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This document is the authors’ final version of the following published article: Moti L. Tiku, Wing-Keung Wong, Guorui Bian, Estimating parameters in autoregressive models in non-normal situations: symmetric innovations, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, ISSN: 0361-0926, Vol. 28, Iss. 2, 2007, pages 315-341, DOI:10.1080/03610929908832300. Link to published article:


Moti L Tiku McMaster University and Wilfrid Laurier University Canada Wing-Keung Wong Guorui Bian National University of Singapore Singapore

Keywords. Autoregression; Nonnormality; Maximum likelihood; Modi¯ed maximum likelihood; Least Squares; Robustness.

Abstract. The estimation of coe±cients in a simple regression model with autocorrelated errors is considered. The underlying distribution is assumed to be symmetric, one of Student's t family for illustration. Closed form estimators are obtained and shown to be remarkably e±cient and robust. Skew distributions will be considered in a future paper.


1. INTRODUCTION The estimation of coe±cients in a simple regression model with autocorrlelated errors is an important problem and has received a great deal of attention in the literature. Most of the work reported is, however, based on the assumption of normality; see, for example, Anderson (1949), Cochrane and Orcutt (1949), Durbin (1960), Tiao and Tan (1966), Gallant and Goebel (1967), Beach and Machinnon (1978), Kramer (1980), Magee et al (1987), Velu and Gregory (1987), Dielman and Pfu®enberger (1989), Maller (1989), Cogger (1990), Weiss (1990), SchÄa²er (1991), Nagaraja et al (1992), Tan and Lin (1993). The paper by Tan and Lin (1993) is of particular interest. They assumed normality but based their estimators on censored samples. They showed that the resulting estimators are robust to plausible deviations from normality. In recent years, however, it has been recognized that the underlying distribution is, in most situations, basically not normal; see, for example, Huber (1981) and Tiku et al (1986). The problem, therefore, is to develop e±cient estimators of coe±cients in autoregressive models when the underlying distribution is non-normal. Naturally, one would prefer closed form estimators which are fully e±cient (or nearly so). Preferably, these estimators should also be robust to plausible deviations from an assumed model. That is exactly what has been achieved in this paper. The underlying distribution is assumed to be symmetric and of the type (1=¾)f((y ¡ ¹)=¾), one of Student's t family for illustration. The method of modi¯ed maximum likelihood estimation (Tiku 1967, 1968, 1980; Tiku and Suresh 1992) is invoked. The resulting estimators are explicit functions of sample observations and are asymptotically fully e±cient. They are almost fully e±cient for small sample sizes; fully e±cient estimators do not exist for small sample sizes. The estimators are also shown to be remarkably robust. The relative e±ciencies of the LS (least squares) estimators are investigated and shown to be generally quite low. A test for the regression coe±cient H0 : ± = 0 is formulated. The methodology developed in this paper can (hopefully) be extended to skew distributions. That will be the subject matter of a future paper. 2. AUTOREGRESSIVE MODEL Consider a simple autoregressive model yt = ¹0 + ±xt + et

(1) (t = 1; 2; 3; ¢ ¢ ¢ ; n)

et = Á et¡1 + at 1

where yt = observed value of a random variable y at time t xt = value of a nonstochastic design variable x at time t Á = Autoregressive coe±cient (jÁj · 1): It is assumed that the innovations at are iid. The autoregressive model (1) has many applications. For example, in predicting future stock prices the e®ect of an intervention might persist for some time. Numerous other applications of the model above are in agricultural, biological and biomedical problems besides business and economics; see, for example, Anderson (1949), Durbin (1960), Tiao and Tan (1966), Beach and Machinnon (1978), Cogger (1990), Weiss (1990), SchÄa²er (1991). Assume that the common distribution of at 's is symmetric and is, for illustration, given by ( )¡p 1 a2 f (a; p) / 1+ 2 (¡1 < a < 1) (2) ¾ k¾ where k = 2p ¡ 1 and p ¸ 2. Note that E(a) = 0 and V (a) = ¾ 2 . It may be noted that q t = (k=º) (a=¾) has Student's t distribution with º = 2p ¡ 1 df (degree of freedom). For 1 · p < 2, k is equated to 1 in which case ¾ in (2) is simply a scale parameter. In the ¯rst place we assume that p is known. 3. MODIFIED LIKELIHOOD An alternative form of the model (1) is yt ¡ Á yt¡1 = ¹ + ±(xt ¡ Á xt¡1 ) + at

(1 · t · n) :


Conditional on y0 , the likelihood function is µ ¶n

1 L/ ¾



zi2 1+ k



where zt = (1=¾)f(yt ¡ Áyt¡1 ) ¡ ¹ ¡ ±(xt ¡ Áxt¡1 )g (1 · t · n); see Hamilton (1994, p123) for numerous advantages of conditional likelihoods. Let z(i) =

(y[i] ¡ Áy[i¡1] ) ¡ ¹ ¡ ±(x[i] ¡ Áx[i¡1] ) ¾



denote the order statistics of zi (1 · i · n) arranged in ascending order of magnitude. Note that y[i¡1] = y[i]¡1 , x[i¡1] = x[i]¡1 and (y[i] ; x[i] ) is the pair (yi ; xi ) that determines z(i) ; (y[i] ; x[i] ) may be called concomitants of z(i) (1 · i · n). Since complete sums are invariant to ordering, the likelihood equations for estimating ¹, ±, ¾, Á are @ ln L @¹ @ ln L @± @ ln L @¾ @ ln L @Á

n 2p X g(z(i) ) = 0 k¾ i=1 n 2p X = (x[i] ¡ Áx[i]¡1 )g(z(i) ) = 0 k¾ i=1 n n 2p X = ¡ + z(i) g(z(i) ) = 0 ¾ k¾ i=1





n 2p X (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )gfz(i) g = 0 k¾ i=1



where g(z) = z=f1 + (1=k)z 2 g. Equations (6){(9) have to be solved by iterative methods which is a formidable task. Moreover, Barnett (1966) and Lee et al (1980) point out some fundamental di±culties with iterative solutions, e.g., the iterations might converge to wrong values or not converge at all. See also Pearson and Hartley (1972, p89) who give examples where the iterations involved in determining ML (maximum likelihood) estimates do not converge rapidly enough. Besides, the solutions provided by di®erent iterative methods are not neccessarily identical (Barnett 1966). To obtain e±cient closed form estimators, we invoke Tiku's method of modi¯ed likelihood estimation which is by now well established (Smith et al 1973, Lee et al 1980, Tan 1985, Tiku, et al 1986, Schneider 1986, Vaughan 1992a). Let t(i) = Efz(i) g (1 · i · n) be the expected values of the standardized order statistics. Since g(z) is almost linear in a small interval c · z · d (Tiku 1967, 1968; Tiku and Suresh 1992) and realizing that under some very general regularity conditions z(i) converges to t(i) as n becomes large, we use the linear approximations given by a Taylor series expansion: (

@g(z) gfz(i) g ' gft(i) g + (z(i) ¡ t(i) ) @z = ®i + ¯i z(i)





This gives (2=k)t3(i) ®i = [1 + (1=k) t2(i) ]2


1 ¡ (1=k)t2(i) ¯i = [1 + (1=k) t2(i) ]2 3

(i = 1; 2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ; n) :


The values of t(i) are readily available for n · 20, in Tiku and Kumra (1981) for p = 2(:5)10 and in Vaughan (1992b, 1994) for p = 1 and 1:5. For n > 20, t(i) are obtained from the equation: Z t(i) i f(z)dz = (1 · i · n) : (12) n+1 ¡1 In evaluating (12), it is helpful to remember that with º = 2p ¡ 1 df. Note that ®i = ¡®n¡i+1


¯i = ¯n¡i+1


(k=º)z has Student's t distribution

(1 · i · n)


n X

®i = 0 ;


this follows from the fact that for symmetric distributions t(i) = ¡t(n¡i+1) . Modi¯ed likelihood equations are obtained by incorporating (10) in (6) and (9): @ ln L @¹ @ ln L @± @ ln L @¾ @ ln L @Á


n @ ln L¤ 2p X = f®i + ¯i z(i) g = 0 @¹ k¾ i=1

n @ ln L¤ 2p X (x[i] ¡ Áx[i]¡1 )f®i + ¯i z(i) g = 0 ' = @± k¾ i=1 n @ ln L¤ n 2p X ' =¡ + z(i) f®i + ¯i z(i) g = 0 @¾ ¾ k¾ i=1 n @ ln L¤ 2p X (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )f®i + ¯i z(i) g = 0 : ' = @Á k¾ i=1

(13) (14) (15) (16)

Note that the di®erences fg(z(i) ) ¡ (®i + ¯i z(i) )g converge to zero as n becomes large. Consequently, (1=n)f(@ ln L=@ ¹)¡(@ ln L¤ =@ ¹)g, (1=n)f(@ ln L=@ ±)¡(@ ln L¤ =@ ±)g, etc., converge to zero. This is primarily the reason that the modi¯ed likelihood equations are asymptotically equivalent to the corresponding likelihood equations (Tiku 1970, Bhattacbaryya 1985, Tiku et al 1986, Tiku and Suresh 1992). 4. THE MML ESTIMATORS The MML estimators of ¹, ±, and ¾ (for a given Á) are the solutions of (13) | (16): ¹ ^ = w [:] ¡ ±^ u[:] ±^ = G + H ¾ ^ p B + B 2 + 4n C ¾ ^ = 2n 4

(17) (18) (19)

where w[i] = y[i] ¡ Áy[i]¡1 u[i] = x[i] ¡ Áx[i]¡1 n n 1 X 1 X w[:] = u[:] = ¯i w[i] ¯i u[i] m i=1 m i=1 Pn i=1 ¯i w[i] u[i] ¡ mw[:] u[:] G = Pn 2 2 i=1 ¯i u[i] ¡ mu[:] Pn ®i u[i] H = Pn i=1 2 2 i=1 ¯i u[i] ¡ mu[:]

(1 · i · n)

n 2p X ®i fw[i] ¡ Gu[i] g k i=1

B =

n 2p X ¯i f(w[i] ¡ w[:] ) ¡ G(u[i] ¡ u[:] )g2 k i=1 n n X 2p X f ¯i (w[i] ¡ w[:] )2 ¡ G = ¯i (w[i] ¡ w [:] )(u[i] ¡ u[:] )g : k i=1 i=1

C =




Note that ni=1 ¯i u2[i] ¡ mu2[:] = ni=1 ¯i (u[i] ¡ u[:] )2 and m = ni=1 ¯i . Incorporating (17) { (19) in (16), the MML estimator of Á is obtained: Á^ = K + L^ ¾


where K =




P ^ [i]¡1 ) (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x ^ [i]¡1 ) ¡ ¹ ^ [i]¡1 ) ¯i (y[i] ¡ ±x ^ ni=1 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x Pn ^ [i]¡1 )2 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x i=1

^ [i]¡1 ) ®i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x L = Pni=1 : 2 ^ i=1 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )

It is clear that the MML estimators above have all closed form algebraic expressions and are, therefore, easy to compute. Moreover, they are asymptotically equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimators. Computations: Since ai = ¾zi and ¾ is a positive constant, the order statistics z(i) are determined by the order statistics a(i) (1 · i · n). To initialize ordering of ai = yi ¡ ¹ ¡ ±xi ¡ Áyi¡1 ¡ °xi¡1

( ° = ¡±Á ) :


We ignore the constraint ° = ¡±Á (Durbin 1960, Tan and Lin 1993) and calculate the least 5

square estimators ¹¤ , ± ¤ , Á¤ and ° ¤ : 0 B B B B B @

¹¤ ±¤ Á¤ °¤

1 C C C C C A


0 B B B B B @

n P xi P yi¡1 P xi¡1


xi P 2 xi P yi¡1 xi P xi xi¡1


yi¡1 P yi¡1 xi P yi¡1 2 P yi¡1 xi¡1


xi¡1 P xi xi¡1 P yi¡1 xi¡1 P xi¡1 2

1¡1 0 C C C C C A

B B B B B @

each sum is carried over i = 1; 2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ; n. Initially, therefore, a(i) = y[i] ¡ ¹¤ ¡ ± ¤ x[i] ¡ Á¤ y[i]¡1 ¡ ° ¤ x[i]¡1


yi P yi xi P yi yi¡1 P yi xi¡1

(1 · i · n) :

1 C C C C C A


Using the initial concomitants (y[i] ; x[i] ) (1 · i · n) determined by (22), the MML estimators ¹ ^, ±^ and ¾ ^ are calculated from equations (17) { (19) with Á = Á¤ . The MML estimator Á^ is then calculated from (20). In the second iteration, the order statistics z(i) are determined by ordering ^ i¡1 ) ¡ ¹ ^ i ¡ Áx ^ i¡1 ) ai = (yi ¡ Áy ^ ¡ ±(x

(1 · i · n)

and revised concomitant pairs (y[i] ; x[i] ) obtained. The estimators ¹ ^, ±^ and ¾ ^ are calculated ^ from (17) { (19) and Á is then calculated from (20). For more iterations are carried out till the estimates stablize. In all our computations partly presented in this paper, no more than three iterations were needed for the estimates to stablize. The reason for that is that the MML estimators only depend on (y[i] ; x[i] ) and the concomitant indices [i] are determined by the relative magnitudes, not neccessarily the true values, of zi (1 · i · n). In the rest of the paper we assume that jÁj < 1. The case jÁj = 1 will be studied in another paper. 5. ASYMPTOTIC RESULTS Since @ ln L¤ =@ ¹, @ ln L¤ =@ ± and @ ln L¤ =@ Á are, as said earlier, asymptotically equivalent to @ ln L=@ ¹, @ ln L=@ ± and @ ln L=@ Á, respectively, we have the following asymptotic results. LEMMA 1: The MML estimator, ¹ ^(±; Á) is conditionally (for known ± and Á) the MVB (minimum variance bound) estimator with variance (p + 1)(p ¡ 23 )¾ 2 =np(p ¡ 12 ). Proof: This follows from the fact that



®i = 0 and

@ ln L¤ 2mp = f^ ¹(±; Á) ¡ ¹g @¹ k¾ 2 6

where n 1 X ¹ ^(±; Á) = ¯i f(y[i] ¡ Á y[i]¡1 ) ¡ ±(x[i] ¡ Á x[i]¡1 )g m i=1 = w[:] (Á) ¡ ±u[:] (Á)

and (see the Appendix) limn!1

p ¡ 12 m = : n p+1

LEMMA 2: The MML estimator ±(Á; ¾) is conditionally (for known Á and ¾) the MVB estimator with variance 2 (p ¡ 23 ) ¾np : 1 Pn 2 i=1 ¯i fu[i] (Á) ¡ u[:] (Á)g n Proof: This follows from the fact that Ã

2np @ ln L¤ = @± k¾ 2


n 1X ^ ¾) ¡ ±g ¯i fu[i] (Á) ¡ u[:] (Á)g2 f±(Á; n i=1

^ ¾) = G0 + ¾H0 and where ±(Á; Pn

¯i u[i] (Á)fw[i] (Á) ¡ w[:] (Á)g 2 i=1 ¯i fu[i] (Á) ¡ u[:] (Á)g Pn i=1 ®i u[i] (Á) = Pn : 2 i=1 ¯i fu[i] (Á) ¡ u[:] (Á)g i=1

G0 = H0 P


Since n1 ni=1 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )2 converges to its expected value as n becomes large (see the Appendix), we have the following result. ^ ±; ¾) is conditionally (for known ¹, ± and ¾) the LEMMA 3: The MML estimator, Á(¹; MVB estimator with variance 2

1 n



(p ¡ 23 ) ¾np

¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )2


The result follows from the fact that "


n @ ln L¤ 2np 1 X ^ ±; ¾) ¡ Ág = ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )2 fÁ(¹; @Á k¾ 2 n i=1


^ ±; ¾) = K0 + ¾L0 and where Á(¹; K0 L0



¯i (y[i] ¡ ±x[i] )(y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 ) ¡ ¹ ni=1 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 ) = Pn 2 i=1 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 ) Pn ®i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 ) = Pni=1 : 2 i=1 ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 ) i=1

COMMENT: In certain practical situations, one is primarily interested in statistical inferences about ¹, ± and ¾. In that regard, we have the following results for ¹ ^, ±^ and ¾^ (given by (17){(19)). THEOREM 1: For a given Á, the MML estimators, ¹ ^, ±^ and ¾ ^ are asymptotically unbiased with covariance matrix (p + 1)¾ 2 ^ COVÁ (^ ¹; ±; ¾ ^) ' n(p ¡ 12 )

2 6 6 6 4


2 (p¡3=2) 1 + suuu p u ¡ (p¡3=2) p suu

where ui = xi ¡ Áxi¡1 (1 · i · n), nu =


u ¡ (p¡3=2) p suu (p¡3=2) 1 p suu





i=1 (ui


1 2


ui and n suu =


0 7 7 0 7 5

¡ u)2 .

Proof: The asymptotic unbiasedness follows from Taylor series expansions (Kendall and L¤ @ ln L¤ L¤ Stuart 1979, p52) of @ ln , @ ± and @ ln . For example, a Taylor expansion yields the @¹ @¾ following result (for large n): E(^ ¹) ' ¹ ¡ E


@ ln L¤ @ 2@ ¹ ¤ @ ln L @ ¹2




^ ' ± and E(^ Since E(@ ln L¤ =@ ¹) = 0 (see the Appendix), E(^ ¹) ' ¹. Similarly, E(±) ¾) ' ¾ for large n. ^¾ The information matrix IÁ (^ ¹; ±; ^ ) is given by the expected values of the second deriva2 ¤ 2 2 tives ¡E(@ ln L =@ ¹ ), ¡E(@ ln L¤ =@ ¹@±); ¢ ¢ ¢ Their asymptotic values can readily be evaluated; see the Appendix. The inverse I ¡1 then gives the asymptotic covariance matrix (23). ^ Thus ui above are replaced Remark: In practice, the unknown parameter Á is replaced by Á. ^ i¡1 (1 · i · n). by u^i = xi ¡ Áx THEOREM 2: For a given Á, the asymptotic distribution of normal with mean vector (0; 0) and covariance matrix 8

p n(^ ¹ ¡ ¹; ±^ ¡ ±) is bivariate



3 2 u ^ = (p + 1)(p ¡ 2 )¾ 4 1 + suu COVÁ (^ ¹; ±) u n(p ¡ 21 ) ¡ suu @ ln L¤ @ ln L¤ , @± @¹

Proof: Since the mixed cumulants of 1953)


u ¡ suu 5 1 suu

(p ¸ 2) :


are completely determined by (Bartlett


@ i+j ln L¤ ·ij = ¡E @ ¹i @ ± j

! ¤


L L and ·ij = 0 for all i + j ¸ 3, the joint distribution of @ ln and @ ln is bivariate normal @¹ @± ^ (asymptotically). The result then follows from the fact that ¹ ^ and ± are linear functions @ ln L¤ @ ln L¤ of @ ¹ and @ ± .

COROLLARY: The marginal distribution (asymptotic) of ±^ is normal with mean ± and variance (p + 1)(p ¡ 32 )¾ 2 =p(p ¡ 21 )Suu , Suu = nsuu . Relative E±ciency: The asymptotic covariance matrix of the normal-theory (i.e., p = 1 in (4)) estimators of ¹ and ±, for a given Á, is 2


¾ 2 4 1 + suuu u n ¡ suu


u ¡ suu 5 : 1 suu

For a given Á, the asymptotic relative e±ciency of the normal-theory (Gaussian) estimators of ¹ and ± to the MML estimators is, therefore, RE =

(p + 1)(p ¡ 32 ) p(p ¡ 12 )

(p ¸ 2)

which is always less than 1 unless p = 1 in which case the MML estimators reduce to the Gaussian estimators and RE = 1. ^ ¾^ and Á^ are asymptotically unbiased and their LEMMA 4: The MML estimators, ¹ ^, ±, ^¾ ^ is the matrix: asymptotic covariance matrix is I ¡1 , where I(^ ¹; ±; ^ ; Á)


np(p ¡ 21 ) + 1)(p ¡ 32 )¾ 2

2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4


u 1 n

u 0 ¹ 1¡Á

¹u 1¡Á



2 i=1 ui

0 2(p¡ 23 ) p



¹ 1¡Á Pn ± du ¹u i=1 i i + n(1¡Á) 1¡Á


n i=1

di ui n(1¡Á)




¾2 1¡Á


¹2 (1¡Á)2



±2 d2 i=1 i 2 n(1¡Á)

3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5


where di = xi ¡ xi¡1 and ui = xi ¡ Áxi¡1 (1 · i · n). Proof: The unbiasedness follows from Taylor series expansions, as in (24). The elements of the information matrix (26) are the values of ¡E(@ 2 ln L¤ =@ ¹2 ), ¡E(@ 2 ln L¤ =@ ¹ @ ±); ¢ ¢ ¢, ¡E(@ 2 ln L¤ =@ Á2 ) which can readily by evaluated from results given in the Apendix. COMMENT: The estimators ¹ ^, ±^ and Á^ are asymptotically uncorrelated with ¾ ^ . This is indeed an interesting result. REMARK: The information matrix (26) is exactly the same as that of the ML (maximum likelihood) estimators given by ¡E(@ 2 ln L=@ ¹2 ), ¡E(@ 2 ln L=@ ¹ @ ±); ¢ ¢ ¢, ¡E(@ 2 ln L=@ Á2 ). This was to be expected since the MML estimators are asymptotically equivalent to the ML estimators. 6. SIMULATIONS ^ ¾ For p ¸ 2, the MML estimators ¹ ^, ±, ^ and Á^ are asymptotically fully e±cient and are, therefore, more e±cient than the Gaussian estimators unless p = 1 (normal innovations) in which case the MML estimators are identical to the Gaussian estimators. To investigate their e±ciencies for small sample sizes, we considered n = 20, 30, 60 and 100. The following x-values (common to all y-samples) were considered which represent a very wide range of symmetric designs: (a). the values xi (i = 0; 1; ¢ ¢ ¢ ; n) generated from a uniform distribution U(¡1; 1), (b). the values xi generated from a normal distribution N (0; 1) (see also Tan and Lin 1993), (c). the values xi generated from a Cauchy distribution. The design points are listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3. respectively, for n = 30. The values of p considered were p = 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 6 and 10. It may be noted, however, that for p · 3 a few extreme ¯i coe±cients in (11) are negative as a consequence of which ¾ ^ may cease to be real for some samples; see also Tiku and Suresh (1992) and Vaughan (1992a). To remedy this situation, as suggested by Tiku and Suresh (1992), whenever, ¯i < 0 it is equated to zero and so is the corresponding ®i . For 2 · p · 3, however, very few ¯i coe±cients are negative (and are small in magnitude) and equating them (and the corresponding ®i ) to zero has no defrimental e®ect on their biases and e±ciencies; see, for 10

example, Vaughan (1992a). For 1 · p < 2, the extreme ®i and ¯i are very small since they are of the order 1=t(i) and 1=t2(i) , respectively, and t(i) are large; see Vaughan (1992b, 1994). For the simulations we chose, without any loss of generality, ¹ = 0, ± = 1 and ¾ = 1 in the model (1). We simulated from 10,000 Monte Carlo runs the means and the variances and the covariances of the estimators. The values of the mean, (bias)2 and MSE (mean square error) are reported in Tables 1{3 from n = 30 and p = 1:5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 6; covariances are not reported since their values turned out to be very small due to the fact P P that ¹ = 0 and ni=1 xi ' 0 and ni=1 xi¡1 ' 0 (symmetry of the designs (a){(c)). Only the values for n = 30 and p = 1:5, 2.5, 3.5 and 6 are given. The standard errors in these values are well within §0:003. It is clear that the MML estimators are considerably more e±cient than the Gaussian estimators. In fact, the relative e±ciency of the Gaussian estimators as determined by the ratio of the sum of their mean square errors to that of the MML estimators is quite low and decreases as jÁj increases or n increases. We have not reported the results for n = 20, 60 and 100 for conciseness. For p = 1 Gaussian estimators have zero e±ciency, and for p = 10 they are only slightly less e±cient than the MML estimators. That is the reason for not reporting the values for p = 1 and 10. It may be noted that biases in both the Gaussian and the MML estimators for ¹, ± and ¾ are generally very low. As an estimator of Á, however, the Gaussian estimator has a larger downward bias ^ ¾ than the MML estimator. For n ¸ 50, the simulated variances of ¹ ^, ±, ^ and Á^ were found to be only slightly larger than those given by the asymptotic covariance matrix (26). Realizing that the MVB (minimum variance bound) estimators do not exist for small n, it follows that the MML estimators are highly e±cient. As expected, the Gaussian and ^ the MML MML estimators of ± are most a®ected by the type of design used. Other than ±, ^ ¾ estimators ¹ ^, ±, ^ and Á^ are amazingly stable since their MSE hardly change from design to design (Table 1{3). 7. ROBUSTNESS Due to practical necessities, the issue of robustness is very important and has received a great deal of attention in recent years; see, for example, Huber (1981) and Tiku et al (1986). A robust estimator is fully e±cient (or nearly so) for an assumed model but maintains high e±ciency for plausible alternatives to that model (estimation robustness). To investigate ^ ¾ ^ we assumed the underlying distribution to the robustness of the estimators ¹ ^, ±, ^ and Á, be f(a; p) with p = 3:5 (essentially Student's t distributions with 6 df). Of course, any 11

other ¯nite value of p can be chosen with similar results. The value p = 3:5 is however, of particular interest since it lies between the two extremes, p = 1 (Cauchy) and p = 1 (normal). The ¯rst four moments of f(a; 3:5) are all ¯nite but all its even moments of order greater than four do not exist. We considered a large number of alternatives considered by Huber (1981), Tiku et al (1986), Tan and Lin (1993), and Bian and Tiku (1995). We found the MML estimators remarkably robust. For illustration, we report our simulated values in Table 4 for the following alternatives to f (a; 3:5), for design (b); ¹ = 0, ± = 1 and ¾ = 1: The family f(a; p) with (1) p = 2, (2) p = 2:5, (3) p = 4:5, (4) p = 6; (5) Dixon's scale outlier model with (n ¡ r) observations coming from N (0; 1) and r observations (we do not know which) coming from N (0; 42 ); r = [ 21 + 0:1n]. (6) Mixture model with 90% observations coming from N(0; 1) and 10% observations (chosen at random) coming from f(a; 2:5). p The random numbers generated from (5) were divided by 2:5 so that the population variance is 1. We report the results only for n = 30 for conciseness. The values for n = 20; 60 and 100 are not reported for conciseness. In fact, the relative e±ciencies of the Gaussian estimators as compared to the MML estimators are lower for n = 60 and 100 than for n = 30 (Table 4). It is clear that the MML estimators are remarkably robust. COMMENT: The robustness of the MML estimators was to be expected for the following reasons: p For large n, the quantities H and L in (18) and (20) and B= nC in (19) are very q p small so that ¾ ^ ' C=n. Ignoring H,L and B= nC (equivalently, ignoring the ®-sums in ^ ¾ (13){(16)), the estimators ¹ ^, ±, ^ and Á^ are the solutions of the equations @ ln L¤ @¹ @ ln L¤ @± @ ln L¤ @¾ @ ln L¤ @Á

n 2p X ' ¯i z(i) = 0 ; k¾ i=1 n 2p X ' (x[i] ¡ Áx[i]¡1 )¯i z(i) = 0 ; k¾ i=1


n n 2p X 2 + ¯i z(i) = 0; ¾ k¾ i=1 n 2p X ' (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )¯i z(i) = 0 : k¾ i=1

' ¡

As is clear from (11), ¯i is of order and 1=t2(i) (1 · i · n) and t2(i) is a decreasing (till the middle value) and then an increasing sequence of positive numbers. Therefore, ¯i follow umbrella ordering as a consequence of which e(i) = ¾z(i) at both ends receive small 12

weights and those in the middle receive large weights. Thus, the in°uence of extreme residuals is automatically depleted. This phenomenon leads to the robustness of the MML estimators; see also Wong et al (1996). The Gaussian estimators are given by (27) with ¯i = 1 (1 · i · n). Consequently, all the residuals e(i) (1 · i · n) receive the same weight and there is no mechanism in them to deplete the in°uence of extreme residuals in situations where the underlying distribution has long tails. REMARK: It can be argued that the value of p is not known in practice. A plausible value of p can be obtained from a Q-Q plot of the order statistics of the estimated residuals e^i = (yi ¡ Á^0 yi¡1 ) ¡ ¹ ^0 ¡ ±^0 (xi ¡ Á^0 xi¡1 )

(1 · i · n) :

¹ ^0 , ±^0 and Á^0 being some convenient initial estimates (Gaussian, for example); see the special Appendix C in Tiku et al (1986). Since the MML estimators are robust, a value of p so determined serves well. Alternatively, p may be obtained from the following equation ^ ¾^ and Á, ^ respectively) (with ¹, ±, ¾ and Á replaced by the MML estimators ¹ ^, ±, @ ln L =0 @p


which can be solved by graphical interpolation as in, for example, Tiku (1968a p137). This is particularly useful if n is large since p^ converqes to p. FUTURE WORK : Testing, the null hypotheses (i) ± = 0 (ii) Á = 0 and (iii) Á = 1, are of great intest. See also Wong et al (1996) and Tiku and Wong (1997). We are in the process of developing appropriate procedures. We are also in the process of extending the techniques above to skew distributions. APPENDIX To ¯nd the asymptotic value of m=n, we have (p ¸ 2) Z 1 n 1 ¡ (1=k)t2(i) m 1X 1 ¡ (1=k)z 2 limn!1 = limn!1 = f (z)dz n n i=1 [1 + (1=k) t2(i) ]2 ¡1 [1 + (1=k) z 2 ]2


8 Z 1 < Ã

z2 2 1 + k ¡1 :



z2 ¡ 1+ k

p ¡ 21 = p+1


!¡1 9 = ;

f (z)dz (29)



¡1 f1

+ (1=k)z 2 g¡j f (z)dz =

p k¡( 12 )¡(j ¡ 12 )=¡(j); Ã

1 z2 f (z) = p 1 + k k¯( 12 ; p ¡ 12 )


¡1< z < 1:


To ¯nd the expected values of the frist and second derivatives of ln L¤ , We consider in particular E(@ ln L¤ =@ Á) and ¡E(@ 2 ln L¤ =@ Á2 ). The expected values of all other derivatives can be obtained in a similar fashion. Now, t(i) = Efz(i) g and zi and yi¡1 (1 · i · n) are independent of each other and complete sums are invariant to ordering. Asmptotically, therefore (p > 2) Ã

@ ln L¤ E @Á




3 = 3 n < z(i) ¡ (1=k) z(i) (2=k)z(i) 2p X + ' E (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 ) : 2 2 2 2; ] ] k¾ i=1 [1 + (1=k) z(i) [1 + (1=k) z(i)


n 2p X zi + (1=k) zi3 = E(yi¡1 ¡ ±xi¡1 )E k¾ i=1 [1 + (1=k) zi2 ]2

since the expected value of any odd function ´(z) is zero, i.e. Ã

@ 2 ln L¤ ¡E @ Á2



n 2p X E ¯i (y[i]¡1 ¡ ±x[i]¡1 )2 k¾ 2 i=1






n 2p X 1 ¡ (1=k)zi2 2 ' E(y ¡ ±x ) E i¡1 i¡1 k¾ 2 i=1 [1 + (1=k) zi2 ]2


´(z) f(z) dz = 0,


1 n 2p X 2 p¡ 2 E(yi¡1 ¡ ±xi¡1 ) = k¾ 2 i=1 p+1

n p(p ¡ 12 ) X 2 = fE(yi¡1 ) ¡ 2±xi¡1 E(yi¡1 ) + ± 2 x2i¡1 g 3 (p + 1)(p ¡ 2 ) i=1



n < p(p ¡ 21 ) X ¾2 ¹ + ±(xi ¡ Áxi¡1 ) = + 3 2 (p + 1)(p ¡ 2 ) i=1 : 1 ¡ Á 1¡Á




¹ + ±(xi ¡ Áxi¡1 ) 2 2 ± xi¡1 1¡Á 8




" #2 n = np(p ¡ 21 ) < ¾ 2 1X ¹ + ±(xi ¡ Áxi¡1 ) + ¡ ±x = i¡1 ; 1¡Á (p + 1)(p ¡ 32 ) : 1 ¡ Á2 n i=1 8


" #2 n np(p ¡ 12 ) < ¾ 2 1X ¹ + ±(xi ¡ xi¡1 ) = = + ; 1¡Á (p + 1)(p ¡ 32 ) : 1 ¡ Á2 n i=1



which reduces to the last element in the matrix (25) since for large n n n 1X 1X xi ' xi¡1 : n i=1 n i=1


The senior author would like to thank the NSERC for a research grant.


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