Professor for Managerial Economics. Faculty of Economics. Department
Management. University of Paderborn. Warburger Straße 100. D-330098
Wendelin Schnedler Professor for Managerial Economics Faculty of Economics Department Management University of Paderborn Warburger Straße 100 D-330098 Paderborn
[email protected] Tel. +49 6221 542922 Personal Details born in 1971 in Berlin, German citizen, married to Anne Pommier, children: Kieran No¨el (2008), Elior Jonathan (2011), languages: English (fluent), French, Spanish (basic knowledge) Research Interests Applied microeconomics, organizational economics, experimental economics, personnel economics, psychological foundations of incentives, behavioral economics, econometrics Teaching Interests Microeconomics, information economics, personnel economics, microeconometrics, game theory Academic Career Since 2011 2009 - 2011 2009 2005 - 2008
2004 2002 - 2004 2000 - 2002
1999 - 2000
1995 - 1998 1994 - 1995 1991 - 1994
Chair of Managerial Economics, University of Paderborn Assistant Professor (Hochschulassistent, C1), University of Heidelberg Stand-in Professor, University of Mannheim Assistant Professor (Hochschulassistent, C1), University of Heidelberg Member of the research network Concepts of rationality, decision ” and economic modelling“ (SFB 504) Assistant at the chair of Prof. Sadowski, University of Trier Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for Market and Public Organisation, University of Bristol PhD programme Interactive economic decisions“, Bonn Graduate ” School of Economics, University of Bonn und Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) Research stay as part of the European Doctorate Program at the Centre de la Recherche en Economie et en Statistique (CREST), Paris Graduate studies in Statistics at the University of Dortmund Exchange at the Iowa State University in Ames, USA Undergraduate studies at the University of Dortmund
Degrees 2011 2003 1998 1995
Hablitation in Economics, University of Heidelberg Dr. rer. pol., University of Bonn Diplom-Statistiker, University of Dortmund Master of Science (Statistics), Iowa State University
Research Grants and Stipends 2005 2000 1999 1998 1994
2008 2002 2000 1999 1995
co-opted member at SFB 504 (co-applicant) DFG stipend IZA stipend DFG stipend DAAD stipend
Rewards 2005 2001
Walter-Rathenau-Preis German Economic Association of Business Administration Young Economist Award European Economic Association
Refereeing American Economic Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Journal of Public Economics, Experimental Economics, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Labour Economics, Econometric Reviews, European Journal of Political Economy, European Journal of Law and Economics, Mind and Society, New Zealand Economic Papers, Jahrestagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik Affiliations IZA Research Affiliate CMPO Research Affiliate Memberships American Economic Association Econometric Society Royal Economic Society Verein f¨ ur Socialpolitik European Association of Labor Economists German Economic Association of Business Administration Administrative Positions Since 2007 Since 2006 2006 - 2008
Member of various hiring committees Organizer of the internal departmental seminar Member of the faculty council
Teaching 2011 Managerial Economics (lecture, BA), Paderborn Ideas in Managerial Economics (seminar, Master), Paderborn Topics in Managerial Economics (lecture, Master), Paderborn Managerial Economics Seminar (seminar, Master), Paderborn 2010 Microeconomics (lecture, BA), Heidelberg Game theory (tutorial, BA), Heidelberg 2009 Microeconomics (lecture, BA), Heidelberg Microeconomics for business students (lecture, BA), Mannheim Information economics (lecture, BA), Mannheim Empirical analysis (project seminar, BA), Mannheim 2008 Microeconomics (lecture, BA), Heidelberg Empirical analysis (project seminar, Master), Heidelberg 2007 Microeconometrics (lecture, Master), Heidelberg Game theory (tutorial, BA), Heidelberg 2006 Microeconometrics (lecture, Master), Heidelberg Economic principles (tutorial, BA), Heidelberg 2005 Microeconometrics (lecture, Master), Heidelberg Multitasking models (guest lecture, Master), Lyon II Economic principles (tutorial, BA), Heidelberg Behavioural IO (seminar, Master), Heidelberg 2004 Personnel economics (lecture, Master), Bristol Research methods (seminar, Master), Bristol Credit market imperfections (seminar, Master), Trier 2003 Games and information (tutorial, BA), Bristol Personnel economics (guest lecture, Master), Bristol 1996 Time Series Analysis (tutorial, BA), Dortmund Teaching Qualifications 2009 Teaching Certificate for Higher Education of Baden-W¨ urttemberg 2004 Teaching Certificate for Higher Education of the University of Bristol
Supervision Master- and diploma thesis (9) Bachelor thesis (3)
Presentation at Conferences and Research Seminars 2011 Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, Cyprus Seminars: Cergy-Pontoise, Paderborn, Bern, Berlin (WZB), Berlin (ESMT) 2010 Conference of the European Association of Labor Economics, London Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Kiel German Economic Association of Business Administration, Frankfurt Seminars: Keele, L¨ uneburg, Lyon, Mannheim, W¨ urzburg 2009 Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Magdeburg European Economic Association, Barcelona Public Economic Theory Workshop, Lyon Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium, Maastricht Accounting Research Workshop, Bern Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Wien Seminars: Frankfurt, Bristol, Mannheim, Paderborn 2008 Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Graz German Economic Association of Business Administration, Augsburg Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Bonn seminar: Barcelona (Autonoma) 2007 Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, T¨ ubingen European Economic Association, Budapest Economic Science Association, Rom IZA-SOLE Transatlantic Meeting, Buch Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, Oslo Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, M¨ unchen Seminars: Bayreuth, Cornell, Dortmund 2006 CEPR meeting on private-public partnerships, Bristol Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Z¨ urich Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, Prag Seminars: ˚ Arhus, Bristol, Berlin (WZB), Mannheim 2005 Royal Economic Society Meeting, Nottingham Accounting Research Workshop, Bern Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Bonn Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Konstanz German Economic Association of Business Administration, Freiburg Seminars: Heidelberg, Aachen, Bristol, Hamburg, Lyon and K¨oln 2004 Empirical Personnel Economics Workshop, Bonn Royal Economic Society Meeting, Swansea Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Bonn Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Dresden German Economic Association of Business Administration, Bonn European Association of Labour Economists, Lisboa Seminars: Trier and Bonn
Presentation at Conferences and Research Seminars (continued) 2003 European Economic Association Meeting, Stockholm Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Z¨ urich German Economic Association of Business Administration, Frankfurt Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Z¨ urich Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, Sevilla Seminars: Bonn, Bristol, and Erfurt 2002 Econometric Society European Meeting, Venezia Kolloquium f¨ ur Personal¨okonomie, Bonn Scottish Economic Society Meeting, Dundee Jamboree of the European Doctoral Program, Paris Journ´ees de la Association Francaise de Sciences Economiques, Lyon European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Madrid Seminars: Bristol, Bonn, Wien and Dortmund 2001 European Economic Association Meeting, Lausanne Colloquium for Personnel Economics, Trier Tagung des Vereins f¨ ur Socialpolitik, Magdeburg Jamboree of the European Doctoral Program, Louvain-la-Neuve Conference on the Comparative Analysis of Microdata, ˚ Arhus Seminars: Bonn 2000 Journ´ees de Micro´economie Apliqu´ee, Quebec Jamboree of the European Doctoral Program, Bad Honnef Workshop on Organizational Change, IZA Bonn Seminars: Karlsruhe, Paris, and Bonn 1998 International Game Theory Conference, Stony Brook
Current Research Projects Incentives and Efficient Allocation of Effort across Tasks Constructive Ambiguity Reduced Ambiguity Aversion in Less Informative Situations (mit J¨ urgen Eichberger and J¨org Oechssler) Dissertation The Value of Signals in Hidden Action Models. “Contributions to Economics”. Physica-Verlag. 2004. Dissertation. (Gutachter: Prof. Zimmermann, Prof. Kr¨akel)
Published Legitimacy of Control (with Radovan Vadovic), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 20 (4), pp. 985-1009. 2011. Uncertainty Aversion and Preferences for Randomization: An Experimental Study (with Adam Dominiak), Economic Theory, 48 (2), pp. 289-312. 2011. Team Governance: Empowerment or Hierarchical Control (with Guido Friebel), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 78, pp. 1-13. 2011. You Don’t Always Get What You Pay For, German Economic Review, 12 (1), pp. 1-10. 2011. When is it Foolish to Reward for A while Benefiting from B, Journal of Labor Economics, 26 (4), pp. 595-619. 2008. Too Few Cooks Spoil the Broth: Division of Labour and Directed Production, (with Marisa Ratto), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 8 (1, Topics), Article 27. 2008. Likelihood Estimation for Censored Random Vectors, Econometric Reviews, 24 (2), pp. 195–217. 2005. Ergebnissignale in Prinzipal-Agent-Modellen mit mehreren Aktionen, Zeitschrift f¨ ur Betriebswirtschaft, Erg¨anzungsheft 4, pp. 1–15. 2003. The Virtue of Being Underestimated: a Note on Discriminatory Contracts in Hidden Information Models, Economics Letters (75), pp. 171–178. 2002. Kooperation, Verantwortung und Leistungsentlohnung: Eine empirische Untersuchung in Entlohnung, Arbeitsorganisation und personalpolitische Regulierung. U. Backes-Gellner, Kr¨akel M., Sadowski D., and Mure J. (eds.) Rainer Hampp Verlag. Munich 2001. Finished and Submitted Papers (see also A Rationale for Motivational Crowding Out(with Christoph Vanberg) Hidden Action, Identification, and Organization Design On the Ingredients of Bubble Formation (with J¨org Oechssler and Carsten Schmidt), SFB 504 WP 07/01, R&R Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Non-profit Organizations in a Bureaucratic Environment (with Paul Grout), Heidelberg DP 474.