Sistem informasi pada Organisasi

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BAB 2. Sistem informasi pada. Organisasi. Organisasi dan Sistem Informasi. ❑ Organisasi. ▫ Kumpulan formal orang dan sumberdaya lain yang disiapkan untuk  ...

Sistem informasi pada Organisasi

Organisasi dan Sistem Informasi  Organisasi

 Kumpulan formal orang dan sumberdaya lain yang disiapkan untuk mencapai sekumpulan tujuan.

Model Umum Organisasi  (Slide berikut)

Rantai Nilai  Dikenalkan oleh Michael Porter in a 1965 article in the Harvard Business Review  Def: serangkaian kegiatan meliputi inbound logistics, warehouse and storage, production, finished product storage, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and customer service yang menciptakan nilai bagi organisasi. Schematic

Organisasi  Struktur Organisasi

 Subunit organisasi dan caranya berhubungan satu dengan lain dalam keseluruhan organisasi.

 Struktur Organisasi Tradisional

 Kepala departemen melapor kepada presiden atau top manajer. Schematic

A.Bailey, Legal counsel

B. Wong, VP Accounting

C.Rodrig, VP Information Systems

S. Burry, President

R. Henderson, VP Marketing

K. Kelly, VP Production

S. Samuel Supervisor

V. Cisborn, VP Human Resources

L. Bashran, Supervisor

Traditional Organizational Structure

Terminology (1)  Struktur Organisasi Hirarkis

 Slide pertama  Serangkaian tingkatan  Level tertinggi mempunyai wewenang yang lebih tinggi di organisasi.

 Struktur Organisasi Datar (flat)

 Struktur organisasi yang mengurangi jumlah tingkatan (layers).

Terminology (2)  Penguatan

 Memberi karyawan dan manajer wewenang yang lebih tinggi, tanggungjawab, dan wewenang membuat keputusan, mengambil keputusan, tindakan tertentu, dan wewenang yang lebih untuk mengendalikan pekerjaan.

Struktur Organisasi (1)  Struktur Organisasi Projek


 Struktur organisasi berpusat pada barang dan jasa.

 Berbeda dengan struktur tradisional.  Struktur Organisasi Tim

 Struktur organisasi berpusat kepada Tim atau grup.

B. Woods, President Air & Aerospace Co.

T. Walker, Senior VP, Aircraft Division

VP, Finance

VP, VP, Marketing Production

O. Teco, Senior VP, Communications & Satellite Division

W. Butler, Senior VP, Aerospace Division

VP, Sales

Struktur Organisasi Proyek.

VP, Finance

VP, VP, Marketing Production

VP, Sales

VP, Finance

VP, VP, Marketing Production

Struktur Organisasi Lainnya (2)  Struktur Organisasi Multidimensional

 Struktur yang dapat digunakan bersamaan dengan struktur lainnya.


Vice President, Marketing

Vice President, Production

Vice President, Finance

Publisher, College Division

Marketing Group

Production Group

Finance Group

Publisher, Trade Division

Marketing Group

Production Group

Finance Group

Publisher, High School Division

Marketing Group

Production Group

Finance Group

Struktur Organisasi Multidimensional

Stuktur organisasi Lainnya (3)  Advantages and disadvantages of different organizational structures

Kultur Organisasi dan Perubahan (1)  Kultur

 Seperangkat pemahaman utama dan asumsi yang di “share” oleh anggota.

 Kultur Organisasi

 Pemahaman dan asumsi utama untuk satu bisnis, korporasi , atau organisasi.

Kultur Organisasi dan Perubahan (1)  Perubahan Organisasi

 Berkaitan dengan organisasi bertujuanlaba dan buka merencanakan, mengimplmentasikan, dan menangani perubahan.

 Pembelajaran Organisasi

 Cara organisasi mengadopsi kepada kondisi baru atau merubah praktik mereka sepanjang masa.

Models of Change  ‘Model Perubahan ’

 Teori perubahan yang dikembangkan Kurt Lewin and Edgar Schein in 1969

 Tiga Tahap Pendekatan • Unfreezing • Moving • Refreezing Schematic

Change Model

Reengineering  Disebut juga ‘Process redesign’  Rancangan radikal bisnis: proses, struktur organisasi, sistem informasi, dan sistem dan nilaiog mencapai penyelesaian bisnis.  Contoh • Mengurangi waktu pengiriman • Meningkatkan produk dan kualitas jasa. • Memperbaiki kepuasan pelanggan. • Meningkatkan penerimaan dan kemampulabaan.

ATURAN  Reengenering mengisyaratkan temuan dan dihadang oleh aturan lama. Rule

Original rationale

Potential problem

Small orders held until full truckload

Reduce delivery costs

Customer deliver is delayed

No order accepted until credit approved

Reduce potential for bad debt

Customer service is poor

All product decisions Reduce number of made at headquarters items in inventory

Perception of limited product selection

Model Lain  Perbaikan Berkelanjutan

 Tetap menari cara perbaikan memperbaiki proses bisnis menambahkan nilai kepada barang dan jasa.

Continuous Improvement vs. Reengineering Reengineering Strong action to solve serious problem Driven by senior executives

Continuous Improvement Routine action Worker-driven

Broad in scope; cuts across organizations Goal to achieve a major breakthrough

Narrow in scope

Often led by outsiders

Led by workers

IS integral to the solution

IS provides data to guide

Continuous, gradual

Total Quality Management  Quality

 Kemampuan barang dan jasa melebihi apa yang diharapkan oleh konsumen.


 Kumpulan pendekatan peralatan, eknik, yang menawarkan komitmen kualitas menyeluruh pada organisasi.

Outsourcing and Downsizing  Outsourcing  Contracting with outside professional services to meet specific business needs

 E.g., advertising, hiring  Downsizing  Reducing the number of employees to cut costs  Also called ‘rightsizing’  May have serious side effects • E.g., low employee morale, a need for expensive consultants, lost time, waning productivity

Competitive Advantage  Competitive advantage

 A position, product, service, etc., within a business that improves a position within a market with respect to competitors

 Porter’s ‘Five force’ model of competitive advantage

 Identifies factors that lead to competitiveness Schematic

Substitute Products

Buyer Power


New Entrants Porter’s Five-force Model

Supplier Power

Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage  Four techniques:    

Strategic alliances (aka strategic partnerships) Creating new goods or services Improving existing goods or services Using information systems for strategic purposes

Next slide

1. Strategic alliance  An agreement between two or more companies that involves the joint production and distribution of goods and services  E.g., Chrysler + Daimler Benz 2. Creating new goods or services  A company may become stagnant without the introduction of new goods and/or services  E.g., Compaq, Dell 3. Improving existing goods or services  Small variations to existing goods or services, and/or complete modifications  E.g., “light” foods 4. Using information systems for strategic purposes  IS for improving organizational effectiveness  E.g., SABRE (airline reservation system)

Performance-based Information Systems (IS)  Productivity

 A measure of the output achieved divided by the input required

Output achieved Productivity =

Input required

Productivity  An example is given in the top paragraph on p. 65  This is a bad example!  Why?

Return on Investments (ROI) and the Value of IS  Return on investment (ROI) represents

 A measure of IS value that investigates the additional profits or benefits that are generated as a percentage of the investment in information systems technology

Measures of IS Value  Earnings growth  Market share  Customer awareness and satisfaction One of my favourite quotes: When you cannot measure, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind. Kelvin

Justifying IS  Categories:

 Tangible savings  Intangible savings  Legal requirements  Modernization  Pilot project

Roles, Functions, and Careers in the IS Department  Categories:

 Operations  Systems development  Support  Liaisons (information service units) Schematic


Other functional areas


Information Resource Management Functions


Systems development


Computer facility operations

Systems analysis & design

Data administration

Data entry


Information centre

Local Area network operations

IS Department

Information technololgy

Information service unit

Information Centre  Information centre

 Provides users with assistance, training, application development, documentation, equipment selection and setup, standards, technical assistance, and troubleshooting

Information Service Unit  Information service unit

 Attached to a functional area of the business.  Acts as a local information support organization within a functional area.

 Performs the critical role of liaison between the functional area and IS

Chief Information Officer (CIO)  Chief Information Officer (CIO)

 A manager at the vice-president level responsible for IS planning, policy, and standards  Focused on supporting corporate goals

Other IS Roles  Database Administrator  Systems Programmer  Network Specialist  LAN Administrator  Webmaster  Trainer

IS Principles  Use of IS strongly influenced by organizational structure and problem orientations  IS are often intertwined within the value-added processes  IS usage may require change that could meet with resistance  Value-added IS needs to be continually sought

End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3