VILLAGE - Plato Magazine

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Sep 7, 2012 ... handful of tiles from the Spielbox mini expansion. The expansion does put the spotlight back onto. Stone Age, and gets us playing it again.
Freedom in the Game Lamberto Azzariti Stefan Dorra




meeple's meaning of life

by Inka & Markus Brand

PLATO : what is it ?

The games reviewed in these pages are scored on the following three criteria… First, we evaluate the interactivity, which is to say whether the game induces a lot of dialog and interaction at the table, whether it takes the form of opinions, persuasion, or even imagination. On the left, one would find Chess ; on the right, Pictionary or Diplomacy ; between those extremes, The Settlers of Catan. Next, we determine whether the game appeals more to instinct and nerve, or to calculation. On the left, one would find Liar’s Dice ; on the right, Go ; between those two, Backgammon. Finally, we evaluate the difficulty level of the game. On the left, one would find Dominoes ; on the right, Civilization ; between the two, French Tarot. Notice that these criteria do not provide “ good ” or “ bad ” ratings, but simply an indication of how well suited the game might be to the tastes of one person or another.

A more subjective rating, depicted by a gauge, complements the positions of these three sliders, and helps you to get a quick impression : 5 = a safe bet / the columnist fell in love with it ; 4 = a good game that one would want to play frequentPLATO, rue Félicien Terwagne 33, 5020 Vedrin, Belgium, [email protected], Phone +32 486 50 51 91, Fax +32 81 23 03 71 & PUBLISHER : Megalopole sprl, represented by Didier Delhez & Copyright : October 2012 & FR / BE EDITORS : Damien André, John Berny, Benoît Christen, Olivier Doyen, Lionel Graveleau, Stéphane Josephy, Sébastien Kihm, Mathieu Lallemand. & FR→EN TRANSLATORS : Simon T. Belanger, Eric Hariaux, Nathan Morse, John Shelley. ENGLISH EDITOR : R. Dawson Smith. PROOFREADERS : Doug Bass, Stephen Conway, Phil Saln, Ken Shogren. & Cover image © Eggertspiele. Photos of game boxes, their contents, visuals derived from the games themselves : all rights reserved. & LAYOUT : Megalopole sprl, BE–Vedrin, [email protected] & OUR THANKS to all the publishers, distributors, and other agents of the gaming world who sent us games to review, and / or contributed in one way or another to making this issue of Plato a reality. & Any material not specifically solicited will be returned to the sender. & The authors of the articles assume sole responsibility for their assertions. & Reproduction and distribution – even partial – on any medium whatsoever – physical or electronic – of this magazine without written permission of Megalopole sprl is strictly prohibited.

ly ; 3 = a pleasant game that one would want to play occasionally ; 2 = a average game that one would not necessarily want to play again ; 1 = a game of little interest / the columnist was disappointed.



A Short Explanation of the Ratings




ver since October of 2005, French-speaking gamers have been able to indulge in their second-favorite pastime : reading Plato, the magazine about the many and varied games that we all love. This FREE SAMPLE PDF is a small sample of our work, just to give you a taste of what you could read every two months – not on a screen (how uncomfortable !), but on real paper…PEFC ! We are very serious about being environmentally responsible ! Plato is a magazine covering gaming in all its diversity. Our intention is to talk about gaming at an international level. Obviously, we will always go into detail about the new hotness ; however, we also won’t hesitate to enlighten you about obscure or less-recent products. Moreover, in addition to game reviews, Plato presents a rich array of topics for you to explore in our publications. But above all else, Plato is also about tone and look : An irreverent tone, fun and amusing, a bit quirky at times – after all, we’re just talking about games here ! And a colorful, relaxed look, to make for really comfortable reading. Working behind the scenes is a diverse team of thirty people, passionate about games, whose greatest pleasure is to transport you inside the world of gaming. Designers, illustrators, publishers, distributors, retailers…all will soon have more secrets to share with you. Welcome aboard !

There is no rating above 5 or below 1.







Although Stone Age, published four

The initial two hundred copies quickly



Self Publishing


years ago, seemed perfect already, now

sold out in 2011 ; the game received

Ticket to Ride, from Days of Wonder,

it gets an expansion. This expansion

almost unanimous positive feedback.

may just keep circumnavigating the

adds several components and options

This led to the logical conclusion for

world : The most recent stop – or two,

to the game. A fifth player can join in

such an attention-grabbing small pro-

depending on which side of the game-

the fun and a currency exchange of

duction : Pitch’n Dunk had a second

board you use – is in Asia. The first,

sorts (the decorations) is introduced.

print run of two hundred copies. Even

Legendary Asia, depicts a complete map

if an obscure market (sports + flic-

of Asia from Turkey to Japan. It reuses

king + production costs + the specific

a few features introduced in previous

packaging = big publishing risk ?)

TtR releases, but it also adds some-

deprives this basketball simulation

thing new : mountain routes. In order

from wide distribution, make no mis-

to claim these, you must discard one

take : Its success is quite miraculous,

or more additional train cars, but they

in a sporting genre that has rarely

will also get you extra points. Perhaps

found a slant so satisfying. Movement

in compensation for this, the links tend

by flicking is (along with self-publi-

to be a little shorter. The second side

cation) the common denominator of

of the gameboard, called Team Asia,

most of Daniel Quodbach’s crea-

focuses on India and China, and is a

tions. With irrefutable clarity, he has

much more original expansion. As the name suggests, it is played in teams :


on a card holder that sits between them. The challenge is to understand your

There are also new Civilization cards

partner’s intentions : which links he

and Hut tiles that integrate the decora-

wants, the colors he needs, the pace at

tions into the game, as well as a quarter

situations and challenges of a basket-

which he wants

of a gameboard that adds worker pla-

ball game (ah, the concept of the shot

and of course

brilliantly reproduced all the tactical


from one another, and sharing others

cement locations. While the addition

clock !), really breathing life into the

the underlying

of a layer to the gameplay (the

ten players and the ball. Competition


trader area) introduces a level

is elevated well above a simple contest

“ Which cities

of complexity, the game length

of skill, without detracting from how

does he need

with five becomes a little too

apropos this aspect of the game is.

to connect

long. Pleasant at first, but not

Whatever happens, you can do no

for his tic-

indispensable, this expansion

wrong getting this must-have game

kets ? ” For

includes one small bonus : The

from the dedicated website, since the

this voyage

handful of tiles from the Spielbox


mini expansion. The expansion

decidedly inspired IF Association is kind enough to donate seven euros per copy to the charitable organization 1 Maillot pour la Vie (1 Jersey for Life).


Ti c k e t t o Ride embarks into

© Days

does put the spotlight back onto of Won


Stone Age, and gets us playing it

a new culture, a culture of collaboration,

again. That was the goal, right ?

and the experience is a very good one. LG


An expansion for Stone Age Designer : Michael Tummelhoffer

Designer : Daniel Quodbach & David Kalmes ; artist : Fabien Boulay ; publisher : IF Association ; 2+ players from 8.

An expansion for Ticket to Ride

Artist : Michael Menzel

Designer : François Valentyne

Publisher : Hans im Glück

& Alan R. Moon

2 - 5 players from 10.

Artist : Julien Delval Publisher : Days of Wonder 4 - 6 players from 8.


the game to run,


© IF Association

the other, keeping some cards secret

© Hans im Glück

Partners actually play one right after

✔ Variable Phase Order ✔ Worker placement 2 - 5 players ~ 30 minutes / player ~ 14+ PRE-ORDER AND GET A FREE EXPANSION (6 CARDS) AT THE INTERNATIONALE SPIELTAGE SPIEL 2012 (ESSEN).





Dennis Lohausen


ith Village, Gigamic strides boldly onto the scene of serious worker placement games ; and Inka and Markus Brand try to break the pattern that has been established by the classics of the genre by adding concepts such as family pride, the relentless flow of time, and mortality. It takes a village to raise a child, but will this Village make you a happy citizen, or a recluse ?


The council chamber allows you to climb the government ladder, which of course comes with benefits.


Finally, the church allows you to jam one of your family members into a black bag in the hope that he joins the clergy.

Most actions also have a time cost, which you record on your personal time

© Eggertspiele

Inka & Markus Brand

track. Every ten time units (yes, it’s just called “ time ”), the inevitable happens : a member of the family passes away. You



generation still visible on the board (i.e.

Dennis Lohausen’s idyllic scene on

Village follows the lives of two to four

not waiting in the black sack of holiness

the box cover gives us a clever preview

families. At the beginning of the game,

to become part of the clergy). Depending

of the actions available to our family

only the first generation (four meeples)

on where the meeple died, he either will

members throughout the game : crafts,

of each family is in play. The goal of the

be remembered in the great village chro-

the clergy, travel, agriculture – the basis

game is to accumulate the most pres-

nicle (securing future victory points), or

for a typical medieval development

tige, which your living family members

be relegated to an anonymous grave.

game. The contents of the box certainly

can gain through professional success

To give players more flexibility, a

seem to confirm that suspicion : Forty-

and your dead can secure with their

gold coin can always be used in the place

four meeples wait within, just itching

legacy. The game lasts a variable num-

of a cube. Also, even if all the cubes on

to stand on Action spaces on the board.

ber of rounds, each of which begins with

an action space have been taken, it is

Seventy-two wooden influence cubes,

setup of influence cubes in the Action

still possible to perform that action in

which represent such abstract concepts

spaces. The cubes are drawn at random

exchange for three same-colored cubes

as skill, knowledge, persuasiveness,

from their green bag. The mix of cubes

at the well.

and faith, are ready to drop into one of

in the bag is determined by the setup

Once all the cubes on action spaces


the two cloth bags. Four player boards

card that corresponds to the number

have been claimed, the round ends with

(farmyards) are ready to store grain

of players. Then, in turn, each player

Mass. Four meeples emerge from the

and gold coins for each player’s fami-

takes a cube of her choice, puts it in her

black bag, ready to join the clergy (except

ly. Additionally, there are forty goods

reserve, and immediately carries out

for any monks, who return to the bag for

tiles and twenty-four customer tiles,

the action associated with the location

further studies). Wealthy families can

as well as – and here’s where Inka

where she got the cube. There are seven

slip a small donation into the offering

and Markus Brand start taking things

actions available :

in order to help their candidates “ gra-

in new directions – a sticker sheet,


Harvesting provides grain.

duate ” first. Of course, establishing your

with generation numbers on them, to


The Family action gives you a

family’s presence in the church confers


must choose a victim from the earliest

be affixed to the meeples. (I am not a

new, ready meeple from the ear-

a certain amount of prestige.

number ; I am a free man ! …or would

liest generation still available. Crafts generate goods. By assi-

until either the village chronicle or the

priate ?) Generations ? Hold on a mi-

gning a worker to a workshop,

anonymous graves are full. The last

nute : Aging and death were also shown

you can produce goods for free,

Mass will then be held before a final

in the cover art ! Each player board has

but it takes time. Alternatively,

tally determines the most prestigious

a time track marching around its peri-

you can spend some cubes to buy

family of the village.

a Logan’s Run quote be more appro-


meter. The board depicts two areas for

Travel sends a family member to


glorious meeples, and nameless graves

discover the world, gain riches,

Village can make a tepid and somewhat

for the ignominious. Perhaps this isn’t

and gain prestige.

mixed first impression. The game deli-

The market allows all players, in

vers all the mechanisms and concepts

turn, to trade goods for prestige.

that became mainstream when worker

the dead : both a huge chronicle for the

your mother’s worker placement game, after all !



Rounds continue in this fashion




The Family’s Reputation is at Stake ! placement games were in their hey-

spend, and the rate at which you spend

action, or that specific cube you need,

day ; however, those are starting to get

it merely dictates the rate of mortality

at any cost, or opt for the best compro-

a little stale a decade later. The archety-

of your meeples. Because the end of the

mise ? There are also black plague cubes

pal wooden cube is already sufficiently

game is triggered by the death rate, you

which have no market value but taking

unattractive and abstract when repre-

can spend time like crazy, stacking the

one allows you to take the action it’s

senting metal or fabric, but it becomes

dead like cordwood, in order to drive

on “ for free ” – at the price of two time

impossible to suspend disbelief when

the game to a quick end, or you can

units. In our games, black cubes gene-

those cubes, which are abstractions

be parsimonious with your time, focu-

rally linger on the board until there are

themselves, represent abstract concepts

sing on long-term strategy. So, if your

no other choices, but sometimes they

(skill, knowledge, persuasiveness, faith).

family is clearly dominating the game,

can be taken quickly, in order to fuel

“ I shall exchange skill and knowledge

you may choose to fuel that quick end

the “ rush ” strategy mentioned above.

for a plow. ” Um, no. Two minutes into

Part of the reason Village is generally

the game, you will be talking about

quite a short game is that it has a rare flui-

spending “ pink ” and “ orange ”, with

dity. The rules are well written and unam-

no regard for their thematic names. It

biguous, which means you don’t need to

should come as no surprise that the

keep your nose in them throughout the

meeples spend their days toiling

game. After the initial explanation, you’re

away on crafts, trading, and travel

ready to go : you take a cube, perform

in the hopes of ending their lives at

the corresponding action, done. And

the right time to secure a handful of

between your turns there are enough

prestige points as they croak. We had

variables to consider, related to your

hoped the meeples’ mortality would

opponents’ actions and the board,

breathe new life into the genre, forcing

that there is very little downtime. Although the player interaction is

us to think in new ways, but ultimately

indirect and generally peaceful, the

dearly departed come to rest is only one

struggle for religious supremacy, dirty

of five ways to gain prestige. It is just as

tricks at the market, and reducing each

readily available from travel, commerce,

other’s options by picking up those last cubes on certain action spaces, can all

The noticeable effect on game play is

of the game by focusing on actions that

induce real tension. Do not think that

much smaller than we had imagined.

consume considerable time, such as

you can raise your children safe from the

However, once we let go of our defla-

crafts. Depending on the choices made

influence of the rest of the village.

ted hopes for a revolutionary game, we

in the game, it can last fewer than three

Village ultimately is both classic

still have a game with numerous little

full rounds, finishing in half an hour or

and innovative. Without quite mana-

aspects to explore, and its nuances make

it can stretch out longer than two hours.

ging to steer clear of the clichés of the

for a pleasant experience. Although time

The obligation to take a cube from

genre, it presents a lot of great ideas. The

management is not exactly new, the way

a space before taking the corresponding

game play is sometimes very rhythmic,

Village handles it is. Games like Thebes

action is another interesting mecha-

sometimes more subdued, but it always

or Olympos essentially grant each player

nism. First, some spaces have far fewer

provides a pleasant experience.

an equal amount of time, and the pace

cubes than there are players. This forces

at which you use the time merely de-

players to try to anticipate their oppo-

termines the opportunistic timing of

nents’ moves. Also, because the cubes

your actions. If you burn your candle

are randomly drawn before each round,

quickly, so to speak, then you sit and

it may be the case that the cubes you

wait while your opponents catch up to

need are on less appetizing actions.

you. In Village, time is more like ano-

This leads to contemplation of a nice

ther (abstract) resource that you have to

tradeoff : should you take that optimal

PUBLISHER 9 Eggertspiele, Pegasus Spiele AGE 9 12 years and up GENRE 9 worker placement PUBLIC 9 experienced players PLAYING TIME 9 75 minutes NUMBER OF PLAYERS 9 2 to 4


the church, and the council chamber.


the great village chronicle in which the

le © Eggertspie



FAMILY SPIRIT Meeting with the Parents of Village BY STÉPHANE JOSEPHY


he prolific Inka and Markus Brand, city folks raising two children, Emely and Lukas, recently perpetuated a family tradition by coming up with a game on their own (Mito). Working exclusively as a couple, the Brands clearly prove to us that having a sense of family is not, for them, merely a game theme…

to be published by Kosmos. Prior to that,

Thereafter, our discussions continue, and it's

between 1999 and 2006, we created more

a great advantage of being able to exchange

than a hundred board and card games, but

opinions during this whole phase. During

without managing to have any of them pu-

our whole process, it makes it much easier

blished. Thereafter, we came up with forty-

to realize what must be changed, or in worst

one games for seven different publishers. To

cases, to make the decision of dropping a

name some in particular : A Castle for All

project entirely and switch to something else.

Seasons, Monster Falle, Mirror Mansion, and Guatemala Café. However, it's not a fulltime job for Markus ; he works as an insurance broker. As for me, I have quite a busy day dealing with creating prototypes and rules drafting. During evenings and weekends, we share the whole creative process.

PLATO 7 All your games are being created as a couple. How do you distribute the roles between yourselves ? In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of such a work method ? IB 7 Yes, we work exclusively as a duet, and we don't see what could be the advantages


© Inka Brand

of working any other way. Of course, sometimes it's Markus who brings up the original idea, and at other times it comes from me. We try to speak together about a new game idea as soon as possible, well before a board

PLATO 7 Could you start with some introduction ? What was your journey through the gaming world ? INKA BRAND 7 We started creating games

idea evolves until it reaches

PLATO 7 Your creations seem evenly distributed between serious games of strategy, family games, and games for children. Is this because of different gaming tastes between the two of you ? IB 7 Not really. I think that we just develop

publishing, where we could test a

a more advanced stage

the types of games we like to play. We enjoy

whole series of games by various

where we can launch the

playing with the children as much as ope-


ning family boxed-sets or more complex

eventually published.

of prototypes

games. Whether playing or creating, we

It was a revelation for

and organize

don't want to confine ourselves to a speci-

us. We enjoyed this ex-

the first play-

fic genre. We prefer following all ideas that

periment enormous-

lets sessions.

in 1999. It all began with taking part in a prototypes workshop at Kosmos

authors before they were

or cards have physically seen the light of day. This way, we collect preliminary feedback which generally saves us a lot of time. We love this development process, and even more so when an original

come to mind !

ly. On our way home, we made the decision to take the plunge and develop our very own boardgame. However, it took us seven years The Big Dinosaur Game,

© Eggertspiele

before our first game,


« That our villagers die after a laborious life, perfectly integrates itself to the game theme, which tries to stick as closely as possible to the real life of the time. There's nothing macabre in that ! »

PLATO 7 You work as a family, you create family games, and even your children recently became published authors ! It’s not so surprising then to find the family as the principal theme of Village. Was this an easily exploitable basic idea ?

self in its mechanisms halfway between

PLATO 7 Another important concept of Village is its use of time, already seen in Thèbes or Olympos, for example. But, exploited here in a cyclic way, thereby resulting in the death of one of the characters within the family ! Was this something easily acceptable from the game publisher ? IB 7 The exploitation of a “ time ” factor

Citadelles and Stone Age. Each player

was indeed necessary to emphasize the

Memory, and adding an optical compo-

has eight characters who will take an

impression of real life and evolution of

nent by using proper angle reflection

active part in the construction of an

the village. No matter what you do, time

situated among several mirrors, the

imposing castle for the local lord. At the

slips away. Whether it's to learn how to

Brand couple offered children players,

beginning of each turn, everyone reveals

make a plough, to explore the outside

in 2009, a true pearl of originality.

simultaneously their activated role.

world, or to lead a brilliant career in the

The box of the game, pierced by tiny

Depending upon each role, they grant

town hall, it takes enormous time, and

windows, accommodates some Object

the right to collect money, resources, or

a way to manage a timeline effectively

cards around its periphery, the contents

to build a portion of the castle. A final

had to be found. Concerning the issues

of which will only be discovered by

character enables him to take back all

of the death of one’s family members, we

judiciously placing four mirrors. The

the cards that were previously played.

actually had a few discussions with Peter

material is terribly attractive, and

A Castle for All Seasons requires kee-

Eggert, the German publisher of Village,

the elementary principles of physics

ping track of the possessions and inten-

after some criticism came up during test

controlling this game are so innova-

tions of one’s adversaries constantly,

sessions. But, for the majority of players,

tive that Victor deserves the complete

so as to activate the right role at the

this mechanism didn't cause any pro-

accolades of parents.

right time. Without being truly origi-

blems. Village is only a game, after all, and

nal, it does manage to fulfill a fluid

we were eager to test something different.

and effective synthesis of recipes that

That our villagers die after a laborious

have made the success of many deve-

life, perfectly integrates itself to the game

lopment and construction games, from

theme, which tries to stick as closely as

Cuba to Pillars of the Earth, with which

possible to the real life of the time. There's

it also shares Michæl Menzel’s splendid,

nothing macabre in that !

Released for Essen 2008, A Castle for All Seasons was, until now, the most complex game published by Inka and Markus Brand. It shares with Village a medieval environment, but situates it-

MIRROR MANSION Victor, a young and adorable vampire, is in search of his paraphernalia he lost in the castle. But, as he searches, he must somehow avoid falling onto one those repulsive garlic cloves! By dusting off the super-classic

© Simply Fun


not without trouble. It required an enor-

to combine a share of chance and a share

mous amount of testing that took forever.

of strategy into it. The players

IB 7 Village is without any doubt our most

At the beginning of the project, we had in mind the idea of a small village where various families were going to

will have erasable markers and individual wipe-off boards. They will have to draw on

live, grow, and try to reach

these all the elements

prosperity. Initially, I had the

gained during the

city, they'll put various specialized in-

idea of placing a church in

course of the

habitants there, such as soldiers, mer-

the center of the village,

game, according

chants or jugglers. Lighter than Village,

and I even asked my fa-

to dice results.

it's a very pleasant game, made for up

ther to make one out of

Progressively, they

to five players, and with a duration that

wood for me to accom-

will found their

modate the meeples. In

own city by building

the end, that church was

certain buildings pro-

taken out of the game,

tected by ramparts

but it remains one of

which will have to be set up to protect

around which Village

oneself from pirates. And, to give life to their

© Eggertspie



the fundamental ideas

shouldn't exceed an hour.


ambitious game and its development was

PLATO 7 Lastly, your next title, by Alea, will be called Saint-Malo. This is something quite intriguing to our French readers ! Could you lift the veil a little on this up-coming release ? IB 7 Saint-Malo is a dice game. We tried


realistic illustrations.







Chris James

Andy Kurzen & Matt Plett


volcano awakens and your village relentlessly protects itself from the glowing red flows… even at the expense of others.

The game in-

from zone to zone) :

volves a lot of chance,

place two walls per

making it all pretty

turn, draw a card, or

chaotic. The random

play a supplementary

tile draws (whose

tile. Therefore, to be in

play is mandatory

the “ red ” sometimes


whenever possible)

The publisher provides us with a set

does not always ad-

of good quality (thin yet solid) hexago-

vance the lava as de-

nal tiles, clear illustrations and colors

sired and may even

allowing for good readability of the

turn against you.

© Stratus Games

Eruption ! especially promotes good mood and atmosphere. This is a game where cheap shots are

game, some text which is not detrimen-

The use of the walls can be frus-

frequent, where revenge and returning

tal to non-English speakers as it uses

trating at times. The resistance of the

fire are commonplace. The game begins

explicit symbols, and rules shown on

walls in your village that are in contact

quietly enough, but temperature and

their website.

with the lava is tested at the beginning

pressure rise quite fast and end up

of each turn by casting two dice of

in a pitched battle for extra tiles and


different colors. After adding the wall

action cards.

Starting with three cards and a wall of

bonus (for example : Stone gives +2) to

The game is completed by three

each type, everyone completes, in turns,

the white die, it must beat the result of

optional rules (which can be combined) :

four steps :

the orange lava die roll or the wall will

One for team play, leading to exchanges


Increase the temperature

be destroyed. You can see stone walls

and consultations. Another for longer

of one’s village by the number

being destroyed on their first test but

games, where there can be only player

of lava flows in direct contact

straw walls resisting endlessly.

remaining. And finally, one that offers

with it.

Eight different action cards are

a choice of three visible tiles to play,

Draw a Lava Tile and put it in

available (for example : remove a wall

which results in less randomness but

play following the layout rules.

in play). Present in varying quantities

more aggressiveness.


Play cards from one’s hand.

and of unequal powers, the cards can be


Add a wall to the game board.

traded-in for the type of wall shown


additional tile. Obtaining cards is done

village has completely burnt down.

when a tile is placed in contact with

The one whose temperature is the

a village (at a ratio of one card per

lowest wins.

lava flow in contact with a vil-


or two may be discarded to play an

within text boxes which are sug-

between the players throughout


The game ends when the pile of Lava Tiles is exhausted or as soon as a

gested to be ignored at first. These

the game via the temperature barome-

boxed rules are not advanced ones,

ter which is segmented into four parts,

but rather details regarding specific

including three critical zones. The first

case resolutions. This is a quick and

player to arrive in each of these critical

original way to introduce a game,

zones lays down an Eruption ! Tile (a

presenting the players with only

tile with multiple lava flows). The tile

the basics. The text boxes can be

doesn’t necessarily need to be linked to

consulted while playing (a sort of FAQ

an existing flow. Moreover, being in a

within the rules).

critical zone gives a bonus (cumulative


has its advantages.

lage). This creates a hunt for


cards and drives players

Eruption ! is undoubtedly a family

into perpetual aggression.

game. The publisher even offers rules

© Stratus Games

Lava is Coming !

Balance is maintained

PUBLISHER 9 Stratus Games AGE 9 10 years and up GENRE 9 connection PUBLIC 9 any PLAYING TIME 9 45 minutes NUMBER OF PLAYERS 9 2 to 6

Flash point : fire rescue DESIGNER




Kevin Lanzing

Luis Francisco & George Patsouras

advanced game) to intervene. You can

as by the uniform and equipment. This

use action points to move, extinguish a

game ultimately captures all the ele-

fire, transport a victim, or even switch

ments of this familiar, impossibly chal-

roles in order to adapt to changing cir-

lenging setting : unbearable sacrifices,

cumstances. Smoldering fires rekindle

dramatic twists, individuals who work

and spread, increasing the danger of

well together or whose personalities

explosion, while you coordinate your

clash, and overcoming all that through

efforts with the other players in order

teamwork… which sometimes will be


to rescue the victims from this dange-

undermined by unsound choices or

Fortunately, a bunch of flammable

rous environment. The fickle dice and

persistent bad luck. FPFR manages to

materials doesn’t always result in a

your tactical choices will ensure that

offer plenty of replay value and chal-

fire hazard. Inside a box with a very

each game plays differently ; resul-

lenges, without having a box that takes

non-Euro design – the cover looks

ting either in failure, due

up an entire shelf. You can play the

like the poster for an action mo-

to the house collapsing or

game at different difficulty levels, and

vie – you will find German-style

losing too many victims to

you can vary the suitability of the roles

components. Instead of the plastic

the flames, or in victory,

for the particular game configuration. If

figurines you might expect from

thanks to your team sa-

it had different scenarios and different

the cover, there are wooden fire-

ving a reasonable number

floor plans, this game’s life would burn

fighter meeples and cardboard

of victims.

inexhaustibly. The interaction of roles and the players themselves will require

© In

much more finesse and precision as the




smoke, flammable

difficulty of the game is increased. In

s rd

materials, etc.

an d

The game board

s rd


looks like it was

fact, depending on the circumstances, some roles will be shunned altogether.

created in some

Although the game is totally acces-

home interior de-

sible due to its theme, it still contains

sign software. The

some less obvious elements, such as

cards, however,

managing the spread of fire, explosions,

have illustrations

etc, that might limit its spread into the

that live up to the thril-

traditional family game market. If a

ling title. Nonetheless, nei-

seasoned gamer, experienced with this

ther the component quality


sort of game, helps run the game, the

(which is high) nor the rules (which

Following in the same vein as

players should get on like a house on

are clear and well written) pack any

Pandemic, with a theme close to rea-

fire ; however, even with inexperienced


lity – or at least TV news – FPFR gives

players, the game will be a success. The

us a sense of deja vu, but not because

atmosphere of the game, its common


the game copies from a predecessor

appeal, and the human desire to act

Simple, logical, and straightforward :

or re-uses a popular theme. On the

with bravery should make this a very

Fire breaks out in a house with a grid

contrary, the atmosphere feels fami-

hot title !

floor plan laid out on a coordinate sys-

liar because you will feel like you are

tem that corresponds to a pair of dice.

part of a television series, complete

The dice will determine the locations

with distinctive characters that have

of flammable materials and “ hot spots ”

different strengths and psychological

in the house, as well as the locations

profiles. In fact, firefighters inesca-

of the victims you will need to save.

pably are a “ mainstream ” subject. It

The firefighters must use action points

is a dream job for any child under the

and their unique special powers (in the

age of six, attracted as much by the fire

PUBLISHER 9 Indie Boards and Cards AGE 9 8 years and up GENRE 9 cooperation PUBLIC 9 any PLAYING TIME 9 45 minutes NUMBER OF PLAYERS 9 1 to 6


tokens to represent victims, flames,



ire at 366 Fair Street ! Dispatch the truck ! Alright firefighters, we need to get in and out quickly and cleanly in order to save any inhabitants – human or otherwise – and don’t forget : service with a smile !

Extreme xtreme Firefighting Firefi re ghting ghti


2019 : the Arctic





Andrzej Kurek

RadosŠaw Jaszczuk

Towards a Second Cold War ?


he great powers flourish their weapons, obeying submissively to the insistent councils of the oil lobbyists. The Arctic, with its Inuits, polar bears, and especially its enormous potential in terms of oil resources : It is definitely worth a little war…

platforms located on enemy ground. vote of a territorial law redefining the rules of control of each sector, thus

2019 : the Arctic depicts a confrontation

destroying platforms that are chan-

between the Arctic Council’s nations.

ging camps.

Pure science fiction ? Global warming

When it comes to the final end

makes oil extraction conditions less

game scoring, the platforms and lob-

strenuous, putting the Arctic, and its

byists assigned to the power having the

hundred billion potential barrels, at the


North Pole will also bring a substantial

center of everyone’s attention. In 2007,

Right from the opening of the box,

number of Victory points.

a Russian expedition plants a symbolic



2019 : the Arctic left us cold and icy.



The diplomats can also support the

flag at the North Pole, thereby fueling

There are missing and badly painted,


the angst of the other Council mem-

damaged pawns, including an espe-

Nations belong to nobody, and are

bers. Geographical apportioning is a

cially immense legibility problem : The

temporarily directed by player-inves-

permanent bone of contention between

brown and black components are not

tors. (Difficult not to see a connection

the Russians and Americans. Following

easily discernible to such a point that

with Imperial here.) However, although

the ice-barrier meltdown, the opening

it is imperative to modify them before

control of the powers is relatively stable

of the “ Northwest Passage ” provides a

use. Big problems on the surface, it will

in the game by Mac Gerdts, 2019 allows

maritime path connecting the Atlantic

thus be necessary to dig deeper to find

three different players to make a move

and the Pacific Oceans via the Arctic,

something positive…

for the same power. This inevitably ac-

which leads to other quarrels concer-

centuates brutal confrontations, and ag-

ning sovereignty between Canada and


gressive actions will be numerous on all

the international community. In short,

2019 pits four extraction companies

levels : Military strikes, disastrous laws

the Arctic is indeed an explosive powder

against each other, which exert

enforced, and recur-

lobbying pressure on five great

ring revolts. However,

Arctic powers (Russia, Norway,

behind this apparent

United States, Canada, and

chaos, hides a complex

game, supported by a rich and inno-


and multidimensional

vative theme. 2019 forces players to

Over nine turns, each player will send his lobbyists towards

keg of global power…

plan, anticipate, prepare for the worst, © Sinonis

and to negotiate fragile alliances in a

these nations to finance the fol-

world where backstabbing goes wit-

lowing actions : Drilling rig construc-

hout saying.

tion, construction of ships, fleet move-

The ambiguous nature and qua-

ment and combat, tax collection, revolt,

lity of the materials are below current

and diplomacy.

standards to the point of really hin-

With each sector’s underground

dering the fun of the game. But, if one

abounding in oil, gas or concretions, it

manages to rise beyond these conside-

is vital to set up one’s platforms quickly.

rations, 2019 is a piece of gold for fans

Then, these resources are extrac-

of raw testosterone.

ted to be sold or converted into Victory points. Except in the event of a revolt, when all sites of that country then stop producing ! Diplomats have the possibility of declaring war on another power. During this phase, their fleets can destroy

PUBLISHER 9 Sinonis AGE 9 14 years and up GENRE 9 conflict, production PUBLIC 9 experienced players PLAYING TIME 9 150 minutes NUMBER OF PLAYERS 9 2 to 4

Magnum Sal





Marcin Krupinski ' & Filip MiŠu'nski

Piotr Nowojewski

mine, buying or selling salt lt at

Sal manages to do so. S

the market, buying a tool, hiring ring

With only two actions W

a miner, positioning yourself self

per turn, the game runs pe

to fulfill royal orders in subub-

smoothly and quickly. sm

sequent turns, or placing an

The theme is well impleTh

assistant in a building in orr-

mented, particularly with me

der to collect a coin from the e

the chain of miners that


bank every time anyone per--

help each other extract and

The game includes a game board depic-

forms that building’s action.

transport salt to the surface. trans

In order to des-

a vertical mine shaft,

cend into

projecting from the

Placing assistants in builPlaci © Gry

dings and placing miners well



the mine, the he miners

“ bottom ” of the

in the chain can be crucial to

must form an unbro-

picking up a few extra coins from other

ken chain. This

players’ actions. But above all, if you

means that if a

want to earn your salt in this game,

miner is alone

you need to position yourself at the

in a space, that

castle to fulfill royal orders. It takes

meeple can’t move if

two turns of waiting in order to com-

the latter in different colors according

there are others beyond him. Don’t

plete an order, which you must do at

to its purity. There are also thick tiles

worry. His being stuck there isn’t en-

the start of the third turn. As a result,

representing tools and finally there are

tirely a disadvantage be-

the traditional meeples. The entire en-

cause other players

semble is rather aesthetically pleasing

will have to pay

pecially late in a phase.

and well illustrated. The iconography

him to help trans-

The way the tiles are

is sufficiently clear to keep you from

port salt along the

set up in the mine, the

having to dash back to the rules to see

chain of miners to

order in which the king’s

what things mean – which contributes

the surface. Your

greatly to the fluidity of the game. The

miners can also

mine shaft with the branching levels

rest their fatigued bodies,

of tiles is very eye-catching, and really

weary from all that salt mining. At the

helps immerse the players in the theme.

end of each phase, you will retrieve

mer will notice that certain tactics are

your miners in preparation for the next

more beneficial than others. So ove-


phase. At the end of the game, you will

rall, Magnum Sal could constitute an

Each player starts the game

earn bonus coins based on the number

interesting transition between family

with five miners. The game

of tools you have, and then the richest

games and “ gamers’ games ”.

board, with three horizontal levels of tiles off the main shaft which contain the salt to be extracted. Cubes

o Fibbi © Alessandr

represent water as well as salt ;

you strive to anticipate which orders you can fulfill, es-

demands roll out, and the © Alessandro Fibbi

tools available each phase provide sufficient variety ;

but after a few games, a seasoned ga-

player wins.

will play out over three phases. In each one,


players take turns performing two actions un-

Mechanically, Magnum

til the phase ends due to

Sal does not revolutio-

five of the king’s demands

nize the genre : placing

being met. Some of the ac-

workers, actions at buil-

tions available to you involve

dings, and contracts to

the mine directly : moving a miner into the mine or extracting


© Aless


fulfill – all this is rather common for this type of

salt. Others involve the buildings on

game. It is not easy for a game to stand

the surface : pumping water from the

out in such a setting, and yet Magnum

PUBLISHER 9 Gry Leonardo AGE 9 10 years and up GENRE 9 placement, worker placement PUBLIC 9 any PLAYING TIME 9 90 minutes NUMBER OF PLAYERS 9 2 to 4


ting the town of Wieliczka and



n Magnum Sal, each player is a foreman with a team of miners trying to exploit the famous Krakow in order to meet the demands of His Majesty, King Casimir the Great.

One Game That Doesn’t Doesn t Need a Pinch of Salt !



DORRA ÜBER ALLES The Seven Comments



f we let ourselves drift away a little from the review of the Seven Seals that follows, a whole enthralling universe appears. To return, at the time of its republication, to this game, its history, and its author indeed offers the opportunity to discover all the richness of German games, whether traditional or modern ones.

ignored specificity of the German gaming culture. A quick tab search on card games on a gaming site or a glance at the importance gained by Wizard, Tichu and others on the BrettspielWelt gaming site would be enough to be convinced. For those pondering the issue, it proves to be quite interesting to realize that, far from being a dead language, the genre continues to evolve constantly and take very original turns. Be it due to specialists like Klaus Palesh (author

It would not be easily conceivable

of the very good Sticheln and Hattrick)

in France. At the beginning of 2011,

or to freelancers, like Friedemann Friese

Spielbox, a German magazine concer-

recently with the astonishing Stich-

ned with the subject of games, pres-

Meister, making specific incursions,



ented on its cover what one would be


numerous are those that take on the

hasty to regard here as a “ small deck of

the reference to Wizard to return to

cards ” : Wizard, by Ken Fisher, was then

the literal translation under which the

celebrating its fifteenth anniversary.

game was previously known until then :

We were presented the box in which

The Seven Seals. The disappearance of

it is traditionally known in Europe, the

the very beautiful, abstract, and esote-

inevitable jubilee edition, as well as a

ric original illustrations is regrettable.

new box, disguised under the name of

They constituted one of the rare suc-

Wizard Extreme, adorned with dubious

cessful attempts to reinvent playing

illustrations inspired by a republication

cards without using a theme, contrary

of the famous game Die sieben Siegel

to those of Wizard which are enough of

by Stefan Dorra, initially published in

a mishap. Yet what matters is to see that

2003. In France, Gigamic, while main-

Wizard and The Seven Seals stay alive.

taining the change of style, gave up

Ten or fifteen year careers – a longevity

challenge and try innovative proposals.

which has become rather rare in the current situation.

A DIFFERENT CULTURE This simple observation makes it possible to gauge the level of popularity enjoyed in Germany (a country which is especially known for its contribution


to boardgames) by trick-taking and fol-

Many of these publications are neither

ding games. The genre, which by the

translated nor distributed, and, when

way is a little sneered at there, seems to

they are, the word generally remains

be driven by some great inventiveness.

confidential and marginal. Within these

Put differently, there is a market which

many proposals, the name of Stefan

makes this form of expression possible

Dorra stands out and naturally imposes

for authors as evidenced by the long list

itself. If we do not regard him only as

of games of the kind published. Stefan

a card game specialist (he is a jack-

Dorra confirms it to us : there is, for him,

of-all-trades, as the recent Pergamon

in this penchant towards card decks, an

proves it) and should he not be the most


and enthralling. Although often rather strange, these compete without too many problems with the classics.

Among the number of heirs that could be seen as to be in the wake

Among those, Njet !, as Die sieben Siegel

of Dies Siegel, one must count Pala. Published confidentially by

did before it, distinguishes itself with

Cambridge Games Factory, publisher of Glory to Rome, this game

some rare qualities : purity and ob-

is the brainchild of Jeffrey D. Allers, an American exile in Germany

viousness. Like the others and many

previously known for his Alea Iacta Est. Seeming at first anecdotal

game proposals of the same breed, it is

and not too beautiful, with its poker chips and paper board, Pala, however, deserves a look

confronted by an interesting problem :

at. In the small, not overly functional box, two quite different games are provided. In the

how to distinguish itself from the legacy

first game, a quasi-replica of Dorra, the opponents bet on the folds they think are achie-

of the classics like that of Tarot, Bridge,

vable. In the second one, a preliminary stage determines the colors that bringing negative

and Coinche, which, like it or not, cer-

points and those that will enable the discard of other cards. Making the right number of

tainly embody some perfection ? How

folds or making as few as possible – all very classic. However, making the most of its pic-

to renew a genre that is so codified ?

torial theme, it introduces a novelty instead of the traditional trumps : the possibility of

What novelty can be offered with such

combining the primary colors so that they become secondary ones. One no longer cuts but

narrow, reshuffled, bases without using

shuffles ! For example, if someone opens with blue, you can see the fold switch to purple if

an artificial premise ? Finding new cards

an opponent adds a red card, conversely, if the fold is green, a combination of yellow and

or getting rid of the figures is not that

blue enables one to follow. The whole produces an uncertainty of the control of the fold,

simple. Few successes have been seen in

the colors that will constitute it, and the length of the round. These fun ideas offset us in

this field while many failures have. On

our habits and bring a card counting system players might first see as chaotic to unfold

the mechanical level, the importance of

as being a rather fine one. Entertaining and twisted, it is unfortunately poorly distributed

the preliminary phase, the existence of

globally. It is a pity since it definitively proves itself to have its share of the culture of card

double trumps (a figure and / or a color),

games. No wonder that, as Jeffrey D. Allers, a fairly unknown author, is also a wise gaming

the presence of the several copies of the

world columnist on various blogs.

same card, of revolving teams, of skir-

A game by Jeffrey D. Allers, published by Cambridge Games Factory (2011)

ting conventions of the kind, all of these

for 3-5 players aged 12 years and up.

are attempts to stand out. If, at first, these elements appear as innovating / index.php ?page=games&choice=pala

as they are distracting to the unfamiliar public, they will undoubtedly be more recognizable to the German players. German games, Skat and Doppelkopf

published, with Die sieben Siegel and

of trick-taking (Whist…), Njet ! operates

are particularly sensitive to these. A

Njet !, two huge successes in the genre.

at the level of a game of folds. The first

number of elements seem to descend

Besides, he admits having a particular

version was of Soviet inspiration and

directly from this lineage. These two

affection for card games, traditional or

rather well done, to which we owe Franz

card games are almost unknown out-

modern, which he says he’s been playing

Vohwinkel. This graphic choice was un-

side Germany and its neighboring areas,

since childhood and continues to enjoy

fortunately abandoned to the profit of

while at the same time others, like the

to this day. If Die sieben Siegel is a light

Matthäus Dory’s drawings when it was

Italian Scopa, have a much broader ra-

republished, in 2007 by Amigo, in the 4 in

dius. They would thus deserve their own

1 box – which is the version of the game

reviews. The author has been playing

one will most probably find nowadays.

them, he says, since the age of eight,

This compilation of four games is a true

like all the little German kids. When we

figure of anthology of modern games of

contacted him, he said not to currently

folds. Njet ! stands close by, indeed, with

be working on any new card games, not

the excellent Was Sticht ? by Karl-Heinz

finding anything original enough to pos-

Schmiel and Mü by Doris Matthäus and

sibly distinguish itself. While waiting for

Franck Nestel, both of which had been

what comes next, one catches oneself

published separately before.

dreaming that the current thrill we are witnessing in France around this sort


of games (see The Dwarf King, Tschak !,

Besides, one should not be duped by the

the republications of Hol’s der Geier

naive and childish drawings which are

and of Die sieben Siegel) could lead

there, misleading and almost contra-

to a true basic tendency that would

dicting. We are there in the presence

allow the unearthing of some of those

of technical games ; demanding, long,

hidden treasures.


and pleasant variation on the principle


Indeed, the influence of two traditional prolific of his kind, he has nevertheless



FREE, AT LAST ! Let’s Talk About “ Freedom in the Game ” BY OLIVIER DOYEN


ou’re cheating ! ” “ Yes, but I have the right to. It’s written right here. ” Linear or multidirectional ; open or restricted. Games are made of rules which, themselves, reflect mechanisms or principles. These elements define an outline that delineate our actions. However, where does our freedom stop, and where does our creativity begin ? Is it the game that dictates my actions or do my actions define the game ? Are rules an imposed theme or a safety net ? Become a revolutionary, take up arms, and let us march towards a free game !

and each wheel rotates in a precise direction, or it can also happen that


the machine is almost empty, where it falls onto ourselves to find funny

One definition of freedom is “ the faculty

shaped wheels that can be inserted

of acting by one’s will according to the

in it. Do games reduce our freewill

means available without being hindered

to silence, imposing its agenda, or

by the power of others. ” Therefore, when

are they able to carry us across the

people play together, they choose as true

white line ?

gentlemen to “ put a spoke in the wheel ” of others. Overriding this principle some-


times amounts to cheating. Let it be said,

The assortment offered by the huge

a cheater is not simply disrupting the

range of games covers one extreme to

game balance, but is also undermining

another. On the one hand, there are

the freedom of the players. Everyone

games, complex or simplistic, which

knows that cheating is wrong, but did

divide players by an impassable wall.

you know that cheating is undercutting

One where players can see that the

free will ?

game path is all mapped out. This type of mechanism is rarely attractive, and unless it is a trivial game in


us, this kind is quickly abandoned.

remain heavily framed and without

Any game involves rules. Be them

Unavoidably, we thirst for freedom.

any real surprises.

minimalist, leaving much to the crea-

In an intermediate range, we

A step further can be found in

tivity, or on the contrary being very

find classic games with very precise

games that rend the material veil

restrictive. They are the soul of a

rules, restricted choices, but offering

to focus on creativity. Whether it’s

a wide selection of strategies. This

Pictionary or Dixit, the rules take

sible to achieve what it was designed

variety must go together with a good

the form of a thread that must be

for. Beyond the simple definition of a

balance. Without it, no free will : an

kept, but that does not stop us from

set of “ instructions ”, the rules reflect

unbalanced game gives rise to ulti-

dancing, drawing or walking on our

the spirit of the game. They exhibit

mate and unstoppable strategies or

heads. Freedom becomes real and

its mechanisms and explain the fra-

choices too obvious. When only one

the door to our imagination blasts

mework created and defined by the

reasonable tactic imposes itself to us,

open. The result, if provided by sharp

author. The rulebooks show intent.

we lose the possibility of choosing.

rules yet subtle and discreet, is often


be made. But the results of these

game, and without them it is impos-

Some also leave room for flavor text

The higher level is taken up by


which the dice will decide our fate for

that set the mood, have jokes, and so-

games involving some cooperation

Finally, on the other side of the

metimes even whole chapters of his-

and / or bargaining. If the framework

scale are role playing games. The

tory and background at the whim of

still consists of strict rules, then an

rules are a safety net and the only

the author and the publishing house.

amount of psychology has an effect,

real limit is our own imagination.

It is this innocent set of pages that

and demonstrated timidity shows

This freedom, becoming

may dictate our gaming experience.

up. Dialogs with other players open

total, may also scare

The format of the game is defined

to a sphere of absolute freedom wit-

some players and

within it, as well as our flexibility

hin the specific codes established

produce a sort of

during the game. Rules and mecha-

by the rules, and allow unthinkable


nisms are intertwined, and behind

promises and outlandish actions to

the scenes of a game an implacable machine is often found in which each gear has a very specific place


quite enjoyable.

feeling that may petrify them.

unlimited ; the choice is ours to dis-

Role-playing games are practiced

tort or adjust that frame. There are

among connoisseurs, but by drop-

also some games, wargames with

ping the ballast binding us to the

miniatures for instance, that are so

Creativity can also come from tacti-

classic games, they become more

vast that the rules textually require

cal prowess. Inventing a new strategy

accessible and can provide

managing unforeseen cases with

comes down to speaking your imagi-

‘house’ rules established between the

nation within the confines of very strict

players who are supposed to behave

rules. Thus, the game of chess dates, at

like true gentlemen. Finally, if the

least, from the tenth century. If a game

rules are the soul of the game, its

as old as this one still has not died out,

Whatever the de-

substance is its body. Diverting the

it’s because behind the simple cartesian

gree of freedom,

substance to create new systems (for

surface, the rules hide a multitude of

a game cannot

educational purposes for example),

strategies. The chessboard has only sixty-

exist without rules. And even when

is to give new life to the game. If the

four squares, yet despite this limited and

the range of possible actions is wide,

rules and substance form a whole,

immutable number, the wealth of moves

departing from the scope defined

to turn a part away does not destroy

and combinations is almost infinite. In

by the author often boils down to

it. From this perspective, a playful

contrast, some contemporary games that

inducing a significant imbalance to

purpose opens a door into the infinity

offer enormous amounts of actions are

the game. The most trivial sub-rules

of our imagination.

so poorly thought out and unbalanced

frequently come from a long period

that the most optimal choices impose

of testing during which the game


an overly obvious strategy to the players

was triturated in all directions and

Whether inside or outside of games,

who end up becoming mere spectators

pushed into a corner. Although some

the dimension of freedom is ubiqui-

of the game.

games seem to leave us with a lot of

tous. A game to which we return, is

latitude, we always progress within

a game which every avenue has yet

a closed setting, and escaping the

to be explored. Whether it’s multiple

frame does not come without risk.

strategies or the ability to overcome

thanks to some rich material that

It often happens that, with games

physical barriers to express our own

generously allow players to divert

of an above-average complexity, we

creativity, a good game not only has

it,will get a second life. Admiration

end up forgetting to apply one rule

a solid framework that will provide

for an author is in the principles foun-

or another. These failures almost

the necessary cues for players not to

ded in the use of his rules ; the com-

inevitably affect the flow and out-

feel lost, but will also give them the

pliance for players is to appreciate

come of the game. In some cases,

ability to adapt among these signs

the author’s intelligence and enabling

great maneuvering freedom involves

without feeling directed. Similarly,

free will towards change. So, don’t let

more comprehensive rules, strong or

a game that opens up possibilities,

yourselves be captives ; play !

very specific to cover many scenarios created by imaginative players. It’s not a fluke that role-playing games are among those with the most voluminous rules.

TASTE THIS, IT’S HOMEMADE ! Although a rule has a definite place and a reason to be very precise, play is above all about fun. While changes may disrupt the workings of machines, it is for players to apply the rules or not, or even transform them. Whether because of the audience (a younger player, or a person less accustomed to this type of game, etc.) or to get a different playing experience, nothing prevents testing an adaption of the framework. Indeed,




great sensations.


if our freedom and creativity in the game is set in advance, our creativity outside of the game is virtually



FUN HOUSE A Reading of A Theory of Fun for Game Design



voiding both the reef of university language and the didacticism of howto manuals for budding “ game designers ”. Raph Koster offers us here a vivifying essay on game creation.

interesting book, we realize two things. The first is the capacity of AngloSaxons to claim new disciplines and attempt to rethink them in a pragmatic manner, never entirely disconnected from economic efficiency. A Theory of Fun for Game Design thus adds a new contribution, quite valuable, to

Out of the bullpen, he surprises

the long list of books published on

us by proposing a very well

the subject. The second would be, as and old English words meaa

with each new release, the feeling of

an Italian-style book, which

ning both madness and plean

a form of discipline being built, which,

has more in common with a

sure), while omitting the bors

in parallel to the evolution of the sta-

sketchbook than a finished

rrowing, cited by others, from

tus of gaming, still leaves large areas

work. On the cover, the illus-

Scandinavian (“ a flighty, vain S

to explore and discover.

tration shows what could very well

person ”). The notion of “ source

be the notes of an author at work :

of pleasure ” is quickly circumscri-

his many questions, his notes, his

bed. The author associates to it, in

scribbles. Inside, like in a school exer-

addition to esthetic pleasure, physical

cise book, the same structure conti-

and chemical stimuli. Further in, he

nues : on each page, based on the text,

speaks of “ fun ” as a space somewhere

a humorous drawing is found. While

between boredom and anguish. This,

Raph Koster mainly works in the vi-

they don't always hit the mark, they

with the recurrent use of terms such

deo game industry (he led the Star

nevertheless leave the pleasant fee-

as “ task ”, “patterns”, “ skill ”, puts

Wars Galaxies project, among others).

ling of a thought forming, of someone

him in a highly neurological approach

However, as his book implied, he is far

drawing in the margins. This makes

to the subject. While he expounds,

from confining himself to that sole dis-


reading easier, more so since the lan-

in the end, on the possibilities of a

cipline. Folk-influenced music, drawing,

guage used, once past a few technical

game to reach the status of art, he

writing : he introduces his various

terms, is quite simple.

nonetheless does not neglect these

spheres of interest on his site. Like the

less romantic undertones. Pleasure

visual artist, the singer isn't really me-


comes from learning, which have to

morable, even though he uses a rather

The author of the preface points it

do with reflexes. We all try to be the

enjoyable and breezy guitar music to

out rather quickly : linking, in the

dominant male of the pack, etc. From

sing to. However, many articles, some of

same sentence “ theory ” and “ fun ”

that point of view, as he states “ the

which were used as a basis for A Theory

has something a bit antinomic and

fate of games is to become boring, not

of Fun, offer on his blog, active since


adapted form to his subject :

ambitious. Taking as a starting point

to be fun ” and struggling against that

1998, an extremely dense conceptual

the observation of his children playing

state of fact is a battle which is lost in

fodder, rich of some two-thousand-five-

tic-tac-toe, the author puts himself in

advance. Whether they are too com-

hundred published messages. While his

the spotlight, in his drawings as in his

plex or too easy, they will be resolved

book was aimed towards vulgarizing, he

text, and weaves his web around a few

and abandoned.

allows himself to speak here as a specia-


concepts. Firstly, “ fun ”, of course, the


list. A certain dryness, in form as well

vector which allows the subject, even


as matter, means that it's harder to get

though it might not be as explored

Not the least of the qualities of this

into things; but the potential audience

in depth as in other books, to remain

work is to allow us to not agree with

is quite likely not the same.

interesting, but also the nature of the

him, to make us feel like talking about

game and the possible ambitions of

his positions, for example on the place

the creator. Very quickly, he comes to

of narration in relation with mathe-

the etymology (Fonne /Fonn, Gaelic

matics. Upon finishing this highly

YOUR MAG Plato Worldwide is always accompanied by a goodie*, in order to delight true gamers !



Already 48 issues in French. * The goodies depicted here are for illustration purposes only, all having been offered in previous French issues of Plato. We are working to offer future goodies of equivalent quality or better.

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All prices include postage. TECH-SPEC • Bimonthly issues : #1 September 2012 #2 November 2012 • Number of pages : 64 • Format : A4 (210 mm × 297 mm – European standard) PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT

• Printed on chlorine-free PEFC * paper, using vegetable inks. * The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is the world's largest forest certification system.

Plato Worldwide magazine rue Félicien Terwagne 33 5020 Vedrin Belgium - Europe [email protected] Publisher : Megalopole sprl

Paolo Vallerga, Scribabs Licence to play Carl Chudyk




friendly zombies

by Keith Tralins & Brian David-Marshall
