category is selected, then a separate simultaneous confidence band will be given for each of the levels of the selected category. As shown in Figure 4, for our example, we request a simultaneous confidence band for the regression model for each level of the category “Sex”. When the button “Next” is pressed, then the software runs a simulation and when the computation is done a menu pops up which states “please see Result.txt for the result.” If the plot option is selected (available only if p = 1, 2), then plots of the confidence bands and the regression plane (line) will also be given. Table 1 shows the content of the file “Results.txt” for our example. In general, the output consists of summary statistics, regression coefficients and standard T-test and p-values, and the residual mean square for all observed values or for each level of the selected categorical variable, if one was selected. Most importantly, it gives the critical value c in (3.2) for the confidence band. Finally, if the plot option is selected, a plot of confidence bands, the regression line (or plane) and the observed data is produced for all the data or each category level, if a categorical variable is selected. For our example, these are given for the two levels of the variable “Sex”, namely “Female” and ‘Male”. Additionally, the number of simulations performed and the lower and upper bounds for the predictors are echoed. For our example,


SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Figure 4: Categorical, response, predictors, and their bounds selected.

Journal of Statistical Software

Table 1: The output for the simultaneous confidence band example Summary statistics and results of the analysis ============================================== Summary statistics: All observed values: Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 136 136 136

Min 153.600 19.900 121.400

Mean 172.579 31.626 135.493

Median 172.500 30.900 135.700

Std. Dev. 8.844 5.969 5.496

Max 195.100 66.800 152.500

======================================================================== Summary statistics: Group: Female Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 70 70 70

Min 153.600 22.000 121.400

Mean 166.544 31.621 135.120

Median 166.750 30.650 135.700

Std. Dev. 6.075 5.824 5.613

Max 183.200 47.400 152.500

======================================================================== Regression Analysis Group: Female Response: HT18 Residual Mean Square = Variable Constant WT9 HT9


Coeff 23.1721 -0.3585 1.1450

s.e. 11.9682 0.1004 0.1041

T-stat 1.936 -3.572 10.995

p-value 0.0285 0.0003 0.0000

=================================================================== Group: Female Number of simulations



The lower and upper bounds imposed on the predictors are: WT9 Lower Bound = 10.000 Upper Bound = 60.000 HT9 Lower Bound = 120.000 Upper Bound = 160.000 The simulated critical value for 0.950 confidence level = The standard error = 0.0096


=================================================================== Summary statistics: Group: Male Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 66 66 66

Min 160.900 19.900 122.000

Mean 178.979 31.632 135.889

Median 178.900 31.000 135.600

Std. Dev. 6.517 6.164 5.385

======================================================================== Regression Analysis Group: Male Response: HT18 Residual Mean Square = Variable Constant WT9 HT9


Coeff 20.7883 -0.2055 1.2120

s.e. 11.0985 0.0809 0.0926

T-stat 1.873 -2.540 13.087

p-value 0.0328 0.0068 0.0000

=================================================================== Group: Male Number of simulations



The lower and upper bounds imposed on the predictors are: WT9 Lower Bound = 10.000 Upper Bound = 60.000 HT9 Lower Bound = 120.000 Upper Bound = 160.000 The simulated critical value for 0.950 confidence level = The standard error = 0.0116


=================================================================== The pooled variance is


The degrees of freedom is 130 ========================================================================

Max 195.100 66.800 147.500



SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

the critical value c for females is 2.8768 with standard error .0096, and that for the “Male” is 2.8640 with standard error .0116. Finally, Figures 5 shows the 95% confidence bands, and regression plane superimposed by a scatter of the observed data for each of the levels of the variable Sex for our example. These plots can be navigated by the tools available in MATLAB.

The multiple comparison option To perform multiple comparison, this option must be selected in the “Variable and method selection” menu and the user must choose a categorical variable, using the “By category” option, whose levels will be compared. To give an example, we will perform a multiple comparison of the same regression model that we specified in the previous subsection, but using the levels of the categorical variable “Race”. Figure 6 shows the relevant specifications. In this case when the button “next” is pressed, then the “Pair comparison selection” menu, shown in Figure 7, pops up. The “Pair comparison selection” menu allows the user to provide the set Λ, defined in Section 2. The user has the option of selecting (comparing) either all pair comparison in the top panel, comparison to a specific control level in the middle panel, or any arbitrary pairs on the bottom panel. In the example shown in Figure 7, comparison to a control is selected, and specifically we are making comparison of the level White to all other levels of the variable Race. Once again, when the computation is complete, a window pops-up which states “Please see Results.txt for the result”. Additionally, if the plot option is on, plots will be generated as well. The content of the file Results.txt for our example is given in Tables 2 and 3. This output in general consists of summary statistics for the observed variables, and result of the fitted regression model for each levels of selected categorical variable. More importantly, it provides the critical value c in Section 2.2, the statistics T in (2.2), and its corresponding p-value for the multiple comparison specified. For our example, the critical value is c = 3.1947 with the standard error of 0.0107, and the test statistics is T = 11.917 with the p-value nearly zero, indicating a significant difference between the pairs. In addition to multiple comparison, the test statistics and p-values for single pair comparison of the pairs specified in the “Pair comparison selection” menu (Λ)is given. For our example, single pair comparisons indicate a significant difference between the pairs (Asian, White) and (Other, White), but not a significant difference between the pair (Black, White). Corresponding to each of these tests of significance of difference of pairs, the program generates plots that can be used for this purpose. These plots are more informative than simply the p-values (see Liu, Jamshidian, Zhang, Bertz, and Han (2005b)). Specifically, the plots generated are simultaneous confidence bands for pair differences; that is, they test the equality of the regression model between single pairs of categorical levels selected. If the bands cross the zero line (or plane), then the hypothesis of equality of regression model for the pair indicated on the plot is rejected. Figures 8 and 9 shows a snapshot of the plots just mentioned for our example. As expected (from the p-values observed earlier), the bands for the pairs (Asian, White) and (Other, White) intersect the zero plane, but that for the pair (Black, White) does not intersect the zero plane.

Technical options The “Variable and method selection” menu, shown in Figure 3, consists of a “Technical options”

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Figure 5: The observed data, simultaneous confidence bands, and the regression plane for Females and Males


SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Figure 6: A snapshot of the “variable and method selection menu”, specifying multiple comparison

Journal of Statistical Software

Figure 7: A snapshot of the “Pair Comparison Selection” menu



SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Table 2: Output for the multiple comparison of White with other levels of the variable Race. Summary statistics and results of the analysis ============================================== Summary statistics: Group: Asian Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 45 45 45

Min 154.600 22.200 123.200

Mean 168.804 32.364 135.556

Median 168.100 30.800 135.800

Std. Dev. 7.875 7.906 6.010

Max 188.000 66.800 152.500

======================================================================== Regression Analysis Group: Asian Response: HT18 Residual Mean Square = Variable Constant WT9 HT9


Coeff 33.0710 -0.0381 1.0104

s.e. 23.9793 0.1539 0.2024

T-stat 1.379 -0.248 4.992

p-value 0.0876 0.4027 0.0000

=================================================================== Summary statistics: Group: Black Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 24 24 24

Min 160.900 19.900 122.000

Mean 178.096 30.642 135.129

Median 177.850 30.900 134.300

Std. Dev. 6.945 4.102 5.218

Max 194.300 43.200 147.400

======================================================================== Regression Analysis Group: Black Response: HT18 Residual Mean Square = Variable Constant WT9 HT9


Coeff 8.1853 -0.1775 1.2976

s.e. 16.1141 0.1737 0.1366

T-stat 0.508 -1.022 9.502

p-value 0.3084 0.1592 0.0000

=================================================================== Summary statistics: Group: Other Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 34 34 34

Min 153.600 22.000 121.400

Mean 166.706 31.538 135.100

Median 166.750 30.900 135.650

Std. Dev. 5.790 5.485 5.387

Max 177.500 42.400 144.800

======================================================================== Regression Analysis Group: Other Response: HT18 Residual Mean Square = Variable Constant WT9 HT9


Coeff 24.7002 -0.4657 1.1598

s.e. 16.8182 0.1424 0.1449

T-stat 1.469 -3.271 8.002

p-value 0.0760 0.0013 0.0000

=================================================================== Summary statistics: Group: White Variable HT18 WT9 HT9

N 33 33 33

Min 167.000 24.400 125.400

Mean 179.764 31.427 136.079

Median 180.200 31.000 136.000

Std. Dev. 6.538 4.439 5.259


Max 195.100 43.100 146.000

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Table 3: Table 2 (Continued) Regression Analysis Group: White Response: HT18 Residual Mean Square = Variable Constant WT9 HT9

Coeff 12.4400 -0.4061 1.3234

9.6432 s.e. 16.8338 0.1772 0.1496

T-stat 0.739 -2.291 8.845

p-value 0.2328 0.0146 0.0000

=================================================================== The pooled variance is


The degrees of freedom is 124 ======================================================================== Number of simulations = 30000 The lower and upper bounds imposed on the predictors are: WT9 Lower Bound = 10.000 Upper Bound = 60.000 HT9 Lower Bound = 120.000 Upper Bound = 160.000 The simulated critical value for 0.950 confidence level = The standard error = 0.0107


=================================================================== Observed statistics and p-values for single pair comparison: ------------------------------------------------------------Pair { Asian, White} Observed Statistics = 11.0953 p-value = 0.0000 Pair { Black, White} Observed Statistics = 1.0176 p-value = 1.0000 Pair { Other, White} Observed Statistics = 11.9170 p-value = 0.0000

Observed statistics and p-values for all selected pairs comparison: ------------------------------------------------------------------Observed Statistics = 11.9170 p-value = 0.0000 ===================================================================

Figure 8: Single pair comparison plots



SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Figure 9: Single pair comparison plots

Journal of Statistical Software


section, where some technical parameters for the simulation process can be set. The user can specify the maximum number of simulations desired (see LJZ 2004 and 2005 for guidelines), or the simulation process can optionally be stopped by setting a threshold for the tolerance level of the standard error of the estimated critical value. The standard error is computed using the methods given in LJZ (2005). The standard error option is not available when multiple comparison is selected (see Figure 6). Also in this panel a seed for the random number generator can be set, and the desired confidence level, a value between 0.5 and 1, can be input. If the number of predictors is less than or equal to 2 , then there is a plot option, which is on by default, and results in the plots explained above. Finally, the button “Save results as” allows the user to input a filename where the results of the analysis will be stored in. The default filename for the results is “Results.txt” and it is stored in the current directory. This file is a txt file, and it can be best viewed either using the MATLAB editor or the Notepad. If Notepad is used, it would be best to set the font to “Courier New”with 12 point font size.

5.4. Access to a few useful variables The user may be interested to perform further analyses after running the software. SimReg provides two files useful_vars_scb.mat and useful_vars_mc.mat that contain a few useful variables for this purpose. The file useful_vars_scb.mat is created when the simultaneous confidence band option is selected, and the useful_vars_mc.mat is created when the multiple comparison option is run. These files are stored in the current directory, where the user is running SimReg. The MATLAB’s load filename command can be used to upload the content into the workspace area. The following variables are stored in the file useful_vars_scb.mat, if no categorical variable is selected: B This matrix contains (X T X)−1 . RMS The residual mean square from the regression analysis. se Standard error of c. beta_ls Regression coefficient from the regression analysis. c The critical constant for the simultaneous confidence band. n Number of cases. p Number of predictors. pred The predicted values from the regression model. Predictor_names A vector of strings containing predictor names. resid The residual values from the regression model. response_name A string containing the name of the response variable. se Standard error of c.


SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

y A vector containing all the observations on the response variable. The following variables are stored in the file useful_vars_scb.mat, if a categorical variable is selected: B_all This matrix contains (X T X)−1 for all levels of the selected categorical variable. If there are k levels, then the size of the matrix has k × (p + 1) rows and (p + 1) columns. RMS_all The residual mean square from the regression analysis for each of the levels of the selected categorical variable. c_all This is a vector containing the critical constants for the simultaneous confidence bands for each of the levels of the selected categorical variables. n_all The number of cases in each of the levels of the selected categorical variable. Predictor_names A vector of strings containing predictor names. se_all This is a vector containing the standard error for the critical constants for the simultaneous confidence bands for each of the levels of the selected categorical variables. The following variables are stored in the file useful_vars_mc.mat: B_all This matrix contains (XiT Xi )−1 for all levels of the selected categorical variable. If there are k levels, then the size of the matrix has k × (p + 1) rows and (p + 1) columns. Bij_all This matrix contains (XiT Xi )−1 + (XjT Xj )−1 for each pair (i, j) in a row of Λ in order. If Λ has ` rows, then Bij_all consists of ` ∗ (p + 1) rows and p + 1 columns. lambda A two-column matrix with rows consisting of the pairs of levels of the categorical variable selected for multiple comparison. RMS_all The residual mean square from the regression analysis for each of the levels of the selected categorical variable. beta_all The regression coefficient from the regression analysis for each of the levels of the selected categorical variable. c The critical value for multiple comparison. lb A vector containing the lower-bound restrictions on predictors. n_all The number of cases in each of the levels of the selected categorical variable. Predictor_names A vector of strings containing predictor names. response_name A string containing the name of the response variable. rnd_seed The seed used for random number generation. se Standard error of c. sighat The pooled standard deviation σ ˆ.

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tmax A vector containing all simulated values of T . ub A vector containing the upper-bound restrictions on predictors.

5.5. Future improvements of the software and copyright The following includes a list of improvements that are planned to be made in SimReg in the future versions: • Handle missing data. • Add a context sensitive help to each of the menus. • Add a “back” button to each menu. • Provide html output. • Provide one sided confidence bands. This software may not be replicated, copied, or used in any form for any commercial purpose without the written consent from the first author.

Acknowledgements Mortaza Jamshidian’s research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0437258. The authors would like to thank the Associate Editor for suggestions that led to significant improvements of the user interface and this paper.

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SimReg: Multiple Comparison and Confidence Bands for Linear Regression Models

Naiman DQ (1987). “Simultaneous Confidence Bounds for Multiple Regression Functions Using Predictor Variable Constraints.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 82, 214–19. Scheff´e H (1953). “A Method for Judging all Contrasts in the Analysis of Variance,.” Biometrika, 40, 87–104. Spurrier JD (1999). “Exact Confidence Bounds for All Contrasts of Three or More Regression Lines.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94, 483–88. Tuddenham RD, Snyder MM (1954). “Physical Growth of California Boys and Girls from Birth to Age 18.” California Publications on Child Development, 1, 183–364. Working H, Hotelling H (1929). “Applications of the Theory of Error to the Interpretation of Trends.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 24, 73–85.

Affiliation: Mortaza Jamshidian Department of Mathematics California State University 800 N. State College Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92834, United States of America E-mail: [email protected] URL:

Journal of Statistical Software January 2005, Volume 12, Issue 2.

Submitted: 2004-09-24 Accepted: 2005-01-07