toxicological studies on some metallic environmental

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manifestation before slaughtering in the studied district abattoirs. Kidney, liver, and muscle ..... (mg /kg) in lamb meat. All mercury .... interchange for determination of environmental exposition to heavy metals based quantitative determination of ...
The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004

Assiut University Center for Environmental Studies-Egypt

ESTIMATION OF SOME METALLIC POLLUTANTS IN MICROENVIRONMENT OF CATTLE AT BENI-SUEF GOVERNORATE Abdou, Kh.A.*; Walaa ABD El-Rahman Moselhy*; Ibrahim, Sh.S**; Hassan, H.M.*** *Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department, **Physiology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, Cairo University, and ***Animal reproduction Institute, Egypt

ABSTRACT: Concentrations of lead, cadmium and mercury were determined in cattle tissues (kidney, liver, muscle, blood, hair and bone) in six districts of Beni-Suef Governorate (El-fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, and Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia districts). The obtained results revealed that lead concentration (ppm) in kidney samples were 0.309, 0.349, 0.381, 0.441, 0.380 and 0.407 ppm. In liver samples were 0.332, 0.286, 0.44, 0.277, 0.772,and 0.386 ppm,. In muscles samples were 0.529, 0.534, 0.479, 0.399, 0.658,and 0.371 ppm,. In blood samples were 0.378, 0.65, 0.575, 0.472, 0.456,and 0.414 ppm, In hair samples were 0.939, 2.938, 1.738, 1.916, 1.453,and 1.319 ppm, and in bone samples it was 0.952, 1.391, 1.282, 0.929, 1.656,and 0.941 ppm at El-fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia districts, respectively. Analytical results of cadmium concentrations (ppm) in kidney samples were 0.939, 0.14, 0.166, 0.155, 0.235,and 0.221 ppm,. In liver samples were 0.329, 0.18, 0.119, 0.264, 0.229,and 3.76 ppm,. In muscle samples were 0.296, 0.145, 0.129, 0.213, 0.119,and 0.398 ppm. In blood samples were 0.345, 0.119, 0.044, 0261, 0.235,and 1.01 ppm,. In hair samples were 1.07, 0.502, 0.584, 0.683, 0.69,and 1.21 ppm. And in bone samples it was 0.88, 0.187, 0.408, 0.363, 0.446,and 0.714 ppm at El-fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia, respectively. Mercury concentrations (ppm) in kidney samples were 0.071, 0.166, 0.267, 0.219, 0.120,and 0.010. In liver were 0.019, 0.090, 0.160, 0.904, 0.169, and 0.022 ppm,. In muscle samples were 0.053, 0.007, 0.152, 0.172, 0.131, and 0.003 ppm. In blood samples were 0.245, 0.083, 0.289, 0.179, 0.071,and 0.007 ppm. In hair samples were 1.87, 2.57, 1.75, 0.82, 0.72,and 0.09 ppm of cadmium while bone tissue had 0.0137, 0.0083, 0.0243, 0.0198, 0.0149,and 0.0235 ppm in El-fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia districts, respectively.

INTRODUCTION: Heavy metals represent the chemical residues, which have a major role in animal and human health. These elements are cumulative poisons, causing health injury through progressive and irreversible accumulation in the body as a result of ingestion of repeated small amounts (Alberti and Fidanz, 2002 and Anderson and Larsen, 2002). Heavy metals of toxicological concern are arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, copper and zinc (Kabzinski, 1998). Metals are intrinsic to nature, the environmental influences may alter the form or valence of a metal, but as elements, metals can not be destroyed. Redistribution of metals in the environment exposes humans and animals to toxic forms of metals that are not normally accessible. The spill of heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium and Mercury) in water may entered the food chain, because of their extreme persistence, high toxicity, and its tendency to accumulate (Hernandez et al. 1999). They are widely distributed in air agricultural lands, water, effluents from heavy industries, drainage, fertilizers. They cause kidney damage, liver cirrhosis, renal failure, human hypertension, neuropathy of both central and peripheral nervous system, gastroenteritis, diabetes mellitus, anemia and osteomalicia (Klopov, 1998; Eife et al., 1999 and Huang et al., 2003).


The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004

The maximum acceptable daily intake of heavy metals in food in mg/kg. body weight are zero for cadmium, lead and mercury according to the Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (1993). Lead poisoning in cattle and other food animals has a public health significance due to its potentiality for human exposure to lead through ingestion of contaminated meat and milk products derived from lead-poisoned animals (Senavci et al., 1997 and Crilly et al., 1998). Cadmium accumulation has also been reported in grasses and food crops, and in earthworms, poultry, cattle, horses and wildlife. Evidence for bio-magnification is inconclusive. However, uptake of cadmium from soil by feed crops may result in high levels of cadmium in beef and poultry (especially in the liver and kidneys). This accumulation of cadmium in the food chain has important implications for human exposure, whether or not significant bio-magnification occurs (USPHS, 1997, WHO 1992). Cadmium is a toxic metal with extremely long biological half life time of 15-20 years in human, cadmium exposure can cause a variety of adverse health effects among which kidney dysfunction, lung disorders, disturbed calcium metabolism and bone effect are most prominent. Cadmium and most of its compounds give rise to lung cancer after inhalation. Metallothionein (MT) is a low molecularweight protein with high cysteine content and high metal affinity, which plays a major role in the kinetics and metabolism of cadmium. Since the blood -brain barrier keeps cadmium outside the CNS reported neurotoxic effect of cadmium during development are likely to be secondary to an interference of cadmium with zinc -metabolism (Jin et al. 1998). Cadmium is a non-essential trace metal that has had increasing industrial use during the past 50 years its main use is for electroplating metals especially iron as rust-proofing. Cadmium is also used industrially in pigments and paints, in plastic such as polyvinyl chloride as cathode material for batteries, in neutron rods in the nuclear industry and in fungicides and fertilizers. Environmental exposures to cadmium include cigarette smoking, contaminated foodstuffs such as rice and exposure during lead and zinc smelting (Peter, 1998). Cadmium is considered to be one of the most toxic heavy metals known. Acute inhalation exposure causes respiratory distress due to acute pneumonitis and pulmonary edema. Acute oral exposure causes acute gastroenteritis. Chronic inhalation exposure leads to anemia, renal dysfunction, disorders in calcium metabolism, chronic respiratory injury, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, neurological symptoms, loss of appetite and weight, and prostate and lung cancer. The basis of cadmium toxicity is related to its ability to negatively impact on cellular enzyme systems, resulting in its ability to substitute for other ions such as zinc and divalent-copper in metalloenzymes and its very strong affinity for biological macromolecules and structures containing sulfhydryl groups (Brzoska and Moniuszko, 1998). Cadmium exposure is an important problem in human toxicology. A major site of toxicity is the kidney where cadmium causes moderate renal failure including an inability to reabsorb nutrients such as glucose, phosphate, calcium, and amino acids (Osawa et al., 2001). Cadmium is a non-essential trace element which progressively accumulates inside the body, particularly, kidney and it is a major contributor to thyroid disease (Watanabe et al., 2000). Mercury (Hg) pollution has been recognized as a potential environmental and public health problem for over 40 years. In general the primary routes of acute and chronic Hg exposure include inhalation, dermal absorption, and ingestion. Stomatitis, erethism, and renal damage for oral exposure. Lactational exposure following maternal methylmercury or inorganic mercury dose


Assiut University Center for Environmental Studies-Egypt

resulted in almost similar mercury concentrations in liver, kidneys, and plasma of the suckling, but higher concentrations in brain (as most 14 times). He also added that the major human health effects from exposure to mercury could be summarized as neurotoxic effects in adults and toxicity to the fetuses of mothers exposed to mercury during pregnancy. Clinical manifestation of neurotoxic effects are parathesia, a numbness and tingling sensation around the mouth, lips, and extremities, particularly the fingers and toes; Ataxia, stumbling gait, difficulty in swallowing and articulating works; neurasthenia, a generalized sensation of weakness, fatigue, and inability to concentrate; vision and hearing loss; spasticity and tremor; and finally coma and death. The critical effects from prenatal exposure to mercury are psychomotor retardation, delay in learning to walk and talk and increased incidence of seizures (Inouye, 1991; Harrison, 1993; Pope & Rall, 1995; Hall, 1997; Lebel et al., 1998). Although, determination of heavy metals concentrations in cattle microenvironment (kidney, liver, muscles, blood, hair and bone) were performed in many places in Egypt and over the world, it is the first time to evaluate the lead, cadmium and mercury levels in animal tissues in Beni-Suef Governorate.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1- Sample collection and preparation: Samples of kidney, liver, muscle, blood, hair and bone were obtained from sixty Egyptian native breed male cattle aging 18-48 months representing six districts in Beni-Suef Governorate. The investigated animals were subjected to clinical examination for the detection of any apparent toxic manifestation before slaughtering in the studied district abattoirs. Kidney, liver, and muscle samples were cut into small pieces, packed in labeled clean plastic bags. Whole blood samples were obtained from the jagular vein of the studied animals before slaughtering and were kept in previously acid washed-labeled capped test tubes. Hair samples were obtained from the tail region, were washed with tap water, were defattened with ether/acetone mixture for 10 minutes to remove any debris and foreign bodies then were rewashed with distilled water for about 10 minutes with continuos stirring then dried at 60C for 12 hours in a hot air oven (Ryabukhin, 1978). Bone samples were obtained from ribs, were kept in plastic bags. 1All samples were kept in deep freezer (-20 ºC). Prior to analysis liver, kidney, muscle and bone samples were digested by adding 20 ml-purified nitric acid to Fresh sample (0.5 g) in 100 ml Kjeldahl flask then heating slowly (Koirtyohann et al., 1982). Hair samples were digested by heating of sample (0.5 g) in a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask with 5 ml of concentrated (69%) nitric acid (Harrison et al., 1969). Blood samples were digested by adding 10-ml digestion mixture (equal volumes of concentrated nitric acid and 72% perchloric acid) to 5-ml whole blood in 100 ml Teflon beaker (Zilva, 1973).

2-Chemical analysis: Analysis for lead, cadmium and mercury were carried out. Lead was quantitatively determined in different samples using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (GBC 906 AA). Cadmium concentrations were estimated using cadmium specific ion electrode model 94-48 attached to expandable ion analyzer EA 920 Orion according to Gardiner (1974). Mercury concentrations was


The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004

determined using iodide selective electrode model 94-53 attached to expandable ion analyzer EA 920 Orion according to Overman, (1971).

3- Statistical analysis: The obtained data in this study was carried out according to the method described by (Snedecor, 1971).

RESULTS : The mean concentrations of lead, cadmium and mercury that found in different analyzed samples were shown in tables (1,2&3) respectively. The highest mean concentrations of lead were found in kidneys collected from Somosta (0.441±0.05), liver, muscle, bone and hair collected from Naser (0.772±0.11), (0.658±0.069), (1.656±0.23) and (2.938±0.46), respectively and blood samples collected from Beba (0.65±0.096) Table (1). The highest mean concentrations of cadmium were found in kidneys, muscles and bone samples collected from Elfashn (0.939±0.054), (0.296±0.023) and (1.88±0.073) respectively, livers, hair and blood collected from Ahnasia (3.76±0.053), (1.21±0.29) and (1.01±0.10). The highest mercury concentrations were in Kidneys collected from Beni-Suef district (0.267 ± 0.048); livers, muscles and blood collected from Somosta district (0.904 ± 0.031), (0.172±0.047) and (0.179±0.056), hair samples collected from Beba (2.57±0.43) districts. Bone tissue had very scanty concentrations allover the examined tissues. Table (1): Lead concentrations (Mean±S.E and range) ppm in tissue samples collected from Beni-Suef Governorate Districts Elfashn Beba Beni-Suef Somosta Naser Ahnasia

Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range

MAFF,UK, 1997







0.309 +0.029 205-0.440 0.349+0.069 0.185-0.751 0.381+0.030 0.283-0.527 0.441+0.050* 0.22-0.62 0.380+0.054 0.221-0.656 0.407+0.041 0.277-0.629 0.09

0.322±0.057 0.028-0.548 0.286±0.065 0.022-0.574 0.440+0.066 0.204-0.687 0.277+0.023 0.2-0.369 0.772+0.110* 1.387-0.5 0.386+0.033 0.21-0.473 0.09

0.529+0.092 0.23-1.044 0.534±0.144 0.263-1.395 0.479+0.044 0.276-0.638 0.399+0.022 0.3-0.461 0.658+0.069* 0.341-0.889 0.371+0.033 0.24-0.473 0.006

0.378+0.023 0.312-0.472 0.650+0.096* 0.38-1.001 0.575+0.075 0.276-0.846 0.472+0.065 0.25-0709 0.456+0.032 0.345-0.633 0.414+0.057 0.275-0.740 -

0.939+0.058 0.682-1.225 2.935+0.460* 0.888-4.608 1.736+0.170 0.88-2.376 1.916+0.310 0.989-3.51 1.453+0.090 0.984-1.804 1.319+0.044 1.161-1.504

0.952+0.077 0.6-1.189 1.391+0.230 0.63-2.31 1.282+0.230 0.738-2.64 0.929+0.088 0.551-1.27 1.656+0.230* 0.828-2.944 0.941+0.065 0.653-1.239



Table (2): Cadmium concentrations (Mean ± S.E and range) ppm in tissue samples collected from Beni-Suef Governorate Districts Elfashn Beba Beni-Suef Somosta Naser Ahnasia MAFF,UK, 1997

Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range Mean±SE Range

Kidney 0.939+0.054* 0.637-1.078 0.140+0.069 0.114-0.166 0.166+0.054 0.051-0.488 0.155_0.011 0.0198-0.102 0.235+0.039 0.039-0.39 0.221+0.410 0.157-0.41 0.077

Liver 0.329+0.054 0.06-0.51 0.180+0.022 0.108-0.273 0.119+0.0069 0.009-0.154 0.264+0.089 0.012-0.315 0.229+0.035 0.117-0.42 3.760+0.053* 0.13-0.504 0.077

Muscle 0.296+0.023* 0.187-0.392 0.145+0.033 0.116-0.171 0.129+0.0069 0.10-0.163 0.213+0.128 0.013-0.978 0.119+0.0089 0.0897-0.165 0.398+0.07 0.126-0.517 0.0008

Results represented by Mean + standard error and range.

Blood 0.345+0.016 0.306-0.434 0.119+0.0019 0.11-0.127 0.044+0.018 0.0124-0.154 0.261+0.033 0.141-0.375 0.235+0.020 0.138-0.304 1.010+0.10* 0.77-1.62 -

* Significant at p vegetables > cereals > fruits. Root vegetables tended to have higher concentrations than other plant stuffs, at 20 – 125 ppm. Carrots, Leeks and Onions have the largest amounts. The European Commission Regulation proposed lead limits of 0.10.2 mg/kg for cereals, legumes and pulses, 0.2 for wheat grain and 0.1 for vegetable (UK, MAFF, 1997). Environmental sources are the main contributors to contamination of food with most metals and other elements. Lead pollution may be attributed to the industrial and agriculture discharge and also due to the lead emission from the highway. WHO, (1989) published that lead concentration are highest in soil and organisms close to roads where traffic density is high. The lead measured is inorganic and derives almost from alkyl lead compounds added to petrol. Lead contamination increases lead levels in plants and animals in areas close roads. These levels are positively correlated with traffic volume and proximity of roads. We can conclude that there is an environmental exposure to lead as lead levels are increased in water and feed-stuff as macroenvironment and in the microenvironment of the investigated animals. Health hazards could be encountered through the consumption of meat, liver and kidneys of rearing animals in the districts in the order of Somosta, Beni-Suef, Naser, Elfashn, Beba and Ahnasia.

2-Cadmium: The European Commission Regulation proposed cadmium maximum limits of 0.05-0.1 mg/kg for cattle meat and liver and 1.0 for kidney (MAFF, UK, 1997a). In a total diet study for metals and other elements conducted by the MAFF, UK in 1994, the mean concentrations (mg/kg) fresh weight of Cadmium was 0.0008, 0.077 & 0.0097 for carcass meat, offal and for meat products respectively (MAFF,UK, 1997b). Analytical results of cadmium (Table 2& Fig. 2) in kidney tissues were 0.939±0.054, 0.14±0.0069, 0.166±0.054, 0.155±0.011, 0.235±0.035, 0.221±0.033 ppm, in samples of cattle in El-fashn, Beba, and Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia, respectively. These results are in the harmony of Falandysz et al. (1989) who found that kidneys of pigs and cattle slaughtered in northern Poland in 1986 contained an average of cadmium 0.27 and 0.36mg/kg, respectively. The results of cadmium revealed a slight increase in its concentrations in kidneys this could referred to the younger age of examined animals, this fact confirmed by Morcombe et al. (1994) who found an annual increase


The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004

in cadmium concentrations of kidney from hoggish sheep as 0.65 mg/kg. The geometric mean of cadmium concentrations in the kidney of hoggish ewes was 0.9 mg/kg in 4-tooth ewe's 1.47 mg/kg and in adult ewes 3.34 mg/kg on a wet weight basis. Cadmium concentration in kidney of goats in contaminated area (Olymplas) revealed 3.5±0.40 mg/kg respectively, while cadmium values in the rural area (Arnea) was 1.3±0.16mg/kg for kidney (Antoniou et al. (1995). In the same time Zasadowski et al. (1999) analyzed liver and kidneys collected I 1998 from cattle bred in the region of warmia and Masuria for levels of cadmium as well as copper and zinc. The mean concentrations of cadmium in younger animals (2 years) cattle. The obtained data suggested that cadmium was gradually and progressively accumulated in animals tissues especially kidneys. Data obtained for many individual liver and kidney samples also suggested that there might be a relationship between cadmium concentrations and levels of copper and zinc. Lower levels of copper and zinc or of one of these elements accompanied higher cadmium concentrations. Liver content of cadmium 0.329±0.054, 0.18±0.022, 0.119±0.0069, 0.264±0.089, 0.229±0.035, 3.76±0.053 ppm in El-fashn, Beba, and Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia, respectively. In a previous survey study liver of pigs, cattle, geese and ducks contained on average cadmium 0.049,0.077,0.14 and 0.12 mg/kg respectively (Falandysz et al. 1989). The present levels of cadmium are in the same category of the results obtained by Antoniou et al. (1995) who estimated the cadmium concentration in liver of goats in contaminated area (Olymplas) and found a level of 0.53+0.05mg/kg, while cadmium values in the rural area (Arnea) was 0.19+0.01mg/kg Koh et al. (1998). Cadmium accumulation in south Australian cattle in 1989-1991. Of the 8635 cattle sampled, 1% of the liver samples contained cadmium concentration above the maximum permitted concentration for human consumption of 1.25 mg/kg wet weight for liver (Koh et al. 1998). In the same manner Zasadowski et al. (1999) analyzed liver collected in 1998 from cattle bred in the region of warmia and Masuria for levels of cadmium. The mean concentration of cadmium in younger animals (2 years) cattle. Miranda et al. (2001) collected samples of liver 312 animals aged 6-12 months from Astruralias (North Spain). The average wet weight concentration of cadmium in liver was 30.7g/kg; no sample liver exceeded the limits. While in muscular tissue the values were 0.296±0.023, 0.145±0.033, 0.129±0.069, 0.213±0.128, 0.119±0.0089, 0.398±0.047 ppm, respectively. These value are indicative for increased cadmium levels (ten folds) in all districts than that found in a previous survey for cadmium in muscles of pigs, cattle, rabbits, geese and ducks were 0.014, 0.011, 0.004, 0.004 and 0.009mg/kg respectively (Falandysz et al., 1989). Blood levels reached 0.345±0.016, 0.119±0.019, 0.044±0.018. 0261±0.0033, 0.235±0.02, 1.01±0.10ppm respectively. These levels indicate a recent exposure to cadmium through the surrounding environment. In the same time hair analysis revealed concentration of 1.07±0.203, 0.502±0.032, 0.584±0.054, 0.683±0.064, 0.69±0.096, 1.21±0.29 ppm, respectively by the same harmony bone analysis revealed concentrations 1.88±0.073, 0.187±0.045, 0.408±0.017, 0.363±0.022, 0.446±0.054, 0.714±0.049 ppm, respectively in El-fashn, Beba, and BeniSuef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia, In the present study the concentrations of cadmium residues in meat and tissues may be attributed to contamination of both water and feedstuffs on which the animal were fed. The investigation of water samples in Beni-Suef Governorate which was carried out by Abdou et al. (2003) revealed no increase in cadmium levels than the recommended limit (0.01 mg/l) by the U.S. EPA


Assiut University Center for Environmental Studies-Egypt

(1986) except in area of Beni-Suef district, which has an average of 0.0136 ppm and a maximum concentration of 0.023ppm while all the examined samples were above the U.S. EPA MCL (0.005 mg/l) of cadmium in drinking water (Kegley & Andrews, 1998 and Stephen, 1998) and the WHO guide (0.003 mg/l) (WHO, 1993). Analytical findings of cadmium in Darawa revealed an increase in their cadmium concentrations (0.27±0.05, 0.2391±. 059, 0.075±0.017 ppm) than the recommended USA level of (0.05ppm) in Beni-Suef and Somosta and Beba districts. In the same time Tibn has also an increased levels (0.193±0.06, 0.128±0.055, 0.132±0.033, 0.0743±0.019and 0.0529±0.0093 in Beni-Suef, Somosta, Ahnasia, El-Fashn and Naser. The present data indicates a possible source of cadmium pollution in the mentioned districts but in the lower borderline of the permissible limits (Abdou et al., 20 03). Environmental sources are the main contributors to contamination of food with most metals and other elements. The presence of metals and other elements in food can also be the result of contamination by certain agricultural practices e.g. Cadmium pollution may be attributed to phosphate fertilizers (MAFF,UK, 1999). There are many sources for cadmium pollution including the mining company which releasing effluents into the river and many industrial companies as those of pigments and stabilizer for plastics. Mine drainage sewage sludge applied to land and phosphate fertilizer and also significant sources of cadmium to the environment (Mason, 1991). Cadmium is a by-product of zinc or lead production it is used in metal plating, alloys, small cadmium -nicked batteries and anti-seborrhea shampoos (cadmium sulfide). Cadmium accumulates moderately in plants fertilized with cadmium contained sewage sludge or fertilizer (Gary, 1996). We can conclude that in district pollution evaluation, the levels indicate that Ahnasia and Elfashn are more exposed to cadmium pollution sources. Hair and bone are important in detecting pollution by cadmium in addition to liver and kidney.

3- Mercury: In a total diet study for metals and other elements conducted by the MAFF, UK in 1994, the mean concentrations (mg/kg) fresh weight of mercury was 0.001, 0.005 & 0.003 for carcass meat, offal and for meat products respectively (MAFF, UK, 1997). Analysis of mercury in tissue samples (Table, 3 & Fig. 3) revealed the following concentrations in Kidney as 0.071 ± 0.016, 0.166 ± 0.050, 0.267 ± 0.048,


The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004

0.219 ± 0.053, 0.120 ± 0.026, 0.010 ± 0.002 ppm, the liver had 0.019 ± 0.0033, 0.090 ± 0.0153, 0.160 ± 0.0133, 0.904 ± 0.031, 0.169± 0.054, 0.022±0.0053 ppm, muscles had 0.053±0.015, 0.007±0.039, 0.152±0.026, 0.172±0.047, 0.131±0.047, 0.003±0.004, blood contained 0.245±0.067, 0.083±0.026, 0.289±0.119, 0.179±0.056, 0.071±0.029, 0.007±0.001ppm, hair also had 1.87±0.43, 2.57±0.43, 1.75±0.533, 0.82±0.157, 0.72±0.235, 0.09±0.042 ppm while bone tissue had 0.0137±0.0031, 0.0083±0.002, 0.0243±0.0009, 0.0198±0.0012, 0.0149±0.0029, 0.0235±0.0039 ppm at El-fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia districts respectively. From the above data it is concluded that kidneys collected from Beni-Suef district had the highest concentration while the livers, muscles and blood collected from Somosta district had the highest concentrations. Hair samples had the highest levels in Beba and Elfashn districts. Bone tissue had very scanty concentrations allover the examined tissues. Ahnasia district samples had the lowest concentrations of mercury in all tissues investigated. The increased amounts of mercury in blood indicate the recent exposure and the high hair levels confirm the chronicity of this exposure. The present levels are in the order that obtained by Penumarthy et al. (1980) Who analyzed 827 samples of blood, muscles, liver and kidney from cattle and swine slaughtered at federal meat inspection plants in the Midwestern United States. The mercury concentrations in muscle and blood of all species were near or below the detection limit of 0.02ppm. The median concentration of mercury in liver and kidney was 0.02ppm. In the same time higher contents of mercury in cattle tissues, muscle, liver and kidney (11,12 and 15 ppm) reflects increased age at slaughter and consumption of green fodder more exposed to environmental pollution Niemi et al. (1991). Mercury levels were low or not detected in all species (cattle, swine, poultry, horses, calves and sheep) except horses. 90% of equine kidneys and 54% of equine livers had mercury concentrations > 0.01μg /g, with mean values of 0.18 and 0.06 μg /g respectively, Salisbury et al. (1991). Mercury residues in kidney, liver, spleen and muscle of dead young milk-fed cattle from three ecologically different regions of Czechoslovakia (during 1987-1988) occurred in all regions, with the higher values in winter than in summer. Processed grain was a particular source of mercury (Kolar, 1991). With the harmony of this study several hundred samples of meat, liver and kidney from Swedish pigs and cattle had mercury levels during the period (1984-1988) of 0.005, 0.006 and 0.010 mg / kg. Jorhem et al. (1991). Simakova et al. (1993) Collected (1582) samples of muscles, liver and kidneys from 394 cows, 333 bulls and 170 pigs from Central Moravia and analyzed for mercury. Mercury values were exceeded in 0.5% of muscle samples from cows, 5.5% of kidney samples from bulls and 0.8% of kidney samples from pigs. The mercury levels in kidney were generally very low in cattle up to two years through Norway with maximum value 0.14 ppm. The mean value was 0.01ppm (Klug-Bouge et al. 1993). Mean concentrations (mg / kg) of mercury in 15 beef cattle aged 2-2.5 years imported to Poland from Lithuania in October 1992 were: 0.0021 in muscles, 0.0057 in liver, 0.0141in kidney cortex and 0.0032 in kidney medulla. The corresponding results for 15 animals slaughtered in November 1992 were 0.0023, 0.0061, 0.0146 and 0.0034. It is concluded that meat was safe for human consumption (Zarski et al. 1994). Samples of bovine and sheep carcass at the town market in Gordon in November 1995 had mean mercury concentration 0.00215 ± 0.00486 in beef and 0.00115 ± 0.00078 (mg /kg) in lamb meat. All mercury concentrations detected in meat and offal samples were well below concentrations acceptable for human consumption (Zarski et al. 1997). Mean values of mercury for liver samples were, for cattle, sheep and poultry, respectively (mg /kg) 0.097, 0.089 and 0.30. Mean values for kidney samples were for cattle, sheep and poultry, respectively (mg /kg) 0.119, 0.138 and 0.023, (Snavci et al. 1997).


Assiut University Center for Environmental Studies-Egypt

Mercury levels in water samples and its concentrations in feedstuff samples were low as mercury shows a greater tendency to concentrate in fish tissues. Elevated levels of mercury in environment remote from industrial sources have been broadly attributed to long-range atmospheric transport and deposition of anthropogenic mercury The analytical results of mercury in water samples collected from Beni-Suef Governorate were 1.44±0.61, 0.573±3.4, 96.3±91.0, 0.18±0.03, 1.79±0.398, 2.65±0.11 ng/liter in El-Fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia districts, respectively. Analysis of feedstuffs for mercury revealed concentrations in Darawa as 0.0726±0.0435, 0.1163±0.0695, 0.423±0.012, 0.059±0.012, 0.11±0.052, 1.071±0.344 ppm. While Tibn had 0.0743±0.019, 0.0235±0.0043, 0.193±0.055, 0.0529±0.0093, 0.1323±0.033 in El-Fashn, Beba, Beni-Suef, Somosta, Naser and Ahnasia districts, respectively (Abdou et al., 2003). The main sources of exposure to mercury are from diet and dental amalgam. Mercury is present in food naturally e.g. fish which take up mercury from marine sediments, or as a result of pollution e.g. emission from industrial processes, fossil fuel combustion (WHO, 1989 & Department of Health, 1997). In conclusion, there was environmental contamination with lead still presents a significant risk for cattle especially in Naser where present the highest concentration of lead, while Ahnasia and Elfashn had the lowest lead concentration. Ahnasia and El-Fashn are more exposed to cadmium pollution sources. Ahnasia had the lowest concentrations of mercury in all tissues investigated while Somosta had the highest concentrations. Several million people are currently exposed to elevated concentrations of toxic metals and metalloids in the environment and suffering subclinical metal poisoning (Mirgu, 1988). Metals and other elements in food are of interest because of their possible health effects. Some have no known beneficial biological function and long term exposures may be harmful to health. For example, organic mercury compounds are neurotoxins, exposure to lead can be harmful to neuropsychological development, and cadmium can affect renal function (UK, MAFF, 2000).


The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004

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‫‪The Sec. Int. Conf. for Develop. and the Env. in the Arab world, March, 23-25, 2004‬‬

‫قياس مستوى بعض امللوثات املعدنية فى البيئة الصغرى للماشية‬ ‫يف حمافظة بنى سويف‬

‫خالد عباس حلمى عبده ‪ ،‬والء عبد الرمحن مصيلحى‪ ،‬شوقى سليمان‪ ،‬هانى أمحد حسني‬
