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Stern School of Business, Anton J. Kleywegt. School of ...... of Leonard J. Savage., Edited by Joseph B. Kadane 4(2):63–124. Bertsimas ...
Wasserstein Distributional Robustness and Regularization in Statistical Learning Rui Gao

arXiv:1712.06050v1 [cs.LG] 17 Dec 2017

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, [email protected]

Xi Chen Stern School of Business, [email protected]

Anton J. Kleywegt School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, [email protected]

A central question in statistical learning is to design algorithms that not only perform well on training data, but also generalize to new and unseen data. In this paper, we tackle this question by formulating a distributionally robust stochastic optimization (DRSO) problem, which seeks a solution that minimizes the worstcase expected loss over a family of distributions that are close to the empirical distribution in Wasserstein distances. We establish a connection between such Wasserstein DRSO and regularization. More precisely, we identify a broad class of loss functions, for which the Wasserstein DRSO is asymptotically equivalent to a regularization problem with a gradient-norm penalty. Such relation provides new interpretations for problems involving regularization, including a great number of statistical learning problems and discrete choice models (e.g. multinomial logit). The connection suggests a systematic way to regularize high-dimensional, non-convex problems. This is demonstrated through two applications: the training of Wasserstein generative adversarial networks (WGANs) in deep learning, and learning heterogeneous consumer preferences with mixed logit choice model. Key words : Wasserstein distance; regularization; deep learning; generative adversarial networks; choice model



Statistical learning theory (Vapnik 2013) provides a framework for learning functional dependencies from past data, so as to make better predictions and decisions for the future. Typically, a statistical learning problem is written as min E(x,y)∼Ptrue [`β (x, y)]. β∈D

Here the term `β (x, y) is defined as `β (x, y) := `(f (x; β), y), where the function f (x; β) is the hypothesis function parameterized by β ∈ D, the function ` is the per-sample loss function, and (x, y) is an input-output random vector with probability distribution Ptrue on the data space Z ⊂ Rd . 1


In practice, the true data-generating distribution Ptrue is unknown. However, a sample of observations from the distribution Ptrue is often available. Thus, a common practice is to replace the expected risk under the unknown true distribution Ptrue with the empirical risk under the empirical distribution Pn , which is constructed from n data points {(ˆ xi , yˆi )}ni=1 . Thereby we obtain the following empirical risk minimization problem: min E(x,y)∼Pn [`β (x, y)]. β∈D

Empirical risk minimization often yields solutions which perform well on the training data, but may perform poorly on out-of-sample data. This is known as the overfitting phenomenon. A core aim of statistical learning is to design algorithms with a better generalization ability, i.e., the ability to perform well on new, previously unseen data. To reduce the generalization error, a great number of regularization methods have been proposed. A typical regularization problem can be represented as min E(x,y)∼Pn [`β (x, y)] + α · J(`β ). β∈D


This formulation not only covers commonly seen norm-penalty regularization methods, such as `1 -regularization (Tibshirani 1996) and Tikhonov regularization (Tikhonov et al. 1977), but also is (approximately) equivalent to other regularization methods, including adding noise (Bishop 1995), dropout (Wager et al. 2013, Srivastava et al. 2014), and adversarial training (Goodfellow et al. 2014b). We refer to Chapter 7 of Goodfellow et al. (2016) for a survey on regularization methods in machine learning. Recently, the emerging field of data-driven distributionally robust stochastic optimization (DRSO) (Goh and Sim 2010, Bertsimas et al. 2013, Wiesemann et al. 2014, Ben-Tal et al. 2013, Jiang and Guan 2015, Gao and Kleywegt 2016, Esfahani and Kuhn 2017) provides another approach to robustify the learning algorithms by considering the following minimax problem min sup

β∈D Q∈M(Pn )

E(x,y)∼Q [`β (x, y)],

where M(Pn ) is a set of probability distributions on Z constructed from the empirical data Pn . By hedging against the worst possible distribution over the set M of probability

distributions, distributionally robust optimization seeks solutions that are robust against disturbances of data distribution. Distributionally robust stochastic optimization is rooted


ˇ aˇckov´a 1966), robust statistics (Huber 2011, Berger in von Neumann’s game theory (Z´ 1984), and problem of moments (Shohat and Tamarkin 1943) and Frech´et class (Joe 1997, Agrawal et al. 2012). There are two typical ways to construct the set M. One approach considers distributions with specified property such as symmetry, support information and moment conditions (Calafiore and El Ghaoui 2006, Popescu 2007, Goh and Sim 2010, Delage and Ye 2010, Wiesemann et al. 2014). The other approach considers distributions that are close to some nominal distribution (e.g. the empirical distribution) in the sense of certain statistical distance. Popular choices of statistical distances include φ-divergences (Ben-Tal et al. 2013, Wang et al. 2016, Jiang and Guan 2015, Bayraksan and Love 2015), Prokhorov metric (Erdo˘gan and Iyengar 2006), and Wasserstein distances (Wozabal 2014, Blanchet and Murthy 2016, Gao and Kleywegt 2016, Esfahani and Kuhn 2017). Moreover, DRSO reduces to robust optimization (Bertsimas and Sim 2004, Ben-Tal et al. 2009) if the set is specified only by the support of the distributions. In this paper, we establish a connection between DRSO with Wasserstein distance and regularization (1). More precisely, we consider the following Wasserstein DRSO problem min


β∈D Q∈Mα (Pn ) p

E(x,y)∼Q [`β (x, y)],

where Mαp (Pn ) :=

 Q ∈ P(Z) : Wp (Q, Pn ) ≤ α ,



that is, Mαp (Pn ) contains all probability distributions whose p-Wasserstein distance Wp (Q, Pn ) (see Definition 1) to the empirical distribution Pn is no more than α > 0. We

establish a connection between (Wasserstein-DRSO) and the regularization (1). Such connection has several important theoretical and algorithmic implications. In particular, our contributions are as follows. 1. Exact equivalence for the linear function class. For many loss functions commonly used in statistical learning, there is an exact equivalence between (Wasserstein-DRSO) and norm-penalty regularization (Section 3.1). This not only recovers several equivalence results from previous studies, including logistic regression (Shafieezadeh-Abadeh et al. 2015), support vector machines (Xu et al. 2009b, Blanchet and Murthy 2016), but also develops new results, such as equivalence for absolute deviation regression, linear optimization and gradient-norm penalty in deep learning (Goodfellow et al. 2014b, Shaham et al. 2015, Roth et al. 2017).


2. A new economic interpretation of discrete choice models. The equivalence result for linear optimization provides a new interpretation for discrete choice models (e.g. multinomial logit, nested logit, and generalized extreme value choice models) from the perspective of distributional robustness (Section 3.2), and offers a new economic intuition for the generalized extreme value choice models. 3. Asymptotic equivalence for smooth function classes. For a broad class of loss functions, we show that (Wasserstein-DRSO) is asymptotically equivalent to the following regularization problem

min E(x,y)∼Pn [`β (x, y)] + α · ∇(x,y) `β Pn ,p∗ , β∈D


where 1/p + 1/p∗ = 1, and the penalty term ∇(x,y) `β Pn ,p∗ represents the p∗ -empirical norm (see Definition 2) of the gradient of the loss function with respect to the data (Section 3.3). 4. A systematic approach to regularize statistical learning problems. The asymptotic equivalence suggests a novel and systematic way to regularize statistical learning problems, namely, by solving the regularization problem (3). This is illustrated by the training of Wasserstein generative adversarial networks (Section 4.1) and estimation of mixed logit chioce model (Section 4.2). 1.1.

Related Work

On equivalence between regularization and robust optimization / DRSO. It has been shown that norm penalty regularization has a robust-optimization interpretation in some special cases, including linear/matrix regression (Xu et al. 2009a, Bertsimas and Copenhaver 2017), and support vector machine (Xu et al. 2009b). Gao and Kleywegt (2016) has shown that the problem (Wasserstein-DRSO) can be approximated by a robust optimization problem. In view of this close relationship between (Wasserstein-DRSO) and robust optimization, it is conceivable that in the above mentioned special cases, (Wasserstein-DRSO) may also be closely related to norm penalty regularization. Indeed, such an equivalence has been established in Shafieezadeh-Abadeh et al. (2015) for logistic regression, and in Blanchet et al. (2016) for linear regression and support vector machines. Our general results not only cover these previous results, but also extend these results to other learning problems. The equivalence between regularization and other types of DRSO has also been studied.


For example, Gotoh et al. (2015) and Lam (2016) have pointed out that DRSO with φ-divergence is first-order equivalent to variance regularization. On interpretation of choice models. Discrete choice models are used to describe decision makers’ choices among a finite set of alternatives, and have attracted a lot of interest in economics, marketing, operations research and management science. Many choice models can be based on random utility theory (McFadden et al. 1973, McFadden 1978, McFadden and Train 2000), in which the utilities of alternatives are random, and each consumer chooses the alternative with the highest realized utility. A recent approach, called semiparametric model (Natarajan et al. 2009, Mishra et al. 2014, Ahipasaoglu et al. 2016) combines the idea of random utility theory and distributional robustness, in which the distribution of the random utilities is given by the worst-case distribution over a set of distributions for an expected utility maximization problem. Choice models can also based on representative agent model (Anderson et al. 1988, Hofbauer and Sandholm 2002), in which a representative agent maximizes a weighted sum of utilities of alternatives plus a regularization term that encourages diversification. We refer to Feng et al. (2017) for a study on relations between these choice models. Based on our equivalence result, the representative agent choice model can be derived from an ambiguity-averse representative agent choosing a choice probability vector that maximizes the expected utility. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we define several mathematical terms and review basic results on DRSO with Wasserstein distance. Next, in Section 3, we study the connection between distributional robustness and regularization. Then in Section 4, we demonstrate the algorithmic implications of the distributionally robust framework. The conclusion of the paper is made in Section 5. Auxiliary results and some proofs are provided in the Appendix.



Notation. We denote by (Z, d(·, ·)) a metric space equipped with metric d(·, ·). For a

normed space (Z, k·k), we denote by Z ∗ its dual space, and by k·k∗ the dual norm. Let

P(Z) denote the set of all Borel probability measures on Z. For any p ∈ [1, ∞), we denote

p∗ as its H¨older conjugate, i.e.,

1 p

+ p1∗ = 1. For any function h : Z → R, we denote by h∗ its

convex conjugate h∗ (z ∗ ) = supz∈Z {hz, z ∗ i − h(z)}. We denote by δz the Dirac probability

measure on z, and by 1A the indicator function of set A. For ease of notation, we also set 00 := 1 and ∞0 = 1.


We introduce several definitions and review some results on DRSO with Wasserstein distance. Definition 1 (Wasserstein distance). Let p ∈ [1, +∞]. The p-Wasserstein distance

between distributions P, Q ∈ P(Z) is defined as  Z 1/p  p 0 0   min d (z, z ) γ(dz, dz ) , γ∈Γ(P,Q) Z×Z Wp (P, Q) :=    inf γ-ess sup d(z, z 0 ), γ∈Γ(P,Q)


if 1 ≤ p < ∞, if p = ∞,

where Γ(P, Q) denotes the set of all Borel probability distributions on Z × Z with marginal

distributions P and Q, and γ-ess sup d(z, z 0 ) expresses the essential supremum of d(·, ·) with respect to the measure γ.


Given the empirical distribution Pn := given by Mαp (Pn ) :=

1 n


i=1 δzˆi ,

the Wasserstein ball of radius α is

 Q ∈ P(Z) : Wp (Q, Pn ) ≤ α ,

and the corresponding DRSO problem is min


β∈D Q∈Mα (Pn ) p

Ez∼Q [`β (z)].


Note that here we do not restrict to supervised learning, in which case z = (x, y). Problem (Wasserstein-DRSO) admits a strong duality reformulation, as shown by the following lemma. Lemma 1. Assume h : Z → R satisfies h(z) ≤ C(kz − z0 k + 1)q for some q ∈ [1, ∞), C >

0, z0 ∈ Z, and for all z ∈ Z. Then for the set Mαp (Pn ) (p ∈ [q, ∞)), it holds that n n

p o  1X EQ [h(z)] = min λαp + sup h(z) − λ z − zˆi , λ≥0 n i=1 z∈Z Q∈Mα p (Pn )


and, for Mα∞ (Pn ), it holds that sup

Q∈Mα ∞ (Pn )

EQ [h(z)] =

sup z i ∈Z,i=1,...,n

n n1 X

Our last definition is on the empirical norm.




h(z i ) : z i − zˆi ≤ α .

Definition 2 (Empirical norm). Let k·k be some norm on Rd . For any p ∈ [1, ∞),

the empirical p-norm of h : Z → Rd is defined as n 1 X

i p 1/p

h(ˆ khkPn ,p := z ) . n i=1


For p = ∞, we define

i khkPn ,∞ := max h(ˆ z ) . 1≤i≤n


Distributional Robustness and Regularization

In this section, we show that for many common statistical learning problems, the DRSO problem (Wasserstein-DRSO) and the regularization problem (1) are closely related. We start with the linear function class, and show an exact equivalence between the two problems (Section 3.1). Then in Section 3.2, we consider linear optimization, and apply the equivalence result to discrete choice modeling. In Section 3.3, we show that for smooth function classes, the two problems are asymptotically equivalent. 3.1.

Exact Equivalence for the Linear Function Class

In this subsection, we consider the linear function class z 7→ β > z on (Rd , k·k) with Lipschitz

loss `. We have the following result, whose proof is provided in Appendix B. Note that for

any Lipschitz loss `, Rademacher’s theorem (see, e.g. Theorem 2.14 in (Ambrosio et al. 2000)) implies that the set of differentiable points of ` is dense in R. Theorem 1 (Linear predictor). Let Z = (Rd , k·k). Suppose `β (z) = `(β > z) for some

L` -Lipschitz continuous loss function `. Let T be the set of points in R at which ` is differentiable. Assume limt∈T ,t→∞ `0 (t) = L` . Then it holds that sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )

EQ [`(β > z)] = EPn [`(β > z)] + α · L` · kβk∗ .

This result helps to discover equivalence results for many machine learning problems (Examples 1-3 below) with different choices of loss function `. Example 1 (Classification). Let z = (x, y) ∈ Rd × {−1, +1}. Set k(x, y) − (x0 , y 0 )k =

kx − x0 kX + I(y − y 0 ), where I(u) = 0 if u = 0 and I(u) = ∞ otherwise. Let `β (z) = `(y · β > x),

where ` is any 1-Lipschitz loss function, such as the hinge loss max(1 − y · β > x, 0), or the logistic loss log(1 + exp(−y · β > x)). Using Theorem 1, we obtain that sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )

EQ [`(β > z)] = EPn [`(β > z)] + α · kβk∗ .

In particular, for logistic regression, we recover the result in Shafieezadeh-Abadeh et al. (2015).


Example 2 (Absolute deviation regression). Let z = (x, y) ∈ Rd × R. Set

k(x, y) − (x0 , y 0 )k = kx − x0 kX + |y − y 0 |. Set

`β (z) = |β > x − y|. Then `β is Lipschitz with constant max(kβk∗ , 1). Then by Theorem 1, we have the equivalence sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )

EQ [`(β > z)] = EPn [`(β > z)] + α · max(kβk∗ , 1).

Example 3 (Piecewise-linear convex loss). Let Z = (Rd , k·k). Suppose `β is piecewise-linear and convex, i.e., `β (z) = max β m> z + bm , 1≤m≤M

where β m ∈ Rd and β = [β 1 ; . . . ; β M ]. For example, the conditional Value-at-Risk (Rockafellar and Uryasev 2000) belongs to such class of functions. It follows that `β is Lipschitz continuous with constant max1≤m≤M kβ m k∗ . Then sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )


EQ [`(β > z)] = EPn [`(β > z)] + α · max kβ m k∗ . 1≤m≤M

Exact Equivalence for Linear Optimization with Applications in Discrete Choice Modeling

In this subsection, we consider linear optimization `β (z) = β > z. This is a special case of the linear function class with Lipschitz loss considered in Section 3.1, but here we allow a more general metric structure on Z other than the norm k·k, and allow arbitrary nominal distribution Pnom ∈ P(Z).

For ease of exposition, we consider a soft-constrained version of (Wasserstein-DRSO): max inf

β∈D Q∈P(Z)

 EQ [β > z] + η · W1 (Q, Pnom ) .


where η > 0. Problem (4) can be interpreted as follows. Suppose z represents a vector Pd of random utilities of d products. Let D = {β ∈ Rd+ : k=1 βk = 1} be the set of choice

probability vectors for these products. Consider a consumer who wants to maximize her total expected utility, but is ambiguous about the true distribution of the random utilities, We can model such ambiguity through a Wasserstein ball of distributions centered at some reference distribution Pnom . Thus, problem (4) is interpreted as an ambiguity-averse


consumer choosing a choice probability vector β ∈ D that maximizes the worst-case total expected utility. We make the following assumptions on d in defining the Wasserstein distance. Assume that the distance function d is translation-invariant, i.e., it can be expressed as d(·, ·) = D(· − ·) for some convex function D : Z → R. We also assume that D(u) is even, in the sense that D(u) = D(|u|) for all u ∈ Z, where |u| represents component-wise absolute value function. Furthermore, we assume that D(u) is non-decreasing on positive orthant, i.e., D(u1 , . . . , uK ) is non-decreasing in each component on {u ∈ Z : u ≥ 0}. All the above assumptions seems to be natural if we view D as a function that describes consumer’s attitude towards ambiguity. The faster D grows, the larger penalty is imposed on the deviation from the nominal distribution, and the larger penalty, the less likely of perturbations of utilities from the nominal distribution, and thus the more certain about the nominal distribution the consumer is. An extreme case is when D(0) = 0 and D(u) = +∞ for all u 6= 0, where u represents the deviation, then the consumer is completely certain about the nominal distribution. Indeed, the only distribution that makes the inner minimization problem of (4) finite is the nominal distribution. Theorem 2 (Choice model). Set z¯ = EPnom [z]. Then under the above assumptions, problem (4) is equivalent to

n  o > ∗ β max β z¯ − η · D , β∈D η


where D∗ is the convex conjugate of D. Assume further that D is strictly convex and differentiable. Then the optimal solution β 0 satisfies β 0 = η · ∇D(¯ z + α0 1), for some α0 ∈ R and all-one vector 1 = (1, 1, . . . , 1)> . Remark 1. The regularization problem (5) is exactly the formulation in representative agent choice model (Anderson et al. 1988, Hofbauer and Sandholm 2002), which states that the choice probability vector is given by the solution of (5). Thus, the equivalence result provides a new interpretation of the representative agent choice model from the perspective of distributional robustness, i.e., the choice probability equals the optimal solution the distributionally robust utility maximization problem (4).


As a multivariate function, the distance function D summarizes the consumer’s crossambiguity attitude towards multiple products, as illustrated by the following examples. P Example 4 (Multinomial logit). Let DM N L (u) = dk=1 exp(uk ). We have ∇k DM N L (¯ z + α0 1) = exp(¯ zk + α0 ) = exp(¯ zk ) · exp(α0 ). Thus βk0 is proportional to exp(¯ zk ). Using the condition β ∈ ∆, we recover the multinomial logit choice model exp(¯ zk ) βk0 = PK . zj ) j=1 exp(¯

For multinomial logit model, DM N L is separable and is additive in each deviation uk , which suggests that the consumer is cross-ambiguity neutral for all products, i.e., the consumer’s judgment on the likely of perturbations of utilities are independent across products. Example 5 (Nested logit). Let G be a partition of {1, . . . , d}. Each element of the partition is called a nest. Denote by ug the sub-vector of u whose indices belong to g ∈ G, and denote by g(k) the nest that k belongs to. Let DGN L (u) =

X g∈G

kexp(ug )k1/τg =

XX g∈G


exp(|uk |/τg )



where τg > 0 are parameters. Then βk0 ∝ ∇k DGN L (¯ z + α0 1)  τg(k) X = exp((¯ zk0 + α0 )/τg(k) ) ·P k0 :g(k0 )=g(k)

 = exp(¯ zk /τg(k) )


k0 :g(k0 )=g(k)

exp((¯ zk + α0 )/τg(k) ) zk0 + α0 )/τg(k) ) k0 :g(k0 )=g(k) exp((¯

τg(k) −1 exp(¯ zk0 /τg(k) ) ,

where ∝ represents “proportional to”. With proper scaling, we recover the nested logit model (see, e.g., (4.2) in (Train 2009)). Unlike the multinomial logit model, the distance function DGN L for the nested logit model is not additively separable in products, but only additively separable in nests. This indicates that the consumer’s judgment on the likely of perturbations of utilities are interrelated across the products within the same group nest, and are independent across different nests.


Example 6 (GEV). Let DGEV (u) = D0 (exp(u1 ), . . . , exp(ud )) for some strictly convex differentiable function D0 : Rd+ → R. Assume that D0 is homogeneous, i.e., D0 (tY1 , . . . , tYd ) =

ts D0 (Y1 , . . . , Yd ) for all t > 0 and some s > 0. It follows that z + α0 1) βk0 ∝ ∇k DGEV (¯

= exp(α0 ) · exp(¯ zk ) · ∇k D0 ((exp(α0 ) · exp(¯ z1 ), . . . , exp(α0 ) · exp(¯ zd ))) ∝ exp(¯ zk ) · ∇k D0 (exp(¯ z1 ), . . . , exp(¯ zd )). This exactly corresponds to the expression of GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) choice models proposed by McFadden (1978). We note that in the original GEV framework, the function D0 has little economic intuition, and it is not clear how to specify D0 for different applications. Based our equivalence result (Theorem 1), we endow the function D0 with an economic interpretation — it reflects the consumer’s ambiguity attitude. 3.3.

Asymptotic Equivalence for Smooth Function Classes

In this subsection, we consider smooth function classes and present an aymptotical equivalence result between (Wasserstein-DRSO) and regularization. Assume `β (·) is differentiable. Define the p-empirical norm of the gradient function ∇z `β (z) as  1/p   1 Pn k∇z `β (z i )kp , p ∈ [1, ∞), i=1 ∗ n k∇z `β kPn ,p :=  max1≤i≤n k∇z `β (z i )k , p = ∞. ∗

We note that the gradient is taken with respect to the data z, but not with respect to the learning parameter β, where the latter is seen much often in statistical learning literature. Theorem 3 (Asymptotic equivalence). Let p ∈ [1, ∞]. Suppose there exists κ ∈

(0, 1], r ∈ (0, ∞] and h : Z → R such that


k∇z `β (z) − ∇z `β (z 0 )k∗ ≤ h(z 0 ) · kz − z 0 k , ∀ kz − z 0 k ≤ r,



where h ∈ L p−κ−1 (Ptrue ) if p > κ + 1, and h ∈ L∞ (Ptrue ) if p ≤ κ + 1. Suppose further that there exists c0 , c1 ≥ 0 and q ∈ [0, p − 1] such that

k∇z `β (z)k∗ ≤ c0 + c1 · kzkq .


Let {αn }∞ n=1 be a sequence of non-negative random variables convergent to zero almost surely. Assume either of the following holds:


(i) p > 1, (ii) p = 1, and Ptrue has continuous density on Z,

then it holds almost surely that sup

Ez∼Q [`β (z)] = Ez∼Pn [`β (z)] + αn · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ + o(αn ),


Q∈Mα p (Pn )

where the “almost surely” is with respect to i.i.d. draws of samples from Ptrue and the randomness of αn . Theorem 3 states that the regularization problem with penalty term k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ is a first-

order approximation of (Wasserstein-DRSO), and such approximation is asymptotically exact. The gradient-norm penalty has been exploited for adversarial training in machine learning (Goodfellow et al. 2014b, Shaham et al. 2015) and training of generative adversarial networks (Roth et al. 2017). Note that we allow the radius sequence {αn } to be random, since in practice, it may be determined adaptively to the data-generating mechanism and converges to zero almost surely (with respect to i.i.d. draws of random data). The following example demonstrate a large class of loss functions satisfying the assumptions in Theorem 3. Example 7 ((κ, L)-smooth loss functions). Suppose {`β }β∈D is a family of (κ, L)-

smooth functions, i.e., there exists κ ∈ (0, 1] and L > 0 such that κ

k∇z `β (z) − ∇z `β (z 0 )k∗ ≤ L · kz − z 0 k ,

∀z, z 0 ∈ Z.

Let p ∈ [κ + 1, ∞]. Then `β satisfies the assumptions in Theorem 3 with r = ∞, q = κ and c1 = L.

The proof of Theorem 3 is based on the following two propositions, which provides lower and upper bounds of the worst-case loss supQ∈Mαp (Pn ) E(x,y)∼Q [`β (x, y)] in terms of regularization. Proposition 1 (Lower bound on the worst-case error). Suppose `β is differentiable, and there exists κ ∈ (0, 1], r ∈ (0, ∞] and h : Z → R such that κ

k∇z `β (z) − ∇z `β (z 0 )k∗ ≤ h(z 0 ) · kz − z 0 k , ∀ kz − z 0 k ≤ r. Let p ∈ [1, ∞] and α ≤ r. Then if p > κ + 1, it holds that sup

Q∈Mα p (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] ≥ EPn [`β (z)] + α · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ − ακ+1 · khkPn ,

p p−κ−1



else if p ≤ κ + 1, it holds that sup

Q∈Mα p (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] ≥ EPn [`β (z)] + α · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ − ακ+1 · khkPn ,∞ .

Proposition 2 (Upper bound on the worst-case error). i) Let p = 1. If `β is L`β -Lipschitz, then it holds that sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] ≤ EPn [`β (z)] + α · L`β .

ii) Let p > 1. Suppose `β is differentiable, and there exists constants κ ∈ (0, 1], q ∈ (1, p] ∩ (1, ∞), C ≥ 0 and functions h : Z → R such that



k∇z `β (z) − ∇z `β (z 0 )k ≤ h(z 0 ) · kz − z 0 k + C · kz − z 0 k , ∀z, z 0 ∈ Z. Then it holds that sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] ≤ EPn [`β (z)] + α k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ q


+ ακ ( p−1 ) p−1 khkPn ,p∗ + Cαq ( p−1 ) p−1 + αp (khkPn ,p∗ + C)1{p 1, the result follows immediately from Propositions 1 and 2. When p = 1, the assumption (7) implies that `β is Lipschitz continuous. Denote its smallest Lipschitz constant by L`β . In view of Propositions 1 and 2, it suffices to prove k∇z `β kPn ,∞ → L`β , as n → ∞, a.s. To this end, observe from (6) that, for any  > 0,

It then follows that

 δ := Ptrue z ∈ Z : ∇z `β (z) > L`β −  > 0.  P k∇z `β kPn ,∞ < L`β −  < (1 − δ)n ,

where the probability is taken with respect to n i.i.d. draws of samples {ˆ z i }ni=1 from Ptrue .


∞ ∞ X X  P k∇z `β kPn ,∞ < L`β −  < (1 − δ)n < ∞. n=1


Then by Borel-Cantelli lemma (see, e.g. Feller (2008)), k∇z `β kPn ,∞ converges to L`β almost

surely, which completes the proof.



Numerical Examples

In this section, we discuss the algorithmic implications of the equivalence between distributionally robust framework (Wasserstein-DRSO) and regularization. We have the following two observations. 1) The Wasserstein loss, which is obtained by solving a minimax problem (Wasserstein-DRSO), admits an asymptotically exact approximation that can be obtained by solving a single minimization problem min EPn [`β (z)] + αn · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ . β∈D


which is often much easier to solve. 2) The distributionally robust formulation (Wasserstein-DRSO) suggests a novel and systematic way to regularize statistical learning problem — by solving the gradient-norm regularization problem (9). To illustrate the first point, observe from Lemma 1 that the dual reformulation of (Wasserstein-DRSO) optimizes over both β and z, whereas the regularization problem (1) only optimizes over β, consequently, the regularization (1) is often easier than (Wasserstein-DRSO). To illustrate the second point, we consider the training of Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks in Section 4.1, and estimation of mixed logit choice model in Section 4.2. 4.1.

Training of Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks

In this section, we apply the regularization scheme (1) to an important problem in deep learning – the training of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We start with a brief introduction to GANs (Goodfellow et al. 2014a, Goodfellow 2016). GANs are a powerful class of generative models, which aim to answer the following central question in unsupervised learning: How to learn an unknown probability distribution from data? The primary motivations to study this question includes: (i) Learn conditional distributions that are used in reinforcement learning and semi-supervised learning. (ii) Generate realistic samples for real-world tasks such as single image super-resolution (Ledig et al. 2016), art creation (Zhu et al. 2016), and image-to-image translation (Isola et al. 2016). (iii) Test our ability to represent and manipulate multi-modal high-dimensional probability distributions. To answer the question above, the classical approach is to perform density estimation. This is often done by considering a parametric family of distributions


and find one that maximizes the likelihood function on the data. However, this approach does not work well for high-dimensional data-generating distributions in many applications (Arjovsky and Bottou 2017), such as natural images, symbols in natural language corpora, and audio waveform containing speech. Instead of estimating the explicit density function, an implicit approach works as follows. Let Z be a random variable with a simple and fixed distribution P0 . Passing it through a parametric function (called a generator, e.g. a neural network), we denote the distribution of the random variable gθ (Z) by Pθ , which is called the model distribution. By varying θ in the parameter space Θ, we can find one model distribution that is “closest” to the underlying true data-generating distribution. GANs are well known examples of this approach. In particular, in the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) (Arjovsky et al. 2017), the closeness between the model distribution Pθ and the underlying true distribution Ptrue is measured by the 1-Wasserstein distance: min W1 (Pθ , Ptrue ). θ∈Θ


Estimation of Wasserstein distance between high-dimensional distributions is hard. In fact, the sample complexity exponentially depends on the dimension (Sriperumbudur et al. 2010). In WGAN, the following method is used to estimate W1 (Pθ , Ptrue ). By KantorovichRubinstein duality (Villani 2003), the Wasserstein distance can be written as sup Ex∼Ptrue [f (x)] − Ez∼Pθ [f (z)],



where the inner supremum is taken over the class of 1-Lipschitz functions: |f (x) − f (z)| ≤ kx − zk ,

∀x ∈ supp Pn , z ∈ supp Ptrue .


To compute (11), consider the problem max Ex∼Pn [fw (x)] − Ez∼Pθ [fw (z)], w∈W


where the unknown true distribution is replaced by the empirical distribution, and the set of Lipschitz functions is parametrized through a critic neural network {fw }w∈W . The conceptual diagram of WGAN is shown in Figure 1. To enforce the Lipschitz condition (12) on the neural network fw , Arjovsky et al. (2017) propose to clip the weight vector w to lie within a rectangle {w : −c ≤ w ≤ c}. However,

16 Real Images 𝑃true 𝑓𝑤 (Critic network) 𝑔𝜃 (Generator network) 𝑍 ∼ 𝑁(0, 𝐼)

Fake (Generated) Images 𝑃𝜃

Figure 1

Conceptual model of WGAN

weight clipping does not describe the set of 1-Lipschitz functions, but only a subset of L-Lipschitz functions, where L depends on c. This sometimes leads to training difficulty (Gulrajani et al. 2017). We here propose a new method to compute W1 (Ptrue , Pθ ) using ideas from distributional robustness and its connection with regularization. Consider a distributional robust formulation of problem (13) for computing W1 (Ptrue , Pθ ): max


w∈W Q∈Mα 2 (Pn )

Ex∼Q [fw (x)] − Ez∼Pθ [fw (z)].

Using Theorem 3, this can be approximated by the regularization problem max Ex∼Pn [fw (x)] − Ez∼Pθ [fw (z)] − α · k∇x fw (x)kPn ,2 . w∈W

To enforce the Lipschitz constraint (12), we add a soft-constraint penalty term −λ · Ex∼Pn ,z∼Pθ

h |f (x) − f (z)| kx − zk


2 i +


As a result, we propose a distributionally robust WGAN (DR-WGAN) objective: min max E [fw (x)] − E [fw (z)] − λ · θ∈Θ w∈W x∼Pn



x∼Pn ,z∼Pθ

h |f (x) − f (z)| kx − zk

2 i −1 − α · k∇fw (x)kPn ,2 . +


We train (DR-WGAN) using stochastic gradient descent, in which the learning rate is adjusted using Adam algorithm (Kingma and Ba 2015). The detailed training algorithm is presented in Algorithm 1. We test the performance of our proposed algorithm DR-WGAN on the CIFAR-10 data set (Krizhevsky and Hinton 2009) and the CAT dataset (Zhang et al. 2008). The CIFAR-10 dataset includes 60,000 32 × 32 color images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. Both


Algorithm 1 The proposed DR-WGAN. 1: while θ has not converged do 2:

for t = 0, . . . , ncritic do


for i = 1, . . . , m do Sample x ∼ Pn , z ∼ P0


L(i) ← fw (x) − fw (gθ (z)) + λ ·

5: 6:

end for


w ← Adam ∇w ( m1


(i) i=1 L ), w

|f (x)−f (z)| kx−zk

2 − 1 + α · k∇w fw (x)k2


end for


Sample {z (i) }m i=1 ∼ P0 a batch of prior samples.  P (i) θ ← Adam − ∇θ ( m1 m i=1 fw (gθ (z ))), θ

10: 11:


end while

Figure 2

Inception scores for CIFAR-10 over generator iterations. The larger the inception score is, the better the algorithm performs.

the generator and critic are 4-layer ReLU-MLP with 512 hidden units, similar to the setup in Arjovsky et al. (2017). The performance is measured by the inception score (Salimans et al. 2016) which mimics the human judgment on the image quality. Figure 3 plots the inception scores over the course of training with WGAN and our proposed DR-WGAN. We observe that our method converges much faster and achieves a higher inspection score. The CAT dataset consists 10,000 cat images. We preprocess these images such that cat faces are aligned, and scaled to 64 × 64 (Jolicoeur-Martineau 2017). We compare the gen-


Figure 3

CAT samples generated by WGAN (left) and DR-WGAN (right) after 3000 generator iterations (zooming in for details)

erated samples using WGAN and DR-WGAN. We find that the computational time per iteration of two methods are nearly the same, but WGAN converges slower and requires some parameter tuning, otherwise produces nonsense. Figure 3 plots the generated images after 5000 iterations, we observe that the image generated by WGAN exhibits mode collapse, i.e., a lack of variety, and DR-WGAN looks much more close to reality. 4.2.

Estimation of Mixed Logit Choice Model

In this subsection, we propose a new regularization scheme of maximum likelihood estimation of the mixed logit choice model. We begin with a brief introduction on mixed logit model and we refer the reader to Train (2009) for a detailed exposition on mixed logit and other discrete choice models. Mixed logit model is a class of discrete choice models for predicting consumers’ choices from a set of alternatives. By allowing the variation of the attributes coefficients, it captures heterogeneous tastes over the population of consumers. More specifically, we index the consumers by {1, 2, . . . , n}. Let Ai be the set of alternatives offered to consumer i. For each alternative k ∈ Ai , let xik ∈ Rd denote the attribute vector for consumer i and alternative k. Let πθ˜ denote the probability distribution of consumers’ values of attributes coefficient


˜ Then in mixed logit model, the probability that consumer i chooses alternative vector θ. k from the set of alternatives Ai is given by   exp(θ˜> xik ) . Eπθ˜ P ˜> ik0 k0 ∈Ai exp(θ x )


Let yik = 1 if consumer i chooses alternative k ∈ Ai in the observed data and let yik = 0 otherwise. A popular way to specify π ˜ is by assuming the random taste θ˜ is normally θ

distributed with mean vector θ and covariance matrix Σ = CC > , where C represents the Cholesky matrix. The choice probability (14) becomes   exp((θ + Cξ)> xik ) Eξ∼N (0,I) P , > ik0 k0 ∈Ai exp((θ + Cξ) x )

which can be evaluated using Monte Carlo method. The parameters θ and C can be estimated using the maximum likelihood method:    n 1X exp((θ + Cξ)> xik ) min − yik · log Eξ∼N (0,I) P . > ik0 θ,C n i=1 k0 ∈Ai exp((θ + Cξ) x )


The maximum likelihood problem (15) is non-convex in θ and C, and existing literature does not consider its regularization. Based on the result in Section 3.3, we propose the following penalty to regularize the maximum likelihood problem (15):

   > ik

exp((θ + Cξ) x )

yik · ∇xik log Eξ∼N (0,I) P


> ik k0 ∈Ai exp((θ + Cξ) x ) P



n ,2

To test the effectiveness of the proposed regularization scheme, we consider the mixed

logit model for airline customers’ choice behavior considered in Dai et al. (2014). In this model, the random taste coefficients capture the variation on the departure time preferences among airline customers. The departure time is partitioned into hourly time windows indexed by k = 0, 1, . . . , 14, where index 0 corresponds to the reference category. Thus, the dimension of the random taste coefficients is 14 and the Cholesky matrix C ∈ R14 × R14 . We refer the reader to Section 5 of Dai et al. (2014) for a detailed description of other deterministic taste coefficients such as price sensitivity, ticket change fee, mileage gain, carrier, etc. We use first half year of 2012 data to train the model, and use the second half year of 2012 data to test the out-of-sample performance. We refer the reader to Section 4 of Dai et al.


(2014) for a complete description of airlines dataset. We compare two approaches, maximum likelihood estimation (15) with and without regularization (16). In both approaches, the parameters are learned using mini-batch stochastic gradient, with batch size 128, and the learning rate is adjusted by Adam algorithm (Kingma and Ba 2015) with default parameters. For a fair comparison, common random number are used in two approaches for generating initial points (from a standard Gaussian distribution), sampling from population, and generating Monte Carlo samples to evaluate the mixed logit choice probability. The radius of the Wasserstein ball is determined by cross-validation.

Figure 4

Heat maps of the correlation matrix of the taste coefficients of departure time windows. (Left: MLE

without regularization. Right: MLE with regularization.) Each grid corresponds one element in the correlation matrix, ranging from 7 am to 9 pm. Blue, yellow and red represent -1, 0, 1, respectively.

We observe that the solutions yielded from the two approaches are different. In particular, we plot in Figure 4 the heat maps of typical preferences correlation matrices D−1 ΣD−1 p out of ten runs estimated from the two approaches, where D = diag(Σ). For MLE with regularization, the correlation matrix (the heat map on the right) indicates positively cor-

related preferences among morning/noon flight, and among afternoon/evening flight, and a negatively correlated preferences between morning/noon and afternoon/evening flights. Moreover, the correlation of preferences gradually decreases as the gap between departure time windows increases. This is consistent to our intuition. On the other hand, for MLE without regularization (the heat map on the left), although we observe similar preferences pattern, it is hard to observe a gradually change in the correlation. In particular, there is a sudden change in the sixth and seventh column. Namely, for morning/noon flights, the correlation matrix indicates the preferences are almost perfectly positively correlated, and


their correlation with flights of departure time window 1:00-2:00 pm (the sixth column) suddenly changes to negative, and then becomes positive again with flights of departure time window 2:00-3:00 pm (the seventh column). Such preferences pattern seems to be hard to explain. Therefore we believe that the estimation result using MLE with regularization seems to be more plausible.


Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we propose the Wasserstein distributionally robust formulation for solving statistical learning problems with guaranteed small generalization error. We show that it is asymptotic equivalent to a specific functional norm regularization problem. Such connection provides new interpretations for regularization, and offers new algorithmic insights. For the future work, it is interesting to provide generalization error bounds for statistical learning problems based on distributional robustness, and apply the new regularization scheme to other machine learning problems. Appendix A:

Auxiliary Results

Lemma 2. Let κ > 0 and p > κ + 1. Then for any δ, t > 0, it holds that tκ+1 ≤ Appendix B:

p−1−κ p−1−κ κ ·δ·t + · δ − κ · tp . p−1 p−1


Proof of Lemma 1. If q ∈ [1, ∞), the result follows from the Corollary 2 in Gao and

Kleywegt (2016). If q = ∞, the result follows from Theorem 3 in Gao and Kleywegt (2017) 

by setting R0 = ∞.

p−1 κ Proof of Lemma 2. Set u = p−1−κ , v = p−1 . It follows that

1 u

+ v1 = 1. Then the result is

a consequence of Young’s inequality (α1/u t1/u )u (α−1/u tp/v )v + ≥ tκ+1 . u v  Proof of Theorem 1. Using Lemma 1 we have that   n h


1 X i > > > > i sup EQ [`(β z)]−EPn [`(β z)] = min λα+ sup `(β z)−`(β zˆ )−λ z − zˆ . λ≥0 N i=1 z∈Z Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )


Since limt∈T ,t→∞ `0 (t) = L` , we have that for any t0 and any λ < L` · kβk∗ ,  β ) − `(β > zˆi ) − λt = ∞. lim ` β > (ˆ z i + t kβk


On the other hand, for any λ ≥ L` · kβk∗ , we have

`(β > z) − `(β > zˆi ) ≤ L` · kβk∗ · z − zˆi ,

and thus


i sup `(β > z) − `(β > zˆi ) − λ z − zˆi = 0. z∈Z

Therefore, the optimal dual solution is L` kβk∗ , and sup

Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )

EQ [`(β > z)] − EPn [`(β > z)] = α · L` · kβk∗ . 

Proof of Theorem 2. Problem (4) admits a dual reformulation Z o n > sup [β > (z − z 0 ) − η · D(z − z 0 )] Pnom (dz 0 ) . max β z¯ − β∈D

z 0 ∈Z z∈Z

Since d is translation-invariant, the reformulation is further equivalent to n o > > max β z¯ − sup [β u − η · D(u)] . β∈D



Thus the first part of the theorem is obtained by using the definition of convex conjugate. Next we derive the optimality condition. Observe that the strict convexity of D implies that the optimal u∗ is unique, and non-negativity of β u∗ ≥ 0. The first-order optimality

condition of (17) yields that the optimal solution (β 0 , u∗ ) should satisfy β 0 = η · ∇D(u∗ ), u∗ = z¯ + α0 1,

where α0 is the Lagrangian multiplier of the constraint β ∈ ∆. Combining the two equations above, we obtain that β 0 = η · ∇D(¯ z + α0 1). 


Proof of Proposition 1. The proof uses the following observation: a lower bound on the worst-case loss is given by only considering distributions that are supported on n points. More specifically, observe that supQ∈Mαp (Pn ) EQ [`β (z)] − EPn [`β (z)] is lower bounded by the following quantity

 X  n n 1 X


p 1/p 1 i i i

z − zˆ sup [`β (z ) − `β (ˆ z )] : ≤α . n zi ∈Z,i=1,...,n n i=1 i=1


This is because the feasible set of problem (18) is a subset of Mαp (Pn ), which contains distributions that are supported on at most n points. Then by mean-value theorem and the assumption on ∇z `β , it follows that supQ∈Mαp (Pn ) EQ [`β (z)] − EPn [`β (z)] is lower bounded by

  X n h n

i 1 X


1/p 1 i i i i i i κ+1 i p

∇z `β (ˆ z ) · z − zˆ − h(ˆ z ) · z − zˆ : z − zˆ ≤α . sup n i=1 zi ∈Z,i=1,...,n n i=1

Using H¨ older’s inequality, we obtain that for p > κ + 1, sup

Q∈Mα p (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] − EPn [`β (z)]

 X  n n 1 X




1 i p i i κ+1

≥ α · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ − sup z − zˆ h(ˆ z ) · z − zˆ ≤α : n i=1 zi ∈Z,i=1,...,n n i=1 ≥ α · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ − ακ+1 · khkPn ,

p p−κ−1


For p ≤ κ + 1,   X n n 1 X




1 i p i i κ+1

z − zˆ ≤ α ≤ ακ+1 · khkPn ,∞ . sup h(ˆ z ) · z − zˆ : n i=1 zi ∈Z,i=1,...,n n i=1

Proof of Proposition 2. (i) Using Lemma 1, we have that n n

o  1X EQ [`β (z)] − EPn [`β (z)] = min λα + sup [`β (z) − `β (ˆ z i )] − λ z − zˆi . λ≥0 n i=1 z∈Z Q∈Mα 1 (Pn )


Using Lipschitz continuity of `β , it holds that

 sup [`β (z) − `β (z 0 )] − L`β · z − zˆi ≤ 0. z∈Z

Since λ = L`β is a dual feasible solution, it follows that sup

Q∈Mα p (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] − EPn [`β (z)] ≤ α · L`β .


(ii) By mean-value theorem we have that κ+1

`β (z) − `β (z 0 ) ≤ k∇z `β (z 0 )k · kz − z 0 k + h(z 0 ) · kz − z 0 k

+ C · kz − z 0 k


, ∀z, z 0 ∈ Z.

When p = ∞, the result follows from Lemma 1. Now suppose p ∈ (1, ∞). We have that

p  sup [`β (z) − `β (ˆ z i )] − λ · z − zˆi z∈Z


κ+1  p ≤ sup ∇z `β (ˆ + C · z − zˆi − λ · kz − z 0 k z i ) · z − zˆi + h(ˆ z i ) · z − zˆi z∈Z

 ≤ sup ∇z `β (ˆ z i ) · t + h(ˆ z i ) · tκ+1 + C · tq+1 − λ · tp . t≥0

By Lemma 2, for any δ = (δ1 , δ2 ) > 0 it holds that

p  sup [`β (z) − `β (ˆ z i )] − λ · z − zˆi z∈Z n 

p−q−1 i

∇z `β (ˆ ≤ sup z i ) ∗ + p−κ−1 · h(ˆ z ) · δ + · C · δ 1 2 ·t κ−1 p−1 t≥0

 − λ−

 o − p−q−1 κ q − p−κ−1 · h(ˆ z i ) · δ1 κ − · C · δ2 q · tp p−1 p−1  =: sup gδ (ˆ z i ) · t − (λ − Cδ ) · tp . t≥0

Solving this maximization problem yields  p p 1  p 1−p (p − 1)(λ − Cδ )− p−1 · (gδ (ˆ z i )) p−1 ,

p  i i sup [`β (z) − `β (ˆ z )] − λ · z − zˆ ≤  z∈Z +∞,

λ > Cδ , λ ≤ Cδ .

It then follows that


Q∈Mα p (Pn )

EQ [`β (z)] − EPn [`β (z)]

n o p 1 ≤ min λαp + p 1−p (p − 1)(λ − Cδ )− p−1 · kgδ kpP∗n ,p∗ λ≥C

= α · kgδ kPn ,p∗ + Cδ · αp   p−κ−1 p−q−1 ≤ α · k∇z `β kPn ,p∗ + κ−1 · δ1 · khkPn ,p∗ + p−1 · C · δ2   − p−q−1 κ q − p−κ−1 + αp · khkPn ,p∗ · · δ1 κ + C · · δ2 q . p−1 p−1

Minimizing over δ > 0 for the right-hand side gives the result. 


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