The Use of Data Mining Techniques in Operational Crime Fighting ...

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This paper looks at the application of data mining techniques, principally the Self Organising Map, to the recognition of burglary offences committed by an ...
The Use of Data Mining Techniques in Operational Crime Fighting

1. Abstract This paper looks at the application of data mining techniques, principally the Multi-Layer Perceptron and Self Organising Map, to the recognition of burglary offences committed by a network of offenders. The aim is to suggest a list of currently undetected crimes that may be attributed to one or more members of the network and improve on the time taken to complete the task manually and the relevancy of the list of crimes. The data was drawn from 4 years of burglary offences committed within an area of the West Midlands Police. It was encoded from text by a small team of specialists working to a well defined protocol and analysed using the above techniques contained within the data mining workbench of SPSS/Clementine. Within minutes, 3 months of undetected crimes were analysed through the Clementine stream producing a list of offences that may be attributed to the network of offenders. The results were analysed by 2 police analysts not associated with the development process who determined that 85% of the nominated crimes could be attributed to the network of offenders. To produce a manual list would take between 1½ and 2 hours and be between 5% and 10% accurate.

2. Introduction Today computers are pervasive in all areas of business activities. This enables the recording of all business transactions making it possible not only to deal with record keeping and control information for


management but also via the analysis of those transactions to improve business performance. This has led to the development of the area of computing known as data mining (Adriaans and Zantinge 1996). The police force like any other business now relies heavily on the use of computers not only for providing management information via monitoring statistics but also for use in tackling major serious crimes (usually crimes such as armed criminality, murder or serious sexual offences). The primary techniques used are specialised database management systems and data visualisation (Adderley and Musgrove 2001a). Although policing procedures such as problem oriented policing and crime mapping techniques use stored information for the investigation and detection of volume crimes such as burglary, little use has been made of that information to link crimes through a combination of modus operandi (MO), temporal and spatial information. This is partly because major crimes can justify greater resources on grounds of public safety but also because there are relatively few major crimes making it easier to establish links between offences. With volume crime the sheer number of offences, the paucity of information, the limited resources available and the high degree of similarity between crimes renders major crime investigation techniques ineffective. There have been a number of academic projects that have attempted to apply artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, primarily expert systems, to detecting volume crimes such as burglary (Lucas 1986 and Charles 1998). Whilst usually proving effective as prototypes for the specific problem being addressed, they have not made the transfer into practical working systems. This is because they have been standalone systems requiring the duplication of data inputting as they do not integrate easily into existing police systems. They tended to use a particular expert’s line of reasoning with which the detective using the system might disagree. Also they lacked robustness and could not adapt to changing environments. All this has led to wariness within policing regarding the efficacy of AI techniques.


The objective of the current research project is therefore to evaluate the merit of data mining techniques for crime analysis. The commercial data mining package SPSS/Clementine is being used in order to speed development and facilitate experimentation within a Cross Industry Platform for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology (Chapman et al. 2000) (see Figure 1 below - reproduced with permission). This process has seven iterative stages that provide a summary of the data mining project life cycle. Business Understanding focuses on the domain knowledge (understanding crime, criminality and policing) required to ensure that the appropriate goals are set and that the success criteria can be met. Data Understanding deals with the collection and the identification of data quality problems. The Data Preparation phase covers the transformation of base data rectifying the issues Figure 1 - CRISP-DM

found in the previous stage. Modelling uses the transformed data to produce a business advantage

which is then Evaluated to ensure that the success criteria are met and the final stage is the Deployment of the model into the business. In this paper the author report the results from applying 2 specific data mining techniques, the multi layer perceptron (MLP), and the Kohonen self organising map (SOM) to the building descriptions, modus operandi (MO), temporal and special attributes of crimes attributed to a network of offenders for a particular type of crime, burglary offences.


A MLP (Swingler 1996) is a supervised classification technique which has the ability to form categories based upon learning from examples within the data. Using known data (for example detected crimes) which are separated into a training set and a testing set, the network is trained on the former and tested on the latter which it has not seen. A SOM (Kohonen 1982) is an unsupervised technique that uses the many variables in the data set (multi dimensions) and recognises patterns to form a 2 dimensional grid of cells. This technique has similarities to the statistical approach of multi-dimensional scaling. The output from all of these techniques is a confidence level between zero and one, the greater the value, the greater the confidence in the classification process. The benefits of extracting a formal structure from a database field containing unstructured MO text and using this structure in the mining process are discussed together with the stages of data selection, coding and cleaning. The results achieved by this process were independently validated by two police analysts who were not part of the research team; they are discussed, together with further areas for research. The two validating Police analysts are Community Safety Bureau staff in the area of the West Midlands Police in which the target network of offenders mainly operates. These bureaux are the focal points on each command unit for strategic planning, operational tasking and intelligence. The two analysts have been working in this environment for a number of years and are highly experienced.

3. Business Understanding A large number of crimes are committed by offenders who operate together in loosely formed cooffending groups (Reiss 1988), they more resemble an organic structure than a hierarchical gang structure and there is no “Mr. Big” for the entire network but there may be key persons (Coles 2001).

Figure 2 - Primary Network; Criminal Interaction


Figure 2*, illustrates a group of 8 offenders who have extensively ‘worked’ together. The numbered circles represent individual offenders and the connecting lines represent co-defendant instances (people who have been arrested and charged for the same offence(s)). Within the network illustrated below, all of the offenders have burglary offences recorded against them and it appears that they commit their offences together in different combinations of people. For example No.1 has committed one offence each with Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 and 10 or more offences with offender 6. No. 6 has committed one offence with No. 8, between two and nine offences with No. 7 and more than 10 offences with No. 1. None of the offenders have a ‘standard’ MO, however, they do favour particular types of buildings, use a finite variety of methods to gain entry to most of those buildings and have slight preferences for three particular days of the week when committing their crimes. Due to the combinatorial difficulties of identifying crimes that have been committed by different combinations of persons, with differing MOs, attacking different types of buildings in a variety of locations it would not be easy to attribute a new undetected crime to a member of the network. It is here that data mining techniques can assist. When an offender has been arrested for an offence and brought into custody, the person is interviewed regarding that offence and any other similar offences that may, as yet, be undetected. The interviewing officer will request from the intelligence department, a list of offences that are similar to the one for which the person has been arrested with a view to questioning the offender and clearing further crimes. That is, the offender will admit his/her part in committing the crime and it is subsequently recorded as being detected to that offender. The intelligence department will examine the base individual crime and then search through the crime system to locate those that have similar spatial, temporal and


Figure 2 produced courtesy of West Midlands Police, Force Linked Intelligence System (FLINTS)


MO features. This process can take between 1 and 2 hours depending on the complexity of the base crime. It is a semi-manual task requiring a database search and then manual reading of the retrieved documentation. The intelligence staff estimate that they are about 5% to 10% accurate in supplying a list for interview. This figure is based upon the actual number of offences attributed to the offender during the interviewing process.

3.1 Offender Behaviour Environmental Criminology suggests that the analysis of crime has four dimensions; victim, offender, geo-temporal and legal (Brantingham & Brantingham 1991) stating that concentrating on the crime location is a necessary aid to full understanding. Furtherance on this is the structural layout of a town or city and its road and transport infrastructure and, the place itself, will have crime attractors (Eck 1995) such as restaurants, shopping centres, car parks etc. The location of a crime is also determined by the conscious or sub-conscious decision making processes of the victim and offender which are shaped by their personal lifestyles. A location could have an implied label which affects the rate of crime in the area. That label can affect the types of people who reside, travel through and work in the area together with the type of services that are offered by Police, Social Services etc. That label can also affect the fear of crime which can be at variance with the actual crime rate. The Brantinghams (Brantingham & Brantingham 1991) suggest that there is a theoretical model for urban crime: ·

Certain persons are motivated to commit crime


The commission of the crime is a result of a conscious decision making process


The location itself indicates that it is ripe for criminal activity


The motivated person uses the location indicators to search for a suitable victim



The motivated person learns from the location indicators and forms a personal template for future use.


The template influences future behaviour becoming self-reinforcing.


Due to the combinatorial effect of targets, victims and places multiple crime selection templates are constructed. Humans are creatures of habit, thereby making the similarities in templates identifiable.

The Brantinghams use the term backcloth (Brantingham & Brantingham 1998) to describe the multidimensionality of how people interact with their environments to produce crime. These interactions change and move with time but the time scale may be sufficiently slow as to appear static to the human perception. This could enable crime analysts to be predictable in aggregate or even identify individual patterns as they emerge. People have an affinity with physical locations and pathways that connect those locations. They develop awareness spaces around locations that are visited, the size of which varies depending on the activity undertaken. This applies to the connecting pathways depending on the frequency travelled and the mode of transport.

3.1.1 Routine Activity Theory Routine activity theory for predatory crime requires that there must be a convergence in time and space of three elements for a crime to occur (Cohen & Felson 1979; Felson 1992; Clark & Felson 1993; Policing and Reducing Crime Unit 1998); a likely offender, a suitable target and the absence of a suitable guardian which is the Basic Crime Triangle. Interacting with any aspect of the triangle will give opportunities for preventing or reducing crime.


3.1.2 Crime Pattern Theory Patterns in crime, although often difficult to identify, can be informative about how people interact with their physical environment. This theory has three concepts; nodes, paths and edges (Policing and Reducing Crime Unit 1998). Nodes, is a term from transportation that refers to where people travel to and from. A node is a personal anchorage point in an individual’s lifestyle such as a school, bar, town centre, car park etc. Some nodes can be generators of crime at that geographical point or nearby, for example, a football ground may generate disorder in the streets nearby but be calm at that physical location. Paths are the transit routes that connect nodes and can refer to both vehicular and pedestrian travel. Individuals, going about their every day activities, generally travel along the same paths when visiting the same nodes, for example, most people drive the same way to and from work each day as a routine. Those paths that fall in with an individual’s routine activity are closely related to where they fall victim to crime. Edges refer to the boundaries of area where people have anchorage points such as a home, work, socialise etc. Some crimes are more prominent at those edges as people who seldom know each other come together at these places and, because they are unknown, either offend or become a victim. Robbery, racial attacks and shoplifting are examples of “edge” crimes. People who live outside of the boundaries commit crimes at the edge and then retreat into the safety of their own areas. Crimes committed by people who live inside the boundaries (insiders) are often committed close to an anchorage point, their own neighbourhoods.


3.1.3 Rational Choice Perspective Theory This perspective focuses upon the offender’s decision making processes making the assumption any decision is taken with the person’s own free will. It assumes that an offender is only calculating on items that are most evident or immediate, for example an open window in a house or a computer left on the seat of a car, in both cases there are no persons in close proximity therefore increasing the chance for the crime to be successful. Although much of the specific data is not captured in West Midlands Police recording systems, significant information can be derived from existing data fields and used in the mining process.

4. Data Understanding The burglary database used in this study contained 48475 recorded offences that occurred between October 1997 and December 2002. Table 1 below shows the specific crime categories and the numbers of offences associated with each. There are a total of 5448 offences which have been detected to a variety of offenders representing 11.2% of the total crime. This includes 115 crimes attributed to a known network of offenders (Primary Network) representing 0.2% of the total crime and 2.1% of all detected crime. When compared to the detected crimes, Table 1 clearly shows that the Primary Network offenders’ profile is to specialise in targeting personal dwellings and Table 2 illustrates their preference for targeting semi detached and terraced houses.

Drinking Places

Domestic Dwellings Factories Garages Offices


Shops Other



All Offences










% of Total










All Detected










% of Total










Primary Detected %



of Total



Table 1 - Classification of All Burglary Offences Semi

All Other





Bungalow Premises


All Offences %








of Total








All Detected %








of Total








Detected % of

















Table 2 - Classification of Domestic Burglary Offences There are limitations with the data set that should be recognised prior to the research: ·

Even though the data set is complete, it contains all reported offences of burglary, it is possible that unsolved crimes held within the database may be attributed to one of the known offenders.



Although people who have received the same training have input the crimes, there are inconsistencies in the transcription process which will be discussed later in the paper.


It has to be assumed that the known offenders have actually committed the crimes that have been attributed to them.

5. Data Preparation The results of the mining process are directly proportional to the quality of the data. With a small number of persons responsible for transcribing and entering the data it was assumed that the quality of the data would be high. However there are inconsistencies within the subsequent transcription particularly within the MO entries. Table 3 below illustrates an example of free text MO information. 1

Offender approached secure unocuppied dwelling in residential area went to rear of premises and forced rear round floor patio door by bending metal frame with jemmy type instrument removing door from frame entered and made untidy search of all rooms defecated in front upstairs bedroom carpet stole items and made off exit as entry


Offenders uk approached semi detached house and kicked front door forcing entry entered and searched all rooms offenders have stolen tv video cash cheque books offenders have left parcel shelf from an uk car a childs pram childs bike and blanket outside front of house of driveway making good escape


Btn stated times offender forced front doors entered and stole property left via way entered


Persons u/k went to rear of factory premises cut through metal bars smashed inner glass


entered office and stole computers 5

Smashed glass in front door reached in & released rim lock entered made untidy search of bedroom stole property Table 3 – Modus Operandi Text Number 3 does not state how the doors were forced, what rooms were searched or the mode of

search. Numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 do not state whether the premises were occupied. Number 4 does not state the location of the room in which the computers were located, whether the removal was tidy or whether the room was ransacked. When a paper crime report is completed, the MO is classified in two ways: 1. Check box categorisation that provides a broad overview 2. A section of unstructured free text that fully describes the actions taken to commit the crime Both are subsequently entered into a computerised recording system. From each of the 21 Operational Command Units (OCUs) within the West Midlands Police there can be up to 200 police and civilian personnel writing the unstructured free text and a further 5 persons entering it onto the computerised crime system. With no guidelines indicating the language to be used, the variety of wording and spelling is vast and it is important that the richness of information contained within the free text is not lost to the Investigator. A structured encoding method from this free text would aid automatic investigation and detection methods, however, to introduce such encoding would incur a cost to alter the existing paper and computer recording systems. In this paper, the Clementine software has been used to encode certain aspects of free the free text and derive new data fields. Due to the nature of these fields, even after the encoding process, the data was not 100% clean. It would be preferable if such data was


encoded at the time of inputting as highlighted by a previous study involving serious sexual assaults (Adderley & Musgrove 2001b). This study will demonstrate the benefits of using suitably encoded volume crime data.

5.1 Missing Data There are a number of fields that do not contain data and are stored in the database as “$null$” or as an empty string. These mainly relate to location information. If an address is incorrectly entered into the system an ‘unconfirmed location’ is registered which permits the crime to be recorded but an operator will manually enter the correct information when time permits. These are often subsequently left blank. It is not uncommon for data sets to have fields that contain unknown or incorrectly entered information and missing values, how should they be treated? Are those fields essential to the mining process? There are a number of methods (Weiss and Indurkhya, 1998) for treating records that contain missing values: ·

Omit the incorrect field(s)


Omit the entire record that contains the incorrect field(s)


Automatically enter/correct the data with default values, for example select the mean from the range


Derive a model to enter/correct the data


Replace all values with a global constant

Within this work, those crimes that did not contain post code or grid reference information were omitted from the spatial analysis.


5.2 Data Encoding A critical step within the data mining process is the way in which data is encoded. It is suggested that the central objective of this stage is to transform the base data into a spreadsheet type format where individual variables are identified or created/derived from combining or extracting information from the data set (Weiss and Indurkhya, 1998). The data was encoded in four sections. Temporal analysis determined the time of day and particular days of the week in which the offenders showed a preference. Spatial analysis indicated the geographical base of the offences. A large number of building types were analysed and categorised into a small number of sets. The MO itself was sub-classified into a further three sections.

5.3 Temporal Analysis Individual offenders have a propensity to offend within particular hours of the day and on certain days of the week. The detected crimes were compared against the crimes attributed to the Primary Network to ascertain whether there were similarities or differences between those days and the house within them. Temporal analysis presents problems within the field of crime pattern analysis due to the difficulty of ascertaining the exact time at which the offence occurred. There are generally 2 times that are relevant, the time that the building was secured and the time that the burglary was discovered, which may span 2 or more days thereby adding to the complexity. Analysis showed for those crimes that could be determined to have been committed on a single day, that the Primary Network offenders have a preference for offending on a Monday, Friday and Saturday as illustrated in Figure 3. It is important to note the inverse aspects of this information such as when they are less likely to commit crime. In this


instance they are less likely, than the average offender, to commit crime on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Temporal Analysis 25


15 Primary All Other 10


0 Mon







Figure 3 - Offending Day of the Week To identify the time of day at which the crime occurred, in consultation with the analysts, a set of time bands were produced, early hours of the morning, taking children to school, lunch time, collecting children from school, during the evening, overnight, during the day other, short weekend and long weekend. Each time ban was a dichotomous variable.

5.4 Spatial Analysis Incorporating aspects of Environmental Criminology, using all past and present home addresses as anchorage points, the Primary Network commit 100% of their burglary offences within 3.7 miles of their own or immediate co-accused addresses. The spread of these addresses represents approximately


2.5% of the West Midlands Police Force area. Based on 2 years of burglary crime in a district of the West Midlands Police area the average distance that a burglary offender travels from his/her home address varies between ½ mile and 2 ¼ miles depending upon age, see Figure 4. In this study the average distance for the Primary network was 0.9 miles and the majority of the offenders were from the 19-23 age group. Therefore, the geography of crime is an important factor in determining patterns of offending.

Distance Travelled to Commit Burglary Offences

Distance in Miles

2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 9-15





Age of Offender

Figure 4 - Distance Chart

5.5 Building Type Analysis There are 72 individual building descriptions available for use. Many crimes are quite opportunistic (Clarke and Felson 1993), whether a motivated offender chooses a detached, semi-detached or terraced house often depends upon the person’s awareness space and the opportunities presented at the time. Within the current data set it was clear that the type of premise was relevant and by amalgamating groups of premises, those groups then became even more relevant. Therefore, the 72 individual premise


types were categorised into 8 sets (Table 1) and the Dwellings category was further categorised into 6 sets (Table 2). The new building type field was created combining individual variables into a single nominal category.

5.6 MO Classification As stated in the section Data Encoding above, data encoding is a critical stage in the mining process. In previous work by the author (Adderley & Musgrove 2003), one of the main restrictions was that the MO was targeted to classify a specific group of offenders and its use would be limited in classifying a different group. Building upon this previous work a generic MO classifier was constructed in two stages: 1. Using a SOM to cluster the crimes based on the MO overview check boxes and using the cluster co-ordinates later in the process 2. Using key words and phrases, derive a set of 29 dichotomous fields that identify features from the free text MO field It is during the data preparation stage in the CRISP-DM cycle that a variety of encoding techniques may be utilised to provide additional fields for analysis and enable fuzzy concepts.

6. Model Building As previously stated, to build a model using a MLP a minimum of two sets of data are prepared but in this study there were a total of 11 data sets, five each for training and testing and a final ‘hold back’ set for validation purposes. The holdback set contained 5 randomly selected crimes from the Primary Network and 139 randomly selected other detected crimes, these were completely removed from their


respective sets prior to establishing the training/testing sets. All training/testing set crimes were randomly selected as detailed in Table 4. Training Set

Testing Set


% From Primary % From Remaining % From Primary % From Remaining



Burglary Offenders


Burglary Offenders


























Table 4 - Ratio of Training / Testing Data All sets contain a number of crimes that have been committed by the Primary Network and crimes that have been committed by other known offenders. The training set contains the data on which the training is executed – the MLP is trained to recognise crimes that can be attributed to the Primary Network and distinguishing them from those committed by other offenders. A model is produced as a result of the training process and the accuracy is tested on the associated testing set of crimes. In previously conducted work (Adderley & Musgrove 2003) it was established that the ‘Prune’ network options produced the greatest accuracy therefore those options were used in this study. A model was


created and tested for each of the training sets. A measure of effectiveness was the number of Primary Network crimes that appeared in the ‘top 20’ index for the testing set, the crimes with the highest confidence level. It was decided to use only 20 crimes as this is the maximum number that could normally be evaluated within a reasonable time using the manual data extraction methods described above.

7. Validation Validation of the model was undertaken using two methods. The first assessed the accuracy using the testing sets and holdback set of data and the second used 1802 new undetected crimes from the database. Model

Training Set

Testing Set

Hold Back Set





















Table 5 - Modelling Results Table 5 illustrates the results of the first phase of the validation process, the results representing the number of correctly classified crimes in the top 20 listing. In the hold back set there were only 5 crimes


that could be attributed to the Primary Network offenders which indicated that the models could correctly classify those crimes. Examining the results of the first 4 models there are a number of false positives where crimes have been wrongly classified. To improve on this all 5 models were placed in series within the Clementine processing stream which results in each crime having 5 confidence levels, one for each model. All 5 levels were averaged and it was this average score that was used as a final classification. Each of the testing sets was passed through this new stream, a top 20 list of crimes being produced for each set. There were no false positives in any of the 5 sets. The main testing process was conducted by two analysts who were not part of the study. 1802 new burglary crimes that had been committed on the area since the start of the study, were passed through the stream and, to be comparable to the above validation process, a top 20 crimes list was produced as illustrated in Table 6. The crime numbers of those top 20 crimes having the average value closest to 100% were given to the analysts for examination. Their remit was to ascertain whether any of them could have been committed by one of the Primary Network members. Having no other information, the analysts researched the crimes already attributed to the offenders by examining the crime reports, case papers and witness statements and then examined each of the 20 submitted crimes in a similar way. CrimeNumber




99.99% 1


99.92% 2


99.56% 3


99.48% 4


99.30% 5



99.29% 6


99.15% 7

20K2/10144/03 99.08% 8 20K2/8941/03

99.03% 9


98.62% 10

20K2/10398/03 98.42% 11 20K2/2050/03

98.09% 12


97.99% 13


97.77% 14

20K2/10387/03 97.64% 15 20K2/829/03

97.54% 16


97.35% 17


97.15% 18


97.07% 19


96.34% 20

Table 6 - New Crimes Results In their opinion only 3 of the 20 crimes could not have been committed by one of the Primary Network offenders and they were numbers 13, 14 and 19 in Table 6 above. Although in crimes 13 and 14 the MO features were similar to those used by the Primary Network, the property stolen was completely different and the temporal information in crime 19 was different to the majority of Primary Network crimes.


The results are encouraging, after extracting the 3 months crimes into Clementine, a list for interview could be prepared within 5 minutes and, if only submitting those crimes above a clear threshold, the list was potentially relevant. This compares with manually researching recent crimes taking between 1 and 2 hours and only being between 5% and 10% accurate as stated in the section Business Understanding. To formalise the validation process it would be ideal to give the two analysts a set of randomly produced crimes for analysis together with the ‘top 20’ list and compare their results, however, time constraints on operational resources prohibit this level of formality.

8. Discussion The limitations identified in section missing data, cannot be overstated; however, the results are not disappointing and they have 2 practical uses in operational policing: 1. The ability to examine a number of currently undetected crimes with a view to targeting the intelligence gathering and investigative work towards a limited number of potential offenders. 2. Having arrested an offender, there is a requirement to collate information and intelligence prior to interviewing. From taking between 1 and 2 hours to manually provide a list for interview and only being 5% to 10% accurate, this process has reduced the time to approximately 5 minutes providing an 85% accuracy rating. How accurate were the analysts in their opinionated research? Of those top 20 crimes only 2 have now been detected and the analysts were correct in classifying each one. Crime 18 can be positively attributed to the Primary Network and number 19 has been detected to 2 other offenders, both of which were correctly classified by the analysts.


It is desirable to achieve a higher level of accuracy and widen the scope of its practical implementation; the modelling process has been tailored to a particular network of offenders. Further work is required in the following areas: ·

Incorporate the types of property stolen within the modelling process.


Choose a different network of offenders to ascertain whether generic MO classifier is actually transferable.


Use less models to achieve the same level of accuracy.

The benefits of data mining software have been clearly demonstrated in operational Police work.

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