Universal sequence of ordered structures obtained from mesoscopic

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Dec 19, 2008 - the framework of this theory, we obtain a universal sequence of phases: .... phase diagrams obtained in the simplest one-shell mean-field.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲

Universal sequence of ordered structures obtained from mesoscopic description of self-assembly A. Ciach Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-224 Warszawa, Poland 共Received 17 September 2008; published 19 December 2008兲 Mesoscopic theory for soft-matter systems that combines density functional and statistical field theory is derived by a systematic coarse-graining procedure. For particles interacting with spherically symmetric potentials of arbitrary form, the grand-thermodynamic potential consists of two terms. The first term is associated with microscopic length-scale fluctuations, and has the form of the standard density functional. The second term is associated with mesoscopic length-scale fluctuations, and has the form known from the statistical field theory. For the correlation function between density fluctuations in mesoscopic regions, a pair of equations similar to the Ornstein-Zernicke equation with a new closure is obtained. In the special case of weak ordering on the mesoscopic length scale, the theory takes a form similar to either the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson 共LGW兲 or the Landau-Brazovskii 共LB兲 field theory, depending on the form of the interaction potential. Microscopic expressions for the phenomenological parameters that appear in the Landau-type theories are obtained. Within the framework of this theory, we obtain a universal sequence of phases: disordered, bcc, hexagonal, lamellar, inverted hexagonal, inverted bcc, disordered, for increasing density well below the close-packing density. The sequence of phases agrees with experimental observations and with simulations of many self-assembling systems. In addition to the above phases, more complex phases may appear depending on the interaction potentials. For a particular form of the short-range attraction long-range repulsion potential, we find the bicontinuous gyroid phase 共Ia3d symmetry兲 that may be related to a network-forming cluster of colloids in a mixture of colloids and nonadsorbing polymers. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.061505

PACS number共s兲: 61.20.Gy, 61.30.St


Various soft-matter systems, including surfactant solutions, globular proteins, colloids in different solvents, and colloid-polymer or star polymer–linear polymer mixtures, exhibit self-assembly into various structures. In particular, clusters or micelles of various shape and size, including branched networks, can be formed 关1–9兴. The clusters or micelles may exhibit ordering into different periodic phases for a range of volume fractions, including quite dilute systems. Phase separation competes in such systems with the formation of lyotropic liquid crystalline phases. Transitions between soft crystalline phases having different symmetries, phenomena such as reentrant melting 关10–14兴, and finally formation of hard crystals are observed when the volume fraction increases. Theoretical studies of such systems can be based on liquid theories such as self-consistent OrnsteinZernike approximation 共SCOZA兲 关15兴, Landau-type theories, or density-functional theories 共DFT兲 关16兴. Unfortunately, the SCOZA cannot describe the formation of inhomogeneous microphases 关17兴. Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson 共LGW兲 关18,19兴 theory turned out to be very successful in describing universal properties of critical phenomena associated with transitions between uniform phases. Landau-Brazovskii 共LB兲 关20–22兴 theory, on the other hand, predicts universal properties of transitions between uniform and periodically ordered lyotropic liquid crystals. The statistical field-theoretic methods are very powerful in determining the effects of long-range correlations between fluctuations that lead to ordering—either to phase separation or to the formation of various ordered structures on the nanometer length scale. The effective Hamiltonians in Landau theories are given in terms of phenomenological parameters 1539-3755/2008/78共6兲/061505共15兲

whose precise relation with thermodynamic and material properties is irrelevant for the universal, i.e., substanceindependent properties. Unfortunately, the general, abstract theory has limited predicting power for particular systems. On the other hand, in the very successful densityfunctional theory 关16兴, the short-range structure is taken into account quite precisely, whereas long- and intermediaterange scale fluctuations are taken into account in a very crude mean-field approximation in most applications of the DFT. The DFT and LGW or LB theories are complementary in the treatment of the short- and long-range correlations. It is thus desirable to develop DFT with the form of the grandthermodynamic potential functional that includes the contribution associated with the mesoscopic scale fluctuations. In order to develop such a theory, one should perform a systematic coarse-graining procedure with controllable accuracy, and derive effective Hamiltonians from the microscopic ones. Nonuniversal properties are correctly described within the collective variables 共CV兲 关23–25兴 and hierarchical reference 共HRT兲 关26,27兴 theories. However, the HRT is restricted to critical phenomena, and the formal structure of these theories is rather complex. Recent progress in various coarsegraining procedures is described in Refs. 关28,29兴. Here we propose an alternative approach, resulting in a density-functional theory with a rather simple structure. The theory allows for including in the grand potential the contribution associated with long-range correlations between fluctuations. The latter contribution can be calculated within field-theoretic methods. Within the framework of our theory, it is possible to determine phase transitions between different soft-crystalline and uniform phases. In special cases of phase separation or weak ordering into soft crystals, the theory reduces to the standard LGW or LB theories, respectively, and we obtain expressions for the coupling constants in terms of


©2008 The American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


density, temperature, and the interaction potential. Within the present approach, phase diagrams in terms of density and temperature, rather than abstract phenomenological parameters, can be obtained, and the validity of the LGW or LB theories in particular systems for given thermodynamic conditions can be verified. This kind of approach was applied already to highly charged colloids 关30兴 and to ionic systems 关31–39兴. The derivation of the theory is described in Sec. II. In Sec. II A, the mesoscopic state 共mesostate兲 is defined, and in Sec. II B, the probability distribution for the mesostates is derived from the microscopic theory. In Sec. III A, the correlation functions for the mesoscopic densities are introduced and their relation with the microscopic correlation functions is discussed. Vertex functions and the grand-potential density functional are introduced in Sec. III B. Self-consistent equations for the two-point vertex functions 共related to direct correlation functions兲 are derived in Sec. III C. Periodic structures are considered in Sec. III D, where the approximate expression for the grand potential is also given. In Sec. IV, the general framework of the theory derived in the preceding sections is applied to a particular approximation for the probability distribution for the mesostates, related to the localdensity approximation. The self-consistent equations for the two-point functions and the grand-potential functional reduce in this approximation to simpler forms given in Sec. IV B. The case of weak ordering is described in Sec. IV C, and the relation between the present theory and the Landautype theories is discussed in Sec. IV D. Explicit results in the case of weak ordering are briefly described in Sec. V. In Sec. V A, we study the ␭-line in the Brazovskii-level theory. In Sec. V B, we limit ourselves to universal features of the phase diagrams obtained in the simplest one-shell mean-field 共MF兲 approximation, and we show the universal sequence of phases: disordered, bcc, hexagonal, lamellar, inverted hexagonal, inverted bcc, and disordered for increasing density of particles 共well below the close-packing density兲. The details of the phase diagrams can be obtained beyond the one-shell MF approximation. However, these details depend on the shape of the interaction potential. Studies of particular systems go beyond the scope of this work and will be described elsewhere 关40兴. For an illustration, we consider a particular form of so called short-range attraction long-range repulsion 共SALR兲 potential that has drawn considerable interest recently 关6,17,41–48兴. In Sec. V C, we quote results for a particular form of the SALR potential in the two-shell MF approximation, and we show stability of the bicontinuous gyroid phase between the hexagonal and the lamellar phases. This phase may be related to the network-forming cluster of colloids observed experimentally 关6兴.

␳ˆ 共r,兵r␣其兲 ª 兺 ␦共r − r␣兲 ␣

and E关兵r␣其兴 =

兺 V共兩r␣ − r␤兩兲,



respectively, where V共兩r − r⬘兩兲 is the pair interaction potential. A. Mesoscopic density

Let us choose the mesoscopic length scale R 艌 ␴ / 2 and consider spheres SR共r兲 of radius R and centers at r that cover the whole volume V of the system. We define the mesoscopic density at r by

␳共r兲 ª

1 VS


␳ˆ 共r⬘,兵r␣其兲,


where VS = 4␲R3 / 3. For brevity, we shall use the notation 兰r ⬅ 兰dr, indicating the integration region S by 兰r⬘苸S when necessary. We have ␳共r兲 = n共r兲 / VS, where n共r兲 is the number of the centers of hard spheres included in SR共r兲. The set of all microstates compatible with the field ␳共r兲 for given mesoscopic length scale R is called a mesostate. The microstate 兵r␣其 is compatible with the field ␳共r兲, when Eq. 共3兲 holds. In order to indicate that the microstate 兵r␣其 is compatible with the field ␳共r兲 for given R, the notation 兵r␣其 苸 兵␳共r兲 , R其 will be used. For given mesoscopic length scale R, the set of all microstates can be split into disjoint subsets, such that each subset contains all microstates compatible with a particular field ␳共r兲, and no other microstates. The mesostate depends on the chosen length scale. For R → ⬁, the mesostate becomes identical with the macrostate. On the other hand, when R = ␴ / 2, Eq. 共3兲 defines the one-toone relation between the microstates and the mesostates. The choice of R depends on the length scale ␭ characteristic for ordering, which is determined by the Hamiltonian. In order to describe the ordering on the length scale ␭, one should choose ␴ / 2 ⬍ R ⬍ ␭ / 2. B. Probability distribution for the mesostates

Let us calculate the probability density that the mesostate 兵␳共r兲 , R其 occurs in the system spontaneously. This is equal to the probability that any microstate compatible with ␳共r兲 occurs. In an open system in contact with the thermostat, the probability density of the mesostate 兵␳ , R其 is given by p关␳兴 =


Let us consider spherical particles with hard cores of diameter ␴ that interact with arbitrary spherically symmetric potentials. A microstate is given by the sequence 兵r␣其␣=1¯N describing the positions of the centers of N spheres. The microscopic density and the energy in the microstate 兵r␣其␣=1¯N are given by


1 ⌶


e−␤关H−␮兰r␳共r兲兴 ,


where H is the microscopic Hamiltonian and 兰兵r␣其苸兵␳,R其 is the symbolic notation for the integration over all microstates compatible with ␳. ␮ and T are the chemical potential and temperature, respectively, and ␤ = 1 / kBT, with kB denoting the Boltzmann constant. Finally,


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲



e−␤关H−␮兰r␳共r兲兴 =


冕⬘ 冕 D␳

e−␤关H−␮兰r␳共r兲兴 .

U关␳*兴 =


共5兲 The functional integral 兰⬘D␳ in Eq. 共5兲 is over all mesostates 兵␳ , R其, which is indicated by the prime. Fixing the mesostate in the system is equivalent to the constraint on the microstates of the form 共3兲. In the presence of the constraint 兵␳ , R其, the grand potential is denoted by ⍀co关␳兴 and is given by e








Thus, the probability density of a spontaneous occurrence of the mesostate 兵␳ , R其 共equal to the probability density that any of the microstates compatible with ␳ occurs兲 is given by p关␳兴 =

e−␤⍀co关␳兴 , ⌶


冕冕 r1

Vco共r1 − r2兲␳*共r1兲␳*共r2兲,



where Vco共r1 − r2兲 = V共r12兲gco共r1 − r2兲,


r12 = 兩r1 − r2兩, and gco共r1 − r2兲 is the microscopic pair correlation function in the system with the constraint 共3兲 imposed on the microscopic states. From now on we consider dimensionless density

␳* = ␳␴3 .


In the case of the considered systems 共no internal degrees of freedom of the particles兲, the entropy S satisfies the relation −TS = Fh, where Fh is the free energy of the reference hard-sphere system with the constraint 共3兲 imposed on the microscopic densities. A. Correlation functions for the mesoscopic densities and their generating functional


Let us introduce an external field J共r兲 and the grandthermodynamic potential functional

where ⌶=

1 2

D␳e−␤⍀co关␳兴 .

We obtain a mesoscopic theory with the same structure as the standard statistical mechanics. The above formulas are exact. So far we just rearranged the summation over microstates. In Eq. 共8兲, the integration over microstates compatible with each mesostate is included in ⍀co, and then we perform a summation over all mesostates. The reason for doing so is the possibility of performing the summation over the mesostates and over the microstates compatible with a particular mesostate within the field-theoretic and densityfunctional methods, respectively. With this form of coarsegraining, one can consider the system of particles in terms of fields, and obtain results in terms of interaction potential and thermodynamic variables. In a similar way, one can define a mesoscopic theory for the mesoscopic volume fraction. Note that in the mesoscopic theory, the mesostate 兵␳0 , R其 that corresponds to the global minimum of ⍀co关␳兴 is analogous to the ground state in the microscopic theory. The ground state corresponds to the most probable single microstate. Likewise 兵␳0 , R其 is the single mesostate that occurs with the highest probability. III. GRAND POTENTIAL AND THE CORRELATION FUNCTIONS FOR THE MESOSCOPIC DENSITIES

The grand potential in the system subject to the constraint for the mesoscopic density distribution ␳共r兲 can be written in the form ⍀co = U − TS − ␮N,



⍀关␤J兴 ª − kBT ln

D␳*e−␤兵⍀co关␳*兴−兰rJ共r兲␳*共r兲其 .


The generating functional for the 共connected兲 correlation functions for the mesoscopic densities is −␤⍀关␤J兴, and 具␳*共r1兲 ¯ ␳*共rn兲典con =

␦n共− ␤⍀关␤J兴兲 . ␦„␤J共r1兲… ¯ ␦„␤J共rn兲…


In particular, the above gives 具␳*共r兲典 = =

兰⬘D␳*e−␤关⍀co关␳*兴−兰rJ共r兲␳*共r兲兴␳*共r兲 兰⬘D␳e−␤关⍀co关␳*兴−兰rJ共r兲␳*共r兲兴

␴3 VS


具␳ˆ 共r⬘兲典,


where Eqs. 共3兲, 共6兲, and 共5兲 were used. We use the same notation 具¯典 for the microscopic and the mesoscopic average. The average value of the mesoscopic density at the point r is the average microscopic density integrated over the sphere SR共r兲 of the radius R, and divided by its volume VS. Clearly, 具␳*共r兲典 depends on R. If, however, 具␳*共r兲典 is independent of R for some range of ␴ / 2 ⬍ R ⬍ ␭ / 2, then this function gives information about actual ordering on the length scale ␭. For the correlation function for the mesoscopic density, we introduce the notation G2共r1,r2兲 = 具␳*共r1兲␳*共r2兲典con ,


where here and below the superscript “con” denotes


where U , S , N are the internal energy, entropy, and the number of molecules, respectively, in the system with the constraint 共3兲 imposed on the microscopic densities. U is given by the well known expression

具A„␳*共r1兲…B„␳*共r2兲…典con = 具A„␳*共r1兲…B„␳*共r2兲…典 − 具A„␳*共r1兲…典具B„␳*共r2兲…典, 共17兲 and where


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


ever, the fields ˜␳*共k兲 with large values yield large values of ⍀co 关see Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲兴, and in turn small values of the Boltzmann factor 共7兲, therefore inclusion of such fields in the Hilbert space should not have a large effect on the results. Self-consistency of the approach requires that the average density obtained within this theory is bounded from above by the close-packing density. We can define

r1 = r2

FIG. 1. Microscopic configuration contributing to the correlation function G2共r1 , r2兲 for r1 = r2 in the case of R ⬎ ␴ / 2. The black circles represent particles, and the open circle represents the coinciding spheres SR共r1兲 = SR共r2兲, over which the microscopic correlations are averaged. Note that the black spheres do not overlap, and their centers are both included in SR. Thus, the microscopic correlation function for this microstate does not vanish.

具␳*共r1兲␳*共r2兲典 =

兰⬘D␳e−␤兵⍀co关␳*兴−兰rJ共r兲␳*共r兲其␳*共r1兲␳*共r2兲 兰⬘D␳e−␤兵⍀co关␳*兴−兰rJ共r兲␳*共r兲其

␴3 = VS

␴3 r⬘苸S共r1兲 VS


Hfluc关¯␳*, ␾兴 = ⍀co关¯␳* + ␾兴 − ⍀co关¯␳*兴 =兺


B. Grand-potential functional of the mesoscopic density, and the vertex functions

Let us introduce the Legendre transform


+ ln and

␦共− ␤⍀兲 ␦„␤J共r兲…





D␾e−␤关Hfluc−兰rJ共r兲␾共r兲兴 . 共24兲

Equation 共24兲 defines the functional in which the microscopic scale fluctuations, with frozen fluctuations of the mesoscopic density over the length scales larger than R, are included in the first term, and the mesoscopic scale fluctuations are included in the last term. Equation 共24兲 should serve as a starting point for various approximate theories. The idea is to apply approximate microscopic theories to the first term, and field-theoretic approaches to the second term.


C. Equations for the correlation functions

Note that from Eq. 共24兲 it follows that the vertex functions 共related to the direct correlation functions兲 defined by 共20兲

is the dimensionless average field for given J共r兲. The equation of state takes the form

␦共␤F兲 = ␤J共r兲. ␦¯␳*共r兲

␾共r1兲 ¯ ␾共rn兲,


␤F关¯␳*兴 = ␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 − ln


where ¯␳*共r兲 =



where ¯␳* is given in Eq. 共20兲 and Cco ␳*兴 is the nth n 共r1 , . . . , rn 兩 ¯ * * * functional derivative of ⍀co关␳ 兴 at ␳ = ¯␳ . By definition, 具␾典 = 0. Then from Eqs. 共13兲 and 共19兲, we obtain

具␳ˆ 共r⬘兲␳ˆ 共r⬙兲典.


Cco ␳ *兴 n 共r1, . . . ,rn兩¯

− ␤⍀关␤J兴 = − ␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 +

The correlation function for the mesoscopic density at r1 and r2 is the correlation function for the microscopic density at the points r⬘ 苸 SR共r1兲 and r⬙ 苸 SR共r2兲, integrated over the spheres SR共r1兲 and SR共r2兲, respectively. While the microscopic pair distribution function vanishes for 兩r⬘ − r⬙兩 ⬍ ␴, the mesoscopic quantity defined by Eqs. 共16兲–共18兲 does not vanish for r1 = r2 共see Fig. 1兲.





␤F关¯␳*兴 ª ␤⍀关␤J兴 +

冕 冕


In general, ¯␳* may differ from any mesostate defined by Eq. 共3兲. Let the extension of the functional ⍀co be defined in Eq. 共9兲 on the Hilbert space of fields f, such that in Fourier representation ˜f 共k兲 = 0 for the wave numbers k 艌 ␲ / R. Here and below ˜f 共k兲 is the Fourier transform of f共r兲. There is no restriction on the magnitude of the fields ˜f 共k兲 that belong to the Hilbert space. On the other hand, the mesoscopic density is bounded from above by the close-packing density. How-

Cn共r1, . . . ,rn兲 =

␦n␤F关¯␳*兴 ␦¯␳*共r1兲 ¯ ␦¯␳*共rn兲


consist of two terms: the first one is the contribution from the fluctuations on the microscopic length scale 共⬍R兲 with frozen fluctuations on the mesoscopic length scale, the second one is the contribution from the fluctuations on the mesoscopic length scale 共⬎R兲. The average density for J = 0 satisfies the equation 关see Eqs. 共21兲 and 共24兲兴

␦␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 + ␦¯␳*共r兲

␦共␤Hfluc兲 ␦¯␳*共r兲

= 0,


where the averaging is over the fields ␾ with the probability ⬀exp共−␤Hfluc关¯␳* , ␾兴兲. For the two-point function from Eqs. 共25兲 and 共24兲, we obtain the equation


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


2C2共r1,r2兲 = Cco 2 共r1,r2兲 +



␦2共␤Hfluc兲 ␦¯␳*共r1兲␦¯␳*共r2兲

冔 冔

␦共␤Hfluc兲 ␦共␤Hfluc兲 ␦¯␳*共r1兲 ␦¯␳*共r2兲

冕 冋冓


In the rest of this work, we limit ourselves to the approximate theory based on the two-point correlation functions.


D. Periodic structures; general case

Let us consider periodic density profiles

␦Hfluc ␾共r⬘兲 C2共r⬘,r2兲 ␦¯␳*共r1兲

¯␳*共r兲 = ¯␳0* + ⌽共r兲,


⌽共r + P兲 = ⌽共r兲



␦Hfluc ␾共r⬘兲 C2共r⬘,r1兲 . ␦¯␳*共r2兲


In calculating the functional derivative of F 关Eq. 共24兲兴, we used the equality ␦J共r1兲 / ␦¯␳*共r2兲 = C2共r1 , r2兲 关see Eq. 共21兲兴. From Eq. 共22兲, we have

P = 兺3i nipi,

where pi are the vectors connecting the cenand ters of the nearest-neighbor unit cells and ni are integer. The ¯␳0* is the space-averaged density, i.e.,

␦m共␤Hfluc兲 ␦¯␳*共r兲 ¯ ␦¯␳*共r共m兲兲 ⬁



冕 冕 r1


co Cn+m 共r1, . . . ,rn,r, . . . ,r共m兲兩¯␳*兲

⫻␾共r1兲 ¯ ␾共rn兲.


Higher-order vertex functions can be obtained from Eqs. 共25兲 and 共24兲 in a similar way. As a result, a hierarchy of equations where the vertex functions are expressed in terms of the many-body correlation functions is obtained. In the mean-field approximation, the fluctuation contribution is just neglected. In the lowest-order nontrivial approximation, the expansion in Eq. 共28兲 is truncated at n = 2, and only terms proportional to the pair-correlation function 具␾共r兲␾共r⬘兲典 are included in Eqs. 共26兲 and 共27兲. Then Eqs. 共26兲 and 共27兲 assume the approximate forms

␦␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 + ␦¯␳*共r兲

冕冕 r1

G2共r1,r2兲Cco 3 共r1,r2,r兲 = 0


2C2共r1,r2兲 = 3Cco 2 共r1,r2兲 +

冕冕 r



Cco 4 共r,r⬘,r1,r2兲

HG关¯␳*, ␾兴 ª

1 2


冕冕 冕冕

1 2



␾共r1兲C2共r1 – r2兩r2兲␾共r2兲



˜ 共k,k + k⬘兲␾ ˜ 共k兲C ˜ 共k⬘兲. ␾ 2


Here and below we use the simplified notation 兰k = 兰dk / 共2␲兲3. For periodic structures, we have 共see Appendix A兲 1 2

˜ 共k兲␾ ˜ 共k兲C ˜ 共− k兲, ␾ 2



˜ 共k兲 is the Fourier transform of the vertex function where C 2 averaged over the unit cell,

2 共30兲

From Eqs. 共21兲 and 共14兲, we obtain the analog of the Ornstein-Zernicke equation, C2共r1,r2兲G2共r2,r3兲 = ␦共r1 − r3兲.


where ⌬r = r1 − r2 苸 R3 and r2 苸 Vu. Let us consider the Gaussian functional

HG关¯␳*, ␾兴 =

co − Cco 2 共r,r1兲C2 共r⬘,r2兲 .

C2共r1 + P,r2 + P兲 = C2共r1,r2兲 = C2共⌬r兩r2兲,




where Vu is the unit cell of the periodic structure, whose volume is denoted by Vu. In the case of periodic structures,



⌽共r兲 = 0,


C2共⌬r兲 ª




From the analog of the Ornstein-Zernicke equation 共31兲, we obtain the relation


˜ 共k兲G ˜ 共k兲 = 1, C 2 2


We assume that the form of ⍀co is known from the microscopic theory. Self-consistent solutions of Eqs. 共30兲 and 共31兲 yield the two-point vertex and correlation functions, C2 and G2, respectively, for given forms of Cco n . Note that Eq. 共30兲 plays a role of the closure to the OZ equation 共31兲. Equation 共29兲 is the minimum condition for the grand potential, and corresponds to a stable or to a metastable phase. The solution of Eq. 共29兲 corresponding to the global minimum gives the average density for given ␮ and T in the lowest nontrivial order beyond MF.

1 Vu


where ˜ 共k兲 = G 2

冕 冕




1 Vu



eik·共r1−r2兲G2共r1 − r2兲.



In order to calculate the second term in Eq. 共24兲, we follow the standard field-theoretic procedure and write


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


Hfluc关¯␳*, ␾兴 = HG关¯␳*, ␾兴 + ⌬H关¯␳*, ␾兴,

where HG关¯␳* , ␾兴 is the Gaussian functional 共37兲. Next we make an assumption that ⌬H关¯␳* , ␾兴 can be treated as a small perturbation. When such an assumption is valid, we obtain 关22,36兴

␤⍀关¯␳*兴 ⬇ ␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 − ln

gco共r1 − r2兲 → 1


D␾e−␤HG + 具␤⌬H典G

2 + O共具␤⌬H典G 兲,


where 具¯典G denotes averaging with the Gaussian Boltzmann factor ⬀e−␤HG. In general, each contribution to Eq. 共42兲 depends on the mesoscopic length scale R, but the R-dependent contributions must cancel against each other to yield R-independent ⍀.

gco共r1 − r2兲 = ␪共兩r1 − r2兩 − ␴兲.

gco共r1 − r2兲 = 0


冦冉 ␤


3␩共2 − ␩兲 − ln共1 − ␩兲 , 2共1 − ␩兲2 共46兲

where ␩ = ␲␳* / 6. In this simple approximation, we obtain the R-independent functional

␤⍀co关␳*兴 =

1 2

冕冕 冕 r1




␤ f h„␳*共r兲… −




where Vco共r12兲 is defined in Eq. 共11兲, and for gco共r12兲 we make the assumption 共44兲. For Fh关␳*兴 given by Eq. 共45兲, i.e., for the local-density approximation, the functional derivatives of the functional ⍀co take the forms

␦共r1 − r2兲 ¯ ␦共rn−1 − rn兲␤ f 共n兲 ␳*共r1兲… h „¯ ␤共f 共2兲 ␳*共r1兲…␦共r1 − r2兲 + Vco共r12兲兲 h „¯ f 共1兲 ␳*共r1兲… h „¯

f h„␳*共r兲…,

␤ f h共␳*兲 = ␳* ln共␳*兲 − ␳* + ␳*

兩r1 − r2兩 ⬍ ␴ ,

Cco ␳ *兴 = n 共r1, . . . ,rn兩¯

where f h共␳*兲 is the free-energy density of the hard-sphere system of density ␳* = ␳␴3. For the latter we may assume the Percus-Yevick 共PY兲 or the Carnahan-Starling approximation. We choose the former case 共compressibility route兲 and assume

A. Derivation of the functional Ωco in the local-density approximation

In order to derive an approximate form of ⍀co 关Eq. 共9兲兴, we need an approximate form of the microscopic pair correlation function. The microscopic correlation function has the limiting behavior


In order to develop an approximation for the entropy S in the presence of the constraint imposed on the density profile, let us consider the number of the microstates associated with different positions of the centers of particles included in the sphere SR共r兲 for given ␳共r兲. We assume that the corresponding contribution to the entropy depends only weakly on the mesoscopic density at r⬘ when 兩r − r⬘兩 Ⰷ R. When this assumption is satisfied, then the local-density approximation can be applied, and


In our theory, different levels of approximation for ⍀co are possible. For an illustration, we demonstrate the mesoscopic theory with the microscopic degrees of freedom considered in a very crude approximation. In this approximation, calculations are greatly simplified and analytical methods can be used. However, the validity of the approximate theory is limited to low or moderate densities. Next we show how the functional can be further simplified to the Landau-type form, and discuss in what cases such a reduction is justified. The expressions for the phenomenological parameters in the Landau-type theory are given in terms of the thermodynamic variables and Vco.


If the ordering in the system occurs on the length scale ␭ larger than R Ⰷ ␴ / 2, then the precise form of gco is not crucial and in the simplest approximation we assume


兩r1 − r2兩 → ⬁.





for n 艌 3

for n = 2 for n = 1,


where f 共n兲 ␳*共r兲) denotes the nth derivative of f h with respect to its argument, calculated at ␳*共r兲 = ¯␳*共r兲. In the local-density h (¯ approximation, Eq. 共22兲 assumes the simpler form

␤Hfluc关¯␳*, ␾兴 = ␤⍀co关¯␳* + ␾兴 − ␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 =

1 2

冕冕 r1

␾共r1兲Cco 2 共r1,r2兲␾共r2兲 +



Cco 1 共r兲␾共r兲 + 兺


␤ f 共n兲 ␳*共r兲… h „¯ ␾共r兲n . n! r 共49兲


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


The dominant contribution to the second term in Eq. 共24兲 comes from small fields ␾. For fields with small values, the expansion in Eq. 共49兲 can be truncated. For stability reasons, the ␾4 term must be included. B. Periodic structures in the local-density approximation

Let us consider the grand-potential functional 共42兲 in the local-density approximation, i.e., with ⍀co given in Eq. 共47兲, and let us focus on the fluctuation contribution. From the results of Sec. III D, and Eqs. 共30兲, 共39兲, 共40兲, and 共48兲, we ˜ 共k兲, obtain the equation for C 2 ¯共4兲 * ˜ 共k兲 = 3C ˜ co共k兲 + ␤ f h 关¯␳ 兴 G − 2C 2 2 2

˜ co共k兲2 C 2 , ˜ C 共k兲

C. Case of weak ordering

Let us consider the functional 共49兲 for the periodic density profiles 共32兲 in the case of weak ordering, i.e., when ⌽ Ⰶ ¯␳0*. When the expansion in ␾ is truncated at the fourthorder term, then in the consistent approximation, the Taylor expansion ⬁

␳*共r兲… f 共n兲 h „¯


f 共n兲 ␳0*兲 h 共¯


␤Hfluc关⌽, ␾兴 =

1 2


¯f 共n兲关¯␳*兴 = 1 h Vu


f 共n兲 ␳0*共r兲… h „¯



and we introduced the notation 共52兲

兺 m=1

冕 冕 兺⬘



˜ 共k兲 C 2


˜ 共k兲. G 2


Cco ␳0*,⌽,r兴 n 关¯ n!


1 2

冕冋 k

冕 冉 冊 k



␤ f 共4兲 ␳0*兲 h 共¯ 2



with 共58兲

and ⌽2 =

1 Vu

⌽共r兲2 .



˜ 共k兲 is given in Eq. 共50兲 with ¯f 共4兲关¯␳*兴 In this approximation, C 2 h 共4兲 * approximated by f h 共¯␳0 兲, and ␤⍀co关¯␳*兴 关Eq. 共47兲兴 can be approximated by

˜ 共k兲 C 2 ln 2␲

¯f 关¯␳*兴G2 ˜ co共k兲 C 4 2 , −1 + 8 ˜ C 共k兲 2

␾共r兲n ,

˜ 0共k兲 = ␤关V ˜ 共k兲 + f 共2兲共¯␳*兲兴 C co 2 h 0

Recall that by construction of the mesoscopic theory on the length scale R, the cutoff ⬃␲ / R is present in the above integral. In this approximation, the grand-thermodynamic potential 共42兲 takes the explicit form


where the prime in the above sum means that n ⫽ 2, the explicit expressions for Cco n are given in Appendix B, and the ˜ co共k , ⌽兲 has the explicit form function C


1 ␤⍀关¯␳*兴/V ⬇ ␤⍀co关¯␳*兴/V + 2


˜ co共k,⌽兲␾ ˜ 共k兲C ˜ 共− k兲 ␾ 2

r n艌1




˜ co共k,⌽兲 = C ˜ 0共k兲 + C 2 2 G=

f 共n+m兲 共¯␳0*兲 h

is truncated at the fourth-order term in ⌽. In this approximation, Eq. 共49兲 assumes for periodic density profiles 共32兲 the form


˜ co共k兲 = ␤关V ˜ 共k兲 + ¯f 共2兲关¯␳*兴兴, C co 2 h


␤⍀co关¯␳0* + ⌽兴 = ␤⍀co关¯␳0*兴 +


˜ co共k兲 given in Eqs. 共47兲 and 共51兲, respectively, with ⍀co and C 2 ˜ 共k兲 determined from Eqs. 共50兲–共53兲. The second term and C 2 on the right-hand side 共RHS兲 in Eq. 共54兲 is the explicit form of the second term on the RHS in Eq. 共42兲. In calculating the third term on the RHS in Eq. 共42兲, the property 具␾共r兲2n+1典G = 0 was used. The presence of the fluctuation contribution distinguishes this expression from standard forms of ⍀关¯␳*兴 in densityfunctional theories. On the other hand, the form of the first term is much more accurate than in the phenomenological Landau-type theories. Moreover, the fluctuation contribution and the equation for the correlation function differ from their counterparts in the phenomenological Landau-type theories. In particular, they are given in terms of the interaction potential, thermodynamic parameters, and quantities 共52兲, rather than phenomenological parameters.


兺 n艌3

1 2

f 共n兲 ␳0*兲 h 共¯ n!

冕 冕

˜ 共k兲C ˜ 0共k兲⌽ ˜ 共− k兲 ⌽ 2


⌽共r兲n .



D. Comparison with the Landau-type theory

After all the assumptions and approximations described above, namely 共i兲 ␭ Ⰷ ␴ 共this allows for the local-density approximation for ⍀co兲, 共ii兲 periodically ordered structures, and 共iii兲 weak ordering 共⌽ Ⰶ ¯␳0*兲, we finally arrived at the form of ⍀co, Eq. 共60兲, and Hfluc, Eq. 共56兲, similar to the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson and Landau-Brazovskii theories. In the original Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson and LandauBrazovskii theories focusing on universal features of the order-disorder transition, it is postulated that the effective or coarse-grained Hamiltonian in the uniform system has the form


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


␤Heff关␾兴 =

1 2 +

冕 冕冋

˜ 0共k兲␾ ˜ 共− k兲 ˜ 共k兲C ␾ 2




h␾共r兲 + 兺


An n ␾ 共r兲 . n!


The summation in Eq. 共61兲 is truncated at n = 6 when a tric˜ 0共k兲 is ritical point is studied. The form of C 2 ˜ 0共k兲 = ␶ + ␰2k2 C 0 2 0


˜ 0共k兲 = ␶ + ␰2共k − k 兲2 C 0 b 2 0



in the LGW and LB theories, respectively. In the original Brazovskii theory, only even powers of the field are included ˜ 0共k兲 = ␶ 共h = A3 = 0兲. 关In some variants of the LB theory, C 0 2 +¯␰20共k2 − k2b兲2; for k ⬇ kb, the latter reduces to Eq. 共63兲 with ␰0 = 2kb¯␰0.兴 In nonuniform systems, with the equilibrium density profile ¯␳*共r兲, one obtains the effective Hamiltonian Heff关¯␳*共r兲 + ␾共r兲兴 as a functional of the fluctuation ␾共r兲. Note that in the case of the uniform phase 共⌽ = 0兲, Eq. 共56兲 can be reduced to the LGW or LB functional 共61兲 with the following expressions for the coupling constants: An = ␤ f 共n兲 ␳0*兲 h 共¯


fields ˜␳*共k兲 with large 兩k − kb兩 yield negligible contribution to ⍀. This is the case when the global minimum of ˜Vco is deep. In the following, we shall focus on systems with such forms of ˜Vco共k兲—they include weakly charged globular proteins, nanoparticles, colloids, or rigid micells in various solvents that mediate effective interaction potentials. Recall that in the mesoscopic theory, we choose the length scale R, and consequently introduce the cutoff ␲ / R. The results of the Landau-Brazovskii theory describe actual ordering when the dominant contribution to ⍀ depends on kb, but is independent of R. E. Brazovskii-type approximation

Let us briefly summarize the original Brazovskii approximation, but with the coupling constants expressed in terms of physical quantities according to Eqs. 共64兲, 共58兲, and 共66兲, and discuss conditions of its validity. The Brazovskii theory is particularly simple, and analytical results can be obtained ˜ is calculated to easily. In the original Brazovskii theory, C 2 first order in A4, and is given by 关20兴 ˜ 共k兲 = C ˜ co共k兲 + A4 G = ␶ + ␤*v*共k − k 兲2 , C 2 b 2 2 2 where we simplify the notation by introducing

for n 艌 3 and

␳0*兲 − ␮ − ˜Vco共0兲¯␳0*…. h = ␤„f 共1兲 h 共¯

v2* =


␳0*兲 are given in Appendix C for f h The explicit forms of f 共n兲 h 共¯ ˜ 0共k兲 is approximated by Eq. 共46兲. However, in our theory C 2 given in Eq. 共58兲. When ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum for k = kb = 0, and can be expanded about k = 0, then Eq. 共62兲 corresponds to this expansion truncated at the second-order term. Truncation of the expansion of ˜Vco共k兲 is justified when the fields ˜␳*共k兲 with large k yield negligible contribution to ⍀. This is the case in which thermally excited density waves with large k are associated with significantly larger energy than the density waves with the wave number k → 0, and can be disregarded. The above conditions are satisfied when the global minimum is deep, and local minima, if they exist, correspond to significantly larger values of ˜Vco共k兲. More precisely, the ˜ 共k兲 interaction potential should satisfy the condition 兩V co ˜ 共0兲 + ˜V共2兲共0兲k2兴 兩 / 兩V ˜ 共k兲 兩 Ⰶ 1 for k that yields the domi− 关V co co co nant contribution to ⍀. Under the above conditions, our mesoscopic theory reduces to the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson theory and describes phase separation. When ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum ˜Vco共kb兲 ⬍ 0 for k = kb ⫽ 0, and can be expanded about k = kb, then the truncated expansion ˜V 共k兲 = ˜V 共k 兲 + ˜V共2兲共k 兲共k − k 兲2/2 + ¯ co co b b co b

˜V共2兲共k 兲 co b ˜ 2兩V 共k 兲兩 co



and ˜ 共k 兲 = C ˜ co共k 兲 + ␶=C 2 b b 2

A4 G, 2


and where the dimensionless temperature is defined by T* = 1/␤* =

k BT . ˜ − Vco共kb兲


˜ co共k兲 and G are given in Eqs. 共58兲 and 共53兲, respectively, C 2 and kb corresponds to the minimum of ˜Vco 关see the definition of Vco in Eq. 共11兲兴. Note that Eq. 共67兲 is consistent with our result 共50兲 with ¯f 共4兲关¯␳*兴 approximated by A4, up to a correction that is of order A24. When the main contribution to G comes from k ⬇ kb, the regularized integral 共53兲 can be approximated by 关20,38兴 G=


1 ˜ 共k兲 C 2



. ␶ + ␤*v*共k − k 兲2 2



The integral on the RHS of Eq. 共71兲 can be calculated analytically 关38兴. In the case of ␶ Ⰶ ␤*v2*k2b, G takes the asymptotic form


˜ 0共k兲 similar to the LB form 共63兲. inserted in Eq. 共58兲 yields C 2 Truncation of the expansion of ˜Vco共k兲 is justified when the


G⯝␶Ⰶ␤*v*k2G共␶兲 + 2 b



T* 2␲v2*R

+ O„ln共␲/R兲…,


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


G共␶兲 =






a = k2b/共4␲冑v2*兲.



and 共74兲


Note the independence of G共␶兲 on the mesoscale R. In the Brazovskii theory, the R-dependent terms in Eq. 共72兲 are neglected. The Brazovskii approximation G ⯝ G共␶兲




is valid when the second term in Eq. 共72兲 is indeed negligible compared to the first term for 1 ⬍ R ⬍ ␲ / kb, i.e.,



∗ 0



Note also that the original Brazovskii theory is restricted to k ⬇ kb, because of the approximation 共66兲. From Eqs. 共69兲, 共75兲, and 共58兲, we obtain the explicit expression for ␶ ˜ 共k 兲, =C 2 b

FIG. 2. Dashed line is the universal line 共82兲. Solid line is the universal first-order transition line between the disordered and the bcc phases in the one-shell MF approximation. When ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum for k = 0, the dashed line represents the MF spinodal line of the gas-liquid separation. When ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum for k = kb ⬎ 0, the dashed line represents the ␭ line associated with formation of ordered periodic phases. T* and ␳*0 are dimensionless temperature and density defined in Eqs. 共70兲 and 共12兲, respectively.

˜ co共k 兲 + A a冑T* . ␶3/2 = ␶1/2C b 4 2


␶ Ⰶ k4b␤*v2* .



The grand potential functional 共54兲 in the Brazovskii approximation takes the explicit form

␤⍀关¯␳* + ⌽兴 = ␤⍀co关¯␳* + ⌽兴 + 2a冑␶T*V −

A 4G 2共 ␶ 兲 8

V, 共78兲

where ␶ satisfies Eq. 共77兲, A2 and A4 are given in Eqs. 共C1兲 and 共C3兲, respectively, and ␤⍀co关¯␳* + ⌽兴 in the Brazovskiitype approximation is given in Eq. 共60兲. The second term in Eq. 共78兲 is the explicit form of the second term in Eq. 共54兲 ˜ 共k兲 given in Eq. 共67兲 关22,36兴. In calculating the third for C 2 term on the RHS in Eq. 共54兲, Eq. 共67兲 was used. The above expression is valid provided that the condition 共76兲 is satisfied. The global minimum of the functional 共78兲 with respect to ⌽ corresponds to the stable phase for given ¯␳0* and T*. The problem of finding the minimum of Eq. 共78兲 becomes easy for periodic structures of given symmetry. For given symmetry, ⌽共r兲 can be written in the form ⌽共r兲 = 兺 ⌽ngn共r兲,



where gn共r兲 represent the orthonormal basis functions for the nth shell that have a particular symmetry, and satisfy the normalization condition 1 Vu

gn共r兲2 = 1.



⌽n is the nth amplitude. For given symmetry, the problem reduces to the determination of the minimum of the function of variables ⌽n.

A. Structure of the disordered phase and the ␭ line

Let us focus on the stability of the disordered phase. In the first step, let us limit ourselves to the MF approximation ˜ co共k兲 and consider stability of the functional ⍀co. When C 2 ⬍ 0, then ⍀co is unstable with respect to the density wave with the wave number k. At the boundary of stability, the second functional derivative of ⍀co vanishes for k = kb, i.e., ˜ co共k 兲 = 0, C b 2


since such instability occurs at the highest temperature for given density. In the PY approximation, the above equation yields together with Eqs. 共58兲 and 共C1兲 the universal curve T␭*共¯␳0*兲 =

¯␳0*共1 − ␩兲4 共1 + 2␩兲2



where the dimensionless temperature is defined in Eq. 共70兲 and ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum, ˜Vco共kb兲 ⬍ 0, for k = kb. Universality in this context means that the shape of ˜V 共k兲 is irrelevant, and the value at the minimum, ˜V 共k 兲, co co b sets the temperature scale. For properly rescaled temperatures, the boundaries of stability of ⍀co for all systems with particles having spherical cores collapse onto the single master curve 共82兲. For kb = 0, Eq. 共82兲 represents the MF approximation for the spinodal line of the gas-liquid separation, whereas for kb ⫽ 0 the above represents the ␭ line 关31,33–35,38,39,45,46,49兴 associated with microsegregation. A similar result was obtained previously 关41,45–48兴. The universal line 共82兲 is shown in Fig. 2 共dashed line兲.


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Let us consider the actual boundary of stability of the uniform phase in the system in which ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum for kb ⬎ 0. Beyond MF, the boundary of stability of the grand potential ⍀ is given by ˜ 共k 兲 = 0. C 2 b

共4␲兲2v2*A2 k4bA24



A4 Ⰶ 4␲共v2*k2b兲2 . A22


For ¯␳0* → 0, the approximation 共75兲 is not valid at the ␭ line, because the LHS of Eq. 共85兲 behaves as 共¯␳0*兲−1 共see Appendix C兲, whereas the RHS is independent of ¯␳0*. The RHS of Eq. 共85兲 depends on the system, therefore the density range for which the approximation 共75兲 is valid at the ␭ line is system-dependent. The infinite susceptibility with respect to periodic external field, resulting from singularity of the structure factor for finite k, is the artifact of the MF approximation. In the mesoscopic theory, the interpretation of the ␭ line follows from ˜ co共k 兲 ⬍ 0兴, the Eqs. 共7兲 and 共60兲. For T* ⬍ T␭*共¯␳0兲 关i.e., C b 2 single mesostate with periodic density, with the wave number kb and infinitesimal amplitude, is more probable than the uniform mesostate. Recall that the mesoscopic density ␳共r兲 is equivalent to the set of microstates that satisfy Eq. 共3兲. Thus, for T* ⬍ T*共¯␳0兲 the probability of occurrence of any microscopic state with nonuniform density distribution at the length scale ␲ / kb is larger than the probability of finding any microscopic state with position-independent density 共3兲 on the length scale R ⬃ ␲ / kb. When ˜Vco共0兲 ⬍ 0, then both the ␭ line and the spinodal line are present and the temperature at the MF spinodal line is ˜V 共0兲 co . ˜V 共k 兲 co

Let us determine the global minimum of the functional ␤⍀co关¯␳0* + ⌽兴 with respect to ⌽共r兲 关see Eq. 共4兲兴. The minimum of the functional of the same formal structure as in Eq. 共60兲 was calculated in different context in Refs. 关20–22,50兴, and we shall not repeat the details of the calculation, which can be found in the above papers. In this section, we shall limit ourselves to the one-shell approximation. This approximation is valid when ˜Vco共kb兲 Ⰶ ˜Vco共kb2兲, where kb2 is the wave number in the second shell. For structures possessing different symmetries, the Fourier transform of g1 in Eq. 共79兲 has the form


Recall that Eq. 共77兲 is valid provided that ␶ satisfies the condition 共76兲, which at the ␭ line takes the form

Ts*共¯␳0*兲 = T␭*共¯␳0*兲

B. Case of weak ordering—Universal features of the MF phase diagram


˜ 共k 兲 = ␶ satisfies Eq. 共77兲. EquaIn the Brazovskii theory, C 2 b tions 共83兲 and 共77兲 yield T = 0 independently of density. This means that when ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum for kb ⬎ 0, the MF boundary of stability with respect to periodic ordering, Eq. 共82兲, is shifted down to zero temperature when the mesoscopic scale fluctuations are included. At the ␭ line, ˜ 共k兲 / ¯␳* diverges for k → k for the structure factor S共k兲 = G 2 b 0 co ˜ ˜ ˜ co共k兲. In the Brazovskii G2共k兲 approximated by G2 共k兲 = 1 / C 2 approximation the maximum of the structure factor is finite at the ␭ line, and we obtain its value from Eqs. 共77兲 and 共81兲, ˜ 共k 兲 = 1/␶ = G 2 b

instability with respect to density waves with the wave number k. All of them lie below the ␭ line when kb ⬎ 0, or below the spinodal line when kb = 0.



Ts*共¯␳0*兲 ⬍ T␭*共¯␳0*兲 when ˜Vco共k兲 assumes the global minimum for kb ⬎ 0. Both lines were found in Refs. 关45,46,48兴 for some forms of the interaction potential. In fact, there is a ˜ 共k兲 / ˜V 共k 兲 representing the MF family of curves T␭*共¯␳0*兲V co co b

˜g1共k兲 =




关w␦共k − kbj兲 + w*␦共k + kbj兲兴, 兺 j=1


where w* is the complex conjugate of w, and ww* = 1. 2n is the number of vectors kbj in the first shell of the considered structure. The forms of g1共r兲 in real-space representation are given in Appendix D for the lamellar, hexagonal, bcc, and gyroid 共Ia3d兲 structures. From Eq. 共60兲, we obtain in the one-shell approximation

␤⌬␻co共⌽1兲 = ␤„⍀co关¯␳* + ⌽1g1共r兲兴 − ⍀co关¯␳*兴…/V 1˜0 A 3␬ 3 3 A 4␬ 4 4 共kb兲⌽21 + ⌽ + ⌽ , = C 2 2 3! 1 4! 1


where the geometric factors characterizing different structures are given by

␬n =

1 Vu

g1共r兲n .



Note that in the one-shell approximation, ␤⌬␻co共⌽1兲 depends on ˜Vco共k兲 only through the product ␤˜Vco共kb兲 关see Eq. 共58兲兴, therefore the phase diagram in variables ¯␳0*, T* is universal. From the extremum condition

⳵␤⌬␻co ˜ 0 A 3␬ 3 2 A 4␬ 4 3 ⌽1 + ⌽ = 0, = C2共kb兲⌽1 + 2 3! 1 ⳵⌽1


we obtain ⌽1 of the stable or the metastable phase. The stable phase corresponds to the lowest value of ␤⌬␻co共⌽1兲 for given thermodynamic variables, where ⌽1 satisfies Eq. 共90兲. The coexistence between different ordered phases takes place when the grand potentials 共88兲 for these phases are equal. At the coexistence of the stable ordered phase with the disordered 共uniform兲 phase, ⌬␻co共⌽1兲 = 0.


The universal MF phase diagram obtained in this way in the one-shell approximation is shown in Fig. 3. For A3 ⫽ 0, the


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲










0.04 -0.15

0.02 0



0.6 ∗ ρ0





FIG. 3. MF phase diagram in the one-shell approximation. T* and ␳*0 are dimensionless temperature and density, Eqs. 共70兲 and 共12兲, respectively. Solid line is the coexistence of the uniform phase 共above in T*兲 and the bcc crystal. On the left from the maximum the bcc structure is formed by droplets 共excess density兲, on the right by bubbles 共depleted density兲. The bcc crystal coexists with the hexagonal structure along the dashed line. Again, on the left and on the right from the maximum the hexagonally packed cylinders consist of droplets and bubbles, respectively. The hexagonal phase coexists with the lamellar phase along the dash-dotted line.

3A4␬bcc 4 3A4A2␬bcc 4 −

, 2 共A3␬bcc 3 兲


as already shown by Leibler 关50兴. Explicit expressions for An are given in Appendix C, and the transition line 共92兲 is shown in Fig. 2 together with the ␭ line, and in Fig. 3 together with transitions to the other phases. The lattice constant of the bcc phase is a = 2冑2␲ / kb. Along the coexistence between the uniform and the bcc phases, ⌽bcc 1 =−





where the explicit forms of the geometric coefficients, ␬bcc 3 bcc = 2 / 冑3 and ␬bcc 4 = 15/ 4, were used. ⌽1 at the transition to the uniform phase is independent of Vco and is shown in Fig. 4 for our PY form of f h. For A3 = 0, the transition is to the striped 共lamellar兲 phase 关50兴 and is continuous 共⌽1 = 0兲. In our PY theory A3共␳*兲 = 0 for just one density ␳* = ␳c*, where ␳c* is the maximum at the ␭ line, and at the same time the critical density of the gas-liquid separation. In the PY approximation 共46兲, ␳c* ⬇ 0.2457358. Note that for densities lower than the gas-liquid critical-point density ␳c*, we obtain a periodic array of excess number density 共cluster兲 forming the bcc crystal, whereas for higher densities the bcc structure is formed by bubbles of depleted density. Note also that ⌽1 Ⰶ 1 as required by the construction of the approximate theory 共see Sec. III B兲. The diagram shown in Fig. 3 is the universal “skeleton” showing the sequence of phases: disordered, bcc, hexagonal, lamellar, inverted hexagonal, inverted bcc, disordered. Note the reentrant melting at densities well below the close-

∗ 0



FIG. 4. The amplitude of the density profile ¯␳*0 共r兲 = ¯␳*0 + ⌽1gbcc 1 共r兲 in the bcc phase at the coexistence with the uniform phase 共i.e., along the solid line in Fig. 3兲 in the one-shell MF approximation. ⌽1 and the space-averaged density ¯␳*0 are both dimensionless.

packing density. The above sequence of phases agrees with the sequence observed for micellar solutions and block copolymers 关28兴, and with the sequence of structures found in recent simulations for the SALR potential 关44,46兴.

ordered phase coexisting with the fluid has the bcc symmetry, and the uniform-bcc phase coexistence line is T* =


C. Example: The SALR potential in the case of very short range of attractions

Beyond the one-shell approximation, more complex structures can be stabilized, and we expect “decorations” of the universal skeleton diagram 共Fig. 3兲 with regions of stability of more complex structures, or with structures with large amplitudes of the density oscillations. However, the diagrams are no longer universal, in the sense that the stability region of more complex structures depends not only on the value of ␤˜Vco共kb兲, but also on ␤˜Vco共kbn兲, where kbn is the wave number in the nth shell. Therefore, the details of the phase diagram depend on the shape of the interaction potential. Studies of the details of the phase diagrams in various systems go beyond the scope of this work. Just for illustration, we quote the results obtained for the SALR potential, VSALR共r兲 = − Aa

exp共− z1r兲 exp共− z2r兲 + Ar , r r


where r and zi are in ␴ and 1 / ␴ units, respectively, and the amplitudes are in kBTroom units. The SALR potential describes in particular weakly charged colloids in a presence of short-chain nonadsorbing polymers inducing the depletion potential, globular proteins in some solvents, and rigid micells. For the parameters Aa = 140e8.4, Ar = 30e1.55, z1 = 8.4, and z2 = 1.55, related to the colloid-polymer mixture 关6兴, the Fourier transform of the potential Vco共r兲 = ␪共r − 1兲VSALR共r兲 is shown in Fig. 5 together with the approximation 共66兲 that allows for the reduction to the Brazovskii theory. This potential leads to the formation of small clusters, because kb ˜ co共k兲 ⬇ 1.94 in ␴−1 units, and 2␲ / kb ⬇ 3.24. In Fig. 6, G 2 * = Sco共k兲¯␳0 , where Sco共k兲 is the structure factor in the MF approximation, is shown for ¯␳0* = ¯␳c* ⬇ 0.246 and T* = 0.15. The first peak corresponds to cluster-cluster correlations, as


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲

A. CIACH 200











10 0

5 -50 0

















= 冑2kb, kb2 = 冑3kb, and kb2 = 2kb for the bcc, hexagonal, and lamellar phase, respectively兲. For this reason, the second shell in Eq. 共79兲 should be included in the case of the gyroid phase, as argued in Ref. 关22兴. The details of the calculation will be given elsewhere along with the results obtained within the present mesoscopic theory beyond MF 关40兴. The unit cell of the gyroid phase is shown in Fig. 9 for ¯␳0* = 0.048 and T* = 0.016. Note that in this approximation, we obtain for low enough temperatures the sequence of phases: disordered-bcc-hexagonal-gyroid-lamellar-inverted gyroidinverted hexagonal-inverted bcc-disordered. Such a sequence of phases is found in many self-assembling systems, including micellar systems and block copolymers. The bicontinuous cubic phase is usually found between the hexagonal and the lamellar phases. In simulations of the SALR potential, hexagonal and lamellar phases were found for similar densi-



observed in simulations and experiments for the SALR systems 关3,6,42,43,46兴. The chosen thermodynamic state is ˜ co共k兲 is a reasonable approximaaway from the ␭ line, and G 2 tion for the correlation function. When the ␭ line is ap˜ co共k 兲 diverges and the MF approximation fails, proached, G b 2 ˜ 共k 兲 共maximum of the as discussed in Sec. V A. In Fig. 7, G 2 b * * structure factor兲 is shown for ¯␳0 = ¯␳c ⬇ 0.246 as a function of temperature for T* 艋 T␭*共¯␳c*兲 in the Brazovskii approximation. In this case, the condition 共76兲 is satisfied. We verified that inclusion of the second term in Eq. 共72兲 with R = 1 and ˜ 共k 兲 ⬇ 0.14 and G ˜ 共k 兲 ⬇ 0.15, respecR = ␲ / kb leads to G 2 b 2 b ˜ tively, at the ␭ line, while G2共kb兲 ⬇ 0.16 when the second ˜ 共k 兲 assumes term in Eq. 共72兲 is neglected. Note that G 2 b rather small values, in agreement with results obtained for ionic systems 关38兴. We find the diagram shown in Fig. 8 by calculating ␤⌬␻co for the gyroid phase in the two-shell approximation. In this phase, the second shell is very close to the first shell 共kb2 = 2kb / 冑3兲, unlike in the case of the other phases 共kb2

˜ 共k 兲 = 1 / ␶, corresponding to the maximum of the FIG. 7. G 2 b structure factor, in the Brazovskii approximation 共77兲, for ¯␳*0 = ¯␳*c ⬇ 0.246 as a function of T*.



FIG. 5. The Fourier transform ˜Vco共k兲 of Vco共r兲 = ␪共r − 1兲VSALR共r兲, where VSALR共r兲 is the SALR potential 共94兲 with Aa = 140e8.4, Ar = 30e1.55, z1 = 8.4, and z2 = 1.55 共solid line兲. Dashed line represents Eq. 共66兲 that leads to the approximate Brazovskii theory. The minimum of ˜Vco共k兲 is assumed at k = kb ⬇ 1.94. The secondshell value for the gyroid phase, kb2 = 2kb / 冑3, is indicated on the k axis. ˜Vco共k兲 and k are in kBTroom and 1 / ␴, units, respectively.






G2 (k)





0.015 0.01 0.005 0







˜ co共k兲 = S 共k兲¯␳* for the SALR potential 共94兲 with A FIG. 6. G co a 2 0 = 140e8.4, Ar = 30e1.55, z1 = 8.4, and z2 = 1.55 for ¯␳*0 = ¯␳*c ⬇ 0.246 and T* = 0.15.

∗ 0



FIG. 8. MF phase diagram with the gyroid phase 共Ia3d symmetry兲 considered in the two-shell approximation, and the remaining phases in the one-shell approximation, as in Ref. 关22兴. The interaction potential has the SALR form 共94兲 with Aa = 140e8.4, z1 = 8.4, Ar = 30e1.55, and z2 = 1.55. The potential is chosen for the system consisting of charged colloids in the presence of small polymers, similar to the system studied experimentally in Ref. 关6兴. The diagram is the same as in Fig. 4 except that the Ia3d phase is stable in the windows between the hexagonal and the lamellar phases. The structure of the phase in the left window is shown in Fig. 9. For more details, see Ref. 关40兴.


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


FIG. 9. The unit cell of the Ia3d phase in the two-shell approximation for ¯␳*0 = 0.048 and T* = 0.016. In the region enclosed by the shown surface, ¯␳*共r兲 − ¯␳*0 艌 0.06, i.e., this surface shows the shape of the cluster of colloids. Note that two networks of branching regions of excess density are present in the two-shell approximation in the structure corresponding to the minimum of ␤⌬␻co. The lattice constant of the cubic unit cell is 2␲冑6 / kb ⬇ 8␴. For more details, see Ref. 关40兴.

ties as we predict; the inverted structures were not found for the considered density range 关44兴. In different simulations 关46兴, spherical, cylindrical, and slablike liquidlike clusters were found for increasing density, and for ¯␳* ⬎ 0.35 cylindrical and next spherical bubbles were seen 关46兴 for densities that agree with our predictions. The unit cell in this system contains too many particles to enable observation of the ordered phases. In colloid-polymer mixtures, spherical clusters, elongated clusters, and a network-forming cluster were observed experimentally for increasing volume fraction of colloids 关6兴. The relation between the experimentally observed 共presumably metastable兲 structures and our results obtained for thermal equilibrium requires further studies. VI. SUMMARY

We developed a formalism that has a form of the densityfunctional theory with an additional term in which the effect of the mesoscopic scale fluctuations is included. The theory is designed for studies of self-assembling systems, where nonuniform density distributions are found on the mesoscopic length scale ␭, and allows for obtaining phase diagrams and structure in terms of density, temperature, and the 共effective兲 interaction potentials. We present the grandpotential functional and the equations for the correlation functions starting from the most general form 关Eqs. 共24兲 and 共27兲兴. In further development of the theory, higher-order correlations for the mesoscopic density are neglected, and the pair-correlation function satisfies Eq. 共30兲. In Sec. IV, we derive an approximate version of the theory under the assumption ␭ Ⰷ ␴. The grand-potential functional and the equation for the correlation function on the mesoscale are given in Sec. IV B 关Eqs. 共50兲–共54兲兴. These new equations allow for numerical determination of the structure and phase behavior

in many self-assembling system with spherically symmetric interaction potentials. The theory can be generalized to nonspherical cores. Unlike in the standard DFT, the effects of mesoscopic fluctuations, leading in particular to fluctuationinduced first-order phase transition, are included. Unlike in the phenomenological LGW or LB theories, microscopic degrees of freedom are not disregarded in our theory, therefore it allows for predictions of structure and phase diagram in terms of temperature and density for given interaction potential. Equations 共50兲–共54兲 are not restricted to weak ordering. We also show that in the case of weak ordering, our theory can be reduced to the form similar to either the LGW or the LB theory, depending on the interaction potential, and we derive the microscopic expressions for the coupling constants. This approximate version of the theory allows for analytical calculations; its validity range is discussed in detail in Sec. IV D. In Sec. V, universal properties of self-assembly are determined in the framework of the mesoscopic theory introduced in Secs. IV C and IV E. We determine the ␭ line and conclude that it is related to structural changes in the disordered system. It is interesting that in the reduced units, the ␭ line and the MF spinodal line are given by the same universal curve 共82兲. In Sec. V B, we obtain the universal “skeleton” diagram 共Fig. 3兲 with the universal sequence of ordered phases that agrees with many experimental observations in a wide class of self-assembling systems, and with simulation studies for the SALR potential 关44,46兴. This universal skeleton is “decorated” in particular systems with more complex structures, and modified by fluctuations, especially for high temperatures. By considering the gyroid phase for a particular form of the SALR potential in the two-shell approximation, we find in Sec. V C that this phase is stable between the hexagonal and lamellar phases for low enough temperatures 共Fig. 8兲. As far as we know, there are no theoretical predictions 共except from simulations that are incomplete兲 for the phase transitions between periodic phases in the threedimensional system with the SALR interaction potential. The results of recent studies 关47,48兴 are limited to the lamellar phase in three dimensions and to more complex structures in two dimensions. The bicontinuous phase can be considered as a regular gel. The relation between this phase and the experimentally observed gels in colloid-polymer mixtures 关6兴 is an interesting question. If the gyroid phase is thermodynamically stable, the gel observed in experiments may result from arrested microsegregation, and its structure should be more regular than the structure that is formed by arrested spinodal decomposition into two uniform phases. In particular, triple junctions of the cylindrical colloidal clusters should dominate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

I would like to thank Dr. A. Archer for discussions and for sending us unpublished work 共Refs. 关47,48兴兲. This work was partially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Grant No. NN 202 006034.


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 78, 061505 共2008兲


Cco ␳0*,⌽,r1,r2兴 2 关¯



For periodic structures with the unit cell Vu of the volume Vu, with the structure invariant with respect to translations by the vector P = 兺3i nipi, where ni are integer and the vectors pi span the unit cell, we have ˜C 共k,k + k⬘兲 = 2

冕冕 r1

C2共r1 − r2兩r2兲e


= Vu 兺 ei共k+k⬘兲·P P


1 Vu



= 共2␲兲3␦共k + k⬘兲 1 ⫻ Vu





C2共r1 − r2兩r2兲

A2 =

eik·共r1−r2兲 A3 =




12␩3 + 20␩2 + 5␩ − 1 共1 − ␩兲5¯␳0*




2 − 12␩ + 30␩2 + 112␩3 + 48␩4 共1 − ␩兲6¯␳0*




The function g1共r兲 is given for the lamellar, hexagonal, bcc, and gyroid phases in Eqs. 共D1兲–共D4兲, respectively, with r = 共x1 , x2 , x3兲. The minimum of ˜Vco共k兲 corresponds to kb, C2共⌬r兲eik·⌬r .




gbcc 1 共r兲 =

From Eq. 共48兲, we obtain


␳0*兲 + f 共2兲 ␳0*兲⌽共r1兲 + = ␤ f 共1兲 h 共¯ h 共¯ ⌽共r1兲 − ␮ +


␳0*兲 f 共3兲 h 共¯


冑3 兺 i⬍j


ggiro 1 共r兲 =


gᐉ1共r兲 = 冑2cos共kbx1兲,

冉 冊 冉 冑 冊册

冉 冉 cos

kb共xi + x j兲


冊 冉 + cos



kb共xi − x j兲





8 2kbx3 k bx 1 k bx 2 cos sin sin 3 6 6 6

冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊 冉 冑 冊 冉 冑 冊 冉 冑 冊 冉 冑 冊册


+ cos


3kbx2 2

冑 冋 冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊 冉 冑 冊 + cos

Vco共r12兲关¯␳0* + ⌽共r2兲兴 ,


2 k bx 1 cos共kbx1兲 + 2 cos cos 3 2

Cco ␳0*,⌽,r1兴 1 关¯


共1 + 2␩兲2 , 共1 − ␩兲4¯␳0*


ghex 1 共r兲 =



The explicit forms of An = ␤ f 共n兲 ␳0*兲, for f h approximated h 共¯ by Eq. 共46兲, are


Cco ␳*,⌽兴 = ␤ f 共4兲 ␳0*兲. 4 关¯ h 共¯

A4 =





˜C 共k,k + k⬘兲 = 共2␲兲3␦共k + k⬘兲C ˜ 共k兲, 2 2




C2共r1 − r2兩r2兲.


␳0*兲 f 共4兲 h 共¯

␳0*,⌽,r兴 = ␤关f 共3兲 ␳0*兲 + f 共4兲 ␳0*兲⌽共r兲兴, Cco 3 关¯ h 共¯ h 共¯

Hence, we can write

␳0*兲 f 共4兲 h 共¯



˜ 共k兲 = C 2

f 共3兲 ␳0*兲⌽共r1兲 h 共¯

⫻␦共r1 − r2兲 + Vco共r12兲 ,

ik·共r1−r2兲 i共k+k⬘兲·r2


f 共2兲 ␳0*兲 h 共¯

k bx 2 6

k bx 3 6

sin sin

k bx 3 6

k bx 1 6

sin sin

2kbx1 6

2kbx2 6



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