Studying Factors Affecting Students' Motivation as an ...

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1-Student MBA; 2-HoD, 3- Lecturer COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Vehari Campus. *Corresponding author: [email protected]. Abstract.
Pollster j. acad.res. 01(01) 09-20, 2014 © Pollster Journal of Academic Research, Pollster Publications ISSN: 2411-2259, December 2014, Vol (01), Issue (01)

Studying Factors Affecting Students’ Motivation as an HRM Strategy for HEIs: A Case Study of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Vehari Campus Romaisa Abbas*1, Dr Asad Afzal Humayon2, Muhammad Imran Rasheed3 1-Student MBA; 2-HoD, 3- Lecturer COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Vehari Campus *Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors that can motivate students in their studies. This study will strive at finding out factors of students „motivation and the impact of these factors on students‟ performance. This study will help out the management of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in dealing better with these factors to achieve their prime objective, which is none other than but producing high performer students. This is a causal study. A structured questionnaire consisting 18 items belonging to 04 independent variables and 01 dependent variable has been developed by the researchers. The reliability of the questionnaire has also been checked by using Cronebach alpha test. This questionnaire has helped researchers in collection of primary data. The data then was analyzed by using SPSS 18.0. Findings of the study have shown that challenging assignments, students internal curiosity, performance feedback and teachers‟ behavior are crucial in motivating students at HE level. The current research has been conducted on one of the most neglected field that is to create a link of the factors of students‟ motivation with the HRM strategies of HEIs. This is one of the pioneer researches in this field that will explore a horizon for future research in this area.

Key Words: Student Motivation, Higher Education, Human Resource Management student‟s performance


Pollster j. acad.res. 01(01) 09-20, 2014 © Pollster Journal of Academic Research, Pollster Publications ISSN: 2411-2259, December 2014, Vol (01), Issue (01)


Introduction: 1.1

Background of the Topic:

Motivation plays an important role for the students in their study. With high motivation, students work longer, harder and with more dynamism and concentration and vice-versa. In other words, motivation helps individuals overcome sluggishness. As Deci et al., (1999) said there are three things to keep in mind about education first one is motivation second one is motivation third one is again motivation. Student motivation has to do with students‟ desire to participate in the learning process. Students‟ motivation has been an important area for research in psychology and education for many years (Dörnyei, 2001). He also focused that for the better results class teachers and the institute needs to learn and observe student motivation as the most important factor. Every educational institute struggles to enhance students‟ motivation for getting achievement of success. The institutes need to study how to get students‟ motivation better results in students‟ education and excellence of the educational institute. The purpose of conducting this research is to find out those factors that affect students‟ motivation. 1.2

Background of the Institute:

The Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) is passing through the eighteenth year of its successful journey to promote the cause of sustainable development in its twenty one member states. COMSATS was created in 1994 to meet the challenges of continuously emerging socio-economic problems in the developing countries through effective and sensible application of suitable science and technology development. (Hasibullah, 2007)

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) started its journey in 1998 having 07 functional campuses and housing about 25, 000 students, 2700 faculty members and more than 2000 non faculty staff, is a reputed public sector institute providing higher education in the country. ( The current research has been conducted in the CIIT Vehari campus to study the factors of studnets motivation that can improve motivation of students and the educational institutes.

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Following are the objectives of research. 1.3

Research Objectives:

1. To explore the factors that motivates students in Educational Institutes. 2. To investigate the association among Motivational Factors and Students‟ Motivation 3. To recommend solutions that can enhance the effectiveness of efforts in order to improve student‟s performance. 2.0

Literature review:

In literature review, firstly we have given a look to the concept of motivation. The point of view of different authors regarding motivation has been given them it has been tried to understand the role of importance of students‟ motivation in their study and learning. It has also been tried to understand how students‟ motivation plays its role in the development of an educational institute. 2.1 Motivation The word motivate comes from the Latin word motive, meaning to move, to provide, to stimulate or to effect some inner drive, urge or purpose that causes a person to act in a definite way. Motivation can be defined as the internal drive behavior that directs us towards a goal or some ends as Guay et al., (2010) stated “motivation refers to the reason underlying behavior” we can say that motivation is an internal factor that drives us to take action for achieving any goal it arouses because of some reasons that lie in the behavior. It is the process of stimulating people to take any actions to accomplish the tasks. Motivation can also be defined as a factor that creates desire among us to do something. As Paraphrasing Broussard et el; (2004) defined motivation as the “attribute that moves us to do or not do something” Researcher most of the time compare extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to those factors that force us to do something for our internal

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satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation is the one that comes from the external activates. Usually, researchers prefer intrinsic motivation and believe that the result of intrinsic motivation is more desirable and the outcome of this is better learning compare to extrinsic (Deci et al., 1999). Motivation directs individual towards the behaviors that creates desire and useful emotion for achieving the goal. Another author defines Motivation as a potential to direct the behavior that built into system that control emotions. This potential may be manifested in cognition, emotion and behavior (Hannula. 2004). Motivation is an internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want) that serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction (Kleinginna, 1981). 2.2 Importance of Motivation: Mainly motivation theorists assume that motivation concerned with the performance of all learned reaction that a learned behavior will not arise unless it is animated. The importance of motivation for the students in learning institutions, schools and universities usually keep their students always motivated to bring out their work to the superlative of their capacity (Bank, 1980). Ayotola, (1998) illustrated that, students learning is enhanced as the degree of intrinsic motivation is strengthened. 2.3 Role of Students’ Motivation in Students’ Performance: Psychologists believe that, motivation is a necessary ingredient for learning. Motivation factors play significant role in student‟s performance. Learning behavior, good results and the mostly successful students are those who are highly motivated. It is generally acknowledged that there is a positive correlation between motivation and learning (Biehlerss et el, 1986). Hall(1989) said that most important attitude that can be shaped is a desire to learn. The more motivated a person is about a given subject, the more likely s/he will learn about that subject. The mostly successful students were found to have extensively higher motivation for attainment than unsuccessful student. (Bank et el 1980). As investigate the interaction between college students‟ learning and performance goal orientation

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Lepper (1988) collected data from ages 17 – 22 of college students‟. It was found in the study that students who had high motivation had completed more semesters. They also found that the students who were outwardly motivated possessed more illogical beliefs while other inside motivated students tended to be more involved in learning. Desire for doing any job is mostly strong when it occurs by intrinsic motivation, as Lepper (1988) insisted that intrinsically motivated student undertakes more activities for its own sake, for the enjoyment it provides, the learning it permits, and the feelings of accomplishment it evokes than that of the students who are motivated extrinsically. It has also been found that intrinsically motivated students spend more time and effort in learning, feel better about that learning, and use that learning more in the future (Malone., 1981). However some theories focuses that extrinsic motivation plays significant role for motivating students to learn as Lepper (1988) insisted that, an extrinsically motivated student performs better. Infact by analyzing both type of motivation the purpose is to analyze the factors that motivate the students to learn. These factors belong to both that is the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. 2.4 Factors of Students’ Motivation: 2.4.1 Challenging Assignments: Boston et al., (2001) argued that all the activities that provide a finest level of challenges neither too difficult and nor too easy bring motivation for the person doing that. He believed that challenging assignments become a factor of motivation for the students. If the assignments are too easy to solve they carry not motivation for the majority of students but at the same time these assignments should be doable. An assignment too difficult to solve is not a challenging assignment. As Murphy (1995) stated that goals and performance feedback should be included in challenging assignments. He argued that not only the challenging goals give students a motivation for accomplishing those goals but the importance of performance feedback should also be given a proper weightage.

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2.4.2 Curiosity: Curiosity is internal desire that is a bigger source of students‟ motivation, it arouses because of extrinsic sources. Curiosity affects motivation largely. There are types of curiosity that is related to students‟ motivation. Sensory curiosity occurs when changes in light, sound, smell, etc happens and one attends to that change. The second type of curiosity is cognitive curiosity that can be stimulated by incompleteness in the learning environment (Rieber, 1992). Malone (1981) also argued that curiosity is a source of students‟ motivation hence teachers and the institution needs boost students‟ curiosity if they want to increase students‟ motivation. 2.4.3 Teacher’s Behavior: Biehlerss et el, (1986) stated that students learning becomes more efficient when their teachers teach them actively by structuring new information and helping them relating the concepts to what they already know, and then monitoring their performance and providing corrective feedback through recitation, drill, practice, and application activities etc. Bank et el., (1980) saw teachers‟ behavior as an independent variable and students‟ achievement as a dependent variable and found that teachers‟ behavior significantly affect students‟ motivation. 2.4.4 Performance Feedback: Murphy et el., (1995) argued that performance feedback is a key factor for creating motivation in work. Performance feedback is the overview of the student‟s performance that is provided by teacher to its student. Feed back of good result motivates students and becomes a source of appreciation of their activities. The negative feedback when provided scientifically also enhances motivation and produces a desire to achieve the goals in next attempt.

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2.5 Theoretical Framework:

Independent Variables


Challenging Assignments




Performance Feedback


Teacher’s Behavior

Dependent Variables

Students’ Motivation

2.5.1 Hypotheses: As per the literature review already conducted, there can be a relationship among students‟ motivation and challenging assignments, students‟ motivation and Curiosity, students‟ motivation and Performance feedback, and students‟ motivation and teachers‟ behavior. On the bases of these assumptions following hypotheses have been developed. H1:

Challenging Assignments (CA) have a positive impact on Students‟ Motivation


Students Curiosity (CU) has a positive impact on Students‟ Motivation.


Performance Feedback (PF) has an impact on Student‟ Motivation


Teachers‟ Behavior (TB) has an impact on Students‟ Motivation

3.0 Research Methodology: This causal study based on exploratory research methodology has been conducted to identify the factors of students‟ motivation. The COMSATS Institute of information Technology Vehari Campus, Vehari Pakistan (CIIT) has been taken as case study. The survey was conducted in the 04 departments of CIIT Vehari. The sampling method used in this research was Stratified sampling. Four stratums were selected as Management Sciences Department (MS), Computer Sciences Department (CS), Humanities

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Department (Hum) and Environmental Sciences Department (ES). The sample size determined by the researchers was 85 students belonging to all four stratums explained above. The sample size is determined by using the following formula;

Where N= Total population of CIIT (at the time of survey) is 2070 here e = Margin of error, which is taken 05% here n = Sample Size Therefore we can say with 95% confidence level that our sample size of 335 is correct and a true representative of this population. A comprehensive questionnaire consisting of 18 questions categorized in 05 major dimensions including 04 independent variables and 01 dependent variable has been developed by the researchers. The reliability of the instrument has also been checked by using Cronbach alpha test and it was found that the reliability of each variable is more than 0.70 which is very much acceptable. The data has been analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 version and discussed to create a link between the literature review and our findings and to study that which factor contributes the most towards students‟ motivation.

4.0 Data Analysis: Primary data has been collected through the questionnaires that were delivered in person to the sample population in all departments of CIIT Vehari. Responses of questions have been analyzed by using SPSS software. The results of the survey have been interpreted to reach over the conclusion that which factor contributes and how does it contribute to students‟ motivation.

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4.1 Demographics of the Respondents: The survey was conducted in the 04 departments of CIIT Vehari. Profile of the respondents included: students from all disciplines i.e., Management Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Humanities and Computer Sciences. These students belonged to both i.e., graduate and undergraduate programs. On the gender side 53 % were female and 47 % male students. Their level of education showed that 35% were graduate students and 65% were undergraduate students.

4.2 Reliability Analysis

Table1: Reliability of Measurement Instrument

The above mentioned table represents the reliability of each dimension that is used in questionnaire. The variable of challenging assignments have four items and its reliability is 0.77, the curiosity have four items and its reliability is 0.76, performance feedback with 03 items contain reliability of 0.83, teachers‟ behavior with 03 items contains 0.86 and motivation with 04 items have the reliability of 0.81.

4.3 Challenging Assignments are Significant in Motivating Students: According to the Results of the study the variable challenging assignments have significant relationship with students‟ motivation. The challenging assignments variable has shown significant positive relationship with Beta=0.315 and p=.001.This means that challenging assignments contribute more than 31% towards students‟ motivation.

4.4 Curiosity is Significant in Motivating Students: Next factor studied for the motivation of students in HEIs of Pakistan is internal curiosity of students. According to the Results of the study the variable curiosity has significant relationship

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with students‟ motivation. The curiosity variable has shown significant positive relationship with Beta=0.237 and p=0.007.This means that students‟ internal curiosity contributes more than 23% students‟ motivation.

4.5 Performance Feedback Should Be Timely Provided To Students’ Motivation: According to the Results of the study the variable performance feedback has shown significant relationship with students‟ motivation. The performance feedback variable has shown significant positive relationship with Beta=0.193 and p=0.014. This means that performance feedback contributes more than 19% towards students‟ motivation.

4.5 Teachers’ Behavior is crucial in students’ Motivation: Teacher‟s behavior is another factor of students‟ motivation studied in current research. According to the Results of the study the variable teacher‟s behavior has significant relationship with students‟ motivation. The teacher‟s behavior variable has shown significant positive relationship with Beta=0.143 and p=0.009. This means that teacher‟s behavior contributes more than 14% towards students‟ motivation.

5. Conclusion The present research examines the role of challenging assignments, students‟ curiosity, performance feedback and teachers‟ behavior on students‟ motivation in HEIs. The results of the study confirm the significant positive influence of these variables students‟ motivation. All the hypothesized variables were found significant and contributing towards students‟ motivation in studied organizations. Among these variables, challenging assignments is the most effective variable due to its high beta value; hence researchers suggest that challenging assignments need to be systematically designed in the HEIs of Pakistan to enhance students‟ motivation. The significant impact of performance feedback demands the attention of the top management of HEIs to provide timely and relevant feedback to the students about their performance and to design its performance feedback system according to contemporary practices. A good performance feedback needs to be based on 360 degree feedback system.

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Student‟s internal curiosity and teachers‟ behavior are two significant variables that affect student motivation in HEIs. The impact of these variables on student motivation needs to be understood appropriately by the HEIs top management to achieve students‟ motivation. This study is an attempt to understand how students‟ motivation does is affected and what are the factors that should be considered properly while achieving students‟ motivation at higher education level.

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