Some large-scale matrix computation problems - Department of ...

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Zhaojun Bai a' 1, Mark Fahey a' 1, Gene Golub b'*' 2 .... practical numerical techniques to tackle these difficult matrix computation problems that have eluded us ...


Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89

Some large-scale matrix computation problems Z h a o j u n Bai a' 1, M a r k F a h e y a' 1, G e n e G o l u b b'*' 2 aDepartment of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA bScientific Computing and Computational Mathematics Program, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA


There are numerous applications in physics, statistics and electrical circuit simulation where it is required to bound entries and the trace of the inverse and the determinant of a large sparse matrix. All these computational tasks are related to the central mathematical problem studied in this paper, namely, bounding the bilinear form uXf(A)v for a given matrix A and vectors u and v, wherefis a given smooth function and is defined on the spectrum of A. We will study a practical numerical algorithm for bounding the bilinear form, where the matrix A is only referenced through matrix-vector multiplications. A Monte Carlo method is also presented to efficiently estimate the trace of the inverse and the determinant of a large sparse matrix.

Keywords." Bilinear form; Gaussian quadrature; Trace; Determinant; Matrix inverse; Monte Carlo simulation; Probabilistic bound

AMS classification: 65F 10

1. Introduction The central problem studied in this paper is to estimate a lower b o u n d L and/or an upper b o u n d U, such that L 0 for any n and 4, a < ~ < b, then Ij is a lower b o u n d L. For the G a u s s - R a d a u rule, if f~2,+1)(~) < 0 for any n and 4, a < ~ < b, then Ij (with b as a prescribed eigenvalue of Tj,) is a lower b o u n d L, and Ij (with a as a prescribed eigenvalue of T~,) is an upper b o u n d U. F o r the G a u s s - L o b a t t o rule, if f~2,j(~) > 0 for any n and 4, a < ~ < b, then Ij is an upper b o u n d U.

Remark 3. If the Gauss rule is used, no adjustment of the tridiagonal matrix Tj is necessary, i.e., •, = Tj.



Bai et aL /Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89

If the G a u s s - R a d a u rule is used, steps 5-7 are executed twice. We need to construct the polynomial pj+ 1(2) such that pj+l(a) = 0 and pj+ 1(b) = 0, respectively, i.e., we need to extend the matrix Tj to

~j e~

where the parameter tk is chosen such that a and b is an eigenvalue of Tj,, respectively. F r o m [4, 6], we know that ~ = a + 6j and ~ = b + 6j, respectively, where 6j is the last component of the solution 5 of the tridiagonal system (Tj

- -



7j2 ej








If the G a u s s - L o b a t t o rule is used, we need to construct pj+ 1(2) such that pj+ l(a) = pj+ l(b) = 0, i.e., Tj is updated to

1 where the parameters ~b and ~ are chosen so that a and b are eigenvalues of Tj,. Again, from [4, 6], we know that (9 - 6jb - pja 6j - pj


11/2 __ b - a

6j - ~j'

where 6j and pj are the last components of the solutions 5 and p of the tridiagonal systems (Tj - aI)~ = ej


(Tj - bI)la = ej.

Remark 4. As for any iterative method, we first should have a parameter maxit to limit the m a x i m u m number of the iterations (i.e., j < maxit). The following stopping criterion m a y be used: IIj - Ij-a[ ~ e[Ij[, where e is a user specified tolerance value. This criterion tells that for the approximation Ij to the lower bound L or the upper bound U, we have IZ--Ijl 0 and f ( 2 n ) ( ) ~ ) = _ (2n - 1)!• -(2n) < 0 for any n and 0 < a < 2 < b, then we k n o w that by applying Algorithm 1 with the Gauss rule, at convergence, Ij gives an upper b o u n d Ui of(ln(A))ii. A lower b o u n d Li and an upper b o u n d Ui of(ln(A))u can be obtained by using Algorithm 1 with the G a u s s - R a d a u rule. A lower b o u n d of Ui can be obtained by using Algorithm 1 with the G a u s s - L o b a t t o rule. However, if we try to b o u n d each (ln(A))u for 1 ~< i ~< n, it requires running Algorithm 1 n times and could be too costly to use in practice. The M o n t e Carlo approach to be discussed in Section 4 will relieve this computational burden in practice. 3.2. Matrix A is not symmetric positive definite In some applications, such as in lattice QCD, the matrix A involved m a y not be symmetric positive definite. It m a y not even be symmetric. In this section, we show h o w we can use the techniques developed in Section 2 to b o u n d (A- 1)ij, tr(A - 1), and det(A), where A is nonsymmetric positive definite. The main observation of such a transformation is rather simple. Note that if A is nonsingular, then A r A is symmetric positive definite, and furthermore, from (ATA) - 1ATA = I, we have A - 1 = (ATA) - XAT"


Of course, in practice, we will never form the matrix ATA explicitly. The matrix-vector product ATAx is c o m p u t e d in two matrix-vector products. An alternative approach is to apply Lanczos procedure to bidiagonalize A [8]. 3.2.1. Bounds on (A-1)ij F r o m (8), we have e T A - lei = e~(ATA)- 1ATei = eT(ATA) - IV, where v = ATej. Therefore, by expression (3), Algorithm 1 can be used to estimate the bounds on any entries of the inverse of the matrix A with f ( 2 ) = 1/2, and u = ei and v = ATej.

Z Bai et al./Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89


3.2.2. Bounds on t r ( A - 1)

In order to bound tr(A-1), observe that tr(A- 1) = ~1 tr(A- ~ + A - T ) _ 1 tr((AVA)-1AT + A ( A T A ) - 1 ) and e~((ATA) - 1AT + A ( A T A ) - 1)ei = eT(ATA)-1AXel + eTA(ATA) - le i = eT(ATA) - iV + vT(ATA) - le i = 2eT(ATA) - iV,

where r = ATei . From these relations, we see that Algorithm 1 can be used to estimate bounds on e T ( A T A ) - l r with expression (3). Furthermore, since ( A T A ) - I A T + A ( A T A ) -1 is symmetric, we can apply Monte Carlo approach in Section 4, which requires the matrix to be symmetric. 3.2.3. Bounds on det(A)

Let Eq. (6) apply to the matrix ATA where we assume A is nonsingular, then we have det(ATA) = exp (tr(ln(ATA))). On the other hand, by the property of determinant, we have det(ATA) = det (A T) det(A) = (det (A))2. Therefore, let f(2) = In 2, we can estimate t r ( f ( A T A ) ) using the approach described in Section 3, and then det(A) = _+ x/exp (tr(ln(ATA))). The drawback with this approach is that the sign of the determinant is lost. But in the QCD application, we know the sign of the determinant in advance from the physical properties of the matrix involved [-16, 20-1.

4. Monte Carlo approach and confidence interval In this section, we will develop a Monte Carlo approach for bounding the quantity tr(f(A)). Instead of applying Algorithms 1 n times for each diagonal element f(A)~i, the Monte Carlo approach only applies Algorithm 1 m times to obtain an unbiased estimator of tr(f(A)), where m ,~ n. The saving in computational costs is significant. Probabilistic confidence bounds for the unbiased estimator are also presented in this section. 4.1. Theory

The Monte Carlo approach is based on the following proposition [11, 2].


Z. Bai et al./Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89

Proposition 4.1. Let H be an n x n symmetric matrix with

tr(H) # 0. Let V be the discrete random variable which takes the values 1 and - 1 each with probability 0.5 and let z be a vector oJ n independent samples from V. Then zXHz is an unbiased estimator of tr(H), i.e.,

E(z~Hz) = tr(H), and var(zXHz) = 2 ~ h 2. i~j

As shown in Section 3, the problems of estimating the bounds of t r ( A - 1) and det(A) are reduced to bounding the trace of a symmetric matrix H, which is a function of A. Specifically, when A is symmetric positive definite, H = A - 1 or H = In A. When A is not symmetric positive definite, H = A - 1 + A - T and H = ln(AaA). Therefore, we can use Proposition 4.1 to obtain an unbiased estimator of tr(H). In practice, we take m sample vectors zi as described in Proposition 4.1, and then use Algorithm 1 (see Section 2) to obtain a lower b o u n d L~ and an upper b o u n d Ui of the quantity zTHz, (9)

Li 0. Table 1 shows the computed b o u n d s for some diagonal elements of the matrix A with n = 900 by Algorithm 1. In fact, the diagonal elements of the inverse of A only have three different values corresponding to the 3, 4 or 5 nonzeros in the rows of the original matrix. In [18-1, formulations for the b o u n d s of three different values of the diagonal elements of the inverse of A are given. Using their formulas, we have the bounds for the three representative values of the diagonal elements of the inverse of A, where v = 0.2 and cond(A) = 2.5853• 5.676320033658228e - 01 < (A-1)l,1 < 5.750190403655749e - 01 5.730060434231142e - 01 < (A-1)22,22 < 5.866283249460820e - 01 5.786555786555786e-01 < (A-1)32,32 < 5.974842767295597e-01 It clearly shows that the b o u n d s Li and Ui are much sharper bounds. In addition, Algorithm 1 is a very efficient algorithm, it only takes 4 iterations to obtain convergent bounds. F o r bounding the off-diagonal elements, we use formula (3) and Algorithm 1. Table 2 shows the computed bounds. Example 2 (Vicsek fractal Hamiltonian (VFH) matrix). This test matrix is from the transverse vibration o f a Vicsek fractal [13, 19, 12]. The fractal is self-similarly constructed• The first generator of the Vicsek gasket matrix H c o m p o s e d of five atoms with its four outermost atoms anchored to

Z. Bai et al./Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89

84 Table 2

Linear heat flow matrix, n = 900 (A - 1)ij i


"Exact" value

Gauss-Radau Iter Lower b o u n d Li

U p p e r b o u n d Ui

Ui -

2 20 200 200 899

1 21 181 700 895

6.5906786e - 02 6.6837061e-02 1.6328011e-17 3.9509029e-19 1.1189572e-04

4 4 4 4 4

6.5907171e-02 6.6837584e-02 1.4359500e-06 1.7276332e-06 1.1273010e-04

7.35e - 07 1.07e-06 2.87e-06 3.45e-06 1.66e-06

6.5906436e-02 6.6836507e-02 -1.4359500e-06 -1.7276332e-06 1.1106335e-04

L i

a rigid b o u n d a r y site, i.e., the first stage uses a t o m s as its cell Hx, the kth stage H k u s e s (k - 1)th fractal as its cell: -Hk_l V(k1-)1 Hk -=


Hk - 1

V(2)rI[(3)TV(4)11 k-1







Hk - 1





Hk - 1


1 0

1 0

1] 0

0 0 0

- 2 0 0


0 0





- V(k4-)1




- 1


with -4 1 H1 =

1 1 1


-2 0



The order n k of the matrix Hk is n k = 5n k_ 1- Vkq-) 1 are the interaction matrices linking one generation to the next generation. Let Pl, 1 = 3, P2,1 = 2, P3,1 ~-" 5, P4, 1 = 4 and - - 1) + P l , k - 2 ,

P2,k-1 = 5 k - 2 ( p 2 , 1 - - 1) + P 2 , k - 2 ,

P3,k-1 = 5 k - 2 ( p 3 , 1 - - 1) + P 3 , k - 2 ,

P4, k - 1 = 5 k - 2 ( p 4 , 1 - - 1) + P 4 , k - 2 ,

Pl,k-1 = 5k-2(pl,1

for k = 3, 4, .... T h e n Vk~k)l is a zero matrix except with one at (p 1, k- 1, P2, k- 1 ) entry, Vk~2_ ) 1 is a zero matrix except with one at (P2.k-l,Pl,k-1) entry, Vkta2a is a zero matrix except with one at (P3,k- 1 , P 4 . k - 1) entry and Vk(4-) 1 is a zero matrix except with one at (Pg.k- 1,P3,k- 1) entry. It is easy to see that H k is symmetric positive definite. O n e of the interesting c o m p u t a t i o n a l p r o b l e m s related to Hk is to find s o m e diagonal elements (and trace) of the inverse of the matrix H k. Tables 3 and 4 s h o w the estimated b o u n d s for s o m e diagonal elements of the matrix with dimension n -- 625 and n = 3125. Again, we o b t a i n e d sharp b o u n d s in only 13 to 20 iterations.

Z. Bai et al./Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89


Table 3 Vicsek fractal Hamiltonian matrix, n = 625 (A i


1 100 301 625

Gauss Radau Iter Lower bound L~

Upper bound Ui

Ui - Li

13 15 11 13

9.480197e - 01 1.100527e + 00 9.243184e-01 6.440054e-01

1.71e-05 7.00e - 06 2.62e-05 3.70e - 06

9.4801776e-01 1.1005302e + 00 1.1003786e+00 6.4401100e-01

3.60e-06 4.90e - 06 1.01e-05 8.66e-06

9.480026e-01 1.100520e + 00 9.242992e - 01 6.440017e - 01

Vicsek ffactalHamiltonianmatrix, n = 3125 1 100 2000 3125

19 20 19 16

9.4801416e 1.1005253e 1.1003685e 6.4400234e

+ + -

01 00 00 01

Table 4 Poisson matrix, n = 900, c o n d ( A ) = 564.92 i


Gauss-Radau Iter Lower bound Li

Upper bound Ui

Ui - Li

2 1 10 41 58 450 550 600 650

1 900 90 42 59 449 750 602 750

16,37;11,29 13,30;13,32 26,50;22,46 36,54;13,31 24,50;14,35 35,51;26,49 38,53;39,54 33,52;24,52 40,54;39,53

1.0484172e-01 1.5611762e -- 04 4.4211369e-04 2.2965834e - 01 1.9226997e-01 1.7926657e--01 4.1810605e--03 1.0917413e-03 1.6479777e--02

2.7732e-04 2.1312e -- 04 2.9076e--04 2.7407e - 04 3.6050e-04 2.5269e--04 1.9236e--04 2.6500e-04 1.7786e--04

( A - 1)i.J

1.0456440e-01 - 5.7004377e - 05 1.5135698e-04 2.2938427e--01 1.9190948e-01 1.7901387e-01 3.9886981e-03 8.2673761e--04 1.6301914e-02

Example 3 (Poisson matrix). In this example, the matrix of order k 2 is a block tridiagonal matrix from the 5-point central difference discretization of the 2-D Poisson's equation on a k x k square mesh. Table 4 shows the results for bounding some off-diagonal elements of the matrix using expression (3) and Algorithm 1 with the Gauss-Radau rule. Note that in the column "iter" there are four numbers in each row. The first two represent the number of iterations in the Gauss-Radau rule for the lower and upper bounds o f y T f ( A ) y , where y = ei + ej. The last two are the number of iterations for the lower and upper bounds of zTf(A)z, where z = ei - ej.

5.2. Bounds on tr(A- 1) and det(A) We now present numerical examples of Algorithm 2 for the Monte Carlo estimation of the quantities tr(A-1) and det(A). Tables 5 and 6 are the summary of the results for different test

Z Bai et al./Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89


Table 5 Summary of the Monte Carlo approach for estimating t r ( A - ~)





900 625 481 200

5.126e 5.383e 2.681e 2.000e


Wathen Lehmer

+ + + +

Iter 02 02 01 04

30 12 33 38

(a) Poisson matrix (n =


50 21 58 70


Rel. err

Confidence bounds

5.020e 5.366e 2.667e 2.017e

2.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8%

(4.28e (5.05e (2.58e (1.86e

+ + + +

02 02 01 04

+ + + +

02, 5.75e 02, 5.67e 01, 2.75e 04,2.16e

(b) VFH matrix (n



+ + + +

02) 02) 01) 04)







'-'~ -~_,_





Ir "'~ -350 I













25 30 Nuenlo~rof Samples

Numbm of Samples








(d) Lehmer matrix (n -

Wathen matrix (n = 481) 2.4











29 2,2
















25 1.8 24







20 2'5 30 NurnbQrofSam~es






Number of Sampl~

Fig. 1. Numerical results of the Monte Carlo approach (Algorithm 2) for estimating tr(A- z). The solid horizontal line is the exact value oftr(A- z). The solid line with + is the estimated value. The dash-dot lines are the confidence intervals of the estimated values with probability 0.95.

Z. Bai et al./Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89


Table 6 Summary of the M o n t e Carlo approach for estimating tr(ln A) Matrix



Poisson VFH H flow Pei

900 625 900 300

1.065e 3.677e 5.643e 5.707e

+ + + +

03 02 01 00

(e) Poisson matrix (n




Re1. err

Confidence bounds

11 - 29 10 - 14 4 2- 3

1.060e 3.661e 5.669e 5.240e

0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 8.2%

(1.03e + 03, 1.08e + (3.38e + 02, 3.94e + (5.42e + t,., 5.92e + ( -- 1.83e + 0, 1.23e

+ + + +

03 02 01 00


(f) VFH matrix (n =

03) 02) 01) + 1)




h 440

t /





s ~r













- - -

- "~










}~ t





20 25 30 Number ol Samples















Number o1

(g) Linear Heat Flow matrix (n = 900'

310 Samples





(h) Pei matrix (n = 300)

1 A 201 ~,



- - -


. . . . .






1/ 0






20 25 30 Number ol Samples













Number of Samples

Fig. 2. Numerical results of the M o n t e Carlo approach (Algorithm 2) for estimating tr(ln(A)). The solid horizontal line is the exact value of tr(ln(A)). The solid line with + is the estimated value. The dash-dot lines are the confidence intervals of the estimated values with probability 0.95. N o t e that det(A) = exp(tr(ln(A))).


Z. Bai et aL /Journal o f Computational and Applied Mathematics 74 (1996) 71-89

matrices. Figs. 1 and 2 show the history of the Monte Carlo approach where the number of sample vectors zf is m = 50. Linear heat fl0w, V F H and Poisson test matrices have been described above. The additional three test matrices are from the Higham's test matrix collection [9]: Wathen matrix: It is a consistent mass matrix for a regular nx x ny grid of 8-node (serendipity) elements in 2 space dimensions. The order of the matrix is n = 3nxny + 2nx + 2ny + 1. In our numerical run, we let nx = ny = 12, then n = 481 and cond(A) = 829.19. Lehmer matrix: It is an n x n symmetric positive-definite matrix with entries afj = i/j for j / > i. The inverse of A is tridiagonal, and explicit formulas are known for its entries, n ~< cond(A) ~< 4n 2. We tested the matrix with n = 200 and cond(A) = 4.8401e + 04. Pei matrix: A = ~I + 11 a, where 1 is an n-vector with all ones. The matrix is singular for ~ = 0, - n. We tested the matrix with n = 300, ~ = 1 and cond(A) = 301.

6. Conclusions and future work An elegant approach for estimating the bounds of the quantity uTf(A)v has been laid out earlier in [6, 7]. The theory of matrix moments, quadrature rules, orthogonal polynomials and the underlying Lanczos procedure are beautifully connected and turned into an efficient algorithm. In this paper, we have further developed the approach in a number of practical aspects. Something old, something new, and something borrowed. Preliminary numerical results for different matrices demonstrate the high-performance of the new approach. Our near future work includes studying the ill-conditioning problems and preconditioning techniques, improving the confidence bounds, and investigating orthogonal polynomials with variable sign [21, 5] and related quadrature rules to solve the estimation problem with u ~ v directly. The ultimate goal of this study is to develop truly efficient algorithms to solve such types of matrix computation problems where the matrices involved m a y be complex, non-Hermitian and of order millions. These matrix computation problems are arising in m o d e r n lattice Q C D and other scientific computing fields.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Keh-Fei Liu and Shao-Jian D o n g for bringing to our attention the applications of problem (1) in the lattice QCD, and thank Shao-Jian Dong for providing the V F H test matrix. ZB and M F would also like to thank Mai Z h o u for introducing them to Hoeffding's inequality used in Section 4, and to Arnold Neumaier, who reminded us of the polarization expression (3).

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