Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes, February 5, 2014 ...

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Feb 5, 2014 ... Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes, February 5, 2014. Members Present: Brian McNeill, Bryon Giese, Mike Johnson, Tom Simonson, ...
Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes, February 5, 2014 Members Present: Brian McNeill, Bryon Giese, Mike Johnson, Tom Simonson, Hans Helgenset, Angie Marohl, Kathy Tweten, Deb Connolly, Mick Boone, Bill Hoberg, Leroy Noreen, Stacy Lindahl, Mark Grussing, (Hans Helgenset for the committee meetings) and Pastor Paul. The meeting was called to order by President Brian McNeill at 6:35 p.m. Devotion: Pastor Paul; from Hebrews, Chapter 12 out of the book “The Message”. Procure a Secretary until elections: Deb Connolly Election of officers for church council: Tom nominated Brian McNeill as president. Kathy seconded. Mick made a motion for a unanimous ballot. Tom nominated Deb Connolly as secretary. Mike seconded. Byron made a motion for a unanimous ballot. Tom nominated Hans Helgenset for vice president but term has expired. George nominated Tom Simonson for vice president Tom declined. Angie nominated Mike Johnson for vice president and Mike accepted. Nominations cease and vote is unanimous. Mike made a motion to appoint Bill Hoberg as Congregational Treasurer and Stacy seconded the motion and it carried. Kathy made a motion to appoint Pam Anderson as Financial Secretary. Byron seconded the motion and it carried. The signup sheet was passed around for both Assisting Deacon and Committees followed by committee meetings from 7 to 7:30 pm. The meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m. Pastor’s Report: (handout) Pastor thought the Youth worship service following the previous nights lock-in went well and enjoyed by all. Thanks to Marlene for her strong guidance to the youth. Local Ministerial is making preparations for the Round Robin Lenten service exchange. He encouraged all to attend the family game night next Sunday (2/9) at 4 p.m. Additions: none Reports: Church Council Secretary’s Report: Reviewed and accepted by email. Church Financial Secretary’s Report: The financial secretary’s report for January was reviewed: Byron made a motion to accept the report, Tom seconded the motion and it carried Church Treasurer’s Report: The church treasures report was reviewed. Balance as of January 31 is $14,759.62. Mike made a motion to accept the report, Angie seconded the motion and it carried.

Committee Reports: Call Committee: Members of the committee present: Tom Simonson, Daren Schuerman, Greg Tweten, Holly Grussing and Andrew Lindahl. From the 3 resumes sent by Synod and 1 person who applied our call committee interviewed two candidates. As a committee they reported a unanimous consensus in deciding Pastor Art as the best fit for Trinity and recommend Pastor Art Wiese as our new pastor. The executive committee had met with Pastor Art 1/30 to begin negotiations and has emailed since then on a financial package that suits both church and pastor. Pastor Art accepted our offer via email on 2/4 for salary and benefits at $75,000. Notification to the congregation will be in the bulletin 2/9 and 2/16 with a special meeting for congregation approval on 2/23. Pastor Paul has agreed to stay longer as our interim until Pastor Art starts. Tom made a motion to council that the call committee would like to recommend Pastor Art Weiss to the congregation to our letter of call. Mike seconded the motion and it carried.

Altar Guild: new council committee members met tonight Board of Education and Youth: new council committee members met tonight. $207.00 was made from the purchase of the homemade cleaning products. Thanks to all who purchased the product and/or made donations. Outreach and Community Relations: new council committee members met tonight Property and Grounds: new council committee members met tonight. The committee also met earlier with the insurance inspector. Few items to fix for the insurance report: sacristy doors need to be kept free of snow, classroom doors cannot lock from the inside. The committee is looking into getting bids for redoing the Fellowship hall and kitchen floors. Nancy Loen Erickson donated an ornamental tree in memory of John for our church lawn. Stewardship committee: new council committee members met tonight Endowment Worship and Music: new council committee members met tonight Old business: “Equipping Congregations” workshop: Saturday Feb., 22nd (8:30 – 3:20) at Vinge church in Willmar. Registrations are due by the February 10th. Brian is going – call him if you can go. Property & Grounds: looking for bids to redo flooring in Fellowship Hall and Kitchen Youth Service: Everybody really loved it. Thanks to our youth! New business: New Members: Leroy made a motion to approve as new members Harold and Irene Heinzig. Mick seconded the motion and it carried. Parsonage committee: tabled until we have a new pastor. Glacial Ridge Conference: March 9th at 1:30. Consider attending! Confirmation date: Pastor Paul will work with the parents to choose a date. Bible Camp: We’ve received several brochures for Green Lake Bible Camp. Time to start making plans for summer and check out what Green Lake Bible Camp has to offer. Tides and WELCA offer financial support for all Trinity youth who go to Bible Camp. Office Computer: Pam’s computer is starting to cause troubles. ANNOUNCEMENTS: March Newsletter articles are due by the February 17th. The next church council meeting will be Wednesday March 5th following the 6:30 Ash Wednesday worship service. Mick made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Tom seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted and approved by Council, Deb Connolly