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ejaa, sad thal we dil aol areal t.i do mach arork wh-ti we arrived Bl the ... 1 can ny thai bul April Dr. Mohr, the com¬ pany's physician ... OP Ki'.r.l'iN . 8COOBXTS.

81 40: Januarv. ti 42'a.TJN-Ma'k't closed 00 s|iot. 030 0.1 bli; N'ovember ani Decvniber. $20 88*» bid.. ..Mll.li.lt-Market clOaBd limier; *|*,t! OH *:»*J0; .l_iua,rv, e-5. tnt: NovToiber, ».I7">; December, (.lo¬ nan*... Um.*, one .ur load NnunP-cr. at 8178. as >.itil d to the Metal KX'haiue to-day in;; prices I broad I.,, row -Scotch waii-ants. |3» fd. Ml'n.t.. as follows; Iron, ills 10: ti. li; *t 30: iv h. fi: t o h. f h. *2 10; pitch, light Height, .".'nlar wei gb I *t Cd. pitch, Perth freight* ml. IN" I'ltl'.KillTS The martlet for bueneai doiu;U unchanged a- t. rates, with a mod'rate and rotten. I.nie l room .,l'.r 1 al old B-p-re* for grain to Liverat 84: grsls ii loads nuts. n To Antwerp, gggi il S leads main noel. ¦*> Insds grain at nd: to Rotterdam, mod.'lat.11 a. tile TV. In thc wal" nf Chatter* l.'1-lness I, ratefor Bruin nt former Bgurei. Wo quote berth 8**d: .Newcastle. 3d; landon. 3i4(l Antwerp IJl-erponl. Leith. 4d QMS. for I'.il: llnll. 4d (,1.1-goiv. 2'j'l is-trs.nm. 1- N. orien 3 i'd. fotton, llc-11; CbarleetOT i.. uiaiii Bea (ii \ uti us.a st'niii.r. cotton, nr Bew-BHeaoa cotton. .. steamer, is.rt. v.i aed primage: a st.an,er, l.v,.ono rases (falveetoa t- Urrrpool,'o 80s: Sliunehel. on private tenn-. .few-York petrol iiiii. al, nt '-'".: a Pork. 20 000 ..«*. "'-. Iof thal not known, ai. i no pen ia could t'H VN '. e.- il liv, r. IM-.i.s ¦" pint* i'.:. i.i la 117. I MM ts N. li 1,0 ' charges of cruelty brought by inseth the (ire. oiton, I,.,,. -. ll un ll sin, I..t.l v bi Innis.. ,| ll Vet ira 1 LOU 10'JJlI ol Tribune « Th.-?-ii-. i ... oUteisissj ll, i.i.,- j ..,-¦., "., rn. and which appeared e lira/.I reSes ivor Hull, gai lassasll lat sa:. I, bag BBjdS au 1 SM ..... i..;> ion by the m-n. e't''.-'.I n -al. bj---, pass ai" ...Ui.ii loom; p unn.iii! ann t.n shout OE WATER AT passaic. N. ./. P.' November i la called Inthequern ..j., lui... i.i,i-. bbl* Km .." said . ...iii ...ii... na- quiet, bat yester¬ victims, of -po' i« 17'.ol." al.'--. '-".Ul ..I.-,i Ko* ll. |>k'.'Thomas Cassidy, one niiitaiiK.il ani Witioul ImpoiUUi leis n-sa. Cordola iii" "I fm t. j,,.l*sB* IVsuUU, 1 ;27 .|'."i'.i ..i Koeju^r. .s.'l day: .Tim PHI Id'.I'M'.TMi.NT I!\Mi. I-''1 .N' IT i-.Vari, nat** bills I'liH,; imi mum. Tb feat rc pl ti., beer x^r-.n -oi i "In reply to the statement by Mr. Allin that wea (, .'...; I'-* Bsa.*, ra*e* Bj*. :: -.M i t>".i:'i wa* quip, ii" :.. ii,,, demand i.. fan. >u in* pal ut* WORK- st.'n:Kui :-.I'l.i'.s BUBW1 ¦< OUT. to the island by lour ni'i.'ii-, I'S", pkg* (i. conveyed be .I to pkg* ina expected mi in.. nlnta rir-ii-rhu. Outside ,.r tb -. t.edt-jilt N'o li .--. ir il I I'.¦:. ii i..|-:, b,b73 on terrapin and other dellcaA (ire that broke out in tba little l»--ber-Bhop ' s. uulmportoni ia Bwosni uti thc lea gr*d '.. Vi. Roar, psg-a Csaardar aad fBaat8d 2.i; I.'i I, I.'.-* I1'-'"'"'. -rna.- ,.i.ii hIntel Som n--,i t il. :i ,'.'. t.i do mach arork Wallam J. Kdatcokowsbl, No. IB) Uabvsve., Pi Mere Usa hill dil k-'-s aol areal we l.ioll. in.. I'omm.sii. :.-,.i thal sad ejaa, ". ;, SW1 In ii. two g.edi.,. .,r spr-ns Mlrnli uni i ulted we oran,...il I,,-., oiS Butt-'. pk thal sale, bj, j., early yesterday amratag, WU I"'," blahi.. ..- n.Si -UBI wh-ti we arrived Bl the island, I will Fay nth ihe :..:m Belling s«'.. 'tri.gbts, .'at e.al. bbls ISO ;i sh We work. 11< ro i to l.rs* v< B«y. ai v. ni. h tn bul ..i in. t. *i.-.i a loss of ah »ui R ,00. Bdward Wh< al, b»-ii. ;¦"'¦¦ '. Un a* »i 88 lo; fancy, UKI rn Mid i l:i-r li., aa ¦;. ". the 0 rn. barb on bush... .ll, ¦. ak r, discovered flames In ths voyage, aninodatlona JM Total flin-., in,.. v,.,. I5.V.--0 li.'.a'"-. lurluulni expected dei. ntI.'aceIdled 0,04' lui., Itslsio* ns:,. .... ¦> 11 -i auperSnc at, I'l.*',",. bash. i.the steerthat Sire Department bioik on cbdau -' 1"; ...soo j:,i- .i (mlng imi. u; ut el.'-ri -V,; 800 bbli th,. Booth, Tba entire 1 as. |,.i«h. inB.-. l.l(i.i Bte io, v.h.a aaa proper. Ur. Ailsa 17'.i ni B ll the :'." ii., charges Tts, '.". il miktur-a tl (?"> and ai al Mralglit* 88 to har:i: investigate Jl iv. liles.. down Tillea', pk*".responded, but lack of water |(7oo targa was Bent '.'..I Soul te. ii il.inr mis duli ami BOO -a n' 41 so. I'll;* I,,!.,,, ,, ll' Iitiparflni the.n exsgger- an I the torses had too much headway. r> dayltaht StriW, bull's ¦»' .''" Ud ii it In- ol r a ia coul.r..* ll. iii KAT KW II *-".'? ma.ie by the voebaaoa, and reported ..I....-.,, -II* Hiixsi.-i], bas* (.ki:-. barber-shop, 0 Cl., fl Sn (iO.H 70 eraJi'itl about t-.00u. ward they declared iverythlng all right. Insured; various small storekeepers, The barb, r, I Ulta I '.*") 2 00..- ._' I.l EXPORTS Today. lin. 178*4 lull. ,/. of the latter have no Insurance. Many The food walch the Investigators tasted and J 'J.Orf 10 '-'15.1 'J C'S 270 M'l'in.'. 1 B0.' 28 22 1"... ._. an ._'::5./ 8 so .. bums pronounced wholesome which theputrid 13" I2n l.iil.rl at'iii- ,.il.. eil* 101 .1.'. .-*',: :i(l./ 2 5-1 .-* Vol 2 7'i men ate, but would cover Its price three thins over. I \ Nu I. 2 lOS '-.-'¦". 2 2'i'i '2 13 -. bush Tl Mn Pork. M the decayed vagetaMaa -fftO.l »Vi '.. ai.. 2 HS :¦'¦"./ jr.". J 73 j :ii..i i|«t Beef, bbla lo ir. bbl* such as the chickens and ham. of egBS il il". ilOO'i 8 S3 2 SO- il CO ii no 3 2". 80i Siralsbt.. 2 tOflltlUrl As i. I at, ki ll i, ir. ni . 80OB428 Mich. So. ./.'.,< ¦¦>.¦¦¦ Nnvemter, i;.*"..! .V ; Spll ltd Imii.. ."i V*llow V\ stn,. 82 OSS rtno Mil- uni I,.,no bas*. chsrges of cruelty. I saw Assistant 8u- .trune! Jio-e our v.....,.'.-i nuer .n>. 2 red, prove Become Southern May, ,..>¦¦'-' t'i 7.7, lin. ,.h v.in,-, *: 7.-,. B-gan-oT" 8275: :,t Mead chobe a workman inn,"! Henry ."¦'.'-. r, t.>,,.c..:; *.>.. .-tiI Dumas wheat bi -amp..', h.... .'" Kl.. Ml.ll. y.il.-i. ..'.». mouth bli 13.(tl of 41 white, bops, out hi.ni: LSU.OOO bu*ii. Lawrence HU bia luiu-ae A .suing man named 120.000 lill" vell.rtl '.IH' .Tl bush; stock, I.IOMU. bu*h; sal-. III," White *l ill.i-l' DUoUtlOtll i.)1,. I.H*a ir, (M.. j linn; Movenib ". CASU ari h.- waa Bearii deedaccused mixed u!ni (lUUTAriUSS. s|sii ", SSfli-Oc... PKRD.Market ateady. Qnotatlons ul ot stealing cnlclt- 12*4 rf-IB, falsely i-',.-: si am mix. 1, 4i*.'«n n; tor total *uppiv ol a cur of l,'i-!i, astrid; ra, |.r .n iv as i.i i.ism bush making tn t" w push ev had li '-a. ISM 2d ,i cw. 88 ij.i.lly.... I'..:, i, Un, sp.t. CotViu ino il ir pi HW ffi. Mr. cotton bush, ..*.... n and per th, hi,..¦*O.3OM.O'J0 Soe; in Hloai wheat here and tin to grounds liii'*> tons s'. li.-, r hams tv, I nikidilne phosphate weighing l.hiili wa- ...i Be. Efgj -i ii\. '.'i.. (.'"itc Brm; i( i.toia. The car ieKuiiilui.l: iiuuiiiii.;, TU lng lh" l-lggt-st ...i.l |,i.vi..n-iiD3 mn.!.', 4 fill Oil. still.'. ll. and unloading. di ".I. 1 Ml Ri bealdoa th- loading IUtber arttcBa nu- Wh back! li boah. The i> I fai, No r.i-.c; 7, er 17 last rear, bj 8,1 Di cargoes, b-hind nun koii-lNi. '.' red three i;7'. :,:. Butter, cKsmery, tra k, wtnl over a rais.1 in i ..-. Iii" 'ia- .P." however, '" il." a iv al- ..r x iai «>> The man changed. Oat*. Allie,2 iiiK.i ile, fancy la 1; fm I !.'_'7.i-'.'a I. push while one weat ahead to pull. I' .-t ii. NOV, S7. -."lilllie*., gal t. ol rani I wheal which sra* eh..wi. ie, iii.- i.e.ll 's auanut] 1 e.ur. Bp on, and p Heats 4 Do sc, had only a narrow plrnb to walk .. ...... na- v..u ia tn., a; ..nut nt v.i,.-iii, in trenail nv In frontmissed "JO rn.-J"-'_.. We** rmiT and t' 4:, I No -j mi-ted best lull .v.... tva, through shea! ea. active, would 37..Bpiiac his foothold be BaOslo, lh.rab:.'- were v. rv quiet thia mornlpg an.l if be raul, .r. Nu ofi tn.-.: bl a; ru-slna; sal's hlgnir; i.lings ll crush.!. Wi wera made Ul..:.- li..- an larirJae ..: 004.000 bush ulina! foi l'iro|..-. between tba Ilea andwebe would 24 vt bu*li ito have to woik bat :1 hard »pot, TL '.ooo bush .1 T: which v.,. liken ii. good ... i.. oi lurtoer free exports i.. understand that 't W" I(1.000 l.i.sii. :;-..i bus'i ¦-, i;'..'o': lc h.Mt. of I, the account BEW-TOBS wif.icr.Y EXPORTS. from -"astern Kuruprjan p..n-. ii.ii- waa rstbei slow ti..- or six boura a day a bn»h No i Northern, -(*. :,.;.- bu*h do, to work ten hours. ir.i.jt-: "¦.ulm u'l i.i" m.. inn.' limn I.,,, iUible supply wii- jr.-t. iuii .'. '.'-o 1 barely l.'.47'l pr.... quite rspldli urn *-al, bh::.2< ti-urk. Bari ¦. in .-'is.ii diibbisI Brm; rh a j COLLEI 'Torrs DISMISSAL RECOMMENDED. t.mixed, 3 7..''7-'i ..mi :., n.i\ ,n r-. .ni ih.- .iii., tal loos >.f seiurdoy. 2 '.:>'.. .'. 111,11 Weal ro. UOaOTc; los (Trades, 4< I4U Mate, l.s-.l. r. fsaey :.i in va- v.'l dull, .v,..!t",- belBg ..Ul ..' Ul- ll..'..' .--02 lu.-.','> MU ..'¦'. Bye Ur'.,; Nu » ,",:, a-!,, il Floti in fa,- .!..- ...en, al, 1.his.. f.n :i '-'.in. i. ii. demand b nw n Bsie* iii :i« 15.; na amt milling. 4 uca ii., bali*.. H IO; nial itralKbu. H..1 Brm; leal sprint! BRIDGE mano, :.i -'. 4 17 itai '-'M fi fi 2 ird, n rai n;ber, 417 Bi re oo! i 81,000 a I!.. bal s.. si,13d 1 ll ."ls THOMASM.TERBYOWED THF. BBOOKLTN *;t-..'../.-a Li."., rye Gour, aSSOfiaS's}; non f. I, Brm ani i. it stol ¦" I lu .j ,| ,||1 !¦ .-..I i.7L...-, Stn .issi IO over li..-. ii,i»r. i iain baal 'I. TRKASt'REB BS8.888OB-BIS QVEEB WAY 1 7 :. .1 OVl-l ll.- "int, n I, jilin' a ni 1., 'I in... f 1'". '.»¦" 848 4.-".'ii Dis ,1 1 n* BS* -ru. .\.i :¦ rei, 2U.4MO boab, '»e over li.ei.i.i ll'.i -"-' 1 I WW ifcBBB, Nov. 27.-Tue lesdlag tlllBiel : 1: 171,1 OP Ki'.r.l'iN 8COOBXTS. bbl*. s ...: lo^ "*.;-i n .ni- delivery; No -' old u-i m store 2.) delivered i.iii-. 11 h. collecting ii I-1..', mi bash, ii., ii. .ii.-i.si. Na i not that a Duluth st. Closin-;. u». ii!.'Si.".s 838 The oximimtton of Thomas H. Terry, V,;,at No. 2: I! OS8BlB|. Ilich"j.-st. Lo*SIS petrileuin, «a'« 7.::;'". deiiv.'ied; Sn I :. ll" '. 02 210 l'.n 11.844 "li ¦iruii quoted .'.. ..v.i li.bel singular Novimber S 11 BUM ¦..>;. :ul













ix \N C.\'.si:r..'eii.Y



The 1'urltan decorum which the audience-room oj the Coagregstional .'hurch of Patcbogoa has insince the impressive dedication services of last .May. .-ind Bapecially Stace tba revival of last October, was sadly broken .Sunday niijht. During Pastor Ooftoa'a discourse tba sounds of a mighty The sneeze u. evaded to the vaulted ceiling*. startled coi.ei i n.itl >:i Kiarwed around just In time been had see Deacon who lloman, only to recently ordained, spring from hi.- I -it and dart down tba uisle after his false teeth, which during that awful sneeze lind shot from his mouth as tnough from u gan. Just as the deacon succeeded In graaplng his teem as tr..;.gated ov-r nie register, t. audi ace grasped the situation md roared with deacon's dat terang on de Iron laughter, thesounded through the church. The resister choir hld behind the Velvet curtains, the minis..-i lost bia pla e, an I the coBgregatlon was still the tall 'ieicu: regained ins Beat. laughingasaa the minister wai about to resume his Tuen, seimon a Bueeae from the choir loft .-et everybody thought of the lui laughing agata, at the deacon's experience with his teeth. lt is though) thal Deacon Homaa win be welted upon by th" pastor aad his brother deacons and requeeted to go oul in the s-eetibule when he f. el a real -cooa meeM coming on in church again, s. thal tba services may not be broken up am hs may neva a clear field in which to chase bli teeth, should they get away again.



DB. BARERURRt ARR tue crash jvry. The Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst and Superin¬ tendent Uyrnes were both at the General Sessions Building yesterday, expecting to ko before the Grand J uri. They did not do so, however, hs that body spent its Bailie session in considering toe Madison ¦tassie Dank cases. Dr. Parkhurst would not say what business he had to lay before the Grand Jury. District-Attorney Nicoll innOUUCed that the i lr t I Jury would consider cocaplatata mu.ti.t... at »1 77 |||,.-,. .'' "'.".' VS Ml' IT M .'» I .¦ v..| ni wheat IBS we, 13 4'K.I a*n I tbe m. i making .,'.-,. v. ,,f .. i-t 1 ... ii sh ¦.*, ,..., Kin dim sh. Ti... in..s.n. lm ase i'm! rom 732.000 I >:-h I-,.* week » ".. 1 ::'. "'"' I " n wi".I ¦" ''- ie '. fbi "i '-' ,,VI ii. .¦ 103.000 Mi ',...|. f,,r t|.> .,....:.. ..: I S-W..00O hu.li i decres*. 1.1 .'i w -iii In in a't ..f wheal ... I.. .;.:¦¦ i. the Ki _> lin rsm huch; Hamil rest wardi.-h bari v. .-''*'.. ""e""'ln*h. 'iii rsnel llinnn »7.0flO bu*h nat* 'S OOO ire w. ,i !.omi .ir' v (II.MVn bush. l-'.v|n-ts 17 in-, imah i.¦-.. .':¦. corn tr,...i X w-YorS lal week; Wi..nt 1*8.811 ... ti :; n 11,I.. ii, ii il :.".-' bMi and





'¦ 1 r ,1 harket Bari's*. |-..f- tr ..!'11 ...".-' ' " "* I "V eel thal nt in pr pontos ..! r. v. r holdlufl an nou-mslli small I B.e lh. at. ll r ivra*n**il tl li th.-lr rrop l*»-*k mai '.. i,i: f itrni 1. .. ia to -¦." elhli.tf III



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r*-.- ', s1: e I'S 1 \ .' ..du- Infora >' ".' I-' h ii etti Bl rr-.o-o stroei IT v. lui sra le.v . t Uni i« a r^ sa.! lt 1. w -ll iitiii.. -I, ul nrl '¦ tor* om I*. 1., mind a bal n f al r ,..|i.. 1.uv rs-restll xl/ thal u*»l 1! .4 BB '., which bbi tnt rta .'.1 .' *s » loo rr 11 j, Hoilt-I, Ibi I'Uld pel « ¦i, mn.in, li.:...1.1...ii t*i I br 17'. R on .'li Bi lll'a s¦ ._¦ I III Xos. il "¦ Isi ISO I rep f 7 ' ., ., ujut ,,.,,. |,,-| Ul.int..I ban -it'.'..(I iii., ,T 1..-. follow Ins \,,. m. ..hiv 1,740 iiiii. 15.70 and M., Il SOai.-.S'i n.s'.ii.1 "i I0.85: Ibe -in.i 1 to the .'.,n tis.-n of iii" 'lh.. reports from vv. 1.tall- (..I'll,:..11... ,,,.:, ,,,,..1 «|..t li 17V. ,,.. i;,1:. ..l;, ,.,,... Ko 7 .|'i..i"'l eiimlm fc-aturo, llavre showli 1,1 idianrr lu ,1,1 d.ii"ula 'I'l," ",f In











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.'.-. ii (' li:e. HiM.il :.*4. mi :,. :i 000 ll BBB I'-i »c :;: 'h.-r. Trial. Visible. i.''.'.¦ " " 11 "':'' '75 '-' (i\e:i and stays. 2 30 1 (fa Bolla und dry .ov\s. 1 Ala . Ail-rag- 10-day,' e-tlu.at.d "> 2 ) I'vlr.iiie range f pre c- .. 8 73..at el B8BB9V*e| i.mid to prime »p->r. -.11 on yealiiIgo ,;"> at eaiimsl 'I ani the averjvie prlc. asa n-sptdav t -lay Bi r- 3H3 cars, UP.K\ Li Itorript*. cars or 5.1*07 hea-'l-lf:i .jr* consigned t. llaugBterera, 34 for exi-or'. alive, au I SH "are for th" market andP,r"nuntin -al", .if qoote: t from la ii" sappi l< lac I ad -d «4 3.10 08 8*10 Windsor A 4 nhl. h S3 .ar- Bate at .I'l- i'itv. Ct.t Iwf.3 .ld 03 8-18 tt dir-ii'd A. 11-..ic...4>s proportion"f olnth.-r 3 l ruslnd 4 cars of ramie cattle, mid tl. moderate I h ii l\ A. 8 I.*.lfl.i4'10 ff 4 ', cows, ov ii and Lillis, aid her" uer,. :i esra ani I'ow.l.i. d 44 0.*-H'. dull d:"..li¬ el 1.18 A.. :4*« choice BSUve ateer*. TBS nark t BBOBBdiioi-t 84*a Fnplre iir.niii.it d r UM \. ar, ol the N-o. 0. 8 18-10.74 I VI'S -/('j Un- i-ral) i rn .jj and lug at loner "il 13-18 rloalng So. 7.:»*» sales -h..Mn-- a reOueUoa or 10c »i. e....a .aii:o, raarsa -"ran 4 7-i't ii l's .6 No. 8. M I118-8"* 13c un c minion und niedium st.. rs. ( 0 lera leaat-old Iv tine tran I 7 I'l ul"* und *:i 78 ir8 13-10 t;i 7"..i*i 20 per loo lt.; dc.nt to eboloa Batl-rea, No. t).3-, I OM til', at *'-'.» hulls 'J-'xisl 73; .MOID :i*s at #-' I-10 No 1/7 10 and I'tafi*. XXS'X pow lt, tte3 8U; oxen at i'l 1M0 M50: ly the h.-al at wlOit «lb-f2 30, and hit "4 ll 10 No ll _Bi-! ..ld cows ih M..Bid \ little han sa fr..m ..(V No. V* |8 8-18 em .'.0 each. K.ugu stun -h..M.ii D in ... d a s -, ir. | ii. (->» a qual¬ «.. sion, beef 3'. dressed except for West ./IV. No IH ii."k. 4 City i_-t Confeet's A H.'O Side, «... OH the «l :i-10 INo. H.V. i ..1 uh., \ i ity. Native rides bi-ought OK...ak. and quota,iou .lui; un ii Int mit 1.000 Teutonic. BA eu (.r. |«as !".i-M.aii- Co., s-. Kew-Yerb. I.lows auht, and es-v. v v eitreme. M l.:istm.in- io., 8840*70343; slow. i:.iii. marrow, ensile, per hush. «hlt" l'-'OO kid'iev. I'.asiuians Co., S-. Campaolo. medium. Ol S3WSI th); pea H7S*t4>t80: Si; 401 S.s. Neil-Yolk sherman to II. fair 2~>ui2 i'2 do, B. ri Iii.iS-'J.i ru kilner, rhoici 310 Si. Sisiln. h'a.'k lurll. sou;. i2 40 ,i *,'.'.>(»; Vvliow M. ir.iUlsii.ith, S-. Tanti-. '-S3 good, rJi-12 10; .imf..iiii.i M. ir.ildsn.ltli. lin.a (00-ftiJ, 110301173: lui el r.'.'T'JIo. 218 ss. Manitoba. cl gil Hallow tl!'iOUfi ii .In ned um *1 33 .i *l (JO for- M. Ueldamlth, s-. 100 .tl '.'. uren peas, hills. Bl I7vu'l 20; M. Uol'lniltb son.Mart.llu. ('.'ii |hj, 81 loi s*. Taurle. .1. BboBabera i. j. i.i-- tl io,.el li, du .-..ot-h. hags, BlBMel I". St. bs. suUI-erger, t tue inflinei.-e lebnd and :, HUI" bettor wa KcbsraraBc Trad" Ill MIK rso ara I'.in.i.sad siijtiiih Bl wai wast ol ii.i ic ii. di ii" r .pt.-t..viler M tint.ha SIS 1,300 f.-i'llug un Ililli undo S.'liiviii/s.liihl \ Bnllb/eer. ss. Ires w,,. |!,.un i;, u Ss. VlrglnllO SOS Sch»arr-.hlld V Sulib'g'r. gradiag fi.sh til ie butter. Maik.- of Western rroamerr 300 ru\ia:i. 1'. He. of v; IPv.. th" l..-e ul tiia'i N. I**bman .\lr..-. l.a.li.d -7'j. nor- oftea l,so.) Tai'.ric. ..¦¦..k. hui Uiii.-. well-posted buyer* were ahl- lo X. Morrl*. Bs. m. 83 Or.no o. N.irli ..ii gradae un lr D. (*. Culver, I.. KMlie f.ui v h,l. st ^7. "." ilrlnoco -1. i were pietitj dall sad ..f rsthei oaeritala valne. A. Stiuuss. Ss. 3 uii.-rr i. K. laii.'-'h i CO., S*. (iiiii...'.. well-h i> nils, Jana i:remained K in. ii u»r. -. n *h 'un lu mott, 65 I,. S. Uii 1. (ilia. k. Si. Al aJlaiia. ss titi Bira ..;. i. 23c. si it.- lairv. fall fur Hr' Hue .all lilt nur lh. lui quiet, mil ii.- fellini..174 ni .-nt-.~... 2,228 s;,i Imiust....Iv Total qnlte er.d To'ai shlpmeuu last seek.1 101 1" il3MI4 rv a d factory P. better do supplr lion i'. an' 7 We»fera, | rn-lau shipment* forni«tbetoru.sk.l.".)'7 '.:i.i2ii.': Ktatc I'roou .» i*e*r. :..;; I Vii) *o k do 238241 -eronda, ll'-t*. ; Ph'iaii.iiihii ski pm Pr tho tb.23«*30e.; \t .i. 27B27V; do TB M *"'k. .ts du aeo .P. Jana make, ev'ias 2d%iil3c; Montr, si -liii-nic thirds, -.m./'JIf*84 iel lo Iii-'.. ..'n./'.':i.'; Slit" dalry. ImlMirMii tuhs aid Kaitlin. Mhlimieut* for the week. 3'S) 1 79 l'-'*"i . second*, di 21-. t:t ,..-,: limed prla-e, Jc.r-'lc; .i,, -,. ,,...1- yt nail: Ui'al fur iic-'i thus far, ititM head: for sonic tuna ese* .''"". n.r .1.n '-'.'./'.'.I'. b.-ad: cnsini'.-d through, 2,f20 head' Lo FlttriTH lltl.sll ipplra en. qulsl and liaelv sf.-idv. la-', ii.ek. Oi'OO 3 440 lu.ld: on mi!.-. *J 4>vK. head: oasriiet p. m. urv iln! I. lr ..li ;'rai" ni liberal aapply ind Neil-Wk. hut active nt th.- deillnc; no vere Opent-4 IIM-J.).' low.r. -an. v grade' ol erinuertloa bi ute hang, d prlre**, qs-U'I si..adv. ulmm nil Bold: good. 1 '..(K) to _..Ics.il me Inld III mil anil ii eel a ..ni.1 fair tlcuuiul, hut 1".,"IV '"" '. ." **OM 77; bulb, for L-rmi" sin.k uriiiing. H-UTri'Sli there le a nod deo! ..i medium I*'0.. *{m\'"r...i" at *- i.>,l+2 "Wt; nomi cows -l misiiilne.-s, Horlda rannes .oiithnio "iil'li I "I ls ii rv dull. leila. 87 loaf} 73. Hogo-Beci-I, ts ,-t -4 1.. in rery hun aapply umi unimprovee, AbbUb Kin«, lower: 13 for 700 lo thin bead; Ai sseb far. .ii..**, -ii/..."i iiuiu,:,. ,|. |h-i Phi. ta ,tOtr04 ,-,o; .1 Spy, *_. o same tin..lat treek, 37,3 boad; ..m-m,.! tl,r..i,gh, »iu 83 60s ea SO; .1. i.i.'-iiin,", .*.¦ fto* ti 30: .1. whiter heal: to Ne*..York, 7,(130 load: on sale 10 3(H) v.i .'i.e. .»:.¦*¦ :.''>. i..umi.... Pears, Itision. \mt 1.1..-00 head; market opened elrong.r for light mul.,: closed bush !..v. ?-'.,.-(;; .1., n.si Uv. ivlnl-r *oits, uer 1.1,1 st.u.iv 03 *". oik.*-. mix d Vorker*. ('utaiiu. l.r "-' ¦';!"*'. N.ii-V.ru, >-s! I-* 11 if 13s; i!n pd h.. basket, is'ilJo soon li al: total tor u..k Un* '" '"Ha. ... bind, per th. l'4'ii",e. Craoborrle* bead;i.», 7 BM t... ama limo lax u.-k. inion i.'.i.i i arlette*, as t> ..sid tion. nor Phi' ...i.._i..il. 140,. h.ul to V.-ii-Vork. 3..00 ¦¦ul hrourt ,..: du fener, large varieties, i" Mil. '.*>" +". , t-jot.. Monda orang pei i..\. *?l.i Taseis.nu l,',p..rl« lr.ni AUSAUl puts

Kew. Vc rh . ... ..il !poi i In











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-ira,?.] SllrK-AssS. s;i,r:?M;^'-'"-'.'--,,;v;"jt,vr'-i ..


iKuM nu- te. i.(.mi over Bm rrjismea legislation io pm bsd, Us cupi-ei .-. "'. '¦. ""' ai""r »i m. ..e. npoi ti- ir... list wini. m.i 'a""-' bed i"- i" i. .nini mm upo.i pu... na an- I ¦' i ¦ii-.i-'i «i un .tomi' anl b ls l.iirli ia siake ii"" '" **'' a~iha ii'im nnil.r th.ii ive*. i..-pol Iroin ll'.lsOurg tile llsWl BM let Uni" show* Uni" ha-- i->" nm* '';h .l'.'*' I al ie.;. .. -lm" m.. 1j-i le'-ort. *UM| rail ar- ". "'".*.led IBs: vii:.ni ti. psst 834. Hi' ii i* I., lor- t.i- ptVsCI.I n.piblnalWtl '." atiai-'-I .' ¦,'1' b" "f-' ll leas Bbs done al I, »**?'*,» l's .' UlBII "i W. .* ."* i'1""-' -in t " il.-





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88 ,v|i|v. Uki .'...ll 4 M. lOUlS.


27, 1803 Nciv-Voik, and Lambs, barina. biioap 88,717 33 :i07 3 liiS 213 Shop Swine. COsTS-CB'VrS 17,11(1 bVevS*. 4.3: Jersey City Slock 3'ards 4013 171 .:«» IV,OM lia:*-.!7 l-iMPti-e: 19290 Knited.st . 2M21 2.212 03 Hoboken '.MU 131 W.-liawkvii and scat..... 3tl :',03 I7.W5 31,440 Receipt* la.-t BOSb.SUsd HCOTATIOXS OF UKJCV'ES. 0088588) Unod to I ai 63a 4 . lair U, good



.-* 'i-.O IU 100 :i .¦- J ' -' Xor. 2-1 "'-'. Nov. ""3 '. Wih. .'a chalice, I:.7"I7 0,0.72.001 11.044.070 i> ."('-.*.¦.' B4.SSI 8IS.OI1I 1 B> c.ii:.'."D



LIVE ->TOrK MATJKF.TS. WEHRtit ItasCaUffaV Nov. ii,Per



1711 I. .'






:t-*» ***

M»-»l tor. nsl' Be S while stock* "f *:"'lu Cul a','-, \ ,i .-, Ul, W, i.',.l:.n .' \ ion ooo










-I"-" BTu 1 N. | %..('.. in


do/en *1 tltf-fl S3, f-ond snipe, per dc/en. 30-aio*. plover p-rdo/cn. lier nair. oOrffsT : do mallard and Wild ducks redhead.teal. SOviiOr: do canvas, per pair. di. lack 4 0.;-nv""Oo KV*. |Hlr lair. Bli/**2 30: rohblt*. VV.I 1 ITT A ll I. KS.Domi'stie i-otiroO* I'OTATorS AN'i) trod" hut choice urud.-s falrlr quiet, receipt In moderate and somo np nrettv .los.ly, -tock Brm. 1-or.laii stock odPleasing now arrlvil of nf a slight vance on theend prospect tstt iiub-t unimproved, In transit Sweet isitatoe* uaand onl-ii* less qui-1 stock p'.-ntv. fancy nearbyCauliflowers In light -.upple ani st.o.ljr. chanced. lots and fancy brina; Southern »trln« beans scarce, ar.- dull salo, v qumPIo* high price*, but ordinalbbl. 02 12«**»2 87: do Swto. per rotators. Long Island, per ¦ *. Bowel n7; do 180 Ih *' iSvBli do Sartor. mw81 I"0 73'aH'l 8".: 1*081 D0Pcot.li' Magnum,lierperbbl. Lae, Vineland, .hoPe $l..+137 do tatoei. Virginia, do otmr Jersey, 88)80*88; lo macy far bM,Onl»ns-i h."-fer. r.-d. p.-r bM. Bl 238 per bbl SI 7ofi"'2 30. do Pastern, «1 -.0: do jrefjoB per Mil Bl '-'-.«f*Jl SO; rel 81 'Oe-ri 73; do nhlti. tt BOOtH ta: d-i I'lst-rn. Stale and bbl. *1 30.i«M 73: do New Kasiern, yellow ix-r 37*"-*e long niel -hort, el.-ar middies, lt.. tlrm at BBB. (id. Shmilders, alsvit 12 to IS lliie*t col.u.d. In moderate demand Anarlcand-'mi'i I white and af. prime city dull dull at .74-. Tallow In |«oor -aced*" In moderate demand: 28*. spirits of turpentinedemand: common Brm at 3* Od. at tb BB. 1'iot.ln lu fair nnthine doing; M rd.fl rot in iniKleiat*' demand: futures, Wheat Pi |..f. vi.- ml. lune a api sad11 ha'.- be u i.'.pii.it tor, aad *Beh 1- wa wera bavin*! ii abroad, but apparonily soi until thsm, sp lo ti... tim" lum m- ; 7" WO 11,mm,un, esl In ile .... annoum >: 1. ssske l.v. iv ..H.- must i". .--iilie I bal i.- hrs! tai:, ta.- -inn.,, r lissa 1 :. doublcl tli.ei li" e a- bi ti." I" ..i a -ie,1:1 tren mei this thou id i.e brouvhi buouI ability ai.'' .1 j mi.j...r 11. .Mn, ol la openi .¦ 1.1 e.-.. an.l ,:,.... I., I..-. ani cleetng bbls Sit. '.rial BlgBl n .'I ... v ia I I r..| tm ia: ..ll'I ll ...»


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|. "nt.

'.¦ '. es., 7 ':. 71 -


ont7i.'« 71 '. Ti'*








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than at th doa* of last week. Must of Un' t-upply laney. ls of turkeys, and the gem-ral BBalBi ls below lot* ot A few of tue line near- v u-sl. and o''a.iona! extra fancy Western nave' brea ivork.-d ot al 13'-m»I4c, p, but th-- .piaiitP.v uool "HoiikIi to othriie.- tho*.'ar.-pries neilin/ Western Avenge prime Bbb* very small. ISO maii.:v ai 12-. li! "ye, and for any impoitjiit business .inali'i" ari ls top Tor Ul" le»t. Miuiv lois af ordl.'i'ty Chickens al-oiit -I adv. I'l ll- ducks ...hil: at 1 l.i 11-ac. aud tlrm, aid fancy gcse adi v.rv snell, bul iii... uro of bot'i common maa and medium




j |.












v.. ii

y7. .".

bash, :i 541. tr. ll I' Waihi I -t a !v SOS nO»«>V uisda U'estora r.70*»ftcV -V.-Y oolH Ko .' six-rowed MU"".:.- tUM l: Ull.l KVK Mirk.I non..1.1 Weela..*.,.¦... I,.it'-.ul- 83837. sif.FDH ('lover. BS* ISO hal's' ..:'.. ri |", (,, lill t>. Oem s.^ I log 8 i- i.. .'"': il IM ,...-..* ¦_.-, ,, ¦¦:.Til ti,-. il" P.- d -r irv> m. ." .-. n not «d s;i UBOei "'




i..i-h :i"',. :'. lr*, k >' kif* 7".

v, | vi.i. ., ., ;m





i M. nen. ffov. 27 TN seebaatd . i-sseb 1 I a M in-li







quirt and :.-.*¦.. a -in.-. chol< 13 ii 21 if I bat ti sim il..... J1.. 2-'.*. K'-i(s s. ;.i Nov...ml-'7.Urn,ll at b ll >¦ h il Mlnnespollk. the Isca .'it a ':.¦ il Th r. ... yuin * h '.it ml f*i ir il le. on thc iii-.'.'!nl»r till* n. ii iiini.'. imii 'i.ii'- x!s. Ml lat " "Ot* the ¦>; -ililli-. DetCBjlM-r ..till f-ll ull i* l»* "I :i'j.-. ','.: bal ju: n if. "'. ZSSS" 7 -' '. sho +l 20-. *l C.*.. ll in. S0S80 -'¦ »l " -' id No H ii Mark. I t ,;,,.:,. Ra :t v...."- "i tit. Oats.Ko :i vim.-, 2.u2,. I :i. :¦"... 20c. t0.T«' Milwaukee Ni.v. 27.M iv Brhi .I .,|.'ii'l nisi-bilr in. du ii.l.l to Ot'.t Ux-n adviui-.ii lo '"".'v- on f.""I on! aSt'.OUU .;m l>" t.. Hi., snail In. i tea In Uie ri-lbl on i" I'is,, r.ir tin- w.s-k, l.ut sudden!* *eakV¦. !>.. -ii.'..I ..¦ uiv Ti. bid Bl H ia ,'.->, -1 .: I8*i iSi Maj Sos -::!'.-.;.. No 11,i, .-,,:. Ills.- I. -I ... .iMiai H-3 ill'. Oats -t"l', 's'o 2. 'Sr .:| "v No .' '-"J*" bleat bri** an .f;,i.. demand. Rye >". ..in i|::ii Ni, "j, 31'-." N.i .'. 1 .-,.:. hld; No 2 (7 .il s,-. No 2 oO*. Mi s(BSB In ai.-. Balle* .*' el* I. .s.{; ..!;.!.ls liol '.!..¦ f,,r ,, ;, ¦ rice* BBI iriliieii. I mill. 1 I rulla.',.I; 1.1:1 .'..... 27 -Hj'ii mark.''pine.Hiv Bill sup. moderate eil rina bul lot-al 1 -obt-ira l%'lnt«*i ssail wa Hani ..I*...1 t r niau "ii1"- and .»-' No 2 ulnlr -'" ¦¦ Iioadan.Cona dull. inti.. i-.ir BO t-.t 8Ve. la in .1 tai. re8nlBg at. |B>, p. t lava at lt* 6d'Piiiind: doing, nressnl Buwlh, ISa rj : Bri .. «itl. l:i'.u»ii'BRI I VI i> The m-irkrt ruled stesdr, n,.\i mooth 12 nd nnehanffed nrlee*. urana. nlth i r.:od)>rsli> dernand al lure at 4". duty |jld. Wo l.t. il can si ill bl ii down








I'dliii. in peik. tiading .-p.iiniii s. 81* .".('./-n; 7il: fa-n'iv. 817 5088 MS): Ouof.-I,i M +I7.i*i:': IIK.KK eslra pr m.- BlietllSO ii .sie.il.". Qutitn.il* I'aiiilv, 118 308)814; Mesg *S .'»)-e iBdia bmmi 8108838.. larkri ri-'ori:-. extra a/n han.' Market si a Iv >r> I«. -_? ">: L'blcagi I'l'l'l' HAMinti."-sin IM.i.s -Htoadl. r: IBO.B*,. 7',«7'4. l'-'O'". 1*001 Bigs, 7-lfi 7:.c h.ei.n. ',.. 7 V ll Ml-". VIS- l-l kl.-1 shou'd-rs steady. hums Tb" liii.t f..r tog BBproduct* the hir/.r ail¬ tiiiiil-v a tu" im.l I liri Weasel I.Ut uni Kool hiiylni{ ina's nf liv Po'.*- thill ant «it ts -u adv-.u hui quit' .mi, r- ai tm Beeline, imii.





si nu f





Weat rn, per pair. Bl 25x7*1 02; pigeon*, ncr petr, '.I'li'doc..UKLbM.D-The recelpta of dres*c*f poultry ¦reese.

arc very heavy. Tbe 'niaiilualvln:- demand hsa ao fat oren r.-.tv eood. but Ibe sujipiy is so I.'.ivy that rei are not much beB t veiicr- ar.- fret- seller*, and






i:. -,.,. r ii I'S*"' '*, ."*' x ,' "* r nor ed. .ei-!' irsoe m imii-.Ii. i ,.,,i,,ni io .."..' >>.::; '."."."I' I..."'.'" lian ... uml wrap ls ns,r |..s me il it inui'H.'i f..r t:n I Vite* i,. p., I. e.|....n l"''«-" W.ai*'i da Weet 'BlfB-Be; old rooatiira ..,-,i!.:. \vVV*' ducks, levi, pvr nair. 'K'.CJO -. ".Li no i*.'*r,.rn, WiiJHI OokBUo; ¦rn, p.-r lh m.


"-,,,-;*.".Iii*5 {«' i'.a*l'rt'd u./ mi .,KVi".'Vi'1 V' ^°r *' (U-'«''

"."* '"'"ri