The Impact of the Quality of Transport Services on ...

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Univerzitna 1, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia ..... influence of demographics. ... services are characterized by long-term downward trend, not only in Slovakia but also in.
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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 40 – 45

TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport

The impact of the quality of transport services on passenger demand in the suburban bus transport Róbert Berežný a,*, Vladimír Konečný a a

University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Road and Urban Transport, Univerzitna 1, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia

Abstract The demand for transport services is determined by several factors at the same time, the impact of these factors is varied, and the impacts of individual factors of demand are different according to the groups of passengers making the demand for bus services. The article deal with the design and the application of the methodology for measuring and evaluating the impact of the quality of transport services on the demand of passengers for suburban bus transport. The results may contribute to the stabilization of the demand for bus services, or they can serve as a basis for the improvement of transport services in the bus transport sector. © 2017 2017The TheAuthors. Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © Published by Elsevier Ltd. This Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on ( Peer-review responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport. sustainable,under modern and safe transport Keywords: demand; transport services; quality; passengers.

1. Introduction Nowadays quality has a growing importance in the field of transport. Quality of service is a significant determinant of transport demand. Quality is an effective tool to maintain and increase the competitiveness of transport on the transport market. Suburban bus transport has a continuing decline in output as well as the transported passengers. To stop the fall, stabilization, resp. increase performance, it is necessary to identify the various factors that negatively affect the demand for bus services. One of these factors is the quality of services provided. The paper deals with the

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TRANSCOM 2017: International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport


Róbert Berežný and Vladimír Konečný / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 40 – 45

design and application of the methodology for measuring and evaluating the impact of quality of service on passenger demand for suburban bus transport. [2,6,7] 2. Characteristics of transport demand and the quality of services Demand for transport can be characterized as a variable that expresses the demand for transport between locations. We need to distinguish between potential and actual traffic demand. Potential demand for transport services is of outputs, resp. realized the extent of transport services where the price for carriage from the customer's perspective was negligible. Whereas carriers providing transportation services shall bear the same degree of cost and purpose of business is to make profit, the price of the transport is not negligible, resp. zero. The volume of transport demand realized clients with real transfer price is called the real traffic demand. Transport demand is demand secondary (derived), who do not pay for a full definition of microeconomic demand. Transport demand follows from the demand for products, substrates, both general and specific goods consumption. One of the ways to express the demand for bus transport is by the number of passengers for the monitored period. Quality of service can be defined as a set of quality criteria, designed to meet the demands and needs of our customers (passengers), either by the carrier to or the customer. Quality of service is closely related to passenger satisfaction and therefore is possible through quality affect demand for services. The role of carriers, providing bus service is to offer the highest quality services and thus to retain existing customers, but also attract new ones. In order to assess the impact of quality of service, demand for it is first necessary to measure and evaluate the level of quality. In connection with the measurement of quality is necessary to distinguish quality of transport services and quality of transport system. [1,2,9] The quality of the bus services are regulated by the standard EN 13816, EN 15140 standard, Act no. 56/2012 on Road Traffic and REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (EC) No. 1370/2007 on public service contracts by rail and by road. [3,4] 3. Methods and processes for measuring and evaluating the impact of quality on demand for transport services in suburban bus transport Figure 1 shows a diagram that describes the procedure for measuring the quality and demand and the subsequent evaluation of the measured parameters.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the procedure examining the impact of quality on transport demand

The first step is to identify the most important quality criteria, for example by controlled interviews and a questionnaire survey among passengers. The key quality criteria are selected by the penetration requirements of passenger transport, services customer opinion and service transport contract. The second step requires a choice of methods for measuring quality. Quality measurement is possible by measuring customer satisfaction, or by detecting



Róbert Berežný and Vladimír Konečný / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 40 – 45

the number of complaints or the measurement of the service in the field. The number of complaints is an indirect indicator of the quality and related to the number of passengers transported. It is advisable to relativize this indicator, to relate the number of passengers. Relativized number of complaints can be determined by means of equation (1): ܴ݈݁ܽ‫ ݏݐ݈݊݅ܽ݌݉݋݂ܿ݋ݎܾ݁݉ݑ݊݀݁ݖ݅ݒ݅ݐ‬ൌ

௡௨௠௕௘௥௢௙௖௢௠௣௟௔௜௡௧௦௜௡௧௛௔௧௬௘௔௥ ௡௨௠௕௘௥௢௙௣௔௦௦௘௡௚௘௥௦௖௔௥௥௜௘ௗ௧௛௔௧௬௘௔௥ሺ௜௡௧௛௢௨௦௔௡ௗ௣௘௢௣௟௘ሻ


The next step is to detect differences in the quality of the current year to the previous year. Within the meaning of the right side of the scheme it is necessary to detect the number of passengers and detect differences number of passengers in the current year to the previous year. As the last part of the scheme is to assess the impact of service quality on passenger demand. 3.1. Correlation analysis If we explore the value of two or more characters of quality is possible between them to explore the relationship or dependency, such as a particular character quality and passenger demand in the form of tickets sold. Correlation between the characters examined by the following formula: ‫ݎ‬௫௬ ൌ

ഥሻ‫כ‬ሺ‫ ݅ݕ‬െ៰ሻ σ೙ ೔సభሺ௫೔ ି‫ݔ‬ ഥሻమ ‫כ‬ሺ‫ ݅ݕ‬െ៰ሻ ටσ೙ ೔సభሺ௫೔ ି‫ݔ‬



rxy - correlation coefficient, xi - the number of complaints received in a given year, yi - the number of passengers in a given year, n - the number of ordered pairs.

Correlation analysis method is suitable for processing at least three consecutive years in which I examine the shortterm limitations or for exploring five consecutive term to medium-term dependence, or for more than five periods as long-term dependence. [1] 3.2. Theory of elasticity of demand The level of impact the quality can be assessed by means of equation (3). For this relationship was analogous use of elasticity theory, which assumes that the elasticity of demand is the relationship between the demand for transport and the factors that affect demand. This factor, in this case the quality of services. [1,8] ‫ ݐܿܽ݌݂݉݅݋݈݁ݒ݁ܮ‬ൌ ‫ ܦܧ‬ൌ where:

ೂభ షೂబ ೂభ శೂబ ೖభ షೖబ ೖభ శೖబ


Q1 - transport demand in the current year, Q0 - transport demand in the previous year, k1 - value of quality criteria in the current year, k0 - value of quality criteria in the previous year.

The coefficient of elasticity demand may have different values. If ED = 0 (perfectly inelastic ), -1 < ED < 0 (relatively inelastic), ED = -1 (unit or unitary elastic), -∞ < ED < -1 (relatively elastic), ED = -∞ (perfectly elastic). 4. Case Study In the next part of the article it is in the steps described model procedure for measuring and assessing the impact of quality on demand for transport services in suburban bus transport. The research was implemented in 2013 and 2014 in self-governing region Žilina.

Róbert Berežný and Vladimír Konečný / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 40 – 45

4.1. Determining the most important quality criteria Table 1 shows the results of identification of passengers’ requirements for quality transport services. The researches were realized a sample of 1,880 respondents in the region Žilina. Table 1. The average weight of the selected importance of quality criteria Average weight of importance 4,059 3,319 4,128 4,190 3,874 3,768 3,600

The quality criteria reliability of connections behaviour the driver indicated by information board punctuality lighting bus stops (safety) interior cleanliness clarity and readability timetable

Source: elaborated by authors and [11]

4.2. The choice of method for measuring quality a) Measurement of quality by measuring customer satisfaction Passenger satisfaction as perceived quality indirectly reflects the level of quality provided by the carrier. Table 2 is expressed measured passenger satisfaction with services in 2013 and 2014. It is also expressed in the table on the annual change in the basis of which it is possible to indirectly say that it is indirectly proven the rising level of quality. [11, 12] Table 2. Measured passenger satisfaction with selected quality criteria in 2014 and 2013. The quality criteria reliability of connections behaviour the driver indicated by information board punctuality lighting bus stops (safety) interior cleanliness clarity and readability timetable

Satisfaction in 2014 3,986 3,452 3,731 3,712 3,324 3,739 3,830

Satisfaction in 2013 3,780 3,340 3,310 3,200 3,170 3,000 2,800

Annual change 0,206 0,112 0,421 0,512 0,154 0,739 1,030

Source: elaborated by authors and [11]

b) Quality measurement based on the number of complaints Table 3 shows the number of complaints for the years 2011 to 2013 and also relativized the number of complaints as calculated from equation (1). Table 3. The number of complaints for the years 2011 to 2013. Number of complaints Relativized number of complaints

Year 2011 42 0,00210

Year 2012 32 0,00169

Year 2013 24 0,00135

Source: elaborated by authors and [11]

Given that the annual change in the number of complaints is declining, it is possible to state that the level of quality is an increasing trend. c) Measuring the quality of services in the field Table 4 contains readings implementation rate the quality of services. The measurements were carried out in the field on lines by inspectors in 2013 and the 2014. Table 4. The measured level of quality selection of quality criteria for 2013 and 2014.



Róbert Berežný and Vladimír Konečný / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 40 – 45

The quality criteria reliability of connections behaviour the driver indicated by information board punctuality lighting bus stops (safety) interior cleanliness clarity and readability timetable

Execution rate [%] year 2014 100 93 100 89,5 93,5 90,5 95

Execution rate [%] Change in percentage year 2013 points 100 0 65 28 84 16 88 1,5 92 1,5 86 4,5 96 -1 Source: elaborated by authors and [11]

Of the annual change rate performance it shows that the quality level is increasing in all quality criteria unless criteria of clarity and readability of timetables at bus stops where it recorded 1% drop. 4.3. Analysis of development in demand of passengers Development of passenger demand can be monitored based on the number of passengers carried in the solved area. The development of the number of passengers in the region of Žilina for the period from 2005 to 2014 shows that it recorded an annual decrease the number of passengers. The most significant decline during the reporting period the group of passengers traveling for ordinary fare. Conversely homogeneous as possible groups of passengers are students. Average annual decline in the number of students transported is at 4.91%. 4.4. Evaluation of the impact of service quality on passenger demand Table 5 provides the resultant value of the level of impact of service quality on transport demand calculated based on the equation (3). Table 5. The resulting values of the level of impact of service quality on transport demand. The quality criteria reliability of connections behaviour the driver indicated by information board punctuality lighting bus stops (safety) interior cleanliness clarity and readability timetable

Level of impact Measurement by Customer inspectors satisfaction 0,0000 0,0000 -0,2134 -2,2950 -0,4348 -0,6324 -4,4543 -0,5105 -4,6760 -1,5964 -1,4830 -0,3450 7,2219 -0,2434 Source: elaborated by authors and [11]

The resulting value from the relationship level impacts are negative or close to zero, and thus is a relatively inelastic demand. Inelastic demand is defined so that a large change in the criteria causes a small change in demand. It also follows that the level of quality does not affect demand. Despite the fact, that the measured quality of service and satisfaction with the services the carrier continues to grow, so demand is declining. Information on the number of complaints in Table 3 can also be used in the correlation coefficient of the relationship (2). The resulting value is rxy= 0.9887, which indicates that there is a strong direct correlation between the number of complaints and the number of passengers carried. [11,12] 4.5. Elimination of the effect of other factors Demand for suburban bus transport is influenced by a set of factors and the most important of these include the actual potential demand, ie the population of the area. It is therefore necessary to cleanse the demand from the influence of demographics. Cleansed demand can be closer to the objective results. Cleansing was carried out for a group of pupils and students, which is of the considered groups of passengers homogeneous as possible in terms of demand. Subsequently, the cleaned value of demand was implemented to equation (3) and was calculated level of impact of service quality on transport demand.

Róbert Berežný and Vladimír Konečný / Procedia Engineering 192 (2017) 40 – 45 Table 6. The resulting values of the level of impact of service quality on transport demand. The quality criteria reliability of connections behaviour the driver indicated by information board punctuality lighting bus stops (safety) interior cleanliness clarity and readability timetable

Level of impact Measurement by Customer inspectors satisfaction 0,0000 0,0000 -0,1530 -1,6460 -0,3119 -0,4536 -3,2091 -0,3661 -3,3537 -1,1450 -0,0271 -0,2475 5,1798 -0,1746 Source: elaborated by authors and [11]

5. Conclusion The quality of services in passenger transport is one of the major determinants of demand. Changes in demand for public passenger transport services are characterized by long-term downward trend, not only in Slovakia but also in the world. Guaranteeing quality level by carriers and reservation services to meet the expectations of travelers can be a means to slow down the decline in demand or his support. The objective measurement and evaluation of quality criteria belonging to the standard quality should be an objective assessment of the quality of service based on the actual quality of service parameters. The result should be a quantification of quality in relation to individual quality criteria or the whole set of criteria for a specific period. Based on objectively measurable quality transport service can then examine the relationship of service quality and demand. Defined quality standards must respect the quality requirements of passengers. The system measurement and evaluation of the quality of transport services may not be generalizable, it must respect the operating parameters of the transport system (vehicles and their equipment and quality characteristics, operation of vehicles in terms of timetables, stations, stops, transport infrastructure and its parameters, the situation in the transport infrastructure, demand and any unevenness, etc.) in relation to a particular region and its economic and social conditions and possibilities. Identification of factors demand, knowledge of the extent of their influence and knowledge accepted practice population groups can also serve to build multicriteria model for estimating and forecasting future demand. References [1] KONEČNÝ, V. Nástroje a metódy manažérstva kvality. Návody na cvičenia z predmetu manažment kvality. Žilina: EDIS vydavateľstvo ŽU, 2012. ISBN 978-80-554-0601-5. [2] KONEČNÝ, V. Kvalita služieb v cestnej doprave a zasielateľstve. Žilina: EDIS vydavateľstvo ŽU, 2015. ISBN 978-80-554-1166-8. [3] STN EN 13816 Preprava. Logostika a služby. Verejná osobná doprava. Definícia, ciele a meranie kvality služby [4] STN EN 15140 Verejná osobná doprava. Základné požiadavky a odporúčania na systémy na meranie poskytovanej kvality služieb [5] GRAHAM, D., CROTTE, A. & ANDERSON, A. 2009. A dynamic panel analysis of urban metro demand. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 45, 787-794. [6] EBOLI, L., MAZZULLA, G.: Performance indicators for an objective measure of public transport service quality. In: Journal European Transport/Transport Europei, 2012, Issue 51, No. 3, ISSN 1825-3997. [7] LITMAN T.: Transit Price Elasticities and Cross-Elasticities, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2004 [8] KONEČNÝ, V. Príjmová elasticita dopytu po osobnej doprave v SR. Doprava a spoje –elektronický časopis Fakulty prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline, ISSN 1336-7676 [9] GNAP, J., KONEČNÝ, V.: Meranie a hodnotenie kvality služieb prímestskej autobusovej dopravy. In: Transport: top magazín o motorizme, doprave, zasielateľstve a logistike. - ISSN 1335-7433. - Roč. 13, č. 1 (2011), s. 34-35. [10] KONEČNÝ, V. – KOSTOLNÁ, M.: Quality standardization of transport services in public passenger transport [Štandardizácia kvality služieb vo verejnej osobnej doprave]. In: Logi: scientific journal on transport and logistics. ISSN 1804,3216. Vol. 5, no. 2 (2014), s. 6-19. [11] KOSTOLNÁ, M.: Návrh štandardov kvality pre zabezpečenie dopravnej obslužnosti prímestskou autobusovou dopravou. (dizertačná práca), Školiteľ: doc. Ing. Vladimír Konečný, PhD. 2016