The Songs of Distant Earth and Other Stories - English Center

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photographer, leave Lambourn, and marry Clare. Reflex. STAGE 4 a c ..... Darkness, No Morning After, The Songs of Distant. Earth. .... Arthur C. Clarke ...
The Songs of Distant Earth Reflex Silver Sword A The Tale Thirty-Nine of Two Cities Steps and Other Stories

To 8 and whIlE READING And 7 whIlE READING Are these sentences about No Morning After truein(T) Philip didn’t win either race. He came 164ChApTers How . . .?6Cold hungry. or false (F)? 12 Edek had run away from the Warthe camp. Jacques Gaspard’s dead body after the second .on and third on Chainmail. Where .Five, .?Daylight, Toabout a farmhouse. a .the had his 273 When atlost the field kitchen Ruth soldiers had killed him. learnt that George stopped at What . Bill .?fight He hooded hisjob. eyes likehad afinished, hawk. b His girlfriend had left him. holding Edek’s hand. 24 was Madame Defarge, about the Revolution. Lance Kinship’s house for a drink on his way home. What . . .? He said that he was a sailor called Ned c did The people of Thaar invited him to their 38 Jan not believe Edek’s story about hiding under John about whether Ernest Defarge is called Why .Barsad, . who .? Because Yaxley was home from Hong Ainslie had stolen some money a car. planet. a train. Jacques orthree not.used Kong .just weeks after George’s 5 How . .? He explosive to blow death. up the door. dBerlin Earth was going to In children stayed intower. anexplode. old cinema. Ernest about the attack on the Bastille. What . Defarge, helped the wives and children of dead 649 Where .. The ..?the .?ItOn top of an old e Brenda came back on the fourth day. 57 Jarvis Jan was helping some other boys to steal food from Lorry, about Jerry Cruncher, who was going and injured jockeys. How . . .? He crawled slowly and carefully and the trains. to take care of Mr Lorry on his trip to Paris. avoided the wires. reAdIng ChApTer 10 10 marks 6Before The American Captain toldMarquis Jan he had been stealing Charles Darnay, about the of Evrémonde Encourage students to speculate ChApTers 7 And 8 whIlE READINGand to make American food sent to feed the refugees. (himself). What but animals were they using for the experiment do not tell them the answer. They will 175guesses, Alexander took care Hannay whenhave he in Jan wentDarnay, toTurnbull prison because the children didn’t Charles about being a of prisoner himself, The Secret? find out as they read that the answer is number was ill with malaria. enough money to pay the 200 marks. and remembering Dr Manette’s many years in the2. ........................................................................................... 2 Scudder had sent a letter to Sir Walter Bullivant Bastille. 10 To 13 whIlE READING ChApTers ChApTers 9 And 10 whIlE READING ........................................................................................... saying that he was with a good friend. 11ChApTers Lord White,And to Philip, about the photographs that farmer, to the children, about a potato 9 whIlE READING 3 A SirBavarian Walter8Bullivant had told the police that Hannay showed Dana and Ivor den Relgan as lovers. 10 thrown marks thatDr Jan at him. 1 F Manette was safe in Paris. was not ahad murderer. 22 F Harold, to Philip, Ivor den Relgan no longer FrauLucie Wolff, tovery her about husband, about Edek. was afraid ofseven Madame Defarge. 4 Karolides was shot dead at o’clock in the 6 being Imagine you are George, one of the engineers in The in the Jockey Club. Jan, to the farmer, about the fact that the farmer’s 3 T evening. NineYaxley, Billion to Names God. Philip Write asking a letterhim from Elgin Philip,ofabout forthe sons had been German soldiers, and so enemies 435 F Most of the prisoners were sent to the Guillotine. MacGillivray told Hannay that he didn’t want towho monastery to athe friend in New York explaining your more money for Injured Jockeys Fund. had fought against Polish people. 5 T arrest him. work and your worries. 44 F Mrs Jackson (Philip’s neighbour), tonot Philip, about Frau Wolff, toJopley thehelp, children, He agreed to if his life wastheir put in 6 Marmaduke told theabout police that mother. Hannay was ........................................................................................... the man from the water company who came to hide 5 danger. Edek, to the Burgomaster, about Jan, trying to a murderer. ........................................................................................... Philip’s pipes. the fact thatwas Jan speak German. 7 check F Mr Lorry was planning to come leave Paris next day. Lord Alloa illcouldn’t and didn’t to thethe meeting at ........................................................................................... 56 Ivor den Relgan, to Philip, about burning George The Burgomaster, to the farmer, about the children, Sir Walter Bullivant’s house. ........................................................................................... ChApTers 10 And 11 whIlE READING Millace’s house. who had to be sent home like other refugees. ........................................................................................... 1+12 2+16 3+15about 4+10 6+14 7+18 8+11 67ChApTer Clare, to9the Philip, his 5+17 injuries, whIlE READING Edek, to Burgomaster, about hiswhich fathershe Joseph ........................................................................................... realized had been caused by a beating, not a fall 19+13 Because he was often too ill to go to meetings and Balicki. ........................................................................................... Darnay before the a second time, aappeared horse. even when hetowas heTribunal was a man of his verycanoes few 8 from The farmer, thewell, children, about using ........................................................................................... because he was accused by three citizens. When Dr 7 words. Dana den Relgan, to Philip, about the list she had to........................................................................................... get away by river. that heto was one of he writtenheard on packet of cigarettes foraccusers, George Millace. 2Manette Because he awanted collect histhe pay personally. ........................................................................................... 11inspector, Tothe 13 whIlE READING spoke angrily to Tribunal. Defarge The police to for Philip, about theexplained hydrogen 38ChApTers Because he was looking aBut place where high tide ........................................................................................... 1that She let go of her paddle suddenly, and he fell back he had found a paper written by Dr Manette in sulphide gas in Philip’s water filter that nearly killed was at 10.17. ........................................................................................... into the water. the Bastille, and he read it aloud to the Tribunal. The Jeremy. the spy was going to leave from a small 4 Because ........................................................................................... 2paper They found again, the river told aorstory ofpaddle the Evrémonde who had harbour, atheir place where there because wasbrothers, no harbour. Before reAdIng ChApTer 14 carried down them. theitthe deaths of four members a family. The 5caused Because spy to was going back toofGermany. 20 marks students speculate and to to make 3Encourage Jan had left at theto next the people were soitangry toWolffs’ hear offarm, these crimes thatphoto they guesses, but do not tell them Before reAdIng ChApTer 10the answers. They will of Darnay Rudolf. must go to the Guillotine the next day. said find out they read that the answers and Encourage students toCarton speculate toare make Total marks 4T Because she thought Edek was soand ill the that he1cmight After the as trial, Sydney went to Defarges’ 2b. guesses butwhere do not them the answers. will die before they got to Switzerland. wine-shop, hetell heard Madame DefargeThey talking be able to check their answers when they read the 5ChApTers Because he to go Defarge back to did the not Wolffs’ about her family. wantfarm to 14wanted To Madame 16 whIlE READING chapter. The ‘yes’ answers are 1, 4, 5 and 6. were and get the silver sword. stop the killing until all the Evrémonde family On the diazo film and paper Philip discovered a list 6of Because Jan screamed at him kicked him when dead. Dr Manette could do nothing to help Darnay names, dates, and drugs, andand a letter written by Joe wouldn’t take him north Boding. because his mind returned to the past. Carton, George Millace tohad Lance Kinship. Because of this 7letter, Because he had received from Herr and however, had a that plan, whichletters he kept to himself. he knew Lance Kinship had killedWolff George. ACTIVITY 1 AFTER READING Joseph Balicki, and he now knew for certain that the Philip’s mother had died from drugs, so Philip planned Before reAdIng ChApTers 12 And 13 Possible answers: children’s father was living in Switzerland. to make Lance Kinship give speculation. him the names people Open answers. Encourage Doofnot give oLiCeman : What time did you arrive at aMr Hannay’s 8P Thesold heavy rainHe turned thethen stream into fast-moving who drugs. would give these names to the answers, which are: flat? river, which carried Edek’s boat out into the lake. the drugs police. 1 Sydney Carton is going to change clothes with iLkman: she At about a quarter to seven. 9mVictor Because thought thathe hewould cared moreasking about his told CharlesBriggs Darnay, soPhilip that Charles canstop escape, andhim P oLiCeman : Why did you go into the flat? dog Ludwig than about Edek. toSydney lose races. willHowever, die in his Philip place. decided to become a photographer, leave Lambourn, and marry Clare.

aACTIVITY The Great Scientist’s brain turned yellow at the 1 BEFORE READING edges. …………… T 44 T F 5T 6F 7F 1 FParis 2 Tand3 London. F ‘My showed me from this same hill, 2b In thefather Bastille prisonitintoParis. ACTIVITY 2 BEFORE READING many years before you were born.’ …………… 3 Lucie. Encourage students to speculate They heard a sound their worldand had to notmake known 4c ‘Jacques’. will guesses, but do not tell them the answers. Theywill guesses but do not tell them the answers They for centuries. …………… 5 ‘A terrible machine of death’, with a sharp knife that find out as they read that the answers are 1a, 1c will find out as they read that the ‘yes’ answers are be able to check their answers when they read the d cuts Theoff jobpeople’s was the heads. craziest thing that had ever (but for the Injured Jockeys Fund, not6.himself), 2a, numbers 1,‘yes’ 2, 4.…………… story. The answers are 2, 5 and happened toand him. 2b,It2d. 2 BEFORE READING eACTIVITY was growing darker with every footstep he ACTIVITY 3 BEFORE READING Encourage students to speculate and to make took. …………… began in 1939 andstudents ended The Second correct World answerWar is 2, but do not tell but dothree not tell thembreakdowns the answers.inThey will fguesses ‘There were nervous in 1945. The children lived in Poland, in eastern this. They will find out when they read thethe story. find out as Group they read the only ‘yes’ answers are Medical last that month.’ …………… Europe. To get to Switzerland, they had to go west to numbers 5 and 6. gGermany, A long river of5 sea water rising up into the ChApTers 1 To whIlE READING and then south to was Switzerland. sky. …………… 1ACTIVITY Because he didn’t like cheating, and he knew that he 3 BEFORE READING h ‘We use a special alphabet of our own.’ had a very good chance of winning that day. In France in the 18th century rich noblemen owned ChApTers 1 And 2 whIlE READING …………… 2most He drove off the road and into a tree, probably of the land, and the poor had nothing. They had 1 31 years. ihard ‘Just how are you to tell them?’ because he went to going sleep while he wasand driving. lives, did not have enough to eat, hated the 1 To 3 whIlE READING 2ChApTers He was bored. 3…………… Because he was interested to find out why George and noblemen. How . . his .? He knocked down aarrived guard with catapult 31King Because a man called Scudder at hisa flat and j had Thekept walladisappeared into amistakes. kind of mist. box of his worst and stole Then he walked out of the asked for his uniform. help. …………… 4 By giving him a lot of money. prisonsomeone with thewas other guards. 4 That going to kill the Greek Prime 5 Because it showed that they had met each other 2 Minister. How .20 . .?marks By hiding in a luggage lift. before O’Tree shot Yaxley’s horses. 35ChApTers Why . . .? 1put Because a prisoner had escaped. Someone Toa3knife whIlE through READING his heart. 6 He was not a serious or responsible person. What . . he .? The took her and sent her to 64Who Jerry Because Cruncher was afraid thatBillion theyaway would arrest him for 2 1 said this in Nazis The Nine Names of God? 7 Because nobody knew that he had them. Germany. DrLorry Wagner, the lama. 2Chuck, Jarvis murder. 8 Dana knew him because she got drugs from him, Why .have . .? Because on thea night his wife taken ‘We been making list which will was contain 375a Monsieur To Scotland. Defarge and Ivor hit him because he wanted him to stay away away, someone shot at the car, and one of the Nazi allathe possible names of God.’ …………… 48 Madame As milkman. Defarge from Dana. soldiers was hitDr inManette the arm. ‘I can see why you want one of our machines.’ 5b Lucie’s father, 9ChApTers Because he thought they could put Philip’s life in 3 And 4 whIlE READING What . . Darnay .? To tell them that he was going to …………… 6 Charles danger. 1 F The writing in Scudder’s notebook was mostly Switzerland tohire findtwo their and that they ‘You want to ofmother, our engineers.’ 7c Sydney Carton numbers. reAdIng ChApTer 6 they could. should follow him as soon as …………… 8Before Miss Pross 2 T Encourage students to speculate and to make 7d Where . .from .? To our the place where the trains slow down. ‘This is bank.’ …………… 3ChApTers F The young 4 And hotel 5 whIlE owner READING thought that Hannay’s notcompleted tell them God the answers. They will eguesses ‘Whenbut thedo list’s simply closes 4The And 5 whIlE 1ChApTers Who story . . .?was wonderful. child of a READING man called Gaspard. find out as they read…………… that the answers are 1c and everything down.’ 412 T How . . .? By holding on under the Marquis’s coach. 2b. The stole their enemies, 523 F How Hannay .20 . children .?marks He stole feltthe they carfood were thatfrom hard, belonged cruel to landowners. the twobut men. ChApTers 6 To 9 whIlE READING never from their own people. 46 F What Hannay . . .? He spoke was about killed Australia by Gaspard at the (‘Jacques’), election 1Who Why . . .?this Because didn’tofwant to destroy T whosaid meeting. pushed ainknife through his heart while he was 3 3 TheheSongs Distant Earth? Lora, Daylight’s enthusiasm 47Clyde, T sleeping. Leon, Lora’s father.for racing. How . got .?and His mother had left him to stay with 582a F Ruth the forest in summer, Who Sir.. .Harry .? Charles wrote alived letter to Sir Sydney Walter Carton. Bullivant, a ‘We’ve a Bronia lot ofDarnay, fish toinand bring home.’ Samantha several times when he was a child. and in Warsaw in winter. 6 What friend . . .?of Tohis remember uncle. that there was a man who …………… Why . .give .?asked Because Millace was going 63b F Ruth the George Russian officer to find her to would his life keep someone she loved alive ‘I was just taking ato late walk.’ …………… Before reAdIng ChApTer 5 photos him, but he died,…………… and the news and close her. c take ‘Hebrother seemstoEdek. aof nice young man.’ Encourage students to speculate and to make photographers were allManette busy. 7d F all soldiers. What . .hated .? be Hewonderful told Dr his to real name, ‘It Jan would to be able travel back guesses but do not tell them the answers. They will How . . .? He was pleased because she liked his of 84 T which, since…………… his uncle’s death, was the Marquis to Earth.’ be able to check their answers when they read the wasto also alarmed at the idea of his Evrémonde. e photos, ‘I neverbut meant hurt you.’ …………… Before 6 1, 3, 4 and 5. chapter. reAdIng The ‘yes’ ChApTer answers are h is work. 8 hobby What . becoming . .? It brought back memories of the Bastille, Encourage speculation. The correct answer is 1, 5ChApTers What .20 .nine .?5marks Her husband’s friendship Dana and for days nine nights he with returned toden his And 6and whIlE READING but do not tell students this before they read the Relgan. old prison work of making shoes. chapter. Let them check their guesses as they read.

While Reading While Reading While Reading While Reading

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COMPREHENSION TEST activities answers

Before Reading

Which story do these sentences come from? The Nine Billion Names of God, The Secret, The Wall of Darkness, No Morning After, The Songs of Distant 92) 76) Before reading activities (page 76) Earth.

62 75 77 70 33

PHOTOCOPIABLE reflex a tale the thirty-nine silver of twosword Cities steps xxx © OXFORD UNIVERSITY the PRESS

© Oxford University Press

After Reading

© Oxford University Press

activities answers


Stage 4 Arthur C. Clarke

The Songs of Distant Earth and Other Stories Setting

13 Henry Cooper sent _____ back to earth. a □ reports and stories b □ food c □ people and animals d □ plants 14 Chandra Coomaraswamy was the _____. a □ newspaper chief b □ police chief c □ head engineer d □ head scientist 15 Brayldon was studying to be _____. a □ an architect b □ a teacher c □ a scientist d □ a doctor 16 When his father died, Shervane became the _____ in his country. a □ richest man b □ oldest teacher c □ most important student d □ wisest man 17 Dr Bill Cross worked for _____. a □ the church b □ a school c □ the police d □ the army 18 Bill’s wife was called _____. a □ Elizabeth b □ Barbara c □ Brenda d □ Mary 19 Leon was _____ from Earth. a □ a teacher b □ an engineer c □ a scientist d □ a doctor 20 Lora had promised to marry _____. a □ Leon b □ nobody c □ Clyde d □ the President


Choose the best answer.

1 The lama wanted the computer to _____. a □ choose a new name for his country b □ list the names of all the people c □ list all the names of God d □ list the names of all the countries 2 George and Chuck went to Tibet for _____. a □ three months b □ three years c □ three days d □ three weeks 3 Henry Cooper had been on the moon for almost _____ before he discovered that something was wrong. a □ three weeks b □ three days c □ two days d □ two weeks 4 Henry was on his _____ visit to the moon. a □ first b □ second c □ third d □ fourth 5 Shervane had to travel _____ across the mountains to continue his studies. a □ east b □ west c □ north d □ south 6 In the _____ there was a season when darkness fell and nothing could live. a □ Dark Land b □ Shadow Land c □ Mountain Land d □ Cold Land 7 The earth was _____ light years away from Thaar. a □ three thousand b □ four hundred c □ five hundred d □ six thousand 8 The scientists on Thaar had discovered that _____. a □ Earth was getting bigger b □ the sun was getting smaller c □ the moon was going to explode d □ the sun was going to explode 9 After three hundred years of silence, Earth had sent a _____ to Thalassa. a □ star b □ starship c □ shop d □ scream 10 Leon had left Earth _____ years ago. a □ a thousand b □ a million c □ two d □ a hundred

20 marks

Dialogue Who said this?

21 ‘There is electricity available…?’ a □ the lama b □ Chuck c □ George d □ Dr Wagner 22 ‘We could always arrange for the computer to break down.’ a □ Chuck b □ Dr Wagner c □ the high lama d □ George 23 ‘A perfectly normal golden hamster. Except that this one is five years old…’ a □ Dr Hastings b □ Cooper c □ the Medical Research Group d □ Coomaraswamy 24 ‘My God – you’ve found a way to make life longer!’ a □ Dr Hastings b □ Chuck c □ Cooper d □ the Medical Research Group 25 ‘I want to be the only one to go all the way up.’ a □ Grayle b □ Brayldon d □ Shervane d □ Artex 26 ‘The wall is wonderful, yes – but there is no need to fear it, for those who understand its secret.’ a □ Brayldon b □ Grayle c □ Artex d □ Shervane

20 marks

Characters Choose the best answer.

11 The lama came from a _____ in Tibet. a □ school b □ monastery c □ church d □ company 12 George and Chuck were _____. a □ lamas b □ scientists c □ engineers d □ teachers


Arthur C. Clarke



The Songs of Distant Earth and Other Stories 27 ‘My dear hallucination, if I believed you – ’ a □ the Great Scientist b □ the voice c □ Bill d □ Bill’s boss 28 ‘Are all human beings like you?’ a □ Bill’s wife b □ the Thaarns c □ Bill d □ Bill’s boss 29 ‘Come and help me – we’ve got a lot of fish to bring home.’ a □ Lora b □ Leon c □ the Mayor d □ Clyde 30 ‘…you would be more out of place in my world than I would be in yours.’ a □ Lora b □ Clyde c □ Captain Gold d □ Leon

40 a person who designs buildings a □ mathematician b □ lama c □ scientist d □ architect 20 marks

Plot 41 The lamas believed that when the list was completed, God would step in and _____. a □ finish the list b □ close the country c □ close everything down d □ turn off the computer 42 George and Chuck saw _____ as they looked up at the sky. a □ the stars going out b □ birds c □ the plane d □ the sun going out 43 Henry met Chandra at _____ to go to see Dr Hastings. a □ Airlock Three b □ Gate Six c □ Gate Five d □ Airlock Five 44 On the moon, a human life will last for _____ years. a □ two hundred b □ twenty c □ one hundred d □ three hundred 45 It took _____ years to build the stairway to the top of the wall. a □ five b □ six c □ seven d □ eight 46 Shervane destroyed the _____. a □ wall b □ stairway c □ sun d □ mountains 47 The _____ made Bill feel much happier. a □ voices b □ water c □ job d □ whisky 48 There wasn’t a _____ day for Bill. a □ third b □ fourth c □ second d □ fifth 49 Leon’s _____ were in suspended animation. a □ wife and child b □ mother and father c □ sisters d □ brothers 50 The colonists were travelling for another two hundred years to the _____. a □ Earth b □ moon c □ sun d □ stars

Vocabulary Choose the best answer.

31 the line at which the land and sky seem to meet a □ monastery b □ horizon c □ dimension d □ curve 32 a person who goes to another country (or planet) and makes it their own a □ colonist b □ descendant c □ lama d □ scientist 33 something which you think you see or hear but which isn’t actually there a □ gravity b □ dimension c □ telepathic d □ hallucination 34 being alive but not conscious a □ telepathic b □ suspended animation c □ wise d □ puzzled 35 able to communicate directly from one mind to another without speaking a □ wise b □ theodolite c □ telepathic d □ hallucination 36 the force that on Earth pulls things towards the centre of the planet a □ science b □ sequence c □ pyramid d □ gravity 37 worried and afraid a □ drunk b □ nervous c □ foolish d □ fuss 38 numbers, actions etc. that follow each other in a special or regular way a □ sequence b □ research c □ science d □ shield 39 a message, spoken or silent, that you send to God a □ purpose b □ planet c □ point d □ prayer

20 marks Total marks




Choose the best answer.

20 marks


Arthur C. Clarke