The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

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Title: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Lewis) Level T ... Will it cause problems? What do you think the results will be? Compare/Contrast Movie and book.
Title: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Lewis) Level T Quick summary: Four children (Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy) are sent to live with a professor in the country to escape London’s air raids during World War II. While there Lucy leads them all into the magical world of Narnia to help Aslan and the Narnians against the cruel reign of the White Witch. Edmund betrays them to the White Witch. Will he have done enough to ruin Narnia forever? Possible Reading Assignments: (8 days) 1: Ch. 1-2 2: Ch. 3-4 3: Ch. 5-6 4: Ch. 7-8 5: Ch. 9-11 6: Ch. 12-13 7: Ch. 14-15 8: Ch. 16-17 Summary Ch. 1 Pgs.3-10 Lucy looks into the Wardrobe Ch. 2 Pgs. 11-23 What Lucy Found there

Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are sent to live in the country with a Professor and Housekeeper; away from the London air raids. Lucy discovers Narnia while the children are exploring the mansion on a rainy day and meets the Faun. Lucy learns the fauns name, tells him that she is human. Mr. Tumnus asks her for tea and tries to kidnap her but lets her go because he feels sorry for her.

Ch. 3 Pgs. 24-33 Edmund and the Wardrobe

Lucy returns home thinking hours have passed. Peter, Susan, and Edmund think she is just playing a game and don’t believe her story about the wardrobe. Edmund follows Lucy back to the wardrobe and finds himself in Narnia and meets the White Witch.

Ch.4 Pgs. 34-43 Turkish Delight

The White Witch gives Endmund food and drink magically and asks him about where he came from, his family, and so forth. Edmund doesn’t think twice about answering and gives away a lot of information. On the way back he meets Lucy who was with Mr. Tumnus and keeps secret who he met. After returning to their own world Lucy is excited to tell everyone that Edmund has been to Narnia as well, which Edmund denies and says he was just “playing along” with childish fantasies. Lucy is very upset and moody. Peter and Susan talk to the Professor about the issue and find out who they believe most. The Children hide in the wardrobe from Mrs. Macready and her tours. While in the wardrobe the children find that they are in Narnia. Edmund lets it slip that he recognizes the place and everyone is upset with him. They go to Mr. Tumnus’s home but find it destroyed and him gone. A note is left in the ruins about the White Witch being responsible.

Ch. 5 Pgs. 44-53 Back on this side of the Door

Ch. 6 Pgs. 54-62 Into the Forest

Difficult Vocabulary Row Muffler Parcels

Inquisitive 11 Cair Paravel 12 Melancholy 12 Shan’t Nymphs, Dryads Jollification Sledge, inquisitive

Purpose for reading/Comp. Strategy

Predictions/ Questioning

Descriptions and Character Analysis

Character development and prediction. The

introduction of the white witch brings in a new element. Predictions as to what Edmund will do when faced with this element Character Development – Edmund and how he thinks (selfish) the conflict going on in his mind when he meets Lucy

Character development –

Would you trust Edmund after the stunt he pulled? Who would You believe? The magnificent story or the deceiving Edmund?

Visualization / Plot development/ Prediction

Now that they are all in Narnia who will they believe? Will it cause problems? What do you think the results will be? Compare/Contrast Movie and book.

Ch. 7 Pgs. 63-76 A day with the beavers

Ch. 8 Pgs. 77-87 What happened after dinner Ch. 9 Pgs. 88-99 In the Witches House

Ch.10 Pgs. 100-110 The Spell begins to Break

Ch. 11 Pgs. 111-122

The children meet a beaver that talks he lets them know that he is on the right side by giving them Lucy’s handkerchief from Mr. Tumnus. He tells them about Aslan and the power of the White Witch. He leads them to his home where he feeds them. Snow covers their tracks Beaver tells them what will likely happen to Mr. Tumnus (he will be turned into a statue) He tells them about Aslan and of the prophecy of the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve. He tells the children that Aslan wants to meet them at the Stone table as soon as possible. They find out that Edmund has gone to the White Witch. Edmund travels through the snow without a coat in search for the home of the White Witch. He comes upon a castle with pointy spires and cold looking entrance. He enters and finds a courtyard full of statues, as he comes closer he goes to step over a wolf that he thinks is a statue and meets Maugrim a faithful servant of the Witch. He seeks an audience with the Witch and is reprimanded for not bringing his brother and sisters he informs the Witch that he has brought them as far as the Beavers house and that they are headed to the stone table to meet Aslan. The Witch is very upset and tells the dwarf to hitch up her sled, the one without the bells. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver pack and leave with the remaining 3 children Peter, Susan and Lucy. They hike for a while before resting in a hiding place of Mr. Beavers. They awaken to the jingling of bells from a harness. Mr. Beaver ventures out and finds that it is Father Christmas, the first sign that the Witches power is weakening. He gives everyone gifts, Mrs. Beaver a new sewing machine, Mr. Beaver a new sluice gate and patched hut, Peter a sword and shield, Susan a bow and arrow and hunting horn that will call help whenever she needs it, and Lucy a small glass vial filled with the juice of a flower with the power to heal anyone with a few drops and a small dagger. His final parting gift is a tea for all before they continue on their journey Now back to Edmund, he is alone with the Witch as the dwarf is setting up the sled. Edmund asks if he can have some more Turkish Delight to which the Witch calls him a fool and feeds him stale bread and water. The three, dwarf, Witch and Edmund depart to go find the other 3 children and on the way meet up with a group of rejoicing squirrels, satyrs, and others whom the

Plot Development/ character introduction – Aslan, White Witch, Beaver

Plot Development –

Problem – Edmund disappears. How will this affect the storyline? Will the prophecy come true? Compare/Contrast Edmunds desire for a treat leads him to the white witch. Does he deserve the treatment that he gets? What do you think that he learns from putting his desires over that of his siblings and of helping Narnia? Will this serve him in the future?

Predictions – the witch

leaves in a sled and the children hear a sled with the bells approaching. They were given gifts that they needed, what things do you think you would need? Needs vs. Wants

Character connections

Edmund learns compassion as he sees the power of the witch and the ruthlessness with which she uses it.

Ch. 12 Pgs. 123133

Ch. 13 Pgs.134-144

Ch. 14 Pgs. 145155 Triumph of the White Witch

Ch. 15 Pgs.156-166

Witch turns to stone upon hearing that they are rejoicing for Aslan is back. Edmund steps in and asks for mercy for them and gets slapped as a rebuke. The sled gets stuck because of the melting snow and they are required to walk. Beaver and the children walk along enjoying the spring weather, reach the stone table and meet Aslan. Aslan takes Peter aside and shows him the Castle where he will reign as High King as the firstborn. They hear Susans horn as she is calling for help, Aslan tells everyone to back away this is Peters battle. Peter fights with Maugrim the wolf to protect his sisters and kills him. He is knighted Sir Peter “Wolfs bane” and then reprimanded for not cleaning his sword and reminded to always keep his sword clean. The rest of the camp are encouraged to follow the other wolf and find Edmund to rescue him. The White Witch is greeted by the wolf who informs her of the death of Maugrim, she instructs him to round up the rest of her army and have them gather for battle. She decides to kill Edmund and before she can do so is attacked by those sent to rescue Edmund and has to turn herself and the dwarf into a stump and a rock to escape from the onslaught. Edmund returns to camp and is seen talking to Aslan by the rest of his siblings. Aslan tells them not to ask about the issue and to forget it. A dwarf from the Witches Camp comes and asks for an audience with Aslan. The Witch comes to claim Edmund as hers as all traitors are supposed to be. Aslan takes the Witch aside and talks to her as a result Edmund is allowed to stay. They move the army from the stone table to the Fords of Beruna. Lucy and Susan sense sadness in Aslan and in the middle of the night sense him leaving, see him leave and follow him. He senses them and lets them follow him up to a certain point and then tells them to return. Lucy and Susan watch as Aslan walks up to the stone table and subjects himself to great humiliations and cruelty the White Witch and her minions. They tie him up, shave him and of his mane spit on him, pull his hair and finally kill him. After his death they rally together to go and finish off conquering Narnia by battling Peter and the rest of the host of Narnia. Lucy and Susan stay hidden while those in the witches service pass by their place of concealment. After they are done Lucy and Susan go up to Aslan and weep over him, and try to undo the knots that hold him fast. Mice come and

Connections – what do

you think you would do if your sibling was in danger? Would you have the wherewithal to risk your life? What battles do we fight?

Character Development – Edmund/Aslan , Travel Tracer – there is a change in the setting as the camp moves from the stone table to the fords of Beruna. Compare with the movie where the camp remains at the fords.

Connections – Do we see others that sacrifice to save others and are subject to humiliations? What could Aslan and the White Witch represent in this world?

Character Development of Susan and Lucy/ Plot Development with the change in Aslan.

chew through the ropes, Lucy and Susan remove them from Aslan and set them aside, at this point it is getting close to dawn and Lucy and Susan walk away from the Stone Table to watch the sun rise. As they turn from the table and see the sun come up they hear the cracking of the stone table, turn to look and see that Aslan has disappeared and the Stone table on which he was lying is broken in two. Aslan then appears and tells them that if the White Witch had truly understood the Deep Magic she never would have done what she did. Aslan then tells the children to climb on his back and hold on tight. They ride Aslan until they get to the Witch’s castle in the courtyard. Ch. 16 Aslan begins to breathe on the statues in the Connections/ Character Pgs. 167courtyard of the White Witch. Slowly they seem Development 177 to thaw out and regain their animal form. As they What would you compare come alive they help in finding all animals and Aslan breathing on stone Aslan keeps breathing on them. Soon they gather animals and having them together and Aslan tells the lions and leopards to come back to life? What smell out the battle and lead them to it. They would be a good join just in time to stem the tide and win. Aslan comparison of Aslan vs. takes on the White Witch and kills her and the The White Witch? Why rest of the servants of the white witch flee for did all four of the their safety. children need to band The rest of Narnia arrives at Cair Paravel for the together why couldn’t coronation of the four children as the Kings and Edmund have been left? Queens of Narnia and during the celebration Aslan leaves. Ch. 17 Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are quite old and What is the figurative Pgs.178-189 are persuing the white stag which will grant them language meaning by wishes if they can catch him as they chase him chasing a White Stag and they arrive at the lamppost where their granting wishes? Why adventure began and start to walk towards it and couldn’t they catch the back through the wardrobe and into our own stag? Do you think it led world again. No time passed and they had a them to the lamppost? wonderful adventure. Why? Other Activities/Ideas: There are many allegories that could be drawn with reading this book. Bring out that many times writers have characters represent ideas or morals to get across a message. Compare the book and the movie there are some differences in both.