Textual Entailment Using Machine Translation ...

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classification accuracies obtained by our system on the RTE-1, RTE-2,. RTE-3 ... summary and gold standard summary by comparing n-gram lexical matches be-.
Textual Entailment Using Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics Tanik Saikh1 , Sudip Kumar Naskar2 , Asif Ekbal1 , and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay2 {tanik.srf17, asif}@iitp.ac.in {sudip.naskar, sbandyopadhyay}@cse.jdvu.ac.in 1

Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India 2 Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Abstract. In this paper we propose a novel approach to determine Textual Entailment (TE) relation between a pair of text expressions. Different machine translation (MT) along with summary evaluation metrics and polarity feature have been used as features for different machine learning classifiers to take the entailment decision in this study. We consider three machine translation evaluation metrics, namely BLEU, METEOR and TER and a summary evaluation metric namely ROUGE as similarity metrics for this task. We also used the negation polarity feature in combination with the similarity measure features. We performed experiments on the datasets released in the shared tasks on textual entailment organized in RTE-1, RTE-2, RTE-3, RTE-4 and RTE-5. The best classification accuracies obtained by our system on the RTE-1, RTE-2, RTE-3, RTE-4 and RTE-5 datasets are 54%, 55%, 60%, 52% and 51% respectively. Keywords: Textual Entailment, Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics, Summary Evaluation Metrics, Machine Learning.



The term textual entailment (TE) can be defined in many ways. In natural language processing a text (T) entails a hypothesis (H) if H is true for every circumstances in which T is true. It can also be defined as a directional relationship between a pair of sentences, T and H and T entails H if the meaning of H can be derived from the meaning of T. In probabilistic terminology, T probabilistically entails H if P (H is true | T) > P (H is true), i.e., T increases the likelihood of H being true. The task of determining the TE relation between a pair of text expressions can be considered as a classification task. In this task for a given T-H pair, we need to determine whether T implies H or not. We need to learn a classifier from annotated corpora to accomplish this task. In any machine learning framework, we need a suitable feature space. To determine the TE relation between a pair of text expressions possible features can be the ones which capture similarity between pair of text expressions. Here we consider lexical similarity measures between two text fragments as features.

The proposed approach is based on supervised machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) [1], [2], multilayer perceptron model [3][4] and RBF model [5]. We make use of three machine translation (MT) evaluation metrics namely BLEU, METEOR and TER, and a summary evaluation metric ROUGE. BLEU, METOR and TER are popular MT evaluation metrics which are used to evaluate the quality of machine translated text. The MT evaluation metrics are applied on the machine translated text and human generated reference translation(s) to find out how close the machine-translated text is to human translation(s). On the other hand, ROUGE measures similarity between machine generated summary and gold standard summary by comparing n-gram lexical matches between these two summaries. As far our knowledge goes, use of combination of such features into supervised machine learning frameworks is new and first of its kind except the work of [6] that made use of conventional similarity metrics like, Cosine, Dice, Jaccard, etc. and two MT evaluation metrics namely BLEU, METEOR and made a comparative study. The same set of features were employed in a machine learning framework by [7] in the shared task on Detecting Paraphrases in Indian Languages (DPIL) organized in the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE)- 2016 for the Indian languages, namely Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu.


Related Work

Literature shows that there are significant numbers of works available in textual entailment on several datasets including RTE1, RTE2, RTE3, RTE4 and RTE5 datasets. In RTE-1 the best result was reported by [8] using the word overlap method. The output of BLEU was taken as confidence score and it was used to give TRUE or FALSE value to each entailment pair. They performed an optimization procedure for the development set that chose the best threshold according to the percentage of success of correctly recognized entailments and got a particular value, if the BLEUs output is higher than that of threshold value then the entailment relation is TRUE for that T-H pair, otherwise the entailment relation is FALSE. They obtained an accuracy of 70% on this dataset. In RTE-2, the best result of 75% was obtained by [9], using lexical relation and syntactic matching. The work of [10] produced the best accuracy of 80% on RTE-3 using discourse commitments, lexical alignment and knowledge extraction methods. The task defined in [11] used cosine similarity along with causal non-symmetric measure and obtained 63.5% accuracy using Nave Bayes classifier on the RTE-3 dataset. The work reported in [12] used seven features, namely lexical semantic similarity, named entities, dependent content word pairs, average distance, negation, task, length and produced an accuracy of 62.7% on the RTE-3 dataset. The authors of [13] computed the similarity between two sentences in terms of the degree of overlapping between the semantic contents of the two sentences and obtained 61.5% accuracy on the RTE-3 dataset. The study of [14] use support

vector machine (SVM) technique to take entailment decision between each T H pair and they achieved an accuracy of 61.75% on the RTE-3 dataset. In all the above cases conventional lexical and semantic features have been employed. On the other hand, the motive of MT evaluation metrics is to determine how close the translation hypothesis is to a reference translation, the closer they are the better the translation hypothesis and hence the MT system. Over the years researchers of MT have discovered several MT evaluation metrics like word error rate (WER) [15], position-independent WER (PER) [16], BLEU [17], NIST [18], Meteor [19], Translation error/edit rate (TER) [20], General Text Matcher (GTM) [21], etc. Among these MT evaluation metrics BLEU is perhaps the most widely used MT evaluation metric among the MT researchers. The task described in [8] demonstrates a comparative evaluation between this BLEU based algorithm and a Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) based system for recognizing textual entailments. The study described in [22] applies METEOR to T H pairs assuming that they are two different translations of the same source sentence. However, there has not been any notable work which made use of MT evaluation metrics such as BLEU, METEOR and TER, and summary evaluation metric like ROUGE, and negation polarity feature in machine learning framework. In our proposed approach, we exploit MT and summary evaluation metrics along with negation polarity as features. The experiments reveal a new direction of research where we establish that MT and summary evaluation metrics together with negation polarity feature can be used to recognize textual entailment for the binary class classification problem (in RTE-1, RTE-2 and RTE-3) and into the Entailed, Unknown and Contradiction classes for the ternary class classification problem (in RTE-4 and RTE-5). It can be observed from the RTE datasets that the length of T is usually larger than that of H. Length of T and H does not matter in the context of taking TE decision. However, MT evaluation metrics penalizes the similarity score when the two pieces of text (hypothesis and reference) are of different length; as a result it effects the TE decision. Therefore, we also make use of the ROUGE metric which does not suffer from the penalty score in case of length mismatch. Negative polarity feature is also taken into consideration since it plays a crucial role in TE in general and particularly in identifying the ‘contradiction’ class in 3-class TE. We believe that use of these MT and summary evaluation metrics together with the negative polarity feature captures the essence of TE properly.


Feature Analysis

Features play a pivotal role in any machine learning approach. Appropriate feature combination is very important for achieving good performance. The features which are used in our experiments are described below. 3.1

Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics

MT evaluation metrics essentially measure how close a translation hypothesis (i.e., translation output) is to a human translation (i.e., reference translation).

The closer the translation hypothesis is to the reference translation, the better the translation system. Over the years, MT researchers proposed several MT evaluation metrics like word error rate (WER), position-independent word error rate (PER), BLEU, NIST, METEOR, Translation error/edit rate (TER), GTM, etc. Among these MT evaluation metrics, BLEU is perhaps the most widely used in the MT community. In the present work we consider three MT evaluation metrics, namely BLEU [17], METEOR [23] and TER [20] as similarity measures in deciding about entailment by a classifier. BLEU: BLEU (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy) [17] is a metric used to judge the quality of a MT output from one natural language to another and most probably the most demanding metric in MT community. The core idea behind this metric is the closer a MT output to a human translation the better the MT output. This metric produce the score by comparing the n-gram of the MT output with the n-gram of the reference translation and normalized by number of n-gram in the MT output. It does not take recall into account, it only calculate precision separately for each n-gram ordering and combine them following geometric means. METEOR: METEOR (Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering) [23][19] is another metric which is also used to judge the quality of MT output. This metric match MT output against one or multiple references. It basically creates a word alignment (mapping between words) between two given strings, such that every word in each string maps to at most one word in the other string. This alignment is incrementally produced by a sequence of word mapping modules in which exact, stem (Porter stemming algorithm), and synonymy (Wordnet Synonymy) matching are taken in account. It then calculate the Unigram precision P = m/t and recall R = m/r, where m : Number of mapped unigram found between two string and t: Number of unigram in translation and m: Number of unigram in reference. It then computes a parameterized harmonic mean of P and R by the equation 1 Fmean = P.R/α ∗ P + (1 − α) ∗ R


It’s gives a penalty score based on the number of cross links. Finally, the Meteor score for the alignment between the two strings is calculated as equation 2 Score = (1 − P en) ∗ Fmean


TER: TER (Translation Error Rate) [20] is an automatic metric for machine translation evaluation. It is based on edit distance. It produce the error rate by measuring the number of edits required to transform a MT output sentence into human translated reference sentence. So the complement of this error rate are taken in account for similarity score. It can measure by equation 3 T ER = #of editsrequired/T otal#of wordsinref erencesentence



Summary Evaluation metric

The MT evaluation metrics have drawbacks of suffering from penalty score that occur due to different text lengths. We use summary evaluation metric (ROUGE) which does not consider text length. Summary evaluation metric generally measures how close the machine generated summary is to human generated summary (or reference summary). ROUGE is the available standard metric which is used to evaluate the summary. In this study this metric is used as a feature.

ROUGE: Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE) [24] is an automatic metric for machine generated summary evaluation which is based on the notion of unigram matching between the candidate summary and human summary. It is an automatic metric which determines the quality of summary by comparing with ideal summary generated by human. This metric counts the number of overlapping units such as n-grams, word sequences, and word pairs between computer generated summary and ideal summary which is created by human, normalized by the number of n-grams in references. It may be termed as recall version of BLEU.


Polarity feature

The presence of negative polarity context like ”no/not” can make a sentence meaning different. Consider the pair of sentences below. In Example 1, two

Example1 Example 2 T1: Oil price Surged. T2:I live in India. H1: Oil price did not grow. H2: I dont live in India.

sentences are textually entailed, but when we consider them for n-gram matching they might provide different results. In case of Example 2, the sentences are not textually entailed, but if we consider them for lexical matching they might yield high similarity score, and consequently the system will consider them as textually entailed. We introduce this feature in this study to address this kind of obstacles. In this study we search for a negation word (”no/not”) in a particular T and H pair, if it is found in T but not found in H and vice versa a score of 1 has been assigned for that T-H pair, otherwise if it is absent in both the pairs or present in both the pairs, a score of 0 is assigned.


Experimental Setup and Results

In this section we describe the preprocessing step, datasets, experimental setup, results and analysis.


Preprocessing Module

The system extracts a pair of T and H from the development and test set also from five RTEs datasets. The datasets contains T-H pairs as given below. iTunes software has seen strong sales in Europe. Strong sales for iTunes in Europe. From this XML data, we extract T and its corresponding H part and remove the stop words and white spaces (if any) from both text and hypothesis. 4.2


We carried out our experiments on the datasets released in the shared tasks on textual entailment organized in RTE-1, RTE-2, RTE-3, RTE-4 and RTE-5. Table 1 shows the statistics of the five datasets. The table yields the number of T-H pairs (THP), average text length (ATL) and average hypothesis length (AHL) for the development and the test set belonging to each dataset. ATL and AHL provide average sentence length in words. The model predicts textual entailment relation between a pair of text expressions and we want to estimate how accurately our predictive model performs in practice. In prediction problem, a model is generally given a dataset of known data on which training is performed, and a dataset of unknown data against which a model is tested. The table 1 shows that the length of H is very less compared to the length of T. Table 1. The Statistics of the datasets Dataset RTE-1 RTE-2 RTE-3 RTE-4 RTE-5


Development Set THP ATL AHL 567 23 9 800 26 9 800 34 8 0 0 0 600 97 7

Test Set THP ATL AHL 800 25 10 800 27 8 800 29 7 1000 39 7 600 96 7


We calculate several similarity scores with the help of above mentioned features for each T-H pair contained in the development and test sets of five datasets namely RTE-1, RTE-2, RTE-3, RTE-4 and RTE-5 which were extracted with the help of preprocessing module using the aforementioned MT, summary evaluation metrics and polarity feature. These scores are used as feature values to build a classification model. We build three models based on SVM, Multilayer perceptron model and Radial basis function (RBF) network. We use the implementation as available in Weka toolkit3 . The classifiers are trained with the 3


features as discussed earlier and summarized in Table 2. The classifier assigns a prediction class to each T-H pair in test dataset of unknown class. Based on the comparisons between the gold standard output of that particular dataset and the predicted output of the classifier, confusion matrix is generated, which yields the system accuracy. Table 2. Different sets of features and the corresponding models. Feature Set BLEU, METEOR and TER BLEU, METEOR, TER and ROUGE BLEU, METEOR, TER, ROUGE and Polarity


Model Model1 Model2 Model3

Results and Discussions

The results on the five datasets are shown below one by one. We plot the results

Fig. 1. Results on the RTE-1 on different models using different machine learning approaches

of three different models on the RTE-1 dataset using different machine learning approaches. In RTE-1 third model gives the best performance in Multilayer perceptron, i.e., 54% which is depicted in Figure 1. However, the best result reported in the literature for this dataset is 70% by the system of [8]. Results obtained on RTE-2 are depicted in Figure 2. We obtain the highest score of 55.5% using SVM. However, the best accuracy in this dataset reported is 75% [9]. Results obtained on RTE-3 dataset are presented in Figure 3. Here we achieve

Fig. 2. Results on the RTE-2 on different models using different machine learning approaches

the highest score of 60.37% in Model 3 by SVM. The best result obtained [10] in this dataset is 80%.

Fig. 3. Results on the RTE-3 on different models using different machine learning approaches

Results obtained on RTE-4 are depicted in the Figure 4. It shows that we obtain the highest accuracy of 52.5% in multilayer perceptron model. As there is no development set we perform 10-fold cross validation to report the final result. Literature shows that highest accuracy for this task is around 68.5% by [25] that makes use of semantic knowledge bases like WordNet, Verb Ocean, Wikipedia, Acronyms database etc. In RTE-5, we obtain the best results with multilayer perceptron model that shows an accuracy of 51.87% in figure 5. RTE-5 is ternary class classification

Fig. 4. Results on the RTE-4 on different models using different machine learning approaches

problem with the following classes: ENTAILMENT, UNKNOWN, CONTRADICTION. It is to be noted that the best accuracy is 68.33% as reported in [26]. Overall it is observed that, in our datasets with these feature combination Multilayer perceptron performs well compared to SVM and RBF. Multilayer perceptron is a kind of classifier which classifies instances based on back propagation, perform training on multiple layers.

Fig. 5. Results on the RTE-5 on different models using different machine learning approaches


Error Analysis

In our work we make an attempt to establish relationships between MT evaluation metric, summary evaluation metric and polarity features in detecting

entailment relation between a pair of text snippets. The results obtained in all the datasets used need to be improved. All the MT evaluations which have been used in this study provide similarity score by considering n-gram lexical matching. Lexical matching has some drawbacks, it does not capture the negation words. Following example describes the problem. T: John Loves Merry H: Merry Loves John Here, Unigram matching score = 3/3 = 1 and Bigram matching score = 0/2 = 0 According to unigram match, the above sentences are textually entailed, however in realty they should not. Consider the example below, textitT: I live in India. textitH: I do not live in India. For TE problem length should not be considered. In all our experimental settings, H is much shorter than T. The MT metrics that we have used considers text length. They generally assign a penalty score, which substantially decreases the matching score between text and hypothesis. This, in turn, affects the overall performance.


Conclusions and Future Works

In this experiment we have set up relationships among MT evaluation metrics, summary evaluation metric and polarity feature (no/not) for textual entailment. We develop three classification models based on SVM, multilayer perceptron and RBF network classifiers. These models have been evaluated for textual entailment on five different datasets, namely RTE-1, RTE-2, RTE-3, RTE-4 and RTE-5. Unfortunately due to the unavailability of the datasets of RTE-6, and RTE-7, we could not be able to carry out the experiments on these datasets. In future we plan to perform experiments with other similarity metrics. We have a plan to use other MT evaluation metrics such as GTM, NIST, and CDER as features for our experiment. We would also like to consider dependency parsing based matching to overcome the drawback of n-gram lexical matching. It is also to be noted that we will make use of dependency parsing based MT evaluation metric instead of conventional MT evaluation metrics. We would also like to explore deep learning based techniques for textual entailment. Acknowledgments. The research work has received funding from the project Development of Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) funded by The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India.

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