Temporal and spatial distribution of the ichthyotoxic ...

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observed in the Gasp6 Current at Mont-Louis, on the north coast of the ... Carpenter, 1985; Heinig and Campbell, 1992) describes G.aureolum on the western.
Journal of Plankton Research Vol.18 no.10 pp.1917-1930, 1996

Temporal and spatial distribution of the ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt in the St Lawrence, Canada D.Blasco, L.B6rard-Therriault, M.Levasseur and E.G.Vrieling1 Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, PO Box 1000, Mont-Joli, Quibec, G5H3Z4, Canada and 'Department of Marine Biology, University of Groningen, Biological Center, PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands

Introduction In 1966, a massive fish kill co-occurred with a large dinoflagellate bloom along the coast of Norway. Braarud and Heimdal (1970) identified the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt as the causative organism. Since this first observation, widespread blooms of this dinoflagellate species have been observed as a frequent summer feature of northern European seas (Richardson and Kullenberg, 1987; Dahl and Tangen, 1993). These blooms are important because of their contribution to the summer primary production (Holligan, 1979; Holligan et al., 1983) and they are often implicated in mortalities of fish, shellfish and other marine organisms (Tangen, 1977; Boalch, 1979; Ottway et al, 1979; Blake, 1981). Consequently, G.aureolum has been the object of intense field and laboratory studies. As a result, much has been learned of its taxonomy, toxicity and ecology (Holligan et al., 1983; Holligan, 1985; Partensky and Sournia, 1986; Partensky et al., 1988, 1989a and b, 1991). Gyrodinium aureolum was originally observed and described by Hulburt (1957) in a coastal pond near Woods Hole (Massachusetts) on the east coast of the USA. Since then, its presence has been reported all along the eastern coast of the USA (Campbell, 1973; Marshall, 1980; Chang and Carpenter, 1985; Martin and White, 1988; Heinig and Campbell, 1992; Marshall, 1995). In contrast with the European specimen, very little is known about the American one. The limited physiological and ecological information available (Carpenter and Dunham, 1985; Chang and Carpenter, 1985; Heinig and Campbell, 1992) describes G.aureolum on the western side of the Atlantic as being quite different from its European counterpart. Gyrodinium aureolum blooms seem to be restricted to isolated embayments and estuaries along the American east coast, while offshore blooms are common in © Oxford University Press


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Abstract. The occurrence of the potentially ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt is reported for the first time in the Lower Estuary and Gulf of St Lawrence. Taxonomic identification using an iramunochemical tagging method suggests a close taxonomic proximity between the species found in the St Lawrence and G.aureolum present in European waters. In 1993, G.aureolum was observed along the entire coast of Quebec and in offshore waters of the Gulf of St Lawrence. At the coastal stations, G.aureolum showed large week-to-week variations, but higher densities were observed during late August and early September. Bloom concentrations (106 cells I"1) were only observed in the Gasp6 Current at Mont-Louis, on the north coast of the Gaspd peninsula. In the central part of the Gulf, G.aureolum was concentrated in the upper 5 m of the stations directly influenced by the freshwater run-off of the St Lawrence Estuary. Results from principal component analysis indicate that G.aureolum favors environments with high nitrogen recycling activity.

D.Bteco et at

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D.BUsco et al

Received on October 25,1995; accepted on June 5,1996


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