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On this the following proceedings took place. Mr. Phillips ... its place oi one offered by ourself, omitting the nomination of ...... TrU',' county, Kei tjcity. Ke cr ;o Le' it ...

II All NET &Ogiet


really the best way to forward his claims, to let ti n stand on the same footing as the other prorr- inent nauies of democrats, now spoken of in connection with this high office. The ltjetction of the resolution in question, we feel altogether warranted in asserting, was merely to indicate the opinion of those present that the whole subject of Presidential candidates should rrop-erlbe left open to the discretion of a National Convention, without favorer prejudice. This vote should, therefore, be looked upon as a marked evidence of courtesy and forbearance on the part of those present towards all the prominent gentlemen now spoken of tVr the Presidency, and also of a renewed pledge to abide by the safe and well established rule ol National Convention nominations. As for our part, although from our Pennsylvania predilections, we prefer Mr. Buchanan, yet there is no man in the Union, would, our impressions, makes better Pres ident thsn Gen. Butler, or one who would confer more honor or benefit on the nation, with, out regard to party. It was thought sometime 8go, that the democracy of Missouri would unite, but Benton has issued his bull against it. and the case is hopeless.



ttreet. East tide. If t tee en Mirket and Jeffcrttm.j

on Third


Htlt MLK AT III If l)hfK. Cap'ea af ih Daily Paper ran be prcBrel at (be dek, with r witaoat eaielepea, at 5 reals per klatile rapy ar 35 cents per dozen.

Democratic Ticket, 1852. FOR PRESIDENT,



DOUGLAS, of Illinois.


R. M. T. HUNTER, of Virginia. SATURDAY. :

JANUARY 17, 1852.

ITT TLe Bentonites of St Louia bad an op

roarious meeting in that city on the 8th. It was a high day generally, and two or three thou sand of Btutoa'a disciples got together in the Rotunda and tavc vent to a quantity of gas and patriolisn in the sLape of speeches and resolutions. Col. Gilpin was called on for a speech, whilst the committee were out cooking up resolutions. He came forward with a series of resolutions of his own, which are decidedly of the progressive sort. He wants a road made to the Pacific from the Missouri r;vcr; the public lands all given to the Slates in wLich they lie; the Indians rubbed out in general; and finally, he wants the capital at Wascington moved to Missouri. The meeting adopted all these resolutions with great unanimity. Next came the comXiittee with their resolution, eighteen in number, and long as they are numerous. They glorify the memory of Jack aon, endorse the Baiaiore platform, but repudiate the Jackson resolutions. They approve the joint resolutions cf the Legislature of 1847, and say that Benton obeyed them and Atchison didn't They go for the right of instruction after this fashion: Resolved, That we recognize, in its fullest extent, the democratic doctrine of the right of instruction, within constitutional limits and accord. ng to tLe will of the people. CapiUl way, this, of obeying instructions. Obey what suits one, but don't obey what dues cot suit. This thing of obeying instructions one don't like, or resigning an office one does like hugely, is easier preached than practiced; S3 it's well to provide a way to get out of such a dilemma. The amusing part of the business is, that the instructions they approve are positive for the Missouri coir.proziise in ell cases of territory eith r then in possession or to be acquired. They are in favor of these, because Benton voted for the proviso in the Oregon bill, and AtcLisjn didu't. How well Benton obeyed these instructions in the case of California the deponents don't say. It is best not to be inquisitive on nice points. He obeyed once; that was wtll. He disobeyed once; that was better. Hurrah for Benton! They denounce banks, sLinplaster despots in general, and James Watson Webb and the National Intelligencer in particular. They glorify liberty and patriots, Kossuth, O'Brian, and everybody else that is for the largest liberty. We couia say auieu heartily to a good deal but then when they come to Benton. We must quote just what thty say, to da them justice : Resolved, That we recall with peculiar satis faction, at the present time, the political life of Andrew Jackson an overwhelming scheme of internal improvements by the national government stopped by tu veto the national debt extinguished the separation of bank and State declared an immense monied monopoly crushed, and the iroLstrous head cf nullification, the firs', laid low by the patriotic thunders of the proclamation; and that we rejoice that there still survives among us, solitary and alone in his fiery, the great champion of bis policy, whose senatorial thunder made Foote tremble and deny his master whose firmness and undaunted courage have mainly contributed to the downfall 01 nullification the second, and a second time to put an end to a dangerous agitation by anticipating its object, and early rendering it powerless lor evil to the country. Retnlved, That in the vigilant sentinel who aounded the alarm to the people wben me arch nulnter introduced the first wtdgu of disunion into the U. States Senate in that master mind that coped wr.h Henry Ciay, and prevented the great embodiment from transferring to the whig party alt the honor, without the merit of set tlmg the eiavery agitation aud saving the Union that upset the ''omnibus" and took the pas eengtrs through by daylight in that devoted patriotism that sacrificed a high official dignity upon tte aiiar of his country's good, we recognize the distinguished statesman of Missouri, TuoMa H. BiNTOni, in wLom we have undi minished confidence, and an faith. Resolved, Tfcat our delegates to the district of congressional this district, be convention and are hereby instructed to vote for the nomination of the Hon. '1 nomas 11. Benton, aa our ctndi date for the ntxt Congress from this district. This is not all. Benton is several times men tioned in the other resolutions, and the meeting repudiate all uho voted for Geyer for the Senate, and thereby defeated their idol. It is man ifest these fellows intend to go to Benton when they die. They appointed delegates to the State convention. Our readers are aware that Benton has repudiated ad union with the democrats, which, from recent indica tions, constitute the mass of the party in that State, although not in St. Louis. The last res' olution reported by the committee reads thus: R solved, That we recommend for the presi dency Gen. Win. O. Butler, the aid and asaoci ate oi uen. jacuson in me acnievements we this day commemorate, whose distinguished valor was conspicuous on the bloody field of the River Rasin and at Monterey, and throughout the Mexican war, and "whose politics," in the language of Col. Benton, "are without a flaw:" who supported Gen. Jackson with vigor, not only .n the field, but in all his civil conflicts with the federal parly. On this the following proceedings took place Mr. Phillips moved to strike oat the 18.h res olulion, nominating Gen. Butler for the next presidency, and insert therefor the following as a suIku uie, viz: Refitted, That this meeting will support the nominees of the next democratic national con vention for President and Vice President of the United Stales, having entire confidence in the honesty and ability of that convection to select proper candidates. It was moved to lay Mr. Phillips' resolution on the table for the present. Said motion was reject a. The substitute of Capt. Phillips was then adopted by the meeting, together With the other resolutions as oCcred. The editor of the Union, who moved this BubsUlute, thus apologises: We feel that we should not, ia justice to uen. boner ana ms mends, omit to state that the rejection of the resolution of the committee nominating Gen. Butler, and the substitution in its place oi one offered by ourself, omitting the nomination of any democrat in particular, but merely pledging the meeting to abide the selection ol tne candidate made by the next National Convention, should not be understood as a disparagement of the claims of Gen. Butler. In the estimation of the moat of those present friendly to Gen. Butler, it was believed to be y

ever-abidin- g


non, gun carriages, muskets, and pistols, all fit "WITUATIO.X WANTED. VENETIAN BLIND ITCAKEIt. for land a:d service: a complete collec YOUNG man (a resident or this cityj, wishes to iHH SUBSCRIBER calls tbe attention of tbe citi procure a situation eiiher in a Dry Good1 or Gro tion of riant. ca! and matheinj'ical instruments. zens ot Louisville to the fact that be constantly or out door e'erk. Address together wiui models of snips, machines, &o. eeps on hand and manufactures to order a very eery store, ai a!em-iiiBLINDS. They are "J W. G." Box 615, through tne Post Offi;e. H.s imperial JMaitsty examined with much at uperior article of VEN1T1AN u given. very best materials, and made nncrcnwi manufactured the from AT tention the beauty and the finish ol this collec by himself, which enables him to warrant them equal in jinl6 dtf tion, and appeared to be exceedingly well sat- - finish and workmanship to any manufactured in thiscity. CJI'jVKII Warn Just receive) hyexures s solid lsne-UKOKCxK UlLMOKK. O SILVER COFFER and TEA SET, to hkh 1 in. with tbem. corner 3d and Jefferson streets. vite the attention of those in want nf s.imethinff BO. d "All these objects are made to perfection, jan!7 dtlstapr and handsome in that line. For sale at and it could not be otherwise; for it will be WANTjKO. WM. KKNDKICK. 71 Fourth st. ia'"o remembered that President Fillmore gave an order that when Ernin Effendi visited tbe arsenals and other establishments of the United States, every thing should be placed at the disposal of this young officer, winch he should point out as being serviceable to the mission with which he was charged." The Journal de Constantinople also speaks of Amin Bey's visit to the United States in terms very complimentary to our Government ana people. lie public.


.Gil) sou's Improved O



Yellow Dock and Sarsupurilla!


13 We are not insensible to the handsome compliment from our neighbor of the Journal. llr. rurotM Improved Extract of We are entirely too modest a man to sccept the YELLOW DECK d SARSAPARILLA! whole of it, but it is our deliberate opinion StLiNK, Mich ,Oct. 6,1851 that our neighbor is a very competent judge in am. John l). Park Pear sir: It is with unutterable gra.itu !e that I am able, through the Divine such cases. We have always thought so, and ree:ingsor Provmence of God, ami by the wonder working agency we are fully confirmed in that opinion now. oi umicxceiK iii riieuicine,"U.iysotrs Yellow Dock and

!Miap&iui4, logive you a lew symptoms or my almost h pe!esscase. In the wicKr of ISjO, I was attacked with a severe D" We are requested to say that Col. Mar pain, which was gradually extending through the whole shall, our Representative in Congress, has two iilit side and Ir g; at the same lime, a total prostration of iiiv also, my ieg hail shrunk to about land warrants one belonging to James Risley two phyMcalitssjsteni; common s ze. 1 procured the attend imr sot and the other to Mrs. Isabel Reigh and he can ance of a ski'ful practitioner, who pronounced my dis ease one oi t,e worst forms of liver complaint. He said not find any memorandum in his possession in my ca.e was one not handled, but prescribed for dicating the residence of the claimants. Who me. 1 reman e l under his treatment until I was Satisfied he could ii'it help me. I then procured of your asent at ever sent the claims to is requested at once (his niacp, W. A. I'.eers. two bottles of Guysott's Yellow , lockand from which I received a vast to apply to him through the mail, that he may amoui.toi nencht. Alter having taken four bottles more know how to send them to the person entitled. 1 was anie tot ursue my business without any inconveni have been since that time a well man, while huta short time since I was confhied to my bed three of time: aud I cannot ascribe the tetu n of fourths the If the observance of the compromise de my health to a- y other cau-'- ihan b7 the agency of that pended exclusively upon the democratic party tru'y valuable mediciiie, Gr.yoU's Yeilov Dock and of the south, it would inevitably be repealed Sarsapinila. tlA.-SK- L VAUK1PKK

forthwith, a large majority of that party being in fav.r of its repeal. The hope of the nation is in the whig party of the south a:.d the whig party of the north. Lou. Journal. This is a very good occasion to have an ex planation of this matter. What portion cf the compromise can any party repeal What portion of it will any party of the South repeal, if they have the power? We have on our exchange list the most ultra southern papers of the Union, and there is not one amongst them that does not declare the compromise settled, and to be hereafter firmly maintained, except, perhaps, the Charleston Mercury, tbe pjper we have not seen lately.

FROM 30to40headof COWS. Also, from 60 to 75 head ofSHOAT.S. for which the highest price will be



I. O. O. F.


Office of th Grand Sicretarv,


Louisville, January 17, 1832. i l THE fessinn of the Grand .v" ii" , will commence on TUESD AY, 20th 6vr?.Lodge 3SS?w5-fin!,t'- . l 10 o'clock. A. M at the ODD





MACHINE may be seen at the Swin Establishment that will sew at the rate of It vard ner mm. me, or 70 yarus per nour. The Sewing that this Machine does is ar superior to hat done by hand, both for regularity and streneth. The public are invited to crii ana examine mis wonderful Machine, and satisfy mai ii is uu numnuz. Single Machines for sale: also. Conritv Ri?hta The Sewing Establishment is on the corner of Fourth and Market streets, over SamuMs' Clothing Depot, 3J noi y ciiuiuic on roi.nn srirei. jinl7 McFADDEN. DAVIS & SKENE.


BliKACflFD Oooffii. bleach: 10 do Gen. Taylor bleach; 6 do Plymouth do; 5 do Glen Lawn do; 10 do China Linen dot 10 do Amoskaeg do; 6 do Valley Falls do; 8 do Oglen B do; 10 do Naumkeag do; Ju9t received and for sale at very liw figure by EMORY LOW or CO.

Saline, Oct. 14. 1S51. Sir: I send you the loregoing "PI.AID I.lnneya, Ar am acquainted witn his case, it JL 5 cases Noyes Plai l Linsey: certitua'e, i.-- alltrue. I procured it, thinking it might be a benefit 6 do Hungarian Plaid Linsey; to you and to the afflicted. 1 case English Merino; You have the privilege o ours, Just received and for sale very low by usii:g u as you uiu.k oesi . janl7 W. A. BEEKS. EMORY LOW & CO. Mr. J . D. P

Dear KnK and s J far as I

q q The

i q b q q following letter is from



i highly




TJLANKETS and Blnnketing. Our stock of the JJ above goods is still targe and desirable, and we are nosing inem out at very reduced prices to roo for spring importations. janl7 EMORY LOW & CO.



I.Vau Fork, liuttrr Knlve, "ngar

Pickle Knives and Foks, Spoors, Goblets, &c. of latit style, a i.ew lot ihose having the above property Tot uie wui received by express. Also, a g"oi assortfind a purchaser by leaving their address on the slate ment of Silvfr of home kept for that purpose at Mr. JAMES KENNEDY'S all warranted good, for a!e bv Stables, on Fifth street, between Main and Market. wm. KKNDRICK, 71 Fourth st. i""6 J in 17 dlw Knives. A very pretty article. Sli.VKK lotDf.frc just received by STOP TUB lUHiVK. ji!6 WM. KENDRH K, 71 Fourth st. the nieht of the 3d inst.. a man bv tha name r.f WILLIAM HASHER, escaped from the Jail of VAI'CiIK".A new iot just revmo county, Kentucay, wnere be was confined on a ceived, of vinous s'yles, Gold and svl' charge of stealing various articles of Clothing. Said ver, of most a,irovfd makers, whxh nasner is about 3 1 years or age ; 6 reet 8 or 10 inches high ; makes my assortuient very complete. weight about 165 pounds; is a confirmed diunkard; hasa Warranted to give satf .i tion hy famdyin Meade county, Kentucky. A libeial reward WM KENDRICK. will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to me. CGrs,iecial attention given to Watch repairing. K . GIBSON, Jailor O O. jani7d3Awl iar,16 paiu.

Scrou'a, SjphiUe,

Mercurial Complaints, Cancer, Gan grene, Hheumatisn, and a vast variety ot other disagree ahle and dangerous diseases ait spiedily and perfectly rurea oy ine use nj




gists East, ai d win bs offered on tne usual terms to i ruaipt men.





e w:!









rxcfii 4o.

I 1. 1. 1 A N T Treih aad BKTh;re can be not the slightest

Hweel U raib- vdoubt but that mny diseases art e iron ncect ot tne teeth. Pure air is ai necessary to hraiih as lou-- is to lie; but troje havn g dir. ty teem soougy gums are constautly i an atmosphere, and hence many disease arn.e l eihaps are never attributed lo the nqht Cdu-- . JULKs

hv f. r. .miimii.


LARGE LOT U? SICON D FURNIItRE AT A LC TIOX. HAUEL'S PURIFIED CHARCOAL TOOTH-PAsTi decidedly the be-- t r medv yet JwcoveieJ f ,x disease.) MlIS MOnNJNG. (SatjrJay,) January 17. at 10 o". teeth and gums, as it neu'rl.zs tha disagreeable odoi I . t.OCk, W'il htlj! 1 at A JCiiOi: KoOl.iS. . SO P ..,, (arising (nunc noui teeth, and render s ti;e 'gums firm rect. a general asor:m-- . i r i f ec.i u i r.i ht.intlm J Alt dentist agree that chare, ul is an ex j aud healthy. urnituie. by i.rd- r of tne t' l.i ti:e '.. cedent deiitr.tice; but many rersons have been fearful found many Jesirab e artk .e. of 'iing it on account of tne harj and gritty suostances -f it nns cas i . rij .3 n,. whi h are sener. lly m X3 l witu if. ai d will h ate calcuiJt" "I Mil f. ;.;ouke. Mimtrvi to ii'iure the enamel of tie tfe'h. TUSr received amther Iirge assortment of gent's Lin- - lated Jules Haue'.'s Punfi d Ciiarcoal Tooth Pas'e is e n'ire. IIV it. IIOl I. "" Iy free ff ,jn, ,his as tne coa! trot i which it is .in onirrs.eiiiuracins every siy.e, quani Groceries, Dry Gjods, Jweiry, und Furniture pirpiied is loaned from poplar bumt expressly Fit wirran'.e in every Gentlemen in search l the purpose in an iron ciinder. The .tt'er ii gredi AT Ai.CTIOX. of rea ly made Shirts ara respectfully invited to cad and en s are c my such nece; arv'o rreDare tne car- ONSATURDtTMON NO, j.n 17' :o o't ock examine my stock, wh ;ps they c inn it fail to be sui'e J. toil in tnis fori-i- aas dare , in theu'seives are en'irety ii nocu at .,. 7,; l.n, v.eer,, I have S'nrH to fit t tie largest sizsd man in Kentucky, ous. The Purified Charroall ix th Pasie will irnrart the eral t. t ot ..e'i n, n.CKery, ,la ,'dre down t the sm iile-- t of qualities, and for sale at very most beau'iful brii lant whiti-ne- s Hardware. keep and Dy s. u. to the tee'ti. t ,.ev :.r.nd Ba-- u.e x. e d.c. low price. Please call at 195 Miia street, Louisvide the gums hcaiiny, and make the breath pjie and sveet. Also, at li,'c.-jc:,ai-.- t of i i.naud Krl. Shirt Stere. t ore, ng im ror sue &nu ittaii Dy rt o wnoiesa.e A. D. MANSFIELD. 1a16 Ward'ob-fi- , rJuieu-tG. NICHOLAS, Pie"" '. T .S'pa vi,.. u..i Ueada. Lo.r:ge:, I ha rs, Mt're.e Wi? Manufacturer and Fancy St- - re, FAiri OaY, THE i"' K V H Iti .Tl No. 8o Fourth st., bet. Main and Market. Lot.Kn.g oU-s-jjmlo C.tcus, Carpets, MjVs, u aswire. VC. , V c. XJ Sate posi tl vc. Terms c?s.1. janlo BAND-BOJ. K. rit)S n.arked Simons A Lan:b, Tahin's ireer. XL l.ndinst, Indiana, be'ween Louisvil e nd Poit AUCTION SALE. I tnree Cans and. coiit iuMig ci e di zen Wool Hat-.aThe fin.ier will be liberally rewarded by leavn it a! t:ie 12 Y 12. Sc T. I'OWCLL, Store or J rttN I v T O i A S. janl 0. c N3. 37i Mai.i st Mirket street, he'. Sfcwdand Third. rave u ar au.t .a sits cf ' G ots, -r la Time. FRESH r50t-aru 'i Hats a I'jii. t ... i ut. i in thk shkll- .y, an I a v.iruty o. otnef art.tU-erv. Jewel! jo i.uiuer. r riCM Nnw YohK It TS.--. u t pit tion. V. e - a r i ill to d. ..r out afend D.vs oM.v. 23 bbls of Sad He Koik and Fu'n-t-reHeal e n st on Ac, Prtnce's B y fresh Oysters ii the Shell, tne very best lot Hou'eniii reasn V. ibie We ternts. ?.. have tv.o or ine seasonality 7 .tays on tiie roite, ju-- t rtceivnl at y t,r the s .ie ,.f a l' x;.r. kt,.,i. U i.ew .1 .: MAKBLK HALL, tilui street rial.- lnu .ri:uure, w.'.xh w.ll iu. prcini t atttn Braids, Ci ris, Bandeaux Wi?s, the Scatp. tion. WHERK l Hair Work of every kind cin he State Co., Tire C( of a.l ki...' s Hti'ed. and cash ad found in ahu'n'ance, an'l made in approved workman OP HAHaiSBCBO, Fff.HS'VLVAJII.. varices mi 'e on ad ? ods ioi:-iz- : f.i. ship, and as cheap as they could be sot in Pni adelph a sa e- - cuRimei e n; Lj' fcveio 7 o'c'otlt. Si.5G,00O. Capital opuo-iiethor New York, ts on Kunh s'reet, nearly K . Jt T. Po Jed'J ELL. A uv tic neers. Methodist hplcopal Church. Call anil see. THIS Compaiivn designed K. only for the janlGdtf D.NIf'HOLAS aodju.vroi risKs, an insures titn- I'AK I V I. DXTU l arue r rhin and fJraw- I ofMiai-eManuel, knit. Cashmere ciple. Insurance can be effected in tnis Company on a GENTLEMEN'S wt.r j an ! ,IjU assorted K.J.Siiii. ' er. l I G Lambs' Wool, 1 ountry Ftar nel, Cantou Flanr ei.ard reasonable terms as any otiier 111 this cry. vs; Drill ( otton; Half Ho;e. extra sizes. For salr cl e ip at la tits' wn te, .Ijtit, a;i. , ark D. II. ARM s KONG, Genrral A sent. re I KiJ Glove-;- ; W n.ti S.tin, -- A, M A N S H ELD'S. jftf' ai ! Law 1 laVat.; Ointe llti Fouittist., Lou'sv; lie. iiecii doiu Black Sat:u !;d i t itor tn n ;i itindui '. sTict Dr.,mn!it,iit i.K. 1.1,1 A D H UU. Ju t received 1 e s of Ivory wti.-.M.rstilts am m x, back Satn tnl.M.K, 4i.l ian ueauns; o' iiiib company, reieience is mad" to li Billiard Balls, bitst q lali'y. sizes 2i, 23 , 2J. colored Vt-"touownis grntlemen: Hon. J. F. Buhitt. A . U. Hun: A for sale cueap at ilJj Mj 11 street. Nov: sp,n mi t'uJ'i i o., Bankers; a. hnatft. Attorney at Law; G. W. Kiai ut3 aa Drawers, and every jinl6 A. D. MANSFIELD. o var . her cit liar., to., muoic Dea'.er-- Aioz'rt Ha.!; Fr.lerM Linen, Lis ee'y; I mead, E ; U br..wn, aii wh:'e B luer, Chestnut street; A. Joager, Deai.-- in l h;n ui. 2jC0 Ju?t eceived Ma.I tl Bir.t.lMtO Cue l.rntbfr. r:;u;af ill d ; street; H. Geioke. City H tel sizes best qiality For sale li ieensware, lia ii!C!e-te- r vatjnt Lr.en and r' every se Cheap at vaiistieet: c. Meyer, ur.cer, corner Tr.ird and Ciee ; streets. janl 6 MANSFIELD'S. Fdi.ty Art!'..s icl Pcifumcry, It nd ge..erl assortment. I I KEN J. A. FLOOD, ltall. Just received 75 superior ten pin an l r.'"en?n are ans, Il,o,o.6.Ci.7.7A.7i Foi sale oep at J-a.' of the-that B.ind anl Show Cfc,e Maker, No. 61 i'fh.t are or .,;- ml ?t jatU6 .mi,; 5Jlli ir M A NSFl ELM'S. pr Ce. 1 bird s reet, v between Ma:n and Market , West side jm!J TAVLOriO A.v MS 1 KuNu. i?l M on 1'. . . llothi. Ju t received O lCio'h respic.Iul.y luformshis f. lends aud the public, thatr-,OtI.-:;ir- iI Capes, and Legtjius, water proof, fi.r sa.e Keeps iorisiaui.y act makes to order Ve. i ian B im M ri'ime P i..S' s C anl Sdo Caes, of a S'iperior quality, which for dur janl6 pat MAN SFIKLD'S. a.X aiid.nj; fro 111 Vi:.i,: d and Cr.'.eir, a:, ! :'vr Mlity aud i.eatness wi l vie wtth any in the Louuvii ia e Just receiv ed 3 marhrt. j.'.nU AND.tKW B'Jt 1ANAN it CO. W(ll)l,K..:i?IIT llpftler. o. Oi l Ki.n l orts, brint colors, for sale rted and t at short cneapat no'tce. and on rvasoi.aDte jai'll,J u.s. MAN.-- FIELD'S. ar.6tf






mm njrti

rn7n Jt '"r







sician, cuo enjoys an practice: 7i av akbk, Mark co ,0., Nov. 1,1831 Dr. John D. r.KHK -- Drar Sir: "Dr. Guysott's Ex FIlkNCIl Hats. Received a few dozen tract of .SarapariUa." ThU medicine has been prescri llFrench Hats, our own direct importation, spring bed by me tor the Ust three cars, w'th good effect, in lasmou lor loo?. janl7 P. S. BARBER & CO'S.,455 Main st eeneial deDiitty, Liver l omplamt, jaundice. Dyspepsia Chronic and Nervous D.seascs. In all Female Com plaints it certainly is unequaled. PLUI1 Cap- -. In tne use of th s medicine the pa'ient constantly cain 25 dozen brown Plush Caps; strength and vigor, a fact worthy of great consideration uo d ack do do; It is pie isalU to the taste and smell, and can be used by 25 do changeable fancv colored Plush flans; persons wiin tne mot uelicale stomachs, with saletj Just received by express and for sale much lower than Faoicji to Death. On Monday night last, under any circumtHiices lam speaking from experi heretofore. janl71 P. S. BARBKR or CO us use. Philip J. Roe, a young and respected citizen of cmc, auu iu mc auniicu L auvi.--f DK. C:IKEH. KtIIATM. 1'nnn. J. S. LEEPER v titt- -. just recnv d a tun as Our jobbing stock is still larger than wei"Vlt. r- - sn-.!o pi ine u i av f jr a.e by Clark county, Indiana, was frozen to death irsortment Cork Jackets, Nauti us an I Circular Gum ues re, ana has to be cleared out to make q q q q q q q q q q q q q q jaidJ AND.tEW BUCHANAN k lu. while on his return from New Washington to way for our sarins stock. To cash buvers we w ill there- - Cloth Preservers, for sale cheap at City Bill Poster and Distributor ja"16 MANSFIELD'S. OP A LKTTKK FROM AN EXTEN fore give the greatest bargains in the West or elsewhere. his brother-in-law'near Charlestown. It is EXTRACT C'T'I'S.-- ott'.'jtibVe 'i,r a ' i and Alaba... iani7 KIVK .MERCHANT IN' NfcENAH, WIS. P. S. BARBER & CO ha I consid-rb!Ju-i- t experience in gbi.I and receive HAVING AN DK E A i;U'M...1 d Co. SL'iiAIi supposed that he was attacked with Liilious N OtlC:' Cards. Prosrammes. Fun,-r- l Nrrmah, Wis , Oct. 29th. 1331. Prirne Suiar: g"-SWE have still a good assortment of FUR Mr. John D. Pabk Dear Sir: I am out of you 40 bsis Mjluses; for sale at lowest market rate-- i by &c, 1 rrreby oifor my servitcst) the Louni.Ie public chohc, (being subject to it,) or becoming very Wistar's c we will which 20 per cent, APS, below sell Tk-.- od KET Halsam of Wild Cherry," and Dr. Guvsott' jinlU litjtr'nce.: Harney rtt Hughes. (Democrat Office E.J. MARTIN & CO. LUt cosi, to ciose mem out. (ainte i lluckets; cold and benumbed, he turned from the road to Evtractof Yellow D: ck and Sjirsaparilla." Please for vv.i. 1 1ay' .r, Daiuol Heit m, T. P. Moirs. Root ii j&nl7 v."J nestsTuis; - ar. l f. P. S. & CO. BARBER in bv . 31. liufTy, Kris; A Co., M. W rsi ow.1, a supply immediately. Hrrrlnsi COOFIXU and1 dry AND.-.a house near by, and, in endeavoring to get ward B ,'Ctl A N. N .V CO. J"iU Codtishj TjAlt r.rdeisle't at the L'emocra' OtScc, Var Vour Bdl-al'01,uT;ftlfe. of Wild Cherry worked to a charm here .TULI.EFLtilll CM!i-10 do do or W . l.laylor's Prinli..g OiTice, No.3iTQir i do do; from his horse, must have fallen with his face not a bottle fared of aftrd ng immediate reJief. and i rpilIS Espirit de Millcfleur, has beec long celebrated 30 ;s dis r.cJ J ji.iaui Nils in tvyie and In) boxes scaled Herrings; street, wii. meet with piompt attention every instance but one (an old gentleman 71 years of age a. anu recommended as a most delicate perfums for i.v for sale by 100 do No. 1 j mil dtf upon the ground, in which position he was it cured, and the chow dock lias done equally well do; for sale by ANUE.V BUCHANAN A CO. Gloves, Handkerchieis, and the geneiai use of the Toi jan!6 E. J. MARTIN & CO. three bottles my.elf last fall, and enjoyed perfect let. found next morning frozen. The deceased was took IiniLE Bil Ovteriln the-b- el health la.t wiiuer, lor :ne nrsi winter lor eleven years Varnt. 73 t'ct'un Yaxcs, asortej I his superior article has been lonz manufactured bv 10 barrels of Mcbi e Fay Ov tei stn the s.Te nn l Pitch, COTTON bem; troubled with a severe eruption of the skin whic a lieutenant in company B, 5th regiment, Indiin Vcre and r sale 0 by oneof the firm in one or the Southern cities, where it TAR b tils Tar; very Iare, tat, ad fii.e flavored-ju- -t re laid me up from two weeki to four months every wiute janU ANu.lft.V BcttiANAN k Co. gained a refutation throughout the entire sfouth traly ceneu per s'eamer Ueortlou t ou cii do Pitch; for sale by ana volunteers. and spring until last winter. It envious. still perF.xcinu stands jini5 among many unrivalled M r & the ThirJ Reslitiract. ART IN O street, CO. ear the Post E.J. Henry K. Jones, a brother merchant and a particula fumes bearing the same name, ever -. flcoffered to the public mend ol mine, to.K two bottles of the Yellow Doc Lanls Blanc an the French Usurpation. in this or any other city. Prepared at the Fanily MediA.JIcllKlUK, jaull S4TTKRWHITK V PKASLEK for a Scrofulous Eruption, which has worked an entire cine Store of NORTH & BIT K RILL, SO Fourth St., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in V And yoj rrcuve ail lause of Disease. Absolutist Scheme to divide EinorE into cue. a KENNET Ale: tiraisrt Ale! -- 10 bb Between Main Janl7 and Market streets. My st:re is comer of Wisconsin Avenue and Walnut Yy-- Ji ,f tlil S'Jpenr driugit A e n ,w on draug: theee great Empires the London Times saeet. Cf3 Cutlery, ours, KeFpectfuUy, H JSua-k( itcoi.E trie Court fxchngd Kesrauras.t, Third sr. alarmed and calls on the united states. CHARLES E. CASE. Mrehanits't Farmers' Tools, all descriptions, jauli ---.I SATTE-- WHITE tV Pf.ALEK, The opinions ot sucn a mau as ai. Liums uhuc bv tha,...- lw to be the best remedy to prevent Bildncss anddally, a u iHJUHtllBliE Or SlRilPARiLLl, LLCOD, ami lEliETASLE refcj'Price.i I ,.er bottle six bottles for $5. at this moment, upon the crisis in France, are i t t o Nf o 1 11 store Hair has the that N U fallen off. A , It It I. t has NUPKItl been Ii in So! by V. general PARK, J. Cincinnati. Ohio. important, as he expresses the sentiments of the Northeast Corner of Fourth Ao.5.7 use for it is now Tlird years, beg:nni.i several street, the , Louisville next door to Courier 0" and the continued demand for the opening LIFE-PIL- U and Walnut sts. entrance is an ASof the business sea-o- ofandihetrayearaitd janlG evidence of its being appreciated. It gives a glo-s- it socialists and republicans of France. In a long le en I n.mnierte on w nut to whom all orders must be addressed jitl7' has been much retarded and kept ba.k, ow'1113 to the Fuii8by Oit t II Jk 111 KM. 1. 1.. Brown A- lond, Wilson, Starbird & Smith, SutclifTe softness to the locks truly beautiful; and lorkeepin- "- it letter from the pen of Louis Blanc, be declares A. JlcItltfUE:, low sta?e of the river, hisn fre gn's, ce, Ac, we feel curled it is much esteemed. v McAllister. Kobinsoii v taiy, J. a. Wilder ot Co. that "nothing is finished a mock Ca?iar, sup- Bel!, e Prepared lar-coiifidei.t th'U sold a by and will very be s buii..e-there WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN NORTH At Co., Louisville: Wmstsndley & New BURRILL. ported by his drunken prcetorian guards, can net kirk, Robinson this season ia this an ether articles of comm. rce. BeNo. 80 Fourth street. N'e Albany; Mernwether, Jelfersonville; and by Brick-Jlaki- a jlaciiine. ing wed awa-of tne sma.l tocX of Totocco in ti e Cutlery, impose himself on France." Ha then says there aivoinieu agents in every town in Kentucky and Indi A .Mi. Ill, HOOK. MAMtFAtTOItY. no. oj 1 nira street, hoKisriile, next door to Courier, naii'lsof our city country, and .urther-morjan9ddw is nothing surprising in the fact, that an army ana. is nian.i.'vturt our s'ock Mamitactuie of J Tobacco on hand is MERCHANTS not andothers wishingncw l"EEPS constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest ffoTsYv ACCOUNT BOOKS of 100,000 men should have held Paris in check, lar;e, and but iii' ie old Leaf 1.1 marke' fi'tmsfor tn oi Tit , r. .n A. I11PIA, prices, a inn assortment of Hardware, Cutl-r- y for the coming year 'S A is-ireaa Paris was disarmed, without ammunition, ai. are respectfully informed that t he subscri, t.ui.uers' .Materrals, Mechanics' Tools, ic-it is to 'he Interest Cyrrsgy N.v A 3UT, U. II of all erigpnrpise, r ;e l iu tne sa.e of .MiiiuTaCt d Toacco to Mf"nM ners will execute, oT the finest materials j niIO d7 Isefollowinj comprises a portion of his stock, to which and without pikes; and yet, if the faubourgs call and ea ini.e our s'i.ek en hand, ch. is all ui ..:e and workmanship, all orders entrusted to them. Referuun.nujuic .uuiiaiia oeing made: . bad thrown themselves en masse into the insurvery out of finest o.d Leai, viz: t the ence can be given to several of the mcst prominent II. t' 111 II l.'V I , Dickson's superior Britannia Ware; Tli ltfniedy ever Ucown to Man for 10u boxes F. F. Pound Lump T.baccj, Missouri; rection, either the army would have been desmercantile houses in the city respecting the quality of Silver plated Candlesticks, Snuffers, aud Casturs; AlTOUU AT loo do J. K. Brown's a Lu:np 'i"obacco,.Mtasiiir. and Do troyed, or Louis Napoleon would have reaped Coughs, Asthma, Colds, Croup, Bronchits Books of their manufacture. Table and Tea Spoon G KN T, nd Exrnner COLLECTING GENERAL jil.ons far I :e ACuauty TeHnesee La'; Iujluinza, Bleeding vf the Lungs, Difji Fishing Poles and Walking Canes; WEBB & LEVERING, oi 1 i..g, t.uiz, the execrable distinction of remaining erect 30 do Gallagher's B. Pound Lump Tobacco, 49 Third street, 1 door from Main. Fishing TrU',' Tackle, Jinl7 county, " culty Kei Lines, Breathing, tjcity. Hooks, Liver of Afftctiont, Kohbs, &c.; amid corpses and ruins; but the working men Le if; Surveyors' Chains and Compasses; Ke cr ;o Le' it h .v i o , B:i A Terry, Harrey Weakness or the Fain Breast or of dj 50 B. J.K Brown's B. Pound Lump, Missouri & lu.lies, Gen. Wm. did not engage in the struggle, and this ialormi-tio- n just Published We hive the Table Mats, very fine; ti. J.Koia.t. ANEW Rook Side, first stages of Consumpaitd Tennessee Leaf of offering to the public a book just pub . Needles, Combs, Thimbles, and Work Boxes; Louis Blanc has received from h;s own jaalj dJi6:.l 50 do N . 1 1 Pounl Luma Tobacco, lished by us, entitled "A Salve for the Bite of the Black Pocket-Books- , and tion, fee., Purses, Specks anJ Gssies; party in Paris. Tellliesee Leaf; Viper," compounded by Dr. Evariste de Gypendo'e, Chessmen, Backgammon Boards, an I Dice;' SU-.- fi is F 1J this short, Balsam peculiarly MA KY every r adapted to ANN .Mct.KATM 50 do Gallagher's C. It'. reason a 5 why they Lump, first good did not "The Surgeon Major of tne Old Guard. Translated from come forth is IN article, ma le C10-- (ia'eoi tiie ti. Razors and Razor Strops; ol the Lungs aud Liver which is produced in the French of m of McGrati Ui, y) jr. ) J Urt N W. 01 rteiuucKy the Abbe Martinet by A.D. Barry, LL. lc it; Hair and Shaving Brushes, that they were sickened and disgusted with the our i KDl)1 G nave t:i.s iiay en e- e a rtto ciuuate. treis-p 'or B M dc do Funis D. This book is well worth a perusal by any and every Co.' Kentucky To To Pun's Thermometers, with and without cases; National Assembly, and they had no sympathy Wi!d Ctieiry has long been known to possess imnor person. purpose ot Iran-i- t m TlLcKlNc, t.h.'K.;L Leaf; janl7J WEBB & LEVERING. Flutes, Fifes, and Violin Strings; BL"1 KtS at t:ie oid e.ta s a. CO c,u for M. Thiers, who had called them the 'vile tant medicinal properties. This fact is fan iliar to every 1 b Lump Tobacco, MX a No. ol do tr fTom Missouri mule Fruit Knives. Sri ver and Pearl. au M 'in streets. ian!6 inatro-in our land, and phy-ic- i ins often prescribe it in Lear; Pocket DlarlpN, anti Pa multitude;' nor with Cavaignac, who in June different V. e b.ivenu'.v on hand genera! st-- tk of fresh French lorms f r a variety of comp.ain.s. Tar, also, MKMOllAMJr.lH, a very eood assortment 20 da Nj. 1 3 Lam; Tobacco, Missouri Leaf, of the fired upon them; nor with Changarnier, who has been equally iio'ed lor its virtues; and some s an I t jw.wrn, physi-cianla..- y j. n. above articles, some of our own manufacture and some .e riive ais i a i,i 01 pari:si titirs, varyn-- in price and E;i..hVe t v-lot" -t w h names are familiar to the whole country, of Eastern, so that any peison can Cashmere, could insult them with the whip, as well as ar.d M i le- - VeMi ' .k h w id') to 5;ci per thousand; also, a let of com in iron be suited by calling ;n m gone so vt s e far as 01 a'.tei. ue hsve i to tr firm CONSUMPdeclare even o.d cl that w iA the pa'r Cigars, which e iil ell low at the old stand of strike them with the sword. Placed between TION cou'd be cured by that alone. In publ c genera.'ij. hands, other N MCSSFLM Janl? WEBB & CO.. LEVERING. the maintenance of the robber law of May, and was nearly valueless, owing, no doubt, to their A'.; I u- - be by are a'ac nun late h in the l jsnMdtf Sixth St., between iin and Mar.'iet. the pretended restitution of universal suffrage ignoiance in preparing and administering it a difficulty stlesau I rti;!iJ ..t .Ci ry. WALKEItt KKSTAlKANT. r. r s '!lm now by entirely obviated patient 4 utluet-. experiment long and between the danger of a monarchical restoraMni.if" cats received ttiis dav per 20 saddles extra superior Venison; iy in. onus BI.AC WILLIAM W.and the pub ic ih itrespetlu nenence. Crescent, and tor s!e he ha? rem ved his tion and that'of a sham republic tbe people exThe to uozen lai biuaus; extraordinary medicinal powers of these two sub JA.MKS LOW .v CO,, 117 Main 31 Janiiu.vw 21 brace Prairie Grouse; Wood Engravsn? ifiice, to the South side ol Mirkrt retired, leaving the field to two tyrannies, of stances are now, lor the tirst t' me, combined and em100 Duffleld'snew Hams: opposite Freceiick's Hail, and ver Thompsou's strict, , which one would serre to destroy the other.' bodied in DK. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILO EOH'UJ. .TIA K I IN A: CO., wnere he wid still com'ui t tha Wood Engraving No. 1 Ba timore Fresh Oysters; uite them cal process, everything , HOLES ILK liRnrn.-roiWl-i'nexecuting tne work in a thorough mar nerand Louis Blanc refers to some of the measures of CHERRY. By ou iresn LODners; or ue.evs is rejecieu, so inat, what remains M k ueieienuus ng rltJH ANTS, j. 560 Mam ,t.. Lou'soilU. reasonable a heretofore. Views ot buildings, f Cliar? Pheasants, Game, Fish, Ac. ; just ree'd at the Assembly, which provoked the crisis, and is the mj't extraordinary nd truly efficacious remedy I lijr BY J. M. M'LAIN, A. B. int. Bid in N.B. Deilers of an kind Stores, Vigcf ail janl7 for tne Newspaper Heads. Heads, Third WALKER'S. st. then declares that the bourgeoise and the peo- for a!l kin-l- of pulmonary and liver diseases ever known 01 nope fancy all saie nettes, and cotton Yarts and Orizaba Nai.s. jaji3 work, executed in a workmanlike cn noAOWAT sraiT, 111.1 tub blixo asvlim. ple must be united to uphold one cause, and all to man. To convince all unbelievers that cur theory is GOL'IjEY Bittern. 40 r'ozen Mrs. Gouley's mat. ner, uith propjrtionate prices, rea ly true, we reier ro a lew ca?es or cuies performed Bitters just received and for sa e by the jaii 13 il3tu Jewelry, Silver Seals, is then Eaved. He shows that the grand scheme oy TNUR4VIN A few more B y wi v: reccaved i;ath.s Aca emy . bottle at jacl7J mis won'ienui meuicine: WALKER'S, Third st ware, Uoir flates, Biands, Ac, cn of the monarchies of Europe is to divide EuTSaM, Pia HCAITB. graved at toe shortest no' i e, at rCNMANMIIl. THE Ladle should not flitter tbem-selve- s q q q q q q q q q rope into three great empires, and Louis Blanc q For Ei2 .33 Brancaes, ,,. . ... j;u ,T.- J. D. Ml'NN'S En?ravi.t3 Cfflce, that the cold weather is over. We LOUISVILLE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Dj Lan a dj, jan6 anJ ttenMtircs, 1 and his party are by no means alone in their street, Fourth between Mam and Alar Art sts. have two loug winter months yet. and all Another antoniithlng Care! Building, corner Third anl J Jtwn streets. who value their health, and desire to he com. opinion. He says: K.Kalb.a highly respectable merchant of jT THE Board of Trusties of the Louis nnaitscsj. foitable, should go at once to HAYES, CRAIG & CO'S F.ate. I have a few silver p'atej Djr "The sacrilegious plan, of which the sack of rairne.a county , unio, ent us tt:e tollowing Rushville, voluntary and secure a Muff or Victorice and tuffs Commercial College, (an Institution nates ie:i, mat 1 w.n.d M ia; verv low price Rev. Mr. HaNey, Pror. N. rtuti-- r. fZSm , villeweiland for individual J. II. Hanev, jac6 diParis is the commencement, is to form a Rus- uiuu'lc ioui. msiarn ndisain oi wuucnerry: n ravorabiy tne know under J. D. MUNN Y protection. Wm. Kicnardsuu. L. L. Wai rsn, janl7 L. B. Wier. Fail field county. O.. Anrii fi. iSrii Rushville, ,41 iMiiJ ecuon 01 Protessoi Boyd), take piea dcc22 dim sian empi.e, extending to Constantinople an Mr. J. IK Park Dear Sir: I wish to state to you my a1111.un1.1ng they have that tne that in assistance secured In suit aa Old Cont, and the comfortf Austrian empire, with the definite annexation daughter, A aged sixteen years, had , about a year BETTFIt A H YUEN, whoe and skit as of Mr. S. D. lVHi.,Uit 1(1 lliKK. best" therewith,! of Italy, and a French Empire with the addi- Miite.a very severe attack of meases, which reduced than tbe most elegantCRAIG'S a leacneroi wining are unsurpassed. Mr. H. 13 now o v.iuatile N.-rdress in the world, and an Men and ? -ome.i HBri.t her veiy much, and left her with a racking cough. I ordinal y Hat. in charge of the Writing Department, ready to form tion of Belgium. From this holy alliance a war employtdalol to nue for jan!7 emu ng yar. Appiy Jl the physiciana within our reach for the and prove tohisj upns and tne community his classes, Olt IE rVDINuS, 11 .Vain si. hi would arise against the democratic party, and puipoe or lemov.n her cough, but without success. L supremacy as a PRIME IN ot OIIDER, Teacher ars ''LIB l.adiee Chirjgraphy, and also that reminded fiat a new stvle uec2 'tfC against the liberal and constitutional party, She appeared to he sinking into a decline, with every of Bos Caps, now selling at HAYES, CRAIG ill win desire it may become, under his instructions, & CO'S. has the astonishins effect of ininrovin? ea.-- , rapiu, auu eregni writers. 77, to extinguish what the absolutists powers K)iupioiu im ioiiisunipiion . Ai.k. I theu tried Dr. Rogeis' Liverwort and Tar: but this the growth and developing the intellect of their young Hocrs 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 P. M. calls "the revolutionary flame," or whatever agsratated her cough, and gave her symptoms or a A FINE Nre Rockaay HOR.'K. perfsc: ADJOINING WALKKIt'CITY E.CUA.i;E rxsrCail early, as elates are now b.11 " formed. still vu.u 0 jttvttiisc. Jalll7 Ij lights the human Epint on the way of progress. more malignant character. I was now most seriously e. Ei.quire sent at ilo Main rrr-1CASES Extra Baltimore Spiced Oysters, in large 0Terms niodera e, and will be made known on ap- deciJ dtf J. W. Nh,V LAND. For tbe accomplishment of all this. Louis Na. aUrmed, ai d it was with tiembling fear that I from day f"I1iSK and mnall cans. the repu'ation of which Jbeen has beyond In uar saw me progress oi mat insauaDle disease, Conall doubt, are always established ALO duocaasimproved Spice, small round cans. polean has dtlivered France into the hands of uj sumption. I read v despaired of my daughter's recovery. to be had of the manufacturers. HAYES. CRAIG v BLEACH Kit Meetings. 150 caies assorted FiK saie low oy .U.K. tor the French Cossacks. Louis Blanc promises, But 1 provident ally siw the certificate of Jona'han CO., who study th comfort and preservation ot their hand and for sale by JOIIM janl3dlf A FINK ROCKAWAY, nearly new. En in concluding his letter, to bring forward proofs Coulson, whose daughter, Sarah Jane, was cured of Con. ieuow-men- . janljdcVw JAMES LOW 01 CO., 117 Mam st. janl7 ty.g.x1" quire at 10 Aiaiu tn et. 100 fcess H. T. Blow's Pure siimDtioti bv Wistar'M Balsam of Wild Cherry. This lw lk tcal.ti vf thin vli.m., mnA a lac tu I.eid. ueci all J.W.Nn'A LAND. tliu. a faint Lea I lust tecsived and 'or uic bv thai it in g nt help my daugnter, ana .A sofT Hat neat, comfortable and conve "the abominable duplicity which binds to the created KICIIAUD ITI. 3IOOKE. . 1 immediately commenced csina it. and it THOa. A. HUKLhY, Druggist and Apothecary, instant. 1,1 uitniiipuei an circumstances, maybe had at al1 itLCABLK run U.K. fortune of the emperor Nicholas the ambition ly gave relief; her health was improved almost times of 1 jul3 Corusr Green an from the first evenitt s:s. I HAVK for sa e two Toubj Women. jan!7 oouie, ana ny me use oi i ro Dottles or Wistar's Baltam of Louis Bonaparte." HAYES, CRAIG A CO. w ambers, one with, the other and m4 cooks P. ol was Curb. she Wild Cneuy restored to VING been perfect Sda Tartar. wita , at expense t'rraa large in placing at every SC12 k'gs .Super health, and The London Times, of the 12lh, expresses PI.USII Cape of every shape, size, and col- - HA Carb. So la, EnglisD, very nice; is not now at all predispose J to a cough. 6 T no incumbrance. 1 .ley aiesuld By the omm-- t " comer of the city, and at the different a similar opinion, and looks to the United States sheI will say to ail 1 bbl pure Cream of lartar, very while m ir Ter ro get rid of trie trounie of hiring, and i,l ' that are afflicted w iin anv disease tend. V A or ror men ana boys, maybe bad of HAYES, note's and other public places, PLACARD BOARDS of and fine-Fo- r wnere tne most nervous and fid larse dimensions, I am better prepared sale law by uotrtesol.t out of the coudy or city. A pplv to for assistance. It speaks of "the great conflict ing to Consumption, do not despair; for Dr. Wistar's "cnaii any than other gety old bachelor may be easily suited in head gear. THOS. A. HURLEY. Janl3 j. c, BUCKLES. poster in the Wes em country to give publicity to any between military aosolutism and constitutional il-oaisam oi vy uu inerry win cure, you, ir you will but try janlT business that may be entrusted to ruy care. The large E. KALB. government, which everv day assumes a more I H ere Hll Ac business fJK.WP share of heretofore me has given me to enabled Genuine Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry has a CHir.DRRM'f Fancy NilkVclvrt Tur make arrangements that cannot be ?from !Sto2cnyyears 01 ;e. runoutWm.b. serious aspect, which every day draws nearer ia The fresh Hemp Seed; ir.cun:- surpased. The AA 22 bbli Mimic oi inc nrnaiure oi Henry Wistar, M D anra riaaa uipa, 01 tne latest Parisian most careful and attentive men are in my re ' Canary ,0' dj .vust goo.1 cooks do do: to this island, and which will one day divide Philadelphia, J0""-"I riuely'exe-cuteemploy, and and "Sanfoid dt Park," on a styles, besides many new Xashers and ironers, for which 1 will pay a- ngraved wrapper. No othercan be genuine mo same species, may be bad or American inventions of guarantee my work to be done efflcieiitly, and to the Just received in store and for sale very low by the whole wrld. The Timet then says that (E- J-steel price. J. W. CRAIli Real f state A geei. perfect satisfaction of nay employers, or no charge will THOS. HURLEY. Price $1 per bottle-s- ix bottles for $5. Jnl7 HAYES, CRAIG 61 CO there are no two States in the whole world, dclO dtf No. T7 Tbird st. be made. by J. D. PARK. Cincinnati, O.. 10 lbs just received and for sale by Mage. EMI and never have been, so bound to one another, Northern comer of Fourth greatest will Tbe care be given to distributing the of FIar-ie8bMs White and Walnutstreets entrance BLOW'S aad Ked l end. best quality family Floa FA.MII.Y THOS A. HURLEY. circulars, medical works of any description, cards, no, so mutually beneficial, and so able to work toon Waluut street-- to Pure White Lead, 2) lbs each; whom all orders must be adand for saie by tices, invitations, and all other kinds of printing that re200 do No. 1 do dressed. do, 25 dtf do; gether, as the British Empire and he United W. H. POPK. V K O N (DuranJ's), for by Brown & Bovd. Wilson. Starhird A Smith quire general publicity. My terms are moderate, and Slrap Perteral 20 do Pure do 100 rxSold do, do; States. "At present, it seems impvible, but Sutcliffe St McAllister, Robinson Jt Cary, J. B. and colls, just to band and for by orders promptly attended to. 1 respectfully refer to any 10 do Ked Lead, 43 H do; Wilder: order for 4,000 ga 1 ta CtTAM'Bt HUKLBY. respectable in bouse city. THOS. & the A. 10 do Jnl3 Co., Bell, Robinson & Co., Louisville; Winstandley that the whole of the continent of Europe do do, 105 lbs each; Wme. Persons bavin such f. Orders left at the Journal, Courier, or Democrat of10 do do do, 160 saie wnt please cail on me with samples. should fall into the hands of military despots; or Vewkirk, New Aibny; MerriweMier, Jeffersonville; do; ("that fice, oral Taylor's Book and Job Printing Booms, 93 ANOTHER Virginia by appointed agents in every town in Kentucky and Just received per steamer Paris and for sale by and Tebarc. it seems equally impossible that we, with our 11 boxes Va. Tobacco. Armistead's Third street, will meet with prompt attention. Letters Janl7 ANDREW BUCHANAN fc CO. jan dVwtf American brethren, should lose our institutions muiau. from a distance, directed to me, box iH7, Louisville, manufacture, tbe very best, ia store aud for sa e by . janl3 THO-NOTICE. A. Hl'KLKY. win we nucuucu iu witu abbuiaty ana uespatco. Tin Plate, IX, for sale by or our enthusiasm for liberty. Here, then, are FOR JTIAVOIC. TIN Plate. 75 boxes WR will pay tbe highest cash price ror Harass to Bell, Robinson & Co., druggists; John ANDREW BUCHANAN ot CO. the two parties in the great cause that threatens NROROfeS. We also keep N KI.KOKS '..r K fCfWe are requested toanuounce JAMES S. SPEED THE GKEAT UKJIEDV Bull dc Co.; Thos. W. Andrews, agent Protection Insu Y to divide and convulse the whole world." ranee Company; T. R. Nelson, bookseller: G. H. Mon- T. ARTKKHl'RM, rr.AYIX Cards Esq.., as a candidate for the office ot Mayor. -A 25 gross Steamboat Cards; sarrat dr Co., banking bouse; Prentice de Weisslneer. J. ARTE BURN. The Timet cays what is to be done? In case Jan6 dte No. 1. East side First, bet'n Market and Jefferson ! M ND NA A R do HOUND A euiiora do journal; uouiavuie HO Kailroaa isnam BALSAM or Henderson: a. J. nil. NORTH'S for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, aoli daU anything should happen to England, in the way ner c co., druggists; 1 nomas Placule, New Orleans, 15 do Eagle de; COAL! COAL! of unmerited indignity and oppression, she has 15 do May Andrews Cards; La. 1 Wm. A. Warner, treasurer National Theatre, t in Whooping Cough, and other affections of ttae Throat 15 do Hilander's clnnati, Ohioi W. C. Preston; W. N. Haliemtn. editor and Lungs. only to call on tbe United Stales. The Timet do; CT A Largo and superior Lot of Pomeroy and Pitts attend to the sale MOORK A CAtIPBBLI.,will of tne Louisville Courier; Harney 0t Hughes, editors of 15 do Decatur's of Countrv Pro.) nr. do; THE COMPOUND BALSAM OF HOARHOUND is u.,.k.. is evidently alarmed I oaignuon,oy the wholesale or retail. Office, foot of 2 do Great Mogul a tonic remedy, possessing anodyae properties without lwe. Tncy will receive on storage. Cotton. Floar Bala do; ine ueinociiL. 1anl3 dtf Third street. Received by late arrivals and for sale by astringency. It produces a tree and easy expectoration, Rope. Pork, Lard, As. Their ware house is C. HAGAN & CO. etc. It baa received tbe commendation of the medical fireproof. Male rCiotaiotf nt the .Marantih Jnl7 dec3dt.f dec8i nilKAT Amin Bet in Constantinople A. SOYEZ. The Courier vA Even at this dull season of the 'ear, the sales of faculty of Mobile, and several physicians of New Or de Constantinople of the 15th o( September SINGING AMD PIANO-FORT- E Clothing at NOTICE. the is Mainmeth Arm of HOWARD udususL The selling rff leans, who prescribe it in their practice which is eviTAUGHT BY J last, under the head of "Miscellaneous News," without arflxmg letters of ie oy mutual consent. Mr. have in store 6 boxes Drugs, marked 'J. A. wuuuui icgaru iu tost nil awoae ine sieeners w ho have dence enough of its value, MADAME ABLAItlOWICZ. been paying such exorbitant prices to other establish- commendation. It will be found safe in its operation, Howard wUi settle up the business of the trm. To hint publishes the fallowing: not Wilder, If away Louisville." by taken lit in agieeabie taste. ?KFwJm"m MADAME A. begs to announce WSa February, will be sold to pay charges. ments under the garb of "selling off at cost," who now pleasant and "On Friday bis Majesty went to say his pray- njr"V""tl hit 8h hM rraoed from acknowledge that tbe only place for true bargains is the We have removed from ourselves all liability of empl. debts of the firm will be settled. janl6dtd J. C. BUCKLES dc CO., No. 3 Pearl st. ers in the mosque of Beckiktach. Tie ism, by submitting tne node of manufacturing this On Friday, I I Mammoth Clothing Depot. I I country into the city, and will J. L. HOWARD, vote the whole of her time to the INSTRUCTION ON preparation to the corn lential examination of tbe tollowSAMUELS, W. the 6th of September, his Majesty the Sultan, THE W. R. JtCOB. PIANO-FORT03--1 recommend Mr. HOWARD to NOTICE. ing physicians of Mobile, who have certified to its being SINGING, at the pupils' Mammoth Clothing Depot. lnlo rut friends. Hi having gone through his devotions, returned to residence or at her owi AND rooms, according to agreement. have In store 7 boxes Glassware, marked "J. No connection with anv other store in a safe, pleasant, and efficacious remedy foi domestic use, stock is good, and articles of the best quality. Cactiow. being innocent ia its effects on the system ot the most tbe Arsenal Library, where he examined a colPlnnkeU- - Louiiville. Kv." which, if not called town. Trrms For lessons in Singing or Piano-Portat her K. JACOB. W. delicate infant, or aged Invalid: lection of various articles brought back from own rooms, f 15 per quarter; at the pupil's residence for by 20th inst., will be soul to pay charges. R. Lee Fearn. A. Lopes. J. H. Woodcock, p. Pupils Ukini lessons in one of tbe above branches Janl6dtd J. C. BUCKLES dc CO., No. 3 Pearl st. TUB Headquarter far Cbllilrea'a Heady Drs. WILL Continue the DRTG business at the old .tansl. America, by Emin Effendi, on the occasion of $10. of Muical Instruction, have to pay only f 6 extra CTelhlneis the Mammoth Clnthim Derot. A. Ross, N. Walkley, L, Chieusse, P. H. Lewis, J. B. corner ol Fourth and Jefferson streets, aud take this his late voyage to the United States, and con- for being instructed in thewinother branch. northeast corner or Market and Fourth streets, where Karle, C. A. Woodruff. A. B. C. Dossey, M. D.. K. occasion to Invite WANTED. m mi friends and tbe nuh.ic ia all who are in search of an assortment and moderate pri- Gaillard, M. D , Drs. Marcher and Connell. of Clair. a call when ta Madame's method Is of the pure Italian School, folsisting of about two hundred volumes of historiwans of anythii g to be round in a Dmg a a fa rooms for kitchen, and small ml. ces flock to where the old established repuUfion of the borne, Alabama. THR88 by all the great performers of the day . cal and scientific works; one hundred and fifty lowed Apply t'Ore. 1 intend making larce aad immediare ad til ions. room, ly; one or a room lodging suitable for for house stamps The trade suppHed at Proprietor' UneI pries: it rs the climax (or bargains the Mamat ber rooms, south side Jeffersoa street, o my sxoet ol Medicines, Perfumery, and Fancy Ar'J-cletwo individuals. Apply to "S. w." Democrat moth Clothing Depot. maritime and othar charts; some models of can between First and For sale by NORTH A BURRILL, 80 Fourth rt.. Second. janlTdly aid to carry oa tbe business ia tbe best Office. janlSdU o. jsnlj jsnio. w. SAMUELS. General A (eats for tbe West. l,n J. L. HOWARD.










Hardware and

iiaiic on.









THi: liLOOD!



Hardware and














t'OJust Received;. Third Street, It .o.








City Bill Poster and Distributor.

lirkii'i .f















