Based on Tango With The Sheriff line dance by Adrian Churm, UK, with his
permission. Progressive Partner version by Tony Wilson & Lana Harvey Wilson,
Tango With The Sheriff,
Partner Version
Based on Tango With The Sheriff line dance by Adrian Churm, UK, with his permission. Progressive Partner version by Tony Wilson & Lana Harvey Wilson, USA,
[email protected],
[email protected],, 48 count, 4 wall, progressive partner dance, right side-by-side position Music: Cha Tango, Dave Sheriff, 110 bpm, Love To Linedance 3, FWD, HOLD, SIDE, CLOSE, BACK, HOLD, SIDE, CLOSE 1-4 Step forward L (strong step), hold, step R to right side, close L beside R 5-8 Step back R (strong step), hold, step L to left side, close R beside L SIDE, DRAG OVER 2 COUNTS, STOMP X2 9-12 Step L to left side, drag R to L over 2 counts, stomp R beside L (no weight) 13-16 Step R to right side, drag L to R over 2 counts, stomp L beside R (no weight) CROSS ROCKS 17-20 Cross rock L over R, recover on R, cross rock L over R, hold 21-24 Cross rock R over L, recover on L, cross rock R over L, hold FWD SHUFFLE, WALK, WALK, FWD SHUFFLE, 1/4 PIVOT 25&26 Shuffle forward LRL 27-28 MAN: Walk forward R, L LADY: Turn ½ right stepping R back, turn 1/2 right stepping L forward Drop L hands and raise R hands. Lady passes under as she turns. Resume right side by side position as you shuffle and pivot.
29&30 Shuffle forward RLR 31-32 Touch L toe forward, pivot 1/4 right weight ending on R Man is now directly behind lady, hands held at shoulder height.
CROSS-SIDE-CROSS, SWEEP, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, 1/4 TURN SCUFF 33-35 Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L behind R 36 Sweep R to around behind L 37-39 Cross R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L 40 Turn 1/4 left and scuff L forward Resume right side-by-side as you scuff forward.
STEP FWD, SCUFF X 4 41-44 Step L forward, scuff R forward, step R forward, scuff L forward 45-48 Step L forward, scuff R forward, step R forward, scuff L forward REPEAT