Take control - Pipeline Directory

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No 21F, 21st Fl, Bangunan Dato Zaninal,. Jalan Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, 50100,. Malaysia ...... web: www.rab.de email: [email protected]. RAB Polska. 8 Ul Rolna ...
Take control

The ROSEN Asset Integrity Management Support (AIMS) gives you complete control of your assets, including all contributing factors ROSEN provides a full range of services for maintaining the integrity and reducing the risk of ageing pipelines and associated plant. AIMS takes a holistic approach to asset management, using an all embracing methodology that safely takes an asset through the full life cycle, while striking a balance between engineering and business processes. We primarily focus on the core business of the asset: optimizing income, managing pipeline integrity, meeting legislative requirements, yet never neglecting other significant factors. ROSEN is the market leader in pipeline inspection and AIMS reflects our deep understanding of pipeline management. Visit our website at www.RosenInspection.net/aims and discover how AIMS can ease your workload.


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The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

APTECH Engineering Services, Inc. Petrochemical Group



APTECHDiscoverSM APTECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 16100 Cairnway Drive Suite 310 Houston, TX 77084 Phone: 832-593-0550; Fax: 832-593-0551 Website: www.aptechtexas.com 601 West California Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 Phone: 408-745-7000; Fax: 408-734-0445 139, 11215 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 0L5 Phone: 780-669-2869; Fax: 780-669-2509


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

GE Inspection Technologies

Pipeline productivity Gain 400% more efficiency from your weld inspection crews with GE’s new Weldstar Hybrid AUT system. Without the safety issues common to ionizing radiation, Weldstar performs stick or automated weld inspections right behind the welders, giving them quality data to assess and adjust processes on the spot. Weldstar combines 16 channels of conventional ultrasonics with 64:128 phased array electronics for more accurate defect sizing and location. Its inspection data allows the use of ECA techniques to determine the effect of a defect on weld strength, which reduces rework—a real advantage over radiography. And to make your crews even more effective, Weldstar’s set-up Wizard creates inspection plans in hours rather than days, while its on-board reporting tools dramatically reduce administrative time. To find out more about Weldstar, visit www.ge.com/inspectiontechnologies.


Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers F

ORMALLY launched in 2007, the Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers – PIPE – has been formed with a number of aims (see right), the most important of which are to promote the importance of maintaining and improving the standards of pipeline engineering for all types of pipeline, both on- and offshore, and to acknowledge and promote the status of those involved with their design, construction, operation, and maintenance. Membership is open (by payment of an annual subscription) to all who have EITHER two years’ post-qualification experience of pipeline engineering, attested to by a senior representative of their current employer, OR five years’ certified experience for those without formal engineering qualifications.

Among the benefits of membership will be a formal certificate of membership, inclusion in the PIPE’s webbased List of Pipeline Professionals (also published in hardcopy format annually), and a special rate for subscription to the quarterly Journal of Pipeline Engineering, published jointly by Clarion Technical Publishers of Houston, USA, and Scientfic Surveys Ltd of the UK. To receive further details, please contact the PIPE secretariat (see right), or visit


To promote the highest possible standards of integrity and safety

To establish best practice in the minimization of environmental impact from pipelines of all types

To co-ordinate and unify technical aspects of the pipeline industry

To provide continuing professional development

To provide a forum for discussion of all the issues concerned with pipeline engineering and integrity

To provide a network of pipeline professionals

To create and maintain a professional qualification for pipeline engineers which reflects their personal experience and status

THE MEMBERS of the PIPE's founding Board include: Prof Luis Azevedo, PUC Rio University, Brazil Dr Michael Beller, NDT Systems & Services, Germany Joe Caldwell, Caldwell & Assocs, USA Dr Rudi Denys, Laboratorium Soete, University of Gent, Belgium Marcelino Gomes, Petrobras, Brazil Dr Jane Haswell, Pipeline Integrity Engineers, UK Dr Phil Hopkins, Penspen Integrity, UK Dr Gerhard Knauf, Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Germany Ted Metcalfe, Metcalfe Engineering, Australia Dr Alan Murray, NEB, Canada Prof Andrew Palmer, University of Cambridge, UK Dr John Smart, John Smart & Assocs, USA Jan Spiekhout, Nederlandse Gasunie, Netherlands Dr Nobuhisa Suzuki, NKK Corporation, Japan Chris Tam, INTEC Engineering, USA Prof Slava Timashev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia George Williamson, BP, USA

The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007



The PIPE Secretariat is administered jointly by: Clarion Technical Publishers 3401 Louisiana, #255 Houston, TX 77002 USA t: +1 713 521 5929 f: +1 713 521 9255 e: [email protected]

Scientific Surveys Ltd PO Box 21 Beaconsfield HP9 1NS, UK t: +44 1494 675139 f: +44 1404 670155 e: [email protected] www.pipemag.com


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


RioCidadeNovaConventionsCentre RiodeJaneiro-Brazil

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Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás




The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


International Energy Pipeline Directory - 2007

The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Supported by: ASME-PSD l EPRG l GMRC l INGAA l ILIA l NACE PIPE l PPSA l PRCI l SGA l UKOPA Published by: Scientific Surveys Ltd PO Box 21, Beaconsfied HP9 1NS, UK tel: +44 (0)1494 675139 fax: +44 (0)1494 670155 email: [email protected]


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Editor’s note


E HOPE THAT this first edition of the International Energy Pipeline Directory will prove a useful – and even indispensable – source of reference for those involved in the oil, gas, and hydrocarbonrelated pipeline industry world-wide. The listings of companies and their activities published here is taken from the long-established on-line database at www.pipedir.com, to which access by the companies themselves and users is completely free. We are therefore grateful to the advertisers who’s financial support has allowed publication of this Directory, and in this context we draw reader’s attention to the advertisers’ index on page 255. We are also most grateful for the support that this Directory has received from a wide range of important pipeline-industry associations and organizations. Their logos are shown on the front cover and they are listed on page 9, and throughout the Directory there are descriptions (provided by the organizations themselves) of their activities and interests. We encourage readers to contact the one or more organization that is of particular relevance to his or her activities; by joining and contributing to the activities of each of these organizations, the industry itself develops an increasingly-powerful voice at a time when shouting seems the only way of being heard (a point that is echoed in the article by past-PRCI Chairman Winston Johnston on pages 11-12). The youngest of these organizations is the Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers (see page 3), the first meeting of which will be held in Rio de Janeiro just before the Rio Pipeline Conference in September this year. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this edition of the International Energy Pipeline Directory is as correct and up-to-date as possible. Inevitably, however, some company details may have changed between the on-line databse being downloaded and the Directory being published. Readers are therefore directed to www.pipedir.com for the most up-to-date information. The Directory is published by Scientific Surveys Ltd in the UK, publisher of the Journal of Pipeline Engineering and Global Pipeline Monthly. Details of these, and others of its on-line activities, can be seen at www.pipemag.com.

John Tiratsoo Editor July, 2007

Cover photo courtesy of SoCalGas.

Copyright 2007© Scientific Surveys Ltd 8

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or copied or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical or by photocopying, in whole or in part, without permission of the publisher. ISBN 978-0-901360-38-0 Printed by Cambrian Printers Ltd, Aberystwyth SY23 3TN, UK

Company listing - alphabetic order ................................................................................................. 17 Buyers’ Guide to equipment and services .................................................................................... 137 Buyers’ Guide categories and index ............................................................................................. 253 Advertiser’s index ......................................................................................................................... 255

Supporting organizations (in alphabetic order) ASME

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The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007



International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

GE Inspection Technologies

Pipeline productivity Gain 400% more efficiency from your weld inspection crews with GE’s new Weldstar Hybrid AUT system. Without the safety issues common to ionizing radiation, Weldstar performs stick or automated weld inspections right behind the welders, giving them quality data to assess and adjust processes on the spot. Weldstar combines 16 channels of conventional ultrasonics with 64:128 phased array electronics for more accurate defect sizing and location. Its inspection data allows the use of ECA techniques to determine the effect of a defect on weld strength, which reduces rework—a real advantage over radiography. And to make your crews even more effective, Weldstar’s set-up Wizard creates inspection plans in hours rather than days, while its on-board reporting tools dramatically reduce administrative time. To find out more about Weldstar, visit www.ge.com/inspectiontechnologies.


by Winston Johnston Former Vice President and Chief Engineer, El Paso Pipeline Group Past-Chairman, Pipeline Research Council International


HE PAST president of the PRCI takes a brief look at the skills shortage in the pipeline industy in North America, and reached some unsettling conclusions. His points will be recognized in many countries around the world, where the oi ladn gas pipeline industry is expanding, but where the reservoir of staff and labour is running dry.


S YOU DRIVE the street of your local town, have you noticed all the “hiring” signs at the McDonalds, Lube and Go, Safeway, Walgreen, as well as at the local machine shop? Personnel with all kinds of skills and capabilities are needed, which is also very true in the pipeline industry today. The pipeline industry has a critical need for everyone from labourers, backhoe and sideboom operators, and welders, to construction superintendents, draughtsman, engineers, etc. Fewer people are interested in following pipeline construction activities, as in order to have a job it requires travel as the projects move across the country. Many would rather stay at home and work at McDonalds, etc., cooking burgers, have some benefits, and be close to family and friends. Some individuals have a 100-mile limit on how far from home they are willing to work, regardless of the pay. Now why is this huge personnel issue of interest to us? Beginning right now, the biggest expansion in our industry is kicking off, and it may last for more than five years. These expansions are the result of three main developments: •

Texas which is going to markets in the NE and SE. •

Third is all the Rockies developments in the Colorado and Wyoming, and this gas is going to the Midwest and NE.

Up to 4800km of transmission pipeline will be constructed each year in the USA alone for the next five years. Most of this pipe is large diameter – 36 and 42in. Possibly, more capacity is being added now than ever before in our industry in a similar time period. Large-diameter pipe takes large spreads for installation: some spreads will require up to 500 people, and one currently-planned project to construct 1120km of 42-inch pipeline will likely have a work force of more than 3000. This is just the new construction, and does not include all the maintenance of business and pipeline-integrity work.

Many LNG terminals are being built now along the Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi coasts. New pipelines are being installed to delivery the LNG that has been gasified to main lines going to the NE and SE of the USA, and a few end users.

So where are we going to find the personnel, particularly with experience and the proper skills. Some industry experts believe that only 25% of the skilled and experienced personnel needed are going to be available for the next few years. We cannot train the people overnight that are needed, as it may take as long as three years to develop good equipment operators, welders, benders, etc. Also the big question is how many of these people that we are training will continue to follow the work to become our experienced, skilled personnel?

Second is the Barnett Shale gas in north

This lack of skilled staff means that more personnel

The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

What is happening in the pipeline industry?


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 are required on the pipeline spreads, and there is a considerable concern for safety of the construction personnel. Contractors will have to be innovative in maintaining a high awareness of safety while trying to maintain a high quality of work. These personnel issues are one of the primary causes for the increase in pipeline project costs of 40% or more as compared to those of 18 months ago. In addition to the manpower issue, material, construction equipment, and right-of-way costs have increased. Delivery time of large-diameter pipe can now be up to two years (even from overseas mills), and large-diameter pipeline valve delivery is up to 14


months. Similarly, the costs of these materials have increased as the cost of steel and alloys have risen. The equipment to construct a pipeline (sidebooms, automatic welding systems, bending machines, etc.) is in short supply, with some specific equipment consequently on the critical path. Lastly, right-of-way costs are increasing as landowners are becoming more active in the construction of pipelines and are resisting reasonable offers for ROW. Environmental costs are increasing as regulatory agencies stipulate more onerous requirements before, during, and after construction of a pipeline. All of these issues are increasing the costs of pipeline projects, and these issues will remain for at least the next five years.



N MARCH 2000, ASME International established the Pipeline Systems Subdivision (PSD), within ASME’s Materials and Structures Group, to draw together worldwide interest in pipeline technology. Three years later, in March 2003, PSD became a full division, and is now the Pipeline Systems Division.

To provide a public advocacy role for matters related to pipelines, in conformance with the ASME’s Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies.

To promote the development of Codes and Standards related to pipeline system design and safety

The impetus to form the PSD stemmed both from a strong desire to represent the pipeline community, and from several highly-successful international pipeline conferences held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. These conferences enjoy strong and increasing support from the industry, government, regulatory agencies, research and academic establishments, and pipeline-industry and other associations. The most recent International Pipeline Conference and Exhibition was held in Calgary on 25 – 29 September, 2006, and the next will be on 29 September – 3 October, 2008.


Besides using conferences as a means of disseminating state-of-the-art information on a wide range of topics, the objectives of the PSD are to encourage the interaction and professional development of its international membership. To this end, its activities include technical meetings, conferences, seminars/workshops and short courses as well as web-based training and publications as well as expositions.

Objectives: •

To promote technological progress and international cooperation in the area of pipeline systems engineering.

To support the education and timely, in-depth, exchange of technical information among researchers and engineers.

To provide strong leadership and liaison, including the promotion of technical activities and conferences, within ASME and with other international organizations.

• • • • • • • • •

Pipeline automation and measurement Rotating equipment Permafrost engineering, geotechnics and heat transfer Offshore issues Materials science GIS/database development Environmental issues Design and construction Pipeline integrity

Executive committee (2006 – 2007): Chair: Professor Phil Hopkins, Penspen Integrity, UK Vice Chair (Chair-Elect): Marcelino Gomes, Petrobras SA, Brazil Secretary: Pat Vieth, CC Technologies, USA Treasurer: Ken Paulson, National Energy Board, Canada Professional Development Chair: Daryl Ronsky, Consultant, Canada Codes and Standards Chair: Dr Shawn Kenny, C-CORE, Canada Member: Roman Motriuk, Arcuss Solutions, Inc, Canada Member: Yoshikuni Uchida, JFE Engineering Corporation, Japan Immediate Past Chair: Mark Marley, Det Norske Veritas, Norway Publications/Newsletter: Jim Russell, Russell, Professional Services Inc, Canada

The International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

ASME Pipeline Systems Division

❖❖❖ 13

Interested in joining the PSD? You can join the Pipeline Systems Division on-line by visiting ASME’s International Petroleum Technology Division site at www.asme-ipti.org. New qualifying members are always very welcome.

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Company listing T

HE INFORMATION included in this alphabetical list has been provided by the companies themselves, all of whom have been invited to maintain and update their entries at the free online database www.pipedir.com. While every attempt has been made to ensure the data are as up-to-date as possible, the publisher can take no responsibility for the veracity of the information presented here. Readers are invited to visit www.pipedir.com for the latest information about companies and their activities, and also for details of company contacts, branches, and subsidiaries, space to publish which is not available in this Directory.

A A1 Blasting Mats 95 Bay Street, Sturgeon Falls, ON P2B 3G6, Canada tel: (+1) 800 896 7996 fax: (+1) 705 735 5441 email: [email protected] contact: Clare Lisk ABB Automation Inc - Totalflow Div Totalflow Div., 7051 Industrial Blvd., Bartlesville, OK 74006, USA tel: (+1) 918 338 4751 fax: (+1) 918 338 4699 web: www.abb.com/totalflow email: [email protected] ABB Vetco Gray (UK) Ltd Gapton Hall Rd, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 0NL, UK tel: (+44) 01493 444777 fax: (+44) 01493 414221 web: www.vetcogray.com email: [email protected] ABC Fittings 526/36, Maulana Azad Rd, 2nd Floor, Nr Gulalwadi Circle, Maharastra, Mumbai, 400004, India tel: (+91) 22 2389 8428 fax: (+91) 22 2389 5906 ABV S.r.l. Via di Coselli, 13/15, 55060 Coselli, Lucca, Italy tel: (+39) 0583 403587 fax: (+39) 0583 949920 web: www.abvvalves.com email: [email protected] AC Automation Services Ltd Waterloo Trading Estate, Dyfed, SA72 4RR, UK tel: (+44) 01646 682391 fax: (+44) 01646 621226 web: www.acautomation.com email: [email protected] AC’s Special Services 2119 Miller Drive, Tyler, TX 75701, USA tel: (+1) 903 533 9393 fax: (+1) 903 593 0565 ADAS Environment Hollyshaw House, Hollyshaw Lane, Whitkirk, Leeds, LS15 7BD, UK tel: (+44) 01132 643 233 fax: (+44) 01132 643 383 web: www.adas.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Hartley

AEA Technology Energy RD9, Birchwood Science Park, Risley, Cheshire, Warrington, WA3 6AT, UK tel: (+44) 01925 254 157 fax: (+44) 01925 253 267 AGD Equipment Ltd Avonbrook House, Masons Road, Stratfordupon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 9LQ, UK tel: (+44) 01789 292227 fax: (+44) 01789 268350 web: www.agd-equipment.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Robert Law AGI Specialty Valves PO Box 218630, 16830 Barker Springs Road, #405, Houston, TX TX 772188630, USA tel: (+1) 281 578 0366 fax: (+1) 281 578 0368 web: www.agivalve.com contact: Bobby Engelke AGL Pipelines Ltd PO Box 944, 111 Pacific Highway, NSW, North Sydney, 2060, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9922 0101 fax: (+61) 2 9957 3871 AGR Pipetech AS PO Box 163, Lonavegen, Straume, N-5342, Norway tel: (+47) 5631 6000 fax: (+47) 5631 6001 web: www.agr.no email: [email protected] contact: Rolf Sporkel AIMM Technologies PO Box 369, LaMarque, TX 77568, USA tel: (+1) 409 945 5414 fax: (+1) 409 945 6022 web: www.aimmtechnologies.com email: [email protected] contact: Antone Belcher AITEC (Western) Inc 2507 84 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6P 1K1, Canada tel: (+1) 780 417 7777 fax: (+1) 780 417 1185 web: www.aitec.ca AK Engineering Services Ashmore House, Richard House, Richardson Road, Stockton-on-Tees TS18 3RE, UK tel: (+44) 01642 602 221 web: www.akerkvaemer.com

tel: (+1) 913 438 2981 fax: (+1) 913 438 3815 web: www.alunderground.com contact: Jack Maki AMAC Corrosion 6-8 Gatwick Road, Bayswater Vic 3153 PO Box 234, VIC, Croydon, 3136, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9729 8888 fax: (+61) 3 9720 4627 email: [email protected] AMEC Capital Projects William Press House, Haughton Road, Darlington, DL1 2ED, UK tel: (+44) 01325 376200 fax: (+44) 01325 466030

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

AMEC Group Ltd Construction Services Cold Meece, Swynnerton, Stone, Staffs, Staffordshire ST 15 0UD, UK tel: (+44) 01785 760022 fax: (+44) 01785 760762 web: www.amec.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Fryer AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities PO Box 35, Swindon, Wilts SN1 2QH, UK tel: (+44) 01793 868 060 fax: (+44) 01793 614 929 web: www.amec.com email: [email protected] contact: Marc Boulter AMEC Paragon, Inc 10777 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 570 1000 fax: (+1) 713 570 8909 web: www.amecparagon.com email: [email protected] contact: David Arnold AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc 10540 Rockley Road, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77099, USA tel: (+1) 713 562 3702 web: www.amec.com email: [email protected] contact: Phillip Nidd AMEC Spie Capag Parc Saint Christophe, Pôle Edison 5, Cergy Pontoise, 95861, France tel: (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 fax: (+33) 1 34 22 69 96 web: www.amecspiecapag.com email: [email protected] contact: Daniel Gasquet

A&L Underground Inc 8339 Melrose Dr., Lenexa, Kansas 66214, USA

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 ANR Pipeline Co Subsidiary of The Costal Corporations, 500 Renaissance Ctr, Detroit, MI 48243, USA tel: (+1) 313 965 1200 fax: (+1) 313 496 3299 ARB Arendal Calle de Mirador S/N, Col. El Mirador, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), 66050, Mexico tel: (+52) 81 81 54 1100 fax: (+52) 81 81 54 1175 web: www.arendal.com.mx email: [email protected] contact: Jesús Garcia-Pons ARB Argentina 3B, 223 Del Libertador Ave, Buenos Aires, 1001, Argentina tel: (+56) 237 852 20 fax: (+56) 237 852 21 email: [email protected] ARB Chile Ltda 5151 Alonso de Cordova, Of 1602 Las, Condes, Santiago, Chile tel: (+56) 237 852 20 fax: (+56) 237 852 21 email: ssummers@arbInccom ARB Inc 26000 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA tel: (+1) 949 598 9242 fax: (+1) 949 595 5526 web: www.arbInccom email: sruvolo@arbInccom contact: Steve Ruvolo ARM Services Ltd Lancaster HouseCenturion Way, Lancs, Leyland, PR5 1TZ, UK tel: (+44) 01772 819000 fax: (+44) 01772 819001 web: www.armgroup.co.uk email: [email protected] Aaliant Fluid Measurement Solutions 150 Venture Boulevard, Spartanburg, SC 29306, USA tel: (+1) 864 574 3327 fax: (+1) 864 574 8063 web: www.alliant.com email: [email protected] Abako Ltd 102 Bronham Rd, Biddenham, Beds MK40 4AH, UK tel: (+44) 01234 353353 fax: (+44) 01234 349719 email: [email protected] Aban Constructions 113 Janpirya Crest, Pantheon Rd, Egmore, Chennai, 600 008, India tel: (+91) 44 822 2400 fax: (+91) 44 822 5817 Able Innovations, Inc 1100 Lakeway Dr., Suite 200, Bellingham, WA 98229, USA tel: (+1) 360 714 1390 web: www.ableinnovations.com


fax: (+44) 01633 415301 web: www.abriox.com email: [email protected] contact: Neil Summers Abu Dhabi Supplies PO Box 768, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 788 208 fax: (+971) 2 725 565 web: www.ascs.co.ae Accenture 990 Abdul Rahim Bldg, Rama IV Road, Bangkok, Silom, 10500, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 636 1616 fax: (+66) 2 636 1640 web: www.accenture.com

fax: (+44) 01246 261606 web: www.moulders.co.uk email: [email protected] Advance Products & Systems Inc Advance Products & Systems, Inc, PO Box 60399, Lafayette, LA 70596-0399, USA tel: (+1) 337 233 6116 fax: (+1) 337 232 3860 web: www.advprod.com Advanced Technology Corporation 115 Clemson Dr., Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA tel: (+1) 865 483 5756 web: www.atc-ssm.com email: [email protected] contact: Cathy Warner

Access Consulting Group PO Box 502361, Dubai, n/a, UAE tel: (+971) 4 391 2155 fax: (+971) 4 390 3613 web: www.acgdubai.com email: [email protected] contact: Sourena M+M697ahdavi

Advantica Technologies Ltd Ashby Road, Leicestershire, Loughborough, LE11 3GR, UK tel: (+44) 01509 282203 fax: (+44) 01509 283131 web: www.advanticatech.com

Acecsa - Aceros Calibrados SA Pol. Ind. Los Agustinos, Parcelas B4-B5, Nafarroa, Pamplona, 31013, Spain tel: (+34) 948 309110 fax: (+34) 948 306171 web: www.acecsa.com

Aegis Survey Consultants Ltd Patch Park, Ongar Road, Essex, Abridge, RM4 1AA, UK tel: (+44) 01708 688050 fax: (+44) 01708 688405 email: [email protected]

Acteon Group Ltd Chalk Hill House, Rosary Rd, Norwich, NR1 1SZ, UK tel: (+44) 01603 774174 web: www.acteon.com contact: Paul Alcock

Afri-Coast Engineers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 5104, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6065, South Africa tel: (+27) 41 585 3432 fax: (+27) 41 585 3437 web: www.afri-coaStco.za

Acurite Technology 12542 Juniper Crossing, Houston, TX, 77041, USA tel: (+1) 832 467 3222 contact: Leo Aldeen

Agfa Gevaert Nv 26 Septe St, Mortsel, B-2640, Belgium tel: (+32) 344 482 40 fax: (+32) 344 482 43 web: www.agfandt.com email: [email protected]

AD Amman PO Box 851117, Sowafia, 11185, Jordan tel: (+962) 656 7400 fax: (+962) 656 6927 email: [email protected] Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 7 Dt Peter Street, Winchester, Hants SO23 8BW, UK tel: (+44) 01962 877414 fax: (+44) 01962 844968 web: www.adamshendry.co.uk Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH Arnufplatz 2, Klagenfurt, A-9020, Germany tel: (+43) 46 356 990 fax: (+43) 46 356 990 54 email: [email protected] Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd South Nelson Road, South Nelson Industrial Estate, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 1WF, UK tel: (+44) 01670 739999 fax: (+44) 01670 717999 web: www.aesengs.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: John Carmichael

Abriox Inc 6801 Commerce Ave Ste A1, El Paso, TX 79915, USA tel: (+1) 915 779 3131 fax: (+1) 915 774 8892 web: www.abriox.com email: [email protected] contact: Danny Heredia

Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd ALB House, 4 Brighton Road, Horsham, W Sussex RH13 5BA, UK tel: (+44) 020 7043 7159 web: www.advinsp.com email: [email protected] contact: Alexander Popovich

Abriox Ltd Merlin House, Langstone Business Park, Priory Drive, Newport, NP18 2HJ, UK tel: (+44) 01633 415303

Advanced Specialist Mouldings Ltd Carrwood Rd, Chesterfield Trading Estate, Chesterfield, Derbys S41 9QB, UK tel: (+44) 01246 261798

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Agfa NDT Inc 50 Industrial Park Rd, Lewistown, PA 17044, USA tel: (+1) 717 242 0327 fax: (+1) 717 242 2606 web: www.agfandt.com email: ndtsolutions@agfandtInccom contact: Rosemary Olson Agilent Technologies 347 Burwood Highway, Forest Hill, Vic 3131, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9210 2824 fax: (+61) 3 9210 5929 web: www.agilent.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Isherwood Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda Torres de Lisboa Rua Tomaz de Fonseca Torre G-1, Lisbon, P 1600, Portugal tel: (+351) 1 723 0640 fax: (+351) 1 723 0672 Air Liquide UK Ltd station road, Coleshill, Birmingham, Birmingham, W Midlands B46 IJY, UK tel: (+44) 0800 9171313 fax: (+44) 01675 467022 web: www.airliquide.com email: [email protected] contact: Samantha Huges Air Link Communications 3159 Corporate Place, Hayward, CA 94545, USA tel: (+1) 510 781 9700 fax: (+1) 510 781 9799

Company listing

Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Mugiemoss Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, AB21 9NP, UK tel: (+44) 01224 715008 fax: (+44) 01224 714290 web: www.airpacbukom.com email: [email protected] contact: Lorraine Mitchell

Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, the oil and gas services division of specialist UK equipment group Vp plc, supports the global pipeline industry through the rental of high-quality compression equipment, supported by highly skilled engineers. From its bases in Aberdeen, Great Yarmouth, and Singapore, the company serves dewatering and drying projects throughout the North Sea, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Caspian regions. The company’s fleet of high-pressure/ high-volume Zone 2 and Rigsafe compressors is complemented by a range of air and gas booster compressors (with pressures up to 2200psig), air dryers (with dewpoint capabilities of -40°C), aftercoolers, filters, and associated ancillary equipment. Airpac Bukom’s air and gas booster compressors, which are certified to compress air, gas, or nitrogen (using onsite nitrogen-generation units), are specially built to cope with the varied conditions encountered in the pipeline dewatering and test sectors. In the Asia Pacific region, they have been used on major pipeline projects in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd 30 Tuas South Avenue 8, Singapore, 637653, Singapore tel: (+65) 6861 5961 fax: (+65) 6861 5962 web: www.airpacbukom.com email: [email protected] contact: Chris Wootton Air Products plc Hersham Place, Molesey Road, Walton-onThames, Surrey KT12 4RZ, UK tel: (+44) 0800 3890202 fax: (+44) 01932 258502 web: www.airproducts.com email: [email protected] contact: S. Hargreave Ajaks SA Ostrowska 366/374a, Poznan, 61-312, Poland tel: (+48) 61 870 50 15 fax: (+48) 61 879 86 30 web: www.ajaks.eu email: [email protected] contact: Wieslaw Tropilo Aker Engineering Inc 11757 Katy Freeway Suite 1300, Houston, TX 77079-1725, USA tel: (+1) 281 870 1111 fax: (+1) 281 870 1222 Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd Ashmore House, Richardson Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 3RE, UK tel: (+44) 01642 602221 fax: (+44) 01642 341001

Ali Al Aufy Trading Co PO Box 64, PC 116, Way No. 5221, Ghala Industrial Area, Ghala, 116, Oman tel: (+968) 504971 fax: (+968) 504975 web: www.aatcoman.com

web: www.akerkvaerner.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Corry Aker Kvaerner (Netherlands) BV 5 Houtsingel, Zoetermeer, NL-2719, Netherlands tel: (+31) 79 368 8688 fax: (+31) 79 368 8555 web: www.akerkvaerner.com contact: W.P.H van der Zande

Ali Trading Co PO Box 51064, Mina Al Fahal, Oman tel: (+968) 701 576 fax: (+968) 705 629

Akzo Nobel Coatings Inc 20 Culvert Street, Nashville, TN 37210, USA tel: (+1) 800 626 7891 fax: (+1) 615 564 4181 web: www.resicoat.com email: [email protected] contact: Kerry Adams Akzo Nobel Coatings Ltd 34 Moo 4, Petchkasem Road Km. 28.5, Omyai, Sampran, Nakornpathom, 73160, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 361 4500 web: www.international-pc.com email: narumol.silaboonsak@ internationalpaint.com Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings GmbH Markwiesenstrasse 50, Reutlingen, 72770, Germany tel: (+49) 7121 519 191 fax: (+49) 712 519 199 web: www.resicoat.com email: [email protected] contact: Dieter Schemberger Albion Distribution Ltd unit 9A, Fallbak industrial estate, dodworth, Barnsley, Yorks S75 3LS, UK tel: (+44) 01226 729900 fax: (+44) 01226 288011 web: www.albiondistribution.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Les Littlewood

Al Jaber Energy Services PO Box 47467, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 554 6550 fax: (+971) 2 554 6106 web: www.aljaber.com email: [email protected] contact: Bassam Ghais Al Jazeera Tube Mills Co PO Box 40 PC 327 Sohar Industrial Estate, Sohar, Oman tel: (+968) 851 763 45 fax: (+968) 851 766 email: [email protected] Alkaja PIH PO Box 14975, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 436 2309 fax: (+974) 436 2308 email: [email protected] Al Khadda International Plot No. 43, Street No. 341, Sector 8, Ahmadi, 64002, Kuwait tel: (+965) 398 5338 fax: (+965) 398 1049 web: www.alkhadda.net email: [email protected] contact: Aboud Zahr Fanar Al Khaleej Trading PO Box 20857, Sharjah, UAE tel: (+971) 6 350 148 fax: (+971) 6 378 201

Al Eshraq Group Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul Aziz St Ah Hijaz Centre 2nd Floor PO Box 19714, Jeddah, 21445, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 2 669 6460 fax: (+966) 2 669 6287

Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy & Research PO Box 248, Emmeloord, 8300 AE, Netherlands tel: (+31) 527 62 09 09 fax: (+31) 527 61 00 20 web: www.alkyon.nl

Alfred McAlpine Midas House, Trafford Wharf Road, Wharfside, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EX, UK tel: (+44) 01618 867363 fax: (+44) 01618 867355 web: www.alfred-mcalpine.com email: [email protected]

Allegro 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 2200, Dallas, TX, USA tel: (+1) 214 237 8000 fax: (+1) 214 526 7076 web: www.allegrodev.com email: [email protected] contact: Melissa Johnson

Alfredo Contracts 56 Lower Road, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks SL9 9AA, UK tel: (+44) 01753 883 189 fax: (+44) 01753 883 189 email: [email protected]

Tom Allen Construction Co Edwardsville, Illinois, USA tel: (+1) 618 656 3059 fax: (+1) 618 656 8021

Algor, Inc 150 Beta Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, USA tel: (+1) 800 482 5467 fax: (+1) 412 967 2781 web: www.algor.com email: [email protected] contact: Julie Halapchuk ALHCO 114 Station Road, Westbury, BA13 4TW, UK tel: (+44) 01373 855122 fax: (+44) 01373 858455 web: www.alhco.com email: [email protected] contact: David W Reynolds

Company listing - alphabetical

web: www.airlink.com email: [email protected]

Allgas Energy Ltd 109 Logan Road PO Box 450, Qld , Woolloongabba, 4102, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3393 0700 fax: (+61) 7 3891 5330 email: [email protected] Alliance Engineering 16340 Park Ten Place Dr, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+1) 281 828 6000 web: www.alliance-engineering.com contact: Duane Long Alliance Resource Partners 1717 S. Boulder, Tulsa, OK 74119, USA tel: (+1) 918 295 7600 fax: (+1) 918 295 7357

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Allied Engineering & Services Ltd 21/3, Sector 22, Korangi Industrial Area, Pakistan, Karachi, 74800, Pakistan tel: (+92) 21 506 6901 fax: (+92) 21 506 6915 web: www.aesl.com Allied International UK Ltd Belleknowes Industrial Estate, Inverkeithing, KY11 1HZ, UK tel: (+44) 01383 416268 fax: (+44) 01383 414651 web: www.alliedfittings.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Duncan Allied-Tek (Thailand) Co Ltd 21/27 Moo 10 NaWaMin Rd, PO Box 99, Klong Kum Bueng Kum, Bangkok, 10230, Thailand tel: (+66) 251 071 04 fax: (+66) 251 027 21 email: [email protected] Allseas Canada Ltd 1959 Upper Water St Suite 401, Nova Scotia, Halifax, B3J 3N2, Canada tel: (+1) 902 425 4552 fax: (+1) 902 425 4731 Allseas Engineering BV Poortweg 12, Delft, 2600 GB, Netherlands tel: (+31) 15 268 1800 fax: (+31) 15 257 1623 web: www.allseas.com email: [email protected] contact: E.P. Heerema Allseas Group SA Route de Pra de Plan 18, Case Postale 411, Chatel-St Denis, 1618, Switzerland tel: (+41) 21 948 3500 fax: (+41) 21 948 3599 web: www.allseas.com email: [email protected] contact: Edward Heerema Allseas Marine Contractors Sdn Bhd 7th Fl, Tower 2, MNI Twin Towers, 11 Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia tel: (+60) 321 647 042 fax: (+60) 321 647 045 Allseas Marine Contractors SA Route de Pra de Plan 18, Case Postale 411, Châtel-St Denis, 1618, Switzerland tel: (+41) 21 948 3500 fax: (+41) 21 948 3599 web: www.allseas.com email: [email protected] contact: E.P. Heerema Allseas Marine Services NV 180 Stationsstraat, Essen, B-2910, Belgium tel: (+32) 367 018 00 fax: (+32) 366 779 69 web: www.allseas.com email: [email protected] contact: E.P. Heerema Allseas UK Ltd 7 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4HQ, UK tel: (+44) 020 7290 1350 fax: (+44) 020 7290 1390 web: www.allseas.com email: [email protected] contact: E.P. Heerema


Allseas USA, Inc Suite 750, 333 N Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, TX 77060, USA tel: (+1) 281 999 3330 fax: (+1) 281 999 6363 web: www.allseas.com contact: Frank Kluwen

Allu Group 861 Main St, Hackensack, New Jersey 7601, USA tel: (+1) 800 939 2558 fax: (+1) 201 457 3339 web: www.allu.net email: [email protected] contact: Tyla Buzzerio

Alruqee Industrial Marketing PO Box 3657, Al Khobar, 31952, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 385 763 83 fax: (+966) 385 774 94 email: [email protected]

Allu (Ideachip UK Ltd) 17 Victoria Road, Holywood, BT18 9BA, UK tel: (+44) 02890 428822 fax: (+44) 02890 428855 web: www.allu.net email: [email protected] contact: David MacLynn

Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri Ve Ticaret AS Nilgun Sokak No 14/7,9, Cankaya, Ankara, 6680, Turkey tel: (+90) 262 648 2200 fax: (+90) 262 751 2980 web: www.alsimalarko.com email: [email protected] contact: Ayhan Yavrucu

Alluvial Mining Milner RoadChilton Industrial Estate, Suffolk, Sudbury, CO10 2XG, UK tel: (+44) 01787 880218 fax: (+44) 01787 312320 email: [email protected]

Alsim Alarko Azerbaijan No 2, 2nd Fl, Block 1, Lermontov 113/227, Baku, Azerbaijan tel: (+99) 412 928 005 fax: (+99) 412 928 005 web: www.alsimalarko.com

All Wheel Drive Equipment 2022 East 61st North, Tulsa, OK 74130, USA tel: (+1) 800 311 4778 fax: (+1) 918 425 7810 web: www.allwheeldriveequip.com email: [email protected]

Alsim Alarko Bulgaria 11 Uzundjovska St, Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria tel: (+359) 298 677 82 fax: (+359) 298 677 82 web: www.alsimalarko.com

Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial Equipment Co. PO Box 42073, Shuwaik Industrial Area, North Shuwaikh, 70651, Kuwait tel: (+965) 483 1507 fax: (+965) 483 6359 web: www.al-mailem.com contact: Akhlaq Malik - Manager Almutiaq Mace PO Box 429, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 8640714 Alnas Nakhimovsky pr., 52/27-1, Moscow, 117292, Russia tel: (+7) 095 1250376 fax: (+7) 095 1250052 web: www.alnas.nm.ru Alpha Leak Detection and Pipeline Services 304 Meadow Lane, Kemah, TX 77565, USA tel: (+1) 281 334 5865 fax: (+1) 281 334 7069 web: www.alphaleak.com Alpheus Environmental Ltd 49a Bromham Road, Bedford, Beds MK40 2AA, UK tel: (+44) 01234 686100 fax: (+44) 01234 686186 web: www.alpheus.co.uk email: [email protected] Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal PO Box 20, Dammam, 31411, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 857 4150 fax: (+966) 3 826 9894 web: www.aqpct.com email: [email protected] contact: Tariq A.H. Al-Qahtani Al-Qhatani Pipecoating Terminal (USA) Suite 1710, 5718 Westminster St, Houston, TX 77057, USA tel: (+1) 713 781 0366 fax: (+1) 713 781 1344 web: www.saosi.com email: [email protected] Al-Raid Tripoli, Libya tel: (+218) 21 489 1411 fax: (+218) 21 489 1411

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Alsim Alarko Germany 5 Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee, Berlin, 10553, Germany tel: (+49) 303 446 300 fax: (+49) 303 446 344 web: www.alsimalarko.com Alsim Alarko Kazakstan Apt 8, 40 Dostyk, Almaty, 480 100, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 327 293 5194 fax: (+7) 327 293 5196 web: www.alsimalarko.com Alsim Alarko Russia 7 Novy Arbat, Moscow, 121019, Russia tel: (+7) 095 203 6097 web: www.alsimalarko.com Alsim Alarko Turkmenistan 3A/121 Chary Nurumov St, Ashgabat, 744 000, Turkmenistan tel: (+99) 312 355 587 fax: (+99) 312 352 008 web: www.alsimalarko.com Alsim Alarko Uzbekistan 18 V Navoi St, Shayhantohur District, Tashkent, Uzbekistan tel: (+998) 711 441 070 fax: (+998) 711 441 079 web: www.alsimalarko.com Alsocup Oil Spill Treatment 4758 South Appletree Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85730, USA tel: (+1) 520 584 8559 fax: (+1) 520 584 8559 web: alsocup.homestead.com/Index.html Alstom Power Ltd 11490 Westheimer Rd, Suite 850, Houston, TX 77077, USA tel: (+1) 713 425 6310 web: www.alstommenergy.co.uk contact: Chuck Fraser AlterEco Offshore 64-62, rue Truffaut, Paris, 75017, France tel: (+44) 07917 017733 web: www.alterecoltd.com email: [email protected] contact: Simon Shaw Alton International (Thailand) Co Ltd 208 Sukhumvit Road, Maptaphut, Muang District, Rayong, 21150, Thailand

Company listing

Aluma Tower Co Inc 1639 Old Dixie Hwy., PO Box 2806-PL, Vero Beach, FL 32961-2806, USA tel: (+1) 772 567 3423 fax: (+1) 772 567 3432 web: www.alumatower.com email: [email protected] contact: M E Cristo PT Alumex Dagang Indonesia 11th floor #03, Menara Bank Danamon, JL. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav EIV/6, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, 12950, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 5799 1822 fax: (+62) 21 5799 2345 email: [email protected] contact: Victor Chan Alyeska Pipeline Service Co 1835 S Bragaw St, Anchorage, AK 99512, USA tel: (+1) 907 278 1611 fax: (+1) 907 265 8611 Amerada Hess Ltd 33 Groswenor Place, London, SW1X 7HY, UK tel: (+44) 020 7823 2626 fax: (+44) 020 7823 2199 web: www.hess.com American Cast Iron Pipe Co Head Office, PO Box 2727, Birmingham, AL 35202, USA tel: (+1) 800 442 2347 fax: (+1) 800 442 2348 web: acipco.com American Innovations 12112 Technology, Ste 100, Austin, TX 78727, USA tel: (+1) 512 249 3400 web: www.amerinnovations.com email: [email protected] contact: Anna Breshears Based in Austin, Texas, American Innovations is a fast growing provider of products and services for the oil and gas market, as well as other industrial markets. Its field-data division, headquartered in Austin, includes webbased remote monitoring, GPS synchronized current interrupters, and the pipeline compliance system software. The company’s integritymanagement division, headquartered in Littleton, Colorado, includes integrity and risk-management software, consequence-analysis tools, and engineering-support services aimed at helping oil and gas companies comply with integrity regulations and unique business requirements. AI also offers international cathodic protection services via Bass Engineering. American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division 8101 South Shaffer Parkway, Suite 201, Littleton, CO 80127, USA tel: (+1) 303 948 0119 fax: (+1) 303 948 0479 web: www.amerinnovations.com email: [email protected] contact: Michael Gloven American Investigation and Assessment Inc 2000 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC 20036, USA

tel: (+1) 703 994 6369 web: www.aiandt.com email: [email protected] contact: Larry Lamb American Leak Detection 888 Research Drive, Suite 100, Palm Springs, CA 92262, USA tel: (+1) 800 755 6697 fax: (+1) 760 320 1288 web: www.americanleakdetection.com email: [email protected] American Meter Co 300 Welsh Road, Bldg. 1, Horsham, PA 19090, USA tel: (+1) 215 830 1800 fax: (+1) 215 830 1890 web: www.americanmeter.com contact: Kerry Peterson

Aminex (USA) Inc 403 East Commerce, Suite 220, San Antonio, TX 78205, USA tel: (+1) 210 271 9919 fax: (+1) 210 545 9537 email: [email protected] Amoco Argentina Oil Co Pan American Energy , 1180 Leandro N Alem Ave, Buenos Aires, 1001, Argentina tel: (+54) 114 510 3809 Amosco Amosco Nigeria Ltd, 18 Nwuke Street, Trans Amadi Ind Layout, PO Box 3760, Port Harcourt, Nigeria tel: (+234) 84 233 647 web: www.amosco.com

American Pipe & Plastics Head Office, PO Box 577, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA tel: (+1) 607 775 4340 fax: (+1) 607 775 2707 web: amliner.com

Amot Controls 8824 Fallbrook Drive, Houston, TX 77064, USA tel: (+1) 281 940 1800 fax: (+1) 281 668 8802 web: www.amot.com email: [email protected]

American Steel Pipe ACIPCO 1501 31st Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35207, USA tel: (+1) 205 325 7742 fax: (+1) 205 325 8194 web: www.acipco.com

Amtec Surveying Ltd Cobnar Wood Close, Sheepbridge Industrial Estate, Chesterfield, Derbys, UK tel: (+44) 01246 260603 fax: (+44) 01246 260599

American Underwater Services, Inc PO Box 126216, Fort Worth, TX 761260216, USA tel: (+1) 817 377 8512 fax: (+1) 817 377 3503 web: www.americanunderwaterservices.com contact: Anthony DiIulio

Analytic Pipe GmbH Radberg 8, Lingen, D-49808, Germany tel: (+49) 591 710 090 fax: (+49) 591 710 0920 web: www.analyticpipe.de email: [email protected] contact: Markus Itzkow

Amer Industrial Technologies, Inc 100 Amer Rd, Bldg. 200, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA tel: (+1) 302 765 3900 fax: (+1) 302 765 3544 web: www.amerindustrial.com Ameron Fiberglass-Composite Pipe J.F. Kennedylaan 7, PO Box 6, Geldermalsen, 4190 CA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 345 587587 fax: (+31) 345 587561 web: www.ameron-fpg.nl email: [email protected] contact: Diana van der Haar Ametek Process Instruments 455 Corporate Blvd, Newark, DE 19701, USA tel: (+1) 302 456 4400 fax: (+1) 302 456 4444 web: www.ametekpi.com email: [email protected] contact: Bill Haddad A global manufacturer of on-line instrumentation for natural gas processing, quality monitoring, and custody transfer. Its instruments include: hydrocarbon dewpoint monitors, moisture analysers, hydrogen sulphide analysers, analysers for monitoring and control of sulphur recovery, amine treating, and hydrogenation processes. Amey Construction Ltd Amey Donelon Division, Cranfield Road, Lostock Industrial Estate, Lostock, Lancs, Bolton, BL6 4SB, UK tel: (+44) 01204 699222 fax: (+44) 01204 699012

Company listing - alphabetical

tel: (+66) 3869 24456 fax: (+66) 3869 2447 web: alton.thaitechno.com email: [email protected] contact: Samon Tangsiriporn

Anchorpipe International Inc 9310 Campbell Road, Houston, TX 77080, USA tel: (+1) 713 465 8377 fax: (+1) 713 675 8393 web: www.anchorpipe.com email: [email protected] Ancor Revesstimientos S/A 5 General Moscardo 15 4B, Madrid, 28020, Spain tel: (+34) 1 554 6613 fax: (+34) 1 554 8571 Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc 8990 Route 108, Suite C-2, Columbia, MD 21045, USA tel: (+1) 410 740 8562 fax: (+1) 410 740 8201 web: www.andersonmaterials.com email: [email protected] contact: Lorrie A. Krebs Angarskneftekhimproekt AO ul. Chaikovskogo 58, Irkutskaya obl., Angarsk, 665819, Russia tel: (+7) 39518 66730 fax: (+7) 39518 64926 Angle Ring Co Bloomfield Road, Tipton, W Midlands DY4 9EH, UK tel: (+44) 01215 577241 fax: (+44) 01215 224555 web: www.anglering.com email: [email protected] contact: D. Springthorpe Anglian Water Services Ltd Thorpe Wood House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6WT, UK tel: (+44) 01733 414212 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+44) 01733 414250 web: www.anglianwater.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Chadwick

Houston, TX 77074, USA tel: (+1) 713 981 7140 fax: (+1) 713 981 8821 email: [email protected]

Anglo-Dutch Dredging Co Ltd Old Rectory, Windsor End, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2JW, UK tel: (+44) 01494 675646 fax: (+44) 01494 678628 email: [email protected]

Applied Felts Ltd Castle Bank Mills, Portobello Rd, Wakefield, Yorks WF1 5PS, UK tel: (+44) 01924 200535 fax: (+44) 01924 366951 web: www.appliedfelts.com

Angus Flexible Pipelines Thame Park Rd, Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 3RT, UK tel: (+44) 01844 265000 fax: (+44) 01844 265156 web: www.flexiblepipelines.co.uk email: [email protected]

Applus RTD Steeltest Pty Ltd Lot 888, Cnr Mandurah Rd & Richardson Street, Kwinana, WA 6167, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9439 5656 fax: (+61) 8 9439 5665 web: www.rtdsteeltestcom.au email: [email protected] contact: Neile Findlay

Anode Engineering Pty Ltd 30 Chetwynd Street, Loganholme, Qld 4129, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3801 5521 fax: (+61) 7 3801 5523 web: www.anodeengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Wayne Burns Antagon International Ltd 7050 Chemin st Francois, St Laurent, H4S 1B7, Canada tel: (+1) 514 334 8030 fax: (+1) 514 334 8181 Antec Leak Detection Ltd 2303-16A Street S.W., Calgary, AB T2T 4K3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 541 9096 fax: (+1) 403 541 0471 Anticorrosion Protective Systems PO Box 8091, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 372877 fax: (+971) 4 377389 email: [email protected] Antigona Pty Ltd 10/1 Crosby Avenue, Pacific Pines, Qld 4211, Australia tel: (+61) 7 5580 4196 email: [email protected] contact: Dimce Sijakovski Apache Corp One Post Oak Central, 2000 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 100, Houston, TX 770564400, USA tel: (+1) 713 296 6000 fax: (+1) 713 296 6480 Apache Pipeline Products 2115 91st Ave, Edmonton, AB T6E 1L1, Canada tel: (+1) 780 316 4850 fax: (+1) 780 416 4829 web: www.apachepipe.com email: [email protected] A-Plant Trenchless Technology 242-252 London Road, Staines, TW18 4JQ, UK tel: (+44) 01784 490808 web: www.aplant.com email: [email protected] contact: Ian Johnson


Applied Concrete Systems 1 Station Cottage, Station Road, Wickham Bishops, Witham, Essex CM8 3JD, UK tel: (+44) 01621 891784 fax: (+44) 01621 891784 email: [email protected] contact: Elizabeth Orr-Adams

Aptec BV Lelyweg 3, Almelo, 7602 EA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 546 45 25 26 fax: (+31) 546 45 26 45 web: www.aptec-bv.nl Aquacam Ltd 28 Bewley Grove, Acklam, Middlesbrough, Teesside, Cleveland TS5 7EW, UK tel: (+44) 01642 820020 fax: (+44) 01642 820020 web: www.aquacam.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Paul Richmond Aqua Energy International Ltd 8 St James Business Centre, Linwood Road, Paisley, PA3 AT, UK tel: (+44) 0141 849 6888 fax: (+44) 0141 848 5777 web: www.aquaenergy.com email: [email protected] contact: David Lafferty Aquaflow Regulators Ltd Haywood House, 40 New Rd, Stourbridge, W Midlands DY8 1PA, UK tel: (+44) 01384 442611 fax: (+44) 01384 442612 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd PO Box 143, Rushmills, Northampton, Northants NN4 7ZU, UK tel: (+44) 0778 536288 web: www.aquagasavk.co.uk contact: Geoff Baggaley Aquarius Marine Group Ltd The Beckery, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9NT, UK tel: (+44) 01458 834734 fax: (+44) 01458 834734 web: www.aquariusmarine.com PT Aquasa Piora Utama NHB Building 4th Floor JLN Melawai Raya 14, Jakarta, 12160, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 739 2941 fax: (+62) 21 7201103 Aquatic Engineering & Construction (Thailand) Ltd 39/15 Kanjanavanich RoadMoo2 Tamboi Kaorupchang Muang, Songkhla, 9000, Thailand tel: (+66) 74 312052 fax: (+66) 74 313330 Aquatic Engineering & Construction (Thailand) Ltd #502 5th Floor Nai Lert Bldg 87 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok, 10110, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 254 2894 fax: (+66) 2 254 2900

Applied Earth Sciences Inc 7322 Souhtwest FreewaySuite 1000,

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Aquatic Engineering and Construction Ltd Palmerston Centre, 29-31 Palmerston Road, Aberdeen, AB11 5QP, UK tel: (+44) 01224 573359 fax: (+44) 01224 577361 web: www.aquatic.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Suzanne Morrison Aquatic Engineering Services PTE Ltd 195-A Goldhill Centre Thomson and Newton Road, 1130, Singapore tel: (+65) 250 9293 fax: (+65) 250 2408 Aquavia NV 73 Vosselare St, Landegem, 9850, Belgium tel: (+32) 937 171 71 fax: (+32) 937 171 80 email: [email protected] Arabian Pipes Co PO Box 42734, Riyadh, 11551, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 1 265 0123 fax: (+966) 1 265 0311 Arab Petroleum Pipelines Co 431 El Geish Avenue, Louran, Alexandria, Egypt tel: (+20) 35 749 721 fax: (+20) 35 080 082 Aramoni - Mexico Business Consultants San Angel, Mexico City, 1090, Mexico tel: (+52) 55 2146 7910 web: www.aramoni.com email: [email protected] contact: Rudy Aramoni A Araujo SA (Brazil) Rua Maria Curupaiti 441, Sao Paulo, CEP 02452, Brazil tel: (+55) 11 299 0911 fax: (+55) 11 290 0565 Arco for Advanced Systems & Equipment 2 Mohammed Gohniem Street, 4th District Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt tel: (+202) 291 0287 fax: (+202) 291 2783 email: [email protected] contact: Ahmed Rifaat Consorcio Arcoil Cia Ltda Av Republica 1783, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 2 441818 fax: (+593) 2 469039 Arcom Control Systems 8-10 Clifton Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 7EA, UK tel: (+44) 01223 411200 fax: (+44) 01223 403400 web: www.arcom.com email: [email protected] Arcos Welding Products Ltd Hertford Road, Herts, Waltham Cross, EN8 7RP, UK tel: (+44) 01992 701118 Ardee Offshore & Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd 83-C Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Maharashtra, Mumbai, 400 021, India tel: (+91) 2204 0257 fax: (+91) 2204 7293 email: [email protected] contact: Rajiv D. Saigal Ardep Ltd 1 Greenforge Way, Cwmbran, NP44 3UZ, UK tel: (+44) 01633 675600

Company listing

Arfa Rochenwerke AG Postfach 86, Basel, 4002, Switzerland tel: (+41) 61 337 5555 fax: (+41) 61 331 2263 web: www.arfa.ch Argus Ltd 5 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20850, USA tel: (+1) 301 948 0448 fax: (+1) 301 948 0554 web: www.arguslimited.com email: [email protected] contact: Michael Rae Argyll-Ruane Ltd Meadowbank Road, Rotherham, S61 2NF, UK tel: (+44) 01709 560459 fax: (+44) 01709 557705 web: www.ruanetpo.com email: [email protected] contact: T. Sharman Arkansas OK Gas Corp 115 N 12th St, PO Box 17004 (729177004), Fort Smith, AR 72901, USA tel: (+1) 501 783 3181 fax: (+1) 501 784 2022 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc 409 Pond St, Suite 12, Braintree, MA 2184, USA tel: (+1) 781 849 3800 fax: (+1) 781 849 3810 web: www.arkengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Robert Allen Arkiteknefetegazstroi Yamalo-Nenetski okrug, Nadym, 626711, Russia tel: (+7) 34595 32813 fax: (+7) 34595 32813 Armgazproekt ul. Ordeli 45, Erevan, 375028, Armenia tel: (+374) 8852 220139 fax: (+374) 8852 273274 Armin Industries Co 3 Haghani Ave., Vanak Sqr., Tehran, 15179, Iran tel: (+98) 913 219 9757 fax: (+98) 21 879 6018 web: www.geocities.com/ cathodic_protection Armor Plate Inc PO Box 5625, Pasadena, TX 77508, USA tel: (+1) 281 487 2023 fax: (+1) 281 487 2357 web: www.wil-cor.com email: [email protected] Armstrong Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd 3 Woodland Street, Essendon, Vic 3040, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9379 0981 fax: (+61) 3 9379 0982 web: www.armstrongconStcom.au email: [email protected] contact: Shaun Armstrong Arseal Technologies 750 Arkwith Way, GA , Alpharetta, 30022, USA tel: (+1) 1 866 297 6819 fax: (+1) 678 297 7675 email: [email protected]

Artime Group HQ, 65 N. Raymond Ave., Los Angeles, Pasadena, 91103, USA tel: (+1) 626 583 1855 fax: (+1) 626 583 1861 web: www.artimegroup.com Arup Energy 13 Fitzroy Street, London, W1T 4BQ, UK tel: (+44) 020 7755 2345 fax: (+44) 020 7755 2270 web: www.arupenergy.com email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Horton Ascon Ltd Kill, Ireland tel: (+353) 45 886 400 fax: (+353) 45 877 264 email: [email protected] contact: J. Murphy Aservin Ltda Apartado Aerreo 29829, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+571) 612 2977 fax: (+571) 620 0008

Astrakhannefetegazstroi ul. Lenina 50, Astrakhan, 414000, Russia tel: (+7) 8510 594311 fax: (+7) 8510 594311 Astrakhansky NIPI Gazovoy Promyshelennosti ul. Shaumyana 46, Astrakhan, 414000, Russia tel: (+7) 8510 229718 Astrographic Industries Ltd 7541, 134A Srreet, Surrey, BC V3W 7B3, Canada tel: (+1) 800 663 6551 fax: (+1) 604 596 1211 email: [email protected] contact: Deryk Upton W S Atkins Consultants Ltd Woodcote Grove, Ashley Road, Surrey, Epsom, KT18 5BW, UK tel: (+44) 01372 726140 fax: (+44) 01372 740055 web: www.wsatkins.co.uk email: [email protected] Atlantic Plastics Ltd Nobel Road, Eley Trading Estate, Edmonton, London, London N18 3DW, UK tel: (+44) 020 8884 4388 fax: (+44) 01962 841344 contact: N. Bradshaw

Ashact UK Ltd Bridge House, Station Approach, Gt Missenden, Bucks HP16 9AZ, UK tel: (+44) 01494 891100 fax: (+44) 01494 890320 web: www.ashact.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard Barnard Ashstead Plant Trenchless Technology 102 Dalton Avenue, Birchwood Park, Warrington, Lancs WA3 6YE, UK tel: (+44) 01784 490 808 web: www.aplant.com email: [email protected] contact: Asif Latief Ashstead Technology Rentals The Technology Building, Kirkton Avenue, Pitmedden Road Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BF, UK tel: (+44) 01224 771888 fax: (+44) 01224 770129 web: www.ashtead-technology.com email: [email protected] contact: Angela Sakapaj Asphalt Zipper tel: (+1) 888 805 3010 fax: (+1) 801 785 0892 web: www.asphaltzipper.com email: [email protected] Asplundh Canada Inc 3675 rue des Bruges, Terrebonne, Quebec J6X 3N8, Canada tel: (+1) 450 964 5575 fax: (+1) 450 964 2769 email: [email protected] Associated Pipe Line Contractors Inc 3535 Briarpark, Suite 135, Houston, TX 77042, USA tel: (+1) 713 789 4311 fax: (+1) 713 789 5232 Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd 2 Blackmore, Letchworth, Herts SG6 2SX, UK tel: (+44) 01462 682225 fax: (+44) 01462 483222 Astec Underground Group 9600 Corporate Park Drive, Loudon, TN 37774, USA tel: (+1) 865 408 2100 fax: (+1) 865 408 2089 web: www.astecunderground.com email: [email protected]

Atlantic Richfield Co 515 S Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA tel: (+1) 213 486 3511 fax: (+1) 213 486 2063; 1756

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fax: (+44) 01633 876466 web: www.ardep.com email: [email protected]

Atlantique Dragage 81 Avenue du Marechal Joffre, Nanterre, 92000, France tel: (+33) 1 47291539 web: www.boskalis.com Atlas Copco Swallowdale Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7HA, UK tel: (+44) 01442 261201 fax: (+44) 01442 234791 web: www.atlascopco.com Atlas Dewatering Systems Inc 85 Macomb Place, Unit 101, Mount Clemens, MI 48043, USA tel: (+1) 877 669 6825 fax: (+1) 810 493 0699 web: www.atlasdewtaering.com email: [email protected] Atmos International Ltd 165D, Burton Road, Didsbury, Manchester, Greater Manchester M20 2LN, UK tel: (+44) 01614 458080 fax: (+44) 01614 346979 web: www.atmosi.com email: [email protected] Atofina SA 4 Cours Michelet, Cedex 42, Paris, 92091, France tel: (+33) 1 49 00 7871 fax: (+33) 1 49 00 5196 email: [email protected] contact: Lionel Guerdoux Atteris Pty Ltd Level 6, 68 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9322 7922 fax: (+61) 8 9322 7988 web: www.atteris.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Eric Jas

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc 100a Behram Agayev St, Baku, 370073, Azerbaijan tel: (+99) 412 982 871 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc Abdullah Cevdet Sok. No 13, Cankaya, Ankara, 6680, Turkey tel: (+90) 312 440 97 00 fax: (+90) 312 438 76 67 web: www.adogan.com email: [email protected] contact: M. Kaan Dogan Attila Dogan Construction Italy 6 Via Raveretto, Rome, 198, Italy tel: (+39) 068 417 618 fax: (+39) 068 417 618 Auriema Ltd 661 Ajax Avenue, Slough, Berks SL1 4BG, UK tel: (+44) 01753 573603 fax: (+44) 01753 577146 web: www.auriema.com email: [email protected] contact: Chris Newman Aurora Bar Code Technologies Ltd 10310 176 Street, Suite 200, Edmonton, AB T5S 1L3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 483 6025 fax: (+1) 780 484 8767 web: www.aurorabarcode.com email: [email protected] contact: Ian W. Bowden Australian Gas Light Co 111 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney, NSW, 2060, Australia tel: (+61) 29 922 0101 fax: (+61) 29 957 3671 Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd PO Box 40, Miller, NSW 2168, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9608 811 fax: (+61) 2 8783 7055 web: www.aiwc.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Roger McElhone Autoclude Victor Pyrate Works, Arisdale Ave, South Ockenden, Essex RM15 5DP, UK tel: (+44) 01159 406125 fax: (+44) 01159 407366 web: www.autocludepumps.com email: [email protected] Autodesk Ltd 1 Meadow Gate Avenue, Farnborough Business Park, Farnborough, GU14 6FG, UK tel: (+44) 01252 456600 fax: (+44) 01252 456601 web: www.autodesk.co.uk email: [email protected]


Automated Pipeline Instruments, Inc 801 West Washington Street, Cuba, MO 65453, USA tel: (+1) 573 885 3470 fax: (+1) 573 885 4693 web: www.apli2.com email: [email protected] contact: Tim Wehking Autoweld Systems Ltd The Eden Centre, Avenue One, Chilton Industrial Estate, Chilton, Durham DL17 0SF, UK tel: (+44) 01388 722 277 fax: (+44) 01388 722 288 web: www.autoweldsystems.com

email: [email protected] contact: Brian Gallon Avent Engineering Ltd Bath Road Industrial Estate, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 0AB, UK tel: (+44) 01249 706960 fax: (+44) 01249 706961 web: www.aventuk.com email: [email protected] contact: Sean Waters Aviation Specialists, Inc 14327 Mickey Lane, Gonzales, LA 70737, USA tel: (+1) 225 324 6795 Aviation Technology Services 1675 Broadway, 28th floor, Denver, CO 80202-4628, USA tel: (+1) 303 858 1359 fax: (+1) 303 858 1361 web: www.atshelo.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard Westra ATS specializes in aerial natural gas pipeline leak detection. The company uses the Boreal to identify methane plumes over pipelines assocated with leaks as low as 1.8 SCF/hr giving clients real-time methane levels and a GPS encoded video record above their pipeline. ATS’ self-contained laser samples the air in a controlled environment cell mounted below a helicopter. As the pilot and technician fly over the client’s pipeline, on the computer screen they can see the methane levels displayed in real time allowing for immediate communication with the client if a large leak or other problem is detected. ATS provides its clients with a video and audio record of its flight path, during which the technician can mark a point of interest to be examined after the flight. A video of the pipeline with the recording of cockpit conversation is a valuable tool in providing points of interest can include: exposed pipeline, dead vegetation, problems with the right of way, or other client concerns. The video footage is then loaded into a mapping program. When viewing the mapping program, the client can click anywhere on the flight path (which is colour coded for methane levels) and see the exact location of the helicopter flying on that route, with the video playing in another window. This program is especially helpful in reviewing areas of pipeline which are not able to be inspected due to their location. Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd 114 Station Road, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4TW, UK fax: (+44) 01373 827533 web: www.alhco.co.uk email: [email protected] Axonn Main, 2021 Lakeshore Dr, New Orleans, LA 70122, USA tel: (+1) 504 282 8119 fax: (+1) 504 282 0999 web: www.axonn.com contact: Scott Q Azebaijan BU 2 Neftchilar Prospecti, Bailov, Villa Petrolea, Baku, 370003, Azerbaijan tel: (+99) 412 979 000 fax: (+99) 412 979 602 Azeri Gas Supply Production

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Salyanskoe Shosse 1, Baku, 370063, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 12 321205 fax: (+994) 12 321205 Azerigas Supply Production Assoc ul. Yu. Safarova 23, Baku, 370025, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 12 677347 fax: (+994) 12 678564 Azerbaijan Oil Academy Prospekt Azadlig 20, Baku, 37061, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 12 98 4157 fax: (+994) 12 98 4157 AzNIPIneft ul. Aga Neimatully 39, Baku, 370033, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 12 662169 Aztec Liner Systems 938 5th St SE, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0, Canada tel: (+1) 403 548 7117 fax: (+1) 403 548 2796 web: www.aztec-liners.ab.ca email: [email protected] contact: Cody Booker Aztruboprovodstroi ul. Aga-Neimatulla 23, Baku, 370025, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 8922 660505 fax: (+994) 8922 676596

B B&B Gas and Oil Services Nigeria Ltd Cowrie House 5th Floor 27.29 Adeyemo Alakija Street Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 262 0055 fax: (+234) 1 262 0103 B & H Leicester Ltd Union Works, Bishop Meadow Road, Loughborough, Leics LE11 0RE, UK tel: (+44) 01509 230436 fax: (+44) 01509 217671 BAC Corrosion Control Ltd 11 Stafford Park, Telford, TF3 3AY, UK tel: (+44) 01952 290321 fax: (+44) 01952 290325 web: www.bacgroup.com email: [email protected] BC Gas Inc 1111 W GA St, Vancouver, BC V6E 4M4, Canada tel: (+1) 604 443 6500 fax: (+1) 604 443 6900 web: www.bcgas.com BEL Valves St Peters, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 1BS, UK tel: (+44) 0191 265 9091 fax: (+44) 0191 276 3244 web: www.belvalves.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Anthony Clarke BFC Construction Corporation 3660 Midland Avenue, ON, Scarborough, M1V 4V3, Canada tel: (+1) 416 754 8735 fax: (+1) 416 754 8736 web: www.bfc.ca BGC Engineering Inc / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc Suite 1605, 840 - 7th Avenue, SW, Calgary,

European Pipeline Research Group T

HE European Pipeline Research Group (EPRG) is a not-for-profit cooperative organization, formed over 30 years ago and involving most of the major European pipe manufacturers and gas transmission companies. EPRG addresses issues of common interest concerning the technical integrity and safety of gas transmission pipelines in the areas of pipe manufacture, pipeline design, construction, operation and maintenance. EPRG’s overall aims are: • To identify methods and practices for improving the integrity of existing and new pipelines, thereby ensuring the continued excellent record of pipeline safety and reliability demonstrated by gas transmission pipelines in Europe and elsewhere. • To establish research programmes in response to the identified needs and priorities, and to develop recommendations and guidelines based on the results obtained. • To promote and encourage the acceptance and implementation of the recommendations and guidelines by the gas pipeline industry.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

EPRG’s activities are associated with both existing and new pipelines. For existing pipelines, managing and mitigating the threats of leaks and failures during service – due, for example, to corrosion, mechanical impact, or excessive load cycling – have been a major focus of attention. For new pipelines, the ever-expanding European gas grid, and the growing requirements for long-distance transportation from remote gasfields, have focused attention on the application of higher-strength steels and the utilisation of advanced design methods; these developments necessitate a more-sophisticated understanding of the behaviour of pipeline materials as they approach their performance limits. Recent research topics have included Corrosion:

Long-term performance of corrosion-resistant external coatings Avoidance of SCC and HIC The corrosion performance of pipes transporting sour products


Setting girth weld defect acceptance standards The tolerance and resistance of pipelines to interference damage Design for operation under cyclic pressure Reeled pipe for offshore applications

Materials pipes

The properties and performance of ultra-high strength steel The performance of older pipelines Measuring and specifying tensile and fracture properties

Much of the work undertaken by EPRG in past years has been incorporated in national and international standards for pipeline design, construction and operation. This still continues, either through the involvement of EPRG or via individual member companies who are representatives on standards committees. For more details on the activities of EPRG, visit the web site at www.eprg.net or contact Dr Gerhard Knauf, Secretary General, EPRG eV, c/o Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Ehinger Strasse 200, D-4725 Duisburg, Germany (tel: +49 (0) 203 999-3160, email: [email protected]). see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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Company listing

BG Energy Services Geddes House KIrkton North, Livingston, EH54 6GU, UK tel: (+44) 01506 417 728 BG Group plc 100 Thames Valley Park Drive, Reading, Berks RG6 1PT, UK tel: (+44) 0118 935 3222 fax: (+44) 0118 935 3484 web: www.bg-group.com email: [email protected] BGL Environmental Resolutions Ltd 1698 Platt Cr., North Vancouver, BC V7J 1Y1, Canada tel: (+1) 604 924 4750 fax: (+1) 604 924 4751 web: www.environmentalresolutions.com contact: Barry Lunseth BG LNG Services, 5444 Westheimer Rd, Suite 1775, Houston, TX 77056, USA tel: (+1) 713 403 3741 web: www.bmtrcl.com contact: Steve Surrall BG Technical Ltd 149 Trans Amadi Industrial Lay Out, Port Harcourt, Nigeria tel: (+234) 84 571 215 fax: (+234) 84 238 647 email: [email protected] contact: Stewart Logan BG Technical Inc 12808 West Airport Boulevard, #250 Sugar Land, PO Box 1867, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA tel: (+1) 281 240 1030 fax: (+1) 281 240 1044 BG Technology Gas Research and Technology Centre, Ashby Rd, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3GR, UK tel: (+44) 01509 282000 fax: (+44) 01509 264646 web: www.bgtechnology.com BH SA Rua das Palmeiras 60, Rio de Janeiro, 22270, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 286 6122 fax: (+55) 21 266 1031 BHP Engineering PO Box 1237, North Sydney, NSW, 2059, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9438 0300 fax: (+61) 2 9438 0500 web: www.bhp.com/engineering/index.htm BHP Petroleum Pty Ltd 120 Collins St, PO Box 1911R, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia tel: (+61) 39 652 6666 fax: (+61) 39 652 6325 BHP Petroleum/Haliburton Manufacturing and Services Ltd 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RX, UK tel: (+44) 020 8544 5000 fax: (+44) 020 8544 6655 BHR Group Ltd The Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Beds MK43 0AJ, UK

web: www.fleetech.com email: [email protected] contact: Aaron Dinovitzer

tel: (+44) 01234 750422 fax: (+44) 01234 750074 web: www.bhrgroup.co.uk contact: Yolande Herbathe

BMT Scientific Marine Services Inc 9835 Whithorn Dr, Houston, TX 77095, USA tel: (+1) 281 858 8090 contact: Thomas L. Johnson

BJB Co PO Box 357, Post, TX 79356, USA tel: (+1) 806 495 3808 fax: (+1) 806 495 4035 BJPPS Middle East B-52, Oilfields Supply Centre, PO Box 61110, Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 883 5558 fax: (+971) 4 883 8397 contact: Tony Bokas BJ Process & Pipeline Services 4839 90th Avenue SE, PO Box 1028, Station T, Calgary, AB T2P 2H4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 531 5300 fax: (+1) 403 236 8740 web: www.bjservices.com contact: Andrew Staszewski BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd Badentoy Avenue, Portlethen, Aberdeen, AB12 4YB, UK tel: (+44) 01224 401 401 fax: (+44) 01224 401 501 web: www.bjservices.com email: [email protected] contact: Philip Karklis BKK (1985) Public Co Ltd 12/90 Moo 6, 4th Floor The Seri Centre Bldg Srinakarin Road Nongbon, Praves, Bangkok, 10260, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 746 0800 9 fax: (+66) 2 746 0835 6 BKS Surveys Ltd 47 Ballycairn Road, Co. Londonderry, Coleraine, BT51 3HZ, UK tel: (+44) 028 703 52311 fax: (+44) 028 703 57637 web: www.bks.co.uk email: [email protected]

BOS Polynesie Zone Recifale QuestMotu Uta BP 1919, Papeete, Fiji tel: (+689) 43 1535 fax: (+689) 430149 BP Farburn Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 7PB, UK tel: (+44) 01224 832000 fax: (+44) 01224 832841 web: www.bp.com BP Algeria 12 Rue Slimane Amirat, Colonne Voirol, Hydra-Alger, Algeria tel: (+213) 216 940 43 fax: (+213) 214 840 41 BP Amoco Exploration - CATS Business Unit CATS Terminal, Seal Sands Road, Seal Sands, Middlesbrough, TS2 1UB, UK tel: (+44) 01642 546404 fax: (+44) 01642 331219 web: www.bpamoco.com BP Angola 87 Rainha Ginga Ave, Luanda, Angola tel: (+244) 263 7300 fax: (+244) 263 7333

Company listing - alphabetical

AB T2P 3G2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 250 5185 fax: (+1) 403 250 5330 web: www.bgcengineering.ca email: [email protected] contact: Mike Okun

BP Australia Pty Ltd 360 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, 3000, Australia tel: (+61) 392 684 111

BK The Property Assets Consultancy Albion Chambers111 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, Glos GL1 1PZ, UK tel: (+44) 01452 521267 fax: (+44) 01452 300184 web: ww.bkonline.co.uk email: [email protected] BKW, Inc PO Box 581611, Tulsa, OK 74158, USA tel: (+1) 918 836 6767 fax: (+1) 918 836 6767 web: www.bkwInccom email: [email protected] BL-Pegson Ltd Mammouth St, Coalville, Leics LE67 3GN, UK tel: (+44) 01530 518600 fax: (+44) 01530 518618 web: www.bl-pegson.com email: [email protected] BMT Cordah Ltd Grove House, 7 Ocean Way, Meridians Cross, Ocean Village, Southampton, SO14 3TJ, UK tel: (+44) 02380 232222 fax: (+44) 02380 232891 web: www.bmtcordah.com email: [email protected] contact: Jenny Bell BMT Fleet Technology Ltd 311 Legget Drive, Kanata, ON K2K 1Z8, Canada tel: (+1) 613 592 2830 fax: (+1) 613 592 4950

BP Brasil Ltda Ave Rio Branco, 1- 10 andar-Centro, Rio de Janeiro, 20090-003, Brazil tel: (+21) 251 764 00 BP Canada Energy Co 240 4th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2H8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 233 1313 BP China 519 Lido Commercial Ctr, Jichang Rd, Beijing, 100004, China tel: (+86) 106 437 6962 fax: (+86) 106 437 6735 BP Egypt 14 Rd 252, Digla, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt tel: (+20) 251 999 15 fax: (+20) 270 621 43 BP Exploration Co (Colombia) Ltd No 99-02, 9th Fl, Carrerra 9A, Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 162 840 00 fax: (+57) 162 840 77 BP Exploration (Faroes) Ltd Ground Floor, 640 e/f, Skansavegur 1, Torshavn, Faeroe Islands tel: (+298) 353 130 BP Exploration Headquarters 501 Westlake Blvd, Houston, TX 770792696, USA tel: (+1) 281 366 2000

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd Building C, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-onThames, TW16 7LN, UK tel: (+44) 01932 739834 fax: (+44) 01932 763178 web: www.bp.com email: [email protected] contact: Ian Neilson BP Exploration Operating (Vietnam) Co Villa A15, An Phu Compound, District 2, Hochiminh City, Vietnam tel: (+84) 889 993 75 fax: (+84) 889 993 91 BP Exploration UAE 1401/2 Al Masood Tower, Sheik Hamdan St, PO Box 46600, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 263 259 41 fax: (+971) 263 304 86 BP Hong Kong 22nd Fl, Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 Kings Rd, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong tel: (+85) 225 868 899 BP Indonesia Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia, Towers B,C,D and E, Jalan Letjen TB Simatupang Kav 88, Jakarta, 12520, Indonesia tel: (+62) 217 883 8000 fax: (+62) 217 883 8333 BP Kazakhstahn Suite 412, Dostyk Business Ctr, 43 Dostyk Ave, Almaty, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 327 250 3235 fax: (+7) 327 250 3240 BP Kuwait Ltd 13th Fl, Sahab Tower, Mhd Thunayan AlGhanim St, Salhiya, Kuwait tel: (+965) 240 3316 fax: (+965) 240 3317 BP Malaysia Sdn Bhd Level 35, Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur City Ctr, Kula Lumpur, 50088, Malaysia tel: (+60) 320 595 555 fax: (+60) 320 595 533 BP Mexico No 400 Pasea de los Tamarindos, 17 Torre A piso, Col Bosques de las Lomas, 5120, Mexico tel: (+52) 508 121 00 fax: (+52) 508 121 24 BP Mocambique Ltd Ave Dos Martires de Inhaminga 170-8 Andar, Caixa Osta 854, Maputo, Mozambique tel: (+258) 142 5021 fax: (+258) 142 6042 BP Moscow Representative Office 11th Fl, Bldg 1, 2 Paveletskaya Sq, Moscow, 115054, Russia tel: (+7) 953 636 262 fax: (+7) 953 636 263


BP Offshore Pipelines Inc 200 Westlake Park Blvd, PO Box 4587, Houston, TX 77210-4587, USA tel: (+1) 281 560 4527 fax: (+1) 281 560 8859

tel: (+44) 01604 861000 fax: (+44) 01604 861001 web: www.bwsinternational.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter George

BP Oil UK Ltd Witan Gate House, 500-600 Witan Gate, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK9 1ES, UK tel: (+44) 01908 853953 fax: (+44) 01908 853379

Babcock BES Rosyth Business Park, Rosyth, Dunfermline, Fife, UK tel: (+44) 01383 412131 fax: (+44) 01383 417774 web: www.babcock.co.uk email: [email protected]

BP Pakistan Exploration and Production Inc 17th Fl, Habib Bank Tower, Jinnah Ave, F/6 Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan tel: (+92) 512 206 487 fax: (+92) 512 821 195 BP plc 1 St James’ Sq., London, SW1Y 4PD, UK tel: (+44) 0207 496 4000 fax: (+44) 020 7496 4630 web: www.bp.com BP Portugal Edificio 3, Lagoa’s Park, Porto Salvo, 2740244, N/A tel: (+351) 213 891 000 fax: (+351) 213 891 600 BP Venezuela Pisos 3 y 5, Edificio Centro Seguros Suramerica, El rosal, Caracas, Venezuela tel: (+58) 212 901 9000 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd) 5-7 Alexandra Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 5BS, UK tel: (+44) 01442 242200 fax: (+44) 01442 214077 web: www.bpa.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: John Elton B.S. Coatings Z.I. - AlléePaul Sabatier, B.P. 88, Aubevoye, 27940, France tel: (+33) 232 773077 fax: (+33) 232 530813 web: www.bs-coating.com email: [email protected] contact: P. Legay BSW Ballgrab Ltd 6610 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 880 2871 web: www.ballgrab.co.uk contact: Brad Atkins BTB Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 18, Healsville, Vic 3777, Australia tel: (+61) 3 5962 1900 fax: (+61) 3 5962 1911 web: www.btbauStcom.au email: [email protected] contact: Ed Tenberge

BP Nederland Energie BV Postbus 11550, The Hague, NL-2502 AN, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 3337500 fax: (+31) 70 3337898 web: www.bpamoco.com

B-Trac Equipment Ltd 45-51 Rixon Road, Wellingborough, Northants NN8 4BA, UK tel: (+44) 01933 274400 fax: (+44) 01933 274403 web: www.b-trac.co.uk email: [email protected]

BP North America 28100 Torch Parkway, Warrenville, IL 60555-3938, USA tel: (+1) 630 420 5111

BVAIGB Wilemstraat 28 Box 3220, Breda, Netherlands tel: (+31) 1600 22161

BP Norway 8 Godesetdalen, Forus, 4033, Norway tel: (+47) 520 130 00 fax: (+47) 520 130 01

BWS International Ltd The Courtyard, Thorpewood, Blisworth Road, Courteenhall, Northampton, NN7 2QB, UK

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Babtie Group Ltd 95 Bothwell St, Glasgow, G2 7HX, UK tel: (+44) 01412 042511 fax: (+44) 01412 263109 web: www.babtie.com Johann G. Bachinger Ramsau 65, Aigen-Voglhub, A-5351, Austria tel: (+43) 6137 5481 fax: (+43) 6137 5785 email: [email protected] contact: Johann Bachinger Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc 14269 County Road 71.1, Suite B, Trinidad, CO 81082, USA tel: (+1) 719 845 1013 fax: (+1) 719 845 1856 email: [email protected] contact: Tami Felthager NV Baggerwerken Decloedt en Zoon Fr Rooseveltlaan 11, Brussels, B - 1050, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 647 75 10 fax: (+32) 2 647 44 94 Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc 11000 Richmond Ave, Suite 350, Houston, TX 77042, USA tel: (+1) 281 822 3100 fax: (+1) 281 822 3199 web: www.bakerrisk.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Moosemiller Baker Hughes Pipeline Management 2301 Oil Center Court, Houston, TX 77073, USA tel: (+1) 281 230 7100 fax: (+1) 281 230 7101 web: www.bakerhughes.com/pmg email: [email protected] contact: George Carlisle Baker Petrolite Corporation 12645 West Airport Boulevard, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA tel: (+1) 281 276 5400 fax: (+1) 281 275 7218 web: www.bakerpetrolite.com email: [email protected] Baker Pipeline 206 Industrial Ave C, Houma, LA 70363, USA tel: (+1) 504 868 2854 fax: (+1) 504 868 2884 Balfour Beatty Utilities Ltd Park Square, Newton Chambers Road, Thorncliffe Park, Sheffield, S35 2PH, UK tel: (+44) 0114 232 9700 fax: (+44) 0114 232 9701 web: www.bbul.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Alistair Hodgson Ballast Ham Dredging PO Box 8574, Rotterdam, 3009, Netherlands

tel: (+31) 10 447 8444 fax: (+31) 10 447 0470 web: www.ballastham.com email: [email protected] contact: D. de Waard PT Ballast Indonesia Construction Griya Ampera JL Ampera Raya 18 Box 4477/JKT/12044, Jakarta, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 7800940 fax: (+62) 21 7892151 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV L G Smith Boulevard 116, Oranjestad, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles tel: (+297) 823600 fax: (+297) 823560 Ballast Nedam Baggeren BV Reconquistaa 559, 5th Floor, Buenos Aires, 1003, Argentina tel: (+54) 1 314 5018 fax: (+54) 1 314 5153 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc Credit Bank Tower, Suite 730 2800 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL 33137, USA tel: (+1) 305 576 6617 fax: (+1) 305 576 6890 Ballast Nedam Dredging Utrechtseweg 62 PO Box 149, AC Zeist, 3700, Netherlands tel: (+31) 30 694 7700 fax: (+31) 30 694 7900 web: www.bnd.nl email: [email protected] Ballast Nedam Far East Pte Ltd 11 Tanjong Penjuru Crescent, Singapore, 608974, Singapore tel: (+65) 2621 512 fax: (+65) 2620 779 email: [email protected] Ballast Nedam Groep NV Sdn Bhd 28th Floor, Menara Tun RazakJalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, 50350, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 293 938931 fax: (+60) 3 293 7601 email: [email protected] Ballast Nedam International BV Altus Shinjuki Minami Bldg 304 2-33-7 Yoyogi Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151, Japan tel: (+81) 3 3299 5228 fax: (+81) 3 3378 6656 Ballast Nedam International BV Laan van Kronenburg Box 2330, Amstelveen, 1183 AS, Netherlands tel: (+31) 20 545 2585 fax: (+31) 20 640 2186 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia 28th Floor, Menara Tun Razak Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, 50350, Malaysia tel: (+60) 2 293 8608 fax: (+60) 3 293 2850 Ballast Nedam Suriname NV Box 2613, Paramaribo, Suriname tel: (+597) 424073 fax: (+597) 471631 Bally Co Ltd 4th Floor 62 Lane 63 Tunhua S Rd Sec 2, Taipei, Taiwan tel: (+886) 2 708 42 64 fax: (+866) 2 700 01 36 Ballyco Enterprises Calle Moro Moro, 100, Santa Cruz, 99999, Bolivia tel: (+591) 355 1200 fax: (+591) 352 7558

email: [email protected] contact: Jim Bibb Balmoral Group Ltd Balmoral Park, Loirston, Aberdeen, AB12 3GY, UK tel: (+44) 01224 859000 fax: (+44) 01224 859059 contact: B. Oram Balmoral Group Houston Inc Box 8230381, Houston, TX 77282, USA tel: (+1) 713 589 0591 fax: (+1) 713 589 0599 Balmoral Holland B/V G Van Vijnkade 3, Maassluis, Netherlands tel: (+31) 1899 26340 fax: (+31) 1899 19508 Balmoral Norge A/S Dusavik, Tangen 11 Box 5006, Stavanger, Norway tel: (+47) 4 41 0600 fax: (+47) 4 41 0538 Balon Corporation 3245 S. Hattie, Oklahoma City, OK 73129, USA tel: (+1) 405 677 3321 web: www.balon.com email: [email protected] Baltimore Gas & Electric Co Charles Center, PO Box 1475, Baltimore, MD 21203, USA tel: (+1) 410 234 5000 fax: (+1) 410 234 5220 Balvac Whitley Moran Ltd Birchwood Way, Somercotes, Alfreton, Derbys DE55 4QQ, UK tel: (+44) 01773 542600 fax: (+44) 01773 542700 web: www.balvac.co.uk email: [email protected] Balzaretti Modigliani SpA Via romagnoli 6, Milan, 20146, Italy tel: (+39) 2 42431 fax: (+39) 2 489 54095 Banbury Engineering 1505-1511 Hume Highway, Campbellfield, Vic 3061, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9359 0511 fax: (+61) 3 9357 2516 Bantrel Co Bantrel Tower, Suite 1400, 700 - 6th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0T8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 290 5000 fax: (+1) 403 290 5050 web: www.bantrel.com email: [email protected] contact: Lyn McCluskey Bahrain Petroleum Co PO Box 25555, Awali, Bahrain tel: (+97) 75 4666 fax: (+97) 75 3230 Bahrain Petroleum Co Bahrain Refinery, Bahrain tel: (+973) 754444 fax: (+973) 752924 Barhale Construction plc Barhale House, Bescot Crescent, Walsall, W Midlands WS1 4NN, UK tel: (+44) 01922 707700 fax: (+44) 01922 721808 web: www.barhale.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: A. Flowerday

Baricon Systems Ltd 51 York Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5DP, UK tel: (+44) 01224 210564 fax: (+44) 01224 210563 web: www.baricon.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: W. Morrison Barnard Pipeline Inc 701 Gold AvenueBox 362, Bozeman, MT 59771, USA tel: (+1) 406 586 1995 fax: (+1) 406 586 3530 email: jerry.abercrombie@barnard-Inccom Barnes Group International Barnes Groiup International, 1098 Elsbree Lane, Windsor, CA 95492-7985, USA tel: (+1) 707 836 9524 fax: (+1) 707 836 7168 web: www.barnesgroupintl.com Barnshaw Section Benders Ltd Tipton Road, Tividale, Oldbury, W Midlands B69 3HY, UK tel: (+44) 01215 578261 fax: (+44) 01215 575323 web: www.barnshaws.com email: [email protected] contact: Robert Barnshaw Barrier Surface Technology Pearl Building, Stephenhouse Street, Willington Quay, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 6UE, UK tel: (+44) 01912 620510 fax: (+44) 01912 628810

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd Sterling Court, Loddington, Kettering, Northants NN14 1RZ, UK tel: (+44) 01536 714200 fax: (+44) 01536 714222 web: www.aeb.co.uk email: [email protected] Barton Instrument Systems 3 Steyning Way, Bognor Regis, W Sussex, PO22 9TT, UK tel: (+44) 01243 826741 fax: (+44) 01243 860263 web: www.barton-instruments.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Janice Emery Baseline Technologies Inc Suite 830, 633 - 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2Y5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 266 3800 fax: (+1) 403 265 9154 web: www.baselinetech.com email: [email protected] contact: Jennifer Ronson Basell Australia Pty Ltd Level 2, 199 Toorak Road, South Yarra, Vic 3141, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9829 5455 fax: (+61) 3 9289 9531 web: www.basell.com email: [email protected] contact: Teresa Bulzomi Bashkirskii Gosudarstvennyi NII Neftyanoi ul. Lenina 86, Bashkorstan, Ufa, 450077, Russia tel: (+7) 3472 224141 Bashnefteproekt ul. Cyurupy 126, Baskortostan, Ufa, 450006, Russia tel: (+7) 3472 221346

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Basic Systems, Inc 10901 Clay Pike Road, Derwent, OH 43733, USA tel: (+1) 740 685 2511 fax: (+1) 740 685 5516 web: www.bsinaturalgas.com email: [email protected] contact: Tim Arrowood Bateman Engineering Inc 3900 S Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 200, Denver, CO 80235-2205, USA tel: (+1) 303 989 1327 fax: (+1) 303 989 4921 Bateman Pipeline Systems Haaksbergweg 59, Amsterdam, 1101 BR, Netherlands tel: (+31) 2711 899 9111 fax: (+31) 2711 899 3903 web: www.batemanbv.com email: [email protected] contact: Fraser Russell Battelle 505 King Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201, USA tel: (+1) 614 424 4421 fax: (+1) 614 458 4421 web: www.battelle.org email: [email protected] contact: Cheryl Weil Bauer Compressors Inc 1328 Azalea Garden Road, Norfolk, VA 23502-1944, USA tel: (+1) 757 855 6006 fax: (+1) 757 857 1041 web: www.bauercomp.com email: [email protected] contact: Merv Bohrer B&L Bauhuis Group Bauhuis International BV, Wheedwarsweg 4, Goor, 7471 GG, Netherlands tel: (+31) 547 272258 fax: (+31) 547 272699 web: www.bauhuis.com Baulderstone Hornibrook Engineering Pty Ltd 101 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia tel: (+61) 2 993 57100 fax: (+61) 2 996 61702 Bayou Pipe Bending Co Curtis Lane-Port of Iberia Box 11010, New Iberia, LA 70562-1010, USA tel: (+1) 318 369 3761 fax: (+1) 318 365 0774 Bayou Pipe Coating Co Curtis Lane-Port of Iberia Box 11010, New Iberia, LA 70562-1010, USA tel: (+1) 318 369 3761 fax: (+1) 318 365 9747 The company specializes in the application of external fusion-bonded coating for corrosion protection of pipelines. It handles pipe lengths in diameters from 2 to 48in.


Bay State Piping Co Inc 174 Airport Road, Hyannis, MA 2601, USA tel: (+1) 508 775 9268 fax: (+1) 508 775 9329 web: www.baystatepiping.com email: [email protected] Beairsto-Stewart-Wier 10131 - 97th Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0N5, Canada tel: (+1) 780 532 4919 fax: (+1) 403 532 4739

Bradley B. Bean, PE 419 E. Columbia Street, CO Springs, CO 80907, USA tel: (+1) 719 578 9391 fax: (+1) 719 578 9394 web: www.b3pe.com email: [email protected] C F Bean Corporation 619 Engineers Road Box 237, Belle Chasse, LA 70037, USA tel: (+1) 504 391 7000 fax: (+1) 504 392 1087 Bechara T&C Kafar-Souseh Square, PO Box 536, Damascus, Syria tel: (+963) 11 2112780 fax: (+963) 11 2127470 web: www.yellowpagessyria.com Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd Level 9, 295 Ann Street, Brisbane, 4000, Australia tel: (+61) 732 147 400 fax: (+61) 732 147 450 email: [email protected] Bechtel Ltd Bechtel House, 245 Hammersmith Road, PO Box 739, London, W6 8DP, UK tel: (+44) 020 8846 5111 fax: (+44) 020 8846 6490 web: www.bechtel.com email: [email protected] contact: M. J. Stockbridge Bechtel Ltd 11 Rue du Laos, Paris, France tel: (+33) 1 4431 2020 fax: (+33) 1 4720 5506 Bechtel Pipeline PO Box 2166, 3000 Post Oak Boulevard, Houston, TX 77252-2166, USA tel: (+1) 713 235 2000 fax: (+1) 713 235 3662 web: www.bechtel.com email: [email protected] contact: W.N. Dudley Bechtel Pipeline Thailand 18th Fl, East Tower III, 19 Ratchadaphisek Rd, Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand tel: (+66) 293 793 25 fax: (+66) 293 793 54 Beckett Rankine Partnership 270 Vauxhall Bridge Road, Westminster, London, SW1V 1BGB, UK tel: (+44) 0207 834 7267 fax: (+44) 020 7834 7265 web: www.beckettrankine.com email: [email protected] Beijing United Gas Technology & Engineering Co Ltd C903 Tongtaidasha No 33 Jinrong St Fuxingmennei, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100032, China tel: (+86) 1088 086626 fax: (+86) 1088 086624 email: [email protected] Bekaert NV Bekaert Fencing NV., Deerijkstraat 58A, Zwevegem, 8550, Belgium tel: (+32) 56 76 61 82 fax: (+32) 56 76 65 35 contact: P. Claeys Bel Valves 5829 N Sam Houston Pkwy, Suite 205, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 339 4519

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web: www.belvalves.co.uk contact: Ian Bonds Beliprogaz ul. Gurskogo 30, Minsk, 220600, Belarus tel: (+375) 172 529075 Bell Ingram Ltd Durn, Isla Road, Perth, PH2 7HF, UK tel: (+44) 01738 621 121 fax: (+44) 01738 630 904 web: www.bellingram.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: J. G. Lumby John Bell Pipeline Equipment Co Ltd Waterton House, Stoneywood, Aberdeen, AB21 9HX, UK tel: (+44) 01224 714514 fax: (+44) 01224 716079 email: [email protected] contact: Brian Thomson Belmar Engineering & Management Services Co 1650 South Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 301, Redondo Beach, CA CA 90227, USA tel: (+1) 310 316 5934 fax: (+1) 310 316 5974 contact: Rober C. Visser Belmont NDT Belmont House, Low Green Rawdon, Leeds, W Yorks LS19 6HA, UK tel: (+44) 0113 250 2550 fax: (+44) 0113 239 1171 email: [email protected] contact: Veronica Milbrodt Beltransgas ul. Nekrasova 9, Minsk, 220040, Belarus tel: (+375) 17 266 0101 fax: (+375) 17 85 6336 Beltruboprovodstroi ul. M Bogdanovicha 129, Minsk, 220123, Belarus tel: (+375) 17 234 3383 fax: (+375) 17 234 3383 BendKing Inc 53418 Hwy 22, Box 458, Evansburg, AB T0E 0T0, Canada tel: (+1) 780 727 2761 fax: (+1) 780 727 4323 web: www.bendking.com email: [email protected] contact: Cathy Russell M G Bennett & Associates Ltd Bennett House, Pleasley Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4HQ, UK tel: (+44) 01709 373782 fax: (+44) 01709 363730 web: www.bennettmg.co.uk email: [email protected] J N Bentley Ltd Keighley Road, Skipton, BD3 2QR, UK tel: (+44) 01756 799 245 fax: (+44) 01756 798 068 web: www.jnbentley.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Mark Jordan Berco Services Inc 9800 Centre Pky Ste 850, Houston, TX 77036-8223, USA tel: (+1) 713 270 5174 fax: (+1) 713 773 4609 email: [email protected] Bergen Engineering A/S Sandslimarka 51 Box 2, Bergen, Norway tel: (+47) 5 22 36 00 fax: (+47) 5 22 36 66

Company listing Binnington Development Corporation 300-1727 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4W6, Canada tel: (+1) 604 742 1677 fax: (+1) 604 742 1679 web: www.binnington.com email: [email protected]

Berg Steel Pipe Corp. 10375 Richmond Ave. Suite 425, Houston, TX 77042, USA tel: (+1) 713 465 1600 fax: (+1) 713 827 7423 web: www.bergpipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Doug Parrish

Bioindustrial Technologies Inc 40105 Industrial Park Circle, Georgetown, TX 78626, USA tel: (+1) 512 869 0580 fax: (+1) 512 863 8097 web: www.io.com/~bti email: [email protected]

Bermingham Ltd 340 Brightside Lane, Sheffield, S9 2SP, UK tel: (+44) 0114 243 4187 fax: (+44) 0114 261 0253 email: [email protected] Philippe G Bernard & Co 108 Timbalier Dr., Houma, LA 70363, USA tel: (+1) 985 688 6839 fax: (+1) 985 876 7070 Beta Valve Systems Ltd Park House Business Centre, Desborough Park Rd, High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 3DJ, UK tel: (+44) 01494 459511 fax: (+44) 01494 461136 web: www.betavalve.com email: [email protected] Bethell Group plc Dane House, Europa Park, Stoneclough Road, Kearsley, M26 1GE, UK tel: (+44) 01204 439 100 fax: (+44) 01204 439 101 web: www.bethell.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Steven Fraser Bezemer Dordrecht BV 49 Bunsenstraat, Dordrecht, 3316 GC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 618 1000 fax: (+31) 78 618 7019 web: www.bezemer.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Bezemer Bharat Petroleum Corporation MMPL,BPCL Refinery, India, Mumbai, 400 074, India tel: (+91) 2 2554 5540 fax: (+91) 2 255 41074 web: bharatpetroleum.com Biffa Waste Services Environmental Services Division Station Road, Clowne, Chesterfiled, Derbys S43 4RN, UK tel: (+44) 0124 657 0071 fax: (+44) 0124 681 9505 web: www.biffa.co.uk email: [email protected] Big-Inch Marine Systems Inc Northwoods Industrial Park 12235 FM 529, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 896 1501 fax: (+1) 713 466 1283 Bilfinger & Berger AG Nigeria Division, Gustav-Nachtigal Strasse 3, Wiesbaden, 65189, Germany tel: (+49) 611 708 790 fax: (+49) 611 708 343 web: www.bilfinger.de / www.juliusberger.com email: [email protected] contact: Artur Wagner

Birch Brothers Kidderminster Ltd Barracks Rd, Sandy Lane Industrial Estate, Stourport, Worcs DY13 9QB, UK tel: (+44) 0129 982 6227 fax: (+44) 0129 982 6229 web: www.birch-brothers.com email: [email protected] Birse Construction Ltd Ripley Dr, Pontefract, Normanton, Leeds, Yorks WF6 1RN, UK tel: (+44) 0192 489 7799 Birse Water Ltd Alexander House, 4 Station Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire SK8 5AE, UK tel: (+44) 0161 486 9191 fax: (+44) 0161 488 4686 web: www.birse.co.uk email: [email protected] Bisan Trading Industrial Area 13, Sharjah, 28698, UAE tel: (+971) 6534 4397 fax: (+971) 6534 4398 web: www.bisantrading.com Bishop Group Services Ltd Pipefreezing House, 58A Shirley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 7EP, UK tel: (+44) 020 8656 8234 fax: (+44) 020 8654 5459 web: www.pipefreezingsales.com email: [email protected] contact: Cyril Bishop Bison Engineering, Inc 3423 Rivers Edge Trail, Kingwood, TX 77339, USA tel: (+1) 281 359 2476 fax: (+1) 281 359 2591 web: www.bisonengineering.com Bitar Supplies & Services PO Box 926308, Amman, 1110, Jordan tel: (+96) 2 668 27 54 fax: (+96) 2 683 833 694 Biwater Industries Ltd Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbys S45 9NG, UK tel: (+44) 0124 625 0740 Biwater Treatment Ltd Biwater Place, Gregge Street, Heywood, OL10 2DX, UK tel: (+44) 01706 367 555 fax: (+44) 01706 365 598 web: www.biwater.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Bowen Black & Veatch Ltd Grosvenor House, 69 London Road, Surrey, Redhill, RH1 1LQ, UK tel: (+44) 01737 774155 fax: (+44) 01737 772767 web: www.bvl.bv.com email: [email protected] contact: Malcolm Brandt

Black Dog Divers Inc PO Box 4474, Portsmouth, NH NH 03802, USA tel: (+1) 603 436 3732 fax: (+1) 603 436 2524 email: [email protected] Blackhawk Industries 2522 North Columbia Place, Tulsa, OK 74110, USA tel: (+1) 918 838 2800 fax: (+1) 918 838 9888 email: [email protected] Blake Newport Associates Ltd 16, Woodlands Road, Durham, Darlington, DL3 7PL, UK tel: (+44) 01325 373600 fax: (+44) 01325 373601 web: www.blakenewport.co.uk Blucher UK Ltd Station Road Industrial Estate, Tadcaster, N Yorks LS24 9SG, UK web: www.blucher.co.uk contact: Peter Hardman Bluewater Constructors Inc 5337 Dow Road Box 55482, Houston, TX 77040, USA tel: (+1) 713 462 8525 fax: (+1) 713 462 4133 Boddingtons Australia Pty Ltd Units 1-3, 42 - 46 Vella Drive, Sunshine, Melbourne, Vic 3025, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9310 2100 fax: (+61) 3 9310 2466 web: www.boddingtons.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Campbell MacKintosh

Company listing - alphabetical

Bergerat Monnoyeur 117 Rue Charles Michels, BP 169, Saint Denis, 93208, France tel: (+33) 1 49 22 60 61 fax: (+33) 1 48 09 08 76 web: www.bergerat-monnoyeur.com contact: Pascal Guillemain

Boddingtons Ltd Unit 10, Chelmsford Road Industrial Estate, Gt Dunmow, Essex CM6 1HF, UK tel: (+44) 01371 875 101 fax: (+44) 01371 874 906 web: www.boddingtons-ltd.com email: [email protected] Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc USA Group Office, 7530 Frontage Road, Skokie, IL 60077, USA tel: (+1) 888 263 9268 fax: (+1) 847 676 3065 web: www.mtusa.bodycote.com email: [email protected] contact: Beata R Balckburn Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd Jefferson House, 5 Washington Centre, Broadway, Salford, M50 2UW, UK tel: (+44) 0161 868 6675 fax: (+44) 0161 876 0277 web: www.mt.bodycote.com email: [email protected] contact: Nicola Robinson Bodycote PDL Magnetic House, 51 Waterfront Quay, Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester M50 3XW, UK tel: (+44) 0161 877 8800 fax: (+44) 0161 877 8855 web: mt.bodycote.com/pdl email: [email protected] contact: Steve MacKellar Bodyguard Services International 155 Longley, Huddersfield, HD5 8LB, UK tel: (+44) 01484 480345 fax: (+44) 01484 480345 web: www.bsi.20m.com email: [email protected]

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Bodyguard Services International 18 Deerness Rd, Deerness Park, Tyne and Wear, Sunderland, SR2 8AP, UK tel: (+44) 0191 565 5821 fax: (+44) 0191 565 5821 web: www.bodyguard.demon.co.uk Boerger GmbH Benningsweg 24, Borken-Weseke, 46325, Germany tel: (+49) 2 8629 10320 fax: (+49) 2 8629 10346 web: www.boerger-pumps.com email: [email protected] contact: Mr. Steinmann Boerger Pumps Asia Pte Ltd 25 International Business Park, #03-65 German Centre, Singapore, 609916, Singapore tel: (+65) 6562 9540 fax: (+65) 6562 9542 web: www.boerger-pumps.com email: [email protected] contact: Dominik Straetling Bohlen & Doyen GmbH Bauunternehmen, Hauptstrasse 248, PO Box 1180, Wiesmoor, 26639, Germany tel: (+49) 4944 30 14 21 fax: (+49) 4944 30 11 30 web: www.bohlen-doyen.com email: [email protected] contact: Werner Fredrich Bohlen & Doyen Submarine Cable & Pipe GMbH & Co KG Hauptstrasse 248, Wiesmoor, 26639, Germany tel: (+49) 443 014 32 fax: (+49) 443 014 40 Bohler Thyssen Welding (UK) Ltd European Business Park, Taylors Lane, Oldbury, W Midlands B69 2BN, UK tel: (+44) 0121 511 1121 fax: (+44) 0121 544 8167 web: www.boehler-thyssen-welding.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: G T Finnerty Bohler Thyssen Sveiseteknikk AS 133 Gratudveien, Dramman, 3036, Norway tel: (+47) 322 600 80 fax: (+47) 322 600 90 email: [email protected] Bohler Thyssen Welding Canada Ltd 22 Le Page Crt, Downsview, ON M3J 1Z9, Canada tel: (+1) 416 638 3253 fax: (+1) 416 638 4632 email: [email protected] Boland International Services (BIS) PMB 111, 3336 Harrison Avenue, Butte, MT 59701, USA tel: (+1) 406 494 1810 fax: (+1) 406 494 1810 web: www.geocities.com/ripleycoker/ BISindex.html


Bonatti SSB Group PO Box 169, Muscat, 113, Oman tel: (+965) 793 741 fax: (+965) 796 158 Booles Tools & Pipe Fittings Ltd PO Box 45, Haigh Avenue, Whitehill Trading Estate, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 1PA, UK tel: (+44) 0161 480 7900 fax: (+44) 0161 474 7142 web: www.booles.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Adrian Boole Boral Energy Resources Ltd 1 King William St, Adelaide, SA 0061, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8217 5777 fax: (+61) 8 8217 5768 web: www.originenergy.com.au Bord Gais Eireann PO Box 51, Gas Works Road, Cork, Ireland tel: (+353) 214 524 000 fax: (+353) 214 534 387 email: [email protected] contact: John Barry Borealis Polymers NV Campus Mechelen Noord, Schalienhoevedreef 20T, Mechelen, 2800, Belgium tel: (+32) 1547 9884 fax: (+32) 1547 9804 web: www.borealisgroup.com/pipe/borcoat email: [email protected] contact: Lorenzo Delorenzi Boring and Tunneling Co of America Inc Box 14214, Houston, TX 77221, USA tel: (+1) 713 799 1200 fax: (+1) 713 799 1394 Borusan Birelsik Boru Fabrikalari SA Gemsaz Mevkii, Bursa, Gemlik, 16601, Turkey tel: (+90) 224 519 0000 fax: (+90) 224 519 0014 web: www.borusanboru.com Borusan Makina Servis VE Ticaret AS Meclisi Mebusan Cad. 103, Istanbul, 34427, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 393 55 00 fax: (+90) 212 293 8556 web: www.borusanmakina.com email: [email protected] contact: Ercument Inanc Borusan Yatririm Holdings PK-5, TR 4100 Izmit, Kocaeli, Istanbul, 6981070, Turkey tel: (+90) 262 331 2466 fax: (+90) 262 321 0293 web: www.borusanmannesmann.com Boscongo BP 894, Pointe Noire, Congo tel: (+242) 94 0411 fax: (+242) 94 0411

Bolivian Oil Services Ltd Rosendo Gutlerrez 113 Box 1574, La Paz, Bolivia tel: (+591) 2 328474 fax: (+591) 2 371339

Boskalis International bv (Far East) 545 Orchard Road16-01 Far East, 923, Singapore tel: (+65) 7335622 fax: (+65) 7327530

Bonatti SpA Via Nobel 2/A, Parma, 43100, Italy tel: (+39) 0521 6091 fax: (+39) 0521 607 700 web: www.bonatti.it email: [email protected] contact: Paolo Ghirelli

Boskalis Offshore BV 20 Rosmolenweg, PO Box 43, Papendrecht, 3350 AA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 69 69 011 fax: (+31) 78 69 69 571 web: www.boskalis.com email: [email protected] contact: A.D. van Gool

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Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda Sociedada Portuguesa de Dragag Edificio Aviz Avenida Fontes Pereira, Lisbon, Portugal tel: (+351) 1 3534073 fax: (+351) 1 3534507 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd Box 4831, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 277 2306 fax: (+971) 272 8158 Boskalis Zinkcon Ltd Westminster House, Crompton Way, Segensworth West, Fareham, Hants PO15 5SS, UK tel: (+44) 01489 885922 fax: (+44) 01489 57588 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd PO Box 117, Sarawak, Miri, 98007, Malaysia tel: (+60) 85 419733 fax: (+60) 85 414357 email: [email protected] Bosta UK Ltd Chapel Pound Hill, Bury Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7HT, UK tel: (+44) 01284 716580 fax: (+44) 01284 716588 web: www.bosta.com email: [email protected] Bostech Mui Plaza 10th Floor Jalan P Rramlee, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 248 1264 fax: (+60) 3 242 1855 Boston Environmental Safety Technologies Boston Environmental Safety Technologies, 530 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA 2210, USA tel: (+1) 617 443 1344 fax: (+1) 617 449 1301 web: www.bostonenv.com Boston Gas Co One Beacon St, 34th Fl, Boston, MA 2108, USA tel: (+1) 617 723 5512 fax: (+1) 617 742 3042 L D Bourgein Oxford Ltd South Hinksey, Oxford, OX1 5AZ, UK tel: (+44) 01865 735 420 email: [email protected] Bouygues Offshore 3 rue Stephenson, Montigny-leBretonneux, St Quentin-Yvelines, 78884, France tel: (+33) 130 608 888 fax: (+33) 130 645 675 web: www.bouygues-offshore.com Braden Carco Gearmatic 800 East Dallas, Broken Arrow, OK 74013, USA tel: (+1) 918 251 8511 fax: (+1) 918 259 1575 web: www.paccarwinch.com email: [email protected] contact: Cameron Barker Bradford Brothers Inc 11712 Statesville Road, Huntersville, NC 28078, USA tel: (+1) 704 875 1341 fax: (+1) 704 875 9842 Lee Bradley Energy 2207, High Point Drive, Carrollton, TX 75007, USA tel: (+1) 972 306 2080 fax: (+1) 972 307 9205

Gas Machinery Research Council T

HE Gas Machinery Research Council (GMRC) is a not-for-profit research corporation founded in 1952, and is a subsidiary of the Southern Gas Association (SGA). The Council provides its member companies and industry with the benefits of an applied research and technology programme directed toward improving reliability and cost effectiveness of the design, construction, and operation of mechanical and fluid systems. Its 2007 research projects include the following: Pulsation control technology • To advance the technical maturity of pulsation-control technologies to prototype testing in a pipeline field trial. Compressor valve technology • To further advance two previously-developed new key valve design concepts (semi-active plate valve and rotary passive valve) through their next development stage; to continue the improvement of the valve-life analysis programme by integrating field-testing results and new material properties; to continue spring research to aid a better understanding of causes of valve failures and their prevention; and to continue technology assessments for new and improved valve concepts.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Centrifugal compressor field test software • The 2006 GMRC project to develop field-test guidelines identified the need to have a consistent method of analysing field data. This project will provide the necessary software to accomplish this objective so all parties can use a consistent method. Centrifugal compressor surge guidelines • To develop a comprehensive centrifugal compressor surge-control system standard, including best practices for selection, installation, testing, and operation of the surge-control system. This document will be based on existing (but old) guidelines, manufacturer’s rules and specifications, modern controls system data, user applications/feedback, and methods for analytical evaluation of appropriate surge-system performance. Tuned compressor suction/discharge pulsation attentuation devices • To complete the adaptation and refinement of proven engine finite amplitude wave-tuning technology and software for modelling reciprocating gas compressor systems. GMRC 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75234 tel: +1 972 620 4024 fax: +1 972 620 1613 www.gmrc.org email: [email protected]


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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Brambles Western Australia Level 5 50 Colin Street, Washington, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9366 5711 fax: (+61) 8 9366 5780

Bredero Price Services Ltd 258 Bath Road, Slough, Berks SL1 4DX, UK tel: (+44) 01753 568600 fax: (+44) 01753 567448

Brance-Krachy Co., Inc 4411 Navigation Blvd., Houston, TX 77011, USA tel: (+1) 713 225 6661 fax: (+1) 713 225 5044 web: www.brancekrachy.com email: [email protected]

Bredero Price International Inc Suite 500, 2350 N Sam Houston Parkway E, Houston, TX 77032-3130, USA tel: (+1) 281 886 2350 fax: (+1) 281 886 2351

Brasflex Tubos Flexiveis Ltda Rua da Gloria 2904 Angar Gloria, Rio De Janeiro, 20241, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 210 3288 fax: (+55) 21 231 1648 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH Alte Zollstrasse 30, Kehl, 77694, Germany tel: (+49) 7851 4855 866 fax: (+49) 7851 4855 877 web: www.braunstahl.de email: [email protected] contact: Anita Braun Bredero Price Colombia BV PO Box 512, Santa Marta, Colombia tel: (+57) 54 209 067 fax: (+57) 54 209 094 Bredero Price Co 7211 Regency Square, Houston, TX 770363198, USA tel: (+1) 713 974 7211 fax: (+1) 713 260 4528 PT Bredero Price Indonesia S Widjojo Centre, 9th Floor Ji Jenderal Sudirman 71, Jakarta, 12190, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 522 3223 fax: (+62) 21 522 3161 Bredero Price International BV Nos 12-08/09 Orchard Towers, 400 Orchard Rd, 238875, Singapore tel: (+65) 732 2355 fax: (+65) 732 9073 email: [email protected] Bredero Price International BV Apartments 33 and 34, 20 Khagani St, Baku, Azerbaijan tel: (+944) 129 382 83 fax: (+944) 129 346 78 Bredero Price (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 16 ms Kuantan-Kemaman Road Box 172, Kuantan, 25720, Malaysia tel: (+60) 9 433 131 fax: (+60) 9 433 336 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd 402 Al Reem Plaza, Buhairah Corniche, PO Box 1789, Sharjah, UAE tel: (+971) 657 373 74 fax: (+971) 653 373 79 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd Box 1789 Layyah Area, Sharjah, N/A tel: (+971) 6 285 536 fax: (+971) 6 282 145 Bredero Price (Nigeria) Ltd 239d Kofo Abayomi St, PO Box 4467, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 166 43 fax: (+234) 126 221 48 Bredero Price Norway A/S Lauervik Terrasse, PO Box 83, Farsund, 4551, Norway tel: (+47) 383 424 00 fax: (+47) 383 912 01

Bredero Shaw Ltd Bredero House, Imperial Dock, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 7DT, UK tel: (+44) 0131 554 6232 fax: (+44) 0131 553 9604 web: www.brederoshaw.com email: [email protected] contact: Simon Dewey Bredero Shaw 3838 N. Sam Houston Parkway, E., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77032, USA tel: (+1) 281 886 2350 fax: (+1) 281 886 2353 web: www.brederoshaw.com email: [email protected] contact: JW Bredero Shaw Australia Pty Ltd Lot 22, West Dapto Road, Kembla Grange, NSW, 2526, Australia tel: (+61) 42 613 455 fax: (+61) 42 614 571 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite Grønøra Industriområde, PO Box 214, Orkanger, 7301, Norway tel: (+47) 7246 6060 fax: (+47) 7246 6070 web: www.thermotite.no email: [email protected] contact: Eirik Simonsen

obtaining more reliable inspection data in less runs. An integral approach of cleaning, inspection and maintenance, all offered by Brenntag, is key to keep pipelines in optimal condition, aiding the integrity of your pipelines and ensuring the safety of workers and surrounding communities. About Brenntag O&G The European Oil & Gas business of Brenntag – Europe’s foremost chemicals distributor with over 9,200 employees at more than 300 locations worldwide – provides a full line of products and services to the oil and gas producing and processing industries. Besides pipeline cleaning services, Brenntag also provides production chemistry, aimed at treating and optimizing the production from oil and gas reservoirs, including corrosion, -asphaltene, -paraffin, mineral scale -and hydrate inhibitors. SCC certified/ FPAL registered Brenntag Oil & Gas Europe is SCC (Safety Checklist Contractors) certified for its HSE working procedures, by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. Brenntag Oil & Gas is registered in FPAL, the oil and gas supply chain database for the UK and The Netherlands. Peter Brett Associates 30 Tower View, Kings Hill, W Malling, Kent ME19 4PR, UK tel: (+44) 01732 229600 fax: (+44) 01732 874259 web: www.pba.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Brend

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Brewaba Wasserbaugesellschaft Bremen mbH Bennigsentrasse 2-6, Bremen, B-28207, Germany tel: (+49) 42 143 2750 fax: (+49) 42 149 4490

Brenntag Oil & Gas Europe PO Box 79, 3300 AB Dordrecht, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 6544 143 fax: (+31) 78 6544 128 web: www.brenntagoilandgas.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Verkiel N-SPEC Pipeline Cleaning Solutions As a leading provider of pipeline cleaning solutions to the oil and gas industry, Brenntag Oil & Gas provides an innovative package of environmentallyfriendly cleaning chemicals, together with supporting technology, under the NSPEC brand-name. A unique feature of N-SPEC chemicals and services is that they allow pipeline operators to clean their line online, eliminating downtime and production losses. The N-SPEC products, originally developed by Coastal Chemical Co in the USA, comprise of specially formulated tensides to emulsify pipeline sediments rather than scraping them out with traditional mechanical devices. The N-SPEC technology has successfully removed paraffin, black powder, hydrates, scales, sand and metal scraps, both onshore and offshore, at more than 400 companies worldwide. Applying the N-SPEC technology will reduce costs dramatically by keeping the flow at its maximum design capacity, reducing horsepower requirements, having a more effective utilization of corrosion inhibition products and

Bristol Babcock, Inc 1100 Buckingham Street, Watertown, CT 6795, USA tel: (+1) 860 945 2200 fax: (+1) 860 945 2278 web: www.bristolbabcock.com British Gas plc Rivermill House, 152 Grosvenor Rd, London, SW1V 3JL, UK tel: (+44) 020 7821 1444 fax: (+44) 020 7 821 8522 British Pipe Coaters Ltd Bredero House, Imperial Dock, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 7DT, UK tel: (+44) 0131 553 9640 fax: (+44) 0131 553 9699 British Steel Distribution plc Walker Road, Walker Industrial Estate, Blackburn, Lancs BB1 2LJ, UK tel: (+44) 01254 677733 Brixham Environmental Laboratory Freshwater Quarry, Brixham, Devon TQ5 8BA, UK tel: (+44) 0180 388 2882 fax: (+44) 0180 388 2974 web: www.brixham-lab.com email: [email protected]

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 John Brown Hydrocarbons Canada Ltd PO Box 661, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T3, Canada tel: (+1) 902 446 3553 fax: (+44) 020 7957 3312 John Brown Hydrocarbons Russia 9th Fl, 3 Smolenskaya Sq, Moscow, Russia tel: (+7) 959 378 331 fax: (+7) 959 378 330 John Brown - Kish South of Vanak Sq, Tehran, 15178, Iran tel: (+98) 218 776 144 fax: (+98) 218 776 069 John Brown Tblisi 38 Saburtalo St, Tblisi, 380091, GA tel: (+995) 326 996 00 fax: (+995) 326 996 23 J Browne Construction Co Ltd Beacon House, North Circular Road, Neasden, London, NW10 0HF, UK tel: (+44) 020 8459 9300 fax: (+44) 020 8459 6879 web: www.jbconstruction.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Pat Giblin Brown, J. & Co Ltd Wharf Street, Dukinfield, Cheshire SK16 4PQ, UK tel: (+44) 0161 339 9888 fax: (+44) 0161 343 1052 web: www.jbrown.com email: [email protected] contact: M.H. Brown Brown Corrosion Services Inc 1648 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77043-3115, USA tel: (+1) 713 468 4765 fax: (+1) 713 468 7518 email: [email protected] Brown Corrosion Services, Inc PO Box 940638, Houston, TX 77094-7638, USA tel: (+1) 832 327 0965 fax: (+1) 832 327 0968 web: www.browncorrosion.com email: [email protected] contact: Jane Brown Brown & Root - Condor Spa 6 Place El QuodsHydra, Alger, Algeria tel: (+213) 2 591060 fax: (+213) 2 607601 Brown & Root Energy Services The Broadway Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RX, UK tel: (+44) 020 8544 5000 fax: (+44) 020 8544 4400 Brown & Root Energy Services c/o Rockwater Stoneywood Park Stoneywood Road Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7DZ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 795548 Brown & Root International Inc 4100 Clinton Drive Box 3, Houston, TX 77001-0003, USA tel: (+1) 713 676 3011 fax: (+1) 713 676 4109


Brown & Root Ltd Brown & Root House 150 The Broadway, London, SW19 1RX, UK tel: (+44) 020 8544 5000 fax: (+44) 020 8544 1990 Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating 11210 - 15th Ave, North Battleford,

Saskatchewan S9A 3E5, Canada tel: (+1) 306 398 7987 fax: (+1) 306 445 3113 web: www.brownslineloc.piczo.com email: [email protected] contact: Dale Brown Brugg Rohrsystem AG Brugg Rohrsystem AG, Industriestrasse 39, Kleindoettingen, 5314, Switzerland tel: (+41) 56 268 7878 fax: (+41) 56 268 7879 web: www.pipesystems.com Brushwacker Inc 2228 State Hwy 200, 2228 State Hwy 200, Mahnomen, MN 56557, USA tel: (+1) 218 935 2109 fax: (+1) 218 935 0502 web: [email protected] Bruton Knowles Bisley House, Green Farm Business Park, Bristol Road, Gloucester, GL2 4LY, UK tel: (+44) 01452 880000 fax: (+44) 01452 880088 web: www.brutonknowles.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Chris Eldridge Bryanstruboprovodstroi ul. 2-ya alleya, 12a, Bryansk, 241020, Russia tel: (+7) 8322 35533 fax: (+7) 8322 31415 Bucher Willis & Ratliff Corp 75 Executive Drive Suite 103, Aurora, IL 60504-8137, USA tel: (+1) 630 898 0010 fax: (+1) 630 898 9183 Buckeye Pipeline Co PO Box 368, Emmaus, PA 18049, USA tel: (+1) 484 232 4267 fax: (+1) 484 232 4541 web: www.buckeye.com Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd 4 Gilchrist Rd, Northbank Industrial Estate, Irlam, Manchester, M44 5AY, UK tel: (+44) 0870 442 5441 fax: (+44) 0870 787 7350 email: [email protected] Bufete Industrial Moras 850, Colonia Del Valle, 3100, Mexico tel: (+52) 5 658 5299 fax: (+52) 5 658 4503 Building Design Partnership 2 Bruce Street, Antrim, Belfast, BT2 7JD, UK tel: (+44) 028 90 243394 fax: (+44) 028 90 329337 web: www.bdp.co.uk Bulgargeomin 3 Ogneboretz Street, Sofia, 1619, Bulgaria tel: (+359) 2 57 00 66 fax: (+359) 2 57 31 94 Bullen Consultants Ltd Kimberley House, 169 Elderslie St, Glasgow, G3 7JR, UK tel: (+44) 0141 332 0678 fax: (+44) 0141 332 2530 web: www.bullen.co.uk Burden Ltd Unit 45, Hirwaun Industrial Estate, Hirwaun, CF44 9UP, UK tel: (+44) 01685 810 500 fax: (+44) 01685 814 286 web: www.burdens.co.uk email: [email protected]

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contact: Graham John Burlington Resources (Energy Services) Inc One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AA, UK tel: (+44) 020 7208 4646 fax: (+44) 020 7208 4642 web: www.br-Inccom Burns & McDonnell Waste 999 Oakmont Plaza Drive Suite 140, Westmont, IL 60559, USA tel: (+1) 630 654 0220 fax: (+1) 630 654 0248 web: www.burnsmcd.com Bushman & Associates, Inc Corrosion Consultants, PO Box 425, Medina, OH 442586, USA tel: (+1) 330 769 3694 fax: (+1) 330 769 2197 web: www.bushman.cc email: [email protected] contact: James B. Bushman Butyl Products 11 Radford Crescent, Billericay, Essex CM12 0DW, UK tel: (+44) 01277 653281 fax: (+44) 01277 657921 web: www.butylproducts.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Tony Cracknell Buyurgan Group Steel Division Park Maya Barclay 19a-13, Akatlar, Istanbul, 34335, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 284 0084 fax: (+90) 212 284 0061 web: www.buyurgan.com email: [email protected] contact: Tunc Buyurgan Byzak Ltd PO Box 6, Robson Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 7TG, UK tel: (+44) 01617 463 200 fax: (+44) 01617 463 201 web: www.byzak.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Farrar

C C & B Associates Mineral Wells, TX, USA tel: (+1) 817 682 4213 fax: (+1) 817 682 7309 C & L Pipeline Equipment 10625 Jefferson Chemical Rd, PO Box 188, Conroe, TX 77305-0188, USA tel: (+1) 936 539 4188 fax: (+1) 936 539 5169 web: www.candlequipment.com email: [email protected] contact: Michael A. Hill CAPCIS Ltd CAPCIS House, 1 Echo St, Manchester, M1 7DP, UK tel: (+44) 0161 933 4000 fax: (+44) 0161 933 4001 web: www.capcis.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Dr P Stokes C.A.T. Group of Companies/Mothercat PO Box 11-1036, Beirut, 1107 2070, Lebanon tel: (+961) 1 44 99 10 fax: (+961) 1 44 69 31 web: www.catgroup.net

Company listing

CAT International Ltd Al-Muzaini Building, Hilali St, PO Box 1666, Safat, 13017, Kuwait tel: (+965) 241 5957 fax: (+965) 241 5995 CB&I Ltd 20 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LE, UK tel: (+44) 020 7957 3388 fax: (+44) 020 7957 3131 web: www.johnbrown.biz email: [email protected] contact: Peter Bennett CBS Engineering Inc 1505 Highway 6 South Suite 310, Houston, TX 77077-1799, USA tel: (+1) 281 531 7661 fax: (+1) 218 531 6280 CBT Creators Inc P.O Box 40864, Baton Rouge, LA 70835, USA tel: (+1) 225 445 4680 fax: (+1) 225 4454680 email: [email protected] C & C Consultoria Retorno Ahuehuete 45 Amalucan, Sierra Pirineos 9032, Puebla, 72310, Mexico tel: (+51) 22 2218 3109 fax: (+51) 22 2218 3109 web: www.carrasco.tzo.net C-Chem, Inc 227 W. Madison Street, Paris, IL 61944, USA tel: (+1) 217 466 1063 fax: (+1) 217 463 1882 CCI Carey Crutcher Inc PO Box 965 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX 77094, USA tel: (+1) 281 578 1750 fax: (+1) 281 578 8649 web: www.careycrutcherInccom email: questions@careycrutcherInccom CCSI/Flomtec Bahia De Magdalena No 106Col Veronica Anzurez, Mexico City, 11300, Mexico tel: (+52) 5 260 49999 fax: (+52) 5 260 6778 CC Technologies 6141 Avery Road, Dublin, OH 43016, USA tel: (+1) 614 761 1214 fax: (+1) 614 761 1633 web: www.cctechnologies.com contact: Kurt Lawson CCT Pipefreezing Ltd 59 Hillingdale, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3NR, UK tel: (+44) 01959 577173 fax: (+44) 01959 572707 web: www.cctpipefreeezing.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Whiting CCT Pipefreezing Ltd Peartree Farm, Featherbed Lane, Addington, Croydon CR0 9AA, UK tel: (+44) 01959 577173 fax: (+44) 01959 572707 web: www.cctpipefreezing.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: David Whiting CDP Networks Pty Ltd PO Box 7093, Wattle Park, Vic 3128, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9545 5865

tel: (+65) 6733 2922 fax: (+65) 6235 3530 web: www.cipremier.com.sg email: cipremier.com.sg

fax: (+61) 3 9545 5618 email: [email protected] contact: David Pollock CDR Group Eccles House, Eccles Lane, Hope, Hope Valley, S33 6RW, UK tel: (+44) 01433 621282 fax: (+44) 01433 621292 web: www.cdrgroup.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Penny Hails CDRiA Pipeline Services Ltd u1. Szpitalna 1, Warsaw, 00-850, Poland tel: (+48) 22 827 99 25 fax: (+48) 22 827 90 43 web: www.cdria.com email: [email protected] contact: Jozef Lubkiewicz CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc 5892 Service Road, Birmingham, AL 35235, USA tel: (+1) 205 655 3469 fax: (+1) 205 655 8658 web: www.cecopsc.com email: [email protected] contact: Rachel Strickland

CIS Catering International Services 40c Avenue de Hamborg, Marseille, 13008, France tel: (+33) 4 91 16 53 00 fax: (+33) 4 91 72 65 08 web: www.cis-catering.com email: [email protected] contact: Alain Aloyan CIWEM 15 John Street, London, London WC 1N 2EB, UK tel: (+44) 020 78313 110 fax: (+44) 020 7831 2830 web: www.cjcchemicals.co.uk email: [email protected] C L Associates Glossop House, Hogwood Ln, Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berks RG40 4QW, UK tel: (+44) 0118 932 8888 fax: (+44) 0118 932 8383

CEES Ltd Unit 12, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1ST, UK tel: (+44) 0130 525 1177 fax: (+44) 0130 525 0552 web: www.ceesltd.co.uk email: [email protected] CEI Construct nv Afdeling Bagger-en GrondweeerkenSpinnerijstraat 14, Zele, 9240, Belgium tel: (+32) 524 51121 fax: (+32) 524 51763 C-FER Technologies 200 Karl Clark Road, Edmonton, AB T6N 1H2, Canada tel: (+1) 780 450 3300 fax: (+1) 780 450 3700 web: www.cfertech.com email: [email protected] contact: Susan Zimmerman CHI Engineering Services, Inc 1634 Greenland Road, Greenland, NH 3840, USA tel: (+1) 800 437 1995 fax: (+1) 603 431 1721 web: www.chiengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: John Tirrell CH Pipeline Services 6 Melton St, Blackwood, SA 5051, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8178 0338 fax: (+61) 8 8178 0340 web: www.chpipes.com CI Actuation 1619 East Richey Road, Houston, TX 77073, USA tel: (+1) 800 575 6687 fax: (+1) 281 209 9155 web: www.ciactuation.com CIECO Exploration & Production (UK) Ltd River Plate House, 7-11 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7DH, UK tel: (+44) 020 7920 0339 fax: (+44) 020 7920 0063 web: www.itochuoil.co.jp email: [email protected] Cl-Premier Pte Ltd 150 Orchard Rd 07-14, Orchard Plaza, 238841, Singapore

CLHB S.A. Jaime Mendoza 1883, Cochabamba, Cochabamba, 02-22342, Bolivia tel: (+591) 4 281098 fax: +591 4 115914 CMPS&F Pty Ltd 67 Albert Avenue, Chatswood, NSW 2067, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9412 9999 fax: (+61) 0 9412 9922

Company listing - alphabetical

email: [email protected] contact: George Daher

CMS Corrosion Services, Inc PMB 169 Box 2500, Trujillo Alto, 977, Puerto Rico tel: (+1) 888 524 4093 fax: (+1) 813 343 2435 web: www.cmscorrosion.com email: [email protected] contact: Carlos M. Santiago CM Utilities Ltd 28 Sturmi Way, Village Farm Industrial Estate, Pyle, CF33 6NU, UK tel: (+44) 01656 746243 fax: (+44) 01656 749508 email: [email protected] contact: Conor McCloskey CNG Transmission Corp 445 W Main St, PO Box 2450, Clarksburg, WV 26302-2450, USA tel: (+1) 304 623 8000 fax: (+1) 304 623 8094 web: www.cng.com/cngt/welcome.html CNR International (UK) Ltd St Magnus House, Guild St, Aberdeen, AB11 6NJ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 303 600 fax: (+44) 01224 303 888 web: www.cnrinternational.com email: [email protected] CPS 1161 W 59th St, Sand Springs, OK 74063, USA tel: (+1) 918 245 8791 fax: (+1) 918 245 8798 CPS Cathodic Protection Services 7700 San Felipe #340, Houston, TX 77063, USA tel: (+1) 713 784 7378 fax: (+1) 713 784 9046 web: CPS: Cathodic Protection Systems

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 CPV Ltd Woodington Mill, East Wellow, Romsey, Hants SO51 6DQ, UK tel: (+44) 01794 322884 fax: (+44) 01794 322885 web: www.cpv.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Dan Wright CRC-Evans Automatic Welding 11601 N. Houston-Rosslyn Rd, PO Box 3227, Houston, TX 77086, USA tel: (+1) 281 999 8920 fax: (+1) 281 999 8724 web: www.crc-evans.com email: [email protected] contact: Chuck Henson CRC-Evans Automatic Welding Ltd Unit 2, Farrington Rd, Rossendale Road Industrial Estate, Burnley, Lancs BB11 5SW, UK tel: (+44) 0128 241 5323 fax: (+44) 0128 241 5326 email: [email protected] CRC-Evans BV Zuiderinslag 4E, 3871 MR Hoevelaken, Netherlands tel: (+31) 33 253 4369 fax: (+31) 33 253 5709 web: www.crc-evans.com email: [email protected] contact: Angelina Vliek CRC-Evans Pipeline International Inc 10700 East Independence, Tulsa, OK 74116, USA tel: (+1) 918 438 2100 fax: (+1) 918 438 6913 web: www.crc-evans.com contact: Gus Meijer CRC-Evans Services Ltd (Canada ) 2005-80 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6P 1P8, Canada tel: (+1) 780 440 2005 web: www.crc-evans.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Borodawka


OH 43204, USA tel: (+1) 614 276 8123 fax: (+1) 614 276 6377 web: www.ctleng.com CT & T Ltd Communications House, Wallingford Road, Uxbridge, Middx UB8 2BB, UK tel: (+44) 01895 259066 fax: (+44) 01895 259150 CUES, Inc 3600 Rio Vista Avenue, Orlando, FL 32805, USA tel: (+1) 800 327 7791 fax: (+1) 407 425 1569 Cabay Consulting Group Ltd 35 Berry Avenue, Red Deer, AB T4R 1K7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 341 4661 fax: (+1) 403 343 8982 email: [email protected] contact: Joe Cabay Cabinmark Ltd 7 Spring Villa Park, Spring Rd, Edgeware, Middx HA8 7EB, UK tel: (+44) 020 8905 6900 fax: (+44) 020 8951 1871 web: www.alsimalarko.com Cairn Energy plc 4th Floor, 50 Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH3 9BY, UK tel: (+44) 0131 475 3000 fax: (+44) 0131 475 3030 web: www.cairn-energy.plc.uk email: [email protected] Cal Dive International 13430 Northwest Freeway Suite 350, Houston, TX 77040-6013, USA tel: (+1) 713 690 1818 fax: (+1) 281 618 0500 Joseph C Caldwell & Associates 2111 Wilson Blvd Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201, USA tel: (+1) 703 875 8775 fax: (+1) 703 351 9292

CRC-Evans Weighting Systems, Inc PO Box 50038, Tulsa, OK 74150, USA tel: (+1) 918 743 0813 fax: (+1) 918 749 6164 web: crc-evans.com contact: Kevin Webster

CalEnergy Gas Ltd 60 Grays Inn Rd, London, WC1X 8LU, UK tel: (+44) 020 7208 1600 fax: (+44) 020 7208 1610 email: [email protected]

CRP Balmoral Inc 1902 Rankin Rd, Houston, TX 774 2600, USA tel: (+1) 281 774 2600 contact: Scott Griffith

Calnev Pipe Line Co 348 W Hospitality Ln, Suite 100, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA tel: (+1) 909 888 7771 fax: (+1) 909 387 9526

CSI Coating Systems Inc 2102-5 Street, Nisku, AB T9E 7X3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 955 2856 fax: (+1) 780 955 7215 web: www.csicoating.com email: [email protected] contact: Wayne Duncan

Caltec Ltd Innovation Centre, Cranfield, Beds MK43 0BT, UK tel: (+44) 01234 756056 fax: (+44) 01234 756057 web: www.caltec.com email: [email protected] contact: John Kerr

CSI General Contracting Ltd 51 St Lucia Street, Valletta, VLT 08, Malta tel: (+356) 21 233303 fax: (+356) 21 225286 email: [email protected] contact: M. Spiteri CSPEL Tubes Ltd Gyespor St 1, PO Box 104, Budapest, 1751, Hungary tel: (+36) 1 258 4031 fax: (+36) 1 276 8534 CTL Engineering, Inc 2860 Fisher Rd, PO Box 44548, Columbus,

Caltech Engineering Services D-104, Twin Arcade, Military Rd, Marol, Andheri East, Mumbai, 400059, India tel: (+91) 22 2850 0454 fax: (+91) 22 2851 0932 web: www.caltechindia.com email: [email protected] contact: R.J.Chaudhari Calverdale Technology Ltd 9 Victoria Spring Business Park, Wakefiled Rd, Frodt Hill, Liversedge, Yorks WF15 6BU, UK tel: (+44) 0192 441 0800

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fax: (+44) 0192 441 0900 web: www.caldertech.com email: [email protected] Calvert Group Ave Louise 113, 3rd Floor, Brussels, 1050, Belgium tel: (+32) 2535 7328 fax: (+32) 2535 7319 web: www.calvertgrp.com email: [email protected] contact: Hugh Grace Calvin Resources 3826 Westerman, Houston, TX 77005, USA tel: (+1) 713 660 7143 fax: (+1) 713 660 7143 web: www.calvinresources.com email: [email protected] contact: Ken Webster Cameron 13013 Northwest Freeway (77040) PO Box 1212, Houston, TX 77251-1212, USA tel: (+1) 713 939 2129 fax: (+1) 713 939 2284 Campbell Scientific Ltd Campbell Park, 80 Hathern Rd, Shepshed, Leics LE12 9GX, UK tel: (+44) 0150 960 1141 fax: (+44) 0150 960 1091 web: www.campbellsci.co.uk email: [email protected] Constructora Camsa CA Calle 28 12A-95 Sector El Manzanillo, Maracaibo, Venezuela tel: (+58) 61 613144 fax: (+58) 61 613008 Canadian Safety Services 9005-64 Ave, Site 11 Box 17 RR3, Innisfail AB Canada tel: (+1) 780 539 7187 fax: (+1) 780 539 7187 Canadian Western Natural Gas Co Ltd 909 - 11th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1L8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 245 7110 fax: (+1) 403 245 7488 Can Communicate Ltd The Barley Mow Centre, 10 Barley Mow Passage, London W4 4PH, UK tel: (+44) 0870 241 6350 fax: (+44) 0870 241 6550 web: www.cancommunicate.com email: [email protected] Cannizaro Productivity Services Ltd 1 Stamford House, 23 West Side Common, London, SW19 4UF, UK tel: (+44) 020 8944 6163 fax: (+353) 1667 8356 email: [email protected] contact: Thomas Dattenberg-Doyle Canusa-CPS 25 Betheridge Road, Toronto, ON M9W 1M7, Canada tel: (+1) 416 743 7111 fax: (+1) 416 743 5927 web: www.canusacps.com email: [email protected] contact: administration Canusa-CPS Bldg C-8, 2408 Timberloch Place, The Woodlands, TX 77380, USA tel: (+1) 281 367 8866 fax: (+1) 281 367 4304 web: www.canusacps.com email: [email protected] contact: administrator

Canusa Divison of Shaw Industries Building C-8, 2408 Timberloch Place, The Woodlands, TX 77380-1038, USA tel: (+1) 281 367 8866 fax: (+1) 281 292 4304 web: www.shrinksleeves.com Canusa Systems Ltd Unit 3, Sterling Park, Gatwick Road, Crawley, Surrey RH10 9QT, UK tel: (+44) 0129 354 1254 fax: (+44) 0129 354 1777 web: www.canusacps.com email: [email protected] Cape Engineering Birmingham Road, Warwick, CV34 4TX, UK tel: (+44) 01926 478410 fax: (+44) 01926 478411 web: www.cape-eng.co.uk email: [email protected] Capitan Trencher Corporation 12490 FM 2244, Austin, TX 78738, USA tel: (+1) 512 263 1124 fax: (+1) 512 263 2992 email: [email protected] contact: Ted Stewart Capita Symonds Sunlight House, Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3JZ, UK tel: (+44) 01618 330711 fax: (+44) 01618 352624 web: www.capitaproperty.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Karl Johnson Capper De Montfort House High St Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 3BP, UK tel: (+44) 01675 467 557 Alexander Cardew Ltd Unit 27, Chelsea Wharf, 15 Lots Rd, London, SW10 0QJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 7235 3785 fax: (+44) 020 7352 4635 web: www.cardew.com email: [email protected] contact: A.R.Johnson Care Offshore SA Societe de Services Maritime, PO Box 5, Bursinel, CH-1195, Switzerland tel: (+41) 21 824 2011 fax: (+41) 21 824 1447 Caribou Industrial Coatings, Inc PO Box 446, Soda Springs, ID 83276, USA tel: (+1) 208 547 2309 fax: (+1) 208 217 3186 email: [email protected] contact: Steven W. Corder Carl Bro Group Spectrum House, 2 Powderhall Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4GB, UK tel: (+44) 0131 550 6300 fax: (+44) 0131 550 6499 web: www.carlbro.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Marketing Assistant Carlbro Group Ltd Grove House, Mansion Gate Drive, Leeds, Yorkshire, UK tel: (+44) 0113 262 0000 fax: (+44) 0113 262 0737 web: www.carbro.co.uk contact: Lawrence Sharp Carreteras Y Urbanismo SA Rio Tiber No 66, Mexico City, 6500, Mexico tel: (+905) 5335890 fax: (+52) 207 6011

Case Construction 700 State St, Racine, Wisconsin 53404, USA tel: (+1) 262 636 6011 web: www.casecorp.com

Centrgas Ltd Co Mendeleyevskii Poselok, Tula, 300904, Russia tel: (+7) 0872 253781 fax: (+7) 0872 251640

Caterpillar SARL 76 Route de Frontenex, PO Box 600, Geneva, 1211, Switzerland tel: (+41) 22 849 4444 fax: (+41) 22 840 4998 web: www.cat.com contact: Paolo Fellin

Centrgaspromstroi Pereulok Staropanskii 9, Moscow, 101000, Russia tel: (+7) 095 923 6011 fax: (+7) 095 928 0528

Cathodic Protection Management, Inc PO Box 95665, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195, USA tel: (+1) 84 7885 7777 fax: (+1) 84 7885 4593 web: www.corrosionspecialists.com email: [email protected] contact: Eric S. Langelund Cathodic Protection Services Co 7700 San Felipe Suite 340, Houston, TX 77063, USA tel: (+1) 713 784 7378 fax: (+1) 713 784 9046 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd F-1/1 Lalmatia, Dhaka, 1205, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2 912 4119 fax: (+880) 2 812 2332 email: [email protected] contact: Administrator Cayriova Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret SA 66 Kadikoi, Istanbul, Turkey tel: (+90) 216 418 1000 fax: (+90) 216 338 2670 web: www.cayirovaboru.com Cavatorta France SA Zone Industrielle, Villeneuve St Germain, Soissons, 2200, France tel: (+33) 323 755 500 fax: (+33) 323 755 501 Ceanic Corporation 900 Town & Country Lane Suite 400, Houston, TX 77024, USA tel: (+1) 713 430 1100 fax: (+1) 713 461 0039 Cedarconsult Ltd 24-28 Crendon Street, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 6LS, UK tel: (+44) 01494 89 89 00 fax: (+44) 01494 89 89 30 web: www.cedarconsult.com email: [email protected] contact: Nami Darghouth Celik Engineering Corp 2741 CA Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608, USA tel: (+1) 916 481 1729 fax: (+1) 916 481 1729 Centerpoint Energy Gas Transmission Co 1111 Lousiana St, PO Box 4567, Houston, TX 77210-4567, USA tel: (+1) 713 207 1111 web: www.centerpointenergy.com Centra Gas Manitoba Inc 444 St Mary Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3T7, Canada tel: (+1) 204 925 0420 fax: (+1) 204 925 0630 Central Illinois Light Co 300 Liberty St, Peoria, IL 61602, USA tel: (+1) 309 672 5271 fax: (+1) 309 677 5016

CerAnode Technologies Intl. Div. of APS Materials, Inc, 4011 Riverside Drive, Dayton, OH 45405, USA tel: (+1) 937 278 6547 fax: (+1) 937 278 4352 web: www.apsmaterials.com email: [email protected] contact: Lisa Smith Challenger Services 4530 S. Jackson Ave, Tulsa, OK 74107, USA tel: (+1) 918 447 0055 fax: (+1) 918 447 0067 web: www.challengerservices.com email: [email protected] contact: Andy Solomon Challenger Sica East 45-2220 West Creek Ln, Houston, TX 77027, USA tel: (+1) 171 362 777 84 fax: (+1) 171 362 777 84 web: www.challengersvcs.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group La Grande Arche 92044, La Defense Cedex, Paris, 75008, France tel: (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 fax: (+33) 1 41 45 77 78 web: www.challenger-sos.com email: [email protected] contact: P. Balestra Challenger Surveys & Services Ltd 300, 10310 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB T5J 2W4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 424 5511 fax: (+1) 403 424 3837 Chandler KBS Chandlers House, Terra Nova Way, Penarth Marina, CF64 1SA, UK tel: (+44) 029 2035 2300 fax: (+44) 029 2035 2400 web: www.chandlerkbs.com email: [email protected] contact: N.B. Taylor Charta Land Services, Inc 522 Spring Street, Columbus, TX 78934, USA tel: (+1) 979 732 9400 fax: (+1) 979 732 9473 web: www.chartaland.com Chase Pipe Line Co PO Box 2256, Wichita, Kansas 67201, USA tel: (+1) 316 321 6380 fax: (+1) 316 321 6381 Check Point Central Asia 5 Luganskogo Str., Almaty, 480051, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 3272 598888 web: www.checkpoint.kz email: [email protected] contact: Gardere

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Cheetham Hill Construction Ltd Woodhill Road, Bury, Lancs BL8 1AR, UK tel: (+44) 0161 761 5109 fax: (+44) 0161 764 1334 Chelsea Technologies Group 55 Central Avenue, West Molesey, KT8 2QZ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8481 9000 fax: (+44) 020 8941 9319 web: www.chelsea.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Ellen Keegan Chemetall Denbigh Road, Bletchley Road, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK1 1PB, UK tel: (+44) 01908 649333 fax: (+44) 01908 361870 web: www.chemetall.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Chris Miller Chemiko Co Ltd 4th Fl, Chung Rok Bldg, 721-29 Yeoksamdong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul, 135-080, Korea tel: (+82) 2 567 5336 fax: (+82) 2 554 1284 web: www.chemiko.com email: [email protected] contact: Ms K. H. Cha Chemipetro Ltd Unit C, Grazebrook Industrial Park, Peartree Lane, Dudley, DY2 OXW, UK tel: (+44) 01384 239441 fax: (+44) 01384 238430 web: www.chemipetro.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Round GAO Chernomorneftegaz ul. Kirova 52, Simferopol, 333000, Ukraine tel: (+380) 652 253221 fax: (+380) 652 511151 Cherrington (Australia) Pty Ltd Suite 14Level 9100 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9922 3044 fax: (+61) 2 9922 3055 email: [email protected] Cherrington Corp PO Box 254788, Sacramento, CA 95820, USA tel: (+1) 916 457 3040 fax: (+1) 916 457 5902 Chesapeake Utilities Corp 861 Silver Lake Blvd, PO Box 615, Dover, DE 19903, USA tel: (+1) 302 734 6754 fax: (+1) 302 734 6750 Chesmont Engineering Co Inc 619 Jeffers, Circle, Exton, PA 19341, USA tel: (+1) 610 594 9200 fax: (+1) 610 594 1909 web: www.chesmontengineering.com Chevron Canada Chevron Plaza, 500 Fifth Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0L7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 234 5000 fax: (+1) 403 234 5947


Chevron Pipeline Co 2811 Hayes Rd, Houston, TX 77082, USA tel: (+1) 281 596 2828 web: www.chevrontexaco.com Chevron Texaco 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583, USA

tel: (+1) 925 842 0050 web: www.chevrontexaco.com email: [email protected] Chevron Texaco 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4H4, UK tel: (+44) 020 7719 3000 web: www.chevrontexaco.com email: [email protected] China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq 3 39th St, Area 360, Khat Alfi Rdos, Baghdad, Iraq tel: (+964) 155 605 22 fax: (+964) 155 672 76 email: [email protected] China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya PO Box 91842, Bab Ben Casher, Tripoli, Libya tel: (+218) 314 833 604 fax: (+218) 314 832 485 email: [email protected] China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan Houde No 180, Block 7, Riyadh, Khartoum, Sudan tel: (+249) 112 372 70 fax: (+249) 112 372 65 email: [email protected] China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE PO Box 34088, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 426 137 53 fax: (+971) 653 373 79 web: www.cppe.com.cn email: [email protected] China Petroleum Pipeline Inspection Technologies Co Ltd No 166, Aimin East Road, Hebei Province, Langfang City, China tel: (+86) 316 207 2120 fax: (+86) 316 207 7274 web: www.cppicn.com email: [email protected] contact: Yang Han Chrysis Construction Services Inc 3040 McAnally Road, Victoria, BC V8N 1T4, Canada tel: (+1) 250 477 2142 fax: (+1) 250 477 2162 web: www.chrysisconstruction.com email: [email protected] contact: Geoffrey Birkbeck Cigweld/Thermadyne 85 Chifley Drive, Preston, Vic 3072, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9487 1234 fax: (+61) 3 9480 6525 Cinar & Cinar Consultancy Group Bestekar Sokak 86/13 Kavaklidere, Ankara, 6680, Turkey tel: (+90) 312 426 9022 fax: (+90) 312 426 9432 web: www.cinarlaw.com email: [email protected] contact: Hakan Cinar Cirtubo SA Pol Ind de Villalonquejar, C/Lopez Bravo 54, Burgos, 9001, Spain tel: (+34) 947 298 284 fax: (+34) 947 298 297 web: www.cirtubo.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Gonzalez

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City of Medicine Hat Gas Utility 364 Kipling St SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 1Y4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 529 8248 fax: (+1) 403 528 2591 email: [email protected] Civilpro Pty Ltd PO Box 2104, Graceville, Qld 4075, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3278 3600 fax: (+61) 7 3278 0772 web: www.civilpro.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Mick Wardale Clancy Consulting Old Hall Chambers, 31 Old Hall St, Liverpool, L3 9SY, UK tel: (+44) 0151 227 5300 fax: (+44) 0151 255 0577 web: www.clancy.co.uk Clancy Docwra Ltd Clare House, Coppermill Lane, Harefield, Middx UB9 6HZ, UK tel: (+44) 01895 823711 fax: (+44) 01895 825713 web: www.theclancygroup.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Clancy Paul Clasper and Associates Ltd Kelso Villa, Upper Bristol Road, Avon, Bath, BA1 3AU, UK tel: (+44) 01225 444561 fax: (+44) 01225 422187 web: www.paulclasper.com email: [email protected] Class Controls Ltd 23 Daimler Drive, Kitchener, N2A 3W1, Canada tel: (+1) 519 895 2772 fax: (+1) 519 895 2558 contact: Rick Clampitt Cla-Val UK Ltd Dainton House, Goods Station Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2DH, UK tel: (+44) 0189 251 4400 fax: (+44) 0189 254 3423 Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc PO Box 100, Route 3 Box 255B, Cleveland, OK 74020, USA tel: (+1) 918 358 3527 fax: (+1) 918 358 0047 web: www.clevelandinspection.com email: [email protected] contact: Randy Byers Cleveland Trencher Co 20100 St Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44117, USA tel: (+1) 216 531 4100 fax: (+1) 216 531 0573 web: www.cleveland-trencher.com Cliffside Utility Contractors Ltd 3660 Midland Avenue, Scarborough, ON M1V 4V3, Canada tel: (+1) 416 293 7004 fax: (+1) 416 293 2790 The Clock Spring Co, L.P. 14107 Interdrive West, Houston, TX 77032, USA tel: (+1) 281 590 8491 fax: (+1) 281 590 9528 web: www.clockspring.com email: [email protected] contact: Matt Pickard Clock Spring Co 4A The Causeway, Godmanchester,

Company listing

Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd 301 Coronation Drive Box 1228, Milton, Qld 4064, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3369 7244 fax: (+61) 7 3369 6190 Clough Engineering Ltd 251 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9281 9281 fax: (+61) 8 9481 6699 web: www.clough.com.au email: [email protected] Cluttons 13 Beaumont St, Oxford, OX1 2LP, UK tel: (+44) 01865 728000 fax: (+44) 01865 794840 web: www.cluttons.com email: [email protected] contact: Katie Leppard Coade Engineering 12777 Jones Rd, Suite 480, Houston, TX 77070, USA tel: (+1) 281 890 4566 fax: (+1) 281 890 3301 web: www.coade.com email: [email protected] Coal and Ore Trading Ltd 8 Kings Court, Harwood Road, W Sussex, Horsham, Warwickshire RH13 5UR, UK tel: (+44) 01403 266499 fax: (+44) 01403 266322 web: www.cotrading.com Coastal Chemical Co, PO Box 81577, 102 Magnate Drive (70508), Lafayette, LA 70598-1577, USA tel: (+1) 337 261 0796 fax: (+1) 337 272 0153 web: www.n-spec.com email: [email protected] contact: Brent Cross Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc 2222 Bay Area Blvd, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77058, USA tel: (+1) 281 282 0622 fax: (+1) 281 282 0792 web: www.coastalflow.com email: [email protected] contact: John Hoffman Coastal Fluid Technologies Inc PO Box 81577, Lafayette, LA 79598-1577, USA tel: (+1) 318 261 0796 fax: (+1) 318 261 0797 web: www.coastalfluid.com Cobra Utility Construction, 10716 Middleboro Drive, Damascus, 20872, USA tel: (+1) 301 482 1295 fax: (+1) 301 482 2205 web: cobrautility.com email: cobrautility@comcaStnet Coe Drilling Pty Ltd 11-13 Gibbs Street, Labrador, Qld 4215, Australia tel: (+61) 7 5573 7692 fax: (+61) 7 5573 7381 web: www.coedrilling.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Eamon Foley

Coest Construtora SA Rua Estados Unidos 805Jardim America, Sao Paulo, 01427-001, Brazil tel: (+55) 11 883 3299 fax: (+55) 11 282 5413 Coffer Corporation 4444 Center Street, Houston, TX 77007, USA tel: (+1) 713 868 4421 fax: (+1) 713 868 4160 web: www.coffercorp.com Coffey Construction Ltd 141 High Street, Southgate, London, N14 6BX, UK tel: (+44) 020 8447 9199 fax: (+44) 020 8447 9170 web: www.coffey-construction.com email: [email protected] contact: S. Coffey Coflexip 88 ter Ave de General Leclerc 92100, Billancourt, Boulogne, France tel: (+33) 1 47 12 80 00 fax: (+33) 1 47 12 80 05

(31126-1885), Atlanta, GA 30326, USA tel: (+1) 404 261 1470 fax: (+1) 404 841 2883 Colonial Pipeline Co Suite 100, 1185 Sanctuary Parkway, PO Box 1624, Alpharetta, GA 30009-9934, USA tel: (+1) 678 762 2200 Colt Engineering Corporation Pipeline Division 400 - 10201 Southport Road SW, Calgary, AB T2W 4X9, Canada tel: (+1) 403 258 8674 fax: (+1) 403 258 5893 email: [email protected] Columbia Gas Transmission Corp 12081 Fair Lakes Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA tel: (+1) 703 227 3200 web: www.columbiagastrans.com Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd Unit 7, Coed Aben Road, Wrexham Indust. Est., Wrexham, LL13 9UH, UK tel: (+44) 01978 661704 fax: (+44) 01978 660321 web: www.cigltd.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Cliff Stockton

Coflexip Het Weegje 17, EZ Rhoon, NL 3161, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 501 4040 fax: (+31) 10 501 6437 email: [email protected] contact: K. van Hussen Coflexip & Services Inc 7660 Woodway, Suite 390, Houston, TX 77063, USA tel: (+1) 713 789 8540 fax: (+1) 713 789 7367 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group 23 avenue de Neuilly, Paris, 75116, France tel: (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 fax: (+33) 1 40 67 60 01 web: www.coflexip.fr Cognica Ltd Frankland Road, Blagrove, Swindon, Wilts SN5 8YE, UK tel: (+44) 0179 386 4600 fax: (+44) 0179 386 4650 web: www.cognica.com email: [email protected] Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd Old Wolverton Road, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5QB, UK tel: (+44) 01908 312 744 Cole-Parmer Instrument Co Ltd Unit 3, River Brent Business Park, Trumpers Way, Hanwell, London W7 2QA, UK tel: (+44) 020 85747556 fax: (+44) 020 85747543 web: www.coleparmer.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Wales Collins Pipeline Co PO Box 1027, Collins, Mississippi 39428, USA tel: (+1) 601 765 6593 fax: (+1) 601 765 8648 Colombia Energy Group 13880 Dulles Corner Ln, Herndon, VA 20171, USA tel: (+1) 703 561 6000 fax: (+1) 703 561 7325 web: www.columbianenergy-group.com Colonial Pipeline Co 945 E Paces Ferry Rd, PO Box 18855

Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd 10655 Jefferson Chemical Road, PO Box 3296, Conroe, TX 77301, USA tel: (+1) 936 539 3294 fax: (+1) 936 539 3073 web: www.commercialcoating.com contact: Tom Ball

Company listing - alphabetical

Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 2HA, UK tel: (+44) 01480 414 703 fax: (+44) 01480 414 705 web: www.clockspring.com email: [email protected] contact: Ewen Patrick

Commercial Microbiology Inc Kettock Lodge, Aberdeen Science Park Aberdeen, AB22 8GU, UK tel: (+44) 01224 706062 fax: (+44) 01224 706012 web: www.commercialmicrobiology.com Commonwealth Development Group Inc US Office, 24530 Pineview St, Suite 100, Oak Park, Oakland, CA 48237, USA tel: (+1) 248 336 9270 fax: (+1) 248 336 9271 web: www.21st-centurydevelopment.com Compagnie Francaise Du Methane 15 Rue de Lubeck, Paris, 75116, France tel: (+33) 1 44 34 6262 fax: (+33) 1 47 55 9035 Companhia Do Pipeline MocambiqueZimbabwe Ltda PO Box 3095, Paulington, Mutare, Zimbabwe tel: (+263) 20 62917 fax: (+268) 20 64340 Companhia Nacional de Dutos Conduto 4099 Rodovia Washington Luiz, Duque de Caxias, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 771 7120 fax: (+55) 21 772 0004 Compass Bending Ltd 7320 30 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2C 1W2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 279 6615 fax: (+1) 403 236 4249 web: www.compassbending.com email: [email protected] contact: Colin Maskey Compliance Engineering Technologies Ste 810 Gulf Canada Square 401 9th entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America T

HE Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) is the trade organization that advocates public policy positions of importance to the natural gas pipeline industry in North America. INGAA represents virtually all interstate natural gas transmission pipeline companies operating in the United States, as well as comparable companies in Canada and Mexico. Its members transport over 95% of the natural gas consumed in the US through a network of 212,000 miles (339,200km) of pipelines. The interstate natural gas pipeline industry in the US has two principle federal regulators: the economic regulator is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), while the safety regulator is the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration within the US Department of Transportation. In its regulatory and legislative advocacy efforts, INGAA addresses a wide range of issues affecting interstate pipelines such as the rules for building new pipelines, ratemaking and the terms under which pipelines must offer service, integrity management, and other safety rules and environmental rules. The INGAA Foundation was established in 1990 to “facilitate the construction and operation of interstate and inter-provincial natural gas pipelines so as to advance the use of natural gas for the benefit of the consuming public and the natural gas industry”. Foundation membership is open to pipelines as well as suppliers of goods and services to the pipeline industry. The primary activity of the Foundation is the sponsored research aimed at promoting natural gas use and safe, efficient pipeline construction and operation. Recent studies and workshops have addressed the availability of large-diameter steel pipe for construction through 2010, and construction issues presented by the shortage of skilled workers within the industry.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

INGAA member companies Alliance Pipeline Ltd CenterPoint Energy Inc. Interstate Pipelines Cheniere Energy, Inc. Dominion Energy, Inc. DTE Gas, Storage, Pipelines, & Processing Duke Energy Gas Transmission El Paso Corporation Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. Equitable Resources, Inc.

Great Lakes Gas Transmission Co Gulf South Pipeline Co, LP Iroquois Pipeline Operating Co KeySpan Corporation Kinder Morgan MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation NiSource Inc. Northern Border Pipeline Co ONEOK Partners, LP

Pacific Gas and Electric Co Panhandle Energy Pemex Gas y Petroquimica Basica Questar Corporation Sempra Pipelines and Storage Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc. Suez LNG NA LL Texas Gas Transmission, LLC TransCanada Corporation WBI Holdings, Inc. Williams

INGAA Officers Chairman: Byron R. Kelley, President and COO, Pipeline Group, CenterPoint Energy Inc. - Interstate Pipelines 41 st

1 Chairman: Phillip D. Wright, President, Gas Pipelines, Williams 2nd Chairman: Scott Parker, President, Gas Pipeline Group, Kinder Morgan Presdident: Donald F. Santa, Jr, INGAA, tel: +1 202 216 5901, email: [email protected]

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3C5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 262 6457 fax: (+1) 403 264 2704 Compression Coat Inc 3513 North Frazier, Conroe, TX 773031430, USA tel: (+1) 281 353 8597 fax: (+1) 409 756 8599 email: [email protected] Compressor Engineering Corp 5440 Alder, Houston, TX 77081-1798, USA tel: (+1) 800 879 2326 fax: (+1) 713 664 6444 web: www.ceconet.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard K.Hotze Compri Technic Pty Ltd 71 Beechboro Road PO Box 179 Bayswater, Perth, WA 6053, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9271 4626 fax: (+61) 8 9271 2816 web: www.compri.com.au email: [email protected] Computerised Information Technology Ltd (CIT) 20 Potters Lane, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK11 3HF, UK tel: (+44) 01908 260082 fax: (+44) 01908 260084 web: www.cituk-online.com email: [email protected] contact: S C Sood Com Survey SA 36 Bd des Oceans, Marseille, 13275, France tel: (+33) 91 23 51 99 fax: (+33) 91 40 46 46 Comtek Pakistan PO Box 2844, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan tel: (+92) 51 227 5634 fax: (+92) 51 227 1525 email: [email protected] contact: Abud Husain Concainspec PO Box 1707 9212, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 286 1433 fax: (+593) 286 6059 email: [email protected] Con Construction 213/b Plaza Centre, Oslo Circle, Gandhidham, 370201, India tel: (+91) 2836 239249 fax: (+91) 2836 232475 web: www.concorporation.com email: [email protected] contact: manoj thakkar Concord Associates Inc 9737 Cogdill Road, Knoxville, TN 37932, USA tel: (+1) 865 675 0930 fax: (+1) 865 675 0432 email: [email protected]


Condmag SA 52 Avram Iancu St, Brasov, 500075, Romania tel: (+40) 268 414954 fax: (+40) 268 471706 web: www.condmag.ro email: [email protected] contact: Eugen Craciun Conduites & Enterprises SA Parc Industriel de Keumiee, Sombreffe, 6330, Belgium tel: (+32) 71 81 5044 fax: (+32) 71 81 4003

Conduto Rodovia Washington Luiz, 4099 Jardim Gramacho, Duque de Caxias-RJ, 25065007, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 3658 9000 fax: (+55) 21 3658 9001 web: www.conduto.com.br email: [email protected] contact: José Marse Nascentes Conduto Ecuador 91 Daniel Comboni Lote, Santa Lucia, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 247 7302 fax: (+593) 247 7706 web: www.conduto.com email: [email protected] Conduto/Preussen AG 23 Heinrich Hertz St, PO Box 1320, Hemmingen, D-30955, Germany tel: (+49) 511 4206 202 fax: (+49) 511 4206 330 Condux SA de CV (Grupo Protexa) Carrt Monterrey - Saltillo km 339 Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon, Mexico tel: (+52) 8 336 25 16 fax: (+52) 8 336 26 87 Condux SA Apartado Postal 1141, Monterrey NL, Mexico tel: (+52) 48 70 70 Confined Spaces Training Services Ltd Warrington Business Park, Long Ln, Warrington, Cheshire WA2 8TX, UK tel: (+44) 0192 524 4144 fax: (+44) 0192 524 4544 web: www.csts.co.uk Conline Coatings BV Adriaan van Heelstraat 19PO Box 96, Maassluis, 3140, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 593 1400 fax: (+31) 10 592 1248 web: email: [email protected] Connell Wagner 60 Albert Road, Melbourne, Vic 3205, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9697 8333 fax: (+61) 3 9697 8444 ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd Level 3, 53 Ord Street, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9423 6666 fax: (+61) 8 9423 6677 web: www.conocophillips.com ConocoPhillips Ltd 2 Kingmaker Crt, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 6DB, UK tel: (+44) 0192 640 400 fax: (+44) 0192 640 4099 web: www.conocophillips.com ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd Rubislaw House, Anderson Drive, Aberdeen, AB15 6FZ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 205000 fax: (+44) 01224 205222 web: www.conocophillips.com ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd Teeside Operations, Seal Sands, Middlesborough, TS2 1UH, UK tel: (+44) 01642 546411 fax: (+44) 01642 546096 web: www.conocophillips.co.uk email: [email protected] Conoco Pipe Line Co 600 N Dairy Ashford CH 2071, PO Box

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2197, Houston, TX 77252, USA tel: (+1) 281 293 1000 fax: (+1) 281 293 3024 Consolidated Contractors Co Polis Centre, 62B Kifissias Avenue, PO Box 61092, Amaroussion, Athens, 15110, Greece tel: (+30) 210 618 20 00 fax: (+30) 210 619 92 24 web: www.ccc.gr email: [email protected] contact: Hasib Sabbagh Consolidated Contractors Co Sulmaniya Area, Next to Old Airport Fence, Riyadh, 11411, Saudi Arabia tel: (+996) 1 465 0311 fax: (+961) 1 464 4963 Consolidated Contractors Co (Kuwait) East Ahmadi Block 33, Box 509, Safat, 13006, Kuwait tel: (+965) 3980355 fax: (+965) 3985320 Consolidated Contractors Co Oman Ruwi StreetRajab Building, Box 614, Muscat, 113, Oman tel: (+968) 700800 fax: (+968) 708412 Construcciones Maritimas Mexicanas SA de CV Apartado Postal 1141, Monterrey NL, Mexico tel: (+52) 48 70 70 Construcciones y Equipos Latinoamericanos SA 15 de Mayo 204 Ote, Monterrey NL, Mexico tel: (+52) 44 77 55 Construction Workforce Inc PO Box 779, Astoria, OR 97103-0779, USA tel: (+1) 503 458 6626 fax: (+1) 503 458 6625 web: www.construction-workforce.com email: [email protected] Construction Education Foundation of the Carolinas 3705 Latrobe Drive, Unit 340, Charlotte, NC 28211, USA tel: (+1) 704 365 4018 fax: (+1) 704 364 4040 Constructora CAMSA SA Calle 28, No12A-95, Sector El Manzanillo, Maracaibo, Venezuela tel: (+58) 616 2555 fax: (+58) 616 5690 Consumers Gas Co Ltd Atria III, Suite 1100, 2225 Sheppard Ave E, North York, ON M2J 5C2, Canada tel: (+1) 416 492 6611 fax: (+1) 416 498 2926 Contech 11876 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191, USA tel: (+1) 703 758 7123 fax: (+1) 703 758 5836 web: www.constructionlawclaims.com email: [email protected] Continental Dredging, Inc 17350 Market St, Channelview, TX 77530, USA tel: (+1) 281 452 4594 fax: (+1) 281 452 4596 web: [email protected] Continentale Italiana SPA Viale Restelli No 1/A, Milan, 20124, Italy tel: (+39) 02 6986 1

fax: (+39) 02 6886335 The Contracting and Trading Co PO Box 11-1036, Beirut, Lebanon tel: (+961) 1 44 99 10 fax: (+961) 1 44 69 31 Contracting and Trading Co Saudi Arabia PO Box 338, Al Khobar, 31952, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 386 414 55 fax: (+966) 389 504 27 email: [email protected] Contracting and Trading Co UAE Abu Dhabi National Foodstuff Building, Al Salam Street, PO Box 250, Abu Dhabi, 250, UAE tel: (+971) 267 216 26 fax: (+971) 267 273 29 web: www.catgroup.net email: [email protected] contact: Babu Contracts Consultancy 162-164 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 2SL, UK tel: (+44) 020 8333 4141 fax: (+44) 020 8333 4151 web: www.ccl.uk.com email: [email protected] Control Devices, Inc 711 Hanley Industrial Court, St Louis, MO 63144, USA tel: (314) 781-6022 fax: (314) 781-7859 web: www.cdivalve.com email: [email protected] Control Systems International 8040 Neiman Road, Lenexa, KS 66214, USA tel: (+1) 913 599 5010 fax: (+1) 913 599 5013 web: www.csiks.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Olinger Convenient Software Solutions cc Office 12, South Gate Mall, 400 Kingsway, KwaZulu Natal, Amanzimtoti, 4126, South Africa tel: (+27) 31 903 5077 fax: (+27) 31 903 5177 web: www.cs-solutions.co.za R L Coolsaet Construction Co PO Box 279, Taylor, MI 48180, USA tel: (+1) 313 946 9300 fax: (+1) 313 946 9303 Cooper Cameron Valves Houstoun Road, West Lothian, Scotland, Livingston, EH54 5BZ, UK tel: (+44) 01506 832002 fax: (+44) 01506 432 948 web: www.ccvalve.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Martin Cooper Industries Cooper Oil Tool Division PO Box 1212, Houston, TX 77251-1212, USA tel: (+1) 713 939 2211 fax: (+1) 713 939 2115 Copon Pipelinings (E Wood Ltd) Standard Way, Northallerton, Yorks DL6 2XA, UK tel: (+44) 01609 780170 fax: (+44) 01609 777905 web: www.pipelinings.com email: [email protected] contact: Craig Thomas

Core Utility Solutions Chadwick House, Warrington Road, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6AE, UK tel: (+44) 01925 512631 fax: (+44) 01925 512618 web: www.coreutilitysolutions.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Hayden

tel: (+39) 6 559 9746 fax: (+39) 6 559 9240

Corinth Pipeworks SA 57 Ethnikis Antistseos Street, Halandri, Halandri, 152 31, Greece tel: (+30) 210 678 7111 fax: (+30) 210 678 7510 web: www.cpw.gr email: [email protected] contact: Nikolaos Papapanos

Corrocon, Inc 11625 Reed Court, Broomfield, CO 800202802, USA tel: (+1) 303 439 9600 fax: (+1) 303 439 0682 web: www.tracerresearch.com

Cormon Ltd Unit 3, Robell Building, Chartwell Road, Lancing, BN15 8TU, UK tel: (+44) 01903 854800 fax: (+44) 01903 854854 web: www.cormon.com email: [email protected] contact: Mervyn Peatfield Corrosion Control Services Ltd 6 Holliswood Court, Stafford Park 1, Telford, Shropshire TF3 3DE, UK tel: (+44) 01952 230900 fax: (+44) 01952 230906 web: www.freyssinet.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Jim Preston Correng Consulting Service Inc 369 Rimrock Road, Toronto, ON M3J 3G2, Canada tel: (+1) 416 630 2600 fax: (+1) 416 630 9570 web: www.corrosionservice.com email: [email protected] contact: Rob Wakelin Corrintec Marine House, Hipper Street South, Chesterfield, Derbys S40 1SS, UK tel: (+44) 01246 246700 fax: (+44) 01246 246701 web: www.corrintec.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Paul McDonald

Corrocoat Ltd Forster Street, Leeds, LS10 1PW, UK tel: (+44) 0113 276 0760 fax: (+44) 0113 276 0700 web: www.corrocoat.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Burnett

CorroDefense 411A Highland Ave, Suite 337, Somerville, MA 2144, USA tel: (+1) 888 478 4515 web: www.corrodefense.com email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Becker Corrolec PO Box 1822, Witkoppen, Randburg, 2068, South Africa tel: +27 11 465 1807 fax: +27 11 467 0458 web: www.corrolec.co.za Corroless-USA Inc 6 Roxbury Lane, Bridgeport, CT 6606, USA tel: (+1) 203 374 4131 fax: (+1) 800 977 7820 web: www.corroless-usa.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Corro Shield Malaysia, 27 & 29 Jalan Seksyen 1/23, Selangor, 43000, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 873 38191 fax: (+60) 3 873 38185 web: www.corro-shield.com.my/ corroshield.htm Corrosion Control Products Co 1480 W. Artesia Blvd, Gardena, CA 90248, USA tel: (+1) 310 532 9314 fax: (+1) 310 532 1472 web: www.ccpco.com email: [email protected] contact: Sue Peterson

Corrmet Engineering Services 12315 Chimney Rock, Houston, TX 77035, USA tel: (+1) 713 721 3274 fax: (+1) 713 721 8021 web: www.corrosiontesting.com CorrOcean AS Teglgarden, Trondheim, 7005, Norway tel: (+47) 73 963060 fax: (+47) 73 963066 web: [email protected] CorrOcean, Inc 3300 Walnut Bend Lane, Houston, TX 77042, USA tel: (+1) 713 334 2222 fax: (+1) 713 266 0172 web: www.corrocean.com CorrOcean Ltd Unit 5Burbank Business UnitsAltens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LF, UK tel: (+44) 01224 662180 fax: (+44) 01224 662070 web: netvik.no/naeringsparken/corrocean email: [email protected] CorrOcean Srl Via Silvestro Gherardi 111, Rome, 146, Italy

Corrosion Mitigation, 7023 76th Dr NE, Marysville, WA 98270, USA tel: (+1) 360 653 5653 fax: (+1) 360 658 3896 web: www.mooranode.com email: [email protected] contact: Stuart Jon Ell CorrosionWatch Inc PO Box 26002 Bow Valley Square, 205 - 5 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 4L2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 517 2200 fax: (+1) 403 265 6338 web: www.corrosionwatch.com email: [email protected] Corrpro Companies, Inc 1090 Enterprise Dr., Medina, OH 44256, USA tel: (+1) 330 723 5082 fax: (+1) 330 723 0694 web: www.corrpro.com email: [email protected] contact: Natalie Nemec Corsicana Equipment Sales PO Box 2181, 3010 S. Business 45, Corsicana, TX 75151, USA entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+1) 903 875 1130 fax: (+1) 903 874 8529 web: www.watkinsconstruction.com/ equipsale.htm

tel: (+1) 337 538 2411 fax: (+1) 337 538 2431 web: www.crainbrothers.com email: [email protected]

Corus Interantional Projects 20 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 7975 8393 fax: (+44) 020 7975 8406 web: www.corusinternational.com

Crane Ltd (trading as Wask Ltd) Woodhouse Road, Keighley, BD21 5NA, UK tel: (+44) 01535 605681 fax: (+44) 01535 609759 web: www.wask-uk.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Martin

Crydom Magnetics Ltd 7 Cobham Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH21 7PE, UK tel: (+44) 0120 289 7969 fax: (+44) 0120 289 1918 web: www.crydom.com email: [email protected]

John Crane, Inc 2407 Albright Dr, Houston, TX 77017, USA tel: (+1) 713 944 6690 web: www.abbotgroup.com contact: Steve Jadney

Cuestar Industry (S) Pte Ltd Jurong Town, PO Box 599, 916120, Singapore tel: (+65) 861 0871 fax: (+65) 861 4872

Cranfield University Welding Engineering Research Centre, Building 46, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Beds MK43 0AL, UK tel: (+44) 01234 754719 fax: (+44) 01234 754717 web: www.cranfield.ac.uk/sims/welding email: [email protected] contact: David Yapp

Cuming Corporation Cuming Corp, 4401 Curtis Lane, New Iberia, LA 70560, USA tel: (+1) 337 367 8383 fax: (+1) 337 367 8349 web: www.cumingcorp.com

Corus Tubes - Energy Business PO Box 101, Weldon Road, Corby, NN17 5UA, UK tel: (+44) 01536 402121 fax: (+44) 01536 404004 web: www.corusgroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard Broughton Corvet Construction 107, 37565 Hwy 2, Red Deer, AB T4E 1B4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 340 3535 fax: (+1) 403 309 4232 contact: Crystal Ridout Cosmodyne Intl Corp Box 2322, 39 Diljusha, Dhaka, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2 232111 fax: (+880) 2 863174 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd Tennoz Parkside Building, 5-8 HigashiShinagawa, 2-chome Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140, Japan tel: (+81) 354 620 172 fax: (+81) 354 622 118 web: www.cosmoeng.co.jp email: [email protected] contact: Junichi Yodotani Costain Ltd London Water Control Centre, Coal Wharf 2, Lower Sunbury Road, Hampton, TW12 2ES, UK tel: (+44) 020 7713 3745 fax: (+44) 020 7713 3641 web: www.costain.com email: [email protected] contact: R.M. Huddart Cottam Brush Wilson Street North, Sheepfolds Industrial Estate, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR5 1BB, UK tel: (+44) 01915 671091 fax: (+44) 01915 108187 web: www.specialistbrush.com email: [email protected] contact: Ben Cottam Cotton Houston Inc Sonati/Houston, Ltd (J/V), Suite 901, Block B, Phileo Damansara I, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 460 7490 fax: (+60) 3 460 7491 Counties Corp 2290 Plymouth Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, USA tel: (+1) 610 828 6200 fax: (+1) 610 828 2660


Covalence Corrosion Protection Group 25 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA 2038, USA tel: (+1) 508 918 1660 fax: (+1) 508 346 3907 web: www.covalencecpg.com email: [email protected] contact: Cheryl Georg Crain Brothers Inc Grand Chenier PO Box 118, Grand Chenier, LA 70643, USA

CRC for Materials Welding and Joining Illawarra Technology Centre, University of Wollongong, Locked Bag 8812, South Coast Mail Centre, Wollongong, 2521, Australia tel: (+61) 2 4226 8889 fax: (+61) 2 4226 9841 Crescent Steel and Allied Products Ltd 9th Floor, Sidco Avenue Centre, 264 R. A. Lines, Karachi, 74200, Pakistan tel: (+92) 21 5674881 fax: (+92) 21 568 0476 web: www.crescent.com.pk email: [email protected] contact: Saima Sharif CriticalControl Solutions Inc 1100, 840 - 7th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3G2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 705 7500 web: www.criticalcontrol.com email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Hempel The Crossing Co 1807-8th St, Nisku, AB T9E7S8, Canada tel: (+1) 780 955 5051 fax: (+1) 780 955 5056 web: www.thecrossingcompany.com Crossland Acquisition, Inc 9800 NW Freeway, Suite 516, Houston, TX 77092, USA tel: (+1) 713 290 0390 fax: (+1) 713 290 0392 web: www.crosslandacquisition.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Edge Crostek Corp. Unit 435, 4, 6320 - 50 Ave., Red Deer, AB T4N 4C6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 347 0346 fax: (+1) 403 342 0226 web: www.crostek.com email: [email protected] contact: Neil Montgomery Crowder and Co Ltd Ground Fl, Birkenhead House, 17-21 Price St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 6JN, UK tel: (+44) 0151 647 7772 fax: (+44) 0151 647 7720 web: www.crowderconsult.co.uk email: [email protected]

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Crown Central Petroleum Corp 4747 Bellaire Blvd, Suite 500, Bellaire, TX 77401, USA tel: (+1) 713 664 4133 fax: (+1) 713 660 4550

Cundall Johnston and Partners Horsley House, Regents Ctr, Gosforth, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear NE3 3LU, UK tel: (+44) 0191 213 1515 fax: (+44) 0191 213 1701 web: www.ncl.cjp.co.uk email: [email protected] Currie & Brown St Brandon’s House, 29 Gt George Street, Bristol, BS1 5QT, UK tel: (+44) 0117 929 2525 fax: (+44) 0117 929 4545 web: www.curriebrown.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Read Curtis Engineering Associates Ltd 908 - D 53rd Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6N9, Canada tel: (+1) 403 295 0947 fax: (+1) 403 274 7359 Cygnus Instruments Ltd PO Box 6417, Annaplois, MD 21401, USA tel: (+1) 410 267 9771 fax: (+1) 410 268 2013 web: www.cygnus-instruments.com email: [email protected] Cyntech Corporation 6767 - 84 Street S.E., Calgary, AB T2C 4T6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 228 1767 fax: (+1) 403 245 6632 web: www.cyntechcorp.com

D DAB Pumps UK Ltd Stotford Industrial Park, Dunmow Road, Bishops Stortford, CM23 5GZ, UK tel: (+44) 0127 965 2776 fax: (+44) 0127 965 5147 web: www.dabpumps.com email: [email protected] DARU VD Handelges mbH Ul-Raspletina d 4k1, Moscow, 123060, Russia tel: (+7) 095 943 1068 fax: (+7) 095 943 4121 DATRACO Bramdrup Bygade 56 Bramdrup, Haderslev, 6100, Denmark tel: (+45) 1453 4630

Company listing fax: (+1) 281 315 8836 web: www.dhvi.com

DB & Co Simon Stevinstraat 91, Kortrijk, 8500, Belgium tel: (+32) 5635 7406 fax: (+32) 5644 3105 web: www.db-co.net email: [email protected] contact: Kurt De Bleecker

DMB International PO Box 122, Patong Post Office, Phuket, Kathu, 83150, Thailand tel: (+66) 9 2881732 fax: (+66) 76 296203 web: www.dmbinternational.com contact: David Blakey

DBC Pipeline Construction Inc 2300 S Leona Mitchell Box 3767, Enid, OK 73701, USA tel: (+1) 580 237 6941 fax: (+1) 580 242 8216 DBI Group Meadowlands, Bibury, Cirencester, Glos GL7 5LZ, UK tel: (+44) 0870 740682 fax: (+44) 01285 740683 web: www.dbigroup.co.uk email: [email protected] DCD Design & Manufacturing Ltd 180 - 6620 McMillan Way, Richmond, BC V6W 1J7, Canada tel: (+1) 888 794 8357 fax: (+1) 604 232 4446 web: www.dcddesign.com email: [email protected] contact: Alyson Clifton DCT Civil Engineering Prospect House, George Street, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8DX, UK tel: (+44) 01706 842929 fax: (+44) 01706 882158 web: www.dct-civils.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: John Hensman DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd 2 Bellwood, Westhoughton, Bolton, BL5 2RT, UK tel: (+44) 01942 814442 fax: (+44) 01942 819441 web: www.dcvg.com email: [email protected] contact: Dr John M Leeds DDS Technology Unit U5, Riverside Industrial Estate, Bridge Rd, Littlehampton, W Sussex BN17 5DF, UK tel: (+44) 0190 371 3632 fax: (+44) 0190 371 3635 web: www.ddstechnology.co.uk email: [email protected] DE.F.I.M. S.P.A. Via Provinciale 7, Civate, 23862, Italy tel: (+390) 341 210 150 fax: (+390) 341 210 180 web: www.defim.com email: [email protected] contact: Irene Brusadelli DEME Group c/o Tideway BV Topaasstraat 64 (PO Box 7074), Breda, 4800 GB, Netherlands tel: (+31) 76 520 4140 fax: (+31) 76 520 4150 DFTG-Deutsche Flussigerdgas Moltkestrasse 76, Box Postfach 100913, Essen, 45138, Germany tel: (+32) 2 282 72 11 fax: (+32) 2 282 02 39 DHV International Inc 4606 FM 1960 West, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77069, USA tel: (+1) 281 315 8866

DMC1 GmbH Werksgelaende BSL, 06258 Schkopau, Schkopau, 6258, Germany tel: (+49) 3461 49 2182 fax: (+49) 3461 49 2143 web: www.dmc-one.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Rose

tel: (+44) 01737 824021 fax: (+44) 01737 824049 email: [email protected] contact: Peter Neen Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co Ltd 140 Da-Dong, Chung-Gu, Seoul, 100-180, Korea tel: (+82) 272 618 41 fax: (+82) 275 758 79 web: www.daewooshipbuilding.com email: [email protected] Dafrol Associates, Inc PO Box 19, Hopedale, MA 1747, USA tel: (+1) 508 478 4911 fax: (+1) 508 478 4991 web: www.dafrol.com

DNO Britain Ltd Salvensen Tower, Blaikies Quay, Aberdeen AB11 5PW, UK tel: (+44) 01224 573181 fax: (+44) 01224 582946 email: [email protected]

Dairyland Electrical Industries PO Box 187, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589, USA tel: (+1) 608 877 9900 fax: (+1) 608 877 9920 web: www.dairyland.com

DOJ Pipewelding Services 6 Peartree Close, Little Billing, Northampton, Northants NN3 9TH, UK tel: (+44) 01604 404010 fax: (+44) 01604 408636 web: www.pipewelding.co.uk email: [email protected]

Dalcour Maclaren Ltd 3 Bignell Park Barns, Chesterton, Bicester, OX26 1TD, UK tel: (+44) 01869 355740 fax: (+44) 01869 369580 web: www.dalcourmaclaren.com email: [email protected] contact: J. Neil

DONG Germany GmbH Martin Luther St, Dorsten, F-46284, Germany tel: (+49) 23 626 05345 fax: (+49) 23 626 06872 DONG Norge AS Bjergstedveien 1, PO Box 450 Sentrum, Stavanger, 4002, Norway tel: (+47) 51 506 250 fax: (+47) 51 506 251 DPK Public Relations 1209 Kings Brook Dr., Southlake, TX 76092, USA tel: (+1) 214 432 7556 fax: (+1) 214 432 7555 web: www.keeneypr.com email: [email protected] contact: Dan Keeney

Dalmine S.p.A. - Tenaris Group Via Levate, P.zza Caduti 6 Luglio 1944, 1, Bergamo, Sabbio Bergamasco Dalmine, 24044, Italy tel: (+39) 035 560 4064 fax: (+39) 035 560 4002 web: www.tenaris.com email: [email protected] contact: Roberto Petrera

Company listing - alphabetical

fax: (+45) 7453 2105 email: [email protected]

Dalmine UK PO Box 842 Herald House Lamb’s Passage, London, EC1Y 8XA, UK tel: (+44) 020 7256 5920

DPM Colombia Carrera 30 19 48, Bucaramanga, Colombia tel: (+57) 7645 1051 email: [email protected] contact: martinmantilla DRA Industries Pty Ltd - Pipelining Division 31 Cutler Road, Jandakot, WA 6164, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9417 2300 fax: (+61) 8 9417 3001 email: [email protected] DSND Subsea Ltd Peregrine Road, Westhill Business Park, Westhill, Aberdeen, AB32 6JL, UK tel: (+44) 01224 344 300 fax: (+44) 01224 344 600 web: www.dsnd.co.uk email: [email protected] DSV Pipetronix Ltd 25 Hill Street, London, W1J 5LW, UK tel: (+44) 020 7499 9988 fax: (+44) 020 7629 6758 web: www.dsvpipetronix.com DVS Pipelines Ltd Robert Denholm House, Bletchingly Road, Nutfield, RH1 4HW, UK

PN Daly Ltd Butterworth Hall Works, Charles Ln, Milnrow, Rochdale OL16 3PA, UK tel: (+44) 0170 665 9701 fax: (+44) 0170 686 0756 Dames & Moore 911 Wilshire Blvd Ste 700, Los Angeles, CA 90017, USA tel: (+1) 213 683 1560 fax: (+1) 213 628 0015 Dana Automated Systems Co 585 9th Ave, Hormozan St, Ghods Township, Tehran, Iran tel: (+98) 218 092 023 fax: (+98) 218 088 720 web: www.novindana.com email: [email protected] Danheux & Maroye SA 32 Rue Des Freres Taymans, Tubize, B1480, Belgium tel: (+32) 235 577 00 fax: (+32) 235 551 09 web: www.danheux-maroye email: [email protected] Daniel Contractors Ltd Lyncastle Way, Appleton Thorn, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4ST, UK tel: (+44) 01925 860666 fax: (+44) 01925 860504 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 web: www.daniel-uk.com email: [email protected] contact: Matthew O’Sullivan Daniel Industries 24 Stickney Terrace, Hampton, NH 3842, USA tel: (+1) 603 926 1414 fax: (+1) 603 926 2289 web: www.processinstrumentation.com email: [email protected] Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc 9720 Old Katy Road, Houston, TX 77224, USA tel: (+1) 713 467 6000 web: www.daniel.com contact: Mike Hopfe Danish Hydraulic Institute Agern Alle 5, Hoersholm, DK-2970, Denmark tel: (+45) 45 76 95 55 fax: (+45) 45 76 25 67 Dansk Dong Naturgas AS 24-26 Agern Alle, Horsholm, DK-2970, Denmark tel: (+45) 45 17 10 22 fax: (+45) 45 17 10 44 web: www.dong.dk email: [email protected] Dansk Elektro-Svejsning J. Maersk-Moller A/S, Havnegade 161, PO Box 123, Odense, 5100, Denmark tel: (+45) 6 59 03 701 fax: (+45) 6 59 03 101 email: [email protected] contact: Sven Maersk-Moller Dansk Olie og Naturgas AS Agern Alle 24-26, Horsholm, DK 2970, Denmark tel: (+45) 451 710 22 fax: (+45) 451 710 44 Darby Equipment Co 1915 S 49th West Ave, Tulsa, OK 74107, USA tel: (+1) 918 582 2340 fax: (+1) 918 582 5192 web: www.darbyequip.com email: [email protected] contact: Bobby Darby Darcy Products Ltd Invicta Works, Mill St, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BP, UK tel: (+44) 0173 284 3131 fax: (+44) 0173 252 5500 web: www.darcy.co.uk email: [email protected] Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd 10 Mica Street, Carole Park, Brisbane, 4300, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3271 3011 fax: (+61) 7 3271 3091 web: www.dartbridge.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Wayne Harrison


Darwin Offshore Logistics Base Pty Ltd Lot 4233 Pruen Road, Berrimah, NT 0828, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8922 1149 fax: (+61) 8 8922 1169 email: [email protected] contact: Thomas Tan Data Exchange International Ballyfarnon, Co Roscommon, Boyle, Ireland tel: (+353) 87 202 0084

Montreal, Quebec H4P 1H7, Canada tel: (+1) 514 737 0020 fax: (+1) 514 737 7883 web: www.dataradio.com email: [email protected]

Delta GmbH 11 zum Panrepel, Bremen, 28307, Germany tel: (+49) 42 143 8350 fax: (+49) 42 143 83519

Davis Corporation Highway 76, South Box 177, Healdton, OK 73438, USA tel: (+1) 405 229 1280 fax: (+1) 405 229 1293

Delta Natural Gas Co Inc 3617 Lexington Ave, Winchester, KY 40391, USA tel: (+1) 606 744 6171 fax: (+1) 606 744 3623 web: www.deltagas.com

Decoking Descaling Technology Inc No 2, 4873 46th Street, Lacombe, AB T4L 2B2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 346 7444 fax: (+1) 403 342 7447 web: www.decoking.com email: [email protected] contact: Orlande Sivacoe Decon Engineering Co Riverside House, Castlefields, Somerset, Bridgwater, TA3 5JT, UK tel: (+44) 01278 458575 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc 10851 Train Court, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 983 7117 fax: (+1) 713 983 8858 web: www.stopruStcom email: elewis@stopruStcom contact: M. Edgar Lewis John Deere Construction Equipment John Deere Construction Equipment Co, 491 19th Ave SE, Puyallup, WA 98372, USA tel: (+1) 253 445 0928 fax: (+1) 253 445 1543 web: www.johndeere.com DeFelsko Corporation PO Box 676, 802 Proctor Ave., Ogdensburg, NY 13669, USA tel: (+1) 315 393 4450 fax: (+1) 315 393 8471 web: www.defelsko.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard Northrop Degwekar Engineers 11/27a Pcnt, Nigdi, Maharashtra, Pune, 411 044, India tel: (+91) 20 765 7384 fax: (+91) 20 765 2388 email: [email protected] Deka Test AS Ankara Caddesi, No 85, Istanbul, 81480, Turkey tel: (+90) 216 390 8757 fax: (+90) 216 354 1617 web: www.dekateStcom.tr Delco Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 779, Wynnum, Qld 4178, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3906 7600 fax: (+61) 7 3396 6644 web: www.delco.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Mel Whyte Delong Hersent SA Calle 50 No 74 Urbanizacion Campo Allegre, Panama tel: (+507) 69 2714 Deltaconne International 8290 Lake Drive, Suite #439, Miami, FL 33166, USA tel: (+1) 305 591 9136 fax: (+1) 305 513 9643 web: www.deltaconne.com

Dataradio 5500 Royalmount Avenue, Suite 200, TMR,

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Delta Robotic Welding Technologies Rathgory, Annaglog, County Louth, Ardee, Ireland tel: (+353) 41 685 7162 Denso (Aust) Pty Ltd 411-413 Victoria Street, Brunswick, Vic 3056, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9387 1377 fax: (+61) 3 9380 6990 email: [email protected] Denso GmbH 24 Felderstrasse, Leverkusen, D-51371, Germany tel: (+49) 214 2602 0 fax: (+49) 214 2602 217 web: www.denso.de email: [email protected] contact: Udo Schmidla Denso North America, Inc 9747 Whithorn Drive, Houston, TX 77095, USA tel: (+1) 281 821 3355 fax: (+1) 281 821 0304 web: www.densona.com email: [email protected] contact: Lucian Williams Denso North America has offices throughout the USA and Canada and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Winn & Coales International, originally established in London, UK, in 1883. In 2008 the company will be celebrating 125 years in business. Denso is the first and original manufacture of petrolatum tape, which was developed 78 years ago for the ‘long-life protection’ of buried steel pipelines against corrosion. The company’s Protal liquid coatings have become the choice of many contractors, engineers and owners in the pipeline industry. With manufacturing plants worldwide, Denso is recognized as the global leader in corrosion prevention. Denso’s anti-corrosion and sealing products have a proven track record of solving problems in all kinds of challenging environments, above or below ground and underwater. Its products include petrolatum tapes, mastics, primers, bitumen and butyl tapes, hot-applied tapes, SeaShield marine pile protection systems, and Protal liquid coatings. Denso’s products and systems are backed by a team of qualified professionals who provide technical support and on-site guidance. Denso North Amerca Inc #12, 90 Ironside Crescent, Toronto, ON M1X 1M3, Canada tel: (+1) 416 291 3435 fax: (+1) 416 291 0898 web: www.densona.com Denso North America Inc 75 Shields Court Unit 3, Markham, ON L3R 9T4, Canada

tel: (+1) 905 940 8255 fax: (+1) 905 940 8258

fax: (+1) 493 263 2800 web: www.detechcorp.com

Denso Quimica SA Ctra Nacional 1, Km 18.8, Nave 41, Edificio GQ-11, De Los Reyes, Madrid, E-28700, Spain tel: (+34) 916 548 811 fax: (+34) 916 547 920 email: [email protected]

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) 67-72 Cromarty House, Regent Quay, Aberdeen, AB11 5AR, UK tel: (+44) 01224 335000 fax: (+44) 01224 593311 web: www.dnv.com email: [email protected] contact: Robbie Williamson

Den Spie Centro Empresarial Senderos, Piso 7, Ave Principal con 2A, Transversal, Los Cotrijos de Lourdes, Caracas, 1071, Venezuela tel: (+58) 223 828 62 fax: (+58) 223 886 70 Jan De Nul NV Tragel 60, Aalst, 9308, Belgium tel: (+32) 53 731 711 fax: (+32) 53 781 760 web: www.jandenul.com email: [email protected] contact: N. Pille NV Denys SA Industrieweg 124, Gent, 9032, Belgium tel: (+32) 9 254 01 11 fax: (+32) 9 226 77 71 web: www.denys.com email: [email protected] contact: J. Van Wassenhove Denys (Netherlands) BV 5 Darwin St, Zoetermeer, NL-2722, Netherlands tel: (+31) 793 315 593 fax: (+31) 793 314 304 Department for Regional Development Water Service Development Directorate, 34 College Street, Belfast, BT1 6DR, UK tel: (+28) 9032 8161 fax: (+28) 9035 4838 web: www.waterni.gov.uk email: [email protected] contact: Dave Saville Dependable Springs & Pressings Ltd UK Stewart Street, Wolverhampton, W Midlands WV2 4JZ, UK tel: (+44) 01902 711771 fax: (+44) 01902 423453 email: [email protected] contact: G.W. Turner Desco International Middle East Operation, PO Box 17487, Jebel Ali, 17487, UAE tel: (+971) 2 446 3427 fax: (+971) 2 446 3217 web: www.desco-intl.com email: [email protected] contact: Ed. C. Cochonneau Philip Desmonde Partnership 40 Lemon St, Cornwall, Truro, TR1 2NS, UK tel: (+44) 01872 275078 fax: (+44) 01872 222327 email: [email protected] Destec Engineering Ltd UK Five Mile Lane, Washingborough, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN4 1AF, UK tel: (+44) 01522 791721 fax: (+44) 01522 790033 web: www.destec.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Barry Porter DeTECH Corporation 2300 Western Gas Tower, 530 8th Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 3S8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 234 8800

Direct Horizontal Drilling Inc Box 4027, Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3B2, Canada tel: (+1) 780 960 6037 web: www.directhorizontal.com email: [email protected] contact: Patrick O’Donoghue

Deutsches Nordsee-Konsortium Riethorst 12, Hanover, D-30659, Germany tel: (+49) 511 6410 fax: (+49) 511 6414 web: www.beb.de email: [email protected] Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH Truderinger Str 9, PO Box 800440 (81604), Munich, 81677, Germany tel: (+49) 89 41974 0 fax: (+49) 89 41974 200 Develop Whitwell Training and Conference Centre, Whitwell, Oakham, LE15 8BW, UK tel: (+44) 01780 686543 fax: (+44) 01780 686549 web: www.develop-solutions.com email: [email protected] contact: Keith Edwards Diagnostic Instruments Ltd 2 Michaelson Square, Kirkton Campus, West Lothian, Livingston, EH54 7DP, UK tel: (+44) 01506 470011 fax: (+44) 01506 470012 web: www.ruggedhandheld.com Diamar Srl Via Agostino Depretis 102, Naples, I-80133, Italy tel: (+39) 81 551 1312 fax: (+39) 81 552 3252 Diamond Shamrock Inc 9830 Colonnade Blvd, Box 696000, San Antonio, TX 78269-6000, USA tel: (+1) 210 641 6800 fax: (+1) 210 641 8899 Diascan Technical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Co 7 Kuibyshev Street, Moscow Region, Lukhovitcy, 140501, Russia tel: (+7) 495 950 82 92 fax: (+7) 495 950 82 91 email: [email protected] contact: Nikolay N. Pekarnikov Dillon Engineering 3925 West 50th Street, Suite 202, Edina, MN 55424, USA tel: (+1) 952 836 2413 fax: (+1) 952 927 6514 web: www.dilloneng.com email: [email protected] Dipon Gas Co Ltd Dhaka, 6/F Ring Rd, Dhaka, Dhaka, 1207, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2 811 7752 fax: (+880) 2 913 1736 web: www.dipongas.com Directional Drilling Co Ltd Operations Building1, Bedford Technology Park, Twwinwoods Road, Clapham, Beds, MK41 6AE, UK tel: (+44) 01234 351200 fax: (+44) 01234 262580 web: www.speedcorporation.net

Directional Drilling Co Ltd Operations Building1, Bedford Technology Park, Twwinwoods Road, Clapham, Beds, MK41 6AE, UK tel: (+44) 01234 351200 fax: (+44) 01234 262580 web: www.speedcorporation.net Distrigas SA 10 Rue de l’Industrie, Brussels, B-1000, Belgium tel: (+32) 25 573 001 fax: (+32) 25 573 102 Distrigaz SA Avenue des Arts 31, Brussels, B-1040, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 282 72 11 fax: (+32) 2 282 02 39 Ditch Witch UK Phoenix Way, Garngoch Industrial Estate, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 9WF, UK tel: (+44) 01792 895906 fax: (+44) 01792 899659 web: www.ditchwitchuk.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Davies Ditch Witch PO Box 66, Perry, OK 73077, USA tel: (+1) 800 654 6481 web: www.ditchwitch.com

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH Muehlenring 6, Wittenburg, 19243, Germany tel: (+49) 38852 2368 0 fax: (+49) 38852 2368 11 web: www.ditec-dichtungen.de email: [email protected] contact: Steve Whittaker Diversified Construction Corporation Pty Ltd 11/58 Metroplex Avenue, Murrarie, Qld 4172, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3395 6400 fax: (+61) 7 3395 6800 email: [email protected] contact: Brent Jones Dixie Pipeline Co 1117 Perimeter Center W, Suite 301, West Atlanta, GA 30338, USA tel: (+1) 770 396 2994 fax: (+1) 770 396 9432/4276 Dizayn Teknik AS Hadýmköy yolu san. bir 1. bölge 4 cadde No. 23 - 34860 B.Cekmece, Turkey, Istanbul, 34860, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 886 57 41 fax: (+90) 212 886 71 34 web: www.dizayngroup.com Dockwise NV Luxemburgstraat, Meer, 2321, Belgium tel: (+32) 3 317 02 00 fax: (+32) 3 315 85 53 Document Control Services Ltd 10 Stapleton Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6TB, UK tel: (+44) 01733 366800 fax: (+44) 01733 366801 web: www.sapasolutions.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: E.W.Marshall

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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HE Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI) is a taxexempt, not-for-profit corporation comprised of 34 energy pipeline companies. PRCI was first organized in 1952, as the Pipeline Research Committee, by 15 natural gas transmission pipeline companies to address the problem of long-running brittle fractures in natural gas transmission pipelines. In solving that problem within two years, the benefits of industry collaboration and the leveraging of voluntary industry funding were demonstrated. Although originally focused on technology development for the gas transmission industry across the research spectrum – from basic to applied – over the years PRCI has increasingly focused on near-term integrity and reliability solutions to design and operating problems, and realizing the opportunities that an industry-managed program generates. As the research broadened, PRCI’s membership has matured and expanded, with an increasing focus on oil and petroleum products pipelines. PRCI recently invited a few select companies on whom the industry relies for its critical equipment, products, and services to become associate members. In today’s market, PRCI is the conduit by which our research contractors and the industry’s technical representatives target the critical technical needs of the oil and gas pipelines industry.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Our mission: • To provide sustainable value to the pipeline industry by delivering research solutions that assure safe, environmentally-sound, and cost-effective operations worldwide. Structure and organization PRCI is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of one voting member from each pipeline member company. The Board of Directors meets twice each year, in late winter and in conjunction with PRCI’s Annual Meeting in September. The nine-member Executive Committee of the Board develops policy and programme recommendations for the Board, and provides oversight of the technical planning committees. Programme execution Programme execution and management are the responsibility of five technical-planning committees comprised of technical experts assigned by member companies. These committees develop research ‘road maps’ and provide strategic direction to ensure timely outcomes. Project teams, comprised of representatives of the companies that fund the project, manage the technology programmes, and the individual projects of which they are comprised, working directly with technology and research firms to ensure that research outcomes are responsive to member-identified business and technology problems. PRCI 1401 Wilson Boulevard Suite 1101 Arlington, VA 22209 USA tel: +1 703 387 0190 fax: +1 703 387 0192 www.prci-inc.com email: [email protected]

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Dodsal GmbH Heinrich Heine Allee 38, Dusseldorf, 40213, Germany tel: (+49) 21 132 9026 fax: (+49) 21 132 9029 Dodsal Ltd Plot No 1, Udyog Nagar Estate, SV Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, 400 062, India tel: (+91) 22 875 6482 fax: (+91) 22 875 8012 web: www.dodsal.com email: [email protected] Dodsal Pte Ltd Dodsal Pte Ltd, PO Box 8034, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 343 1515 fax: (+971) 4 343 47 57 web: www.dodsal.com email: [email protected] contact: Rajen A. Kilachand Dold Industries Ltd 11 Hamberts Road, Blackhall Industrial Estate, South Woodham, Ferrers, Essex CM3 5UW, UK tel: (+44) 0124 532 4432 fax: (+44) 0124 532 5570 web: www.dold.co.uk email: [email protected] Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India) Pvt Ltd 1001 Raheja Centre Nariman Point, Mumbai, 400 021, India tel: (+91) 22 283 2226 fax: (+91) 22 287 5403 Dominion Transmission Corp 445 West Main St, Clarksburg, WV 26301, USA tel: (+1) 304 627 3000 Dong-Suh Chemical Industrial Co Ltd 13th Floor, Kangnam Bldg, 1321-1, Seocho-Dong, Seochu-Ku, Seoul, Korea tel: (+82) 2 3471 4121 fax: (+82) 2 3471 8022 web: www.dongsuhchem.co.kr email: [email protected] contact: Y.G. Jang Don-Mor Productions Ltd 69 Dee St, Aberdeen, AB11 6EE, UK tel: (+44) 0122 421 0122 fax: (+44) 0122 421 0126 email: info Doornbos Group PO Box 11017, Rotterdam, 3004 EA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 415 5066 fax: (+31) 10 415 3645 Doris Engineering 58 A Rue du Dessous des Berge, Paris, 75013, France tel: (+33) 1 44 06 10 00 fax: (+33) 1 45 70 87 38 web: www.doris-engineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Dominique Michel


Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH PO Box 210243, Munich, D-80672, Germany tel: (+49) 89 5797 0 fax: (+49) 89 5704 867 web: www.dorsch.de email: [email protected] Douglas Industrial Ltd 7 Henderson House, Hithgrcroft Rd, Wallingford, Oxford OX10 9DG, UK tel: (+44) 0149 182 4449

fax: (+44) 0149 182 5727 web: www.douglasindustrial.co.uk email: [email protected] Dow Intrastate Gas Co Subsidiary of Dow Chemical, USA, 21145 Hwy 1, Plaquemine, LA 70764, USA tel: (+1) 504 353 8937 fax: (+1) 504 353 8881 Sociedad Espanola de Dragados SA C/Sor Angela de la Cruz 24-3C, Madrid, 28020, Spain tel: (+34) 1 570 1106 fax: (+34) 1 570 0870 Dragados Internacional De Pipelines SA P de la Caastellana 182, Madrid, 28046, Spain tel: (+34) 1 350 0292 fax: (+34) 1 350 0075 Dragados Argentina Nos 2 and 3, 550 Corrientes Ave, Buenos Aires, Argentina tel: (+54) 114 394 6099 fax: (+54) 114 394 8376 Dragados Brazil 1098 conj 301 Rua Riachuelo, Porte allegre, 90010-272, Brazil tel: (+55) 512 261 184 fax: (+55) 512 263 111 Dragados Chile 1234 Carlos Aguirre Luco, Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile tel: (+56) 262 565 15 fax: (+56) 262 565 67 Dragados Colombia Office nos 301 and 302, Carrera 12, 79-32, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 131 719 26 fax: (+57) 131 719 38 Dragados Malyasia Wisma Central, Jalang Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia tel: (+60) 326 303 96 fax: (+60) 326 303 95 Dragados Mexico No 6, 6 Col Los Morales, Mexico City, Mexico tel: (+52) 558 009 58 fax: (+52) 539 531 04 Dragados Peru 559 Grimaldo del Solar, Miraflores, Lima, Peru tel: (+511) 241 1028 fax: (+511) 444 2998 Dragados Singapore No 04-00, 24 Woodlands Loop, 738285, Singapore tel: (+65) 759 9988 fax: (+65) 758 7389

fax: (+353) 1 661 8025 Dragtone Ltd Browning Way, Woodford Park Industrial Estate, Winsford, CW7 2JR, UK tel: (+44) 01606 861978 fax: (+44) 01606 861159 email: [email protected] contact: A.P. Robins Drain Brain Offshore Ltd MeadowlandsBibury, Glos, Cirencester, GL7 5LZ, UK tel: (+44) 01285 740682 fax: (+44) 01285 740638 email: [email protected] Dredeco Pty Ltd Howard Smith Drive, Whyte Fisherman Islands, PO Box 8042, Wynnum, North Qld, 4187, Australia tel: (+61) 738 951 466 fax: (+61) 738 951 474 email: [email protected] Dredging International Asia Pacific (PTE) Ltd 27 Pioneer Road, PO Box 298, Singapore, 628500, Singapore tel: (+65) 863 2108 fax: (+65) 863 1108 web: deme.be email: [email protected] Dredging International India Pvt Ltd 704 Tolstoy House15 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi, 11001, India tel: (+91) 11 373 0544 fax: (+91) 11 371 1163 email: [email protected] Dredging International NV Haven 1025, Scheidedijk 30, Zwijndrecht, 2070, Belgium tel: (+32) 3 250 52 11 fax: (+32) 3 250 56 50 web: www.dredging.com email: [email protected] Dredging international NV (Hong Kong) Suit 1001B, Tower 6, China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton Rd, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong tel: (+852) 280 523 26 fax: (+852)281 580 36 email: [email protected] Dredging International Services (Nigeria) Ltd 35 A Kingsway Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 364 26 fax: (+234) 126 353 62 Dredging International NV (Spain) Juan Ramon Jimenez 8, Despacho 2, Madrid, 28036, Spain tel: (+34) 913 457 070 fax: (+34) 913 454 752

Societe De Dragage International SDI SA Le Verge de Marly, 30 Ave de l’Amiral Lemonnier, Marly le Roi, 78160, France tel: (+33) 139 588 602 fax: (+33) 139 588 710 email: [email protected]

Dredging International Sucursal Argentina Esmeralda 819 2º D -Cap.Fed., Buenos Aires, 1007, Argentina tel: (+54) 11 4893 2002 fax: (+54) 11 4893 2002 contact: Marcelo Volpi

Societa Italiana Dragaggi SpA Via Carlo Zucchi 25, Rome, I-00165, Italy tel: (+39) 666 495 21 fax: (+39) 666 495 49 email: [email protected]

Dredging International Tunisia Rue du Docteur Calmette 6, Tunis, Tunisia tel: (+216) 1 840 027 fax: (+216) 1 845 359 email: [email protected]

Dragon Oil plc 60 Lower Baggot St, Co Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 676 6693

Dredging International (UK) Ltd Greenstede House, Wood Street, East Grinstead, Sussex RH19 1UZ, UK tel: (+44) 0134 232 3000

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fax: (+44) 0134 232 6000 email: [email protected] Dreh Ltd Duncombe Road, Bradford, Yorks BD8 9TB, UK tel: (+44) 01274 499406 fax: (+44) 01274 499413 web: www.rycroft.com email: [email protected] contact: Michael McDonald Dresser-Rand 1200 West Sam Houston Pkwy N., Houston, TX 77043, USA tel: (+1) 713 467 2221 fax: (+1) 713 935 3490 web: www.dresser-rand.com email: [email protected] contact: Janet Ofano

Dresser-Rand is among the largest global suppliers of rotating equipment solutions to the worldwide oil, gas, petrochemical and process industries. The company designs, manufactures, and services a wide range of technologically advanced centrifugal and reciprocating compressors, steam and gas turbines, expanders, multiphase separators, portable ventilators, and control systems. In addition to innovative, reliable products and creative solutions, there are many other reasons for clients to choose Dresser-Rand as their rotating equipment solutions company. Worldwide presence Dresser-Rand has global manufacturing capabilities with facilities located in Burlington, Iowa; Olean, Painted Post, and Wellsville, New York; Houston, Texas; Le Havre, France; Oberhausen and Bielefeld, Germany; Kongsberg, Norway; and Ahmedabad, India. Each facility is equipped to build in the performance and reliability clients expect from Dresser-Rand products. Because Dresser-Rand equipment is virtually everywhere, the company maintains nearly 26 service centers in 15 countries, staffed by knowledgeable and dedicated people who are ready to keep rotating equipment – no matter who built it – up and running with reliable technical support 24 hours a day. The company has more than 94,000 rotating equipment units installed worldwide. Upstream, midstream, and downstream D-R compression equipment is being used throughout the world for such critical and demanding services as gas lift/gas injection; gas gathering, storage, and transmission; hydrocarbon processing; chemical and petrochemical production; and power generation. Each unit can be custom-engineered for maximum efficiency and reliability. Commitment to clients D-R is committed to bringing clients added value through unique business processes, faster cycle times, advanced technology, and installed base support. When it comes to the total cost of ownership, clients can count on D-R technology to deliver optimum performance for new equipment and for product upgrades that extend the life of installed equipment.

Dresser-Rand Co PO Box 560, Paul Clark Drive, Olean, NY 14760, USA tel: (+1) 716 375 3000 fax: (+1) 716 375 3178 web: www.dresser-rand.com contact: Janet Ofano

Durapipe - S&LP Walsall Road, Norton Canes, Cannock, Staffs WS11 3NS, UK tel: (+44) 01543 279909 fax: (+44) 01543 279450 web: www.durapipe-slp.co.uk email: [email protected]

Dreweatt Neate St James House, 4 Little London Court, Albert Street, Swindon, SN1 3HY, UK tel: (+44) 01793 437200 fax: (+44) 01793 437269 web: www.dreweatt-neate.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Mark Baggott

Durham Pipeline Technology Neilson Road, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE10 0EW, UK tel: (+44) 0191 478 4999 fax: (+44) 0191 478 3639 web: www.dpt.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Marian Copilet

Drilled Crossing Inc LA Highway 31 North Box 486, Arnaudville, LA 70512, USA tel: (+1) 318 754 7802 fax: (+1) 318 754 7804

Dyas BV Rijnkade 1, LC Ultracht, NL-3511, Netherlands tel: (+31) 30 233 8434 fax: (+31) 30 233 8418 email: [email protected]

DrillTec GUT GmbH Am Tegelberg 1, Deggendorf, 94469, Germany tel: (+49) 991 330 510 fax: (+49) 991 330 549 web: www.drilltec.de email: [email protected] contact: Michael Back

Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems, Inc Suite 208, 1324 - 17th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2T 5S8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 547 8638 fax: (+1) 403 547 8628 web: www.dynamicrisk.net email: [email protected] contact: Beverly Paauwe

Drilltec International Ltd Room 14, Margarethe House, Eismann Way, Corby, Northants NN17 5ZB, UK tel: (+44) 01536 262877 fax: (+44) 01536 200580 web: www.drilltec.com email: [email protected] contact: Jane Toseland Drilltube International Drilltube International Inc, 1700 Independence Dr, Bryan, TX 77803, USA tel: (+1) 979 779 7622 fax: (+1) 979 775 0759 web: www.drilltube.com Drinking Water Inspectorate Floor 2, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6DE, UK tel: (+44) 020 7082 8024 fax: (+44) 020 7082 8028 web: www.dwi.gov.uk email: [email protected] contact: Claire Jackson Dublin City Council Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin, 8, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 222 2020 fax: (+353) 1 222 2697 web: www.dublincity.ie email: [email protected] contact: Tom Leahy Peter Duffy Ltd Connaught House, Park View, Lofthouse Gate, Wakefield, Yorks WF3 3HA, UK tel: (+44) 01924 871100 fax: (+44) 01924 871199 web: www.peterduffyltd.com contact: M. Duffy Duke Energy Gas Transmission 5400 Westheimer Crt, Houston, TX 770565310, USA tel: (+1) 713 627 5400 Duker Eisenwerke GmbH Hauptstrasse 39-41, Laufach, 63846, Germany tel: (+49) 6093 870 fax: (+49) 6093 87246 web: www.dueker.de email: [email protected] contact: Ursula Hereth

Dyna Torque Technologies 11315 West Little York Bldg 4, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 937 6699 fax: (+1) 713 937 6690 web: www.dyna-torque.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Ltd Level 20 AGL Centre 111 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney, NSW 2059, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9968 9000 fax: (+61) 2 9964 0120

E EB Pipe Coating Inc PO Box 597701700 E AvemnuePort Industrial Park, Panama City, FL 324122770, USA tel: (+1) 850 763 0244 fax: (+1) 850 769 4344 email: [email protected] EDM Engineering & Drilling Machinery AS Godestedalen 20, Stavanger, N-4064, Norway tel: (+47) 5181 1600 fax: (+47) 5181 1601 web: www.edm.no email: [email protected] contact: Bjorn Eilersten E & E Budapest Environmental Ltd Torokvez ut 59/c, Budapest, H-1025, Hungary tel: (+36) 1 325 5153 fax: (+36) 1 325 5153 EFA Technologies Inc 1611 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA tel: (+1) 916 443 8842 fax: (+1) 916 443 3759 EIED 384 Doalat St, Pasdaran St, Tehran, 1951636611, Iran tel: (+982) 1256 7880 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 web: www.sharif.edu/khorasani email: [email protected] contact: Morteza Sami EITEP Am Listholze 82, Hannover, 30177, Germany tel: (+49) 511 90992-10 web: www.eitep.de email: [email protected] contact: Dennis Fandrich

ENAP Ahumada 341, 8th Floor, PO Box 3556, Santiago, Chile tel: (+56) 2 638 1845 fax: (+56) 2 638 0164

EMC & Tembor Boru Sanayii ve Ticaret SA Ankara Asfalti 69, Cayirova, 41870, Turkey tel: (+90) 262 653 7730 fax: (+90) 262 653 7390 web: www.emctembor.com

EN Engineering 7135 Janes Ave, Woodridge, IL 60517, USA tel: (+1) 630 353 4002 fax: (+1) 630 353 7777 web: www.enengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Philip A. Bottger

EMS Group 2100 West Loop South, Suite 1400, Houston, 77027, USA tel: (+1) 800 790 3758 fax: (+1) 713 595 7645 web: www.emsglobal.net email: [email protected] contact: Tania Ashley

EMS is the first company with the ability to deliver the services every pipeline company needs, from mapping to inspection to maintenance, from data collection to data analysis to real-time reporting. Its integrated business solution is based on six service lines covering the USA, Mexico, and Canada, which include: pipeline-management services, pipeline-integrity services, production and pipeline projects, datamanagement services, power services, and LNG/natural gas services. EMS offers customers a higher quality of service combined with significant economies of scale. Its integration of services streamlines the management of work crews up and down the pipelines, and its trained and experienced people ensure that regulations are followed exactly with regulatory reporting accomplished in real time. EMS has an exemplary safety record and experienced adherence to the thousands of regulations that are intended to keep energy flowing – and people safe. As well as the Houston-based headquarters, the Group comprises:


ENAGEO BP 140, Hassi-Messaoud, 30500, Algeria tel: (+213) 236 6040 fax: (+213) 236 1536

AGIS Technology, USA, tel: (+1) 713 595 7600 Cypress Creek, USA, tel: (+1) 281 412 2400 EMS Energy Services USA, tel: (+1) 713 595 7625 EMS Gulf Coast, USA, tel: (+1) 713 595 7625 Energy Facility Services, Inc (EFSI), USA, tel: (+1) 281 286 8500 Zaval-Tex, USA, tel: (+1) 409 794 3500 Celtic Controls, Canada EMS Energy Services, Mexico, tel: (+52) 55 5280 4014 ENAC Rue des Freres-Azzouz Mohammadia, Alger, Algeria tel: (+213) 2 538549 fax: (+213) 2 538553

ENEP 2 Boulevard Mohamed V, Algiers, Algeria tel: (+213) 2 64 08 37 fax: (+213) 2 64 08 64 ENGCB Route de Corso, BP 23Boudouaou, Boumerdes, Algeria tel: (+213) 284 6526 fax: (+213) 284 6009 ENS Mapping C176, 4331 Sarcee Road S.W., Calgary, AB T3E 6V9, Canada tel: (+1) 403 217 1593 web: www.ensmapping.com E.O.M. Construction Ltd Kearsley Business Centre, Europa Way, Radcliffe, M26 1GG, UK tel: (+44) 01204 701865 fax: (+44) 01204 701977 E.ON Engineering GmbH Bergmannsgluckstrasse 41-43, Gelsenkirchen, 45896, Germany tel: (+49) 209 601 5010 fax: (+49) 209 601 5011 web: www.eon-engineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Jorn-Erik Mantz E.ON UK plc Powergen Pipelines, Operations & Maintenance Group, Chase Hill Road, Killingholme, DN40 3NG, UK tel: (+44) 01469 504084 fax: (+44) 01469 504082 web: www.pgen.com email: [email protected] contact: Ken Curtis EPC Jobs Ltd PO Box 1413, Hammersmith, London, W6 8PW, UK tel: (+44) 020 8846 6910 fax: (+44) 020 8741 2001 web: www.epcjobs.co.uk ESAB Herkulesgatan 72, Box 8004, Gothenburg, S 40277, Sweden tel: (+39) 2 979 682 95 fax: (+39) 2 972 893 00 web: www.esrb.net email: [email protected]

fax: (+60) 3 984 4534 email: [email protected] E-Surv Ltd Agricultural & Pipelines Division, 2 Belvoir Road, Coalville, Leics LE67 3PE, UK tel: (+44) 01530 814347 fax: (+44) 01530 814953 web: www.esurv.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Bob Beeston ETPM International SAS 32 Avenue Pablo PicassoTSA, 76001, Nanterre, 92754, France tel: (+33) 1 40 97 63 00 fax: (+33) 1 40 97 64 44 ETPM Moscow Bolchaya Dorogomilovskaya 14, Moscow, 121059, Russia tel: (+7) 95 209 28 38 ETPM Services Norge AS Norsea Base Dusavik Box 5040, Stavanger, Norway tel: (+47) 51 410301 fax: (+47) 51 410279 ETPM Servicios Maritimos do Brasil Ltda Avenida Nilo Paganha 155, Rio de Janeiro, 20020, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 220 63 66 ETPM Sharjah Box 255, Sharjah, UAE tel: (+971) 6 285206 ETPM (UK) Ltd 43-44 Gt Windmill Street, London, W1V 7PA, UK tel: (+44) 020 7434 1136 ETRS Pty Ltd 75 Ashley Street, Vic, West Footscray, 3012, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9689 6533 fax: (+61) 3 9689 6923 EVN EVN Platz, Maria Enzersdorf, A-2344, Austria tel: (+43) 2236 200 0 fax: (+43) 2236 200 2600 EWI 1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive, Columbus, OH 43221, USA tel: (+1) 614 688 5000 fax: (+1) 614 688 5001 web: www.ewi.org contact: Carrie Barrett Based in Columbus, Ohio, EWI is one of North America’s leading engineering and technology organizations dedicated to welding and materials joining. EWI’s staff provides materials’-joining assistance, contract research, consulting services, and training to over 3,300 member company locations representing world-class leaders in the aerospace, automotive, defense, energy, government, heavy manufacturing, medical, and electronics industries.

ESG-Sanzo 15 rue Fares El Khouri, Tunis, 1001, Tunisia tel: (+216) 1 767 699 fax: (+216) 1 751 523

Eagleton Engineering Co 4800 Sugar Grove Blvd Box 37009, Houston, TX 77237, USA tel: (+1) 713 240 0700 fax: (+1) 713 240 9545

ESQ Consultancy Services 220 A Jalan Mahkota, Taman MaluriCheras, Kuala Lumpur, 55100, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 984 3200

East Anglian Fittings & Flanges Ltd Armutru House, Hewitt Road House, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 0RB, UK

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Company listing

East Australian Pipeline Ltd GPO Box 2179, Canberra 2601, Australia tel: (+61) 2 6295 5222 fax: (+61) 2 6239 2711 East Coast Pipeline & Welding Pty Ltd PO Box 8111, Suite 10, 27 Evans Street, Maroochydore, Qld 4558, Australia tel: (+61) 7 5443 7399 fax: (+61) 7 5443 8328 email: [email protected] contact: Barry Waldron Eastern Atlantic Constructors Inc Route 2 Box 76, Belpre, OH 45714, USA tel: (+1) 614 423 5733 fax: (+1) 614 423 8985 Eastern Natural Gas Co PO Box 128, Burghill OH 44404, USA tel: (+1) 330 772 3500 fax: (+1) 713 757 6341 web: www.epenergy.com email: [email protected] Eastman Chemical Co PO Box 7444, Longview, TX 75607, USA tel: (+1) 903 237 5000 fax: (+1) 903 237 5715 East Midlands Tubes & Fittings Ltd Lyndhurst House, 53 Mandalay Street, Bassford, Nottingham NG6 0BH, UK tel: (+44) 0115 977 0399 fax: (+44) 0115 977 0412 web: www.emtf.uk.com email: [email protected] contact: John Goy Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. #K2-432, Westminster, CO 80021, USA tel: (+1) 800 998 6493 fax: (+1) 303 500 1212 web: www.easy-tapper.com email: [email protected] contact: Greg Apple Eclipse Scientific Products 100 Campbell Avenue, Unit 1B, Kitchener, ON N2H 4X8, Canada tel: (+1) 519 886 6717 fax: (+1) 519 886 1102 web: www.eclipsescientific.com email: [email protected] contact: Larry Etherington Ecology and Environment Engineering Co Ltd 11A Xisi Bei 8 Tao Xicheng District, Beijing, 100034, China tel: (+86) 106 614 7754 fax: (+86) 106 615 7741 email: [email protected] Ecology and Environment Inc 368 Pleasant View Drive, Lancaster, NY 14086, USA tel: (+1) 716 684 8060 fax: (+1) 716 684 0844 web: www.ene.com email: [email protected] contact: Cheryl Karpowicz Ecologia y Empresa Edif. La PrimeraBiequie AA, Piso 18, Of.4Cajon Postal 2869, La Paz, Bolivia tel: (+59) 12 312 145 fax: (+59) 12 316 313 email: [email protected]

013, SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil tel: (+55) 11 530 5074 fax: (+55) 11 530 5074 email: [email protected] Ecology & Environment Inc Cra 24, No. 37, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 1 269 8441 fax: (+57) 1 268 1704 email: [email protected] Ecology & Environment Inc 2eme etage Angle Bd. Sidi Abderahmane et route d’Azemmour Hay Hassani, Casablanca, Morocco tel: (+212) 289 3830 fax: (+212) 289 3832 email: [email protected] Ecology and Environment of Saudi Arabia Ltd c/o Petrostar/Star Navigation Box 3793, Jeddah, 21481, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 2647 4000 Ecology and Environment SA Av Francisco de Miranda Piso 12, La Carlota, Caracas, Venezuela tel: (+582) 237 5519 fax: (+582) 237 5118 email: [email protected]

Egypt Kuwait Holding 14 Nawal St, Agouza, Giza, 112123, Egypt tel: (+20) 2336 3300 fax: (+20) 2335 8989 email: [email protected] contact: Hossam Heiba Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co Ltd 2 Carlebach St, PO Box 20056, Tel-Aviv, 67132, Israel tel: (+972) 3 561 1674 fax: (+972) 3 562 5736 Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co Ltd PO Box 801, Ashkelon, 78101, Israel tel: (+97) 286 740 666 fax: (+97) 286 740 609 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division Omer Avni Mah., Inebolu Sok., 15/5 Kabatas, Istanbul, 34427, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 243 9200 fax: (+90) 212 243 9171 web: www.eksengroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Ali R. Ozogul Elastomers Australia 35-39 McIntosh Street, Airport West, Vic 3042, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9338 3033 fax: (+61) 3 9338 7580

Economatics Industrial Ltd Epic House, Darnall Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield, Yorks S9 5AA, UK tel: (+44) 0114 281 3344 fax: (+44) 0114 281 3355 web: www.economatics.co.uk email: [email protected]

Electrochem Commercial Power 9645 Wehrle Drive, Clarence, NY 14031, USA tel: (+1) 716 759 5800 fax: (+1) 716 759 2562 web: www.electrochempower.com email: [email protected] contact: Diana Robbins

Ecopetrol - VIT Pipelines, Carrera 7 # 37-69 of. 909, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 1 3200 777 fax: (+57) 1 288 6070 web: www.ecopetrol.com.co Ecos Consulting (Aust) Pty Ltd Suite 2, 11 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, 6005, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9226 2577 fax: (+61) 8 9226 2977 email: [email protected] contact: Mark Watson Eco Technlogy Ltd 1 Trym Lodge, Henbury Road, Bristol, Avon BS9 3HQ, UK tel: (+44) 0117 310 1360 fax: (+44) 0117 310 1361 web: www.ecotechnology.ltd.uk email: [email protected] Edilsider S.P.A. Via Lago Vecchio 7, Calolziocorte, 23801, Italy tel: (+39) 341 630 063 fax: (+39) 341 641 165 web: www.edilsider.com email: [email protected] Egdon Resources Ltd Suite 2, 90-96 High Street, Odiham, Hook, Hants RG29 1LP, UK tel: (+44) 01256 702292 fax: (+44) 01256 702293 web: www.egdon-resources.com email: [email protected] Egniol Ltd Tre Felin, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4LH, UK tel: (+44) 0124 835 5996 fax: (+44) 0124 837 1996 web: www.egniol.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

tel: (+44) 01493 658493 fax: (+44) 01493 440909 contact: M. Calver

Electrochemical Devices, Inc PO Box 355, Belmont, MA 2478, USA tel: (+1) 617 484 9085 fax: (+1) 617 484 3923 web: www.edi-cp.com email: [email protected] contact: John Olson Elf Atochem SA 4 Cours Michelet-Cedex 42, Paris La Defense 10, 92091, France tel: (+33) 1 49 00 78 71 fax: (+33) 1 49 00 76 28 Elf Connect Ltd Ocean Park House, East Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF1 5GT, UK tel: (+44) 029 2030 4000 Elliott and Brown Stanley House, Pelham Road, Nottingham NG5 1AQ, UK tel: (+44) 0115 960 5014 fax: (+44) 0115 969 1394 web: www.elliott-brown.co.uk email: [email protected] Ellis & Associates, Inc 7108 South Alton Way, Suite J1, Centennial, CO 80112-2117, USA tel: (+1) 303 770 2005 fax: (+1) 303 770 0992 web: www.donellis-associates.com email: [email protected] contact: Bob Freeman El Paso Corporation 1001 LA St, PO Box 2511, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 420 2600 web: www.elpaso.com

Ecology and Environment do Brasil Rua Demostenes 627 Cj 72CEP 04614-

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 EmageNet 11785 Northfall Lane, Suite 506, Alpharetta, GA 30004, USA tel: (+1) 678 297 0863 fax: (+1) 678 2971859 web: www.emagenet.net email: [email protected] Emarat Sheikh Zayed Rd, PO Box 9400, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4343 4444 fax: (+971) 4343 3393 web: www.emarat.ae Emarketplaces FZ PO Box 17516, Dubai, 17516, UAE tel: (+971) 4 3911090 fax: (+971) 4 3911099 Emerson Process Management Ltd Heath Place, Bognor Regis, Sussex PO22 9SH, UK tel: (+44) 0870 240 1978 fax: (+44) 0870 240 1243 web: www.emersonprocess.co.uk email: [email protected] Empire Equipment Intl Inc 3437 W 7th Street # 133, Fort Worth, TX 76107, USA tel: (+1) 817 922 5454 fax: (+1) 817 922 8443 web: www.empirepipelayers.com email: [email protected] contact: Robert Russell Empressa Almacenadora de Combustibles Ltda Compania 1085 11th Floor, Santiago, Chile tel: (+56) 2 696 4241 fax: (+56) 2 696 4241 Empresa Petrolera Chaco SA 6 Edificio Centro Empresarial Equipetrol, 6 San Martin Ave, Santa Cruz, Bolivia tel: (+591) 334 537 00 fax: (+591) 334 537 10 Enagas SA 19 Paseo de los Olmos, Madrid, 28005, Spain tel: (+34) 917 099 200 web: www.enagas.es Enbridge Inc 3000 Fifth Avenue Place, 425 1st SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3L8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 231 3900 web: www.enbridge.com email: [email protected] contact: Bruce DeBaie Encina Transmission Co 1734 N Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78408, USA tel: (+1) 512 289 5875 fax: (+1) 512 289 2722 Edinburgh Oil & Gas plc 10 Coates Cresent, Edinburgh EH3 7AL, UK tel: (+44) 0131 225 5454 fax: (+44) 0131 220 2253 web: www.edinoilgas


Enduro Pipeline Services Inc PO Box 3489, Tulsa, OK 74101-3489, USA tel: (+1) 918 446 1934 fax: (+1) 918 446 8125 web: www.enduropls.com email: [email protected] contact: Becky Libby The company offers both sales of pipeline cleaning pigs and inspection services to the industry.

email: [email protected] contact: Robert Boyd

Steel mandrel cleaning pigs in both uniand bi-directional versions are manufactured in its Tulsa headquarters. Cleaning pig options available are brushes, magnets, scraper blades and transmitters for tracking. Also available are solid-cast urethane pigs, foam pigs, and assistance with pig selection or onsite management of cleaning programme needs. Enduro’s cleaning pigs are recognized worldwide as leading the industry in wear-ability and quality. Special-application pigs are designed daily by the company’s engineering staff, with over 70 years of combined experience. Enduro also offers a complete range of pig-tracking equipment and geophones for different sizes, including 10 different models of transmitters and a new ‘walkand-use’ receiver system. The company, an industry leader, was the first to manufacture and sell GeoPhone tracking equipment, and these units are still available today in several models. The company has been a world leader in geometry inspection services since 1986, offering a combination of services with a single tool. Enduro’s DdL geometry tool offers multi-channel geometry inspection, bend determination, and mapping from a single passage. DdL services are available for pipelines from 4in through 60in; larger sizes are available on request. With the introduction of its DfL magneticflux-leakage in-line inspection tools, Enduro has added to its inspection services. These tools are currently available in sizes from 6in through 24in; the multi-function tool incorporates several data sets: high-resolution MFL field, low- or secondary residual field, interior and exterior determination sensors, and high-resolution caliper sensor array. A complete inertialnavigation system package provides GPS coordinates to excavation sites and GIS usage for mapping and government geospatial mapping needs; a pig-based as-built mapping system is always carried by the DfL. Energopol- Trading Warszawa SA 54 Ul Koszykowa, Warsaw, 950, Poland tel: (+48) 605 318 787 fax: (+48) 226 482 868 email: [email protected] Energy Africa Ltd 21st Floor, Metropolitan Centre, 7 Coen Steytler Avenue, PO Box 5544, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa tel: (+27) 21 4007600 fax: (+27) 21 4007660 web: www.energyafrica.com email: [email protected] Energy Designers & Constructors Ltd (EDC) Maybank, 11 Gauze Road, Bo’ness, EH51 9QB, UK tel: (+44) 01506 822066 fax: (+44) 01506 822066 web: www.energy-designersconstructors.com

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Energy Economics Inc 109 South St SE, Dodge Center, MN 55927, USA tel: (+1) 800 733 2557 fax: (+1) 507 374 2646 web: www.eei.com Energy Solutions International Ltd Hastings House, Falcon Court, Preston Farm Business Park, Stockton on Tees, Yorks TS17 3TS, UK tel: (+44) 01642 677755 fax: (+44) 01642 606655 web: www.energy-solutions.com email: [email protected] contact: Julie Hatfield Energy Solutions International 13831 Northwest Freeway, Suite 235, Houston, TX 77040, USA tel: (+1) 713 782 7500 web: www.energy-solutions.com email: [email protected] contact: Jodi Bash Enfusion Ltd Treenwood House, Rowden Ln, Bradfordon-Avon, Wilts BA15 2AZ, UK tel: (+44) 0122 586 7112 fax: (+44) 0122 586 7115 web: www.enfusion.co.uk email: [email protected] Engedi Science Ltd 23 Pear Tree Close, Bower Manor, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4EA, UK tel: (+44) 01278 434060 fax: (+44) 01278 434072 web: www.engedi.co.uk Engineers India Ltd 1 Bhikaiji Cama Place R KJ Puram, New Delhi, 110 066, India tel: (+91) 11 610 4132 fax: (+91) 11 619 4760 web: www.engineersindia.com email: [email protected] English Partnerships 110 Buchingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9SA, UK tel: (+44) 0207 881 1604 fax: (+44) 020 7881 1654 web: www.englishpartnerships.co.uk email: [email protected] Eni Norge AS PO Box 101, Forus, Stavanger, N-4064, Norway tel: (+47) 5157 4800 fax: (+47) 5157 4930 email: [email protected] Enogex Inc PO Box 24300, Oklahoma City, OK 731240300, USA tel: (+1) 405 525 7788 fax: (+1) 405 557 5258 Enron Asset Management PO Box 1985, Cleveland, Wilton, TS90 8WS, UK tel: (+44) 01642 433509 fax: (+44) 01642 433834 email: [email protected] Entec UK Ltd Northumbria House, Regent Ctr, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3PX, UK tel: (+44) 0191 272 6100 fax: (+44) 0191 272 6592

Company listing fax: (+82) 31 404 4705 web: www.eonsat.com

Enterprise G Akar Sin-L-Fil Immeuble Akar, Beirut, Lebanon tel: (+961) 1 133 32 22 fax: (+961) 1 133 43 58

eProduction Solutions, Inc 22001 North Park Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339-3804, USA tel: (+1) 281 348 1000 fax: (+1) 281 348 1280 web: www.ep-solutions.com

Enterprise plc Lancaster House, Centurion Way, Leyland, Lancs PR26 6TX, UK tel: (+44) 01772 819016 fax: (+44) 01772 819069 web: www.enterprise.plc.uk email: [email protected] contact: Karen Smith Entessa 11757 Katy Freeway, Suite 840, Houston, TX 77079, USA tel: (+1) 469 287 5373 web: www.entessa.com email: [email protected] contact: Marcus Patrinicola Entrepose Contracting 165 Boulevard de Valmy, Batiment H, Colombes, 92707, France tel: (+33) 1 5760 9300 fax: (+33) 1 5760 9301 web: www.entrepose.fr email: [email protected] contact: Pierre Laborie Entrepose Industrial Services Ltd 46 West Bar, Banbury OX16 9RZ, UK tel: (+44) 01295 220330 fax: (+44) 01295 220339 web: www.entrepose.fr email: [email protected] contact: Martyn James Entreprise Ziani Mohamed H10 N30 Cité des Moudjahidines, Biskra, 33000, Algeria tel: (+213) 41 487 887 fax: (+213) 41 487 887 email: [email protected] contact: Laib Said Enviro-Clear Land Clearing, Inc 26045 Brushy Creek Drive, Hockley, TX 77447, USA tel: (+1) 936 931 2233 fax: (+1) 936 372 9532 email: [email protected] contact: Toni Carlton Environmental Crossings, Inc 868 Robinwood Court, Traverse City, MI 49686, USA tel: (+1) 231 929 1242 fax: (+1) 231 941 7412 web: www.ecihdd.com email: [email protected] Enviros Regos House 1010, Cambourne Business Park, Cambridge CB3 6DP, UK tel: (+44) 0870 165 2400 fax: (+44) 0122 359 8079 web: www.enviros.com email: [email protected] Envitech Ltd Unit 20, Cardiff Business Park, Lambourne Cr, Cardiff, CF14 5DL, UK tel: (+44) 02920 337134 fax: (+44) 02920 337137 web: www.envitech.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Mike Pearce EonSat 418-21, Daeyatong, Kyunggido, Sihung City, 429-808, Korea tel: (+82) 31 404 4701

Equilon 777 Walker, Suite 1331, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 241 9922 fax: (+1) 713 241 5770 web: www.alliance.com

Numgambakkam, Madras, 600 004, India tel: (+91) 44 827 9517 fax: (+91) 44 825 0014 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH Wolbeckstrasse 25, Essen, 45329, Germany tel: (+49) 201 36450 fax: (+49) 201 3645111 Essex & Suffolk Water Hall St, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0HH, UK tel: (+44) 01245 212 800 Esso Norge AS (Explorations & Production) Postboks 60, Forus, Stavanger, N-4064, Norway tel: (+47) 51606060 fax: (+47) 51606660 web: www.exxonmobil.com email: [email protected]

Equip Engineers India Pvte Ltd 120 Maker Chambers V 221 Nariman Point, Mumbai, 400 021, India tel: (+91) 22 2042 473 fax: (+91) 22 2845 910 email: [email protected] Equipment Investco Inc 1720 North Sam Houston, Parkway East, Houston, TX 77032, USA tel: (+1) 281 590 7474 fax: (+1) 281 590 4008 web: www.equipmentinvestco.com email: [email protected] Equipo Universal sa k18 # 48-45, apto 102, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 1 285 4158 fax: (+57) 8 877 0349 email: [email protected] The Equity Engineering Group, Inc 3570 Warrensville Ctr Rd, Suite 210, Shaker Heights, OH 44122, USA tel: (+1) 216 283 6018 fax: (+1) 216 283 6022 web: www.equityeng.com email: [email protected] contact: Greg Alvarado

Esso Petroleum Co Ltd Distribution & Pipelines, Engineering Group, Hythe Terminal, New Road, Hardley, Hythe, Southampton, Hants SO45 3NR, UK tel: (+44) 02380 883123 fax: (+44) 02380 883137 web: www.esso.co.uk AS Esti Statoil 2 Tornimae, Tallin, 10145, Estonia tel: (+372) 665 7700 fax: (+372) 665 7701

Company listing - alphabetical

web: www.entecuk.co.uk email: [email protected]

Eupec Espana No 4B, 15 General Moscardo Ave, Madrid, 28020, Spain tel: (+34) 155 433 13 fax: (+34) 155 485 71

Ervin Sanat Co 11/1 Gord Afraid Alley, Karegar Shomali Street, Tehran, 1411963571, Iran tel: (+98) 21 8863 0191 fax: (+98) 21 8863 3735 web: www.ervinsanat.com email: [email protected] contact: Bahman Chobak Escovas Industriais Lda Parque S Caetano Beco Das Lages 56 4405 Canelas VN Gaia, Oporto, Portugal tel: (+351) 2 712 5777 fax: (+351) 2 712 5779

Eupec France Route de Fort-Mardyck, BP 191, Grande Synthe, Dunkirk, 59760, France tel: (+33) 328 580 220 fax: (+33) 328 582 798 web: www.eupec-pipecoatings.com email: [email protected] Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 154, Muelheim an der Ruhr, D-45473, Germany tel: (+49) 208 4596 0 fax: (+49) 208 4596 155 web: www.eupec-pipecoatings.de email: [email protected] contact: Oliver Perrey Eupec Risk Management Services 31965 United Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81001, USA tel: (+1) 719 948 1000 fax: (+1) 719 948 1424 web: www.eupecrms.com email: [email protected] contact: Midori Clark

Esmil Process Systems Ltd The Loft, 30 Abbey Barn Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1RW, UK tel: (+44) 0149 452 6155 fax: (+44) 0149 4447 4515 web: www.esmil.co.uk email: [email protected] Essar Construction Ltd 15th Floor, Essar House, K.K.Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai, 400049, India tel: (+91) 22 2495 0606 fax: (+91) 22 2495 4324 web: www.essar.com email: [email protected] contact: Abhishek Mohan

Euro Arvin 59 Sepand Street NejatAllahi Avenue, Teheran, 15988, Iran tel: (+98) 2 189 8716 fax: (+98) 2 189 4283

Essar Oil Ltd (Offshore Division) Essar House PO Box 7913 Mahalaxmi, Bombay, 400 034, India tel: (+91) 22 495 0606 fax: (+91) 22 496 0482

Eurodetach On & Offshore Services Poststraat 10-4, Sittard, KR 6135, Netherlands tel: (+31) 46 400 89 99 fax: (+31) 46 400 85 39 email: [email protected] contact: N. Sniekers

Essar Projects Ltd Essar House No 14 Haddows Road

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Euro Emirates PO Box 7392, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 393 2300 fax: (+971) 4 393 2500 web: www.euroemirates.com JV Eurogasstroy R. Luxemburg Street 95 - 314, Minsk, 220036, Belarus tel: (+375) 17 256 1680 fax: (+375) 17 256 1681 web: www.eurogas.by email: [email protected] contact: Leonid Fenenko European College of Business 69-71 Gt Eastern Street, London, EC2A 3HU, UK tel: (+44) 020 7749 5930 fax: (+44) 020 7729 6264 web: www.eurocollege.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: M. Flanigan European Geophysical Services Unit 20, Hardwicke Industrial Estate, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, SY4 4AS, UK tel: (+44) 0193 921 0710 fax: (+44) 0193 921 0532 web: www.egs.lu email: [email protected] European Marine Contractors Head Office, EMC House, Station Road, Motspur Park, London, KT3 6JJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8296 5206 fax: (+44) 020 8296 5104 web: www.e-m-c.co.uk Europipe GmbH Pilgerstrasse 2, Mulheim A.D. Rhur, 45473, Germany tel: (+49) 208 976 0 fax: (+49) 208 976 30 00 web: www.europipe.com email: [email protected] Europump Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4TL, UK tel: (+44) 0152 585 0000 fax: (+44) 0152 585 0011 web: www.grundfos.com email: [email protected] Eutechnics Eutechnics Division of Alpha Sensors Inc, 1560 Orangethorpe Way, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA tel: (+1) 714 578 9205 fax: (+1) 714 773 9327 web: www.thermometry.com Evergreen Resources UK Ltd Phoenix Court, Bartholomew St, Newbury, Berks RG14 5QA, UK tel: (+44) 01635 529542 fax: (+44) 01635 570460 web: www.evergreen-res.com email: [email protected]


Ewan Group plc 12 Priory Court, Poulton, Cirencester, Glos GL7 5JB, UK tel: (+44) 01285 850415 fax: (+44) 01285 850416 web: www.ewan.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Adam Dean Excel Engineering Plot No B 04, Grp II, Sector 4, Airoli, New Mumbai, 400708, India tel: (+91) 22 2769 7525 fax: (+91) 22 2769 7525 web: www.excelgas.com

email: [email protected] contact: Nitin Godse Expandite (Athens) Ltd 54 Ch Trikoupi Street, Athens, 144, Greece tel: (+30) 1 3629724 Expect Asia 71/1, Moo 5, Tambon Najomtien, Sattahip, 20250, Thailand tel: (+66) 038 238519 web: www.ex-pect.com contact: Gary T Wight Expert Design Systems BV Geestbrugweg 44, Rijswijk, NL 2281 CM, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 390 2386 fax: (+31) 70 398 9475 web: www.eds-ple.nl email: [email protected] contact: K.W. Radder Explorer Pipeline Co 6846 S Canton, 3rd Flr, The Autumn Oaks Bldg, Tulsa, OK 74136, USA tel: (+1) 918 493 5100 fax: (+1) 918 493 5177 Extec Screens and Crushers Ltd Hearthcote Road, Derbyshire, Swadlincote, DE11 9EU, UK tel: (+44) 01283 212121 fax: (+44) 01283 217342 web: www.extecscreens.com Extreme Machine & Urethane PO Box 887, Broussard, LA 70518, USA tel: (+1) 337 837 7974 fax: (+1) 337 837 7944 email: [email protected] contact: Jonathan Roberie ExxonMobil - Malaysia Menara ExxonMobil, KLCC, 25000 KL, Lot 1863, Kuantan Port, Kuantan, 26100, Malaysia tel: (+60) 9 583 3811 fax: (+60) 9 583 3816 web: www.exxonmobil.com Exxon Pipeline Co 800 Bell St, PO Box 2220 (77252-2220), Houston, TX 77002-7426, USA tel: (+1) 713 656 3636 fax: (+1) 713 656 2709 web: www.exxon.com

F FAB Fernleitungs- und Anlagenbau GmbH Riesaer Strasse 100, PO Box 741107, Leipzig, 4323, Germany tel: (+49) 341 6575 501 fax: (+40) 341 6575 505 web: www.fab-gmbh.de email: [email protected] contact: Harald Dresp F & B Ltd Apy Hill Lane, Tickhill, Doncaster, Yorks DN11 9PE, UK tel: (+44) 01302 752 222 contact: Liam Burke FF-Automation OY Eräkuja 2, Vantaa, FIN-01600, Finland tel: (+358) 9 530 6310 fax: (+358) 9 530 63130 web: www.ff-automation.com email: [email protected] FLC Instruments, Inc 1019 Airpark Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554-

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9585, USA tel: (+1) 630 556 4477 fax: (+1) 630 556 4478 web: www.flccontrols.com email: [email protected] FMA c/o DSND Subsea AS Televeien 1 PO Box 323, Grimstad, N-4891, Norway tel: (+47) 37 29 55 00 fax: (+47) 37 04 45 33 FPL Group 700 Universe Blvd, PO Box 14000, Juno Beach, FL 33408, USA tel: (+1) 561 691 7171 web: www.fplgroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Bill Whiting FTL Technology Ltd 27 Leeds Business Park, Bruntcliffe Avenue, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0TG, UK tel: (+44) 0113 252 1061 fax: (+44) 0113 252 2627 web: www.ftltechnology.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Warwick Lockwood Faber Maunsell Ltd Belvedere House, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX2 5WS, UK tel: (+44) 01392 663200 fax: (+44) 01392 663299 web: www.fabermaunsell.com email: [email protected] contact: Shaun Mason Fabick Cat 1 Fabick Drive, Fenton (St Louis County), MO 63026, USA tel: (+1) 636 343 5900 fax: (+1) 636 343 0168 web: www.fabickcat.com contact: Harry Fabick Fabricom GTI NV Major Projects Industrieweg 16, Grimbergen, B-1850, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 254 5811 fax: (+32) 2 251 1790 web: www.fabricom-gti.com email: [email protected] contact: F. Ide Fabricon Ltd 5 Commerce Way, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 8RW, UK tel: (+44) 01525 850244 fax: (+44) 01525 850245 web: www.fabricon.ltd.uk email: [email protected] contact: Ken Chaderton Faithful & Gould Dunedin House, Columbia Drive, Stocktonon-Tees, TS17 6BJ, UK tel: (+44) 01642 675136 fax: (+44) 01642 671507 web: www.fgould.com email: [email protected] contact: Dennis Edwards Far Asia Co Ltd Southern Building, No.15, Panjiayuan Dongli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100021, China tel: (+86) 10 8770 9858 fax: (+86) 10 8770 9228 web: www.farasia.com.cn email: [email protected] contact: farasia Far East Dredging Ltd Suite 1001B 10/F tower 6 China Hong King City 33 Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

tel: (+852) 2 805 2326 fax: (+852) 2 815 8096 email: [email protected] Far East Dredging (Taiwan) Ltd No 508, 11th Fl, Section 5, Chung Hsiao East Rd, Taipei, Taiwan tel: (+886) 234 604 08 fax: (+886) 234 604 12 email: [email protected] H N Faris PO Box 151, Amman, 11118, Jordan tel: (+962) 6 461 1306 fax: (+962) 6 461 1307 email: [email protected] contact: H.Faris Farr Canada Ltd 14755, 121A Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5L 2TV, Canada tel: (+1) 780 453 3277 fax: (+1) 780 455 2432 web: www.farrcanada.com email: [email protected] contact: D. Dagenain Farwest Corrosion Control Co 1480 W. Artesia Blvd., Gardena, CA 90248, USA tel: (+1) 888 532 7937 fax: (+1) 310 532 3934 web: www.farwestcorrosion.com email: [email protected] contact: Sue Peterson Since 1956, Farwest Corrosion Control Co has been a leading provider of cathodic protection (CP) services and materials for a wide variety of industries. Services include corrosion-engineering design, cathodic-protection system installation, and project management. Materials include impressed-current and galvanic anodes, conventional and pulse cathodic-protection rectifiers, anode backfills, cable, splice kits, thermite welding supplies, test stations, reference electrodes, dielectric insulating materials and a wide variety of coatings. The company also provides remotemonitoring equipment, remote power systems, corrosion and coating inspection instruments, and an assortment of other related products. Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd Fastflow House, Unit 12, Parsons Industrial Estate, District 2, Parsons Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 1EZ, UK tel: (+44) 0191 415 7744 fax: (+44) 0191 419 3051 Fazilsons Rehman St 3, Commercial Chambers, Nishter Road, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan tel: (+92) 42 765 5375 fax: (+92) 42 763 5626 web: www.fazilsons.com email: [email protected] contact: Kafayat Ullah Federated Pipe Lines Ltd 1600, 324 8th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2Z5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 232 7100 fax: (+1) 403 232 7075 Fernas Construction Co 21 Elci Sok, Y. Ayranci, Ankara, 6550, Turkey tel: (+90) 312 426 6262 fax: (+90) 312 426 3838 email: [email protected] contact: Necat Nasiroglu

Ferro Monk Systems Ltd Peckfield, Gt North Road, South Milford, Leeds, LS25 5LH, UK tel: (+44) 0197 768 1777 fax: (+44) 0197 768 1888 web: www.ferromonk.co.uk email: [email protected]

email: [email protected] contact: Bill Fleming

Field Lining Systems, Inc 439 South 3rd Avenue, Avondale, AZ 85323, USA tel: (+1) 623 842 1255 fax: (+1) 623 930 1766 web: www.fieldliningsystems.com

Flexachem Manufacturing Ltd Donnybrook Commercial Centre, Douglas, Ireland tel: (+353) 21 4363742 fax: (+353) 21 4891297 web: www.flexachem.com email: [email protected] contact: Michael O’Connell

Fina plc Herts Oil Storage plc, Buncefield Terminal Green Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7HZ, UK tel: (+44) 01442 63738 Finland Pacific Pipe Co Ltd OY Savontalontie 8, Fin 45720, Kuusankoski, 45720, Finland tel: (+358) 5750 4400 fax: (+358) 5750 4475 web: www.finlandpacific.com Firenze Producao de Petroleo Lda Avenida Ariaga 77-5 Salas 502 e 503, Madeira, Funchal, 9000, Portugal tel: (+351) 91 231 961 fax: (+351) 91 233 893 First Rate Fabricators LLP Box 25, Valentine, Arizona 86437, USA tel: (+1) 888 221 0291 web: www.firstratefabricators.com email: [email protected] contact: John T McCracken George Fischer Sales Ltd Paradise Way, Coventry CV2 2ST, UK tel: (+44) 02476 535535 fax: (+44) 02476 530450 web: www.georgefischer.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Simon Alder

Fletcher General Construction Box 24506, Seattle, WA 98124-0506, USA tel: (+1) 206 368 6300 fax: (+1) 206 368 6318

Flexcrete Technologies Ltd 55 Brockholes View, Preston, PR1 4BH, UK tel: (+44) 01772 259477 fax: (+44) 01772 255679 web: www.flexcrete.com email: [email protected] contact: Graham James Flexibras Rua Jurema Barroso 35 Iddldha de Principe 29 020 Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil tel: (+55) 27 222 7122 fax: (+55) 27 223 7524 Flexifloat Systems BV Galateestraat 7, PO Box 10297 (3004 AG), Rotterdam, 3044 EC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 437 0811 fax: (+31) 10 437 9196 web: www.combifloat.com email: [email protected] Flex-Seal Couplings Ltd Endeavour Works, Newlands Way, Valley Park, Wombwell, Barnsley, S73 0UW, UK tel: (+44) 0122 634 0888 fax: (+44) 0122 634 0999 web: www.flexseal.co.uk email: [email protected]

Fisher German LLP Chartered Surveyors The Grange, 80 Tamworth Road, Ashby De La Zouch, Leics LE65 2BW, UK tel: (+44) 01530 412821 fax: (+44) 01530 413896 web: www.fishergerman.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: G.C. Phillipson

Flint Engineering & Construction Co 2440 South Yukon Avenue Box 3044, Tulsa, OK 74107-2729, USA tel: (+1) 918 584 0033 fax: (+1) 918 584 0154 web: www.flinteng.com email: [email protected]

Fisher Research Laboratory 200 W. Willmott Rd., Los Banos, CA 93635-5501, USA tel: (+1) 209 826 3292 fax: (+1) 209 826 0416 web: www.fisherlab.com email: [email protected]

Flite Software Ltd The Innovation Centre L.I.T. Port Road, Donegal, Letterkenny, Ireland tel: (+353) 74 23023 fax: (+353) 74 23077 web: www.fluidflowinfo.com email: [email protected]

Fithandel (Scotland) Ltd Unit 1, Woodside Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8EF, UK tel: (+44) 01224 704694 fax: (+44) 01224 825421 web: www.fithandel.com email: [email protected] contact: Roger Moult

Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd 1/16 Leighton Place, Hornsby, NSW 2077, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9477 7144 fax: (+61) 2 9476 6158 web: www.flomax.auz.com email: [email protected]

5T Construction, Inc 5T Construction, Inc, 1548 E. 36th ST, Tulsa, OK 74105, USA tel: (+1) 918 607 3347 fax: (+1) 918 298 1748 web: www.willbros.com W Fleming Inspection Services Ltd 10 Meadowbrook Close, Lostock, Bolton, BL6 4HX, UK tel: (+44) 01942 816399

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Florida Power and Light Co PO Box 025576, Miami, FL 33102, USA tel: (+1) 800 432 6554 web: www.fpl.com email: [email protected] contact: merilee kern Flow-Cal, Inc 2222 Bay Area Blvd, Suite 200, PO Box 58965, Houston, TX 77258-8965, USA tel: (+1) 281 282 0865 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+1) 281 282 0792 web: www.flowcal.com email: [email protected] contact: John Hoffman Flowline Alaska, Inc Flowline Alaska, Inc, 1881 Livengood, Fairbanks, AK 99701, USA tel: (+1) 907 456 4911 fax: (+1) 907 456 1194 web: www.flowline-alaska.com contact: Chris Johansen Flow Metrix, Inc 2 Clock Tower Place, Suite 425, Maynard, MA 1754, USA tel: (+1) 978 897 2033 fax: (+1) 978 897 2497 web: www.flowmetrix.com email: [email protected] contact: Bud Reed

Fluor Daniel Arabia PO Box 360, Dhahran Airport, Dhahran, 31932, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 388 292 92 fax: (+966) 388 264 48 contact: Administrator Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd The Gateway, 312 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, 3004, Australia tel: (+61) 392 686 000 fax: (+61) 392 686 001 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd 10101 Southport Road SW, Calgary, AB T2W 3W2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 259 1110 fax: (+1) 403 259 1222

Flowmole Ltd 33 Maylan Road, Earltrees Industrial Estate, Northants, Corby, NN17 4DR, UK tel: (+44) 01536 400141 fax: (+44) 01536 400142

Fluor Daniel Inc 3333 Michelson Drive, Irvine, CA 92730, USA tel: (+1) 714 975 2000 fax: (+1) 714 975 5981

Flow-Quip 7440 E. 46th Place, Tulsa, OK 74145 6306, USA tel: (+1) 918 663 3313 fax: (+1) 918 663 9034 web: www.flowquip.com email: [email protected]

Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers PO Box 21310119 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74121-1260, USA tel: (+1) 918 561 9500 fax: (+1) 918 561 9510

Flowserve Corp 6330 Dixie Drive, 6330 Dixie Dr, Houston, TX 77087, USA tel: (+1) 800 659 9487 fax: (+1) 713 644 9245 web: www.flowserve.com Flow Systems India 380, Ramkrishna Niwas, N.C.Kelkar Road, Dadar, Maharashtra, Mumbai, 400 028, India tel: (+91) 22 4324672 fax: (+91) 22 4308741 web: www.mtnl.net.In/flowsys Floyd & Associates Ltd The Old Bakehouse, Alford Main Street, Alford, AB33 8PX, UK tel: (+44) 01975 563335 fax: (+44) 01975 563428 web: www.floyd-assoc.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Robin Floyd Fluenta AS Solheimsgaten 9 POBox 2364, Solheimsviken, N-5037, Norway tel: (+47) 555 99 555 fax: (+47) 555 99 500 web: www.fluenta.com email: suzanne.hodgson@fluenta/no Fluid Flow Consultants 8004 South Juniper Avenue, Broken Arrow, OK 74011, USA tel: (+1) 918 451 1024 fax: (+1) 918 451 3365 web: www.fluidflowInccom email: sales@fluidflowInccom contact: Michael A. Hein


tel: (+1) 949 349 2000 fax: (+1) 949 349 5091

Fluor Canada Ltd 55 Sunpark Plaza SE, Calgary, AB T2X 3R4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 537 4672 contact: Mathew Schaeffer Fluor Corporation 1 Enterprise Dr, Aliso Viejo, CA 926562606, USA

Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers 900 W 5th Ave Suite 300, PO Box 196680, Anchorage, AK 99501, USA tel: (+1) 907 276 2636 fax: (+1) 907 279 6844 Fluor Enterprises, Inc 1 Fluor Daniel Drive, PO Box 5014, 1 Fluor Daniel Drive, Sugar Land, TX 774875014, USA tel: (+1) 281 263 1000 fax: (+1) 281 263 6166 email: [email protected] contact: Charles Tumey Fluor Ltd Fluor Centre, Watchmoor Park, Riverside Way, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3YL, UK tel: (+44) 01276 402229 fax: (+44) 01276 402009 web: www.fluor.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Andrews Fluor Wyszynskiego 11, Gliwice, 44100, Poland tel: (+48) 32 2391788 email: [email protected] contact: Kris Fluor S.A. Rio de Oro Nº1 5ºA, Gijon-Asturias, 33209, Spain tel: (+34) 985 984000 fax: (+34) 985 984113 email: [email protected] contact: Pedro Suarez Foley Inspection Services Inc 501, 5920 Macleod Trail S.W., Calgary, AB T2H 0K2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 258 2999 fax: (+1) 403 258 0444 web: www.foleyinspection.com email: [email protected] contact: Jennifer Ronson Footage Tools 145 Fenmar Dr, Toronto, M9L 1M7, Canada tel: (+1) 416 746 2911 fax: (+1) 416 746 8906 web: www.footagetools.com

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Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd 3100, 707 - Eighth Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3W8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 294 4111 fax: (+1) 403 294 4171 Forain SrL Via G.B. Boeri, 11, Milan, 20141, Italy tel: (+39) 02 8467345 fax: (+39) 02 8465325 web: www.forain.net email: [email protected] SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle Str. Petrolului nr. 12 bis, Videle, 70000, Romania tel: (+40) 724 917549 fax: (+40) 213 300150 web: www.fsv.ro email: [email protected] contact: Sorin Cristian Rosca Forbes & Kerr (Engineering) Ltd 4 Anderson Street, Anderson Industrial Estate, Port Glasgow, PA14 5LJ, UK tel: (+44) 01475 745288 Alexander Forbes Risk Services Ltd 327 Statton Road, Harrow HA1 2XN, UK tel: (+44) 020 8863 5577 fax: (+44) 020 8861 4470 web: www.bradstockgroup.co.uk email: [email protected] Force Technology #300, 715 - 5th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2X6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 286 0606 fax: (+1) 403 265 9750 web: www.force.dk/gb email: [email protected] contact: Daryl Baxandall Ford Bacon & Davis Inc 2206 South 2000 West, West Valley, Utah 84119, USA tel: (+1) 801 972 5710 fax: (+1) 801 972 0499 Foresight Management Services Ltd Herons Farm, Back Street, Skipsea, Driffield, YO25 8SW, UK tel: (+44) 01262 469996 fax: (+44) 01262 469354 email: [email protected] contact: Colin Gibbons Fortress Systems Pty Ltd 324 Governer Road, Braeside, Vic 3195, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9587 4099 fax: (+61) 3 9587 4130 web: www.fortress.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Kim McKay L.B. Foster Co 415 Holiday Drive, PO Box 2806, Pttsburgh, PA 15220-2793, USA tel: (+1) 800 566 0667 fax: (+1) 713 466 2737 web: www.lbfoster.com email: [email protected] contact: Gary Foerster Foundation Co Inc 3660 Midland Avenue, Scarborough, ON M1V 4V3, Canada tel: (+1) 416 754 8691 fax: (+1) 416 754 8692 Foxboro Co 33 Commercial Street, Foxboro, MA 2035, USA tel: (+1) 866 746 6477 fax: (+1) 508 549 4999

Company listing

Framo Engineering AS 40 Sandsliasen, PO Box 174, Sandsli, Bergen, N-5862, Norway tel: (+47) 5592 8800 fax: (+47) 5592 8900 web: www.framoeng.no email: [email protected] contact: Jon Arve Svaeren Franklin Howard International Ltd 17 Old Market Road, Owerri, Nigeria tel: (+1) 404 551 4892 fax: (+1) 404 551 4527 web: www.franklinhoward.com email: [email protected] contact: Obinna Nwadike Franklin Howard International Ltd 1428 Dorchester Ave, Boston, MA 2122, USA tel: (+1) 404 551 4892 fax: (+1) 404 551 4527 web: www.franklinhoward.com email: [email protected] contact: obinna nwadike Frazer and Tabberer Tayberry House, 6 Riland Industrial Estate, Sutton Coldfield, W Midlands B75 7BB, UK tel: (+44) 0121 311 2606 fax: (+44) 0121 311 1218 web: www.frazerandtabberer.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Duncan Frazer Freestyle Sign and Print Co Unit 8, Sheeplands Farm, Twyford Road, Wargrave, Reading, Berks RG10 8DL, UK tel: (+44) 0118 940 4000 fax: (+44) 0118 940 6275 web: www.freestyle-signs/markerplates email: [email protected] contact: Gary Westwood Freeth Melhuish 24 Holywell Hill, Herts, St Albans, AL1 1BZ, UK tel: (+44) 01727 848 680 Freeze Technology International Inc Box 2329, Amarillo, TX 79105, USA tel: (+1) 806 371 8854 fax: (+1) 806 371 8856 Ludwig Freytag GmbH & Co Ammeerlander Heerstr 368, Oldenburg, D26129, Germany tel: (+49) 441 970 40 fax: (+49) 441 970 4100 web: www.ludwig-freytag.de email: [email protected] Friatec Ltd Old Parkbury Lane, Colney St, St Albans, Herts AL2 2ED, UK tel: (+44) 01923 857878 fax: (+44) 01923 853434 web: www.friatec.de email: [email protected] Frontier Oil Refining Co 5340 S Quebec St, Suite 200-N, Englewood, CO 80111-1911, USA tel: (+1) 303 714 0100 fax: (+1) 303 714 0163 Fru-Con Construction Corporation 15933 Clayton Road, Ballwin, MO 63011, USA tel: (+1) 314 391 6700 fax: (+1) 314 391 4513 contact: g lanzer

Fuel Subsea Engineering Bourne House, Lansbury Estate, 102 Lower Guildford Road, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 2EP, UK tel: (+44) 01483 379 5300 fax: (+44) 01483 379 5315 Fugro Geodetic Ltd, Pakistan 28 B, KDA Scheme No.1, Sindh, Karachi, 75350, Pakistan tel: (+92) 21 4532041 fax: (+92) 21 4532042 web: www.fugro-geodetic.com.pk Fugro GeoSoft Solutions Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base, Box. No. 5040, Loyang Crescent, 508988, Singapore tel: (+65) 6543 0200 fax: (+65) 6543 0500 web: www.fugro-geosoft.com Fugro Survey Pty Ltd PO Box 515, Balcatta, WA 6914, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9344 7166 fax: (+61) 8 9344 8783 web: www.fugro.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Steve Duffield Fugro Survey Ltd Denmore Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8JW, UK tel: (+44) 01224 257600 fax: (+44) 01224 853912 web: www.fugrosurvey.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Chris Mott Fullkote Pipeline Services 4873-47th Street, Lacombe, AB T4L 2B2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 346 7444 fax: (+1) 403 342 7447 web: www.fullkote.com email: [email protected] contact: Andy Santalucia Furmanite America, Inc 101 Old Underwood Road, La Porte, TX 77571, USA tel: (+1) 800 444 5572 fax: (+1) 281 842 5111 web: www.furmanite.com email: [email protected] contact: Karen Hollas

tel: (+44) 020 7938 4942 fax: (+44) 020 7938 4962 web: www.futurepipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Graham Ward Future Spec. 9924 Charlotte St, Kansas City, MO 64131, USA tel: (+1) 816 769 5068 web: www.ftrspec.com email: [email protected] contact: Chad Biggerstaff

G G A Valves Sales PO Box 5, Brighouse, Yorks HP6 3WD, UK tel: (+44) 0148 471 1983 fax: (+44) 0148 471 9848 email: [email protected] GBA Products Co Ltd PO Box 4116, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 881 5565 fax: (+971) 4 881 6230 web: www.gba-gulf.com email: [email protected] GCL Horizons The Barn, Waterloo Road, Wokingham, RG40 3BY, UK tel: (+44) 0118 977 2554 web: www.gclhorizons.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

web: www.foxboro.com email: [email protected]

GD Closure Systems 19203 Hemstead Highway, Houston, TX 77065-4702, USA tel: (+1) 281 807 2815 fax: (+1) 281 807 2805 web: www.gdclosures.com email: [email protected] contact: Steven King GD Engineering Retford Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 2PY, UK tel: (+44) 01909 482 323 fax: (+44) 01909 477 902 web: www.gdengineering.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Brian Smith GDK SA Rua da Grécia 8-7 andar, Edíficio Serra da Raiz - Comércio, Salvador, 40010-010, Brazil tel: (+55) 71 2106 2900 fax: (+55) 71 2106 2980 email: [email protected] contact: Gilvan Couceiro D’Amorim

Furmanite Australia Pty Ltd 4 Gateway Court, Port Melbourne, Vic 3207, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9285 2200 fax: (+61) 3 9645 2948 email: [email protected] contact: Zac Reark Fusion Provida Ltd Smeckley Wood Close, Chesterfield Trading Estate, Chesterfield, Derbys S41 9PZ, UK tel: (+44) 01246 260111 fax: (+44) 01246 262806 web: www.fusionprovida.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Raine Future Environmental Sevices (Surveys) Ltd Maitland House, Maitland St, Preston, Lancs PR1 5XR, UK tel: (+44) 0177 265 4655 fax: (+44) 0177 265 4065 web: www.futureamtec.com email: [email protected] Future Pipe Ltd First Floor, Whitlock House, 6 Earls Court Road, London, W8 6EA, UK

GD Pipelines PO Box 33, Sherwood, Qld 4075, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3379 6888 fax: (+61) 7 3379 6811 email: [email protected] contact: Dale Lewis GDF Production Nederland BV Eleanor Rosseveltlaan 3, Zoetermeer, NL2719 AB, Netherlands tel: (+31) 79 368 6868 fax: (+31) 79 368 6860 web: www.gazdefrance.nl GE Energy - Central Europe Lorenzstrasse 10, Stutensee, D-76297, Germany tel: (+49) 7244 7320 fax: (+49) 7244 732123 web: www.gepower.com/pii contact: Mario Riello

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Journal of Pipeline Engineering

Subjects to be covered in the JPE will include: • Pipeline integrity Subjects to be covered in the JPE will include: Pipeline integrity

Deepwater pipeline • Pipeline regulations engineering

Pipeline regulations

• Construction techniques • Construction techniques

• Fitness-for-purpose •

Fitness-for-purpose assessment assessment

• Corrosion Corrosion mitigation

Environmental issues





• Risk CO and H2 pipelines 2


The Journal of Pipeline Integrity

• Deepwater pipeline engineering

mitigation • Environmental issues • Design


HE Journal of Pipeline Engineering (JPE), incorporating The Journal of Pipeline Integrity, and launched in 2007, provides a wider forum than its predecessor for publishing the latest scientific and technical research in the oil, gas, and hazardous-products pipeline industry world-wide.

• Materials

• Reliability • CO2 and H2 pipelines

The Journal of Pipeline Engineering is published jointly by Clarion Technical Publishers of Houston, USA, and Scientific Surveys Ltd of the UK, and its editorial content is overseen by an Editorial Board made up of some of the most senior figures in this industry, world-wide.


The first issue was published in March, 2007, and the JPE is now published quarterly, and is only available by subscription, the cost of which is US$350/year inc. airmail postage. Members of the newly-formed Professional Institute of Pipeline Engineers (PIPE) are entitled to a speciallyreduced rate of US$175/year (inc. postage). To receive further details, please contact BJ Lowe or John Tiratsoo (see right).

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

ClarionClarion Technical Technical Publishers Publishers 3401 Louisiana, #255 3401 Houston, TX 77002 Louisiana, #255 USA Houston, t: +1 713 521 5929 TX f: +1 713 521 9255 77002 e: [email protected] USA www.clarion.org t: +1 713

Scientific Surveys Ltd PO Box 21 Beaconsfield HP9 1NS UK t: +44 (0)1494 675139 f: +44 (0)1404 670155 e: [email protected] www.pipemag.com

United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Operators Association


KOPA was formed in 1997 to provide the recognized and authoritative view of UK pipeline operators on all strategic issues relating to the safety management, operation, and integrity of pipelines, and its membership now includes all the main UK onshore pipeline operators. The aim of the Association is to provide a strategic, commercially-independent, and technically-authoritative forum for influencing developments and changes in safety legislation, enabling technical developments and the sharing and provision of data for mutual benefit in achieving a world class standard for pipeline safety in the UK. A key element of this is sharing knowledge and learning based on specific operational experience so that best practice can be identified and applied consistently, and this allows the areas of work to be prioritized such that maximum overall benefit is achieved for all stakeholders. Based on this approach, UKOPA has developed and is operating the UK pipeline fault database and has published a competencyassessment framework which complies with legislative requirements. Its current areas of work include the development of risk-assessment methodologies, the specification of these methodologies in technical supplements to PD 8010 and IGE/TD/ 1, and the development of a pipelineinfringement database.

In order to achieve UKOPA’s aim to ensure that UK pipeline safety is world class, the Association is progressing a number of significant and interrelated initiatives to control and manage the factors which influence safety. Key to this is the Association’s underlying philosophy to share and collate operational experience and data such a way that it can be used for mutual learning and understanding and ultimately for mutual benefit and for the benefit of all stakeholders. The prime example is the UKOPA pipeline fault database, which includes the damage and failure statistics of all UK major accident hazard pipelines. The data collected in this database enables the primary causes of pipeline damage to be identified, and the frequency with which they result in pipeline failure to be determined. Once the prime damage causes are identified and their frequency of occurrence determined, it is possible to identify actions which minimize the underlying cause of damage and reduce the likelihood failure, therefore increasing the level of safety. To do this requires an integrated work programme which assesses the underlying factors, analyses performance data and failure and predicts risks in an accurate and realistic way using tools which can be universally adopted.

Membership of UKOPA is open to pipeline owners and/or operators with responsibility for pipeline engineering strategy and policy, and applications for membership are welcome from all pipeline owners and/or operators, and are considered on an individual basis by the Association.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing


see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 GE Energy - North America 1333 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027, USA tel: (+1) 713 803 0900 fax: (+1) 713 328 0471 web: www.gepower.com/pii contact: Keith Luomala GE Inspectiion Technologies Robert-Bosch-Strasse 3, Hurth, 50354, Germany tel: (+49) 22 33 6010 fax: (+49) 22 33 601 402 web: www.geinspectiontechnologies.com contact: Jeff Nagel GE Oil & Gas - PII Pipeline Solutions Atley Way, Nelson Industrial Estate, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 1WW, UK tel: (+44) 0191 247 3200 fax: (+44) 0191 247 3101 web: www.ge.com/pii contact: Laure Brooks GE Oil & Gas - PII Pipeline Solutions 1333 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027, USA tel: (+1) 713 803 0900 fax: (+1) 713 328 0471 web: www.ge.com/pii email: [email protected] contact: Mark Slaughter GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII 6 Bennett Street, Perth, WA 6004, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9264 0033 fax: (+61) 8 9264 0099 web: www.geoilandgas.com email: [email protected] contact: Robert Thomson GEMS Sensors Lennox Road, Basingstoke, Hants RG22 4AW, UK tel: (+44) 0125 632 0244 fax: (+44) 0125 6473680 web: www.gems-sensors.co.uk email: [email protected] GE Sensing 1100 Technology Park Dr., Billerica, MA 01821, USA tel: (+1)800 833 9438 fax: (+1) 502 479 6722 web: www.gesensing.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Scelzo GHD Pty Ltd GPO Box 668, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3316 3000 fax: (+61) 7 3316 3333 web: www.ghd.com.au email: [email protected] contact: George Tsiros GJS Construction Co Inc Somervile Construction Co 3806 S 16th Street, Phoneix, AZ 850401313, USA tel: (+1) 602 243 4130 fax: (+1) 602 276 0224


GM Engineering Ltd 12 Greenbank Place, East Tullos, Aberdeen AB12 3BT, UK tel: (+44) 01224 895431 fax: (+44) 01224 871027 web: www.gm-engineering.com email: [email protected] GNPOC Gamhoria Street, Khartoum, 1, Sudan tel: (+249) 11 703 7752 fax: (+24911 760081

web: www.gnpoc.com GPA Engineering Pty Ltd PO Box 3245, Norwood, SA 5067, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8363 2112 fax: (+61) 8 8363 7227 web: www.gpaeng.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Tony Williams GPS PE Pipe Systems St Peters Road, Huntingdon, PE29 7DA, UK tel: (+44) 01480 52121 fax: (+44) 01480 442602 web: www.gpsuk.com email: [email protected] contact: Graham Wright GTI 15 King Street, Three Rivers, Gauteng, Vereeniging, 1935, South Africa tel: (+27) 16 454 0260 fax: (+27) 16 423 3442 web: www.gammatecsa.com GTT 46 Avenue des Freres Luminere, Trappes, 78190, France tel: (+33) 1 30 62 5200 fax: (+33) 1 30 50 9058 Gabe’s Construction Co Inc 4804 North 40th Street, PO Box 385, Sheboygan, Wyoming 53083, USA tel: (+1) 920 459 2600 fax: (+1) 920 459 2608 web: www.gabes.com email: [email protected] Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc 7000 Fisher Road SE, Calgary, AB T2H 0W3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 258 9794 fax: (+1) 403 255 6287 web: www.galvanic.com email: [email protected] Gammon India Ltd Gammon House, Veer Savarkar Marg., Prabhadevi, Mumbai, 400 025, India tel: (+91) 22 5661 4000 fax: (+91) 22 2430 0221 web: www.gammonindia.com email: [email protected] contact: Abhijit Rajan Gaoco Pipeline Technology Service Co Ltd Building 34—3-502,Kangle Garden(9th area), Heping Road, Hebei, Langfang, 65000, China tel: (+86) 316 208 1096 fax: (+86) 316 208 1096 web: www.gaoco.com Garneau Inc 2003 - 5th Street, Nisku, AB T9E 7X4, Canada tel: (+1) 780 955 2396 fax: (+1) 780 955 7715 web: www.garneau-Inccom email: international@garneau-Inccom contact: Glen Garneau Gas & Fuel 16 Kaikoura Ave, PO Box 322 (Ashburton), East Hawthorn, Vic 3147, Australia tel: (+61) 39 652 4222 fax: (+61) 39 652 4000 Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd 5 Jalan Serendah 26/17, Seksyen 26, PO Box 7901, Shah Alam, Malaysia tel: (+60) 351 923 000 fax: (+60) 351 926 766

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GasMin Ltd 8A Suvastu Tower, 69/1 Green Road (Panthopath), Dhaka, 1205, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2 861 4565 fax: (+880) 2 861 2455 web: www.gasmin.com email: [email protected] contact: Mahboob Rahman Gas Natural SDG SA Avgd Portal de L’Angel 20-22, Barcelona, 8002, Spain tel: (+34) 9402 51 00 fax: (+34) 9402 58 70 GasNet Australia Group PO Box 4204, Dandenong South, Vic 3164, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9797 5222 fax: (+61) 3 9797 5295 web: www.pipelinetruStcom.au email: [email protected] contact: Reynard Smith Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA Edificio Vias y Construcciones, Calle Orense No 11-4, Madrid, 28020, Spain tel: (+34) 915 554 593 fax: (+34) 915 569 559 Gassco AS PO Box 93, Haugesund, N-5501, Norway tel: (+47) 528 125 00 fax: (+47) 528 129 46 web: gcweb04.gasco.no/sw3077.asp Gas Services Technology Ltd Ocean Park House, East Tyndall St, Cardiff, CF1 5GT, UK tel: (+44) 029 2040 3030 Gasstroymontaj 24 Kamen Andreev Street, Sofia, 1606, Bulgaria tel: (+359) 2 952 04 73 fax: (+359) 2 988 66 21 web: www.gasstroymontaj.com email: [email protected] contact: Krassimir Popov Gas Transport Inc A Subsidiary of Marbel Energy Corporation, 1410 Hocking Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, USA tel: (+1) 740 423 2101 fax: (+1) 740 423 2102 Gastransport Services PO Box 19, Groningen, 9700 MA, Netherlands tel: (+31+ 505 219 111 fax: (+31+ 503 601 999 Gasum OY Keilantra 6, PO Box 21, Espoo, 2151, Finland tel: (+358) 204 471 fax: (+358) 204 478 609 web: www.gasum.fi Gasunie Trade and Supply PO Box 477, Groningen, 9700 AL, Netherlands tel: (+31) 503 648 648 fax: (+31) 503 648 600 Gasverbund Mittelland AG Untertalweg 32, PO Box 360, Arlesheim, 4114, Switzerland tel: (+41) 61 706 3333 fax: (+41) 61 706 3399 Gasverbund Ostschweiz AG Bernerstrasse, Zurich, CH-8010, Switzerland tel: (+41) 1 730 17 31 fax: (+41) 1 730 50 93

Company listing

Gaz de France 23 rue Philibert-Delorme, Paris, Cedex 17, 75840, France tel: (+33) 1 4754 2020 fax: (+33) 1 4754 2588 Gaz de France Germany GmbH Atrium, 60 Frederichstrasse, Berlin, 10117, Germany tel: (+30) 590 060 fax: (+30) 590 062 05 Gazkomplektimpex Co Ltd 8 Stroiteley Street, Buliding 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia tel: (+7) 95 631 5719 fax: (+7) 95 133 6430 email: [email protected] contact: Valery A. Golubev Gazprom ul. Nametkina 16, Moscow, 117884, Russia tel: (+7) 095 125 3099 fax: (+7) 095 125499 Gazstroymashina 7a, Tallinskaya St, St Petersburg, 195196, Russia tel: (+7) 812 444 6062 fax: (+7) 812 444 6062 web: www.gazstroymashina.com email: [email protected] contact: Maxim Ivanov Ge-Mac Construction Ltd 28 Sturmi Way, Village Farm Industrial Estate, Pyle, Mid Glamorgan, Bridgend, CF33 6NU, UK tel: (+44) 01656 744 102

Generation Software Ltd Chilton Chambers, 37 St Peters Ave, Caversham, Reading, Berks RG4 7DH, UK tel: (+44) 0118 948 2468 fax: (+44) 0118 948 2470 web: www.generationsoftware.com email: [email protected] Genesis Oil & Gas Consultants Ltd 262 High Holburn, London, WC1V 7NA, UK tel: (+44) 020 7611 5301 fax: (+44) 020 7611 5300 web: www.genesisoilandgas.com email: [email protected] contact: Graham May Genseed Services Ltd Sandfords Farm, Wickham Bishops Road, Hatfield Peverel, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 2JL, UK tel: (+44) 01245 381024 fax: (+44) 01245 380633 GeoFields, Inc 1180 West Peachtree St, Suite 1250, Atlanta, GA, USA tel: (+1) 404 875 2550 fax: (+1) 404 875 2442 web: www.geofields.com email: [email protected] contact: Scot Twining GeoLine ApS Frodesvej 8, Bagsvaerd, 2880, Denmark tel: (+45) 7022 5855 fax: (+45) 4587 5855 web: www.geoline.dk email: [email protected] contact: Torsten Strandgaard

Ge-Mac Construction (NI) Ltd 35 Mill Road, Belfast, BT8 8HJ, UK tel: (+44) 01232 815599 Gem Production Managemant 700, 5940 MacLeod Trail SW, Calgary, AB T2H 2G4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 259 0369 fax: (+1) 403 252 5338 web: www.gemproduction.ab.ca

Georgia International Oil Corporation (GIOC) 4 Sanapiro St, Tbilisi, 380005, Georgia tel: (+995) 32 99 89 79 fax: (+995) 32 92 02 45 web: www.gioc.ge

GemTeck Environmental Software Ltd 1066 West Hastings Street, Suite 1100, PO Box 12507, Vancouver, BC V6E 3X1, Canada tel: (+1) 604 408 7304 fax: (+1) 604 684 3541 web: www.gemteck.com email: [email protected] contact: Howard Adam

Georgia Western, Inc 2275 McCollum Parkway, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA tel: (+1) 770 426 6070 fax: (+1) 770 426 6191 web: www.georgiawestern.com email: [email protected] contact: Neil Hutcheson

General Underground Services (UK) Ltd Barley Castle Trading Estate, Barley Castle Lane, Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4RD, UK tel: (+44) 01925 212121 fax: (+44) 01925 212233 web: www.gusuk.com General Utilities Projects Ltd 1 Blackwell House, Three Valleys Way, Bushey, Herts WD2 2QD, UK tel: (+44) 01923 248831 fax: (+44) 01923 814398

Ghizzoni SpA Via Meucci no 4, Vidalenzo di Polesine, Parma, 43010, Italy tel: (+39) 0524 989 fax: (+39) 0524 98042 email: [email protected] contact: Giorgio Dondi Ghizzoni SpA S.S. 407 Basentana, Macchia Di Ferrandina, 75010, Italy tel: (+39) 835 462 430 fax: (+39) 835 462 985 email: [email protected] Ghizzoni Espana SA 57 General Yague, Madrid, 28020, Spain tel: (+34) 915 709 890 fax: (+34) 915 700 362 Gibson Petroleum Co Ltd 1900, 605 - Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3H5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 298 9300 fax: (+1) 403 269 1110 Gidrotruboprovod NPO proyezd Solomennoi Storozhki 12, Moscow, 125206, Russia tel: (+7) 095 979 9312 fax: (+7) 095 210 6222

Geolynx Ltd 13, Omoku St, D/Line, Port Harcourt, NG 5522, Nigeria tel: (+234) 84 237340 fax: (+234) 84 237340 email: [email protected] contact: peterside udogwu

Generalsider Italiana SpA 29 Via E Paggio, Chieti Scalo, 66013 CH, Italy tel: (+39) 871 563 345 fax: (+39) 871 560 959

web: www.geotecsurveys.com email: [email protected]

Geoservices SA BP 20, Le Blanc-Mesnil, Cedex, F-93151, France tel: (+33) 1 48 14 83 53 fax: (+33) 1 48 14 85 85 web: www.geoservices.com email: [email protected] GeoSynergy Inc 16225 Park Ten Place, Suite 805, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+1) 281 579 3800 fax: (+1) 281 579 3837 web: www.geosynergy.com email: [email protected] Geotec PO Box 99, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2XT, UK tel: (+44) 01483 424847 fax: (+44) 01483 424894

Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd Canal Head North, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7BZ, UK tel: (+44) 01539 720028 fax: (+44) 01539 732110 web: www.gilkes.com email: [email protected] contact: Sharon Bianchi

Company listing - alphabetical

Gauff Ingenieure GmbH Berner Str. 45, Main, Frankfurt, D60437, Germany tel: (+49) 6950 0080 fax: (+49) 6950 008143

AO Giprogaztsentr ul. Alekseyevskaya 26, Nizhnii Novgorod, 603600, Russia tel: (+7) 8312 350838 fax: (+7) 8312 350444 GiproNIIgaz pr-t Kirova 54, Saratov, 410730, Russia tel: (+7) 8452 242042 fax: (+7) 8452 245907 Giprospetzgaz Suvorovskii prospekt 16, St Petersburg, 193130, Russia tel: (+7) 812 271 0695 fax: (+7) 812 271 0865 Giprotruboprovod ul. Dobrolyubova 16, korpus 1, Moscow, 127254, Russia tel: (+7) 095 289 7582 fax: (+7) 095 219 8279 AOOT GiproTyumenneftegaz ul. Respubliki 62, Tyumen, 625000, Russia tel: (+7) 3452 263313 fax: (+7) 3452 243946 Girard Industries 6531 N Eldridge Parkway, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 466 3100 fax: (+1) 713 466 8050 web: www.girardind.com email: [email protected] contact: J David Henry III Girard Industries Europe Ltd Unit C5, Olympic Business Park, Dundonald, KA2 9BE, UK tel: (+44) 01563 851 062 fax: (+44) 01563 851 411 web: www.girardind.com

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Gisca Gines Navarro Capag SA 11 Calle Orense, Quarta Planta, Madrid, 28020, Spain tel: (+34) 91 555 45 93 fax: (+34) 91 556 95 59 email: [email protected] contact: Benito Marinas Goyanes Glendee Engineering Ltd The Courtyard, Roman Way, Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 1HQ, UK tel: (+44) 01675 461 390 fax: (+44) 01675 466 776 web: www.glendee.co.uk email: [email protected] Global Energy Alliance Corporation 16 West Drive, Bexley North, Sydney, 2207, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9150 9077 web: www.geacorporation.com email: [email protected] contact: Jim Koras Global Gases FZCO PO Box 17670, Dubai, 17670, UAE tel: (+971) 4883 0806 fax: (+971) 4883 0807 email: [email protected] contact: bhupinder Global Industries Ltd 900 Halliburton Center 5151 San Felipe, Houston, TX 77056, USA tel: (+1) 713 624 2222 fax: (+1) 713 624 2322 Global Petroleum 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1010, Houston, TX 77040-6321, USA tel: (+1) 309 578 6298 fax: (+1) 309 578 2559 web: www.Cat-oilandgas.com Global Pipeline Monthly PO Box 21, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 1NS, UK tel: (+44) 01494 675139 fax: (+44) 01494 670155 web: www.pipemag.com email: [email protected] contact: John Tiratsoo Global Pipeline Services Inc Box 2518, Houma, LA 70361-2518, USA tel: (+1) 504 876 7592 fax: (+1) 504 851 2111 Global Thermoelectric Inc Bay 9 - 3700 - 78 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2L8, Canada tel: (+1) 403 236 5556 fax: (+1) 403 236 5575 web: www.globalte.com email: [email protected] contact: Michele Whitford Globe Pipeline Engineering GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 28Box 1411Bargtehelde, Hamburg, D-2072, Germany tel: (+49) 40 453 265 fax: (+49) 40 453 26579


Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd Walsall Road, Norton Canes, Cannock, WS11 9NS, UK tel: (+44) 0154 327 9909 fax: (+44) 0154 327 9450 web: www.glynwedpipesystems-uk.com email: [email protected] Godwin Pumps of America, Inc One Floodgate Road, Bridgeport, NJ 8014, USA tel: (+1) 856 467 3636 fax: (+1) 856 467 4841 web: www.godwinpumps.com

email: [email protected] contact: Stephanie Morgan

fax: (+1) 316 733 1360 web: www.thx2u.com

Goldak/UDSEC 547 Arden Ave, Glendale, CA, USA tel: (+1) 818 240 2666 fax: (+1) 818 244 6818 web: www.goldak.com email: [email protected]

Great Plains Stainless R.D.1,Wakapuaka Road, Nelson, 7021, New Zealand tel: (+64) 3 545 0447 fax: (+64) 3 545 0145 web: www.gpss.com email: [email protected]

Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 - 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3T1, Canada tel: (+1) 403 299 5600 fax: (+1) 403 299 5606 web: www.golder.com contact: Bill Liu Golder Associates Pty Ltd 199 Franklin Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8213 2100 fax: (+61) 8 8213 2101 web: www.golder.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Stweart Duncan Golder Associates (UK) Ltd Clyde House, Reform Road, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 8BY, UK tel: (+44) 01628 771 731 fax: (+44) 01628 770 699 Goldschmidt TIB GmbH 16 - 22 Mulheimer Strasse, PO Box 81 02 20, Mannheim, 68219, Germany tel: (+49) 621 8901 812 fax: (+49) 621 8901 902 email: [email protected] contact: Rainer Kuprion Goriziane SpA 7 Via Aquileia, Villesse, 34070, Italy tel: (+39) 481 91511 fax: (+39) 481 91490 web: www.goriziane.it email: [email protected] contact: Pierluigi Zanin Grampian Hydraulics Ltd Grampian House, 59 Palmerston Road, Aberdeen, AB24 2RR, UK tel: (+44) 01224 583300 fax: (+44) 01224 583450 web: www.grampianhydraulics.com email: [email protected] contact: D. Dawson Grand Resources, Inc Suite 4040, 2448 E. 81st Street, Tulsa, OK 74137, USA tel: (+1) 918 492 2366 fax: (+1) 918 492 9742 web: www.grandoil.com Granherne Ltd Hill Park South, Springfield Drive, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7LH, UK tel: (+44) 01372 380 000 fax: (+44) 01372 388 888 web: www.granherne.com email: [email protected] Grayloc Products Ltd UK Hydropark, Tern Place, Denmore Road, Bridge Of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8JX, UK tel: (+44) 01224 222790 fax: (+44) 01224 222780 web: www.grayloc.com email: [email protected] contact: Tom Pollock Great American Co 450 N. 159th EAst, Wichita, KS 67230, USA tel: (+1) 316 733 1223

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Greene’s Pipeline Servies 102 Asma Blvd Suite 201, Lafayette, LA, 70508, USA tel: (+1) 337 232 1830 fax: (+1) 337 235 4681 web: www.greenesenergy.com email: [email protected] Greenfield Associates 30618 Calle de Suenos, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275, USA tel: (+1) 310 541 1294 fax: (+1) 310 541 1384 web: www.greenf.com Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc 9001 Edmonston Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770, USA tel: (+1) 301 220 2616 fax: (+1) 301 513 8883 web: www.g-and-o.com GreenPipe Industries Ltd Suite 310, 1011 1st Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R1J2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 260 6702 fax: (+1) 403 260 6715 web: www.greenpipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Dave Burwell Gregory & Cook Construction Inc 7575 San Felipe Ste 350, Houston, TX 77063, USA tel: (+1) 713 780 7500 fax: (+1) 713 780 9388 email: info@ gregorycook.com Grootint BV Noordweg 8, Zwijndrecht, 3336 LH, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 625 0250 fax: (+31) 78 619 4069 email: [email protected] Group Five Pipe Saudi PO Box 20, Dammam, 31411, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 826 1477 Grupo Expos Calle 10 #54-C x 21 Int. B1 Planta Baja Col. México, Merida Yucatan, 97125, Mexico tel: (+52) 999 926 9988 fax: (+52) 999 926 8345 web: www.grupoexpos.com email: [email protected] contact: Mario Castro Guangzhou Huaqiao Shock Absorber Co No 120 Dongfeng W Road, Guangzhou, 510010, China tel: (+86) 020 8108 3908 fax: (+86) 020 8890 1008 web: www.hq668.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeshua Zeng Guangzhou Hongda Steel Tube Co Ltd Room 2704-05, East Tower, Guangzhou International Commercial Center, Tiyu Dong Road, Guangdong, Guangzhou, 510620, China tel: (+86) 20 3887 0295 fax: (+86) 20 3887 0277 web: www.hongda-steeltube.com

Company listing

Gulf Interstate Engineering Co Gulf Plaza, 16010 Barkers Point Lane, Houston, TX 77079-9000, USA tel: (+1) 713 850 3400 fax: (+1) 713 850 3501 email: [email protected] contact: B. Taksa

H HBH Inc 2701 Engineers Road, Belle Chasse, LA 70037, USA tel: (+1) 504 394 6461 fax: (+1) 504 391 9807 email: [email protected] H&D Drilling Ltd Unit 6 The Yard, Broadwyn Trading Estate, Cradley Heath, W Midlands B64 6PS, UK tel: (+44) 0121 559 9152 email: [email protected] contact: Gary Humphreys HDI Europe SA BP 8241-1 Ave des Beguines, Cergy Pontoise, 95801, France tel: (+33) 1 34 333130 fax: (+33) 1 34 333135 HSC Deutschland GmbH TIB Corrosion Protection Division Mulheimer Strasse 16-22 PO Box 81 05 69, Mannheim, D-68205, Germany tel: (+49) 621 8901 02 fax: (+49) 621 8901 900 HGX Energy Corp PO Box 6161, Kingwood, TX 77325-6161, USA tel: (+1) 281 358 4248 fax: (+1) 281 358 3747 HINZ Automation 10403 ? 172 St, Suite 330, Edmonton, AB T5S 1K9, Canada tel: (+1) 780 489 8880 fax: (+1) 780 484 1697 web: www.hinz.com email: [email protected] HPF Energy Services 3 Kinwarton Farm Road, Arden Forest Industrial Estate, Alcester B49 6EH, UK tel: (+44) 01789 761212 fax: (+44) 01789 761222 web: www.hpf-energy.com email: [email protected] contact: Craig Barnett HTSI 2280 E. Main C2, League City, TX 77573, USA tel: (+1) 281 554 9223 fax: (+1) 281 554 9224 web: www.4htsi.com email: [email protected] contact: Fred Hild Josef Haakshorst Rohrleitungsbau GmbH Co Alter Hellweg 128, Dortmund, 44379, Germany tel: (+49) 231 610 0101 fax: (+49) 231 610 0189

Habau Hoch-und Tiefbaugesellschaft GmbH 63 Greiner Strasse, Perg, 4320, Austria tel: (+43) 726 2555 0 fax: (+43) 726 2555 1500 web: www.habau.com email: [email protected] contact: Hans Handl Habit Technical Service, Timirjasewa Street Nr 46, Minsk, 22 00 35, Ukraine Hadromi & Partners Setiabudi Atrium, 2nd Floor, Suite 209A, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta, 12920, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 520 7040 fax: (+62) 21 520 7046 web: www.hadromi.com email: [email protected] contact: Iqbal Hadromi Haecon 110 Deinsesteen Way, Drongen, Gent, 9031, Belgium tel: (+32) 921 663 63 fax: (+32) 922 761 05 web: www.haecon.be email: [email protected] Hahn Contracting Co PO Box 38, Birdsboro, PA 1119508, USA tel: (+1) 610 582 8785 fax: (+1) 610 582 0447 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc 2121 South Columbia Ave, Suite 101, Tulsa, OK 74114, USA tel: (+1) 918 747 9945 fax: (+1) 918 742 7408 web: www.jdhair.com contact: Carrie Balthasar

Halliburton Don Facility, Howe Moss Crescent, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0GN, UK tel: (+44) 01224 795 280 fax: (+44) 01224 770 385 web: www.halliburton.com/pps email: [email protected] contact: Nicola Parrish Hall Longmore No 2 Osborne Rd, Wadeville, Germiston, 1422, South Africa tel: (+27) 1 1874 7300 fax: (+27) 1 1824 4962 web: www.hall-longmore.co.za email: [email protected] contact: Kenny van Rooyen Ham Baker Ltd Unity D, Orbital 24, Oldham Street, Denton, M34 3SW, UK tel: (+44) 0870 741 6791 fax: (+44) 0870 236 4810 web: www.hambaker.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Stewart Bailie Ham Dredging (India) Pvt Ltd 6th Floor Shanghvi Udyan B-18 Vaikunthal Mehta Rd JVPD Scheme, Mumbai, 400 049, India tel: (+91) 22 6104 868 fax: (+91) 22 6107 657 Hammonds 7 Devonshire Square, Cutlers Gardens, London, EC2M 4YH, UK tel: (+44) 020 7655 1000 fax: (+44) 020 7655 1001 web: www.hummondsuddardsedge.com email: [email protected] contact: Keith Brandt

A.Hak Industrial Services PO Box 124200, Alrode, Gauteng, Johannesburg, 1451, South Africa tel: (+27) 11 389 7306 fax: (+27) 11 864 7877 web: www.a-hak-is.nl email: [email protected] contact: Ian Middleton

Ham-VOW PO Box 8, Werkendam, 4250, Netherlands tel: (+31) 183 502 244 fax: (+31) 183 504 247

A Hak Industrial Services BV Steenoven 2-6, 4196 Tricht, PO Box 151, Geldermalsen, 4190 CD, Netherlands tel: (+31) 345 579 211 fax: (+31) 345 579 379 web: www.a-hak-is.nl email: [email protected] contact: Johan Robbe A Hak Industrial Services Ltd Unit 3, Park Springs, Springvale Road, Grimethorpe, Lancs S72 7BQ, UK tel: (+44) 01226 707780 fax: (+44) 01226 321370 web: www.a-hak-is.com email: [email protected] contact: David Cockfield A Hak sp ZOO Pienista 75, Lodz, 94 100, Poland tel: (+48) 426 870 425 fax: (+48) 426 868 848 Hallen Engineering Ltd Woods Bank Estate, Woden Road West, Wednesbury, W Midlands WS10 7SZ, UK tel: (+44) 0121 556 3324 fax: (+44) 0121 502 0194 Hallen Construction Co., Inc 4270 Austin Boulevard, PO Box 9003, Island Park, NY 11558-9003, USA tel: (+1) 516 432 8300

fax: (+1) 516 432 8406 web: www.hallenconstruction.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Gubkin State Academy for Oil and Gas Leninsky Prospekt 65, GSP-1, Moscow, 117917, Russia tel: (+7) 095 930 9225 fax: (+7) 095 135 8895

J R Hancock Associates 1150 Covered Bridge Road, Suite 100 Box Drawer 776, Columbia, MO 65205, USA tel: (+1) 513 443 6056 fax: (+1) 513 443 5067 The Hanover Compression Co 12001 N. Houston Rosslyn, Houston, TX 77086, USA tel: (+1) 281 447 8787 fax: (+1) 281 820 9120 web: www.hanover-co.com Hanover Maloney UK Ltd Westgate, Aldridge, Walsall, W Midlands WS9 8EX, UK tel: (+44) 01922 450200 fax: (+44) 01922 450210 web: www.hanover-maloney.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: D. F. Cook Harbert International Establishment Letter Box No 55 23rd Floor UBN Tower 10 Jalan P Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 469 5820 fax: (+60) 3 469 5821 Harbert International Establishment SA (Bolivia) No 3346 Casilla de Correos, Carratera Cotoca, Km 4-1/2, Sabta Cruz, Bolivia entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+591) 362 2900 fax: (+591) 336 228 62 Harbert International Establishment SA (Colombia) No 307, 118-95 19th Ave, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 162 088 85 fax: (+57) 162 087 12 email: [email protected] Harbert International Establishment No. 35-06 Finlandia, Suecia, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 2 292 1400 fax: (+593) 2 246 2929 email: [email protected] contact: Bill L. Harbert M.J. Harden Associates Inc 1019 Admiral Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106, USA tel: (+1) 816 842 0141 fax: (+1) 816 471 1599 web: www.mjharden.com Harding Directional Drilling 10711 Spur 231, Bryan, TX 77807, USA tel: (+1) 409 778 2691 fax: (+1) 409 778 3312 web: www.hardingdrilling.com email: [email protected] Harpole Construction Inc PO Box 27, 505 Sandstone Ave, Farmington, NM 87499, USA tel: (+1) 505 325 1249 fax: (+1) 505 325 4209 web: www.harpoleconstruction.com email: [email protected] contact: Deborah Harpole Hashim Al-Gharabally PO Box 3763, Floor 1, Awqaf Bldg., Kuwait, Safat, 13038, Kuwait tel: (+972) 2425989 fax: (+972) 2430852 web: www.gharabally.com Haswell Consulting Engineers 3900 Parkside, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, B37 7YG, UK tel: (+44) 0121 717 7744 fax: (+44) 0121 717 0902 web: www.haswell.com email: [email protected] contact: Nicola Reece Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc 6140 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 250 Pleasanton, Freemont, CA 94588, USA tel: (+1) 510 469 8010 fax: (+1) 510 469 8011 web: www.hatchmott.com Hatch Pty Ltd Building 14 Harrowdene Office Park, Western Service Road, Woodmead, Johannesburg, 2052, South Africa tel: (+27) 1 1239 5328 fax: (+27) 1 1239 5777 web: www.hatch.ca email: [email protected] contact: Kerry Pritchard


Hauser Laboratories 4750 Nautilus Court, Boulder, CO 80301, USA tel: (+1) 720 406 4669 fax: (+1) 303 581 0195 web: www.hauserlabs.com Haustadt & Timmermann GmbH & Co KG PO Box 14 15 60, Duisburg, 47205, Germany tel: (+49) 206 569 090 fax: (+49) 206 569 091 20

Haven Automation Ltd Measurement House, Kingsway, Fforestfach, Swansea, SA5 4EX, UK tel: (+44) 01792 588722 fax: (+44) 01792 582624 web: www.haven.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Vici Coole Haxey Fusion Ltd High Street, Haxey, Doncaster, DN9 2HH, UK tel: (+44) 01427 752708 fax: (+44) 01427 752173 web: www.haxeyfusion.co.uk contact: A. Daly Health and Safety Executive Hazardous Installations Directorate, Edgar Allen House, 241 Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2GW, UK tel: (+44) 0114 291 2387 fax: (+44) 0114 291 2302 web: www.hse.gov.uk/pipelines/index.htm email: [email protected] contact: Steve Chatfield Heaman Pipe Bending Inc PO Box 72036, Ottewell P.O., Edmonton, AB T6B 3A7, Canada tel: (+1) 780 440 1995 fax: (+1) 780 468 6117 web: www.heaman.com email: [email protected]

Heerema Marine Contractors UK Ltd Portland House, 16th Floor, Stag Place, Victoria, London, SW1E 5HH, UK tel: (+44) 020 07932 1700 fax: (+44) 0171 932 1750 Heerema Marine Contractors US Inc 17154 Butte Creek, Houston, TX 77090, USA tel: (+1) 281 893 3090 fax: (+1) 281 893 8395 Heerema Tonsberg AS PO Box 2113, Post Terminal 3103, Tonsberg, N-3103, Norway tel: (+47) 3339 8300 web: www.heerema.com email: [email protected] Hempel Paints Ltd Llantarnum Industrial Park, Gwent, Cwmbran, NP44 3XF, UK tel: (+44) 01633 874 024 fax: (+44) 01633 489 089 web: www.hempel.com email: [email protected] Henkels and McCoy Inc 985 Jolly Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422-0900, USA tel: (+1) 215 283 7600 fax: (+1) 215 283 7659 web: www.henkelsandmccoy.com

Heath Consultants Incorporated 9030 Monroe Road, Houston, TX 77061, USA tel: (+1) 713 844 1300 fax: (+1) 713 844 1309 web: www.heathus.com email: [email protected]

Hepworth Building Products Edlington Lane, Edlington, Doncaster, Yorks DN12 1BY, UK tel: (+44) 01709 856402 fax: (+44) 01709 856403 web: www.hepworthbp.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Stephen Benton

Hebei Newton Pipes Co Ltd No 88, Baoqing Road, Baoding, 071 000, China tel: (+86) 0312 219 1533 fax: (+86) 0312 219 1511 web: www.hbnewton.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Yang

Hepworth Building Products Ltd Hazelhead, Crow Edge, Sheffield, Yorks S36 4HG, UK tel: (+44) 0122 676 3561 fax: (+44) 0122 676 4827 web: www.hepworthdrainage.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Andy Taylor

Hedley Purvis Ltd 11490 Westheimer Rd, Suite 850, Houston, TX 77077, USA tel: (+1) 713 590 1095 web: www.hedley-purvis.com contact: Mike Adams

Herbco Technical Services Kgwale Road Plot 6372 POBox 40254, Gabarone, Botswana tel: (+267) 373741 fax: (+267) 374039

Hydratight Operations Ltd 5 Coopies Field, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 6JT, UK tel: (+44) 01670 515432 fax: (+44) 01670 513110 web: www.hydratight.com contact: David Brown Heerema Marine Contractors 55 Vondellaan, Leiden, 2332 AA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 71 579 9000 fax: (+31) 71 579 9099 web: www.heerema.com email: [email protected] contact: J.H. Mulder Heerema Marine Contractors Far East Pte Ltd 76 Shenton Way Ong Building #15-01, 79119, Singapore tel: (+65) 225 1085 fax: (+65) 220 2842 Heerema Marine Contractors Norge AS Lokketangen 20, Oslo, N-1301, Norway tel: (+47) 67 543854 fax: (+47) 67 543859

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd 6 Alliance Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 8JB, UK tel: (+44) 01843 583338 fax: (+44) 01843 852670 web: www.herbosch-kiere.com contact: Robert Zaide-Pritchard Herrenknecht Aktiengesellschaft AG Schlehenweg 2, Schwanau, 77963, Germany tel: (+49) 7824 302 0 fax: (+49) 7824 302 133 web: www.herrenknecht.de email: [email protected] contact: Uwe Breig Highland Metals Howe Moss Drive, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0GL, UK tel: (+44) 01224 725581 fax: (+44) 01224 725591 Hitas Ins ve Tic Ltd Okul Cad 7/5 Kavacik Beykoz, Istanbul, 80610, Turkey tel: (+90) 216 413 32 54 fax: (+90) 216 413 30 28

Company listing Hose Solutions Inc 8260 E Raintree Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA tel: (+1) 480 607 1507 web: www.allhoses.com email: [email protected] contact: Nicolas Steverlynck

Hobart Brothers Co Hobart Sq, 600 West Main St, Troy, OH 45373, USA tel: (+1) 937 332 4000 fax: (+1) 937 332 5898

Hovago Cranes BV 1 Energie Way, Spijkenisse, 3201 LH, Netherlands tel: (+31) 181 612 255 fax: (+31) 181 615 004 web: www.hovago.com email: [email protected]

Hock Leong Enterprises Pte Ltd 22 Tuas Avenue 4, 639372, Singapore tel: (+65) 6862 0777 fax: (+65) 6862 6776 web: www.hockleong.com email: [email protected] contact: Ivan Khua

Howell Petroleum Corp 1111 Fannin, Suite 1500, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 658 4100 fax: (+1) 713 658 4012

M Holleran Ltd 23-27 Goodwood Road, New Cross, London, SE14 6BL, UK tel: (+44) 020 8692 4442 fax: (+44) 020 8691 5160 web: www.mholleran.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: J. Holleran Hölscher-Wasserbau GmbH 23 Hinterm-Busch, PO Box 2151, Haren, 49733, Germany tel: (+49) 5934 7070 fax: (+49) 5934 70726 email: [email protected] contact: Dr. Michael Knöfel Holt Pipeline Equipment 3300 South W W White Rd, PO Box 200910, San Antonio, TX 78220, USA tel: (+1) 210 333 9300 fax: (+1) 210 333 9330 web: www.holtpipeline.com email: [email protected] Philipp Holzmann Aktiengesellschaft Postfach 132082, Hamburg, 20104, Germany tel: (+49) 4 041 9950 fax: (+49) 4 041 9952 00 Honeywell Inc 101 Columbia Road, Morristown, New Jersey 7962, USA tel: (+1) 973 455 2000 fax: (+1) 973 455 4807 web: www.honeywell.com Horizontal Drilling International Immeuble Le Guillaumet, 60 Ave du General de Gaulle, Puteaux, 92800, France tel: (+33) 1 5591 0909 fax: (+33) 1 5591 0905 web: www.hdi.fr email: [email protected] contact: Laurence Landier Horizontal Rig and Equipment Inc 2614 Industrial Lane, TX, Conroe, 77301, USA tel: (+1) 936 756 9337 fax: (+1) 936 756 9348 email: [email protected] Horobin Ltd Midacre, Willenhall Trading Estate, Willenhall, WV13 3JW, UK tel: (+44) 01902 604060 fax: (+44) 01902 603366 web: www.horobin.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Richard F Sanders

fax: (+44) 0161 491 4700 web: www.georgehutchinson.com email: [email protected] contact: Stewart Tennant Huzhou Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd 88,Qingfeng North Rd, Zijinqiao, Balidan Town, Huzhou, 313000, China tel: (+86) 572 226 3116 fax: (+86) 572 210 2445 web: erw630.ebigchina.com email: [email protected] contact: Hoffman Fang Hyder Consulting Ltd 2-3 Cornwall Terrace, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4QP, UK tel: (+44) 0171 540 6600 fax: (+44) 0171 470 0019 web: www.hyder-consulting.com email: [email protected]

H2O Water Services Ltd Iveridge Hall, Wakefield Road, Oulton, Leeds, LS26 8EU, UK tel: (+44) 0113 282 0820 fax: (+44) 0113 288 9144 web: www.h20water.co.uk Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Ltd Stukeley Meadow, Burry Port SA16 0BU, UK tel: (+44) 01554 836836 fax: (+44) 01554 836837 web: www.pipestoppers.net email: [email protected] contact: Darren Sewell Huff Equipment Co. PO Box 100, 8919 W. Main Street, Honeoye, NY 14471, USA tel: (+1) 585 229 5186 fax: (+1) 585 229 5985 web: www.huffequipment.com email: [email protected] Huisman-Itrec Admiraal Trompstraat 2, Scheidam, NL3115 HH, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 245 2222 fax: (+31) 10 245 2220 web: www.huisman-itrec.com email: [email protected] contact: F. Kofman Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc Bldg. #3, 9703 - 45 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 5V8, Canada tel: (+1) 780 436 4400 fax: (+1) 780 989 0040 web: www.hmpsi.com email: [email protected] contact: Cari McDonnell Hunting Industrial Coatings Derby Road, Widnes WA8 9ND, UK tel: (+44) 0151 495 3505 fax: (+44) 0151 495 3522 email: [email protected] Husky Oil Operations Ltd 707 8th Ave SW, PO Box 6525 Station D, Calgary, AB T2P 3G7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 298 6111 fax: (+1) 403 298 6801 Huta Ferum Katowice ul. Hutnicza 3, Katowice, 40 244, Poland tel: (+48) 32 255 5677 fax: (+48) 32 255 4150 web: www.ferrum.com.pl email: [email protected] George Hutchinson Associates Ltd The Studio, 52 Brookfield Drive, Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire SK8 IES, UK tel: (+44) 0161 491 4600

Hydratight Sweeney Ltd Howe Moss Crescent, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0GN, UK tel: (+44) 01224 215930 fax: (+44) 01224 215950 web: www.hydratightsweeney.com email: [email protected] contact: Adrian Harvey Hydraulic Analysis Ltd Mill House, Hawksworth Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4JP, UK tel: (+44) 01132 581622 fax: (+44) 01132 590863 web: www.hydraulic-analysis.com email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Keech

Company listing - alphabetical

Hi Tec Cathodic Protection Unit 1, Meadow St, Treforest, Cardiff, CF37 1UD, UK tel: (+44) 01443 406276 fax: (+44) 01443 493919 web: www.hiteccathodic.com email: [email protected] contact: Chris Beere

Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies Offshore House, Southwick Industrial Estate, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR5 3TX, UK tel: (+44) 0191 549 7335 fax: (+44) 0191 516 0004 web: www.hos.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Alan Wills Hydrobudowa-6 SA ul. Skoczylasa 4, Warsaw, 03-469, Poland tel: (+48) 22 619 9383 fax: (+48) 22 619 187661 Hydrocarbon Resources Development Co Pvt Ltd Plot 53 Prem-Deep Co-op Hsg. Soc. SherE-Punjab Society off Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (East), Mumbai, 400 093, India tel: (+91) 22 837 7649 fax: (+91) 22 837 0680 email: [email protected] Hydro Contracting Unit 2, East Leys, Errol Airflield, Perthshire, Errol, PH2 7TB, UK tel: (+44) 01821 642 517 fax: (+44) 01821 642 113 Hydro-Flex Hose Ltd 9624-45 Ave., Edmonton, AB T6E 5Y9, Canada tel: (+1) 780 436 9271 fax: (+1) 780 436 8601 web: www.hydroflexhose.com Hydroprojekt as Taborska 31, Prague, 14043, Czech Republic tel: (+420) 2 691 3675 fax: (+420) 2 6121 15186

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Hydro Soil Services Haven 1025, Scheldedijk 30, Zwijndrecht, B-2070, Belgium tel: (+32) 3 250 5311 fax: (+32) 3 250 5651 web: www.hyrdosoilservices.com email: [email protected] contact: Lucas Bols

fax: (+962) 6 687489

Hydrostav AS Mileticova 21, Bratislava, 820 06, Slovakia tel: (+421) 7 2055 111 fax: (+421) 7 566 2820

Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd 1 Cheonha-Dong Dong-Ku Ulsan, Kyungnam, Korea tel: (+82) 522 32 1101 fax: (+82) 522 32 4001

Hydrotech Systems Inc 11500 Northwest Freeway Suite 620, Houston, TX 77092, USA tel: (+1) 713 688 5277 fax: (+1) 713 688 9166 Hyperlast Ltd Station Road, Birch Vale, High Peak, Derbys SK22 1BR, UK tel: (+44) 01663 746518 fax: (+44) 01663 746605 web: www.hyperlaStcom email: scarlyle@hyperlaStcom contact: S.B. Carlyle Hy-Ram Engineering Co Ltd Pelham St, Mansfield NG18 2EY, UK tel: (+44) 0162 342 2982 fax: (+44) 0162 366 1022 web: www.hyram.com email: [email protected] Hyundai Box 22266, Muharraq, Bahrain fax: (+973) 671698 Hyundai 2nd floor, HR Bhaban 26/1 Kakrail Road, Dhaka, 1000, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2 414233 fax: (+880) 2 831955 Hyundai 302B 3rd Floor, Wisma Jaya Jalan Pemancha BSB 2085, Brunei tel: (+673) 2 22 0657 fax: (+673) 2 22 0660 Hyundai Unit 19-01 Landmark Bldg Dongsahnuan Road Chaoyang Dist, Beijing, 100004, China tel: (+86) 11 506438 fax: (+86) 11 5068039 Hyundai Room 1501-8 Jardine House1 Connaught Road, Hong Kong tel: (+81) 33 3211 0797 fax: (+81) 33 3211 5449 Hyundai Gedung Bri II, Ste 1507 Jl Jend Sudiman No 44-46, Jakarta, 10210, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 571 3700 fax: (+62) 21 571 9080 Hyundai 2nd Floor No 149Opposite Soleyman Khater Street, Tehran, 15968, Iran tel: (+98) 21 882646 fax: (+98) 21 8843035


Hyundai 8th Floor, Yurakucho Denki Bldg 1-7-1 Yurakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100, Japan tel: (+81) 33 3211 0797 fax: (+81) 33 3211 5449 Hyundai Box 19021, Amman, Jordan tel: (+962) 6 687489

Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd Offshore & Engineering Division1 Cheonha-DongDong-Gu, Ulsan, Korea tel: (+82) 522 50 1640 6 fax: (+82) 522 50 1975 7 email: [email protected]

Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co 140-2 Kye-Dong KPO Box 92 Chongro-ku, Seoul, 110-270, Korea tel: (+82) 2 746 2176 fax: (+82) 2 746 2528 Hyundai Bldg No 302 Salwa Plot No 5 Box 24314, Safat, 13104, Kuwait tel: (+965) 565 0529 fax: (+965) 562 3965 Hyundai Box 1543, Tripoli, Libya tel: (+21) 71603 fax: (+21) 74024 Hyundai 13th Floor Plaza MBF Jalan Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 261 7433 fax: (+60) 3 261 7521 Hyundai Box 2761, Riydah, 11461, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 1 491 9100 fax: (+966) 1 491 9161 Hyundai No 5 Tamasek BldgSuntec City Tower #1105, 103, Singapore tel: (+65) 337 1577 Hyundai Room 503, Dunsit Thani Bldg No 946 Rama 4 Road, Bangkok, 10500, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 2350297 fax: (+66) 2 2362863 Hyundai 11th Floor St Martin’s House, 1 Hammersmith Grove, London, W6 0NB, UK tel: (+44) 020 7411 1531 fax: (+44) 020 741 5620 Hyundai One Bridge Plaza N Ste 600, Fort Lee, New Jersey 7024, USA tel: (+1) 201 592 7766 fax: (+1) 201 592 7210 Hyundai 4th Floor 2 Trieu Quoc Dat St, Hanoi, Vietnam tel: (+84) 4 250592 fax: (+84) 4 248743 Hyundai Box 2655, Sana’a, Yemen tel: (+967) 2 248177 fax: (+967) 2 251560

I IBP Ltd Whitehall Road, Tipton, DY4 7JU, UK tel: (+44) 0121 557 2831 fax: (+44) 0121 520 8778

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

web: www.ibpgroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Humphries IBS Research & Consultancy Turnacibasi Sokak 19/3, Beyoglu, Istanbul, 34433, Turkey tel: (+90) 2 1225 22460 web: www.ibsresearch.com email: [email protected] contact: David Tonge ICF International 1331 Lamar, Suite 1360, Houston, TX 77010, USA tel: (+1) 713 445 2000 fax: (+1) 713 571 2973 web: www.icfconsulting.com email: [email protected] contact: James Gardiner ICI Chemicals & Polymers Ltd Room G19, Olefines Production Area, Olefines South Offices PO Box 54 Wilton, Cleveland, Middlesbrough, TS90 8JA, UK tel: (+44) 01642 433027 ICI/Dulux - Powder Coatings 51 Winterton Road, Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9542 4508 fax: (+61) 3 9542 4542 IGDAS kazým karabekir cad. no :4 alibeyköy, Turkey, Istanbul, 34060, Turkey tel: (+902) 1 26 264646 fax: (+902) 1 26 264686 web: www.igdas.com.tr email: [email protected] IHS Energy Group 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, USA tel: (+1) 888 645 3282 email: [email protected] IICOR Pty Ltd Level 5, 5 Mill Street, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9481 1320 fax: (+61) 8 9321 4771 web: www.iicor.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard Stentiford ILF Consulting Engineers 7 Werner-Eckert-Strasse, PO Box 82 02 37, Munich, 81829, Germany tel: (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 fax: (+49) 89 25 55 94 144 email: [email protected] ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o 175B Rolna St, Warsaw, 00 681, Poland tel: (+48) 228 538 700 fax: (+48) 228 538 701 email: [email protected] ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia) Al-Rossais Commercial Ctr, Main Olaya St, PO Box 10311, Riyadh, 11433, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 146 541 45 fax: (+966) 146 446 16 email: [email protected] ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK) Dralda House, 24-28 Crendon Street, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 6LS, UK tel: (+44) 0149 489 8900 fax: (+44) 0149 489 8930 email: [email protected]

Company listing

IKEM Voznesensky pereulok 5, Moscow, 1103009, Russia tel: (+7) 095 203 3903 fax: (+7) 095 203 2151 IKM Testing AS Ljosheimveien 3, Sola, 4050, Norway tel: (+47) 5164 9000 fax: (+47) 5164 9001 web: www.ikm.no email: [email protected] contact: Vidar Haugland IKM Testing Canada Ltd Suite 300, The Battery Tower, 100 Signal Hall, Newfoundland, St Johns, A1A 1B2, Canada tel: (+1) 709 726 6667 fax: (+1) 709 726 6116 email: [email protected] contact: Grant Hiscock IKM Testing UK Ltd Howermoss Terrace, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0GR, UK tel: (+44) 01224 725 599 fax: (+44) 01224 724 657 email: [email protected] contact: Keith Knaggs IMACS Corporation 38-3 Hiranuma 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama MS Building 9F, Yokohama, 220-0023, Japan tel: (+81) 45 411 0722 fax: (+81) 45 411 0755 web: www.imacs.co.jp email: [email protected] contact: Hirohiko Iwasaki IMCC SAK PO Box 152, Ras Al Kafhji, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 376 621 49 fax: (+966) 376 638 94 IIMRB 92 Pantheon Road, Egmore, Tamilnadu, Chennai, 600008, India tel: (+91) 44 823 5450 fax: (+91) 44 825 0028 web: www.imrbint.com INNCCO Clamps (UK) Ltd 8 The Moat, New Malden, Surrey KT3 4SB, UK tel: (+44) 020 8942 7457 fax: (+44) 020 8942 7457 contact: Mrs E.G. Lewis INTIC Engineering Services 4-8 Mercis Street, Victoria, Coburg, Vic 3058, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9355 8800 fax: (+61) 3 9350 5937 email: [email protected] IPEX 51751 County Line Road, New Baltimore, MI 48047, USA tel: (+1) 800 463 9572 fax: (+1) 586 725 6684 web: www.ipexInccom iPP Industries Pty Ltd 10 Macquarie Drive, Thomastown, Vic 3074, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9465 8000 fax: (+61) 3 9465 5500 email: [email protected]

contact: Noel Martin combines an advanced natural gas leakdetection methods with a high-resolution digital mapping camera and digital video system with GPS coordinates to deliver one of the most comprehensive pipeline survey reports in the industry.

IPSI 102 Rue Jean-Baptiste Charcot, Courbevoie, 92400, France tel: (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 fax: (+33) 1 47 89 99 39 email: [email protected] contact: Philippe Diaz IPSCO (UK) Ltd Sunningdale House, Sunningdale Road, South Park Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe DN17 2TY, UK tel: (+44) 01724 849904 fax: (+44) 01724 861033 web: www.flowserve.com email: [email protected] contact: H. Monk IRIS NDT Corp 5908 96 Street, Edmonton, AB T6E 3G3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 437 2022 fax: (+1) 780 437 4969 web: www.irisndt.com contact: John Janzen IRTH Solutions 330 W. Spring St, Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43215, USA tel: (+1) 813 500 1423 web: www.irthsolutions.com email: [email protected] contact: Louis Panzer IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies Inc 15360 - 116 Ave., Edmonton, AB T5M 3Z6, Canada tel: (+1) 780 447 1114 fax: (+1) 780 454 0004 web: www.irtrectifier.com IST Molchtechnik GmbH 74 Schierenberg St, Hamburg, D-22145, Germany tel: (+49) 406 788 470 fax: (+49) 406 788 4710 web: www.piggingsystems.com email: [email protected] ISYS International Ltd ISYS Suite G14, Verdin Exchange, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 2AN, UK tel: (+44) 0870 777 1130 fax: (+44) 0870 777 1131 web: www.isys-int.com ITAS PO Box 739, Tankbaatveien 1, Hafrsfjord, 4042, Norway tel: (+47) 51690800 fax: (+47) 5155 0600 web: www.itas-no.com email: [email protected] contact: Einar Christensen ITC nv/sa Lange Herentalsestraat, 20-26, Antwerp, 2018, Belgium tel: (+32) 3 221 3670 fax: (+32) 3 221 3671 web: www.yb-telelink.com contact: O. Delabarre ITT Corp 1447 St Paul Street, Rochester, NY, 14606, USA tel: (+1) 585 269 5121 fax: (+1) 585 269 5671 web: www.ssd.itt.com/angel email: [email protected] contact: Ryan Fosegan The ANGEL (airborne natural gas emission Lidar) service from ITT

Using a fixed-wing Cessna to fly high above the pipeline right-of-way, the ANGEL service employs cutting-edge technology to detect, quantify, image, and precisely pinpoint emissions of natural gas. ITW Welding Products Miller Electric Mfg. Co., 1635 West Spencer Street, Appleton, WI 54914, USA tel: (+1) 920 735 9821 fax: (+1) 920 735 4377 web: www.millerwelds.com email: [email protected] contact: Steven Latvis Icon Service Co 19722 South Nicholas Avenue, Cerritos, CA 90701-7401, USA tel: (+1) 562 809 3066 fax: (+1) 562 865 5711 email: [email protected] Ilva Spa Viale Certosa 249, Milano, 20151, Italy tel: (+39) 230 700 775 fax: (+39) 230 700 289 web: www.rivagroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Claudio Squillacioti

Company listing - alphabetical

ILF Consulting Engineers (USA) 3911 Old Lee HighwaySuite 42E, Virginia, Faifax, 22030, USA tel: (+1) 703 383 1280 fax: (+1) 703 383 1281 email: [email protected]

Imar Survey Ltd Oset Building, Parkmore Ind. ESt West, Galway, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 260 3415 fax: (+353) 86 381 9606 web: www.imarsurvey.com email: [email protected] contact: Mick Geoghegan Imasonic 15 Rue Alain Savary, Besancon, 25000, France tel: (+33) 3 8140 3130 fax: (+33) 3 8140 3139 web: www.imasonic.com email: [email protected] contact: Olivier Le Baron Imbema Belgium BV 25 industrie Way, Erpe-Mere, 1932, Belgium tel: (+32) 538 252 30 fax: (+32) 538 252 32 Imbema Group Mauritsstraat 1-7, PO Box 160, Haarlem, 2000 AD, Netherlands tel: (+31) 235 172 424 fax: (+31) 235 329 915 web: www.imbema.nl email: [email protected] contact: M.F. Veldwijk PT Imbema Pacific Indonesia Gunung Sahari Permai, 60-63 Gunung Sahari Raya St, Jakarta, Indonesia tel: (+62) 214 208 226 fax: (+62) 214 205 417 Imbondex Rua do Kkikolo, Luanda, 10400, Angola Impact Engineering Solutions 181-183 Kings Road, Reading, Berks RG1 4EX, UK tel: (+44) 08700 116161 entry continued overleaf

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007



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Pigging Products and Services Association T

HE Pigging Products and Services Association (PPSA) was formed in 1990 and now has over 80 members, representing virtually the whole of the pigging industry worldwide. The Association plays a major role in providing information and sourcing pigging equipment and services for pipeline operators and the industry generally, and responds to hundreds of enquiries each year. A Buyers’ Guide & Directory of Members is sent to over 5000 individuals throughout the world, all of whom have an interest in pipeline pigging. PPSA runs seminars and training courses on pigging, sponsors lectures and meetings about the subject and supports relevant conferences. It is funded entirely by its members through their annual subscription fees and its stated aims are: • To promote the knowledge of pigging and its related products and services by providing a channel of communication between the members themselves, and with users and other interested parties.

Full members are companies manufacturing or marketing pigging products or services. Associate members are companies connected with the industry, such as operators and suppliers. Individual members are those with an interest in pigging products or services.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Pigging Products & Services Association P O Box 2, Stroud Glos GL6 8YB UK tel: +44 (0)1285 760597 fax: 44 (0)1285 760470 www.ppsa-online.com e-mail: [email protected]


see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+44) 08700 116262 web: www.impact-es.com email: [email protected] Imperial Oil Ltd 111 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON M5W 1K3, Canada tel: (+1) 416 968 4111 web: www.imperialoil.ca J.C. Impex S.C. Skoczylasa 4, Warsaw, 03 469, Poland tel: (+48) 22 670 0295 fax: (+48) 22 619 5004 email: [email protected] contact: Leon Chodera Impresa Tre Colli SpA Via Cornini Malpeli 2, Fidenza, 43036, Italy tel: (+39) 524 524 300 fax: (+39) 524 524 605 email: [email protected] contact: Gianfranco Persegona Impresa Unione SpA Galleria Bassa dei Magnani No. 3, Parma, 431000, Italy tel: (+39) 212 081 51 fax: (+39) 521 283 029 email: [email protected] Impro Technics E.Mauhsstraat 26, Hengelo, 7558 RA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 74 277 6988 fax: (+49) 5921 726902 web: www.impro-technics.nl contact: W.Plaggenborg Incisa Rohrieitungsbau GmbH Spitalgasse 17A, Vienna, 1090, Austria tel: (+43) 222 424247 Incisa Spa Via GM Conforti 21, Parma, 43100, Italy tel: (+39) 521 5951 fax: (+39) 521 595217 India International Technical Recruiters New Delhi, 4868 /24 Ansari Rd, Darya ganj, Delhi, New Delhi, 110 002, India tel: (+91) 11 523 2424 fax: (+91) 11 328 3394 web: www.hireindians.com India Pipe Fitting Co 38 Strand Road, Kolkata, 700001, India tel: (+91) 33 2210 3009 fax: (+91) 33 2243 5121 email: [email protected] contact: Pawan Agarwal Indonesia Steel Pipe Trading Co (NIAGAPIPA) Menara Imperium LG 22, HR. Rasuna Said Kav-1, Jakarta, 12920, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 831 7340 fax: (+62) 21 831 7339 web: www.niagapipa.com email: [email protected]


Indoweld Corporation Pejaten Raya, No.11, Pasar Minggu, Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan, 12540, Indonesia tel: (+60) 7883 01 71 fax: (+60) 7883 01 72 web: www.indoweld.com Inductabend Pty Ltd Lot 7 Frederick Road, Vic, Brooklyn, 3012, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9315 1244 fax: (+61) 3 9315 1754 web: www.citysearch.com.au/mel/ inductabend

Induction S.R.L. Via Marocchi 152, Poirino, 10046, Italy tel: (+390) 11 945 1322 fax: (+390) 11 945 3160 web: www.induction.net email: [email protected] contact: Albino Picco Industrial Brushware 76-77 Malt Mill Lane, Halesowen, W Midlands B68 8JJ, UK tel: (+44) 0121 559 3862 fax: (+44) 0121 559 9404 web: www.industrialbrushware.com Industrial and Municipal Projects Ltd 1 Westburn Street, Carntyne, Glasgow, G32 6AT, UK tel: (+44) 0141 763 1234 Industrial Pipeline Products Pty Ltd 10-12 Commercial Drive, Thomastown, Vic 3074, Australia tel: (+61) 39465 8000 fax: (+61) 3 9465 5500 Industrial Seals Ltd Ibex House, Malt Mill Lane, Halesowen, W Midlands B62 8JJ, UK tel: (+44) 0121 559 3862 fax: (+44) 0121 559 9409 web: www.globalseals.com Industrie Polieco - MPB SRL 49 Via Enrico Mattei, Cazzago San Martino, 25046, Italy tel: (+39) 30 724 1521 fax: (+39) 30 772 1928 web: www.mpb.it email: [email protected] Ingenieros Civiles Asociados SA de CV Mineria No 145 Col Escandon Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City, 11800, Mexico tel: (+525) 272 9991 fax: (+525) 227 5065 Ingersoll-Rand Marketing Services London House, 271 King Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9LZ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8741 9828 fax: (+44) 020 8741 9508 Inline Services Inc 27731 Commercial Park Road, Tomball, TX 77375, USA tel: (+1) 281 401 8142 fax: (+1) 281 401 8147 web: www.inlineplc.com email: [email protected] contact: Gary Smith Inline Service Inc UK Office PO Box 461, Horsham, W Sussex RH13 7ZT, UK tel: (+44) 01403 790959 fax: (+44) 08701 321966 email: [email protected] contact: Steve Harvey Innes Consultancy Plus Ltd Acrewood Complex, 35 Colquhoun Street, Stirling, FK7 7PX, UK tel: (+44) 01786 464499 fax: (+44) 01786 464607 web: www.innes-cp.com Innovatum International Ltd Units 11 - 12, Woodside Business Park, Ingham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 1NR, UK tel: (+44) 01284 729123 fax: (+44) 01284 729133 web: www.innovatum.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: T. Slater

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Ineos Polyolefins Rue de Ransbeek 310, Brussels, 1120, Belgium tel: (+32) 2264 2111 fax: (+32) 2264 3818 web: www.eltex-pipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Antonio Belforte Inpipe Products Ltd Walkerville Industrial Estate, Catterick Garrison, Yorks DL9 4RR, UK tel: (+44) 01748 834 577 fax: (+44) 01748 834 121 web: www.inpipeproducts.com email: [email protected] contact: Lucien Piette Inpipe Sweden AB Hornellgatan 4, Skelleftea, SE 93130, Sweden tel: (+46) 910 738330 fax: (+46) 910 88270 email: [email protected] InSitu Pipeline Systems, Inc 2400 Chambers St, TX, Venus, 76084, USA tel: (+1) 817 477 1008 fax: (+1) 817 315 7269 web: www.insitupipeline.com Insituform Technologies Ltd Unit 6, Roundwood Industrial Estate, Ossett, Yorks WF5 9SQ, UK tel: (+44) 01924 277076 fax: (+44) 01924 265107 web: www.insituform.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Neal Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd Units 11 & 12 Whitemyres Business Centre, Whitemyres Avenue, Aberdeen, AB16 6HQ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 789692 fax: (+44) 01224 789462 web: www.inspectahire.com email: [email protected] contact: Cailean Forrester Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo Eje Central Lazaro Cradenas No. 152, México, 7730, Mexico tel: (+52) 9175 7947 web: www.imp.mx contact: Ricardo Institut Problem Transporta Energoresursov Propsekt Oktyabrya 144/3, Bashkortostan, Ufa, 450055, Russia tel: (+7) 3742 313758 fax: (+7) 3472 313912 Institut de Soudure 90 Rue des Vanesses, ZI Paris-Nord II, PO Box 50362, Roissy, 95942, France tel: (+33) 149 903 660 fax: (+33) 149 903 628 web: www.institutdesoudure.com email: [email protected] Institut Transport Nefti ul. Sichovykh Striltsiv 60, Kiev, 252050, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 211 3252 fax: (+380) 44 211 3020 Instruments and Gauges Miners Road, Llay Industrial Estate, Llay, Wrexham, LL12 0PT, UK tel: (+44) 0197 885 2188 fax: (+44) 0197 885 3747 email: [email protected] Intec Engineering 15600 JKF Boulevard, 9th Floor, Houston,

Company listing

Intec Engineering Ltd (UK) Lansbury Estate, 102 Lower Guildford Road, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 2EP, UK tel: (+44) 01483 795300 fax: (+44) 01483 795315 web: www.intecengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Jim Cattanach Intech Process Automation Inc 16840 Barker Springs C301, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+92) 42 5427001 4 fax: (+1) 281 398 1103 web: www.intechww.com Integrated Rectifier Technologies, Inc 15360 - 116 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5M 3Z6, Canada tel: (+1) 780 447 1114 fax: (+1) 780 454 0004 web: www.irtrectifier.com email: [email protected] contact: Ken Roth Integrated Services Inc 233 S Detroit, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA tel: (+1) 918 585 1437 fax: (+1) 918 587 1987 Integrated Visual Data Technology Inc 28 Swan Ave, Toronto, ON M9B1V4, Canada tel: (+1) 416 622 2728 fax: (+1) 416 622 8131 web: www.skidweigh.com email: [email protected] contact: Ted Jurca Intercon Construction, Inc 2880 Commerce Park Drive, Madison, WI 53719, USA tel: (+1) 608 227 7473 fax: (+1) 608 227 7470 web: www.intercon-conStcom Interconnector (UK) Ltd 56-58 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2YZ, UK tel: (+44) 020 7487 8400 fax: (+44) 020 7437 4069 web: www.interconnector.com email: [email protected] contact: R. Cornish

International Manpower Resources New Delhi, 1st Floor, A-33 Rajouri Garden, Delhi, New Delhi, 110 027, India tel: (+91) 11 2510 1111 fax: (+91) 11 2516 2424 web: www.imrindia.com email: [email protected] contact: Harish Batra International Marine Construction Co SAK Al Sharq Khalid Bin Walid Street AlKazemi Building 1st Floor, Kuwait tel: (+65) 244 7061 International Marine and Petroleum Co Al Nassar Building Sour Street, Safat, Kuwait tel: (+965) 427294 International Paint 6001 Antoine, Houston, TX 684 1262, USA tel: (+1) 713 684 1262 web: www.jsmarine.co.uk contact: Brian Morr International Pipeline Equipment Co 200, 9405-45 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 6B9, Canada tel: (+1) 780 413 1886 fax: (+1) 780 438 2114 web: www.ipec-ltd.com email: [email protected] International Project Estimating Software 126 Parkedge St, Rockwood, ON N0B2K0, Canada tel: (+1) 519 830 7300 web: www.ipestimate.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Hewitt International Protective Coatings 115 Hyde Road Yeronga, Qld , Brisbane, 4104, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3892 8888 fax: (+61) 7 3892 4287 International Water Ltd New Zealand House, 10th Floor, 80 Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4TE, UK tel: (+44) 020 7766 1500 fax: (+44) 020 7766 5780 web: www.iwltd.com Interprovincial Corrosion Control, Inc 930 Sheldon Court, Burlington, ON L7L 5K6, Canada tel: (+1) 905 634 7751 fax: (+1) 905 333 4313

Interflex Hose & Bellows Ltd Ludlow Business Park, Orleton Road, Ludlow, Shropshire SY8 1XF, UK tel: (+44) 01584 878500 fax: (+44) 01584 878115 web: www.interflex.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Terry Urmston

Intership Ltd V/Hundstensgaten 14-A, Motala, 59170, Sweden tel: (+46) 141 51044 fax: (+46) 141 235 488 web: www.barges.com email: [email protected]

International Drilling Services Ltd Cliffe House, 61 Sheffield Road, Dronfield, Sheffield, Yorks S18 6GF, UK tel: (+44) 01246 411111 fax: (+44) 01246 410097

Inter Stal Centrum Spolka Sp zoo 291 Kolejowa St, Lomianki, 05-092, Poland tel: (+48) 227 515 674 fax: (+48) 227 515 672 email: [email protected]

International Gas Apparatus Ltd Tuscany Way, Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, GU46 6GF, UK tel: (+44) 01252 302030 fax: (+44) 01252 302040

Intertek Testing Services ITS INTECO Italy Srl, Via Aldo Moro, 47, Gessate, MI 20060, Italy tel: (+39) 02 9538 3833 fax: (+39) 02 9538 3832 web: www.itsglobal.com

International Gas Corporation GA ul. 300 Araguintsev 24, Tbilisi, 380044, GA tel: (+995) 883 292 3228 fax: (+995) 883 292 3229

Iran Arvin Construction and Engineering Co No. 3 Narenjestan, 11th Passdaran Ave, Teheran, 19576, Iran

tel: (+98) 21 228 4865 fax: (+98) 21 228 8335 contact: N. Khorzad Iris NDT 1115 W. 41st St, Tulsa Ok, OK 74107, USA tel: (+1) 918 446 8773 fax: (+1) 918 446 8777 web: www.irisndt.com email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Wieland Iron A Welding Ltd Box 96, 160 Centre St, Alberta, Tilley, T0J 3K0, Canada tel: (+1) 403 377 2034 fax: (+1) 403 377 2820 Iroquois Gas Transmission System One Corporate Dr, Suite 600, Shelton, CT 6484, USA tel: (+1) 203 925 7200 fax: (+1) 203 929 9501 web: www.iroquois.com Isotub Coating Route de Fort-Mardyck BP 191 Grande Synthe, Dunkirk, 59760, France tel: (+33) 03 2858 0220 fax: (+33) 03 2827 2798 email: [email protected] Italmontaggi SpA Via Del’Industria, 35 Carrara S Stefano, Padua, 35020, Italy tel: (+39) 49 525344 i3-NDT Bay 2, 6613 44st SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 3T3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 815 5655 web: www.i3-ndt.com email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Thiessen

Company listing - alphabetical

TX 77302, USA tel: (+1) 713 987 0800 fax: (+1) 713 987 3838

Itt Flygt Ltd Colwick, Nottinghamshire NG4 2AN, UK tel: (+44) 0115 940 0111 fax: (+44) 0115 940 0444 web: www.flygt.co.uk email: [email protected]

J J and N Enterprises, Inc 851 Transport Drive, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383, USA tel: (+1) 219 465 2700 fax: (+1) 219 465 2700 web: www.jandnent.com email: [email protected] JANX 8500 E. MI Avenue, PO Box 190, Parma, MI 49269, USA tel: (+1) 517 531 8210 fax: (+1) 517 531 3911 web: www.janx.net email: [email protected] contact: John A. Newland JBS Construction Ltd 87 Sundon Park Rd, Luton, Beds LU3 3BG, UK tel: (+44) 0158 249 6196 fax: (+44) 0158 249 6199 web: www.jbsltd.co.uk email: [email protected] JFD Construction Ltd Brookhouse Mill Balme Road, W Yorks, Cleckheaton, BD19 4EW, UK tel: (+44) 01274 852544

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 JFE Engineering America Inc 450 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA tel: (+1) 212 826 6250 fax: (+1) 212 826 6358 JFE Engineering Corporation 14th Floor Park Tower, 3-7-1 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, 163-1014, Japan tel: (+60) 3 2166 2121 fax: (+60) 3 2166 2525 web: www.jfe-eng.co.jp email: [email protected] contact: Shiro Uchino JFE Engineering Europe Ltd 4th Floor, West Block, 11 Moorfields High Walk, London, EC2Y 9DE, UK tel: (+44) 0171 628 2161 fax: (+44) 0171 638 1374 JGC Arabia Ltd Box 2414, Al-Khobar, 31952, Saudi Arabia tel: (+996) 3 898 2741 fax: (+966) 3 894 5295 JGC Arabia Ltd Box 17781, Riyadh, 11494, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 1 465 1202 fax: (+966) 1 463 2196 JGC Arabia Ltd Box 1077, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 2 631 0565 fax: (+966) 2 632 2515 JGC Corporation BP 340Elbiar, Alger, Algeria tel: (+213) 2 92 33 54 fax: (+213) 2 92 30 35 JGC Corporation Room 605 Tower 1 Henderson centre No 18 Jianguomennei Daije Dongcheng District, Beijing, China tel: (+86) 10 6518 3001 fax: (+86) 10 6518 3006 JGC Corporation Centre d’Affaires le Louvre 2 Place du Palais-Royal 75044 Rue de Rivoli, Paris, 75001, France tel: (+33) 1 44 77 43 00 fax: (+33) 1 44 77 43 11 JGC Corporation Menara Thamrin, 16th Fl, Suite 1601 JLMH Thamrin Kav 3, Jakarta, 10340, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 230 2763 fax: (+62) 21 230 3770 JGC Corporation PO Box 15875-5735, Tehran, Iran tel: (+98) 21 205 4835 fax: (+98) 21 205 0557 JGC Corporation 2-3-1 Minato Mira Nishi-ku, Yokohama, 220 6001, Japan tel: (+81) 45 682 1111 fax: (+81) 45 682 1112 JGC Corporation Box 25691, Safat, 13117, Kuwait tel: (+965) 244 5232 fax: (+965) 244 5234


JGC Corporation Box 52159 Falomo Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 261 0597 fax: (+234) 1 269 0956 JGC Corporation 78 Shenton Way19-01, 79120, Singapore tel: (+65) 324 2555 fax: (+65) 324 2002

JGC Corporation 1168/14 Lumpimi Tower Bldg., 13th Fl. Rama 4 Road Kwaeng Thunghahamek Khet Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 285 5966 fax: (+66) 2 285 5970 JGC Corporation 35 Dover Street, London, W1X 4AN, UK tel: (+44) 020 7408 1309 fax: (+44) 0171 495 0673 JGC Dordtse Engineering bv Dordrecht Laan der Verenigde Naties 325 Box 303-3300 AJ, Dordrecht, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 652 2522 fax: (+31) 78 618 6055 JGC Malaysia Sdn Bhd Lot 12, 1st Fl., Kompleks Antarabangsa Jalan Sultan Ismail Box 12210, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 242 4155 fax: (+60) 3 242 2914 JGC (USA) Inc 10370 Richmond Avenue Suite 800, Houston, TX 77042, USA tel: (+1) 713 789 1441 fax: (+1) 713 975 7874

fax: (+44) 01302 770050 web: www.ljacksonandco.com Jacobs Babtie Sheldon Court, Wagon Lane, Coventry Road, Birmingham, B26 3DU, UK tel: (+44) 0121 700 1250 fax: (+44) 0121 700 1251 web: www.babtie.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Donkin Mohammed Jalal & Sons Box 747, Bahrain, Bahrain tel: (+973) 252606 Japan Indonesia LNG Co Ltd Toranomon Waiko Bldg, 12-1 Toranomon 5Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105, Japan tel: (+81) 3 3434 5241 fax: (+81) 3 3433 2985 Japan Petroleum Development Association 1-9-4 Keidanren-kaikan 4F, Ohtemachi Chiyoda-kn, Tokyo, 100-0081, Japan tel: (+81) 3 3279 5841 fax: (+81) 3 3279 5844 web: www.japt.org email: [email protected]

JL Plant & Pipeline Welding 715 B East Olive Rd, Pensacola, FL 32514, USA tel: (+1) 601 435 5622

Jasdell Pty Ltd 80 Bryant Street, Padstow, NSW 2211, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9774 2100 fax: (+61) 2 9774 2878

JP Chemical 129 Demokratias ave, Piraeus, 18863, Greece tel: (+30) 1 621 7302 fax: (+30) 1 623 0569 email: [email protected]

Javeler Construction Co Inc 2907 Fairchild Drive, New Iberia, LA 70560, USA tel: (+1) 337 364 5841 web: www.javeler.com contact: Meredith Cross-Oubre

JSC Vagonu 20, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia tel: (+371) 704 1611 fax: (+371) 731 0020 web: www.lg.lv email: [email protected] contact: Polmanis

Jee Ltd Hildenbrook House, The Slade, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1HR, UK tel: (+44) 01732 371371 fax: (+44) 01732 361646 web: www.jee.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Trevor Jee

JSC Seversky Tube Works 7 Vershinina St, Sverdlovek Region, Polevskoy, 624090, Russia tel: (+7) 343 503 5728 fax: (+7) 343 503 5293 web: www.stw.ru JS Technical Services 29/9 Soi Charoenmitr, Sukhumvit 63, Bangkok, 10110, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 391 4580 fax: (+66) 2 391 3371 web: jst-thailand.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul McDermott J.S. Welding and Building Co Building 2, House 3, Gilyarovsky Street, Moscow, 129090, Russia tel: (+7) 95 208 69 64 fax: (+7) 95 208 92 14 email: [email protected] contact: Valentina Ya. Belyaeva JV 105 Le Loi street, Baria-Vung Tau, Vung Tau, Vietnam tel: (+84) 6483 9871 fax: (+84) 6483 9857 L.Jackson & Co Rocket Site, Misson, Bawtry, South Yorkshire, Doncaster, DN10 6ET, UK tel: (+44) 01302 770485

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Jindal Saw Ltd Jindal Centre, 12, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi, 110066, India tel: (+91) 11 2618 8360 74 fax: (+91) 11 2617 0691 web: www.jindalsaw.com email: [email protected] contact: Vijesh Chawla Joannou and Paraskevaides Cyprus 1 Nikis Ave, PO Box 21178, Nicosia, CY 1503, Cyprus tel: (+357) 286 8600 fax: (+357) 2818868 email: [email protected] Joannou and Paraskevaides Libya PO Box 6072, Swani, Tripoli, Libya tel: (+218) 213 612 137 fax: (+218) 212 046 220 89 email: [email protected] Joannou and Paraskevaides Oman PO Box 603, Muscat, Oman tel: (+968) 590 200 fax: (+968) 590 699 Joannou & Paraskevaides (Overseas) Ltd 44 Kifisias Avenue, Marousi, Athens, 151 25, Greece tel: (+30) 210 811 4291 fax: (+30) 210 685 6233

email: [email protected] contact: G.S. Demetriou Joannou and Paraskevaides Saudi Arabia PO Box 5881, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 140 400 02 fax: (+966) 140 395 575 email: [email protected] Joannou and Paraskevaides UAE No 705 Arbift Tower, Banlyas St, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 422 122 48 fax: (+971) 422 843 65 email: [email protected] Joannou and Paraskevaides UK Canada Court, Upland Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey, UK tel: (+44) 0148 172 3232 fax: (+44) 0148 171 0091 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd Longbridge Lane, Ascot Drive Industrial Estate, Derby DE24 8ST, UK tel: (+44) 01332 371509 web: www.ejspipelines.co.uk Johnston Construction Ltd Foundation House, Eastern Road, Bracknell, RG12 2UZ, UK tel: (+44) 01344 720 001 T W Johnstone Co Ltd 324 Exeter Road, London, ON N6L 1A3, Canada tel: (+1) 519 652 5271 fax: (+1) 519 652 5956 Jord International 38 Oxley Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia tel: (+61) 2 8425 1500 fax: (+61) 2 8425 1555 web: www.jord.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Emilio Ambrogio Jotun Powder Coatings Ltd Stather Road, Flixborough, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire DN15 8RR, UK tel: (+44) 01724 400188 fax: (+44) 01724 400189 web: www.jotun.com/powder email: [email protected] contact: Barry Turner Jotun Powder Coatings 9 Cawley Road, Brooklyn, 3025, Australia tel: (+61) 1300 791910 fax: (+61) 3 9314 3190 web: www.jotun.com email: [email protected] contact: Alison Wright Joy Pipe USA, 16225 Park 10 Place Dr., Suite 400, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+1) 281 579 0388 fax: (+1) 281 579 6000 web: www.joypipe.com email: [email protected] Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd. Lot 957, Kidurong Light Industrial Estate, Tanjung Kidurong, PO Box 1119, Bintulu, Sarawak, 97008, Malaysia tel: (+60) 86 252455 fax: (+60) 86 252450 email: [email protected] contact: Mackenzie Socrate


Kamloops, BC, Canada tel: (+1) 604 372 5772 fax: (+1) 604 372 0716

KBR Inc 4100 Clinton Drive, Houston, TX 77020, USA tel: (+1) 713 753 3011 contact: Jerry Fee

Kanaghaz National Co for Pipeline Construction 24 Route Nationale, 35000, Boumerdes, B.P. 115, Algeria tel: (+213) 24 81 18 83 fax: (+213) 24 81 71 43 contact: H. Rizou

KCH Team Knock Airport Business Park, Unit 1, Knock Int Airport, Mayo, Charlestown, Mayo, Ireland tel: (+353) 94 67716 fax: (+353) 94 67720 web: www.knockcargo.com KCI Constructors Inc Box 4820, Houston, TX 77210-4820, USA tel: (+1) 713 753 2000 fax: (+1) 713 753 5353 K.D. Utility Services Beggars Bush Lodge, Himley Park, Wombourne, W Midlands WV5 0JN, UK tel: (+44) 07894 146599 email: [email protected] contact: Gary Humphreys KLF KMPL, Ilisias 3, Papagu, Athens, 16485, Greece tel: (+30) 1545 6868 fax: (+30) 1545 6868 web: www.mail.ru KNI Incorporated Old Route 119 North, PO Box 58, Homer City, PA 15748, USA tel: (+1) 724 479 3661 fax: (+1) 724 479 8091 email: [email protected] contact: Edward Klaymar KSB Johann Klein Str. 9, 67227 Frankenthal, Frankenthal, 67227, Germany tel: (+49) 6233 86 2121 fax: (+49) 6233 86 3485 web: www.ksbgroup.com KT Pty Ltd PO Box 19, Midland, WA 6936, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9250 2161 fax: (+61) 8 9250 1024 web: www.kt.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Wolfe KUFPEC Australia Pty Ltd 1st Floor, 18 Richardson St, West Perth, WA, 6005, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9321 4499 fax: (+61) 8 9321 4717 email: [email protected] KWH Pipe Ltd PO Box 21, Vaasa, 65101, Finland tel: (+358) 6 326 5511 fax: (+358) 6 315 3333 web: www.kwhpipe.com Kadco (Aust) Pty Ltd 25-27 Plummer Road, Vic, Laverton, 3026, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9315 1933 fax: (+61) 9315 1308 Kahn Steel Co., Inc 6750 W. 93rd St, Suite 140, Overland Park, KS 66212, USA tel: (+1) 913 642-6426 fax: (+1) 913 642 6622 web: www.kahnsteel.com Kamloops Augering Ltd

Kaneb Pipe Line Co 2435 N Central Expwy, Suite 700, Richardson, TX 75080, USA tel: (+1) 972 699 4000 Kanopus Consulting Rua Conde de Bonfim 112/ 902, Rio de Janeiro, 20520053, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 3234 4693 fax: (+55) 21 2567 5858 web: www.kanopusconsulting.com email: [email protected] contact: Shirley P Martins Kanzen Tetsu Sdn Bhd Lot 4, Perisaran Perusahaan Seksyen 23, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam, 40708, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 542 1400 fax: (+60) 3 541 9777 web: www.kanzen-tetsu.com email: [email protected] Karpaty JSC 101 Ostrobramska St, Warsaw, 04 041, Poland tel: (+48) 226 724 742 fax: (+48) 226 720 990 email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

CJSV KazMunayGas Kosmonavtov str 62, Kazakhstan, Astana, 473000, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 3172 240883 fax: (+7) 3172 240999 web: www.kaztransoil.kz KazTransOil CJSC Tower B, 22 Kabanbai-Batyr Street, Astana City, 473000, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 3172 555142 fax: (+7) 3172 555115 web: www.kaztransoil.kz email: [email protected] contact: A.S. Smankulov NKTN Kaztransoil ul. Gogolya 84a, Almaaty, 480091, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 3272 694390 fax: (+7) 3272 503939 PJ Keary Management Consultants Ltd 190 Salmon Street, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8NY, UK tel: (+44) 020 8202 3090 fax: (+44) 020 8200 8591 web: www.pjkeary.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: P.J. Keary Kegel Hegel n.e.V. Dorbaumstr. 12-56, Muenster, 48157, Germany tel: (+49) 251 329206 fax: (+49) 251 329206 web: www.kegel-hegel.com email: [email protected] Kellogg Brown & Root Ltd Hill Park Court, Springfield Drive, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7LH, UK tel: (+44) 01372 865000 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+44) 01372 388888 web: www.halliburton.com email: [email protected] contact: T. Sriskandarajah Kellogg China Inc CITIC Building Suite 2403 19 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing, China tel: (+86) 1 500 2255 fax: (+86) 1 500 4816 Kellogg Construction Ltd Box 26391, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 232 4353 fax: (+971) 232 2730 Kellogg Far East Inc 541 Orchard Road09-04 Liat Towers, 923, Singapore tel: (+65) 734 0715 fax: (+65) 733 0630 Kellogg Middle East Ltd British Bank of the Middle EB Fourth Floor, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 415 714 fax: (+974) 415 721 Kellogg Middle East Al-Rushaid, Village #3, Villa Box 539, Dharan Airport, 31932, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 895 5050 fax: (+966) 3 895 2970 Kellogg Nigeria Inc 36 Kofo Abayami Street, 1st Floor Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 618599 fax: (+234) 1 614430 Kellogg Pan American Corporation (KPAC) Centro Commercial Ciudad Tamana Primera Etapa, Piso 3, Oficina, Chuao, 1064-A, Venezuela tel: (+58) 2 959 1930 fax: (+58) 2 959 2056 M W Kellogg (Eastern Hemisphere) Ltd 101-103 Baker Street, 4th Floor, London, W1M 1FD, UK tel: (+44) 020 7487 5333 fax: (+44) 0171 935 1282 M W Kellogg Co Box 4557, Houston, TX 77210-4557, USA tel: (+1) 713 753 2000 fax: (+1) 713 753 5353 Kema Coatings Ltd PO Box 568, Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0, Canada tel: (+1) 905 854 4847 fax: (+1) 905 854 4849 web: www.pipelines.com email: [email protected] contact: mark gibson Kenco Corporation 170 State Route 271, Ligonier, PA 15658, USA tel: (+1) 724 238 3387 fax: (+1) 724 238 3187 web: www.kenco.com email: [email protected] contact: Duane Webb


Kendall-Polyken Polyken Pipeline Coatings Department 15 Hampshire Street, Mansfield, MA 2048, USA tel: (+1) 508 261 6200 fax: (+1) 508 261 6271 John Kennedy (CE) Ltd Chaddock Lane, Worsley, Lancashire, Manchester, M28 1XW, UK

tel: (+44) 0161 790 3000 fax: (+44) 0161 790 1211 web: www.johnkennedy.co.uk Kennedy & Donkin Ltd Westbook Mills, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2AZ, UK tel: (+44) 01483 425900 fax: (+44) 01483 425136 email: [email protected] Kennedy Utility Management Ltd Elevator Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EP, UK tel: (+44) 0161 872 4660 fax: (+44) 0161 872 7557 email: [email protected] J P Kenny Ltd Thames Plaza, 5 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane, Staines, Middx TW18 3DT, UK tel: (+44) 01784 417200 fax: (+44) 01784 417283 web: www.jpkenny.com email: [email protected] contact: D.W. Baker J P Kenny Melbourne Pty Ltd Level 17, 535 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9211 6400 fax: (+61) 3 9211 6401 web: www.jpkenny.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Ian Jenkins J P Kenny Pty Ltd 11th Floor, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9481 8222 fax: (+61) 8 9481 8223 web: www.jpkenny.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Phil Brown Kenton Utilities and Developments Ltd Enterprise Court, Mason Way, Platts Common Industrial Park, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74 9TG, UK tel: (+44) 01226 232700 fax: (+44) 01226 232701 web: www.kentons.co.uk email: [email protected] Kerotest Manufacturing Corp tel: (+1) 412 521 4663 fax: (+1) 412 521 4663 web: www.keroteStcom email: kerotest@keroteStcom Kerr McGee North Sea (UK) Ltd Ninian House, Crawpeel Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LG, UK tel: (+44) 01224 242000 fax: (+44) 01224 242114 Keystone Pipeline Services 37 Sea Pave Drive, South Windsor, CT 6074, USA tel: (+1) 860 528 9890 fax: (+1) 860 528 5548 Key Telemetering Products 2829 Lewis Lane Owensboro, Owensboro, KY 42301, USA tel: (+1) 270 683 9871 web: www.keytelemetering.com Kiantone Pipeline Corp PO Box 780, Warren, PA 16365, USA tel: (+1) 814 723 1500 fax: (+1) 814 726 4602 Kidd Pipeline & Specialties, Inc 14826 Yarberry, Houston, TX 77039, USA tel: (+1) 281 442 0270 fax: (+1) 281 590 4705

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

web: www.kiddpipeline.com email: [email protected] Kiefer Industrial 305 East 1st Street, Kanawha, IA 50447, USA tel: (+1) 641 762 3201 fax: (+1) 641 762 3425 web: www.kieferindustrial.com email: kenkraus@kieferbuiltInccom Kiefner & Associates, Inc 585 Scherers Court, Worthington, OH 43085, USA tel: (+1) 614 888 8220 fax: (+1) 614 888 7323 web: www.kiefner.com email: [email protected] contact: Beth Kiefner Kinetica Ltd Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8LG, UK tel: (+44) 01203 425239 fax: (+44) 01203 425019 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Co Ltd 88,Qingyand N Road, Zijinqiao, Balidian, Huzhou, 313000, China tel: (+86) 572 226 1050 fax: (+86) 572 226 3111 web: www.erw630.com email: [email protected] contact: Hoffman Fang Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd 99 Huyan Road, Huzhou/Zhejiang, 313000, China tel: (+86) 21 5852 2792 fax: (+86) 21 6855 3348 web: erw630.ebigchina.com email: [email protected] contact: Hoffman Fang Kinhill Pty Ltd 441 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic 3004, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9867 5911 fax: (+61) 3 9820 4581 Kleiss & Co BV PO Box 253, Zwijndrecht, 3330 AG, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 629 1313 fax: (+31) 78 6291 314 web: www.kleiss.nl email: [email protected] contact: Leo van Beugen Klinger Ltd The Klinger Building, Wharfdale Road, Euroway Industrial Estate, Bradford, BD4 6SG, UK tel: (+44) 01274 688 222 Klockner Moeller Electric 6N550 Central Avenue, Wood Dale, IL 60191, USA tel: (+1) 866 595 9616 fax: (+1) 630 595 2550 web: www.klocknermoeller.com email: [email protected] contact: C M Snyder Knapp Limpro Nacional SA De CV. PE Calles 199, APDO A-027, Guadaloupe, 67150, Mexico tel: (+52) 83 371 717 fax: (+52) 83 377 836 contact: Sergio Cantu Knapp Polly Pig Inc 1209 Hardy Street, Houston, TX 77020, USA tel: (+1) 713 222 0146 fax: (+1) 713 222 7403 web: www.pollypig.com

email: [email protected] contact: Ken Knapp Knowles Ltd Vistorm House, 3200 Daresbury Park, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4BU, UK tel: (+44) 08707 530693 fax: (+44) 08707 481700 web: www.jrknowles.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Terry Clarke Kodiak Technical Services Ltd 31A Coloniale Way, Beaumont, AB T4X 1M2, Canada tel: (+1) 780 929 9346 fax: (+1) 780 929 5999 email: [email protected] Kolectric Manufacturing Ltd International House, Thame Station Industrial Estate, Oxon, Thame, OX9 3PY, UK tel: (+44) 01844 261626 fax: (+44) 01844 261600 P T Komaritim 4th & 5th Floor Jn H R Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kuningan, Jakarta, 12950, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 522 1044 fax: (+62) 21 520 3275 KVV Koolajvezetekepito Rt. Bajcsy- Zs. u. 207, PO Box 2, Siofok, 8600, Hungary tel: (+36) 84 310 310 fax: (+36) 84 505 140 web: www.kvv.hu email: [email protected] contact: Gyula Tarsoly Koop Holding BV 163 Verlengde Hereweg, PO Box 6261, Groningen, 9702 HG, Netherlands tel: (+31) 50 529 71 00 fax: (+31) 50 525 50 92 web: www.koop.nl email: [email protected] contact: H. Koop Koop Middle East Box 96, Mina Al Fahal, 116, Oman tel: (+968) 787861 fax: (+968) 787672 Koop-Tjuchem BV Marsstraat 17Box 606, Hoofddorp, NL 2130 AP, Netherlands tel: (+31) 2503 42502 fax: (+31) 2503 42952 Gerhard Kopp International Pipeline Services Friedrich-Ebert St 131, Lingen, 49811, Germany tel: (+49) 591 71020 fax: (+49) 591 7102 127 Kopp International Pipeline Services PO Box 96, Mina Al Fahal, 118, Oman tel: (+968) 787 861 fax: (+968) 787 672 Kordale Engineering Ltd Oceania House, Quarry Lane, Shiplake, Henley RG9 3JY, UK tel: (+44) 01189 403884 fax: (+44) 01189 404841 email: [email protected] contact: John Gooder Kragas-VNIPIGazpererabotka ul. Krasnaya 118, Krasnodar, 350650, Russia tel: (+7) 8612 574023 fax: (+7) 8612 558552

AO Krasnodargazstroy Pipeline construction, Dzerjinskii St, 14, Krasnodar, Krasnodar, 350020, Russia tel: (+7) 8612 652804 fax: (+7) 8612 652801 web: www.gazstroy.com email: [email protected]

GG, Netherlands tel: (+31) 79 688688 fax: (+31) 79 688555

Krasnodarneftegaz PO ul. Komsomolskaya 36, Krasnodar, 350063, Russia tel: (+7) 8612 684844 fax: (+7) 8612 680975

L&E Mobile Computers 1013 Conshohocken Road, Building 4, Conshohocken, PA 19428-0978, USA tel: (+1) 800 330 5399 fax: (+1) 610 828 1195 web: www.firstmobiletechnologies.com email: [email protected]

Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems 50 Industrial Park Rd, Lewiston, PA 17044, USA tel: (+1) 717 242 0327 fax: (+1) 717 242 2606 web: www.agfandt.com Kroy (Europe) Ltd Unit 2, Commercial Road, Reading, Berks RG2 0QJ, UK tel: (+44) 0118 986 5200 fax: (+44) 0118 986 5205 web: www.kroyeurope.com email: [email protected] contact: Barrie Hamilton Kunle GM 20 Chuku Olunda St, Rivers, Port Harcourt, Nigeria tel: (+234) 084 237210 Kurvers International Supply Services Ltd Unit 14, Northfields Prospect, Putney Bridge Road, London SW18 1PE, UK tel: (+44) 020 8877 1355 fax: (+44) 020 8874 7266 web: www.kurvers.com email: [email protected] contact: David Kennedy Kurz Instruments Inc 2411 Garden Road, Monterey, CA 93940, USA tel: (+1) 831 646 5911 fax: (+1) 831 646 8901 web: www.kurz-instruments.com


LIN Pipeline International Corp 32 Eleanor Circle, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6K7, Canada tel: (+1) 905 771 9017 fax: (+1) 905 771 9065 email: [email protected] LMR Drilling BV 212 and 214 Wassenaarseweg, The Hague, EC 2596, Netherlands tel: (+31) 703 246 948 fax: (+31) 703 242 219 web: www.lmr-drilling.de email: [email protected] contact: Hoogveld LMR Drilling GmbH 368 Ammerlander Heer Strasse, Oldenburg, D-26129, Germany tel: (+49) 441 971 91 0 fax: (+49) 441 971 91 91 web: www.lmr-drilling.de email: [email protected] contact: Gerard P. Hoogveld

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

LMR Drilling UK Ltd Egerton House, 2 Tower Road, Birkenhead, CH41 1FN, UK tel: (+44) 0151 650 6977 fax: (+44) 0151 650 6978 web: www.lmrdrilling.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Barry Gardner LS Industries 710 E 17th St, Wichita, KS 67214, USA tel: (+1) 800 835 0218 fax: (+1) 316 265 0013 web: www.lsindustries.com email: [email protected]

Kuwait Engineering Group PO Box 960, Safat, 13010, Kuwait tel: (+965) 243 50613 fax: (+965) 243 5064 Kuwait Pipe Industries PO Box 3416, Safat, 13035, Kuwait tel: (+965) 467 5622 fax: (+965) 467 5897 web: www.kpios.com Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd 20 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LE, UK tel: (+44) 020 7957 3960 fax: (+44) 020 7957 3131 web: www.kvaerner.com Kvaerner Petrominco Engineering Sdn. Bhd. 17th Floor, East Wing, Rohas Perkasa, 8 Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 3818279 fax: (+60) 3 3812379 web: www.kvaerner.com Kvaerner Oilfield Products Kvaerner House, 68 Hammersmith Road, London, W14 8UD, UK tel: (+44) 020 7559 6000 Kvaerner Process (Netherlands) bv Zeetech Engineering Houtsingel 5Box 5254, Zoetermeer, 2701

L&T-ECC Construction (M) Sdn Bhd No 21F, 21st Fl, Bangunan Dato Zaninal, Jalan Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, 50100, Malaysia tel: (+60) 326 983 480 fax: (+60) 326 920 971 email: [email protected] LT Mapping Services, Inc 12211 E. 52nd Street, Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74146, USA tel: (+1) 918 249 0422 fax: (+1) 918 249 0442 web: www.ltmapping.com contact: Larry M. Tucker LTS Inc 11932 Brittmoore Park Drive, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 832 467 4040 fax: (+1) 832 467 4240 web: www.ltsusa.com email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Leaning LaBarge Pipe & Steel Co 500 N Broadway, Suite 1600, St Louis, 63102, USA entry continued overleaf

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 web: www.labargepipe.com email: [email protected] Laeven Bau GmbH An der Linde 54, Geilenkirchen, 52511, GA tel: (+49) 2451 68975 fax: (+49) 2451 2178 New Lahore Welding and Engineering Works B-74Mayapuri Industrial AreaPhase -1, New Delhi, 110064, India tel: (+91) 011 513 2209 fax: (+91) 011 549 0053 email: [email protected] Laing Engineering Ltd Barford Road, St Neots PE19 2SJ, UK tel: (+44) 01480 402500 fax: (+44) 01480 402502 email: [email protected] Laing O’Rourke Barford Road, St Neots, Huntingdon PE19 6WB, UK tel: (+44) 01480 402600 fax: (+44) 01480 402572 web: www.laing.com email: [email protected] contact: Duncan Atkins Lalit Profiles and Steel Industries Ltd 60 a/b Kukreja PlazaPlot no 46/47 & 55 Sector 11CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, 400 614, India tel: (+91) 22 756 1173 fax: (+91) 22 756 1173 email: [email protected] Lama International Contractors Ltd c/o Moore Stephens, No 905 Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsimshaatsul, Kowloon, Hong Kong tel: (+852) 237 531 80 fax: (+852) 237 538 26 Lama International Contractors Ltd No 1604, Fl 16, Menara Mulia, Jl Jend Gatot Subruto 9-11, Jakarta, 1000, Indonesia tel: (+62) 215 278 878 fax: (+62) 215 278 880 Lama International Contractors Ltd No 602, L-Moosa Tower, Sheik Zayed Rd, PO Box 25238, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 431 3826 fax: (+971) 431 7523


contact: Barry F. Beck Land & Marine Engineering Bank Pacific Bldg Ste 1111 Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 7-8, Jakarta, 10220, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 570 2778 fax: (+62) 21 570 7192 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd Dock Road North, Bromborough, CH62 4LN, UK tel: (+44) 0151 641 5600 fax: (+44) 0151 644 9990 web: www.landandmarine.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Holton LandTech Enterprises 43 Blackstock Str., London, N4 2JF, UK tel: (+44) 08707 303050 fax: (+44) 08701 399201 web: www.landtech.org contact: Lopez Laney Directional Drilling Co PO Box 1449, Humble, TX 77347, USA tel: (+1) 281 540 6615 fax: (+1) 281 540 6727 web: www.laneydrilling.com email: [email protected] Lange Ballast Contractors Ltd 43 Charles Street Box 1145, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago tel: (+809) 665 4905 fax: (+809) 665 9881 Langfang Greensting Pipeline Technology Co Ltd 601 Room Tower A, Shine Fortune Plaza Building, No 109, Xinhua Road, Guangyang District, Hebei Province, Langfang City, China tel: (+86) 316 521 8888 fax: (+86) 316 521 8887 web: www.pigging.cn email: [email protected] contact: Zhao Wenqing Langford Water Services UK Ltd St Francis Way, Shefford Industrial Park, Shefford, Beds SG17 5DZ, UK tel: (+44) 0146 285 0700 fax: (+44) 0146 285 0710 web: www.langfordwater.com email: [email protected]

Lama International Contractors Ltd PO Box 438, Tropic Island Building, Wickhams Cay, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands tel: (+809) 494 2616 fax: (+809) 494 2704

Lansas Products 1320 South Sacramento Street, Lodi, CA 95240, USA tel: (+1) 209 334 4115 fax: (+1) 209 339 8260 web: www.lansas.com email: [email protected]

A Lamb Associates Ltd 2-4 Pier Lane, Arnside, Carnforth, LA5 0DA, UK tel: (+44) 01524 762 496 fax: (+44) 01524 762 274 web: www.alambassociates.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Lamb

Larsen and Toubro Ltd ECC Construction Group Mount Poonamalle Road, Manapakkam, P.B. No 979, Chennai, 600089, India tel: (+91) 44 22492747 fax: (+91) 44 22492747 web: www.Lntecc.com email: [email protected]

Lamnaico Ltd Box 5687, Sharjah, UAE tel: (+971) 635 9108 fax: (+971) 654 7090

Larsen and Toubro (Oman) Ltd PO Box 1127, Ruwi, 112, Oman tel: (+968) 797 445 fax: (+968) 797 024 email: [email protected]

P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc 106 Administration Road, Suite 4, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA tel: (+1) 865 483 7483 fax: (+1) 865 483 7639 web: www.pela-tenn.com email: [email protected]

Larsen and Toubro (Qatar) Ltd Care of Contraco WLL, PO Box 2658, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 467 6403 fax: (+974) 467 0724

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Larsen and Toubro Saudi Arabia 12th Fl, Al Khasogi Building, PO Box 79397, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 389 749 99 fax: (+966) 389 797 78 email: [email protected] Larsen and Toubro (Sri Lanka) Ltd Plot No.439, Sri Jeyawardane Pura Mawatha, Welikada, Rajagrirya, Sri Lanka tel: (+94) 11 5516751 fax: (+94) 11 5516750 web: www.lntecc.com email: [email protected] Larsen and Toubro (UAE) Ltd No m-3, Mezzanine Fl, Raisa Bint Darwish Bldg, Al Istiqlal St, PO Box 30803, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 262 146 36 fax: (+971) 262 198 78 email: [email protected] Laser Diagnostic Instruments International Inc 1 - 146 Colonnade Road South, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Y1, Canada tel: (+1) 613 723 7474 fax: (+1) 613 723 2086 web: www.ldi3.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Frizzell Laser Drilling Australia Pty Ltd 43 Boston Road, Queensland, Belmont, 4153, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3390 4558 fax: (+61) 7 3390 4551 web: www.laserdrillers.com.au email: [email protected] Lasmecon Pearl S. Buckstraat 2, Sint-Oedenrode, 5491 DG, Netherlands tel: (+31) 413 473624 fax: (+31) 413 475991 web: www.lasmecon.nl email: [email protected] contact: Ad van Weert Latvija Statoil 12 Citadeles, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia tel: (+371) 808 8100 fax: (+371) 808 8150 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl Loc. Spigarolo, Busseto, 43011, Italy tel: (+39) 0524 91844 fax: (+39) 0524 91428 web: www.laurini.com email: [email protected] contact: Marco Laurini LeanTrak, Inc 1645 Indian Wood Circle, Suite 101, Maumee, OH 43537, USA tel: (+1) 419 482 0797 fax: (+1) 419 482 6801 web: leantrak.com email: [email protected] contact: Bob Wadas LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae 6th Floor No.1 Minster Court Mincing Lane, London, EC3R 7AA, UK tel: (+44) 020 7459 5000 Ledco Inc 1301 McKinney Suite 300, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 653 6200 fax: (+1) 713 653 6220 Lee Supply Co, Inc 1st & Lincoln Avenue, PO Box 35, Charleroi, PA 15022, USA

Company listing

Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd PO Box 288, Toowong, Qld 2065, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3215 4400 fax: (+61) 27 3215 4552 web: www.leightoncontractors.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Allan Frederick Leigh’s Paints Amos Ayre Place Simonside Industrial Estate, Tyne and Wear, South Shields, NE34 9PH, UK tel: (+44) 0191 455 7700 Leo Fittings Ltd Lakes Road, Braintree, Essex CM7 3SS, UK tel: (+44) 01376 341616 fax: (+44) 01376 349427 web: www.leofittings.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: F.R. Busch Leonard Pipeline Contractors Ltd 115 Shiller Place NW, Calgary, AB T3L 1W7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 547 3772 Lester Franks Survey & Geographic Pty Ltd PO Box 358, Devonport, TAS 7310, Australia tel: (+61) 3 6426 6444 fax: (+61) 3 6426 5825 web: www.lesterfranks.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Malcolm Lester Liaohe Oilfield First Construction Co Yulou Street, Panjin, Liaoning, 124120, China tel: (+86) 427 758 0831 fax: (+86) 427 758 0831 email: [email protected] contact: Tian Shizhang Liaoyang Steel Pipe Co Ltd (China) Fanring Road 1, Xvwangzi, Liaoyang, 111000, China tel: (+86) 419 238 5777 fax: (+86) 419 238 0067 web: www.lysteelpipe.com Liaoyang Steel Tube Co Ltd 23E, 2# Hua’ao Center (Epoch Center), No.31 Zi-Zhu-Yuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100089, China tel: (+86) 10 6871 4798 fax: (+86) 10 6848 9467 web: www.lyggbj.com Liebherr Export AG 14 General Guisanstr., Nussbaumen, 5415, Switzerland tel: (+41) 56 296 11 11 fax: (+41) 56 296 39 00 web: www.liebherr.com contact: Michael Michaelis Lietuva Staoil 12A A. Gostauto, Vilnius, LT-2000, Lithuania tel: (+370) 222 0468 fax: (+370) 222 0456 Limak Construction Industry and Trade Inc Hafta Sokak No. 9 G.O.P, Ankara, 6700, Turkey tel: (+90) 312 446 8800 fax: (+90) 312 446 8810 web: www.limak.com.tr

email: [email protected] contact: Nihat Ozdemir Lincoln Electric Co 22801 St Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44117-1199, USA tel: (+1) 216 481 8100 fax: (+1) 216 486 1751 web: www.lincolnelectric.com email: [email protected] contact: John Stropki Lincoln - OES Group Suite 211, Beach St, Port Melbourne, 3207, Australia tel: (+61) 396 460 222 fax: (+61) 396 460 054 email: [email protected] Linden Professional Services, Inc 8919 Cher Court, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77040, USA tel: (+1) 713 937 7875 fax: (+1) 713 937 4429 web: www.lindenprofessional.com Lineas de Produccion SA de CV Montes Urales No. 520, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City, 11000, Mexico tel: (+55) 5284 2950 228 fax: (+55) 5520 6998 228 contact: F. Cortina Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services PO Box 62159, Ajman - 205/306 - Al Zahra Building, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 6 747 3600 fax: (+971) 6 747 3800 web: www.linscan.biz email: [email protected] contact: Dr Muhammed Khaled El Chami Ben Lions Industrial Co Ltd No.21-1, Shui Ching Lane, Shui Ching Li, Pei Tun District, Taichung, 406, Taiwan tel: (+886) 4 2436 5146 fax: (+886) 4 2436 7895 web: www.benlions.com email: [email protected] contact: Shiu, Jian Pei Liquid Dynamics Shockguard Ltd Unit 3, Hurstfield Industrial Estate, Hurst St, Reddish, Stockport, SK5 7BB, UK tel: (+44) 0161 480 9625 fax: (+44) 0800 174 088 web: www.shockgaurd.co.uk email: [email protected] Liquid Metering Instruments Ltd LMI House, West Dudley St, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 3AG, UK tel: (+44) 0160 655 0583 fax: (+44) 0160 655 0485 web: www.lmipumps.co.uk email: [email protected] Lithgow Associates The Corrosion Centre, Tudur Court, Spring Acres, Magor Road, Gwent, NP18 2JX, UK tel: (+44) 01633 411800 fax: (+44) 01633 411810 web: www.lithgow.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Peter Morgan Arthur D Little Ltd Science Park Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 4DW, UK tel: (+44) 01223 420024 web: www.adlittle.uk.com Livvix Inc 554 E. 550th Road, Casey, IL 62420, USA

tel: (+1) 217 932 9992 fax: (+1) 217 932 9993 email: [email protected] contact: Shayne Livvix Lloyd’s Register Americas, Inc 1401 Enclave Pkwy, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77077, USA tel: (+1) 281 675 3100 web: www.lr.org contact: John Wright Lloyd’s Register Denburn House, 25 Union Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1NN, UK tel: (+44) 01224 267437 fax: (+44) 01224 267401 email: [email protected] contact: Graham Stewart Logan Industries, Inc 11961 SB FM529, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 281 703 0646 fax: (+1) 713 849 5266 web: www.loganindustries.biz email: [email protected] contact: Harold Casner Logstor Ror A/S Bornholmsvej 8, Logstor, DK 9670, Denmark tel: (+45) 99 66 1500 Lone Star Steel PO Box 803546, TX, Dallas, 75380-3546, USA tel: (+1) 972 386 3981 fax: (+1) 972 770 6409 web: www.lonestarsteel.com

Company listing - alphabetical

tel: (+1) 800 353 3747 fax: (+1) 724 483 0577 web: www.leesupply.com email: [email protected]

Longbore United States - Parent Company, 4125 Southerland Rd, Houston, TX 77092, USA tel: (+1) 713 690 8440 fax: (+1) 713 690 8441 web: www.longbore.com Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Ltd Summer Fields, 50 Sketty Road, Swansea, SA2 0LH, UK tel: (+44) 01792 202244 fax: (+44) 01792 203333 web: www.longdin.com email: [email protected] contact: J.R. Mills Long O’Donnell Associates Ltd White Hall, School Lane, Northwich, CW8 1PF, UK tel: (+44) 01606 786780 fax: (+44) 01606 786781 web: www.long-odonnellassociates.com email: [email protected] contact: Thomas O’Donnell Long Products Ltd Harbour Road, Rye, TN31 7TE, UK tel: (+44) 01797 223561 fax: (+44) 01797 224530 web: www.longproducts.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Adrian Walker Satish V. Lonkar Associates 1204/19, Ananad Apt, Flat No. 4, Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, Pune, 411004, India tel: (+91) 020 553 2035 fax: (+91) 020 553 2035 Loop One Seine Court, Suite 500, PO Box 6638, New Orleans, LA 70114, USA entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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ACE International is recognized around the world as the premier authority for corrosioncontrol solutions. It is a professional technical association dedicated to protecting people, assets, and the environment from the effects of corrosion. Established in 1943, it offers technical training and certification programmes, sponsors conferences, and produces industry standards, reports, publications, and software. Its well-known Materials Performance magazine is highly regarded throughout the industry. From just 11 engineers, NACE International has grown to more than 16,500 members in 92 countries. Built upon decades of knowledge and expertise from dedicated members across the globe, NACE International is involved in every industry and area of corrosion prevention and control, from chemical processing and water systems to transportation and infrastructure protection. NACE Board of Directors NACE officers for the 2006-2007 term include President David Webster, Manager of Corrosion and Integrity Services for Colt Engineering Corporation (Calgary, Alberta); Vice President Louis D. “Lou” Vincent, President of L.D. “Lou” Vincent PhD, Inc. and Senior Coating Consultant, Corrpro Companies, Inc. (Lafayette, Louisiana); Treasurer Mark J. Byerley Sr., President of Tinker & Rasor (San Gabriel, CA); and Past President Neil G. Thompson, CEO of CC Technologies (Dublin, Ohio).

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

NACE and the pipeline industry Responsible for developing and establishing dozens of pipeline standards, NACE International also provides courses and certifications for professionals with various levels of experience at locations across the globe. Among its hundreds of classes each year, the majority focus on cathodic protection (CP) and coatings inspector programs (CIP). The Pipeline Corrosion Introductory Training (PCIT) is a comprehensive, modularized beginner-level training and assessment programme addressing pipeline corrosion fundamentals. It is geared for employees with little or no experience in pipeline corrosion who need to be trained on basic tasks. The programme also provides corrosion operator qualification (OQ) and requalification. The PCIT programme is a starting point that provides a path to further professional development through NACE training and certification programmes. NACE International serves its members by setting standards for the corrosion industry; providing courses, certifications, and other educational opportunities for those working in industries affected by corrosion; disseminating the latest technology worldwide through an active web site, peer-reviewed journals, technical papers, books and other publications; hosting and managing the most important international conferences, exhibits, and topical meetings in the corrosion industry; recognizing distinguished achievement in corrosion with well-respected awards; linking corrosion professionals to colleagues and important career information; enhancing programmes, services, and connections within the corporate community; promoting the interests of the corrosion science and engineering industry through government relation activities in Washington, DC. NACE International 1440 South Creek Drive Houston, TX 77084-4906 USA tel: +1 800/797 6223 (in the US or Canada) +1 281/228 6223 (outside the US or Canada) www.nace.org

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+1) 504 368 5667 fax: (+1) 504 363 9284

web: www.mm-contractors.com email: infomm-contactors.com

Lordco 104 Station Road, Auburn, NSW 2144, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9647 2888 fax: (+61) 2 9647 2344 email: [email protected]

MAN Turbomaschinem AG Steinbrinkstrasse 1, Oberhausen, 46145, Germany tel: (+49) 208 692 2134 fax: (+49) 208 692 2711 web: www.manturbo.com email: [email protected] contact: Klaus Waldvogel

Lothian Pipeline Testing Services Ltd Unit 19 Knightsridge East, Knightsridge, Livingston, EH54 8RA, UK tel: (+44) 01506 202547 fax: (+44) 01506 202548 web: www.lothianpipelines.com email: [email protected] contact: alex mitchell

MPC International Inc 1155 Dairy Ashford Suite 703, Houston, TX 77079, USA tel: (+1) 713 870 8192 fax: (+1) 713 870 9780 M R Corp Cite Garidi Bt 37, No 06 Kouba, Algiers, 16000, Algeria tel: (+213) 050 048 742 fax: (+213) 2 153 9705 web: www.mrcorp.com contact: morad rezagui MRM/Mueller Pipeliners Inc 2936 S 166th Street, New Berlin, WI 53151, USA tel: (+1) 414 782 6320 fax: (+1) 414 782 6902

Louisville Gas & Electric Co 220 W Main, PO Box 32010 (40232), Louisville, KY 40202, USA tel: (+1) 502 566 4011 fax: (+1) 502 627 2549

MBW Inc 250 Hartford Road, Slinger, WI 53086, USA tel: (+1) 262 644 5234 fax: (+1) 262 644 5169 web: www.soilpick.com email: [email protected] contact: Andy Multerer

Ralph Lowe Ltd 7 Whinham Way, Morpeth, NE61 2TF, UK tel: (+44) 07711 936181 email: [email protected] contact: Ralph Lowe

MCC Ltd Tober High Road, Links, Grantham, NG32 1BH, UK tel: (+44) 01476 594509 fax: (+44) 01476 567860

M S Gulf Ltd Box 7604, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 33 9600

Lowline Ltd Morley House, Badminton Court, Church Street, Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DA, UK tel: (+44) 01494 434000 fax: (+44) 01494 431993

MCL (Offshore) Ltd Brock Building, Aspley Close, Four Ashes Industrial Estate, Wolverhampton, W Midlands WV10 7DE, UK tel: (+44) 01902 791999 fax: (+44) 01902 791909 web: www.midlandcryogenics.com email: [email protected] contact: D. Brocklesby

MSL: McCarthy Surfacing Ltd Glebe House, Bletchingly Road, Nutfield, Redhill, RH1 4HP, UK tel: (+44) 01737 823891 fax: (+44) 01737 822071 web: www.macsurf.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Tom McCarthy

MCM O’Drill Unit 3, Scotstown Road, Bridge Of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8HG, UK tel: (+44) 01224 822610 fax: (+44) 01224 822655 web: www.mcmodrill.co.uk email: [email protected]

m2solve Ltd 117 Buckingham Drive, Loughborough, Leics LE11 4UY, UK tel: (+44) 01509 822234 web: www.m2solve.com email: [email protected] contact: Martin Mescal

MCP Environmental Services Spartan Road, South Bradford Trading Estate, Low Moor, Bradford, BD12 0RY, UK tel: (+44) 01274 601021 fax: (+44) 01274 608158 email: [email protected] contact: Louis Anderson

MWH UK Ltd Melbourne House, Melbourne Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2JQ, UK tel: (+44) 01912 615588 fax: (+44) 01912 616688 web: www.mwhglobal.com email: [email protected] contact: David Watson

MITS Ltd PO Box 404 World Trade Centre, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9613 9000 fax: (+61) 3 9613 9500 email: [email protected]

MWH Terriers House, 201 Amersham Rd, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 AJ, UK

A J Lucas Group Ltd Sydney Office, 157 Church Street, Ryde, NSW 2112, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9809 6866 fax: (+61) 2 9807 6088 web: www.lucas.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Adrew Lukas Ludescher Cablecrane-Systems GmbH Industriestrasse 8, Sulz, 6832, Austria tel: (+43) 5522 39412 fax: (+43) 5522 32483 web: www.ludeschercablecranesystems.com email: [email protected] contact: Christoph Ludescher ZAO Lukoil Nephtegazstroy Private JSC 15 Ibragimova Street, Moscow, 105318, Russia tel: (+7) 95 973 7451 fax: (+7) 95 973 7454 email: [email protected] contact: Alexey M. Mikhaylichenko Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd 16 Raushskaya nab., Moscow, 113035, Russia tel: (+7) 95 933 1704 fax: (+7) 95 933 1800 web: www.lukoil-overseas.com email: [email protected] contact: Den Lukoil-Nephtegazstroy Private JSC 16 Ibragimova St, Moscow, 105318, Russia tel: (+7) 959 737 451 fax: (+7) 959 737 454 email: [email protected]


MAPCO Inc 1800 S Baltimore, PO Box 645 (741010645), Tulsa, OK 74119, USA tel: (+1) 918 581 1800

tel: (+44) 01226 601021

M M&M Ballysillan Industrial Estate, Ligoniel Road, Belfast, BT14 8EY, UK tel: (+44) 028 9039 1280 fax: (+44) 028 9072 9140

MMC St Johns, Fetternear Aberdeen, AB51 5JU, UK tel: (+44) 01467 642718 fax: (+44) 01467 642718 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd 63B Jalan SS 21/37. 2nd Floor Damansara Utama, Daran Ehsan, Selangor, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 718 8332 fax: (+60) 3 718 5332 MMEC PO Box 9864, W 18 k27, Addis Ababa, 9864, Ethiopia tel: (+251) 01 151980 fax: (+251) 01 151980 MPB Utility Services The Grange, Park Street, Wombwell, Barnsley, Wombwell, S73 0HH, UK

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

MSA Instrument Division PO Box 427, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, USA tel: (+1) 724 776 8730 web: www.msanet.com

MW Polymer Products Ltd The Old Brewery, Duffield Road, Little Eaton, Derby, Derbys DE21 5DS, UK tel: (+44) 01332 835001 fax: (+44) 01332 835051 web: www.mwpolymers.co.uk Maats Pipeline Equipment 4 Breukersweg, PO Box 165, Goor, 7470 AD, Netherlands tel: (+31) 547 260 000 fax: (+31) 547 261 000 web: www.maats.com email: [email protected] contact: B.A.M. Boehm MacArtney UK Ltd Howe Moss Drive, Kirkhill Ind Est, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0GL, UK tel: (+44) 01224 358500 fax: (+44) 01224 358510 web: www.macartney.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Jackson

Macaw Engineering Ltd 1 Park Road, Gosforth Buisness Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE12 8DG, UK tel: (+44) 0191 216 4930 fax: (+44) 0191 268 4581 web: www.macawengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Dale Macaw’s Pipeline Defects c/o Scientific Surveys Ltd, PO Box 21, Beaconsfield HP9 1NS, UK tel: (+44) 01494 675139 fax: (+44) 01494 670155 email: [email protected] contact: John Tiratsoo Mace Contractors Ltd Box 2307, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 330144 J T Mackley & Co Ltd Bankside HouseSmall Dole, Henfield, W Sussex BN5 9XQ, UK tel: (+44) 01273 492 212 fax: (+44) 01273 494 328 web: www.mackley.dircon.co.uk email: [email protected] Maclin Ltd Unit 3, Sovereign Business Park, Albert Dr, Burgess Hill, Sussex RH15 9TY, UK tel: (+44) 0144 424 8867 fax: (+44) 0144 487 1258 Macrete Ireland Ltd 50 Creagh Road, Toomebridge, BT41 3SE, UK tel: (+44) 0287 965 0471 fax: (+44) 0287 965 0084 web: www.macrete.com email: [email protected] Mactech (Europe) Ltd Unit 3, Saville Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 7LQ, UK tel: (+44) 01625 503306 fax: (+44) 01625 618147 web: www.on-site-machining.co.uk email: [email protected] Madur Electronics Voitgasse 4, Vienna, 1220, Austria tel: (+43) 1 258 4502 fax: (+43) 1 258 450222 web: www.madur.com email: [email protected] contact: Simon Fowler Maersk Olie Og Gas AG Esplanaden 50, Copenhagen, DK-1263, Denmark tel: (+45) 33 63 40 00 fax: (+45) 33 63 38 06 web: www.maersk.com email: [email protected] Magal-Israel Gas & Oil Enterprises Ltd Box 381, Hertzella, 46103, Israel tel: (+972) 3 6420258 fax: (+972) 3 6462350

email: [email protected] contact: John Emmerson

fax: (+66) 265 287 55 email: [email protected]

Makor K9 50 Oak Street, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 0V8, Canada tel: (+1) 780 990 7643 web: www.tekscent.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Foote

Man GHH Oil and Gas (Turkmenistan) GmbH 19 Bitarap Turkmenistan, Ashbagat, Turkmenistan tel: (+993) 123 962 52 fax: (+993) 123 962 52 email: [email protected]

Maloney Field Services Level 1, 212 Pirie St, Adelaide, 5000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8227 0933 fax: (+61) 8 8227 0955 web: www.maloney.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Dave Maloney

Man-ya-stand 18 Chestnut Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BU, UK tel: (+44) 01625 616371 web: www.manyastand.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Colin Smalley

Maloney Technical Products 1300 E Berry St, Fort Worth, TX 76119, USA tel: (+1) 800 231 7236 fax: (+1) 817 923 1339 web: www.maloneytech.com email: [email protected] Manesmann Boru Endustri T.A.S. 101 Meclisi Mebusan Cad, Borusan Building, Salipazari, Istanbul, 34427, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 251 34 10 fax: (+90) 212 252 41 82 web: www.mannesmannboru.com email: [email protected] contact: Tayfun Iseri Man Industries (India) Ltd 1 Chandrageet, 120 S.V.Road, Andheri (West), Maharashtra, Mumbai, 400 058, India tel: (+91) 222 620 1365 fax: (+91) 222 620 3561 web: www.mangroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Ramesh Mansukhani Man GHH Oil and Gas (Indonesia) GmbH c/o Ferrostaal A/G, Graha Ferrostaal, Mazzanine Fl, 97 Jalang Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta, 12720, Indonesia tel: (+62) 217 973 356 fax: (+62) 217 988 018 email: [email protected] Man GHH Oil and Gas (Iran) GmbH c/o Ferrostaal, 309 Wahid Dastjerdi Ave, Teheran, 14155, Iran tel: (+98) 218 784 251 fax: (+98) 218 784 256 email: [email protected] Man GHH Oil and Gas (Malaysia) GmbH c/o Ferrostaal Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd, No 26.03/04, 26th Fl, Menara Promet, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia tel: (+60) 321 412 789 fax: (+60) 321 416 188 email: [email protected]

Magellan Petroleum Australia Ltd 10th Floor, 145 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3832 6400 fax: (+61) 7 3832 6411 web: www.magpet.com.au email: [email protected]

Man GHH Oil and Gas (Southern Africa) GmbH c/o Ferrostaal Southern Africa Pty Ltd, Cradock Heights, 21 Cradock Ave, Rosebank, Saxonworld 2132, Johannesburg, 2132, South Africa tel: (+27) 115 073 800 fax: (+27) 115 073 839

Magnatech Limited Partnership 6 Kripes Road, PO Box 260, East Granby, CT 06026-0260, USA tel: (+1) 860 653 2573 fax: (+1) 860 653 0486 web: www.magnatech-lp.com

Man GHH Oil and Gas (Thailand) GmbH c/o Ferrostaal (Thailand) Co Ltd, 32nd Fl, Grand Amarin Tower, 1550 New Petchburi Rd, Makasan,Rajathevi, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand tel: (+66) 265 289 98

Marathon Pipeline 539 South Main St, Findley, OH 45840, USA tel: (+1) 358 204 471 web: www.mapl.com Marathon Oil (UK) Ltd Rubislaw Hill, Anderson Drive, Aberdeen AB15 6FZ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 803000 fax: (+44) 01224 803190 web: www.marathon.com Mardale Pipes Plus Ltd PO Box 86, Davy Road, Astmoor Industrial Estate, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1PX, UK tel: (+44) 01928 580555 fax: (+44) 01928 591033 email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Marfield Developments Ltd 35 Mill Road, Saintfield Road, Belfast, BT8 8HJ, UK tel: (+44) 028 9081 5599 fax: (+44) 028 9081 4642 email: [email protected] contact: Eugene Stranney Marine Pipeline Construction of Canada (1993) 5120 6th St NE, Calgary, AB T2K 4W5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 274 3443 fax: (+1) 403 274 1244 Marine & Industrial Marketing Pty Ltd Suite 12, 14 Argyle Street, Breakfast Creek, Brisbane, 4010, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3262 3755 fax: (+61) 7 3262 3255 web: www.piperepair.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Julia Brown Marine Engineering Pipeworks Ltd Leechmere Industrial Estate, Grangetown, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR2 9TE, UK tel: (+44) 0191 521 1941 fax: (+44) 0191 523 6954 web: www.mepsun.com email: [email protected] contact: P. Harper Marine Project Management, Inc 530 West Ojai Ave, Suite 107, Ojai, CA 93023, USA tel: (+1) 805 640 0799 fax: (+1) 805 640 9955 web: www.mpmi.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Simpson Marine Ventures Ltd Marven House, 1 Field Road, Reading, Berks RG1 6AP, UK tel: (+44) 0118 950 3707 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+44) 0118 950 4066 web: www.marineventures.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Devon J. Holubowicz Marpol Asia Pte Ltd Simpang Bedok PO Box 0135, 510159, Singapore tel: (+65) 6583 3179 fax: (+65) 6583 3579 Brian Martin & Associates 24 Northwood Road, Northwood, NSW, 2066, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9248 9805 fax: (+61) 2 9427 9806 email: [email protected] contact: Brian Martin Masa-Daip C/Teide, 5 - Primera Planta, Edificio Milenio, San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid, 28709, Spain tel: (+34) 91 484 30 30 fax: (+34) 91 484 31 73 email: [email protected] contact: Antonio Benitez Mashhor Marine Sdn Bhd PO Box 1411, Kuala Belait, 6014, Brunei tel: (+673) 3 223 345 fax: (+673) 3 224 156 Master Bond Inc 154 Hobart Street, Hackensack, NJ 7601, USA tel: (+1) 201 343 8983 fax: (+1) 201 343 2132 web: www.masterbond.com email: [email protected] Mat & Timber Services Unit 1b, Chilbolton Down Farm, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6BU, UK tel: (+44) 01264 811005 fax: (+44) 01264 810600 web: www.sarumhardwood.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Mark Dodson Matcor PO Box 687, Doylestown, PA 18901, USA tel: (+1) 215 348 2974 fax: (+1) 215 348 2699 web: www.matcor.com email: [email protected] contact: Joe Pikas Matcor is a global leader in the design and application of innovative cathodicprotection products and systems. With more than 32 years of experience, the company is an established world leader in corrosion engineering with direct assessment, cathodic protection design, and pipeline integrity management. Many of today’s corrosion standards were developed with input from the company’s corrosion engineering.


Matcor’s comprehensive cathodicprotection systems are designed to detect and prevent corrosion before it can compromise a structure’s integrity and the overall bottom line. The comopany designs and installs corrosion prevention systems and technology that protects infrastructure, assets and investment worldwide. Operating on six continents, and serving many of the world’s largest industrial concerns, Matcor’s technology and engineering services are used extensively in the energy, petrochemical, marine, water and wastewater, environmental, pipeline, and utility industries.

With coast-to-coast offices in the US, and expert personnel and representatives worldwide, Matcor delivers total solutions for corrosion protection applications in soil, water and wastewater, and concrete. Its cathodicprotection and corrosion-engineering expertise continues to take the company to wherever the corrosion challenges exist: from Brazil to South Africa, from Turkey to Hong Kong, from Salt Lake City to Boston, Matcor puts qualified people any place in the world quickly. The larger the corrosion challenge, the stronger the case for calling the company first. With headquarters in Doylestown, PA, Matcor’s technology and engineering services are deployed worldwide, currently protecting more than $32 billion of infrastructure. Materie Plastiche Bresicane SRL Via Enrico Mattei, NR.47/49/5, 1I-25046, Cazzago S. Martino, (BS), Italy tel: (+39) 030 724 1521 fax: (+39) 030 772 1928 web: www.mpb.it Maverick Tube Corporation 16401 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 700, Chesterfield, MO 63017, USA tel: (+1) 636 733 1600 fax: (+1) 636 733 1670 web: www.maverick-tube.com email: [email protected] Maxer S.A. Ul. Sienkiewicza 22, Poznan, 60 959, Poland tel: (+48) 61 849 5600 fax: (+48) 61 849 5716 email: [email protected] contact: J. Ciechanowski Maxpower Automotive Bank Street, West Bromwich, W Midlands B71 1HB, UK tel: (+44) 0121 588 2605 fax: (+44) 0121 588 6828 web: www.maxaut.co.uk email: [email protected] May Gurney Cooksland Industrial Estate, Bodmin, PL31 2QB, UK tel: (+44) 01208 73038 fax: (+44) 01208 78021 web: www.maygurney.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Tim Sargent Mazidi Contracting Co Box 7215, East Ahmadi, Kuwait tel: (+965) 984440 McAdam Design 18 Victoria Ave, Newtownards, BT23 7EB, UK tel: (+44) 0289 181 2831 fax: (+44) 0289 181 1847 web: www.mcadamdesign.co.uk email: [email protected] McAllister Bros Ltd 91 Drumalane Road, Newry, BT35 8QJ, UK tel: (+44) 02830 263067 fax: (+44) 02830 260650 web: www.mcallisterbros.com email: [email protected] contact: Barry McAllister Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd West Carr Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22 7SW, UK tel: (+44) 01777 714 200 fax: (+44) 01777 714 233

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web: www.amcivil.com/pipelines_div.html email: [email protected] McAlpine Infrastructure Services Midas House, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1EX, UK tel: (+44) 0161 886 7350 fax: (+44) 0161 886 7355 web: www.alfred-mcalpineplc.com email: [email protected] contact: David Brown S & L T McAndrew 5 Berkeley CloseLittleover, Derby, DE23 7TS, UK tel: (+44) 01332 764 933 J McCall Ltd 101-2233 McGillivray Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1S6, Canada tel: (+1) 204 488 5002 fax: (+1) 204 488 5001 contact: J.R. McCall McCarthy Glebe HouseBletchingly RoadNuttfield, Surrey, Redhill, UK tel: (+44) 020 8594 1966 fax: (+44) 020 8491 2482 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd John F Kennedy Road, JFK Industrial Estate, Dublin, 12, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 456 4022 fax: (+353) 1 456 4029 web: www.gmcirl.com email: [email protected] contact: G. McCloskey McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd Tally Ho Business Park, 16 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East, 3151, Australia tel: (+61) 3 8805 5200 fax: (+61) 3 8805 5379 web: www.mcconnelldowell.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Twycross McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd 135 - 151 Broadway, Newmarket Level 6 Box 2758 Shortland St, Auckland, New Zealand tel: (+64) 9 524 1350 fax: (+64) 9 524 0634 McConnell Dowell South East Asia Pte Ltd Box 180, 9161, Singapore tel: (+65) 777 0127 fax: (+65) 777 3325 McCord Pipeline Inc 20 Elm Street, South Deerfield, MA 1373, USA tel: (+1) 413 665 0339 fax: (+1) 413 665 4723 McCrometer, Inc 3255 W. Stetson Ave, Hemet, CA 92544, USA tel: (+1) 909 652 6811 web: www.mccrometer.com email: [email protected] contact: Esther Wong McDaniel Technical Services PO Box 2557, Broken Arrow, OK 740132557, USA tel: (+1) 918 294 1628 fax: (+1) 918 294 3608 web: www.mcdanieltsi.com email: [email protected] McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd 8th floor 190 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia

tel: (+61) 8 9481 1933 fax: (+61) 8 9481 0800 McDermott Marine Construction Ltd Blenheim HouseFountainhall Road, Aberdeen, AB2 4DT, UK tel: (+44) 01224 615200 J Ray McDermott SA PO Box 60035, New Orleans, LA 70160, USA tel: (+1) 504 587 4411 fax: (+1) 504 587 6153 web: www.jraymcdermott.com J Ray McDermott SA 1450 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA tel: (+1) 504 587 5300 fax: (+1) 504 587 6433 J Ray McDermott SA McDermott HouseEmpire Way, Middx, Wembley, HA9 0XA, UK tel: (+44) 020 8733 7339 fax: (+44) 020 8733 7482 J Ray McDermott, SA Middle East Operations, PO Box 3098, Dubai, 16961, UAE tel: (+971) 4 883 5100 fax: (+971) 4 883 5527 web: www.jraymcdermott.com email: [email protected] contact: Petere Marler McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd 1 Science Centre Road, 08-00 McDermott House, 609077, Singapore tel: (+65) 5612288 fax: (+65) 5612777 McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd 450, 999 8th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1J5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 245 4711 fax: (+1) 403 229 9160 McElroy Manufacturing Inc 833 North Fulton, Tulsa, OK 74115-6408, USA tel: (+1) 918 836 8611 fax: (+1) 918 831 9285 web: www.mcelroy.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Brodsky McNicholas Construction Services Ltd Lismirrane Industrial Estate, Elstree Road, Elstree, Herts WD6 3EA, UK tel: (+44) 020 8953 4144 fax: (+44) 020 8953 1860 web: www.mcnicholas.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Barry McNicholas McNicholas plc McNicholas House House, Kingsbury Road, London, NW9 8XE, UK tel: (+44) 020 8200 0303 fax: (+44) 020 8205 6767 web: www.mcnicholas.plc.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Jeff Birtwhistle McWane and Associates PO Box 5516, California, San Jose, 95150, USA tel: (+1) 559 230 1442 web: www.materialsite.com Mears Group, Inc 4500 N. Mission Rd, Rosebush, MI 48878, USA tel: (+1) 800 632 7727 fax: (+1) 989 433 2979 web: www.mears.net

email: [email protected] contact: Cheryl Marks Mears Group specializes in distribution pipeline system installation and integrity services, including in-line inspection, pipeline integrity assessment and remediation, pipeline retrofits including valve replacements, launchers and receivers, pig run assists, and hydrostatic testing of new and existing pipelines. The company’s horizontal-directionaldrilling services division is a leader in strategic planning for horizontaldirectional-drilling services, and owns and operates 34 drilling-rig spreads. It can install pipe in sizes up to 60in diameter and 2400m length Mechanical and Civil Engineering Contractors Ltd Box 2993, Bengahzi, Libya tel: (+218) 4852 Medgulf Construction Co Jaidah Tower, 3rd Floor, Building No.29, Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmad Street, Doha, 3603, Qatar tel: (+974) 4431 516 fax: (+974) 4433 586 web: www.medgulfconstruction.com email: [email protected] contact: Ivan Morgan Meehan Drilling Ltd Wallaces Road, Blackrock, Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland tel: (+353) 8728 49039 fax: (+353) 4293 22567 web: www.meehandrilling.com email: [email protected]

MesaProducts, Inc PO Box 52608, Tulsa, OK 74152-0608, USA tel: (+1) 918 627 3188 fax: (+1) 918 627 2676 web: www.mesaproducts.com email: [email protected] contact: John Cole Metallurgica Abruzzese SpA 58 Via Repubblica, Parma, 43100, Italy tel: (+39) 521 221 411 fax: (+39) 521 221 414 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co Bugshan Centre, Al Khobar, Off DammanKhobar Highway, PO Box 12290, Dammam, 31473, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 882 8100 fax: (+966) 3 882 8071 email: [email protected] contact: Malcolm M. Wright Metrix Instrument Co. 1711 Townhurst Drive, Houston, TX 77043, USA tel: (+1) 713 461 2131 fax: (+1) 713 461 8223 web: www.metrix1.com email: [email protected] contact: Julie Tran Metrotech Corporation 3251 Olcott, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA tel: (+1) 408 734 1400 fax: (+1) 800 446 3392 web: www.metrotech.com email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Metrotect Brazil Rua Barao de Campinas 243 CJ 92, Sao Paulo, 1201, Brazil tel: (+55) 11 2781416 fax: (+55) 11 2781416

Megal GmbH Moltkestrasse 76, Box Postfach 102620 (D45026), Essen, D-45138, Germany tel: (+49) 201 284 137 fax: (+49) 201 183 402 Mehvarsazan Mehabad-Manazele Sazemani Niroye Havayii, Paygahe Nasr (Tarabari) 20-A2, Tehran, 1387896436, Iran tel: (+982)1 662 6704 email: [email protected] contact: ardalan Mendes Junior Engenharia SA Av Prof. Mario Werneck 1685 Barrio Estoril CEP 30455-900, MG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil tel: (+55) 31 349 6724 fax: (+55) 31 349 6340 Mercol Products Ltd Carr ValeBolsover, Derbyshire, Chesterfield, S44 6JD, UK tel: (+44) 01246 822 521 fax: (+44) 01246 240 021 email: [email protected]

Metrotect Ltd Whitechapel Road, Cleckheaton, W Yorks BD19 3UF, UK tel: (+44) 01274 874 222 fax: (+44) 01274 826 599 web: www.metrotect.co.uk email: [email protected] Metrotect (SE Asia) Ltd Worldwide Business Center, Suite 1, 617, Singapore tel: (+65) 3386636 fax: (+65) 3395291 Metrotect Specialist Coatings Ltd Whitechapel Road, Cleckheaton, W Yorks BD19 3UF, UK tel: (+44) 01274 853123 fax: (+44) 01274 852162 NVLL & N de Meyer Gordunkanaal 85, Gent, 9000, Belgium tel: (+32) 9 222 0011 fax: (+32) 9 222 7151

Meridian Maritime (International) Ltd Zenith House, North Holme Road, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 0HQ, UK tel: (+44) 01507 607000 fax: (+44) 01507 600111 web: www.meridianmaritime.com email: [email protected] contact: Ian Bahn Mesa Pipe Line Co 1200 Smith St, Suite 2950, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 658 9673 fax: (+1) 713 658 0997

Michels Corporation PO Box 128, 817 West Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006-0128, USA tel: (+1) 920 583 3132 fax: (+1) 920 583 3429 web: www.michels-usa.com email: [email protected] Microhard Systems Inc #110, 1144 - 29th Ave. N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 7P1, Canada tel: (+1) 403 248 0028 fax: (+1) 403 248 2762 web: www.microhardcorp.com email: [email protected] contact: Barbara Marjanovic

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 MidCon Corp 701E 22nd St, Lombard, IL 60148-5072, USA tel: (+1) 630 691 2500 fax: (+1) 630 691 3828 Mideast Constructors Mecon, PO Box 3325, Doha, 3325, Qatar tel: (+974) 415025 fax: (+974) 4415174 Midwestern Pipeline Corp 1500 Casaioma DriveSuite 102, Appleton, WI 54915, USA tel: (+1) 414 731 9175 fax: (+1) 414 731 7881 Midwest Energy Inc 1330 Canterbury Rd, PO Box 898, Hays, KS 67601, USA tel: (+1) 785 625 3437 fax: (+1) 785 625 1494 web: www.mwenergy.com Midwestern Manufacturing Co 2119 S Union Avenue, Tulsa, OK, USA tel: (+1) 918 858 4200 fax: (+1) 918 446 6384 web: www.sidebooms.com email: [email protected] contact: Lois Higgins Milbar Hydro-Test Inc 651 Aero Dr, PO Box 7701, Shreveport, LA 71107, USA tel: (+1) 318 227 8210 fax: (+1) 318 222 2558 web: www.milbarhydro-teStcom email: rdowner@milbarhydro-teStcom contact: Ross Downer Miller Consulting Services 3001 Gateway Dr. #100, Irving, TX 75063, USA tel: (+1) 972 580 0812 web: www.millerconsulting.org email: [email protected] contact: Chad Spretz J B Miller Inc 1434 Highway 96 Box 551, Dickson, TN 37055, USA tel: (+1) 615 446 8082 fax: (+1) 615 446 2646 Miller Pipeline Corp 8850 Crawfordsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46234, USA tel: (+1) 317 293 0278 fax: (+1) 317 293 8502 web: www.millerpipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Shelley Rardon Mil-Ram Technology Inc 4135 Business Center Drive, Fremont, CA 94538, USA tel: (+1) 510 656 2001 fax: (+1) 510 656 2004 web: www.mil-ram.com email: [email protected]


Milton Pipes Cooks Ln, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 2QF, UK tel: (+44) 0179 542 5191 fax: (+44) 0179 547 8232 email: [email protected]/ac.uk Ministry of Electricity & Water PO Box 12 and 54, Al-Safat, 13001, Kuwait tel: (+965) 489 6000 fax: (+965) 489 7484 Ministry of Energy PO Box 2944, Safat, 13030, Kuwait

tel: (+965) 246 9131 fax: (+965) 242 1826 Minson Constructors Pty Ltd 38 Ellingsworth Parade, Box Hill, Vic 3128, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9897 1300 fax: (+61) 3 9897 1311 Mississippi River Transmission Corp 9900 Clayton Rd, St Louis, MO 63124, USA tel: (+1) 314 991 9900 fax: (+1) 314 991 7512 Mitchell Australasia Pty Ltd PO Box 161, 67 Anzac Avenue, Seymour, Vic 3660, Australia tel: (+61) 3 5735 4444 fax: (+61) 3 5735 4499 email: ttschappeller@mitchellauStcom contact: Tony Tschappeller Mitchell Energy & Development Corp 2001 Timberloch Pl, PO Box 4000, The Woodlands, TX 77387-4000, USA tel: (+1) 713 377 5500 Mitsui Babcock Technology Centre High St, Renfrew, PA4 8UW, UK tel: (+44) 0141 886 2201 Mittal Steel Ostrava a.s. Vratimovska 689, Ostrava Kuncice, 70702, Czech Republic tel: (+420) 69 568 1111 web: www.mittalsteelostrava.com Mittal Steel South Africa PO Box 48, Vereeniging, 1930, South Africa tel: (+27) 16 450 4220 fax: (+27) 16 423 4906 web: www.mittalsteelsa.com contact: Bruce Tomlinson Mobil North Sea Ltd Mobil Court, 3 Clements Inn, London, UK tel: (+44) 020 7412 4000 fax: (+44) 020 7412 4084 Mobil North Sea Ltd Grampian House, Union Row, Aberdeen AB10 1SA, UK tel: (+44) 01224 855000 fax: (+44) 01224 855300 web: www.exxonmobil.com Mobiltex Data Ltd 3640 - 26 Street NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 4T7, Canada tel: +1 403 291 2770 fax: +1 403 250 6795 web: www.mobiltex.com Modern Computing Services (MCS) 32, Mohamed Mandour St, Nasr City, Cairo, 11731, Egypt tel: (+20) 2403 6520 fax: (+20) 2404 0503 web: www.mcsoil.com email: [email protected] contact: Ossama Omara H O Mohr Research & Engineering Inc 12237 FM 529, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 466 1527 fax: (+1) 713 896 6807 Moleseye Ltd Washington Court, Washington Lane, Edinburgh, EH11 2HA, UK tel: (+44) 0845 140 0207 fax: (+44) 0131 539 7310 web: www.moleseye.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Halliday

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Monosite, Inc 2310 Steven Road, Odessa, TX 79764, USA tel: (+1) 432 550 4473 fax: (+1) 432 550 0127 web: www.monosite.com email: [email protected] contact: Dennis Hill Montauk Services Inc 84-A Johnson Ave., Hackensack, NJ 7601, USA tel: (+1) 201 525 1043 fax: (+1) 201 525 1787 Moody International, Inc 24900 Pitkin Road, Suite No. 200, The Woodlands, TX 77386, USA tel: (+1) 281 367 8764 fax: (+1) 281 367 3496 web: www.moodyint.com email: [email protected] contact: Pat McQuillan MoorAnode, Inc 29 Langell Ln, Eastsound, WA 98245, USA tel: (+1) 360 376 3894 fax: (+1) 360 376 3894 web: www.mooranode.com email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Loomis Morgan Est plc Morgan Est House, Corporation Street, Rugby, CV21 2DW, UK tel: (+44) 01788 534500 fax: (+44) 01788 534580 web: www.morganeStcom email: graham.follett@morganeStcom contact: Graham Follett Morrison & Macdonald (Paisley) Ltd 63 Murray Street, Paisley PA3 1QW, UK tel: (+44) 0141 889 8787 fax: (+44) 0141 889 9760 contact: R.A. Macdonald Morrison Mud Co Ltd 40 Filleul Road, Sandford, Wareham, Dorset BH20 7AP, UK tel: (+44) 01929 551245 fax: (+44) 01929 554361 web: www.morrisonmud.co.uk Morrison Scientific Inc Suite 815, 706 - 7th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0Z1, Canada tel: (+1) 403 262 8160 fax: (+1) 403 264 3828 web: www.morrisonscientific.com email: [email protected] contact: Brad Carson Morrison Utility Services Morrison House, Primett Road, Stevenage, Herts SG1 3EE, UK tel: (+44) 01438 743744 fax: (+44) 01438 369687 web: www.morrisonplc.com email: [email protected] contact: Simon Isherwood Mosa SpA MOSA div. of BCS S.p.A., Viale Europa, 59, Cusago, 20090, Italy tel: (+39) 02903521 fax: (+39) 0290390466 web: www.mosa.it email: [email protected] Mosgazprovodstroi Strastnoi bulvar 11,stroenie 2, Moscow, 103006, Russia tel: (+7) 095 299 5509 fax: (+7) 095 299 6202

Mott MacDonald Ltd Demeter house, Station Road, Cambridge CBI 2JX, UK tel: (+44) 01223 463500 fax: (+44) 01223 461007 web: www.mottmac.com email: [email protected] contact: Tiffany Eagling

Mowlem A H Ball Foundation House, Eastern Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 2UZ, UK tel: (+44) 01344 426826 fax: (+44) 01344 742175 web: www.carillionplc.com email: [email protected] contact: David Retter

Murray & Roberts Engineering Solutions 8th Fl, Monte Carlo Building, Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa tel: (+27) 214 216 510 fax: (+27) 214 196 946 web: www.lama.co.za email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

Mott MacDonald PO Box 194 122 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2 884 026 fax: (+880) 2 883 393

Moylan Construction Co, Inc 512 North Seaman Street, PO Box 306, Eastland, TX 76448, USA tel: (+1) 254 629 2244 fax: (+1) 254 629 3214 web: www.moylanconstruction.com

Murray & Roberts Group PO Box 585, Bedfordview, 2008, South Africa tel: (+27) 114 561 000 fax: (+27) 114 561 569 web: www.murrob.com email: [email protected] contact: Client Service Centre

Mott MacDonald Jalan Hang Tuah VII/9 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, 12120, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 725 6442 fax: (+62) 21 725 0721 Mott MacDonald EPO Ewbank House8 Fitzwoilliam Place, Dublin, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 676 8222 fax: (+353) 1 662 3290 web: [email protected] email: [email protected] Mott MacDonald PO Box 3628, Ruwi, 112, Oman tel: (+968) 771 2118 fax: (+968) 771 5850 Mott Macdonald Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 464 Crawford Lane, 02-464, Singapore, 190464, Singapore tel: (+65) 293 1900 fax: (+65) 293 1911 Mott MacDonald Suite 1, 2nd Flr, No 171 Section 2, ChangAn East Road, Taipei, Taiwan tel: (+886) 2 731 7776 fax: (+886) 2 776 0444 Mott MacDonald 8th Floor, Chamnan Pheujati Bldg65/67 Rama 9 RoadHuay-Kwang, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 245 2229 fax: (+66) 2 643 1029 Mott MacDonald St Anne House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 2UL, UK tel: (+44) 020 8774 2000 fax: (+44) 020 8681 5706 web: www.mottmac.com email: [email protected] contact: Charles Ellinas Mouchel GEL Ltd Meridian House, Wheatfield Way, Hinckley, LE10 1YG, UK tel: (+44) 01455 254500 fax: (+44) 01455 254510 web: www.gelgroup.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Joe Chamberlain Mouchel Parkman Knights House, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, B72 1PH, UK tel: (+44) 0121 355 8949 fax: (+44) 0121 355 8901 web: www.mouchelparkman.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Glyn Wright Mountain Ltd 106 Lafayette, Suite 600, Yarmouth, ME 4096, USA tel: (+1) 207 846 1166 fax: (+1) 207 846 6779 web: www.mountainltd.com

Mueller Co 500 W Eldorado, Decatur, IL 62525, USA tel: (+1) 217 423 4471 fax: (+1) 217 425 7524 web: www.muellercompany.com email: [email protected] Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd M-Square, Millenium Plaza, Judges Bunglow Road, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, 380 015, India tel: (+91) 79 2675 0515 fax: (+91) 79 2676 4099 web: www.mmipl.in email: [email protected] contact: Hemen Patel Multiplex Engineering Pty Ltd GPO Box 5213, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Level 17, 240 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3002 0000 fax: (+61) 7 3220 1177 web: www.multiplex.biz email: [email protected] contact: Michael Wilson MultiSuits Software Suite 528, 2476 Bolsover, Houston, TX 77005, USA tel: (+1) 713 8071005 fax: (+1) 713 807 1006 web: www.multisuite.com email: [email protected] contact: Customer Services Multitex Pipeline Division 217 Hans Bhawan, Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, 110 088, India tel: (+91) 11 233 78337 fax: (+91) 11 233 70221 web: www.multitexfilters.com email: [email protected] contact: Baikunth Chaturvedi Murphy Bros Head Office, 3150 5th Ave, East Moline, IL 61244, USA tel: (+1) 309 752 1227 fax: (+1) 309 752 1259 web: www.murphygroup.co.uk email: [email protected] Murphy Pipelines Ltd Hiview House, Highgate Road, London, NW5 1TN, UK tel: (+44) 020 7267 4366 fax: (+44) 020 7482 3107 web: www.murphygroup.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Eamonn Murphy Murphy Surveys Ltd Unit 1, Friary Business Park, Friary Rd, Naas, Ireland tel: (+353) 45 895402 fax: (+353) 45 895403 web: www.murphysurveys.ie email: [email protected] contact: D.Graham

Muse, Stancil & Co 100 McKinney Place, 3131 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75204, USA tel: (+1) 214 954 4455 fax: (+1) 214 954 1521 web: www.musestancil.com Mustang CAT PO Box 1373, Houston, TX 77251-1373, USA tel: (+1) 713 460 7222 fax: (+1) 713 690 2287 web: www.mustangcat.com contact: Douglas R. Fisk Mustang Engineering, L.P. 16001 Park Ten Place, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+1) 713 215 8000 fax: (+1) 713 215 8506 web: www.mustangeng.com email: [email protected] contact: David Edgar

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

N NBR Services 19, rue des Renaudes, Paris, 75017, France tel: (+33) 1 4267 2893 web: www.nigeria-oil-gas.com contact: Jean-Cyril Brossard NDT and Corrosion Control Services PO Box 332, Dammam, 31411, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 832 0507 fax: (+966) 3 831 0423 web: www.ndtcorrosion.com email: [email protected] contact: S. Roy NDT Systems & Services AG 6 Am Hasenbiel, Stutensee, D-76297, Germany tel: (+49) 7244 7415 0 fax: (+49) 7244 7415 97 web: www.ndt-ag.com email: [email protected] contact: Dr Micheal Beller

NDT Systems & Services AG is an internationally-operating company with its major focus on developing and providing advanced non-destructive testing systems and services for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The NDT Services business unit offers global

entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

pipeline services using a range of advanced ultrasonic metal-loss and crack-detection tools. NDT Services also provides a full range of pipeline-integrity services. The NDT Systems business unit of the company offers a full range of automated ultrasonic systems for the onand offline inspection of heavy plate, pipes, and linepipe. NGKS International Corp. 251Consumers Rd, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M2J 4R3, Canada tel: (+1) 416 774 2454 fax: (+1) 416 774 2455 web: www.ngksint.com email: [email protected] contact: Philip Evans NGKS 3rd floor, Guilyarovsky Str, 7, Moscow, 129090, Russia tel: (+7) 095 937 8633 fax: (+7) 095 225 7694 web: www.ngksint.com email: [email protected] contact: Andrei Vassiliev NGS-Orgproecteconomica Ecmos 4 Narodnaya Street, Moscow, 115172, Russia tel: (+7) 95 912 76 69 fax: (+7) 95 912 47 88 web: www.infoline.ru/g23/1535 email: [email protected] contact: Victor K. Ivanets NICC PO Box 15815-1465, Tehran, 15815, Iran tel: (+98) 21 883 7829 31 fax: (+98) 21 882 3818 web: www.nicc-co.com NIITRANSGAZ ul. Esklakadnaya 20, Kiev, 252023, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 220 9321 fax: (+380) 44 220 0140 NIPI Shelf ul. Sevastoploskaya 45, Simferopol, 333013, Ukraine tel: (+380) 652 442661 fax: (+380) 652 443811 NISSCO Ltd Plot 232 A - Adeola Odeku Street PO Box 1169 Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 261 1407 fax: (+234) 1 261 4238 NISSCO (Warri) Sapele Road 1st Edewor Estate, Warri, Nigeria tel: (+871) 38302 05 55 fax: (+871) 38302 05 09 NKK Corporation 1-1-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 1008202, Japan tel: (+81) 332 127 111 fax: (+81) 332 149 650


NKT Flexibles 510 Priorparken, Brondby, DK-2605, Denmark tel: (+45) 43 48 30 00 fax: (+45) 43 48 30 10 web: nktflexibles.com email: [email protected] NPCC Sdn Bhd Malmarine Sdn Bhd Menara Haw Par Level 28 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 233 6183 fax: (+60) 3 233 6222

NPCC Singapore Pte Ltd Offshore Projects Pte Ltd 20-07 UIC Building 5 Shenton Way, 106, Singapore tel: (+65) 2204377 fax: (+65) 2234795 NPCC (UK) Ltd Silver City House, 4th Floor, 62 Brompton Road, London, SW3 1BW, UK tel: (+44) 020 7225 1424 fax: (+44) 0171 589 8167 NP Inspection Services GmbH Am Flugplatz 13, Hildesheim, 31137, Germany tel: (+49) 5121 281 260 fax: (+49) 5121 281 2666 web: www.npinspect.com email: [email protected] contact: Matthias Heldt NTG, Inc 846 N Mart-Way Ct, Olathe, 66062, USA tel: (+1) 913 888 5222 fax: (+1) 913 888 5252 web: www.watchdogcp.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Reed NTG provides remote-monitoring equipment for CP rectifiers, test points, and other oil and gas pipeline equipment. Using state-of-the-art wireless ‘mesh’ sensor technology and satellite and digital cellular communications, NTG’s Pipeline Watchdog remote monitors reliably collect and report CP data, perform GPS synchronized interruption, and deliver exception alarms to users. NTG’s password-protected website gives users powerful control over their RMUs and automatically delivers CP data reports that can be imported into any pipelineintegrity-data -management program. NTG’s use of new ‘mesh’ technology is a revolutionary development in CP rectifier monitoring. The voltage and current sensors are small, electrically-isolated, modules that wirelessly deliver rectifier data to a nearby RMU, which is not electrically connected to the rectifier. This system is virtually impervious to lightning damage, unlike conventional RMUs. Nacap Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 341, 1505 Hume Highway, Campbellfield, Vic 3061, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9357 2822 fax: (+61) 3 9357 2855 web: www.nacap.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Matthew O’Connell Nacap BV PO Box 46, Haren, 9750AA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 50 599 1200 fax: (+31) 50 599 1222 web: www.nacap.nl email: [email protected] contact: E.R.C.M. van der Lugt Nacap NV 76 Industrie Way, Gent, 9032, Belgium tel: (+32) 924 470 60 fax: (+32) 924 470 61 web: www.nacap.be email: [email protected] Naftagas Ro Montaza Beogradsia Put 13, Box 117, Zrenjanin, Croatia tel: (+385) 23 42 410 fax: (+385) 23 45 320

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Nagaoka Indonesia PT Jl. Kramat Asem No.1, Jl. Tenggiri No. 1 Batu Ampar, P.Batam, Indonesia, Jakarta, 13120, Indonesia tel: (+62) 021 8194370 fax: (+62) 021 8563363 Napa Pipe 1025 Kaiser Road, Napa, CA 94558, USA tel: (+1) 707 257 5000 fax: (+1) 707 2575072 web: www.oregonsteel.com/napa_pipe.html Napp-Grecco Co 1500 McCarter Highway, Newark, NJ 7104, USA tel: (+1) 201 482 3500 fax: (+1) 201 268 3639 Naston Ltd The Control Tower, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0YU, UK tel: (+44) 0193 233 6611 fax: (+44) 0193 233 6886 web: www.naston.co.uk email: [email protected] National Cooperative Refinery Association 1391 Iron Horse Rd, PO Box 1404, McPherson, KS 67460-1404, USA tel: (+1) 316 241 2340 fax: (+1) 316 241 5531 National Development Organization 7th Circle behind C-Town, PO Box 5489, Amman, 11183, Jordan tel: (+962) 6 582 0086 fax: (+962) 6 581 5559 email: [email protected] contact: Ali Bibi National Fuel Gas Supply Co 6363 Main St, Williamsville, NY 14221, USA tel: (+1) 716 857 7000 web: www.natfuel.com National Gas Co of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd Orinico Drive Pt. Lisas Industrial Estate, Pt Lisas, Couva, PO Box 1127, Port of Spain, West Indies, Warwickshire, Trinidad & Tobago tel: (+868) 636 4680 fax: (+868) 679 2384 National Grid - UK Transmission NG House, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick CV34 6DA, UK tel: (+44) 01926 653000 email: [email protected] contact: Rowan Sharples National Industries Co for Building Materials PO Box 3358, Safat, 13034, Kuwait tel: (+965) 483 7095 fax: (+965) 483 3498 web: www.nigroup.net email: [email protected] contact: Lafei Almohanei National Iranian South Oil Co PO Box 61335-1579, No 2108, Block #5, Apartment Area, Sharak-eNaft,Ahwaz,Iran, Iran, Ahwaz, 66196, Iran tel: (+98) 611 443 8785 fax: (+98) 611 443 8785 web: www.nisoc.com email: [email protected] contact: Farhad Ashkboosi National Marine Service Co Khalifa StreetAdnic Buiilding 5th Floor, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Company listing tel: (+971) 2 339 800 fax: (+971) 2 211 239

tel: (+98) 2 162 2265 fax: (+98) 2 162 8440

National Oilwell Ltd Badentoy Road, Badentoy Park, Portlethen, Aberdeen, AB12 4YA, UK tel: (+44) 01224 334960 fax: (+44) 01224 783266 web: www.natoil.com contact: Alan Jackson

Nederlandse Gasunie NV Concourslaan 17, PO Box 19, Groningen, 9700 MA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 50 5219111 fax: (+31) 50 5211999 web: www.gasunie.nl email: [email protected]

National Petroleum Construction Co PO Box 2058, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 255 490 00 fax: (+971) 255 491 11 web: www.npcc.co.ae email: [email protected]

Nederlandse Pijpleiding Maatschappij BV Beuidenhoutse Weg 20, PO Box 20101, Gravenhage, 2500 EC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 379 7537 fax: (+31) 70 379 7527

National Remote Sensing Centre Ltd Delta HouseSouthwood Crescent, Hants, Farnborough, GU14 0NL, UK tel: (+44) 01252 362000 fax: (+44) 01252 375016 web: www.nrsc.co.uk email: [email protected]

Nederland Survey Projecten - ApParatuur BV Wijnhaven 84, Rotterdam, 3011 WT, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 4130610 fax: (+31) 10 4130699 Nella Drilling 118, rue de la Gare, St Henri de Levis, Quebec G0R 3E0, Canada tel: (+1) 418 882 2002 fax: (+1) 418 882 2721 web: www.nella-drilling.com email: [email protected]

Nationwide Hire 27 John Street, NSW, Rutherford, 2320, Australia tel: (+61) 2 4932 3299 fax: (+61) 2 4932 0922 web: www.nationwidehire.com.au

NeoCorrEngineering 500 635 8 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 3M3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 531 1926 fax: (+1) 403 531 1927 web: www.neocorr.com email: [email protected] contact: Todd Geddie

Naturchem, Inc 2518 Plum St, Nashville, TN 37207, USA tel: (+1) 615 228 5440 fax: (+1) 615 228 5103 web: www.naturchem.net email: [email protected] contact: Vern Morse

Netherlocks Safety Systems BV J. Keplerweg 14, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2408 AC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 172 471 339 web: www.netherlocks.com email: [email protected] contact: Albert Buschgens

Nautic Steels Ltd Nautic House, Claymore, Tame Valley Industrial Estate, Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 5DQ, UK tel: (+44) 01827 281111 fax: (+44) 01827 281444 web: www.nautic.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Robert Andrews

Eric Newham Holdings Pty Ltd 9 Kendall Street, NSW, Granville, 2142, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9637 0493 fax: (+61) 2 9897 1203

Nautronix Inc Bodesen Tech Centre, 6610 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 713 880 2866 fax: (+1) 713 880 2734 web: www.nautronix.com email: [email protected] Navajo Refining Co PO Box 159, Artesia, New Mexico 882110159, USA tel: (+1) 505 748 3311 fax: (+1) 505 746 6155 Navcon Navegacao e Controle Ind Com Rua Maraba 35, Parque Industrial, Sao Paulo, Sao Jose dos Campos, 12235780, Brazil tel: (+55) 1239 377952 fax: (+55) 1239 377952 web: www.navcon.com.br contact: Claudio Pires Neda Construction Co Argentine SquareBihaghi Boulevard 23, Tehran, IR-15148, Iran

New Oilfield and Allied Services New Oilfield and Allied Services, Plot 58, Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, PO Box 13821, Port Harcourt, 13821, Nigeria tel: (+234) 8423 8574 fax: (+234) 8423 7376 web: www.newclime.com email: [email protected] contact: Romesh Sharma New Planet Industrial Equipment Al Nakhal, Deira, Dubai, 182878, UAE tel: (+971) 229 8121 fax: (+971) 229 8141 web: www.np-industrial.com email: [email protected] contact: Mustafa Shabbir Newpoint Gas Services PO Box 10358, College Station, TX 77842, USA tel: (+1) 979 690 8749 web: www.newpointgas.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeremy Taylor The New Zealand Refining Co Ltd Private Bag 9024, Whangarei, New Zealand tel: (+64) 9 432 8311 fax: (+64) 9 432 8035

Niagara Gas Transmissions Ltd Atria III, Suite 1100, Sheppard Ave E, North York, ON N2J 5C2, Canada tel: (+1) 416 498 2903 fax: (+1) 416 498 2926 Nimadek Ltd Suite 3, 6th Floor, Point Block Building, Forces Avenue, PO Box 849, Rivers State, Port Harcourt, Nigeria tel: (+234) 84 334816 fax: (+234) 84 239333 web: www.nimadek.com Ningbo Ideal Anticorrosion Material Co Ltd Hai Tong Road, Cixi Economy Development Zone, Cixi, 315300, China tel: (+86) 574 6303 7102 web: www.nbideal.com/english/ email: [email protected] contact: Jenny Jiang Nippon Oil Exploration Ltd 2-6 Toranomon, 1-Chrome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0001, Japan tel: (+81) 3 3502 0521 fax: (+81) 3 3501 2692 Nippon Steel Construction Indonesia Graha Iskandarsyah, 66C Iskandarsyah Raya St, Jakarta, 12160, Indonesia tel: (+62) 217 207 564 fax: (+62) 217 207 567

Company listing - alphabetical

National Sewerage Association 98 Alric Avenue, New Malden, Surrey KT3 4JW, UK tel: (+44) 020 8942 9391 fax: (+44) 020 8942 9391 web: www.sewerage.org email: [email protected] contact: Mrs V Gibbens

web: www.nzrc.co.nz email: [email protected] contact: Peter Owbridge

Nippon Steel Construction Malaysia Sdn Bhd Suite 13-11, 13th Fl, Wisma UOA II, 21 Pinang St, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia tel: (+60) 327 100 366 fax: (+60) 327 100 368 Nippon Steel Corporation 6 - 3 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100 71, Japan tel: (+81) 3 3275 8253 fax: (+81) 3 3275 6211 Nippon Steel Corporation No 15-02/04 Valley Point, 491B River Valley Rd, 248373, Singapore tel: (+65) 836 6630 fax: (+65) 836 6631 Nitrogen Specialty Co 2620 8th Street, Harvey, LA 70058, USA tel: (+1) 888 466 4876 fax: (+1) 504 363 1247 web: www.nitrogenspecialty.com email: [email protected] contact: James Coronato Noble Energy (Europe) Ltd Suffolk House, 154 High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XE, UK tel: (+44) 01732 741999 fax: (+44) 01732 464140 web: www.nobleenergyInccom email: info.europe@nobleenergyInccom contact: Alison Lancaster Noble Energy Inc 350 Glenborough Suite 300, Houston, TX 77057, USA tel: (+1) 281 876 6200 fax: (+1) 281 876 6153 email: [email protected] Noksel Celik Boru Sanayi A.S. Cetin Emec Bulvari 2, Cadde 10, Ovecler, Ankara, 6450, Turkey entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+90) 312 472 5959 fax: (+90) 372 472 5960 web: www.noksel.com.tr email: [email protected] contact: Salim Erol Akkoyunlu

Norham Dragagens Rua Pesqueira 114 Bonsucesso CEP 21041-150, RJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 290 2987 fax: (+55) 21 260 0921

Nordrheinische Erdgastransport Neuer Markt 27-29, Haan, 42756, Germany tel: (+49) 4421 620 fax: (+49) 4421 62381

Norilsktruboprovodstroi a/ya 1362, Norilsk, 663300, Russia tel: (+7) 3919 438180 fax: (+7) 3919 438180

Nordsee Nassbagger-und Tiefbau GmbH Ebertrasse 4826382, Wilhelmshaven, Postfach 2045, Wilhelmshaven, 26360, Germany tel: (+49) 442 191 3660 fax: (+49) 442 191 366 20 email: [email protected]

Peter Norman Personnel Pty Ltd PO Box 340, Suite 1, 261 Centre Road, Bentleigh, Vic 3204, Australia tel: (+61) 3 8520 9520 fax: (+61) 3 8520 9530 web: www.peternorman.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Peter Norman

Nordson Corporation Bergerstraat 10, Maastricht, 6226 BD, Netherlands tel: (+31) 1 3511 8700 fax: (+31) 1 3511 3995 web: www.nordson.com/powder email: [email protected] contact: Edwin Beuk Nord-West Oelleitung PO Box 940, Wilhelmshaven, 26357, Germany tel: (+49) 4421 620 fax: (+49) 4421 62381 Nord-West Oelleitung GmbH PO Box 2061, Wilhelmshaven, 26360, Germany tel: (+49) 442 1620 fax: (+49) 442 162 381

Norson Services 1224 N Post Oak Rd, Suite 134, Houston, TX 770055, USA tel: (+1) 713 957 9995 web: www.norson.co.uk contact: Stewart Emmerson North American Composites 300 Apollo Drive, Lin, MN 55014, USA tel: (+1) 651 766 6892 web: www.nacomposites.com email: [email protected] contact: Gary Steinman

Noreast-Al-Qhatani PO Box 20, Dammam, 31411, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 857 4160 fax: (+966) 3 826 9894 email: [email protected] contact: Tariq Al-Qahtani

North American Pipe Corp 2801 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77056, USA tel: (+1) 713 840 7473 fax: (+1) 713 552 0087 web: www.northamericanpipe.com email: [email protected]

Noreast-Meridian 26 Arihant Industrial Estate, Ground Floor, 94-C&D Krantingar, Mumbai, 400 072, India tel: (+91) 22 2847 3259 fax: (+91) 22 2847 3294 email: [email protected] contact: Himanshu Gandhi

North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd Donghuan Road, 102, Qing County, 52658, China tel: (+86) 317 257 3236 fax: (+86) 317 257 2857 web: www.hyssp.com email: [email protected] contact: Pangang Guo

Noreast Services and Pipelines Ltd Suite 1B, Centre Plaza, Horse Barrack Lane, PO Box 325, Gibraltar tel: (+350) 45184 fax: (+350) 43691 web: www.noreast-autoweld.com email: [email protected] contact: M. Cosquieri

Northern Border Pipeline Co PO Box 3330, Omaha, 68103-0330, USA tel: (+1) 402 398 7804 fax: (+1) 402 398 7972

Noreast Welding Alloys Ltd Imes sanayi Sitesi E Blok 502/8 Dudllu, Dudullu, Istanbul, 81260, Turkey tel: (+90) 216 364 3252 fax: (+90) 216 364 5424 email: [email protected]


Norpat Ltd Metric Works, Quarry Wood Industrial Estate, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7NF, UK tel: (+44) 01622 719281

Noreast Welding Contractors Ltd c/o Autoweld Systems, Umit 5 Trimdon Crt, Trimdon Grange, Durham TS29 6PE, UK tel: (+44) 0142 988 2995 fax: (+44) 0142 988 0392 email: [email protected] Noreast-Wylton International Inc 1012 Hanwei Tower, 7 Guanghau Road, Chaoyang, Beijing, 100004, China tel: (+86) 10 656 104 11 fax: (+86) 10 656 104 08 email: [email protected] contact: Chester Gao

One W Deer Valley RdSuite 101, Phoenix, AZ 85027, USA tel: (+1) 602 582 1235 fax: (+1) 602 582 6853 Northern Power 182 Mad River Park, Waitsfield, VT 5673, USA tel: (+1) 802 496 2955 fax: (+1) 802 496 2953 web: www.northernpower.com email: [email protected] contact: Bob Nuner Northern Utility Services Ltd Northern Electric House, Station Road, New Penshaw, Houghton-Le-Spring, Tyne & Wear DH4 7LA, UK tel: (+44) 0191 333 7444 fax: (+44) 0191 333 7449 North Pacific Lumber, Inc 815 NE Davis, Portland, OR 97232, USA tel: (+1) 800 276 3427 fax: (+1) 503 230 2297 web: www.cranemats.com Northumbrian Water Ltd Abbey Road, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5FJ, UK tel: (+44) 0191 383 2222 fax: (+44) 0191 384 1920 Northville Dock Pipeline Corp 25 Melville Park Rd, Melville, NY 11747, USA tel: (+1) 516 293 4700 fax: (+1) 516 293 4780 Northville Industries Corporation PO Box 2937, Melville, NY 11747, USA tel: (+1) 631 753 4252 fax: (+1) 631 293 4780 Northwestern Ohio Pipeline 1287 E-State Road, Lima, OH 45801, USA tel: (+1) 419 641 6905 Northwestern Utilities Ltd 10035 105th St, Edmonton, AB T5J 2V6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 420 7351 fax: (+1) 403 420 7400 Northwest Pipe Co 200 SW Market Street, Suite 1800 Portland, Portland, Oregon 97201, USA tel: (+1) 503 946 1200 fax: (+1) 503 240 6615 web: www.nwpipe.com

Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd Silverburn Crescent, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8EW, UK tel: (+44) 01224 826012 fax: (+44) 01224 827 292 email: [email protected]

North West Water Ltd Lingley MereGt Sankey, Warrington, UK tel: (+44) 01925 464703

Northern Electric and Gas Ltd Dundas St, The Stonebow, York, YO1 7PQ, UK tel: (+44) 01904 886215

Norwest Holst Construction Ltd Utilities Division, PO Box 139, Norwest House, Ditton Road, Widnes, WA8 0GQ, UK tel: (+44) 0151 422 3934 fax: (+44) 0151 424 5593 web: www.norwest-holStco.uk email: [email protected] contact: Stephen Hill

Northern Gas Co PO Box 2800, Casper, WY 82602, USA tel: (+1) 307 235 1541 fax: (+1) 307 261 3329 Northern Petroleum plc 1 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3ND, UK tel: (+44) 020 7743 6080 fax: (+44) 020 7743 6081 web: www.northpet.com email: [email protected] Northern Pipeline Construction Co

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Norwegian Pipeline A/S Kilgaten 33, Sandefjord, N-3210, Norway tel: (+47) 33 46 94 50

Nova JSC 36 Dzerzhinskly Street, Samara Region, Novokuibyshevsk, 446218, Russia tel: (+7) 846 35 759 40 fax: (+7) 846 355 2017 email: [email protected] contact: Sergei Romanstev

Company listing

Novacorp International SA Don Brosco 3672 Piso 3, Buenos Aires, 1206, Argentina tel: (+54) 1 865 8730 fax: (+54) 1 865 8774 Novacorp International Inc 645 - 7th Avenue SW Box 2535 Station M, Calgary, AB T2P 2N6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 261 5200 fax: (+1) 403 290 6090 Novacorp (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Suite 25-D Empire TowerCity Sq Ctr Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, 50400, Malaysia tel: (+60) 603 263 4376 fax: (+60) 603 263 4380 Nova Gas Australia Pty Ltd Level 6 Jetset Centre 288 Edward Street, Qld , Brisbane, 4000, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3211 9702 fax: (+61) 3211 9713 N-Spec PO Box 81577, Lafayette, LA 70598-1577, USA tel: (+1) 337 272 0147 fax: (+1) 337 272 0153 web: www.n-spec.com email: [email protected] contact: Brent Cross Nukote Coating Systems Suite 7H Aihe Mansion, No. 629 Ling Ling Rd, Shanghai, 200030, China tel: (+86) 21 5424 9811 fax: (+86) 419 844 4633 web: www.nukote-asia.com email: [email protected] contact: Chris Bean Nutopia Enterprises Pty Ltd 4 Opal Court, Vic, Strathdale, 3550, Australia tel: (+61) 3 5441 6785 fax: (+61) 3 5441 1907 Nylacast Ltd 200 Hastings Road, Leicester, Leics LE5 0HL, UK tel: (+44) 0116 276 8558 fax: (+44) 0116 274 1954 web: www.nylacaStcom contact: Max Fraser D. J. Nyman & Associates 12337 Jones Road, Suite 232, Houston, TX 77070-4844, USA tel: (+1) 281 807 4758 fax: (+1) 281 807 4759 web: www.djna.com email: [email protected] contact: Douglas J. Nyman


tel: (+30) 68 50 820 fax: (+30) 1 68 52 022

fax: (+971) 4 341879 Oceaneering International Inc 16001 Park Ten Pl Suite 600 Box 218130, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+1) 713 578 8868 fax: (+1) 713 578 5243

OFEMA 13 Bates Street Milton Park, Harare, Zimbabwe tel: (+263) 472 70 74 fax: (+263) 472 32 67 OH Oil Gathering Corp Radnor Corp Ctr 5, Suite 400, 100 Matsonford Rd, Radnor, PA 19087, USA tel: (+1) 610 293 0410 fax: (+1) 610 293 1440 OIS plc Silverburn PlaceBridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8EG, UK tel: (+44) 01224 226 700 fax: (+44) 01224 226 701 OJ Pipelines 1409 4th Street, Nisku, AB T9E 7M9, Canada tel: (+1) 403 955 3900 fax: (+1) 403 955 3518

Oceaneering Intervention Engineering 22311 Huffsmith Kohrville Road, Tomball, TX 77375, USA tel: (+1) 713 351 4499 fax: (+1) 713 351 9509

OMV (UK) Ltd 14 Ryder Sreet, London, SW1Y 6QB, UK tel: (+44) 020 7333 1600 fax: (+44) 020 7333 1610 web: www.omv.com OSD Energy Services Level 10, Toowong Tower, 9 Sherwood Road, Toowong, 4066, Australia tel: (+61) 07 3870 7333 fax: (+61) 07 3870 2333 web: www.osd.net.au email: [email protected] contact: Brian O’Sullivan OTP 59 Rue de la Republique, Montreuil, 93104, France tel: (+33) 1 48 18 40 00 fax: (+33) 1 48 18 44 44 Oasis Pipe Line Co TX L.P. 1000 Louisiana, Suite 2330, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 758 9800 fax: (+1) 713 758 9825 email: [email protected] Ocean Aid International PO Box 5377, dubai, 5377, UAE tel: (+9714) 347 9830 fax: (+9714) 347 9788 email: [email protected] contact: mamoon kamal

OFEMA Avenue Kifissias 16 15125 Maroussi, Athens, Greece

Oceaneering International AG Box 346, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 341605

Odebrecht Oil & Gas Services Ltd South Point, Sutton Court Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4TZ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8395 8000 fax: (+44) 020 8395 8001 O’Donnell Brothers Ltd New Tyne Iron House, High Row, Lemington, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE15 8SE, UK tel: (+44) 01912 640404 fax: (+44) 01912 646170 web: www.odbrothers.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Nigel Jones Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd Jebel Ali Free zone, Dubai, 16804, UAE tel: (+971) 4883 3998 fax: (+971) 4883 3838 web: www.offshore-engineering.net email: [email protected] contact: Nazih Alsayed Offshore Joint Services Inc 1621 Primewest Parkway, Katy, TX 77449, USA tel: (+1) 281 578 6523 web: www.ojs.com contact: Dennis Lee Offshore Pipelines International Ltd 29 Duxton Hill, 208, Singapore tel: (+65) 235 4544 fax: (+65) 235 8860

Oceaneering AS Lagerveien 20, Forus Box 638, Stavanger, 4001, Norway tel: (+47) 51 81 0800 fax: (+47) 51 81 0990 Oceaneering Australia Pty Ltd 141 Patten Street, Vic, Sale, 3850, Australia tel: (+61) 3 5144 2311 fax: (+61) 3 5144 4757 email: [email protected]

Oceaneering International Services Ltd Minto Avenue, Altens, Aberdeen, AB21 2JZ, UK tel: (+44) 01792 700177 fax: (+44) 01792 793100 web: www.oceaneering.com email: [email protected] contact: D. Allan Oceaneering Production Systems 1441 Park Ten Blvd Box 218130, Houston, TX 77084, USA tel: (+1) 713 492 2800 fax: (+1) 713 492 8948

OMV Aktiengesellschaft Otto Wagner Platz 5, Vienna, A-1090, Austria tel: (+43) 1 40 440 0 fax: (+43) 1 40 440 20091 web: www.omv.com email: [email protected] contact: Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer

OFEMA Brazil Servicos Ltda Avenida Presidente Antonio Carlo 615 Sala 815-Centro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 20020, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 252 34 54 fax: (+55) 21 252 25 95

Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd 1 Kwong Min RoadBox 204, 9161, Singapore tel: (+65) 660 4000 fax: (+65) 660 4100

Company listing - alphabetical

Nova Chemicals Corp 6711 Mississauga Rd, Suite 200, Mississauga, ON L5N 2W3, Canada tel: (+1) 905 542 6974 fax: (+1) 905 542 8075 web: www.novachem.com

Offshore Pipelines Nigeria Ltd Plot 260 Etim Inyang Crescent Victoria Island Annex, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 610742 Offshore Survey & Engineering Fahrenheitstrasse 7, Bremen, 28359, Germany tel: (+49) 421 2239 150 fax: (+49) 421 2239 151 email: [email protected] Offshore Survey & Engineering (UK) Ltd Unit 21, Robert Leonhard Industrial Centre, entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB2 0ES, UK tel: (+44) 01224 77 27 11 fax: (+44) 01224 77 37 22 Oil and Gas Commission 200, 10003 - 110 Ave, Fort St John, BC V1J 6M7, Canada tel: (+1) 250 261 5700 fax: (+1) 250 261 5744 web: www.ogc.gov.bc.ca email: [email protected] contact: Richard Caesar The Oil and Pipelines Agency York House, 23 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6UJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 7420 1670 fax: (+44) 020 7379 0500 email: [email protected] contact: John Vardon Oil and Gas Pipeline Services 02906 KlittenOT ZimpelKlittener Street 2, Klitten, Germany tel: (+49) 358 955 6714 fax: (+49) 358 955 6726 email: [email protected] Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) 12th Floor Express Towers Nariman Point, Bombay, 400 021, India Oil Co of Australia Ltd Level 1, North Court, John Oxley Centre, 339 Coronation Drive, Milton, Qld 4064, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3858 0600 fax: (+44) 0733 697840 email: [email protected] Oilfield Pipeline Inspection Sdn Bhd 21 Jalan TS 6/8, Taman Industrial Subang, Subang Jaya, Selangor, 47510, Malaysia tel: (+60) 373 772 02 fax: (+60) 373 772 62 web: www.asiapacific.com.my/opi email: [email protected] Oil India Ltd 17 Parliament St, PO Box 203, New Delhi, 110001, India tel: (+91) 11 336 0841 fax: (+91) 11 334 0962 Oil-Net.Com Inc PO Box 69060, Skyview RPO, Edmonton, AB T5L5E3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 887 9105 web: www.oil-net.com contact: Austin Culley OilRecruiter.net Cambridge House, Cambridge Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 2DP, UK tel: +44 (0)1932 260470 web: oilrecruiter.net email: [email protected] contact: Adam Smith


Oil States Industries PO Box 670, Arlington, TX 76004-0670, USA tel: (+1) 817 468 1400 fax: (+1) 817 468 6200 Okemah Constructions Inc PO Box 227, Okemah, OK 74859, USA tel: (+1) 918 623 1863 fax: (+1) 918 623 0501 Oleoducto Central SA Edif Celam, Calle 78, No 11-17, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

tel: (+57) 1 346 3030 fax: (+57) 1 211 6782

fax: (+1) 918 588 7000 web: www.oneok.com

Olympic Pipe Line Co 2319 Lind Ave SW, PO Box 1800, Renton, WA 98057, USA tel: (+1) 425 235 7736 fax: (+1) 425 271 5320

OneSteel Oil & Gas Pipe Private Bag 3, Kembala Grange, NSW 2530, Australia tel: (+61) 2 4261 1888 fax: (+61) 2 4261 0206 web: www.onesteel.com email: [email protected] contact: Ross McLauchlan

Olympic Pipeline Products Olympic Bulidings, Preston Street, Gorton, Manchester, M18 8DB, UK tel: (+44) 01612 304800 fax: (+44) 01612 304809 web: www.olympicpipelines.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Edward Howard Olympus NDT 48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 2453, USA tel: (+1) 781 419 3900 fax: (+1) 781 419 3980 web: www.olympusndt.com email: [email protected] contact: Lisa Yau Olympus NDT provides an industryleading portfolio of ultrasound, phasedarray, eddy-current, and eddy-currentarray non-destructive testing technologies. The company’s goal is to supply reliable, economical, inspection and maintenance systems that enhance safety, security, and productivity for customers, and that contribute to society. It is committed actively to pursuing the development of new technologies, products, and services that offer the best solutions to customers’ needs. Oman Construction Co PO Box 142, Muscat, 113, Oman tel: (+968) 590 335 fax: (+968) 591 813 Omnidus GmbH Thaerstrasse 60, Leipzig, 4129, Germany tel: (+49) 341 4779679 fax: (+49) 341 4779723 Omni Flow Computers 12620 West Airport Blvd., Suite 100, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA tel: (+1) 281 240 6161 fax: (+1) 281 240 6162 web: www.omniflow.com email: [email protected] Omnishelter via XI Settembre 6, Cuggiono, 20012, Italy tel: (+39) 02 9724 9177 fax: (+39) 02 9724 9096 web: www.omnishelter.it email: [email protected] contact: Gnecchi Omnitest GmbH 97 Dorfstrasse, Lunen, 44534, Germany tel: (+49) 2306 71994 fax: (+49) 2306 6096 contact: Jurgen Dreher Omsknefteprovodstroi ul. Himikov 47, Omsk, 644050, Russia tel: (+7) 3812 656322 fax: (+7) 3812 655954

Online Electronics Ltd Online House, 266 Auchmill Road, Aberdeen, AB21 9NB, UK tel: (+44) 01224 714 714 fax: (+44) 01224 710 710 web: www.online-electronics.com email: [email protected] contact: Rachel Riddell OnSite Resources Ltd Green Lane, Walsall, WS2 7PD, UK tel: (+44) 01922 705214 fax: (+44) 01922 61804 web: www.onsite.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Race OpenLink 10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington, MA 1803, USA tel: (+1) 781 273 0900 fax: (+1) 781 229 8030 web: www.openlinksw.com email: [email protected] Optical Metrology Services Ltd Norfolk House, 1 Grange Road, Bishops Stortford, Herts CM23 5NG, UK tel: (+44) 01279 656038 fax: (+44) 08700 940014 web: www.optical-metrology-services.com email: [email protected] contact: Denise Smiles Optimess Engineering GmbH 10-12 Gewerbepark Keplerstrasse, Gera, D-07549, Germany tel: (+49) 365 734 9220 fax: (+49) 365 734 9229 web: www.optimess.com email: [email protected] contact: Eberhard Credo Opvantek, Inc 28 South State Street, Newtown, PA 18940, USA tel: (+1) 215 968 7790 fax: (+1) 215 968 7825 web: www.optimain.com email: [email protected] contact: Lauren Bowker Oranje-Nassau Groep BV Postbus 22885, Zuidoost, AmsterdamZuidoost, NL-1100 DJ, Netherlands tel: (+31) 20 567 7111 fax: (+31) 20 567 7122 web: www.oranje-nassau.nl email: [email protected]

Ondeo Degremont Houghton Hall Park, Dunstable, Beds LU5 5TD, UK tel: (+44) 01582 631 111 fax: (+44) 01582 631 108

Orbimatic GmbH Floesser Weg 17, Buseck, Giessen, AltenBuseck, D-35418, Germany tel: (+49) 6408 9026 0 fax: (+49) 6408 9026 50 web: www.orbimatic.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Purnell

Oneok WesTex Transmission PO Box 871, 100 West Fifth Street, Tulsa, OK 74102, USA tel: (+1) 918 588 7424

Orienco SA Box 17-01-461, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 2 546 655 fax: (+593) 2 501 339

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Origin Engineering Ltd Shell Green House, Gorsey Ln, Widness, Cheshire WA8 0YZ, UK tel: (+44) 01514 244 515 fax: (+44) 01514 244 456 email: [email protected] Orion Technical Services Ltd 9 Springfield St, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1BB, UK tel: (+44) 01925 242020 fax: (+44) 01925 242040 email: [email protected] Terence O’Rourke Everdene House, Wessex Fields, Deansleigh Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 7DU, UK tel: (+44) 0120 242 1142 fax: (+44) 0120 243 0055 web: www.torplc.com email: [email protected] Orrcon Operations Pty Ltd 947 Nudgee Road, Nudgee, Qld 4014, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3621 8404 fax: (+61) 7 3621 8444 web: www.orrcon.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Robert Campbell Osborn International GmbH 10 Ringstrasse, Burgwald, 35099, Germany tel: (+49) 6451 588 0 fax: (+49) 6451 588 206 web: www.osborn.de email: [email protected] contact: Dr Bernhard Rau Osborn International Ltd Lower Church Street, Chepstow, NP6 5XT, UK tel: (+44) 01291 634000 fax: (+44) 01291 634098 email: [email protected] Otis Eastern Service Inc PO Box 330South Brooklyn Avenue, Wellsville, NY 14895, USA tel: (+1) 716 593 4760 fax: (+1) 716 593 4805 email: [email protected] Ottoway Engineering Pty Ltd PO Box 71, Rosewater East, SA 5013, Australia tel: (+61) 8 8341 0045 fax: (+61) 8 8341 0876 web: www.ottowayengineering.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Ron Burrows Overgas Engineering JSC 1 Bulgaria Sq, 6th floor, NDK Administrative Building, Sofia, 1463, Bulgaria tel: (+359) 2 810 2737 fax: (+359) 2 963 4062 web: www.overgas.bg email: [email protected] contact: Stoycho Ilkov Oxford Plastics Inc PO Box 119, Oxford Road 6, Embro, ON N0J 1J0, Canada tel: (+1) 800 263 0502 fax: (+1) 519 423 6057 web: www.oxfordplasticsInccom email: sales@oxfordplasticsInccom contact: Homer Vander Vecht Ozzie’s Padder of Australia Inc PO Box W185, Dubbo, NSW 2830, Australia tel: (+61) 2 6884 7833 fax: (+61) 2 6884 7833

Ozzie’s 7102 West Sherman Street, Phoenix, AZ 85043, USA tel: (+1) 480 585 9400 fax: (+1) 480 585 7977 web: www.ozzies.com email: [email protected] contact: Melvin F. Spreitzer

P PA Steel Technologies, Inc 215 S. Front St, Steelton, PA 17113, USA tel: (+1) 800 344 7245 fax: (+1) 717 986 2700 web: www.bethsteel.com email: [email protected]

documented and properly implemented, the risk of levied fines is greatly reduced. ICAM, as a process-management tool, when combined with company positions and integrity procedures, supports the PHMSA requirements for an integritymanagement programme, and was created specifically for the pipeline industry, funded by a grant from the Department of Transportation and developed in collaboration with Panhandle Energy of Houston. PIH Kazakhstan 175 Furmanov St, Almaty, 480004, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 327 232 6577 fax: (+7) 327 232 4844 email: [email protected]

PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd PO Box 76, Moorabbin, Melbourne, 3189, Australia tel: (+61) 413 201559 fax: (+61) 3 9532 7787 web: www.solcor.com.au email: [email protected] contact: john furstenberg

PIH Services ME Ltd PO Box 62574, Dubai, 62574, UAE tel: (+971) 4267 9989 fax: (+971) 4267 9585 web: www.pihme.com email: [email protected]

PFC Inc 1300 CT Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA tel: (+1) 202 872 1199 fax: (+1) 202 872 1199 web: www.pfcenergy.com

PIHA Pty Ltd 25 Wellard Street, Bibra Lake, WA 6163, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9434 4422 fax: (+61) 8 9434 4422 web: www.piha.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Bob Gavranich

PG&E Gas Transmission-Northwest PG&E Corporation, 2100 SW River Pkwy, Portland, OR 97201, USA tel: (+1) 503 833 4000 web: www.pge-nw.com PGI International 16101 Vallen Drive, Houston, TX 77041, USA tel: (+1) 800 231 0233 fax: (+1) 713 466 0056 web: www.pgiint.com email: [email protected] PGS Atlantic Power James Watt Close, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate, Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 0NX, UK tel: (+44) 01493 661166 fax: (+44) 01493 440759 email: [email protected] PHE Co Inc 8700 Commerce Park Suite 104, Houston, TX 77036, USA tel: (+1) 713 772 9191 fax: (+1) 713 772 8752 PI Confluence, Inc 323 Webster Street, Suite 3225, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 520 5050 fax: (+1) 586 218 7918 web: www.piconfluence.com email: [email protected] contact: Gary White The ICAM platform from PI Confluence is designed to be an intuitive, web-based work-management system for pipeline integrity documentation and implementation. By integrating record keeping, quality assurance, change management, and communications with on-the-pipe activity, ICAM can deliver a comprehensive solution that manages the lifecycle of an asset while preparing for a PHMSA audit. When integrity processes are effectively

PIT AG Am Hasenbiel 6, Stutensee, 76197, Germany tel: (+49) 7244 7415 0 fax: (+49) 7244 7415 97 web: www.pit-ag.org email: [email protected] contact: Dr Michael Beller

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

PJ Services Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base, Loyang Crescent, PO Box 5150, Singapore, 508988, Singapore tel: (+65) 6545 3533 fax: (+65) 6545 8183 web: www.pjservices.com.sg PLE Consulting GmbH Gurtelstr 29a/30, Berlin, 10247, Germany tel: (+49) 30 29385 fax: (+49) 30 29385 888 PLE GmbH 34 Cooper Road, Windlesham, Surrey GU20 6EA, UK tel: (+44) 01276 453104 fax: (+44) 01276 453248 web: www.eon-engineering.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Thorniley PLE International Ltd Rosemount House, Rosemount Avenue, West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6NP, UK tel: (+44) 01932 355544 fax: (+44) 01932 355566 email: [email protected] PLE Hellas EPE 401 Messogion Avenue, Athens, 1067415343, Greece tel: (+30) 1 600 9576 fax: (+30) 1 600 4812 PLN Construction Pvt Ltd Punj Lloyd House, 17 and 18 Nehru Place, New Delhi, 11001, India tel: (+91) 116 200 123 fax: (+91) 116 200 111 email: [email protected]

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd Express Rd, Ekpan, Effurun, Warri, Nigeria tel: (+234) 532 556 525 3356 fax: (+234) 532 email: [email protected]

tel: (+44) 01433 651655 fax: (+44) 01433 651811 email: [email protected] contact: D.M. Pucci

PLT Engineering Ltd Cornwall House, 51 - 77 High Street, Slough, Berks SL1 1DX, UK tel: (+44) 01753 550500 fax: (+44) 01753 553139

PPS Pipeline Systems UAB Butinges Oil Terminal, 21 Pasventupio Kelias, Palanga, 5720, Lithuania tel: (+370) 364 5858 fax: (+370) 364 5889

PLT International Ltd 31 Phyathai Road Suite 811, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand tel: (+66) 2 246 4736 fax: (+66) 2 246 3776

PSI AG Dircksenstr. 42-44, Berlin, 10178, Germany tel: (+49) 030 2801 1548 fax: (+49) 030 2801 1011 web: www.psioilandgas.com contact: Claude Josse

PMC Gloabl Industries Inc PMC Global Industries, Inc, 2500 Steven Rd, Odessa, TX 79761, USA tel: (+1) 800 535 8753 fax: (+1) 915 363 8376 web: www.pmc-global.com PNDT Pty Ltd PO Box 1089, West Leederville, WA 6901, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9382 3844 fax: (+61) 8 9382 4458 web: www.pndt.com.au email: [email protected] POSCO Pohang PO Box 36, 1. Geodon-dong, Namku, Kyoungbuk, Pohang, 790-785, Korea tel: (+82) 54 220 6372 fax: (+82) 54 220 6911 web: www.posco.co.kr PPG Industries Netherlands BV J.F. Kennedylaan 7, Geldermalsen, 4191 MZ, Netherlands tel: (+31) 345 587587 fax: (+31) 345 587551 web: www.ameron-bv.com email: [email protected] contact: Caroline van der Burg PPSC Industries Sdn Bhd 59-8, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur, 59200, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 2287 8990 fax: (+60) 3 2287 8992 web: www.ppsc.com.my email: [email protected] contact: Amir Hamzah bin Mohd Taha PPSL District Energy The Coach House, Boxwell Road, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 3ET, UK tel: (+44) 01442 874808 fax: (+44) 01442 876293 web: www.permapipe.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Don Baker PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH PO Box 12 53, Quakenbruck, D-49610, Germany tel: (+49) 5431 14 0 fax: (+49) 5431 14 203 web: www.pipelinesystems.de email: [email protected] contact: U. Barth


PSI Pipeline Service SA 1 Via Delle Scuole, Lugano, 6900, Switzerland tel: (+41) 91 972 9063 fax: (+41) 91 972 9268 email: [email protected] contact: D. Piovesana PSI Pipeline Systems Inc 460 North Wiget Lane, California, Walnut Creek, 94598, USA tel: (+1) 510 943 3757 fax: (+1) 510 937 8875 web: www.pipesys.com email: [email protected] PSL Group Badentoy Avenue, Portlethen, Aberdeen, AB12 4WA, UK tel: (+44) 01224 783008 fax: (+44) 01224 783445 web: www.pslg.com email: [email protected] PT Nacap Indonesia 6th Fl, S Widjojo Ctr, 71 Jl Jend Sudirman Kav, Jakarta, 12190, Indonesia tel: (+62) 215 270 862 fax: (+62) 215 270 861 email: [email protected] PT TMS Ltd Jakarta, P. Jayakarta 73 Blok B1 No. 17, DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Pusat, 10730, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 628 8412 fax: (+62) 21 628 8413 PWT International Ltd PO Box 102, Safat, 13002, Kuwait tel: (+965) 482 1364 fax: (+965) 483 5639 email: [email protected] PWT SpA Via Salvo d’Acquisto, Gaurdamiglio, 26862, Italy tel: (+39) 377 451 228 fax: (+39) 377 451 094 web: www.pwtspa.com email: [email protected] contact: Fernando Rinaldi Pace Pipeline Co Box 77, Delmont, PA 15626-0077, USA tel: (+1) 412 837 8451 fax: (+1) 412 834 5423

PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH Bloc 33H, Etaj 5 ap 20, Germany Filiala, 1 Carpati St, Prahova, 2000, Romania tel: (+40) 441 959 40 fax: (+40) 441 959 42

Pacific Energy Partners 5900 Cherry Ave, Long Beach, Los Angeles, CA 90805, USA tel: (+1) 562 728 2800 fax: (+1) 562 728 2823 web: www.pacificenergypartners.com

PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH Suite 4, Brunel House, Hathersage Park, Hathersage, Derbys S32 1DP, UK

Pacific Inspection and Consulting Pvt Ltd 372, Rajendra Nagar, Bharatpur,

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Rajasthan, 321 001, India tel: (+91) 5644 2273 47 fax: (+91) 5644 2273 47 web: www.qualitymanager.com email: [email protected] contact: Madhu Sharma Pacific Pipe 2000 Mandella Parkway, Oakland, CA 94607, USA tel: (+1) 510 452 0122 fax: (+1) 510 763 7838 email: [email protected] Pacific Valve Services Inc 9750 - 62 Ave, Edmonton, AB T6E 0E3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 463 3972 fax: (+1) 780 466 0492 web: www.pacificvalve.com email: [email protected] contact: Ravi Mani Andrew Palmer & Associates Darpen House, 1 Citadel Place, Tinworth Street, London, SE11 5EF, UK tel: (+44) 020 7582 5577 fax: (+44) 020 7587 0288 email: [email protected] Palmer Environmental Tyoch House, Llantarnam Park way, Parkway, Cumbran, NP44 3AW, UK tel: (+44) 0163 308 9479 fax: (+44) 0163 387 7857 web: www.palmer.co.uk email: [email protected] Pan American Industries PO Box 1996, Porter, TX 77365, USA tel: (+1) 780 461 9393 fax: (+1) 281 429 4747 web: www.panamiris.com email: [email protected] contact: Jim Yukes Panametrics Ltd Unit 2, Villiers Court, 40 Upper Mulgrave Road, Cheam, Surrey SM2 7AJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8643 5150 fax: (+44) 020 8643 4225 web: www.panametrics.com email: [email protected] Panhandle Energy 5444 Westheimer St, Houston, TX 77056, USA tel: (+1) 713 989 7000 web: www.panhandlecompanies.com Pan Marine Do Brasil Transportes LtdA Rua Osorio de Almeida 10 Urca, Rio de Janeiro, 22291-000, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 541 6146 fax: (+55) 21 295 3983 Pan Marine c/o Agetraf BP 8834, Kinshasa, Zaire tel: (+243) 1 269 21 Pan Terra Industries Inc 3024 49th Avenue S.E., Calgary, AB T2B 2X4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 218 8913 fax: (+1) 403 802 2001 email: [email protected] contact: Don Sandford Panyu Chu Kong Steel Pipe Co Ltd Qinghe Road, Panyu, Guangzhou, 511450, China tel: (+86) 20 8455 8888 fax: (+86) 20 8485 0688 web: www.pck.com.cn email: [email protected] contact: David Le

Company listing

Paragon International bv Kerkstraat 1a, Oud-Alblas, 2969 AJ, Netherlands tel: (+31) 184 692255 fax: (+31) 184 691680 email: [email protected] Paramode Ltd Unit 4, Harbour Road Industrial Estate, Oulton Broad, Lowerstoft, Suffolk NR32 3LZ, UK tel: (+44) 01502 574213 fax: (+44) 01502 501503 web: www.paramode.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: M. Bunn Parker Fluid Control Division 95 Edgewood Avenue, New Britain, CT 6051, USA tel: (+1) 860 827 2300 fax: (+1) 860 827 2384 web: www.parker.com email: [email protected] Pars International Pipeline Co 70 Taleghani St, Tehran, Iran tel: (+982) 1 640 6760 fax: (+982 1 615 3755 email: [email protected] contact: pipeco Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd Armstrong House, Manchester Technology Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 7ED, UK tel: (+44) 0161 200 5000 fax: (+44) 0161 200 5001 web: www.pbworld.com email: [email protected] contact: M. Danter Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group EMC Tower, Gt West Road, Middx, Brentford, TW8 9AN, UK tel: (+44) 020 8326 5000 Paz Oil Co Ltd Giborei Israel Av, Natanya (Poleg) Ind. Zone, PO Box 222, Natanya, 42101, Israel tel: (+972) 9 863 1111 fax: (+972) 9 863 1248 Pearpoint, Inc 72055 Corporate Way, Thousand Palms, CA 92276, USA tel: (+1) 800 688 8094 fax: (+1) 760 343 7351 web: www.pearpoint.com email: [email protected] PechorNIPIneft ul. Oktyabrskaya 11, Komi Republic, Ukhta, 169400, Russia tel: (+7) 8214 762357 fax: (+7) 8214 760336 Peerless Drive Ltd Sterline Center (Ground Floor) 16/1 Dr Annie Besant Road Worli, Bombay, 400 018, India tel: (+91) 22 495 1479 Pega Ltd Kibris sok. 28/5 Guvenevler, Ankara, 6690, Turkey tel: (+90) 312 428 0894 fax: (+90) 312 466 5344

email: [email protected] Pegasus International Ltd Waterman House, 101 - 107 Chertsey Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 5BW, UK tel: (+44) 01483 750644 fax: (+44) 01483 750222 web: www.pegasus-international.com email: [email protected] contact: John Dryer Pegasus International Inc 777 N. Eldridge Parkway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77079, USA tel: (+1) 713 465 5777 fax: (+1) 713 465 6886 web: www.pegasus-international.com email: [email protected] contact: Tootie Anderson Pembina Pipeline Corp 27th Fl 707-8th Ave SW, PO Box 1948, Calgary, AB T29 2M7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 231 7500 fax: (+1) 403 237 0254 Penspen Integrity 3 Water Lane, Richmond-upon-Thames, Surrey TW9 1TJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8334 2700 fax: (+44) 0208 334 2701 web: www.penspen.com / www.penspenintegrity.com email: [email protected] contact: John Simon Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi) Al Yasat Tower, Flat 303, 3rd Floor, PO Box 46562, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 679 2526 fax: (+971) 2 678 0913 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Sabrina Bagarella

web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Shivendra Chouksey Penspen de Mexico SA Calle 51 No 147, Col. Santa Margarita, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, CP 24190, Mexico tel: (+52) 938 38 142 64 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Sabrina Bagarella Penspen Ltd - Thailand Permpoon Building, 5th Floor, 32, Soi Sukhumvit 87, Bangchak, Phrakanong, Bangkok, 10260, Thailand tel: (+66) 2740 3870 fax: (+66) 2740 3871 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Sabrina Bagarella Pentzien Inc 6969 Grover Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68106, USA tel: (+1) 402 397 7800 fax: (+1) 402 397 2504 Per Aaarsleff A/S Lokesvej 15, Aabyhoej, 8230, Denmark tel: (+45) 8744 2222 fax: (+45) 8744 2349 web: www.aarlseff.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Nordheim Perco Engineering Services Ltd Cornhill Close, Lodge Farm Industrial Estate, Northampton NN5 7UB, UK tel: (+44) 0160 459 0200 fax: (+44) 0160 459 0201 web: www.perco.co.uk email: [email protected]

Company listing - alphabetical

Paradigm 8100 W 53rd St N, Maize, KS 67101, USA tel: (+1) 316 554 9225 fax: (+1) 316 554 9228 web: www.pdigm.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark G. Allen

Perenco 29 Duke of York Square, London, SW3 4LY, UK tel: (+44) 020 7901 8200 fax: (+44) 020 7901 8230 web: www.perenco.com

Penspen Greece SA 357-359 Messogion Avenue, Athens, 15231, Greece tel: (+30) 210 6501385 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Sabrina Bagarella

Performance Pipe 5085 W. Park Blvd., Suite 500, Plano, USA tel: (+1) 800 527 0662 web: www.cpchem.com

Penspen Ltd - Indonesia Jl. Batu Ceper No.28, Jakarta, 10120, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 381 1054 fax: (+62) 21 381 4039 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Sabrina Bagarella Penspen Libya Pencol Engineering Consultants, Beach Complex, Hay Al Andalus, Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya tel: (+218) 21 4779474 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Sabrina Bagarella Penspen Ltd Units 7 & 8, St Peter’s Wharf, Newcastleupon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE6 1TZ, UK tel: (+44) 0191 238 2200 fax: (+44) 0191 275 9786 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: Roland Palmer-Jones Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates) Bishop’s Court, 29 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL, UK tel: (+44) 01224 288 700 fax: (+44) 01224 594 126

Pergam Technical Services Inc 310 3rd Ave NE, Suite 122, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA tel: (+1) 425 503 8127 fax: (+1) 425 642 8183 web: www.pergamusa.com email: [email protected] contact: Johan Wictor Perk & Co 1612 N. 60th St, Lincoln, NB 68505-1720, USA tel: (+1) 402 467 2815 fax: (+1) 402 467 2815 web: www.integritytech.com/perkco.html email: [email protected] contact: Tom Davis Perry CM Ltd 130 Ferguson St, Maroubra, 2035, Australia tel: (+61) 2 349 7632 fax: (+61) 2 344 9071 Perry Equipment Corporation Wolters Industrial Park PO Box 640, Mineral Wells, TX 76068, USA tel: (+1) 817 325 2575 fax: (+1) 817 325 4624

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Pertamina Jl. Perwira 2-4-6, Jl. Merdeka Timur 1A, Jakarta, 10110, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 381 5111 fax: (+62) 21 343 882 PeterGaz Co Leninsky Prospekt 113/1 Park Place Suite E-719, 721, Moscow, 117198, Russia tel: (+7) 095 956 5493 fax: (+7) 095 956 5494 Petrex SA Las Camelias 585San Isidro, Lima, 27, Peru tel: (+51) 1 221 5050 fax: (+51) 1 222 5644 Petrobras Av. Republica do Chile, 65, Rio de Janeiro, 20035-900, Brazil tel: (+55) 212 534 1510 fax: (+55) 212 534 6055 web: www.petrobras.com.br Petrobras E&P, Av. Elias Agostinho, 665, Rio de Janeirl, Macaé, 27913-350, Brazil tel: (+55) 24 2761 2135 fax: (+55) 24 2761 321 web: www.petrobras.com.br Petrobras Angola 51 Rua Pedro Felix Machado, Andar, Luanda, C.P.2665, Angola tel: (+244) 233 4722 fax: (+244) 239 0480 Petrobras Argentina SA Lima 339, Piso 7 a 11, Buenos Aires, C1073AAG, Argentina tel: (+54) 115 290 000 Petrobras Bolivia Km 3 1/2, Casi 5 Anillo, Carratera Antigua a Cbba, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia tel: (+591) 335 561 00 fax: (+591) 335 562 00 Petrobras Colombia Carretera 7a, No 7121-torre B, Edificio Bancafe, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 131 350 00 fax: (+57) 131 350 70 Petrobras Ecuador Suiza 209 y Eloy Alfaro, Edificio Azul, Planta Baja, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+592) 227 2963 fax: (+592) 224 591 01 Petrobras Energia Peru SA 285 Amador Merino Reyna, Oficina 501, San Isidro, Lima, Peru tel: (+51) 122 244 55 fax: (+51) 122 179 21 Petrobras 508 Togin Building, 4-2 Marunouchi 1Chrome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan tel: (+81) 352 085 285 fax: (+81) 352 085 288


Petrobras Energia Venezuela SA Torre Lamaletto - Venezuela Ave, Piso 9, El Rosal, Caracas, 1060, Venezuela tel: (+58) 212 957 7300 fax: (+58) 212 957 7301 Petrobras Ltd 6th Floor, 35-38 Portman Square, London, W1H 6LR, UK tel: (+44) 020 7535 1100 fax: (+44) 020 7367 5800 web: www.petrobras.com.br email: [email protected]

Petrobras Transporte SA Avenida Presidente Vargas, 328 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro, 20091-060, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 3211 9280 fax: (+55) 21 3211 9301 web: www.transpetro.com.br email: [email protected] contact: Luiz Márcio da Silva Garcia Petrobras 43rd Floor, 570 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022-6837, USA tel: (+1) 212 829 1517 fax: (+1) 212 832 5300 Petro-Canada (UK) Ltd 6th Floor, Bowater House, 114 Knightsbridge, London, SW1X 7LD, UK tel: (+44) 020 7225 7100 fax: (+44) 020 7584 6459 web: www.petro-canada.com email: [email protected] Petro Canada Exploration Co Ltd Postfach 10 09 44, Essen, D-45009, Germany tel: (+49) 201 726 0 fax: (+49) 201 726 2942 web: www.petro-canada.com email: [email protected] Petro-Chem Equipment 4338 Jeffrey Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816, USA tel: (+1) 225 292 8400 fax: (+1) 225 291 1033 web: www.petrochemequipment.com email: [email protected] contact: kevin Petrochem Engineers Ltd 7th Floor Hughes Building, PO Box 41103, Kenya, Nairobi, 100, Kenya tel: (+254) 2 250127 fax: (+254 2 246963 web: www.petrochemkenya.aol Petro Coating Systems Pty Ltd (PCS) 7 Inglewood Drive, Thomastown, Vic 30974, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9466 1521 fax: (+61) 3 9466 1721 web: www.petrocoating.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Nicolas Grenier Petroecuador Av 6 de Diciembre y Alpallana, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 2 251 436 fax: (+593) 2 269 738 Petrofina SA 52 Rue de L’industrie, Brussels, B-1040, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 288 91 11 fax: (+32) 2 288 34 45 web: www.fina.com email: [email protected]

Petroindustrial Alpallana E7-50 yWhymper, Quito, Ecuador tel: (+593) 256 4811 fax: (+593) 256 1436 Petro IT Ltd B3, Institutional Area, Sec 32, Gurgaon, 122002, India tel: (+91) 124 404 4940 web: www.petroitg.com email: [email protected] contact: Anuj Arora Petrojet Petroleum Projects and Tecnical Consultations Co Joseph Tito Road, Haikstep, PO Box 2048 El Horieh, Cairo, Egypt tel: (+20) 2 6230 740 fax: (+20) 2 6230 788 web: www.rccnet.net/sites/project email: [email protected] contact: Adel Gorgy Petroleo Brasileiro Nigeria Ltd Plot 1679 Karimu Kotun Street, 7tf Floor African Reinsurance Building, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria fax: (+1) 713 917 3737 Petroleos Mexicanos Pemex Exploracion y Produccion Direccion General Av Marina Nacional #329 Piso 41, Col Anahuac, CP 11311, Mexico tel: (+52) 5 250 2611 fax: (+52) 5 531 5013 Petroleum & Environmental Consultants Bartolome Mitre 864 Piso 10, Buenos Aires, Argentina tel: (+54) 1345 4488 fax: (+54) 1345 4880 email: [email protected] Petroleum Commercial Supply Inc (USA) Suite 2020, 5847 San Felipe St, Houston, 77057, USA tel: (+1) 713 292 2210 fax: (+1) 713 292 2222 Petroleum Development Oman PO Box 81, Muscat, 113, Oman tel: (+968) 678 111 fax: (+968) 677106 Petroliam Nassional Berhad Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpar City Centre, Kuala Lumpar, 50088, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 206 5000 fax: (+60) 3 206 5050 web: www.petronas.com.my email: [email protected] Petrology Ltd River Clyde House, Erskine Ferry Road, Old Kilpatrick, Glasgow, G60 5EU, UK tel: (+44) 01389 801700 fax: (+44) 01389 801701 web: www.petrology.com email: [email protected] contact: Stephen Barnes

Petrofit Ltd Unit 1, Houghton Street, Oldbury, W Midlands B69 4LQ, UK tel: (+44) 0121 544 9938 fax: (+44) 0121 544 9132 web: www.petrofit.com email: [email protected] contact: R. Dheir

Petromar UEM Avenida 4 de Fevereiro no. 12-1, CP 6328, Luanda, Angola tel: (+244) 2 33 11 87 fax: (+244) 2 33 30 49 email: [email protected]

Petro-Force Forest Building, 5th Floor, Horche Tabet Street, Sin el Fil, Beirut, Lebanon tel: (+961) 3 639 645 email: [email protected]

Petronas Gas Berhad Segamat Operation Center, Km. 10, Segamat-Kuantan Highway, Johor Darul Takzim, Segamat, 85000, Malaysia tel: (+60) 7 931 0266 fax: (+60) 7 932 0400 web: www.petronas.com.my

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Petronas Gas Supply (Labuan) Sdn Bhd Level 69, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers, Kula Lumpur City Centre, Kula Lumpur, 50088, Malaysia tel: (+60) 320 513 914 fax: (+60) 320 512 960 PT Petrosea Jalan Taman Kemang 32B, Jakarta, 12730, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 718 3255 fax: (+62) 21 718 3266 email: [email protected] Petro Steel International 22 South Front Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA tel: (+1) 267 321 0470 web: www.petrosteel.com email: [email protected] contact: David Mullaney Petrostudies Co Sjoeblads vag 17, Malmo, S-21370, Sweden tel: (+46) 40 219797 fax: (+46) 40 221 490 Petro-Tech Ltd 34 McCarthy Street, Onikan, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 2637901 fax: (+234) 1 2634090 Petrotech Inc 108 Jarrell Drive, Belle Chasse, LA 70037, USA tel: (+1) 504 394 5500 fax: (+1) 504 394 6117 web: www.petrotechInccom email: info@petrotechInccom Petroterminal de Panama SA Edificio Vallarino, Box Apartado 8-179, 8, Panama tel: (+507) 263 7777 fax: (+507) 263 9949 Petrox SA Casilla 29-C, Concepcion, Chile tel: (+56) 41 506247 fax: (+56) 41 506479 web: www.petrox.cl E G Pettit & Co Springville House Black Rock Road, Cork, Ireland tel: (+353) 21 966153 fax: (+353) 21 966400 Pferd Milwaukee Brush Co. 30 Jytek Drive, Leominster, MA 1453, USA tel: (+1) 978 840 6420 fax: (+1) 978 840 6421 web: www.pferdusa.co9m email: [email protected] Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd Regent Ctr, Regent Road, Aberdeen, AB11 5NS, UK tel: (+44) 0122 457 6155 fax: (+44) 0122 425 4380 Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd Bacton Hewett Area, Bacton Gas Terminal, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0JG, UK tel: (+44) 0126 372 0765 fax: (+44) 0126 372 1666 Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd Seal Sands, Middlesborough, Cleveland, TS2 1UH, UK tel: (+44) 0164 254 6411 fax: (+44) 0164 254 6096 Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd 35 Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 7QT, UK

Pigs Unlimited Inc Suite B3, 23802 FM 2978, Tomball, TX 77375, USA tel: (+1) 281 351 2749 fax: (+1) 281 351 4658 web: www.pigsunlimited.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Keith Wagner

tel: (+44) 01483 756 666 fax: (+44) 01483 752 309 Phillips Petroleum Co (UK) Ltd Upperton Industrial Estate, Peterhead AB42 3GL, UK tel: (+44) 01779 477918 fax: (+44) 01779 478294 web: www.phillips66.com Phillips Pipe Line Co 370 Adams Bldg, Bartlesville, OK 74004, USA tel: (+1) 918 662 2304 fax: (+1) 918 662 2304 Phoenix Inspection Systems Ltd 46 Melford Court, Warrington, WA1 4RS, UK tel: (+44) 01925 826000 fax: (+44) 01925 838788 web: www.phoenix.co.uk email: [email protected] Phoenix International A/S Gronhojgade 45, Vejen, DK-6600, Denmark tel: (+45) 769 634 00 fax: (+45) 769 634 01 web: www.phoenixint.dk email: [email protected] contact: Conny Toftdahl Phoenix Natural Gas 197 Airport Road West, Belfast, BT3 9ED, UK tel: (+44) 028 9055 5555 fax: (+44) 028 9055 5500 web: www.phoenix-natural-gas.com email: [email protected] contact: I. Bell Pick Everard Halford House, Charles St, Leicester, Leics LE1 1HA, UK tel: (+44) 0116 223 4400 fax: (+44) 0116 223 4411 web: www.pickeverard.co.uk email: [email protected] Pierse Contracting Ltd Birmayne House, Mulhuddart, Dublin, 15, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 8205811 fax: (+353) 1 8217381 contact: Michael Flick Pietro Fiorentini Via Rosellini 1, Milano, 20124, Italy tel: (+390) 2 696 1421 fax: (+390) 2 688 0457 web: www.fiorentini.com email: [email protected] contact: Paolo Nardi

Pinsent Masons 30 Aylesbury Street, London, EC1R 0ER, UK tel: (+44) 020 7490 6243 fax: (+44) 020 7490 2545 web: www.pinsentmasons.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Cassidy PipeCare AS PO Box 308, Haugesund, N-5501, Norway tel: (+47) 52 77 70 00 fax: (+47) 51 99 00 50 web: www.pipecare.com email: [email protected] contact: Leif Aspen Pipecon BV 2 Laan van Kronenburg Box 500, Amstelveen, 1180 BE, Netherlands tel: (+31) 20 5452500 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd 66 Dukesway, Teesside Industrial Estate, Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 9LT, UK tel: (+44) 0164 276 9789 fax: (+44) 0164 276 9456 web: www.pipe-equipment.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Jane Bell Pipe Exchange Ltd 13831 Northwest Freeway, Suite 525, Houston, TX 77040, USA tel: (+1) 713 934 9480 fax: (+1) 713 934 9490 web: www.pipexch.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeff Crabtree Pipefreezing & Hot tapping Ltd Martello House, Martello Street, London, E8 3PE, UK tel: (+44) 020 7241 3111 fax: (+44) 020 7923 7354 web: www.pipefreeze.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: S. King

Pigging Products & Services Association PO Box 2, Stroud, Glos GL6 8YB, UK tel: (+44) 01285 760597 fax: (+44) 01285 760470 web: www.piggingassnppsa.com email: [email protected] Pigging Technology International Ltd 5326 - 89 Sreet, NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5P9, Canada tel: (+1) 780 450 9494 fax: (+1) 780 450 9393 web: www.pipelinepigging.com email: [email protected] contact: Paul Grewal Pigggott Shaft Drilling Ltd PO Box 63, Preston, PR4 0BT, UK tel: (+44) 01772 690 076 fax: (+44) 01772 690 840 web: www.psdmud.co.uk email: [email protected]

Pigtek Ltd Unit 2, Turnoaks Business Park, Burley Close, Chesterfield, Derbys S40 2HA, UK tel: (+44) 01246 558 855 fax: (+44) 01246 276 223 web: www.pigtek.com email: [email protected] contact: Ralph Hyslop

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Pipelife Nederland BV Postbus 380, Enkhuizen, 1600 AJ, Netherlands tel: (+31) 228 355555 fax: (+31) 228 355520 web: www.soluforce.com Pipe Ltd Unit L10, Telford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4LD, UK tel: (+44) 01869 324424 fax: (+44) 01869 323273 web: www.pipe-ltd.com email: [email protected] contact: Tony Tagg

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Find leaks faster and reduce your losses with cutting edge detection technology

Are you still looking for NG leaks at a painfully slow rate with hand-held or truck mounted "sniffers"? Improve your productivity and reduce losses with our Airborne Laser Pipeline Inspection Service (ALPIS™). A helicopter mounted laser system pinpoints leaks with GPS accuracy over 10 times faster than conventional methods and with greater sensitivity. ALPIS represents the cutting edge in gas leak detection available at a price comparable to ground surveys. Don't let outdated technology slow you down, use ALPIS today on your transmission or gathering system and enjoy the benefits this revolutionary service can offer.


LaSen, Inc. 300 N. Telshor, Ste 400 Las Cruces, NM 88011 Phone: (505) 522-5110 FAX: (505) 522-6355 Internet: www.laseninc.com

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In-line Inspection Association Main goals • To support the pipeline industry in the need to enhance pipeline integrity. • To raise the awareness of the ILI industry and its: • • • • •

overall products and services current technologies capabilities and limitations best practices and R&D initiatives.

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

• To liaise with industry associations and regulatory bodies. • To participate in the consensus development of the structures(such as API, ASNT, and NACE standards) that ensure provision of highquality ILI services. www.iliassociation.org


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Pipeline Construction Co Ltd PO Box 2 Tanacshaz u 9, Siofok, H-8601, Hungary tel: (+36) 84 310 310 fax: (+36) 84 310 505 Pipeline Construction & Engineering Supplies Ltd Unit 20, Wulfrun Trading Estate, Stafford Road, Wolverhampton WV10 6HH, UK tel: (+44) 01902 713402 fax: (+44) 01902 714216 web: www.pces.uk.com email: [email protected] contact: A. Tanner Pipeline Constructors plc Princewood Road, Northants, Corby, NN17 4AP, UK tel: (+44) 01536 400300 fax: (+44) 01536 400542 web: www.plcgroup.co.uk email: [email protected] Pipeline Consultants Ltd Chaddock Lane, Worsley, Manchester, M28 1XW, UK tel: (+44) 0161 790 1616 fax: (+44) 0161 790 4947 web: www.pipelineconsultants.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: D. Brock Pipeline Consulting Services 5726 Old Lodge, Houston, TX 77066-1514, USA tel: (+1) 713 440 3905 fax: (+1) 713 444 8611 Pipeline Dehydrators Inc 414 Pinckney Box 8898, Houston, TX 77249-8898, USA tel: (+1) 713 224 1105 fax: (+1) 713 229 0541 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd 1127 Wellshire Drive, Katy, TX 77494, USA tel: (+1) 713 859 8272 web: www.pipeline-design.com email: [email protected] contact: Terry Hughes Pipeline Engineering Gatherley Road, Catterick Bridge, Richmond, Yorks DL10 7JQ, UK tel: (+44) 01748 813 000 fax: (+44) 01748 813 501 web: www.pipelineengineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Willy Watson Pipeline Erectors 10 Wakefield Road, Foundersview, Gauteng, Modderfontein, 2128, South Africa tel: (+27) 11 452 7312 fax: (+27) 11 452 7436 web: www.ple.co.za contact: Deon Botes


Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd The Pipeline Centre, Farrington Road, Rossendale Road Industrial Estate, Burnley, Lancs BB11 5SW, UK tel: (+44) 01282 415 323 fax: (+44) 01282 415 326 web: www.pih.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Phil Bond Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd PO Box 55648, 77255-5648, 1919 Antoine, Houston, TX 77055, USA tel: (+1) 713 681 5837 fax: (+1) 713 681 4838 web: www.picltd.com

email: [email protected] contact: Jon Worrell Pipeline Inspection Consultant Ltd 1 Rectory Dene, Northumberland, Morpeth, NE61 2TD, UK tel: (+44) 01670 515251 fax: (+44) 01670 515251 The Pipeline Liner Co 303 West Wall, Suite 1202, Midland, TX 79701, USA tel: (+1) 432 683 9090 fax: (+1) 432 683 9094 web: www.pipelineliner.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Shelton Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd Unit 1, Cobnar Wood Close, Sheepbridge Industrial Estate, Chesterfield, S41 9RQ, UK tel: (+44) 01246 260560 fax: (+44) 01246 260544 contact: Tony Smith Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd 23 Sharlee Wynd, West Kilbride, KA23 9FD, UK tel: (+44) 01294 822800 fax: (+44) 01294 822800 web: www.pipelinepigging.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Alan Jennings Pipeline Pigging Products Inc PO Box 692005, Houston, TX 77269, USA tel: (+1) 281 351 6688 fax: (+1) 281 255 2385 web: www.pipepigs.com email: [email protected] contact: Shannon Kerr Pipeline Pigging Products & Accessories Ltd 149 Trans Amadi Industrial Lay Out, Port Harcourt, Nigeria tel: (+234) 84 463 592 fax: (+234) 84 238 647 web: www.piggingproducts.com contact: Udoka Onuoha Pipeline Processing Service Ltd Standbrook House 2-5 Old Bond St, London, W1X 3TB, UK tel: (+36) 1 214 7005 fax: (+36) 1 214 7006 Pipeline Protection Ltd West Side, Tyne Dock, Tyne & Wear, South Shields, NE34 9PX, UK tel: (+44) 0191 456 0386 fax: (+44) 0191 427 0185 web: www.pipelineprotection.co.uk email: [email protected] Pipeline Roller Systems Inc PO Box 691922, 408 E. 2nd St, Tulsa, OK 74169, USA tel: (+1) 918 371 8108 fax: (+1) 918 371 8110 web: www.pipelineroller.com email: [email protected] contact: Richard Willis / David Wilcox Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc 6525 Goforth Street, Houston, TX 77021, USA tel: (+1) 800 423 2410 fax: (+1) 713 747 6029 web: www.pipelineseal.com email: [email protected] contact: Don White Pipeline Seal & Insulator Co Ltd Unit 1A, Colmworth Business Park, Eaton Socon, St Neots PE19 8YH, UK

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tel: (+44) 01480 404 661 fax: (+44) 01480 404 662 web: www.pipelineseal.com email: [email protected] contact: Colin Carey Pipeline Services (PLS) PO Box 4500, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 555 45 13 fax: (+971) 2 555 39 93 email: [email protected] contact: Guy Grelaud Pipeline Strategies & Integrity 617 N. 17th Street, Suite 202, CO Springs, CO 80904, USA tel: (+1) 719 520 9279 fax: (+1) 719 520 9867 web: www.pipestrat.com email: [email protected] contact: Dan Williams Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc 6969 Ardmore, Houston, TX 77054, USA tel: (+1) 713 747 0090 fax: (+1) 713 747 0855 web: www.pipelinesupply.com email: [email protected] contact: Steven Myers Pipeline Technologies Co of China 166 Ainmin East Road, Hebei Province, Langfang City, 65000, China tel: (+86) 316 217 4491 fax: (+86) 316 207 4927 web: www.cnptc.com email: [email protected] contact: Liyuzhong Pipeline Technology Ltd Units 6 and 7, Albany Business Centre, Wickham Road, Fareham, PO17 5BD, UK tel: (+44) 01329 234888 fax: (+44) 01329 231717 web: www.pipetech.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: S Hodgson Pipeline Testing Services Rotherham Road, Dinnington, S Yorks, Sheffield, S25 3RD, UK tel: (+44) 01909 564911 fax: (+44) 01909 565170 Pipe Protection Services 8 Carmac Street Shantiniketan 13th Floor, Calcutta, 700 017, India tel: (+91) 33 242 2437 fax: (+91) 33 242 3747 PipeSak 205 - 1579 Hyde Park Rd, London, ON N6H 5L4, Canada tel: (+1) 519 472 5080 fax: (+1) 519 472 5748 web: www.pipesak.com Pipestar International, Inc 58 Paramount Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 2W3, Canada tel: (+1) 204 949 3910 fax: (+1) 204 949 3919 web: www.arcbends.com/ email: [email protected] Pipe Supports Ltd Salwarpe Road, Droitwich WR9 9BH, UK tel: (+44) 01905 795500 fax: (+44) 01905 794126 web: www.pipesupports.com email: [email protected] Pipesurvey International CV Schrijnwerkerstraat 13, PO Box 117, 3330 AC, Zwijndrecht, 3334 KH, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 610 1428

Company listing

Pipetech, Inc 3909 S. Elwood Ave., Tulsa, OK 74107, USA tel: (+1) 918 447 0200 fax: (+1) 918 447 0800 web: www.catpipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: David Darby

contact: Laurie Vaisey Pipework & Welding Services Inc Lambourn Woodlands, Berks, Hungerford, RG17 1TJ, UK tel: (+44) 01488 72700 fax: (+44) 01488 73263 Piping Technology and Products Inc 3701 Holmes Road, Houston, TX 77051, USA tel: (+1) 713 731 0030 fax: (+1) 713 731 8640 email: [email protected]

Pipe-tech Corporation Ltd 3311 - 114 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 3X2, Canada tel: (+1) 877 287 3558 fax: (+1) 403 243 6279 web: www.pipetechcorp.com email: [email protected] contact: Terry Lotwin

Pisces Conservation Ltd IRC House, The Square, Pennington, Lymington, Hants SO41 8GN, UK tel: (+44) 0159 067 6622 fax: (+44) 0159 067 5599 web: www.aquariusmarine.com email: [email protected]

Pipetronix GmbH Lorenzstrasse 10, Stutensee, 76297, Germany tel: (+49) 7244 7320 fax: (+49) 7244 732123 web: www.pipetronix.de

Plant and Pipeline 105 Cherry Hills, Rockport, TX 78382, USA tel: (+1) 361 790 5301 fax: (+1) 361 790 5521 email: [email protected] contact: Paul Davis

Pipetronix Ltd 50A Caldari Road Concord Road, Concord, ON L4K 4N8, Canada tel: (+1) 905 738 7559 fax: (+1) 905 738 7561

Plantation Pipe Line 945 E Paces Ferry Rd NE, PO Box 18616 (31126), Atlanta, GA 30326, USA tel: (+1) 404 816 3045 fax: (+1) 404 816 3045 web: www.plantation-ppl.com email: [email protected]

Pipetronix Sdn Bhd Unit 5-19, Level 5 Menara Maxisegar Pandan Indah, Kuala Lumpur, 56100, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 495 6912 fax: (+60) 3 495 9637 Pipetronix Inc Mexico Plaza de las Americas Local H 26-27-28, Tabasco, Villahermosa, 86030, Mexico tel: (+52) 93 16 55 24 fax: (+52) 93 16 60 59 Pipetronix A/S Norway Holmegatan 84 Box 572, Haugesund, N5501, Norway tel: (+47) 52 71 36 55 fax: (+47) 52 71 39 33 Pipetronix GmbH Sadovaja-Karetnaja 2/24, Moscow, 103006, Russia tel: (+7) 905 9247875 fax: (+7) 095 9752600 Pipetronix GmbH 25 International Business Park, #04-18/23, German Centre, 609916, Singapore tel: (+65) 562 8640 fax: (+65) 562 8649 Pipetronix UK Ltd Unit 12, Dales Industrial Estate, Peterhead, AB42 6JF, UK tel: (+44) 01779 471676 fax: (+44) 01779 471184 Pipetronix Inc 2207 Oil Center Court, Houston, TX 77073, USA tel: (+1) 713 821 7633 fax: (+1) 713 821 7596 Pipeway Ltd Pipeway House, Bishopstone Lane, Goddards Green, Hassocks BN6 9HG, UK tel: (+44) 01444 230011 fax: (+44) 01444 230055 web: www.pipewaygroup.com email: [email protected]

Plasflow 5 Holbrook AvenueHolbrook, Sheffield, S20 3FF, UK tel: (+44) 0114 251 4100 fax: (+44) 0114 251 4200 web: www.plasflow.com email: [email protected] Plastica Ltd Perimeter House, Napier Road, St Leonards N38 4NY, UK tel: (+44) 01424 857857 fax: (+44) 01 424 857858 web: www.plasticapools.com contact: Steve Smith

Poduzece Monter-Strojarske Montaze Nikole Demonje 4, Zagreb, 41000, Slovenia tel: (+41) 171 866 fax: (+41) 571 724 AO Podvodsibstroi ul. Rabochaya 35A, Tyumenskaya obl., Surgut, 626400, Russia tel: (+7) 3462 243770 fax: (+7) 3462 243732 Podvodgazenerhgoservis 142717 p/o Razvilka, Moskovskaya obl, Leninski raion, Besedy, Russia tel: (+7) 355 9148 fax: (+7) 399 0657 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya 30, Stroenie 1, Moscow, 1153035, Russia tel: (+7) 95 953 52 50 fax: (+7) 95 953 47 08 web: www.ptps.sl.ru email: [email protected] contact: Vladilen Ermolin Pogo Producing Co 5 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2700, Houston, TX 77046-0504, USA tel: (+1) 713 297 5000 fax: (+1) 713 297 4952 email: [email protected]

Polyguard Products PO Box 755, Ennis, TX 75120-0755, USA tel: (+1) 800 541 4994 fax: (+1) 972 875 9425 web: www.polyguardproducts.com email: [email protected] Polymer Fabrication Pty Ltd 52-56 Vivian Street, Kalgoorlie Boulder, 6432, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9093 3959 fax: (+61) 8 9093 3956 web: www.polymerfabrication.com email: [email protected] contact: suzie williams

Plenty Uniquip Pty Ltd 61 Alleyne Street PO Box D3031, Chatsworth, NSW 2967, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9417 4333 fax: (+61) 2 9417 5146 web: www.spec-net.com.au/company/ plenty.htm email: [email protected] Plugging Specialists International ASA PO Box 8011, Fabrikkveien 15, Posterminalen, Stavanger, 4068, Norway tel: (+47) 5144 3240 fax: (+47) 5144 3241 web: www.plugging.com email: [email protected] contact: Edd Tveit

Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc

Plypipe Mfg Co Ltd 6th/F, Rifeng Building, 16, Zumiao Road, Guangdong, 528000, China tel: (+86) 757 230 1712 fax: (+86) 757 230 2879 web: www.plypipe.com

Polar Delta Project 600, 11-5th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3Y6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 267 2666 fax: (+1) 403 267 2667

Platipus Anchors Ltd Kingsfield Buisness Centre Philanthropic Road, Surrey, Redhill, RH1 4DP, UK tel: (+44) 01737 762300 fax: (+44) 01737 773395 email: [email protected]

Plymouth Rubber Co Im Kuerzenen 7, Bodensee, Lindau, D88131, Germany tel: (+49) 8382 89 603 fax: (+49) 8382 887 133 email: [email protected]

Sukova Trida 1556, Pardubice, 532 33, Czech Republic tel: (+420) 467 000 111 fax: (+420) 46 65 35 195 email: [email protected] contact: Frantisek Fiser

Company listing - alphabetical

fax: (+31) 78 610 2128 web: www.pipesurveyinternational.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter van Beugen

Polymeric Pipe Technology Corp 1818 Lake Shore Ct, McKinney, TX 75070, USA tel: (+1) 972 542 9251 fax: (+1) 972 542 9241 web: www.polymericpipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Don Gish Polymold Products 8b-2, Parvati Industrial Estate, Sunmill Compound, Lower Parel W, Mumbai, 400013, India tel: (+91) 22 2492 2294 fax: (+91) 22 2496 8092 web: www.polymoldproducts.com email: [email protected] contact: Sachin Sampat

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Polypipe Building Products Ltd Broomhouse Ln, Edlington, Doncaster, Yorks DN12 1ES, UK tel: (+44) 0170 977 0000 fax: (+44) 0170 977 0001 web: www.polypipe.com/bp Polytec SA - Polyken-Canusa 176-bt 10 Avenue Louise, Brussels, B1050, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 649 61 62 fax: (+32) 2 648 06 91 email: [email protected] contact: Marc Gillis Porter Warehousing & Distribution Inc 15703 - 114 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5M2Z3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 453 5192 fax: (+1) 780 455 5958 web: www.porterwarehousing.com Portland-Montreal Pipe Line PO Box 2590, South Portland, ME 4116, USA tel: (+1) 207 767 0421 fax: (+1) 207 767 0442 Potterton Comercial Brooks House, Coventry Road, Warwick CV34 4LL, UK tel: (+44) 08706 050607 fax: (+44) 08706 001516 web: www.potterton.co.uk/commercial email: [email protected] contact: Mark Browne Powcon Inc 8123 Miralani Drive, San Diego, CA 92126, USA tel: (+1) 619 621 6300 fax: (+1) 619 621 6301 Powell Equipment Ltd 1455 Buffalo Palce, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 1L8, Canada tel: (+1) 204 453 4343 fax: (+1) 204 475 6812 email: [email protected] Poweram Inc 150 N. 18th Street, Barron, WI 54812-0153, USA tel: (+1) 715 537 9050 fax: (+1) 715 537 5655 web: www.poweram.com email: [email protected] Power Associates International 13117 Greenriver Drive, Houston, TX 77044-2499, USA tel: (+1) 281 458 7020 fax: (+1) 281 458 9124 web: www.paiInccom email: sales@paiInccom Powergen Gas Ltd Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8LG, UK tel: (+44) 02476 425239 fax: (+44) 02476 425019 web: www.pgen.com email: [email protected]


Power Lone Star Inc 6416 South Quebec Street, Englewood, CO 80111, USA tel: (+1) 303 741 3993 fax: (+1) 303 741 2548 email: [email protected] Power Measurement 2195 Keating Cross Rd, Saanichton, BC V8M 2A5, Canada tel: (+1) 250 652 7100 fax: (+1) 250 652 0411 web: www.pwrm.com

email: [email protected]

tel: (+44) 01960 381100

Powermole International 35 Church Road Business Centre, Kent, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RS, UK tel: (+44) 01795 425 425 fax: (+44) 01795 477 177 email: [email protected]

Premier Transmission 100 Thames Valley Park Drive, Reading, Berks RG6 1PT, UK tel: (+44) 0118 929 3363 fax: (+44) 0118 929 3487 email: [email protected] contact: David Wilks

Powerrun Project Management Ltd Prospect Works, South Street, Keighley, Yorks BD21 1DB, UK tel: (+44) 01535 667614 fax: (+44) 01535 667616 web: www.powerrun.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Paul Moore Power Technology Services Ltd Sixth Avenue, Flixborough Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe, DN15 8SH, UK tel: (+44) 01724 282500 fax: (+44) 01724 282064 web: www.powertechservices.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: K.M. Dobbs PowerWrap, LP 3605 West Pioneer Parkway, Suite C, Arlington, TX 76013, USA tel: (+1) 817 303 7473 web: www.powerwraplp.com email: [email protected] contact: Bill Vahrenkamp The company’s Aquawrap can be used to repair corrosion, dents, and some forms of mechanical damage, and conforms to the new ASME PCC-Repair Standard Article 4.1, Non-metallic composite repair systems for pipelines and pipework - high-risk applications. The pipeline-repair material was also recently full-scale tested to be called a “permanent pipeline repair” with strength properties of 50% of the original application after 25 years, which is twice the lifetime strength of “preformed rigid glass epoxy systems” over a 25-50 year period.

Prenaft Sp zoo 25 Ul Lubic, Krakow, Poland tel: (+48) 124 210 433 fax: (+48) 124 303 382 Prestige Industrial Pipework Equipment Ltd Unit B8Telford Road, Oxon, Bicester, OX6 0TZ, UK tel: (+44) 01869 324424 Preussag AG Heinrich-Hertz Str 23Box 1320, Hemmingen, D-30966, Germany tel: (+49) 511 420 6202 fax: (+49) 511 420 6330 Preussag AG Lynx HouseMansfield RoadAston, Sheffield, S31 0BS, UK tel: (+44) 0114 287 9911 fax: (+44) 0114 287 3698 Preussag Do Brazil Ind E Com Ltda Praia de Botafogo 228/ Sala 1006 Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, BR22250-4, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 552 1998 fax: (+55) 21 552 1245 Preussag Energie GmbH Postfach 13 60, Lingen, D-49803, Germany tel: (+49) 591 612 0 fax: (+49) 591 612 7000 email: [email protected] Preussag Saudi Arabia Ltd Box 6208, Riyadh, 11442, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 1 4647089 fax: (+966) 1 4655319

Pow-R Devices, Inc 5940 Goodrich Rd, PO Box 245, Clarence Center, NY 14032-0245, USA tel: (+1) 716 741 2841 fax: (+1) 716 741 9606 web: www.wateronline.com

Preussag Wasser und Rohrtechnik GmbH PO Box 1320, Hemmingen, D-30955, Germany tel: (+49) 511 4206 0 fax: (+49) 511 4206330

Praxair Services Inc 3755N Business Centre Dr, Tuscon, AZ 85705-2844, USA tel: (+1) 520 888 7641 fax: (+1) 520 293 1306 web: www.praxair.com/services email: [email protected] contact: Mindy Strickling

H C Price Co 5353 Alpha Road, Dallas, TX 75240, USA tel: (+1) 972 773 1333 fax: (+1) 972 991 6059

Premier Oilfield Rentals Ltd Kirkton Avenue, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BF, UK tel: (+44) 01224 724900 fax: (+44) 01224 770177 web: www.premieroilfield.com email: [email protected] contact: Dennis Clark Premier Oil plc 23 Lower Belgrave St, London, SW1W 0NR, UK tel: (+44) 020 7730 1111 fax: (+44) 020 7730 4696 web: www.premier-oil.com email: [email protected] Premier Power Ltd Ballylumford Power Station, Antrim, Islandmagee, BT40 3RS, UK

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Price Supply Inc 109 Carson Road, Broussard, LA 70518, USA tel: (+1) 337 837 2466 fax: (+1) 337 837 1482 web: www.pricesupply.net email: [email protected] Pride Companies LP 1209 N 4th, PO Box 2436, Abiliene, TX 79604, USA tel: (+1) 915 674 8000 fax: (+1) 915 674 8180 Primary Flow Signal 117 Pettaconsett Avenue, Cranston, RI 2920, USA tel: (+1) 877 737 3569 fax: (+1) 401 461 4450 web: www.primaryflowsignal.com email: [email protected] Primavera Systems Inc Three Bala Plaza West, Suite 700, Bala

Company listing

Prime Energy 4225 College St, Beaumont, TX 77707, USA tel: (+1) 409 284 9911 web: www.primeenergyrental.com email: [email protected] contact: Dan Caywood Primeshade Contractors Ltd Primeshade House, Heol Mostyn Village Farm Industrial Estate, Pyle, CF33 6BJ, UK tel: (+44) 01656 746334 fax: (+44) 01656 746680 web: www.primeshade.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Ben Collins Privolgsknefteprovod ul. Leninskaya 100, Samara, 443020, Russia tel: (+7) 8462 333596 fax: (+7) 8462 325270 Proclad Induction Bending Services West Quay Road, Sunderland Enterprise Park East, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR5 2TE, UK tel: (+44) 0191 548 1666 fax: (+44) 0191 548 1777 web: www.procladint.com contact: David Arbon Productivity Links, Inc 2441 High Timbers Dr., Suite 420, The Woodlands, TX 77380, USA tel: (+1) 281 681 3600 fax: (+1) 281 681 3621 web: www.productivitylinks.com contact: Lauri Thomas Productora Mexicana De Tuberia Isla Del Cayacal, Michoacan, Lazaro Cardenas, 60950, Mexico tel: (+52) 753 73701 fax: (+52) 753 73709 email: [email protected] Productos Tubulares Carretera de Galindo a Ugarte, s/n, Barrio Sagarribai, 2, Bizkaia, Trapagaran Valle de Trapaga, 48510, Spain tel: (+34) 94 495 5011 fax: (+34) 94 472 8418 web: www.productostubulares.com Productos Tubulars SA Carretera Galindo a Ugarte s/n, Vizcaya, Valle de Trapaga, 48510, Spain tel: (+34) 94 495 5011 fax: (+34) 94 472 8419 web: www.productostubulares.com Profiweld Spol SRO Palaarikova 1, Trnava, 91701, Slovakia tel: (+42) 80 527 396 fax: (+42) 80 525 879 Project Management Ltd Killakee House Belgard Square Tallaght, Dublin, 24, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 404 0700 fax: (+353) 1 459 9785 Project Resources Ltd Box 53, Site 310, R.R. 3, Stony Plain, AB T7Z1X3, Canada tel: (+1) 780 963 4141 fax: (+1) 780 963 4066 email: [email protected]

fax: (+44) 0191 442 4222 web: www.the-cap-company.co.uk

contact: Brian P. Somerville Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc 590 Circle Dr., Casper, WY 82601, USA tel: (+1) 307 237 2730 fax: (+1) 307 266 2995 web: www.pro-kote.com email: [email protected] contact: Leigh England Proline Pipe Equipment Inc 6120 Davies Road, Edmonton, AB T6E 4M9, Canada tel: (+1) 780 465 6161 fax: (+1) 780 469 3590 web: www.prolinepipeequipment.com email: [email protected] contact: Cliff Anderson Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd Piperscroft, 1 Sebright Cottages, Wolverley Village, Kidderminster, DY11 5XD, UK tel: (+44) 01562 850090 fax: (+44) 01562 850090 web: www.prolinepipes.com email: [email protected] contact: Trevor Botterill Pronto Services (UK) Ltd Amberley Drive, Sinfin, DE24 9RE, UK tel: (+44) 01332 271133 fax: (+44) 01332 771506 Propetrol SA 65 Quai Jocoutot, Strasbourg, 67000, France tel: (+33) 388 45 90 10 fax: (+33) 388 45 90 20 Propipe Bario 15-7C, Madrid, 28021, Spain tel: (+34) 6 3912 1305 fax: (+34) 9 1505 7383 web: www.propipe.es email: [email protected] contact: Kasra K. Afshar Propipe Ltd Prospect Way, Park View Industrial Estate, Hartlepool, Cleveland TS25 1UD, UK tel: (+44) 01429 890190 fax: (+44) 01429 890198 web: www.propipe.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Margaret Eyles Proplug Ltd Prospect Way, Park View Industrial Estate, Hartlepool, Cleveland TS25 1UD, UK tel: (+44) 01429 890190 fax: (+44) 01429 890198 web: www.proplug.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Margaret Eyles

Servicios Protexa Construcciones Carretera Monterrey Saltillo Km 339, Santa Catarina LN, Mexico tel: (+52) 83 362 112 fax: (+52) 83 362 260 Protexa SA Apartado Postal 1141, Monterrey NL, Mexico tel: (+52) 48 10 50 Proto Manufacturing 1980 East MI Ave., Ypsilanti, MI 481986010, USA tel: (+1) 313 965 2900 web: www.protoxrd.com email: [email protected] contact: Robert Drake For over 25 years, Proto Manufacturing has been a provider of x-ray-diffraction residual-stress measurement systems and measurement services. The significant effect that residual stress has on the performance and life of a component makes it extremely important to characterize these stresses. Residual stress plays an important role in many of the issues found in pipelines, such as stress-corrosion cracking (SCC), hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), fatigue cracking, welding stresses, heattreatment effectiveness, surface enhancements due to cold work, bending due to seismic activity, and installation stresses. The full benefit of a design can only be achieved when the correct beneficial residual stresses have been introduced into a component and harmful residual stresses have been minimized.

Company listing - alphabetical

Cynwyd, PA 19004, USA tel: (+1) 610 667 8600 fax: (+1) 610 667 7894 web: www.primavera.com email: [email protected]

X-ray diffraction is a portable, nondestructive, quantitative, highly-accurate and robust method to quantify residual stress. Modern equipment makes it quick and easy to do measurements in the laboratory, in-line, and in the field. Proto’s portable measurement systems enable measurements to be easily performed on pipelines in the field. P2S SECO One Galleria Boulevard, Suite 2100, Metairie, LA 70001, USA tel: (+1) 504 834 8100 fax: (+1) 504 831 8828 web: www.p2sworld.com email: [email protected] contact: Glenn Walker Public Service Co of Colorado 1225 17th St, Suite 2000, Denver, CO 80202, USA tel: (+1) 303 571 7511 fax: (+1) 303 294 8120

Pro Plus, Inc 11150 S Wilcrest Drive, Suite 101, Houston, TX 77099, USA tel: (+1) 281 568 9200 fax: (+1) 281 568 9998 web: www.proplusInccom email: gerald@proplusInccom contact: Gerald Steindorff Pro Tapping Inc 8 West Lake Avenue, Medford, New Jersey 8055, USA tel: (+1) 856 983 5442 fax: (+1) 856 985 8621 web: www.protapping.com email: [email protected] contact: Charlene Miller Protec Princes Park, Team Valley, Tyne & Wear, Gateshead, NE11 0NF, UK tel: (+44) 0191 442 4242

Pullmaster Winch Corporation 8247 - 130th Street, Surrey, BC V3W 7X4, Canada tel: (+1) 604 594 4444 fax: (+1) 604 591 7332 web: www.team-twg.com/PullMaster email: [email protected] Pulsar Process Measurement Harmac House, Chequers Court, Enigma Business Park, Malvern WR14 1GP, UK tel: (+44) 0870 603 9112 fax: (+44) 0870 603 9114 web: www.pulsar-pm.com email: [email protected] contact: Keith Flint

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Punj Lloyd Ltd Punj Lloyd House, 17-18 Nehru Place, New Delhi, 110019, India tel: (+91) 11 262 00123 fax: (+91) 11 262 00111 web: www.punjlloyd.com email: [email protected] contact: Atul Punj PT Punj Lloyd Indonesia Wisma Danamon Aaetna Life14th FloorJl Jend Sudirman Kav 45-46, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 577 1835 fax: (+62) 21 577 1838 web: www.punjlloyd.com email: [email protected] PT Purna Bina Indonesia Gedung Patra, 1st Floor Jl Gatot Subroto Kav 32-34, Jakarta, 12950, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 516562 fax: (+62) 21 512440 Purtech Inc 12 Progress Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, USA tel: (+1) 800 452 1669 fax: (+1) 570 424 0397 web: www.purtech.com contact: James CP Purington Pycorsa Rio Tiber No 66, Mexico DF, 6500, Mexico tel: (+905) 533 5890 Pyramid Plant Hire Ltd Hixon Industrial Estate, Hixon, Stafford ST18 0QB, UK tel: (+44) 01889 270610 fax: (+44) 01889 271099 web: www.pyramid.co.uk email: [email protected]

Q QA Management Services Pty Ltd 5/202 Hampden Road, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9386 5555 fax: (+61) 8 9386 8200 web: www.qamanage.com.au email: [email protected] QGM Energy PO Box 8628, 122 Al Jadaf Dry Docks, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4324 1135 fax: (+971) 4324 2241 contact: R. Byers Faysal M Qahtani Sons Co PO Box 256, Abqaiq, 31992, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 572 8872 fax: (+966) 3 572 3564 Qatar General Petroleum PO Box 3212, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 491 491 fax: (+974) 831 125 Qatar Liquefied Gas Co PO Box 22666, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 473 60 web: www.qatargas.com


Qatar National Navigation & Transport Co Ltd PO Box 153 Corniche Street, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 468 666 fax: (+974) 468 777 Quantum Marketing Group PO Box 2848, Anaheim, CA, USA tel: (+1) 714 563 9749

fax: (+1) 714 776 6208 web: www.quantummarkers.com email: [email protected] Questar Corp 180 E First South St, PO Box 45433, Salt Lake City, Utah 84145, USA tel: (+1) 801 324 5000 fax: (+1) 801 324 5483 Questus Recruitment 1060, 1015-4th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1J4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 232 1333 fax: (+1) 403 263 4893 web: www.questus.ca email: [email protected] contact: Amanda McLean

email: [email protected] READ Well Services AS Ravnsborgson 56, Hvalstad, PO Box 193, Olso, N-1378, Norway tel: (+47) 6685 1800 fax: (+47) 6685 1801 web: www.readgroup.com email: [email protected] RIPC Ltd 11811 E. Freeway, Suite 530, Houston, TX 77029, USA tel: (+1) 713 450 9781 fax: (+1) 713 450 9696 web: www.ripcInccom


RKI Instruments, Inc 1855 Whipple Rd., Hayward, CA 94544, USA tel: (+1) 800 754 5165 fax: (+1) 510 441 5650 web: www.rkiinstruments.com

RAB CZ sro 11 Na Srpecku, Prague, 15200, Czech Republic tel: (+420) 251 681 207 fax: (+420) 251 681 770

R.L. Coolsaet Construction Co. PO Box 279, Taylor, MI 48180, USA tel: (+1) 734 946 9300 fax: (+1) 734 946 9303

RAB GmbH 100 Riesaer St, PO Box 741107, Leipzig, D-04419, Germany tel: (+49) 341 657 50 fax: (+49) 341 657 6555 web: www.rab.de email: [email protected] RAB Polska 8 Ul Rolna, Gdansk, 80278, Poland tel: (+48) 585 204 141 fax: (+48) 585 204 143 R + K Consulting Engineers 44 Geestbrugweg, Rijswijk, NL-2281 CM, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 390 6890 fax: (+31) 70 398 9475 web: www.rkconsult.nl email: [email protected] contact: G. Kruisman / K.W. Radder RAMA Energy Ltd 97 Somerglen Park Sw, Calgary, AB T2Y 3M5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 256 1772 fax: (+1) 403 201 6611 email: [email protected] R&R Visual Inc 1828West Olson Road, Rochester, Indiana 46975, USA tel: (+1) 219 223 5426 fax: (+1) 219 223 7953 email: [email protected] RB Pipetech Ltd Centurion House, New York Way, New York Industrial Estate, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE27 0QF, UK tel: (+44) 0191 258 8800 fax: (+44) 0191 258 8811 web: www.rbpipetech.com email: [email protected] contact: Dick Betteridge RDC 44C Galle Road, Colombo, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka tel: (+94) 1 738962 fax: (+94) 1 624000 R/D Tech 505 Blvd du Parque-Technologique, Quebec, Quebec G1P 276, Canada tel: (+1) 418 872 1155 fax: (+1) 418 872 5431 web: www.rd-tech.com

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RMS Welding Systems 1409 - 4th Street, Nisku, AB T9E 7M9, Canada tel: (+1) 780 955 3907 fax: (+1) 780 955 3996 web: www.rmsweldingsystems.com email: [email protected] contact: Joe Hall RNGS Iversiones Madeco Sa Apporlado De Correos 67, Hospitalet del Infante, Tarragona, 43890, Spain tel: (+977) 823 277 fax: (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine 4/10 Tbilisky Side St, Kiev, Ukraine tel: (+380) 238 0390 fax: (+380) 238 0432 ROW Services Engineering, ROW Services Engineering, , 3730 Kirby Dr, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77098, USA tel: (+1) 713 834 1160 fax: (+1) 713 834 1162 RPM Solutions 106 KOL Dr., Suite G, Broussard, LA 70518, USA tel: (+1) 337 839 8610 fax: (+1) 337 839 8611 web: www.rpm-solution.com RPS MCOS Ltd Carnegie House, Library Road, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 202 0870 fax: (+353) 1 202 0707 web: www.rpsgroup.ie contact: PJ Rudden RPS Water Services Ltd 6 Manaton Court, Manaton Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter, EX2 8PF, UK tel: (+44) 01392 677333 fax: (+44) 01392 677335 web: www.rpsplc.co.uk/water email: [email protected] contact: Arthur Arscott RRS Engineering 2525 South Shore Boulevard, #206, League City, TX 77573, USA tel: (+1) 281 334 4220 fax: (+1) 281 334 5809 web: www.rrseng.com email: [email protected]

R S Consultants Ltd 9 Stirling Close, Warboys, Huntingdon, PE28 2RF, UK tel: (+44) 0148 782 4100 fax: (+44) 0148 782 4200 web: www.rsconsultants.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Russell Smith RSK ENSR Group Spring Lodge, 172 Chester Road, Helsby, Cheshire WA6 OAR, UK tel: (+44) 01928 726006 fax: (+44) 01928 725633 web: www.rskensr.com email: [email protected] contact: Alan Ryder RSP Services General Delivery, #3 Hillside Rd, Esther, AB T0J1H0, Canada tel: (+1) 403 676 2251 fax: (+1) 403 676 3769 RST Projects Ltd Unit 3, Newhailes Industrial Estate, Musselburgh, EH21 6SY, UK tel: (+44) 0131 653 3700 fax: (+44) 0131 653 3707 web: www.rstprojects.co.uk email: [email protected] RTD Group Delftweg 144, PO Box 10065, Rotterdam, 3004 AB, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 208 8208 fax: (+31) 10 415 8943 web: www.rtd-group.com email: [email protected] contact: Lisette Maarleveld RTD (UK) Ltd Hareness Circle, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB12 3LY, UK tel: (+44) 01224 890010 RTRC Switzerland Obere Spichermatt 14, Stans, 6370, Switzerland tel: (+41) 41 618 0350 fax: (+41) 41 618 0399 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Radiodetection Ltd Western Drive, Bristol, BS14 0AZ, UK tel: (+44) 01179 767 7776 fax: (+44) 01275 976 7775 web: www.radiodetection.com email: [email protected] contact: Barney Walker Radiodetection RR#2 Box 756, Bridgton, ME 4009, USA tel: (+1) 877 247 3797 fax: (+1) 207 647 9496 web: www.radiodetection.com email: [email protected] contact: Chuck Morton Radyne Division Inductoheat Europe Ltd Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, RG41 2PX, UK tel: (+44) 0118 978 3333 fax: (+44) 0118 977 1729 web: www.radyne.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Steve Baskerville Supply of process solutions for field-joint and linepipe coating, and weld heat treatment; supply of equipment, service, and complete turnkey process solutions. Railway Procurement Agency Parkgate Business Centre, Parkgate

Business Street, Dublin 8, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 646 3400 fax: (+353) 1 646 3401 web: www.rpa.ie email: [email protected] contact: Micheal Sheedy Rainbow Pipe Line Co Ltd 330 - 5th Ave SW, PO Box 800, Calgary, AB T2P 2J7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 260 7314 fax: (+1) 403 260 4332 Rain for Rent 3404 State Road, PO Box 2248, Bakersfield, CA 93308, USA tel: (+1) 800 742 7246 fax: (+1) 661 393 1542 web: www.rainforrent.com email: [email protected] contact: Anna Porter

Redman Fittings Ltd Unit B, Spring Lane, Malvern, WR14 1BY, UK tel: (+44) 01684 560243 fax: (+44) 01684 572540 web: www.redmanfittings.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Welburn Red River Gas Pipeline Co 333 Clay St, Suite 2000, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 739 2900 fax: (+1) 713 739 6696 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd Clare HouseCoppermill Lane, Middlesex, Harefield, UB9 6HZ, UK tel: (+44) 01895 823711 fax: (+44) 01895 82157

Ramco Tubular Services Ltd Badentoy Road, Badentoy Park, Portlethen, Aberdeen, AB12 4YA, UK tel: (+44) 01224 782278 fax: (+44) 01224 783001 contact: S Cumming Rand Water PO Box 1127, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa tel: (+27) 11 682 0257 Ranger Directional Inc Lafayette, Louisiana, USA tel: (+1) 318 837 5447 fax: (+1) 318 837 2409 Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co PO Box 24200, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 473 84 fax: (+974) 473 81 web: www.rasgas.net Rautaruukki Suolakivenkatu 1, PO Box 138, Helsinki, FIN-00811, Finland tel: (+358) 20 5911 fax: (+358) 20 592 9088 web: www.ruukki.com email: [email protected] Raychem (Australia) Pty Ltd Ultratec Division 4 Frederick Street, Croydon, Vic 3136, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9723 0659 fax: (+61) 3 9723 0659 Raychem Chemelex Division Diestsesteenweg 692, Kessel-Lo, B-3010, Belgium tel: (+32) 16 351 204 fax: (+32) 16 351 634 Raychem Corporation 1689 Brandy Wine Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, USA tel: (+1) 619 482 8323 fax: (+1) 619 482 2813 Razrabotki I ekspluatatsii neftepromyslovykh trub institut (VNIITneft) ul. Avrory 110, Samara, 443069, Russia tel: (+7) 8462 630116 fax: (+7) 8462 635706 Real Time Engineering Ltd Academy House, Academy ParkGower St, Glasgow, G51 1PR, UK tel: (+44) 0141 427 4142 fax: (+44) 0141 427 6263 web: www.rtel.com email: [email protected]

Reinders-Wessemius BV Rademakerstraat 11 PO Box 29, Emmer Compascuum, 7880 AA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 591 351237 fax: (+31) 591 354140 Reintjes Engineering Ltd 18051 - 107th Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5S 1K3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 486 3411 fax: (+1) 403 489 2022 Renault Trucks 99 Route de Lyon, Saint Priest Cedex, 69806, France tel: (+33) 1 3449 2529 fax: (+33) 1 3449 2572 web: www.renault-trucks.com email: [email protected] contact: Jean-Maries Lejuste

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

SC Republica SA 256 Basarabia Ave, Bucharest 3, 73429, Romania tel: (+40) 1 255 0072 fax: (+40) 1 255 4571 Republica Trading Ltd 3 Mogos Vornicul Street, Bucharest, 73103, Romania tel: (+40) 1 256 33 44 fax: (+40) 1 256 09 58 web: www.r-trading.net Refineria La Rabida (RLR) - Crupo CEPSA Apartado 289, Poligono Industrial Nuevo Puerto s/n, Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, 21080, Spain tel: (+34) 9593 79400 fax: (+34) 9593 79439 web: www.cepsa.es email: [email protected] contact: Juan Perez Ramirez-Ing. de Proyectos Rexa Koso America 385 West Street, West Bridgewater, MA 2379, USA tel: (+1) 508 584 1199 fax: (+1) 508 584 2525 web: www.rexa.com Reynolds Equipment Co 3233 W. Kingsley Rd., Garland, TX 75041, USA tel: (+1) 800 775 3424 fax: (+1) 469 429 5281 web: www.reynoldsequipment.com email: [email protected] A.B.Rhead & Associates Ltd 9 Market Place, Warwick CV34 4SA, UK tel: (+44) 01926 491333 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+44) 01926 491321 web: www.abrhead.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Loggie Rhinecourt Ltd Crofton Road, Allenby Trading Estate, Lincoln, LN3 4NL, UK tel: (+44) 01522 548558 Rice Engineering & Operating Ltd 9333-41 Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 6R5, Canada tel: (+1) 780 469 1356 fax: (+1) 780 469 2587 web: www.riceeng.com email: [email protected] Rilmount Development Ltd Brownsbarn, Co Dublin, Baldonnel, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 459 22 33 RiskAdvisory Software Inc 610, 1414-8th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1J6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 263 7475 fax: (+1) 403 263 2945 web: www.riskadvisory.com Ritmo America 300 Acuff Rd, Lake Wales, FL 33859, USA tel: (+1) 863 679 8655 fax: (+1) 863 679 8685 web: www.ritmoamerica.com email: [email protected] contact: Andre Muraro Riveco SPA 2 Via Chiesaccia, Crespellano, 40056, Italy tel: (+39) 517 39206 fax: (+39) 517 39142 contact: A. Mazzoni River Pipeline Corp PO Box 1311, Big Spring, TX 79721, USA tel: (+1) 915 263 9400 fax: (+1) 915 263 9499 Roberts Products Logand Road, Motherwell, ML1 3NP, UK tel: (+44) 01698 242418 fax: (+44) 01698 275487 web: www.motherwellbridge.com email: [email protected] contact: Norman Roberts Roc-Engineering 44 Petworth Court, Bath Road, Reading RG1 6PH, UK tel: (+44) 07920 844845 web: www.roc-engineering.com email: [email protected] contact: Kerry Pritchard Rochester Gas & Electric Corp 89 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14649, USA tel: (+1) 716 546 2700 fax: (+1) 716 771 2878


Rock Fall Co Ltd Westminster House, Crompton Way, Segensworth W, Fareham, Hants PO15 5SS, UK tel: (+44) 01489 885876 fax: (+44) 01409 578381 email: [email protected] Rohde & Lisenfeld Projects 16825 Northchase Drive, Suite 1250, Houston, TX 77060, USA tel: (+1) 281 875 1923 fax: (+1) 281 875 8334 web: www.rolitrans.com email: [email protected] contact: Simon Harris

Rollins Resources PO Box 250, 1875 Schoenau Road, Industry, TX 78944-0250, USA tel: (+1) 979 277 8760 fax: (+1) 979 3574651 email: [email protected] contact: John Rollins Rontgen Technische Dienst BV Delftweg 144, Rotterdam, 3046 NC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 208 8208 fax: (+31) 10 415 8943 web: www.rtd-group.com email: [email protected] contact: R van Agthoven Rooney Engineering Inc 12201 E Arapaho Road C-10, Englewood, CO 80112, USA tel: (+1) 303 792 5911 fax: (+1) 3033 792 0227 Samuel Rose Cottage Farm, Northampton, Sywell, NN6 0BJ, UK tel: (+44) 01604 782700 fax: (+44) 01604 782701 email: [email protected] Rosen Headquarters Obere Spichermatt 14, Stans, 6370, Switzerland tel: (+41) 41 618 0300 fax: (+41) 41 618 0319 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Wolfgang Krieg

The Rosen Group was created to meet the challenging need to inspect complex and sensitive engineering structures such as oil and gas pipelines and aboveground storage tanks. The company is active in more than 80 countries worldwide and offers a full range of products and services covering pipe diameters up to 64in for any length or configuration, including short bend radii, changes in diameter, and full-branch outlets. The products include a comprehensive range of tools and accessories to achieve optimum results in all possible circumstances. Rosen offers cleaning, in-line inspection, robotic inspection, optical inspection, plant and facility inspection, data services, and asset integrity management support. Rosen Argentina Paraguay 1345 Piso 12, Buenos Aires, C 1057 AAU, Argentina tel: (+54) 11 4813 7970 fax: (+54) 11 4813 7970 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Rosen Australia Pty Ltd 38 - 40 Wittenberg Drive, Canning Vale, WA 6155, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9456 4855 fax: (+61) 8 9456 4811 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Neil Pain

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Rosen Brazil Rua Aguiar Moreira 346, Bonsucesso, Rio de Janeiro, 21041-070, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 3977 5524 fax: (+55) 21 3977 5526 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Rosen Canada Suite 10, 2915 - 10 Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB T2A 5L4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 269 1190 fax: (+1) 403 204 8490 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Rosen Europe Zutphenstraat 15, Oldenzaal, 7575 EJ, Netherlands tel: (+31) 541 587 000 fax: (+31) 541 587 130 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Erik Cornelissen Rosen Far East 1, Jalan Jurubina U1/18, HICOM Glenmarie Industrial Park, Shah Alam, Selangor, 40150, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 5569 9000 fax: (+60) 3 5569 6000 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Roslan Arshah Rosen Mexico Calle 2 No. 100, Col. Lecheros, Boca del Rio, Veracruz, CP 94295, Mexico tel: (+52) 229 923 2430 fax: (+52) 229 923 2431 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Rosen Middle East PO Box 61408, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 881 4495 fax: (+971) 4 887 2032 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Mohammed Jaarah Rosen Russia Volokolamskoye shosse 73, Office 119, Moscow, 125424, Russia tel: (+7) 495 780 3574 fax: (+7) 495 780 3574 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Rosen Saudi Arabia PO Box 1199, Dammam, 31431, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 815 0487 fax: (+966) 3 815 0486 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger Rosen Ukraine Office 3, 30A Saksaganskogo St, Kiev, 1033, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 568 5049 fax: (+380) 44 568 5049 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Pascale Heiniger

Rosen USA 14120 Interdrive East, Houston, TX 77032, USA tel: (+1) 281 442 8282 fax: (+1) 281 442 8866 web: www.roseninspection.net email: [email protected] contact: Guenter Sundag Rosneftegazstroy JSC 15 Donskaya Street, Moscow, 119 049, Russia tel: (+7) 95 933 1970 fax: (+7) 95 933 7412 web: www.rngs.ru email: [email protected] Ross Equipment 70 Bertrand Avenue, ON, Toronto, M1K 2S6, Canada tel: (+1) 416 285 1980 fax: (+1) 416 285 1322 web: www.omakron.com email: [email protected] Rotterdam-Rijn Pijpleiding MIJ NV Borweg 7, PO Box 90 716, The Hague, 2509 LS, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 416 5666 fax: (+31) 70 416 5699 Melvyn Rowberry Welding Services Ltd Unit 6, Worcs Trading Estate, Blackpole, Worcester, WR3 8HR, UK tel: (+44) 01905 755055 fax: (+44) 01905 755053 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son Box 107, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 272000 fax: (+971) 2 272001 Rubinetterie Utensilerie Bonomi SrL Via Padana Superiore, 27/29, Fraz Ciliverghe, Mazzano, 25080, Italy tel: (+39) 030 212441 fax: (+39) 030 2629498 web: www.rubvalves.com Rubis-Stockage Zone Portuaire Nord, 603 Ropute de Sablons, Salaise sur Sanne, France tel: (+33) 474 627 676 Ruesch Co New York, 460 Park Ave, New York, NY 10022, USA tel: (+1) 212 838 0500 RWE-DEA Aktiengesellschaft fuer Mineraloel & Chemie Postfach 60 04 49, Ueberseeing 40, Hamburg, D-22297, Germany tel: (+49) 40 63750 fax: (+49) 40 6375 34996 web: www.rwe-dea.de email: [email protected] Rycom Instruments, Inc 9351 East 59th Street, Raytown, MO 64133, USA tel: (+1) 800 851 7347 fax: (+1) 816 353 5050 web: www.rycominstruments.com email: [email protected]

S S & S Machinery Corp 140-53rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11232, USA tel: (+1) 718 492 7400 fax: (+1) 718 439 3930 web: www.sandsmachinery.com

SAETI 48 rue Amani Belkacem, Hydra-Alger, Algeria tel: (+213) 601102 fax: (213) 692237

Switzerland tel: (+41) 22 739 9111 fax: (+41) 22 739 9886 web: www.sgs.com contact: Eva Goyena

SB Construction and MaritimeServices bv Kruisweg 829, Hoofddorp, 2132 NG, Netherlands tel: (+31) 23 55 47 600 fax: (+31) 23 55 47 699

SIF-Isopipe SA 424 Chemin de la Crau, Velaux, 13880, France tel: (+33) 42 877 300 fax: (+33) 42 747 505 SIF-Isopipe The Architects House, Granatny Pereoulok 7, Ofc 55, Moscow, Russia tel: (+7) 095 956 6108 fax: (+7) 095 956 6111

SBM Production Contractors Inc 5 route de Fribourg, Marly, CH - 1723, Switzerland tel: (+41) 26 437 1161 fax: (+41) 26 436 3313 SBR Offshore Ltd 280 Torbay Road, Bally Rou, PlBox 9600, St John’s, New Foundland A1A 3C1, Canada tel: (+1) 709 754 0250 fax: (+709) 739 6823

SIMCO Drilling Equipment Inc 802 Furnas Drive, PO Box 448, Osceola, IA 50213, USA tel: (+1) 800 338 9925 fax: (+1) 641 342 6764 web: www.simcodrill.com email: [email protected]

SCG Pipeline 1426 Main Street, Columbia, SC, SC 29218, USA tel: (+1) 803 217 8776 fax: (+1) 803 217 8088 web: www.scgpipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Greg Dodd

SLP Engineering Ltd Hamilton House, Battery Green Road, Lowestoft NR32 1DE, UK tel: (+44) 01502 587322 fax: (+44) 01502 585525 web: www.slp-eng.com email: [email protected] contact: David Edwards

SCI Ctra Ajalvir-Torrejon, Km 1.8, Ajalvir, 28864, Spain tel: (+34) 91 884 4393 fax: (+34) 91 884 4324 web: www.scisa.es email: [email protected] contact: Manuel Lorenzo

SMC Group Donmoy House, Dubber Cross, St Margaret’s Road, Finglas, Dublin, 11, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 8580200 fax: (+353) 1 8361050 web: www.smcgroup.ie email: [email protected] contact: Phelim Moylan

SCISYS Methuen Park, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 0GB, UK tel: (+44) 0124 946 6466 fax: (+44) 0124 946 6664 web: www.scisys.co.uk email: [email protected] SE Asia Pipe Industries Wisma bakrie Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B-1, Jakarta, 12920, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21525 0192 fax: (+62) 21520 5501 web: seapi.co.id email: [email protected] contact: Rahbudi Saiful SEC Energy Products and Sevices 9523 Fairbanks N Houston Rd, Houston, TX 77064, USA tel: (+1) 281 890 9977 fax: (+1) 281 890 0211 web: sec-ep.com email: [email protected] contact: Gary Hyde SEIG 620 Blaise Pascal Ave, ZI Batimnet Alligator, PO Box 76, Moyssy Cramayel, 77552, France SES Strategies Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Road, Perth, PH2 0NJ, UK tel: (+44) 01738 450475 fax: +(44) 01738 450476 web: www.sesstrategies.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Jock Hutchinson SGS 1 Place des Alpes, PO Box 2152, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland, 1211,

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

SOCAR (State Oil Co of the Azerbaijan Republic) Neftchilar Prospekt 73, Baku, 370004, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 12 920 745 fax: (+994) 12 921 015 SOGEA 9 Place de l’Europe BP 320, Rueil Maimaison, 92851, France tel: (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 fax: (+33) 1 47 51 91 01 SOGECPIH PO Box 6897, Dammam, 31452, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 385 700 34 fax: (+966) 385 902 89 email: [email protected] SPAC B.P. 83, 13 Rue Madame de Sanzillon, Clichy Cedex, 92112, France tel: (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 fax: (+33) 1 47 37 84 84 web: www.spac.fr email: [email protected] contact: Gilles de Bagneux SPALJ Construction Co Deerwood, Minnesota, USA tel: (+1) 218 546 6022 fax: (+1) 218 546 8243 SPC 104-20529 62nd Ave, Langley BC, V3A 8R4, Canada tel: (+604) 514 9711 Speciality Polymer Coatings, Inc. (SPC) is a leading formulator and manufacturer entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


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Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

of state-of-the-art 100% solids (no VOCs) liquid epoxy urethane and polyurethane coatings. SPF Engineering Ltd Superior HouseSunrise Enterprise ParkFerryboat Lane, Tyne & Wear, Sunderland, SR5 3RX, UK tel: (+44) 0191 549 7000 fax: (+44) 0191 549 8000 SPL Control Inc 1400 Bishop St, Camridge, ON N1R 6W8, Canada tel: (+1) 519 623 6100 fax: (+1) 519 623 7500 email: [email protected] SP Offshore Composites Ltd Spithead Centre, Newport Road, Isle of Wight, Sandown, PO36 9PH, UK tel: (+44) 01983 401401 fax: (+44) 01983 401456 SPS Energy Solutions 1969 Keating Crossroad, Victoria, BC V8M 2A4, Canada tel: (+1) 250 652 5233 fax: (+1) 250 652 5697 web: www.spsenergy.com email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Lee SPS Ireland Ltd 75 Belfast Road, Carricfergus Industrial Centre, Carrickfergus, BT38 8PH, UK tel: (+44) 028 9336 6996 fax: (+44) 028 9336 2163 web: www.spsireland.net email: [email protected] contact: Alan Matchett SPX Air Treatment Hankison Rental Division, 510 N. Wildwood Drive, Irving, TX 75061, USA tel: (+1) 800 379 3711 fax: (+1) 972 554 6510 web: www.hankisonintl.com email: [email protected] contact: Lee Warnke SPX Process Equipment 611 Sugar Creek Rd, Delavan, WI 53115, USA tel: (+1) 262 728 1900 fax: (+1) 262 728 4904 web: www.spxprocessequipment.spx.com email: [email protected] contact: Scott Dillner S T & T Sea Transport & Trading PO Box 65107, Tel Aviv, 61651, Israel tel: (+972) 3 699 9410 fax: (+972) 3 699 9430 web: www.seatransport.co.il contact: manuel amir STATS Group STATS House, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0GR, UK tel: (+44) 01224 772461 fax: (+44) 01224 772491 web: www.statsgroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Duguid


STI Schweisstechnik International GmbH 17 Am Thingplatz, PO Box 1265, Glucksburg, 24960, Germany tel: (+49) 4631 6022 0 fax: (+49) 4631 6022 20 contact: Ursel Kiewel STP Ltd STP House, 570 Phase V, Udyog Vihar,

Gurgaon, Haryana, 122 016, India tel: (+91) 124 234 3204 fax: (+91) 124 234 3206 web: www.pipeprotect.com email: [email protected] contact: I.S. Narula ST Pipeline, Inc 5 Youngstown Dr., West, Clendenin, VA 25045, USA tel: (+1) 304 548 7013 fax: (+1) 304 548 7232 ST Services 17304 Preston Rd, Suite 1000, Dallas, TX 75252-5623, USA tel: (+1) 972 931 8065 fax: (+1) 972 931 6526 web: www.stservices.net S.U.N. Engineering, Inc 10031 E 52nd St, Tulsa, OK 74146, USA tel: (+1) 918 627 0426 fax: (+1) 918 627 3310 web: www.sunengineeringInccom email: sales@sunengineeringInccom contact: Tracy Neff Saad Establishment for General Trading Box 3840 Ruwi, Muscat, Oman tel: (+968) 704636 fax: (+968) 793380 Sabre International Inc 12242 E. 60th Street, Tulsa, OK 74146, USA tel: (+1) 918 437 0770 fax: (+1) 918 437 0773 web: www.sabreinternational.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeff Willison Sacor Siderotecnica SA Rod. Washington Luiz, 6000, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, 25055-009, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 3658 9911 fax: (+55) 21 2671 4701 web: www.sacor.com.br email: [email protected] contact: Henrique Osorio Santos Sade Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique 28 rue de la Baume, Paris, 75008, France tel: (+33) 1 5375 9911 fax: (+33) 1 5375 9904 email: [email protected] contact: D.D. Noon Sade Ingenaria y Constructiones SA Ave Pte Saenz Pena 788, 8 Piso, Buenos Aires, C1035AAP, Argentina tel: (+54) 114 341 7000 fax: (+54) 114 341 7232 web: www.sadekanska.com.ar Safeguard Communications UK Ltd 19a Goodge Street, London, London W1T2PH, UK tel: (+44) 08707 561234 web: www.safeguard999.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Russell Pearson Safety & Ecology Corporation Ltd Nautilus House, Reburn Court, Earl Grey way, North Shield, Tyne & Wear NE29 6AR, UK tel: (+44) 0191 296 2000 fax: (+44) 0191 296 2029 web: www.sec-uk.com email: [email protected] Safety and Hygiene Management, Inc PO Drawer 659, 258 Brunswick Drive, Waynesville, NC 28786-0659, USA

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tel: (+1) 828 456 7798 fax: (+1) 828 456 7583 web: www.safety-hygiene.com Safety Education Services Co 7755 S. Memorial Ave., PO Box 470141, Tulsa, OK 74147, USA tel: (+1) 918 252 7637 fax: (+1) 918 252 7637 web: www.safety-education.org email: [email protected] contact: James Blair Safety Protection Warehouse 39 Starling St, Kitimat, BC V8C1K4, Canada tel: (+1) 888 440 4668 fax: (+1) 250 632 4288 web: www.coverallsale.com email: [email protected] contact: Terry Smeader Safier Ingenierie AS Le Luzard 3, 35 Grand Allée du 12 février 1934, Noisiel, 77186, France tel: (+33) 1 6411 0260 fax: (+33 1 6017 3191 web: www.safier-ingenieriesa.com Sage Engineering 1 Widcombe Parade, Bath, BA2 4JT, UK tel: (+44) 01225 426633 fax: (+44) 01225 447443 web: www.sage-uk.com email: [email protected] Saibos Construcoes Maritimas Lda Avenida Ariaga 77 3 Andar/Sala 301, Madeira, Funchal, 9000, Portugal tel: (+351) 91 237 989 fax: (+351) 91 235 246 Saibos Services 3 rue StephensonMontigny-le-Bretonneux, St Quentin Yvelines, 78884, France tel: (+33) 1 30 60 66 60 fax: (+33) 1 30 60 66 00 SaiClo Pty Ltd 7th Floor 251 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9281 9481 fax: (+61) 8 9481 8202 Saint Gobain Pipelines Lows Lane, Stanton-by-Dale, Ilkeston, Derbys DE7 4QU, UK tel: (+44) 0115 930 5000 fax: (+44) 0115 932 9513 web: www.saint-gobain-pipelines.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Nick Shanks St Lawrence Gas Co 56-58 Main St, Massena, NY 13662, USA tel: (+1) 315 769 3516 fax: (+1) 315 764 9226 St Louis Pipe and Supply Inc 16321 Westwood Business Park, Missouri, Ellisville, 63021, USA tel: (+1) 636 391 2500 fax: (+1) 636 391 2626 web: www.stlpipesupply.com Saipem Argentina 1930 Alicia Moreau de Justo, 1 Piso, Office 107, Buenos Aires, 1107, Argentina tel: (+54) 114 312 4825 fax: (+54) 114 312 8030 Saipem Contracting Plot 99, Ajose Adeogun St, Victoria Island Annexe, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 210 76 fax: (+234) 126 103 19

Company listing

Saipem Italia SpA Corso Umberto 395, Montesilvano, 65016, Italy tel: (+39) 85 44821 fax: (+39) 85 4454627 Saipem Nigeria Ltd Plot 99, Ajose Adeogun St, Victoria Island Annexe, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 193 68 fax: (+234) 126 157 31 contact: tullio orsi Saipem SpA Via Martiri di Calefonia 67, San Donato Milanese, Milan, 20097, Italy tel: (+39) 2520 1 fax: (+39) 2520 44415 web: www.saipem.eni.it contact: H.J. O’Donnell Saipem Saudi Arabia Ltd Suite 101, 10th Fl, Fluor Building, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 388 259 49 fax: (+966) 388 268 91 Saipem UK Ltd Saipem House, Station Road, Motspur Park, New Malden, KT3 6JJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8296 5000 fax: (+44) 020 8296 5104 web: www.saipem.eni.it email: [email protected] contact: G. Martelli Saith Ltd Suite 3, Portman House, 44 High Street, Ringwood, BH24 1AG, UK tel: (+44) 01425 480286 fax: (+44) 01425 489916 web: www.saithlimited.com email: [email protected] contact: Trefor Brayley Salzgitter Grossrohre GmbH 200 Gottfried-Linke-Strasse, Salzgitter, 38239, Germany tel: (+49) 5341 21 6539 fax: (+49) 5341 21 2991 web: www.szgr.de email: [email protected] contact: Harald Rasing Samatlortruboprovodstroi ul. Mira 8P, Tyumenskaya obl., Nizhnevartovsk, 626420, Russia tel: (+7) 846 230 2938 fax: (+7) 346 623 9368 Samaratruboprovodstroi ul. Groznenskaya 10a, Samara, 443004, Russia tel: (+7) 8462 302938 fax: (+7) 8462 306708 Sanatio Bank Chambers, High Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1BA, UK tel: (+44) 0870 770 4870 web: www.sanatio.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Rebecca Batty Sapscor Box 41211, Craighall, 2024, South Africa tel: (+27) 11 787 5731 fax: (+27) 11 787 8418 Sarai Group PO Box 29209, Safat, 13153, Kuwait

tel: (+44) 01224 226940 fax: (+44) 01224 226950 web: www.scantechuk.com email: [email protected] contact: John Sands

tel: (+965) 572 2377 fax: (+965) 257 223 99 Sarku Comex Sdn Bhd 1st Floor Units A-D Box 1319, Miri Sarawak, 98009, Malaysia tel: (+60) 85 41 52 88 fax: (+60) 85 41 38 77

Schaefer Ventilation Equipment PO Box 460, Sauk Rapids, 56379, USA tel: (+1) 800 779 3267 fax: (+1) 320 251 2922 web: www.waycoolfans.com email: [email protected] contact: Gary Thielen

Saskenergy Inc 1100 - 1945 Hamilton St, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2C7, Canada tel: (+1) 306 777 9378 fax: (+1) 306 352 4438 Sasp Offshore Engineering SpA Via Martiri d Cefalonia 67, San Donato Milanese, 20097, Italy tel: (+39) 2 520 44738 fax: (+39) 2 520 34010 Satamatics Ltd Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5TT, UK tel: (+44) 01684 278610 fax: (+44) 01684 278611 web: www.satamatics.com email: [email protected] contact: Claire Dickinson

Schofield Lothian 1 Swallow Court, Swallofields, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1SB, UK tel: (+44) 01707 390085 fax: (+44) 01707 391411 web: www.schofields.com email: [email protected] contact: Jim Bourke Schulz Piping Components Middle East PO Box 52872, Salam Street, Abu Dhabi, 52872, UAE tel: (+971) 644 7178 fax: (+971) 644 7159 web: www.wschulz.com

Sathson Nigeria Ltd 8, Ogbunabali Road, Rivers State, Port Harcourt, Nigeria tel: (+234) 84 334676 fax: (+234) 84 230308 web: [email protected]

Scientific Linings & Coatings, Inc 811 Fabulous, TX, San Antonio, 78216, USA tel: (+1) 210 344 3358 fax: (+1) 210 340 5354 web: www.weathercap.com

Saudi Arabian Oil Co PO Box 5000, Dhahran, 31311, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 874 2409 fax: (+966) 3 873 8490

Scomark Engineering Ltd Hartshorne Road, Woodville, Swadlincote, Derbys DE11 7JF, UK tel: (+44) 01283 218222 fax: (+44) 01283 226468 web: www.scomark.com email: [email protected]

Saudi Aramco Executive Building, Dh Main Street, Eastern Province, Dhahran, 31311, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 874 6126 fax: (+966) 3 873 0988 web: www.saudiaramco.com

Scopen Ranger Pipelines 45a Morven StCreswell, Notts, Worksop, S80 4AJ, UK tel: (+44) 01909 724444 fax: (+44) 01909 725005 email: [email protected]

Savcor ART/Products Pty Ltd 62 Salmon Street, Port Melbourne, Vic 3207, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9993 7500 fax: (+61) 3 9993 7599 web: www.savcorproducts.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Vinay Swaroop

Scotech International Services Ltd Unit ACraigshaw RoadWest Tullos Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB12 4AR, UK tel: (+44) 01224 248450 fax: (+44) 01224 248023

Savills (L&P) Ltd Wessex House, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1PB, UK tel: (+44) 01202 856800 fax: (+44) 01202 856801 web: www.fpdsavills.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Anthony Panes

Scotia Instrumentation Ltd Campus 1Aberdeen Science ParkBalgownie RoadBridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8GT, UK tel: (+44) 01224 222888 fax: (+44) 01224 826299 web: www.scotia-instruments.com email: [email protected]

Scandpower Petroleum Technology 11490 Westheimer Road, Suite 500, Houston, TX 77077, USA tel: (+1) 281 496 9898 fax: (+1) 281 496 9950 web: www.olga2000.com email: [email protected] contact: Allan Rydahl

Scottish Power Clyde Region36 St Vincent’s Crescent, Glasgow, G3 8LT, UK tel: (+44) 0141 567 4240 fax: (+44) 0141 567 4240 Scottish Water Rails, Fairmilehead Office, 55 Buckstone Terrace, Edinburgh, EH10 6XH, UK tel: (+44) 0131 4456707 fax: (+44) 0131 4455040 web: www.scottishwater.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Lynda Murray

ScanRope Subsea Cables AS Kjerraten 16, PO Box 372, Drammen, 3001, Norway tel: (+47) 3224 9900 fax: (+47) 3224 9901 web: www.subseacables.no Scan Tech UK Denmore Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8JW, UK

Company listing - alphabetical

Saipem International BV World Trade Center, 1041 Strawinsky Ln, Amsterdam, 1077 XX, Netherlands tel: (+31) 205 707 100 fax: (+31) 205 707 170

Sea and Land Pipe Lines (Production) 147 King Street, Gt Yarmouth, NR30 2PJ, UK

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd Harfreys Road, Harfreys Industrial Estate, Gt Yarmouth, NR31 0LS, UK tel: (+44) 01493 443380 fax: (+44) 01493 443390 web: www.scourcontrol.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Bob Burgess Seabulk Offshore Dubai Inc PO Box 32387Al Jadaf Area, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4 341 933 fax: (+971) 4 341 915 Seadrift Pipeline Corp PO Box 186, Port Lavaca, TX 79721, USA tel: (+1) 512 553 3158 fax: (+1) 512 533 3128 contact: pipeline Seagull Energy Corp 1001 Fannin, Suite 1700, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 713 951 4700 fax: (+1) 713 951 4869 Sealion Shipping Ltd Sealion House, The Courtyard, 17 West Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7DR, UK tel: (+44) 01252 737 773 fax: (+44) 01252 737 770 Sealweld Corporation 106, 4116-64 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2B3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 236 0043 fax: (+1) 403 236 5487 web: www.sealweld.ca email: [email protected] contact: Dean Chisholm Sea Robin Pipeline Co PO Box 2563, Birmingham, AL 35203, USA tel: (+1) 205 325 3800 fax: (+1) 205 325 7490 Sea Technical Marine Services Co Box 4490, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 326423 Seatec International Ltd 5 Ibn El Nabih Street Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt tel: (+20) 914898 Secon Surveys 28, Jeremiah Road, Bangalore, Fraser Town, 560 005, India tel: (+91) 80 525 2131 fax: (+91) 80 548 7722 email: [email protected] Security Solutions International PO Box 56117, 120 Gladstone Street, Foloune House, 3304, Limassol, Cyprus tel: (+357) 25 357 375 fax: (+357) 25 357 151 web: www.ssi-group.com Sedehi & Co PO Box 365, 18690 Almunecar, 18690, Spain tel: (+34) 6103 81970 fax: (+34) 9134 57506 web: [email protected]


Selmers BV Biesland 3, PO Box 628, Beverwijk, 1940 AP, Netherlands tel: (+31) 251 21 1999 fax: (+31) 251 22 0777 web: www.selmers.nl email: [email protected] contact: Jan G.M. Lemmens SembCorp Utilities UK PO Box 1985, Wilton International, Middlesborough, YS90 8WS, UK

tel: (+44) 01642 459955 fax: (+44) 01642 212726 web: www.sembutilities.co.uk email: [email protected] SembUtilities Solutions Teesside HQ, Wilton International, Middlesborough, TS90 8WS, UK tel: (+44) 01642 212407 fax: (+44) 01642 212730 web: www.sembutilities_solutions.com contact: P. Docherty Seminole Pipeline Co 1800 S Baltimore Ave, PO Box 645 (741010645), Tulsa, OK 74119, USA tel: (+1) 918 581 1800 fax: (+1) 918 560 9115 Sensa Gamma House, Chilworth Science Park, Southampton, SO16 7NS, UK tel: (+44) 02380 765500 fax: (+44) 02380 765501 web: www.sensa.org email: [email protected] contact: I. Walker Sensidyne, Inc 16333 Bay Vista Drive, Clearwater, FL 33760, USA tel: (+1) 800 451 9444 fax: (+1) 727 539 0550 web: www.sensidyne.com email: [email protected] Sensornet Ltd 340 Centennial Avenue, Centennial Park, Elstree, Herts WD6 3TJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8236 2550 fax: (+44) 020 8236 2551 web: www.sensornet.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: richard Sensors & Software Inc 1040 Stacey Court, Mississauga, ON L4W 2X8, Canada tel: (+1) 905 624 8909 fax: (+1) 905 624 9365 web: www.sensoft.ca email: [email protected] SensorsONE Ltd PO Box 8286, Oakham, Leics LE15 0AW, UK tel: (+44) 01780 721569 web: www.sensorsone.co.uk contact: wayne bishop Sepco SA Via Calloni, 1, Ticino, Lugano, 9607, Switzerland tel: (+41) 91 986 5830 fax: (+41) 91 986 5831 web: www.sepco.ch Serco Assurance Walton House, 404 The Quadrant, Birchwood Park, Risley, Warrington, WA3 6AT, UK tel: (+44) 01925 25 2079 fax: (+44) 01925 25 2285 web: www.sercoassurance.com email: [email protected] contact: Brian Daniels Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd Saffron Walden PSD, Ashdon Road, Saffron Walden, CB10 2NF, UK tel: (+44) 01799 564100 fax: (+44) 01799 513717 web: www.serco.com email: [email protected] contact: V. Hutchinson

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

Serefoglu Constructyon Incesu Cad. No 12 Kolej, Ankara, 6670, Turkey tel: (+90) 312 434 1130 fax: (+90) 312 434 1139 email: [email protected] Serimer Dasa 8 rue Mercier, Mitry-Mory, 77290, France tel: (+33) 160 216700 fax: (+33) 160 216701 web: www.serimerdasa.com email: [email protected] contact: Olivier Rey Servicised Ltd - Serviwrap Division Ajax Avenue, Berks, Slough, SL1 4BH, UK tel: (+44) 01753 692929 fax: (+44) 01753 670048 Servicios de Control e Inspección Ctra. Ajalvir.Torrejón, Km. 1,8, Ajalvir, Madrid, 28664, Spain tel: (+34) 91 884 4393 web: www.scisa.es contact: William Corbett Servicios Maritimos Ves SA de RS (SMV) Calle Nazir Antonio S/N CP 86600 Col fonapho Paraiso, Tabasco, Mexico tel: (+52) 933 30773 fax: (+52) 933 30774 Servicos Maritimos Ves SA del RL (SMV) Calle 28 no 85 Col Centro 24100 Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico tel: (+52) 938 22159 fax: (+52) 938 21919 Seton Ltd PO Box 77Canada Close, Oxon, Banbury, OX16 7RT, UK tel: (+44) 01295 226655 fax: (+44) 01295 226644 web: www.seton.co.uk email: [email protected] Severgazneftestroi XXI 12/4 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow, 103051, Russia tel: (+7) 95 937 6851 fax: (+7) 95 937 6865 email: [email protected] contact: Anatoly N. Bagin Severn Trent Water Ltd 2297 Coventry Road, Birmingham, B26 3PU, UK tel: (+44) 0121 7224 000 fax: (+44) 0116 235 5554 web: www.severntrent.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Steve Anthony AO Severspetspovodstroi Tyumenskaya obl., Nadym, 626713, Russia tel: (+7) 34595 31235 fax: (+7) 34595 31257 Shaic International Co #229, Yeorae-Ri, Jinyoung, Kyungnam, Kimhae, Korea tel: (+82) 525 326 0942 fax: (+82) 525 326 0944 web: www.shaic.com Shaic International PO Box 81396, C/O Step-ko Products, Lafayette, LA 70598, USA tel: (+1) 337 837 4141 fax: (+1) 337 837 4095 web: www.stepko.com email: [email protected] M Sharif & Co 61 Fateh Muhammad Road, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan

Company listing

Shawcor Ltd 25 Bethridge Road, Toronto, ON M9W 1M7, Canada tel: (+1) 416 743 7111 fax: (+1) 416 743 7199 web: www.shawcor.com contact: G.F. Hyland Shawndra Products Inc 1514 Rocheater St, PO Box 488, Lima, NY 14485, USA tel: (+1) 585 624 4500 fax: (+1) 585 624 5300 web: www.shawndra.com email: [email protected] contact: Gerald J. Henry Shaw Pipe Protection Ltd Two Executive Place, 1824 Crowchild Trail N.W., Calgary, AB T2M 3Y7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 263 2255 fax: (+1) 403 264 3649 web: www.shawpipe.ca email: [email protected] contact: Rose Jones Shaw Pipeline Services Ltd 8010 40th St SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2Y3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 279 2400 fax: (+1) 403 279 2879 web: www.shawpipe.ca Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Co 2431 East 61st Street, Suite 700, Tulsa, OK 74136, USA tel: (+1) 918 747 3471 fax: (+1) 918 747 9888 web: www.sheehanpipeline.com Sheffield University - Department of Civil and Structural Engineering Sir Frederich Mappin Bldg, Mappin St, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK tel: (+44) 0114 222 5738 fax: (+44) 0114 222 5700 web: www.shef.ac.uk email: [email protected] Shell France 89 Blvd Franklin Roosevelt, Rueil Malmaison Cedex, 902564, France tel: (+33) 1 47 14 71 00 fax: (+33) 1 47 14 84 47 Shell France Immeuble Les Portes de la Defense, 307 Rue Estienne d’Orves, Colombes, 92708, France tel: (+33) 157 606 100 fax: (+33) 157 606 299 Shell International Exploration & Production BV Box Postbus 663, The Hague, 2501 CR, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 377 2926 fax: (+31) 70 377 1701 Shell Morocco Roches Noires, Casablanca, 20000, Morocco tel: (+212) 24 67 24 email: [email protected] Shell/Sigma 3 Seafield House, Aberdeen, AB15 6BL, UK tel: (+44) 01224 818431 fax: (+44) 01224 818873 email: [email protected] contact: john mckee Shell UK Ltd 1 Altens Farm Road, Nigg, Aberdeen, AB12

Sigma Coatings PO Box 816, Harvey, LA 70059, USA tel: (+1) 504 347 4321 fax: (+1) 504 341 9120

3FY, UK tel: (+44) 01224 884364 fax: (+44) 01224 883722 web: www.shell.com email: [email protected] contact: Servie Simons

SigPoint PO Box 898, Rockingham, 6968, Australia tel: (+61) 89 361 1300 fax: (+61) 89 316 3314 web: www.sigpoint.net email: [email protected] contact: Frank Schouten

Shell UK Ltd PO Box 207, Southtown Wharf, Gt Yarmouth NR31 0ZS, UK tel: (+44) 01263 582000 fax: (+44) 01683 582708 web: www.shell.com Shockgaurd Ltd Membrandflex Works, Hurstfield Industrial Estate, Hurst St, Reddish, Stockport, SK5 7BB, UK tel: (+44) 0161 442 6222 fax: (+44) 0161 443 1486 web: www.shockgaurd.co.uk email: [email protected] Shore Line Contractors GmbH AmmerlanderHeerstrasse 368, Oldenburg, D-26129, Germany tel: (+49) 441 9704 355 fax: (+49) 4419704 239

Silclear Ltd Units 7-8, Hamilton Business Park, New Milton BH25 6TQ, UK tel: (+44) 01425 610700 fax: (+44) 01425 610799 web: www.silclear.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: S. Briggs Sillars (B & CE) Ltd Sion House, Graythorp Industrial Estate, Cleveland, Hartlepool, TS25 2DJ, UK tel: (+44) 01429 268125 fax: (+44) 01429 268038

Siat SA Guatemala 3400 (1822) Valentin Alsina, Buenos Aires, Argentina tel: (+54) 1 208 5443 fax: (+54) 1 208 3871

Sime Sembcorp Engineering Sdn Bhd PLO336, Jalan Suasa, PO Box 55, Johor, Pasir Gudang, 81707, Malaysia tel: (+60) 7 251 2901 fax: (+60) 7 251 4267 web: http//www.sse.simenet.com

Sibneftprovod ul. Respublikii 139, Tyumen, 625048, Russia tel: (+7) 3452 225301 fax: (+7) 3452 222597

Simmons Group Inc 700 - 1207 Eleventh Ave SW, PO Box 440, Station M, Calgary, AB T2P 2J1, Canada tel: (+1) 403 244 5340 fax: (+1) 403 245 5156

Sibtruboprovodstroi ul. Gorkogo 75, Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia tel: (+7) 3822 237920 fax: (+7) 3822 237920

Invensys SimSci-Esscor 26561 Rancho Pkwy South, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA tel: (+1) 949 455 8150 fax: (+1) 949 455 8151 web: www.simsci-esscor.com email: [email protected] contact: Kathy Beckman

Sicim Spa Via Consolatico Superiore 96-98, Busseto (Parma), 43011, Italy tel: (+39) 524 930 211 fax: (+39) 524 930 082 email: [email protected] contact: Gian Petro Riccardi Abdul Wasay Siddiqui & Co 407/16 Federal B, Area, Karachi, 75950, Pakistan tel: (+92) 21 6326910 fax: (+92) 21 6325436 Siderca SAIC Dr Jorge A Smimni 250 Campana (2804), Buenos Aires, Argentina tel: (+54) 489 33100 fax: (+54) 489 33877 Siderurgica de Tubo Soldado SA c/o Gazteibide S/N, Alva, Alegria, 1007, Spain tel: (+34) 945 420780 fax: (+34) 945 400541 contact: Ramon Lozano Sidex SA Siderurgistilor St 30, Galati Jud Galati, 6200, Romania tel: (+40) 36 462 237 fax: (+40) 36 432 017 web: www.sidex.ro SIE-MAC Pipeline Contractors Ltd 7823 34th St, Edmonton, AB T6B 2V5, Canada tel: (+1) 403 465 0538 fax: (+1) 403 469 4074

Company listing - alphabetical

tel: (+92) 42 111 786 911 fax: (+92) 42 723 3413

SimSci Ltd High Bank House, Exchange Street, Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0ET, UK tel: (+44) 0161 429 6744 fax: (+44) 0161 480 9063 SimSci Latinoamerica CA Centro Banaven (Cubo Begro) Torre A P H A-2, Caracas, 1060, Venezuela tel: (+58) 2 993 2506 fax: (+58) 2 993 2717 Simulation Services Sorgenfrigaten 1B, Oslo, 367, Norway tel: (+47) 2293 1967 fax: (+47) 2293 1967 web: www.simulationservices.com email: [email protected] contact: Dan Grimstad Sinclair Oil Corp 550 E South Temple, PO Box 30825, Salt Lake City, UT 84130 0825, USA tel: (+1) 801 524 2700 fax: (+1) 801 524 2848; 2740 Singapore Petroleum Co Ltd 1 Maritime Square, 10-10 Harbourfront Ctr, 99253, Singapore tel: (+65) 6477 1535 fax: (+65) 6275 6006 web: www.spc.com.sg Singapore Petroleum Co Ltd 6 Shenton Way, #33-08 DBS Bldg, Tower Two, 68809, Singapore entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+65) 221 3166 fax: (+65) 2221 3691 Singapore Petroleum Co (Hong Kong) Ltd Room 908, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong tel: (+852) 251 106 93 fax: (+852) 251 108 67 Singapore Petroleum Co Ltd 4A Nelson Rd, London, SE10 9JB, UK tel: (+44) 020 8293 9755 fax: (+44) 020 8293 9770 Sintef Group Trondheim, N-7034, Norway tel: (+47) 73 593000 fax: (+47) 73 592480 Sixnet PO Box 767, 331 Ushers Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065, USA tel: (+1) 518 877 5173 fax: (+1) 518 877 8346 web: www.sixnetio.com Skanska S.A. Av. Pte Roque Sáenz Pena 555, 8th Floor, Buenos Aires, C1035AAA, Argentina tel: (+54) 11 4341 7000 fax: (+54) 11 4341 7355 web: www.skanska.com.ar contact: Mario Piantoni Skibeck Pipeline Co PO Box 37, Randolph, NY 14772, USA tel: (+1) 716 358 2915 fax: (+1) 716 358 5387 web: www.skibeck.com email: [email protected] SkidWeigh Inc 28 Swan Ave, Toronto, ON M9B 1V4, Canada tel: (+1) 416 622 2728 fax: (+1) 416 622 8131 web: www.skid-weigh.com email: [email protected] contact: Ted Jurca Skye Instruments Ltd 21, Ddole Enterprise Park, Llandinndod Wells, Powys, LD1 6DF, UK tel: (+44) 0159 782 4811 fax: (+44) 0159 782 4812 web: www.skyeinstruments.com email: [email protected] Sky Patrol Aviation, Inc 3600 S. Gessner, Ste 200, PO Box 771089, Houston, TX 77215, USA tel: (+1) 888 707 2359 fax: (+1) 760 789 3278 web: www.skypatrol.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Allen John Smart Consulting Engineers 542 Stoneleigh Drive, Houston, TX 77079, USA tel: (+1) 713 493 5946 fax: (+1) 713 493 5946


Smart Pipe Co 410 Pierce Street, Houston, TX 77002, USA tel: (+1) 832 476 9287 fax: (+1) 713 589 7950 web: www.smart-pipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Robin McIntosh An innovative pipe-lining system that can be installed in degraded pipelines with continuous length up to 16km in a single pull. The system is targeted specifically

for infrastructure pipelines that have become degraded and are difficult to replace. The lining system is designed to provide a tight fit with the inside diameter of the host pipeline. The stand-alone design adds strength to the host pipeline and can restore MAOP, provide corrosion resistence, and real-time integrity monitoring.

fax: (+61) 8 9221 5901 email: [email protected] Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation 220 Sharp Street Box 356, Dooma, NSW 2630, Australia tel: (+61) 64 520222 fax: (+61) 64 520400

Smit Americas Inc Suite 310400 N Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, TX 77060, USA tel: (+1) 281 774 5000 fax: (+1) 281 774 5050

Sociedad Nacional de Oleoductos SA Isalbel La Catolica 4472, Las Condes, PO Box 243, Correro 34, Santiago, Chile tel: (+56) 2 208 1603 fax: (+56) 2 206 4287 web: www.sonacol.cl

Smith Construction PO Box 978, Sparkman, AR 71463, USA tel: (+1) 870 678 2645 contact: Tab

Societa Generale di Sorveglianza SpA Via Gaspare Gozzi 1/a, Milan, 20129, Italy tel: (+39) 2 73931 fax: (+39) 2 70124630

Smith Flow Control Ltd 6 Waterside Business Park, Eastways Industrial Estate, Witham, Essex CM8 3YQ, UK tel: (+44) 01376 517901 fax: (+44) 01376 518720 web: www.smithflowcontrol.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Smith

Societe Du Pipeline Mediterranee-Rhone 195 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, Neuilly-surSeine Cedex, 92521, France tel: (+33) 1 4143 9600 fax: (+33) 1 4624 3299

Smith Pipeline Construction Inc 1247 Factory Circle Box 345, Ft Lupton, CO 80621, USA tel: (+1) 303 654 1139 fax: (+1) 33 857 9444 Smit International Singapore Pte Ltd 15 West Coast Highway 04-08Pasir Panjang Building, Singapore tel: (+65) 779 6911 fax: (+65) 779 1944 Smit International Singapore 23 Gul Rd, 629356, Singapore tel: (+65) 668 4222 fax: (+65) 668 4333 Smit Land & Marine Engineering (Nederland) BV Wassenaarsweg 212, The Hague, 2956 EC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 324 6948 fax: (+31) 70 324 2219 Smit Land & Marine Inc Suite 315 400 N Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, TX 77060, USA tel: (+1) 281 774 5080 fax: (+1) 281 774 5090 Smit Land and Marine (Venezuela) C.A. ToreOxal Pisol Oficiana 1B Av. Venezuela El Rosal Apartido Postal 2658, Caracas, 1060 A, Venezuela tel: (+58) 2 953 8739 fax: (+58) 2 953 8868 Snamprogetti SpA Viale A De Gasperi 16 Box 76, San Donato Milanese, 20097, Italy tel: (+39) 025 201 fax: (+39) 025 204 3226 Snamprogetti PO Box 97, Via Chiaruccia, 2, Fano, 61032, Italy tel: (+39) 0721 881 025 fax: (+39) 0721 881 019 web: www.snamrprogetti.it Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Level 5 12 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9221 5900

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Societe du Pipeline Mediteranee-Rhone Chemin du Maupas, Villette de Vienne, 38200, France tel: (+33) 474 314 202 Societe Francaise, Etudes et de Realisations, Equipments Gaziers 92-98 Boulevard victor Hugo, Clichy, 92115, France tel: (+33) 1 41 063000 fax: (+33) 1 47 371627 Soco-Ril Ruta 9, Km 52.3, Escobar, Buenos Aires, 1625, Argentina tel: (+54) 348 849 3332 fax: (+54) 348 849 3314 web: www.socoril.com.ar email: [email protected] Socofar Ltd 7th Floor Wilson House 19-27 Wyndham Street Central, Hong Kong tel: (+852) 2 861 3261 fax: (+852) 2 861 3830 Soconord Group SA 287 Avenue Louise, PO Box 15, Brussels, 1050, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 640 74 30 fax: (+32) 2 647 72 97 email: [email protected] contact: J. Focquet Socotherm Via Risorgimento 62, Adria, 45011, Italy tel: (+39) 426 94 1000 fax: (+39) 426 90 1055 web: www.socotherm.com email: [email protected] contact: Z. Soave Socotherm International 14 Grosvenor Cr, London, SW1X7EE, UK tel: (+44) 0207 201 5600 fax: (+44) 020 7201 5625 web: www.socotherm.com email: [email protected] Sodranord Sarl Boite Postale 267, Le Blanc-Mesnil, 93153, France tel: (+33) 1 4814 9460 fax: (+33) 1 4865 7721 Sofregaz US 200 Westlake Park Blvd Suite 925, Houston, TX 77079, USA tel: (+1) 713 531 5685

Company listing

Sogea 9 place de l’Europe, Rueil Malmaison, 92851, France tel: (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 fax: (+33) 1 47 16 37 35 Sogetram sa 26 rue Marie-Curie, Garennes-sur-Eure, 27780, France tel: (+33) 2 32 26 60 00 fax: (+33) 2 32 26 60 49 Sogetram Espana SA Poligono P-29 Calle CNave 17 (Enterprise B), Madrid, 28400, Spain tel: (+34) 1 851 7720 fax: (+34) 1 851 7690 Soil Mechanics Unit 4 Gainsborough Trading Estate, Leamington Road, Southam CV47 1RA, UK tel: (+44) 01926 819 300 fax: (+44) 01926 815 030 web: www.soil-mechanics.com email: [email protected] contact: Jilly Jefferson Solar Turbines Inc 2200 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101, USA tel: (+1) 619 544 5352 fax: (+1) 619 5445669 web: www.solarturbines.com email: [email protected] Headquartered in San Diego, California, with field sales and service offices around the world, Solar Turbines Incorporated is one of the world leaders in the manufacturer of industrial gas turbines in the 1-15 MW range. With more than 12,500 units logging over 1.2 billion operating hours in 93 countries, Solar’s gas turbines are known for their reliability, ruggedness, high availability, ease of maintenance, and long life. Solar Turbines’ products play an important role in the development of oil, natural gas, and power generation projects around the world. Solar's portfolio of products include gas turbinepowered compressor sets, mechanical drive packages, generator sets (1590 to 20,500HP), gas compressors, project finance, construction services, and a worldwide customer services network. Solar's products are put to work in production, processing, and pipeline transmission of natural gas and crude oil; generation of electricity, and thermal energy for processing applications. They operate on a wide variety of fuels, are available with dual-fuel and triple-fuel systems, and most can be equipped with advanced pollution prevention SoLoNOx technology. Oil and gas customers worldwide mobilize Solar gas turbines in applications such as gas transmission, storage and withdrawal, waterflooding, gas gathering, gas lift, field pressure maintenance, and air, process and refrigeration applications. Industries such as food processing, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, hospitals, universities, utilities, and refineries use Solar’s highly-efficient and environmentally-friendly gas turbine generator sets in applications such as combined heat and power, baseload

power, distributed power, peaking power, and standby/emergency power. Solar’s worldwide customer support organization can provide start-up and commissioning services, field service technical support, operation and maintenance agreements, product upgrades, parts support, training courses, overhauls, and package refurbishments. Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd 22 Eskay Road, Vic, Oakleigh South, 3167, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9563 8665 fax: (+61) 3 9563 8744 web: www.solcor.com.au email: [email protected] contact: John Furstenberg Solvay SA Rue du Prince Albert, 33, Brussels, Belgium tel: (+32) 2509 6111 fax: (+32) 2509 7402 web: www.solvay.com

Sonsub International Management Inc 908 Town and Country Blvd Suite 660, Houston, TX 77024, USA tel: (+1) 713 465 7096 fax: (+1) 713 465 9829 Sonsub International Pty Ltd Block 1 Unit 3 Loyang Crescent Loyang Offshore Supply Base, 1750, Singapore tel: (+65) 545 0477 fax: (+65) 545 0377 Sonsub International Pty Ltd 125 Sheffield Road, Welshpool, WA 6106, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9350 6406 fax: (+61) 8 9451 7215 email: [email protected] Sonsub North Sea Ltd Unit 12 Broadfold Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8EE, UK tel: (+44) 01224 706888 fax: (+44) 01224 706705 Sonsub Services (Victoria) Pty Ltd 7 Invictus Court, Victoria, Sale, 3850, Australia tel: (+61) 51 441 055 fax: (+61) 51 447 559

Robert B Somerville 13176 Dufferin St, King City, ON L7B 1K5, Canada tel: (+1) 905 833 3100 fax: (+1) 905 833 3111 email: [email protected] Somico D 929, Neuilly-en-Thelle, 60530, France tel: (+33) 3 44 26 85 85 fax: (+33) 3 44 26 75 00 web: www.somico.com email: [email protected] contact: J. Gruere Sonat Inc 1990 Fifth Ave N, PO Box 2563, Birmingham, AL 35202-2563, USA tel: (+1) 205 325 3800 fax: (+1) 205 325 7490

South Carolina Electric Gas Co 1426 Main St, Columbia, SC 29201, USA tel: (+1) 803 748 3000 South Eastern Construction 1402 Brier Park Cres NW, Medicine Hat, AB T1C 1T9, Canada tel: (+1) 403 526 8851 fax: (+1) 403 527 1782 Southern Agencies New No.2, Govardhan St, Royapettah, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, 600014, India tel: (+91) 44 823 8369 fax: (+91) 44 823 8369 web: www.indiamart.com/southernagencies

Sonatest Inc 4734 Research Drive, San Antonio, TX 78240, USA tel: (+1) 210 697 0335 web: www.sonatest-plc.com contact: Ron Sidney

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1301 - 16 Ave. NW, Calgary, AB T2M 0L4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 284 8641 fax: (+1) 403 284 7178 web: www.sait.ca email: [email protected] contact: Michael Brown

Sonsub Asia Sdn Bhd 9th Fl, Rohas Perkasa, 8 Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia tel: (+60) 321 642 466 fax: (+60) 321 642 470

Southern California Gas Co Centrliaed Correspondence, PO Box 3150, San Dimas, CA 91773, USA tel: (+1) 800 427 2000 web: www.socalgas.com

Sonsub Inc 10905 Metronome, Houston, TX 770432201, USA tel: (+1) 713 984 9150 fax: (+1) 713 984 2109

Southern Cross Corporation Two Sun Court, Suite 400, Norcross, GA 30092, USA tel: (+1) 770 441 0403 fax: (+1) 770 368 8014 web: www.southerncrosscorp.com email: [email protected]

Sonsub International A/S Tangen 10, Randaberg, 4070, Norway tel: (+47) 5 141 2500 fax: (+47) 51 41 0104 email: [email protected] Sonsub International BV World Trade Centre Strawinskylaan 1041, Amsterdam, 1077 XX, Netherlands tel: (+31) 20 664 7226 fax: (+31) 20 664 5612 Sonsub International Ltd Tern Place, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8JX, UK tel: (+44) 01224 843434 fax: (+44) 01224 843333

Company listing - alphabetical

fax: (+1) 713 531 5686

Southern Natural Gas Co PO Box 2563, Birmingham, AL 35202, USA tel: (+1) 205 325 7410 fax: (+1) 205 325 7490 Southern Sleeve Boring & Pipejacking PO Box 324, Victoria, Canterbury, 3126, Australia tel: (+61) 4 1832 5599 fax: (+61) 3 9730 2061 Southern Welding Systems International 1603 North Main, Pearland, TX 77581, USA entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+1) 281 485 9772 fax: (+1) 281 485 4386 web: www.swsint.com South Georgia Natural Gas Co Subsidiary of Southern Natural Gas Co, PO Box 1279, Thomasville, GA 31799, USA tel: (+1) 912 226 4744 fax: (+1) 912 226 5041 South Midland Construction Co Ltd Turvey Avenue, Dublin, Ireland tel: (+353) 1 454 4250 fax: (+353) 1 454 4269 email: [email protected]

Spa Welding Systems GmbH Industriestrasse 29, Groebenzell, 82194, Germany tel: (+49) 8142 444 5990 fax: (+49) 8142 444 5999 web: www.spa-welding.com email: [email protected] contact: Christian Wegner

South Saskatchewan Pipe Line Co 330 - 5th Ave SW, PO Box 800, Calgary, AB T2P 2J7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 260 7314 fax: (+1) 403 260 4332

Specialised Engineering & Equipment Maintenance Co PO Box 58SAFAT 13001Al Mubader CentreBlock 2, Plot 496, Street 3, Qurtaba, Kuwait tel: (+965) 398 8664 fax: (+965) 398 8667

South Staffordshire Water plc Green Lane, W Midlands, Walsall, WS2 7PD, UK tel: (+44) 01922 638282

Speciality Drilling Technology Inc Glen Carbon, IL, USA tel: (+1) 618 288 8046 fax: (+1) 618 656 8021

Southwest Microwave, Inc Security Systems Division, 9055 S. McKemy St, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA tel: (+1) 480 783 0201 fax: (+1) 480 783 0401 web: www.southwestmicrowave.com email: [email protected] contact: Tom Wallace

SpectraSensors, Inc 4333 W Sam Houston Pkwy, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77043, USA tel: (+1) 713 466 3172 fax: (+1) 713 856 6623 web: www.spectrasensors.com email: [email protected]

Southwest Research Institute PO Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 782280510, USA tel: (+1) 210 522 2326 fax: (+1) 210 681 9661 web: www.pipeline.swri.org email: [email protected] contact: Robert Bass Southwest Research Institute’s (SwRI) pipeline technology center assists the pipeline industry in solving problems related to design, operation, maintenance, safety, and efficiency of pipeline facilities. SwRI provides research, development, design, and field engineering services in: pipeline integrity and risk management; machinery reliability, efficiency, and environmental compliance; pipeline facilities design, operation, and monitoring. SWRI has invested more than $35 million in specialized oil and gas facilities and laboratories, and operates the metering research facility, and the GMRC compressor station design centre. South West Water Peninsula House, Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon EX2 7HR, UK tel: (+44) 01392 446688 fax: (+44) 01392 443478 web: www.south-west-water.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: L. Metcalfe


Spalding & Morrell Inc Shelbyville, Indiana, USA tel: (+1) 317 392 3489 fax: (+1) 317 392 1726

Tom Sowerby Ltd 12 Maple Grove, Prudhoe, Northumberland NE42 6PU, UK tel: (+44) 01661 833571 email: [email protected] contact: Tom Sowerby Space Imaging Eurasia Haymana Yolu 12.Km, Golbasi, Ankara, 6830, Turkey tel: (+90) 31 2612 2370 fax: (+90) 31 2612 2390 web: www.sieurasia.com email: [email protected] contact: Bertan Goger

SpectraSensors, Inc 11027 Arrow Route, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USA tel: (+1) 909 948 4100 fax: (+1) 909 948 4142 web: www.spectrasensors.com email: [email protected] contact: Sam Miller SpectraSensors is a leading manufacturer of optically-based gas and moisture analysers for analytical process markets. Typical applications include gas quality and energy measurements (H2O, CO2, H2S, BTU) in natural gas, trace moisture and hydrogen sulphide in refineries and petrochemical plants, and airborne moisture and other atmospheric measurements from commercial aircraft for the US and international weather services. Headquartered in Rancho Cucamonga, California, SpectraSensors was incorporated in 1999, as a technology spin-off of the NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The company uses tunable diode lasers (TDL) in conjunction with absorption spectroscopy in an array of products such as ambient air monitoring analysers, moisture analysers (hygrometers), dewpoint analysers, and hydrogen sulphide analyers, gas analysers for natural gas pipelines, petrochemical refineries, environmental technology, and gas-quality applications. SpectraSensors’ gas analysers measure moisture (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), methane (CH4), sulphur dioxide (SO2), total sulphur, ammonia (NH3), ethylene oxide (ETO), and more. Spectrum External Line Inspection 78 Inglewood Point SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5K6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 585 2397 web: www.spectrumxli.com email: [email protected] contact: Gord Parker

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Paul Speeck GmbH Elisabethstrasse 1, Dattein, 45711, Germany tel: (+49) 2363 1050 fax: (+49) 2363 53430 Spell and Spell Offshore International, Inc 821-D Eva Street, Suite 146, Montgomery, TX 77356, USA tel: (+1) 936 582 0858 fax: (+1) 936 582 1582 web: www.spellandspelloffshore.com contact: Russell Spell Spibat Nigeria Ltd Plot 5, Adeyemo Alakija St, Box 7388, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 102 16 fax: (+234) 126 910 62 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd No 806, 8th Fl, Al Dahlewi Building, PO Box 55598, Riyadh, 11544, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 146 561 51 fax: (+966) 146 547 34 Spie Capag Reunion Zic No3, Le Port, Reunion tel: (+262) 262 428 270 fax: (+262) 262 422 628 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia Office 614, Edificio World Trade Centre, calle 100, No 8A-49, Bogota, Colombia tel: (+57) 125 734 71 fax: (+57) 125 744 32 Springfield Utility Services Pentland House, Grampian Road, Elgin, IV30, UK tel: (+44) 01343 555234 fax: (+44) 01343 556613 web: www.susltd.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Gordon Young Smith Rea Energy Ltd (SREL) 2 Rubislaw Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1XN, UK tel: (+44) 01224 612400 fax: (+44) 01224 612401 web: www.srel.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Alan Spence Stanton Bonna Littlewell Ln, Stanton-by-dale, Ilkeston, Derbys DE7 4QW, UK tel: (+44) 0115 944 1448 fax: (+44) 0115 944 1466 web: www.stanton-bonna.co.uk email: [email protected] Star Line Inc 3 Wharf Road, PO Box 147, Clarenville, Newfoundland A0E 1J0, Canada tel: (+1) 709 466 6196 fax: (+1) 709 466 7730 web: starlineInccom StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc 27235 West Highway Blvd, Katy, Katy, TX 77494, USA tel: (+1) 281 599 7557 fax: (+1) 281 578 9181 web: www.starpig.com email: [email protected] contact: Ernest D Casey Statoil ASA N-4035, Stavanger, Norway tel: (+47) 51 99 00 00 fax: (+47) 51 99 00 50 web: www.statoil.com email: [email protected] contact: Alf Tordal

Statoil A/S 50 Borgmester Chistiansens Gade, PO Box 120, Kobenhavn C, DK-0900, Denmark tel: (+45) 7012 4200 fax: (+45) 7012 4242

Statoil Mexico 18th Floor, 24 Manuel Avila Camacho Blvd, Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P. 11000, Mexico tel: (+52) 555 540 6273

Stena Maritima Rua Palm Pamplona 201 Sampaio, Rio de Janeiro, RJ CEP 209, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 24 13622 fax: (+55) 21 24 10999

Statoil Algeria Bureau L203, Sheraton Club Des Pins, B.P. 62 Staoueli, Alger, 16000, Algeria

Statoil Moscow 17th Fl, Block 2, 2 Paveletskaya Sq, Moscow, 113054, Russia tel: (+7) 095 967 3818 fax: (+7) 095 967 3824

Stena Offshore A/S Box 284, Lysaker, N-1324, Norway tel: (+47) 67 127 290 fax: (+47) 67 127 294

Statoil Angola 17 Rua de Benguela, Luanda, Angola tel: (+244) 244 8080 fax: (+244) 244 8103 Statoil Arabian Gulf AS 3rd Fl, Lexus Building, PO Box 47359, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 267 107 67 fax: (+971) 267 709 44 Statoil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 435 Orchard Rd, 10-04/06 Wima Atria, 238877, Singapore tel: (+65) 623 365 33 fax: (+65) 673 636 22 Statoil Azerbaijan The Landmark Building, 96 Nizami St, Baku, 370010, Azerbaijan tel: (+994) 129 773 40 fax: (+994) 129 779 44 Statoil Belgium 1 Barlenhuis St, Pier 524, Zeebrugge, B8380, Belgium tel: (+32) 504 616 11 fax: (+32) 505 990 04 Statoil do Brasil Ltda 501 Praia de Botafogo, Bloco Corcovado, 2 Andar, Rio de Janeiro, 22250-040, Brazil tel: (+55) 212 586 6000 fax: (+55) 212 586 6233 Statoil Deutschland GmbH PO Box 2262, Emden, D-26702, Germany tel: (+49) 492 791 40 fax: (+49) 492 791 4160 Statoil Exploration Ireland Ltd Statoil House, 6 St George’s Dock, International Financial Services Cntr, Dublin, 1, Ireland tel: (+353) 163 681 00 fax: (+353) 181 801 00 web: wwww.statoil.ie Statoil France Dunkerque Terminal D.A., Route de la Warlande, Loon-Plage, F-59279, France tel: (+33) 328 289 341 fax: (+33) 328 289 369 Statoil Iran 255 Mirdamad Blvd, 1918933931, Iran tel: (+98) 212 256 330 fax: (+98) 212 256 335 Statoil Kazakhstan Astana Tower, 12 Samal Microdistrict, Astana, 473000, Kazakhstan tel: (+7) 317 258 0086 fax: (+7) 317 258 0087 Statoil Liason Office Istanbul 195 Buyukdere Cad, Buyukdere Plaza, Levent, Istanbul, 34330, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 317 9830 fax: (+90) 212 317 9831 Statoil Marketing and Trading (US) Inc 225 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT 6905, USA tel: (+1) 203 978 6900 fax: (+1) 203 978 6952

Statoil Nigeria Ltd 1A Bourdillon Rd, PO Box 56190, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 904 91 fax: (+234) 126 912 45 Statoil Norge AS 8 Sorkedalsveien, PO Box 1176 Sentrum, Oslo, 107, Norway tel: (+47) 229 620 00 Statoil (Orient) Inc 13F Chiwan Petroleum Building, Chiwan, Shekou, 518068, China tel: (+86) 755 2685 5335 fax: (+86) 755 2685 5331 Statoil Polska Sp. zo.o. ul. 29 Listopada 10, Warsaw, 00-465, Poland tel: (+48) 226 222 202 fax: (+48) 226 221 931 Statoil Saudi Arabia 14th Fl, Kingdom Tower, PO Box 230888, Riyadh, 11321, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 121 180 80 fax: (+966) 121 180 81 Statoil UK Ltd Statoil House, 11a Regent St, London, SW1Y 4ST, UK tel: (+44) 0207 766 7777 fax: (+44) 020 7766 7862 Statoil Venezuela CA 9 Torre Forum, Calle Guaicaipuro, El Rosal, Caracas, Venezuela tel: (+58) 212 952 6393 fax: (+58) 212 952 7107 Stats Ltd Porterswood House, Porterswood, St Albans, Herts AL3 6PQ, UK tel: (+44) 0172 783 3261 fax: (+44) 0172 783 5682 web: www.ststs.co.uk email: [email protected] Status Scientific Controls Ltd Kingsmill Way, Hermitage Lane Industrial Estate, Notts, Mansfield, NG18 5ER, UK tel: (+44) 01623 651381 fax: (+44) 01623 427816 web: www.status-scientific.com Stauff UK 332 Coleford Road, Darnall, Sheffield, Yorks S9 5PH, UK tel: (+44) 0114 2518 518 fax: (+44) 0114 2518 519 web: www.stauff.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: John Morris Steel Pile Installations Ltd 4 Torrisholme Square, Torrisholme, Lancaster, LA4 6NJ, UK tel: (+44) 01524 401188 fax: (+44) 01524 401199 web: www.spiltd.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Eric Livermore

Stena Offshore Inc 210 9432 Old Katy Road, Houston, TX 77055, USA tel: (+1) 713 935 9709 fax: (+1) 713 935 9633 Stena Offshore Ltd Stena House, Westhill Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB32 6TQ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 744 044 fax: (+44) 01224 744 038 Stockton Pipelines Ltd York House, Drury Lane, Wakefield, WF1 2TE, UK tel: (+44) 01924 290647 fax: (+44) 01924 290609 web: www.stockton-pipelines.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Fiona Stockton Stolt Comex A/S Skogstostraen 37PO Box 740, Stavanger, N-4001, Norway tel: (+47) 51 84 50 00 fax: (+47) 51 83 59 00

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

Stolt Comex Seaway Argentina SA Avda Pte Roque Saenz Peha 710Piso 7, Buenos Aires, 1035, Argentina tel: (+54) 1 30 63 75 fax: (+54) 1 334 92 06 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd Box 186Osborne Park, Perth, WA 6017, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9446 6700 fax: (+61) 8 9446 4822 email: [email protected] Stolt Comex Seaway Congo Sarl Yard Bos CongoBox 808, Pointe Noire, Congo tel: (+242) 94 24 17 fax: (+242) 94 38 19 Stolt Comex Seaway Gabon Sarl Box 621, Port Gentil, Gabon tel: (+241) 75 21 28 fax: (+241) 75 09 81 email: [email protected] Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd Bucksburn House, Howes Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, AB21 9RQ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 718200 fax: (+44) 01224 715129 email: [email protected] Stolt Comex Seaway Nigeria Ltd Nati Engineering Ctr 2nd FloorEngineering CloseVictoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 61 85 38 fax: (+234) 1 61 85 38 email: [email protected] Stolt Comex Seaway SA 36 Bd Des Oceans, Marseille, 13275, France tel: (+33) 91 23 51 11 fax: (+33) 91 40 02 24 Stolt Comex Seaway (S) Pte Ltd N 6 Benol Place, 2262, Singapore tel: (+65) 861 61 66 entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 fax: (+65) 862 23 54 email: [email protected] Stolt Comex Seaway Saudi Arabia Ltd Box 2611, Al-Khobar, 31952, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 898 54 20 fax: (+966) 3 894 56 74 email: [email protected] Stolt Comex Seaway Tecnologia Submarina SA Rua Mexico 3/11 Andar, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20031, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 220 60 fax: (+55) 21 220 54 01 Stonbury Ltd 187C High St, Cranfield, MK43 0JB, UK tel: (+44) 0148 288 1198 fax: (+44) 0148 286 8457 web: www.stonbury.co.uk email: [email protected] Stone Construction Equipment 8662 Main Street, Honeoye, NY 144710150, USA tel: (+1) 800 888 9926 fax: (+1) 585 229 2363 web: www.stone-equip.com Stonehouse Signs, Inc PO Box 546, Arvada, CO 80001, USA tel: (+1) 303 422 2356 email: [email protected] contact: Jeff Stone Ken Stothard Assocs Ltd The ConifersBath Road, Glos, Leonard Stanley, GL10 3LU, UK tel: (+44) 01453 821533 fax: (+44) 01453 792516 web: www.ksal.demon.co.uk email: [email protected] Max Streicher GmbH & Co KG aA Schwaigerbreite 17, Deggendorf, 94469, Germany tel: (+49) 991 330 0 fax: (+49) 991 330 180 web: www.streicher.de email: [email protected] contact: Daniela Goschnick Streicher Gmbh Pilsen K lomu 426, Stenovice, CR 33209, Czech Republic tel: (+420) 197 916 029 fax: (+420) 197 916 510 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 13800 Westfair East Drive, Houston, TX 77041-1101, USA tel: (+1) 281 955 2900 fax: (+1) 281 955 2900 web: www.stress.com email: [email protected] contact: Chris Alexander StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment 2790 West College Avenue, State College, PA 16801-2605, USA tel: (+1) 814 861 6300 fax: (+1) 814 861 6330 web: www.stresstel.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeff Stetson


Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services 9894 Bissonnet, Suite 470, Houston, TX 77036, USA tel: (+1) 713 771 1871 fax: (+1) 713 771 1874 web: www.striclan.com email: [email protected] contact: Wes Sims

Stroud Diving & Hydrography One Mesco Plaza, 5030 Old Kings Road NW, Jacksonville, FL 32254, USA tel: (+1) 800 446 5235 fax: (+1) 904 353 5500 web: www.mesco-offshore.com email: [email protected] contact: Will F Hux Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering One Mesco Plaza, 5030 Old Kings Road NW, Jacksonville, FL 32254-1184, USA tel: (+1) 904 355 1777 fax: (+1) 904 353 5500 web: www.Mescodive.com email: [email protected] contact: Will F Hux Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering Philippines Branch, Magsaysay Training Center, Manila, 32254, Philippines tel: (+1) 904 355 1777 fax: (+1) 904 353 5500 web: www.mescodive.com email: [email protected] contact: Will F Hux Stroytransgaz OAO 65 Novocheromoushkinskaya St, Moscow, 117418, Russia tel: (+7) 095 363 9494 fax: (+7) 095 363 9495 web: www.stroytransgaz.com email: [email protected] contact: Antonina Topalayan

Stroytransgaz is a leader in the engineering, construction, and diversified services markets of Russia’s oil and gas sectors. The company works in 21 regions of the Russian Federation, and in 14 countries worldwide. Its key competences are engineering, procurement, construction, and project management, and it provides a full range of services from project conception to operation and maintenance. Issues of health, safety, and the environment are of the top priority in the organization and each of its members, and the company is certified to a wide range of international quality standards. Among its prominent projects in recent years have been: the development of the Zapolyarnoye oil-gas condensate field (100bcm/yr) in the north of Russia; construction of the land section of the Blue Stream gas pipeline; constructioin of the Russian-Belarusian section of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline; consytruction of the Kenkiyak-Atyrau (Kazakhstan) and Haoud El HamraArzew (Algeria) oil pipelines; and construction of a number of pipelines in India. The company has been a member of IPLOCA since 1996. Martin Strudwick 158 High St, Sutton Ely, Cambs CB6 2NR, UK tel: (+44) 01353 778288 fax: (+44) 01353 778288 web: www.martin-strudwick.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Martin Strudwick Stupp Corporation 12555 Ronaldson Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70807-1503, USA tel: (+1) 800 535 9999 fax: (+1) 225 775 7610

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web: www.stuppcorp.com email: [email protected] Submar, Inc 805 Dunn Street, Houma, LA 70360, USA tel: (+1) 985 868 0001 fax: (+1) 985 851 0108 web: www.submar.com email: [email protected] contact: Melissa Boudreaux Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd 34th Fl, Centennial Tower, 3 Temasek Ave, 316, Singapore tel: (+65) 549 7872 fax: (+65) 549 7571 email: [email protected] Subsea Offshore Ltd Greenwell Base, Greenwell Road, Aberdeen, AB1 4AX, UK tel: (+44) 01224 292000 fax: (+44) 01224 879312 web: www.halliburton.com Subsea 7 Peregrine Road, Westhill Business Park, Westhill, Aberdeen, AB32 6JL, UK tel: (+44) 01224 344300 fax: (+44) 01224 344600 web: www.subsea7.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Pickard Subspection Ltd Shelf House, New Farm Road, Alresford, Hants SO24 9QE, UK tel: (+44) 01962 734977 fax: (+44) 01962 735277 web: www.subspection.com email: [email protected] contact: R.J. Holt Sub-Surface Construction Co 5959 Comstock Park Drive, Comstock Park, MI 49321, USA tel: (+1) 616 784 1313 fax: (+1) 616 784 8376 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd Layyah JettyPO Box 4375, Sharjah, UAE tel: (+971) 6 285 415 fax: (+971) 6 284 086 email: [email protected] Subterra Travel House, Units 16-18 Rough Hey Road, Grimsargh, Preston, Lancs PR2 5AR, UK tel: (+44) 01772 888789 fax: (+44) 01772 653740 web: www.subterra.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: John Ineson Subterra Systems Lancaster House, Centurion Way, Leyland, Preston, Lancs PR26 6TX, UK tel: (+44) 01772 819841 fax: (+44) 01772 819069 web: www.subterra.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Norman Howell Such Lifting Equipment Ltd Unit 18, Millbrook Close, St James Mill Road Industrial Estate, Northampton, UK tel: (+44) 01604 751146 fax: (+44) 01604 758062 Sucursal Argentina Av Julio A Rocca 620 Piso 7, Buenos Aires, 1067, Argentina tel: (+54) 1 345 3168 fax: (+54) 1 331 0761

Company listing

Suddeutsche Erdgastransport GmbH Neuer Markt 27-29, Box Postfach 1253, Haan, 42781, Germany tel: (+49) 2129 93530 fax: (+49) 2129 52572 Suedrohrbau International GmbH Suedrohrbau International GmbH, C/o Koop Pipeline Division, PO Box 46, Haren, 9750 AA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 505 991 200 fax: (+31) 505 991 222 web: www.suedrohrbau.de email: [email protected] Suedrohrbau International GmbH 100 Reisaer Strasse, PO Box 741107, Leipzig, 4323, Germany tel: (+49) 341 6575 0 fax: (+49) 341 6575 555 web: www.suedrohrbau.de email: [email protected] contact: Jan G. Koop Suedrohrbau International GmbH Bin Moosa Tower, Hamdan Street, PO Box 45168, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 262 662 68 fax: (+971) 262 696 86 web: www.suedrohrbau.de Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd PO Box 13014, Abqaiq Road, Dammam, 31493, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 382 202 16 fax: (+966) 382 204 75 web: www.suedrohrbau.de email: [email protected] Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd Gas House, 21 Hashmir Road, PO Box 56, Lahore, Pakistan tel: (+92) 42 6305 181 fax: (+92) 42 6368 433 Sui Southern Gas Co St 14/2, Near Civic Center, Glshan e Iqbal, Sind, Karachi, 75500, Pakistan tel: +92 21 9231500 fax: +92 21 9231005 Sullair Corporation 3700 East Michigan Blvd, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA tel: (+1) 219 879 5451 fax: (+1) 804 639 3356 web: www.sullair.com email: [email protected] contact: Glen Cronan Sullair Europe Zone Industrial des Granges, BP 82, Montbrison, F42602, France tel: (+44) 07770 762330 fax: (+44) 01604 820597 email: [email protected] contact: Mike Perkins. Sulzer Pumps India Ltd 9, MIDC, Thane-Belapur Road, Digha, Maharashtra State, Navi Mumbai, 400 708, India tel: (+91) 022 7904321 fax: (+91) 022 7904306 web: www.sulzerpumps.com Sumitomo Metals 5-33, Kitahama 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0041, Japan tel: (+81) 6 6220 5111

Surgutgazsytroi ul. Ostrovskogo 16, Hanty-Mansysky AO, Surgut, 626400, Russia tel: (+7) 3462 338288 fax: (+7) 3462 338298

fax: (+81) 6 6223 0305 web: www.sumitomometals.co.jp O.C.Summers Ltd Barford Road, St Neots, Huntingdon, Cambs PE19 2SJ, UK tel: (+44) 01480 402600 fax: (+44) 01480 402579 Summit Pipeco Ltd Summit Center, 18 Karwan Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka, Dhaka, 1215, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 913 0845 fax: (+880) 913 0853 web: www.summit-centre.com Sun-Canadian Pipe Line Co Ltd PO Box 470, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0, Canada tel: (+1) 905 689 6641 fax: (+1) 905 689 1233 SUNcast Polytech Inc 9768-170 Street, Box 346, Edmonton, AB T5T 5L4, Canada tel: (+1) 780 448 1222 fax: (+1) 780 448 1322 web: www.suncaStca email: neilb@suncaStca contact: Neil Bowker Sunland Construction & Directional Drilling Inc PO Box 1087, Eunice, LA, USA tel: (+1) 318 546 0241 fax: (+1) 318 546 0245 Sunstone Projects 1600, 510 - 5th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3S2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 262 3030 fax: (+1) 403 262 3033 web: www.sunstone.ab.ca email: [email protected] SunWize Technologies 1155 Flatbush Road, Kingston, NY 12401, USA tel: (+1) 303 604 1125 fax: (+1) 303 604 1135 web: www.sunwize.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeffrey Fahey Superior Supply & Steel PO Box 2087, 318 Cities Service Hiway, Lake Charles, LA 70602, USA tel: (+1) 800 737 5643 fax: (+1) 337 625 8509 web: www.supstl.com Suraj Stainless Ltd 6th Floor, Kalpana Complex, Navrangpura, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, 380 009, India tel: (+91) 79 741 1050 fax: (+91) 79 743 7277 web: www.surajgroup.com email: [email protected] Surex International Ltd Unit 5, Airport Trading Estate, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3BW, UK tel: (+44) 0195 957 6000 fax: (+44) 0195 957 1000 web: www.keyindustries.co.uk email: [email protected] Surface Search Inc Bay 7, 6325 - 11 Street SE, PO Box 6042, Stn. A, Calgary, AB T2H 2L3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 531 9715 fax: (+1) 403 294 1240 web: www.surfacesearch.com

SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc Suite 100, 740 Nicola St, Vancouver, BC V6G 2C1, Canada tel: (+1) 604 717 4327 fax: (+1) 604 736 9531 email: [email protected] contact: Donna Flynn Svarochno-montazhnyi Trust ul. Gilyarovskogo 3, Moscow, 129090, Russia tel: (+7) 095 208 6964 fax: (+7) 095 208 9214 Svenska Elektrod AB PO Box 1271, Gustavsvagen 14, Solna, 17124, Sweden tel: (+46) 873 400 75 fax: (+46) 873 568 27 web: www.svenskaelektrod.se email: [email protected] contact: Tomas Gahn Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB Box 27823, Sandhamnsgatan 51, Stockholm, S-115 93, Sweden tel: (+46) 8 4501 550 fax: (+46) 8 667 2432 email: [email protected] Svenska Statoil AB 24 Torkel Knutssonsgatan, Stockholm, S11888, Sweden tel: (+46) 842 960 00 fax: (+46) 842 960 01 web: www.qatargas.se

Company listing - alphabetical

Sucursal en Espana Avenida Francisco Javier 9, Edificio Sevilla 2 - Planta 9, Modulo 7, Spain tel: (+34) 57 335221 fax: (+34) 57 335221

Syddal Engineering Ltd Cooke Works, Palatine St, Denton, Manchester, Lancs M34 3LY, UK tel: (+44) 0161 336 4205 fax: (+44) 0161 320 9525 web: www.syddalengineering.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Holmes Symis Inc PO Box 1725, Pacifica, CA 94044, USA tel: (+1) 650 491 0033 web: www.symis.net email: [email protected] contact: David Engel Symmetry Ltd Praia do Flamengo 66/1111, Rio de Janeiro, 22210030, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 2005 5520 web: www.symmetry-rio.com.br email: [email protected] contact: Amy Skalmusky Synergy Chemical Pipeline Division 200 West Orange, Foley, AL 36535, USA tel: (+1) 251 971 3105 fax: (+1) 251 943 4442 web: www.synerchem.net email: [email protected] contact: Julie Andrews Synergy Pipeline Services Inc 10815 St John’s Lane, PO Box 2051, Foley, AL 36535, USA tel: (+1) 251 971 3105 fax: (+1) 251 943 4442 web: www.synergypipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Mattox

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Synthotech Special Products B2b Crimple Court, Hornbeam North Square, Hornbeam Park, Harrogate, HG2 8PB, UK tel: (+44) 01423 816060 fax: (+44) 01423 810001 web: www.synthotech.co.uk email: [email protected]

T T & R Pipeline Services 15110 Hooper Rd, Houston, TX, USA tel: (+1) 713 413 9120 fax: (+1) 713 413 9112 web: www.trpipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Austin Terry TAD Pty Ltd Level 12, 37 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9461 4610 fax: (+61) 8 9461 4633 web: www.tad.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Sarah Duke TAMSA Carr. Veracruz-Xalapa km.433, Veracruz, Veracruz, 91700, Mexico tel: (+52) 2989 1100 fax: (+52) 2989 1600 web: www.tamsa.com.mx TCGC Murphy JV 22 Isiodou Street, Athens, 10674, Greece tel: (+30) 1 724 6711 fax: (+30) 1 723 8270 TCI Services PO Box 38, Lowestoft, NR32 3WB, UK tel: (+44) 0191 2530800 fax: (+44) 01502 531014 web: www.tci-services.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Phil Stoker TCM (Bangladesh) Group 32/4/A Shahjahan Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka, 1207, Bangladesh tel: (+880) 2912 4110 fax: (+880) 2912 4111 web: www.geocities.com/dipuhaque TCR Engineering Services 35 Pragati Industrial Estate, N.M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel, Maharashtra, Mumbai, 400 011, India tel: (+91) 22 2309 2347 fax: (+91) 22 2308 0197 web: www.tcreng.com email: [email protected] contact: Rohit Bafna TDW Offshore Services AS Fabrikkveien 15, PO Box 8011, Postterminalen, Stavanger, 4068, Norway tel: (+47) 51 33 32 40 fax: (+47) 51 44 32 41 web: www.tdwoffshore.com email: [email protected] contact: Ms Trude Ravndal


TDW Services 10 S 183rd Schoger Dr, Naperville, IL 60564, USA tel: (+1) 630 820 2500 fax: (+1) 630 820 2699 web: www.tdwilliamson.com email: [email protected] contact: Patrick Armstrong

TEPE Group Gevre Sok No 16, Ankara, Turkey tel: (+90) 4 2873288 fax: (+90) 4 2664099 TE Products Pipeline Co LP PO Box 2521, Houston, TX 77252-2521, USA tel: (+1) 713 759 3636 fax: (+1) 713 759 3957 TESI S.R.L. Via Piave 20/11, Vermezzo, Mila, 20080, Italy tel: (+39) 2 944 0501 fax: (+39) 2 944 9087 web: www.tesigroup.com email: [email protected] contact: Ausonio Zubiani TL Offshore Sdn Bhd Level 8, Sapura Mines, 7 Jalan Tasik, The Mines Resort City, Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, 43300, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 8659 8800 fax: (+60) 3 8659 8488 contact: Zainol Izzet Mohammed Ishak T.M.&D Service Equipment Via Provinciale, Carpaneto, 29013, Italy tel: (+39) 523 852 445 fax: (+39) 523 852 319 web: www.tecnomail.com email: [email protected] contact: Giancarlo Magnani TRAGS PO Box 1884, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 432 212 fax: (+974) 422 255 TRI Tool Inc 3806 Security Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, USA tel: (+1) 916 351 0144 fax: (+1) 916 351 0372 web: www.tritool.com email: [email protected] contact: Steven Young TTC Piaristicka 2, Nitra, 94901, Slovakia tel: (+421) 37 6519 529 fax: (+421) 37 7410 021 web: www.ttc.sk email: [email protected] contact: [email protected] TT UK Ltd 10 Windsor Road, Bedford, MK42 9SU, UK tel: (+44) 01234 342566 fax: (+44) 01234 352184 web: www.tt-uk.com email: [email protected] contact: David Toms TUE (Systems) Ltd HQS Wellington, Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment, London, WC2R 2PN, UK tel: (+44) 07701 955332 fax: (+44) 07092 2167522 web: www.tuesystems.com email: [email protected] contact: Cheryl Stewart TUV Industrie Service GmbH Am Grauen Stein, Cologne, 51105, Germany tel: (+49) 221 806 2922 fax: (+49) 221 806 3474 web: www.tuv.com email: [email protected] contact: Wolfgang Schmidt

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TWI Granta Park, Gt Abington, Cambridge, CB1 6AL, UK tel: (+44) 01223 891162 fax: (+44) 01223 892588 web: www.twi.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Isabel Hadley NDT training TWI’s core activity is technology transfer, and through its international networks it continually infuses and then diffuses the results of research and development activities on a broad range of technologies and concepts, especially for NDT of pipelines. Its primary services represent all aspects of NTD technology transfer, provisions of particular information and advice, consultancy, R&D, training, and qualification and certification. TWI’s staff participates extensively in the development of energy pipeline standards for NDT of pipe, which is a key means for establishing and translating the best developments and their practices to the energy pipeline industry. NDE NDE has been at the heart of TWI’s research and services for 40 plus years, and its team of engineers continues to conceive and assess many methods for application within the energy pipeline industry. These research efforts are augmented by collaboration with wellknown academic and industrial partners. Direct assessment TWI’s research and development has lead to the long-range guided-wave (LRGW) testing technology, which its parent company Plant Integrity Ltd makes available within its Teletest Focus system. Further advancements of this technology also provide pipelines with phased-array, which encompasses a beam-focusing feature and provides the benefits of conventional guided-wave screening technology along with the ability to focus sound energy into a specific region of a pipe to measure the amount of corrosion around the circumference at a specific distance. Corrosion management TWI’s services in corrosion assessment and mitigation, and corrosion management, encompass a wide range of in-house technical disciplines that combine to provide a tailored fit to match its client’s requirements. From expert support and review, through laboratory studies, failure investigations and corrosion assessment, to corrosionmanagement reviews and risk-based management implementation, TWI is very knowledgeable in mitigating the inservice degradation of materials and corrosion performance of pipes since the 1950s. Tadpole Technology plc Kittle Yards, Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1PJ, UK tel: (+44) 0131 668 0200 fax: (+44) 0131 668 0202 web: www.tadpoletechnology.com/gsd email: [email protected] contact: Ross Coulman Tagus Dragagens Ltda Avenida des Tuplies 43, Alges, Morafloris, 1495, Portugal

Company listing

Tahal Consulting Engineers 54 Ben Guiru L St, Tel Aviv, 6111, Israel tel: (+972) 3 692 4337 fax: (+972) 3 693 4330

Tazama Pipelines Ltd Mafuta St, Gerezani Creek, PO Box 2157, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania tel: (+255) 51 118 882 fax: (+255) 51 199 004

Talbot Winnall Valley Road, Hants, Winchester, SO23 0LL, UK tel: (+44) 01962 705200 fax: (+44) 01962 841344 web: www.talbot.co.uk email: [email protected]

Tebodin Consultants and Engineers Laan van Nieuw Oost Indië 25, PO Box 16029, The Hague, 2500 BA, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 348 0911 fax: (+31) 70 348 0645 web: www.tebodin.com email: [email protected] contact: Jan-Willem van Liere

Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd Talisman House, 163 Holburn St, Aberdeen AB10 6BZ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 352 500 fax: (+44) 01224 353 400 web: www.talisman-energy.com email: [email protected]

TechCorr CA Avenida 18 con Calle 71 No. 17-93, Sector Paraiso, Planta Baja, Zulia, Maracaibo, 4001-A, Venezuela tel: (+58) 261 759 2018 fax: (+58) 261 757 1994 web: www.techcorr.com

Tamara Amman, 96, Jordan tel: (+962) 552 1671 fax: (+962) 552 1671 email: [email protected] contact: Lutfi Jilani

Techint Engenharia SA Rua Tabapua No 41, Itaim Bibi, PO Box 4535, Sao Paulo, 04533-010, Brazil tel: (+55) 11 3707 6020 fax: (+55) 11 3707 6057 email: [email protected] contact: Roberto C. Vidigal

Tamimi Co (TCCD) PO Box 172, Dammam, 31411, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 847 4050 fax: (+966) 3 847 1592 email: [email protected] contact: Tariq A. Tamimi Tamimi Co (TCCD) PO Box 33475, Roda, 73452, Kuwait tel: (+965) 240 6144 fax: (+965) 240 3319 Tamoil Italia SPA Via Andrea Costa 17, Milan, 20131, Italy tel: (+39) 02 268 161 fax: (+39) 02 2681 6266 Tank Calibrators Pty Ltd 17 Tomago Street, Aspley, Qld 4034, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3263 2545 fax: (+61) 7 3863 1983 web: www.tankcalibrators.com email: [email protected] contact: Myles Brannelly Tapecoat Co PO Box 631, 1527 Lyons St, Evanston, IL 60204, USA tel: (+1) 800 758 6041 fax: (+1) 847 866 8596 web: www.tapecoat.com email: [email protected] Tatneftegazstroi ul. Gagarina 10, Tartarstan, Almetevsk, 423400, Russia tel: (+7) 85512 58844 fax: (+7) 85512 58498 Tatnefteprovodstroy OJSC 20 Rodina Street, Kazan, Tatarstan, 420104, Russia tel: (+7) 8432 957 964 fax: (+7) 8432 957 954 email: [email protected] contact: A. Pilishkin Taywood Engineering Ltd Suite 2 14 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley, WA 6102, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9470 1511 fax: (+61) 8 9470 1279 email: [email protected]

Techint Engineering and Constrution Division CM Della Paolera 299, Buenos Aires, 1001, Argentina tel: (+54) 11 40 18 4340 fax: (+54) 11 40 18 1000 web: www.techintgroup.ot email: [email protected] contact: Carlos Bacher

Westhill, Aberdeen, AB32 6TQ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 271000 fax: (+44) 01224 271271 web: www.technip.com email: [email protected] contact: James Drummond Technisches Buro 47-49 Tauben St, Berlin, 10117, Germany tel: (+49) 302 012 253 fax: (+49) 302 012 253 Technology Transfer Services 3820 Northdale Blvd., Suite 200 B, Tampa, FL 33624, USA tel: (+1) 813 908 1100 fax: (+1) 813 908 1200 web: www.techtransfer.com email: [email protected] contact: Louis Rivera Tecnologia en Valvulas y Actuadores sa de cv 2212 Bellavista St pto Mexico, Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos, 96510, Mexico tel: (+52) 9215 0418 fax: (+52) 9215 0432 email: [email protected] Tecnomail SpA Via Provinciale, Carpaneto, 29013 PC, Italy tel: (+39) 523 852 445 fax: (+39) 523 852 319 web: ww.tecnomail.com email: [email protected] Tecnomare SpA San Marco 3584, Venice, 30124, Italy tel: (+39) 41 796711 fax: (+39) 41 5230363

Company listing - alphabetical

tel: (+351) 218 373 363 fax: (+351) 218 373 351

Tecno Tubos sa de cv Carr. Colombia 1249 Col. casa Bella, NL, San Nicolas de los Garza, 66450, Mexico tel: (+52) 83 525209 fax: (+52) 83 763782 email: [email protected]

Techint SA de CV Campos Eliseos 400, Edificio Parque reforma, Col Chapultepec Polanco, Mexico City, 11560, Mexico tel: (+52) 528 286 00 fax: (+52) 528 286 97 web: www.techint.com Techint S.A. de CV Guillermo González Camarena 1200 Piso 7, Colonia Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe, Delegación Alvaro Obregón, México Distrito Federal, 1210, Mexico tel: (+52) 55 5246 7200 fax: (+52) 55 8525 7100 web: www.techint.com email: [email protected] contact: Francisco Elizondo VO Techmasimport 15 Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, Moscow, 107140, Russia tel: (+7) 95 264 7976 fax: (+7) 95 264 0777 web: www.tecmasimport.com Technip Germany GmbH 90 Theodorstrasse, PO Box 30 07 41, Dusseldorf, 40407, Germany tel: (+49) 211 659 2501 fax: (+49) 211 659 2342 email: [email protected] contact: Leo Maas Technipipe ZA L’Agavon, 21 Avenue Lamartine, Les Pennes Mirabeau, 13170, France tel: (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 fax: (+33) 4 42 02 02 36 web: www.technipipe.com email: [email protected] contact: Jean-Claude Picard

Teco Pipeline Co 1001 Fannin, Suite 600, Houston, TX 7002, USA tel: (+1) 713 652 0811 fax: (+1) 713 652 0605 Tecpesa Parmenides 8, P.Empresarial la Garena, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, 28806, N/A tel: (+34) 9 1879 7975 fax: (+34) 9 1883 2022 web: www.tecpesa.es email: [email protected] contact: Kasra Khanafshar Tecvalco Ltd 6888 Oakwood Dr., Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S5, Canada tel: (+1) 905 353 0101 web: www.tecvalco.com contact: Steve Tekfen Insaat Ve Tesisat AS Tekfen Sitesi, Aydinlik Sok. B-3 34340, Besiktas, Istanbul, 80600, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 257 61 00 fax: (+90) 212 265 9869 web: www.tekfen.com.tr email: [email protected] contact: Necati Akcaglilar Tefken Insaat ve Tesitat 12 Festivalnaya St, Moscow, Russia tel: (+7) 954 566 454 fax: (+7) 954 566 454

Technip Offshore UK Enterprise Drive, Westhill Industrial Estate,

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Tefken Uzbekistan 25/34 Akhunbabachu St, Tashkent, Uzbekistan tel: (+871) 132 1424 fax: (+871) 136 3307 Telescada Inc 35 Corporate Park Drive, Pembroke, MA 2359, USA tel: (+1) 781 8299228 fax: (+1) 781 829 9875 web: www.telescada.com email: [email protected] Telvent 10333 Southport Road SW, Calgary, AB T2W 3Z6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 253 8848 fax: (+1) 403 259 2926 web: www.telvent.com email: [email protected] Temple Environmental Consultants Ltd Barnards, Station Road, Horsted Keynes, W Sussex RH17 7ED, UK tel: (+44) 0182 579 0794 fax: (+44) 0182 579 1066 web: www.temple-environmental.co.uk email: [email protected] Tenaris Tubos de Acero de Mexico, KM 433.7 Carret, Mexico-Veracruz, Via Xalapa, Veracruz, 91697, Mexico tel: (+52) 29 89 1190 fax: (+52) 29 89 1115 web: www.tenaris.com email: [email protected] contact: Marcelo de Virgiliis Tenaris Global Services (UK) Ltd Century House, 100 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LL, UK tel: (+44) 020 7291 0202 fax: (+44) 020 7291 0201 email: [email protected] contact: P. Szantyr Teppco 2929 Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 77019, USA tel: (+1) 713 759 3636 web: www.teppco.com Tepsco L. P. 421 Bayou Drive, Channelview, TX 77530, USA tel: (+1) 281 862 2300 fax: (+1) 281 862 9218 web: www.tepsco.com contact: Tom VanGoor Tesmec SpA Via Zanica 17/0, Grassobbio, Bergamo, 24050, Italy tel: (+39) 35 423 2911 fax: (+39) 35 335 664 web: www.tesmec.it email: [email protected] contact: Andrea Zamboni Tesoro Petroleum Corp 8700 Tesoro Dr, San Antonio, TX 782176218, USA tel: (+1) 210 828 8484 fax: (+1) 210 283 2031


Texaco Ltd 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4H4, UK tel: (+44) 020 7719 3000 fax: (+44) 020 7719 5145 Texaco (Denmark) Inc Parken, Oster Alle 48, Copenhagen, DK2100, Denmark tel: (+45) 70 21 84 00

fax: (+45) 70 21 84 01 web: www.chevrontexaco.com email: [email protected] Texas Energy Investment Solutions Inc 5044 Avery Lane, The Colony, TX 75056, USA tel: (+1) 469 384 1871 fax: (+1) 877 857 4383 web: www.mroandg.com Texas Gas Transmission 3800 Frederica St, Owensboro, KY KY 42301, USA tel: (+1) 270 926 8686 web: www.tegt Texcel Unit 8, Avebury Court, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7TA, UK tel: (+44) 0144 223 1700 fax: (+44) 0144 226 1918 web: www.texcel.uk.com email: [email protected] Texon Ltd Skelton Industrial EstateSkelton, Cleveland, Saltburn by the Sea, TS12 2LH, UK tel: (+44) 01287 654343 fax: (+44) 01287 652892 Texpata Pipe Line Co PO Box 499, Laredo, TX 78042, USA tel: (+1) 956 724 7141 fax: (+1) 956 724 2005 Thermit Alloys (P) Ltd N-7, Industrial Estate, B.H. Road, Shimoga, Karnataka State, 577204, India tel: (+91) 8182 250431 fax: (+91) 8182 250519 web: www.thermitalloys.com email: [email protected] contact: Milan R. Monteiro Thermotrace Corporation 5150 Hidalgo Street #905, Houston, TX 77056, USA tel: (+1) 71 3349 9395 fax: (+1) 71 3349 9530 email: [email protected] Thermoflow Electron Corp 9303 Sam Houston Parkway, Houston, TX 77099-5298, USA tel: (+1) 272 0404 fax: (+1) 713 272 2272 web: www.thermo.com email: [email protected] Thermoreg Products Ltd 5+6 Merlin Park, Fred Dannatt Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7RD, UK tel: (+44) 01638 712720 fax: (+44) 01638 712707 web: www.thermoreg.co.uk

Thistle Pipelines Ltd Lochaber House10 Woodhall MillbraeJuniper Green, Edinburgh, EH14 5BJ, UK tel: (+44) 0131 453 6000 3P Services GmbH & Co KG Lenzfeld 9, Lingen, 49811, Germany tel: (+49) 591 710 070 fax: (+49) 591 710 0711 web: www.3p-services.com email: [email protected] contact: Dr Rainer Schmidt Three Valleys Water plc PO Box 48, Bishops Rise, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9HL, UK tel: (+44) 01707 277164 fax: (+44) 01707 277146 web: www.3valleys.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Nigel Rhodes Thyssengas GmbH Box PO Postfach 110562, Duisburg, 47145, Germany tel: (+49) 203 55 55 0 fax: (+49) 203 55 55 2277 web: www.thyssengas.de email: [email protected] ThyssenKrupp Mannex Pty Ltd 267 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia tel: (+61) 2 9955 0978 fax: (+61) 2 9925 0084 email: [email protected] contact: Joe Commins Thyssen Mannesmann Handel GmbH Thyssen Trade Center, 1 Hans-GunterSohl-Str., PO Box 103651, Dusseldorf, D-40027, Germany tel: (+49) 211 967 0 fax: (+49) 211 967 37692 web: www.thyssen-mannesmann-handel.de email: [email protected] contact: Helmet Huber Tidewater Marine Inc 601 Poydras St, Suite 1900, New Orleans, LA 70130, USA tel: (+1) 504 568 1010 fax: (+1) 504 566 4582 web: www.tdw.com contact: Chris Orth Tideway BV 64 Topaas St, PO Box 7074, Breda, 4817, Netherlands tel: (+31) 76 520 4140 fax: (+31) 76 520 4150 web: www.tideway.nl email: [email protected]

Theta II Enterprises Inc 206 Industrial Ave C, Houma, LA 70363, USA tel: (+1) 504 868 2854

Tideway Sdn Bhd Unit 1.07 and 1.08, 1st Fl, Wisma DiCor Jalan SS 17/1A47500, Subang Jaya, Selangor Danul Ehsan, 47500, Malaysia tel: (+60) 373 509 15 fax: (+60) 372 811 03 email: [email protected]

BV Aannemersbedrijf Gebr Theunissen Cannerweg 172, Maastricht, 6213 BK, Netherlands tel: (+31) 43 254415 fax: (+31) 43 255755

Tidex Nigeria Ltd 14 Saka Tinubu Street Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 261 5426 fax: (+234) 1 261 3045

Thiess Pty Ltd Level 6256 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia tel: (+61) 8 9214 42 00 fax: (+61) 8 9214 42 44 email: [email protected]

PT Tiga Puluh Derajat Jl. Rantai Perak No. G-62, Bulak Rantai, Kramat Jati, Jakarta, 13520, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 808 78324 fax: (+62) 21 808 78325 email: [email protected] contact: M. Endro Djumeno

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Timberline Oilfield Locating Box 6045, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R6, Canada tel: (+1) 780 514 3515 fax: (+1) 780 514 3565 web: www.timberlinelocating.ca email: [email protected] contact: Eric Christie

web: www.tormene.it email: [email protected]

email: [email protected] contact: Nicola Porter

Total E&P Indonesia JL Yos Sudarso, PO Box 606, Balikpapan, 76123, Indonesia tel: (+62) 542 533 999 fax: (+62) 542 533 888

Tracer Research Corporation 9551 S. Avers Avenue, Evergreen Park, IL 60805, USA tel: (+1) 708 229 1120 fax: (+1) 708 229 9711 web: www.tracerresearch.com

Tinker & Rasor PO Box 281, 417 Agostino Road, San Gabriel, CA 91778-0281, USA tel: (+1) 626 287 5259 fax: (+1) 626 287 0132 web: www.tinker-rasor.com email: [email protected] contact: Leonard Holguin

Total E&P UK plc Crawpeel Rd, Altens, Aberdeen AB12 3FG, UK tel: (+44) 01224 297000 fax: (+44) 01224 298999 web: www.uk.total.com email: [email protected] contact: David Pitt

Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd Pen-y-bont Wastewater Treatment Works, Ogmore-by-Sea, Bridgend, CF32 0QP, UK tel: (+44) 01656 881222 fax: (+44) 01656 881234 web: www.titansurveys.com email: [email protected] contact: Malcolm Houston

TotalFinaElf Tour Coupole, 2 Place de la Coupole, Paris La Defence, 92078, France tel: (+33) 1 4744 7834 fax: (+33) 1 4744 7838 web: www.totalfinaelf.com

Titanium Tantalum Products Ltd 86/1 Vengaivasal Main Road, Gowrivakkam, Chennai, 601302, India tel: (+91) 44 2278 1210 fax: (+91) 44 2278 0209 web: www.notokfittings.com email: [email protected] contact: Leonard Titeflex Corporation 603 Hendee Street, Springfield, MA 011390054, USA tel: (+1) 800 765 2525 fax: (+1) 800 765 2525 web: www.titeflex.com Tobin International Ltd 1625 Broadway, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202, USA tel: (+1) 303 831 3411 fax: (+1) 303 831 3466 web: www.tobin.com TomoRad Ltd Amaliastraat 5, The Hague, 2514 JC, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 707 0877 fax: (+31) 70 707 0881 web: www.tomorad.com email: [email protected] contact: Simon W. Shaw Tomskgazstroi ul. Smirnova 8, Tomsk, 634050, Russia tel: (+7) 3822 763809 fax: (+7) 3822 763809 Topline Ltd 16 Birabi Street, Port Harcourt, GRA 1, Nigeria tel: (+234) 642 638 fax: (+234) 232 473 web: www.toplineltd.net email: [email protected] contact: Chinedu Maduakoh

Total Fina Elf NL BV Postbus 93280, The Hague, NL-2509, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 339 5449 fax: (+31) 70 339 5680 web: www.totalfinaelf.com Total Indonesie Kuningan Plaza North Tower, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav, BOX C 11-14, Jakarta Selatan, 12940, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 252 26 90 fax: (+62) 21 252 08 14 Total Pipeline Solutions Ardra Road, Meridian Way, Edmonton, London, N9 0BD, UK tel: (+44) 020 8509 5773 fax: (+44) 020 8509 5748 Total UK Ltd Fina Line Operations, Buncefield Terminal, Green Lane, Hemel Hempsted, Herts HP2 7HZ, UK tel: (+44) 01442 263738 fax: (+44) 01442 234698 email: [email protected] contact: Robert White Toughquip 820 S. MacArthur Blvd, Suite 105-325, Coppell, 75019, USA tel: (+1) 866 681 4636 fax: (+1) 972 745 6563 web: www.toughquip.com email: [email protected] contact: Jeff Moore Townson Ltd Alexandra Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1DY, UK tel: (+44) 0161 367 9278 fax: (+44) 0161 367 9280 web: www.townson.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Bill Evans

Torch Inc 410 Whitney Avenue, Suite 400, Gretna, LA 70056, USA tel: (+1) 504 367 7030 fax: (+1) 504 367 7075 email: [email protected]

Tracerco Dialog Alliance 109, Block G, Phileo Damansara 1, No. 9, Jalan, 16/11, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Petaling Jaya, 46350, Malaysia tel: (+603) 795 51199 fax: (+603) 795 46953 web: www.tracerco.com email: [email protected] contact: Hamdan Saleh

Tormene Gas Technology SpA Via Campolongo, 97 - 35020 Due Carrare, Italy tel: (+39) 049 9199611 fax: (+39) 049 9125455

Tracerco PO Box 1, Billingham, TS23 1LB, UK tel: (+44) 01642 375 500 fax: (+44) 01642 370 704 web: www.tracerco.com

Tractebel Engineering 7 Avenue Ariane, B-1200, Brussels, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 773 91 11 fax: (+32) 2 773 99 00 web: www.engineering.tractebel.com email: [email protected] contact: Raymond Woulters Tradimpex (Pvt) Ltd 65 Shahrah-E-Quaid-E-Azam Box 263, Lahore, Pakistan tel: (+92) 42 7234168 fax: (+92) 42 7239046 Trafileria e Zincheria Cavaatorta SpA Via Baganza 6, Calestano (PR), 43030, Italy tel: (+39) 525 52421 fax: (+39) 525 52351 Tranaco PT Trans Nusantara MultiConstruction Patra Jasa Building 9th Floor Suite 905 Jl Gatot Subroto Kav 32-34, Jakarta, 12950, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 525 2076 fax: (+62) 32 525 1643

Company listing - alphabetical

Company listing

TransCanada Pipelines Ltd 450 - 1st St, Calgary, AB T2P 5H1, Canada tel: (+1) 403 920 2000 fax: (+1) 403 920 2200 web: www.transcanada.com email: [email protected] contact: Communications Associate Transco Asset Manager Spa Road, Bolton, Lancs BL1 4SR, UK tel: (+44) 01204 545002 fax: (+44) 01204 545298 Transco National Transmission System Brick Kiln St, Hinckley, Leicester, LE10 0NA, UK tel: (+44) 01455 892242 Transco Operations Inchcolm House, 11 West Shore Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1RH, UK tel: (+44) 0131 559 6010 Trans European Enterprises Commercial Coordination Office 17 - 19 rue de Ponthieu, Paris, 15008, France tel: (+33) 1 42 25 02 00 fax: (+33) 1 42 25 02 18 Transfield Pty Ltd Pipeline Operations Level 3 437 St Kilda Road, Vic, Melbourne, 3004, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9287 5700 fax: (+61) 3 9287 5717 web: www.transfield.com.au email: [email protected] Transgas Ltd 500-1777 Victoria Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4K5, Canada tel: (+1) 306 777 9603 fax: (+1) 306 525 3422 web: www.transgas.sk.ca Transmission Pipelines Australia Pty Ltd 180 Greens Road, PO Box 4204 (3164), Dandenong, Vic 3175, Australia entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 tel: (+61) 3 9797 5222 fax: (+61) 3 9797 5295 Trans Mountain Pipe Line Co Ltd 900, 1333 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H 4C2, Canada tel: (+1) 604 739 5000 fax: (+1) 604 739 5001 Trans Quebec & Maritimes Pipeline Inc 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 2220, Montreal, Quebec H3B 3M4, Canada tel: (+1) 514 874 8800 fax: (+1) 514 874 8888 Transnefteprodukt Slavyanskaya pl., 2/5, Moscow, 103074, Russia tel: (+7) 095 924 1212 fax: (+7) 095 915 9437 Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc 45 Vogell Rd, Suite 310, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P6, Canada tel: (+1) 905 770 3353 fax: (+1) 905 770 8675 Transok Inc 110 W 7th St, PO Box 3008, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA tel: (+1) 918 591 2000 fax: (+1) 918 591 2403 Transportadora de Gas Del Sur SA Don Bosco 3672, 1206 Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, 1206, Argentina tel: (+54) 865 9050 fax: (+54) 865 9050 web: www.tgs.com.ar email: [email protected] Compagnia Generale Trattori Spa Strada Statala Padana, Superiore 19, Vimodrone, Milan, 20090, Italy tel: (+39) 2 274 271 fax: (+39) 2 274 275 54 web: www.cgt.it contact: G. Bertoluzzo Trelleborg CRP Ltd Stanley Way, Stanley, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 8EA, UK tel: (+44) 01695 712000 fax: (+44) 01695 712111 web: www.trelleborg.com/crp email: [email protected] contact: Rachel Ford


web: www.trenchless.in email: [email protected] contact: Vipin Gupta The Trenchless Group PO Box 6207, Acacia Ridge, Qld 4410, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3394 9494 fax: (+61) 7 3394 9495 web: www.trenchlessgroup.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Adam Shayler Trench-Tech International Inc PO Box 99, Roanoke, TX 76262, USA tel: (+1) 817 491 0621 fax: (+1) 817 491 0108 web: www.trenchtech.com email: [email protected] contact: Albert J. Gilbert Trencor Inc 1400 E Highway 26, Grapevine, TX 76051, USA tel: (+1) 817 424 1968 fax: (+1) 817 421 9485 web: www.trencor.com Trenergy (Malaysia) Bhd Level 25, Wisma UOA II, 21 Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 2163 0919 fax: (+60) 3 2163 0918 web: www.trenenergy.com.my email: [email protected] Tricubes Computers Sdn. Bhd 18.01- 18th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan, 207 Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, 50400, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3205 53083 fax: (+60) 3216 47211 web: www.tricubes.com Trident Consultants Ltd Swan Centre, Fishers Lane, London W4 1RX, UK tel: (+44) 020 8996 9535 fax: (+44) 020 8996 9538 web: www.trident-consultants.com Trident Steel Corporation 1000 Des Peres Road, Suite 304, Missouri, St Louis, 63131, USA tel: (+1) 314 822 0500 fax: (+1) 314 984 8700 web: www.tridentsteel.com

Trelleborg Industrial AVS PO Box 98, Evington Valley Road, Leicester LE5 5LY, UK tel: (+44) 0116 267 0300 fax: (+44) 0116 267 0301 web: www.trelleborg.com/industrialavs contact: L. Olsson

Trinus Pipes & Tubes Ltd 699 Welham Road, Barrie, ON L4N 6C5, Canada tel: (+1) 888 455 9262 fax: (+1) 866 455 2271 web: www.trinuspipes.com contact: Alex Abbona

Tremaine & Associates Inc 240 West E St Suite B, Dixon, CA 95620, USA tel: (+1) 707 678 2330 fax: (+1) 707 471 6502 web: www.tremainecnrs.com

Tripatra Engineering PT Jl R A Kartini 24 Cilandak barat, Jakarta, 12430, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21 750 0701 fax: (+62) 21 750 0700

Tremco Pipeline Equipment Pty Ltd 93 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge, Qld 4110, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3344 1066 fax: (+61) 7 3344 1266 web: www.tremcopipeline.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Ron Trembath Trenchless Engineering Services Ltd C6B-154, C6B-154 Janakpuri, New Delhi, 110058, India tel: (+91) 11 2552 8490 fax: (+91) 11 2552 0930

Trouvay & Cauvin 58 Rue General Chanzy, Le Havre, 76097 Cedex, France tel: (+33) 2 3525 6262 fax: (+33) 2 3525 6196 Troy Construction Inc PO Box 450862 8521 McHard Rd, Houston, TX 77245/7705, USA tel: (+1) 281 437 8214 fax: (+1) 281 437 9580 Trubocomplekt Ltd 39 Wetherby Mansions, London, SW5 9BH, UK

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tel: (+44) 0207 244 6232 fax: (+44) 020 7244 6632 Trust Severtruboprovodstroi Tyumenskaya obl., Nadym, 624711, Russia tel: (+7) 34595 64305 fax: (+7) 34595 23530 Trust Shchekinsgazstroi ul. Pirogova 45, Tulskaya obl., Shchekino, 301200, Russia tel: (+7) 08751 51991 fax: (+7) 08751 51896 Trust Souzgazspetsstroi ul. Zamoryanova 12, Moscow, 123242, Russia tel: (+7) 095 255 5518 fax: (+7) 095 255 5518 Trust Spetsneftegasstroi yl. Severnaya 68, Tyumenskaya obl., Surgut, 626400, Russia tel: (+7) 3462 242987 fax: (+7) 3462 242987 Trust Voronezhtruboprovodstroi ul. Gazovaya 5, Voronezh, 394027, Russia tel: (+7) 0732 164581 fax: (+7) 0732 164580 Tubacero SA de CV Ave. Guerrero 3729 Norte, Col. Del Norte, NL, Monterrey, 64500, Mexico tel: (+52) 81 8305 5511 fax: (+52) 81 8305 5510 web: www.tubacero.com email: [email protected] contact: León Gutiérrez Vela Tubela Engineering Co Ltd 11 A/B Hoblongs Industrial Estate, Chelmsford Road, Gt Dunmow, Essex CM6 1JA, UK tel: (+44) 01371 859100 fax: (+44) 01371 859101 web: www.tubela.com email: [email protected] contact: J.A. Ahlin TubeMeuse Industries Rue Marechal Foch 23, Flemalle, B-4400, Belgium tel: (+32) 4231 3535 fax: (+32)4233 7615 Tube Tech International Ltd 14 Rawreth Industrial Estate, Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9RL, UK tel: (+44) 01268 786 999 fax: (+44) 01268 786 998 web: www.tubetech.com email: [email protected] contact: Peter Gallon Tuboscope do Brasil R Bartolomeu Portela, n 10 Apt 302, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, 22-290-190, Brazil tel: (+55) 21 2244 3770 fax: (+55) 21 2244 3931 web: www.tuboscopepipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Jorge Giudici Tuboscope Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Baltimore 92 Col. Nochebuena, Mexico City, CP 03720, Mexico tel: (+52) 55 5563 1920 fax: (+52) 55 5615 3492 web: www.tuboscope-pipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Oscar Gonzalez

Company listing email:[email protected] contact: Billy Garrow Tuboscope Vetco Pipeline Services 679 Boronia Road, Vic, Wantirna, 3152, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9800 3022 fax: (+61) 3 9800 3477 Tubos Reunidos Barrio Sagarribai, 2, Araba - Alava, Amurrio, 1470, Spain tel: (+34) 945 897100 fax: (+34) 945 897150 web: www.tubosreunidos.com Tuboscope Pipeline Services Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Varco, based in Houston, is a world leader in providing integrated in-line inspection, project management, direct assessment, and pipeline integrity management software and solutions. Tuboscope’s in-line inspection systems include highresolution MFL, high-resolution deformation, UT crack and wall thickness, caliper, and inertial-navigation system mapping tools. The industry’s first multiple-technology tool, the company’s Linalog Combo, delivers detailed pipeline information and efficient pipeline operations with a single tool run. In addition, Tuboscope’s integratedpipeline solutions (TIPS) provides pipeline operators with access to effective and cost-efficient integrity programmes that are developed specifically for each system. These services include feasibility, project management, cleaning, direct assessment, direct examination, and post-assessment services. Decision-support and integritymanagement software tools include LinaView Professional, the industry’s most-comprehensive and user-friendly pipeline-integrity-management software suite. The components of this suite – LinaView PLUS, LinaView GIS, and LinaView RISK – have been designed to provide visualization, information, integration, and risk analysis and query capabilities. No other company delivers such a combination of hardware and software solutions (backed by one of the mostexperienced staff in the industry) to help solve the most-challenging pipelineinspection and -management problems. Tuboscope Pipeline Services Canada Inc 604-19th Avenue, Nisku, AB T9E 7W1, Canada tel: (+1) 780 955 8611 fax: (+1) 780 955 8615 web: www.tuboscope-pipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Todd Ring Tuboscope Pipeline Services Ltd Antrobus House, 18 College Street, Petersfield, Hants GU31 4AD, UK tel: (+44) 01730 234 540 fax: (+44) 01730 260 959 web: www.tuboscope-pipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Malcolm Humphrey Tuboscope Pipeline Services Ltd PO Box 261651, ZH-01, R/A 13, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE tel: (+971) 4883 7741 fax: (+971) 4883 7762 web: www.tuboscope-pipeline.com

tel: (+44) 01306 742772 fax: (+44) 01306 742276 web: www.tynemarch.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Rachel Dyer TyumenNIIgiprogaz ul. Respubliki 213b, Tyumen, 625019, Russia tel: (+7) 3452 211545 fax: (+7) 3452 211077


Tubular Ultrasound Inc PO Box 9661, Houston, TX 77213, USA tel: (+1) 713 426 1072 fax: (+1) 713 426 1073 email: [email protected] Tuke and Bell Ltd Lombard House, Cross Keys 1, Lichfield, Staffs WS13 6DN, UK tel: (+44) 0154 341 4161 fax: (+44) 0154 325 0462 web: www.tukeandbell.co.uk email: [email protected] Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd Elm House, Cradlehall Business Park, Inverness, IV2 5GH, UK tel: (+44) 01463 796020 fax: (+44) 01463 793510 email: [email protected] contact: Kenny Cameron Tullow Exploration Ltd 5th Floor, 30 Old Burlington St, London, W1S 3AR, UK tel: (+44) 020 7333 6800 fax: (+44) 020 7333 6830 web: www.tullowoil.com email: [email protected] Tulsa Tube Bending 4192 S. Galveston, Tulsa, OK 74107, USA tel: (+1) 918 446 4461 fax: (+1) 918 446 1595 web: www.ttb.com AOOT Tumenneftekomplektgazstroi ul. Respubliki 59, Tyumen, 625670, Russia tel: (+7) 3452 245607 fax: (+7) 3452 244648 TurkmenNIPIneft ul. Svobody 40, Balkanskaya obl., NebitDag, 745100, Turkmenistan tel: (+7) 43243 33770 Twinkie’s Portable Welding Ltd Box 945, 2146 - 22nd Avenue, Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0, Canada tel: (+1) 403 335 8253 fax: (+1) 403 335 8311 Tyco Water Pty Ltd 63 Haig Street, Southbank, Vic, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9685 5902 fax: (+61) 3 9696 1548 web: www.tycowater.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Ashley Fletcher Tyco Waterworks UK Nobel Road, Eley Trading Estate, Edmonton, London, N18, UK tel: (+44) 020 8884 4388 fax: (+44) 020 8884 4766 web: www.tycowaterworks.co.uk email: [email protected] Tynemarch Systems Engineering Ltd Crossways House, 54 - 60 South St, Dorking, Surrey RH4 2HQ, UK

UBH International Ltd Orrell Lane, Burscough, Ormskirk, Lancs L40 0SL, UK tel: (+44) 01704 898500 fax: (+44) 01704 898518 web: www.ubh.co.uk UEMSI W137 N5560 Williams Place, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051, USA tel: (+1) 262 783 6666 fax: (+1) 262 783 4860 web: www.uemsi.com UIC (Union Industrielle pour le Cameroun) Base UIC Wouri BP 800, Douala, Cameroon tel: (+237) 40 7018 fax: (+237) 40 2908 UKT&I British Trade International, Tay House, 300 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4DX, UK tel: (+44) 0141 2283662 fax: (+44) 0141 2283698 email: [email protected] contact: Brian Darbyshire

Company listing - alphabetical

Tuboscope Pipeline Services PO Box 808, 2835 Holmes Road, Houston, TX 77001, USA tel: (+1) 713 799 5400 fax: (+1) 713 799 5406 web: www.tuboscope-pipeline.com email: [email protected] contact: Rick Meade

UMIST School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, PO Box 88, Sackville St, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK tel: (+44) 0161 306 9200 fax: (+44) 0161 306 3755 web: www.manchester.ac.uk email: [email protected] U-Mole Ltd Unit 7, Vulcan Way, Eaton Socon, St Neots, PE19 3JH, UK tel: (+44) 01480 218722 fax: (+44) 01480 407303 web: www.u-mole.co.uk email: [email protected] UMS Ltd Unit 2, The Roundel, Middlefield Industrial Estate, Stirlingshire, Falkirk, FK2 9HG, UK tel: (+44) 01324 625143 fax: (+44) 01324 624091 web: www.undergroundmoling.co.uk URS Corporation 600 Montgomery St 26th Fl, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA tel: +(1) 415 774 2700 web: www.urscorp.com contact: Richard Bausell URS Australia Pty Ltd Level 14, 240 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3243 2111 fax: (+61) 7 3243 2199 web: www.ap.urscorp.com email: [email protected] contact: Bob Otjen

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 US Pipeline Inc Suite 100, 11767 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX 77079, USA tel: (+1) 281 531 6100 fax: (+1) 281 531 6700 email: [email protected] US Steel Kosice Divizny Zavod Hutnicvka Druhovoyba, Kosice, 044 54, Slovakia tel: (+421) 95 673 7518 fax: (+421) 95 673 8170 email: [email protected] UTEC UK Brooke Business Park, Heath Road, Lowestoft NR33 9LZ, UK tel: (+44) 08708 506030 fax: (+44) 08708 505757 web: www.utec.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Richard Parkinson UTP-Brasileira de Soldas Ltda Rua Prof Guilherme Belfort Sabino 1524 PO Box 3655, Sao Paulo, BR-01061-0, Brazil tel: (+55) 11 524 17 11 fax: (+55) 11 524 07 85 UTP Welding Materials Inc 10401 Greenbough Drive, TX, Stafford, 77477, USA tel: (+1) 713 261 2069 fax: (+1) 713 261 0746 Ucar Pipeline Inc PO Box 186, Port Lavaca, TX 77979, USA tel: (+1) 512 553 3158 fax: (+1) 512 553 3128 Oy Uddeholm Ab PO Box 57, Ritakuja 1, Vantaa, FIN 01741, Finland tel: (+358) 9 290 490 fax: (+358) 9 2904 9249 web: www.uddeholm.fi contact: Marie-Louise Erhama Udmurtneftegazstroi ul. Pesochnaya 11, Izhevsk Udmurtiya, 426069, Russia tel: (+7) 3412 595810 fax: (+7) 3412 595810 UKpipelines.com Ltd Unit 6 Sycamore Centre, Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, Yorks S9 2FA, UK tel: (+44) 0114 2564600 fax: (+44) 0114 2560400 web: www.ukpipelines.com email: [email protected] contact: Lawrence Kieran Ukrbudtransgaz Kiev, Ukraine tel: (+380) 444 885 588 fax: (+380) 444 847 220 Ukrgazprom ul. Hmelnitskogo 6, Kiev, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 226 3470 fax: (+380) 44 221 9937


Ukrneftegazstroi Prospekt Krasnyh Kazakov 23, Kiev, 254655, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 435 6901 fax: (+380) 44 435 6800 Ukrnefetegaztroiproekt ul. Lenina 51, Kiev, 252030, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 225 6309 Umax Ltd 16, Airfield Road, Evanton Industrial Estate, Evanton, IV16 9XJ, UK

tel: (+44) 01349 831122 fax: (+44) 01349 831133 web: www.umaxpipeweld.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Amos Umran Steel Pipe, Inc Meclisi Mebusan Cad 85/5, Orya Han Salipazari, Istanbul, 34427, Turkey tel: (+90) 212 252 5280 fax: (+90) 212 249 4349 web: www.umran.com email: [email protected] contact: Kemal Ucer

fax: (+1) 405 275 4625 web: www.pitliner.com email: [email protected] contact: Dennis Campbell Universal Ensco Inc 1811 Bering Drive, Ste 140, Houston, TX 77057, USA tel: (+1) 713 977 7770 fax: (+1) 713 977 1040 web: www.uei-houston.com email: [email protected] contact: James Steve Dracos

Underground Construction Pty Ltd PO Box 251, Vic, Rochester, 3561, Australia tel: (+61) 3 5484 3191 fax: (+61) 3 5484 3188

Universal Ensco Inc 5118 S. 95th East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145, USA tel: (+1) 800 874 1505 fax: (+1) 918 664 2741 web: www.uei-houston.com

Union Gas Ltd 50 Keil Dr N, PO Box 2001, Chatham, ON N7M 5M1, Canada tel: (+1) 519 352 3100 fax: (+1) 519 436 4566

Universal Field Services 550 East 51st St, Tulsa, OK 74135-0666, USA tel: (+1) 918 628 1620 fax: (+1) 918 627 5045

Union Pacific Resources Inc 425-1st St SW, PO Box 2595 Stn M, Calgary, AB T2P 4V4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 231 0111 fax: (+1) 403 231 0187

University College London Department of Mechanical Engineering, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, UK tel: (+44) 020 7380 7181 fax: (+44) 020 7388 0100 web: www.meng.ucl.ac.uk email: [email protected]

Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd 2nd Floor Suite, 24a Station Lane, Hornchurch, RM12 6NJ, UK tel: (+44) 01708 479911 fax: (+44) 01708 479920 email: [email protected] contact: Frank Mallinson Union Texas Petrochemicals Corp 1330 Post Oak Blvd, PO Box 2120, Houston, TX 77252-2120, USA tel: (+1) 713 623 6544 fax: (+1) 713 968 2771 Unipen Ltd Britannia House, 3 Roberts Mews, Oprington, BR6 0JP, UK tel: (+44) 01689 890840 fax: (+44) 01689 890798 web: www.penspen.com email: [email protected] contact: David Bruce United Eastern Group PO Box 7615, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 227 2737 fax: (+971) 227 0048 United Pipelines Ltd St James Court, Wilderspool Causeway, Warrington, WA4 6PS, UK tel: (+44) 01925 247700 United Piping Inc 4510 Airport Rd, Duluth, MN 55811, USA tel: (+1) 218 727 7676 fax: (+1) 218 727 1536 web: www.unitedpiping.us email: [email protected] contact: Kellly Billings United Utilities Service Delivery Dawson House, Liverpool Road, Gt Sankey, Warrington WA5 3LW, UK tel: (+44) 0161 907 7372 fax: (+44) 0161 907 7383 web: www.unitedutilities.com email: [email protected] contact: John Hilton Unit Liner 7801 North Kickapoo, Shawnee, OK 74804, USA tel: (+1) 888 748 5463

see www.pipedir.com for the latest data

University of East London Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, Longbridge Road, Dagenham, Essex RM8 2AS, UK tel: (+44) 020 8223 2427 fax: (+44) 020 8223 2929 web: www.uel.ac.uk/pipeline Unocal Britain Ltd Salvesen Tower, Blaikies Quay, Aberdeen, UK tel: (+44) 01224 573 181 fax: (+44) 01224 582 946 Unocal Corp 2141 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 4000, El Segundo, CA 90245, USA tel: (+1) 310 726 7600 Uponor Ltd Hilcote Plant, PO Box 1, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbys DE55 5JD, UK tel: (+44) 01773 811112 fax: (+44) 01773 812343 web: www.uponor.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: George Lees Ura-Flex Manufacturing PO Box 696, 2400 Chambers St, Mansfield, TX 76063, USA tel: (+1) 817 477 1166 fax: (+1) 817 315 7270 web: www.ura-flex.com Urengoitruboprovodstroi ul. Kedrovaya 1a, Tuymenskaya obl., Novyi Urengoi, 626718, Russia tel: (+7) 34549 41509 fax: (+7) 34549 42383 Urknaftegazbud JSC 23 Moscowskiy Avenue, Kiev, 04655 73, Ukraine tel: (+380) 44 464 9340 fax: (+380) 44 464 9330 email: [email protected] contact: V.D. Biriukov US Flowchem Ltd Bldg A, 18121 Telge Road, TX, Cypress,

Company listing VNIIGAZ ul. Mollanepesa 1, Ashgabat, 744000, Turkmenistan tel: (+7) 3632 255972 fax: (+7) 3632 296025

fax: (+1) 905 836 1978 web: www.vel-1.com email: [email protected] contact: Edward Varziran Co 12+1 Shahid Ammadi St, Africa Ave, Tehran, 15189, Iran tel: (+98) 218 773 124 fax: (+98) 218 780 963 web: www.varziran.co.ir email: [email protected]

US Surveyor 4929 Riverwind Pointe, PO Box 5123, Evansville, IN 47715, USA tel: (+1) 800 828 5934 fax: (+1) 812 853 2465 web: www.ussurveyor.com email: [email protected]

VNIIGAZ Leninsky raion Moskovskaya oblast, Razvilka, Moscow, 142717, Russia tel: (+7) 095 355 94 33 fax: (+7) 095 399 16 77 web: www.vniigaz.com

UtiliCorp Pipeline Systems 10750 E 350 Hwy, Suite 310, PO Box 37138, Kansas, MO 64138, USA tel: (+1) 660 737 7900 fax: (+1) 660 737 7925

VNIIOENG ul. Nametkina 14, korpus B, Moscow, 17420, Russia tel: (+7) 095 332 2083 fax: (+7) 095 332 0073

Utility Classifieds Network PO Box 2645, Hendersonville, TN 37077, USA tel: (+1) 615 451 5044 fax: (+1) 615 451 4387 web: www.utilityads.net email: [email protected]

VNIIST Okruzhnoi proezd 19, Moscow, 105058, Russia tel: (+7) 095 366 704 fax: (+7) 095 366 6201

Utilities Project Management Ltd Charter House, 56 High Street, Sutton Coldfield, W Midlands B72 1UJ, UK tel: (+44) 0121 355 0655 fax: (+44) 0121 355 6001 Uzbekgazshuvkurilish ul. Belaryk (ui. Ostrovskogo) 22, Tashkent, 700100, Uzbekistan tel: (+7) 3712 536325 fax: (+7) 3712 535244 Uzbekgazprom ul. Engelsa 66, Tashkent, 700084, Uzbekistan tel: (+7) 3712 358800 Uzbekneftegaz ul. Akhunbabayeva 21, Tashkent, 700017, Uzbekistan tel: (+7) 3712 338104 fax: (+7) 3712 323871 UzbekNIPInefetgaz ul. Shevchenko 2, Tashkent, 700029, Uzbekistan tel: (+7) 3712 567418 fax: (+7) 3712 566648

V VHE Construction plc Phoenix House, Hawthorn Park, Coal Road, Leeds, Yorks LS14 1PQ, UK tel: (+44) 0113 273 9200 fax: (+44) 0113 273 9201 web: www.vhe.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Philip Underwood VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co Pvt. Ltd B-206, Popular Centre, 132 Ring Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380 015, India tel: (+91) 79 554 163 79 fax: (+91) 79 267 790 79 web: www.vkvc.com email: [email protected] contact: Vineet Sood VMS Electronics kv H. Dimiter, Bl 95, Vh 4, Ap 66, Sofia, 1510, Bulgaria tel: (+35) 98 9514 3365 email: [email protected] contact: Radoslav Hristov

Veba Oil Operations Al Magharba St, PO Box 690, Tripoli, Libya tel: (+218) 21 30081 Veco Corporation Suite 100, 3061 C St, Anchorage, Alaska, USA tel: (+1) 907 264 8100 fax: (+1) 907 264 8130 email: [email protected]

Vaisala Inc 2705 E Medina Road, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA tel: (+1) 800 283 4557 fax: (+1) 520 741 2848 web: www.lightningstorm.com contact: Karen Norwood

Vector Gas Ltd Private Bag 39980, The Vector Building, 44 The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand tel: (+64) 4 462 8700 fax: (+64) 4 462 8623 web: www.vector.co.nz email: [email protected] contact: Hugh Driver

Valentine Maritime Ltd Plot MN6 - B - 1, PO Box 45877, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 5555 868 fax: (+971) 2 555 9991 web: www.vmgulf.com email: [email protected] contact: Najjad A. Zeenni

Vector International Ltd 18 Baglan Industrial Park, Neath, Port Talbot, SA12 7DJ, UK tel: (+44) 01639 822555 fax: (+44) 01639 822623 web: www.vectorint.com email: [email protected] contact: Andy Smith

Valeport Ltd St Peters Quay, Tornes, Devon TQ9 5EW, UK tel: (+44) 0180 386 9292 fax: (+44) 0180 386 9293 web: www.valeport.co.uk email: [email protected]

Vee Kay Vikram & Co B-2, Silicon Valley, Shivranjani CrossRoads, Ring Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380 015, India tel: (+91) 79 6542 1941 fax: (+91) 79 2677 9079 web: www.vkvc.com email: [email protected]

Valero Energy Corp 530 McCullough, PO Box 500 (782920550), San Antonio, TX 78215-2198, USA tel: (+1) 210 246 2000 fax: (+1) 210 246 2646/3264

Company listing - alphabetical

77429, USA tel: (+1) 281 357 1851 fax: (+1) 281 357 1853 web: www.usflowchem.com

Vehoco 15302 Climbing Branch Dr, Houston, TX 77068, USA tel: (+1) 281 880 9323 contact: verbrugghe Velan Inc 7007 Cote de Liesse, Montreal, Quebec H4T 1G2, Canada tel: (+1) 514 748 7743 fax: (+1) 514 748 8635 web: www.velan.com email: [email protected] contact: Daniel Velan

Vanco Energy Co Three Greenway Plaza, 12th Floor, Houston, TX 77046, USA tel: (+1) 713 877 8544 fax: (+1) 713 877 8476 web: www.vancoenergy.com email: [email protected] Van Oord ACZ Ltd Lockside Place, Mill Lane, Newbury, RG14 5QS, UK tel: (+44) 01635 529101 fax: (+44) 01635 521548 web: www.voacz.com email: [email protected] contact: Joep Athmer Van Oord Offshore bv Jan Blankenweg 2, PO Box 458, Gorinchem, 4200 AL, Netherlands tel: (+31) 183 642200 fax: (+31) 183 642708 web: www.vanoord.com email: [email protected] contact: J.B.E.M. Athmer

Velan Valve Corporation 94 Avenue C, Williston, Vermont 5495, USA tel: (+1) 514 748 7743 fax: (+1) 514 748 8635 web: www.velan.com email: [email protected] contact: Daniel Velan Veolia Water Partnership Blackwell House, Three Valleys Way, Bushey, WD23 2LG, UK tel: (+44) 01923 248831 fax: (+44) 01923 814398 web: www.industries.veoliawater.com email: [email protected] contact: Tim Sidaway

Van’s Electronics Ltd 124 Hirest Drive, RR 1, ON, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V8, Canada tel: (+1) 905 830 1409

Vera Co Ltd

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 M Gorky Street 147-a, Nizhny Novgorod, 603006, Russia tel: (+7) 35 25 11 Veriforce 1776 Woodstead Court, Suite 200, The Woodlands, TX 77380, USA tel: (+1) 281 363 4001 fax: (+1) 281 363 2993 web: www.veriforce.com email: [email protected] contact: Kevin Graham Vermaat Technics BV 16 Moolhoek, Rockanje, 3235 XK, Netherlands tel: (+31) 181 401 322 fax: (+31) 181 403 623 web: www.vermaat-technics.nl email: [email protected] contact: Edwin J.A. Vermaat Vermeer Sales & Service PO Box 223, 30 Brookly Court, Campbellfield, Vic 3061, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9359 1822 fax: (+61) 3 9359 3822 web: www.vermeeraustralia.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Gary Cowley Vernon Tool Greenwood Valves 503 Jones Road, Oceanside, CA 92054, USA tel: (+1) 760 433 5860 fax: (+1) 760 757 2233 web: www.vernontool.com Vetco Pipeline Services Ltd 3700 21st Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V6, Canada tel: (+1) 403 250 5058 fax: (+1) 403 250 3005 ViaData Incorporated 410 Longview Drive, Suite 20, Sugar Land, TX 77478-3725, USA tel: (+1) 800 817 6649 fax: (+1) 281 242 6498 web: www.viadata.com email: [email protected] Steve Vick International Ltd Unit 4, Pinesway, Ivo Peters Road, Bath, BA2 3QS, UK tel: (+44) 01225 480488 fax: (+44) 01225 480484 web: www.stevevick.com email: [email protected] contact: Steve Vick The Victor Group 801 High Ridge Drive, Friendswood, TX 77546, USA tel: (+1) 281 850 8079 fax: (+1) 775 796 4027 web: www.thevictorgroup.net email: [email protected] contact: Marcy Anderson


Vietz GmbH 30-32 Frankische Strasse, Hannover, 30455, Germany tel: (+49) 511 949 9777 fax: (+49) 511 495 116 web: www.vietz.de email: [email protected] contact: Eginhard Vietz Vincotte Jan Olieslagerslaan 35, Vilvoorde, 1800, Belgium tel: (+32) 2 674 5711 fax: (+32) 2 674 5959 web: www.vincotte.com email: [email protected]

contact: Jeremy Vastesaeger Visitless Integrity Assessment Ltd 344 12 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0H2, Canada tel: (+1) 403 681 0842 fax: (+1) 403 243 0042 web: www.via-plus.net contact: Bill Wright Visser & Smit Hanab BV 6 Rietgorsweg, PO Box 305, Papendrecht, 3350 AH, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 641 7222 fax: (+31) 78 615 5163 web: www.vshanab.nl email: [email protected] contact: J. de Moel Visser & Smit Hanab (UK) Ltd Unit 1A Orion Way, Kettering Business Park, Kettering NN15 6NL, UK tel: (+44) 01536 314700 fax: (+44) 01536 314709 web: www.vsh-uk.com email: [email protected] contact: J S Wattel Vital Energi Ltd Burnden Works, Burnden Road, Bolton, BL3 2RB, UK tel: (+44) 01240 554500 fax: (+44) 01240 554530 web: www.vitalenergi.co.uk email: [email protected] Vitkovice Valcovna Trub AS Vystavni 1132, Ostrava - Vitkovice, 70602, Czech Republic tel: (+420) 5959 56510 fax: (+420) 5959 56140 web: www.tube.cz email: [email protected] contact: Eva Sulcova Vitrex SpA 81 Viale delle Industrie, Cambiago, I20040, Italy tel: (+39) 295 4221 fax: (+39) 295 067 240 email: [email protected] contact: Dino Fallica Vnipitransgaz Esplanadna Str., 20, Kiev, 1001, Ukraine tel: (+38) 044 289 1439 fax: (+38) 044 289 0140 web: www.vtg.com.ua email: [email protected] contact: Elena Korolkova Volgogas JSC 193 Gorky St, Nizhny Novgorod, 603024, Russia tel: (+7) 831 236 4227 fax: (+7) 831 236 1866 Volgogradneftegazstroi Kuommunalnyi pr., 14, Volgograd, 342526, Russia tel: (+7) 8442 342526 fax: (+7) 8442 345678 email: [email protected] Volker Stevin Beton en Waterbouw BV Oosstmaaslaan 71 Box 2630, Rotterdam, 3063 AN, Netherlands tel: (+31) 10 4244244 fax: (+31) 10 4244233 Volker Stevin Contracting Ltd 4540 - 54th Avenue SE Box 5850 Station A, Calgary, AB T2H 1Y3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 279 0052 fax: (+1) 403 279 7424 Volker Stevin Pipelines BV

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Rietgorsweg 6 Box 305, Papendrecht, 3350 AH, Netherlands tel: (+31) 78 417222 fax: (+31) 78 155163 Von Piper Group 1421 Fairview Ave E, Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98105, USA tel: +1 206 737 9441 fax: +1 206 737 5466 web: www.vonpiper.com Vo Techmashimport 15 Verkhniaya Krasnoselskaya, Moscow, 107140, Russia tel: (+7) 095 264 79 76 fax: (+7) 095 264 07 77 Vox Technologies 301 S Sherman, Suite 117, Richardson, TX 75081, USA tel: (+1) 972 234 4343 fax: (+1) 972 234 4295 web: www.voxtechnologies.com Vulkan-Verlag Huyssenallee 52 -56, Essen, 45134, Germany tel: (+49) 201 820 020 fax: (+49) 201 820 0255 email: [email protected] contact: Dieter Hohm

W WDL Environmental Ltd 29 Westbridge Depot, St James Mill Road, Northampton NN5 5JW, UK tel: (+44) 01604 588988 fax: (+44) 01604 580909 web: www.drainageuk.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Townsend WHC Inc 300 Industrial Trace Box 2340, Lafayette, LA 70502, USA tel: (+1) 318 837 8765 fax: (+1) 318 837 4500 WIS, Inc 117 Quincy St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA tel: (+1) 505 266 7420 fax: (+1) 505 266 7424 web: www.emats.cc email: [email protected] contact: Paul Davidson WRC plc Frankland Road, Blagrove, Swindon, Wilts SN5 8YF, UK tel: (+44) 01793 865000 fax: (+44) 01793 865001 web: www.wrcplc.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Jayne Matwiejczyk WRS Infrastructure & Environment, Inc 221 Hobbs Street, Suite 108, Tampa, FL 33619, USA tel: (+1) 813 684 4400 fax: (+1) 813 684 9177 web: www.wrsie.com email: [email protected] contact: Glen Sherrier WTI Training Group Tadley Court, Tadley, Basingstoke, RG26 3TB, UK tel: (+44) 01189 813011 fax: (+44) 01189 820755 web: www.wti.co.uk email: [email protected]

Company listing contact: S Mcmanus

WZIPIE Valve No.43-302 Fuxuexiang, Wenzhou, 325000, China tel: (+86) 577 8886 9735 fax: (+86) 577 8886 9795 web: www.wenzhou-valve.com email: [email protected] contact: Wood Stevens

Water Corporation PO Box 125, Hamilton Hill, WA 6963, Australia tel: (+61) 08 9331 2000 fax: (+61) 08 9314 1707 email: [email protected]

Waha Oil Co PO Box 395, Omar El Muchtar St, Tripoli, Libya tel: (+218) 21 333 1116

Waterflow Group Services Ltd 14-16 David Road, Poyle Trading Estate, Colnbrook, Berks SL3 0DG, UK tel: (+44) 01753 810999 fax: (+44) 01753 681442

Faysal M Wahtani Est Box 388 Dhahran Airport, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 894 2114 fax: (+966) 3 898 5704

Waterous Co 300 John E Carroll Avenue East, South St Paul, MN 55075, USA tel: (+1) 612 450 5217 fax: (+1) 612 450 5090

Wallace and Tiernan / Chemfeed Ltd Priory Works, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0QL, UK tel: (+44) 0173 277 1777 fax: (+44) 0173 277 1800 web: www.wallace-tiernan.com email: [email protected] contact: Lynton Buxton

Watkins Construction Co Inc PO Box 570, Navarro, Corsicana, TX 75151, USA tel: (+1) 903 874 6587 fax: (+1) 903 872 7433 web: www.watkinsconstruction.com

Wanchi Steel Pipe (Qinhuangdao) Co Ltd No.6 Beijing Middle Road, Qinhuangdao E&T Development Zone, Hebei, 66206, China tel: (+886) 335 593 6000 fax: (+886) 335 593 6006 email: [email protected] contact: Rachel Wardell Armstrong Lancaster BuildingHigh St, Staffs, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 1PQ, UK tel: (+44) 01782 612626 fax: (+44) 01782 662882 web: www.wardell-armstrong.com email: [email protected] Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd 8 Prince Maurice Court Hambleton Avenue London Road, Devizes, SN10 2RT, UK Wartsila Corporation Tarhaajantie 2, Vaasa, 65101, Finland tel: (+358) 10 709 0000 fax: (+358) 6 356 9133 web: www.wartsila.com email: [email protected] contact: Lars Gustaf Martin Wascana Pipe Line Ltd 2100, 555-4th Ave SW, PO Box 2721 Station M, Calgary, AB T2P 3Y3, Canada tel: (+1) 403 294 8000 fax: (+1) 403 294 8834 Washington Water Power Co PO Box 3727, Spokane, WA 99220, USA tel: (+1) 509 489 0500 fax: (+1) 509 482 4070 Wask Nacton Road, Ipswich, IP3 9QH, UK tel: (+44) 01473 277313 fax: (+44) 01473 277411 web: www.wask-uk.com email: [email protected] contact: Mark Hopes Water & Effluent Treatment Ltd Plummers Farm, Priddy, Wells, Somerset BA5 3DA, UK tel: (+44) 01794 870793 fax: (+44) 01749 870047 web: www.wetld.co.uk email: [email protected]

Allen Watson Ltd Rowhook Manor Estate, Rowhook, Horsham, W Sussex RH12 3PS, UK tel: (+44) 01403 790772 fax: (+44) 01403 790779 Watts-Hall Communications Suite 1001, 1227 Woodlawn, Dallas, TX 75208, USA tel: (+1) 214 942 5024 fax: (+1) 214 942 5024 Wavin (NI) Ltd Lissue Industrial Estate, Rathdown Close, Lisburn, Co Antrim BT28 2RB, UK tel: (+44) 01846 621577 fax: (+44) 01846 621969 email: [email protected] Wavin Plastics Ltd Parsonage Way, Chippenham, Wilts SN15 5PN, UK tel: (+44) 01249 766600 fax: (+44) 01249 443286 web: www.wavin.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: J.Roy Waxman Blumenthal 160 Signature Square, 25201 Chagrin Blvd., Beachwood, OH 44122, USA tel: (+1) 216 514 9400 fax: (+1) 216 514 9401 web: www.waxmanblumenthal.com

mechanical), filling, testing, dewatering, drying (vacuum, chemical, desiccant, chilled air), purging, nitrogen (membrane and cryogenic), inspection (SAAM and caliper), and rehabilitation (U-Liner). Weatherford P&SS (Pig Manufacturing) Friedrich Ebert Strasse 131, Lingen, D49811, Germany tel: (+49) 591 7102 0 fax: (+49) 591 7102 2921 web: www.weatherford.com/pss contact: Detlev Els Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services Phase 1 Kirkton Drive, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BG, UK tel: (+44) 01224 767 015 fax: (+44) 01224 767 104 web: www.weatherford.com/pss email: Claire Sim contact: Claire Sim C.J.Weber Finance Ave.George V, Paris, 75008, France tel: (+49) 01747 833989 web: www.weber-consultant.com email: [email protected] contact: C.J.Weber Welding Engineering Research Centre Cranfield University, Cranfield MK43 0AL, UK tel: (+44) 01234 750111 fax: (+44) 01234 754109 web: www.weldingresearch.com WeldSonix, Inc 8401 West Monroe, Houston, TX 77061, USA tel: (+1) 713 333 3400 fax: (+1) 713 333 3410 web: www.weldsonix.com email: [email protected] contact: Charles Pattillo Weld-Tech 1789 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN 46112, USA tel: (+1) 317 852 4450 fax: (+1) 317 852 5291 web: www.weldtech.com email: [email protected] Welker Engineering Co 13839 West Bellfort, PO Box 138, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA web: www.welkereng.com email: [email protected]

Weamco-Metric / PMI PO Box 9555, 645 W. 41st St, Tulsa, OK 74157, USA tel: (+1) 918 445 1141 fax: (+1) 918 445 4617 web: www.weamco.com

Wellstream North Sea Wellstream House, Wincomblee Road, Walker Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 3PF, UK tel: (+44) 0191 295 9000 fax: (+44) 0191 295 9001 web: www.wellstream.com email: [email protected]

Weatherford P&SS 7721 Pinemont Drive, Houston, TX 77040, USA tel: (+1) 713 580 9700

Welsh Water Pipeline Services Hyder Utilities, Pentwyn Road, Treharris, Mid Glamorgan CF46 6LY, UK tel: (+44) 01443 452425

fax: (+1) 713 580 9797 web: www.weatherford.com/pss email: [email protected] contact: Patti Meyer

Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd N-86 Connaught Place, New Delhi, 110 001, India tel: (+91) 113 710 309 fax: (+91) 113 710 310 web: www.welspunpipes.com

Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services (P&SS) offers a range of services used throughout the lifecycle of pipelines and process facilities. Services include cleaning (chemical and

Company listing - alphabetical

contact: S. Dennis

Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd 9th Floor, B Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Lower Parel, Maharastra, Mumbai, 400 013, India tel: (+91) 22 566 12600 fax: (+91) 22 249 08020 web: www.welspunpipes.com email: [email protected] contact: Braja K. Mishra Werm Ltd St James House, 27-43 Eastern Road, Romford, Essex RM1 3NH, UK tel: (+44) 0170 872 8333 fax: (+44) 0170 872 8777 web: www.werm.com Wessex Water (Construction Services) Claverton Down, Claverton, Bath, BA2 7WW, UK tel: (+44) 01225 526000 fax: (+44) 01225 528000 email: [email protected] contact: Sean Cater West African Ventures Ltd 16 Elsie Femi Pearse Street, V.I., PO Box 8755, Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 773 9654 fax: (+234) 1 269 2476 Westcoast Energy Inc 133 W GA St, Vancouver, BC V6E 3K9, Canada tel: (+1) 604 488 8500 fax: (+1) 604 488 8500 web: www.westcoastenergy.com Westcoast Gas Services Inc 1100, 421-7th Ave SW, Calbary, AB T2P 4K9, Canada tel: (+1) 403 297 0333 fax: (+1) 403 269 5909 Westech HMD 3720 N Industry Avenue, #107, 90712, USA tel: (+1) 562 988 8499 fax: (+1) 562 988 0351 email: [email protected] Western Hydro Ltd 5 Heavitree Park, Butts Road, Exeter, Devon EX1 3BP, UK tel: (+44) 01392 423323 fax: (+44) 01392 491706 web: www.westernhydro.co.uk Western Instruments Inc 26509 Township Rd 543, Box 72, Site 2, RR 1, St Albert, AB T8N 1M8, Canada tel: (+1) 780 459 6720 fax: (+1) 780 459 7837 web: www.westerninstruments.com email: [email protected] Western Kentucky Gas Co Division of ATMOS Energy Corporation, 2401 New Hartford Rd, Owensboro, KY 42303, USA tel: (+1) 502 685 8150 fax: (+1) 502 685 8052 Westfalische Ferngas-AG Kampstabe 49, Box Postfache 11 44 51, Dortmund, 44137, Germany tel: (+49) 231 1821 0 fax: (+49) 231 146399


The West Group Ltd 29 Aston Road, Waterlooville, Portsmouth, Hants PO7 7 XJ, UK tel: (+44) 0239 226 6031 fax: (+44) 0239 224 0323 web: www.westgroup.co.uk email: [email protected] WestHam Dredging Co Pty Ltd

Box 1891, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia tel: (+61) 2 959 5715 fax: (+61) 2 959 5721 web: [email protected] email: [email protected] Westminster Dredging Co Ltd Westminster House, Crompton Way, Fareham, Hants PO15 5SS, UK tel: (+44) 01489 885933 fax: (+44) 01489 578588 email: [email protected] contact: R.J. Gardner Westminster Dredging (Nigeria) Ltd Ibafon Yard Off Apapa-Ikeja Expressqay, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 1 834033 fax: (+234) 1 90401375 contact: West Penetone 700 Gotham Parkway, Carlstadt, New Jersey 7072, USA tel: (+1) 800 631 1652 web: www.west-penetone.com G. White & Son Unit 20, Colliery Lane, Bayton Road Industrial Estate, Coventry, CV7 9NW, UK tel: (+44) 02476 645571 fax: (+44) 02476 645578 web: www.whitesutilities.com email: [email protected] contact: Darren White WhiteStar Corporation 777 S Wadsworth Blvd, Suite 4-250, Lakewood, CO 80226, USA tel: (+1) 303 781 5182 web: www.whitestar.com email: [email protected] contact: Mike Schiewe Wht-Leitungs-Und Sonderbau GmbH Naarntalstrasse 52, Perg, A-4320, Austria tel: (+43) 7262 58236 fax: (+43) 7262 58236-31 Wilcat Valve Hardware Service 3765 SW 5th Ct., Gresham, OR 97030, USA tel: (+1) 503 669 1165 fax: (+1) 503 665 6163 email: [email protected] contact: Bill Wilson Wilcock Consultants Ltd Unit 21, Trinity Enterprise Centre Furness Business Park, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 2PN, UK tel: (+44) 01229 824034 fax: (+44) 01229 824035 web: www.wilcock.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Lynn Brown Wilco Marsh Buggies & Draglines Inc PO Box 710, Marrero, LA 70073, USA tel: (+1) 504 341 3409 fax: (+1) 504 341 8487 web: www.wilcomarshbuggies.com email: [email protected] contact: John Wilson Wilhelm (SEA) Pte Ltd No 14 Tuas Link 2, 638561, Singapore tel: (+65) 863 1676 fax: (+65) 863 1675 email: [email protected] Wilkinson Special Projects Ltd 2 Forrest Way, Gatewarth Industrial Estate, Warrington, WA5 1DF, UK tel: (+44) 01925 241244 fax: (+44) 01925 241248 web: www.wspl.net

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email: [email protected] contact: Steve Wilkinson Willbros Al-Rushaid PO Box 31685, Eastern Provience, AlKhobar, 31952, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 893 3333 fax: (+966) 3 864 7320 web: [email protected] Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd Box 539, Dhahran Airport, 31932, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 3 898 0028 fax: (+966) 3 864 7320 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt 20 Amin Zaki St 3rd Floor 4th Distrtict Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt tel: (+20) 2 417 6767 fax: (+20) 2 417 6363 Willbros Energy Services Co 2431 E 61st St Suite 700, Tulsa, OK 74136, USA tel: (+1) 918 748 7000 fax: (+1) 918 488 7092 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd 20 Bldg. Voznesensky per., Moscow, 103009, Russia tel: (+7) 095 299 7336 fax: (+7) 095 234 3239 Willbros Engineers Inc 2087 E 71st St Box 74136, Tulsa, OK 74170, USA tel: (+1) 918 496 0400 fax: (+1) 918 491 9436 Willbros Engineers Inc Suite 1000, 4400 Post Oak Parkway, Houston, TX 77027, USA tel: (+1) 713 686 6161 fax: (+1) 713 686 6686 Willbros Far East Inc Plaza Lippo 8th Floor Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 25, Jakarta, 12920, Indonesia tel: (+62) 21520 4640 fax: (+62) 21 520 4641 Willbros Group Inc 2431 East 61st St Suite 700, Tulsa, OK 74136, USA tel: (+1) 918 748 7000 fax: (+1) 918 748 7087 Willbros International Inc Plaza 2000 Building, 50th Street, 8th Floor, PO Box 0816-01098, Panama City, Panama tel: (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc Plot 42 East Ahmadi Industrial Area, Kuwait tel: (+965) 398 4274 fax: (+965) 398 1812 Willbros Middle East Inc House 17 A/E-3 Gulberg 111, Lahore, Pakistan tel: (+92) 42 575 7791 fax: (+92) 42 575 7794 Willbros Middle East Inc PO Box 8822, Doha, Qatar tel: (+974) 440303 fax: (+974) 440305 Willbros Middle East Inc Office 102 1st Floor, The Falcon Gallery Building, Box Sh Zayed The 1st St Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi, UAE tel: (+971) 2 341 433

Company listing

Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd 256 Kofo Abayomi St, PO Box 1057, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria tel: (+234) 126 149 90 fax: (+234) 126 156 76 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd Argentum, 2 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9DX, UK tel: (+44) 020 8323 8025 fax: (+44) 020 8323 8315 web: www.willbros.com contact: A.J. West Willbros West Africa Inc c/o Apache Tour Sidam Avenue Houdaille, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire tel: (+22) 5 322361 fax: (+22) 5 322398 Williams and Associates International 652 Deerbrook, Lufkin, TX 75901, USA tel: (+1) 936 632 5514 web: www.williamssafety.com email: [email protected] contact: Edward Williams Williamson Industries Inc 102 Armstrong Ave, ON, Georgetown, L7G 4S2, Canada tel: (+1) 905 873 2272 fax: (+1) 905 877 0362 web: www.wii.ca Williamson International Corp 446 Tagore Avenue, 2678, Singapore tel: (+65) 459 4577 fax: (+65) 459 7581 TD Williamson Australia Pty Ltd Building 2, 433 Smith Street, NSW, North Fitzroy, Vic 3068, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9481 9600 fax: (+61) 3 9481 9648 web: www.tdwilliamson.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Sashie Naidoo TD Williamson, Inc PO Box 1121, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA tel: (+1) 918 447 5400 fax: (+1) 918 664 7091 web: www.tdwilliamson.com email: [email protected] contact: Joe Antonacci TD Williamson Inc Tulsa Service Center, 6747 S. 65th W. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74131, USA tel: (+1) 918 447 5530 fax: (+1) 918 447 5550 web: www.magpiesystems.com email: [email protected] contact: Larry Payne TD Williamson SA Rue du Travail 6, Nivelles, B-1400, Belgium tel: (+32) 067 283611 fax: (+32) 067 283601 web: www.tdwilliamson.com email: [email protected] contact: Andrew Jack TD Williamson (UK) Ltd Faraday Road, Dorcan Way, Swindon, Wilts SN3 5HF, UK tel: (+44) 01793 603 600 fax: (+44) 01793 603 601 web: www.tdwilliamson.com email: [email protected] contact: Stuart Medford Williams-Petroleum Services

One Williams Ctr, PO Box 3448, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA tel: (+1) 918 588 2000 Willowglen (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd No 9 Jalan BK5B/3, Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, 47100 Selangor, 47100, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 8070 1232 web: www.willowglen.com.my email: [email protected] contact: Neil Gray Willows Construction Services Willow House, 9 Ashton Road, Golborne, WA3 3TS, UK tel: (+44) 01942 528300 fax: (+44) 01942 528301 email: [email protected] contact: A. Cottrell Willows Construction Services Willow House, Bleasdale Road, Newton-leWillows, WA12 0EX, UK tel: (+44) 01925 223821 Wilmar Pipelines Inc PO Box 19130, Houston, TX 77224, USA tel: (+1) 713 464 8800 fax: (+1) 713 464 8868 Wilson Byard plc Muir Road, W Lothian, Livingston, EH54 5DS, UK tel: (+44) 01506 432882 fax: (+44) 01506 432807 email: [email protected] Wilson Walton International Pty Ltd 4 South Road, Braybrook, Vic 3019, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9689 6911 fax: (+61) 3 9689 7307

web: www.wisewood.ca Wolseley UK Ltd Hire Center Utilities, 20 Cosgrove Way, Luton, LU1 1XL, UK tel: (+44) 01675 467557 fax: (+44) 01675 465972 web: www.wolseley.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Mike Stratton Wolverine Hydrovac 6307 Waterford Blvd, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, USA tel: (+1) 888 603 3071 fax: (+1) 405 848 8816 web: www.wolverinehydrovac.com Womble Co Inc 5875 Kelley Street, Houston, TX 77026, USA tel: (+1) 713 635 8300 fax: (+1) 713 635 5209 web: www.wombleco.com Woodward Governor Co PO Box 7001, 5001 North Second St, Rockford, IL 61125, USA tel: (+1) 815 877 7441 fax: (+1) 815 639 6033 web: www.woodward.com Woodward Pipeline Inc 11251 NW Frwy, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77092, USA tel: (+1) 713 688 7771 fax: (+1) 713 688 5124

Company listing - alphabetical

fax: (+971) 2 345 044

Work Offshore Asia Gull Road, Singapore, 4089, Singapore tel: (+65) 987 67898 web: work-offshore.com email: [email protected] contact: Tony Richardson

Wilson Walton Room 1006-7 New Victory House, 93/103 Wing Lok St Central, Hong Kong tel: (+852) 25 416875 fax: (+852) 25 417543 Wingas GmbH 160 Frederich-Ebert St, PO Box 104020, Kassel, 34112, Germany tel: (+49) 561 3010 fax: (+49) 561 301 1702 Winstar Shipping Pte Ltd 3 Lim Teck Kim Road, ST Building #10-02, 88934, Singapore tel: (+65) 272 8272 fax: (+65) 272 3227 web: www.winstar.com.sg The Winston Group Ltd 687 Courtney, Winfield, IL 60190, USA tel: (+1) 630 682 9737 fax: (+1) 630 682 9737 web: www.winstongroup.com Wintershall Noordzee BV Eisenhowerlaan 142-146, The Hague, NL2517 KN, Netherlands tel: (+31) 70 358 3100 fax: (+31) 70 358 3333 email: [email protected] Wise & Co Inc MCPO Box 2275 142 Amorsolo Street, Manila, 1262, Philippines tel: (+632) 815 0996 fax: (+632) 812 0202 Wisewood Pipeline Services Division 1330, 144 4th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3N4, Canada tel: (+1) 403 273 8375 fax: (+1) 403 273 8375

Worldwide Coating Services/IsmocolCCSI Carrera 33, No 49-35 of 107 CC Cabecera, II Etapa A Aereo, 40264, Bucaramanga, Colombia tel: (+57) 76 436 361 fax: (+57) 76 471 656 Worldwide Machinery 16031 East Freeway, Channelview, Houston, TX 77530, USA tel: (+1) 281 452 5800 fax: (+1) 281 452 5455 web: www.worldwidemachinery.com email: [email protected] contact: Alan Greenberg Worldwide Oilfield Machine, Inc 11809 Canemont St, Houston, TX 77035, USA tel: (+1) 713 729 9200 fax: (+1) 713 729 7321 web: www.womusa.com email: [email protected] Worley International, Inc 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77040, USA tel: (+1) 713 690 1131 fax: (+1) 713 690 1981 web: www.worleyinternational.com email: [email protected] contact: Kirsten Glesne Worley Parsons Services Pty Ltd Level 3, 80 Albert Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000, Australia tel: (+61) 7 3221 7444 fax: (+61) 7 3221 7791 web: www.worleyparsons.com entry continued overleaf

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 email: [email protected] contact: Peter Cox Worley Pty Ltd Pipelines and Terminals Division, Level 17, 300 Flinders Street, Melbourne, 3000, Australia tel: (+61) 3 9205 0500 fax: (+61) 3 9205 0529 web: www.worley.com.au email: [email protected] contact: Bruce Andrews Wormald Safety and Service Unit 20 Ocean Trade Centre, Minto Avenue, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB12 3JZ, UK tel: (+44) 01224 894292 fax: (+44) 01224 895870 web: www.wormaldsafetyandservice.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Howard Johnson Worrall Lees Associates Ltd 1 St Osyth’s Lane, Northants, Oundle, PE8 4BG, UK tel: (+44) 01832 272872 fax: (+44) 01832 274974 email: [email protected] Worx Line 96 Lotissement Cadat Rouiba, Algiers, 16012, Algeria tel: (+213) 2185 4890 fax: (+213) 2185 4890 email: [email protected] contact: Chérif Yaker WrapMaster, Inc 2701 State Highway 322, Longview, TX 75603, USA tel: (+1) 903 643 8080 fax: (+1) 903 643 8181 web: www.wrapmaster.us contact: Dit Loyd Wyatt Engineering 6 Blackstone Valley Pl, Ste 401, Lincoln, RI 2865, USA tel: (+1) 401 334 1170 fax: (+1) 401 334 1173 web: www.wyattflow.com email: [email protected] Wyman-Gordon Ltd Houstoun Road, W Lothian, Livingston, EH54 5BZ, UK tel: (+44) 01506 446200 fax: (+44) 01506 446330 Wyre Repairs Ltd Unit J, Boyn Valley Industrial Estate, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 4EJ, UK tel: (+44) 01628 671312 fax: (+44) 01628 674691 web: www.wyrerepairs.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: Patrick Findlay

X 134

Xoserve Ltd PO Box 6803, 51 Homer Road, Solihull, B91 3LB, UK tel: (+44) 0121 713 5000 fax: (+44) 0121 713 5174 web: www.xoserve.com email: [email protected] contact: Ed Bannock

Y Yacimentos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos Calle Bueno No 185, Box Casilla 401, La Paz, Bolivia tel: (+591) 2 356540 fax: (+591) 2 392197 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc 10610 Whisper Willow, The Woodlands, TX 77380, USA tel: (+1) 877 243 2703 fax: (+1) 281 657 7969 web: www.pipelinespheres.com email: [email protected] contact: cw yarbrough NA Yieldcore c/o Brusselbaan 250, Affligem, B 1790, Belgium tel: (+32) 5366 7312 email: [email protected] contact: Patrick Van der Borght Yong Shun Pigging Services Co Ltd 92 Guang Ming Dong Road, Hebei Province, Lang Fang, 6500, China tel: (+86) 316 221 1511 fax: (+86) 316 221 1911 web: www.pipelinepig.com.cn email: [email protected] contact: Ding Song Yorigami Maritime Construction Co Ltd Yorigami Kosan Building 2 1-1 Schichnomiuya-Cho Hyogo-ku, Kobe, 652, Japan tel: (+81) 78 681 3126 fax: (+81) 78 681 1882 Yorkshire Water Services Ltd Thirncliff Hall, Newton Chambers Road, Chapeltown, Sheffield S35 2PQ, UK tel: (+44) 0114 201 3312 fax: (+44) 01274 372822 web: www.yorkshirewater.com email: [email protected] contact: Howard Smith Yuasa Construction Machinery Division Wedgnock Industrial Estate, Rothwell Road, Warwick, CV34 5PY, UK tel: (+44) 01926 497806 fax: (+44) 01926 401039 email: [email protected] Yugansktruboprovodstroi Promzona Trust YuTPS, Tyumenskaya obl., Nefteyugansk, 626430, Russia tel: (+7) 34612 31837 fax: (+7) 34612 29403 YuzhNIIGiprogaz ul. Artema 169, Donetsk, 340121, Ukraine tel: (+380) 622 586323 fax: (+380) 622 582067 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy Maksim Gorkiy Street 245, Rostov On Don, 344022, Russia tel: (+7) 8632 53 30 09 fax: (+7) 8632 51 45 86 email: [email protected]

Z Z & P Construction Co SA Calle Independencia S/NLas Morochas, Estado Zulia, 4019, Venezuela tel: (+58) 265 631 6322

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fax: (+58) 265 631 9482 web: www.zandp.com email: [email protected] contact: Roberto Pino ZEI Inc 2324 Brooklyn Road, Jackson, MI 49203, USA tel: (+1) 517 841 5922 fax: (+1) 517 841 5923 email: [email protected] Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd 7th Fl, 111 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 2TJ, UK tel: (+44) 020 8246 4200 fax: (+44) 020 8246 4210 web: www.zakhem.co.uk email: [email protected] Zakhem Engineering International Inc Suite 200, Richmond Pace, 5615 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77057, USA tel: (+1) 713 266 4811 fax: (+1) 713 952 6758 email: [email protected] Zakhem International Construction Ltd Zakhem Plaza Building, Kalaa Street, PO Box 55518, Sin El fil, Beirut, Lebanon tel: (+961) 1 499 057 fax: (+961) 1 497 986 web: www.zakhem.co.uk email: [email protected] contact: G.S. Zakhem Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey 44/2 Hanrapetutyan St, Yerevan, 375088, Armenia tel: (+374) 154 5541 fax: (+374) 158 1690 email: [email protected] Zakneftegazstroy-Prometey 4 Maly Soukharevsky Lane, Building 1, Moscow, 127051, Russia tel: (+7) 95 741 23 01 fax: (+7) 95 741 23 02 web: www.prometey.com.ru email: [email protected] Zamil-NPCC Al Zamil Building, PO Box 1922, Al Khonar, 31952, Saudi Arabia tel: (+966) 388 224 94 fax: (+966) 388 220 32 Zapsibgasprom 143A Respubliki St, Tuymen, 625026, Russia tel: (+7) 345 222 3241 fax: (+7) 345 239 6555 web: www.zsgp.gascom.ru email: [email protected] Zaval-Tex Construction Co 6480 Washington Blvd, TX, Beaumont, 77707-4135, USA tel: (+1) 409 842 3664 fax: (+1) 409 842 6129 Zed.i Solutions Inc 500, 555 - 4 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3E7, Canada tel: (+1) 403 444 1100 fax: (+1) 403 444 1101 web: www.zedisolutions.com email: [email protected] contact: Patricia Kloberdanz Zenocean The Wallace Hall, 33 Belmont Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1JS, UK tel: (+44) 01224 582234 fax: (+44) 01224 582313 contact: S. Hird

Company listing Zibo Wel-Fit Metal Products Co Ltd No 18, Lushan Road, Linzi, Shandong, Zibo, 255418, China tel: (+86) 532 3876693 fax: (+86) 532 3885554 web: www.wel-fit.com

Zetron Inc PO Box 97004, Redmond, WA 97004, USA tel: (+1) 425 820 6363 fax: (+1) 425 820 7031 web: www.zetron.com

Zibo Yuanfeng Metal Products Co Ltd 113 Lushan Road, Linzi, Zibo, 255418, China tel: (+86) 532 3876693 fax: (+86) 532 3885554 email: [email protected]

Zinkcon Marine Malaysia Sdn Bhd 4018 President House Jln Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia tel: (+60) 3 244 8092 fax: (+60) 3 244 8093 Zinkcon Marine Singapore Pte Ltd 545 Orchard Road, 16-01 Far East, 923, Singapore tel: (+65) 7333471 fax: (+65) 7342510

Zeus-J&P Group 9 Fragoklisias Street Marousi, Athens, 151 25, Greece tel: (+30) 1 6185 500 fax: (+30) 1 6894 380 Entreprise Ziani Direction Générale, Cité des Moudjahidines, Biskra, 07 000, Algeria tel: (+213) 33 759462 fax: (+213) 33 712522

Company listing - alphabetical

Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH 1-5 Zeppelin St, Garching Bie Munich, 85748, Germany tel: (+49) 893 200 0508 fax: (+49) 893 200 0482 email: [email protected]


This wall map highlights the importance of natural gas as an energy source for the industrial nations of Europe. It shows the network of existing and planned gas pipelines in Europe and the different connections to the main supplier areas in the CIS territories, the North Sea and North Africa. The different production areas are also depicted along with their gas deposits. The background relief map showing the main mountain ranges gives an idea of the difficulties involved in planning the pipeline routes.

I wish to order copy/copies four-colour chart European Gas Pipeline System Price: EUR 54 2006. 100 cm x 86 cm Scale: 1:8,333,000 copy/copies for digital version (PDF-file) European Gas Pipeline System Price: EUR 230

Surname, first name(s) Company

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Town/postcode Date


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Southern Gas Association Your competitive edge in the energy market. Continuous improvement: in today’s competitive energy market, it’s more than a handy catch phrase. It’s a necessity. That’s why the Southern Gas Association (SGA) is such a valuable resource for natural gas companies. Practical, timely services from SGA improve both employee and corporate performance, giving member companies a competitive edge in the rapidly-evolving energy industry. A leading natural gas industry association for over 90 years, SGA’s broad-based membership includes more than 130 distribution, transmission, and gas-supply marketing companies serving millions of customers from coast to coast and border to border. By linking people, ideas and information, SGA provides member companies with: • A collaborative forum for sharing knowledge, experience and best practices. • A source of relevant training and development programmes that improve individual and corporate performance. • A cost-effective vehicle for promoting the increased use of natural gas. As the energy marketplace evolves and competition intensifies, continuous improvement will be an increasingly-important ingredient for success. SGA is uniquely positioned to build on a tradition of providing key services that benefit member companies, their shareholders and customers. http://southerngas.org


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EMS Group provides an Integrated approach to Pipeline O&M Services. Recognized as one of the largest providers of Pipeline O&M Services in the United States With an impeccable safety record employing more than 800 highly qualified professionals throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico; EMS Group can provide you with an unparalleled integrated approach to all your Pipeline Operations and Maintenance needs.

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Managing the delivery of energy, safely and efficiently

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EMS Group Integrated Pipeline O&M Services EMS Group presents to you, integrated, continent-wide pipeline services. Because of our integrated business solution, EMS Group can offer a higher quality of service combined with significant economies of scale. Our integration of services streamlines the management of work crews up and down the pipelines. Our trained and experienced 800 plus pipeline professionals ensure that regulations are followed exactly with regulatory reporting accomplished in real time. We are knowledgeable, secure, reliable and capable of providing risk management/coverage and insurance, that small, local firms cannot match. We are considered the leader in this industry because we created and continue to add to our capabilities in integrated pipeline operations and maintenance (O&M) services to manage the delivery of energy safely and efficiently. XPipeline Operations and Maintenance (O&M) XPipeline Rehabilitation and Repair XEMS Pipeline Integrity Services™ / Corrosion Services XLeak Detection (Inspection and Monitoring) XDamage Prevention and One Call Monitoring XEmergency Response Plan Management XRight of Way (ROW) Maintenance and Management XEMS Control Center™ (Remote Pipeline Monitoring 24/7/365) XProfessional Engineering, Design, and Drafting XField Surveying Services (As-Builts, GPS, Line Locating) XRegulatory Compliance Management XPetrochemical Emissions Monitoring XPlant Maintenance (Chemical, Natural Gas, Refinery, Tank Facility) XMechanical Services (Industrial Repair & Maintenance) XProduction Field Services XCompressor and Pump Station Construction XGas Measurement / Instrumentation & Electrical Work XSCADA System Design, Construction, Maintenance XLost and Unaccounted For (LUAF) Monitoring/Auditing XEnvironmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Management

For further information visit us online at www.emsglobal.net or call: 1 800 790 3758

Buyers’ Guide to Equipment and Services T

HE INFORMATION included in this Guide has been provided by the companies themselves, all of whom have been invited to maintain and update their entries at the free online database www.pipedir.com. While every attempt has been made to ensure the data are as up-to-date as possible, the publisher can take no responsibility for the veracity of the information presented here. Readers are invited to visit www.pipedir.com for the latest information about companies and their activities, and also for details of company contacts, branches, and subsidiaries, space to publish which is not available in this Directory.

Actuator manufacturer/supplier ABV S.r.l., Lucca, Italy, (+39) 0583 403587 AC Automation Services Ltd, Dyfed, UK, (+44) 01646 682391 Atlantic Plastics Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8884 4388 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CI Actuation, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 575 6687 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Owerri, Nigeria, (+1) 404 551 4892 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Georgia Western, Inc, Kennesaw, USA, (+1) 770 426 6070 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 KLF, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1545 6868 Liaoyang Steel Pipe Co Ltd (China), Liaoyang, China, (+86) 419 238 5777 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Pacific Valve Services Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 463 3972 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Rexa Koso America, West Bridgewater, USA, (+1) 508 584 1199 Union Pacific Resources Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 0111

Asset management Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH, Klagenfurt, Germany, (+43) 46 356 990 Afri-Coast Engineers (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, (+27) 41 585 3432 Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602221 Allegro, Dallas, USA, (+1) 214 237 8000 American Investigation and Assessment Inc, Washington, USA, (+1) 703 994 6369 Arab Petroleum Pipelines Co, Alexandria, Egypt, (+20) 35 749 721 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Baker Hughes Pipeline Management, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 230 7100 Bahrain Petroleum Co, Awali, Bahrain, (+97) 75 4666 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Caltec Ltd, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 756056 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Chandler KBS, Penarth Marina, UK, (+44) 029 2035 2300 CorrosionWatch Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 517 2200 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Energy Africa Ltd, Cape Town, South Africa, (+27) 21 4007600 Enron Asset Management, Wilton, UK, (+44) 01642 433509 Fisher German LLP Chartered Surveyors, Ashby De La Zouch, UK, (+44) 01530 412821 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fluor S.A., Gijon-Asturias, Spain, (+34) 985 984000 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 GE Energy - Central Europe, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

GE Energy - North America, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Jacobs Babtie, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 700 1250 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Develop, Oakham, UK, (+44) 01780 686543 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Oneok WesTex Transmission, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 588 7424 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 PGS Atlantic Power, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 661166 PI Confluence, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 520 5050 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Rollins Resources, Industry, USA, (+1) 979 277 8760 Ruesch Co, New York, USA, (+1) 212 838 0500 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 TCM (Bangladesh) Group, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2912 4110 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 National Grid - UK Transmission, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 653000 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 Veolia Water Partnership, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Waxman Blumenthal LLC, Beachwood, USA, (+1) 216 514 9400 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Bending and cutting Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Angle Ring Co, Tipton, UK, (+44) 01215 577241 Aqua Energy International Ltd, Paisley, UK, (+44) 0141 849 6888 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Barnshaw Section Benders Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 01215 578261 Bayou Pipe Bending Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bayou Pipe Coating Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 BendKing Inc, Evansburg, Canada, (+1) 780 727 2761 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 C & L Pipeline Equipment, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 4188 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Compass Bending Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 279 6615 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121

Classification continued overleaf

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Bending & cutting

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Dalmine SpA, Dalmine (BG), Italy, (+39) 35 560 111 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 Darby Equipment Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 582 2340 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 Empire Equipment Intl Inc, Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 922 5454 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 36450 Fabricom GTI NV Major Projects, Grimbergen, Belgium, (+32) 2 254 5811 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Garneau Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2396 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Goriziane SpA, Villesse, Italy, (+39) 481 91511 Gregory & Cook Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 780 7500 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hanover Maloney UK Ltd, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 450200 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Inductabend Pty Ltd, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 3 9315 1244 International Pipeline Equipment Co, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 413 1886 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Morrison & Macdonald (Paisley) Ltd, Paisley, UK, (+44) 0141 889 8787 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Pacific Pipe, Oakland, USA, (+1) 510 452 0122 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Pipetech, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0200 Pipetronix GmbH, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320

Pipework & Welding Services Inc, Hungerford, UK, (+44) 01488 72700 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Proclad Induction Bending Services, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 548 1666 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Roberts Products, Motherwell, UK, (+44) 01698 242418 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Siderca SAIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 489 33100 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 T & R Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 413 9120 T.M.&D Service Equipment, Carpaneto, Italy, (+39) 523 852 445 Technip Germany GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, (+49) 211 659 2501 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 Tulsa Tube Bending, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 4461 Vietz GmbH, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 949 9777 Wanchi Steel Pipe (Qinhuangdao) Co Ltd, Hebei, China, (+886) 335 593 6000 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028


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Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09

Bundles and umbilicals Trelleborg CRP Ltd, Skelmersdale, UK, (+44) 01695 712000 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Kvaerner Oilfield Products, London, UK, (+44) 020 7559 6000 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 MacArtney UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 358500 ScanRope Subsea Cables AS, Drammen, Norway, (+47) 3224 9900 Wellstream North Sea, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 295 9000

Cathodic protection Abriox Ltd, Newport, UK, (+44) 01633 415303 Abriox Inc., El Paso, USA, (+1) 915 779 3131 Alfredo Contracts, Chalfont St Peter, UK, (+44) 01753 883 189 Al Khadda International, Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 398 5338 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Anode Engineering Pty Ltd, Loganholme, Australia, (+61) 7 3801 5521 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd, Miller, Australia, (+61) 2 9608 811 BAC Corrosion Control Ltd, Telford, UK, (+44) 01952 290321 Balvac Whitley Moran Ltd, Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 542600 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 CMS Corrosion Services, Inc., Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, (+1) 888 524 4093 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328

Cathodic Protection Management, Inc., Hoffman Estates, USA, (+1) 84 7885 7777 Cathodic Protection Co. Limited, Grantham, UK, (+44) 01476 590666 CerAnode Technologies Intl., Dayton, USA, (+1) 937 278 6547 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Corrosion Control Services Ltd, Telford, UK, (+44) 01952 230900 Correng Consulting Service Inc., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 630 2600 Corrintec, Derbyshire, UK, (+44) 01246 246700 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 DDS Technology, Littlehampton, UK, (+44) 0190 371 3632 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 EIED, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1256 7880 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Eupec Risk Management Services, Pueblo, USA, (+1) 719 948 1000 Electrochemical Devices, Inc., Belmont, USA, (+1) 617 484 9085 Eupec Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 313 362 7001 Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, (+49) 208 4596 0 Eupec Espana, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 155 433 13 Farwest Corrosion Control Co., Gardena, USA, (+1) 888 532 7937 Fernas Construction Co, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 6262 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Global Thermoelectric Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 5556 Hi Tec Cathodic Protection, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 01443 406276 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Classification continued overleaf


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Cathodic protection

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies, Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 447 1114 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 JSC, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 704 1611 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 KVV Koolajvezetekepito Rt., Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Marine Project Management, Inc., Ojai, USA, (+1) 805 640 0799 Brian Martin & Associates, Northwood, NSW, Australia, (+61) 2 9248 9805 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 MoorAnode, Inc., Eastsound, USA, (+1) 360 376 3894 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 NDT and Corrosion Control Services, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 832 0507 NTG, Inc., Olathe, USA, (+1) 913 888 5222 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 800 423 2410 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Sacor Siderotecnica SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+ 55) 21 3658 9911 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 413 201559

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subspection Ltd, Alresford, UK, (+44) 01962 734977 SunWize Technologies, Kingston, USA, (+1) 303 604 1125 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 VMS Electronics, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+35) 98 9514 3365

Chemical cleaning/metal passivation AIMM Technologies, LaMarque, USA, (+1) 409 945 5414 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Chemetall, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 649333 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Coastal Chemical Co, LLC, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 261 0796 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 IKM Testing Canada Ltd, St. Johns, Canada, (+1) 709 726 6667 JP Chemical, Piraeus, Greece, (+30) 1 621 7302 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 771 1871 Synergy Pipeline Services Inc., Foley, USA, (+1) 251 971 3105


Civil engineering contractor AMEC Capital Projects, Darlington, UK, (+44) 01325 376200 Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri Ve Ticaret AS, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 262 648 2200 Alsim Alarko Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 928 005 Alsim Alarko Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 298 677 82 Alsim Alarko Germany, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 303 446 300 Alsim Alarko Kazakstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 293 5194 Alsim Alarko Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 203 6097

Alsim Alarko Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, (+99) 312 355 587 Cabinmark Ltd, Edgeware, UK, (+44) 0208 905 6900 Alsim Alarko Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+998) 711 441 070 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Armstrong Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd, Essendon, Australia, (+61) 3 9379 0981 Ascon Ltd, Kill, Ireland, (+353) 45 886 400 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 Barhale Construction plc, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 707700 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 J N Bentley Ltd, Skipton, UK, (+44) 01756 799 245 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 C.A.T. Group of Companies, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 44 99 10 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 CAT International Ltd, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 241 5957 Mothercat Lts, Kaduna, Nigeria, (+234) 622 349 97 Contracting and Trading Co Saudi Arabia, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 386 414 55 Contracting and Trading Co UAE, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 267 216 26 Cheetham Hill Construction Ltd, Bury, UK, (+44) 0161 761 5109 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Consolidated Contractors Co, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 618 20 00 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 DCT Civil Engineering, Oldham, UK, (+44) 01706 842929 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 DATRACO, Haderslev, Denmark, (+45) 1453 4630 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Dragados Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 394 6099 Dragados Brazil, Porte allegre, Brazil, (+55) 512 261 184 Dragados Chile, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 262 565 15 Dragados Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 131 719 26 Dragodos Malyasia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 326 303 96 Dragados Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 558 009 58 Dragados Peru, Lima, Peru, (+511) 241 1028 Dragodos Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 759 9988 Entreprise Ziani Mohamed, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 41 487 887 Technisches Buro, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 302 012 253 Entrepose Contracting, Colombes, France, (+33) 1 5760 9300 Fabricon Ltd, Leighton Buzzard, UK, (+44) 01525 850244 Fernas Construction Co, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 6262 Fluor, Gliwice, Poland, (+48) 32 2391788 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Harbert International Establishment SA (Bolivia), Sabta Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 362 2900 Harbert International Establishment SA (Colombia), Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 162 088 85 Harbert International Establishment, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 292 1400 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 Imbondex, Luanda, Angola, 840672 Industrial and Municipal Projects Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 763 1234 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 John Kennedy (CE) Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 3000 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 J T Mackley & Co Ltd, Henfield, UK, (+44) 01273 492 212 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Mehvarsazan, Tehran, Iran, (+982)1 662 6704 Mitchell Australasia Pty Ltd, Seymour, Australia, (+61) 3 5735 4444 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Norpat Ltd, Aylesford, UK, (+44) 01622 719281

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

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Civil engineering contractor

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pierse Contracting Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 8205811 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 SMC Group, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 8580200 Sade Ingenaria y Constructiones SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 341 7000 Safier Ingenierie AS, Noisiel, France, (+33) 1 6411 0260 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 South Midland Construction Co Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 454 4250 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Tamara, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 552 1671 Tractebel Engineering, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 773 91 11 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 UMS Ltd, Falkirk, UK, (+44) 01324 625143 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200 Zakhem Engineering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 266 4811 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Cleaning and descaling contractor


AIMM Technologies, LaMarque, USA, (+1) 409 945 5414 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 DBI Group, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 0870 740682 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 C-Chem, Inc., Paris, USA, (+1) 217 466 1063 CSI General Contracting Ltd, Valletta, Malta, (+356) 21 233303 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cuestar Industry (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 861 0871 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 Ferro Monk Systems Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0197 768 1777 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Future Environmental Sevices (Surveys) Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 0177 265 4655 GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Hy-Ram Engineering Co Ltd, Mansfield, UK, (+44) 0162 342 2982 Idromec & Spa, Venice, Italy, (+39) 041 595 1918 InSitu Pipeline Systems, Inc., Venus, USA, (+1) 817 477 1008 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366

NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Pipeline Processing Service Ltd, London, UK, (+36) 1 214 7005 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipesurvey International CV, Zwijndrecht, N/A, (+31) 78 610 1428 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 PN Daly Ltd, Rochdale, UK, (+44) 0170 665 9701 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 Pronto Services (UK) Ltd, Sinfin, UK, (+44) 01332 271133 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 Shawndra Products Inc, Lima, USA, (+1) 585 624 4500

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Coating - application, manufacture, supply Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Akzo Nobel Coatings Ltd, Nakornpathom, Thailand, (+)66 2 361 4500 Akzo Nobel Coatings Inc., Nashville, USA, (+1) 800 626 7891 Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4150 Al-Qhatani Pipecoating Terminal (USA), Houston, USA, (+1) 713 781 0366 Ameron BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587 587 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Applied Concrete Systems, Witham, UK, (+44) 01621 891784 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Armor Plate Inc, Pasadena, USA, (+1) 281 487 2023 Atofina SA, Paris, France, (+33) 1 49 00 7871 B.S. Coatings, Aubevoye, France, (+33) 232 773077 Barrier Surface Technology, Wallsend, UK, (+44) 01912 620510 Barnes Group International, Windsor, USA, (+1) 707 836 9524 Basell Australia Pty Ltd, South Yarra, Australia, (+61) 3 9829 5455 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 B&L Bauhuis Group, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 272258 Bayou Pipe Bending Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bayou Pipe Coating Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bekaert NV, Zwevegem, Belgium, (+32) 56 76 61 82 Borealis Polymers NV, Mechelen, Belgium, (+32) 1547 9884 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bredero Price International BV, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+944) 129 382 83 Bredero Price Colombia BV, Santa Marta, Colombia, (+57) 54 209 067 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Batam Island, Indonesia, (+62) 778 458 275 Bredero Price (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuantan, Malaysia, (+60) 9 433 131 Bredero Price (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 166 43 Bredero Price International BV, Singapore, (+65) 732 2355 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 657 373 74 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, N/A, (+971) 6 285 536 Bredero Price Services Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 568600 Bredero Price International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 Bredero Price Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 974 7211 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 Bredero Shaw Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 554 6232 Bredero Shaw, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 Bredero Shaw Australia Pty Ltd, Kembla Grange, NSW, Australia, (+61) 42 613 455 British Pipe Coaters Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 553 9640 Buyurgan Group Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 284 0084 CSI Coating Systems Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2856 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Canusa Divison of Shaw Industries, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8866 Canusa Systems Ltd, Crawley, UK, (+44) 0129 354 1254 Caribou Industrial Coatings, Inc., Soda Springs, USA, (+1) 208 547 2309

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Buyers’ Guide


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Coating - application

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Cathodic Protection Management, Inc., Hoffman Estates, USA, (+1) 84 7885 7777 Cavatorta France SA, Soissons, France, (+33) 323 755 500 Chemetall, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 649333 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Cirtubo SA, Burgos, Spain, (+34) 947 298 284 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Compression Coat Inc, Conroe, USA, (+1) 281 353 8597 Con Construction, Gandhidham, India, (+91) 2836 239249 Condmag SA, Brasov, Romania, (+40) 268 414954 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Copon Pipelinings (E Wood Ltd), Northallerton, UK, (+44) 01609 780170 Corinth Pipeworks SA, Halandri, Greece, (+30) 210 678 7111 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corroless-USA Inc, Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 203 374 4131 Corrosion Control Products Co, Gardena, USA, (+1) 310 532 9314 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121 Crescent Steel and Allied Products Ltd, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 5674881 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 Cuming Corporation, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 337 367 8383 DRA Industries Pty Ltd - Pipelining Division, Jandakot, Australia, (+61) 8 9417 2300 Denso North America Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 821 3355 Denso North America Inc., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 291 3435 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dong-Suh Chemical Industrial Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 3471 4121

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 EB Pipe Coating Inc, Panama City, USA, (+1) 850 763 0244 ESG-Sanzo, Tunis, Tunisia, (+216) 1 767 699 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200 Eupec Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 313 362 7001 Eupec France, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 328 580 220 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, (+49) 208 4596 0 Eupec Espana, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 155 433 13 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 Finland Pacific Pipe Co Ltd OY, Kuusankoski, Finland, (+358) 5750 4400 Flexcrete Technologies Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 259477 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Fortress Systems Pty Ltd, Braeside, Australia, (+61) 3 9587 4099 L.B. Foster Company, Pttsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 566 0667 Garneau Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2396 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Goldschmidt TIB GmbH, Mannheim, Germany, (+49) 621 8901 812 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Highland Metals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725581 H.M.S. Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 869 3944 Hoff Co, Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 799 4545 Hunting Industrial Coatings, Widness, UK, (+44) 0151 495 3505 ICI Chemicals & Polymers Ltd, Middlesbrough, UK, (+44) 01642 433027 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Industrie Polieco - MPB SRL, Cazzago San Martino, Italy, (+39) 30 724 1521 Ineos Polyolefins, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2264 2111 InSitu Pipeline Systems, Inc., Venus, USA, (+1) 817 477 1008 Isotub Coating, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 03 2858 0220 Jotun Powder Coatings, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 1300 791910 Jotun Powder Coatings Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 400188 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Co Ltd, Huzhou, China, (+86) 572 226 1050 LaBarge Pipe & Steel Co, St Louis, USA, Lineas de Produccion SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+55) 5284 2950 228

Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Long Products Ltd, Rye, UK, (+44) 01797 223561 Marpol Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6583 3179 Master Bond Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 343 8983 Materie Plastiche Bresicane SRL, Cazzago S. Martino, (BS), Italy, (+39) 030 724 1521 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Burwood East, Australia, (+61) 3 8805 5200 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Metallurgica Abruzzese SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 521 221 411 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 National Industries Co for Building Materials, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 483 7095 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Nordson Corporation, Maastricht, Netherlands, (+31) 1 3511 8700 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236 Nova Chemicals Corp, Mississauga, Canada, (+1) 905 542 6974 Nukote Coating Systems, Shanghai, China, (+86) 21 5424 9811 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 PIHA Pty Ltd, Bibra Lake, Australia, (+61) 8 9434 4422 PPG Industries Netherlands BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587587 PPSC Industries Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 2287 8990 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Perk & Company, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 402 467 2815 Petrotech Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 5500 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Protection Ltd, South Shields, UK, (+44) 0191 456 0386 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Polyguard Products, Ennis, USA, (+1) 800 541 4994 Polytec SA-Polyken-Canusa, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 649 61 62 Power Lone Star Inc, Englewood, USA, (+1) 303 741 3993 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Servicios Protexa Construcciones, Santa Catarina LN, Mexico, (+52) 83 362 112 Grupo Protexa, Santa Catarina, Mexico, (+52) 8 3 362 112 Radyne Division Inductoheat Europe Ltd, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 978 3333 Ramco Tubular Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 782278 Rand Water, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 682 0257 Riveco SPA, Crespellano, Italy, (+39) 517 39206 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 SPC, Langley BC, Canada, (+604) 514 9711 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 STP Ltd, Haryana, India, (+91) 124 234 3204 Scotech International Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 248450 Servicised Ltd - Serviwrap Division, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 692929 Shaic International Co, Kimhae, Korea, (+82) 525 326 0942 Shaic International, LLC Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 837 4141 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Shaw Pipeline Services Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 279 2400 Shaw Pipe Protection Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 263 2255 Soco-Ril, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 348 849 3332 Soco-Ril SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 488 93332 Socotherm, Adria, Italy, (+39) 426 94 1000 Socotherm International, London, UK, (+44) 0207 201 5600 Solvay SA, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2509 6111 Stonbury Ltd, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 0148 288 1198 Syddal Engineering Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 336 4205 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 Tapecoat Co, Evanston, USA, (+1) 800 758 6041 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Trafileria e Zincheria Cavaatorta SpA, Calestano (PR), Italy, (+39) 525 52421

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Coating application

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tubacero SA de CV, Monterrey, Mexico, (+52) 81 8305 5511 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Varziran Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 773 124 Vitrex SpA, Cambiago, Italy, (+39) 295 4221 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Wanchi Steel Pipe (Qinhuangdao) Co Ltd, Hebei, China, (+886) 335 593 6000 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 113 710 309 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 566 12600 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882 Womble Co Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 635 8300 Worldwide Coating Services/Ismocol-CCSI, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 76 436 361 WrapMaster Inc, Missouri City, USA, (+1) 281 639 5847 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zinkcon Marine Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 7333471

Coating applicator - internal


Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Atofina SA, Paris, France, (+33) 1 49 00 7871 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bredero Shaw Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 554 6232 Bredero Shaw, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 CSI Coating Systems Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2856 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Con Construction, Gandhidham, India, (+91) 2836 239249 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121 DPM Colombia, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 7645 1051 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Dong-Suh Chemical Industrial Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 3471 4121 Eupec Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 313 362 7001 Eupec France, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 328 580 220 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, (+49) 208 4596 0 L.B. Foster Company, Pttsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 566 0667 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Ilva Spa, Milano, Italy, (+39) 230 700 775 InSitu Pipeline Systems, Inc., Venus, USA, (+1) 817 477 1008 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Satish V. Lonkar Associates, Pune, India, (+91) 020 553 2035 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236 Nukote Coating Systems, Shanghai, China, (+86) 21 5424 9811 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Pipeline Protection Ltd, South Shields, UK, (+44) 0191 456 0386 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 Riveco SPA, Crespellano, Italy, (+39) 517 39206

SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 Shaic International, LLC Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 837 4141 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Shaw Pipe Protection Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 263 2255 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 Varziran Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 773 124 Wisewood Pipeline Services Division, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 273 8375

Coating applicator - plant Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Berg Steel Pipe Corp., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 1600 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 Bredero Shaw Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 554 6232 Bredero Shaw, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 CSI Coating Systems Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2856 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Caribou Industrial Coatings, Inc., Soda Springs, USA, (+1) 208 547 2309 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Eupec France, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 328 580 220 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, (+49) 208 4596 0 L.B. Foster Company, Pttsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 566 0667 Goldschmidt TIB GmbH, Mannheim, Germany, (+49) 621 8901 812 Ilva Spa, Milano, Italy, (+39) 230 700 775 Jotun Powder Coatings, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 1300 791910 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Nukote Coating Systems, Shanghai, China, (+86) 21 5424 9811 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Panyu Chu Kong Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 20 8455 8888 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Purtech Inc, East Stroudsburg, USA, (+1) 800 452 1669 Salzgitter Grossrohre GmbH, Salzgitter, Germany, (+49) 5341 21 6539 Shaic International, LLC Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 837 4141 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Shaw Pipe Protection Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 263 2255 TubeMeuse Industries, Flemalle, Belgium, (+32) 4231 3535 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 113 710 309 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 566 12600 Z & P Construction Co SA, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, (+58) 265 631 6322

Coating equipment - pipe Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Basell Australia Pty Ltd, South Yarra, Australia, (+61) 3 9829 5455 Bredero Shaw Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 554 6232 Bredero Shaw, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Alexander Cardew Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 3785 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Con Construction, Gandhidham, India, (+91) 2836 239249 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Dong-Suh Chemical Industrial Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 3471 4121 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200

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Coating equipment - pipe

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 Flowline Alaska, Inc., Fairbanks, USA, (+1) 907 456 4911 Fluor, Gliwice, Poland, (+48) 32 2391788 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Goldschmidt TIB GmbH, Mannheim, Germany, (+49) 621 8901 812 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hitas Ins ve Tic Ltd, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 216 413 32 54 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 Jotun Powder Coatings, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 1300 791910 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 National Industries Co for Building Materials, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 483 7095 Nordson Corporation, Maastricht, Netherlands, (+31) 1 3511 8700 North American Composites, Lin, USA, (+1) 651 766 6892 National Petroleum Construction Company NPCC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 255 490 00 Nukote Coating Systems, Shanghai, China, (+86) 21 5424 9811 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Polytec SA-Polyken-Canusa, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 649 61 62 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Selmers BV, Beverwijk, Netherlands, (+31) 251 21 1999 Shaic International, LLC Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 837 4141 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 Varziran Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 773 124 Wanchi Steel Pipe (Qinhuangdao) Co Ltd, Hebei, China, (+886) 335 593 6000 Zamil-NPCC, Al Khonar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 224 94 Entreprise Ziani, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 33 759462

Coating failure investigation


AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH, Klagenfurt, Germany, (+43) 46 356 990 Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc., Columbia, USA, (+1) 410 740 8562 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CTL Engineering, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 276 8123 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Corrmet Engineering Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 721 3274 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 JSC, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 704 1611 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Brian Martin & Associates, Northwood, NSW, Australia, (+61) 2 9248 9805 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Sacor Siderotecnica SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+ 55) 21 3658 9911 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 Wanchi Steel Pipe (Qinhuangdao) Co Ltd, Hebei, China, (+886) 335 593 6000

Coiled tubing integrity monitoring CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282

Commissioning AGL Pipelines Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9922 0101 Abu Dhabi Supplies, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 788 208 Acurite Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, (+1) 832 467 3222

Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008 Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6861 5961 Al Eshraq Group, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2 669 6460 Ali Trading Co, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 701 576 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Amosco, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 233 647 Aquatic Engineering Services PTE Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 250 9293 Aquatic Engineering & Construction (Thailand) Ltd, Songkhla, Thailand, (+66) 74 312052 Aquatic Engineering & Construction (Thailand) Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 254 2894 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 Attila Dogan Construction Italy, Rome, Italy, (+39) 068 417 618 AD Amman, Sowafia, Jordan, (+962) 656 7400 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 982 871 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 440 97 00 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BJB Co, Post, USA, (+1) 806 495 3808 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Bahrain Petroleum Co, Awali, Bahrain, (+97) 75 4666 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bonatti SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 0521 6091 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 CETCO Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 600 5757 CMS Corrosion Services, Inc., Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, (+1) 888 524 4093 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Challenger Sica, Houston, USA, (+1) 171 362 777 84 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604

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One of SPC's most recent innovations is a Hybrid liquid Epoxy for applications on WET SUBSTRATES.

In the Pipeline Industry SPC products have become the standard liquid corrosion protection coating for the coating of Valves, Fittings, Fabricated Assemblies, Girth Welds and Slip Bore / Directional Drill Pipe.

In addition to new construction SPC manufactures products exclusively for large scale pipeline rehabilitation projects. In excess of 600 miles of large diameter pipeline have been recoated with SPC systems. This has included brush / roller application, plural component hand spray and automated line travel spray, both in and out of the ditch. SPC products are employed as repair coating on investigative digs for corrosion and SCC.

SPC coating systems are rated for in-service temperatures up to 302ºF (150ºC). CANADA U.S.A.

Tel: + (604) 514 - 9711 Tel: + (281) 595 - 3530 149


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Class Controls Ltd, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 895 2772 Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 918 358 3527 Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3369 7244 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coest Construtora SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 883 3299 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Cooper Cameron Valves, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 832002 Counties Corp, Plymouth Meeting, USA, (+1) 610 828 6200 Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 272 618 41 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 Companhia Nacional de Dutos Conduto, Duque de Caxias, Brazil, (+55) 21 771 7120 ENEP, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2 64 08 37 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 ETPM Servicios Maritimos do Brasil Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 220 63 66 ETPM International SAS, Nanterre, France, (+33) 1 40 97 63 00 ETPM Moscow, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 209 28 38 ETPM Services Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 410301 ETPM Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285206 Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 610 4132 Enterprise G Akar, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 133 32 22 Equip Engineers India Pvte Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2042 473 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Hornsby, Australia, (+61) 2 9477 7144 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 1110 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Freeze Technology International Inc, Amarillo, USA, (+1) 806 371 8854 Fru-Con Construction Corporation, Ballwin, USA, (+1) 314 391 6700 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 ILF Consulting Engineers, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 228 538 700 ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900 ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 Ingenieros Civiles Asociados SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+525) 272 9991 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 JSC, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 704 1611 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Kinhill Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9867 5911 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 LeanTrak, Inc., Maumee, USA, (+1) 419 482 0797 Leonard Pipeline Contractors Ltd, Alberta, Canada, (+1) 403 547 3772 Lothian Pipeline Testing Services Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 202547 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866

MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Indonesia) GmbH, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 973 356 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Iran) GmbH, Teheran, Iran, (+98) 218 784 251 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Malaysia) GmbH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 412 789 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Southern Africa) GmbH, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 115 073 800 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Thailand) GmbH, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 265 289 98 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Turkmenistan) GmbH, Ashbagat, Turkmenistan, (+993) 123 962 52 Brian Martin & Associates, Northwood, NSW, Australia, (+61) 2 9248 9805 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 Mendes Junior Engenharia SA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 31 349 6724 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 Napp-Grecco Company, Newark, USA, (+1) 201 482 3500 Eric Newham Holdings Pty Ltd, Granville, Australia, (+61) 2 9637 0493 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 PT Nippon Steel Construction Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 207 564 Nippon Steel Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3275 8253 Nippon Steel Construction Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 327 100 366 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 OFEMA Brazil Servicos Ltda, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 252 34 54 OFEMA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 68 50 820 OFEMA, Harare, Zimbabwe, (+263) 472 70 74 OJ Pipelines, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 403 955 3900 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Otis Eastern Service Inc, Wellsville, USA, (+1) 716 593 4760 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 PeterGaz Co, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 956 5493 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 PT Petrosea, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 718 3255 Pipeline Construction Co Ltd, Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 Pipeline Dehydrators Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 224 1105 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipetronix Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 495 6912 Pipetronix GmbH, Singapore, (+65) 562 8640 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Preussag Do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 552 1998 Preussag AG, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 420 6202 Preussag Saudi Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 4647089 Preussag AG, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 287 9911 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 Punj Lloyd Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 262 00123 Faysal M Qahtani Sons Co, Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 572 8872 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RDC, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, (+94) 1 738962 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Roc-Engineering, Reading, UK, (+44) 07920 844845

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 SCI, Ajalvir, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 SARAI Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 572 2377 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9446 6700

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 6575 0 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 TRAGS, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 432 212 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Trans European Enterprises, Paris, France, (+33) 1 42 25 02 00 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057

Communication and PR consultant ABLE Innovations, Inc., Bellingham, USA, (+1) 360 714 1390 Access Consulting Group, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 391 2155 Artime Group, Pasadena, USA, (+1) 626 583 1855

Bahrain Petroleum Co, Awali, Bahrain, (+97) 75 4666 Can Communicate Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0870 241 6350 Cedarconsult Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 89 89 00 Cinar & Cinar Consultancy Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 9022 DPK Public Relations, Southlake, TX, USA, (+1) 214 432 7556 EITEP, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 90992-10 Man-ya-stand, Macclesfield, UK, (+44) 01625 616371 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 National Sewerage Association, New Malden, UK, (+44) 020 8942 9391 Paradigm, Maize, USA, (+1) 316 554 9225 The Pipeline Industries Guild, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 7938 Pipeline World, Beaconsfield, UK, (+44) 01494 675139 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Visual Concepts, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 866 738 5478 Watts-Hall Communications, Dallas, USA, (+1) 214 942 5024

Compliance audit and monitoring

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Bahrain Petroleum Co, Awali, Bahrain, (+97) 75 4666 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 W Fleming Inspection Services Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 816399 ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Moody International, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8764 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 PI Confluence, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 520 5050 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Veriforce, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 363 4001 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711

Compressor and pump station design BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Boerger Pumps Asia Pte. Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6562 9540 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 Caltec Ltd, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 756056

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Forain SrL, Milan, Italy, (+39) 02 8467345 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 The Hanover Compression Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 447 8787 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 MAN Turbomaschinem AG, Oberhausen, Germany, (+49) 208 692 2134 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Monosite, Inc., Odessa, USA, (+1) 432 550 4473 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Compressor & pump station design

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Pega Ltd, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 428 0894 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 SPL Control Inc, Camridge, Canada, (+1) 519 623 6100 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 Stream-Flo Industries Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 468 6789

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 Techint S.A. de CV, México Distrito Federal, Mexico, (+52) 55 5246 7200 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Wartsila Corporation, Vaasa, Finland, (+358) 10 709 0000 Welker Engineering Company, Sugar Land, USA, Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Compressor manufacturer

Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008 Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6861 5961 Atlas Copco, Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 261201 Bauer Compressors Inc, Norfolk, USA, (+1) 757 855 6006 Compressor Engineering Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 879 2326

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 Dresser-Rand, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 467 2221 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 Prime Energy, Beaumont, USA, (+1) 409 284 9911 SEC Energy Products and Sevices, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 890 9977 SPL Control Inc, Camridge, Canada, (+1) 519 623 6100 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Sullair Europe., Montbrison, France, (+44) 07770 762330 Sullair Corporation, Michigan City, USA, (+1) 219 879 5451

Computers and systems


Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH, Klagenfurt, Germany, (+43) 46 356 990 Aurora Bar Code Technologies Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 483 6025 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 DMC1 GmbH, Schkopau, Germany, (+49) 3461 49 2182 Diagnostic Instruments Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 470011 Document Control Services Ltd, Peterborough, UK, (+44) 01733 366800 EmageNet LLC, Alpharetta, USA, (+1) 678 297 0863 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 eProduction Solutions, Inc., Kingwood, USA, (+1) 281 348 1000 Flow-Cal, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0865 GCL Horizons, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 977 2554 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Global Thermoelectric Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 5556 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 HTSI, League City, USA, (+1) 281 554 9223 International Project Estimating Software, Rockwood, Canada, (+1) 519 830 7300 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 LeanTrak, Inc., Maumee, USA, (+1) 419 482 0797 Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 202244 Microhard Systems Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 248 0028 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520

Moleseye Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0845 140 0207 Navcon Navegacao e Controle Ind Com, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, (+55) 1239 377952 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 Real Time Engineering Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 427 4142 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 Symis Inc, Pacifica, USA, (+1) 650 491 0033 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 Tadpole Technology plc, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 668 0200 Tricubes Computers Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3205 53083 Visual Concepts, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 866 738 5478 Vox Technologies, Richardson, USA, (+1) 972 234 4343 Wascana Pipe Line Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 294 8000 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Consulting engineer - pipelines A & F CONSULTING ENGINEERS, East Yorkshire, UK, (+44) 01430 441 765 ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 AK engineering services, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602 221 Accenture, Silom, Thailand, (+66) 2 636 1616 Acurite Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, (+1) 832 467 3222 Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Advanced Technology Corporation, Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 5756 Advantica Technologies Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282203 Afri-Coast Engineers (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, (+27) 41 585 3432 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Aker Kvaerner (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 79 368 8688 Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602221 Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 482 5467 AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 Aquarius Marine Group Ltd, Glastonbury, UK, (+44) 01458 834734 Aramoni - Mexico Business Consultants, Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 55 2146 7910 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 BG Energy Services, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 417 728 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 BHR GROUP LIMITED, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 750422 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BMT Fleet Technology Ltd, Kanata, Canada, (+1) 613 592 2830 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Babtie Group Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01412 042511 Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 822 3100 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Bechtel Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 846 5111 Beckett Rankine Partnership, London, UK, (+44) 0207 834 7267 Belmar Engineering & Management Services Co, USA, (+1) 310 316 5934 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 J N Bentley Ltd, Skipton, UK, (+44) 01756 799 245 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Biwater Treatment Ltd, Heywood, UK, (+44) 01706 367 555 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Brown Corrosion Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 468 4765 CB&I John Brown Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3388 Kellogg Brown & Root Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 865000 Building Design Partnership, Belfast, UK, (+44) 028 90 243394 Bullen Consultants Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 332 0678 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 C & C Consultoria, Puebla, Mexico, (+51) 22 2218 3109 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 3300

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CH Pipeline Services, Blackwood, Australia, (+61) 8 8178 0338 C L Associates, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 932 8888 Joseph C Caldwell & Associates, Arlington, USA, (+1) 703 875 8775 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Carl Bro Group, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 550 6300 Carlbro Group Ltd, West Yorkshire, UK, (+44) 0113 262 0000 Centerpoint Energy Gas Transmission Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 207 1111 Chesmont Engineering Company Inc, Exton, USA, (+1) 610 594 9200 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 CIWEM, London, UK, (+44) 020 78313 110 Clancy Consulting, Liverpool, UK, (+44) 0151 227 5300 Coflexip, EZ Rhoon, Netherlands, (+31) 10 501 4040 Cognica Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 0179 386 4600 Confined Spaces Training Services Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 0192 524 4144 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 Crowder and Co Ltd, Wirral, UK, (+44) 0151 647 7772 Cundall Johnston and Partners, Newcastle, UK, (+44) 0191 213 1515 Degwekar Engineers, Pune, India, (+91) 20 765 7384 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 Doris Engineering, Paris, France, (+33) 1 44 06 10 00 Entreprise Ziani Mohamed, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 41 487 887 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Ecopetrol - VIT, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 3200 777 Elf Connect Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 029 2030 4000 Elliott and Brown, Nottingham, UK, (+44) 0115 960 5014 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Enbridge Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 3900 English Partnerships, London, UK, (+44) 0207 881 1604 Entec UK Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 272 6100 Enviros, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 0870 165 2400 Equipo Universal sa, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 285 4158 Esmil Process Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 452 6155 Expert Design Systems BV, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 2386 5T Construction, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 607 3347 Floyd & Associates Ltd, Alford, UK, (+44) 01975 563335 Fluid Flow Consultants, USA, (+1) 918 451 1024 Fluor Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 537 4672 Fluor, Gliwice, Poland, (+48) 32 2391788 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 Forbes & Kerr (Engineering) Ltd, Port Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01475 745288 George Hutchinson Associates ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 491 4600 Gas Services Technology Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 029 2040 3030 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 Genesis Oil & Gas Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7611 5301 Genseed Services Ltd, Chelmsford, UK, (+44) 01245 381024 GeoLine ApS, Bagsvaerd, Denmark, (+45) 7022 5855 Gifford and Partners, Southampton, UK, (+44) 0238 081 7500 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Adelaide, Australia, (+61) 8 8213 2100 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Haswell Consulting Engineers, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 717 7744 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Henkels and McCoy Inc, Blue Bell, USA, (+1)215 283 7600 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Hyder Consulting Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 540 6600 Hydraulic Analysis Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 581622 ILF Consulting Engineers, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 228 538 700 ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900 ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900

ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 IMACS Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 411 0722 INTIC Engineering Services, Coburg, Australia, (+61) 3 9355 8800 ILF Consulting Engineers (USA), Faifax, USA, (+1) 703 383 1280 Intec Engineering Ltd (UK), Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 795300 Interconnector (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7487 8400 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 John Kennedy (CE) Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 3000 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 J P Kenny Ltd, Staines, UK, (+44) 01784 417200 J P Kenny Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 8222 Kiefner & Associates, Inc., Worthington, USA, (+1) 614 888 8220 Kinetica Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 01203 425239 Kordale Engineering Ltd, Henley on Thames, UK, (+44) 01189 403884 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Kvaerner Petrominco Engineering Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 3818279 Kvaerner Oilfield Products, London, UK, (+44) 020 7559 6000 LeanTrak, Inc., Maumee, USA, (+1) 419 482 0797 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 Ralph Lowe Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 07711 936181 MMEC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (+251) 01 151980 M R Corp, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 050 048 742 Macaw Engineering Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 216 4930 Brian Martin & Associates, Northwood, NSW, Australia, (+61) 2 9248 9805 McAdam Design, Newtownards, UK, (+44) 0289 181 2831 McDaniel Technical Services, Broken Arrow, USA, (+1) 918 294 1628 Miller Consulting Services, Irving, USA, (+1) 972 580 0812 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Moody International, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8764 Mott MacDonald Ltd, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 463500 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Muse, Stancil & Co, Dallas, USA, (+1) 214 954 4455

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 D. J. Nyman & Associates, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 807 4758 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 O’Donnell Consulting Engineers, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 412 835 5007 Oil and Gas Pipeline Services, Klitten, Germany, (+49) 358 955 6714 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Park-Clenshaw Associates Ltd, Aboyne, UK, (+44) 013398 85218 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group, Brentford, UK, (+44) 020 8326 5000 Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 200 5000 Pega Ltd, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 428 0894 Pegasus International Ltd, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 750644 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Penspen Ltd - Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 381 1054 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 Penspen de Mexico SA, Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 38 142 64 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Petrochem Engineers Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya, (+254) 2 250127 Pick Everard, Leicester, UK, (+44) 0116 223 4400 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Pipeline Inspection Consultant Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 01670 515251 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Consulting engineer - pipelines

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 R + K Consulting Engineers, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 6890 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 RAMA Energy Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 256 1772 Real Time Engineering Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 427 4142 A.B.Rhead & Associates Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 491333 Roc-Engineering, Reading, UK, (+44) 07920 844845 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Safety & Ecology Corporation Ltd, North Shield, UK, (+44) 0191 296 2000 SLP Engineering Ltd, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 01502 587322 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Safier Ingenierie AS, Noisiel, France, (+33) 1 6411 0260 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 Saith Ltd, Ringwood, UK, (+44) 01425 480286 Scopen Ranger Pipelines, Worksop, UK, (+44) 01909 724444 Scottish Power, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 567 4240 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 SREL (Smith Rea Energy Ltd), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 612400 Ken Stothard Assocs Ltd, Leonard Stanley, UK, (+44) 01453 821533 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 T D Williamson Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5530 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Total Pipeline Solutions, London, UK, (+44) 020 8509 5773 Tynemarch Systems Engineering Ltd, Dorking, UK, (+44) 01306 742772 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Uzbekneftegaz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+7) 3712 338104 VNIIGaz, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, (+7) 3632 255972 Vehoco, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 880 9323 Wardell Armstrong, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK, (+44) 01782 612626 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Water & Effluent Treatment Ltd, UK, (+44) 01794 870793 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 ZEI Inc, Jackson, USA, (+1) 517 841 5922 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234

Contamination assessment consultant CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Newpoint Gas Services, College Station, USA, (+1) 979 690 8749 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Soil Mechanics, Southam, UK, (+44) 01926 819 300 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711

Contractor - pipe laying: offshore 154

AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 Allseas Group SA, Chatel-St Denis, Switzerland, (+41) 21 948 3500 Allseas Marine Services NV, Essen, Belgium, (+32) 367 018 00 Allseas Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 425 4552 Allseas Marine Contractors Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 647 042

Allseas Engineering BV, Delft, Netherlands, (+31) 15 268 1800 Allseas Marine Contractors SA, Châtel-St Denis, Switzerland, (+41) 21 948 3500 Allseas UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7290 1350 Allseas USA, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 3330 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Applus RTD STeeltest Pty Ltd, Kwinana, Australia, (+61) 8 9439 5656 PT Aquasa Piora Utama, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 739 2941 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Asia Zapata Marine Service Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 981 8917 Atteris Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9322 7922 BH SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 286 6122 BHP Petroleum/Haliburton Manufacturing and Services Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 BOS Polynesie, Papeete, Fiji, (+689) 43 1535 Ballast Ham Dredging, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 PT Ballast Indonesia Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 7800940 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV, Oranjestad, Aruba, (+297) 823600 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 576 6617 Ballast Nedam International BV, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3299 5228 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 2 293 8608 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bohlen & Doyen Submarine Cable & Pipe GMbH & Co KG, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 443 014 32 Boscongo, Pointe Noire, Congo, (+242) 94 0411 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bostech, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 248 1264 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Brasflex Tubos Flexiveis Ltda, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 210 3288 Brown & Root Energy Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795548 Brown & Root Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Brown & Root International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 676 3011 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 C & L Pipeline Equipment, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 4188 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 Cal Dive International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1818 Care Offshore SA, Bursinel, Switzerland, (+41) 21 824 2011 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Ceanic Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 430 1100 Cedarconsult Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 89 89 00 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coflexip, Boulogne, France, (+33) 1 47 12 80 00 Coflexip & Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 8540 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Condux SA de CV (Grupo Protexa), Nuevo Leon, Mexico, (+52) 8 336 25 16 Condux SA, Monterrey NL, Mexico, (+52) 48 70 70 Consolidated Contractors Co, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 618 20 00 Construcciones Maritimas Mexicanas SA de CV, Monterrey NL, Mexico, (+52) 48 70 70 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 Cotton Houston Inc, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 460 7490 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 DLH Operator, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 331 187 DOJ Pipewelding Services, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 404010 Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 272 618 41 Delong Hersent SA, Panama, (+507) 69 2714 Jan De Nul NV, Aalst, Belgium, (+32) 53 731 711 Diamar Srl, Naples, Italy, (+39) 81 551 1312 Diamond Services Corp, Morgan City, USA, (+1) 504 631 2187 Dockwise NV, Meer, Belgium, (+32) 3 317 02 00 Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 283 2226 Doris Engineering, Paris, France, (+33) 1 44 06 10 00 Societe De Dragage International SDI SA, Marly le Roi, France, (+33) 139 588 602 Visser & Smit Hanab (UK) Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 314700 Dredging International NV, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 52 11

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Dredging International Services (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 364 26 Dredging International (UK) Ltd, East Grinstead, UK, (+44) 0134 232 3000 European Marine Contractors, London, UK, (+44) 020 8296 5206 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 ETPM Servicios Maritimos do Brasil Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 220 63 66 ETPM International SAS, Nanterre, France, (+33) 1 40 97 63 00 ETPM Moscow, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 209 28 38 ETPM Services Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 410301 ETPM Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285206 Essar Oil Ltd (Offshore Division), Bombay, India, (+91) 22 495 0606 Essar Construction Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2495 0606 Eurodetach On & Offshore Services, Sittard, Netherlands, (+31) 46 400 89 99 FMA, Grimstad, Norway, (+47) 37 29 55 00 Fazilsons, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 765 5375 Flexibras, Espirito Santo, Brazil, (+55) 27 222 7122 Fluor Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 537 4672 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 1110 Freeze Technology International Inc, Amarillo, USA, (+1) 806 371 8854 GTT, Trappes, France, (+33) 1 30 62 5200 Global Industries Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 624 2222 Global Pipeline Services Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 876 7592 Grootint BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 625 0250 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Heerema Marine Contractors, Leiden, Netherlands, (+31) 71 579 9000 Heerema Marine Contractors Norge AS, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 67 543854 Heerema Marine Contractors Far East Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 225 1085 Heerema Marine Contractors UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0200 7932 1700 Heerema Marine Contractors US Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 893 3090 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hyundai, Muharraq, Bahrain, Hyundai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 414233 Hyundai, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, (+673) 2 22 0657 Hyundai, Beijing, China, (+86) 11 506438 Hyundai, Hong Kong, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 571 3700 Hyundai, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 882646 Hyundai, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 687489 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Kyungnam, Korea, (+82) 522 32 1101 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 746 2176 Hyundai, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 565 0529 Hyundai, Tripoli, Libya, (+21) 71603 Hyundai, Riydah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 491 9100 Hyundai, Singapore, (+65) 337 1577 Hyundai, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 2350297 Hyundai, London, UK, (+44) 020 7411 1531 Hyundai, Fort Lee, USA, (+1) 201 592 7766 Hyundai, Hanoi, Viet Nam, (+84) 4 250592 Hyundai, Sana’, Yemen, (+967) 2 248177 IMCC SAK, Ras Al Kafhji, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 376 621 49 Impresa Unione SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 212 081 51 Incisa Rohrieitungsbau GmbH, Vienna, Austria, (+43) 222 424247 Incisa Spa, Parma, Italy, (+39) 521 5951 Induction S.R.L., Poirino, Italy, (+390) 11 945 1322 Ingenieros Civiles Asociados SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+525) 272 9991 International Marine Construction Co, Kuwait, (+(65) 244 7061 Intership Ltd, Motala, Sweden, (+46) 141 51044 J.C. Impex S.C., Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 22 670 0295 John Brown Hydrocarbons Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 446 3553 John Brown - Kish LLC, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 776 144 John Brown Hydrocarbons Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 959 378 331 John Brown Tblisi, Tblisi, Georgia, (+995) 326 996 00 Azerbaijan John Brown, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 129 841 42 Keystone Pipeline Services, South Windsor, USA, (+1) 860 528 9890 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 P T Komaritim, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 522 1044

Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Laeven Bau GmbH, Geilenkirchen, Georgia, (+49) 2451 68975 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Land & Marine Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 570 2778 Larsen and Toubro Ltd ECC Construction Group, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 22492747 Lukoil-Nephtegazstroy Private JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 959 737 451 Lowline Ltd, Amersham, UK, (+44) 01494 434000 M S Gulf Ltd, Abu Dhabi, N/A, (+971) 33 9600 M W Kellogg Ltd, Greenford, UK, (+44) 020 8872 7000 Mashhor Marine Sdn Bhd, Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam, (+673) 3 223 345 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 McDermott Marine Construction Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 615200 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 5300 J Ray McDermott SA, Wembley, UK, (+44) 020 8733 7339 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 J Ray McDermott, SA, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5100 Michels Corporation, Brownsville, USA, (+1) 920 583 3132 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 NISSCO Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 1407 NISSCO (Warri), Warri, Nigeria, (+ 871) 38302 05 55 NKT Flexibles, Brondby, Denmark, (+45) 43 48 30 00 NPCC Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 233 6183 NPCC Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 2204377 NPCC (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7225 1424 The National Marine Service Co, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 339 800 PT Nippon Steel Construction Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 207 564 Nippon Steel Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3275 8253 Nippon Steel Construction Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 327 100 366 Nippon Steel Corporation, Singapore, (+65) 836 6630 Nordsee Nassbagger-und Tiefbau GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, (+49) 442 191 3660 National Petroleum Construction Company NPCC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 255 490 00 Oceaneering Australia Pty Ltd, Sale, Australia, (+61) 3 5144 2311 Oceaneering AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 81 0800 Oceaneering Production Systems, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 492 2800 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Oceaneering International AG, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 341605 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 578 8868 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 329 4500 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Offshore Pipelines Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 610742 Offshore Pipelines International Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 235 4544 Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC), Bombay, India, Oman Construction Co, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 590 335 PPS Pipeline Systems UAB, Palanga, Lithuania, (+370) 364 5858 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Quakenbruck, Germany, (+49) 5431 14 0 Prenaft Sp zoo, Krakow, Poland, (+48) 124 210 433 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Prahova, Romania, (+40) 441 959 40 Pan Marine Do Brasil Transportes LTDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 541 6146 Pan Marine, Kinshasa, Zaire, (+243) 1 269 21 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Peerless Drive Ltd, Bombay, India, (+91) 22 495 1479 Pegasus International Ltd, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 750644 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 PeterGaz Co, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 956 5493 Petrex SA, Lima, Peru, (+51) 1 221 5050 Petro Largo CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, Petroleos Mexicanos, Col Anahuac, Mexico, (+52) 5 250 2611 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Servicios Protexa Construcciones, Santa Catarina LN, Mexico, (+52) 83 362 112 Grupo Protexa, Santa Catarina, Mexico, (+52) 8 3 362 112 Qatar National Navigation & Transport Co Ltd, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 468 666 Roberts Products, Motherwell, UK, (+44) 01698 242418 Rohde & Lisenfeld Projects, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 875 1923 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 SB Construction and MaritimeServices bv, Hoofddorp, Netherlands, (+31) 23 55 47 600

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Contractor- pipe laying: offshore

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


SBM Production Contractors Inc, Marly, Switzerland, (+41) 26 437 1161 S T & T Sea Transport & Trading, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 699 9410 Saibos Services, St Quentin Yvelines, France, (+33) 1 30 60 66 60 Saibos Construcoes Maritimas Lda, Funchal, Portugal, (+351) 91 237 989 SaiClo Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9481 Saipem UK Ltd, New Malden, UK, (+44) 020 8296 5000 Saiclo Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 894 260 222 Saipem Italia SpA, Montesilvano, Italy, (+39) 85 44821 Saipem SpA, Milan, Italy, (+39) 2520 1 Sonsub Asia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 642 466 Saipem International BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 205 707 100 Saipem Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 193 68 Saipem Contracting, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 210 76 Sapscor, Craighall, South Africa, (+27) 11 787 5731 Sarku Comex Sdn Bhd, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 85 41 52 88 Sea Technical Marine Services Co, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 326423 Seabulk Offshore Dubai Inc, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 341 933 Sealion Shipping Ltd, Farnham, UK, (+44) 01252 737 773 Seatec International Ltd, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 914898 Servicios Maritimos Ves SA de RS (SMV), Tabasco, Mexico, (+52) 933 30773 Servicos Maritimos Ves SA del RL (SMV), Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 22159 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Sime Sembcorp Engineering Sdn Bhd, Pasir Gudang, Malaysia, (+60) 7 251 2901 Smit Americas Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 774 5000 Smit International Argentina S A, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 4314 0205 Smit International Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 779 6911 Smit International Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 668 4222 Smit Land & Marine Engineering (Nederland) BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 324 6948 Smit Land & Marine Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 774 5080 Smit Land and Marine (Venezuela) C.A., Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 2 953 8739 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogetram Espana SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 851 7720 Sonsub Services (Victoria) Pty Ltd, Sale, Australia, (+61) 51 441 055 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Sonsub International Pty Ltd, Welshpool, Australia, (+61) 8 9350 6406 Sonsub International BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 20 664 7226 Sonsub International A/S, Randaberg, Norway, (+47) 5 141 2500 Sonsub International Pty Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 545 0477 Sonsub North Sea Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 706888 Sonsub Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 984 9150 Sonsub International Management Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 7096 Spibat Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 102 16 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stena Maritima, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 24 13622 Stena Offshore A/S, Lysaker, Norway, (+47) 67 127 290 Stena Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 744 044 Stena Offshore Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 935 9709 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stolt Comex Seaway Argentina SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1 30 63 75 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9446 6700 Stolt Comex Seaway Tecnologia Submarina SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 220 60 Stolt Comex Seaway Congo Sarl, Pointe Noire, Congo, (+242) 94 24 17 Stolt Comex Seaway SA, Marseille, France, (+33) 91 23 51 11 Stolt Comex Seaway Gabon Sarl, Port Gentil, Gabon, (+241) 75 21 28 Stolt Comex Seaway Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 61 85 38 Stolt Comex A/S, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 84 50 00 Stolt Comex Seaway Saudi Arabia Ltd, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 54 20 Stolt Comex Seaway (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 861 61 66 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 800 446 5235 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415

T D Williamson Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5530 TL Offshore Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, (+60) 3 8659 8800 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Technip Offshore UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 271000 BV Aannemersbedrijf Gebr Theunissen, Maastricht, Netherlands, (+31) 43 254415 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Tideway Di SDN BHD, Selangor Danul Ehsan, Malaysia, (+60) 373 509 15 Tideway BV, Breda, Netherlands, (+31) 76 520 4140 Tidex Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 5426 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 UIC (Union Industrielle pour le Cameroun), Douala, Cameroon, (+237) 40 7018 Valentine Maritime Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 5555 868 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200 Volker Stevin Beton en Waterbouw BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 4244244 Volker Stevin Pipelines BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 417222 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Westminster Dredging Co Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885933 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654 Westech HMD, USA, (+1) 562 988 8499 Willbros Al-Rushaid, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 893 3333 Z & P Construction Co SA, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, (+58) 265 631 6322 Zamil-NPCC, Al Khonar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 224 94 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Contractor - pipe laying: onshore ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Arco for Advanced Systems & Equipment, Cairo, Egypt, (+202) 291 0287 Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 Ardee Offshore & Shipping Services PVT. Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 2204 0257 Astec Underground Group, Loudon, USA, (+1) 865 408 2100 AC Automation Services Ltd, Dyfed, UK, (+44) 01646 682391 Aban Constructions, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 822 2400 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany, (+49) 7121 519 191 Al Jaber Energy Services, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 554 6550 Al Khadda International, Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 398 5338 Almutiaq Mace, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 8640714 Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4150 Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri Ve Ticaret AS, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 262 648 2200 Alsim Alarko Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 928 005 Alsim Alarko Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 298 677 82 Alsim Alarko Germany, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 303 446 300 Alsim Alarko Kazakstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 293 5194 Alsim Alarko Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 203 6097 Alsim Alarko Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, (+99) 312 355 587 Cabinmark Ltd, Edgeware, UK, (+44) 0208 905 6900 Alsim Alarko Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+998) 711 441 070 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Antagon International Ltd, St Laurent, Canada, (+1) 514 334 8030 Applus RTD STeeltest Pty Ltd, Kwinana, Australia, (+61) 8 9439 5656 Aquavia NV, Landegem, Belgium, (+32) 937 171 71 A Araujo SA (Brazil), Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 299 0911 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Argyll-Ruane Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 560459 Arkiteknefetegazstroi, Nadym, Russia, (+7) 34595 32813 Associated Pipe Line Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 4311 Astrakhannefetegazstroi, Astrakhan, Russia, (+7) 8510 594311 Attila Dogan Construction Italy, Rome, Italy, (+39) 068 417 618 AD Amman, Sowafia, Jordan, (+962) 656 7400 Atteris Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9322 7922 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 982 871

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Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 440 97 00 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, Aztruboprovodstroi, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 8922 660505 B&B Gas and Oil Services Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 262 0055 BFC Construction Corporation, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 754 8735 BG Energy Services, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 417 728 BJB Co, Post, USA, (+1) 806 495 3808 BKK (1985) Public Co Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 746 0800 9 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 BVAIGB, Breda, Netherlands, (+31) 1600 22161 Baker Pipeline, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Balfour Beatty Utilities Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 232 9700 PT Ballast Indonesia Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 7800940 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV, Oranjestad, Aruba, (+297) 823600 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 576 6617 Ballast Nedam International BV, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3299 5228 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 2 293 8608 Ballast Nedam International BV, Amstelveen, Netherlands, (+31) 20 545 2585 Ballast Nedam Suriname NV, Paramaribo, Suriname, (+597) 424073 Bantrel Co., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 290 5000 Barnard Pipeline Inc, Bozeman, USA, (+1) 406 586 1995 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Baulderstone Hornibrook Engineering Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 993 57100 Bay State Piping Co Inc, Hyannis, USA, (+1) 508 775 9268 Bechara T&C, Damascus, Syria, (+963) 11 2112780 Bechtel Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 846 5111 Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 732 147 400 Bechtel Ltd, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4431 2020 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Beltransgas, Minsk, Belarus, (+375) 17 266 0101 Beltruboprovodstroi, Minsk, Belarus, (+375) 17 234 3383 J N Bentley Ltd, Skipton, UK, (+44) 01756 799 245 Bethell Group plc, Kearsley, UK, (+44) 01204 439 100 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Birch Brothers Kidderminster Ltd, Stourport, UK, (+44) 0129 982 6227 Birse Construction Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0192 489 7799 Biwater Industries Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 0124 625 0740 Bluewater Constructors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 462 8525 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bolivian Oil Services Ltd, La Paz, Bolivia, (+591) 2 328474 Bonatti SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 0521 6091 Bonatti SSB Group, Muscat, Oman, (+965) 793 741 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bradford Brothers Inc, Huntersville, USA, (+1) 704 875 1341 Brambles Western Australia, West Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9366 5711 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 CB&I John Brown Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3388 Brown & Root - Condor Spa, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 591060 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Brown & Root International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 676 3011 Brushwacker Inc, Mahnomen, USA, (+1) 218 935 2109 Bryanstruboprovodstroi, Bryansk, Russia, (+7) 8322 35533 Bulgargeomin, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 57 00 66 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Carreteras Y Urbanismo SA, Mexico City, Mexico, (+905) 5335890 C.A.T. Group of Companies, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 44 99 10 Cathweld Construction Co. Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+88) 2 912 4119 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 CAT International Ltd, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 241 5957 Mothercat Lts, Kaduna, Nigeria, (+234) 622 349 97 Contracting and Trading Co Saudi Arabia, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 386 414 55 Contracting and Trading Co UAE, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 267 216 26 Cedarconsult Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 89 89 00 Celik Engineering Corp, Carmichael, USA, (+1) 916 481 1729 Centrgas Ltd Co, Tula, Russia, (+7) 0872 253781 Centrgaspromstroi, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 923 6011 Cheetham Hill Construction Ltd, Bury, UK, (+44) 0161 761 5109 GAO Chernomorneftegaz, Simferopol, Ukraine, (+380) 652 253221 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22

China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Cirtubo SA, Burgos, Spain, (+34) 947 298 284 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cliffside Utility Contractors Ltd, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 293 7004 Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3369 7244 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Cobra Utility Construction, LLC, Damascus, USA, (+1) 301 482 1295 Coest Construtora SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 883 3299 Coffey Construction Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8447 9199 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Condmag SA, Brasov, Romania, (+40) 268 414954 Conduites & Enterprises SA, Sombreffe, Belgium, (+32) 71 81 5044 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Conduto Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 247 7302 Conduto/Preussen AG, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 4206 202 Consolidated Contractors Co, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 618 20 00 Consolidated Contractors Co (Kuwait), Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 3980355 Consolidated Contractors Company Oman LLC, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 700800 Consolidated Contractors Co., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+996) 1 465 0311 Constructora CAMSA SA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 616 2555 The Contracting and Trading Co, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 44 99 10 R L Coolsaet Construction Co, Taylor, USA, (+1) 313 946 9300 Corvet Construction, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 340 3535 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 Cotton Houston Inc, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 460 7490 Counties Corp, Plymouth Meeting, USA, (+1) 610 828 6200 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 DBC Pipeline Construction Inc, Enid, USA, (+1) 580 237 6941 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Davis Corporation, Healdton, USA, (+1) 405 229 1280 Decon Engineering Co, Bridgwater, UK, (+44) 01278 458575 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Dipon Gas Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 811 7752 Dodsal GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, (+49) 21 132 9026 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dodsal Pte Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 343 1515 Dragados Internacional De Pipelines SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 350 0292 Dragados Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 394 6099 Dragados Brazil, Porte allegre, Brazil, (+55) 512 261 184 Dragados Chile, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 262 565 15 Dragados Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 131 719 26 Dragodos Malyasia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 326 303 96 Dragados Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 558 009 58 Dragados Peru, Lima, Peru, (+511) 241 1028 Dragodos Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 759 9988 Dredeco Pty Ltd, Wynnum North Old, Australia, (+61) 738 951 466 Peter Duffy Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 871100 Companhia Nacional de Dutos Conduto, Duque de Caxias, Brazil, (+55) 21 771 7120 EIED, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1256 7880 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Entreprise Ziani Mohamed, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 41 487 887 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 ENGCB, Boumerdes, Algeria, (+213) 284 6526 E.O.M. Construction Ltd, Radcliffe, UK, (+44) 01204 701865 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 Eastern Atlantic Constructors Inc, Belpre, USA, (+1) 614 423 5733 Energopol- Trading Warszawa SA, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 605 318 787 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 Entrepose Industrial Services Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 220330 Entrepose Contracting, Colombes, France, (+33) 1 5760 9300 Essar Projects Ltd, Madras, India, (+91) 44 827 9517 Essar Construction Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2495 0606 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 36450 Eurodetach On & Offshore Services, Sittard, Netherlands, (+31) 46 400 89 99

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Contractor- pipe laying: onshore

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


JV Eurogasstroy, Minsk, Belarus, (+375) 17 256 1680 FAB Fernleitungs- und Anlagenbau GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 6575 501 Fabricon Ltd, Leighton Buzzard, UK, (+44) 01525 850244 Fernas Construction Co, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 6262 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Fluor Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 537 4672 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 1110 Fluor Daniel Arabia, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 292 92 Fluor Daniel Inc, Irvine, USA, (+1) 714 975 2000 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 561 9500 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Anchorage, USA, (+1) 907 276 2636 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 Foundation Co Inc, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 754 8691 Ludwig Freytag GmbH & Co, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 970 40 Fru-Con Construction Corporation, Ballwin, USA, (+1) 314 391 6700 GDK SA, Salvador, Brazil, (+55) 71 2106 2900 GD Pipelines, Sherwood, Australia, (+61) 7 3379 6888 GJS Construction Co Inc Somervile Construction Co, Phoneix, USA, (+1) 602 243 4130 Gabe’s Construction Co Inc, Sheboygan, USA, (+1) 920 459 2600 Gammon India Limited, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5661 4000 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Gas Services Technology Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 029 2040 3030 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Ge-Mac Construction (NI) Ltd, Belfast, UK, (+44) 01232 815599 Ghizzoni SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 0524 989 Ghizzoni SpA Head, Macchia Di Ferrandina, Italy, (+39) 835 462 430 Ghizzoni Espana SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 709 890 AOOT GiproTyumenneftegaz, Tyumen, Russia, (+7) 3452 263313 Gisca Gines Navarro Capag SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 91 555 45 93 Gregory & Cook Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 780 7500 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 Josef Haakshorst Rohrleitungsbau GmbH Co, Dortmund, Germany, (+49) 231 610 0101 Habau Hoch-und Tiefbaugesellschaft GmbH, Perg, Austria, (+43) 726 2555 0 Habit, Minsk, Russia, Hahn Contracting Co, Birdsboro, USA, (+1) 610 582 8785 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Harbert International Establishment, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 469 5820 Harbert International Establishment SA (Bolivia), Sabta Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 362 2900 Harbert International Establishment SA (Colombia), Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 162 088 85 Harbert International Establishment, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 292 1400 Haustadt & Timmermann GmbH & Co KG, Duisburg, Germany, (+49) 206 569 090 Hogenboom Spijkenisse BV, Spijkenisse, Netherlands, (+31) 181 695 600 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 Horizontal Drilling International, Puteaux, France, (+33) 1 5591 0909 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 Hydrobudowa-6 SA, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 22 619 9383 Hydro Soil Services, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 5311 Hydrostav AS, Bratislava, Slovakia, (+421) 7 2055 111 Hyundai, Muharraq, Bahrain, Hyundai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 414233 Hyundai, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, (+673) 2 22 0657 Hyundai, Beijing, China, (+86) 11 506438 Hyundai, Hong Kong, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 571 3700 Hyundai, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 882646 Hyundai, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 687489 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Kyungnam, Korea, (+82) 522 32 1101 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 746 2176 Hyundai, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 565 0529 Hyundai, Tripoli, Libya, (+21) 71603 Hyundai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 261 7433 Hyundai, Riydah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 491 9100 Hyundai, Singapore, (+65) 337 1577 Hyundai, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 2350297 Hyundai, London, UK, (+44) 020 7411 1531

Hyundai, Fort Lee, USA, (+1) 201 592 7766 Hyundai, Hanoi, Viet Nam, (+84) 4 250592 Hyundai, Sana’, Yemen, (+967) 2 248177 Icon Service Co, Cerritos, USA, (+1) 562 809 3066 Impresa Tre Colli SpA, Fidenza, Italy, (+39) 524 524 300 Impresa Unione SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 212 081 51 Incisa Rohrieitungsbau GmbH, Vienna, Austria, (+43) 222 424247 Incisa Spa, Parma, Italy, (+39) 521 5951 Induction S.R.L., Poirino, Italy, (+390) 11 945 1322 Ingenieros Civiles Asociados SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+525) 272 9991 International Gas Corporation Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, (+995) 883 292 3228 Iran Arvin Construction and Engineering Co, Teheran, Iran, (+98) 21 228 4865 Italmontaggi SpA, Padua, Italy, (+39) 49 525344 J.C. Impex S.C., Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 22 670 0295 JFE Engineering Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+60) 3 2166 2121 JGC Corporation, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 92 33 54 JGC Corporation, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 6518 3001 JGC Corporation, Paris, France, (+33) 1 44 77 43 00 JGC Corporation, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 230 2763 JGC Corporation, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 205 4835 JGC Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 682 1111 JGC Corporation, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 244 5232 JGC Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 242 4155 JGC Dordtse Engineering bv, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 652 2522 JGC Corporation, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 0597 JGC Arabia Ltd, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+996) 3 898 2741 JGC Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 465 1202 JGC Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2 631 0565 JGC Corporation, Singapore, (+65) 324 2555 JGC Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 285 5966 JGC Corporation, London, UK, (+44) 020 7408 1309 JGC (USA) Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 1441 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 JBS Construction Ltd, Luton, UK, (+44) 0158 249 6196 Joannou & Paraskevaides (Overseas) Ltd, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 811 4291 Joannou and Paraskevaides Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, (+357) 286 8600 Joannou and Paraskevaides Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 213 612 137 Joannou and Paraskevaides Oman, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 590 200 Joannou and Paraskevaides Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 140 400 02 Joannou and Paraskevaides UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 422 122 48 Joannou and Paraskevaides UK, Guernsey, UK, (+44) 0148 172 3232 John Brown Hydrocarbons Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 446 3553 John Brown - Kish LLC, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 776 144 John Brown Hydrocarbons Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 959 378 331 John Brown Tblisi, Tblisi, Georgia, (+995) 326 996 00 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 T W Johnstone Co Ltd, London, Canada, (+1) 519 652 5271 Azerbaijan John Brown, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 129 841 42 J.S. Welding and Building Co, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 208 69 64 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Kamaghaz National Company of Pipes Construction, W Boumerdes, Algeria, (+213) 2 81 1883 KBR Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 753 3011 KCI Constructors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 753 2000 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 KT Pty Ltd, Midland, Australia, (+61) 8 9250 2161 Kadco (Aust) Pty Ltd, Laverton, Australia, (+61) 3 9315 1933 KANAGHAZ National Company of Pipelines Construction, Boumerdes, Algeria, (+213) 24 81 18 83 Karpaty JSC, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 226 724 742 NKTN Kaztransoil, Almaaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 3272 694390 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 John Kennedy (CE) Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 3000 Kinhill Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9867 5911 KVV Koolajvezetekepito Rt., Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Koop-Tjuchem BV, Hoofddorp, Netherlands, (+31) 2503 42502 AO Krasnodargazstroy, Krasnodar, Russia, (+7) 8612 652804 Krasnodarneftegaz PO, Krasnodar, Russia, (+7) 8612 684844 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 97191 0 Laing Engineering Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 402500 Laing O’Rourke, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 402600 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (+852) 237 531 80

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Lama International Contractors Ltd, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 278 878 Murray And Roberts Engineering Solutions, Cape Town, South Africa, (+27) 214 216 510 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 431 3826 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Tortola, Virgin Isl (British), (+809) 494 2616 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lange Ballast Contractors Ltd, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, (+809) 665 4905 Larsen and Toubro Ltd ECC Construction Group, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 22492747 L&T-ECC Construction (M) SDN BHD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 326 983 480 Larsen and Toubro (Oman) Ltd, Ruwi, Oman, (+968) 797 445 Larsen and Toubro (Qatar) Ltd, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 467 6403 Larsen and Toubro Saudi Arabia LLC, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 389 749 99 Larsen and Toubro (Sri Lanka) Ltd, Rajagrirya, Sri Lanka, (+94) 11 5516751 Larsen and Toubro (UAE) Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 146 36 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 Leonard Pipeline Contractors Ltd, Alberta, Canada, (+1) 403 547 3772 Liaohe Oilfield First Construction Company, Liaoning, China, (+86) 427 758 0831 Limak Construction Industry and Trade Inc., Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 446 8800 Linak Construction Industry and Trade Inc, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 446 8810 Lineas de Produccion SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+55) 5284 2950 228 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 971 91 0 Lukoil-Nephtegazstroy Private JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 959 737 451 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 ZAO Lukoil Nephtegazstroy Private JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 973 7451 MRM/Mueller Pipeliners Inc, New Berlin, USA, (+1) 414 782 6320 M W Kellogg Ltd, Greenford, UK, (+44) 020 8872 7000 J T Mackley & Co Ltd, Henfield, UK, (+44) 01273 492 212 Magal-Israel Gas & Oil Enterprises Ltd, Hertzella, Israel, (+972) 3 6420258 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Indonesia) GmbH, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 973 356 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Iran) GmbH, Teheran, Iran, (+98) 218 784 251 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Malaysia) GmbH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 412 789 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Southern Africa) GmbH, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 115 073 800 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Thailand) GmbH, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 265 289 98 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Turkmenistan) GmbH, Ashbagat, Turkmenistan, (+993) 123 962 52 Marine Pipeline Construction of Canada (1993), Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 274 3443 Masa-Daip, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 91 484 30 30 Maxer S.A., Poznan, Poland, (+48) 61 849 5600 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mazidi Contracting Co, East Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 984440 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 S & L T McAndrew, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 764 933 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Burwood East, Australia, (+61) 3 8805 5200 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McConnell Dowell South East Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 777 0127 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 J Ray McDermott Engineering, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 870 5085 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Mechanical and Civil Engineering Contractors Ltd, Bengahzi, Libya, (+218) 4852 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Mehvarsazan, Tehran, Iran, (+982)1 662 6704 Mendes Junior Engenharia SA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 31 349 6724 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 NVLL & N de Meyer, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 222 0011 Mideast Constructors, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 415025

Midwestern Pipeline Corp, Appleton, USA, (+1) 414 731 9175 J B Miller Inc, Dickson, USA, (+1) 615 446 8082 Minson Constructors Pty Ltd, Box Hill, Australia, (+61) 3 9897 1300 Mitchell Australasia Pty Ltd, Seymour, Australia, (+61) 3 5735 4444 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Morgan Est Plc, Rugby, UK, (+44) 01788 534500 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mosgazprovodstroi, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 5509 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 Moylan Construction Company, Inc., Eastland, USA, (+1) 254 629 2244 Multiplex Engineering Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3002 0000 Murphy Bros, East Moline, USA, (+1) 309 752 1227 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 NICC, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 883 7829 31 NISSCO Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 1407 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap Australia Pty Ltd, Campbellfield, Australia, (+61) 3 9357 2822 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 Naftagas Ro Montaza, Zrenjanin, Croatia, (+385) 23 42 410 Napp-Grecco Company, Newark, USA, (+1) 201 482 3500 Neda Construction Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 2 162 2265 Eric Newham Holdings Pty Ltd, Granville, Australia, (+61) 2 9637 0493 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 PT Nippon Steel Construction Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 207 564 Nippon Steel Construction Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 327 100 366 Noreast Services and Pipelines Ltd, Gibraltar, (+350) 45184 Noreast-Wylton International Inc, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 656 104 11 Noreast-Meridian, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2847 3259 Noreast-Al-Qhatani, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4160 Norilsktruboprovodstroi, Norilsk, Russia, (+7) 3919 438180 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Northern Pipeline Construction Co, Phoenix, USA, (+1) 602 582 1235 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Novacorp International SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1 865 8730 Novacorp International Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 261 5200 Novacorp (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 603 263 4376 Novosibirkstruboprovodstroi, Novosibirsk, Russia, (+7) 3832 237920 OJ Pipelines, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 403 955 3900 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Oman Construction Co, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 590 335 Omsknefteprovodstroi, Omsk, Russia, (+7) 3812 656322 Orienco SA, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 546 655 Origin Engineering Ltd, Widness, UK, (+44) 01514 244 515 Otis Eastern Service Inc, Wellsville, USA, (+1) 716 593 4760 Ottoway Engineering Pty Ltd, Rosewater East, Australia, (+61) 8 8341 0045 Overgas Engineering JSC, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 810 2737 PIHA Pty Ltd, Bibra Lake, Australia, (+61) 8 9434 4422 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+871) 382 622 098 PPS Pipeline Systems UAB, Palanga, Lithuania, (+370) 364 5858 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Quakenbruck, Germany, (+49) 5431 14 0 Prenaft Sp zoo, Krakow, Poland, (+48) 124 210 433 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Prahova, Romania, (+40) 441 959 40 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Hathersage, UK, (+44) 01433 651655 Pace Pipeline Co, Delmont, USA, (+1) 412 837 8451 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pentzien Inc, Omaha, USA, (+1) 402 397 7800 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Perry CM Ltd, Maroubra, Australia, (+61) 2 349 7632 Peter Norman Personnel Pty Ltd, Bentleigh, Australia, (+61) 3 8520 9520 Petrex SA, Lima, Peru, (+51) 1 221 5050 Petrojet Petroleum Projects and Tecnical Consultations Co, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 6230 740 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 PT Petrosea, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 718 3255 Pierse Contracting Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 8205811

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Contractor - pipelaying: onshore

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Pipecon BV, Amstelveen, Netherlands, (+31) 20 5452500 Pipeline Construction Co Ltd, Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 PN Daly Ltd, Rochdale, UK, (+44) 0170 665 9701 Poduzece Monter-Strojarske Montaze, Zagreb, Slovenia, (+41) 171 866 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Podvodgazenerhgoservis, Besedy, Russia, (+7) 355 9148 AO Podvodsibstroi, Surgut, Russia, (+7) 3462 243770 Polymer Fabrication Pty Ltd, Kalgoorlie Boulder, Australia, (+61) 8 9093 3959 Preussag Do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 552 1998 Preussag AG, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 420 6202 Preussag Saudi Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 4647089 Preussag AG, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 287 9911 Preussag Wasser und Rohrtechnik GmbH, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 4206 0 H C Price Co, Dallas, USA, (+1) 972 773 1333 Privolgsknefteprovod, Samara, Russia, (+7) 8462 333596 Servicios Protexa Construcciones, Santa Catarina LN, Mexico, (+52) 83 362 112 Grupo Protexa, Santa Catarina, Mexico, (+52) 8 3 362 112 Punj Lloyd Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 262 00123 PT Punj Lloyd Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 577 1835 PT Purna Bina Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 516562 Pycorsa, Mexico DF, Mexico, (+905) 533 5890 Faysal M Qahtani Sons Co, Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 572 8872 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Rand Water, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 682 0257 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Rilmount Development Ltd, Baldonnel, Ireland, (+353) 1 459 22 33 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Rohde & Lisenfeld Projects, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 875 1923 ˜Rosneftegazstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 933 1970 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 SOGEA, Rueil Maimaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 ST Pipeline, Inc., Clendenin, USA, (+1) 304 548 7013 Sade Ingenaria y Constructiones SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 341 7000 Saipem Argentina SAMICyF, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 312 4825 Saiclo Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 894 260 222 Saipem Italia SpA, Montesilvano, Italy, (+39) 85 44821 Sonsub Asia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 642 466 Saipem International BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 205 707 100 Saipem Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 193 68 Saipem Contracting, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 210 76 Saudi Arabian Saipem Ltd, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 259 49 Samaratruboprovodstroi, Samara, Russia, (+7) 8462 302938 Samatlortruboprovodstroi, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia, (+7) 846 230 2938 Sapscor, Craighall, South Africa, (+27) 11 787 5731 Serefoglu Constructyon, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 434 1130 Severgazneftestroi XXI, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 937 6851 AO Severspetspovodstroi, Nadym, Russia, (+7) 34595 31235 Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 3471 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Sibneftprovod, Tyumen, Russia, (+7) 3452 225301 Sibtruboprovodstroi, Novosibirsk, Russia, (+7) 3822 237920 Sicim Spa, Busseto (Parma), Italy, (+39) 524 930 211 Abdul Wasay Siddiqui & Co, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 6326910 SIE-MAC Pipeline Contractors Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 403 465 0538 Skanska S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4341 7000 Skibeck Pipeline Co, Randolph, USA, (+1) 716 358 2915 Smith Construction, Sparkman, USA, (+1) 870 678 2645 Smith Pipeline Construction Inc, Ft Lupton, USA, (+1) 303 654 1139 Smit Land & Marine Engineering (Nederland) BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 324 6948 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Socofar Ltd, Hong Kong, (+852) 2 861 3261 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Robert B Somerville, King City, Canada, (+1) 905 833 3100

South Midland Construction Co Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 454 4250 South Eastern Construction, Medicine Hat, Canada, (+1) 403 526 8851 SPAC, Clichy Cedex, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Paul Speeck GmbH, Dattein, Germany, (+49) 2363 1050 Spibat Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 102 16 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stockton Pipelines Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 290647 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Streicher Gmbh Pilsen, Stenovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 197 916 029 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 800 446 5235

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Sucursal en Espana, Spain, (+34) 57 335221 Sucursal Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1 345 3168 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 65750 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 O.C.Summers Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 402600 Summit Pipeco Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 913 0845 Sunland Construction & Directional Drilling Inc, Eunice, USA, (+1) 318 546 0241 Surgutgazsytroi, Surgut, Russia, (+7) 3462 338288 Svarochno-montazhnyi Trust, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 208 6964 T & R Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 413 9120 TAD Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9461 4610 TCGC Murphy JV, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 724 6711 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Tamara, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 552 1671 Tamimi Company - TCCD, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 847 4050 Tamimi Co TCCD, Roda, Kuwait, (+965) 240 6144 Tatneftegazstroi, Almetevsk, Russia, (+7) 85512 58844 Tatnefteprovodstroy OJSC, Tatarstan, Russia, (+7) 8432 957 964 Techint SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 528 286 00 Techint Engineering and Constrution Division, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 40 18 4340 Techint Engenharia SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 3707 6020 Techint S.A. de CV, México Distrito Federal, Mexico, (+52) 55 5246 7200 Technip Germany GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, (+49) 211 659 2501 Tefken Insaat ve Tesitat, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 954 566 454 United Eastern Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 227 2737 Tefken Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+871) 132 1424 Tekfen Insaat Ve Tesisat AS, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 257 61 00 The Hallen Construction Co., Inc, Island Park, USA, (+1) 516 432 8300 Theta II Enterprises Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Tomskgazstroi, Tomsk, Russia, (+7) 3822 763809 Tranaco PT Trans Nusantara Multi-Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 525 2076 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Transnefteprodukt, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 924 1212 The Trenchless Group, Acacia Ridge, Australia, (+61) 7 3394 9494 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Trust Severtruboprovodstroi, Nadym, Russia, (+7) 34595 64305 Trust Shchekinsgazstroi, Shchekino, Russia, (+7) 08751 51991 Trust Souzgazspetsstroi, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 255 5518 Trust Spetsneftegasstroi, Surgut, Russia, (+7) 3462 242987 Trust Voronezhtruboprovodstroi, Voronezh, Russia, (+7) 0732 164581 AOOT Tumenneftekomplektgazstroi, Tyumen, Russia, (+7) 3452 245607 US Pipeline Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 531 6100 Udmurtneftegazstroi, Izhevsk Udmurtiya, Russia, (+7) 3412 595810 Ukrbudtransgaz, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 444 885 588 Ukrneftegazstroi, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 435 6901 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Urengoitruboprovodstroi, Novyi Urengoi, Russia, (+7) 34549 41509

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Urknaftegazbud JSC, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 464 9340 Uzbekgazshuvkurilish, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+7) 3712 536325 Veco Corporation, Anchorage, USA, (+1) 907 264 8100 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 Volgogradneftegazstroi, Volgograd, Russia, (+7) 8442 342526 Volker Stevin Contracting Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 279 0052 Volker Stevin Pipelines BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 417222 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Faysal M Wahtani Est, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 894 2114 Watkins Construction Co. Inc, Corsicana, USA, (+1) 903 874 6587 Wessex Water (Construction Services), Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 526000 Wht-Leitungs-Und Sonderbau GmbH, Perg, Austria, (+43) 7262 58236 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Al-Rushaid, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 893 3333 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500 Yugansktruboprovodstroi, Nefteyugansk, Russia, (+7) 34612 31837 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Z & P Construction Co SA, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, (+58) 265 631 6322 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057 Zakhem Engineering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 266 4811 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zaval-Tex Construction Co, Beaumont, USA, (+1) 409 842 3664 Zeus-J&P Group, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 6185 500 Entreprise Ziani, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 33 759462

Contractor - utility AC’s Special Services, Tyler, USA, (+1) 903 533 9393 A&L Underground Inc, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 438 2981 AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 AC Automation Services Ltd, Dyfed, UK, (+44) 01646 682391 Al Khadda International, Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 398 5338 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Ashstead Plant Trenchless Technology, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01784 490 808 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Balvac Whitley Moran Ltd, Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 542600 Barhale Construction plc, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 707700 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Bethell Group plc, Kearsley, UK, (+44) 01204 439 100 Birse Water Ltd, Cheadle Hulme, UK, (+44) 0161 486 9191 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 CEES Ltd, Dorchester, UK, (+44) 0130 525 1177 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cobra Utility Construction, LLC, Damascus, USA, (+1) 301 482 1295 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 DOJ Pipewelding Services, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 404010 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666

Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Dragtone Ltd, Winsford, UK, (+44) 01606 861978 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 E.O.M. Construction Ltd, Radcliffe, UK, (+44) 01204 701865 Esmil Process Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 452 6155 Europump, Leighton Buzzard, UK, (+44) 0152 585 0000 F & B Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 01302 752 222 Fabricon Ltd, Leighton Buzzard, UK, (+44) 01525 850244 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Harbert International Establishment SA (Bolivia), Sabta Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 362 2900 Harbert International Establishment SA (Colombia), Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 162 088 85 Harbert International Establishment, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 292 1400 Hashim Al-Gharabally, Safat, Kuwait, (+972) 2425989 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 IRTH Solutions, Columbus, USA, (+1) 813 500 1423 Icon Service Co, Cerritos, USA, (+1) 562 809 3066 Impresa Unione SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 212 081 51 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 JFD Construction Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 852544 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 John Kennedy (CE) Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 3000 Kenton Utilities and Developments Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 01226 232700 Laing O’Rourke, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 402600 Ledwood Construction Ltd, Pembroke Dock, UK, (+44) 01646 623600 MCP Environmental Services, Bradford, UK, (+44) 01274 601021 MPB Utility Services, Wombwell, UK, (+44) 01226 601021 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 NICC, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 883 7829 31 Naston Ltd, Weybridge, UK, (+44) 0193 233 6611 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Northern Utility Services Ltd, Houghton-Le-Spring, UK, (+44) 0191 333 7444 Ondeo Degremont, Dunstable, UK, (+44) 01582 631 111 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 RSP Services, Esther, Canada, (+1) 403 676 2251 A.B.Rhead & Associates Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 491333 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 Rilmount Development Ltd, Baldonnel, Ireland, (+353) 1 459 22 33 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 Sade Ingenaria y Constructiones SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 341 7000 Serefoglu Constructyon, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 434 1130 Robert B Somerville, King City, Canada, (+1) 905 833 3100 South Midland Construction Co Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 454 4250

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Buyers’ Guide


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Contractor - utility

Corrosion management Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 O.C.Summers Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 402600 Techint S.A. de CV, México Distrito Federal, Mexico, (+52) 55 5246 7200 Thistle Pipelines Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 453 6000 Tuke and Bell Ltd, Lichfield, UK, (+44) 0154 341 4161 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 VHE Construction Plc, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 273 9200 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Wessex Water (Construction Services), Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 526000 Willows Construction Services, Newton-le-Willows, UK, (+44) 01925 223821 Willows Construction Services, Golborne, UK, (+44) 01942 528300 Z & P Construction Co SA, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, (+58) 265 631 6322 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Contracts administrator ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 BWS International Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 861000 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Cinar & Cinar Consultancy Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 9022 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 Ellis & Associates, Inc., Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 770 2005 Faithful & Gould, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 675136 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Imbondex, Luanda, Angola, 840672 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 Knowles Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 08707 530693 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Rollins Resources, Industry, USA, (+1) 979 277 8760 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Corrosion inhibitors


Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Boston Environmental Safety Technologies, Boston, USA, (+1) 617 443 1344 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 C-Chem, Inc., Paris, USA, (+1) 217 466 1063 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Canusa-CPS, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Coastal Fluid Technologies Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 261 0796 Correng Consulting Service Inc., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 630 2600 Corrmet Engineering Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 721 3274 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 Denso North America Inc, Markham, Canada, (+1) 905 940 8255 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Lordco, Auburn, Australia, (+61) 2 9647 2888 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Perk & Company, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 402 467 2815 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 John Smart Consulting Engineers, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 493 5946 Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 Wallace and Tiernan / Chemfeed Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 0173 277 1777 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 Wormald Safety and Service, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 894292

AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 AGL Pipelines Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9922 0101 Abriox Ltd, Newport, UK, (+44) 01633 415303 Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH, Klagenfurt, Germany, (+43) 46 356 990 Advantica Technologies Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282203 Afri-Coast Engineers (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, (+27) 41 585 3432 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Ancor Revesstimientos S/A, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 554 6613 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Applus RTD STeeltest Pty Ltd, Kwinana, Australia, (+61) 8 9439 5656 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 Armin Industries Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 913 219 9757 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bredero Price International BV, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+944) 129 382 83 Bredero Price Colombia BV, Santa Marta, Colombia, (+57) 54 209 067 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 522 3223 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Batam Island, Indonesia, (+62) 778 458 275 Bredero Price (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuantan, Malaysia, (+60) 9 433 131 Bredero Price (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 166 43 Bredero Price Norway A/S, Farsund, Norway, (+47) 383 424 00 Bredero Price International BV, Singapore, (+65) 732 2355 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 657 373 74 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, N/A, (+971) 6 285 536 Bredero Price Services Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 568600 Bredero Price International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 Bredero Price Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 974 7211 Bredero Shaw Australia Pty Ltd, Kembla Grange, NSW, Australia, (+61) 42 613 455 Brown Corrosion Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 468 4765 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Bushman & Associates, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 769 3694 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CMS Corrosion Services, Inc., Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, (+1) 888 524 4093 CPS, Sand Springs, USA, (+1) 918 245 8791 CPS Cathodic Protection Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 784 7378 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Cathodic Protection Management, Inc., Hoffman Estates, USA, (+1) 84 7885 7777 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Copon Pipelinings (E Wood Ltd), Northallerton, UK, (+44) 01609 780170 Cormon Ltd, Lancing, UK, (+44) 01903 854800 Corrosion Control Services Ltd, Telford, UK, (+44) 01952 230900 Correng Consulting Service Inc., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 630 2600 Corrintec, Derbyshire, UK, (+44) 01246 246700 Corrmet Engineering Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 721 3274 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 CorrOcean Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 662180 CorrOcean Srl, Rome, Italy, (+39) 6 559 9746 CorrOcean AS, Trondheim, Norway, (+47) 73 963060 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corro Shield, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 873 38191 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 CorrosionWatch Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 517 2200 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 Dairyland Electrical Industries, Stoughton, USA, (+1) 608 877 9900 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Corrosion management

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Denso North America Inc, Markham, Canada, (+1) 905 940 8255 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 5797 0 ENEP, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2 64 08 37 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 ETRS Pty Ltd, West Footscray, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6533 Eupec Risk Management Services, Pueblo, USA, (+1) 719 948 1000 Electrochemical Devices, Inc., Belmont, USA, (+1) 617 484 9085 Energy Economics Inc, USA, (+1) 800 733 2557 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 J R Hancock Associates, Columbia, USA, (+1) 513 443 6056 Henkels and McCoy Inc, Blue Bell, USA, (+1)215 283 7600 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Highland Metals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725581 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Hyder Consulting Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 540 6600 Hydrocarbon Resources Development Co Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 837 7649 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 447 1114 Imbema Belgium BV, Erpe-Mere, Belgium, (+32) 538 252 30 PT Imbema Pacific Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 214 208 226 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 Isotub Coating, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 03 2858 0220 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 J P Kenny Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 8222 Kvaerner Process (Netherlands) bv Zeetech Engineering, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 79 688688

Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Brian Martin & Associates, Northwood, NSW, Australia, (+61) 2 9248 9805 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 MoorAnode, Inc., Eastsound, USA, (+1) 360 376 3894 Morrison Scientific Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 8160 Mott MacDonald EPO, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 8222

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 N-Spec, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 272 0147 Nylacast Ltd, Leicester, UK, (+44) 0116 276 8558 OIS plc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226 700 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 PLE Hellas EPE, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 600 9576 PLE Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 30 29385 PNDT Pty Ltd, West Leederville, Australia, (+61) 8 9382 3844 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Penspen Greece SA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 6501385 Phoenix Inspection Systems Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 826000


This energy-industry wall map shows all proven oil and gas deposits in the North Sea and in the bordering countries. The North Sea area is divided up into its national sectors and oil/gas production blocks. Shows existing and planned oil and gas pipelines leading from the offshore production sites to the on-shore distribution networks and refineries. Detail maps are used to show exploration zones off the Norwegian coast, with sea depths given in metres. Oil/gas finds and oil/gas fields are listed by name along with all pipelines, oil refineries and coastal landing stations in operation, under construction and at the planning stage.

I wish to order copy/copies four-colour chart Oil and Gas in the North Sea Price: EUR 54 2005. 69 cm x 100 cm Scale: 1:1,786,000 copy/copies for digital version (PDF-file) Oil and Gas in the North Sea Price: EUR 230

Surname, first name(s) Company

164 Street and house number P.O. Box 18 56 20 · D-45206 Essen Phone +49 (0) 20 54 / 9 24-123 Fax +49 (0) 20 54 / 9 24-129 E-Mail [email protected] Internet www.vge.de

Town/postcode Date


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Processing Service Ltd, London, UK, (+36) 1 214 7005 The Pipeline Liner Co, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Rice Engineering & Operating Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 469 1356

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 Sacor Siderotecnica SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+ 55) 21 3658 9911 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Savcor ART/Products Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9993 7500 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 John Smart Consulting Engineers, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 493 5946 Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 413 201559 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc, Katy, USA, (+1) 281 599 7557 Subspection Ltd, Alresford, UK, (+44) 01962 734977 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 Taywood Engineering Ltd, Bentley, Australia, (+61) 8 9470 1511 TechCorr CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 261 759 2018 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Engineers Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 496 0400 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Wilson Walton International Pty Ltd, Braybrook, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6911 Wilson Walton, Hong Kong, (+852) 25 416875

Corrosion protection materials Agfa Gevaert Nv, Mortsel, Belgium, (+32) 344 482 40 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Akzo Nobel Coatings Inc., Nashville, USA, (+1) 800 626 7891 Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4150

Al-Qhatani Pipecoating Terminal (USA), Houston, USA, (+1) 713 781 0366 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Ameron BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587 587 Ancor Revesstimientos S/A, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 554 6613 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Applied Felts Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 200535 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd, Letchworth, UK, (+44) 01462 682225 B.S. Coatings, Aubevoye, France, (+33) 232 773077 Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Balmoral Holland B/V, Maassluis, Netherlands, (+31) 1899 26340 Balmoral Norge A/S, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 4 41 0600 Balmoral Group Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 859000 Balmoral Group Houston Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 589 0591 Balzaretti Modigliani SpA, Milan, Italy, (+39) 2 42431 Basell Australia Pty Ltd, South Yarra, Australia, (+61) 3 9829 5455 Baumann Coatings Inc, Bessemer, USA, (+1) 205 477 5701 Bayou Pipe Bending Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bayou Pipe Coating Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bredero Price International BV, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+944) 129 382 83 Bredero Price Colombia BV, Santa Marta, Colombia, (+57) 54 209 067 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 522 3223 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Batam Island, Indonesia, (+62) 778 458 275 Bredero Price (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuantan, Malaysia, (+60) 9 433 131 Bredero Price (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 166 43 Bredero Price Norway A/S, Farsund, Norway, (+47) 383 424 00 Bredero Price International BV, Singapore, (+65) 732 2355 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 657 373 74 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, N/A, (+971) 6 285 536 Bredero Price Services Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 568600 Bredero Price International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 Bredero Price Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 974 7211 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 Bredero Shaw Australia Pty Ltd, Kembla Grange, NSW, Australia, (+61) 42 613 455 British Pipe Coaters Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 553 9640 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 Bushman & Associates, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 769 3694 CCSI/Flomtec, Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 5 260 49999 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CMS Corrosion Services, Inc., Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, (+1) 888 524 4093 Trelleborg CRP Ltd, Skelmersdale, UK, (+44) 01695 712000 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Canusa-CPS, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Canusa Systems Ltd, Crawley, UK, (+44) 0129 354 1254 Canusa-CPS, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8866 Cathodic Protection Services Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 784 7378 Cathodic Protection Management, Inc., Hoffman Estates, USA, (+1) 84 7885 7777 Cirtubo SA, Burgos, Spain, (+34) 947 298 284 Coest Construtora SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 883 3299 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Conline Coatings BV, Maassluis, Netherlands, (+31) 10 593 1400 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Corrmet Engineering Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 721 3274 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 CorrOcean Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 662180 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Cosmodyne Intl Corp, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 232111 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 DET Norske Veritas (DNV), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 335000 DRA Industries Pty Ltd - Pipelining Division, Jandakot, Australia, (+61) 8 9417 2300 Dalmine SpA, Dalmine (BG), Italy, (+39) 35 560 111 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Corrosion protection materials

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Denso (Aust) Pty Ltd, Brunswick, Australia, (+61) 3 9387 1377 Denso North America Inc, Markham, Canada, (+1) 905 940 8255 Denso GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany, (+49) 214 2602 0 Denso Quimica SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 916 548 811 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 EB Pipe Coating Inc, Panama City, USA, (+1) 850 763 0244 ETRS Pty Ltd, West Footscray, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6533 Electrochemical Devices, Inc., Belmont, USA, (+1) 617 484 9085 Elf Atochem SA, Paris La Defense 10, France, (+33) 1 49 00 78 71 Eupec Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 313 362 7001 Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, (+49) 208 4596 0 Eupec Espana, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 155 433 13 Expandite (Athens) Ltd, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 3629724 Farwest Corrosion Control Co., Gardena, USA, (+1) 888 532 7937 Farwest Corrosion Control Co, Gardena, USA, (+1) 888 532 7937 Flexcrete Technologies Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 259477 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Freestyle Sign and Print Co, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 940 4000 GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 Garneau Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2396 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Goldschmidt TIB GmbH, Mannheim, Germany, (+49) 621 8901 812 Global Thermoelectric Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 5556 HSC Deutschland GmbH, Mannheim, Georgia, (+49) 621 8901 02 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hempel Paints Ltd, Cwmbran, UK, (+44) 01633 874 024 Highland Metals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725581 ICI/Dulux - Powder Coatings, Clayton, Australia, (+61) 3 9542 4508 IKEM, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 203 3903 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Imbema Belgium BV, Erpe-Mere, Belgium, (+32) 538 252 30 PT Imbema Pacific Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 214 208 226 Inductabend Pty Ltd, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 3 9315 1244 IRT Integrated Rectifier Technologies, Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 447 1114 International Protective Coatings, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3892 8888 Isotub Coating, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 03 2858 0220 Jotun Powder Coatings, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 1300 791910 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Kendall-Polyken, Mansfield, USA, (+1) 508 261 6200 Keystone Pipeline Services, South Windsor, USA, (+1) 860 528 9890 Koop Middle East LLC, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 787861 Gerhard Kopp International Pipeline Services, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 71020 Kopp International Pipeline Services LLC, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 787 861 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl, Busseto, Italy, (+39) 0524 91844 Leigh’s Paints, South Shields, UK, (+44) 0191 455 7700 Lineas de Produccion SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+55) 5284 2950 228 Long Products Ltd, Rye, UK, (+44) 01797 223561 Lordco, Auburn, Australia, (+61) 2 9647 2888 Lordco, Auburn, Australia, (+61) 2 9647 2888 Magal-Israel Gas & Oil Enterprises Ltd, Hertzella, Israel, (+972) 3 6420258 Advance Products & Systems Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 233 6116 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Meas Products, Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 3188 Metrotect Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 874 222 Metrotect (SE Asia) Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 3386636 Metrotect Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 2781416 Metrotect Specialist Coatings Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 853123 MoorAnode, Inc., Eastsound, USA, (+1) 360 376 3894 NDT and Corrosion Control Services, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 832 0507 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Ningbo Ideal Anticorrosion Material Co Ltd, Cixi, China, (+86) 574 6303 7102 Norwegian Pipeline A/S, Sandefjord, Norway, (+47) 33 46 94 50 Nukote Coating Systems, Shanghai, China, (+86) 21 5424 9811 OIS plc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226 700 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Omnidus GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 4779679 PNDT Pty Ltd, West Leederville, Australia, (+61) 8 9382 3844 PPG Industries Netherlands BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587587 PPSC Industries Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 2287 8990 Perk & Company, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 402 467 2815

Petro Coating Systems Pty Ltd (PCS), Thomastown, Australia, (+61) 3 9466 1521 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Protection Ltd, South Shields, UK, (+44) 0191 456 0386 The Pipeline Liner Co, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Pipe Protection Services, Calcutta, India, (+91) 33 242 2437 Pipetronix Ltd, Concord, Canada, (+1) 905 738 7559 Pipetronix Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 495 6912 Pipetronix Inc Mexico, Villahermosa, Mexico, (+52) 93 16 55 24 Pipetronix A/S Norway, Haugesund, Norway, (+47) 52 71 36 55 Pipetronix GmbH, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 905 9247875 Pipetronix GmbH, Singapore, (+65) 562 8640 Pipetronix UK Ltd, Peterhead, UK, (+44) 01779 471676 Pipetronix Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 821 7633 Plymouth Rubber Company Inc, Lindau, Germany, (+49) 8382 89 603 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Polytec SA-Polyken-Canusa, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 649 61 62 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Servicios Protexa Construcciones, Santa Catarina LN, Mexico, (+52) 83 362 112 Protexa SA, Monterrey NL, Mexico, (+52) 48 10 50 Grupo Protexa, Santa Catarina, Mexico, (+52) 8 3 362 112 QA Management Services Pty Ltd, Nedlands, Australia, (+61) 8 9386 5555 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Raychem (Australia) Pty Ltd Ultratec Division, Croydon, Australia, (+61) 3 9723 0659 Raychem, Kessel-Lo, Belgium, (+32) 16 351 204 Raychem Corporation, Chula Vista, USA, (+1) 619 482 8323 Riveco SPA, Crespellano, Italy, (+39) 517 39206 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SCI, Ajalvir, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 SIF-Isopipe SA, Velaux, France, (+33) 42 877 300 SIF-Isopipe, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 956 6108 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 STP Ltd, Gurgaon, India, (+91) 124 343 204 STP Ltd, Haryana, India, (+91) 124 234 3204 Sacor Siderotecnica SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+ 55) 21 3658 9911 Scientific Linings & Coatings, Inc., San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 344 3358 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Siat SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1 208 5443 Abdul Wasay Siddiqui & Co, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 6326910 Siderca SAIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 489 33100 Sigma Coatings, Harvey, USA, (+1) 504 347 4321 John Smart Consulting Engineers, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 493 5946 Soco-Ril, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 348 849 3332 Soco-Ril SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 488 93332 Socotherm, Adria, Italy, (+39) 426 94 1000 Socotherm International, London, UK, (+44) 0207 201 5600 Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 Societa Generale di Sorveglianza SpA, Milan, Italy, (+39) 2 73931 PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 413 201559 Spetsneftegaz NPO JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 268 08 14 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Svenska Elektrod AB, Solna, Sweden, (+46) 873 400 75 Syddal Engineering Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 336 4205 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Tradimpex (PVT) Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 7234168 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999

Tuboscope Vetco Pipeline Services, Wantirna, Australia, (+61) 3 9800 3022 Tuboscope Vetco International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 5100

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Varziran Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 773 124 Vetco Pipeline Services Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5058 Vitrex SpA, Cambiago, Italy, (+39) 295 4221 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Williamson International Corp, Singapore, (+65) 459 4577 Worldwide Coating Services/Ismocol-CCSI, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 76 436 361 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 WrapMaster Inc, Missouri City, USA, (+1) 281 639 5847 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09

Cost control/planning AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BWS International Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 861000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Chandler KBS, Penarth Marina, UK, (+44) 029 2035 2300 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Foresight Management Services Ltd, Driffield, UK, (+44) 01262 469996 GCL Horizons, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 977 2554 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 International Project Estimating Software, Rockwood, Canada, (+1) 519 830 7300 Knowles Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 08707 530693 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Saipem Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 193 68 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770

Data logging and transmission Abriox Inc., El Paso, USA, (+1) 915 779 3131 Abriox Ltd, Newport, UK, (+44) 01633 415303 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Aurora Bar Code Technologies Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 483 6025 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Binnington Development Corporation, Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 742 1677 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Diagnostic Instruments Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 470011 Envitech Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 02920 337134 eProduction Solutions, Inc., Kingwood, USA, (+1) 281 348 1000 GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 GreenPipe Industries Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 260 6702 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Microhard Systems Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 248 0028 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520

NTG, Inc., Olathe, USA, (+1) 913 888 5222 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 Pulsar Process Measurement, Malvern, UK, (+44) 0870 603 9112 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Scotia Instrumentation Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 222888 SigPoint, Rockingham, Australia, (+61) 89 361 1300 Sixnet, Clifton Park, USA, (+1) 518 877 5173 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600


Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008 Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6861 5961 American Underwater Services, Inc., Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 377 8512 Atlas Dewatering Systems Inc, Mount Clemens, USA, (+1) 877 669 6825 Boerger Pumps Asia Pte. Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6562 9540 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 Caltec Ltd, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 756056 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Hölscher-Wasserbau GmbH, Haren, Germany, (+49) 5934 7070 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Polymer Fabrication Pty Ltd, Kalgoorlie Boulder, Australia, (+61) 8 9093 3959 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 SPX Air Treatment, Irving, USA, (+1) 800 379 3711 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Direct assessment AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 American Investigation and Assessment Inc, Washington, USA, (+1) 703 994 6369 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 BMT Fleet Technology Ltd, Kanata, Canada, (+1) 613 592 2830 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Cathodic Protection Management, Inc., Hoffman Estates, USA, (+1) 84 7885 7777 Corrosion Control Services Ltd, Telford, UK, (+44) 01952 230900 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems, Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 547 8638 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736

Classification continued overleaf

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Direct assessment

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Directional drilling and equipment A&L Underground Inc, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 438 2981 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Tom Allen Construction Co, Edwardsville, USA, (+1) 618 656 3059 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, BTB Australia Pty Ltd, Healsville, Australia, (+61) 3 5962 1900 B-Trac Equipment Ltd, Wellingborough, UK, (+44) 01933 274400 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Baker Pipeline, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Barnard Pipeline Inc, Bozeman, USA, (+1) 406 586 1995 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Berco Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 270 5174 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Boring and Tunneling Co of America Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 1200 C & B Associates, Mineral Wells, USA, (+1) 817 682 4213 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Cherrington (Australia) Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9922 3044 Cherrington Corp, Sacramento, USA, (+1) 916 457 3040 Cobra Utility Construction, LLC, Damascus, USA, (+1) 301 482 1295 Coe Drilling Pty Ltd, Labrador, Australia, (+61) 7 5573 7692 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Corrocon, Inc., Broomfield, USA, (+1) 303 439 9600 Counties Corp, Plymouth Meeting, USA, (+1) 610 828 6200 The Crossing Company, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 5051 DBC Pipeline Construction Inc, Enid, USA, (+1) 580 237 6941 DCD Design & Manufacturing Ltd, RIchmond, Canada, (+1) 888 794 8357 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Darwin Offshore Logistics Base Pty Ltd, Berrimah, Australia, (+61) 8 8922 1149 Davis Corporation, Healdton, USA, (+1) 405 229 1280 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Direct Horizontal Drilling Inc., Spruce Grove, N/A, (+1) 780 960 6037 Directional Drilling Co Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 351200 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 Visser & Smit Hanab (UK) Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 314700 Drilled Crossing Inc, Arnaudville, USA, (+1) 318 754 7802 DrillTec GUT GmbH, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 510 Drilltube International, Bryan, USA, (+1) 979 779 7622 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 Fernas Construction Co, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 6262 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Flowmole Ltd, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400141 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 Ludwig Freytag GmbH & Co, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 970 40 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102

HDI Europe SA, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 333130 H&D Drilling Ltd, Cradley Heath, UK, (+44) 0121 559 9152 Hahn Contracting Co, Birdsboro, USA, (+1) 610 582 8785 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 9945 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Harbert International Establishment, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 469 5820 Harbert International Establishment SA (Bolivia), Sabta Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 362 2900 Harbert International Establishment SA (Colombia), Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 162 088 85 Harbert International Establishment, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 292 1400 Harding Directional Drilling, Bryan, USA, (+1) 409 778 2691 Harpole Construction Inc., Farmington, USA, (+1) 505 325 1249 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Haustadt & Timmermann GmbH & Co KG, Duisburg, Germany, (+49) 206 569 090 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 Horizontal Drilling International, Puteaux, France, (+33) 1 5591 0909 Horizontal Drilling International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 785 3369 Horizontal Rig and Equipment Inc, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 756 9337 Hydro Soil Services, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 5311 International Drilling Services Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01246 411111 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 LMR Drilling UK Ltd, Birkenhead, UK, (+44) 0151 650 6977 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 97191 0 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Land & Marine Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 570 2778 Laney Directional Drilling Co, Humble, USA, (+1) 281 540 6615 Laser Drilling Australia Pty Ltd, Belmont, Australia, (+61) 7 3390 4558 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 971 91 0 LMR Drilling BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 703 246 948 Longbore, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 8440 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 MRM/Mueller Pipeliners Inc, New Berlin, USA, (+1) 414 782 6320 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Meehan Drilling Ltd, County Louth, Ireland, (+353) 8728 49039 NVLL & N de Meyer, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 222 0011 Morrison Mud Co Ltd, Wareham, UK, (+44) 01929 551245 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap Australia Pty Ltd, Campbellfield, Australia, (+61) 3 9357 2822 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 Nella Drilling, St Henri de Levis, Canada, (+1) 418 882 2002 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Northern Pipeline Construction Co, Phoenix, USA, (+1) 602 582 1235 Northwestern Ohio Pipeline, Lima, USA, (+1) 419 641 6905 Pan Terra Industries Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 218 8913 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Pipeline Roller Systems Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 371 8108 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Powermole International, Sittingbourne, UK, (+44) 01795 425 425 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Preussag Wasser und Rohrtechnik GmbH, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 4206 0 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Ranger Directional Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 5447 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Sub-Surface Construction Co, Comstock Park, USA, (+1) 616 784 1313 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 65750 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 Sunland Construction & Directional Drilling Inc, Eunice, USA, (+1) 318 546 0241 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Theta II Enterprises Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 The Trenchless Group, Acacia Ridge, Australia, (+61) 7 3394 9494 UMS Ltd, Falkirk, UK, (+44) 01324 625143 Underground Construction Pty Ltd, Rochester, Australia, (+61) 3 5484 3191 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 Allen Watson Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 790772 Wht-Leitungs-Und Sonderbau GmbH, Perg, Austria, (+43) 7262 58236 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161

Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

District heating ALHCO, Westbury, UK, (+44) 01373 855122 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 DOJ Pipewelding Services, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 404010 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 Impresa Unione SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 212 081 51 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PPSL District Energy, Berkhamsted, UK, (+44) 01442 874808 PPS Pipeline Systems UAB, Palanga, Lithuania, (+370) 364 5858 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Quakenbruck, Germany, (+49) 5431 14 0 Prenaft Sp zoo, Krakow, Poland, (+48) 124 210 433 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Prahova, Romania, (+40) 441 959 40 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Hathersage, UK, (+44) 01433 651655 Polytec SA-Polyken-Canusa, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 649 61 62 STI Schweisstechnik International GmbH, Glucksburg, Germany, (+49) 4631 6022 0 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Streicher Gmbh Pilsen, Stenovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 197 916 029 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 65750 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Vital Energi Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01240 554500 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Buyers’ Guide

SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 SPALJ Construction Co, Deerwood, USA, (+1) 218 546 6022 ST Pipeline, Inc., Clendenin, USA, (+1) 304 548 7013 Saipem Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 193 68 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Smit International Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 668 4222 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Smit Land & Marine Engineering (Nederland) BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 324 6948 Smit Land & Marine Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 774 5080 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Robert B Somerville, King City, Canada, (+1) 905 833 3100 South Midland Construction Co Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 454 4250 Spalding & Morrell Inc, Shelbyville, USA, (+1) 317 392 3489 Speciality Drilling Technology Inc, Glen Carbon, USA, (+1) 618 288 8046 Paul Speeck GmbH, Dattein, Germany, (+49) 2363 1050 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stockton Pipelines Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 290647 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Streicher Gmbh Pilsen, Stenovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 197 916 029

Diving contractor American Underwater Services, Inc., Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 377 8512 Black Dog Divers Inc, Portsmouth, USA, (+1) 603 436 3732 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Ceanic Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 430 1100 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 DSND Subsea Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344 300 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 Global Industries Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 624 2222 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 International Marine and Petroleum Co, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 427294 Lamnaico Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 635 9108 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Oceaneering Australia Pty Ltd, Sale, Australia, (+61) 3 5144 2311 Oceaneering AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 81 0800 Oceaneering Production Systems, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 492 2800 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Oceaneering International AG, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 341605 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 578 8868 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 329 4500 Sea Technical Marine Services Co, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 326423 Seatec International Ltd, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 914898 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogetram sa, Garennes-sur-Eure, France, (+33) 2 32 26 60 00 Stena Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 744 044 Stena Offshore Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 935 9709 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200

Classification continued overleaf For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Diving contrcator

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Stolt Comex Seaway Argentina SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1 30 63 75 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9446 6700 Stolt Comex Seaway Tecnologia Submarina SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 220 60 Stolt Comex Seaway Congo Sarl, Pointe Noire, Congo, (+242) 94 24 17 Stolt Comex Seaway SA, Marseille, France, (+33) 91 23 51 11 Stolt Comex Seaway Gabon Sarl, Port Gentil, Gabon, (+241) 75 21 28 Stolt Comex Seaway Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 61 85 38 Stolt Comex A/S, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 84 50 00 Stolt Comex Seaway Saudi Arabia Ltd, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 54 20 Stolt Comex Seaway (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 861 61 66 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 800 446 5235 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Manila, Philippines, (+1) 904 355 1777 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Subsea Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 292000 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999



Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 American Underwater Services, Inc., Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 377 8512 Anglo-Dutch Dredging Co Ltd, Beaconsfield, UK, (+44) 01494 675646 Atlantique Dragage, Nanterre, France, (+33) 1 47291539 Atteris Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9322 7922 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 NV Baggerwerken Decloedt en Zoon, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 647 75 10 Ballast Nedam Baggeren BV, Buenos Aires, Brazil, (+54) 1 314 5018 Ballast Nedam Groep NV Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 293 938931 Ballast Nedam Dredging, AC Zeist, Netherlands, (+31) 30 694 7700 Ballast Nedam Far East Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 2621 512 C F Bean Corporation, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 391 7000 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bohlen & Doyen Submarine Cable & Pipe GMbH & Co KG, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 443 014 32 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Boskalis Zinkcon Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885922 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Brewaba Wasserbaugesellschaft Bremen mbH, Bremen, Germany, (+49) 42 143 2750 CEI Construct nv, Zele, Belgium, (+32) 524 51121 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Continental Dredging, Inc, Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 452 4594 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 DEME Group, Breda, Netherlands, (+31) 76 520 4140 Delta GmbH, Bremen, Germany, (+49) 42 143 8350 Jan De Nul NV, Aalst, Belgium, (+32) 53 731 711 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Sociedad Espanola de Dragados SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 570 1106 Dragados Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 394 6099 Dragados Brazil, Porte allegre, Brazil, (+55) 512 261 184 Dragados Chile, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 262 565 15 Dragados Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 131 719 26 Dragodos Malyasia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 326 303 96 Dragados Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 558 009 58 Dragados Peru, Lima, Peru, (+511) 241 1028 Dragodos Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 759 9988 Societe De Dragage International SDI SA, Marly le Roi, France, (+33) 139 588 602 Societa Italiana Dragaggi SpA, Rome, Italy, (+39) 666 495 21

Dredging International Sucursal Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4893 2002 Dredging International Asia Pacific (PTE) Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 863 2108 Dredging International NV, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 52 11 Dredging international N.V (Hong Kong), Kowloon, Hong Kong, (+852) 280 523 26 Dredging International India PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 373 0544 Dredging International Services (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 364 26 Dredging International N.V (Spain), Madrid, Spain, (+34) 913 457 070 Dredging International Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia, (+216) 1 840 027 Dredging International (UK) Ltd, East Grinstead, UK, (+44) 0134 232 3000 Far East Dredging Ltd, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (+852) 2 805 2326 Far East Dredging (Taiwan) Ltd, Taipei, Taiwan, (+886) 234 604 08 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 HAM Dredging (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 6104 868 HAM-VOW, Werkendam, Netherlands, (+31) 183 502 244 Philipp Holzmann Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg, Germany, (+49) 4 041 9950 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hydro Soil Services, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 5311 Impresa Unione SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 212 081 51 Javeler Construction Co Inc, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 337 364 5841 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 J T Mackley & Co Ltd, Henfield, UK, (+44) 01273 492 212 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Nordsee Nassbagger-und Tiefbau GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, (+49) 442 191 3660 Norham Dragagens, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 290 2987 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 E G Pettit & Co, Cork, Ireland, (+353) 21 966153 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 S T & T Sea Transport & Trading, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 699 9410 Scan Tech UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226940 Sodranord Sarl, Le Blanc-Mesnil, France, (+33) 1 4814 9460 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Tagus Dragagens Ltda, Morafloris, Portugal, (+351) 218 373 363 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Tidewater Marine Inc, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 568 1010 Tideway BV, Breda, Netherlands, (+31) 76 520 4140 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200 Volker Stevin Beton en Waterbouw BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 4244244 Westminster Dredging Co Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885933 WestHam Dredging Company Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 959 5715 Westminster Dredging (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 834033 Westminster Offshore S/A, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 4 410621 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Yorigami Maritime Construction Co Ltd, Kobe, Japan, (+81) 78 681 3126 Zinkcon Marine Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 244 8092

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Drying - vacuum, desiccant Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008 Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6861 5961 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Nitrogen Specialty Co, Harvey, USA, (+1) 888 466 4876 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 SPX Air Treatment, Irving, USA, (+1) 800 379 3711 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015

Earthquake disaster mitigation D. J. Nyman & Associates, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 807 4758

Education and research Accenture, Silom, Thailand, (+66) 2 636 1616 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 Bahrain Petroleum Co, Awali, Bahrain, (+97) 75 4666 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 EITEP, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 90992-10 EWI, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 688 5000 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Fluor, Gliwice, Poland, (+48) 32 2391788 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 IMRB, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 823 5450 Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, México, Mexico, (+52) 9175 7947 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 m2solve Ltd, Leicestershire, UK, (+44) 01509 822234 Miller Consulting Services, Irving, USA, (+1) 972 580 0812 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 NGS-Orgproecteconomica Ecmos, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 912 76 69 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 UMIST, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 200 4608 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181 University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Utilities Project Management Ltd, Sutton Coldfield, UK, (+44) 0121 355 0655 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Welding Engineering Research Centre, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 750111 Vulkan-Verlag, Essen, Gibraltar, (+49) 201 820 020 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Electrical systems design AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002

Electrochem Commercial Power, Clarence, USA, (+1) 716 759 5800 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 Haven Automation Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 588722 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Klockner Moeller Electric, Wood Dale, USA, (+1) 866 595 9616 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 LeanTrak, Inc., Maumee, USA, (+1) 419 482 0797 MacArtney UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 358500 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 Monosite, Inc., Odessa, USA, (+1) 432 550 4473 Northern Power, Waitsfield, USA, (+1) 802 496 2955 Northern Utility Services Ltd, Houghton-Le-Spring, UK, (+44) 0191 333 7444 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 SPS Energy Solutions, Victoria, Canada, (+1) 250 652 5233

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Van’s Electronics Ltd, Newmarket, Canada, (+1) 905 830 1409 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Emergency response services Alfredo Contracts, Chalfont St Peter, UK, (+44) 01753 883 189 ALHCO, Westbury, UK, (+44) 01373 855122 Alsocup Oil Spill Treatment, Tucson, USA, (+1) 520 584 8559 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Boland International Services (BIS), Butte, USA, (+1) 406 494 1810 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 Arthur D Little Ltd, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 420024 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 Security Solutions International, Limassol, Cyprus, (+357) 25 357 375 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 771 1871 Tadpole Technology plc, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 668 0200 Utilities Project Management Ltd, Sutton Coldfield, UK, (+44) 0121 355 0655 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Environmental audits, impact, management ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 Arup Energy, London, UK, (+44) 020 7755 2345 Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd, Winchester, UK, (+44) 01962 877414 Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH, Klagenfurt, Germany, (+43) 46 356 990 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy & Research, Emmeloord, Netherlands, (+31) 527 62 09 09 Alpheus Environmental Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 686100 Alsocup Oil Spill Treatment, Tucson, USA, (+1) 520 584 8559 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Applied Earth Sciences Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 981 7140 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Environmental audits

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


BGL Environmental Resolutions Ltd, North Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 924 4750 BHP Engineering, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9438 0300 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BMT Cordah Ltd, Southampton, UK, (+44) 02380 232222 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Biffa Waste Services Environmental Services Division, Chesterfiled, UK, (+44) 0124 657 0071 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Brixham Environmental Laboratory, Brixham, UK, (+44) 0180 388 2882 Burns & McDonnell Waste, Westmont, USA, (+1) 630 654 0220 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CMPS&F Pty Ltd, Chatswood, Australia, (+61) 2 9412 9999 CTL Engineering, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 276 8123 Campbell Scientific Ltd, Shepshed, UK, (+44) 0150 960 1141 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Cluttons, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 728000 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Curtis Engineering Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 295 0947 DET Norske Veritas (DNV), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 335000 DPM Colombia, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 7645 1051 Dames & Moore, Los Angeles, USA, (+1) 213 683 1560 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 Darcy Products Ltd, East Malling, UK, (+44) 0173 284 3131 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 5797 0 E & E Budapest Environmental Ltd, Budapest, Hungary, (+36) 1 325 5153 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 ESG-Sanzo, Tunis, Tunisia, (+216) 1 767 699 ESQ Consultancy Services, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 984 3200 Beijing Yiyi Ecology and Environment Engineering Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 106 614 7754 Ecology and Environment Inc, Lancaster, USA, (+1) 716 684 8060 Ecologia y Empresa, La Paz, Bolivia, (+59) 12 312 145 Ecology and Environment do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 530 5074 Ecology & Environment Inc, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 269 8441 Ecology & Environment Inc, Casablanca, Morocco, (+212) 289 3830 Ecology and Environment of Saudi Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2647 4000 Ecology and Environment SA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+582) 237 5519 Ecos Consulting (Aust) Pty Ltd, West Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9226 2577 Egniol Ltd, Gwynedd, UK, (+44) 0124 835 5996 Ellis & Associates, Inc., Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 770 2005 Enfusion Ltd, Bradford-on-Avon, UK, (+44) 0122 586 7112 Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 610 4132 Entec UK Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 272 6100 FPL Group, Juno Beach, USA, (+1) 561 691 7171 Floyd & Associates Ltd, Alford, UK, (+44) 01975 563335 Freeth Melhuish, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01727 848 680 Gauff Ingenieure GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, (+49) 6950 0080 GemTeck Environmental Software Ltd, Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 408 7304 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 Golder Associates (UK) Ltd, Maidenhead, UK, (+44) 01628 771 731 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc, Greenbelt, USA, (+1) 301 220 2616 GreenPipe Industries Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 260 6702 Haecon, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 921 663 63 M.J. Harden Associates Inc, Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 842 0141 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 Hyder Consulting Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 540 6600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675

ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 ILF Consulting Engineers, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 228 538 700 ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900 ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 ISYS International Ltd, Winsford, UK, (+44) 0870 777 1130 Institut de Soudure, Roissy, France, (+33) 149 903 660 JGC Dordtse Engineering bv, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 652 2522 Jacobs Babtie, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 700 1250 Mohammed Jalal & Sons, Bahrain, Bahrain, (+973) 252606 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Kuwait Engineering Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 243 50613 P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 7483 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 Arthur D Little Ltd, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 420024 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 M W Kellogg Ltd, Greenford, UK, (+44) 020 8872 7000 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 Mott MacDonald, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 884 026 Mott MacDonald EPO, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 8222 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 Mustang Engineering, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 215 8000 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 NGS-Orgproecteconomica Ecmos, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 912 76 69 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 PLE Hellas EPE, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 600 9576 PLE Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 30 29385 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 PLE International Ltd, West Byfleet, UK, (+44) 01932 355544 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Greece SA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 6501385 Petroleum & Environmental Consultants, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1345 4488 E G Pettit & Co, Cork, Ireland, (+353) 21 966153 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pisces Conservation Ltd, Lymington, UK, (+44) 0159 067 6622 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 RDC, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, (+94) 1 738962 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Samuel Rose, Sywell, UK, (+44) 01604 782700 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 Saad Establishment for General Trading, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 704636 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Scientific Linings & Coatings, Inc., San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 344 3358 SembCorp Utilities UK, Middlesborough, UK, (+44) 01642 459955 Skye Instruments Ltd, Powys, UK, (+44) 0159 782 4811 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Soil Mechanics, Southam, UK, (+44) 01926 819 300 Space Imaging Eurasia, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 31 2612 2370 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stats Ltd, St Albans, UK, (+44) 0172 783 3261 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Temple Environmental Consultants Ltd, Horsted Keynes, UK, (+44) 0182 579 0794 TEPE Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 4 2873288 Terence O’Rourke, Bournemouth, UK, (+44) 0120 242 1142 Trident Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8996 9535

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URS Corporation, San Francisco, USA, +(1) 415 774 2700 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 WRS Infrastructure & Environment, Inc, Tampa, USA, (+1) 813 684 4400 Wardell Armstrong, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK, (+44) 01782 612626 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034

Failure investigation AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc., Columbia, USA, (+1) 410 740 8562 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Philippe G Bernard & Co, Houma, USA, (+1) 985 688 6839 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bison Engineering, Inc., Kingwood, USA, (+1) 281 359 2476 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 868 6675 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CTL Engineering, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 276 8123 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Commercial Microbiology Inc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 706062 Corrmet Engineering Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 721 3274 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 EWI, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 688 5000 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 D. J. Nyman & Associates, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 807 4758 O’Donnell Consulting Engineers, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 412 835 5007 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181 University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000

Field-jointing systems Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4150 Al-Qhatani Pipecoating Terminal (USA), Houston, USA, (+1) 713 781 0366 Ancor Revesstimientos S/A, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 554 6613 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 B.S. Coatings, Aubevoye, France, (+33) 232 773077 Bayou Pipe Bending Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bayou Pipe Coating Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761

Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bredero Price Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 974 7211 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 CSI Coating Systems Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2856 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Canusa-CPS, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Canusa Systems Ltd, Crawley, UK, (+44) 0129 354 1254 Canusa-CPS, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8866 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Copon Pipelinings (E Wood Ltd), Northallerton, UK, (+44) 01609 780170 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 DRA Industries Pty Ltd - Pipelining Division, Jandakot, Australia, (+61) 8 9417 2300 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 Denso (Aust) Pty Ltd, Brunswick, Australia, (+61) 3 9387 1377 Denso North America Inc, Markham, Canada, (+1) 905 940 8255 Denso Quimica SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 916 548 811 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Fluor, Gliwice, Poland, (+48) 32 2391788 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Hydratight Operations Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 01670 515432 Hyperlast Ltd, High Peak, UK, (+44) 01663 746518 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Imbema Belgium BV, Erpe-Mere, Belgium, (+32) 538 252 30 Isotub Coating, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 03 2858 0220 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McElroy Manufacturing Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 836 8611 Mehvarsazan, Tehran, Iran, (+982)1 662 6704 Metrotect Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 874 222 Metrotect (SE Asia) Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 3386636 Metrotect Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 2781416 Metrotect Specialist Coatings Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 853123 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Nutopia Enterprises Pty Ltd, Strathdale, Australia, (+61) 3 5441 6785 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Polytec SA-Polyken-Canusa, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 649 61 62 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Radyne Division Inductoheat Europe Ltd, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 978 3333 Raychem (Australia) Pty Ltd Ultratec Division, Croydon, Australia, (+61) 3 9723 0659 Raychem, Kessel-Lo, Belgium, (+32) 16 351 204 Raychem Corporation, Chula Vista, USA, (+1) 619 482 8323 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Soco-Ril, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 348 849 3332 Socotherm, Adria, Italy, (+39) 426 94 1000 Socotherm International, London, UK, (+44) 0207 201 5600 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 3 44 26 85 85 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Theta II Enterprises Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Wilson Walton International Pty Ltd, Braybrook, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6911

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Buyers’ Guide


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Fittings - distributor, manufacturer


ABC Fittings, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2389 8428 Ali Al Aufy Trading Co, Ghala, Oman, (+968) 504971 Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Alton International (Thailand) Co Ltd, Rayong, Thailand, (+66) 3869 24456 Amer Industrial Technologies, Inc., Wilmington, USA, (+1) 302 765 3900 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd, Letchworth, UK, (+44) 01462 682225 Auriema Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 573603 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Beta Valve Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 459511 Bisan Trading, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6534 4397 Biwater Industries Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 0124 625 0740 Booles Tools & Pipe Fittings Ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 480 7900 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 CPV Ltd, Romsey, UK, (+44) 01794 322884 Calverdale Technology Ltd, Liversedge, UK, (+44) 0192 441 0800 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Compass Bending Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 279 6615 Comtek Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan, (+92) 51 227 5634 Corus Interantional Projects, London, UK, (+44) 020 7975 8393 Dalmine S.p.A. - Tenaris Group, Sabbio Bergamasco - Dalmine, Italy, (+39) 035 560 4064 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0 Durapipe - S&LP, Cannock, UK, (+44) 01543 279909 East Anglian Fittings & Flanges Ltd, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 658493 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 Fithandel (Scotland) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 704694 Flex-Seal Couplings Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 0122 634 0888 Flow Systems India, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 4324672 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 Friatec Ltd, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01923 857878 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 Future Pipe Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7938 4942 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 HPF Energy Services, Alcester, UK, (+44) 01789 761212 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Haxey Fusion Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 01427 752708 Hepworth Building Products Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0122 676 3561 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Hydro-Flex Hose Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 9271 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 KVV Koolajvezetekepito Rt., Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 New Lahore Welding and Engineering Works, New Delhi, India, (+91) 011 513 2209 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 Advance Products & Systems Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 233 6116 Martin Strudwick, Sutton Ely, UK, (+44) 01353 778288 Multitex Pipeline Division, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 233 78337 New Planet Industrial Equipment, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 229 8121 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 3998 Petrofit Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 0121 544 9938 Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 800 423 2410 Piping Technology and Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 731 0030 ´Plasflow, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 251 4100 Polymer Fabrication Pty Ltd, Kalgoorlie Boulder, Australia, (+61) 8 9093 3959 Polymold Products, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2492 2294 Polypipe Building Products Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 0170 977 0000 Precision Expansion Bellows Industries, Belgaum, India, (+91) 831 244 1066 Protec - The Cap Company Ltd, Gateshead, UK, (+44) 0191 442 4242 Redman Fittings Ltd, Malvern, UK, (+44) 01684 560243 Rice Engineering & Operating Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 469 1356 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Ross Equipment, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 285 1980

SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 Saint Gobain Pipelines, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 930 5000 Sathson Nigeria Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 334676 Schulz Piping Components Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 644 7178 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 SEIG, Moyssy Cramayel, France, Shawndra Products Inc, Lima, USA, (+1) 585 624 4500 Superior Supply & Steel, Lake Charles, USA, (+1) 800 737 5643 Surex International Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 0195 957 6000 Syddal Engineering Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 336 4205 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 T.D Williamson Australia Pty Ltd, North Fitzroy, Australia, (+61) 3 9481 9600 Talbot, Winchester, UK, (+44) 01962 705200 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Viking Johnson, Hitchin, UK, (+44) 01462 443322 Wavin Plastics Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 766600 Weamco-Metric / PMI, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 445 1141 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zibo Wel-Fit Metal Products Co Ltd, Zibo, China, (+86) 532 3876693 Zibo Yuanfeng Metal Products Co Ltd, Zibo, China, (+86) 532 3876693

Flange - manufacture, supply, fittings Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Alton International (Thailand) Co Ltd, Rayong, Thailand, (+66) 3869 24456 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 John Bell Pipeline Equipment Co. Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714514 Biwater Industries Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 0124 625 0740 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Coffer Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 868 4421 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Cormon Ltd, Lancing, UK, (+44) 01903 854800 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Destec Engineering Ltd UK, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 791721 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0 Durapipe - S&LP, Cannock, UK, (+44) 01543 279909 East Anglian Fittings & Flanges Ltd, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 658493 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 Fithandel (Scotland) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 704694 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 Future Pipe Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7938 4942 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 HPF Energy Services, Alcester, UK, (+44) 01789 761212 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 New Lahore Welding and Engineering Works, New Delhi, India, (+91) 011 513 2209 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 Nautic Steels Ltd, Tamworth, UK, (+44) 01827 281111 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 3998 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Petrofit Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 0121 544 9938 Plasflow, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 251 4100 Polymold Products, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2492 2294 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Ross Equipment, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 285 1980 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Radyne, a member of the internationally based Inductotherm Group of companies, has over 50 years of experience in the engineering design, development, manufacture and installation of Induction Heating systems for the Oil and Gas sector.

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For more information on how Radyne can assist you in making a superior cost effective product, please contact Radyne Corporation at +1 (414) 481 8360 or Radyne IHWT at +44 (0)1256 335533 to speak with an Applications Engineer.


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Flange manufacture, supply, fittings

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 Syddal Engineering Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 336 4205 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Talbot, Winchester, UK, (+44) 01962 705200 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Wavin Plastics Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 766600 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Flow improvers Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 C-Chem, Inc., Paris, USA, (+1) 217 466 1063 Propipe, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 6 3912 1305 Smart Pipe Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 476 9287 US Flowchem Ltd, Cypress, USA, (+1) 281 357 1851

Flow measurement Abako Ltd, Biddenham, UK, (+44) 01234 353353 Advantica Technologies Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282203 Air Link Communications, Hayward, USA, (+1) 510 781 9700 American Meter Co, Horsham, USA, (+1) 215 830 1800 Amot Controls, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 940 1800 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Auriema Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 573603 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Barton Instrument Systems, West Sussex, UK, (+44) 01243 826741 Beta Valve Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 459511 Biwater Industries Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 0124 625 0740 Bristol Babcock, Inc., Watertown, USA, (+1) 860 945 2200 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Controlotron, Hauppauge, USA, (+1) 631 231 3600 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 Crydom Magnetics Ltd, Ferndown, UK, (+44) 0120 289 7969 Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 467 6000 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Envitech Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 02920 337134 eProduction Solutions, Inc., Kingwood, USA, (+1) 281 348 1000 Flow-Cal, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0865 Flow-Quip, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 663 3313 Foxboro Company, Foxboro, USA, (+1) 866 746 6477 Framo Engineering AS, Bergen, Norway, (+47) 5592 8800 GE Sensing, Billerica, USA, (+1) 800 833 9438 GEMS Sensors, Basingstoke, UK, (+44) 0125 632 0244 Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 9794 HINZ Automation, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 489 8880 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Kanopus Consulting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3234 4693 Kurz Instruments Inc, Monterey, USA, (+1) 831 646 5911 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Liquid Metering Instruments Ltd, Winsford, UK, (+44) 0160 655 0583 Madur Electronics, Vienna, Austria, (+43) 1 258 4502 McCrometer, Inc., Hemet, USA, (+1) 909 652 6811 Omni Flow Computers, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 240 6161 PGI International, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 231 0233 Palmer Environmental, Cumbran, UK, (+44) 0163 308 9479 Panametrics Ltd, Cheam, UK, (+44) 0208 643 5150 Pegasus International Ltd, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 750644 Petro-Chem Equipment, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 225 292 8400 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Primary Flow Signal, Cranston, USA, (+1) 877 737 3569 Pulsar Process Measurement, Malvern, UK, (+44) 0870 603 9112 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Scandpower Petroleum Technology, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 496 9898 Scotia Instrumentation Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 222888 Sensa, Southampton, UK, (+44) 02380 765500

Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 SREL (Smith Rea Energy Ltd), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 612400 Ken Stothard Assocs Ltd, Leonard Stanley, UK, (+44) 01453 821533 Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 771 1871 Surex International Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 0195 957 6000 Thermoflow Electron Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 272 0404 Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 881222 Tracerco, Billingham, UK, (+44) 01642 375 500 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Valeport Ltd, Tornes, UK, (+44) 0180 386 9292 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Wallace and Tiernan / Chemfeed Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 0173 277 1777 Welker Engineering Company, Sugar Land, USA, Wyatt Engineering, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 401 334 1170 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zed.i Solutions Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 444 1100

Gas detectors Air Products plc, Walton-on-Thames, UK, (+44) 0800 3890202 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Aviation Technology Services, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 858 1359 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Excel Engineering, New Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2769 7525 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Madur Electronics, Vienna, Austria, (+43) 1 258 4502 Pergam Technical Services Inc, Issaquah WA, USA, (+1) 425 503 8127 Petro-Chem Equipment, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 225 292 8400 Pietro Fiorentini, Milano, Italy, (+390) 2 696 1421 RKI Instruments, Inc., Hayward, USA, (+1) 800 754 5165 Seton Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 226655 SpectraSensors, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, USA, (+1) 800 619 2861 SpectraSensors, Inc., San Dimas, USA, (+1) 909 542 0394 Status Scientific Controls Ltd, Mansfield, UK, (+44) 01623 651381 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Tractebel Engineering, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 773 91 11 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Gaskets Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Arseal Technologies LLC, Alpharetta, USA, (+1) 1 866 297 6819 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Compressor Engineering Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 879 2326 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Klinger Ltd, Bradford, UK, (+44) 01274 688 222 Advance Products & Systems Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 233 6116 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 800 423 2410 Pipeline Seal & Insulator Co Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 404 661 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 NA Yieldcore, Affligem, Belgium, (+32) 5366 7312

Geographic information systems AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 Biwater Industries Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 0124 625 0740 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 CDR Group, Hope Valley, UK, (+44) 01433 621282 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442

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Buyers’ Guide

Geophysical and geotechnical services Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy & Research, Emmeloord, Netherlands, (+31) 527 62 09 09 Alluvial Mining, Sudbury, UK, (+44) 01787 880218 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Boskalis Zinkcon Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885922 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CTL Engineering, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 276 8123 Calvin Resources, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 660 7143 Curtis Engineering Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 295 0947 ENAGEO, Hassi-Messaoud, Algeria, (+213) 236 6040 Fugro Survey Pty Ltd, Balcatta, Australia, (+61) 8 9344 7166 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 GeoLine ApS, Bagsvaerd, Denmark, (+45) 7022 5855 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 9945 International Marine and Petroleum Co, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 427294 P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 7483 LandTech Enterprises, London, UK, (+44) 08707 303050 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 245 4711 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Soil Mechanics, Southam, UK, (+44) 01926 819 300

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Surface Search Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 9715 Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 881222 Tremaine & Associates Inc, Dixon, USA, (+1) 707 678 2330 UTEC UK, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 08708 506030

Visitless Integrity Assessment Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 681 0842

Hazard and risk assessment consultant AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 822 3100 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Bodyguard Services International, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 565 5821 Bodyguard Services International, Huddersfield, UK, (+44) 01484 480345 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Health and Safety Executive, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 291 2387 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 D. J. Nyman & Associates, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 807 4758 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Pergam Technical Services Inc, Issaquah WA, USA, (+1) 425 503 8127 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 Symis Inc, Pacifica, USA, (+1) 650 491 0033 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Trident Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8996 9535 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Buyers’ Guide

DMC1 GmbH, Schkopau, Germany, (+49) 3461 49 2182 ENS Mapping, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 217 1593 EmageNet LLC, Alpharetta, USA, (+1) 678 297 0863 Fugro GeoSoft Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 6543 0200 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 Future Spec., Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 769 5068 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 GeoSynergy Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 579 3800 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc, Greenbelt, USA, (+1) 301 220 2616 HTSI, League City, USA, (+1) 281 554 9223 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 M.J. Harden Associates Inc, Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 842 0141 ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 IRTH Solutions, Columbus, USA, (+1) 813 500 1423 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 LT Mapping Services, Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 249 0422 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 Murphy Surveys Ltd, Naas, Ireland, (+353) 45 895402 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 National Remote Sensing Centre Ltd, Farnborough, UK, (+44) 01252 362000 Paradigm, Maize, USA, (+1) 316 554 9225 Petro IT Ltd, Gurgaon, India, (+91) 124 404 4940 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc, Katy, USA, (+1) 281 599 7557 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 Symis Inc, Pacifica, USA, (+1) 650 491 0033 Tadpole Technology plc, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 668 0200 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Tobin International Ltd, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 831 3411 UTEC UK, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 08708 506030 University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 WhiteStar Corporation, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 303 781 5182

Health and safety consultant AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 822 3100 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Canadian Safety Services, Grande Prairie, Canada, (+1) 780 539 7187 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Faithful & Gould, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 675136 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Alexander Forbes Risk Services Ltd, Harrow, UK, (+44) 020 8863 5577 Gas Natural SDG SA, Barcelona, Spain, (+34) 9402 51 00 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Health and Safety Executive, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 291 2387 ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 M W Kellogg Ltd, Greenford, UK, (+44) 020 8872 7000 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234

Classification continued overleaf

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Health & safety consultant

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Safety and Hygiene Management, Inc., Waynesville, USA, (+1) 828 456 7798 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Trident Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8996 9535 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Williams and Associates International, Lufkin, USA, (+1) 936 632 5514

Heat exchangers Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008 Amer Industrial Technologies, Inc., Wilmington, USA, (+1) 302 765 3900 Beijing United Gas Technology & Engineering Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 1088 086626 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 The Hanover Compression Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 447 8787 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Potterton Comercial, Warwick, UK, (+44) 08706 050607 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Titanium Tantalum Products Ltd, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 2278 1210 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262

Horizontal directional drilling Aaliant Fluid Measurement Solutions, Spartanburg, USA, (+1) 864 574 3327 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Atteris Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9322 7922 CDP Networks Pty Ltd, Wattle Park, Australia, (+61) 3 9545 5865 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cobra Utility Construction, LLC, Damascus, USA, (+1) 301 482 1295 The Crossing Company, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 5051 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 Environmental Crossings, Inc., Traverse City, USA, (+1) 231 929 1242 Gabe’s Construction Co Inc, Sheboygan, USA, (+1) 920 459 2600 H&D Drilling Ltd, Cradley Heath, UK, (+44) 0121 559 9152 Harding Directional Drilling, Bryan, USA, (+1) 409 778 2691 Henkels and McCoy Inc, Blue Bell, USA, (+1)215 283 7600 Intercon Construction, Inc., Madison, USA, (+1) 608 227 7473 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Laney Directional Drilling Co, Humble, USA, (+1) 281 540 6615 LMR Drilling BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 703 246 948 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Michels Corporation, Brownsville, USA, (+1) 920 583 3132 Nella Drilling, St Henri de Levis, Canada, (+1) 418 882 2002 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Saipem SpA, Milan, Italy, (+39) 2520 1 Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 3471 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0


Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Trenchless Engineering Services Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2552 8490 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676

Hoses Angus Flexible Pipelines, Thame, UK, (+44) 01844 265000 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Hydro-Flex Hose Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 9271 Interflex Hose & Bellows Ltd, Ludlow, UK, (+44) 01584 878500 Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646 New Planet Industrial Equipment, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 229 8121 Precision Expansion Bellows Industries, Belgaum, India, (+91) 831 244 1066 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 Stauff UK, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2518 518 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Hot tapping, plugging, isolation Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd, Miller, Australia, (+61) 2 9608 811 Bishop Group Services Ltd, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8656 8234 Blackhawk Industries, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 838 2800 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 CCT Pipefreezing Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 01959 577173 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Flowserve Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 659 9487 Footage Tools, Toronto, USA, (+1) 416 746 2911 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Ltd, BURRY PORT, UK, (+44) 01554 836836 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Marine Project Management, Inc., Ojai, USA, (+1) 805 640 0799 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 Mueller Company, Decatur, USA, (+1) 217 423 4471 Nitrogen Specialty Co, Harvey, USA, (+1) 888 466 4876 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipefreezing & Hot tapping Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7241 3111 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Power Technology Services Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 282500 Power Technology Services Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 282500 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proplug Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Pro Tapping Inc, Medford, USA, (+1) 856 983 5442 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 SEIG, Moyssy Cramayel, France, Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 T.D Williamson Australia Pty Ltd, North Fitzroy, Australia, (+61) 3 9481 9600 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Talbot, Winchester, UK, (+44) 01962 705200 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 Williamson Industries Inc., Georgetown, Canada, (+1) 905 873 2272 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Hydrostatic testing ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Aqua Energy International Ltd, Paisley, UK, (+44) 0141 849 6888 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 EIED, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1256 7880 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Entreprise Ziani Mohamed, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 41 487 887 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Fernas Construction Co, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 6262 Greene’s Pipeline Servies, LA, USA, (+1) 337 232 1830 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lothian Pipeline Testing Services Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 202547 Maloney Technical Products, Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 800 231 7236 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Montauk Services Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 525 1043 Pigging Products And Services Association, Stroud, UK, (+44) 01285 760597

Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Power Associates International, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 458 7020 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Proplug Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 R.L. Coolsaet Construction Co., Taylor, USA, (+1) 734 946 9300 Reynolds Equipment Company, Garland, USA, (+1) 800 775 3424

Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 3471 Skibeck Pipeline Co, Randolph, USA, (+1) 716 358 2915 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 771 1871

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 The Utility Classifieds Network, Hendersonville, USA, (+1) 615 451 5044 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890


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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Inertial data gathering BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633

Inertial data gathering

Inspection equipment - coating


Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Al Eshraq Group, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2 669 6460 Ancor Revesstimientos S/A, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 1 554 6613 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 BJB Co, Post, USA, (+1) 806 495 3808 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CMS Corrosion Services, Inc., Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, (+1) 888 524 4093 CPS, Sand Springs, USA, (+1) 918 245 8791 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 CorrOcean Srl, Rome, Italy, (+39) 6 559 9746 CorrOcean AS, Trondheim, Norway, (+47) 73 963060 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 DET Norske Veritas (DNV), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 335000 DPM Colombia, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 7645 1051 DeFelsko Corporation, Ogdensburg, USA, (+1) 315 393 4450 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 5797 0 ENEP, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2 64 08 37 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 ETRS Pty Ltd, West Footscray, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6533 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 J R Hancock Associates, Columbia, USA, (+1) 513 443 6056 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Hyder Consulting Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 540 6600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 Innovatum International Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK, (+44) 01284 729123 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 Keystone Pipeline Services, South Windsor, USA, (+1) 860 528 9890 Kinhill Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9867 5911 Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems, Lewiston, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Ervin Sanat Co., Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 8863 0191 OIS plc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226 700 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 PNDT Pty Ltd, West Leederville, Australia, (+61) 8 9382 3844 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 681 5837 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 QA Management Services Pty Ltd, Nedlands, Australia, (+61) 8 9386 5555 RTD (UK) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 890010 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 Sogetram sa, Garennes-sur-Eure, France, (+33) 2 32 26 60 00

Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 413 201559 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 Taywood Engineering Ltd, Bentley, Australia, (+61) 8 9470 1511 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Engineers Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 496 0400 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Wilson Walton International Pty Ltd, Braybrook, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6911 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09

Inspection equipment - external AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 0207 043 7159 Advanced Technology Corporation, Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 5756 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Aviation Technology Services, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 858 1359 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Concainspec, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 286 1433 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 Darby Equipment Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 582 2340 DeFelsko Corporation, Ogdensburg, USA, (+1) 315 393 4450 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 Haven Automation Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 588722 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Imasonic, Besancon, France, (+33) 3 8140 3130 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Innovatum International Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK, (+44) 01284 729123 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems, Lewiston, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Laser Diagnostic Instruments International Inc, Ottawa, Canada, (+1) 613 723 7474 Ralph Lowe Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 07711 936181 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Oceaneering International Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01792 700177 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pergam Technical Services Inc, Issaquah WA, USA, (+1) 425 503 8127 Phoenix Inspection Systems Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 826000 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 R/D Tech, Quebec, Canada, (+1) 418 872 1155 R&R Visual Inc, Rochester, USA, (+1) 219 223 5426

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000

Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720

Inspection equipment - internal 3P Services GmbH & Co KG, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 070 AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 Abu Dhabi Supplies, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 788 208 Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 0207 043 7159 Ali Trading Co, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 701 576 Amosco, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 233 647 Aquacam Ltd, Teesside, UK, (+44) 01642 820020 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJPPS Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5558 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Brance-Krachy Co., Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 225 6661 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CPS, Sand Springs, USA, (+1) 918 245 8791 CUES, Inc, Orlando, USA, (+1) 800 327 7791 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 The Clock Spring Company, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 590 8491 Concainspec, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 286 1433

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Classification continued overleaf


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Inspection equipment - internal

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Cormon Ltd, Lancing, UK, (+44) 01903 854800 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 CorrOcean Srl, Rome, Italy, (+39) 6 559 9746 CorrOcean AS, Trondheim, Norway, (+47) 73 963060 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 DHV International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 315 8866 Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 Enterprise G Akar, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 133 32 22 Equip Engineers India Pvte Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2042 473 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Anchorage, USA, (+1) 907 276 2636 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Ford Bacon & Davis Inc, West Valley, USA, (+1) 801 972 5710 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 GE Energy - North America, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 GE Energy - North America, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Haven Automation Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 588722 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 IKM Testing AS, Sola, Norway, (+47) 5164 9000 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 Imasonic, Besancon, France, (+33) 3 8140 3130 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Innovatum International Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK, (+44) 01284 729123 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Keystone Pipeline Services, South Windsor, USA, (+1) 860 528 9890 Kleiss & Co BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 629 1313 Gerhard Kopp International Pipeline Services, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 71020 Kopp International Pipeline Services LLC, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 787 861 Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems, Lewiston, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 6 747 3600 Ralph Lowe Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 07711 936181 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McDaniel Technical Services, Broken Arrow, USA, (+1) 918 294 1628 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Mustang Engineering, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 215 8000

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Ervin Sanat Co., Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 8863 0191 N-Spec, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 272 0147 ROFEMA Brazil Servicos Ltda, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 252 34 54 OFEMA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 68 50 820 OFEMA, Harare, Zimbabwe, (+263) 472 70 74 Oceaneering International Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01792 700177 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 Pan American Industries, Porter, USA, (+1) 780 461 9393 Pearpoint, Inc., Thousand Palms, USA, (+1) 800 688 8094 Pegasus International Ltd, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 750644 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Phoenix Inspection Systems Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 826000 Pigging Products And Services Association, Stroud, UK, (+44) 01285 760597 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Inspection Consultant Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 01670 515251 Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 681 5837 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688

Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Services LLC (PLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 555 45 13 Pipeline Technologies Co of China, Langfang City, China, (+86) 316 217 4491 Pipetronix GmbH, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320 Pipetronix Ltd, Concord, Canada, (+1) 905 738 7559 Pipetronix Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 495 6912 Pipetronix Inc Mexico, Villahermosa, Mexico, (+52) 93 16 55 24 Pipetronix A/S Norway, Haugesund, Norway, (+47) 52 71 36 55 Pipetronix GmbH, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 905 9247875 Pipetronix GmbH, Singapore, (+65) 562 8640 Pipetronix UK Ltd, Peterhead, UK, (+44) 01779 471676 Pipetronix Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 821 7633 Pipework & Welding Services Inc, Hungerford, UK, (+44) 01488 72700 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 R&R Visual Inc, Rochester, USA, (+1) 219 223 5426 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 RTD (UK) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 890010 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Rontgen Technische Dienst BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SCI, Ajalvir, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 SOGEA, Rueil Maimaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 SARAI Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 572 2377 Servicios de Control e Inspección, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 Shaw Pipeline Services Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 279 2400 Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Tracerco, Billingham, UK, (+44) 01642 375 500 Trans European Enterprises, Paris, France, (+33) 1 42 25 02 00 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999

Tuboscope Vetco Pipeline Services, Wantirna, Australia, (+61) 3 9800 3022 Tuboscope Vetco International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 5100 UEMSI, Menomonee Falls, USA, (+1) 262 783 6666 Vetco Pipeline Services Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5058 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Waterflow Group Services Ltd, Colnbrook, UK, (+44) 01753 810999 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Williamson International Corp, Singapore, (+65) 459 4577 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yong Shun Pigging Services Co Ltd, Lang Fang, China, (+86) 316 221 1511 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Inspection of pipework, subsea AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 American Underwater Services, Inc., Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 377 8512 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Corrintec, Derbyshire, UK, (+44) 01246 246700 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 Imasonic, Besancon, France, (+33) 3 8140 3130 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 Marine Project Management, Inc., Ojai, USA, (+1) 805 640 0799 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 800 446 5235 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Manila, Philippines, (+1) 904 355 1777 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Symmetry Ltd, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 2005 5520 TechCorr CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 261 759 2018 Tracerco Dialog Alliance, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, (+603) 795 51199 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Integrity and condition monitoring AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 Abriox Ltd, Newport, UK, (+44) 01633 415303 Abriox Inc., El Paso, USA, (+1) 915 779 3131 Acurite Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, (+1) 832 467 3222 Advanced Technology Corporation, Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 5756 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Aquatic Engineering Services PTE Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 250 9293 Attila Dogan Construction Italy, Rome, Italy, (+39) 068 417 618 AD Amman, Sowafia, Jordan, (+962) 656 7400 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 982 871 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 440 97 00 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Babtie Group Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01412 042511 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 Cormon Ltd, Lancing, UK, (+44) 01903 854800 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 CorrOcean Srl, Rome, Italy, (+39) 6 559 9746 CorrOcean AS, Trondheim, Norway, (+47) 73 963060 CorrosionWatch Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 517 2200 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 Deepwater Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 983 7117 EFA Technologies Inc, Sacramento, USA, (+1) 916 443 8842 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758

Enduro Pipeline Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1934 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018

Fluenta AS, Solheimsviken, Norway, (+47) 555 99 555 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Imasonic, Besancon, France, (+33) 3 8140 3130 Imbema Belgium BV, Erpe-Mere, Belgium, (+32) 538 252 30 PT Imbema Pacific Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 214 208 226 Impro Technics, Hengelo, Netherlands, (+31) 74 277 6988 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Jord International, St Leonards, Australia, (+61) 2 8425 1500 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 MITS Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9613 9000 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Meridian Maritime (International) Ltd, Louth, UK, (+44) 01507 607000 Metrix Instrument Co., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 461 2131 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 NTG, Inc., Olathe, USA, (+1) 913 888 5222 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Ervin Sanat Co., Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 8863 0191 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 REL Instrumentation Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 445 8080 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Scandpower Petroleum Technology, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 496 9898 Sensornet Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8236 2550 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc, Katy, USA, (+1) 281 599 7557 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Tecnomare SpA, Venice, Italy, (+39) 41 796711 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Joints and couplings Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4150 Al-Qhatani Pipecoating Terminal (USA), Houston, USA, (+1) 713 781 0366 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Arseal Technologies LLC, Alpharetta, USA, (+1) 1 866 297 6819 Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd, Letchworth, UK, (+44) 01462 682225 Big-Inch Marine Systems Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 896 1501 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 Calverdale Technology Ltd, Liversedge, UK, (+44) 0192 441 0800 Cameron, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 939 2129 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Cooper Industries, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 939 2211

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Joints & couplings

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 Far Asia Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 8770 9858 Flex-Seal Couplings Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 0122 634 0888 Fluor, Gliwice, Poland, (+48) 32 2391788 Friatec Ltd, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01923 857878 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Guangzhou Huaqiao Shock Absorber Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 020 8108 3908 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Hydratight Operations Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 01670 515432 Hydra-Tight Ltd, Darlaston, UK, (+44) 0121 505 0600 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Hydrotech Systems Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 688 5277 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Interflex Hose & Bellows Ltd, Ludlow, UK, (+44) 01584 878500 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Kvaerner Oilfield Products, London, UK, (+44) 020 7559 6000 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl, Busseto, Italy, (+39) 0524 91844 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 Martin Strudwick, Sutton Ely, UK, (+44) 01353 778288 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 Metrotect Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 874 222 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 New Planet Industrial Equipment, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 229 8121 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Oil States Industries, Arlington, USA, (+1) 817 468 1400 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Pipeline Seal & Insulator Co Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 404 661 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Piping Technology and Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 731 0030 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 Polypipe Building Products Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 0170 977 0000 Precision Expansion Bellows Industries, Belgaum, India, (+91) 831 244 1066 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 Ritmo America LLC, Lake Wales, USA, (+1) 863 679 8655 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Saint Gobain Pipelines, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 930 5000 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Talbot, Winchester, UK, (+44) 01962 705200 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Tesmec SpA, Bergamo, Italy, (+39) 35 423 2911 Townson Ltd, Hyde, UK, (+44) 0161 367 9278 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Trelleborg Industrial AVS, Leicester, UK, (+44) 0116 267 0300 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Viking Johnson, Hitchin, UK, (+44) 01462 443322 Westminster Dredging Co Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885933 Wyman-Gordon Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 446200 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 881222 University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Veolia Water Partnership, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Land agents ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 Bell Ingram Ltd, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 621 121 Bruton Knowles, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 880000 Charta Land Services, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 979 732 9400 Cluttons, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 728000 Crossland Acquisition, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 290 0390 Dalcour Maclaren Ltd, Bicester, UK, (+44) 01869 355740 E-Surv Ltd, Coalville, UK, (+44) 01530 814347 Ellis & Associates, Inc., Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 770 2005 Fisher German LLP Chartered Surveyors, Ashby De La Zouch, UK, (+44) 01530 412821 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Freeth Melhuish, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01727 848 680 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Samuel Rose, Sywell, UK, (+44) 01604 782700 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Worrall Lees Associates Ltd, Oundle, UK, (+44) 01832 272872

Land drainage design and installation ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 Bell Ingram Ltd, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 621 121 Bruton Knowles, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 880000 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 Freeth Melhuish, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01727 848 680 Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc, Greenbelt, USA, (+1) 301 220 2616 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 7483 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Meehan Drilling Ltd, County Louth, Ireland, (+353) 8728 49039 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800

Landfalls and shore approaches

Laboratory services 184

CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CTL Engineering, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 276 8123 Commercial Microbiology Inc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 706062 Cormon Ltd, Lancing, UK, (+44) 01903 854800 Corrmet Engineering Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 721 3274 EWI, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 688 5000 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 Hauser Laboratories, Boulder, USA, (+1) 720 406 4669 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 Soil Mechanics, Southam, UK, (+44) 01926 819 300 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900

ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc., Columbia, USA, (+1) 410 740 8562 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 868 6675 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965

ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 Aquavia NV, Landegem, Belgium, (+32) 937 171 71 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Associated Pipe Line Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 4311 BH SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 286 6122

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Ballast Ham Dredging, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 PT Ballast Indonesia Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 7800940 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV, Oranjestad, Aruba, (+297) 823600 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 576 6617 Ballast Nedam International BV, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3299 5228 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 2 293 8608 Ballast Nedam International BV, Amstelveen, Netherlands, (+31) 20 545 2585 Ballast Nedam Suriname NV, Paramaribo, Suriname, (+597) 424073 Bezemer Dordrecht BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 618 1000 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Boskalis Zinkcon Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885922 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 Jan De Nul NV, Aalst, Belgium, (+32) 53 731 711 Directional Drilling Co Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 351200 Dodsal GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, (+49) 21 132 9026 Societe De Dragage International SDI SA, Marly le Roi, France, (+33) 139 588 602 Dredging International NV, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 52 11 Dredging International Services (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 364 26 Dredging International (UK) Ltd, East Grinstead, UK, (+44) 0134 232 3000 Fletcher General Construction, Seattle, USA, (+1) 206 368 6300 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 1110 Ludwig Freytag GmbH & Co, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 970 40 Gregory & Cook Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 780 7500 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 9945 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 Harbert International Establishment, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 469 5820 Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd, Ramsgate, UK, (+44) 01843 583338 Hydro Soil Services, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 5311 Hyundai, Muharraq, Bahrain, Hyundai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 414233 Hyundai, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, (+673) 2 22 0657 Hyundai, Beijing, China, (+86) 11 506438 Hyundai, Hong Kong, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 571 3700 Hyundai, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 882646 Hyundai, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 687489 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Kyungnam, Korea, (+82) 522 32 1101 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 746 2176 Hyundai, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 565 0529 Hyundai, Tripoli, Libya, (+21) 71603 Hyundai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 261 7433 Hyundai, Riydah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 491 9100 Hyundai, Singapore, (+65) 337 1577 Hyundai, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 2350297 Hyundai, London, UK, (+44) 020 7411 1531 Hyundai, Fort Lee, USA, (+1) 201 592 7766 Hyundai, Hanoi, Viet Nam, (+84) 4 250592 Hyundai, Sana’, Yemen, (+967) 2 248177 Incisa Rohrieitungsbau GmbH, Vienna, Austria, (+43) 222 424247 Incisa Spa, Parma, Italy, (+39) 521 5951 Ingenieros Civiles Asociados SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+525) 272 9991 Italmontaggi SpA, Padua, Italy, (+39) 49 525344 JGC Corporation, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 92 33 54 JGC Corporation, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 6518 3001 JGC Corporation, Paris, France, (+33) 1 44 77 43 00 JGC Corporation, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 230 2763 JGC Corporation, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 205 4835 JGC Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 682 1111 JGC Corporation, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 244 5232 JGC Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 242 4155 JGC Corporation, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 0597 JGC Arabia Ltd, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+996) 3 898 2741 JGC Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 465 1202

JGC Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2 631 0565 JGC Corporation, Singapore, (+65) 324 2555 JGC Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 285 5966 JGC Corporation, London, UK, (+44) 020 7408 1309 JGC (USA) Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 1441 Joannou & Paraskevaides (Overseas) Ltd, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 811 4291 Joannou and Paraskevaides Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, (+357) 286 8600 Joannou and Paraskevaides Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 213 612 137 Joannou and Paraskevaides Oman, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 590 200 Joannou and Paraskevaides Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 140 400 02 Joannou and Paraskevaides UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 422 122 48 Joannou and Paraskevaides UK, Guernsey, UK, (+44) 0148 172 3232 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (+852) 237 531 80 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 278 878 Murray And Roberts Engineering Solutions, Cape Town, South Africa, (+27) 214 216 510 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 431 3826 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Tortola, Virgin Isl (British), (+809) 494 2616 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Land & Marine Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 570 2778 Lineas de Produccion SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico, (+55) 5284 2950 228 M S Gulf Ltd, Abu Dhabi, N/A, (+971) 33 9600 NVLL & N de Meyer, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 222 0011 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 Nordsee Nassbagger-und Tiefbau GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, (+49) 442 191 3660 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Pipecon BV, Amstelveen, Netherlands, (+31) 20 5452500 Servicios Protexa Construcciones, Santa Catarina LN, Mexico, (+52) 83 362 112 Grupo Protexa, Santa Catarina, Mexico, (+52) 8 3 362 112 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Sicim Spa, Busseto (Parma), Italy, (+39) 524 930 211 Smit International Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 668 4222 Smit Land & Marine Engineering (Nederland) BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 324 6948 Smit Land & Marine Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 774 5080 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 6575 0 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Tefken Insaat ve Tesitat, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 954 566 454 United Eastern Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 227 2737 Tefken Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+871) 132 1424 Tekfen Insaat Ve Tesisat AS, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 257 61 00 Tidewater Marine Inc, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 568 1010 Tideway BV, Breda, Netherlands, (+31) 76 520 4140 Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 881222 Trenchless Engineering Services Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2552 8490 Valentine Maritime Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 5555 868 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 Volker Stevin Beton en Waterbouw BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 4244244 Volker Stevin Pipelines BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 417222 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361

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Landfalls & shore approaches

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161

Leak detection AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 Agilent Technologies, Forest Hill, Australia, (+61) 3 9210 2824 American Leak Detection, Palm Springs, USA, (+1) 800 755 6697 Antec Leak Detection Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 541 9096 Aquacam Ltd, Teesside, UK, (+44) 01642 820020 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Aviation Technology Services, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 858 1359 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Boddingtons Ltd, Great Dunmow, UK, (+44) 01371 875 101 Brance-Krachy Co., Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 225 6661 CCT Pipefreezing Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 01959 577173 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Calverdale Technology Ltd, Liversedge, UK, (+44) 0192 441 0800 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Chelsea Technologies Group, West Molesey, UK, (+44) 020 8481 9000 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Controlotron, Hauppauge, USA, (+1) 631 231 3600 Crydom Magnetics Ltd, Ferndown, UK, (+44) 0120 289 7969 Cygnus Instruments Ltd, Annaplois, USA, (+1) 410 267 9771 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 DeTECH Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 234 8800 Dold Industries Ltd, Ferrers, UK, (+44) 0124 532 4432 Energy Solutions International Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 677755 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 Fisher Research Laboratory, Los Banos, USA, (+1) 209 826 3292 Flow Metrix, Inc, Maynard, USA, (+1) 978 897 2033 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 Future Environmental Sevices (Surveys) Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 0177 265 4655 Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 9794 Goldak/UDSEC, Glendale, USA, (+1) 818 240 2666 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Heath Consultants Incorporated, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 844 1300 ˜H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Hydraulic Analysis Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 581622 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 ITT Corp, Rochester, USA, (+1) 585 269 5121 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Impro Technics, Hengelo, Netherlands, (+31) 74 277 6988 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 J and N Enterprises, Inc., Valparaiso, USA, (+1) 219 465 2700 JSC, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 704 1611 Kanopus Consulting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3234 4693 Langford Water Services UK Ltd, Shefford, UK, (+44) 0146 285 0700 Lansas Products, Lodi, USA, (+1) 209 334 4115 Laser Diagnostic Instruments International Inc, Ottawa, Canada, (+1) 613 723 7474 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992

Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 MBW Inc, Slinger, USA, (+1) 262 644 5234 MSA Instrument Division, Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 724 776 8730 Makor K9, Sherwood Park, Canada, (+1) 780 990 7643 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Metrotech Corporation, Santa Clara, USA, (+1) 408 734 1400 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Mil-Ram Technology Inc., Fremont, USA, (+1) 510 656 2001 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mouchel Parkman, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 355 8949 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 N-Spec, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 272 0147 Oilfield Pipeline Inspection Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 373 772 02 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Palmer Environmental, Cumbran, UK, (+44) 0163 308 9479 Pergam Technical Services Inc, Issaquah WA, USA, (+1) 425 503 8127 Pigging Products And Services Association, Stroud, UK, (+44) 01285 760597 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 PN Daly Ltd, Rochdale, UK, (+44) 0170 665 9701 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 REL Instrumentation Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 445 8080 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Real Time Engineering Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 427 4142

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SIMCO Drilling Equipment Inc, Osceola, USA, (+1) 800 338 9925 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 Scandpower Petroleum Technology, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 496 9898 Sensa, Southampton, UK, (+44) 02380 765500 Sensidyne, Inc., Clearwater, USA, (+1) 800 451 9444 Southern Cross Corporation, Norcross, USA, (+1) 770 441 0403 SpectraSensors, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, USA, (+1) 800 619 2861 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc, Katy, USA, (+1) 281 599 7557 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 TUE (Systems) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 7701 955 332 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101

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Leak detection

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 Tracerco Dialog Alliance, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, (+603) 795 51199 Tracerco, Billingham, UK, (+44) 01642 375 500 Tracer Research Corporation, Evergreen Park, USA, (+1) 708 229 1120 TRAPIL, Paris, France, (+33) 1 47 92 47 13 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 The Utility Classifieds Network, Hendersonville, USA, (+1) 615 451 5044 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 Veco Corporation, Anchorage, USA, (+1) 907 264 8100 Vee Kay Vikram & Co, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 6542 1941 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Leak sealing Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Clock Spring Co, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 414 703 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Energy Designers & Constructors Ltd (EDC), Bo’ness, UK, (+44) 01506 822066 Engedi Science Ltd, Bridgwater, UK, (+44) 01278 434060 Flowserve Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 659 9487 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Ltd, BURRY PORT, UK, (+44) 01554 836836 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 MW Polymer Products Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 835001 Marine & Industrial Marketing Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3262 3755 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Perk & Company, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 402 467 2815 Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 800 423 2410 Pipeline Seal & Insulator Co Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 404 661 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Vee Kay Vikram & Co, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 6542 1941 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 WrapMaster Inc, Missouri City, USA, (+1) 281 639 5847

Legal services


BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BWS International Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 861000 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bruton Knowles, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 880000 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Chandler KBS, Penarth Marina, UK, (+44) 029 2035 2300 Cinar & Cinar Consultancy Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 9022 Cluttons, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 728000 Contech, Reston, USA, (+1) 703 758 7123 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Crossland Acquisition, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 290 0390 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Freeth Melhuish, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01727 848 680 Hadromi & Partners, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 520 7040 Hammonds, London, UK, (+44) 020 7655 1000 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206

Knowles Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 08707 530693 LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, London, UK, (+44) 020 7459 5000 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Pinsent Masons, London, UK, (+44) 020 7490 6243 A.B.Rhead & Associates Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 491333 Samuel Rose, Sywell, UK, (+44) 01604 782700 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Waxman Blumenthal LLC, Beachwood, USA, (+1) 216 514 9400 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034

Level gauges and indicators Auriema Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 573603 Class Controls Ltd, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 895 2772 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 GE Sensing, Billerica, USA, (+1) 800 833 9438 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646 Petro-Chem Equipment, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 225 292 8400 Pulsar Process Measurement, Malvern, UK, (+44) 0870 603 9112 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 SkidWeigh Inc., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 622 2728 Tracerco Dialog Alliance, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, (+603) 795 51199 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262

Lining equipment/contractor AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 American Pipe & Plastics, Binghamton, USA, (+1) 607 775 4340 Angus Flexible Pipelines, Thame, UK, (+44) 01844 265000 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 DBI Group, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 0870 740682 Butyl Products, Billericay, UK, (+44) 01277 653281 Trelleborg CRP Ltd, Skelmersdale, UK, (+44) 01695 712000 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Condmag SA, Brasov, Romania, (+40) 268 414954 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Darcy Products Ltd, East Malling, UK, (+44) 0173 284 3131 Eupec France, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 328 580 220 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 Ferro Monk Systems Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0197 768 1777 Field Lining Systems, Inc., Avondale, USA, (+1) 623 842 1255 Future Environmental Sevices (Surveys) Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 0177 265 4655 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Hempel Paints Ltd, Cwmbran, UK, (+44) 01633 874 024 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 JBS Construction Ltd, Luton, UK, (+44) 0158 249 6196 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 Leigh’s Paints, South Shields, UK, (+44) 0191 455 7700 Liquid Metering Instruments Ltd, Winsford, UK, (+44) 0160 655 0583 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 Mercol Products Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 822 521

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

The consequences of underground gas leaks can be dangerous, time consuming, and a public relations nightmare. MBW’s new Vapor Extraction Unit reduces the time needed to evacuate natural gas from the soil. Whether you are pinpointing a leak, extracting a build-up of gas from underneath a structure, or responding to an emergency – the VEU will save you time, stress and money.


BENEFITS AND COST SAVINGS: •Accurate pinpointing of leaks in most situations •Extracting gas quickly and safely •Less “dry holes” •Safer environment •Smaller excavations and road cuts •Prompt reopening of businesses •Integral LEL monitor, alarm and auto-shutdown




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Lining equipment/contractor

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Pipeline Protection Ltd, South Shields, UK, (+44) 0191 456 0386 The Pipeline Liner Co, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 The Pipeline Liner Company, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 PN Daly Ltd, Rochdale, UK, (+44) 0170 665 9701 Polymeric Pipe Technology Corp, McKinney, USA, (+1) 972 542 9251 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Sigma Coatings, Harvey, USA, (+1) 504 347 4321 Smart Pipe Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 476 9287 Stanton Bonna, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 944 1448 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Subterra Systems, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 819841 Texon Ltd, Saltburn by the Sea, UK, (+44) 01287 654343 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882

Maintenance and repair AIMM Technologies, LaMarque, USA, (+1) 409 945 5414 AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602221 ALHCO, Westbury, UK, (+44) 01373 855122 Allied Engineering & Services Ltd, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 506 6901 Ameron BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587 587 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 BG Technical Inc, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 240 1030 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Balfour Beatty Utilities Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 232 9700 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 CCT Pipefreezing Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 01959 577173 CIS Catering International Services, Marseille, France, (+33) 4 91 16 53 00 CSI Coating Systems Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2856 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Class Controls Ltd, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 895 2772 Clock Spring Co, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 414 703 Con Construction, Gandhidham, India, (+91) 2836 239249 Cooper Cameron Valves, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 832002 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 CorroDefense, Somerville, USA, (+1) 888 478 4515 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 DSND Subsea Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344 300 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Department for Regional Development, Belfast, UK, (+28) 9032 8161 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Distrigas SA, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 25 573 001 Diversified Construction Corporation Pty Ltd, Murrarie, Australia, (+61) 7 3395 6400 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Evergreen Resources UK Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529542 Fabricon Ltd, Leighton Buzzard, UK, (+44) 01525 850244 Flexcrete Technologies Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 259477 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Georgia Western, Inc, Kennesaw, USA, (+1) 770 426 6070 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909

Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 JSC, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 704 1611 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646 MMC, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01467 642718 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 Marine & Industrial Marketing Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3262 3755 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 Metrix Instrument Co., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 461 2131 Metrotect Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 874 222 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Noreast-Al-Qhatani, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4160 PGS Atlantic Power, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 661166 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 Polymer Fabrication Pty Ltd, Kalgoorlie Boulder, Australia, (+61) 8 9093 3959 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 S & S Machinery Corp, Brooklyn, USA, (+1) 718 492 7400 SEC Energy Products and Sevices, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 890 9977 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 ScanRope Subsea Cables AS, Drammen, Norway, (+47) 3224 9900 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 SembUtilities Solutions, Middlesborough, UK, (+44) 01642 212407 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 Seton Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 226655 Smart Pipe Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 476 9287 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 800 446 5235 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Submar, Inc., Houma, USA, (+1) 985 868 0001

Classification continued overleaf

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15 directional drilling rigs designed and built by Laney. They are highly portable and operate efficiently in lengths up to 7,500 feet and diameters from 2” to 54”.

P.O. Box 1449 Humble, Texas 77347 2031 Humble Place Suite 100 Humble, Texas 77338 Tel.: (281) 540-6615 Fax: (281) 540-6727

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


A leader in the HDD industry for 17 years.


This wall map shows the network of existing and planned oil and oil-products pipelines and the different connections to the oil production fields in the CIS territories. Producing oilfields in the North Sea and Mediterranean are shown along with those currently being prepared for production – an indication of the importance of offshore operations. Also gives oil production sites and oilfields, along with condensate reserves. Shows the location of oil refineries. Coastal landing stations and crude-oil sea terminals are shown along with maximum tanker sizes in twd. Oil and oil-products pipelines, including those at the planning stage, are given with their diameters in inches. All information presented against a background relief map.

I wish to order copy/copies four-colour chart European Oil Supply System Price: EUR 54 2005. 100 cm x 86 cm Scale: 1:8,333,000 copy/copies for digital version (PDF-file) European Oil Supply System Price: EUR 230

Surname, first name(s) Company

191 Street and house number P.O. Box 18 56 20 · D-45206 Essen Phone +49 (0) 20 54 / 9 24-123 Fax +49 (0) 20 54 / 9 24-129 E-Mail [email protected] Internet www.vge.de

Town/postcode Date

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Maintenance & repair

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Subsea Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 292000 Subspection Ltd, Alresford, UK, (+44) 01962 734977 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 T & R Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 413 9120 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Wisewood Pipeline Services Division, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 273 8375 WrapMaster Inc, Missouri City, USA, (+1) 281 639 5847 WrapMaster, Inc., Longview, USA, (+1) 903 643 8080 Wyre Repairs Ltd, Maidenhead, UK, (+44) 01628 671312 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234

Mapping Air Link Communications, Hayward, USA, (+1) 510 781 9700 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Autodesk Ltd, Farnborough, UK, (+44) 01252 456600 Aviation Technology Services, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 858 1359 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BKS Surveys Ltd, Coleraine, UK, (+44) 028 703 52311 Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 DMC1 GmbH, Schkopau, Germany, (+49) 3461 49 2182 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 ENS Mapping, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 217 1593 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 GE Energy - North America, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Geotec, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 424847 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 HTSI, League City, USA, (+1) 281 554 9223 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 M.J. Harden Associates Inc, Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 842 0141 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 ITT Corp, Rochester, USA, (+1) 585 269 5121 Imar Survey Ltd, Galway, Ireland, (+353) 1 260 3415 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 LT Mapping Services, Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 249 0422 P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 7483 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 202244 Murphy Surveys Ltd, Naas, Ireland, (+353) 45 895402 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893


NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 Paradigm, Maize, USA, (+1) 316 554 9225 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Productivity Links, Inc, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 681 3600 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Tadpole Technology plc, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 668 0200 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Timberline Oilfield Locating, Drayton Valley, Canada, (+1) 780 514 3515 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 WhiteStar Corporation, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 303 781 5182 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000

Materials selection, testing Advanced Technology Corporation, Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 5756 Allied-Tek (Thailand) Co Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 251 071 04 Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc., Columbia, USA, (+1) 410 740 8562 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 868 6675 Bohler Schweisstechnik Austria GmbH, Kapfenberg, Austria, (+43) 3862 301 111 Bohler Thyssen Welding (UK) Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 0121 511 1121 Bohler Thyssen Sveiseteknikk AS, Dramman, Norway, (+47) 322 600 80 Bohler Thyssen Welding Canada Ltd, Downsview, Canada, (+1) 416 638 3253 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CBS Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 531 7661 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 3300 CPS, Sand Springs, USA, (+1) 918 245 8791 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 0128 241 5323 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coal and Ore Trading Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 266499 Coal and Ore Trading Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 266499 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 5797 0 ENEP, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2 64 08 37

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Wilcat Valve Hardware Service, Gresham, USA, (+1) 503 669 1165 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Wilson Walton, Hong Kong, (+852) 25 416875

Metering and regulator station design AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 American Meter Co, Horsham, USA, (+1) 215 830 1800 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CH Pipeline Services, Blackwood, Australia, (+61) 8 8178 0338 Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 467 6000 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Monosite, Inc., Odessa, USA, (+1) 432 550 4473 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 Overgas Engineering JSC, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 810 2737 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200

Buyers’ Guide

EIED, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1256 7880 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 ETRS Pty Ltd, West Footscray, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6533 EWI, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 688 5000 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 36450 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 1110 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gubkin State Academy for Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 930 9225 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 J R Hancock Associates, Columbia, USA, (+1) 513 443 6056 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 IRISNDT Corp, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 437 2022 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 J P Kenny Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 8222 Kvaerner Process (Netherlands) bv Zeetech Engineering, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 79 688688 Lincoln Electric Co, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 216 481 8100 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 McWane and Associates, San Jose, USA, (+1) 559 230 1442 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 Mott MacDonald, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 884 026 Mott MacDonald, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 725 6442 Mott MacDonald EPO, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 8222 Mott MacDonald, Ruwi, Oman, (+968) 771 2118 Mott Macdonald Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 293 1900 Mott MacDonald, Taipei, Taiwan, (+886) 2 731 7776 Mott MacDonald, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 245 2229 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Noreast Services and Pipelines Ltd, Gibraltar, (+350) 45184 Noreast-Wylton International Inc, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 656 104 11 Noreast-Meridian, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2847 3259 Ervin Sanat Co., Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 8863 0191 Noreast Welding Alloys Ltd, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 216 364 3252 OIS plc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226 700 O’Donnell Consulting Engineers, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 412 835 5007 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 PNDT Pty Ltd, West Leederville, Australia, (+61) 8 9382 3844 POSCO, Pohang, Korea, (+82) 54 220 6372 PWT International Ltd, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 482 1364 PWT SpA, Gaurdamiglio, Italy, (+39) 377 451 228 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Penspen Greece SA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 6501385 Penspen Ltd - Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 381 1054 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 QA Management Services Pty Ltd, Nedlands, Australia, (+61) 8 9386 5555 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RDC, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, (+94) 1 738962 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 SCI, Ajalvir, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 M Sharif & Co, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 111 786 911 Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 Svenska Elektrod AB, Solna, Sweden, (+46) 873 400 75 TL Offshore Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, (+60) 3 8659 8800 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 65750 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Meters and metering systems ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 American Meter Co, Horsham, USA, (+1) 215 830 1800 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Beta Valve Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 459511 Caltec Ltd, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 756056 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 467 6000 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Flow-Cal, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0865 GE Sensing, Billerica, USA, (+1) 800 833 9438 Haven Automation Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 588722 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McCrometer, Inc., Hemet, USA, (+1) 909 652 6811 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 PMC Gloabl Industries Inc, Odessa, USA, (+1) 800 535 8753 Petro-Chem Equipment, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 225 292 8400 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 SPX Process Equipment, Delavan, USA, (+1) 262 728 1900 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Ken Stothard Assocs Ltd, Leonard Stanley, UK, (+44) 01453 821533

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Weamco-Metric / PMI, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 445 1141 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Meters & metering systems

Microtunnelling Amey Construction Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01204 699222 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 Atteris Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9322 7922 Barhale Construction plc, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 707700 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744

Directional Drilling Co Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 351200 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 Herrenknecht Aktiengesellschaft AG, Schwanau, Germany, (+49) 7824 302 0 LMR Drilling UK Ltd, Birkenhead, UK, (+44) 0151 650 6977 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 971 91 0 LMR Drilling BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 703 246 948 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Northern Utility Services Ltd, Houghton-Le-Spring, UK, (+44) 0191 333 7444 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 Sillars (B & CE) Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 268125 Southern Sleeve Boring & Pipejacking, Canterbury, Australia, (+61) 4 1832 5599

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 65750 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 Allen Watson Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 790772 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Moling Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, B-Trac Equipment Ltd, Wellingborough, UK, (+44) 01933 274400 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Directional Drilling Co Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 351200 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Powermole International, Sittingbourne, UK, (+44) 01795 425 425 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 South Midland Construction Co Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 454 4250 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UMS Ltd, Falkirk, UK, (+44) 01324 625143 Allen Watson Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 790772 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Multi-products system specialist Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 The Hanover Compression Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 447 8787 Huisman-Itrec, Scheidam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 245 2222 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Scotia Instrumentation Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 222888 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999

Navvy mat/bog mat Mat & Timber Services, Stockbridge, UK, (+44) 01264 811005


Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Cape Engineering, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 478410 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 EWI, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 688 5000 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 Imasonic, Besancon, France, (+33) 3 8140 3130 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210

NDE solutions AEA Technology Energy, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 254 157 AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 Pan American Industries, Porter, USA, (+1) 780 461 9393 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TCR Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2309 2347 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720

NDT (including radiography) AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 Agfa Gevaert Nv, Mortsel, Belgium, (+32) 344 482 40 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Al-Raid, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 489 1411 American Investigation and Assessment Inc, Washington, USA, (+1) 703 994 6369 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 BMT Fleet Technology Ltd, Kanata, Canada, (+1) 613 592 2830 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Cape Engineering, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 478410 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 The Clock Spring Company, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 590 8491 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 Concainspec, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 286 1433 Corrintec, Derbyshire, UK, (+44) 01246 246700 CorrOcean Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 662180 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 DPM Colombia, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 7645 1051 DeFelsko Corporation, Ogdensburg, USA, (+1) 315 393 4450 Deka Test AS, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 216 390 8757 W Fleming Inspection Services Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 816399 Flow Metrix, Inc, Maynard, USA, (+1) 978 897 2033 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 PII Pipeline Solutions - GE Oil & Gas, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 0191 247 3200 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 GE Inspection Technologies, Hurth, Germany, (+49) 22 33 6010 GTI, Vereeniging, South Africa, (+27) 16 454 0260 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 IRISNDT Corp, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 437 2022 Imasonic, Besancon, France, (+33) 3 8140 3130 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210

Classification continued overleaf

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Olympus NDT Weld Inspection Solutions

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Any inspection technique • Pulse-echo (PE) • TOFD • Combined TOFD/PE • Phased array UT • Linear scans • Raster scans • Sectorial scans

Any weld process

TM eds AS e c x e r o Meets DNV2000 OS s , 1 de 6 E-19 104 co 1 I P A nd F101, a

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Any material • Carbon steel • Stainless steel • Cladded pipes and plates


Automated Phased Array Ultrasonic Inspection of Pipeline Girth Welds The R/D Tech® PipeWIZARD systems are used in numerous onshore and offshore applications, operating with no downtime, and performing hundreds of thousands of weld inspections and scans. PipeWIZARD operates flawlessly in hot and cold climates, and in humid, salty, and dry conditions.

PV-200 with OmniScan® MX PA Circumferential Weld Inspection System This R/D Tech® phased array system is qualified to inspect tubes with diameters ranging from 48 mm to 1524 mm in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The PV-200 is ideal for inspection of pipeline repair and tie-ins. This automated system offers superior inspection speed and detection, and makes interpretation of indications significantly easier than radiography testing.


For worldwide representation, visit www.olympusNDT.com

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

NDT (including radiography)

Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems, Lewiston, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 NDT and Corrosion Control Services, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 832 0507

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 Ervin Sanat Co., Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 8863 0191 Oilfield Pipeline Inspection Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 373 772 02 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Omnitest GmbH, Lunen, Germany, (+49) 2306 71994 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 Pan American Industries, Porter, USA, (+1) 780 461 9393 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pergam Technical Services Inc, Issaquah WA, USA, (+1) 425 503 8127 Phoenix Inspection Systems Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 826000 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipesurvey International CV, Zwijndrecht, N/A, (+31) 78 610 1428 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 R/D Tech, Quebec, Canada, (+1) 418 872 1155 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 Rontgen Technische Dienst BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 SCI, Ajalvir, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 Sensors & Software Inc, Mississauga, Canada, (+1) 905 624 8909 Servicios de Control e Inspección, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 91 884 4393 Shawcor Ltd, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 743 7111 Spetsneftegaz NPO JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 268 08 14 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Manila, Philippines, (+1) 904 355 1777 TCR Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2309 2347 TomoRad Ltd, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 707 0877 Tubular Ultrasound Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 426 1072 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034

Network analysis


BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 Flite Software Ltd, Letterkenny, Ireland, (+353) 74 23023 ICF International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 445 2000 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kanopus Consulting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3234 4693 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616

Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Scandpower Petroleum Technology, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 496 9898 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034

Oil and gas exploration and production BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd, Sunbury-on-Thames, UK, (+44) 01932 739834 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 BP Algeria, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 216 940 43 BP Angola, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 263 7300 Amoco Argentina Oil Co, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 114 510 3809 BP Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 684 111 Azebaijan BU, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 979 000 Empresa Petrolera Chaco SA, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 334 537 00 BP Brasil Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+21) 251 764 00 BP Canada Energy Company, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 233 13 13 BP Exploration Co (Colombia) Ltd, Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 162 840 00 BP Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 251 999 15 BP Exploration Headquarters, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 366 2000 BP Exploration (Faroes) Ltd, Torshavn, Faeroe Islands, (+298) 353 130 BP China, Beijing, China, (+86) 106 437 6962 BP Hong Kong, Hong Kong, (+85) 225 868 899 BP Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 883 8000 BP Plc, London, UK, (+44) 0207 496 4000 BP Kazakhstahn, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 250 3235 BP Kuwait Ltd, Salhiya, Kuwait, (+965) 240 3316 BP Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 320 595 555 BP Mexico, Col Bosques de las Lomas, Mexico, (+52) 508 121 00 BP Mocambique Ltd, Maputo, Mozambique, (+258) 142 5021 BP North America, Warrenville, USA, (+1) 630 420 5111 BP Norway, Forus, Norway, (+47) 520 130 00 BP Pakistan Exploration and Production Inc, Islamabad, Pakistan, (+92) 512 206 487 BP Moscow Representative Office, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 953 636 262 BP Exploration UAE, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 263 259 41 BP Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 212 901 9000 BP Exploration Operating (Vietnam) Co Ltd, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam, (+84) 889 993 75 Lee Bradley Energy, Carrollton, USA, (+1) 972 306 2080 Chevron Texaco, San Ramon, USA, (+1) 925 842 0050 Conocophillips Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 0192 640 400 Corvet Construction, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 340 3535 Dansk Olie og Naturgas AS, Horsholm, Dominica, (+45) 451 710 22 DONG Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 506 250 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Emarat, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4343 4444 Enagas SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 917 099 200 Gaz de France, Paris, France, (+33) 147 542 020 Gaz de France Germany GmbH, Berlin, Germany, (+30) 590 060 Grand Resources, Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 492 2366 Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, México, Mexico, (+52) 9175 7947 JV, Vung Tau, Viet Nam, (+84) 6483 9871 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 933 1704 Ministry of Energy, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 246 9131 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, (+868) 636 4662 National Iranian South Oil Co, Ahwaz, Iran, (+98) 611 443 8785 PFC Inc, Washington, USA, (+1) 202 872 1199 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 212 534 1510 Petrobras Angola, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 233 4722 Petrobras Argentina SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 115 290 000 Petrobras Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, (+591) 335 561 00 Petrobras Colombia, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 131 350 00 Petrobras Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, (+592) 227 2963 Petroleum Commercial Supply Inc (USA), Houston, USA, (+1) 713 292 2210 Petroleo Brasileiro Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, Petrobras Energia Peru SA, Lima, Peru, (+51) 122 244 55

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Buyers’ Guide

Onshore/offshore pipeline safety regulator Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602221 Joseph C Caldwell & Associates, Arlington, USA, (+1) 703 875 8775 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, México, Mexico, (+52) 9175 7947 Oil and Gas Commission, Fort St John, Canada, (+1) 250 261 5700 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Ltd - Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 381 1054 Penspen de Mexico SA, Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 38 142 64 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Operation and maintenance consultant Acurite Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, (+1) 832 467 3222 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 BG Energy Services, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 417 728 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Babcock BES, Fife, UK, (+44) 01383 412131 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Biwater Treatment Ltd, Heywood, UK, (+44) 01706 367 555 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214

CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Georgia Western, Inc, Kennesaw, USA, (+1) 770 426 6070 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 International Gas Apparatus Ltd, Yateley, UK, (+44) 01252 302030 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 Macaw’s Pipeline Defects, Hampshire, UK, (+44) 01264 337742 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Rollins Resources, Industry, USA, (+1) 979 277 8760 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Invensys SimSci-Esscor, Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 455 8150 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 T D Williamson Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5530 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890

Buyers’ Guide

Petrobras, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 352 085 285 Petrobras, New York, USA, (+1) 212 829 1517 Petrobras Energia Venezuela SA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 212 957 7300 Petroleum Development Oman, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 678 111 Petroindustrial, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 256 4811 Petroliam Nasional Berhard, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 320 515 000 Petrox SA, Concepcion, Chile, (+56) 41 506247 Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 0122 457 6155 Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd, Norwich, UK, (+44) 0126 372 0765 Phillips Petroleum Co UK Ltd, Cleveland, UK, (+44) 0164 254 6411 Qatar Liquefied Gas Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 473 60 Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 473 84 Refineria La Rabida (RLR) - Crupo CEPSA, Huelva, Spain, (+34) 9593 79400 Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 874 6126 Shell/Sigma 3, ABerdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 818431 Shell UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 884364 Statoil Angola, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 244 8080 Statoil Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 129 773 40 Statoil Belgium, Zeebrugge, Belgium, (+32) 504 616 11 Statoil do Brasil Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 212 586 6000 Lufeng 22-1 Statoil (Orient) Inc, Shekou, China, (+86) 755 2685 5335 Statoil A/S, Kobenhavn C, Denmark, (+45) 7012 4200 AS Esti Statoil, Tallin, Estonia, (+372) 665 7700 Statoil France, Loon-Plage, France, (+33) 328 289 341 Statoil Deutschland GmbH, Emden, Germany, (+49) 492 791 40 Statoil, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 519 900 00 Statoil Iran, Iran, (+98) 212 256 330 Statoil Exploration Ireland Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 163 681 00 Statopil Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan, (+7) 317 258 0086 Latvija Statoil, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 808 8100 Lietuva Staoil, Vilnius, Lithuania, (+370) 222 0468 Statoil Mexico, Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico, (+52) 555 540 6273 Statoil Moscow, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 967 3818 Statoil Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 904 91 Statoil Norge AS, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 229 620 00 Statoil Polska Sp. zo.o., Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 226 222 202 Statoil Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 121 180 80 Statoil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 623 365 33 Svenska Statoil AB, Stockholm, Sweden, (+46) 842 960 00 Statoil Liason Office Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 317 9830 Statoil Arabian Gulf AS, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 267 107 67 Statoil UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0207 766 7777 Statoil Marketing and Trading (US) Inc, Stamford, USA, (+1) 203 978 6900 Statoil Venezuela CA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 212 952 6393 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Total E&P Indonesia, Balikpapan, Indonesia, (+62) 542 533 999 TotalFinaElf, Paris La Defence, France, (+33) 1 4744 7834 Xoserve Ltd, Solihull, UK, (+44) 0121 713 5000 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Operator - oil and gas pipelines ANR Pipeline Co, Detroit, USA, (+1) 313 965 1200 Acteon Group Ltd, Norwich, UK, (+44) 01603 774174 Al Khadda International, Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 398 5338 Alliance Engineering, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 828 6000 Alstom Power Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 425 6310 Amerada Hess Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7823 2626 Aminex (USA) Inc, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 271 9919 Apache Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 296 6000 Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corp, Fort Smith, USA, (+1) 501 783 3181 BG LNG Services, LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 403 3741 BMT Scientific Marine Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 858 8090 BP Nederland Energie BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 3337500 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 BP Amoco Exploration - CATS Business Unit, Middlesbrough, UK, (+44) 01642 546404 BP Oil UK Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 853953 BSW Ballgrab Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 880 2871 Baltimore Gas & Electric Co, Baltimore, USA, (+1) 410 234 5000 Bel Valves, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 339 4519 Bharat Petroleum Corporation, Mumbai, India, (+91) 2 2554 5540 Boral Energy Resources Ltd, Adelaide, Australia, (+61) 8 8217 5777 Bord Gais Eireann, Cork, Ireland, (+353) 214 524 000 Boston Gas Co, Boston, USA, (+1) 617 723 5512 Azebaijan BU, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 979 000 BP Hong Kong, Hong Kong, (+85) 225 868 899 BP Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 883 8000 BP Plc, London, UK, (+44) 0207 496 4000 BP Kazakhstahn, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 250 3235 BP Portugal, Porto Salvo, N/A, (+351) 213 891 000 BP Moscow Representative Office, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 953 636 262 Buckeye Pipeline Co, Emmaus, USA, (+1) 484 232 4267 Burlington Resources (Energy Services) Inc, London, UK, (+44) 020 7208 4646 CIECO Exploration & Production (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7920 0339

Classification continued overleaf

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Operator - oil & gas pipelines

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


CNG Transmission Corp, Clarksburg, USA, (+1) 304 623 8000 CNR International (UK) Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 303 600 CRP Balmoral Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 774 2600 Cairn Energy Plc, Midlothian, UK, (+44) 0131 475 3000 ˜CalEnergy Gas Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7208 1600 Central Illinois Light Co, Peoria, USA, (+1) 309 672 5271 Chesapeake Utilities Corp, Dover, USA, (+1) 302 734 6754 Chevron Pipeline Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 596 2828 Chevron Texaco, London, UK, (+44) 020 7719 3000 Cl-Premier Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6733 2922 Colombia Energy Group, Herndon, USA, (+1) 703 561 6000 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp, Fairfax, USA, (+1) 703 227 3200 ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd, North Yorkshire, UK, (+44) 01642 546411 ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd, WA, Australia, (+61) 8 9423 6666 ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 205000 Conocophillips Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 0192 640 400 DNO Britain Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 573181 Delta Natural Gas Co Inc, Winchester, USA, (+1) 606 744 6171 Denso North America, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 821 3355 Deutsches Nordsee-Konsortium, Hanover, Germany, (+49) 511 6410 Distrigas SA, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 25 573 001 Dominion Transmission Corp, Clarksburg, USA, (+1) 304 627 3000 Dow Intrastate Gas Co, Plaquemine, USA, (+1) 504 353 8937 Dragon Oil plc, Co Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 6693 Duke Energy Gas Transmission, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 627 5400 Dyas BV, Netherlands, (+31) 30 233 8434 Noble Energy (Europe) Ltd, Sevenoaks, UK, (+44) 01732 741999 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 E.ON UK plc, Killingholme, UK, (+44) 01469 504084 Eastern Natural Gas Co, Kinsman, USA, (+1) 330 772 3500 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Edgdon Resources Ltd, Hook, UK, (+44) 01256 702292 Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co Ltd, Askelon, Israel, (+97) 286 740 666 El Paso Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 420 2600 Enbridge Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 3900 Encina Transmission Co, Corpus Christi, USA, (+1) 512 289 5875 Edinburgh Oil & Gas plc, Midlothian, UK, (+44) 0131 225 5454 Energy Africa Ltd, Cape Town, South Africa, (+27) 21 4007600 Eni Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 5157 4800 Enogex Inc, Oklahoma City, USA, (+1) 405 525 7788 Equilon, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 241 9922 Esso Norge AS (Explorations & Production), Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51606060 Esso Petroleum Co Ltd, Southampton, UK, (+44) 02380 883123 ExxonMobil - Malaysia, Kuantan, Malaysia, (+60) 9 583 3811 Fina plc, Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 63738 Florida Power and Light Co, Miami, USA, (+1) 800 432 6554 GM Engineering Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 895431 GNPOC, Khartoum, Ethiopia, (+24911) 703 7752 GDF Production Nederland BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 79 368 6868 Gas Transport Inc, Belpre, USA, (+1) 740 423 2101 Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam, Malaysia, (+60) 351 923 000 Gassco AS, Haugesund, Norway, (+47) 528 125 00 Gastransport Services, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31+ 505 219 111 Gasum OY, Espoo, Finland, (+358) 204 471 Gasunie Trade and Supply, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 503 648 648 Georgian International Oil Corporation (GIOC), Tbilisi, Georgia, (+995) 32 99 89 79 Georgia Western, Inc, Kennesaw, USA, (+1) 770 426 6070 Geoservices SA, Cedex, France, (+33) 1 48 14 83 53 HGX Energy Corp, Kingwood, USA, (+1) 281 358 4248 Hedley Purvis Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 590 1095 Heerema Tonsberg AS, Tonsberg, Norway, (+47) 3339 8300 IGDAS, Istanbul, Turkey, (+902) 1 26 264646 Interconnector (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7487 8400 Intergrated Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 585 1437 International Paint LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 684 1262 Iroquois Gas Transmission System, Shelton, USA, (+1) 203 925 7200 JSC, Riga, Latvia, (+371) 704 1611 Japan Petroleum Development Association, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3279 5841 John Crane, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 944 6690 KUFPEC Australia Pty Ltd, WA, Australia, (+61) 8 9321 4499 CJSV KazMunayGas, Astana, Kazakhstan, (+7) 3172 240883 Kaz TransOil CJSC, Astana City, Kazakhstan, (+7) 3172 555142 Kerr McGee North Sea (UK) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 242000 Larsen and Toubro Ltd ECC Construction Group, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 22492747 Ledco Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 653 6200 Lloyd’s Register Americas, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 675 3100 Louisville Gas & Electric Co, Louisville, USA, (+1) 502 566 4011 Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 933 1704 Maersk Olie Og Gas AG, Copenhagen, Denmark, (+45) 33 63 40 00

Magellan Petroleum Australia Ltd, QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 3832 6400 Marathon Ashton Pipeline LLC, Findley, USA, (+1) 358 204 471 Marathon Oil (UK) Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 803000 MidCon Corp, Lombard, USA, (+1) 630 691 2500 Mississippi River Transmission Corp, St Louis, USA, (+1) 314 991 9900 Mitchell Energy & Development Corp, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 713 377 5500 Mobil North Sea Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 855000 National Fuel Gas Supply Co, Williamsville, USA, (+1) 716 857 7000 Nautronix Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 880 2866 Nippon Oil Exploration Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3502 0521 Noble Energy Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 876 6200 Norson Services LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 957 9995 Northern Border Pipeline Co, Omaha, USA, (+1) 402 398 7804 Northern Gas Co, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 235 1541 Northern Electric and Gas Ltd, York, UK, (+44) 01904 886215 Northern Petroleum Plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 7743 6080 Northville Industries Corporation, Melville, USA, (+1) 631 753 4252 Nord-West Oelleitung GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, (+49) 442 1620 OMV (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7333 1600 OMV Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, Austria, (+43) 1 40 440 0 ONEOK Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 588 7000 Oasis Pipe Line Co Texas L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 758 9800 Oil Co of Australia Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3858 0600 The Oil and Pipelines Agency, London, UK, (+44) 020 7420 1670 Okemah Constructions Inc, Okemah, USA, (+1) 918 623 1863 Oleoducto Central SA, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 346 3030 Oneok WesTex Transmission, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 588 7424 Oranje-Nassau Groep BV, Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Netherlands, (+31) 20 567 7111 Oleoducto Central SA, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia, (+571) 325 0200 Overgas Engineering JSC, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 810 2737 PG&E Gas Transmission-Northwest, Portland, USA, (+1) 503 833 4000 ´ P G S Atlantic Power, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 661166 Pacific Energy Partners, L.P., Los Angeles, USA, (+1) 562 728 2800 Panhandle Energy, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 989 7000 Pembima Pipeline Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 7500 Perenco, London, UK, (+44) 020 7901 8200 Petrobras, Macaé, Brazil, (+55) 24 2761 2135 Petrobras Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7535 1100 Petrobras Transporte SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3211 9280 Petro-Canada (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7225 7100 Petro Canada Exploration Co Ltd, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 726 0 Petronas Gas Berhad, Segamat, Malaysia, (+60) 7 931 0266 Petronas Gas Supply (Labuan) Sdn Bhd, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 320 513 914 Phillips Petroleum Co (UK) Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01779 477918 Phoenix Natural Gas, Belfast, UK, (+44) 028 9055 5555 Pogo Producing Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 297 5000 Powergen Gas Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 425239 Premier Transmission, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 929 3363 Premier Oil Plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 7730 1111 Premier Power Ltd, Islandmagee, UK, (+44) 01960 381100 Preussag Energie GmbH, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 612 0 Public Service Co of Colorado, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 571 7511 Questar Corp, Salt Lake City, USA, (+1) 801 324 5000 READ Well Services AS, Olso, Norway, (+47) 6685 1800 Red River Gas Pipeline Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 739 2900 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Rochester Gas & Electric Corp, Rochester, USA, (+1) 716 546 2700 Rubis-Stockage, Salaise sur Sanne, France, (+33) 474 627 676 RWE-DEA Aktiengesellschaft fuer Mineraloel & Chemie, Hamburg, Germany, (+49) 40 63750 SCG Pipeline, Columbia, SC, USA, (+1) 803 217 8776 Sea Robin Pipeline Co, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 325 3800 SembUtilities Solutions, Middlesborough, UK, (+44) 01642 212407 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 Shell (UK) Exploration & Production, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 882000 Shell France, Colombes, France, (+33) 157 606 100 Shell, Casablanca, Morocco, (+212) 24 67 24 Shell UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 884364 Shell UK Ltd, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01263 582000 Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 6477 1535 Singapore Petroleum Company (Hong Kong) Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 251 106 93 Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 293 9755

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Buyers’ Guide

Outfalls - construction ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Ballast Ham Dredging, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 J N Bentley Ltd, Skipton, UK, (+44) 01756 799 245 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Visser & Smit Hanab (UK) Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 314700 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 LMR Drilling UK Ltd, Birkenhead, UK, (+44) 0151 650 6977 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 971 91 0 LMR Drilling BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 703 246 948 J T Mackley & Co Ltd, Henfield, UK, (+44) 01273 492 212 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Meehan Drilling Ltd, County Louth, Ireland, (+353) 8728 49039 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Pierse Contracting Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 8205811 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Stockton Pipelines Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 290647 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200

Zakhem Engineering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 266 4811

Outfalls - design AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140 Ballast Ham Dredging, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 J N Bentley Ltd, Skipton, UK, (+44) 01756 799 245 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 Visser & Smit Hanab (UK) Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 314700 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Marine Project Management, Inc., Ojai, USA, (+1) 805 640 0799 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 Stockton Pipelines Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 290647 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101

Buyers’ Guide

Southern California Gas Co, San Dimas, USA, (+1) 800 427 2000 Sociedad Nacional de Oleoductos SA, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 220 816 03 Sonat Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 325 3800 Sonatest Inc, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 697 0335 South Carolina Electric Gas Co, Columbia, USA, (+1) 803 748 3000 South Georgia Natural Gas Co, Thomasville, USA, (+1) 912 226 4744 Southern Natural Gas Co, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 325 7410 Societe du Pipeline Meditrranee Rhone, Villette de Vienne, France, (+33) 474 314 202 Statoil Algeria, Alger, Algeria, St Lawrence Gas Co, Massena, USA, (+1) 315 769 3516 Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB, Stockholm, Sweden, (+46) 8 4501 550 Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 352 500 VO Techmasimport, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 264 7976 Teco Pipeline Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 652 0811 Teppco, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 759 3636 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Tesoro Petroleum Corp, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 828 8484 Texaco (Denmark) Inc, Copenhagen, Denmark, (+45) 70 21 84 00 Texas Gas Transmission LLC, Owensboro, USA, (+1) 270 926 8686 Total E&P UK Plc, Aberdeenshire, UK, (+44) 01224 297000 Total Fina Elf NL BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 339 5449 Total UK Ltd, Hemel Hempsted, UK, (+44) 01442 263738 TransCanada Pipelines Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 920 2000 Transco National Transmission System, Leicester, UK, (+44) 01455 892242 Transco Asset Manager, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01204 545002 Transco Operations, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 559 6010 National Grid - UK Transmission, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 653000 Transgas Ltd, Regina, Canada, (+1) 306 777 9603 Transok Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 591 2000 TRAPIL, Paris, France, (+33) 1 47 92 47 13 Trenergy (Malaysia) Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 2163 0919 Tullow Exploration Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7333 6800 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 UtiliCorp Pipeline Systems, Kansas, USA, (+1) 660 737 7900 Valero Energy Corp, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 246 2000 Vanco Energy Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 877 8544 VNIIGAZ, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 355 94 33 Waha Oil Co, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 333 1116 Washington Water Power Co, Spokane, USA, (+1) 509 489 0500 Wilmar Pipelines Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 464 8800 Wingas GmbH, Kassel, Germany, (+49) 561 3010 Wintershall Noordzee BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 358 3100 Woodward Pipeline Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 688 7771

Pig - components and equipment ABV S.r.l., Lucca, Italy, (+39) 0583 403587 Abu Dhabi Supplies, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 788 208 Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Ali Trading Co, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 701 576 Amosco, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 233 647 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd, Letchworth, UK, (+44) 01462 682225 BG Technical Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 571 215 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJPPS Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5558 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Alexander Cardew Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 3785 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coastal Fluid Technologies Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 261 0796 Compri Technic Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9271 4626 Cottam Brush, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 01915 671091 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 Decoking Descaling Technology Inc, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Elastomers Australia, Airport West, Australia, (+61) 3 9338 3033

Enduro Pipeline Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1934 Enterprise G Akar, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 133 32 22 Equip Engineers India Pvte Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2042 473 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 FTL Technology Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 252 1061 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Hornsby, Australia, (+61) 2 9477 7144 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fluenta AS, Solheimsviken, Norway, (+47) 555 99 555 GD Engineering, Worksop, UK, (+44) 01909 482 323 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Girard Industries, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 3100 Girard Industries Europe Ltd, Dundonald, UK, (+44) 01563 851 062 Coastal Chemical Co, LLC, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 261 0796 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 IKM Testing AS, Sola, Norway, (+47) 5164 9000

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Pig - components & equipment

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 Industrial Pipeline Products Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Australia, (+61) 39465 8000 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Jord International, St Leonards, Australia, (+61) 2 8425 1500 Kleiss & Co BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 629 1313 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 Gerhard Kopp International Pipeline Services, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 71020 Kopp International Pipeline Services LLC, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 787 861 LTS Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 467 4040 Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 6 747 3600 Lordco, Auburn, Australia, (+61) 2 9647 2888 Mercol Products Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 822 521 H O Mohr Research & Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 1527

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 OFEMA Brazil Servicos Ltda, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 252 34 54 OFEMA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 68 50 820 OFEMA, Harare, Zimbabwe, (+263) 472 70 74 Oil States Industries, Arlington, USA, (+1) 817 468 1400 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Perry Equipment Corporation, Mineral Wells, USA, (+1) 817 325 2575 Phoenix Inspection Systems Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 826000 Pigging Technology International Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 9494 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Dehydrators Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 224 1105 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 681 5837 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688 Pipeline Processing Service Ltd, London, UK, (+36) 1 214 7005 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Services LLC (PLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 555 45 13 Pipeline Technologies Co of China, Langfang City, China, (+86) 316 217 4491 Pipe-tech Corporation Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 877 287 3558 Pipetronix GmbH, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320 Pipetronix Ltd, Concord, Canada, (+1) 905 738 7559 Pipetronix Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 495 6912 Pipetronix Inc Mexico, Villahermosa, Mexico, (+52) 93 16 55 24 Pipetronix A/S Norway, Haugesund, Norway, (+47) 52 71 36 55 Pipetronix GmbH, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 905 9247875 Pipetronix GmbH, Singapore, (+65) 562 8640 Pipetronix UK Ltd, Peterhead, UK, (+44) 01779 471676 Pipetronix Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 821 7633 Pipework & Welding Services Inc, Hungerford, UK, (+44) 01488 72700 Plenty Uniquip Pty Ltd, Chatsworth, Australia, (+61) 2 9417 4333 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 RPM Solutions, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 839 8610


Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855

Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SPX Process Equipment, Delavan, USA, (+1) 262 728 1900 S.U.N. Engineering, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 0426 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 SARAI Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 572 2377 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 Smith Flow Control Ltd, Witham, UK, (+44) 01376 517901 Solomon Corrosion Control Services Pty Ltd, Oakleigh South, Australia, (+61) 3 9563 8665 StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc, Katy, USA, (+1) 281 599 7557 SUNcast Polytech Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 448 1222 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 T.D Williamson Australia Pty Ltd, North Fitzroy, Australia, (+61) 3 9481 9600 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 TRAGS, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 432 212 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Tracerco, Billingham, UK, (+44) 01642 375 500 Trans European Enterprises, Paris, France, (+33) 1 42 25 02 00 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999

Tuboscope Vetco Pipeline Services, Wantirna, Australia, (+61) 3 9800 3022 Tuboscope Vetco International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 5100 Ura-Flex Manufacturing, Mansfield, USA, (+1) 817 477 1166 Vetco Pipeline Services Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5058 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 Williamson International Corp, Singapore, (+65) 459 4577 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703

Pig - consultant AGR Pipetech AS, Straume, Norway, (+47) 5631 6000 Acurite Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, (+1) 832 467 3222 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Analytic Pipe GmbH, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 090 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 BG Technical Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 571 215 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJPPS Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5558 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Biwater Treatment Ltd, Heywood, UK, (+44) 01706 367 555 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 Joseph C Caldwell & Associates, Arlington, USA, (+1) 703 875 8775 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 CorrOcean, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 334 2222 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 DANA Automated Systems Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 092 023 Decoking Descaling Technology Inc, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 FTL Technology Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 252 1061 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

GD Engineering, Worksop, UK, (+44) 01909 482 323 Gaoco Pipeline Technology Service Co Ltd, Langfang, China, (+86) 316 208 1096 Girard Industries, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 3100 Coastal Chemical Co, LLC, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 261 0796 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 IKM Testing AS, Sola, Norway, (+47) 5164 9000 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 IST Molchtechnik GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, (+49) 406 788 470 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Impro Technics, Hengelo, Netherlands, (+31) 74 277 6988 Industrial Pipeline Products Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Australia, (+61) 39465 8000 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kleiss & Co BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 629 1313 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 LTS Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 467 4040 Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 6 747 3600 Ralph Lowe Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 07711 936181 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 H O Mohr Research & Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 1527 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000

Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Inspection Consultant Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 01670 515251 Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd, West Kilbride, UK, (+44) 01294 822800 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688 Pipeline Processing Service Ltd, London, UK, (+36) 1 214 7005 Pipeline Services LLC (PLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 555 45 13 Pipeline Technologies Co of China, Langfang City, China, (+86) 316 217 4491 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipe-tech Corporation Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 877 287 3558 Pipetronix GmbH, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320 Pipework & Welding Services Inc, Hungerford, UK, (+44) 01488 72700 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Rontgen Technische Dienst BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 N-Spec, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 272 0147 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 Optimess Engineering GmbH, Gera, Germany, (+49) 365 734 9220 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749

Classification continued overleaf


Specialized Configurations for Optimized Inspection Solutions



Ultrasound technology provides the highest levels of accuracy and reliability regarding the detection and sizing of metal loss and cracks in pipelines. The unique modular design of the LineExplorer ® tools allows for a range of specialized configurations optimized for the individual inspection needs of our customers. These include, for

example, combined metal loss and crack inspection, xtra-resolution wall thickness measurement, pitting inspection, circumferential crack inspection and bi-di inspection. The LineExplorer ultrasound in-line inspection tools offer industryleading axial, circumferential and depth resolutions for the high quality data needed for advanced integrity assessments.

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For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Pig - consultant

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


John Smart Consulting Engineers, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 493 5946 Smith Flow Control Ltd, Witham, UK, (+44) 01376 517901 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tom Sowerby Ltd, Prudhoe, UK, (+44) 01661 833571 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703 Yong Shun Pigging Services Co Ltd, Lang Fang, China, (+86) 316 221 1511

Pig - contractor ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 0207 043 7159 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 BG Technical Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 571 215 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 Cuestar Industry (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 861 0871 Decoking Descaling Technology Inc, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 FTL Technology Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 252 1061 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Hoff Co, Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 799 4545 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pigging Technology International Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 9494 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd, West Kilbride, UK, (+44) 01294 822800 Pipeline Processing Service Ltd, London, UK, (+36) 1 214 7005 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611

TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200 Zakhem Engineering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 266 4811

Pig signaller design/supply BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Alexander Cardew Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 3785 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Impro Technics, Hengelo, Netherlands, (+31) 74 277 6988 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pigging Technology International Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 9494 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 S.U.N. Engineering, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 0426 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703

Pig tracking and location Alpha Leak Detection and Pipeline Services, Kemah, USA, (+1) 281 334 5865 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 Atmos International Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01614 458080 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Control Devices, Inc, St. Louis, USA, (314) 781-6022 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758

Enduro Pipeline Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1934 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Flow Metrix, Inc, Maynard, USA, (+1) 978 897 2033 GeoSynergy Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 579 3800 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Hoff Co, Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 799 4545 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Impro Technics, Hengelo, Netherlands, (+31) 74 277 6988 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Maloney Technical Products, Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 800 231 7236 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Montauk Services Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 525 1043 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 Nautronix Plc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 775 700 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 681 5837 Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 681 5837 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipe-tech Corporation Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 877 287 3558 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 REL Instrumentation Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 445 8080 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 S.U.N. Engineering Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 0426 StarTrak Pigging Technologies Inc, Katy, USA, (+1) 281 599 7557 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 TUE (Systems) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 7701 955 332 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Tracerco Dialog Alliance, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, (+603) 795 51199 Tracerco, Billingham, UK, (+44) 01642 375 500 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703

Pig trap design/supply Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Far Asia Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 8770 9858 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Forain SrL, Milan, Italy, (+39) 02 8467345 GD Closure Systems, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 807 2815 Hydrocarbon Resources Development Co Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 837 7649 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 LTS Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 467 4040 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Montauk Services Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 525 1043 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Pigging Technology International Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 9494 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730

S.U.N. Engineering Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 0426 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 Smith Flow Control Ltd, Witham, UK, (+44) 01376 517901 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 Weamco-Metric / PMI, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 445 1141 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Wyman-Gordon Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 446200 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703

Piggable tee and flow diverter manufacturer Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 SEIG, Moyssy Cramayel, France, T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Pigging - industrial Ali Al Aufy Trading Co, Ghala, Oman, (+968) 504971 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 BG Technical Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 571 215 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJPPS Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5558 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 Alexander Cardew Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 3785 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 Cuestar Industry (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 861 0871 Decoking Descaling Technology Inc, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Girard Industries, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 3100 Coastal Chemical Co, LLC, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 261 0796 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 IKM Testing AS, Sola, Norway, (+47) 5164 9000 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 IST Molchtechnik GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, (+49) 406 788 470 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Impro Technics, Hengelo, Netherlands, (+31) 74 277 6988 Industrial Pipeline Products Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Australia, (+61) 39465 8000 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Kleiss & Co BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 629 1313 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 LTS Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 467 4040 Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 6 747 3600 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 H O Mohr Research & Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 1527 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 N-Spec, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 272 0147 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pigging Technology International Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 9494 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Pigging - industrial

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd, West Kilbride, UK, (+44) 01294 822800 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688 Pipeline Services LLC (PLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 555 45 13 Pipeline Technologies Co of China, Langfang City, China, (+86) 316 217 4491 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipetronix GmbH, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320 Pipework & Welding Services Inc, Hungerford, UK, (+44) 01488 72700 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Rontgen Technische Dienst BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Tracerco, Billingham, UK, (+44) 01642 375 500 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yarbrough Pipeline Products, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 877 243 2703 Yong Shun Pigging Services Co Ltd, Lang Fang, China, (+86) 316 221 1511

Pigging - in-line inspection


3P Services GmbH & Co KG, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 070 AGR Pipetech AS, Straume, Norway, (+47) 5631 6000 Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 0207 043 7159 Advantica Technologies Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282203 Ajaks SA, Poznan, Poland, (+48) 61 870 50 15 Analytic Pipe GmbH, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 090 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 BG Technical Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 571 215 BG Technical Inc, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 240 1030 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJPPS Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5558 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 DANA Automated Systems Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 092 023 Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758

PII Pipeline Solutions - GE Oil & Gas, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 0191 247 3200 GE Energy - North America, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 IKM Testing AS, Sola, Norway, (+47) 5164 9000 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 JFE Engineering Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+60) 3 2166 2121 Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 6 747 3600 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Montauk Services Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 525 1043 Morrison Scientific Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 8160

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 Optimess Engineering GmbH, Gera, Germany, (+49) 365 734 9220 Pan American Industries, Porter, USA, (+1) 780 461 9393 Pan American Industries, Porter, USA, (+1) 780 461 9393 Pigging Products And Services Association, Stroud, UK, (+44) 01285 760597 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Services LLC (PLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 555 45 13 Pipeline Technologies Co of China, Langfang City, China, (+86) 316 217 4491 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 Rontgen Technische Dienst BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Spetsneftegaz NPO JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 268 08 14 Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 771 1871 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yong Shun Pigging Services Co Ltd, Lang Fang, China, (+86) 316 221 1511

Enduro Pipeline Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1934 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

3P Services GmbH & Co KG, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 070 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 DBI Group, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 0870 740682 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd, West Kilbride, UK, (+44) 01294 822800 Pipe-tech Corporation Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 877 287 3558 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 PN Daly Ltd, Rochdale, UK, (+44) 0170 665 9701 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 SUNcast Polytech Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 448 1222 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Pigging services 3P Services GmbH & Co KG, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 070 AGR Pipetech AS, Straume, Norway, (+47) 5631 6000 Agilent Technologies, Forest Hill, Australia, (+61) 3 9210 2824 Ajaks SA, Poznan, Poland, (+48) 61 870 50 15 Analytic Pipe GmbH, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 710 090 Anode Engineering Pty Ltd, Loganholme, Australia, (+61) 7 3801 5521 Apache Pipeline Products, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 316 4850 Applus RTD STeeltest Pty Ltd, Kwinana, Australia, (+61) 8 9439 5656 Ardep Ltd, Cwmbran, UK, (+44) 01633 675600 Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd, Miller, Australia, (+61) 2 9608 811 BG Technical Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 571 215 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJPPS Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5558 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BKW, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 836 6767 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Brance-Krachy Co., Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 225 6661 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 CETCO Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 600 5757 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 Cottam Brush, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 01915 671091 Crostek Corp., Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 347 0346 Cuestar Industry (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 861 0871 DSV Pipetronix Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7499 9988 Decoking Descaling Technology Inc, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444

Diascan TEchnical Diagnostics Center Open Joint-Stock Company, Lukhovitcy, Russia, (+7) 495 950 82 92 Dubrai Contractors Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 486222 Durham Pipeline Technology, Tyne & Wear, UK, (+44) 0191 478 4999 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758

Enduro Pipeline Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1934 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Furmanite Australia Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9285 2200 GD Engineering, Worksop, UK, (+44) 01909 482 323 Gaoco Pipeline Technology Service Co Ltd, Langfang, China, (+86) 316 208 1096 GasNet Australia Group, Dandenong South, Australia, (+61) 3 9797 5222 Girard Industries, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 3100 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 Coastal Chemical Co, LLC, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 261 0796 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Hoff Co, Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 799 4545 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 IKM Testing AS, Sola, Norway, (+47) 5164 9000 IKM Testing UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 725 599 iPP Industries Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Australia, (+61) 3 9465 8000 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Industrial Pipeline Products Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Australia, (+61) 39465 8000 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Inline Service Inc Uk Office, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 790959 Interprovincial Corrosion Control, Inc., Burlington, Canada, (+1) 905 634 7751 Kleiss & Co BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 629 1313 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 Knapp Limpro Nacional SA De CV., Guadaloupe, Mexico, (+52) 83 371 717 LIN Pipeline International Corp, Richmond Hill, Canada, (+1) 905 771 9017 LTS Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 467 4040 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Services, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 6 747 3600 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Maloney Technical Products, Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 800 231 7236 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 H O Mohr Research & Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 1527 Montauk Services Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 525 1043

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 Netherlocks Safety Systems BV, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, (+31) 172 471 339 Nimadek Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 334816 N-Spec, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 337 272 0147 Online Electronics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714 714 Optimess Engineering GmbH, Gera, Germany, (+49) 365 734 9220 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Pigging - utility


Pigging services

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Pipeline Inspection Co Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 681 5837 Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd, West Kilbride, UK, (+44) 01294 822800 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688 Pipeline Processing Service Ltd, London, UK, (+36) 1 214 7005 Pipeline Services LLC (PLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 555 45 13 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Technologies Co of China, Langfang City, China, (+86) 316 217 4491 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipesurvey International CV, Zwijndrecht, N/A, (+31) 78 610 1428 Plugging Specialists International ASA, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 5144 3240 Power Associates International, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 458 7020 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Preussag Wasser und Rohrtechnik GmbH, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 4206 0 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700

Corus Interantional Projects, London, UK, (+44) 020 7975 8393 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 DOJ Pipewelding Services, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 404010 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 GasMin Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 861 4565 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hall Longmore (Pty) Ltd, Wadeville, South Africa, (+27) 11 824 1940 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 J T Mackley & Co Ltd, Henfield, UK, (+44) 01273 492 212 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 North Pacific Lumber, Inc., Portland, USA, (+1) 800 276 3427 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Pierse Contracting Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 8205811 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 Steel Pile Installations Ltd, Lancaster, UK, (+44) 01524 401188 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 TubeMeuse Industries, Flemalle, Belgium, (+32) 4231 3535 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Pipe and fittings


Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 S.U.N. Engineering Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 0426 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800 Savcor ART/Products Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9993 7500 John Smart Consulting Engineers, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 493 5946 Synergy Chemical Pipeline Division, Foley, USA, (+1) 251 971 3105 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 T.D Williamson Australia Pty Ltd, North Fitzroy, Australia, (+61) 3 9481 9600 TDW Offshore Services AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 33 32 40 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Tank Calibrators Pty Ltd, Aspley, Australia, (+61) 7 3263 2545 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Topline Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 642 638 Tremco Pipeline Equipment Pty Ltd, Acacia Ridge, Australia, (+61) 7 3344 1066 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 Ura-Flex Manufacturing, Mansfield, USA, (+1) 817 477 1166 Vee Kay Vikram & Co, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 6542 1941 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 Weatherford P&SS (Pig Manufacturing), Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 7102 0 West Penetone, Carlstadt, USA, (+1) 800 631 1652 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Yong Shun Pigging Services Co Ltd, Lang Fang, China, (+86) 316 221 1511

Piling Cathweld Construction Co Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 912 4119 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744

Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Ameron Fiberglass-Composite Pipe, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587587 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd, Miller, Australia, (+61) 2 9608 811 John Bell Pipeline Equipment Co. Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 714514 Blucher UK Ltd, North Yorkshire, UK, Bosta UK Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK, (+44) 01284 716580 Buyurgan Group Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 284 0084 CPV Ltd, Romsey, UK, (+44) 01794 322884 Department for Regional Development, Belfast, UK, (+28) 9032 8161 Dreh Ltd, Bradford, UK, (+44) 01274 499406 ENAP, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 2 638 1845 East Anglian Fittings & Flanges Ltd, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 658493 East Midlands Tubes & Fittings Ltd, Nottingham, UK, (+44) 0115 977 0399 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200 Excel Engineering, New Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2769 7525 H N Faris, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 461 1306 Fithandel (Scotland) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 704694 Flexachem Manufacturing Ltd, Douglas, Ireland, (+353) 21 4363742 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 GPS PE Pipe Systems, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 52121 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Guangzhou Huaqiao Shock Absorber Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 020 8108 3908 HPF Energy Services, Alcester, UK, (+44) 01789 761212 Hallen Engineering Ltd, Wednesbury, UK, (+44) 0121 556 3324 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Hepworth Building Products Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0122 676 3561 Hock Leong Enterprises Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6862 0777 Hose Solutions Inc, Scottsdale, USA, (+1) 480 607 1507 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 IBP Ltd, Tipton, UK, (+44) 0121 557 2831 Ineos Polyolefins, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2264 2111 Brown, J. & Co. Ltd, Dukinfield, UK, (+44) 0161 339 9888 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Kurvers International Supply Services Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8877 1355 Lasmecon, Sint-Oedenrode, Netherlands, (+31) 413 473624 Leo Fittings Ltd, Braintree, UK, (+44) 01376 341616 Marine Engineering Pipeworks Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 521 1941 Nautic Steels Ltd, Tamworth, UK, (+44) 01827 281111 Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 3998 Olympic Pipeline Products, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01612 304800 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Petrofit Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 0121 544 9938 Polymer Fabrication Pty Ltd, Kalgoorlie Boulder, Australia, (+61) 8 9093 3959

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Syddal Engineering Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 336 4205 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Titanium Tantalum Products Ltd, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 2278 1210 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 VVT-Vitkovice Valcovna Trub AS, Ostrava - Vitkovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 5959 56510 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Pipe bedding KNI Incorporated, Homer City, USA, (+1) 724 479 3661

Pipe bursting, cracking ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, B & H Leicester Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 230436 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Directional Drilling Co Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 351200 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Liquid Dynamics Shockguard Ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 480 9625 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 Meehan Drilling Ltd, County Louth, Ireland, (+353) 8728 49039 Michels Corporation, Brownsville, USA, (+1) 920 583 3132 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Pan Terra Industries Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 218 8913 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Poweram Inc., Barron, USA, (+1) 715 537 9050 Powermole International, Sittingbourne, UK, (+44) 01795 425 425 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 Shockgaurd Ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 442 6222 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TRI Tool Inc., Rancho Cordova, USA, (+1) 916 351 0144 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UMS Ltd, Falkirk, UK, (+44) 01324 625143

Viking Johnson, Hitchin, UK, (+44) 01462 443322 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988

Pipe clamps Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd, Letchworth, UK, (+44) 01462 682225 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Trelleborg CRP Ltd, Skelmersdale, UK, (+44) 01695 712000 Alexander Cardew Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 3785 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Darby Equipment Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 582 2340 Dependable Springs & Pressings Ltd UK, Wolverhampton, UK, (+44) 01902 711771 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Destec Engineering Ltd UK, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 791721 ENAP, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 2 638 1845 Energy Designers & Constructors Ltd (EDC), Bo’ness, UK, (+44) 01506 822066 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 Goriziane SpA, Villesse, Italy, (+39) 481 91511 Grayloc Products Ltd UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 222790 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 INNCCO Clamps (UK) Ltd, New Malden, UK, (+44) 020 8942 7457 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Lasmecon, Sint-Oedenrode, Netherlands, (+31) 413 473624 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl, Busseto, Italy, (+39) 0524 91844 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 Mactech (Europe) Ltd, Macclesfield, UK, (+44) 01625 503306 Marine Ventures Ltd, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 950 3707 Nylacast Ltd, Leicester, UK, (+44) 0116 276 8558 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipeline Construction & Engineering Supplies Ltd, Wolverhampton, UK, (+44) 01902 713402 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 ´Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Pipe Ltd, Bicester, UK, (+44) 01869 324424 Pipetech, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0200 Power Technology Services Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 282500 Prestige Industrial Pipework Equipment Ltd, Bicester, UK, (+44) 01869 324424 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 RMS Welding Systems, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 3907 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 STATS Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 772461 Stauff UK, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2518 518 Syddal Engineering Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 336 4205 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Tecnomail SpA, Carpaneto, Italy, (+39) 523 852 445 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Vietz GmbH, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 949 9777 Viking Johnson, Hitchin, UK, (+44) 01462 443322 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Worldwide Machinery, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 452 5800 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890

Buyers’ Guide

Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Power Technology Services Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 282500 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 Silclear Ltd, New Milton, UK, (+44) 01425 610700

Pipe freezing Air Liquide UK Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0800 9171313 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Bishop Group Services Ltd, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8656 8234 Brance-Krachy Co., Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 225 6661 CCT Pipe Freezing Ltd, Croydon, UK, (+44) 01959 577173 CCT Pipefreezing Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 01959 577173 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Pipe freezing

Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704

Enduro Pipeline Services Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1934 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 PII Pipeline Solutions - GE Oil & Gas, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 0191 247 3200 Girard Industries, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 466 3100 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 InSitu Pipeline Systems, Inc., Venus, USA, (+1) 817 477 1008 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Interprovincial Corrosion Control, Inc., Burlington, Canada, (+1) 905 634 7751 Kidd Pipeline & Specialties, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 0270 Knapp Polly Pig Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 222 0146 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 MCL (Offshore) Ltd, Wolverhampton, UK, (+44) 01902 791999 Maloney Technical Products, Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 800 231 7236 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Montauk Services Inc, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 201 525 1043 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 Nitrogen Specialty Co, Harvey, USA, (+1) 888 466 4876 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pipefreezing & Hot tapping Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7241 3111 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeline Pigging Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 351 6688 Power Associates International, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 458 7020 Power Technology Services Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 282500 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Pro Tapping Inc, Medford, USA, (+1) 856 983 5442 S.U.N. Engineering Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 627 0426 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35

Tuboscope Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 5445 Ura-Flex Manufacturing, Mansfield, USA, (+1) 817 477 1166 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Wormald Safety and Service, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 894292

Pipe handling


Aquatic Engineering and Construction Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 573359 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Baricon Systems Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 210564 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bezemer Dordrecht BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 618 1000 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Con Construction, Gandhidham, India, (+91) 2836 239249 Darby Equipment Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 582 2340 John Deere Construction Equipment, Puyallup, USA, (+1) 253 445 0928 Deltaconne International, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 591 9136 Drilltec International Ltd, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 262877 EDM Engineering & Drilling Machinery AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 5181 1600 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 Farr Canada Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 453 3277 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Goriziane SpA, Villesse, Italy, (+39) 481 91511 Grampian Hydraulics Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 583300 Huisman-Itrec, Scheidam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 245 2222

International Pipeline Equipment Co, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 413 1886 Ludescher Cablecrane-Systems GmbH, Sulz, Austria, (+43) 5522 39412 MCM O’Drill, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 822610 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 Mactech (Europe) Ltd, Macclesfield, UK, (+44) 01625 503306 Maxpower Automotive, West Bromwich, UK, (+44) 0121 588 2605 National Oilwell Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 334960 Paramode Ltd, Lowerstoft, UK, (+44) 01502 574213 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Roller Systems Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 371 8108 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Pipetech, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0200 Premier Olifield Rentals Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 724900 Prestige Industrial Pipework Equipment Ltd, Bicester, UK, (+44) 01869 324424 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654

Pipe insertion ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 Guangzhou Huaqiao Shock Absorber Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 020 8108 3908 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 The Pipeline Liner Company, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Subterra Systems, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 819841 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720

Pipe jacking, ramming ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 AMEC Group Ltd Construction Services, Staffs, UK, (+44) 01785 760022 Amey Construction Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01204 699222 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Atteris Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9322 7922 B-Trac Equipment Ltd, Wellingborough, UK, (+44) 01933 274400 Barhale Construction plc, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 707700 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 F & B Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 01302 752 222 Herrenknecht Aktiengesellschaft AG, Schwanau, Germany, (+49) 7824 302 0 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 Meehan Drilling Ltd, County Louth, Ireland, (+353) 8728 49039 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Powermole International, Sittingbourne, UK, (+44) 01795 425 425 Prestige Industrial Pipework Equipment Ltd, Bicester, UK, (+44) 01869 324424 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 Southern Sleeve Boring & Pipejacking, Canterbury, Australia, (+61) 4 1832 5599 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Trenchless Engineering Services Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2552 8490 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 UMS Ltd, Falkirk, UK, (+44) 01324 625143

Pipe laying CDP Networks Pty Ltd, Wattle Park, Australia, (+61) 3 9545 5865 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 KNI Incorporated, Homer City, USA, (+1) 724 479 3661 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Midwestern Manufacturing Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 858 4200

Pipe laying - flexible ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Al Khadda International, Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 398 5338 Aquatic Engineering and Construction Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 573359 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cotton Houston Inc, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 460 7490 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Peter Duffy Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 871100 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipeline Roller Systems Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 371 8108 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Sahara Petroleum (SAPESCO), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 519 4800

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Tesmec SpA, Bergamo, Italy, (+39) 35 423 2911 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654

Pipe location Aquacam Ltd, Teesside, UK, (+44) 01642 820020 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Brance-Krachy Co., Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 225 6661 Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 DDS Technology, Littlehampton, UK, (+44) 0190 371 3632 Dafrol Associates, Inc., Hopedale, USA, (+1) 508 478 4911 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Ditch Witch, Perry, USA, (+1) 800 654 6481 Fisher Research Laboratory, Los Banos, USA, (+1) 209 826 3292 Flow Metrix, Inc, Maynard, USA, (+1) 978 897 2033 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600

GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Heath Consultants Incorporated, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 844 1300 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Interprovincial Corrosion Control, Inc., Burlington, Canada, (+1) 905 634 7751 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Larsen and Toubro Ltd ECC Construction Group, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 22492747 Mesa Pipe Line Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 658 9673 Metrotech Corporation, Santa Clara, USA, (+1) 408 734 1400 Palmer Environmental, Cumbran, UK, (+44) 0163 308 9479 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Rycom Instruments, Inc., Raytown, USA, (+1) 800 851 7347 Sensors & Software Inc, Mississauga, Canada, (+1) 905 624 8909 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Timberline Oilfield Locating, Drayton Valley, Canada, (+1) 780 514 3515 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 The Utility Classifieds Network, Hendersonville, USA, (+1) 615 451 5044 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Pipe manufacturer - asbestos-cement Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760

Pipe manufacturer - clay Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760

Pipe manufacturer - concrete Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Macrete Ireland Ltd, Toomebridge, UK, (+44) 0287 965 0471 National Industries Co for Building Materials, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 483 7095 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760

Pipe manufacturer - ductile iron American Cast Iron Pipe Co, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 800 442 2347 Duker Eisenwerke GmbH, Laufach, Germany, (+49) 6093 870 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 Hebei Newton Pipes Co Ltd, Baoding, China, (+86) 0312 219 1533 Hebei Newton Pipes Co Ltd, Baoding City, China, (+86) 0312 219 1533 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 Jindal Saw Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2618 8360 74 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd, Huzhou/Zhejiang, China, (+86) 21 5852 2792 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760

Pipe manufacturer - flexible Angus Flexible Pipelines, Thame, UK, (+44) 01844 265000 Aptec BV, Almelo, Netherlands, (+31) 546 45 25 26 Brugg Rohrsystem AG, Kleindoettingen, Switzerland, (+41) 56 268 7878 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Hose Solutions Inc, Scottsdale, USA, (+1) 480 607 1507 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Precision Expansion Bellows Industries, Belgaum, India, (+91) 831 244 1066 Technip Offshore UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 271000 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Wellstream North Sea, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 295 9000 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Pipe manufacturer - grp

Pipe manufacturer - grp Ameron Fiberglass-Composite Pipe, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587587 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Future Pipe Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7938 4942 Inpipe Sweden AB, Skelleftea, Sweden, (+46) 910 738330 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401

Pipe manufacturer - other - ferrous Biwater Industries Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 0124 625 0740 Buyurgan Group Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 284 0084 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd, Huzhou/Zhejiang, China, (+86) 21 5852 2792 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 Saint Gobain Pipelines, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 930 5000 Suraj Stainless Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 741 1050 TAMSA, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 2989 1100 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 VVT-Vitkovice Valcovna Trub AS, Ostrava - Vitkovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 5959 56510

Pipe manufacturer - other - nonferrous Ameron Fiberglass-Composite Pipe, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587587 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 GPS PE Pipe Systems, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 52121 Ineos Polyolefins, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2264 2111 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 KWH Pipe Ltd, Vaasa, Finland, (+358) 6 326 5511 Lee Supply Company, Inc., Charleroi, USA, (+1) 800 353 3747 Maverick Tube Corporation, Chesterfield, USA, (+1) 636 733 1600 North American Pipe Corp, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 840 7473 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pennsylvania Steel Technologies, Inc., Steelton, USA, (+1) 800 344 7245 Pipelife Nederland BV, Enkhuizen, Netherlands, (+31) 228 355555 Pipestar International, Inc, Winnipeg, Canada, (+1) 204 949 3910 Plypipe Mfg Co Ltd, Guangdong, China, (+86) 757 230 1712 Polypipe Building Products Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 0170 977 0000 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Preussag AG, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 287 9911 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Titanium Tantalum Products Ltd, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 2278 1210 Titeflex Corporation, Springfield, USA, (+1) 800 765 2525 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Wavin Plastics Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 766600 Wyman-Gordon Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 446200

Pipe manufacturer - plastic


B & H Leicester Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 230436 CPV Ltd, Romsey, UK, (+44) 01794 322884 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Dizayn Teknik AS, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 886 57 41 Durapipe - S&LP, Cannock, UK, (+44) 01543 279909 GPS PE Pipe Systems, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 52121 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 Hepworth Building Products, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 01709 856402 Ineos Polyolefins, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2264 2111 KWH Pipe Ltd, Vaasa, Finland, (+358) 6 326 5511 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 Martin Strudwick, Sutton Ely, UK, (+44) 01353 778288 National Industries Co for Building Materials, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 483 7095 Oxford Plastics Inc., Embro, Canada, (+1) 800 263 0502 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Plypipe Mfg Co Ltd, Guangdong, China, (+86) 757 230 1712 Polymold Products, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2492 2294 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277

RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Surex International Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 0195 957 6000 Trinus Pipes & Tubes Ltd, Barrie, Canada, (+1) 888 455 9262 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Wavin Plastics Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 766600 Wavin (NI) Ltd, Lisburn, UK, (+44) 01846 621577 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031

Pipe manufacturer - steel Acecsa - Aceros Calibrados SA, Pamplona, Spain, (+34) 948 309110 Alfatub Sider, El Hajar, Algeria, (+213) 8 871617 American Steel Pipe ACIPCO, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 325 7742 Arabian Pipes Co, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 265 0123 Arfa Rochenwerke AG, Basel, Switzerland, (+41) 61 337 5555 Berg Steel Pipe Corp., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 1600 Berg Steel Pipe Corp., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 1600 Borusan Birelsik Boru Fabrikalari SA, Gemlik, Turkey, (+90) 224 519 0000 Borusan Yatririm Holdings, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 262 331 2466 Buyurgan Group Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 284 0084 CSPEL Tubes Ltd, Budapest, Hungary, (+36) 1 258 4031 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Cayriova Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret SA, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 216 418 1000 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Commonwealth Development Group Inc, Oak Park, Oakland, USA, (+1) 248 336 9270 Condmag SA, Brasov, Romania, (+40) 268 414954 Corinth Pipeworks SA, Halandri, Greece, (+30) 210 678 7111 Corus Interantional Projects, London, UK, (+44) 020 7975 8393 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121 Crescent Steel and Allied Products Ltd, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 5674881 Dalmine S.p.A. - Tenaris Group, Sabbio Bergamasco - Dalmine, Italy, (+39) 035 560 4064 Dalmine UK, London, UK, (+44) 020 7256 5920 EMC & Tembor Boru Sanayii ve Ticaret SA, Cayirova, Turkey, (+90) 262 653 7730 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200 Emarketplaces FZ LLC, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 3911090 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 Europipe GmbH, Mulheim A.D. Rhur, Germany, (+49) 208 976 0 L.B. Foster Company, Pttsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 566 0667 Generalsider Italiana SpA, Chieti Scalo, Italy, (+39) 871 563 345 Group Five Pipe Saudi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 826 1477 Guangzhou Hongda Steel Tube Co Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 20 3887 0295 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hall Longmore (Pty) Ltd, Wadeville, South Africa, (+27) 11 824 1940 Huta Ferum Katowice, Katowice, Poland, (+48) 32 255 5677 Huzhou Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd, Huzhou, China, (+86) 572 226 3116 IPSCO (UK) Ltd, Scunthorpe, UK, (+44) 01724 849904 Ilva Spa, Milano, Italy, (+39) 230 700 775 India Pipe Fitting Co, Kolkata, India, (+91) 33 2210 3009 Mittal Steel South Africa, Vereeniging, South Africa, (+27) 16 450 4220 JSC Seversky Tube Works, Polevskoy, Russia, (+7) 343 503 5728 Jindal Saw Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2618 8360 74 Joy Pipe USA, LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 579 0388 Kahn Steel Co., Inc., Overland Park, USA, (+1) 913 642-6426 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Co Ltd, Huzhou, China, (+86) 572 226 1050 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd, Huzhou/Zhejiang, China, (+86) 21 5852 2792 Kuwait Pipe Industries, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 467 5622 New Lahore Welding and Engineering Works, New Delhi, India, (+91) 011 513 2209 Lalit Profiles and Steel Industries Ltd, Navi Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 756 1173 Liaoyang Steel Pipe Co Ltd (China), Liaoyang, China, (+86) 419 238 5777 Liaoyang Steel Tube Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 6871 4798 Lone Star Steel, Dallas, USA, (+1) 972 386 3981 Man Industries (India) Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 222 620 1365 Manesmann Boru Endustri T.A.S., Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 251 34 10 Mardale Pipes Plus Ltd, Runcorn, UK, (+44) 01928 580555 Midwestern Pipeline Corp, Appleton, USA, (+1) 414 731 9175 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Napa Pipe, Napa, USA, (+1) 707 257 5000 Noksel Celik Boru Sanayi A.S., Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 472 5959 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Pipe marking and identification Astrographic Industries Ltd, Surrey, Canada, (+1) 800 663 6551 Aurora Bar Code Technologies Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 483 6025 Boddingtons Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9310 2100 Flow Metrix, Inc, Maynard, USA, (+1) 978 897 2033 Great American Co, Wichita, USA, (+1) 316 733 1223 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Kroy (Europe) Ltd, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 986 5200 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Quantum Marketing Group, Anaheim, USA, (+1) 714 563 9749 Seton Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 226655 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Stonehouse Signs, Inc., Arvada, USA, (+1) 303 422 2356

TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259

Pipe protection Ameron BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 587 587 Applied Concrete Systems, Witham, UK, (+44) 01621 891784 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Boddingtons Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9310 2100 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 Bredero Shaw Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 554 6232 Bredero Shaw, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 CerAnode Technologies Intl., Dayton, USA, (+1) 937 278 6547 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Copon Pipelinings (E Wood Ltd), Northallerton, UK, (+44) 01609 780170 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 Expect Asia, Sattahip, Thailand, (+66) 038 238519 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 Jotun Powder Coatings, Brooklyn, Australia, (+61) 1300 791910 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl, Busseto, Italy, (+39) 0524 91844 Long Products Ltd, Rye, UK, (+44) 01797 223561 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Nordson Corporation, Maastricht, Netherlands, (+31) 1 3511 8700 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Omnishelter, Cuggiono, Italy, (+39) 02 9724 9177 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 The Pipeline Liner Co, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 The Pipeline Liner Company, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Protec - The Cap Company Ltd, Gateshead, UK, (+44) 0191 442 4242 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 413 201559 Submar, Inc., Houma, USA, (+1) 985 868 0001 T & R Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 413 9120 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Timberline Oilfield Locating, Drayton Valley, Canada, (+1) 780 514 3515 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 WrapMaster, Inc., Longview, USA, (+1) 903 643 8080

Buyers’ Guide

Northwestern Ohio Pipeline, Lima, USA, (+1) 419 641 6905 Northwest Pipe Company, Portland, USA, (+1) 503 946 1200 Mittal Steel Ostrava a.s., Ostrava Kuncice, Czech Republic, (+420) 69 568 1111 OneSteel Oil & Gas Pipe, Kembala Grange, Australia, (+61) 2 4261 1888 Orrcon Operations Pty Ltd, Nudgee, Australia, (+61) 7 3621 8404 POSCO, Pohang, Korea, (+82) 54 220 6372 Panyu Chu Kong Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 20 8455 8888 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Petro Steel International, Philadelphia, USA, (+1) 267 321 0470 Pipe Supports Ltd, Droitwich, UK, (+44) 01905 795500 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Productora Mexicana De Tuberia, Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico, (+52) 753 73701 Productos Tubulares, Trapagaran - Valle de Trapaga, Spain, (+34) 94 495 5011 Productos Tubulars SA, Valle de Trapaga, Spain, (+34) 94 495 5011 Rand Water, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 682 0257 Rautaruukki, Helsinki, Finland, (+358) 20 5911 SC Republica SA, Bucharest 3, Romania, (+40) 1 255 0072 SE Asia Pipe Industries, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21525 0192 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 Salzgitter Grossrohre GmbH, Salzgitter, Germany, (+49) 5341 21 6539 Sedehi & Co, 18690 Almunecar, Spain, (+34) 6103 81970 Sepc o SA, Lugano, Switzerland, (+41) 91 986 5830 Siderurgica de Tubo Soldado SA, Alegria, Spain, (+34) 945 420780 Sidex SA, Galati Jud Galati, Romania, (+40) 36 462 237 Soconord Group SA, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 640 74 30 Stupp Corporation, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 800 535 9999 Sumitomo Metals, Osaka, Japan, (+81) 6 6220 5111 Suraj Stainless Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 741 1050 TAMSA, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 2989 1100 Technip Offshore UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 271000 Tecno Tubos sa de cv, San Nicolas de los Garza, Mexico, (+52) 83 525209 Tenaris Global Services (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7291 0202 Tenaris, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 29 89 1190 ThyssenKrupp Mannex Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9955 0978 Titeflex Corporation, Springfield, USA, (+1) 800 765 2525 Trubocomplekt Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0207 244 6232 Tubacero SA de CV, Monterrey, Mexico, (+52) 81 8305 5511 TubeMeuse Industries, Flemalle, Belgium, (+32) 4231 3535 Tubos Reunidos, Amurrio, Spain, (+34) 945 897100 Tulsa Tube Bending, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 4461 Tyco Water Pty Ltd, Southbank, Australia, (+61) 3 9685 5902 US Steel Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia, (+421) 95 673 7518 Umran Steel Pipe, Inc., Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 252 5280 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 VVT-Vitkovice Valcovna Trub AS, Ostrava - Vitkovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 5959 56510 Wanchi Steel Pipe (Qinhuangdao) Co Ltd, Hebei, China, (+886) 335 593 6000 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 113 710 309 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 566 12600 Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882 Wyman-Gordon Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 446200

Pipe stockist ABV S.r.l., Lucca, Italy, (+39) 0583 403587 Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial Equipment Co., North Shuwaikh, Kuwait, (+965) 483 1507 Bisan Trading, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6534 4397 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 Buyurgan Group Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 284 0084 CPV Ltd, Romsey, UK, (+44) 01794 322884 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Pipe protection

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 Expect Asia, Sattahip, Thailand, (+66) 038 238519 Frazer and Tabberer, Sutton Coldfield, UK, (+44) 0121 311 2606 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 Great Plains Stainless, Nelson, New Zealand, (+64) 3 545 0447 Guangzhou Hongda Steel Tube Co Ltd, Guangzhou, China, (+86) 20 3887 0295 HPF Energy Services, Alcester, UK, (+44) 01789 761212 Hock Leong Enterprises Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6862 0777 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Indonesia Steel Pipe Trading Co (NIAGAPIPA), Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 831 7340 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Mardale Pipes Plus Ltd, Runcorn, UK, (+44) 01928 580555 Milton Pipes, Sittingbourne, UK, (+44) 0179 542 5191 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 3998 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Petro Steel International, Philadelphia, USA, (+1) 267 321 0470 Pipe Exchange Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 934 9480 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Plasflow, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 251 4100 Polymold Products, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2492 2294 Republica Trading Ltd, Bucharest, Romania, (+40) 1 256 33 44 Ross Equipment, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 285 1980 St Louis Pipe and Supply Inc., Ellisville, USA, (+1) 636 391 2500 Southern Agencies, Chennai, India, (+91) 44 823 8369 Surex International Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 0195 957 6000 Trident Steel Corporation, St. Louis, USA, (+1) 314 822 0500 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031

Pipe support systems Associated Pipeline Products (UK) Ltd, Letchworth, UK, (+44) 01462 682225 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Clock Spring Co, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 414 703 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 KNI Incorporated, Homer City, USA, (+1) 724 479 3661 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 PipeCare AS, Haugesund, Norway, (+47) 52 77 70 00 Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 800 423 2410 Piping Technology and Products Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 731 0030 Platipus Anchors Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 762300 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Stauff UK, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2518 518 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420

Pipe testing


Advanced Specialist Mouldings Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 261798 A Hak sp ZOO, Lodz, Poland, (+48) 426 870 425 Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy & Research, Emmeloord, Netherlands, (+31) 527 62 09 09 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BMT Fleet Technology Ltd, Kanata, Canada, (+1) 613 592 2830 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bioindustrial Technologies Inc, Georgetown, USA, (+1) 512 869 0580 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 868 6675 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214

C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 3300 Caltech Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2850 0454 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 CRC for Materials Welding and Joining, Wollongong, Australia, (+61) 2 4226 8889 DET Norske Veritas (DNV), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 335000 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Danish Hydraulic Institute, Hoersholm, Denmark, (+45) 45 76 95 55 ETRS Pty Ltd, West Footscray, Australia, (+61) 3 9689 6533 EWI, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 688 5000 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 Future Environmental Sevices (Surveys) Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 0177 265 4655 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 Gubkin State Academy for Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 930 9225 H&D Drilling Ltd, Cradley Heath, UK, (+44) 0121 559 9152 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 A Hak Industrial Services BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, (+31) 345 579 211 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Hitas Ins ve Tic Ltd, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 216 413 32 54 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Ltd, BURRY PORT, UK, (+44) 01554 836836 Hy-Ram Engineering Co Ltd, Mansfield, UK, (+44) 0162 342 2982 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Institut Problem Transporta Energoresursov, Ufa, Russia, (+7) 3742 313758 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Institut de Soudure, Roissy, France, (+33) 149 903 660 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 KVV Koolajvezetekepito Rt., Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lothian Pipeline Testing Services Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 202547 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Moody International, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8764 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 NDT and Corrosion Control Services, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 832 0507

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 Nitrogen Specialty Co, Harvey, USA, (+1) 888 466 4876 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 The PSL Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 783008 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Proplug Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Razrabotki I ekspluatatsii neftepromyslovykh trub institut (VNIITneft), Samara, Russia, (+7) 8462 630116 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Sensornet Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8236 2550 Sintef Group, Trondheim, Norway, (+47) 73 593000 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tecnomare SpA, Venice, Italy, (+39) 41 796711 Tinker & Rasor, San Gabriel, USA, (+1) 626 287 5259 University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Vietz GmbH, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 949 9777 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541

Pipe transport Challenger Sica, Houston, USA, (+1) 171 362 777 84 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Kegel Hegel n.e.V., Muenster, Germany, (+49) 251 329206 KCH Team, Charlestown, Ireland, (+353) 94 67716 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 RIPC Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 450 9781 Renault Trucks, Saint Priest Cedex, France, (+33) 1 3449 2529 Rohde & Lisenfeld Projects, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 875 1923 S T & T Sea Transport & Trading, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 699 9410

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Tidewater Marine Inc, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 568 1010 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 West African Ventures Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 773 9654 Winstar Shipping Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 272 8272

Pipe trenching and equipment A1 Blasting Mats, Sturgeon Falls, Canada, (+1) 800 896 7996 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Allseas Marine Services NV, Essen, Belgium, (+32) 367 018 00 Allseas Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 425 4552 Allseas Marine Contractors Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 647 042 Allseas Engineering BV, Delft, Netherlands, (+31) 15 268 1800 Allseas Marine Contractors SA, Châtel-St Denis, Switzerland, (+41) 21 948 3500 Allseas UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7290 1350 Allseas USA, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 3330 Allu (Ideachip UK Ltd), Holywood, UK, (+44) 02890 428822 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Anglo-Dutch Dredging Co Ltd, Beaconsfield, UK, (+44) 01494 675646 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 BFC Construction Corporation, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 754 8735 BTB Australia Pty Ltd, Healsville, Australia, (+61) 3 5962 1900 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Baker Pipeline, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Ballast Nedam Baggeren BV, Buenos Aires, Brazil, (+54) 1 314 5018 Ballast Ham Dredging, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444

PT Ballast Indonesia Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 7800940 PT Ballast Indonesia Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 7800940 Ballast Nedam Groep NV Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 293 938931 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV, Oranjestad, Aruba, (+297) 823600 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV, Oranjestad, Aruba, (+297) 823600 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 576 6617 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 576 6617 Ballast Nedam International BV, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3299 5228 Ballast Nedam International BV, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3299 5228 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 2 293 8608 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 2 293 8608 Ballast Nedam International BV, Amstelveen, Netherlands, (+31) 20 545 2585 Ballast Nedam Dredging, AC Zeist, Netherlands, (+31) 30 694 7700 Ballast Nedam Suriname NV, Paramaribo, Suriname, (+597) 424073 Ballast Nedam Far East Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 2621 512 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bonatti SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 0521 6091 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 L D Bourgein Oxford Ltd, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 735 420 Brewaba Wasserbaugesellschaft Bremen mbH, Bremen, Germany, (+49) 42 143 2750 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 CEI Construct nv, Zele, Belgium, (+32) 524 51121 CRC-Evans Services Ltd (Canada ), Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 440 2005 CRC-Evans Pipeline International Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 438 2100 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Capitan Trencher Corporation, Austin, USA, (+1) 512 263 1124 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cleveland Trencher Co, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 216 531 4100 Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3369 7244 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coastal Amphibious Services Inc, Lockport, USA, (+1) 985 532 0001 Coflexip, Boulogne, France, (+33) 1 47 12 80 00 Coflexip & Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 8540 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Corsicana Equipment Sales, Corsicana, USA, (+1) 903 875 1130 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 DBC Pipeline Construction Inc, Enid, USA, (+1) 580 237 6941 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 Jan De Nul NV, Aalst, Belgium, (+32) 53 731 711 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dragodos Malyasia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 326 303 96 Dragodos Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 759 9988 Peter Duffy Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 871100 Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9968 9000 European Marine Contractors, London, UK, (+44) 020 8296 5206 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 ENGCB, Boumerdes, Algeria, (+213) 284 6526 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 ETPM Servicios Maritimos do Brasil Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 220 63 66 ETPM International SAS, Nanterre, France, (+33) 1 40 97 63 00

Classification continued overleaf For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Pipe trenching & equipment

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


ETPM Moscow, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 209 28 38 ETPM Services Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 410301 ETPM Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285206 Essar Construction Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2495 0606 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Gregory & Cook Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 780 7500 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 HAM Dredging (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 6104 868 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hydro Soil Services, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 5311 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 Hyundai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 261 7433 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl, Busseto, Italy, (+39) 0524 91844 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 Lincoln - OES Group, Port Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 396 460 222 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 MRM/Mueller Pipeliners Inc, New Berlin, USA, (+1) 414 782 6320 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Burwood East, Australia, (+61) 3 8805 5200 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Mendes Junior Engenharia SA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 31 349 6724 Midwestern Manufacturing Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 858 4200 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Nippon Steel Corporation, Singapore, (+65) 836 6630 Norham Dragagens, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 290 2987 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 PT Petrosea, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 718 3255 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Preussag Do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 552 1998 Preussag AG, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 420 6202 Preussag Saudi Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 4647089 Preussag AG, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 287 9911 Punj Lloyd Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 262 00123 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Rock Fall Co Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885876 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 SaiClo Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9481 Scan Tech UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226940 Sealion Shipping Ltd, Farnham, UK, (+44) 01252 737 773 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Smit Land & Marine Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 774 5080 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sodranord Sarl, Le Blanc-Mesnil, France, (+33) 1 4814 9460 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Sonsub International Pty Ltd, Welshpool, Australia, (+61) 8 9350 6406 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9446 6700

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 Tagus Dragagens Ltda, Morafloris, Portugal, (+351) 218 373 363 Tesmec SpA, Bergamo, Italy, (+39) 35 423 2911 Theta II Enterprises Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Toughquip LLC, Coppell, USA, (+1) 866 681 4636 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 The Trenchless Group, Acacia Ridge, Australia, (+61) 7 3394 9494 Trencor Inc, Grapevine, USA, (+1) 817 424 1968 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Westminster Dredging Co Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01489 885933 WestHam Dredging Company Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 959 5715 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057 Zakhem Engineering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 266 4811 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zinkcon Marine Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 244 8092

Pipeline design and engineering AGL Pipelines Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9922 0101 A Lamb Associates Ltd, Carnforth, UK, (+44) 01524 762 496 AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Aker Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 870 1111 Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy & Research, Emmeloord, Netherlands, (+31) 527 62 09 09 Allgas Energy Ltd, Woolloongabba, Australia, (+61) 7 3393 0700 Allseas Group SA, Chatel-St Denis, Switzerland, (+41) 21 948 3500 Allseas Marine Services NV, Essen, Belgium, (+32) 367 018 00 Allseas Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 425 4552 Allseas Marine Contractors Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 647 042 Allseas Engineering BV, Delft, Netherlands, (+31) 15 268 1800 Allseas Marine Contractors SA, Châtel-St Denis, Switzerland, (+41) 21 948 3500 Allseas UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7290 1350 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Angarskneftekhimproekt AO, Angarsk, Russia, (+7) 39518 66730 PT Aquasa Piora Utama, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 739 2941 Aquatic Engineering Services PTE Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 250 9293 Aquatic Engineering & Construction (Thailand) Ltd, Songkhla, Thailand, (+66) 74 312052

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Aquatic Engineering & Construction (Thailand) Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 254 2894 Armgazproekt, Erevan, Armenia, (+374) 8852 220139 Aservin Ltda, Bogota, Colombia, (+571) 612 2977 Astrakhansky NIPI Gazovoy Promyshelennosti, Astrakhan, Russia, (+7) 8510 229718 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Azerigas Supply Production Assoc, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 12 677347 Azeri Gas Supply Production, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 12 321205 Azerbaijan Oil Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 12 98 4157 AzNIPIneft, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 12 662169 BFC Construction Corporation, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 754 8735 BG Energy Services, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 417 728 BH SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 286 6122 BHP Engineering, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9438 0300 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Babcock BES, Fife, UK, (+44) 01383 412131 Bantrel Co., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 290 5000 Bashkirskii Gosudarstvennyi NII Neftyanoi, Ufa, Russia, (+7) 3472 224141 Bashnefteproekt, Ufa, Russia, (+7) 3472 221346 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Bateman Engineering Inc, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 989 1327 Bechtel Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 846 5111 Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 732 147 400 Bechtel Ltd, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4431 2020 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Beliprogaz, Minsk, Belarus, (+375) 172 529075 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bergen Engineering A/S, Bergen, Norway, (+47) 5 22 36 00 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Brown & Root - Condor Spa, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 591060 Brown & Root Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Brown & Root International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 676 3011 Bucher Willis & Ratliff Corp, Aurora, USA, (+1) 630 898 0010 Bufete Industrial, Colonia Del Valle, Mexico, (+52) 5 658 5299 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 CBS Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 531 7661 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 3300 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Carreteras Y Urbanismo SA, Mexico City, Mexico, (+905) 5335890 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3369 7244 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coflexip, Boulogne, France, (+33) 1 47 12 80 00 Coflexip & Services Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 8540 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Compliance Engineering Technologies Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 6457 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Construcciones y Equipos Latinoamericanos SA, Monterrey NL, Mexico, (+52) 44 77 55 Cosmo Engineering Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 354 620 172 DET Norske Veritas (DNV), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 335000 Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 272 618 41

Dames & Moore, Los Angeles, USA, (+1) 213 683 1560 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Danish Hydraulic Institute, Hoersholm, Denmark, (+45) 45 76 95 55 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Davis Corporation, Healdton, USA, (+1) 405 229 1280 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 Philip Desmonde Partnership, Truro, UK, (+44) 01872 275078 Diversified Construction Corporation Pty Ltd, Murrarie, Australia, (+61) 7 3395 6400 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Doris Engineering, Paris, France, (+33) 1 44 06 10 00 Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 5797 0 Dragtone Ltd, Winsford, UK, (+44) 01606 861978 E & E Budapest Environmental Ltd, Budapest, Hungary, (+36) 1 325 5153 ENEP, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2 64 08 37 EIED, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1256 7880 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 ENGCB, Boumerdes, Algeria, (+213) 284 6526 E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 ESQ Consultancy Services, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 984 3200 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 Eagleton Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 240 0700 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Beijing Yiyi Ecology and Environment Engineering Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 106 614 7754 Ecologia y Empresa, La Paz, Bolivia, (+59) 12 312 145 Ecology and Environment do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 530 5074 Ecology & Environment Inc, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 269 8441 Ecology & Environment Inc, Casablanca, Morocco, (+212) 289 3830 Ecology and Environment of Saudi Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2647 4000 Ecology and Environment SA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+582) 237 5519 Edecon Engineering Design Consultants, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 346 9640 Enbridge Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 3900 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 610 4132 Entrepose Industrial Services Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 220330 Equipo Universal sa, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 285 4158 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 36450 Societe Francaise, Etudes et de Realisations, Equipments Gaziers, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 41 063000 Ewan Group plc, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 850415 Expert Design Systems BV, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 2386 Firenze Producao de Petroleo Lda, Funchal, Portugal, (+351) 91 231 961 Flite Software Ltd, Letterkenny, Ireland, (+353) 74 23023 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fluor Daniel Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 1110 Fluor Daniel Arabia, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 292 92 Fluor Daniel Inc, Irvine, USA, (+1) 714 975 2000 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 561 9500 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Anchorage, USA, (+1) 907 276 2636 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Fluor Ltd, Camberley, UK, (+44) 01276 402229 Fluor Ltd, Camberley, UK, (+44) 01276 402229 Ford Bacon & Davis Inc, West Valley, USA, (+1) 801 972 5710 Ludwig Freytag GmbH & Co, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 970 40 Fru-Con Construction Corporation, Ballwin, USA, (+1) 314 391 6700 Fuel Subsea Engineering, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 379 5300 GPA Engineering Pty Ltd, Norwood, Australia, (+61) 8 8363 2112 Gas Services Technology Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 029 2040 3030 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gauff Ingenieure GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, (+49) 6950 0080 RAO Gazprom, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 125 3099 Gem Production Managemant, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 259 0369 GeoLine ApS, Bagsvaerd, Denmark, (+45) 7022 5855 Gidrotruboprovod NPO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 979 9312 AO Giprogaztsentr, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 8312 350838 GiproNIIgaz, Saratov, Russia, (+7) 8452 242042 Giprospetzgaz, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 271 0695 Giprotruboprovod, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 289 7582 AOOT GiproTyumenneftegaz, Tyumen, Russia, (+7) 3452 263313 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Pipeline design & engineering

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Globe Pipeline Engineering GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, (+49) 40 453 265 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 Gubkin State Academy for Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 930 9225 Gulf Interstate Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 850 3400 Haecon, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 921 663 63 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 9945 Hanover Maloney UK Ltd, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 450200 Haswell Consulting Engineers, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 717 7744 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Heerema Marine Contractors, Leiden, Netherlands, (+31) 71 579 9000 Heerema Marine Contractors Norge AS, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 67 543854 Heerema Marine Contractors Far East Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 225 1085 Heerema Marine Contractors UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0200 7932 1700 Heerema Marine Contractors US Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 893 3090 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hyder Consulting Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 540 6600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 Hyundai, Muharraq, Bahrain, Hyundai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 414233 Hyundai, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, (+673) 2 22 0657 Hyundai, Beijing, China, (+86) 11 506438 Hyundai, Hong Kong, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 571 3700 Hyundai, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 882646 Hyundai, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 687489 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Kyungnam, Korea, (+82) 522 32 1101 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 746 2176 Hyundai, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 565 0529 Hyundai, Tripoli, Libya, (+21) 71603 Hyundai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 261 7433 Hyundai, Riydah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 491 9100 Hyundai, Singapore, (+65) 337 1577 Hyundai, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 2350297 Hyundai, London, UK, (+44) 020 7411 1531 Hyundai, Fort Lee, USA, (+1) 201 592 7766 Hyundai, Hanoi, Viet Nam, (+84) 4 250592 Hyundai, Sana’, Yemen, (+967) 2 248177 ILF Consulting Engineers, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 228 538 700 ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900 ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 IKEM, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 203 3903 IMACS Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 411 0722 Institut Problem Transporta Energoresursov, Ufa, Russia, (+7) 3742 313758 Institut Transport Nefti, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 211 3252 Intec Engineering, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 987 0800 Intec Engineering Ltd (UK), Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 795300 Italmontaggi SpA, Padua, Italy, (+39) 49 525344 JGC Corporation, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 92 33 54 JGC Corporation, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 6518 3001 JGC Corporation, Paris, France, (+33) 1 44 77 43 00 JGC Corporation, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 230 2763 JGC Corporation, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 205 4835 JGC Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 682 1111 JGC Corporation, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 244 5232 JGC Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 242 4155 JGC Dordtse Engineering bv, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 652 2522 JGC Corporation, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 0597 JGC Arabia Ltd, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+996) 3 898 2741 JGC Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 465 1202 JGC Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2 631 0565 JGC Corporation, Singapore, (+65) 324 2555 JGC Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 285 5966 JGC Corporation, London, UK, (+44) 020 7408 1309 JGC (USA) Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 789 1441 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371

Kamaghaz National Company of Pipes Construction, W Boumerdes, Algeria, (+213) 2 81 1883 Kadco (Aust) Pty Ltd, Laverton, Australia, (+61) 3 9315 1933 Kanopus Consulting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3234 4693 Kellogg China Inc, Beijing, China, (+86) 1 500 2255 Kellogg Nigeria Inc, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 618599 Kellogg Middle East Ltd, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 415 714 Kellogg Middle East, Dharan Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 895 5050 Kellogg Far East Inc, Singapore, (+65) 734 0715 Kellogg Construction Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 232 4353 M W Kellogg (Eastern Hemisphere) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7487 5333 M W Kellogg Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 753 2000 Kellogg Pan American Corporation (KPAC), Chuao, Venezuela, (+58) 2 959 1930 J P Kenny Ltd, Staines, UK, (+44) 01784 417200 J P Kenny Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 8222 Kinetica Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 01203 425239 Kinhill Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9867 5911 Kodiak Technical Services Ltd, Beaumont, Canada, (+1) 780 929 9346 Kragas-VNIPIGazpererabotka, Krasnodar, Russia, (+7) 8612 574023 Kuwait Engineering Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 243 50613 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Kvaerner Process (Netherlands) bv Zeetech Engineering, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 79 688688 Laing O’Rourke, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 402600 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (+852) 237 531 80 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 278 878 Murray And Roberts Engineering Solutions, Cape Town, South Africa, (+27) 214 216 510 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 431 3826 Lama International Contractors Ltd, Tortola, Virgin Isl (British), (+809) 494 2616 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lange Ballast Contractors Ltd, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, (+809) 665 4905 LeanTrak, Inc., Maumee, USA, (+1) 419 482 0797 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 Lincoln - OES Group, Port Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 396 460 222 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 m2solve Ltd, Leicestershire, UK, (+44) 01509 822234 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 MPC International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 870 8192 Mace Contractors Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 330144 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Burwood East, Australia, (+61) 3 8805 5200 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 J Ray McDermott Engineering, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 870 5085 J Ray McDermott SA, Wembley, UK, (+44) 020 8733 7339 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 Mechanical and Civil Engineering Contractors Ltd, Bengahzi, Libya, (+218) 4852 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Mitsui Babcock, Renfrew, UK, (+44) 0141 886 2201 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 Mott MacDonald, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 884 026 Mott MacDonald, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 725 6442 Mott MacDonald EPO, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 8222 Mott MacDonald, Ruwi, Oman, (+968) 771 2118 Mott Macdonald Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 293 1900 Mott MacDonald, Taipei, Taiwan, (+886) 2 731 7776 Mott MacDonald, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 245 2229 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 Mustang Engineering, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 215 8000 NGS-Orgproecteconomica Ecmos, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 912 76 69 NICC, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 883 7829 31

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GE Sensing

reduce uncertainty

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Pipeline system imbalance results in hundreds of millions of dollars of uncertainty. But you can improve measurement accuracy with Panametrics Sentinel™ gas and liquid ultrasonic flowmeters. Specially engineered for custody transfer, Sentinel meters deliver when high accuracy is required. Sentinel’s rugged transducers, proven in harsh flare gas applications, handle high flow velocities and deliver strong signals even in extreme conditions. Sentinel’s rugged design stands up to the worst environments—reducing your operational uncertainty. Sentinel flowmeters capitalize on 25 years of Panametrics flow technology experience to bring you the ultimate in performance, stability and repeatability. www.gesensing.com


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Pipeline design & engineering

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


NIITRANSGAZ, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 220 9321 NIPI Shelf, Simferopol, Ukraine, (+380) 652 442661 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Eric Newham Holdings Pty Ltd, Granville, Australia, (+61) 2 9637 0493 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 PT Nippon Steel Construction Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 207 564 Nippon Steel Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3275 8253 Nippon Steel Construction Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 327 100 366 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Novacorp International SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1 865 8730 Novacorp International Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 261 5200 Novacorp (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 603 263 4376 Nova Gas Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3211 9702 National Petroleum Construction Company NPCC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 255 490 00 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 OTP, Montreuil, France, (+33) 1 48 18 40 00 Oceaneering International Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01792 700177 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Odebrecht Oil & Gas Services Ltd, Sutton, UK, (+44) 020 8395 8000 Oman Construction Co, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 590 335 Orienco SA, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 546 655 PHE Co Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 772 9191 PLE Hellas EPE, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 600 9576 PLE Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 30 29385 PLE International Ltd, West Byfleet, UK, (+44) 01932 355544 PLT International Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 246 4736 PLT Engineering Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 550500 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Paragon International bv, Oud-Alblas, Netherlands, (+31) 184 692255 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 PechorNIPIneft, Ukhta, Russia, (+7) 8214 762357 Pega Ltd, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 428 0894 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Greece SA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 6501385 Penspen Ltd - Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 381 1054 Penspen de Mexico SA, Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 38 142 64 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Perry CM Ltd, Maroubra, Australia, (+61) 2 349 7632 PeterGaz Co, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 956 5493 Petroleum & Environmental Consultants, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1345 4488 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 Petrostudies Co, Malmo, Sweden, (+46) 40 219797 E G Pettit & Co, Cork, Ireland, (+353) 21 966153 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Pipeline Consulting Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 440 3905 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Powergen Gas Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 425239 Preussag Do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 552 1998 Preussag AG, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 420 6202 Preussag Saudi Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 4647089 Preussag AG, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 287 9911 Project Management Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 404 0700 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 Punj Lloyd Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 262 00123 PT Purna Bina Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 516562 R + K Consulting Engineers, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 6890 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RDC, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, (+94) 1 738962 ROW Services Engineering, LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 834 1160 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Rand Water, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 682 0257 Razrabotki I ekspluatatsii neftepromyslovykh trub institut (VNIITneft), Samara, Russia, (+7) 8462 630116 Reintjes Engineering Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 403 486 3411 Rooney Engineering Inc, Englewood, USA, (+1) 303 792 5911 Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000

SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 SBR Offshore Ltd, St John’s, Canada, (+1) 709 754 0250 Saad Establishment for General Trading, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 704636 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 SLP Engineering Ltd, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 01502 587322 State Oil Co of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 12 920 745 SOGEA, Rueil Maimaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Safier Ingenierie AS, Noisiel, France, (+33) 1 6411 0260 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 SaiClo Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9481 Sonsub Asia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 642 466 Sasp Offshore Engineering SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 2 520 44738 Sea and Land Pipe Lines (Production) Ltd, Great Yarmouth, UK, Abdul Wasay Siddiqui & Co, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 6326910 Invensys SimSci-Esscor, Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 455 8150 SimSci Ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 429 6744 SimSci Latinoamerica CA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 2 993 2506 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Snamprogetti, Fano, Italy, (+39) 0721 881 025 Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9221 5900 Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, Dooma, Australia, (+61) 64 520222 Sofregaz US, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 531 5685 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326 Specialised Engineering & Equipment Maintenance Company, Qurtaba, Kuwait, (+965) 398 8664 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 6575 0 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 Sunstone Projects, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 3030 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Technip Offshore UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 271000 Tecnomare SpA, Venice, Italy, (+39) 41 796711 TEPE Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 4 2873288 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Tranaco PT Trans Nusantara Multi-Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 525 2076 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Trenchless Engineering Services Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2552 8490 Tripatra Engineering PT, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 750 0701 TurkmenNIPIneft, Nebit-Dag, Turkmenistan, (+7) 43243 33770 TyumenNIIgiprogaz, Tyumen, Russia, (+7) 3452 211545 Ukrgazprom, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 226 3470 Ukrnefetegaztroiproekt, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 225 6309 Ukrnefteprodukt, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 221 5179 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181 Universal Ensco Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 800 874 1505 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Uzbekgazprom, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+7) 3712 358800 UzbekNIPInefetgaz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+7) 3712 567418 VNIIOENG, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 332 2083 VNIIST, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 366 704 Vnipitransgaz, Kiev, Ukraine, (+38) 044 289 1439 Vera Co Ltd, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 35 25 11 Vital Energi Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01240 554500

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Wellstream North Sea, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 295 9000 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Engineers Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 496 0400 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Xoserve Ltd, Solihull, UK, (+44) 0121 713 5000 Yan Ri CWM Co Ltd, Rizhao-City, China, (+86) 5400 33 1290 YuzhNIIGiprogaz, Donetsk, Ukraine, (+380) 622 586323 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541 Zakneftegazstroy-Prometey, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 741 23 01 Zamil-NPCC, Al Khonar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 224 94 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234

Pipeline identification tape Boddingtons Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9310 2100 Boddingtons Ltd, Great Dunmow, UK, (+44) 01371 875 101 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 Energy Solutions International Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 677755 Freestyle Sign and Print Co, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 940 4000 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Seton Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 226655 Stonehouse Signs, Inc., Arvada, USA, (+1) 303 422 2356 TCI Services, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 0191 2530800

Pipeline inspection services Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH, Klagenfurt, Germany, (+43) 46 356 990 Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 0207 043 7159 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Aquacam Ltd, Teesside, UK, (+44) 01642 820020 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Aviation Technology Services, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 858 1359 BG Technical Inc, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 240 1030 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 Baker Hughes Pipeline Management, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 230 7100 DBI Group, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 0870 740682 Biffa Waste Services Environmental Services Division, Chesterfiled, UK, (+44) 0124 657 0071 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CDRiA Pipeline Services Ltd, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 22 827 99 25 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 Cabay Consulting Group Ltd, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 341 4661 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 918 358 3527 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 DPM Colombia, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (+57) 7645 1051 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016

European Geophysical Services, Shrewsbury, UK, (+44) 0193 921 0710 Expect Asia, Sattahip, Thailand, (+66) 038 238519 Ferro Monk Systems Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0197 768 1777 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Foley Inspection Services Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 2999 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 Future Environmental Sevices (Surveys) Ltd, Preston, UK, (+44) 0177 265 4655 PII Pipeline Solutions - GE Oil & Gas, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 0191 247 3200 GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 Gulf Interstate Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 850 3400 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 ITT Corp, Rochester, USA, (+1) 585 269 5121 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Innovatum International Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, UK, (+44) 01284 729123 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Institut de Soudure, Roissy, France, (+33) 149 903 660 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Laser Diagnostic Instruments International Inc, Ottawa, Canada, (+1) 613 723 7474 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mouchel Parkman, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 355 8949 Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

NDT Systems & Services AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 NP Inspection Services GmbH, Hildesheim, Germany, (+49) 5121 281 260 National Sewerage Association, New Malden, UK, (+44) 020 8942 9391 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Oilfield Pipeline Inspection Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 373 772 02 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Pigtek Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 558 855 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 PN Daly Ltd, Rochdale, UK, (+44) 0170 665 9701 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190

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Pipeline inspection services

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Sky Patrol Aviation, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 888 707 2359 Spell and Spell Offshore International, Inc., Montgomery, USA, (+1) 936 582 0858 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 800 446 5235 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Manila, Philippines, (+1) 904 355 1777 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Subspection Ltd, Alresford, UK, (+44) 01962 734977 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975

Tuboscope Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 5445 Tuboscope do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 2244 3770 Tuboscope Pipeline Services Canada Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 8611 Tuboscope Mexico, S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, Mexico, (+52) 55 5563 1920 Tuboscope Pipeline Services Ltd, Petersfield, UK, (+44) 01730 234 540 UTEC UK, Lowestoft, UK, (+44) 08708 506030 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Viking Johnson, Hitchin, UK, (+44) 01462 443322 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 Werm Ltd, Romford, UK, (+44) 0170 872 8333 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Pipeline integrity management services


Advanced Pipeline Inspection Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 0207 043 7159 Advanced Technology Corporation, Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 5756 Advantica Technologies Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282203 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Brenntag Nederland BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 65 44 143 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 3300 Centerpoint Energy Gas Transmission Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 207 1111 Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 918 358 3527 The Clock Spring Company, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 590 8491 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 Controlotron, Hauppauge, USA, (+1) 631 231 3600 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Eupec Risk Management Services, Pueblo, USA, (+1) 719 948 1000

Enbridge Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 3900 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 561 9500 Foley Inspection Services Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 2999 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 PII Pipeline Solutions - GE Oil & Gas, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 0191 247 3200 GE Energy - Central Europe, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7320 GE Energy - North America, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 GHD Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3316 3000 GPA Engineering Pty Ltd, Norwood, Australia, (+61) 8 8363 2112 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 GreenPipe Industries Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 260 6702 Gulf Interstate Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 850 3400 M.J. Harden Associates Inc, Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 842 0141 Holland Engineering, Holland, USA, (+1) 616 392 5938 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 IICOR Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1320 Intico Engineering Services Pty Ltd, Coburg, Australia, (+61) 1800 50 4366 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 J P Kenny Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 8222 J P Kenny Melbourne Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9211 6400 Laser Diagnostic Instruments International Inc, Ottawa, Canada, (+1) 613 723 7474 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Makor K9, Sherwood Park, Canada, (+1) 780 990 7643 Marine Project Management, Inc., Ojai, USA, (+1) 805 640 0799 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 Morrison Scientific Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 8160 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 NGKS International Corp., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 774 2454 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 The New Zealand Refining Co Ltd, Whangarei, New Zealand, (+64) 9 432 8311 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 PI Confluence, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 520 5050 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Pergam Technical Services Inc, Issaquah WA, USA, (+1) 425 503 8127 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Savcor ART/Products Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9993 7500 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Stric-Lan Co Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 771 1871

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide



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Pipeline integrity management services

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Topline Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 642 638 URS Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3243 2111 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 Vector Gas Limited, Wellington, New Zealand, (+64) 4 462 8700 Visitless Integrity Assessment Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 681 0842 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Worley Parsons Services Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3221 7444

Pipeline management systems Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Baseline Technologies Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 266 3800 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 CEES Ltd, Dorchester, UK, (+44) 0130 525 1177 CLHB S.A., Cochabamba, Bolivia, (+591) 4 281098 Cabay Consulting Group Ltd, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 341 4661 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 Corvet Construction, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 340 3535 DMC1 GmbH, Schkopau, Germany, (+49) 3461 49 2182 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Enbridge Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 3900 Energy Solutions International Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 677755 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 Fisher German LLP Chartered Surveyors, Ashby De La Zouch, UK, (+44) 01530 412821 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 IKM Testing Canada Ltd, St. Johns, Canada, (+1) 709 726 6667 International Project Estimating Software, Rockwood, Canada, (+1) 519 830 7300 Kunle GM, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 084 237210 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 O’Donnell Brothers Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 01912 640404 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen de Mexico SA, Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 38 142 64 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Petro IT Ltd, Gurgaon, India, (+91) 124 404 4940 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Real Time Engineering Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 427 4142 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 Tadpole Technology plc, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 668 0200 Tenaris, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 29 89 1190 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Pipeline rehabilitation and repair 224

AGL Pipelines Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9922 0101 A&L Underground Inc, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 438 2981 AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 AC Automation Services Ltd, Dyfed, UK, (+44) 01646 682391 Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Allseas Marine Services NV, Essen, Belgium, (+32) 367 018 00

Allseas Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 425 4552 Allseas Marine Contractors Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 647 042 Allseas Engineering BV, Delft, Netherlands, (+31) 15 268 1800 Allseas Marine Contractors SA, Châtel-St Denis, Switzerland, (+41) 21 948 3500 Allseas UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7290 1350 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Angus Flexible Pipelines, Thame, UK, (+44) 01844 265000 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Applied Felts Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 200535 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Attila Dogan Construction Italy, Rome, Italy, (+39) 068 417 618 AD Amman, Sowafia, Jordan, (+962) 656 7400 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 982 871 Attila Dogan Construction and Installation Co Inc, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 440 97 00 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Avon Lippiatt Hobbs (Contracting) Ltd, Westbury, UK, Aztec Liner Systems, Redcliff, Canada, (+1) 403 548 7117 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 BJB Co, Post, USA, (+1) 806 495 3808 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Babtie Group Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01412 042511 Baker Pipeline, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Big-Inch Marine Systems Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 896 1501 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Bonatti SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 0521 6091 Bonatti SpA, Parma, Italy, (+39) 0521 6091 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Cameron, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 939 2129 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Ceanic Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 430 1100 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Cheetham Hill Construction Ltd, Bury, UK, (+44) 0161 761 5109 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 The Clock Spring Company, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 590 8491 Clock Spring Co, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 01480 414 703 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Corrocoat Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 276 0760 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 DBC Pipeline Construction Inc, Enid, USA, (+1) 580 237 6941 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 EIED, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1256 7880 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 Entreprise Ziani Mohamed, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 41 487 887 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 Easy Tapper Hot Tapping Machines, Westminster, USA, (+1) 800 998 6493 Enterprise plc, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819016 Entrepose Industrial Services Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 220330 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 36450

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Buyers’ Guide

THE SMART PIPE COMPANY, LP 410 PIERCE STREET HOUSTON, TX 77002 Ph. (713) 858-4923 [email protected]



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Pipeline rehabilitation & repair

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Eupec France, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 328 580 220 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 Framo Engineering AS, Bergen, Norway, (+47) 5592 8800 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Furmanite America, Inc, La Porte, USA, (+1) 800 444 5572 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 General Underground Services (UK) Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 212121 Goldschmidt TIB GmbH, Mannheim, Germany, (+49) 621 8901 812 Global Industries Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 624 2222 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 Gregory & Cook Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 780 7500 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 H&D Drilling Ltd, Cradley Heath, UK, (+44) 0121 559 9152 Hoff Co, Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 799 4545 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 Hunting Industrial Coatings, Widness, UK, (+44) 0151 495 3505 Hydra-Tight Ltd, Darlaston, UK, (+44) 0121 505 0600 Hydratight Sweeney Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 215930 Hydrotech Systems Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 688 5277 Hydrotech Systems Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 688 5277 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Imbema Group, Haarlem, Netherlands, (+31) 235 172 424 Impresa Tre Colli SpA, Fidenza, Italy, (+39) 524 524 300 Inline Services Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 401 8142 Inpipe Sweden AB, Skelleftea, Sweden, (+46) 910 738330 Insituform Technologies Ltd, Ossett, UK, (+44) 01924 277076 International Marine and Petroleum Co, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 427294 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 John Brown Hydrocarbons Canada Ltd, Halifax, Canada, (+1) 902 446 3553 John Brown - Kish LLC, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 218 776 144 John Brown Hydrocarbons Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 959 378 331 John Brown Tblisi, Tblisi, Georgia, (+995) 326 996 00 Azerbaijan John Brown, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+994) 129 841 42 Kadco (Aust) Pty Ltd, Laverton, Australia, (+61) 3 9315 1933 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 KVV Koolajvezetekepito Rt., Siofok, Hungary, (+36) 84 310 310 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Lordco, Auburn, Australia, (+61) 2 9647 2888 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 MCC Ltd, Grantham, UK, (+44) 01476 594509 Macaw’s Pipeline Defects, Hampshire, UK, (+44) 01264 337742 Marine & Industrial Marketing Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3262 3755 Marine Ventures Ltd, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 950 3707 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Mcalpine Infrastructure Services, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 886 7350 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Burwood East, Australia, (+61) 3 8805 5200 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 J Ray McDermott, SA, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5100 McNicholas Construction Services Ltd, Elstree, UK, (+44) 020 8953 4144 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Mercol Products Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 822 521 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 Metrotect Ltd, Cleckheaton, UK, (+44) 01274 874 222 Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826

Murphy Pipelines Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7267 4366 NISSCO Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 1407 NISSCO Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 1407 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 National Sewerage Association, New Malden, UK, (+44) 020 8942 9391 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Oceaneering Australia Pty Ltd, Sale, Australia, (+61) 3 5144 2311 Oceaneering AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 81 0800 Oceaneering Production Systems, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 492 2800 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Oceaneering International AG, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 341605 Oceaneering Intervention Engineering, Tomball, USA, (+1) 713 351 4499 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 578 8868 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 329 4500 Oil States Industries, Arlington, USA, (+1) 817 468 1400 GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 The Pipeline Liner Co, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 The Pipeline Liner Company, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Plynostav Pardubice Holding Jsc, Pardubice, Czech Republic, (+420) 467 000 111 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Polytec SA-Polyken-Canusa, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2 649 61 62 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 PowerWrap, LP, Arlington, USA, (+1) 817 303 7473 Preussag Wasser und Rohrtechnik GmbH, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 4206 0 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipeline Protection Ltd, Kidderminster, UK, (+44) 01562 850090 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 Rice Engineering & Operating Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 469 1356 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 Roberts Products, Motherwell, UK, (+44) 01698 242418

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487

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RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 SOGEA, Rueil Maimaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 STATS Group, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 772461 SaiClo Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9481 Severgazneftestroi XXI, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 937 6851 Sigma Coatings, Harvey, USA, (+1) 504 347 4321 Smart Pipe Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 476 9287 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogetram sa, Garennes-sur-Eure, France, (+33) 2 32 26 60 00 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Sonsub International BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 20 664 7226 Sonsub International A/S, Randaberg, Norway, (+47) 5 141 2500 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Stanton Bonna, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 944 1448 Stena Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 744 044 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9446 6700 Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, Deggendorf, Germany, (+49) 991 330 0 Streicher Gmbh Pilsen, Stenovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 197 916 029 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Subterra Systems, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 819841 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 6575 0 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 Synthotech Special Products, Harrogate, UK, (+44) 01423 816060 T & R Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 413 9120 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 T.D Williamson Australia Pty Ltd, North Fitzroy, Australia, (+61) 3 9481 9600 TDW Services, Naperville, USA, (+1) 630 820 2500 TL Offshore Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, (+60) 3 8659 8800 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 Technip Germany GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, (+49) 211 659 2501 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Theta II Enterprises Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Topline Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 642 638 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Trubocomplekt Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0207 244 6232 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 Covalence Corrosion Protection Group, Franklin, USA, (+1) 508 918 1660 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Waterflow Group Services Ltd, Colnbrook, UK, (+44) 01753 810999 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000

Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Williamson International Corp, Singapore, (+65) 459 4577 Williamson International Corp, Singapore, (+65) 459 4577 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 WrapMaster, Inc., Longview, USA, (+1) 903 643 8080 WrapMaster Inc, Missouri City, USA, (+1) 281 639 5847 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Zakhem Construction (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 246 4200 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057 Zakhem Engineering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 266 4811 Zakneftegazstroi-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia, (+374) 154 5541 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Entreprise Ziani, Biskra, Algeria, (+213) 33 759462

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Pipeline simulation Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 482 5467 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 868 6675 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CorrosionWatch Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 517 2200 Energy Solutions International Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 677755 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 Flite Software Ltd, Letterkenny, Ireland, (+353) 74 23023 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kanopus Consulting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3234 4693 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 REL Instrumentation Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 445 8080 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 Scandpower Petroleum Technology, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 496 9898 Invensys SimSci-Esscor, Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 455 8150 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Trident Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8996 9535 WRC plc, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 865000

Pipeline stabilization A1 Blasting Mats, Sturgeon Falls, Canada, (+1) 800 896 7996 Allu Group, Hackensack, USA, (+1) 800 939 2558 Allu (Ideachip UK Ltd), Holywood, UK, (+44) 02890 428822 Anchorpipe International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 8377 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Cyntech Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 228 1767 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Societe De Dragage International SDI SA, Marly le Roi, France, (+33) 139 588 602

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


Pipeline stabilization

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Dredging International NV, Zwijndrecht, Belgium, (+32) 3 250 52 11 Dredging International Services (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 364 26 Dredging International (UK) Ltd, East Grinstead, UK, (+44) 0134 232 3000 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 Nordsee Nassbagger-und Tiefbau GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, (+49) 442 191 3660 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Manila, Philippines, (+1) 904 355 1777 Submar, Inc., Houma, USA, (+1) 985 868 0001 Tideway BV, Breda, Netherlands, (+31) 76 520 4140 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200

Pipeline weighting Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Bredero Shaw Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 554 6232 Bredero Shaw, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 CRC-Evans BV, The Netherlands, Netherlands, (+31) 33 253 4369 CRC-Evans Weighting Systems, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 743 0813 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Submar, Inc., Houma, USA, (+1) 985 868 0001

Pipework - fabricator, ducting, insulation


B & H Leicester Ltd, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 230436 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 CPV Ltd, Romsey, UK, (+44) 01794 322884 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 DOJ Pipewelding Services, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 404010 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Entrepose Industrial Services Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 220330 Fabricon Ltd, Leighton Buzzard, UK, (+44) 01525 850244 Fabricom GTI NV Major Projects, Grimbergen, Belgium, (+32) 2 254 5811 SC Foraj Sonde SA Videle, Videle, Romania, (+40) 724 917549 Future Pipe Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7938 4942 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 India Pipe Fitting Co, Kolkata, India, (+91) 33 2210 3009 Inpipe Products Ltd, Catterick Garrison, UK, (+44) 01748 834 577 JL Plant & Pipeline Welding, Pensacola, USA, (+1) 601 435 5622 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Petrology Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01389 801700 Pipeline Technology Ltd, Fareham, UK, (+44) 01329 234888 Plasflow, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 251 4100 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 SPF Engineering Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7000 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 Sime Sembcorp Engineering Sdn Bhd, Pasir Gudang, Malaysia, (+60) 7 251 2901 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 Wavin Plastics Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 766600 Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882 Wyman-Gordon Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 446200 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Planning consultant AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Cabay Consulting Group Ltd, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 341 4661 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Ewan Group plc, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 850415 Greenfield Associates, Rancho Palos Verdes, USA, (+1) 310 541 1294 Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc, Greenbelt, USA, (+1) 301 220 2616 IBS Research & Consultancy, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 2 1225 22460 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Porter Warehousing & Distribution Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 453 5192 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Rollins Resources, Industry, USA, (+1) 979 277 8760 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Veriforce, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 363 4001 Von Piper Group, Seattle, USA, +1 206 737 9441 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Plant and equipment Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008 Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6861 5961 Allied Engineering & Services Ltd, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 506 6901 Allu (Ideachip UK Ltd), Holywood, UK, (+44) 02890 428822 Ametek Process Instruments, Newark, USA, (+1) 302 456 4400 A-Plant Trenchless Technology, Staines, UK, (+44) 01784 490808 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Ashstead Plant Trenchless Technology, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01784 490 808 Asphalt Zipper, N/A, (+1) 888 805 3010 BKW, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 836 6767 B-Trac Equipment Ltd, Wellingborough, UK, (+44) 01933 274400 Banbury Engineering, Campbellfield, Australia, (+61) 3 9359 0511 Bergerat Monnoyeur, Saint Denis, France, (+33) 1 49 22 60 61 Bezemer Dordrecht BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 618 1000 Borusan Makina Servis VE Ticaret AS, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 393 55 00 L D Bourgein Oxford Ltd, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 735 420 Brambles Western Australia, West Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9366 5711 CCI Carey Crutcher Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 578 1750 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 0128 241 5323 CCI Carey Crutcher Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 578 1750 Capitan Trencher Corporation, Austin, USA, (+1) 512 263 1124 Case Construction, Racine, N/A, (+1) 262 636 6011 Caterpillar SARL, Geneva, Switzerland, (+41) 22 849 4444 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Chrysis Construction Services Inc., Victoria, Canada, (+1) 250 477 2142 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cliffside Utility Contractors Ltd, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 293 7004 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Darby Equipment Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 582 2340 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Doornbos Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 415 5066 Dyna Torque Technologies, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 6699 Empire Equipment Intl Inc, Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 922 5454 Equipment Investco Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 590 7474 Extec Screens and Crushers Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 212121 Extec Screens and Crushers Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 212121 Friatec Ltd, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01923 857878 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 GE Equipment Services Ltd, Chepstow, UK, (+44) 01179 528600

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Garneau Inc, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 2396 Gazkomplektimpex Co. Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 631 5719 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 Goriziane SpA, Villesse, Italy, (+39) 481 91511 The Hanover Compression Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 447 8787 Heaman Pipe Bending Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 440 1995 Holt Pipeline Equipment, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 333 9300 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 Hovago Cranes BV, Spijkenisse, Netherlands, (+31) 181 612 255 Huff Equipment Co., Honeoye, USA, (+1) 585 229 5186 Hydra-Tight Ltd, Darlaston, UK, (+44) 0121 505 0600 Hyundai, Muharraq, Bahrain, Hyundai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 414233 Hyundai, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, (+673) 2 22 0657 Hyundai, Beijing, China, (+86) 11 506438 Hyundai, Hong Kong, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 571 3700 Hyundai, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 882646 Hyundai, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 33 3211 0797 Hyundai, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 687489 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Kyungnam, Korea, (+82) 522 32 1101 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 746 2176 Hyundai, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 565 0529 Hyundai, Tripoli, Libya, (+21) 71603 Hyundai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 261 7433 Hyundai, Riydah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 491 9100 Hyundai, Singapore, (+65) 337 1577 Hyundai, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 2350297 Hyundai, London, UK, (+44) 020 7411 1531 Hyundai, Fort Lee, USA, (+1) 201 592 7766 Hyundai, Hanoi, Viet Nam, (+84) 4 250592 Hyundai, Sana’, Yemen, (+967) 2 248177 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Integrated Visual Data Technology Inc, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 622 2728 International Pipeline Equipment Co, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 413 1886 J.C. Impex S.C., Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 22 670 0295 L.Jackson & Co., Doncaster, UK, (+44) 01302 770485 Fabick Cat, Fenton (St. Louis County), USA, (+1) 636 343 5900 KNI Incorporated, Homer City, USA, (+1) 724 479 3661 Kenco Corporation, Ligonier, USA, (+1) 724 238 3387 Kiefer Industrial, Kanawha, USA, (+1) 641 762 3201 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Liebherr Export AG, Nussbaumen, Switzerland, (+41) 56 296 11 11 Lordco, Auburn, Australia, (+61) 2 9647 2888 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 Magnatech Limited Partnership, East Granby, USA, (+1) 860 653 2573 Mat & Timber Services, Stockbridge, UK, (+44) 01264 811005 J McCall Ltd, Winnipeg, Canada, (+1) 204 488 5002 McElroy Manufacturing Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 836 8611 Medgulf Construction Co, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 4431 516 Midwestern Manufacturing Company, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1587 Monosite, Inc., Odessa, USA, (+1) 432 550 4473 Mustang CAT, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 460 7222 Nationwide Hire, Rutherford, Australia, (+61) 2 4932 3299 Omnishelter, Cuggiono, Italy, (+39) 02 9724 9177 Ozzie’s Padder of Australia Inc, Dubbo, Australia, (+61) 2 6884 7833 Ozzie’s, Phoenix, USA, (+1) 480 585 9400 PPS Pipeline Systems UAB, Palanga, Lithuania, (+370) 364 5858 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Quakenbruck, Germany, (+49) 5431 14 0 Prenaft Sp zoo, Krakow, Poland, (+48) 124 210 433 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Prahova, Romania, (+40) 441 959 40 PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH, Hathersage, UK, (+44) 01433 651655 PSD (Pigggott Shaft Drilling Ltd), Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 690 076 PSI Pipeline Service SA, Lugano, Switzerland, (+41) 91 972 9063 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 PWT SpA, Gaurdamiglio, Italy, (+39) 377 451 228 PWT International Ltd, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 482 1364 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pferd Milwaukee Brush Co., Leominster, USA, (+1) 978 840 6420 Pietro Fiorentini, Milano, Italy, (+390) 2 696 1421 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34

Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Roller Systems Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 371 8108 Pipeline Supply and Service Co Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 747 0090 Pipetech, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0200 PIT AG, Stutensee, Germany, (+49) 7244 7415 0 Plant and Pipeline, Rockport, USA, (+1) 361 790 5301 Powell Equipment Ltd, Winnipeg, Canada, (+1) 204 453 4343 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Price Supply Inc, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 2466 Prime Energy, Beaumont, USA, (+1) 409 284 9911 Primeshade Contractors Ltd, Pyle, UK, (+44) 01656 746334 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Proline Pipe Equipment Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 465 6161 Pyramid Plant Hire Ltd, Stafford, UK, (+44) 01889 270610 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 Sabre International Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 437 0770 Scotia Instrumentation Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 222888 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 Selmers BV, Beverwijk, Netherlands, (+31) 251 21 1999 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 3 44 26 85 85 Stone Construction Equipment, Honeoye, USA, (+1) 800 888 9926 Such Lifting Equipment Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 751146 T.M.&D Service Equipment, Carpaneto, Italy, (+39) 523 852 445 TRI Tool Inc., Rancho Cordova, USA, (+1) 916 351 0144 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tecnomail SpA, Carpaneto, Italy, (+39) 523 852 445 Tesmec SpA, Bergamo, Italy, (+39) 35 423 2911 Toughquip LLC, Coppell, USA, (+1) 866 681 4636 Compagnia Generale Trattori Spa, Milan, Italy, (+39) 2 274 271 Trench-Tech International Inc, Roanoke, USA, (+1) 817 491 0621 Trencor Inc, Grapevine, USA, (+1) 817 424 1968 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Vermeer Sales & Service, Campbellfield, Australia, (+61) 3 9359 1822 Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 WELD-TECH, Brownsburg, USA, (+1) 317 852 4450 Westech HMD, USA, (+1) 562 988 8499 Wilco Marsh Buggies & Draglines Inc, Marrero, USA, (+1) 504 341 3409 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 Worldwide Machinery, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 452 5800 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 Yuasa Construction Machinery Division, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 497806 Z & P Construction Co SA, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, (+58) 265 631 6322 Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH, Garching Bie Munich, Germany, (+49) 893 200 0508

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Polyurethane manufacture Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Extreme Machine & Urethane, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 837 7974 Long Products Ltd, Rye, UK, (+44) 01797 223561 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Pigs Unlimited Inc, Tomball, USA, (+1) 281 351 2749 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 RPM Solutions, Broussard, USA, (+1) 337 839 8610 SUNcast Polytech Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 448 1222 Unit Liner, Shawnee, USA, (+1) 888 748 5463 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79

Precast concrete shaft and tunnel segments J N Bentley Ltd, Skipton, UK, (+44) 01756 799 245 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 Macrete Ireland Ltd, Toomebridge, UK, (+44) 0287 965 0471

Pressure testing and sterilization Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 715008

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Pressure testing & sterliziation

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Airpac Bukom Oilfield Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6861 5961 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CETCO Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 600 5757 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Commercial Microbiology Inc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 706062 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 GE Sensing, Billerica, USA, (+1) 800 833 9438 A.Hak Industrial Services, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 389 7306 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 Hydratight Operations Ltd, Morpeth, UK, (+44) 01670 515432 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 IKM Testing Canada Ltd, St. Johns, Canada, (+1) 709 726 6667 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Northern Construction Services (Eng) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 826012 Pipeline Pigging Consultants Ltd, West Kilbride, UK, (+44) 01294 822800 Pipeline Testing Services, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 01909 564911 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 ST Pipeline, Inc., Clendenin, USA, (+1) 304 548 7013 SensorsONE Ltd, Oakham, N/A, (+44) 01780 721569 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015

Pressure vessel design Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 482 5467 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Braun Stahl Pipe Tec GmbH, Kehl, Germany, (+49) 7851 4855 866 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 The Hanover Compression Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 447 8787 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Newpoint Gas Services, College Station, USA, (+1) 979 690 8749 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Tecpesa, Madrid, N/A, (+34) 9 1879 7975 UBH International Ltd, Ormskirk, UK, (+44) 01704 898500 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611



PT Alumex Dagang Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 5799 1822 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Cedarconsult Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 89 89 00 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Cinar & Cinar Consultancy Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 9022 Corus Interantional Projects, London, UK, (+44) 020 7975 8393 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Essar Construction Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2495 0606 H N Faris, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 461 1306 Fluor Canada Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 537 4672 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Global Energy Alliance Corporation, Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9150 9077 Gulf Interstate Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 850 3400 Hatch Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 1 1239 5328 ILF Consulting Engineers, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 228 538 700

ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900 ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 IMACS Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 411 0722 IPSI, Courbevoie, France, (+33) 1 47 68 75 00 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Maloney Field Services, Adelaide, Australia, (+61) 8 8227 0933 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Indonesia) GmbH, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 973 356 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Iran) GmbH, Teheran, Iran, (+98) 218 784 251 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Malaysia) GmbH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 412 789 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Southern Africa) GmbH, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 115 073 800 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Thailand) GmbH, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 265 289 98 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Turkmenistan) GmbH, Ashbagat, Turkmenistan, (+993) 123 962 52 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Nacap BV, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 50 599 1200 Nacap NV, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 924 470 60 PLN Construction PVT Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 116 200 123 PT Nacap Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 215 270 862 PLS Nacap Nigeria Ltd, Warri, Nigeria, (+234) 532 556 525 3356 National Development Organization, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 582 0086 National Petroleum Construction Company NPCC, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 255 490 00 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 PT TMS Ltd, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia, (+62) 21 628 8412 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Petro-Tech Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 2637901 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Haren, Netherlands, (+31) 505 991 200 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 65750 Suedrohrbau Saudi Arabia Ltd, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 382 202 16 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Zamil-NPCC, Al Khonar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 388 224 94

Project audit, monitoring, management ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 Arup Energy, London, UK, (+44) 020 7755 2345 AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 BWS International Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 861000 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Birse Water Ltd, Cheadle Hulme, UK, (+44) 0161 486 9191 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CDP Networks Pty Ltd, Wattle Park, Australia, (+61) 3 9545 5865 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Cabay Consulting Group Ltd, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 341 4661 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Chandler KBS, Penarth Marina, UK, (+44) 029 2035 2300 Cinar & Cinar Consultancy Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 9022

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Concainspec, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 286 1433 Concord Associates Inc, Knoxville, USA, (+1) 865 675 0930 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Corus Interantional Projects, London, UK, (+44) 020 7975 8393 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 Darwin Offshore Logistics Base Pty Ltd, Berrimah, Australia, (+61) 8 8922 1149 Dreweatt Neate, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 437200 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 ETPM (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7434 1136 Europipe GmbH, Mulheim A.D. Rhur, Germany, (+49) 208 976 0 Expect Asia, Sattahip, Thailand, (+66) 038 238519 Faithful & Gould, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 675136 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Fluor Ltd, Camberley, UK, (+44) 01276 402229 GCL Horizons, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 977 2554 GD Pipelines, Sherwood, Australia, (+61) 7 3379 6888 Gas Services Technology Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 029 2040 3030 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831 Georgian International Oil Corporation (GIOC), Tbilisi, Georgia, (+995) 32 99 89 79 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Adelaide, Australia, (+61) 8 8213 2100 Granherne Ltd, Leatherhead, UK, (+44) 01372 380 000 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 Haswell Consulting Engineers, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 717 7744 IMACS Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 411 0722 Impact Engineering Solutions, Reading, UK, (+44) 08700 116161 International Water Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7766 1500 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Kinetica Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 01203 425239 Knowles Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 08707 530693 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Kvaerner Oilfield Products, London, UK, (+44) 020 7559 6000 Laing Engineering Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 402500 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Long O’Donnell Associates Ltd, UK, (+44) 01606 786780 Satish V. Lonkar Associates, Pune, India, (+91) 020 553 2035 MWH UK Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 01912 615588 J Ray McDermott SA, Wembley, UK, (+44) 020 8733 7339 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Mouchel GEL Ltd, Hinckley, UK, (+44) 01455 254500 Naston Ltd, Weybridge, UK, (+44) 0193 233 6611 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Ottoway Engineering Pty Ltd, Rosewater East, Australia, (+61) 8 8341 0045 PGS Atlantic Power, Great Yarmouth, UK, (+44) 01493 661166 PJ Keary Management Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8202 3090 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 Penspen de Mexico SA, Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 38 142 64 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Peter Norman Personnel Pty Ltd, Bentleigh, Australia, (+61) 3 8520 9520 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Powergen Gas Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 425239 Project Management Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 404 0700 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 QGM Energy, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4324 1135 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 A.B.Rhead & Associates Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 491333 Rollins Resources, Industry, USA, (+1) 979 277 8760 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 Ken Stothard Assocs Ltd, Leonard Stanley, UK, (+44) 01453 821533 Subsea Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 292000 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020

United Pipelines Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 247700 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Utilities Project Management Ltd, Sutton Coldfield, UK, (+44) 0121 355 0655 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234

Project feasibility studies Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cramlington, UK, (+44) 01670 739999 AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Bechtel Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 846 5111 Bell Ingram Ltd, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 621 121 Black & Veatch Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 774155 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CB&I UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7053 3000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CCT Pipefreezing Ltd, Biggin Hill, UK, (+44) 01959 577173 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Caltec Ltd, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 756056 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Fluor Ltd, Camberley, UK, (+44) 01276 402229 GCL Horizons, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 977 2554 Gas Services Technology Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 029 2040 3030 Glendee Engineering Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 461 390 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 9945 A Hak Industrial Services Ltd, Grimethorpe, UK, (+44) 01226 707780 IBS Research & Consultancy, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 2 1225 22460 IMACS Corporation, Yokohama, Japan, (+81) 45 411 0722 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kinetica Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 01203 425239 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 971 91 0 LMR Drilling BV, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 703 246 948 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 New Oilfield and Allied Services, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 8423 8574 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Powergen Gas Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 425239 Project Management Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 404 0700 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 R + K Consulting Engineers, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 6890 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Project feasibility studies

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Utilities Project Management Ltd, Sutton Coldfield, UK, (+44) 0121 355 0655 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234

Project finance Alliance Resource Partners, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 295 7600 PT Alumex Dagang Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 5799 1822 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Buyurgan Group Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 284 0084 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Chandler KBS, Penarth Marina, UK, (+44) 029 2035 2300 Egypt Kuwait Holding, Giza, Egypt, (+20) 2336 3300 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200 Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, USA, (+1) 949 349 2000 Kinetica Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 01203 425239 National Development Organization, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 582 0086 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 Texas Energy Investment Solutions Inc., The Colony, USA, (+1) 469 384 1871 C.J.Weber Finance, Paris, France, (+49) 01747 833989 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034

Public & community awareness programmes DPK Public Relations, Southlake, TX, USA, (+1) 214 432 7556 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 7483 Maloney Field Services, Adelaide, Australia, (+61) 8 8227 0933 Moleseye Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0845 140 0207 Paradigm, Maize, USA, (+1) 316 554 9225 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006

Pump manufacturer/supplier


Alnas, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 1250376 Aqua Energy International Ltd, Paisley, UK, (+44) 0141 849 6888 Autoclude, South Ockenden, UK, (+44) 01159 406125 BJ Process & Pipeline Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 401 401 BL-Pegson Ltd, Coalville, UK, (+44) 01530 518600 Boerger GmbH, Borken-Weseke, Germany, (+49) 2 8629 10320 Boerger Pumps Asia Pte. Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6562 9540 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 CEES Ltd, Dorchester, UK, (+44) 0130 525 1177 Challenger Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 0055 Cole-Parmer Instrument Co Ltd, Hanwell, UK, (+44) 0208 5747556 Comtek Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan, (+92) 51 227 5634 DAB Pumps UK Ltd, Bishop Stotford, UK, (+44) 0127 965 2776 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd, Kendal, UK, (+44) 01539 720028 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc., Bridgeport, USA, (+1) 856 467 3636 Hydratight Sweeney Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 215930 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Ingersoll-Rand Marketing Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8741 9828 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Itt Flygt Ltd, Colwick, UK, (+44) 0115 940 0111 Liquid Metering Instruments Ltd, Winsford, UK, (+44) 0160 655 0583

Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646 Maclin Ltd, Burgess Hill, UK, (+44) 0144 424 8867 National Development Organization, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 582 0086 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Plastica Ltd, East Sussex, UK, (+44) 01424 857857 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 SPX Process Equipment, Delavan, USA, (+1) 262 728 1900 Scotia Instrumentation Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 222888 Sulzer Pumps India Ltd, Navi Mumbai, India, (+ 91) 022 7904321 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Tuke and Bell Ltd, Lichfield, UK, (+44) 0154 341 4161 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Wallace and Tiernan / Chemfeed Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 0173 277 1777 Waterous Co, South St Paul, USA, (+1) 612 450 5217 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 Wyre Repairs Ltd, Maidenhead, UK, (+44) 01628 671312

Quality control AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Ametek Process Instruments, Newark, USA, (+1) 302 456 4400 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 Automated Pipeline Instruments, Inc., Cuba, USA, (+1) 573 885 3470 Bodycote Materials Testing Ltd, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 868 6675 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Cabay Consulting Group Ltd, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 341 4661 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 Ellis & Associates, Inc., Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 770 2005 Expect Asia, Sattahip, Thailand, (+66) 038 238519 W Fleming Inspection Services Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 816399 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Moody International, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8764 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Optical Metrology Services Ltd, Bishops Stortford, UK, (+44) 01279 656038 PJ Keary Management Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8202 3090 Pacific Inspection and Consulting Pvt Ltd, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, (+91) 5644 2273 47 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 Proto Manufacturing, Ypsilanti, USA, (+1) 313 965 2900 Seton Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 226655 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 TCR Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2309 2347 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Quantity surveying BWS International Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 861000 Blake Newport Associates Ltd, Darlington, UK, (+44) 01325 373600 Capita Symonds, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01618 330711 Chandler KBS, Penarth Marina, UK, (+44) 029 2035 2300 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Recruitment AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 Aquatic Engineering and Construction Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 573359 BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 Check Point Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 3272 598888 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 EPC Jobs Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8846 6910 Euro Emirates LLC, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 393 2300 W Fleming Inspection Services Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 816399 Impact Engineering Solutions, Reading, UK, (+44) 08700 116161 India International Technical Recruiters, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 523 2424 Innes Consultancy Plus Ltd, Stirling, UK, (+44) 01786 464499 International Manpower Resources PL, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2510 1111 Oil-Net.Com Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 887 9105 OilRecruiter.net, Walton-on-Thames, UK, +44 (0)1932 260470 Orion Technical Services Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 242020 Pacific Inspection and Consulting Pvt Ltd, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, (+91) 5644 2273 47 Peter Norman Personnel Pty Ltd, Bentleigh, Australia, (+61) 3 8520 9520 Questus Recruitment, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 232 1333 Sanatio, Chelmsford, UK, (+44) 0870 770 4870 Spell and Spell Offshore International, Inc., Montgomery, USA, (+1) 936 582 0858 TAD Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9461 4610 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Work Offshore Asia, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 987 67898

Reinstatement - permanent ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 A E Bartholomew & Co Ltd, Kettering, UK, (+44) 01536 714200 Bell Ingram Ltd, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 621 121 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 E-Surv Ltd, Coalville, UK, (+44) 01530 814347 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 Freeth Melhuish, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01727 848 680 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 MCP Environmental Services, Bradford, UK, (+44) 01274 601021 MSL: McCarthy Surfacing Ltd, Redhill, UK, (+44) 01737 823891 McCarthy, Redhill, UK, (+44) 020 8594 1966 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 Pipeline Constructors plc, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 400300 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 South Midland Construction Co Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 454 4250 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034

Remote power systems Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Corrpro Companies, Inc., Medina, USA, (+1) 330 723 5082 Global Thermoelectric Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 5556 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Northern Power, Waitsfield, USA, (+1) 802 496 2955 SPS Energy Solutions, Victoria, Canada, (+1) 250 652 5233 PCS-2000 (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 413 201559

Solar Turbines Inc, San Diego, USA (+1) 619 544 5325 SunWize Technologies, Kingston, USA, (+1) 303 604 1125 Wartsila Corporation, Vaasa, Finland, (+358) 10 709 0000

Riser - design, installation AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 Angus Flexible Pipelines, Thame, UK, (+44) 01844 265000 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Ceanic Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 430 1100 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Grootint BV, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 625 0250 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 Heerema Marine Contractors, Leiden, Netherlands, (+31) 71 579 9000 Heerema Marine Contractors Far East Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 225 1085 Heerema Marine Contractors UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0200 7932 1700 Heerema Marine Contractors US Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 893 3090 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hose Solutions Inc, Scottsdale, USA, (+1) 480 607 1507 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 International Marine and Petroleum Co, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 427294 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Kvaerner Oilfield Products, London, UK, (+44) 020 7559 6000 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 McDermott Southeast Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 5612288 J Ray McDermott, SA, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5100 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 NISSCO Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 261 1407 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 NKT Flexibles, Brondby, Denmark, (+45) 43 48 30 00 Oceaneering International Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01792 700177 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Penspen Ltd (Andrew Palmer & Associates), Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 288 700 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 Saibos Construcoes Maritimas Lda, Funchal, Portugal, (+351) 91 237 989 Sonsub Asia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 642 466 Sea Technical Marine Services Co, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 326423 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 TL Offshore Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, (+60) 3 8659 8800 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Valentine Maritime Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 5555 868 Wellstream North Sea, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 295 9000 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Wyman-Gordon Ltd, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 446200 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234

Risk and reliability analysis Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602221 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140 BJ Process & Pipeline Services, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 5300

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

DMB International, Kathu, Thailand, (+66) 9 2881732 Faithful & Gould, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 675136 Knowles Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 08707 530693 Long O’Donnell Associates Ltd, UK, (+44) 01606 786780 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 A.B.Rhead & Associates Ltd, Warwick, UK, (+44) 01926 491333 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770


Risk & reliability analysis

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 822 3100 Baseline Technologies Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 266 3800 Battelle, Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 424 4421 CAPCIS Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 933 4000 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Alexander Forbes Risk Services Ltd, Harrow, UK, (+44) 020 8863 5577 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Lloyd’s Register, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 267437 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 RRS Engineering, League City, USA, (+1) 281 334 4220 RiskAdvisory Software Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 263 7475 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 522 2326

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Technology Transfer Services, Tampa, USA, (+1) 813 908 1100 Trident Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8996 9535 University College London, London, UK, (+44) 020 7380 7181 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Risk assessment


AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Antigona Pty Ltd, Pacific Pines QLD, Australia, (+61) 7 5580 4196 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 CIT Computerised Information Technology Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 260082 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Foresight Management Services Ltd, Driffield, UK, (+44) 01262 469996 GE’s Oil & Gas Business - PII, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9264 0033 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Golder Associates Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 299 5600 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 International Project Estimating Software, Rockwood, Canada, (+1) 519 830 7300 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Meridian Maritime (International) Ltd, Louth, UK, (+44) 01507 607000 Morrison Scientific Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 8160 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 NGKS, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 937 8633 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 803 0900

Pipeline Maintenance International Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260560 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SES Strategies, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 450475 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 Sky Patrol Aviation, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 888 707 2359 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 Symis Inc, Pacifica, USA, (+1) 650 491 0033 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

Route selection ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 AGL Pipelines Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9922 0101 Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Allgas Energy Ltd, Woolloongabba, Australia, (+61) 7 3393 0700 AlterEco Offshore, Paris, France, (+44) 07917 017733 AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Asplundh Canada Inc, Terrebonne, Canada, (+1) 450 964 5575 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140 BHP Engineering, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9438 0300 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Bechtel Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0208 846 5111 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Bell Ingram Ltd, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 621 121 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Bruton Knowles, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 880000 CBS Engineering Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 531 7661 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 CMPS&F Pty Ltd, Chatswood, Australia, (+61) 2 9412 9999 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Charta Land Services, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 979 732 9400 Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3369 7244 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Cluttons, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 728000 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 5797 0 E & E Budapest Environmental Ltd, Budapest, Hungary, (+36) 1 325 5153 ENEP, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2 64 08 37 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 ESQ Consultancy Services, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 984 3200 Beijing Yiyi Ecology and Environment Engineering Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 106 614 7754 Ecologia y Empresa, La Paz, Bolivia, (+59) 12 312 145 Ecology and Environment do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 530 5074 Ecology & Environment Inc, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 269 8441 Ecology & Environment Inc, Casablanca, Morocco, (+212) 289 3830 Ecology and Environment of Saudi Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2647 4000 Ecology and Environment SA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+582) 237 5519 Ecos Consulting (Aust) Pty Ltd, West Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9226 2577 Ellis & Associates, Inc., Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 770 2005 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gauff Ingenieure GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, (+49) 6950 0080 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Geotec, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 424847 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Hyder Consulting Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 540 6600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 JGC Dordtse Engineering bv, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 652 2522 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 J P Kenny Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 8222 Kinhill Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9867 5911 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 Kuwait Engineering Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 243 50613 Kvaerner E&C UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7957 3960 Kvaerner Process (Netherlands) bv Zeetech Engineering, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 79 688688 LT Mapping Services, Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 249 0422 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 Maloney Field Services, Adelaide, Australia, (+61) 8 8227 0933 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 245 4711 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 Mott MacDonald, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 884 026 Mott MacDonald, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 725 6442 Mott MacDonald EPO, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 8222 Mott MacDonald, Ruwi, Oman, (+968) 771 2118 Mott Macdonald Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 293 1900 Mott MacDonald, Taipei, Taiwan, (+886) 2 731 7776 Mott MacDonald, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 245 2229 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Mustang Engineering, L.P., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 215 8000 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 OSD Energy Services, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 07 3870 7333 PLE Hellas EPE, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 600 9576 PLE Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 30 29385 PLE GmbH, Windlesham, UK, (+44) 01276 453104 PLE International Ltd, West Byfleet, UK, (+44) 01932 355544 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Greece SA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 6501385 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 PeterGaz Co, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 956 5493 Petroleum & Environmental Consultants, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1345 4488 E G Pettit & Co, Cork, Ireland, (+353) 21 966153 Pipeline Systems Engineering Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8834 1002 Preussag Do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 552 1998 Preussag AG, Hemmingen, Germany, (+49) 511 420 6202 Preussag Saudi Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 1 4647089 Preussag AG, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 287 9911 Project Resources Ltd, Stony Plain, Canada, (+1) 780 963 4141 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 Punj Lloyd Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 262 00123 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RDC, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, (+94) 1 738962 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006

Abdul Aziz bin Rubaya & Son, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 272000 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 Saad Establishment for General Trading, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 704636 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Sky Patrol Aviation, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 888 707 2359 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 TEPE Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 4 2873288 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Universal Field Services, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 628 1620 Wardell Armstrong, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK, (+44) 01782 612626 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Engineers Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 496 0400 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

ROV contractor Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Brown & Root Energy Services, London, UK, (+44) 020 8544 5000 Ceanic Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 430 1100 Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 918 358 3527 Coflexip Stena Offshore Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 40 67 60 00 DSND Subsea Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344 300 Fugro Survey Pty Ltd, Balcatta, Australia, (+61) 8 9344 7166 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 Global Industries Ltd, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 624 2222 Heerema Marine Contractors Norge AS, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 67 543854 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Kokes Marine Technologies LLC, Lakewood, USA, (+1) 732 730 1500 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Oceaneering International Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01792 700177 Oceaneering Australia Pty Ltd, Sale, Australia, (+61) 3 5144 2311 Oceaneering AS, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 81 0800 Oceaneering Production Systems, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 492 2800 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Oceaneering International AG, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 341605 Oceaneering Intervention Engineering, Tomball, USA, (+1) 713 351 4499

Classification continued overleaf

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ROV contractor

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 578 8868 Oceaneering International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 329 4500 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 SB Construction and MaritimeServices bv, Hoofddorp, Netherlands, (+31) 23 55 47 600 Saibos Services, St Quentin Yvelines, France, (+33) 1 30 60 66 60 Saibos Construcoes Maritimas Lda, Funchal, Portugal, (+351) 91 237 989 Saipem UK Ltd, New Malden, UK, (+44) 020 8296 5000 Saipem Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 193 68 Sealion Shipping Ltd, Farnham, UK, (+44) 01252 737 773 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogetram sa, Garennes-sur-Eure, France, (+33) 2 32 26 60 00 Sonsub Services (Victoria) Pty Ltd, Sale, Australia, (+61) 51 441 055 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Sonsub International Pty Ltd, Welshpool, Australia, (+61) 8 9350 6406 Sonsub International BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 20 664 7226 Sonsub International A/S, Randaberg, Norway, (+47) 5 141 2500 Sonsub International Pty Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 545 0477 Sonsub North Sea Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 706888 Sonsub Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 984 9150 Sonsub International Management Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 7096 Stena Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 744 044 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stolt Comex Seaway Australia Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9446 6700 Stolt Comex Seaway Congo Sarl, Pointe Noire, Congo, (+242) 94 24 17 Stolt Comex Seaway SA, Marseille, France, (+33) 91 23 51 11 Stolt Comex Seaway Gabon Sarl, Port Gentil, Gabon, (+241) 75 21 28 Stolt Comex Seaway Nigeria Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 61 85 38 Stolt Comex A/S, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 51 84 50 00 Stolt Comex Seaway Saudi Arabia Ltd, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 54 20 Stolt Comex Seaway (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 861 61 66 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subsea Offshore Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 292000 Subsea 7, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344300 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700

Safety air-launching apparatus ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800

Safety equipment


A1 Blasting Mats, Sturgeon Falls, Canada, (+1) 800 896 7996 Boddingtons Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9310 2100 Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Owerri, Nigeria, (+1) 404 551 4892 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 Integrated Visual Data Technology Inc, Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 622 2728 MBW Inc, Slinger, USA, (+1) 262 644 5234 New Planet Industrial Equipment, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 229 8121 Quantum Marketing Group, Anaheim, USA, (+1) 714 563 9749 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 Safety Protection Warehouse, Kitimat, Canada, (+1) 888 440 4668 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Schaefer Ventilation Equipment LLC, Sauk Rapids, USA, (+1) 800 779 3267 SkidWeigh Inc., Toronto, Canada, (+1) 416 622 2728 Stonehouse Signs, Inc., Arvada, USA, (+1) 303 422 2356 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Vaisala Inc, Tucson, USA, (+1) 800 283 4557

Satellite systems

Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 ITC nv/sa, Antwerp, Belgium, (+32) 3 221 3670 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Space Imaging Eurasia, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 31 2612 2370 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131

SCADA and communication ABB Automation Inc. - Totalflow Div, Bartlesville, USA, (+1) 918 338 4751 Aluma Tower Co Inc, Vero Beach, USA, (+1) 772 567 3423 American Meter Co, Horsham, USA, (+1) 215 830 1800 Arcom Control Systems, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 411200 Armin Industries Co, Tehran, Iran, (+98) 913 219 9757 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Bristol Babcock, Inc., Watertown, USA, (+1) 860 945 2200 CEES Ltd, Dorchester, UK, (+44) 0130 525 1177 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Controlotron, Hauppauge, USA, (+1) 631 231 3600 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 Convenient Software Solutions cc, Amanzimtoti, South Africa, (+27) 31 903 5077 Dataradio, Montreal, Canada, (+1) 514 737 0020 Dillon Engineering, Edina, USA, (+1) 952 836 2413 EMS Group, Houston, USA, (+1) 800 790 3758 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Eupec Risk Management Services, Pueblo, USA, (+1) 719 948 1000 Economatics Industrial Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 281 3344 Enbridge Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 231 3900 EonSat, Sihung City, Korea, (+82) 31 404 4701 eProduction Solutions, Inc., Kingwood, USA, (+1) 281 348 1000 FF-Automation OY, Vantaa, Finland, (+358) 9 530 6310 FLC Instruments, Inc, Sugar Grove, USA, (+1) 630 556 4477 Flow-Cal, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0865 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 Foxboro Company, Foxboro, USA, (+1) 866 746 6477 Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 9794 Gulf Interstate Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 850 3400 HINZ Automation, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 489 8880 Honeywell Inc, Morristown, USA, (+1) 973 455 2000 ITC nv/sa, Antwerp, Belgium, (+32) 3 221 3670 Intech Process Automation Inc, Houston, USA, (+92) 42 5427001 4 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Key Telemetering Products, Owensboro, USA, (+1) 270 683 9871 Microhard Systems Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 248 0028 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 NTG, Inc., Olathe, USA, (+1) 913 888 5222 Omni Flow Computers, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 240 6161 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 Palmer Environmental, Cumbran, UK, (+44) 0163 308 9479 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pegasus International Ltd, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 750644 Penspen Ltd - Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 381 1054 Penspen Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 4779474 Penspen de Mexico SA, Campeche, Mexico, (+52) 938 38 142 64 Penspen Ltd - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2740 3870 Penspen International Ltd (Abu Dhabi), Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 679 2526 Petro IT Ltd, Gurgaon, India, (+91) 124 404 4940 Petrotech Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 5500 Pipeline Engineering, Richmond, UK, (+44) 01748 813 000 P2S SECO, Metairie, USA, (+1) 504 834 8100 Powergen Gas Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 425239 Power Measurement, Saanichton, Canada, (+1) 250 652 7100 Real Time Engineering Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 427 4142 SPS Energy Solutions, Victoria, Canada, (+1) 250 652 5233 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Sixnet, Clifton Park, USA, (+1) 518 877 5173 TESSCO Technologies, Hunt Valley, USA, (+1) 410 229 1000 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 Telescada Inc., Pembroke, USA, (+1) 781 8299228 Telvent, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 253 8848 Van’s Electronics Ltd, Newmarket, Canada, (+1) 905 830 1409 Willowglen (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia, (+ 60) 3 8070 1232 Worley International, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 690 1131 Zenocean, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 582234 Zetron Inc, Redmond, USA, (+1) 425 820 6363

Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 BPA (British Pipeline Agency Ltd), Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 01442 242200 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 CHI Engineering Services, Inc., Greenland, USA, (+1) 800 437 1995 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 Gulf Interstate Engineering Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 850 3400 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 LeanTrak, Inc., Maumee, USA, (+1) 419 482 0797 Linden Professional Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 937 7875 Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran, (+982) 1 640 6760 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Powergen Gas Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 425239 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 Serck Controls Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 024 76305050 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Willowglen (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia, (+ 60) 3 8070 1232 Worley Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9205 0500

Scour control and protection BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 Jan De Nul NV, Aalst, Belgium, (+32) 53 731 711 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 Seabed Scour Control Systems Ltd, Norfolk, UK, (+44) 01493 443380 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Submar, Inc., Houma, USA, (+1) 985 868 0001 Van Oord ACZ Ltd, Newbury, UK, (+44) 01635 529101 Van Oord Offshore bv, Gorinchem, Netherlands, (+31) 183 642200

Seals Auriema Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 573603 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Industrial Seals Ltd, Halesowen, UK, (+44) 0121 559 3862 Phoenix International A/S, Vejen, Denmark, (+45) 769 634 00 Pipeline Seal & Insulator Co Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 404 661 Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 800 423 2410 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Scientific Linings & Coatings, Inc., San Antonio, USA, (+1) 210 344 3358 Vector International Ltd, Port Talbot, UK, (+44) 01639 822555 NA Yieldcore, Affligem, Belgium, (+32) 5366 7312

Security BG Group Plc, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 935 3222 NBR Services, Paris, France, (+33) 1 4267 2893 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 SES Strategies, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 450475 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Sky Patrol Aviation, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 888 707 2359 Southwest Microwave, Inc., Tempe, USA, (+1) 480 783 0201

Symis Inc, Pacifica, USA, (+1) 650 491 0033

Services location AEGIS Survey Consultants Ltd, Abridge, UK, (+44) 01708 688050 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Boddingtons Ltd, Great Dunmow, UK, (+44) 01371 875 101 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Geotec, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 424847 Moleseye Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0845 140 0207 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Porter Warehousing & Distribution Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 453 5192 Pyramid Plant Hire Ltd, Stafford, UK, (+44) 01889 270610 Security Solutions International, Limassol, Cyprus, (+357) 25 357 375 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Timberline Oilfield Locating, Drayton Valley, Canada, (+1) 780 514 3515

Buyers’ Guide

SCADA consultant

Sewer repair ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Armstrong Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd, Essendon, Australia, (+61) 3 9379 0981 Avent Engineering Ltd, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 01249 706960 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 Horobin Ltd, Willenhall, UK, (+44) 01902 604060 ITAS, Hafrsfjord, Norway, (+47) 51690800 Inpipe Sweden AB, Skelleftea, Sweden, (+46) 910 738330 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Pronto Services (UK) Ltd, Sinfin, UK, (+44) 01332 271133 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 Subterra Systems, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 819841 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Wilkinson Special Projects Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 241244 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Shaft-sinking contractor, equipment M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Birch Brothers Kidderminster Ltd, Stourport, UK, (+44) 0129 982 6227 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Sillars (B & CE) Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 268125

Software Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327 Air Link Communications, Hayward, USA, (+1) 510 781 9700 Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 482 5467 Allegro, Dallas, USA, (+1) 214 237 8000 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Bradley B. Bean, PE, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 578 9391

Classification continued overleaf

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com



International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 C-FER Technologies, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 450 3300 Coade Engineering, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 890 4566 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622 Concord Associates Inc, Knoxville, USA, (+1) 865 675 0930 Energy Solutions International Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 677755 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 Fluor Daniel Williams Brothers, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 561 9500 M.J. Harden Associates Inc, Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 842 0141 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 L&E Mobile Computers, Conshohocken, USA, (+1) 800 330 5399 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 MultiSUITE Software, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 8071005 OpenLink, Burlington, USA, (+1) 781 273 0900 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 Pegasus International Ltd, Woking, UK, (+44) 01483 750644 Primavera Systems Inc, Bala Cynwyd, USA, (+1) 610 667 8600

Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970 Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 Safeguard Communications UK Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 08707 561234 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Invensys SimSci-Esscor, Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 455 8150 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 SustaiNet Software Solutions Inc., Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 717 4327 Symmetry Ltd, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 2005 5520 ViaData Incorporated, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 800 817 6649

Software development and integration


Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 482 5467 Allegro, Dallas, USA, (+1) 214 237 8000 Atmos International Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01614 458080 Baseline Technologies Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 266 3800 Basic Systems, Inc., Derwent, USA, (+1) 740 685 2511 x336 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Cognica Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 0179 386 4600 Control Systems International, Lenexa, USA, (+1) 913 599 5010 CorrosionWatch Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 517 2200 Crowder and Co Ltd, Wirral, UK, (+44) 0151 647 7772 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 DMC1 GmbH, Schkopau, Germany, (+49) 3461 49 2182 Document Control Services Ltd, Peterborough, UK, (+44) 01733 366800 Eupec Risk Management Services, Pueblo, USA, (+1) 719 948 1000 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 Entessa LLC, Houston, USA, (+1) 469 287 5373 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Expert Design Systems BV, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 2386 Far Asia Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 8770 9858 Flite Software Ltd, Letterkenny, Ireland, (+353) 74 23023 Flow-Cal, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0865 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Fugro GeoSoft Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 6543 0200 Future Spec., Kansas City, USA, (+1) 816 769 5068 GCL Horizons, Wokingham, UK, (+44) 0118 977 2554 GemTeck Environmental Software Ltd, Vancouver, Canada, (+1) 604 408 7304 General Utilities Projects Ltd, Bushey, UK, (+44) 01923 248831

GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Global Energy Alliance Corporation, Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 9150 9077 GreenPipe Industries Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 260 6702 IHS Energy Group, Englewood, USA, (+1) 888 645 3282 International Project Estimating Software, Rockwood, Canada, (+1) 519 830 7300 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 m2solve Ltd, Leicestershire, UK, (+44) 01509 822234 MCS (Modern Computing Services), Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2403 6520 Moleseye Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0845 140 0207 Morrison Scientific Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 262 8160 MultiSUITE Software, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 8071005 NeoCorrEngineering, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 1926 Opvantek, Inc., Newtown, USA, (+1) 215 968 7790 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 Petro IT Ltd, Gurgaon, India, (+91) 124 404 4940 Pisces Conservation Ltd, Lymington, UK, (+44) 0159 067 6622 R + K Consulting Engineers, Rijswijk, Netherlands, (+31) 70 390 6890 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Real Time Engineering Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 0141 427 4142 RiskAdvisory Software Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 263 7475 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 Scandpower Petroleum Technology, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 496 9898 Schofield Lothian, Welwyn Garden City, UK, (+44) 01707 390085 SCISYS, Chippenham, UK, (+44) 0124 946 6466 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Serco Assurance, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 25 2079 SigPoint, Rockingham, Australia, (+61) 89 361 1300 Invensys SimSci-Esscor, Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 455 8150 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 Symis Inc, Pacifica, USA, (+1) 650 491 0033 Symmetry Ltd, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 2005 5520 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 Tadpole Technology plc, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 668 0200 TechCorr CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 261 759 2018 Tobin International Ltd, Denver, USA, (+1) 303 831 3411 Tricubes Computers Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3205 53083 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 Willowglen (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia, (+ 60) 3 8070 1232

Solvent recovery systems Energy Designers & Constructors Ltd (EDC), Bo’ness, UK, (+44) 01506 822066

Stainless steel fittings Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Class Controls Ltd, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 895 2772 Dependable Springs & Pressings Ltd UK, Wolverhampton, UK, (+44) 01902 711771 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Ditec Industrial Gaskets GmbH, Wittenburg, Germany, (+49) 38852 2368 0 Edilsider S.P.A., Calolziocorte, Italy, (+39) 341 630 063 Excel Engineering, New Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2769 7525 HPF Energy Services, Alcester, UK, (+44) 01789 761212 Hallen Engineering Ltd, Wednesbury, UK, (+44) 0121 556 3324 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Kanzen Tetsu Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam, Malaysia, (+60) 3 542 1400 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Pipeline Co Ltd, Huzhou/Zhejiang, China, (+86) 21 5852 2792 Leo Fittings Ltd, Braintree, UK, (+44) 01376 341616 Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646 Nautic Steels Ltd, Tamworth, UK, (+44) 01827 281111 Petrofit Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 0121 544 9938 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Precision Expansion Bellows Industries, Belgaum, India, (+91) 831 244 1066 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Silclear Ltd, New Milton, UK, (+44) 01425 610700 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Zibo Yuanfeng Metal Products Co Ltd, Zibo, China, (+86) 532 3876693

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Surface preparation and blasting Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Kema Coatings Ltd, Campbellville, Canada, (+1) 905 854 4847 LS Industries, Wichita, USA, (+1) 800 835 0218 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Mears Group, Inc., Rosebush, USA, (+1) 800 632 7727 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 Perk & Company, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 402 467 2815 Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Inc, Casper, USA, (+1) 307 237 2730 Superior Supply & Steel, Lake Charles, USA, (+1) 800 737 5643 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676

Survey company - aerial Aviation Specialists, Inc., Gonzales, USA, (+1) 225 324 6795 BKS Surveys Ltd, Coleraine, UK, (+44) 028 703 52311 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 202244 National Remote Sensing Centre Ltd, Farnborough, UK, (+44) 01252 362000 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 Sky Patrol Aviation, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 888 707 2359 US Surveyor, Evansville, USA, (+1) 800 828 5934

Survey company - land ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 Consorcio ARCOIL Cia Ltda, Quito, Ecuador, (+593) 2 441818 Abu Dhabi Supplies, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 788 208 AEGIS Survey Consultants Ltd, Abridge, UK, (+44) 01708 688050 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Ali Trading Co, Mina Al Fahal, Oman, (+968) 701 576 Alluvial Mining, Sudbury, UK, (+44) 01787 880218 AMEC Pipeline Professionals, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 562 3702 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Amosco, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 233 647 Amtec Surveying Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260603 Asplundh Canada Inc, Terrebonne, Canada, (+1) 450 964 5575 W S Atkins Consultants Ltd, Epsom, UK, (+44) 01372 726140 BKS Surveys Ltd, Coleraine, UK, (+44) 028 703 52311 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 BNETD, Abijan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+225) 442805 Beairsto-Stewart-Wier, Grande Prairie, Canada, (+1) 780 532 4919 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, Germany, (+49) 4944 30 14 21 Boskalis International bv (Far East), Singapore, (+65) 7335622 Boskalis Westminster Dragagens Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 3534073 Boskalis Westminster Middle East Ltd, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 277 2306 Bruton Knowles, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 880000 Bucher Willis & Ratliff Corp, Aurora, USA, (+1) 630 898 0010 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CMPS&F Pty Ltd, Chatswood, Australia, (+61) 2 9412 9999 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Challenger Special Oil Services/ KAPPA Group, Paris, France, (+33) 1 41 45 65 00 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Paul Clasper and Associates Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 444561 Clough Construction Queensland Pty Ltd, Milton, Australia, (+61) 7 3369 7244 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Colt Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 8674 Com Survey SA, Marseille, France, (+33) 91 23 51 99 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11

E & E Budapest Environmental Ltd, Budapest, Hungary, (+36) 1 325 5153 E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 E-Surv Ltd, Coalville, UK, (+44) 01530 814347 Eupec Risk Management Services, Pueblo, USA, (+1) 719 948 1000 Beijing Yiyi Ecology and Environment Engineering Co Ltd, Beijing, China, (+86) 106 614 7754 Ecologia y Empresa, La Paz, Bolivia, (+59) 12 312 145 Ecology and Environment do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 530 5074 Ecology & Environment Inc, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 1 269 8441 Ecology & Environment Inc, Casablanca, Morocco, (+212) 289 3830 Ecology and Environment of Saudi Arabia Ltd, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 2647 4000 Ecology and Environment SA, Caracas, Venezuela, (+582) 237 5519 Ellis & Associates, Inc., Centennial, USA, (+1) 303 770 2005 ENAGEO, Hassi-Messaoud, Algeria, (+213) 236 6040 Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 610 4132 Enterprise G Akar, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 133 32 22 Equip Engineers India Pvte Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2042 473 Fisher German LLP Chartered Surveyors, Ashby De La Zouch, UK, (+44) 01530 412821 Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 392 686 000 Fugro Geodetic Ltd, Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 4532041 Fugro Survey Pty Ltd, Balcatta, Australia, (+61) 8 9344 7166 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gauff Ingenieure GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, (+49) 6950 0080 Geotec, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 424847 Greenfield Associates, Rancho Palos Verdes, USA, (+1) 310 541 1294 Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc, Greenbelt, USA, (+1) 301 220 2616 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Herbco Technical Services, Gabarone, Botswana, (+267) 373741 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Hydroprojekt as, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 2 691 3675 Imar Survey Ltd, Galway, Ireland, (+353) 1 260 3415 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Kinhill Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9867 5911 Kuwait Engineering Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 243 50613 Lamnaico Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 635 9108 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 202244 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 245 4711 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 Mott MacDonald, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (+880) 2 884 026 Mott MacDonald, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 725 6442 Mott MacDonald EPO, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 676 8222 Mott MacDonald, Ruwi, Oman, (+968) 771 2118 Mott Macdonald Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 293 1900 Mott MacDonald, Taipei, Taiwan, (+886) 2 731 7776 Mott MacDonald, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 245 2229 Murphy Surveys Ltd, Naas, Ireland, (+353) 45 895402 Nederland Survey Projecten - Ap-Paratuur BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 4130610 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 National Remote Sensing Centre Ltd, Farnborough, UK, (+44) 01252 362000 OFEMA Brazil Servicos Ltda, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 252 34 54 OFEMA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 68 50 820 OFEMA, Harare, Zimbabwe, (+263) 472 70 74 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Offshore Survey & Engineering, Bremen, Germany, (+49) 421 2239 150 Offshore Survey & Engineering (UK) Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 77 27 11 Overgas Engineering JSC, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 810 2737 PLE Hellas EPE, Athens, Greece, (+30) 1 600 9576 PLE Consulting GmbH, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 30 29385 PLE International Ltd, West Byfleet, UK, (+44) 01932 355544 PSI Pipeline Systems Inc, Walnut Creek, USA, (+1) 510 943 3757 Pegasus International Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 465 5777 Penspen Greece SA, Athens, Greece, (+30) 210 6501385 Petroleum & Environmental Consultants, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 1345 4488 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 E G Pettit & Co, Cork, Ireland, (+353) 21 966153

Classification continued overleaf For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


Survey company - land

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Pipetronix GmbH, Singapore, (+65) 562 8640 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RDC, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, (+94) 1 738962 RNGS Iversioones Madeco Sa, Tarragona, Spain, (+977) 823 277 RNGS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 238 0390 SAETI, Hydra-Alger, Algeria, (+213) 601102 SB Construction and MaritimeServices bv, Hoofddorp, Netherlands, (+31) 23 55 47 600 Saad Establishment for General Trading, Muscat, Oman, (+968) 704636 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Saibos Services, St Quentin Yvelines, France, (+33) 1 30 60 66 60 Saibos Construcoes Maritimas Lda, Funchal, Portugal, (+351) 91 237 989 SARAI Group, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 572 2377 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Secon Surveys, Fraser Town, India, (+91) 80 525 2131 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogetram sa, Garennes-sur-Eure, France, (+33) 2 32 26 60 00 Soil Mechanics, Southam, UK, (+44) 01926 819 300 Sonsub International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 843434 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62

StroytransgOAO,Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 TRAGS, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 432 212 Tahal Consulting Engineers, Tel Aviv, Israel, (+972) 3 692 4337 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 TEPE Group, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 4 2873288 Timberline Oilfield Locating, Drayton Valley, Canada, (+1) 780 514 3515 Trans European Enterprises, Paris, France, (+33) 1 42 25 02 00 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 US Surveyor, Evansville, USA, (+1) 800 828 5934 Wardell Armstrong, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK, (+44) 01782 612626 WestHam Dredging Company Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, (+61) 2 959 5715 Willbros Group Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Engineers Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 496 0400 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057

Survey company - other 240

AEGIS Survey Consultants Ltd, Abridge, UK, (+44) 01708 688050 Al-Raid, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 21 489 1411 Amtec Surveying Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260603 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Boddingtons Ltd, Great Dunmow, UK, (+44) 01371 875 101 Boskalis Offshore BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 69 69 011 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 CT & T Ltd, Uxbridge, UK, (+44) 01895 259066 Corrosion Control Services Ltd, Telford, UK, (+44) 01952 230900 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442

DSND Subsea Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 344 300 Fugro Survey Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 257600 General Underground Services (UK) Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 212121 Geolynx Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 237340 GeoSynergy Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 579 3800 Geotec, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 424847 Hunter McDonnell Pipeline Services Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 436 4400 Imar Survey Ltd, Galway, Ireland, (+353) 1 260 3415 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 Kolectric Manufacturing Ltd, Thame, UK, (+44) 01844 261626 LT Mapping Services, Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 249 0422 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Longdin & Browning (Surveys) Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 202244 McAllister Bros Ltd, Newry, UK, (+44) 02830 263067 Meridian Maritime (International) Ltd, Louth, UK, (+44) 01507 607000 Murphy Surveys Ltd, Naas, Ireland, (+353) 45 895402 NGS-Orgproecteconomica Ecmos, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 912 76 69 National Remote Sensing Centre Ltd, Farnborough, UK, (+44) 01252 362000 Navcon Navegacao e Controle Ind Com, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, (+55) 1239 377952 Nimadek Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 334816 Perco Engineering Services Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0160 459 0200 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 RST Projects Ltd, Musselburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 653 3700 Radiodetection Ltd, Bristol, UK, (+44) 01179 767 7776 Samuel Rose, Sywell, UK, (+44) 01604 782700 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Sage Engineering, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 426633 Seton Ltd, Banbury, UK, (+44) 01295 226655 Soil Mechanics, Southam, UK, (+44) 01926 819 300 Spectrum External Line Inspection, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 585 2397 Star Line Inc., Clarenville, Canada, (+1) 709 466 6196 Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 718200 Stroud Diving & Hydrography, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Surface Search Inc, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 531 9715 Technipipe, Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, (+33) 4 42 02 02 35 Tepsco L. P., Channelview, USA, (+1) 281 862 2300 Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 881222 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 VKV Oilfield and Pipeline Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd, Gujarat, India, (+91) 79 554 163 79 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Waterflow Group Services Ltd, Colnbrook, UK, (+44) 01753 810999

Tank inspection AITEC (Western) Inc., Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 417 7777 Ashstead Technology Rentals, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 771888 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Bodycote Materials Testing, Inc., Skokie, USA, (+1) 888 263 9268 Brown Corrosion Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 832 327 0965 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CTL Engineering, Inc., Columbus, USA, (+1) 614 276 8123 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 Cyntech Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 228 1767 DeFelsko Corporation, Ogdensburg, USA, (+1) 315 393 4450 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 Eclipse Scientific Products, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 886 6717 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 i3-NDT, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 815 5655 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 JANX, Parma, USA, (+1) 517 531 8210 MCL (Offshore) Ltd, Wolverhampton, UK, (+44) 01902 791999 Pacific Inspection and Consulting Pvt Ltd, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, (+91) 5644 2273 47 Olympus NDT, Waltham, USA, (+1) 781 419 3900 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Powerrun Project Management Ltd, Keighley, UK, (+44) 01535 667614 Praxair Services Inc., Tuscon, USA, (+1) 520 888 7641 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 Rosen Headquarters, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0300 Rosen Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 11 4813 7970

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Rosen Australia Pty Ltd, Canning Vale, Australia, (+61) 8 9456 4855 Rosen Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3977 5524 Rosen Canada, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 269 1190 Rosen Middle East, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 881 4495 Rosen Far East, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 5569 9000 RTRC Germany, Lingen, Germany, (+49) 591 9136 0 Rosen Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico, (+52) 229 923 2430 Rosen Europe, Oldenzaal, Netherlands, (+31) 541 587 000 Rosen Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 495 780 3574 Rosen Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 815 0487 RTRC Switzerland, Stans, Switzerland, (+41) 41 618 0350 Rosen Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, (+380) 44 568 5049 Rosen USA, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 442 8282 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 StressTel Ultrasonic Testing Equipment, State College, USA, (+1) 814 861 6300 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 WIS, Inc., Albuquerque, USA, (+1) 505 266 7420 WeldSonix, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 333 3400 Western Instruments Inc, St. Albert, Canada, (+1) 780 459 6720

Telemetry equipment Axonn LLC, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 282 8119 American Innovations - Integrity Mgt. Division, Littleton, USA, (+1) 303 948 0119 Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 282 0622

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 Eutechnics, Anaheim, USA, (+1) 714 578 9205 MacArtney UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 358500 Milbar Hydro-Test Inc, Shreveport, USA, (+1) 318 227 8210 NTG, Inc., Olathe, USA, (+1) 913 888 5222 Satamatics Ltd, Tewkesbury, UK, (+44) 01684 278610 Willowglen (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia, (+ 60) 3 8070 1232

Temporary staff Cabay Consulting Group Ltd, Red Deer, Canada, (+1) 403 341 4661 Construction Workforce Inc, Astoria, USA, (+1) 503 458 6626 Contracts Consultancy, London, UK, (+44) 020 8333 4141 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 EPC Jobs Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8846 6910 Foley Inspection Services Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 258 2999 Impact Engineering Solutions, Reading, UK, (+44) 08700 116161 Miller Consulting Services, Irving, USA, (+1) 972 580 0812 Mountain Ltd, Yarmouth, USA, (+1) 207 846 1166 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 OnSite Resources Ltd, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 705214 Orion Technical Services Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 242020 Pacific Inspection and Consulting Pvt Ltd, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, (+91) 5644 2273 47 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 Pipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 Roc-Engineering, Reading, UK, (+44) 07920 844845 Spell and Spell Offshore International, Inc., Montgomery, USA, (+1) 936 582 0858 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Work Offshore Asia, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 987 67898

Thermal insulation Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Balmoral Holland B/V, Maassluis, Netherlands, (+31) 1899 26340 Balmoral Norge A/S, Stavanger, Norway, (+47) 4 41 0600 Balmoral Group Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 859000 Balmoral Group Houston Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 589 0591 Bredero Price International BV, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+944) 129 382 83 Bredero Price Colombia BV, Santa Marta, Colombia, (+57) 54 209 067 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 522 3223 PT Bredero Price Indonesia, Batam Island, Indonesia, (+62) 778 458 275

Bredero Price (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Kuantan, Malaysia, (+60) 9 433 131 Bredero Price (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 166 43 Bredero Price Norway A/S, Farsund, Norway, (+47) 383 424 00 Bredero Price International BV, Singapore, (+65) 732 2355 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 657 373 74 Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd, Sharjah, N/A, (+971) 6 285 536 Bredero Price Services Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 568600 Bredero Price International Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 886 2350 Bredero Price Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 974 7211 Bredero Shaw Norway AS - Thermotite, Orkanger, Norway, (+47) 7246 6060 Bredero Shaw Australia Pty Ltd, Kembla Grange, NSW, Australia, (+61) 42 613 455 British Pipe Coaters Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 553 9640 Trelleborg CRP Ltd, Skelmersdale, UK, (+44) 01695 712000 Commercial Coating Services International, Ltd, Conroe, USA, (+1) 936 539 3294 Corus Tubes - Energy Business, Corby, UK, (+44) 01536 402121 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 DRA Industries Pty Ltd - Pipelining Division, Jandakot, Australia, (+61) 8 9417 2300 Eupec Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 313 362 7001 Eupec France, Dunkirk, France, (+33) 328 580 220 Eupec PipeCoatings GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, (+49) 208 4596 0 Eupec Espana, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 155 433 13 Flowline Alaska, Inc., Fairbanks, USA, (+1) 907 456 4911 Hyperlast Ltd, High Peak, UK, (+44) 01663 746518 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Logstor Ror A/S, Logstor, Denmark, (+45) 99 66 1500 Offshore Joint Services Inc., Katy, USA, (+1) 281 578 6523 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 PPSC Industries Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 3 2287 8990 PPSL District Energy, Berkhamsted, UK, (+44) 01442 874808 Perk & Company, Lincoln, USA, (+1) 402 467 2815 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 Soco-Ril, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+54) 348 849 3332 Socotherm, Adria, Italy, (+39) 426 94 1000 Socotherm International, London, UK, (+44) 0207 201 5600 Thermotrace Corporation, Houston, USA, (+1) 71 3349 9395 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Third-party certification Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Construction Education Foundation of the Carolinas, Charlotte, USA, (+1) 704 365 4018 Haven Automation Ltd, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 588722 Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, México, Mexico, (+52) 9175 7947 Intertek Testing Services, Gessate, Italy, (+39) 02 9538 3833 Meridian Maritime (International) Ltd, Louth, UK, (+44) 01507 607000 Moody International, Inc., The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 367 8764 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 Pacific Inspection and Consulting Pvt Ltd, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, (+91) 5644 2273 47 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 SGS, Switzerland, Switzerland, (+41) 22 739 9111 Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 955 2900 TCR Engineering Services, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2309 2347 TUV Industrie Service GmbH, Cologne, Germany, (+49) 221 806 2922 Veriforce, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 363 4001 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711

Training AMEC Group Ltd - Utilities, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 868 060 ARM Services Ltd, Leyland, UK, (+44) 01772 819000 Agfa NDT Inc., Lewistown, USA, (+1) 717 242 0327

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International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA, (+1) 800 482 5467 Alsim Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri Ve Ticaret AS, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 262 648 2200 Alsim Alarko Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, (+99) 412 928 005 Alsim Alarko Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 298 677 82 Alsim Alarko Germany, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 303 446 300 Alsim Alarko Kazakstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 293 5194 Alsim Alarko Russia, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 203 6097 Alsim Alarko Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, (+99) 312 355 587 Cabinmark Ltd, Edgeware, UK, (+44) 0208 905 6900 Alsim Alarko Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (+998) 711 441 070 Ark Engineering & Technical Services, Inc., Braintree, USA, (+1) 781 849 3800 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 BG Technology, Loughborough, UK, (+44) 01509 282000 BMT Fleet Technology Ltd, Kanata, Canada, (+1) 613 592 2830 BWS International Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 861000 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 Bouygues Offshore, St Quentin-Yvelines, France, (+33) 130 608 888 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 CBT Creators Inc, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 225 445 4680 Check Point Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 3272 598888 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, (+964) 155 605 22 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Libya, Tripoli, Libya, (+218) 314 833 604 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co Sudan, Khartoum, Saint Kitts & Nevis, (+249) 112 372 70 China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co UAE, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 426 137 53 Class Controls Ltd, Kitchener, Canada, (+1) 519 895 2772 Concord Associates Inc, Knoxville, USA, (+1) 865 675 0930 Corrosion Mitigation, LLC, Marysville, USA, (+1) 360 653 5653 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 DC Voltage Gradient Technology & Supply Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01942 814442 Don-Mor Productions Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 0122 421 0122

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 EITEP, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 90992-10 E.ON Engineering GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, (+49) 209 601 5010 Eco Technlogy Ltd, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 310 1360 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Energy Solutions International, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 782 7500 The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., Shaker Heights, USA, (+1) 216 283 6018 Fluor Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 263 1000 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Fusion Provida Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 260111 GE Inspection Technologies, Billerica, USA, (+1) 978 437 1736 GE Sensing, Billerica, USA, (+1) 800 833 9438 Generation Software Ltd, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 948 2468 GeoFields, Inc., Atlanta, USA, (+1) 404 875 2550 Global Pipeline Monthly, Beaconsfield, UK, (+44) 01494 675139 Grupo Expos, Merida Yucatan, Mexico, (+52) 999 926 9988 Hydratight Sweeney Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 215930 ILF Consulting Engineers, Munich, Germany, (+49) 89 25 55 94 0 ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z.o.o, Warsaw, Poland, (+48) 228 538 700 ILF Consulting Engineers Ltd (UK), High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 0149 489 8900 ILF Consulting Engineers (Saudi Arabia), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 541 45 Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, México, Mexico, (+52) 9175 7947 Institut de Soudure, Roissy, France, (+33) 149 903 660 Iris NDT, Tulsa Ok, USA, (+1) 918 446 8773 Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Kanopus Consulting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (+55) 21 3234 4693 Kennedy Utility Management Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 872 4660 Knowles Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 08707 530693 Lithgow Associates, Gwent, UK, (+44) 01633 411800 Develop, Oakham, UK, (+44) 01780 686543 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Indonesia) GmbH, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 217 973 356 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Iran) GmbH, Teheran, Iran, (+98) 218 784 251 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Malaysia) GmbH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 321 412 789

Man GHH Ol and Gas (Southern Africa) GmbH, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 115 073 800 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Thailand) GmbH, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 265 289 98 Man GHH Ol and Gas (Turkmenistan) GmbH, Ashbagat, Turkmenistan, (+993) 123 962 52 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Oilfield Pipeline Inspection Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 373 772 02 PSI AG, Berlin, Germany, (+49) 030 2801 1548 Andrew Palmer & Associates, London, UK, (+44) 020 7582 5577 Penspen Integrity, Richmond-upon-Thames, UK, (+44) 0208 334 2700 Penspen Ltd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 238 2200 Pipeline Consultants Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 1616 Pipeline Design Solutions Ltd, Katy, USA, (+1) 713 859 8272 ÈPipeline Strategies & Integrity, LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, (+1) 719 520 9279 Plasflow, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 251 4100 Pro Plus, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 568 9200 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 RSK ENSR Group, Helsby, UK, (+44) 01928 726006 RTD Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 208 8208 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Safety Education Services Company, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 252 7637 Sealweld Corporation, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 236 0043 Serco Gulf Engineering Ltd, Saffron Walden, UK, (+44) 01799 564100 Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 222 5738 Invensys SimSci-Esscor, Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 455 8150 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 284 8641 T.D. Williamson, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 447 5400 TTC, Nitra, Slovakia, (+421) 37 6519 529 TWI, Cambridge, UK, (+44) 01223 891162 Technology Transfer Services, Tampa, USA, (+1) 813 908 1100 Trident Consultants Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8996 9535 University of East London, Dagenham, UK, (+44) 020 8223 2427 Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 977 7770 Uponor Ltd, Near Alfreton, UK, (+44) 01773 811112 Veriforce, The Woodlands, USA, (+1) 281 363 4001 Vermaat Technics BV, Rockanje, Netherlands, (+31) 181 401 322 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 Vietz GmbH, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 949 9777 WTI Training Group, Basingstoke, UK, (+44) 01189 813011 Warren Associates (Pipelines) Ltd, Devizes, UK, Develop, Rutland, UK, (+44) 01780 686525 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600

Trenchless technology and equipment ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Astec Underground Group, Loudon, USA, (+1) 865 408 2100 Aquacam Ltd, Teesside, UK, (+44) 01642 820020 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Asphalt Zipper, N/A, (+1) 888 805 3010 B-Trac Equipment Ltd, Wellingborough, UK, (+44) 01933 274400 Bateman Pipeline Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 2711 899 9111 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 L D Bourgein Oxford Ltd, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 735 420 Building Design Partnership, Belfast, UK, (+44) 028 90 243394 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 Coe Drilling Pty Ltd, Labrador, Australia, (+61) 7 5573 7692 DCD Design & Manufacturing Ltd, RIchmond, Canada, (+1) 888 794 8357 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Directional Drilling Co Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 351200 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 Ditch Witch, Perry, USA, (+1) 800 654 6481 EN Engineering, Woodridge, USA, (+1) 630 353 4002 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 Fullkote Pipeline Services, Lacombe, Canada, (+1) 403 346 7444 G. White & Son, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 645571 J.D. Hair & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 747 9945 Inpipe Sweden AB, Skelleftea, Sweden, (+46) 910 738330

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Trenchless technology & equipment

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007 Johnston Construction Ltd, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 720 001 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 Kenco Corporation, Ligonier, USA, (+1) 724 238 3387 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Laurini Officine Meccaniche Srl, Busseto, Italy, (+39) 0524 91844 MBW Inc, Slinger, USA, (+1) 262 644 5234 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Gerry McCloskey (Ireland) Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 456 4022 Meehan Drilling Ltd, County Louth, Ireland, (+353) 8728 49039 Mercol Products Ltd, Chesterfield, UK, (+44) 01246 822 521 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Morrison Mud Co Ltd, Wareham, UK, (+44) 01929 551245 Per Aaarsleff A/S, Aabyhoej, Denmark, (+45) 8744 2222 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 The Pipeline Liner Co, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Pipeway Ltd, Hassocks, UK, (+44) 01444 230011 The Pipeline Liner Company, Midland, USA, (+1) 432 683 9090 Radiodetection, Bridgton, USA, (+1) 877 247 3797 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 Smart Pipe Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 832 476 9287 Socotherm, Adria, Italy, (+39) 426 94 1000 Subterra, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 888789 Subterra Systems, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 819841 Suedrohrbau International GmbH, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 262 662 68 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 Tecvalco Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canada, (+1) 905 353 0101 Tesmec SpA, Bergamo, Italy, (+39) 35 423 2911 Trenchless Engineering Services Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2552 8490 Trencor Inc, Grapevine, USA, (+1) 817 424 1968 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Steve Vick International Ltd, Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 480488 The Victor Group, Friendswood, USA, (+1) 281 850 8079 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Allen Watson Ltd, Horsham, UK, (+44) 01403 790772 Weatherford P&SS, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 580 9700 Wolverine Hydrovac, Oklahoma City, USA, (+1) 888 603 3071 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Tube cleaning, inspection AIMM Technologies, LaMarque, USA, (+1) 409 945 5414 Al Khadda International, Ahmadi, Kuwait, (+965) 398 5338 Applus RTD STeeltest Pty Ltd, Kwinana, Australia, (+61) 8 9439 5656 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 Industrial Brushware, Halesowen, UK, (+44) 0121 559 3862 Inspectahire Instrument Co Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 789692 JS Technical Services, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 2 391 4580 Pan American Industries, Porter, USA, (+1) 780 461 9393 Pipe Equipment Specialists Ltd, Thornaby, UK, (+44) 0164 276 9789 Propipe Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Proplug Ltd, Hartlepool, UK, (+44) 01429 890190 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600

Tube stockist, manufacturer


Acecsa - Aceros Calibrados SA, Pamplona, Spain, (+34) 948 309110 Al Jazeera Tube Mills Co. Saog, Sohar, Oman, (+968) 851 763 45 Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Booles Tools & Pipe Fittings Ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 480 7900 British Steel Distribution plc, Blackburn, UK, (+44) 01254 677733 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Corus Interantional Projects, London, UK, (+44) 020 7975 8393 Eksen Group - Metals & Steel Division, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 212 243 9200 Glynwed Pipesystems Ltd, Cannock, UK, (+44) 0154 327 9909 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Jindal Saw Ltd, New Delhi, India, (+91) 11 2618 8360 74 Marine Engineering Pipeworks Ltd, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 521 1941 Nimadek Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, (+234) 84 334816 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 3998 Productos Tubulares, Trapagaran - Valle de Trapaga, Spain, (+34) 94 495 5011 Ramco Tubular Services Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 782278 Republica Trading Ltd, Bucharest, Romania, (+40) 1 256 33 44 Stauff UK, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2518 518 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 TubeMeuse Industries, Flemalle, Belgium, (+32) 4231 3535

Union Pipe & Fittings Ltd, Hornchurch, UK, (+44) 01708 479911 VVT-Vitkovice Valcovna Trub AS, Ostrava - Vitkovice, Czech Republic, (+420) 5959 56510

Tunnelling contractor, equipment Tom Allen Construction Co, Edwardsville, USA, (+1) 618 656 3059 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 Amey Construction Ltd, Bolton, UK, (+44) 01204 699222 Antagon International Ltd, St Laurent, Canada, (+1) 514 334 8030 BTB Australia Pty Ltd, Healsville, Australia, (+61) 3 5962 1900 PT Ballast Indonesia Construction, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 7800940 Ballast Nedam Aruba NV, Oranjestad, Aruba, (+297) 823600 Ballast Nedam Construction Inc, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 576 6617 Ballast Nedam International BV, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 3 3299 5228 Ballast Nedam International Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (+60) 2 293 8608 Ballast Nedam International BV, Amstelveen, Netherlands, (+31) 20 545 2585 Ballast Nedam Suriname NV, Paramaribo, Suriname, (+597) 424073 Bay State Piping Co Inc, Hyannis, USA, (+1) 508 775 9268 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 M G Bennett & Associates Ltd, Rotherham, UK, (+44) 01709 373782 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Boring and Tunneling Co of America Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 799 1200 Byzak Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 01617 463 200 CPS, Sand Springs, USA, (+1) 918 245 8791 Constructora Camsa CA, Maracaibo, Venezuela, (+58) 61 613144 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Coleman Tunnelling and Technology Services Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, (+44) 01908 312 744 Conduto, Duque de Caxias-RJ, Brazil, (+55) 21 3658 9000 Connell Wagner, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9697 8333 Costain Ltd, Hampton, UK, (+44) 020 7713 3745 DBC Pipeline Construction Inc, Enid, USA, (+1) 580 237 6941 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 Drilled Crossing Inc, Arnaudville, USA, (+1) 318 754 7802 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gregory & Cook Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 780 7500 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 Josef Haakshorst Rohrleitungsbau GmbH Co, Dortmund, Germany, (+49) 231 610 0101 Hatch Mott MacDonald Inc, Freemont, USA, (+1) 510 469 8010 Herrenknecht Aktiengesellschaft AG, Schwanau, Germany, (+49) 7824 302 0 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Eric Johnson Stubbs & Co Ltd, Derby, UK, (+44) 01332 371509 Kamloops Augering Ltd, Kamloops, Canada, (+1) 604 372 5772 Koop Holding BV, Groningen, Netherlands, (+31) 50 529 71 00 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, Toowong, Australia, (+61) 7 3215 4400 MM Consultants Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia, (+60) 3 718 8332 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Burwood East, Australia, (+61) 3 8805 5200 McConnell Dowell Constructors Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, (+64) 9 524 1350 McCord Pipeline Inc, South Deerfield, USA, (+1) 413 665 0339 McNicholas plc, London, UK, (+44) 020 8200 0303 Mendes Junior Engenharia SA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 31 349 6724 NVLL & N de Meyer, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 222 0011 Miller Pipeline Corp, Indianapolis, USA, (+1) 317 293 0278 Mott Connell Ltd, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (+852) 2828 5757 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Northwestern Ohio Pipeline, Lima, USA, (+1) 419 641 6905 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Faysal M Qahtani Sons Co, Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 572 8872 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207 RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 Rees Pipeline Services Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Reinders-Wessemius BV, Emmer Compascuum, Netherlands, (+31) 591 351237 SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux d’Hydraulique, Paris, France, (+33) 1 5375 9911 SOGEA, Rueil Maimaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 SPAC, Clichy, France, (+33) 1 40 87 78 40 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62 Subsea Cable & Pipes Ptd Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 549 7872 Sub-Surface Construction Co, Comstock Park, USA, (+1) 616 784 1313 Thiess Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9214 42 00 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 The Trenchless Group, Acacia Ridge, Australia, (+61) 7 3394 9494 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 Willbros Construction & Engineering Egypt LLC, Cairo, Egypt, (+20) 2 417 6767 Willbros Far East Inc, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21520 4640 Willbros West Africa Inc, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, (+22) 5 322361 Willbros Middle East Inc, Kuwait, (+965) 398 4274 Willbros (Nigeria) Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 126 149 90 Willbros Middle East Inc, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 575 7791 Willbros International Inc, Panama City, Panama, (+50) 7 213 0947 Willbros Middle East Inc, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 440303 Willbros Engineering & Construction Ltd, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 299 7336 Willbros Al Rushaid Ltd, Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 898 0028 Willbros Middle East Inc, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (+971) 2 341 433 Willbros (Overseas) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8323 8025 Willbros Energy Services Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 748 7000 Willbros Engineers Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 686 6161 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Vacuum fluid handling Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 Ditch Witch UK, Swansea, UK, (+44) 01792 895906 AGD Equipment Ltd, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, (+44) 01789 292227 UMS Ltd, Falkirk, UK, (+44) 01324 625143

Valve design Albion Distribution Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 01226 729900 Booles Tools & Pipe Fittings Ltd, Stockport, UK, (+44) 0161 480 7900 Ben Lions Industrial Co Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan, (+886) 4 2436 5146 Nova JSC, Novokuibyshevsk, Russia, (+7) 846 35 759 40 Pacific Valve Services Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 463 3972 RB Pipetech Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 258 8800 Velan Inc., Montreal, Canada, (+1) 514 748 7743 Velan Valve Corporation, Williston, USA, (+1) 514 748 7743 Wilcat Valve Hardware Service, Gresham, USA, (+1) 503 669 1165 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 China WZIPIE Valve, Wenzhou, China, (+86) 577 8886 9735 Valve manufacturer/supplier - control AGI Specialty Valves, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 578 0366 Albion Distribution Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 01226 729900 Alton International (Thailand) Co Ltd, Rayong, Thailand, (+66) 3869 24456 Amot Controls, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 940 1800 Aquaflow Regulators Ltd, Stourbridge, UK, (+44) 01384 442611 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 Auriema Ltd, Slough, UK, (+44) 01753 573603 Balon Corporation, Oklahoma City, USA, (+1) 405 677 3321 BEL Valves, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 265 9091 Beta Valve Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 459511 Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0870 442 5441 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 CCI Carey Crutcher Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 578 1750 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Cla-Val UK Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, UK, (+44) 0189 251 4400 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Daniel Industries, Hampton, USA, (+1) 603 926 1414 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Douglas Industrial Ltd, Oxford, UK, (+44) 0149 182 4449

Dresser-Rand Co, Olean, USA, (+1) 716 375 3000 Duker Eisenwerke GmbH, Laufach, Germany, (+49) 6093 870 Durapipe - S&LP, Cannock, UK, (+44) 01543 279909

Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Excel Engineering, New Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2769 7525 FF-Automation OY, Vantaa, Finland, (+358) 9 530 6310 Flow Systems India, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 4324672 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Boston, USA, (+1) 404 551 4892 G A Valves Sales, Brighouse, UK, (+44) 0148 471 1983 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 IPEX, New Baltimore, USA, (+1) 800 463 9572 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 International Gas Apparatus Ltd, Yateley, UK, (+44) 01252 302030 Kerotest Manufacturing Corp, N/A, (+1) 412 521 4663 Ben Lions Industrial Co Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan, (+886) 4 2436 5146 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Pacific Valve Services Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 463 3972 Parker Fluid Control Division, New Britain, USA, (+1) 860 827 2300 Petro-Chem Equipment, Baton Rouge, USA, (+1) 225 292 8400 Rubinetterie Utensilerie Bonomi SrL, Mazzano, Italy, (+39) 030 212441 SPX Process Equipment, Delavan, USA, (+1) 262 728 1900 Southern Cross Corporation, Norcross, USA, (+1) 770 441 0403 Stream-Flo Industries Ltd, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 468 6789 Sui Southern Gas Co, Karachi, Pakistan, +92 21 9231500 Tecnologia en Valvulas y Actuadores sa de cv, Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, (+52) 9215 0418 Texcel, Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 0144 223 1700 Thermoreg Products Ltd, Mildenhall, UK, (+44) 01638 712720 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Tormene Gas Technology SpA, Italy, (+39) 049 9199611 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tyco Waterworks UK, London, UK, (+44) 0208 884 4388 Vernon Tool Greenwood Valves, Oceanside, USA, (+1) 760 433 5860 Welker Engineering Company, Sugar Land, USA, The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 Wilcat Valve Hardware Service, Gresham, USA, (+1) 503 669 1165 Woodward Governor Company, Rockford, USA, (+1) 815 877 7441 Worldwide Oilfield Machine, Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 729 9200 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241 China WZIPIE Valve, Wenzhou, China, (+86) 577 8886 9735

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide

Valve manufacturer/supplier isolation Albion Distribution Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 01226 729900 Alton International (Thailand) Co Ltd, Rayong, Thailand, (+66) 3869 24456 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 BEL Valves, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 265 9091 Beta Valve Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 459511 Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0870 442 5441 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 Calverdale Technology Ltd, Liversedge, UK, (+44) 0192 441 0800 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Cla-Val UK Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, UK, (+44) 0189 251 4400 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Cooper Cameron Valves, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 832002 DB & Company, Kortrijk, Belgium, (+32) 5635 7406 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Douglas Industrial Ltd, Oxford, UK, (+44) 0149 182 4449 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Flow Systems India, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 4324672 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Owerri, Nigeria, (+1) 404 551 4892 G A Valves Sales, Brighouse, UK, (+44) 0148 471 1983 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Ben Lions Industrial Co Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan, (+886) 4 2436 5146 Pacific Valve Services Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 463 3972 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Saint Gobain Pipelines, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 930 5000 Texcel, Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 0144 223 1700 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tyco Waterworks UK, London, UK, (+44) 0208 884 4388 Velan Inc., Montreal, Canada, (+1) 514 748 7743 Velan Valve Corporation, Williston, USA, (+1) 514 748 7743 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 TD Williamson SA, Nivelles, Belgium, (+32) 067 283611 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 China WZIPIE Valve, Wenzhou, China, (+86) 577 8886 9735

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

Valve manufacturer/supplier - non-return

Valve manufacturer/supplier - nonreturn Albion Distribution Ltd, Barnsley, UK, (+44) 01226 729900 Alton International (Thailand) Co Ltd, Rayong, Thailand, (+66) 3869 24456 Aqua-Gas AVK Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 0778 536288 BEL Valves, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 0191 265 9091 Beta Valve Systems Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 459511 Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0870 442 5441 Burden Ltd, Hirwaun, UK, (+44) 01685 810 500 CPV Ltd, Romsey, UK, (+44) 01794 322884 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Alexander Cardew Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7235 3785 Cla-Val UK Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, UK, (+44) 0189 251 4400 Commercial and Industrial Gauges Ltd, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 01978 661704 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Douglas Industrial Ltd, Oxford, UK, (+44) 0149 182 4449 Duker Eisenwerke GmbH, Laufach, Germany, (+49) 6093 870 Emerson Process Management Ltd, Bognor Regis, UK, (+44) 0870 240 1978 Flow Systems India, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 4324672 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Owerri, Nigeria, (+1) 404 551 4892 G A Valves Sales, Brighouse, UK, (+44) 0148 471 1983 George Fischer Sales Ltd, Coventry, UK, (+44) 02476 535535 Ham Baker Ltd, Denton, UK, (+44) 0870 741 6791 Hashim Al-Gharabally, Safat, Kuwait, (+972) 2425989 Hunting Industrial Coatings, Widness, UK, (+44) 0151 495 3505 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 Instruments and Gauges, Wrexham, UK, (+44) 0197 885 2188 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Co Ltd, Huzhou, China, (+86) 572 226 1050 Ben Lions Industrial Co Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan, (+886) 4 2436 5146 Pacific Valve Services Inc, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 463 3972 Polypipe Building Products Ltd, Doncaster, UK, (+44) 0170 977 0000 SP Offshore Composites Ltd, Sandown, UK, (+44) 01983 401401 Saint Gobain Pipelines, Ilkeston, UK, (+44) 0115 930 5000 Texcel, Hemel Hempstead, UK, (+44) 0144 223 1700 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tyco Waterworks UK, London, UK, (+44) 0208 884 4388 Velan Inc., Montreal, Canada, (+1) 514 748 7743 Velan Valve Corporation, Williston, USA, (+1) 514 748 7743 The West Group Ltd, Portsmouth, UK, (+44) 0239 226 6031 Wilcat Valve Hardware Service, Gresham, USA, (+1) 503 669 1165 China WZIPIE Valve, Wenzhou, China, (+86) 577 8886 9735

Vegetation management/weed control Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 Enviro-Clear Land Clearing, Inc., Hockley, USA, (+1) 936 931 2233 Livvix Inc, Casey, USA, (+1) 217 932 9992 Naturchem, Inc, Nashville, USA, (+1) 615 228 5440

Water and sewerage utility company Anglian Water Services Ltd, Peterborough, UK, (+44) 01733 414212 DCT Civil Engineering, Oldham, UK, (+44) 01706 842929 Scottish Water, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 4456707 South West Water, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 446688 Wessex Water (Construction Services), Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 526000

Water and wastewater treatment consultant


Afri-Coast Engineers (Pty) Ltd, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, (+27) 41 585 3432 Aker Kvaerner Engineering Services Ltd, Stockton on Tees, UK, (+44) 01642 602221 American Underwater Services, Inc., Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 377 8512 Anglian Water Services Ltd, Peterborough, UK, (+44) 01733 414212 Baker Petrolite Corporation, Sugar Land, USA, (+1) 281 276 5400 CETCO Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 600 5757 Cedarconsult Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 89 89 00 Commercial Microbiology Inc, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 706062 Data Exchange International, Boyle, Ireland, (+353) 87 202 0084 Envitech Ltd, Cardiff, UK, (+44) 02920 337134 Faber Maunsell Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 663200 The Hanover Compression Co, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 447 8787 Hydro Contracting, Errol, UK, (+44) 01821 642 517 KSB, Frankenthal, Germany, (+49) 6233 86 2121 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600

MWH UK Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, (+44) 01912 615588 Marine Ventures Ltd, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 950 3707 Multi Mantech International Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 2675 0515 Nagaoka Indonesia PT, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 021 8194370 RPS Water Services Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 677333 Saith Ltd, Ringwood, UK, (+44) 01425 480286 Vincotte, Vilvoorde, Belgium, (+32) 2 674 5711 Wallace and Tiernan / Chemfeed Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 0173 277 1777

Water jetting AIMM Technologies, LaMarque, USA, (+1) 409 945 5414 American Underwater Services, Inc., Fort Worth, USA, (+1) 817 377 8512 Anticorrosion Protective Systems, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 372877 Aqua Energy International Ltd, Paisley, UK, (+44) 0141 849 6888 Badger Daylighting Trinidad, Inc., Trinidad, USA, (+1) 719 845 1013 Daniel Contractors Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 860666 Drain Brain Offshore Ltd, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 740682 Flo-Max Australia Pty Ltd, Wingfield, Australia, (+61) 8 8262 7454 Halliburton, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 795 280 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038 Pronto Services (UK) Ltd, Sinfin, UK, (+44) 01332 271133 Scan Tech UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226940 Stroud Diving / Mesco Engineering, Jacksonville, USA, (+1) 904 355 1777 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Tube Tech International Ltd, Rayleigh, UK, (+44) 01268 786 999 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 WDL Environmental Ltd, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 588988 Weatherford Pipeline & Specialty Services, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 767 015

Water resource development ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 BGC Engineering Inc. / Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc., Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 250 5185 Denys (Netherlands) BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, (+31) 793 315 593 Fernas Construction Co, Ankara, Turkey, (+90) 312 426 6262 International Water Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7766 1500 Kennedy & Donkin Ltd, Godalming, UK, (+44) 01483 425900 P E LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, USA, (+1) 865 483 7483 Northumbrian Water Ltd, Durham, UK, (+44) 0191 383 2222 North West Water Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 464703 Severn Trent Water Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 7224 000 South Staffordshire Water plc, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 638282 Three Valleys Water plc, Hatfield, UK, (+44) 01707 277164 Water Corporation, Hamilton Hill, Australia, (+61) 08 9331 2000

Water services Alfredo Contracts, Chalfont St Peter, UK, (+44) 01753 883 189 Anglian Water Services Ltd, Peterborough, UK, (+44) 01733 414212 Armstrong Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd, Essendon, Australia, (+61) 3 9379 0981 Ashact UK Ltd, Great Missenden, UK, (+44) 01494 891100 Babtie Group Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01412 042511 Bermingham Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 243 4187 Browns’ Oilfield Service Ltd Line Locating, North Battleford, Canada, (+1) 306 398 7987 Cedarconsult Ltd, High Wycombe, UK, (+44) 01494 89 89 00 DVS Pipelines Ltd, Nutfield, UK, (+44) 01737 824021 Essex & Suffolk Water, Chelmsford, UK, (+44) 01245 212 800 Ewan Group plc, Cirencester, UK, (+44) 01285 850415 H N Faris, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 461 1306 Fastflow Pipeline Services Ltd, Washington, UK, (+44) 0191 415 7744 Ge-Mac Construction Ltd, Bridgend, UK, (+44) 01656 744 102 M Holleran Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 8692 4442 H2O Water Services Ltd, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 282 0820 International Water Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7766 1500 K.D. Utility Services, Wombourne, UK, (+44) 07894 146599 John Kennedy (CE) Ltd, Manchester, UK, (+44) 0161 790 3000 MMEC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (+251) 01 151980 May Gurney, Bodmin, UK, (+44) 01208 73038

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Morrison Utility Services, Stevenage, UK, (+44) 01438 743744 Mott MacDonald, Croydon, UK, (+44) 020 8774 2000 Mowlem A H Ball, Bracknell, UK, (+44) 01344 426826 National Development Organization, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 582 0086 Northumbrian Water Ltd, Durham, UK, (+44) 0191 383 2222 North West Water Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 464703 Pierse Contracting Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, (+353) 1 8205811 Rain for Rent, Bakersfield, USA, (+1) 800 742 7246 Rand Water, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 682 0257 Rhinecourt Ltd, Lincoln, UK, (+44) 01522 548558 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 Scottish Water, Edinburgh, UK, (+44) 0131 4456707 Severn Trent Water Ltd, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 0121 7224 000 South Staffordshire Water plc, Walsall, UK, (+44) 01922 638282 South West Water, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 446688 Stockton Pipelines Ltd, Wakefield, UK, (+44) 01924 290647 Thames Water Utilities Ltd, Reading, UK, (+44) 0118 923 7513 Three Valleys Water plc, Hatfield, UK, (+44) 01707 277164 Tulloch Civil Engineering Ltd, Inverness, UK, (+44) 01463 796020 Unipen Ltd, Orpington, UK, (+44) 01689 890840 United Utilities Service Delivery, Warrington, UK, (+44) 0161 907 7372 Water Corporation, Hamilton Hill, Australia, (+61) 08 9331 2000 Wavin (NI) Ltd, Lisburn, UK, (+44) 01846 621577 Welsh Water Pipeline Services, Treharris, UK, (+44) 01443 452425 Wessex Water (Construction Services), Bath, UK, (+44) 01225 526000 Western Hydro Ltd, Exeter, UK, (+44) 01392 423323 Wilkinson Special Projects Ltd, Warrington, UK, (+44) 01925 241244 Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 201 3312

Wayleave/compensation ADAS Environment, Leeds, UK, (+44) 01132 643 233 BK The Property Assets Consultancy, Gloucester, UK, (+44) 01452 521267 Bell Ingram Ltd, Perth, UK, (+44) 01738 621 121 Cluttons, Oxford, UK, (+44) 01865 728000 E-Surv Ltd, Coalville, UK, (+44) 01530 814347 Fisher German LLP Chartered Surveyors, Ashby De La Zouch, UK, (+44) 01530 412821 Freeth Melhuish, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01727 848 680 Savills (L&P) Ltd, Wimborne, UK, (+44) 01202 856800 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911 Wilcock Consultants Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, UK, (+44) 01229 824034 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Welded steel pipes and tubes Allied International UK Ltd, Inverkeithing, UK, (+44) 01383 416268 Ballyco Enterprises, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, (+591) 355 1200 Bechtel Pipeline Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 293 793 25 Calvert Group, Brussels, Belgium, (+32) 2535 7328 Clancy Docwra Ltd, Harefield, UK, (+44) 01895 823711 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 DE.F.I.M. S.P.A., Civate, Italy, (+390) 341 210 150 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 5650 3000 H N Faris, Amman, Jordan, (+962) 6 461 1306 HPF Energy Services, Alcester, UK, (+44) 01789 761212 Hall Longmore, Germiston, South Africa, (+27) 1 1874 7300 Hock Leong Enterprises Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6862 0777 Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies, Sunderland, UK, (+44) 0191 549 7335 JFE Engineering Europe Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 0171 628 2161 JFE Engineering America Inc, New York, USA, (+1) 212 826 6250 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Kanzen Tetsu Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam, Malaysia, (+60) 3 542 1400 Kingland Petroleum-Gas Co Ltd, Huzhou, China, (+86) 572 226 1050 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Liaoyang Steel Pipe Co Ltd (China), Liaoyang, China, (+86) 419 238 5777 North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Co Ltd, Qing County, China, (+86) 317 257 3236 Ocean Aid International, Dubai, UAE, (+9714) 347 9830 Offshore Engineering & Marketing Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 3998 Petrology Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01389 801700 Alkaja PIH LLC, Doha, Qatar, (+974) 436 2309 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996

Suraj Stainless Ltd, Ahmedabad, India, (+91) 79 741 1050 T & R Pipeline Services, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 413 9120 Tenaris Global Services (UK) Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 020 7291 0202 PT. Tiga Puluh Derajat, Jakarta, Indonesia, (+62) 21 808 78324 Trident Steel Corporation, St. Louis, USA, (+1) 314 822 0500 Umax Ltd, Evanton, UK, (+44) 01349 831122 United Piping Inc, Duluth, USA, (+1) 218 727 7676 Z & P Construction Co SA, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, (+58) 265 631 6322

Welding equipment/contractor ARB Inc., Lake Forest, USA, (+1) 949 598 9242 Agripol Servicos Polivalentes Lda, Lisbon, Portugal, (+351) 1 723 0640 Fanar Al Khaleej Trading, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 350 148 Allied-Tek (Thailand) Co Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand, (+66) 251 071 04 Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating Terminal, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4150 Al-Qhatani Pipecoating Terminal (USA), Houston, USA, (+1) 713 781 0366 Alruqee Industrial Marketing, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 763 83 Amec Spie Capag, Cergy Pontoise, France, (+33) 1 34 24 30 00 ARB Chili Ltda, Santiago, Chile, (+56) 237 852 20 Arcos Welding Products Ltd, Waltham Cross, UK, (+44) 01992 701118 Argus Ltd, Rockville, USA, (+1) 301 948 0448 Autoweld Systems Ltd, Chilton, UK, (+44) 01388 722 277 BFC Construction Corporation, Scarborough, Canada, (+1) 416 754 8735 BJB Co, Post, USA, (+1) 806 495 3808 Baker Pipeline, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Bally Co Ltd, Taipei, Taiwan, (+886) 2 708 42 64 Banbury Engineering, Campbellfield, Australia, (+61) 3 9359 0511 Bayou Pipe Bending Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bayou Pipe Coating Co, New Iberia, USA, (+1) 318 369 3761 Bechtel Pipeline, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 235 2000 Belmont NDT, Leeds, UK, (+44) 0113 250 2550 Bilfinger & Berger AG, Wiesbaden, Germany, (+49) 611 708 790 Bitar Supplies & Services, Amman, Jordan, (+96) 2 668 27 54 Bohler Schweisstechnik Austria GmbH, Kapfenberg, Austria, (+43) 3862 301 111 Bohler Thyssen Welding (UK) Ltd, Oldbury, UK, (+44) 0121 511 1121 Bohler Thyssen Sveiseteknikk AS, Dramman, Norway, (+47) 322 600 80 Bohler Thyssen Welding Canada Ltd, Downsview, Canada, (+1) 416 638 3253 Boss-Time (M) Sdn Bhd, Miri, Malaysia, (+60) 85 419733 J Browne Construction Co Ltd, London, UK, (+44) 02084 599 300 CCI Carey Crutcher Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 578 1750 CECO Pipeline Services Co Inc, Birmingham, USA, (+1) 205 655 3469 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 999 8920 CRC-Evans Automatic Welding Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 0128 241 5323 Capper, Birmingham, UK, (+44) 01675 467 557 Challenger Sica, Houston, USA, (+1) 171 362 777 84 Chemiko Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea, (+82) 2 567 5336 Chemipetro Ltd, Dudley, UK, (+44) 01384 239441 Cigweld/Thermadyne, Preston, Australia, (+61) 3 9487 1234 Civilpro Pty Ltd, Graceville, Australia, (+61) 7 3278 3600 Clough Engineering Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9281 9281 Crain Brothers Inc, Grand Chenier, USA, (+1) 337 538 2411 Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 754719 DBC Pipeline Construction Inc, Enid, USA, (+1) 580 237 6941 DE.F.I.M. S.P.A., Civate, Italy, (+390) 341 210 150 DOJ Pipewelding Services, Northampton, UK, (+44) 01604 404010 DARU VD Handelges mbH, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 943 1068 Danheux & Maroye SA, Tubize, Belgium, (+32) 235 577 00 Dansk Elektro-Svejsning, Odense, Denmark, (+45) 6 59 03 701 Dartbridge & Ability Welding Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia, (+61) 7 3271 3011 Delco Australia Pty Ltd, Wynnum, Australia, (+61) 7 3906 7600 Deltaconne International, Miami, USA, (+1) 305 591 9136 Delta Robotic Welding Technologies, Ardee, Ireland, (+353) 41 685 7162 NV Denys SA, Gent, Belgium, (+32) 9 254 01 11 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Dodsal Ltd, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 875 6482 ENAC, Alger, Algeria, (+213) 2 538549 ESAB, Gothenburg, Sweden, (+39) 2 979 682 95 East Coast Pipeline & Welding Pty Ltd, Maroochydore, Australia, (+61) 7 5443 7399

Classification continued overleaf

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Buyers’ Guide


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

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For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com ©2007 Edison Welding Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Buyers’ Guide

Infinitely. EWI doesn’t just develop new welding technologies. We put them to work for you. Sure, we’re known for our R&D. But did you know that EWI engineers spend most of their time helping oil and gas customers deploy new technologies in order to solve critical joining issues? We do this through a long list of services that includes everything from strain- and reliability-based design, to welding procedure development and qualification, to full-scale fatigue and failure analysis — to name just a few. It’s no wonder our customers view us as an indispensable extension of their project teams. ——————————————————————————————————————————————

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Welding equipment/contractor

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Escovas Industriais Lda, Oporto, Portugal, (+351) 2 712 5777 Essener Hochdruck Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, Essen, Germany, (+49) 201 36450 Euro Arvin, Teheran, Iran, (+98) 2 189 8716 Excel Engineering, New Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2769 7525 1st Rate Fabricators LLP, Valentine, USA, (+1) 888 221 0291 Flint Engineering & Construction Co, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 584 0033 FORCE Technology, Calgary, Canada, (+1) 403 286 0606 Franklin Howard International Ltd, Owerri, Nigeria, (+1) 404 551 4892 Friatec Ltd, St Albans, UK, (+44) 01923 857878 Gasstroymontaj, Sofia, Bulgaria, (+359) 2 952 04 73 Gazstroymashina, St Petersburg, Russia, (+7) 812 444 6062 Global Gases FZCO, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4883 0806 HBH Inc, Belle Chasse, USA, (+1) 504 394 6461 Hobart Brothers Co, Troy, USA, (+1) 937 332 4000 Horizon Offshore Contractors Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 713 361 2600 Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Ltd, BURRY PORT, UK, (+44) 01554 836836 Hy-Ram Engineering Co Ltd, Mansfield, UK, (+44) 0162 342 2982 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Ulsan, Korea, (+82) 522 50 1640 6 ITW Welding Products, Appleton, USA, (+1) 920 735 9821 Indoweld Corporation, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, (+60) 7883 01 71 International Pipeline Equipment Co, Edmonton, Canada, (+1) 780 413 1886 Inter Stal Centrum Spolka Sp zoo, Lomianki, Poland, (+48) 227 515 674 Iron A Welding Ltd, Tilley, Canada, (+1) 403 377 2034 JL Plant & Pipeline Welding, Pensacola, USA, (+1) 601 435 5622 Jasdell Pty Ltd, Padstow, Australia, (+61) 2 9774 2100 Fabick Cat, Fenton (St. Louis County), USA, (+1) 636 343 5900 J.S. Welding and Building Co, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 208 69 64 Justrite Construction & Services Sdn. Bhd., Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, (+60) 86 252455 Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Lincoln Electric Co, Cleveland, USA, (+1) 216 481 8100 A J Lucas Group Ltd, Ryde, Australia, (+61) 2 9809 6866 Maats Pipeline Equipment, Goor, Netherlands, (+31) 547 260 000 Magnatech Limited Partnership, East Granby, USA, (+1) 860 653 2573 McDermott Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia, (+61) 8 9481 1933 J Ray McDermott SA, New Orleans, USA, (+1) 504 587 4411 J Ray McDermott, SA, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4 883 5100 Mendes Junior Engenharia SA, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (+55) 31 349 6724 Metal Services for Trading and Contracting Co, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 882 8100 Mosa SpA, Cusago, Italy, (+39) 02903521 Murray & Roberts Group, Bedfordview, South Africa, (+27) 114 561 000 NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, (+81) 332 127 111 Noreast Services and Pipelines Ltd, Gibraltar, (+350) 45184 Noreast-Wylton International Inc, Beijing, China, (+86) 10 656 104 11 Noreast-Meridian, Mumbai, India, (+91) 22 2847 3259 Ervin Sanat Co., Tehran, Iran, (+98) 21 8863 0191 Noreast-Al-Qhatani, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 3 857 4160 Noreast Welding Alloys Ltd, Istanbul, Turkey, (+90) 216 364 3252 Noreast Welding Contractors Ltd, Trimdon Grange, UK, (+44) 0142 988 2995 Northwestern Ohio Pipeline, Lima, USA, (+1) 419 641 6905 Oceaneering International Sdn Bhd, Singapore, (+65) 660 4000 Omnishelter, Cuggiono, Italy, (+39) 02 9724 9177 Orbimatic GmbH, Alten-Buseck, Germany, (+49) 6408 9026 0 Origin Engineering Ltd, Widness, UK, (+44) 01514 244 515 Osborn International GmbH, Burgwald, Germany, (+49) 6451 588 0 Osborn International Ltd, Chepstow, UK, (+44) 01291 634000 Oy Uddeholm Ab, Vantaa, Finland, (+358) 9 290 490 PSI Pipeline Service SA, Lugano, Switzerland, (+41) 91 972 9063 PWT SpA, Gaurdamiglio, Italy, (+39) 377 451 228 PWT International Ltd, Safat, Kuwait, (+965) 482 1364 Petro-Force, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 3 639 645 Petrology Ltd, Glasgow, UK, (+44) 01389 801700 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 Petromar UEM, Luanda, Angola, (+244) 2 33 11 87 Pferd Milwaukee Brush Co., Leominster, USA, (+1) 978 840 6420 PIH Services ME Ltd, Dubai, UAE, (+971) 4267 9989 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 344 268 585 PIH Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (+7) 327 232 6577 SOGECPIH, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 385 700 34 Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, Burnley, UK, (+44) 01282 415 323 Pipeline Erectors, Modderfontein, South Africa, (+27) 11 452 7312 Podvodtruboprovodstroy JSC, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 95 953 52 50 Powcon Inc, San Diego, USA, (+1) 619 621 6300 Profiweld Spol SRO, Trnava, Slovakia, (+42) 80 527 396 RAB GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, (+49) 341 657 50 RAB CZ sro, Prague, Czech Republic, (+420) 251 681 207

RAB Polska, Gdansk, Poland, (+48) 585 204 141 RMS Welding Systems, Nisku, Canada, (+1) 780 955 3907 Ritmo America LLC, Lake Wales, USA, (+1) 863 679 8655 Melvyn Rowberry Welding Services Ltd, Worcester, UK, (+44) 01905 755055 R S Consultants Ltd, Huntingdon, UK, (+44) 0148 782 4100 SPS Ireland Ltd, Carrickfergus, UK, (+44) 028 9336 6996 STI Schweisstechnik International GmbH, Glucksburg, Germany, (+49) 4631 6022 0 Sabre International Inc, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 437 0770 Scomark Engineering Ltd, Swadlincote, UK, (+44) 01283 218222 Serimer Dasa, Mitry-Mory, France, (+33) 160 216700 M Sharif & Co, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 111 786 911 M Sharif & Co, Lahore, Pakistan, (+92) 42 111 786 911 Shore Line Contractors GmbH, Oldenburg, Germany, (+49) 441 9704 355 Abdul Wasay Siddiqui & Co, Karachi, Pakistan, (+92) 21 6326910 Snamprogetti SpA, San Donato Milanese, Italy, (+39) 025 201 Sogea, Rueil Malmaison, France, (+33) 1 47 16 40 00 Sogetram sa, Garennes-sur-Eure, France, (+33) 2 32 26 60 00 Somico, Neuilly-en-Thelle, France, (+33) 3 44 26 85 85 Sonsub International Pty Ltd, Welshpool, Australia, (+61) 8 9350 6406 Southern Welding Systems International, Pearland, USA, (+1) 281 485 9772 Spa Welding Systems GmbH, Groebenzell, Germany, (+49) 8142 444 5990 Spie Capag Sucursal de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, (+57) 125 734 71 Spie Capag Reunion, Le Port, Reunion, (+262) 262 428 270 Spie Capag Arabia Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (+966) 146 561 51 Gasductos y Redes Gisca SA, Madrid, Spain, (+34) 915 554 593 Den Spie, Caracas, Venezuela, (+58) 223 828 62

Stroytransgaz OAO, Moscow, Russia, (+7) 095 363 9494 Subtec Middle East/Global Offshore International Ltd, Sharjah, UAE, (+971) 6 285 415 Svenska Elektrod AB, Solna, Sweden, (+46) 873 400 75 TESI S.R.L., Mila, Italy, (+39) 2 944 0501 Thermit Alloys (P) Ltd, Shimoga, Karnataka State, India, (+91) 8182 250431 Thermit Alloys (P) Ltd, Karnataka, India, (+91) 818 225 0431 Theta II Enterprises Inc, Houma, USA, (+1) 504 868 2854 Thyssen Mannesmann Handel GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany, (+49) 211 967 0 Torch Inc, Gretna, USA, (+1) 504 367 7030 Transfield Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, (+61) 3 9287 5700 Trouvay & Cauvin, Le Havre, France, (+33) 2 3525 6262 Troy Construction Inc, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 437 8214 Twinkie’s Portable Welding Ltd, Didsbury, Canada, (+1) 403 335 8253 UTP-Brasileira de Soldas Ltda, Sao Paulo, Brazil, (+55) 11 524 17 11 UTP Welding Materials Inc, Stafford, USA, (+1) 713 261 2069 Umax Ltd, Evanton, UK, (+44) 01349 831122 Vermaat Technics BV, Rockanje, Netherlands, (+31) 181 401 322 Vietz GmbH, Hannover, Germany, (+49) 511 949 9777 Visser & Smit Hanab BV, Papendrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 641 7222 Volgogas JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (+7) 831 236 4227 WHC Inc, Lafayette, USA, (+1) 318 837 8765 Welding Engineering Research Centre, Cranfield, UK, (+44) 01234 750111 Wilhelm (SEA) Pte Ltd, Singapore, (+65) 863 1676 TD Williamson (UK) Ltd, Swindon, UK, (+44) 01793 603 600 Wilson Byard plc, Livingston, UK, (+44) 01506 432882 The Winston Group Ltd, Winfield, USA, (+1) 630 682 9737 Wise & Company Inc, Manila, Philippines, (+632) 815 0996 Worldwide Machinery, Houston, USA, (+1) 281 452 5800 Worx Line, Algiers, Algeria, (+213) 2185 4890 Yuzh Ruboprovodstroy, Rostov On Don, Russia, (+7) 8632 53 30 09 Zakhem International Construction Ltd, Beirut, Lebanon, (+961) 1 499 057 Zapsibgasprom, Tuymen, Russia, (+7) 345 222 3241

Whole-life costing specialist AMEC Paragon, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 713 570 1000 ARB Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (+56) 237 852 20 Aarb Arendal, San Nicholas de los Garza (N.L.), Mexico, (+52) 81 81 54 1100 Bodycote PDL, Salford, UK, (+44) 0161 877 8800 CC Technologies, Dublin, USA, (+1) 614 761 1214 Currie & Brown, Bristol, UK, (+44) 0117 929 2525 International Project Estimating Software, Rockwood, Canada, (+1) 519 830 7300

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Jee Ltd, Tonbridge, UK, (+44) 01732 371371 Simulation Services, Oslo, Norway, (+47) 2293 1967 Tebodin Consultants and Engineers, The Hague, Netherlands, (+31) 70 348 0911

Winches All Wheel Drive Equipment, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 800 311 4778 Bezemer Dordrecht BV, Dordrecht, Netherlands, (+31) 78 618 1000 Braden Carco Gearmatic, Broken Arrow, USA, (+1) 918 251 8511 Desco International, Jebel Ali, UAE, (+971) 2 446 3427 Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors bv, Rotterdam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 447 8444 Huisman-Itrec, Scheidam, Netherlands, (+31) 10 245 2222 Land and Marine Project Engineering, Bromborough, UK, (+44) 0151 641 5600 Logan Industries, Inc., Houston, USA, (+1) 281 703 0646

Ludescher Cablecrane-Systems GmbH, Sulz, Austria, (+43) 5522 39412 MacArtney UK Ltd, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 358500 Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd, Retford, UK, (+44) 01777 714 200 Midwestern Manufacturing Company, Tulsa, USA, (+1) 918 446 1587 PJ Services Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore, (+65) 6545 3533 Pullmaster Winch Corporation, Surrey, Canada, (+1) 604 594 4444 Scan Tech UK, Aberdeen, UK, (+44) 01224 226940 Subterra Systems, Preston, UK, (+44) 01772 819841 TT UK Ltd, Bedford, UK, (+44) 01234 342566 Tesmec SpA, Bergamo, Italy, (+39) 35 423 2911 U-Mole Ltd, St Neots, UK, (+44) 01480 218722 UKpipelines.com Ltd, Sheffield, UK, (+44) 0114 2564600 Westech HMD, USA, (+1) 562 988 8499

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide categories and index Actuator manufacturer/supplier ...................... 137 Asset management ........................................ 137 Bending and cutting ........................................ 137 Bundles and umbilicals ................................... 139 Cathodic protection ........................................ 139 Chemical cleaning/metal passivation ............. 140 Civil engineering contractor ............................ 140 Cleaning and descaling contractor ................. 142 Coating - application, manufacture, supply .......................................................... 142 Coating applicator - internal ........................... 146 Coating applicator - plant ............................... 146 Coating equipment - pipe ............................... 146 Coating failure investigation ........................... 148 Coiled tubing integrity monitoring ................... 148 Commissioning ............................................... 148 Communication and PR consultant ................ 151 Compliance audit and monitoring ................... 151 Compressor and pump station design ............ 151 Compressor manufacturer ............................. 152 Computers and systems ................................ 152 Consulting engineer - pipelines ...................... 152 Contamination assessment consultant ........... 154 Contractor - pipe laying: offshore ................... 154 Contractor - pipe laying: onshore ................... 156 Contractor - utility ........................................... 161 Contracts administrator .................................. 162 Corrosion inhibitors ........................................ 162 Corrosion management .................................. 162 Corrosion protection materials ....................... 165 Cost control/planning ...................................... 167 Data logging and transmission ....................... 167 Dewatering ..................................................... 167 Direct assessment ......................................... 167 Directional drilling and equipment .................. 168 District heating ............................................... 169 Diving contractor ............................................ 169 Dredging ......................................................... 170 Drying - vacuum, desiccant ............................ 171 Earthquake disaster mitigation ....................... 171 Education and research ................................. 171 Electrical systems design ............................... 171 Emergency response services1 ..................... 171 Environmental audits, impact, management ............................................... 171 Failure investigation ....................................... 173 Field-jointing systems ..................................... 173 Fittings - distributor, manufacturer .................. 174 Flange - manufacture, supply, fittings ............. 174 Flow improvers ............................................... 176 Flow measurement ......................................... 176

Gas detectors ................................................. 176 Gaskets .......................................................... 176 Geographic information systems .................... 176 Geophysical and geotechnical services ......... 177 Hazard and risk assessment consultant ........ 177 Health and safety consultant .......................... 177 Heat exchangers ............................................ 178 Horizontal directional drilling ........................... 178 Hoses ............................................................. 178 Hot tapping, plugging, isolation ...................... 178 Hydrostatic testing .......................................... 179 Inertial data gathering ..................................... 180 Inspection equipment - coating ...................... 180 Inspection equipment - external ..................... 180 Inspection equipment - internal ...................... 181 Inspection of pipework, subsea ...................... 183 Integrity and condition monitoring ................... 183 Joints and couplings ....................................... 183 Laboratory services ........................................ 184 Land agents .................................................... 184 Land drainage design and installation ............ 184 Landfalls and shore approaches .................... 184 Leak detection ................................................ 186 Leak sealing ................................................... 188 Legal services ................................................ 188 Level gauges and indicators ........................... 188 Lining equipment/contractor ........................... 188 Maintenance and repair .................................. 190 Mapping ......................................................... 192 Materials selection, testing ............................. 192 Metering and regulator station design ............ 193 Meters and metering systems ........................ 193 Microtunnelling ............................................... 194 Moling ............................................................. 196 Multi-products system specialist ..................... 196 Navvy mat/bog mat ........................................ 196 NDE solutions ................................................ 196 NDT (including radiography) .......................... 196 Network analysis ............................................ 198 Oil and gas exploration and production .......... 198 Onshore/offshore pipeline safety regulator ...................................................... 199 Operation and maintenance consultant .......... 199 Operator - oil and gas pipelines ..................... 199 Outfalls - construction .................................... 201 Outfalls - design ............................................. 201 Pig - components and equipment ................... 201 Pig - consultant ............................................... 202 Pig - contractor ............................................... 204 Pig signaller design/supply ............................. 204 Pig tracking and location ................................ 204

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Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


Pig trap design/supply .................................... 205 Piggable tee and flow diverter manufacturer ............................................... 205 Pigging - industrial .......................................... 205 Pigging - in-line inspection ............................. 206 Pigging - utility ................................................ 207 Pigging services ............................................. 207 Piling .............................................................. 208 Pipe and fittings .............................................. 208 Pipe bedding .................................................. 209 Pipe bursting, cracking ................................... 209 Pipe clamps .................................................... 209 Pipe freezing .................................................. 209 Pipe handling .................................................. 210 Pipe insertion ................................................. 210 Pipe jacking, ramming .................................... 210 Pipe laying ...................................................... 211 Pipe laying - flexible ....................................... 211 Pipe location ................................................... 211 Pipe manufacturer - asbestos-cement ........... 211 Pipe manufacturer - clay ................................ 211 Pipe manufacturer - concrete ......................... 211 Pipe manufacturer - ductile iron ..................... 211 Pipe manufacturer - flexible ........................... 211 Pipe manufacturer - grp ................................. 212 Pipe manufacturer - other - ferrous ................ 212 Pipe manufacturer - other - non-ferrous ......... 212 Pipe manufacturer - plastic ............................ 212 Pipe manufacturer - steel ............................... 212 Pipe marking and identification ...................... 213 Pipe protection ............................................... 213 Pipe stockist ................................................... 213 Pipe support systems ..................................... 214 Pipe testing .................................................... 214 Pipe transport ................................................. 215 Pipe trenching and equipment ........................ 215 Pipeline design and engineering .................... 216 Pipeline identification tape .............................. 221 Pipeline inspection services ........................... 221 Pipeline integrity management services ......... 222 Pipeline management systems ...................... 224 Pipeline rehabilitation and repair .................... 224 Pipeline simulation ......................................... 227 Pipeline stabilization ....................................... 227 Pipeline weighting .......................................... 228 Pipework - fabricator, ducting, insulation ........ 228 Planning consultant ........................................ 228 Plant and equipment ...................................... 228 Polyurethane manufacture ............................. 229 Precast concrete shaft and tunnel segments ..................................................... 229 Pressure testing and sterilization ................... 229 Pressure vessel design .................................. 230 Procurement ................................................... 230 Project audit, monitoring, management ......... 230 Project feasibility studies ................................ 231 Project finance ............................................... 232 Public & community awareness programmes ................................................ 232 Pump manufacturer/supplier .......................... 232 Quality control ................................................ 232

Quantity surveying .......................................... 232 Recruitment .................................................... 233 Reinstatement - permanent ............................ 233 Remote power systems .................................. 233 Riser - design, installation .............................. 233 Risk and reliability analysis ............................. 233 Risk assessment ............................................ 234 Route selection .............................................. 234 ROV contractor .............................................. 235 Safety air-launching apparatus ....................... 236 Safety equipment ........................................... 236 Satellite systems ............................................ 236 SCADA and communication ........................... 236 SCADA consultant .......................................... 237 Scour control and protection .......................... 237 Seals .............................................................. 237 Security .......................................................... 237 Services location ............................................ 237 Sewer repair ................................................... 237 Shaft-sinking contractor, equipment ............... 237 Software ......................................................... 237 Software development and integration ........... 238 Solvent recovery systems .............................. 238 Stainless steel fittings ..................................... 238 Surface preparation and blasting ................... 239 Survey company - aerial ................................. 239 Survey company - land ................................... 239 Survey company - other ................................. 240 Tank inspection .............................................. 240 Telemetry equipment ...................................... 241 Temporary staff .............................................. 241 Thermal insulation .......................................... 241 Third-party certification ................................... 241 Training .......................................................... 241 Trenchless technology and equipment ........... 242 Tube cleaning, inspection ............................... 244 Tube stockist, manufacturer ........................... 244 Tunnelling contractor, equipment ................... 244 Vacuum fluid handling .................................... 245 Valve design ................................................... 245 Valve manufacturer/supplier - isolation .......... 245 Valve manufacturer/supplier - non-return ....... 246 Vegetation management/weed control ........... 246 Water and sewerage utility company .............. 246 Water and wastewater treatment consultant .................................................... 246 Water jetting ................................................... 246 Water resource development ......................... 246 Water services ............................................... 246 Wayleave/compensation ................................ 247 Welded steel pipes and tubes ........................ 247 Welding equipment/contractor ....................... 247 Whole-life costing specialist ........................... 250 Winches ......................................................... 251

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Aberdeen-Airpac ........................................................................................... logos - various American Innovations ...................................................................................................... 138 Ametek ............................................................................................................................ 194 Aptech ................................................................................................................................. 1 Aviation Technology Services (ATS) ............................................................................... 187 Bayou Co ......................................................................................................................... 145 Brenntag ............................................................................................................................ 70 Clarion Technical Publishers ........................................................................................... 256 Denso .............................................................................................................................. 147 Dresser Rand ................................................................................................ logos - various EMS ................................................................................... logos, and between 136 and137 Enduro ........................................................................................................ inside rear cover EWI ........................................................................................................................... 248-249 Farwest Corrosion ........................................................................................................... 143 GE Inspection Technologies .......................................................................................... 2, 10 GE Sensing ..................................................................................................................... 219 Laney ............................................................................................................................... 191 Lasen ............................................................................................................................... 100 Matcor ............................................................................................................................. 141 MBW ................................................................................................................................ 189 Mears Group ........................................................................................................... 179, 181 MC Miller ......................................................................................................................... 139 MyOilPatch .................................................................................................................. 14, 38 NDTAutomation ............................................................................................................... 251 NDT Systems & Services ................................................................................................ 203 NTG ................................................................................................................................... 90 Olympus .......................................................................................................................... 197 Pergam USA ................................................................................................................... 252 PI Confluence .................................................................................................................. 223 PowerWrap ........................................................................................................................ 80 Proto Manufacturing ........................................................................................................ 163 Radyne ............................................................................................................................ 175 Rosen ............................................................................................. logos, inside front cover Shea ................................................................................................................................ 110 Smart Pipe ....................................................................................................................... 225 Solar Turbine ..................................................................................................................... 48 Specialty Polymer Coatings (SPC) .................................................................................. 149 Spectra Sensors .............................................................................................................. 195 Stroytransgaz ........................................................................................................... logos, 5 SWRI ............................................................................................................................... 243 Tuboscope ..................................................................................................... logos - various TWI ........................................................................................................... outside rear cover Verlag - Energy Yearbook ............................................................................... 135, 164, 191 Weatherford PSS ............................................................................................................ 257

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Advertisers’ index


International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007



For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide



For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007



For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide



For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

The next edition of the International Energy Pipeline Directory will be published in February, 2008. To advertise, please contact: Elizabeth Siapkaris in the US: +1 817 713 0341 [email protected] Yvonne Taylor in the UK: +44 (0)1622 727088 [email protected]

To ensure your company details are included and are correct, go to the free on-line database at www.pipedir.com and add or update them as necessary. For all editorial matters, contact: John Tiratsoo in the UK: +44 (0)1494 675139 [email protected] The International Energy Pipeline Directory is published by: Scientific Surveys Ltd PO Box 21, Beaconsfield HP9 1NS, UK 262

in association with MyOilPatch.com

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Buyers’ Guide

Buyers’ Guide


orking with a faculty of some 38 leading industry experts, Clarion and GPM are privileged to provide some of the best-available industry-based technical training courses for those working in the oil and gas pipeline industry, both onshore and offshore.

Our curriculum for the coming year appears on the following pages. Complete syllabus and registration details for each course are available at www.clarion.org and www.pipeconferences.com. See pages following for dates and locations


For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

13-16 Nov

Houston Aug-Nov 2007

Subsea Systems Engineering Course

13-16 Nov

26-30 Nov

29 April-2 May

19-23 May

3-7 March

16-19 Sept

17-21 Nov

24-28 Sept

Subsea Pipeline Engineering Course

11-12 Feb

25-27 Aug

27-29 Aug

26-28 Sept

28-29 Aug

Stress Corrosion Cracking in Pipelines

13-14 March

5-6 June

26-27 Aug

2-3 June

6 Jun e

10-14 Nov

6-7 Nov

4-5 June

26-27 Aug

2-3 June

5-6 June

16-19 Sept

Houston June-Dec 2008

2-6 June

13-14 Sept

3-7 March

3-4 March

3-7 March

5-7 March

Amsterdam, 2008 - Provisional

Risk-based Management of Pipeline Integrity and Safety

Pipeline Risk Management

30-31 Aug

11-12 Feb

11-12 Feb

24-25 Sept

11-12 Sept

11-12 Feb

12 Feb

12-16 May

Pipeline Repair Methods / In-Service Welding

3-4 Dec

6 Dec

28-31 Aug

8-9 May

12-14 Feb

29 Oct - 2 Nov

8-9 Oct

10-14 March

11-12 Feb

11-12 March

11-12 Feb

11-12 Feb

29 April - 2 May

Houston Jan-May 2008

Pipeline Pigging & Integrity Management Conference

Pipeline Mapping, GIS and Data Integration

Pigging & In-line Inspection

Optimizing Reliability of ILI Inspections

Onshore Pipeline Engineering

Microbiological Corrosion in Pipelines

Introduction to In-line Inspection of Pipelines

ILI Data Analysis for Pipeline Integrity Management

HP/HT pipeline design

29-30 Aug

5-6 Dec

3-4 Dec

6-7 Dec

Calgary, 2007

Excavation Inspection, ILI and DA Correlation 1-2 Nov

29 Oct - 2 Nov

Newcastle, 2007

11-12 Sept


26-28 Sept

Rio de Janeiro, 2007

DOT Pipeline Safety Regulations - Overview and Guidelines for Compliance

Direct Assessment Methods for Pipeline Integrity

Defect Assessment in Pipelines

Deepwater Riser Engineering Course

Advanced In-Line Inspection of Pipelines


for details, see www.clarion.org and wwww.pipeconferences.com

Pipeline industry training course timetable

1-2 Dec

5 De c

3-4 Dec

1-2 Dec

4-5 Dec

Calgary, 2008

International Energy Pipeline Directory, 2007

For the latest information about company activities, go to www.pipedir.com

Pi pe l


e W e

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TWI is your one-stop-shop for: Incorporating Plant Integrity - home of: T E L E T E S T


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