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The project is supported by the Australian. Government through the Department of. Education and Training. For more information, please visit ...
Tran, Ly and Dempsey, Kate 2015, Internationalisation in vocational education and training : moving from the periphery to the centre of VET?, Research digests, vol. 7, pp. 1-8.

This is the published version. © 2015, International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Reproduced by Deakin University with the kind permission of the copyright owner. 33TU

Available from Deakin Research Online: 33TU


The p rojec t is sup p orted b y the Austra lia n Government throug h the Dep a rtm ent o f Ed uc a tion a nd Tra ining . For m ore inform a tion, p lea se visit

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